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[email protected]. Contents I. Visual design 1. Visual design prinrciples 006 2. Color theory 032 3. Web typography 052 II. Designing for the web 4. 10 essential UI (user-interface) design tips 072 5. Designing for mobile 094 6. Interaction and animation design 105 7. Building high-performing websites 115 8. Landing page design 133 9. How element spacing works: the box model 147 III. Design process 10. Why your design process should start with content 161 11. Always choose prototypes over mockups 174 12. The pre-launch checklist 186 INTRO INTRO Web design 101 The future of the web is in your hands. Learn how to build it right. WEB DESIGN 101 1 INTRO Congratulations. The future of the web is in your hands. Once upon a time, the web was the sole domain of experts. The people who bought computers back when getting your computer to do something meant writing the program yourself. The people who still look at an app and see the code that makes it work, instead of the beautiful skin a designer laid over it. The people who are more fluent in markup than conversational English. Thankfully, those days are done. The same geniuses who once ruled the web started building tools to help the rest of us join in the fun. It all started with the LiveJournals and Bloggers — tools that translated the process of writing HTML into writing text.