
TODAY'S UOrnNG-W TIM1 Sunrise: 6.46 a.m.—Sunset i6.20 p.m. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Lighting-up time 6.50 p.m. Rule of the Road KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE BIGHT Showery

;tt INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE COLONIST (Established 1866)


JIOOOOOOOOOOOOOKXIOOOCCX gg Ministers Defend Increase in IMPROVEMENT OF GAOLS THE MIDSHIPMAID THEY SAY BIOGRAPHY OF KING | BILL IN COUNCIL GEORGE V Fine Production Enthusiastically That the Board of Works found Defence Appropriations x Should Prisoners be Given Right Received friends at the Forty Club By Sir George Arthur, Bt., * * * * to Hard Labour? That the cynic says that was because Special Prayer For King's Jubilee M.V.0, | On Thursday evening at the Col­ the Chairman and Director were 3>CX>C»<>e»X=KX=>OCX><30<=*X=XX=K>OXMS onial Opera House the Bermuda present at the debate. The Legislative Council con­ Opera and Dramatic Club presented tinued to polish the terminology * * * "The Midshipmaid," described as That charging in dollars led to a of The Gaols Bill at a meeting last­ a naval manoeuvre by Ian Hay and CUBAN PLOTS GROW THICKER CHAPTER XXVI charge of the Heavy Brigade in ing about an hour yesterday morn­ Stephen King Hall, under the direc­ ing, but no radical departures the House. tion of Arthur Cooper. Seeing that * * * The Last Five Years from its original features were there were at least nineteen speak­ Royal Artists Prominent in Exhibition—Drop in Number made. The BUI was in charge of That cannons were used to shoot ing parts in this play, it was an butterflies. But the long day's journey—a the Hon. E. J. Waddington, Col­ of Millionaires in England—Inquiry Urged Into Market ambitious attempt for amateurs, * * * good deal of which was on an up­ onial Secretary. especiaUy as the last act presented That the Parish Vestry meeting Speculation — Women to be Admitted to Cambridge hill road—was not yet over; there When the bill was last considered many compUcations in action and began in a lively manner and University Dramatic Club—South Africa Apprehensive were to be weeks in a sickroom and on Tuesday, a number of clauses dialogue. When one considers that ended up pleasantly. months when the convalescent were left open for amendment. the weU-fUled house responded in of Drop in Pound Sterling—Japan Peers Pass Record * # * must still be described as a sick The first of these was Clause 13, prolonged applause and laughter, War Budget—Church Union Marks Arrangements for man. Very slow was recovery from in which mention of the Chief the players may feel assured that That that was because a reduction National Thanksgiving Service—Convent Garden Prepares a fierce attack which, humanly Warder of the gaol was deleted the show was an unqualified success in taxation was announced. speaking, medical skill and nurs­ and a sentence inserted: "Upon from that standpoint. In a large * * * Big Programme Without British Composer or Performer ing at their highest level, were just the day of the expiration of a pri­ cast of this type there were bound That this body puts in an«awful —Latest Despatches—Sporting News able to ward off. Nor was the King soner's sentence or if he is to be to be some hesitations here and lot of good work. altogether a model patient; the released on licence upon the day there, and uncertainties as to what * * * posse [of consulting physicians was stated in such licence such pri­ to do next, but the broad humour That Uke all other public servants, apt to irritate; the amenities of a soner shall be released." of the dialogue more than rescued they get more kicks than ha'pence THE GREEK REVOLT THE ROYAL JUBILEE sickroom were specially distasteful Clause 15, dealing with breaches these lsips and the entire per­ * * * and the high temperature reacted of regulations, was also amended formance went with a bang. That the Corporation is also very on his nervous system no less than in sub-sub-clause (2) (a) which will busy these days. Trouble Spreads in Rebel Ranks Special Prayer for Churches BuUt somewhat on the plan of on his physical power. But grati­ now read that breaches of gaol * * * "Orders^ are Orders," this present tude for devoted service was always regulations shall be punishable That work at Albuoy's Point is play hinges on a definite plot. While ATHENS, Mar. 8 (CP).—General LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP)—Church evident; the Queen's presence and by one or more of the following coming on well. simple and without what might George Kondylis today began an services throughout the British touch had an Uiaailing influence and then follows a list of punish­ * * * be termed dramatic guile, the offensive against the rebel forces Empire will be marked by the sing­ to soothe, and the hurried return ments. The last seven lines of That by the time it is finished, general structure gives ample room in the Struma valley in Macedonia, ing of the National Anthem during of the Prince of Wales from Africa sub-sub-clause (a) were also de­ some of the energetic aldermen for fun and action. Confronted by hurling against them twelve planes the celebration of the Royal Jubilee, acted almost unexpected as a real leted as being redundant to the and counciUors wiU be expert a distinguished visitor and his in a bombing attack. Revolt with­ it was announced today. A special tonic, none the less so because the remainder of the sub-sub-clause. landscape gardeners. daughter, the ship's company stage in revolt is reported as advices are prayer for the occasion is also traveller could put to his credit the * * * an amateur show which they do received of internal trouble spread­ announced. The prayer has been very sporting "kill" of a hon. Now TRIAL OF BREACHES with true service precision, rattling That the idea of a wholesale plant­ ing in the rebel ranks. The sol­ written by the Archbishop of Can­ and again a sense of humour would ing of suitable trees throughout diers, it is reported, are demanding terbury and will be said in all Eng­ assert itself. "What a crew!" Some discussion arose on the Continued on Page 2 the island in excellent. an arrangement whereby their com­ lish churches. The text follows: would escape his lips when the clause as to whether it would not 00 * * * mand can be passed to non-com­ "It is very meet and right and doctors, endimanches in dress and That probably the women wUl have be better to eliminate entirely missioned officers. General Kon­ our bounden duty that we should ultra grave in demeanour, with­ PERSONAL to do it. dylis, who dropped his war port­ give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, drew from the room. "How will trial by the Chief of Police in the * * # folio to direct the government Holy Father Almighty, Everlast­ Your Majesty have jour egg?" case of minor breaches of gaol re- That when they are asked to per­ action, is handicapped by the heavy Miss Thompson arrived ing God, for that Thou wast pleased the nurses, mirrors of modesty, Continued on Page 2 form such public services, the weather and is faced with the yesterday from New York and is at as on this day to set Thy Servant, would enquire. "En cocotte," 00 argument that the home is their further difficulties of swollen the Bermudiana. She will give a our Sovereign King George, upon would be the sure reply. proper place is forgotten. streams in the river section. En­ recital under the auspices of the the throne of this realm and hath QUEEN BRINGS 321 Bermuda Opera and Dramatic Club * * * tire districts are inundated by profited him in days of sickness Lata in January 192& it was de­ next Thursday in the Eermudiana That "let George do it" is no longer floods from mountain snows. and of health throughout his reign cided that the later stages of re­ Among those arriving yesterday Lounge. an accepted motto at the Forty of five and twenty years. For the cuperation should be traversed by aboard the Furness Bermuda 00 Club. example of unceasing service set BOMBARDMENT OF CRETE the seaside; the southern coast Liner "Queen of Bermuda" were * * * by Trim and our gracious Queen CANON HEMSWORTH'S EXPECTED was sedulously searched, and a the following: That it has been changed to "let Mary, for the strength and stead­ Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jamison; Mr. RESIGNATION the Smiths do it." PARIS, Mar. 8 (CP).—Govern­ fastness bestowed on him and for house, entirely adequate for the ment warships are preparing to purpose, was hired from Sir Arthur and Mrs. A. H. McHahon; Mrs. * * * the love and loyalty borne $o him A. M. Reynolds; Mr. and Mrs. That four members of that family, bombard Canea within the next by the great family of peoples and du Cros, who begged, in vain, to be We learn that Canon Hemsworth, twenty-four hours, reliable des­ allowed to place it without charge Robert G. Ashman; Mr. and Mrs. who recently resigned as Canon figured prominently in the de­ in all parts of the world, we magnify Wm. L. Colt^Mr. Albert Vari Loan; bate. patches said today. Canea is the Thy glorious Name." at the Sovereign's disposal. After Residentiary of the Cathedral, will largest city on the island of Crete a careful rehearsal the journey to Miss Amy J. Taylor; Miss Doris officially vacate the canonry on * * * which is held by the Greek rebels. Bognor was made in an ambulance Richardson; Miss E. J. Storm; Mr. April 30th and expects to sail for That more could have continued The loyal government fleet now —-oo and Mrs. Kenneth Hume, New England a few days later. if necessary. —oo— approaching the island consists of Continued on Page 12 York. From other cities came: His departure will be greatly six destroyers, the reports state. SERIOUS SITUATION IN Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Doscher; regretted by the many friends he * * * Mr. and Mrs. G. Robbins; Mr. and has made during his e,U too short WHAT'S ON TODAY NEW BALKAN TROUBLES CUBA 00 Mrs. George A. Lambe; Miss M. H. stay on the island. Rogers; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Vander- oo GENEVA, Mar. 8 (CP).—New NOTED ARTIST TO APPEAR pool; Mr. and Mrs. Archibald GOLF Balkan troubles came about today HAVANA, Mar. 8 (CP)—The strike Forbes; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Waller; BRIDGE TEA in the wake of the Greek revolu­ Warwick Vase Tournament, Rid­ against the government of Presid­ A large audience is expected to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Stewart; Mr. dell's Bay. Finals. tion as Bulgaria and Turkey hurled ent Carlos Mendieta spread today and Mrs. Louis McLain; Miss A. B. An enjoyable event in aid of the charges of warlike preparations at greet Miss Sydney Thompson, the to the employees of most of popular dramatic entertainer when Sewell; Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Bitter; Girl Guides' Funds is planned for TENNIS each other. Bulgaria, calling the Havana's transportation facilities The Misses Eleanor Roosevelt; Tuesday, March 19th. when a Bridge League of Nation's attention, said she makes her appearance at the after a night disturbed by con­ Bermudiana Lounge on Thursday, Audrey Campbell; A. Webb, Ger­ Tea will be held at the Asser Hut Stadium Courts. that Turkey was concentrating tinual bomb explosions. The street trude Webb, Edna Speise and Mrs. at 2.30 p.m. Tea will be served at troops along the Bulgarian frontier. 14th March, when His Excellency railway employees left their jobs the Governor and a party from Kenna Elkins; Mr. and Mrs. A. 4.30 p.m. Tickets for bridge and ENTERTAINMENT The Turkish delegate, replying for and all but paralyzed the city's Government House will be present. Holden White; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. tea will be 2 '6 each. his nation, said that it did not primary transportation system, —oo For this occasion Miss Thompson White. Tennis, Swimming, Sailing, remain indifferent to the military and the railroad and busmen voted oo measures Bulgaria was taking along has arranged a colourful pro­ HISTORY LECTURE AT Fishing. to join the anti-government move­ gramme and one that is certain to Moving Pictures: Reid Hall, Me­ the Greek frontier. ment but set no date for their "LONGBIRD" LEAVES FOR oo attract great interest. She will THE PRINCESS chanics' HaU. walkout. Fourteen bombs explod­ present scenes from Boccaccio's ed in the city and the suburbs dur­ SERVICE ON LAKES SECURITY POLICY UPHELD Decameron, the great Italian work At 9.15 Sunday evening, Lieut.- Tomorrow ing the night and seven others at whose pages form a vast and bril­ interior points of the island. Col. the Hon. T. M. Dill will lecture Lecture on Bermuda history. LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP)—Two liant treasure house of fourteenth Sold by Furness Interests to The employees of six government at the Princess Hotel. Col. DiU's (American Revolution Period) government ministers went on re­ century romance. The tales are subject will be Bermuda in the departments, the Treasury, Labour, by turns amusing, tender, witty and Gotham Marine Corp. Colonel T. M. Dill, Princess cord today in defence of the gov­ mid eighteenth century and during Hotel,9.l5p.m. ernment's security policies while Commerce, Communications, Ed­ tragic, but they are all human and ucation and Public Health also the American Revolutionary War. Hotel Concerts. the Opposition Liberal party issued they deal with lovers and jesters With a stentorian salute of three This should be of great interest deserted their positions and others who are immortal. a statement denou icing the pro­ blasts from the "Queen of Ber­ both to Bermudians and our visit­ oo • visions for increased expenditure are expected to follow. A group of Miss Thompson will wear a cos­ muda's" mighty siren, the tiny government telegraphers, whom the ors. on army, navy and air force. Cap­ tume of the Italian Renaissance freighter "Longbird" bade goodbye 00 SUCCESS OF B. H. S. GIRL tain Anthony Eden, Lord Privy soldiers forced to remain at their and a jewelled head-dress. Her to the waters of Hamilton Harbour Seal, speaking at Swindon, and J. H. posts, declined to send or receive presentation will be accompanied yesterday morning when she sailed ENGLISH SPEAKING UNION messages. A great honour has been conferred Thomas, speaking in London, said by early Italian music, dating from under new ownership for New York, on a B.H.S. girl, for Cheltenham the Sixth to the Fifteenth Centur­ whence, it is stated, she will go the increased estimates were made oc Members of the E.S.TJ. are re­ Ladies' College, England, has of­ necessary by the situation in the ies and by several rare and beautiful into service on the Great Lakes. minded that Monday next, March fered Janice Mayor a scholarship world today. They defended the Twelfth Century Troubadour Airs. Her whistle shrieking shrilly and 11th, at 3.30 p.m. in the Chamber worth £50 a year and tenable for "White Paper" in which Ramsay ROYAL ARTISTS REPRESENTED By reason of her charm and her her Red Ensign dipping proudly, the of Commerce Building a Lecture- three years at that school. She has tea wiU be held. Kernbers and MacDonald explained why large AT EXHIBITION art Miss Thompson has won un­ little freighter passed slowly by the been at the High School for ten sums were being voted for services. stinted praise from those who have big passenger vessel and headed their friends have a cordial welcome years, and has not only taken a The Liberal statement said in part, heard her recitals. She is gifted, out through Two Rocks Passage. awaiting them, and the prospect of great interest in school work and "We deeply regret the blundering LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP)—The moreover, with a beautiful voice She has been sold by the Furness hearing Mrs. Caulfield talk on passed the Cambridge School Cer­ "Early Experiences in The Feder­ tactlessness and the lack of vision Royal Family are well represented and her diction is flawless. For interests to the Gotham Marine tificate at fiftteen years of age, but ated Malay States." of the government in criticising at the exhibition of the Royal several years she played under the Corporation. has also taken an active part in all the armament programme of a Amateur Art .Society. A portrait management of such eminent Dubbed by sailors and land­ The hostesses at the last Monday school activities and is a very ener­ friendly power, more especiaUy at by the Princess Louise, a water theatrical directors as Belasco and lubbers alike a "marvel of naval afternoon gathering were Mrs. getic captain of her School House. the Shuberts. She has filled no the moment when the government colour by Queen Alexandra, sketch­ architecture," the "Longbird" was Hutchings Frith and Mrs. Stuart We congratulate her heartily and es by Queen Victoria and a drawing less than fourteen leading feminine was on the even of discussing the originally built for the Admiralty, Burrows. wish her every success. of trees and water by George the roles in Shakespearean plays. — 00 — problems of European policy with it is understood. She saw service —.—oo that power and when the prospect Third when a boy are included in- In recent years Miss Thompson as a "bootlegger," according to WOMAN SUFFRAGE of some measure of collective se­ the exhibit. A drawing on the leaf has made several world tours and current legend, before being bcught MORE PUBLICITY curity in seemed to be more of a copybook, evidently intended wherever she has appeared she has by the Furness interests when the hopeful." for geometry, showed where the met with the most enthusiastic Castle Harbour Hotel was being Think it Over Congratulations to tbe Bermuda Prince had begun a theorum. His _—oo reception and has been acclaimed built. At this time she was used News Bureau which has just secured daughter Charlotte inherited his by the foremost critics in London, extensively in inland waters in The women of this colony are for the first time mention of Ber­ FIRE AT SEA talent. Several drawings and hand- Paris, Geneva and other capitals. connection with the transportation asking that, they should not be muda in "The Tourists' Almanac." painted china are by this lady who In America she has taken first rank of materials, since when she has penalised for being women . . . but, This Almanac is compiled by the was later Queen of Wurtemberg. ANTOFAGASTA, Chile, Mar. 8 as a dramatic entertainer. made several voyages to New York that in the vital matter of having Institute for Foreign Travel, New Some notable modern exhibits like (CP)—Two hundred persons were She recently presented the Scenes to bring down gasolene. something to say about the com­ York, and is supplied to tourist the saloon in Castle Howard by Lady rescued the steamer "Biobio" from The Decameron in the East An American crew manned the munity in which their chUdren are agents aU through the country. Louise Egerton, a copy of a rug with Room of the White House after "Longbird" for her voyage to New to be reared and educated, they The listing of Bermuda events yesterday after a fire threatened the a million stitches, quilts by the the State dinner given by the Pre­ York. She is in command of Cap­ should not be made to suffer be­ along with those of other foreign sulphur-laden vessel a few miles wives and daughters of unemployed sident and Mrs. Roosevelt to the tain Holland, a native of Nova countries should prove beneficial to off-shore. The blaze is believed to miners are also being shown. cause they are women. have been of incendiary origin. Prime Minister of Canada. Scotia. —Hervey Allen. us. Atwater Long and Short Wave RADIOS—WADSON'S Page 2 EHB ROYAE GAZETTE AND C^QNISTj DAICY, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935

(4) Passengers will be (and now BUSINESS IMPROVEMENTS are) moved quickly and comfort­ IMPROVEMENT OF GAOLS j ably from the St. George's docks to BILL IN COUNCIL atib fflolontBt latig J Hamilton and other points of in­ Notable Changes Effected at RECORD BREAKER! • • • • IHCORPORATIN* terest. THI ROYAL aAZKTTB (••»•. MIS) (N.B.—We St. Georgians wiU do Masters Hardware Company Continued from Pace 1 I WOMB I AMD D Al LT KWI (>OTAB. ISM) You are entitled to know that "The Scarlet our best, I hope, to hold passengers gulations. (The clause states that here in the old town, but most of Among the latest improvements mora flagrant breaches shall be Pimpernel" has broken the all'time record for PUBLISHBD DAILY. EXCEPT SUNDAY in Front Street business houses them wiU go through to Hamilton, tried by Visiting Justices.) attendance at Radio City Music Hall—world's is that of the Masters Hardware despite our best efforts to retain Mr. Waddington explained that Company where a complete trans­ largest theatre with the single exception of THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. them. There should be no doubt the wording was exactly as it was •BID STREET. HAMILTON formation has recently been effect­ in anybody's mind about that.) in the Act of 1927, and the matter RKO's celebrated "Little Men." ed through remodeUing the inter­ (5) In St. George's Harbour alone not being pressed, the amended ior and the readjustment of stock. A. M. PURCELL, can the dangers, delays and dis­ clause was agreed to. MANAGING EDITOR The first floor presents a pleasing AIIIITANT BDITORl «. T. BAYER comforts of tender service be dis­ Considerable discussion took pensed with. appearance to the eye, and a well, ABBIBTANT MANAGER I ERNEST J. BELL extended through to a skylight in place upon Clause 18, which would ADVERTISING MANAGER! M. M. HANSFORD (6) The straight (and short) the roof, gives ample light for the enable non-hard labour prisoners McMOwm channel into St. George's Harbour to be put to work at their own re­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES display of goods. Some time ago LOCAL. — ORE TEAR. 40/-: six MONTHS, MOI- can be lighted at night, and so quest. Mr. Waddington recalled provide an urgently needed night the show windows were greatly THREE MONTHS IS/S: ORB MONTH. B/- enlarged and dressed with a large that at the last meeting some POREIGNi — TO UNITED STATBS AMD CANADA. port which can not be provided display of the fascinating wares J members registed an objection in «12.00 mi YEAR, TO GREAT BRITAIN, BO;- elsewhere in the Colony. principle. Major Appleby, who PIR YEAR. sold by the company. The second MX SUBSCRIPTIONS ARK RREFAYABLB (7) The further deepening of floor, which was originahy merely raised the point at the last meeting, Town Cut Channel into St. George's a stock room, has been divided into said that the Court might sen­ MOTE : — AD corrapoiileBce nbaitteJ mil k sc* Harbour wiU be the Colony's first tence a prisoner without hard nnni^ Vr tbe writer't BSMS uul ssarcn •> a show rooms where in one section bid for cruise and other large ships. labour for a definite purpose, but pvulH .1 nthntidtr sal anntaruV for pshlici,- complete bathroom fixtures are UOE. Tb» Uitar raxrr*. tit ri«hlfat accep t cr tafcet (N.B.—Port development alone shown in position, including under this clause a prisoner might an latter. torwmrtti, **i paalicatiM aoet aat imtl wiU not foster cruise trade; other be set to hard labour at his own atrrfrni with opmiom .xprcnea showers, tubs, washstands, sinks, essentials are reduction in charges, taps, etc. These to various colours request and earn gratuties. In reasonable provision for refresh­ give a very charming effect to the Major Appleby's opinion a sentence SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 ment on all days, and general room. A private office has been in- without hard labour was much progression in amenities.) staUed also on the second floor. more severe then one with hard (8) The deepening of Town Cut' labour. Correspondence Channel to 30 ft. only wiU provide The Stock of the Masters Hard­ The President described th.9 sufficient depth for nearly all ships ware Company is most complete, practice in English gaols, but Mr. REID HALL — MON. — Mat. 1/6 Eve. 2/- now calling at [Bermuda—and and whether one wishes to purchase Waddington replied that in the A MOVIE COMPLAINT many more. a can-opener or a marine engine, gaols in Bermuda there were few (8) The present width of 250 the desire can be met with both special tasks, and usuaUy it was an feet wiU probably be found ade­ on display and in working order. alternative of hard labour or no­ To the Editor, Complicated as the hardware Royal Gazette and Colonist Daily. quate for the inner part of the thing. channel, though it may be neces­ business is, the newly arranged store will enable the puzzled cus­ Some question was also raised Dear Sir, sary to subsequently widen the on the point that the clause would outer part. tomer to find what he wants much WiU you kindly find space in your more quickly than formerly. give persons committed to gaol and valuable paper for the foUowing let­ (N.B.—As in many other matters, awaiting trial the right to ask to be "OM£ MIGHT There is such generous display ter. we Bermudians entertain extrava­ set to hard labour. In this con­ space added that the interior is now Last night we traveUed forth, for gant notions about widths and nection the President stated that a one huge array of goods ready to OF LOVE" a little entertainment, which is depths of ship channels.) person awaiting trial might ask the eye and hand. This latest im­ scarce in St. George's. (We mean­ (10) The depth suggested in (8) to be set at hard labour, and be With GRACE MOORE wiU cost a moderate sum well provement is another milestone in set to work. He might faU to do ing six of us.) We heard there were the rapid strides Front Street is to be two good pictures at the within the present resources of the the stipulated amount of work Colony, though it can not be pro­ taking as an up-to-date business and he would then be liable for a Somers Opera House. street. We went early to secure our vided from current revenue. If breach of prison discipline. MECHANICS HALL THEATRE favourite seats. To our surprise the Colony had waited to pay from 00 Mr. Waddington did not think there were very few there, and now current revenue for the two dredg­ THE MIDSHIPMAID so. In such a case the prisoner ers, the existing channel and har­ March 18th, 19th, 20th we surmise WHY. We were told wojld simply fail to get a gratuity. bour improvements would have that the night before the machine In order to test the feeling of the been long delayed. Continued from Page 1 kept continually breaking down, we Ccuncil, Major Appleby moved to S&TOE PICTURE fher CAPPED have heard since it was due to an Other Colonies—to give two far of orders and soaring nautical terms delete Clause 18, but this motion old film being used. That could separated examples, Trinidad and that turn the good ship topsy­ was lost by four votes to three. The ^THE HEART of the WORLD / * have been a mere trifle, compared Palestine—considered it sound to turvy. A canvas for stage proper­ clause was then passed without to the misery we had to sit through ask the future to pay for port im­ ties, an audition, later costuming amendment. "BLOSSOM TIME" last night. provements which will benefit the and the final appearances before the audience (unseen) lead the play The machine broke down iX least the future. AN UNFAIR REFLECTION RICHARD TAUBER to a successful termination with six times with a five minute inter­ Again thanking you, Mr. Editor, the Commander and the leading mission each time, Other times Yours truly, lady "alone at last" and in each Mr. Waddington took the occas­ the sound faded away, and never ion to state that several remarks 1 A ST. GEORGE'S BERMUDIAN others arms. during the whole picture v > s the were made at the last meeting sound clear, always that muffled Special praise go to Don Evans, which reflected very unfairly-cn the noise. as Commander ffosbery, Gilbert present gaols administration. FISHERMEN FINED £5 FOR Cooper as Sir Percy Newbiggin, THE WHITNEY INSTITUTE Sweet Adeline, must have been a Whatever may have been the prac­ BERMUDA CHAMBER OF M.P., Beatrice Trimingham as his STEALING FISHPOTS fine picture when shown i: ood tice in the dim past, he stated with­ daughter Celia, Vernon Rreisen- moving picture house, bu. ply COMMERCE out fear of contradiction that pri­ bruch as First Lieutenant Valen­ ruined here. Now that there is soners employed outside the goals Second Charge Proved Against tine. The highlights of rough- only one house operating, why! can 8th March, 1935. and, ready comedy were furnished now did a fuU day's work, and the we not have a good machine? We Them in Warwick by those two exceUent comedians average amount of work they did in St. George's are here all year The Editor over a year had reached a very high Sergt. Major F. S. Williamson and Fines of £5 each were imposed on round, while Castle Harbour folks Royal Gazette and Colonist Daily Private C. Jackson whose first wise­ standard. are here today and gone tomorrow. Sub-clause (5) and (6) of Clause Matthew DeSilva and Joe Souza crack, their plan for building a (alias "Pea Soup") in Warwick I was told the good machine was Dear Sir: ship without a quarterdeck, so 20 were deleted and substitute over there. Two shillings is a good At a meeting of the Council of sub-clauses inserted with the same Police Court on Thursday by Mr. tickled the audience that ^hey J. Tucker Fowle, Magistrate for the price for a movie, still we would pay this Chamber which was held to­ import but better phraseology. in aid of never stopped laughing when these Western District, on charges of it willingly if we were satisfied, so day, it was agreed to recommend to Clause 23 was eliminated from the THE NEW GAMES FIELD two worthies were on the stage, stealing fish pots belonging to let's have satisfaction soon, or you the business community that biU as involving merely a matter of which fwas nearly continuous. The Tony Cordez. The complainant wiU find your audience, getting Thursday next, 14th instant, be administration, on the motion of LADY DAY remainder of the cast included Peter was represented by Mr. J. E. Pear­ fewer and fewer as I have heard Mr. Waddington, and discussion observed as a half-day holiday, Partrum, Bandsman F. Moon, A. T. man, and on the completion of the many say, 'No more untU a good followed upon Clause 25 (26 origin- Monday, March 25th with the usual noon closing. Ireton, Ann Hathway as Lady Mil­ evidence the magistrate announced machine is installed permanently.' aUy), under which it is laid down at 7-45 p.m. The Bermuda Command Horse dred, the Dowle twins as Dora and that he was perfectly satisfied the Yours for prompt and better that each Visiting Justice shall Show is to be held on that day, Cora Golightly, J. H. MitcheU as charges had been proved. results, and it is understood His Excellency Major Spink, Instructor Lieut- visit and inspect th9 gaol of which DISGUSTED. wUl proclaim the afternoon as a Commander Tomkinson played by he is a Visiting Justice at least He pointed out that in this in­ CONCER' holiday in Public Offices. D. F. Fahy, Bandsman Greenwood, once a month during his tour of stance, DeSilva and Souza were seen Admission: 3 -, 2 -, 1 - The CouncU feel confident the the Regimental Bandmaster T. duty.- taking the pots. It will be recalled CHANNEL AND HARBOUR that last month DeSilva and Souza Children: Half-price business community wiU co-oper­ Gray who played himself in the Major Appleby moved an amend­ were charged with stealing the All seats booked and reserved. Apply ate as above suggested so that the show, Marion Christensen, Burton ment which would require a Visit­ IMPROVEMENT fish pots of Ainsworth Darrell, but to the Bursar, Mr. G. J. Butland, attendance at the event may be as Stone and Hilda Gray. ing Justice to visit the gaol only the charge failed owing to an ele­ B.A., M.R.S.T., Dial 7253. large as possible. once a quarter. He remarked that To the Editor of The Royal Gazette Individually one can not pass ment of doubt in the evidence. Sincerely yours, he was at present a Visiting Justice NOTE: The Annua/ Exhibition and Colonist Daily. without notice the fine improve­ In this first case, interesting evid­ and he did not see the necessity ment in stage work of Don Evans, ence gained through the telescope of Swedish Drill and Qymnastics for visiting the gaol every month. Dear Sir: JOHN J. BUSHELL also Vernon Freisenbruch. These of Gibb's Hill Lighthouse was in­ When Mr. Waddington pointed will be given on Wednesday, In the six letters which I have Secretary. two with GUbert Cooper and Beat­ troduced, and although witnesses written on the subject of channel * * * rice Trimingham shouldered much out that once a month was laid were sure that the boat of the ac­ April 17th at 2.30 p.m. Admis­ down in the existing Act, Major and harbour improvements, I have The following letter has also been of the more polite sections of the cused was over the pots of Darrell, sion I/- including refreshments. Appleby confessed that in that endeavoured to lay the matter circularised among members of play, while Williamson and Jack­ they were unable to say who were am**. plainly before your readers, and the Chamber: son gave the comedy background case he must have committed a good the boat's two occupants. leave it with them to say how far throughout the evening. Also Ann many breaches of the Act. His amendment was defeated by four In fining DeSilva and Souza on | I have succeeded. I desire to thank EXCHANGE RATES Hathway characterised Lady Mil­ votes to two. Thursday on the second charge, you, Mr. Editor, for the liberal dred in a forceful manner as did Mr. Fowle intimated that any sub­ space which you have so generously 8th March, 1935. the Dowle twins, her charges who H NOTICE • SUPERFLUOUS? sequent offenders would be sent to given me. were always disappearing with ships' prison for six months. He allowed The following aspects of channel Dear sir: officers. The President moved to delete the accused a week in which to pay and harbour improvement have I am directed by the CouncU of The Academy Cricket Club The entire peformance gave the Clause 27 as being superfluous to their fines into Police Headquarters. been dealt with: this Chamber to caU attention to will hold their General Meet­ audiences on both nights a great Clause 25, and at this point Mr. In default of payment, sentence of (1) The report of the Port and the Agreement which was entered deal of pleasure and genuine fun, Waddington moved to report pro­ one month's imprisonment would ing on March 12th at 8.00 Channel Faculties Commis­ into by the business community in for which one must thank the whole gress in order to consider this point. be passed. p.m. at Morgans Hall. All sion, and its recommenda­ 1933 in respect of the value to be company and the director. —OO—— tions. allowed in retaU trade for DoUars. Mr. Gosling presented a petition His Excellency and party attended from Gordon H. Burlandand others members are requested to be (2) Channel and harbour im­ Under that Agreement it is pro­ the performance on Thursday even­ with respect to the incorporation KNOWLEDGE AND VIRTURE present. provements effected to date. vided that when, as now, the dollar ing. of "The Bermuda Engineering (3) The evUs of tender service. is being bo ught at a premium by the oo Company Ltd." Members present Commenting on two categories 5070*». (4) The advantages offered by local banks, their buying rate for Were the President, Sir Sydney of mankind, the good, and the St. George's Harbour. the time being is to be allowed. CATHOLIC PRELATE ARRESTED IN MEXICO Rowan-Hannlton, the Hon. E. J. clever, thus, "he is a very good (5) The relative cost of improve- When the doUar is being bought Waddington, the Hon. J. T. Trim­ sort of a fellow, but he is a big C.U.D.C. TO ADMIT WOMEN ing the channel? leading to at a discount by the local banks, MEXICO CITY, Mar. 8 (CP)— ingham, the Hon. H. J. Cox, the fool," or, "he is a great rascal, the Inner Great Sound, and their selling rate is to be allowed. Hon. Dr. T. H. Outerbridge, the but he is a very clever feUow, you LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP).—The The private secretary to Archbishop the channel into St. George's This Agreement did not cover the Hon. F. G. Gosling and the Hon. know," Bermuda's most eminent Cambridge University Dramatic Pascual Diaz, Roman Catholic Pri­ Harbour. condition when the local banks are Major R. W. Appleby. preacher once remarked that the Club, after eighty years, has de­ mate of Mexico, said that the (6) The relation of channel works buying the doUar below or at 4/2 00 majority of men (I will not say cided to admit women to its stage Archbishop had been arrested while to unemployment. and at the same time are seUing women) prefer to be placed among productions. This decision was In this last letter on tha subject, the dollar at more than 4/2. on his way to the town of Tlane- UNITY AT THANKSGIVING the latter. taken by forty-four votes to four, at least for the present, may I The Council recommends in such pantla, one of Mexico's federal thus ending the controversy that sum up the case in favour of St. districts. The secretary was unable SERVICE case that the dollar be taken in Suppose thou knewest all that man has been carried on for twenty-five George's Harbour.? to determine his whereabouts but trade at 4/2. might know, years. Although many attempts was merely informed of the fact by (1) The improvement of the chan­ Sincerely yours, LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP).—The And all the heights above, and have been made in recent years to nel into St. George's Harbour will a telephone call from a servant who Free Churches wiU be represented depths below, admit women, it has never been cost lass and give more than any had accompanied the Archbishop. JOHN J. BUSHELL at the national service of thanks­ Would even then, thy soul be satis­ possible to obtain the necessary other port project. ——oo Secretary, giving in St. Paul's Cathedral on fied two-thirds majority. j —00 (2) The improvement of the chan­ JAPAN'S HUGE WAR BUDGET the occasion of the King's Jubilee If unto thee the virtues were denied oo nel into St. George's Harbour can by a number of ministers and lay­ Of faith, and love, and friendship's be effected in less time than any GOVERNMENT VICTORY IN INDIA TOKIO, Mar. 8 (CP)—The House men. Dr. S. M. Berry, Moderator kindly glow? SKINNER RE-ELECTED TO other suggested port improvement, of Peers today enacted the 1935-36 of the English Free Church, win It would not, could not, God has and will thus give returns more NEW DELHI, Mar. 8 (OP)—The budget giving final approval to the CANADIAN CHAMBER read one of the lessons at the ser­ made us so. quickly. Government won a notable viotory demands by Japan's army and vice. The Free Churches are not navy leaders for the largest military (3) st. George's is the gateway in the Assembly today when a having a separate general service Then, unto Virtue let us yield the LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP).—Sir Hew­ appropriations in the Empire's into Bermuda—more than that— motion by tbe Congress party t tan­ of their own but are recommending sway, itt Skinner, senior partner of Thom­ is HamUton natural harbour for history. The budget totals about that their churches throughout the as Skinner and Company, has been tamount to a vote of censure, re­ With knowledge but a lamp along large ships, as it is nearer the $600,000,000. From this the army country use the order of thanks­ re-elected president of the Canadian fusing to supply the Governor- the way. capital in point of time than any General's Executive Council, was is to receive about $340,000,000 and giving compiled by tbe Archbishop Chamber of Commerce in Britain other deep-water port. rejected by 67 to 65. the navy $154,000,000. of Canterbury. HENRY G. MUSSON. for the second year. THE KDYAC GAZETTE AND CXMJONISi; DAIL SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 Page 3


THE CASTLE HARBOUR Why Schubert Never Married. j^hMiniim GLORIOUS TREAT FOR ALL! SUNDAY AFTERNOON He Lost His Theresa. TWfRTRS Signund Schatz and his Orchestra B.I.P. decided to include in REID HALL "Blossom Time" an incident from Marche Militaire Schubert TODAY 4*10 and 9.00 p.m. Today Saturday the secret love life of Schubeit. Rondo Oapriccioso Mendelssohn There has been much speculation VeeeJ Soto—two French songs 2.00,4.15,7.30,930 as to why Schubert, intensely sus­ (b) Czinabalom Solo WE KC(3£m A WEW STAR! ceptible to feminine charm, never Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12 ...Liszt (Kiddie Party starts 1.30 married. Lal*0 — Handel Doors open 1.00 p.m. ad­ The truth is that he lost the one (a) Violin Solo, Hejre Kati Hubay Yon, too, will applaud the'hew beauty woman in his life with whom he was (b) Piano Solo who now joins the famed galaxy of mission 6d. with school or really in love. Theresa Grob was a Bolero Ravel Metro-Go Id wyn-Mayer stars. A new t kiddie klub fascinating girl; she was not a Wagneriana Wagner personality. .. a magic voice to. thrill, please f beauty, but had enormous personal * * » your soul..Ta divine actress to-had a, come early) charm ejid vitality. SUNDAY EVENING jr In 1821 she was married against wano place jn your heart/. her own will to a man chosen for Egmont (Overture) Beethoven Mat. 1/6 Eve. 2/- her by her father. She never told Andante from the Schubert how much she was in Sonata Pathetique Beethoven love with him and he felt that she Aida (Fantasy) Verdl Not since "Little had turned him down because he (a) Vocal Solo Women" such a was poor. (b) Czimbalom Solo At the time of her marriage Schu­ Second Movement from the A WICKED WOMAN beautiful and satis­ bert was the local choir master Fifth Symphony Tschaikowsky THE and conductor of the church music. Tales from the Vienna Woods JJEAN \>Pjtm**sftSi capacity, to sing and play. He did Langley Added Attraction at 3.00, 7.20, 10.15 the family PA ULINE gr^S it, but afterwards expressed him­ IlGuarany. Gomez self very bitterly, saying, "Women oo JACK BUCHANAN in "YES, MR. BROWN" LORD fVA- cannot love; they can only play with IV. c. Of course! DS men." INVERURIE HOTEL FJ EL oo Selected Shorts fll W. R. Prinzivalli, Director PITTS "ONE NIGHT OF LOVE" Musical Comedy Selection BERMUDA COMMAND HORSE SHOW Student Prince Romberg '=• Valse de Concert, Ziegeunerliebe Lehar The Mechanics' Hall Theatre will Two Songs: The Bermuda Command Horse Show, under the patronage of present Columbia's film sensation (a) To a Wild Rose McDowell His Excellency the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Bermuda "One Night of Love," starring the (b) Sylvia Speaks Command, Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Astley Cubitt, K.C.B., vivacious Grace Moore, on its new (Request) C.M.G., D.S.O., wiU be held week's program starting March 18. George White's Scandals The film is based on a story by Henderson Charles Beahan and Dorothy On 14th March, 1935 Intermission Speare and deals with incidents in the Agricultural Station Grounds, by kind permission of the which are said to parallel Miss in aid of Board of Agriculture. Moore's own life. It is full of Characteristic Intermezzo colour and the exotic background of In a Persian Market Ketelbey The following events will be open:— Italy and Vienna. Tuillio Car- Adagio, Moonlight Sonata In the Morning from 10.15 a.m. In the Afternoon from 2 p.m. St* David's Social Club minati is the principal male sup­ Beethoven porting player, with Lyle Talbot, Four Indian Love Lyrics Finden Driving Horses in carriage. Saddle Horses under 15.2 hands Mona Barrie and Jessie Ralph in (a) Temple Bells Private use. Singles. Saddle Horses, 15.2 hands and important spots in the cast. Victor (b) Less than the Dust Driving Horses licensed for hire over. Schertzinger directed from screen (c) Kasmiri Song Driving Horses, Open, Pairs. Hackneys (Owner driven). play by S. K. Lauren, James Gow (d) Till I Awake Draught Horses in trolleys, Children's Pony in Trap. and Edmund North. Opera Mirror Tobani wagons, etc. Jumping Competition. —oo Childrens' Pony Class. Gymkhana Events. 5072|s. HOTEL LANGTON 00 Driving Competition. J. Waif rid Riihiluoma, Director There will also be two Championship Classes in the afternoon. PRINCESS HOTEL SOCIAL Nell Gwynn Suite German (a) Bermuda Carriage Horse Championship, excluding Hackneys. ~ TUEKEY SUPPER — ACTIVITIES Country Dance (b) "Championship of Bermuda" for best turn-out in Show for Pastoral Dance Single Horse and carriage, including Hackneys. including Merrymaker's Dance Colorization of Bermuda Musical On Wednesday at luncheon, Mr. Larghetto from Seoond Symphony Particulars and er>try forms may be obtained from the Hon. in Motion Pictures Entertainment and Mrs. John H. Hamilton, honey- Beethoven Secretary, E.A.S.C. Office, Prospect. Dial 2038. mooners at Princess from Marie- I Minuet Boccherini 4837fs23.s2.s9. THORBURN MEMORIAL HALL ment, Ohio, entertained four J Intermezzo from Opera Goyescas — Warwick — friends. Dr. Marie J. Hyndman, j Granados of Brooklyn, N.Y., was one of the A Dream Bartlett XhYz-may, March 14th Wednesday evening hostess at Four Indian Love Lyrics Finden a dinner party. Temple Bells 7 p.m. Admission 3/- Tuesday evening found several Less Than the Dust smart dinner-parties. Among those Kashmiri Song li'~ entertaining were: Mr. and Mrs. Till I Awake J. O. Duane, of Brookline, Mass., Selection, Cavalleria Rusticana THE POPULARITY SWEEPSTAKE and Mrs. J. Van Ryn, of Philadel­ Mascagni phia, Pa. —oo— Luncheon parties on Monday L NEW WINDSOR HOTEL THE GRAND NATIONAL were numerous. Those entertain­ Leonard Stovell and Edward Lawrence, Promoters ing were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Rodman With Flags Aloft, March Last day for receiving counterfoils Page, of Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Mr. and Heller and Strauss Mrs. Henry G. Pearce, of Haver- Love's Lament, Concert Waltz MONDAY, 25th MARCH ford, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Casper W. Piquet Buy your tickets NOW—See our agent TODAY Morris, also of Haverford; Miss Par­ Endearment, Intermezzo Heintz Draw will take place at The Beld Hall Theatre on sons, of ; Mr. and Three Songs: Tuesday, March 28th, at the Evening Performance Mrs. Allan C. Smith, of Lexington, j (a) I Love You Truly Bond Mass.; Mr. and Mrsl Paul B. Met- (b) The Sweetest Story Ever Told H MEN'S^H claf, of Providence, R.I.; Mr. and I Stultz Mrs. Morgan W. Rogers, ot Wake­ (c) When Irish Eyes Are Smiling field, N.H., and Mrs. Butterfield, of Ball Bermuda. Golden Buttercups, Novelette CANDIES-CHOCOLATES A dinner of seventeen was given Platzman on Monday even by Mr. Ridgeway, I BELMONT I - PURE — Vocal Solos: (Requests) of Sharon Cottage. Cocktails and (a) The Pipes Of Pan Are Calling — FRESH — hors d'oeurves were served on the Monckton WHOLESOME porch, prior to dinner. (b) In Old Madrid Trotere On Thursday Mrs. Hamilton Par- (c) Philosophy Emmell rish gave a delightful bridge and In a Monastery Garden, Intermezzo CHAMPIONSHIP Quality Chocolates as low tea. Seven tables were laid in Ketelbey as 2/- per lb box. Take home the lovely Adam Room. Majestic, Overture Zameinik Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Duncan, of a box tonight. Montclair, N.J., gave a luncheon 00 Flights for every 16 Players party for five on Thursday. And Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Baker, of SALVATION ARMY NOTES Paris, were hosts for luncheon on the same day. Commissioner. John McMiUan, Sunday found Mr. and Mrs. the new Territorial Commander Stewart M. Seymour, of New York for the Dominion of Canada, New­ NO ENTRY FEES City, giving a luncheon to several foundland, Alaska and Bermuda, NO GREEN FEES of their friends. On Saturday Mr. who succeeded Commissioner and Mrs. Louis Curtis, of Stamford, James Hay early in January of the Conn., gave a cocktail party in the present year, is expected to arrive in kSS lanai room. Mr. W. S. Howe, as Bermuda accompanied by Mrs. well as Dr. Clark, had dinner guests McMillan on Monday, April 1st, On the Corner—On the Alert—To Serve You Well I on Saturday. Also Mr. and Mrs. and wiU remain for ten or twelve A. Smith, of Lexington, Mass. days visiting the various Corps. Qualifying all day Mar. 12 Commissioner McMillan is well known to many here having visited Finals Mar. 16 Bermuda in the capacity of Chief Secretary from Toronto in the latter "A 1000 YEARS IN part of 1918. HEAVEN" Or, "THE MILLENNIUM" NOVA SCOTIA By Evangelist J. H. CAPMAN SUMMER BELMONT MANOR at the HOLIDAY CAMP MECHANICS HALL for Children $250 for Ten Weeks AND GOLF CLUB Sunday, March loth at 8.45 p.m. including Passage Early Application Essential to mm mm Dial 1301 Songs from Slides Welcome Silver Offering Rev. R. O. WALKER Phone Your Entry Come bring your friends Somers College MMO0f.$.m. to 2/3/35 3^S?S~ -'age k4 THE ROYAE GAZETTE AND COLONIST] DAILY, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935

Creaiit Bv it C FONT&fii Soup af*less'co~si!

Try this Recipe Mary Dean is trapped Dj bet ed tc the chair, and ne was left ancle's will, which divides his alone—bound hand and foot. for fortune between ber and her He thought over his plight. He younger brother and sister, Jerry was certain -iow that his hunch Cream of Tomato and Ann, only on condition that about Carmie and Jarred and tbe Mary marries Jarred Marsh, a will had been right. There was a Soup young man from plot to rob Mary and her brother whom Mary has never seen until and sister. He had been the only 1 can tomato soup he arrives for the reading of the person who suspected. Carmie % cup Pet Milk diluted with trill. She agrees to marry him had decided that he might not l/z CUP water for the sake of Jerry and Ann, leave for Shanghai, and so the unaware that Jarred and Carmie plotters were making sure he % teaspoon salt De Loss, secretary in the Dean would be out of the way. He had % teaspoon pepper home, are confederates in a plot no false hopes. He would have to to get hold of the money. But be put permanently out of the To the tomato soup add di­ Try it in your Don Harvey, newspaper reporter, way ir order to make the game luted milk. Heat until hot, but who is in love with Mary, sus­ safe. pects something wrong. Mary, do not boil, stirring constantly. however, refuses to listen to him, And Mary was at the mercy of Add seasonings and serve Coffee so he decides to go away—to the gang, witb only Everitt Sloan immediately. Serves 5. China. Carmie determines to to guide her. The old attorney make sure he is going. She plays would suspect nothing. Don spent It is also excellent for making ICE CREAM, up to him, and Don, hoping to a bad hour berating himself far quote you by the dozen, make her talk, asks her to his being a dull wit. He fought Your Grocer will gladly apartment, but gets nothing out against bis ropes, but tbe man or by the case, it is cheaper to purchase in this way. of her. who had tied them was an ex­ pert. Finally, be lay back bitterly and tried to think of a way out. SAVE THE LABELS CHAPTER XXII r\ON returned to his flat, and IT WAS morning, ne supposed, BUTTERFIELD & CO., Agents, Front .Street it! II li'i sat down to think. Carmie .. 49671WS. to 30/3/35 ,_ . , v. ' back. They moved about the eel- had come here, he supposed, iar> aad Qnauy one of them spoke. to make sure he was going to Mwe got some grub for you." leave for China. Well, wasn't He stepped behind Don and JOHN F. BURROWS & CO., LTD. that reason enough for his ripped the tape from his lips. The ^ravine nut and tossintr asiriP pam of the adheSHVe tearing away staying put ana tossing asme from ^ ^^ m^g j^ wincet Dial 1249 Dial 1038 the assignment he had been and the man laughed harshly. Front Street Queen Street given? But was it? Suppose "Tickled the boy." he said to his he stayed and later found that companion. Carmie had been telling him ^^to^ve^s^? the truth? meat and bread into his mouth. "But sbe wasn't," he told bim- Don choked and swallowed, and seli grimly as he began to un­ the man chuckled. Tbe bread dress. He had been sitting think­ and meat was followed by a tin 0 ing for perhaps half an hour. of water. Then the tape was re­ NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED Then be noticed that his door placed. O .\«* C ' was open He must have forgotten BUG before the tape went back V to close it when he came in. He on, Don asked a question. "Where P'J* C. & B. OXFORD SAUSAGES 1/4 tin crossed to it. are you guys taking me?" Suddenly, two men appeared in "There is a tramp freighter Y2% tin LOBSTER "LETTUCE" 1/10 " the doorway. Each had a hand leavin' for a flock of islands down ri held menacingly in his pocket. south. You'll be stokin' coal when "RITZ" BISCUITS pkgs 1/6 pkg. she leaves." Tbe man laughed O*S * Don took in the situation in a and slapped tbe tape into place. flash. BEECHNUT BAKED BEANS 8d. tin At any rate, they were not tak­ V "Stick up your hands!" one of ing him out and shooting him. C. & B.JUNKLETS (lge.) lOd. tin the men grated. That was some consolation. He Robbery. Don thought. But be might get a chance to escape C. & B. JUNKLETS (small) 5d. tin raised his hands slowly. He bad from the freighter and come back. been a reporter too long to trust He gritted his teeth until the tape tbe temper of gunmen. hurt cruelly. He would escape and come back! He would make Jar­ NOTICE to HAT DO you mugs want?" red and Carmie pay! O. R. LOBLEIN, LTD,, W be demanded harshly. Then the thought that it might One of the men frisked him be too late by the time he got Front Street quickly, removing his wallet and back. Mary might already be AMERICAN VISITORS some papers. These he shoved married to Jarred, and ber money into bis pocket. stolen. And he would be to blame. On returning to the you are allowed tc "You are going witb us, bud­ dy," tbe man rasped. ARRED was late for breakfast take in one Quart oi Wine or Spirits Free of Duty. "You've got the wrong man if J that morning. Mary ate with You may also take in as much more as you wish for MplJ) TRI-CLENE you're in the snatch racket," Don Aunt Nettie, who read the news­ your personal use, by paying duty on it. warned. "All the money I have or paper while she ate. Mary sat We shall be glad to welcome you at our Store and ex­ The New; Home Fabric Cleaner can raise is in that wallet." miserably trying to force herself "We've got a friend that wants to drink a cup of coffee. plain to you now you can stock your cellar for the next to make sure you take a trip." "Sarah has ber picture on the few months and save money, besides being sure that Recommended for GARMENTS — GLOVES — The man grinned. "Spike, slip society page," Aunt Nettie said. vou have the highest grades of liquor. that tape on him." "She broke her neck to get It DRAPERIES —UPHOLSTERY —FINE FABRICS As he spoke, the man produced there. I'll bet" an automatic and shoved it into "Sarah is one of the smart set," Don's stomach. Don could see Mary said. Removes GREASE — OIL — FRESH PAINT — that the safety was slipped off. "Smart set!" Aunt Nettie sniff­ GOSLING BROS., Ltd. ADHESIVE TAPE — GUM — ROAD TAR In quick time, tape was pasted ed. "Nowadays anyone with a Ut­ vVINE MERCHANTS over his mouth and ejes, and bis ile money can get into the smart Established 1822 hands were bound behind him. set. In my day, it was different." He was sorry then that be had not Mary smiled patiently. She had Non-inflammable — 2/9 — Non-Shrinking made a fight out of it. He was a headache and wanted to get out helpless now. into the fresh air. The two men slipped an over­ "See here. It says Don Harvey coat over his shoulders and led is going to China on some kind of him out. They put him into a car, special assignment. He's sailing on and Don knew that now there the Asia tomorrow." Aunt Nettie POG mm GODET & YOUNG were four of them. He lay back clicked ber teeth. "So that young and listened, but there was no whippersnapper finally decided to talk. The car shot away and get out of here." gained speed, until they were Mary said nothing. Soon Don traveling at a fast pace. would be gone—gone far away. Have your Dog looking his best The thought was a bleak one. HE RIDE ended after perhaps Angry as she had been witb him, See our wonderful window display fcfc V) T an hour. Don was prodded she knew that she bad depended out of the car and led to a bouse. on him more than she realized. DOG COLLARS — HARNESSES — MUZZLES - HOMELIGIIT He descended a flight of stairs Well, she would ask Jarred to into what be guessed was a cel­ marry her at once and get ft LEADS — BRUSHES — COMBS, etc. for all types lar. He was shoved into a chair, over with. In a iew days. There and one of the men spoke roughly would be no big wedding. Sarah to him. would be the only one to be dis­ "You've got lots of time to rest appointed. She got up, found a now, buddy. Then we got a trip coat and walked out into the gar- MASTERS HARDWARE CO. The Brand of Kerosene that has given planned for you." den, Don could do nothing. A few ____— Phone 1192 for quality merchandise at fair prices. universal satisfaction for over 25 years minutes later, his legs were truss- (To be continued) S047tl<5f.eitp.

WEST INDIA OIL COMPANY Filled the Harbour POSTAGE STAMPS SALE 0 S Wholesale Distributors While spending a day at the sea­ side, a charwoman from a country Silk and Cotton village was standing with a friend For Collections on one of the piers bounding the from harbour. The season being over LADIES' and MISSES' RAIN CAPES and the tide being out, little was to BERMUDA s/- be seen but mud and a few boats CHILDREN'S RAIN CAPES between the strong stone struc­ 2/6 tures. and WOOL SUITS MEN'S BATH ROBES 10/" Repeated showers coming on, however, the woman and her friend BRITISH WEST INDIAN from BOYS' GREY FLANNEL SHORTS 3/3 sought shelter indoors for a few hours. When the weather cleared ERNEST J. BELL and they went to the pier again, the ^^m 20/- ^^H tide was nearly at its full height. NATIONAL STORES "Good gracious!" exclaimed the Why, even what's come wi' a few Somerset Hamilton St. George's woman, "what a terrible state you showers 'as nearly filled t' 'arbour!'* 5055tf.s. A. R. MERCER must get in after a good long rain! —Montreal Star.


By George McManus

iuA^- Jl.w-~-, „Jtefi^JibL4,..._r_. \ B \P^ .MT*TE:

JL giaiSiKSRSllKSt "*, ^rtSBPJWSrJ!* ? .-,.:*. «.,.-^: vv-y;-.^:,^ . - ^ ; ^ ;_-;- .


Real Estate for Sale B0URASSA EXPLAINS 'BETRAYAL' OF LAURIER SMART HAIRCUT HELPS That Film on Teeth in St. David's Island

OTTAWA—Henri Bourassa, long IMPROVE GIRL'S BEAUTY The source of many tooth troubles By Public Auction the stormy petrel of Canadian pon­ By JACQUELINE HUNT M***00^?t0T 8 ,ew weeta yet LL girls cannot be pretty, bat until the days become sunny tics and fiery protaganist of French Ha e CT under the power of sale contained nationalism, has emerged from ob­ A nearly all can be smart. KL l erything that you Many girls do not realize this! buy smooth fitting, a little severe in an Indenture of Mortgage. scurity in a surprise appeal to Par­ You only know that your carriage and with daring touches in the liament for policital good will and is none too graceful, your profile details or colors. B d 01 18 tolerance. is far from a °u J ? ^ sharp contrasts Prime Minister R. B. Bennett and what you ™ be**. Mack and white, navy on the 14th March want it to be, and white, black and red or gray his chief antagonist, Liberal leader and your fea­ and red are good combinations. W. L. MacKenzie King, were engag­ tures frankly Choose firm fabrics like hard- 1935 ed in a battle royal over the former's irregular. So surfaced woolens, tweeds, pique, £r2& some knitted fabrics, satin, cor­ New Deal policy. The lieutenants of you try aU at 3.30 p.m. on premises tbe more des­ duroy and the hard, crinkly silks each stood aside to permit free lay perately to be are all good for you. to their chiefs' verbal sword arms. pretty. You Have few trimmings on your ALL THE ESTATE right title and aresses, hats or gloves. For a con- High words passed. Both sides try to soften g interest of Susan A. Minors of and your irregular !£? note you can wear the were enjoying the thrust and parry, pretty costume jewelry that has in ALL THAT certain parcel of land especially as a general election is features with situate in Sr. David's Island in the fluffy hair becorm increasingly popular the only a few months off. last few years, and you can wear Parish of St. George in the Islands and pretty Why Teeth Discolor Then a remarkable thing hap­ clothes and earrings, big ones or little ones as of Bermuda known as "the Cove the mood strikes you. The bright, pened! Mr. Bourassa, member for MISS HUNT you become Hill Property" estimated to contain sparkling synthetic stones are Labelle, stepped from his desk, and disc ouraged Five acres Three roods Twenty- because you realize that tbe re­ good for you. and Decay ^^H from the floor of the House ad­ sult is not what you want it to be. The woman who wants to be seven perches and Seven-eights of a smart should be more careful HE trouble lies in the slimy, perch bounded NORTHERLY in dressed the Speaker. Nominally Lib­ Stop toying to be what nature Pepsodent is called the special eral, he bitterly opposed the partici­ didn't intend you to be, and set about her diet, since she should Tever-present film which you film-removing tooth paste. When part by land now or late of the out to be the smartest girl in be sum and straight. Wear a can feel with your tongue. heirs or devisees of Ruth Minors pation of Canada in the South Afri­ foundation garment to keep any you use it, you will know the your group. And don't do it half­ That film is where the stains reason. deceased and in part by land now or can war and challenged it on consti­ way! Go to the best beauty shop unsightly bulges of flesh about your waistline under control. lodge, dimming the beauty of late of the heirs or devisees of Ruth tutional grounds, because he claim­ n your town or to a good barber Pepsodent's effectiveness in re­ ed the Canadian people should first ind discuss the latest haircuts Do not be afraid to pay a good your teeth. That film is what moving film is due to a special Fox deceased EASTERLY by land price for simple cut clothes that have been consulted. .vith him. Have your hair cut so combines with other substances cleansing and polishing material. now or late of the heirs or devisees that it molds your head and really fit you. Good materials and good styles are smart as long as to harden into tartar. Its object is to remove film — of Monimia Zuill deceased SOUTH­ makes your profile more inter­ That film is what holds food ERLY by the sea or ocean and BREAK WITH LAURIER esting. they last. And you can make safely, thoroughly. Some cleans­ mem look like new simply by particles. There they shortly de­ ing materials remove film but WESTERLY in part by the said A boyish cut with sculptured having several complete sets of cay and form acid. This acid, scratch enamel. Others are safe land of the heirs or devisees of the His extreme views led him to ringlets, or a longer bob brushed accessories. Choose flat furs and authorities believe, is the chief but too soft to be effective. So said Ruth Minors deceased and in break with his titular chief and straight off the forehead with if you wear real flowers, gar­ compatriot, Sir WilfridLaurier, and only the ends terminating in denias or ttly-of-the-valley are a cause of tooth decay. to be sure that you are removing part by the property known as neat, well-controlled finger curls he was credited with being the most good choice. Therefore, the great need is a film safely and effectively, use "Mount Hill Property" TOGETHER are buth good suggestions, espe­ tooth paste to remove that film— Pepsodent—the special film-re­ active factor in defeating Laurier's cially if your nose is a little larger WITH the dwelling house thereon QUESTION: "I have a clear and Pepsodent has supplied it. moving tooth paste. erected and the appurtenances. Government in Quebec in the than you want it to be. Whatever skin and light brown hair with general election of 1911. style you select, be sure that it is a faint suggestion of red in it. clean-cut and distinctive. To the surprise of the whole What colors can h wear most be­ ""I .The next step in your smart­ For further particulars apply to House, Mr. Bourassa's short speech comingly?—May.'' FREE 10-day tube ness campaign is a new wardrobe. You can wear shades of I was no longer an impassioned decla­ Fortunately, the shops are al­ brown, burnt orange, ivory and The Pepsodent Co., I HALLETT AND WHITNEY, mation on his favourite theme. In­ ready showing spring suits, coats dark reds becomingly. Certain 919 No. Michigan Ave. Attorneys for the Vendor. stead, it was a fervid appeal to the and frocks. Begin with a care­ shades of blue and green should Chicago, 111., U. S..A. House leaders to drop bitterness and fully fitted suit or fairly light also be suitable with your color­ OR material that you can wear under ing. Please send me a free t$p-4ay intolerance and discuss the issues sample of Pepsodent Tooth Pasted. VAUGHAN PTJGH, both in the House and country "in a I Auctioneer. I enclose Id. in stamps to cover] • broad spirit of citizenship and cost of mailing. (Mid-Ocean 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th Christianity." He predicted that the March.) next general election would probab­ Name.. I ly be the last test many Canadians Crossword Puzzle Address.— city.. L- 5006tlu5.s9.lul2.thl4. would make of the party system. By LARS MORRIS Perhaps the most moving scene ACROSS ANSWER TO •—Appropriate! that Parliament has witnessed in PREVIOUS PUZZLE beforehand 1—Moslem holy book 7—Fliers many years followed an interrup­ 6 -Greek letter 8—Recites In monotone 9 Pointed I|L|T |C|A L M R E E 8—Poisonous snakes THE BEST BARGAIN tion of a Conservative member, who 14—Put up wltli s 4 10—Suffix: adherent Of asked, "Why did you betray 15— King Arthur's tance o NILK ' Jsrr A 1 NE P S 11—Lord's estate 16 Burst hole into T P 1 l_ O N 12—Dodge 17 —Passover ritual AME S 13—Erases Laurier?" 18 -Take food 1 E m iRh- E T O S E 22—Negative now enjotfr ~mi±. 19 -Punishable T R AK CE U E 23—You and me The best bargain in food The white-haired veteran stepped 20 - Direction between 26—Natural wearing out on the floor of the House and SE and E u N i hr S A Th/ B away £i Burdensome D E T 1 R O E 28—Cause excitement is Buttercrust Bread and as, under deep emotion, his voice 24 -Lyric poem si •R 30—Ejects 25 -Withered E SBT •RA D B S O o N 32—Eradicate NEW FREEDOM FROM COLDS sank to almost a whisper while the 27—Portents ITC 1 NO D L E 33—Hurried no other ready - prepared 28 -God ot war o 34—Large bird House tensely listened, he disclosed 29 International 1 G ufi iN Tl N 1 E 35—Father food offers such value as a picture of reconciliation with and language D E i_ i S ^L BEB L A 36—North African ruler JI Prefix: before E ET E E T TA• A 1 37—Small-Mpound affection for his old chief. 32 For example y HJ c T 38—Small Insect this delicious Bread. It 33 Temporary A S D Q A A|S K S 39—live fortifications s 40—Beaded J7 Pertaining to 42—Decorates with is energy building, easily EEC ONCILIATION primitive society trimming 41 Gathers in quantity S3—Part oi circle 44—The North Star 42 Special newspaper 64—Artist's stand 46—General locality digested and is the only article 86—19th cental? French 48—Extra "I fought Laurier at the height of 13 Nakedness Orientalist 49—Rectangular inset his popularity," he said, "when he 44 Foretold 67—Tells falsehood 60—Straighten food one never grows tired 45 Spangles 68—Turn aside -Auxiliary verb was the idol of Quebec. When the 46 Card game 69—Funeral poem 62—Call for silence 47 Diminutive suffix 70—Small worm 54—Strikes an attitude for FEWER Colds for SHORTER Colds of. Your Grocer can sup­ Tory Party was denouncing him 48 Bridge 71—Delicious 55—Unconcealed 51 SniR 1! rounded mass 56 —Saline At the first warning sneeze or nasal If a cold has already developed, use from the Atlantic to the Pacific as 53 Epic poetry DOWN 58—Declare untrue ply this Bread in Waxed 57 Companion islang) t—Particular Instances 59— Place where thing Is irritation, quick 1—apply Vicks Vicks VapoJRub, the mother's stand­ the instrument of Catholicism and >8 Pours from one vessel 2—Fat Va-tro-nol — just a few drops up by in treating colds, just rubbed on into another 3—Jockey established Wrappers. The price is French domination, I stood by him. 60 Eggs 4—American humorist 62—Fall behind each nostril. Its timely use helps to at bedtime, VapoRub works through And when he was betrayed by his il Old-womanish 5—Roman emperor 55—Ruined city in Burma prevent many colds — and to throw the night by stimulation and inhala­ 5d the loaf. off colds in their early stages. Liberal friends, when he was down­ tion to help end a cold No "dosing." fuss: trodden during the war I came to Z 3 4 5 6 r 6 IO II « '3 These twin aids for fewer and shorter colds give you the basic medi­ Friday and Saturday him and gave him a free hand and | cation of Vicks Plan for Better Control ot Colds—clinically tested 15 r16 helped him. £m by physicians and proved in everyday home use by millions. Specials "The day I passed in his house in (Full details of this unique Plan in each Vicks package) 1917, when he was betrayed by men 19 whom he had covered with honours VICKS PLAN ABETTER CONTROL OF COLDS Twist Loaves 6d f 21 *4 and favours—I never received any­ a & r % Cinnamon Buns 1/- doz. thing from him and never asked— z3 2.6 ZT 28 that day he pressed me on his bosom B d % % Spice Buns 1/- doz. and said to me, 'Bourassa, what has 50 31 32 happened to me today you predicted % 11 years ago. I know now where my jp3 3<4 35 56 • rr 38 39 MO true friends are to be found.' " % ORDER BOOKS Bermuda Bakery, Ltd. "May I be pardoned," added Mr. ill MZ Bourassa, "for having disclosed that % 1/6 each Telephone 1080 feeling of intimacy. Perhaps much Its m may be pardoned to an old man, but 5044+f.eilp. —"I 45 4t> 17 this is as sincere as the sentiments I have expressed with regard to the % % 48 H9 50 5P 5Z 53 51 59 56 TIME BOOKS present Prime Minister and the % % present leader of the Opposition. If 57 5S 59 60 1/9 Bermuda I go out of public life with one feel­ % 61 % ing, with one conviction, it is this: 6Z 63 6U. 6S a deep regret for many bitter words s. P. c. A. that I have used in my life, deep 66 67 68 and sincere repentance for all my 69 HENRY COOLIDGE ADAMS violences of language; but I hope rO 7| The Bermuda Press, Ltd. they will be forgiven me by God ZO SECRETARY Reid Street and man because not once in my NEW WINDSOR HOTEL - life have I attacked anybody un­ SIDNEY O. SIMS justly from my point of view, at INSPECTOR least, and without believing it was By PHONE 1768 my duty to do so." CANT SLEEP, MEMORIALS SANFORDS The significance of Mr. Bouras­ IT'S VOUR NERVES Of sa's appeal in the light of the Relief comet soon in vehemence of his earlier career and with use of find them effective Halifax of his later relations with Laurier, GRANITE Prices, Designs and disclosed for the first time, made a Dr. CHASE'S, •— allparticulars and BALANCE profound impression on a House NERVE FOOD Allenburys from YOUR BEVERAGE DIET HH unused to the expression of such Vfcsr-PASTILLES MARBLE L7E CAMPBELL, sentiments. and some that were kindly. Some­ (c/o Harnett and DRINK HH Obtainable from An onlooker recalled the words of how as I grow older I recall with Church Tablets Richardson) a great Canadian editor: "During all Chemists satisfaction only those that were Stores, etu., Front Street a long journalistic life I have writ­ throughout the Hamilton INSTANT POSTUM kindly."—Christian Science Moni­ 4fi44fs. to 9.5.35 ten many things that were bitter tor. -. B.W.I.



Kostelanetz Orchestra and WEAF, New York 660 kc. Vocal Ensemble 5.00—Rhythm Symphony 10.30—Richard Himber's Orchestra 5.30—Harry Reser's Orchestra 11.00—Minneapolis Symphony Or­ 5.45—Dream Drama OVER THE RADIO chestra—Anne Campbell, 6.00—Sentinels Serenade "Poet of the Home." 6.30—The House By the Side of the 11.30— Calif ornia* Melodies Road—with Tony Wons 12.00—Glen Gray's Orchestra 7.00—Catholic Hour 7.30—Armco Concert Band TRISTAN ON NBC FROM 00 includes, "I Gat a Kick Out of 8.00—K-7—Secret Service sketch METROPOLITAN Yoa," "The Words Are in My SUNDAY'S PROGRAMMES 8.30—Sigurd Nilssen, bass; Har- CLENCAIRN Heart," "Speakeasy," "How Am I Richard Wagner's great love desty Johnson, tenor to Know," "You Fit Into the Pic­ INTERNATIONAL BROADCAST 8.45—Wendell Hall, songs drama, "Tristan und Isolde," with ture," "Two Heads Against the Lauritz Melchoir and Kirsten Flag- FROM ITALY 9.00—Chase and Sanborn Opera In the Highlands of Scot* Moon," and "Vienna Blut,". Him- Guild—Semtana's "The stad in the title roles, will go on ber also will introduce his latest Outstanding among the feature Bartered Bride" land where the mist the air from the Metropolitan composition, "My Heart's On My programmes in the series of ex­ 10.00—Manhattan Merry-go-Round Opera House over combined NBO- Sleeve." sweeps back from one of change international broadcasts 10.30—Frank Munn, tenor; Vivi­ WJZ-WEAF networks today, be­ * * * a thousand Glens ... ginning at 2.40 p.m., Bermuda time. over the National Broadcasting enne Segal, soprano; Bert- Wagner's version of the Tristan TONIGHT'S PROGRAMMES Company networks is the concert rand Hirsch, violin; orch. Where the heather de­ legend, based on the thirteenth by the leading Mandolin Club of 11.30—Jane Froman, contralto; the (Bermuda Time) taches itself from the century poem of Gottfried von Italy scheduled for Sunday. The Modern Choir; concert orch. Strasburg, tells of Tristan's love programme from Milan will be 11.30—One Man's Family—sketch purplish haze and creeps for Isolde, the beautiful Princess GSD, 25.5 m.; GSB, 31.5 m. heard over an NBC-WEAF network 12.00—Henry King's Orchestra he is bringing back from Ireland (5.30-6.45) GSB, 31.5; GSA, 49.6 m. at 10.30 a.m., Bermuda time. to the base of a greeny to become the bride of his uncle, Daventry, England * * * J WLW, Cincinnati 700 kc. 3.50—Ireland v. Wales. Interval brown cairn .... but you King Marke. His mission com­ EGYPTIAN BROADCAST 6.00—Same as WJZ pleted, Tristan plans a last meeting summary and running com­ 6.30—Same as WEAF can better catch the glam­ with Isolde, during which they are mentary on the second half Arrangements for a first-time 7.00—Church on the Hill betrayed by Melot, false friend of of the International Rugby broadcast from Cairo, Egypt, have 7.30—Armco Concert Band our of the Highlands Tristan, and confronted by King Union Football Match by been completed by officials of the 8.00—Dodge Showdown Review from. * Marke. The opera will be sung in Captain H. B. T. Wakelam. WABC-Columbia network and the 8.30—Same as WJZ German with Artur Bodanzky con­ Relayed from Ravenhill Park British Broadcasting Corporation. 9.00—Same as WEAF . ducting. Geraldine Farrar, radio The programme will be heard over 10.00-10.45—Same as WJZ GLEIMCAIRN SPORTSWEAR . . . • raoonteuse, will be heard during 4.30—Music Hall the Columbia chain on Sunday, 10.45—Unbroken Melodies intermissions and between the 5.30—England v. Canada. A run­ from 1.45 to 2.00 p.m., Bermuda 11.00-12.00—Same as WEAF acts. ning commentary on the last time, and will consist of native 12.00—News Bulletin * * * period of the International Egyptian music, an English descrip­ Inspired by the Highlands Ice Hockey Match by R. T. "OUTDOOR GIRL" tion of a street scene in old Cairo, WJZ, New York 760 kc. and foremost in our new Bowman. Relayed from the and an Arabic recitation from the 5.300 —Morton Downey, tenor; Ray Empire Pool and Spors Louise McPhetridge Thaden, Koran. Sinatra's Orch. Seasons Sportswear.... Arena, Wembley. * * * 6.00--Rose and Drums—sketch winner of the first cross-eoUntry 6.00—The News and Sports Results air derby, will occupy the spotlight EDDIE CANTOR 6.30--Cook's Travelogue 6.20—Dance Music. Ambrose and 6.45--Terhune Dog Drama For Men ... For Women ... when her famous flight from Santa his Embassy Club Orchestra. Monica, Oal., to Cleveland, in Aug­ With his henchmen of hilarity— 7.00--Heart Throbs of the Hills Sweaters .. Sweaters .. ust, 1929, is dramatised on the Ted Husing and Harry "Parkyaka- 7.30--Grand Hotel—sketch GSC, 31.3 m.; GSA, 49.6 m. kas" Einstein—at his side, the 8.00--Jack Benny, comedian; Don "Outdoor Girl Beauty Parade" pro­ 7.00—Big Ben. Ireland v. Wales. Sport Jackets ... Skirts ... gramme over the WABC-Columbia popular Eddie Cantor will preside Bestor's Orch.; Frank Parker Interval summary and run­ over another half-hour of micro­ tenor Socks .... Scarves .. network tonight, from 8.30 to 9.00. ning commentary on the The aviatrix, a native of Pittsburgh, phone merriment on the nation­ 9.00- -General Motors Symphony last fifteen minutes of the wide WABC-Columbia network Concert; Nathan Milstein, Pa., has held altitude, speed and International Rugby Union refueling records. Sunday night, at 9.00 o'clock. violinist All of the Sportiest... besides many Football Match by Captain Musical features will include char­ 10.00- -Olga Albani, soprano; Chas. Richard Norton, youthful bari­ H. B. T. Wakelam. Relayed another; something you will love . * * tone and protege of John Charles acteristic songs by Cantor, an Previn's Orchestra from Ravenhill Park, Bel­ instrumental solo featuring Rubin- 10.30- -Walter Winchell Thomas, will sing "Down by the fast. River" as a feature of the musical off. The violin solo will be the 10.45- -Sherlock Holmes—sketch 7.15—A Programme of Light Mu­ 11.15- portion of the programme, and will popular "Isle of Capri," and the -Shirley Howard, contralto sic. The B.B.C. Empire Or­ 11.30- join Gladys Baxter, soprano, in a orchestra numbers will include -American Fireside Talk chestra. 12.00- duet, "You Are Love." Miss Bax­ striking arrangements of "Parade -The Jesters Trio 8.15—England v. Canada. A run­ ter's solos will be "In a Blue and of the Wooden Soldiers," and "Any­ ning commentary on the Pensive Mood," and "Alone To­ thing Goes." WABC, New York 860 kc. last period of the Interna­ * * * gether." The orchestral selections 4.00—N.Y. Philharmonic Sym­ tional Ice Hockey Match by directed by Victor Arden include "CLUB ROMANCE" phony Orchestra R. T. Bowman. Relayed "Hi Diddle De Dum," from "Reck­ 6.00—Open House—Freddy Mar­ from the Empire Pool and less"; "My Heart Is an Open Book," Several hit tunes from musical tin's Orch.; Donald Novis, Sports Arena, Wembley. productions of the past few seasons Vera Van "Ha-Cha-Oha," and "Night Wind." 8.45-9.00—The News and Sports wiU be featured by Lois Bennett, * * * 6.30—Frank Crumit and Julia Results, soprano, and Conrad Thibault, Sanderson, songs; Shilkret ROMBERG FEATURES HERBERT baritone, during the "Club Ro­ Orchestra MUSIC HH BERMUDA • WEAF, New York 660 kc. mance" broadcast over the WABC- 7.00—National Amateur Night 8.40—Metropolitan Opera—Wag­ Columbia network Sunday, from 7.30—Smilin' Ed McConnell, songs A medley of excerpts from the and ner's "Tristan und Isolde," 9.30 to 10.00 o'clock. "Sweet Mu­ 7.45—Voice of Experience Herbert operettas, "Algeria," "The in German; Kirsten Flag- sic," and 'Dancing in the Dark," 8.00—Alexander Woollcott—"The Only Girl," "Naughty Marietta," stad, soprano; Lauritz Mel­ will be the solos of Thibault. Lois Town Crier" WEST-INDIES SWEEPSTAKE "Red Mill," "Natoma" and "Eil­ choir, tenor, and others has selected "Why Was I Born?" 8.30—Gulf Headliners een" will be an outstanding feature 6.30—American Schools Talk and "Who Can Tell?" The two will 9.00—Eddie Cantor, comedian; on of the Swift Hour with Sigmund 7.00—Angelo Ferdinando's Orch. join in the lovely duet, "The Rubinoff's Orchestra Romberg and William Lyon Phelps 7.30—Press-Radio News Desert Song." 9.30—Club Romance—Conrad Thi­ over an NBC-WEAF network to­ The Grand National 7.35—Martha Mears, songs bault, baritone; Lois Ben­ night, at 9.00 o'clock. Opening $ * * 7.45—Sports—Thornton Fisher; Ed nett, soprano; Voorhees Orch. with the prologue to Leoncavallo's Walsh, baseball star EDWARD JOHNSON TO BE GUEST 10.00—Ford Sunday Evening Hour— Last Day for Receiving Counterfoils "I Pagliacci," the programme will 8.00—Religion in the News WITH FORD SYMPHONY symphony orch.; Edward be completed with an excerpt from 8.15—Jack Smith, songs Johnson, tenor Saturday, 23rd March Lehar's "Count of Luxembourg." 8.30—Variety Musicale Edward Johnson, noted concert 11.00—Wayne King's Orchestra and selections from Romberg's 9.00—Swift Hour, with Sigmund and operatic tenor, will be guest 11.30—William A. Brady—Behind "Blossom Time," "Maytime" and Romberg; Helen Marhsll, artist with the Ford Symphony The DRAW will take place at the "The Desert Song." The famous the Scenes George Britton and Stuart Orchestra and Chorus directed by composer will conduct the orches­ 11.45—The Half-Pint Flask—sketch NEW WINDSOR HOTEL Churchill, soloists Victor Kolar in a programme to be tra, and Helen Marshall, soprano, 12.15—Press-Radio News 10.00—Rose Bampton, songs; Shil- broadcast over the nationwide and Byron Warner, tenor, will be at 9.00 p.m. kret's Orch.; Scrappy Lam­ WABC-Columbia network on Sun­ soloists. bert and Billy Hillpot. day night, from 10.00 to 11.00 * * + Monday, 25th March, 1935 10.30—The Gibson Family—musical o'clock. BEATRICE LILLIE GUEST OF comedy; Lois Bennett, Con­ Distinguished for his impeccable 4947tf ei. to m25. ROXY'S GANG rad Thibault, Voorhees Or­ vocal style and quality of tone. chestra and others Johnson will feature Rudolfo's Roxy will feature a "Noel Cow- 11.30-2.30—Dance Music. Narrative from Puccini's romantic ward Cavalcade" as the highlight opera, "La Boheme." His other of the "Roxy and his Gang" broad­ offerings will include Sadero's pic­ cast over the nationwide WABC- WLW, Cincinnati 700 kc. 6.30—Same as WJZ turesque song, "In Mezzo al Mar," Columbia network tonight, from 7.00—R.F.D. Hour—Boss Johnston two traditional melodies "Mary of 9.00 to 9.45, Bermuda time, and Be­ SWEEPSTAKE NOTICE and McCormick's Fiddlers Argyle" and "Bonnie Earle of atrice Lillie, sophisticated comedi­ 7.30—Bob Newhall, sports talk Moray," and the "Sweet Song of enne and international favourite 7.45—Same as WEAF Long Ago," by Charles. of radio and the stage; will appear 8.00—Univ. of Cincinnati Talk Kolar has prepared a brilliant or­ as guest star of the presentation. chestral setting for Johnson's songs. •7///n ' ^- v\\\\ Messrs. Petty & Hayward's £100 GUARANTEED 8.15—Harmonica Band '//VITAMINS A.8l.B2(c).«.0 \ Sweep on the Grand National will be drawn for at Miss Lillie, who is Lady Peel in 8.30—The Street Singer The Ford Symphony will play first private life, is considered the fore­ the "Canadian Boat Song," by The Royal Prince Hotel on March 27th, at 8.45—The Wayne Family—sketch most interpreter of Coward's songs. 9.00-2.30—Same as WEAF Moore, followed by VeSi'S "Sicilian For Better and Stronger at 9.00 p.m. The race is being run on March She and Coward co-starred in "This Vespers," Elgar's "Salut d'Amour." Year of Grace," which he wrote, 29 th, and not March 22nd, as noted on tickets. and the Farandole from Bizet's Children and Coward was part author of WJZ, New York 760 kc. "L'Arlesienne" Suite. All counterfoils must be returned by noon of "Chariot's Revue," in which Miss 2.40-6.30—Same as WEAF * # • GOQCI for Grown-ups too March 27th. Lillie was starred. He has written 6.30—Gardens of the Nations— GSD, 25.5 m.; GSB, 31.5 m. Try VI-TONE Today several songs especially for her Mario Cozzi, baritone; string (5.30-6.45) GSB, 31.5; GSA, 49.6 m. PETTY &. HAYWARD such as "Mad Dogs and English­ ensemble; speaker Daventry, England men," and "Girl of My Dreams in 7.00—Jewish Programme 2.00—Big Ben. Weekly Newsletter JACK ARNOLD is the AGENT 4944tt2.s9.il6.t23 California." 7.30—Press-Radio News and Sports Summary. Coward, England's foremost stage 7.35—Songfellows Quartet 2.20—Old Time Singers. Janet Dial 1650 3SS figure, is known as the world's 7.45—Master Builder Programme Hamilton-Smith, Maude mtw$m. most versatile theatrical person­ 8.00—Honry King's Orchestra Dixon, Henry Cummings, ality. Besides being one of the 8.30—Thirty-Hour Week Bill—Sen. and Gilbert Bailey. most prolific playwrights in the Hugo L. Black of Alabama 2.30—"The Taming of the Shrew." NEW PARKER PEN theatre, he is equally renowned as 8.45—Verna Burke, soprano 3.05—The B.B.C. Theatre Orches­ 0 Composer, lyricist, actor and singer. 9.00—Phil Cook's Show Shop tra. Vacuum LOUISINE LINEN Among the "gang" members who 9.30—Art Jarret's Orchestra 3.30—A Recital by Roy Henderson Will be featured in the presentation 10.00—Radio City Party (baritone) and Frederick are Ruth Cathart, Aimee Deloro, 10.30—National Barn ance Grinke (violin). Filled NOTEPAPER Kingsley and Chase, and Henri­ 11.30—Guy Lombardo's Orchestra 3.55—A Religious Service, relayed etta Schumann. The selections will 12.oo—Emil Coleman's Orchestra from St. Martin-in-the- include such Coward compositions Fields. holds]02>4 1/6 box as "A Room with a View," "Zig- WABC, New York 860 kc. 4.45—Weekly Newsletter euner," "I Can't Do Anything at 5.30—Modern Minstrels 5.00—The Hastings Municipal Or­ All," "I'll Follow My Secret Heart," 6.30—Transatlantic Bulletin chestra. Dale Smith (bari­ yet no increase in size ( "Someday I'll Find You," "Dance, tone). Relayed from the 6.45—Fascinating Facts—Art Dick­ A beauty—the Parker Vac­ Little Lady," and "I'll See You son, baritone; Charlie Mor­ White Rock Pavilion, Hast­ uum Filler Pen—styled with a CORRESPONDENCE CARDS Again." ' ings barrel of striped laminations gan, pianist as shimmering as velvet, yet 7.00—Ohio Wesleyan Glee Club 6.15—The Twenty-Four Preludes 1 non-breakable. I t's utterly dis­ of Chopin, played by Jan tinctive in style, principle and 1/6 box RICHARD HIMBER'S 7.15—Jaok Little's Orchestra performance. Holds 102% CHAMPIONS 7.30—Sports—Eddie Dooley Smeterlin (pianoforte) more ink. Fills by vacuum in­ stead of by rubber sac. Its 7.45—Beauty—Margaret Brainard gold and platinum point writes NJW and recently popular tunes 755_press-Radio News GSC, 31.3 m.; GSA, 49.6 m. two ways—upper side, extra fine—underside, fiee. medium will be featured by Richard Him- g]oo_Sooonyland Sketoh 7.00—Big Ben. The B.B.C. Em­ or broad. ber and the Studebaker Champions, 8 30—Outdoor Girl Beauty Parade pire Orchestra. Peggy Coch­ woven together by harp interludes, 9.00—Roxy and His Gang—Aimee rane (violin). The Bermuda Press, Ltd. over the WABC-Columbia network Deloro, Ruth Oarhart, Kings- 8.00—A Religious Servioe, relayed tonight, from 10.30 to 11.00 o'olook. ley and Chase, and Henrietta from St. Martin-in-the- Reid Street Another highlight of the pro- Schumann Fields The Bermuda Press i gramme will be poetio readings by 9.45—St. Louis Blues 8.45-9.00—Weekly Newsletter and David Roes. The musical schedule jo.oo—Richard BonelU, bwitoJWJ Sports Summary. THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COIJONISTJ DAIL SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 Page .7

A place for everything and everything in its place

THE MERCER BEASLEY RACQUET (winner of Men's Championship) Start the day right— ^^^^^^H

With this old adage in mind did the famous coach design I WITH A ROLLS RAZOR his Spalding made racquet, marked "Forwardhand" and "Backhand" on opposite sides of the throat — assuring you For just as sure as it will whisk away the that your racquet will always whiskers, so will it whisk you into the be in the proper placement kind of disposition you want'to-start-the to receive any ball... to wit, day with. Its Sheffield steel blade is always the Championship success of fresh; moreover, it's stropped and honed the Beasley Racquet. in its own case... Use a ROLLS, and you'll be proud of each other—Yourself and your Razor. British Sports Department

rg ~mr r% H.A.eE. LTD * I 1 I u iM ia I %} N O 18 8 9 V N D IE S> a

BOY SCOUT CAMP FIRE Careful Planning Necessary I HOT CROSS BUNS H. E. the Governor Makes Stir; ring Address to Boys To Cat Food Bills Nowadays Sun Life Assurance Company By JUDITH WDLSON Potato Balls with Parsley ESOTJR<2EFULNESS, patience, and Butter o£ Canada On Tuesday evening at the St. R and no end of careful plan­ Crusty Rolls Buttered Onions Edward's Hall, the St. Edward's ning are necessary if you want •Butterscotch Peach Tarts # Troop of Boy Scouts presented an to save money on your meals Coffee excellent camp fire under the dir­ these days. Prices may seem WEDNESDAY The modern housewife Breakfast Sixty-fourth Annual Report—1934 ection of Monsignor Comeau, S.M. shockingly high to you, but part ooses these spicy creations Canned Grapefruit R. C. Earl and A. S. N. Arthur. of your job is to figure out how frequently for her Lenten you can, by combining this and German Pancakes with Card. His Excellency the Governor Grape Jelly menus. Delicately sweetened that, get an attractive meal with­ ASSURANCES IN FORCE, December 31,1934 Chief Island Scout, attended the out spending much money. Fried Bologna Coffee $2,748,725,4)3 and spiced, wholesome with performance accompanied by Miss Dinner eggs and milk, these plump Meat continues at its high Fresh Shrimp with Cocktail This large amount, the accumulating estates of Rosemary Grissell and the Lord price level, but more and more raisin-filled buns add variety Sauce nearly a million Sun Life policyholders, will be­ Carew. At the beginning of the fish of different varieties are ap­ Vegetable Plat-Corn Fritters, to the regular Lenten menu. come payable to them or their dependents dur­ performance S.M. Richard Earl pearing on tbe market and it will Beet Marbles, Mashed Potatoes, We make them fresh every ing this generation—a stabilizing factor of great made a brief address and presented pay the homemaker to familiar­ Spinach with Hard-Cooked Egg day in Lent. ize herself with the numerous Pear Delight Salad social and economic value. His Excellency with a song com­ ways of preparing them. Cocoa with Mai shmallows posed by Monsgr. Comeau, R. C. SUNDAY THURSDAY NEW ASSURANCES PAID FOR 236,215,901 Earl and A. Ferraz which had been HOT CROSS BUNS Breakfast Breakfast dedicated to His Excellency. The Flaked Cereal with Crushed Pear Halves in Orange Juice 1/- d6z. Cereal Flakes Troop Mascot presented Miss Gris­ Fresh Strawberries INCOME 159,251,028 sell with a bouquet of fresias and •Fried New England Scrapple Frizzled Ham and Fried Eggs ENGLISH BUNS Sugared Doughnuts Coffee Muffins Coffee Milk DISBURSEMENTS 115,661,302 the Fignallers semaphored the word Dinner 'welcome.' The camp fire then Dinner Corned Beef and Cabbage EXCESS OF INCOME OVER DISBURSEMENTS 43,589,726 1/- doz. open with a concerted arrange­ Dried Fruit Cocktail Boned Potatoes and Carrots •Chicken Creole in Rice Ring ment of their new composition Lettuce and Tomato Salad Buttered New Lima Beans Prune Whip Coffee "St. Edward's Troop of Scouts New Greens with Savory Dressing FRTOAY PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENE­ QUALITY BAKERY, Ltd. Are We," which proved so popular Rhubarb Cobbler Breakfast FICIARIES: and catchy that not only did it Coffee French Toast. Bacon and During the year 1934 .. 88,160,206 bring forth an encore, but also MONDAY Fried Pineapple Slices Dial 2158 Since Organization 888,330,239 had the audience whistling with Breakfast Coffee Cocoa the boys. The Troop then repeated Pineapple Juice Dinner 5089's. to 20.4.35 Cooked Cereal with Dates Salad Appetizer "Retreat and Colours" after which and Nuts 3aked Mackerel with Oysters ASSETS 665,378,716 the camp fire began in earnest. Coffee Toast Baked Idaho Potatoes Bonds: government, municipal, public Italian String Beans From this point of the programme Dinner utility and others; stocks, preferred and Chicken and Noodle Soup Sponge Cake with Lemon to the intermission the camp fire Custard common; loans on mortgages: real estate; Hamburg Steak with Green loans on Company policies; cash in banks, took the turn of a variety show and Pepper Rings Tea interspersed with scout songs which Mashed Potatoes Canned Corn SATURDAY and other assets. ^ctcliei & ants Fruit Gelatin Tea Breakfast everybody knew and joined in Orange Juice LIABILITIES 651,115,551 TUESDAY special artists such as Whizz-Bang Corned Beef Hash Casserole Almost nine-tenths of this sum represents the marksman who did some re­ Breakfast with Baked Eggs the policy reserve—the amount set aside to Stewed Prunes Coffee Cocoa markable exhibition shooting with guarantee all policy payments as they be­ guns ranging from a sixteenth Poached Eggs on Toasted Dinner English Muffins Veal Stew with Dumplings come due. century blunderbuss to a modern Hot Chocolate Jam Rolls and Butter I 'Daisy' rifle until he arrived at the Dinner Stuffed Prune Salad PAID-UP CAPITAL ($2,000,000) and bal­ William Tell stunt and then his Tomato Juice Cocktail Rhubarb Roly-Poly ance at credit of shareholders' ac- I accomplice grew a little nervous. •New England Fish Potpie Coffee or Tea count $3,299,728 The famous magician. Dr. Dig- RESERVE for depreciation in mortgages moredirt and his accomplice Zeze and real estate 5,012,619 MADE BY who continued to bring the house offering. The address closed with S.s. Lady Somers (C.N.S.) is due SURPLUS 5,950,818 THE MAKERS down with his mifcarrying in- His Excellency remarking on the to arrive from Halifax Via Boston $14,263,165 OF FAMOUS uendoes, the world renouned con­ satisfaction he felt at the wonder­ tomorrow, sailing the following day certina artist Signor Elephantas ful strides the movement was now for the West Indies. Agents, J. S. FLIT 1 The valuation of bonds and stocks has been made in ac­ and the Prima donna of Bailey's making in the island, as so very Darrell and Co. cordance with the basis authorized by the Insurance De­ I Bay Madame Forte Pianissimo many difficulties had had to be • * • Staccato who was, at the end of her partment of the Dominion of Canada, and in conformity surmounted. Q.t.e.v. Monarch of Bermuda programme and vocal career, pre­ with the bases authorized by the Department of Insurance Three cheers were then given (Furness-Bermuda Line) is due to sented by the Troop Mascot with for Bermuda's Chief Scout and this of the various Provinces of Canada, and the National Con­ a bunch of carrots. arrive from New York on Monday, vention of Insurance Commissioners of the United States. very excellent performance came March 11th, sailing on return trip to a close. Policy liabilities have been valued by the full net level The intermission was taken up on Wednesday, March 13th. Agents premium method, a standard more exacting than is re­ Mr. A. Ferraz who had trans­ POSITION WANTED with terse reels of a scouting film Watlington & Conyers. quired under the provisions of the Dominion Insurance cribed the music of Monsgr. Com­ shot at Gilwell. This excellent * * * Act. film was shown by Mr. Fred Jeffrey eau and had also contributed some The quickest way to get in and the plot was based on the re­ of his own compositions was un­ S.s. Lady Rodney (C.N.S.) is due touch with employers is moulding of character of an East able to attend, and his place as to arrive from the West Indies on of London bully through the med­ accompanist was ably filled by Monday, sailing on the 12th, for through an advertisement ium of the Scout movement. This Mr. Frick. Halifax via Boston. Agents, J. S. Sun Life Assurance in our Classified Advertis­ film was excellent in every detail On Thursday evening, the Troop Darrell & Co. • * * ing columns. and should prove an inspiration repeated the camp ,fire for the to all who see it. benefit of the Sisters of Mount St. S.s. Southern Cross (Munson Company of Canada Agnes at the Convent, and it is to State the kind of position The second half of the programme Line) is due to arrive from South Representative for Bermuda H. T. LeBROOY, Manager, was a continuation of the camp be hoped that their original plan American ports on Tuesday, March Messrs. HAND. ARNOLD, Ltd. Bermuda and British you want, and tell your fire and contained two very amus­ of repeating the production in 12th, sailing the same day for New Special Agent: J. STEWART West Indies Branch ing sketches in the presentation of a Somerset wiU materialise and meet York. Agents, J. S. Darrell & Oo. qualifications. The cost with every success. strong man, Professor Samson At­ * * * 5061ts. is trifling. las and "The Flivver." After a sextet by the patrol leaders who -OO S.s. Patuca (Elders & Fyffes Line) were also the celebrities in the is due to arrive from Jamaica on above programme, the signallers Thursday, March 21st, sailing the S.s. Orbita (P.S.N.Co.) is due to The Royal Gazette I semaphored "Good night. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS same day for Avonmouth, England. March 20th, on return trip. Agents, Agents, Watlington & Conyers. leave Liverpool on March 14th Watlington & Conyers. & Colonist Daily His Excellency the Governor then Agents, Harnett & Richardson. * * * took the stage and gave a most Q.t.e.v. Queen of Bermuda (Fur­ * * * S.s. Western World (Munson inspiring address to the boys on ness-Bermuda Line) sails today, for S.s. Cissy (Ocean-Dominion Line) Line) is due to arrive from New the great values and benefits of the New York on return trip. Agents, S.s. Lombardy (R.M.L.Ltd.) is due to arrive from London with is due to arrive from Saint John York on Monday, March 18th, sail­ movement. His Excellency de­ Watlington & Conyers. via Halifax with cargo on Tuesday, ing the same day for South America plored the fact that there was a cargo on Wednesday, March 13th. Agents, Harnett & Richardson. March 12th, bound for the West Agents, J. S. Darrell & Co. terrific gap and falling off of the Indies. Agent, Capt. R. M. Browne. * * * movement from the time the boys S.s. Lady Drake (C.N.S.) is due to * * * # * * S.s. Reina del Pacifico (P.S.N.C.) left their troop until the time they arrive from the West Indies S.s. Lochgoil (R.M.L.Ltd.) is due Q.t.e.v. Monarch of Bermuda The most effective I could take over the duties' of scout is due to arrive from Nassau on today sailing the same day for to leave London with cargo on (Furness-Bermuda Line) is due to insectide masters, but sincerely hoped that March 19th, bound for Liverpool Saint John, N.B. ,via Boston. Agents, March 12th. Agents, Harnett & Costs less too \ some remedy for this evil was in the arrive from New York on Monday, via Spanish and French Ports J. S. Darrell & Co. Richardson. March 18th, sailing on Wednesday Agents. Harnett & Richardson. Page 8 DCS! ^YSE GAZETOT ANL1 CSK^SG DffiO, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935

6S= YOUR GOOD HEALTH GRAND PUBLIC Value of FresK Buttermilk Lies in the Healing Qualities of the Lactic Acid By CLAUD NORTH CHRISMAN, MD. AUCTION CCASIONALLY a letter comes catessen counters. They make a O that Is almost as good as a thick creamy mess of it now that at column in itself. It makes one reminds me too much of milk of wish that it might be transferred magnesia. I miss the specks of bodily for the benefit of others yellow butter that used to float THE who need ad­ in it and I shall probably never 3> vice along taste any just like that again. t^SWS? the same Obviously, buttermilk is poor in HOUSEHOLD t ^^^KJV lines. Some fat and is used to good advantage di time ago one fefc T§ by those whose digestion of fats Yfipscaj came from a is of low power. Also tbe casein EXCHANGE ?li§i| Pennsylvani a has been broken up and is more reader who finely coagulated, hence more Burnaby Street Mfe ** wanted us to easily eared for in a weak diges­ •**»> k talk about tive tract. The delicately acid &$Bs b u 11 e rmilk. Hamilton ••"•'•'«Bfe taste of fresh buttermilk is very This is one of palatable to even a poor appetite on V.*' the countless and for those whose appetites are &£'?': M-i&bMBk by - products erratic, the sourness satisfies the that have craving for sour stuff. come into There are still left in the but­ Tuesday Next, their own in termilk certain salts, some albu­ DB. CHRISMAN rather recent men, some milk sugar and par­ years. ticularly the lactic acid which March 12th My chief recollection of butter­ gives it its flavor and most of its milk remains from the fact that potency, while the entire bulk is at 1.30 p.m.' it used to be my job to empty made up largely of water. the churn after the churning was Buttermilk is a favorite bever­ done. No, I didn't put the milk age in any case of gastric catarrh. away in sterilized glass jugs like When the gastric glands have consisting of you see it now. I emptied it into been atrophied and the catarrh a pail half as big as I was and is chronic, the so-called butter­ "THE MARCH OF THE CHILDREN» wiggle-waggled one foot over the milk cure has been frequently Collection of Antiques, fine other,.down the path to the pig used. This is simply the use of Let your Baby, too, join this joyous company and march to Furniture of interest to the pen where a bunch of squealing buttermilk in generous quantities dealer and collector. Old porkers soon made way with it. at regular intervals. It is sup­ Health and Happiness on COW & GATE I Strange how long it took us to ported by such easily digested Bermuda Cedar Chest (small), find out that if buttermilk was solid foods as the case may re­ From all over the world they come—a growing army saved from Cedar Wardrobe, Old Chest good for pigs and chickens, it quire or can take care of. sickness and disease—sometimes saved from death! . Mahogany Drawers, Grand­ might be good for humans too. I believe it is not possible now father Clock, Sterling Silver I do remember that we used to to buy the bacillus itself outside And happy Mothers everywhere are saying :—" There is nothing like a glass of the fresh butter­ of the laboratory. A glass of but­ Dinner Service, Cut Glass milk when the churn was emp­ termilk affords less than one quite like this Food — there Is nothing so good when natural , Mirrors, Desk, Dining Table, tied, but we rarely kept it for hundred calories. feeding fails." Original Etchings, Simmons further use. Answer to W. E. S.: The use of Day Bed, Old Italian Table, • • » lactic acid in an enema would do : Complete Bathroom Set, Etc., OW, you see it offered for sale no harm. It is credited with the • Etc., Etc. N in any quantity up to gallon property of dissolving mucus or jugs, in market and at all deli­ other false membrane. Further particulars ob- »tained from: three from their Members to meet a CORPORATION MEETING J. CRITCHLEY, Committee of the Corporation of Hamilton to consider the ques­ • MllW I Auctioneer, Tower Building, Hamilton. Corporation Office, tion of cruise ships and channel Hamilton, 4th March, 1935 improvements, with a view of Grown up "Smilers" sleep best 5050tf.s.m.tu. formulating a plan whereby greater after a cup of... The Corporation met at 3 p.m. facilities can b8 afforded to cruise Present the Mayor. sbips and competition between Messrs. E. E. Walker, S. P. Eve, the two Municipalities in the way Cow and Gate J. S. Vallis, Aldermen. of Port Dues can be eliminated. J. H. Watlington, C. E. White, In the evant of this invitation being • CHOCOLATE MILK I H. G. Butterfield, E. R. Williams, accepted the Mayor, Aid. Eve and Common Councillors. J. D. B. Mr. Williams were appointed as the Talbot, Secretary. Committee of the Corporation for 1. The Mayor administered the this purpose. Obtainable oath of office to Aid. Walker. 12. Authority was» given for the 2. Minutes of meeting on the preparation of an amendment to I MEDICAL HALL 20th ultimo, as circulated, were The Municipalities Act, 1923, to confirmed. make provision for the perform­ Reid Street 3. Office Building:—The pre- ance of the duties of Mayor, dur­ Uminary plans for the office build­ ing the absence of the Mayor. And leading Drug Stores ing were considered and the var­ 13. The Secretary reported that he ea£2ZSZKEIKKHE&3K=£GI5K3SESI3XL-LZZ£&; _J2S9I ious suggested sites were inspected. had reoeived a complaint of the After considerable discussion, it overcrowding at Moving Picture was agreed that as the legacy from Theatres. Draft letters to the the Catherine Browne Tuoker estate Police and the managers of the Mudguards for building a City Hall will shortly theatres with respect to this were be forthcoming, the possibility of approved. incorporating the offices for the Adjourned at 5.15p.m. • All Sizes Corporation in this building Fhould be considered before making any oo expenditure for another building. CONTINUED PROGRESS SHOWN IN and Styles Directed that the Committee con­ sidering the provision of a King's FORTY-EIGHT ANNUAL REPORT Warehouse be informed accordingly. 4. In consequence of solicitations OF MANUFACTURERS LIFE ^^^H To see this 2/» to 6/* from the Furness Bermuda Line, the Mayor was authorised to sign The Forly-Eight Annual Report a circular letter inviting the RCA of the Manufacturers Life Insur­ ^^^^m Women's prize winning dealers to visit Ber­ ance Company for the year ending muda during the coming summer. December 31st, 1934, submitted 5. Letter read from Mr. Eric "to Policyholders and Shareholders ASTWOOD'S Johnson, asking to be allowed to at the Annual Meeting, shows a Knitted-Wool Suit exhibit his boat in Hamilton. year of continued progress. Agreed that he be allotted the east­ New Insurance amounting to ern end of No. 6 Shed for this pur­ £12,614,046, was written during is to like it pose. the year, bringing the total In­ -Ilist c^iififjare 6. Letter read from Capt. N. E. surance in Force to £104,399,709. Holmes, accepting the position of Payments to Policyholders and It's made in England and is exclusive Harbour Master from the 1st April Beneficiaries totalled £3,322,724. Of to us—the model, a short jacket but­ next. such payments £2,508,031, were improved 7. Letter read from the Hamilton paid to living policyholders, in­ tons up to a convertible collar—the Bermuda Hotel Co. asking permis­ cluding £518,608 in dividend", and double pocket is a feature—In white bis sion to paint the name of "The £814,693 to beneficiaries in death Hamilton" on the two columns claims. and most attractive colours in pure of the verandah in front of the Assets amounted to £25,648,362., botany yarn—Useful in Bermuda and Lobby of the Hotel. Agreed to. an increase of £1,101,798 during out of it— 8. Letter read from The Bermuda the year. The assets include Gov­ Transportation Co. asking permis­ ernment, Government Guaranteed sion to construct a small slipway Municipal, Public Utility and other 85/- at Pitts Bay. Agreed to. bonds amounting to £12,166,949. 9. Letter read from the Secre­ First Mortgages on Improved Real tary, Abercorn Lodge, asking if Estate amounting to £5,958,734., the Corporation will fell to the and investments of £606,986, in Lodge the Lot on King Street, next Preferred and Common Stocks. South of the old Police Barracks All securities have been valued and, if so, at what price and on within the requirements of the TRIMINGHAM BROTHERS what conditions. Secretary dir­ Dominion Department of Insur­ ance. ected to ascertain from the Lodge Founded 1844 YOU get a lot of new features the styla and size of building pro­ Policy and Annuity Reserves were in Kellogg's WHOLE WHEAT posed to be ereoted on the Lot. increased to £21,784,768, the same Biscnit. They're packed with Property Committee instructed standard of valuation baing used as in former years. Special Reserves tempting flavor. Convenient to report on the price of the Lot. 10. The Secretary reportad that and Surplus funds, exclusive of new size to fit the cereal bowl, there had been an encroachment capital stock, increased to £1,815,- 15 biscuits to the package. on the twenty foot right of way 061, of which amount £991,973 Toasted on both sides — around the moat at Fort Hamilton, represents reserve for dividends to by the building of three flights of policyholders, the same scale of — extra crisp. And certified dividends to be continued in 1935. for food value. You get 10 im­ steps extending into the right of way. Directed that a written ad­ I Remember portant mineral salts and five mission of this encroachment be BERMUDA vitamins. At yonr grocer's. obtained with the right of the Cor­ poration to terminate the encroach­ Our first Foreign Agency was THE DOG SHOW ment at any time. established over 40 years ago and 11. The Mayor made a verbal Bermuda has the destinction of 15 12% report of a joint meeting between being that agency. March. 13th BISCUITS OUNCE! Committees of the T.D.B., the Cor­ Bermuda business in force is Ask us about poration of St. Georges, the Hotel approximately two and one half Men's Association and Corpora­ millions (8,500,000.00—) and the tion of Hamilton, appointed to benefits aoouring to polioy holders consider the question of Cruise during the next few years will "SPRATT'S FOODS" Ships, at whioh it had been agreed assist materially in improving local To Make your Dog Fit and Fine • that it was not desirable to take economic conditions. BE PROUD precipitate action at the present The record of Mr. M. A. Gibbons See "SPRATT'S CUP time. At the suggestion of the is somewhat unique, he has not of your washing—use Mayor, it was agreed that tha Cor­ only consistently qualified for Club For the Best Dog in the Show" poration invite the Corporation of membership, but leads the CON­ In our window SUNLIGHT SOAP St. Georges and the Board of Works SERVATION HONOUR ROLL for WILLIAM MURPHIE — Dial 1175 each to appoint a Committee of the past year.

•• -• -r-vr—— mmm



news of myself conveyed to you by that the conferences in Prague will seen her husband. She determined there would be no objection. When the telegraph. I had news of you at last begin in 2 or three days' to travel day and night. But no the play was to have taken place yesterday, which reached me in time. I reckon sending the due de sooner had she reached Chalons within doors, the guests should be 42 hours. Kiss my son and never Vicence and the Comte de Nar- when she realized how necessary admitted just the same to the tffw Jjmt JJMUZ6 of doubt all my sentiments. Tout a bonne. Meanwhile my armies in was sleep. Drums and tambour­ apartments intended for the pur­ toi. Italy and Bavaria are being organ­ ines, with their appelling din, pose and there the following an­ Nap. ized, and if we are to fight your kept her awake till one o'clock in nouncement should be made to Magdebourg, July 12th (1813) father would be very unwise to let the morning, she tells us in her them: "Their Majesties will not himself be drawn into it. He would Diary. attend the performance; there will Ma bonne amie, I have received make his countries the theatre be none, but everyone is to remain io Marw Xoiu&t- your letter of the 8th. I am leaving of war. Write to your father Ma bonne amie, I wrote to you as long as he pleases in the apart­ presently, so as to be at Dresden on to that effect. My health is very yesterday, I hope my letter will ments," and so there is no evil the 14th. I shall see some troops at good. Adio mio bene. Tout a toi. have given you pleasure. My health effect. When the performance is to With, commentary by CHARLES DE LA RONCIERE, Chief Leipsik on my way. The heat is is very good. The weather is very take place in the playhouse, it very great, which makes travelling Nap. Custodian of the Bibliotheque Nationale of France Dresd Juen, ly 16th (1813) hot. Pray keep me informed as to should be proceeded with, whether rather painful. My health, how­ your journey and believe in the either of us is present or not. Ex­ ever, is very good. Give a kiss to the During the conferences at Prague, happiness it give me to think I plain this to Cafarelly and the Written Between the Years 1810 to 1814 and Held Secret in little King and never doubt the shall be seeing you soon. Adio, mio Grand Chamberlain and the Duch­ sentiments I (bear you) Napoleon summoned the Empress Austrian Castle for 121 Years to Mayence, no doubt with a view bene. ess. Adio, mio bene. Tout a toi. Nap. to consulting with her as to a final Nap. (Copyright, 1935, in France by Bibliotheque Nationale; in all other countries byMagdebourg , July 13th (1813) appeal to "Papa Francois." Nap. United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Reproduction either in whole or in part prohibited. A kiss to my son. All rights reserved.) Briefly, the Emperor reviewed the Dresden, July 17th (1813) 5th, 6th and 6th-B Divisions at Mon amie, I want to see you. Wittenberg; the Philippon Division You wiU set out on the 22nd, spend The following letter is one of the Dresden, July 18th (1813) at Dessang; the three Divisions un­ the night at Chalons; be at Metz most charming ever written by CHAPTER XXII der Vandamme at Magdeburg; the on the 23rd, and on the 24th at Napoleon. Can it have derived its Ma bonne Louise, Tomorrow I Due de Padoue's three Divisions at Mayence, where I shall join you. inspiration from the plays he had shall go on a 100 miles round in "Austria Will Pay For It All" Leipzig; the Saxon troops at Dres­ You will travel with 4 coaches in attended that day at the Dresden Lusatia, I shall be back on the 22nd, den. Well may he rest him of his the 1st train, 4 coaches in the se­ playhouse: Les Epreuves nouvells and shall leave on the 23rd for "trip." cond, 4 in the 3rd. You will take and Les Secrets du Menage? Mayence, which I shall reach in with you the Duchess, 2 ladies-in- 40 hours' time. My health is very N hearing of the reverses to his brother Joseph, on July 6th, Napoleon Ma bonne Louise, I got back this waiting, a prefect of the Palace, 2 good and I am looking forward with morning from my rounds. The Ma bonne amie, I have received issued a decree placing the armies of Spain and Portugal under the Chamberlains, 2 pages, a physician your letter of the 13th. I am glad great pleasure to seeing you again. O sole command of Marshal Soult, Due de Dalmatie, with Reille, weather is still very sultry. I was and 2 red ladies, 2 black ladies and Adio, mio bene. very satisfied with the Equerry to hear the ceremony at Notre Clausel, d'Erlon and Guzan as seconds. Joseph, King of Spain, made over your dinner service. Have a coach Dame went off well. You must Nap. the high command to Soult on July 13th. Lambertini (?) you can take him, to yourself. See to all this. The he is a very good servant. Adieu not be put out by what I write to And, knowing full well that Joseph would again take up his residence Comte Cafarelli will be in command you, because it is to train you, Dresden, July 19th (1813) in his beautiful estate of Mortfontaine, he dictated a line of conduct to mio bene. Tout a toi. of the escorts and lead the way. in­ Nap. and in view of the future, for you Marie Louise. form the Archchancellor of all this. know I am very pleased with you Mon amie, I was to have left this Dresden, July 15th (1813) Adieu, mon amie. There will be and that even were you to do some­ morning at six, but affairs prevent­ time for you to hear from me again thing that was not to my liking, ed me from doing so. I am leaving Ma bonne Louise, I have received at Dresden. Give a kiss to my son To the Prague Conferences, before you leave. Tout a toi. your letter of July 2nd. I was anx­ and never doubt tjg.JSf whence peace or war were to emerge I should think it quite natural; at mid-day for Lusatia. My health ious about your health, so I am glad Nap. he deputed his Grand Equerry, you can never do anything that is good. It is raining hard. I pre­ to hear you are well again. I am Caulaincourt, and his Ambassador Nap. would make me angry, you are too sume you will receive this letter sending the Due de Dalmatie to Wittenberg, July 11th (1813) at Vienna, Count Louis de Nar- good and too perfect for that. But at Chalons. It will give me a great Spain; the King Knows nothing bonne-Lara, a diplomat of the old Dresden, July 16th (1813) I shall continue when I see some­ happiness to send it off and to have about it and not only is he no sol­ Ma bonne amie, I have received school, with fine manners and^a thing that I do not agree with, to j you with me for a few days. Adieu, mon amie, a loving kiss. dier, but he manages badly. If he your letter of July 7th, I was sorry pleasantly ironical address, but Your "red" ladies, your "black" tell you so, without your feeling comes to Marfontaine, it must be to hear you were fretting and that flighty, "the type of the brilliant ladies were neither Indian women, aggrieved thereby, I have given Nap. incognito and you must ignore what I wrote to you about the butterflies of the panniers age in nor Negresses. The colour of their orders that when a mass has been Dresden, July 20th (1813) ordered, or a play, it is not to be him; I will not have him interfere Duchess had grieved you. I have the reign of Louis XV," as Napoleon dresses was responsible for these come here to see my troops and the designations. countermanded. They can both It was at Luckau, Luben and with the government, or intrigues called him. be performed without either of set up in Paris. Inform the Arch- town, which is one of the strongest On receiving this letter, Marie Gaben that Napoleon was about to places in the world. I am very Ma bonne Louise, I have received Louise was overjoyed, for it was us being present, if we do not wish chancellor that you agree that he to attend them, but in that case shall tell you how to act. My health stisfied with them. I have had your letter of July 11th. I believe three months since she had last is very good. Peace would be made Ma bonne amie, I was to have set if Austria were not trying to fish out this afternoon, but I shall only in troubled waters. The Emperor ^^^^i'W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^: be doing so in the night of the is deceived by Metternich, who has 24th. I have some affairs that will been bribed by the Russians; he is keep me here for another 24 hours. You may imagine how annoyed I a man, moreover, who believes that am, for I presume you will be at polities consist in telling lies. I Mayence on the 24th. Adieu, ma think the Congress will meet in douce amie. Tout a toi. 2 days' time. We shall see wiu.* is done there. If they attempt to Nap. impose shameful terms upon me, i will make war upon them. Aus­ By the letter delivered to her by tria will pay for it all. I should be General Fouler, Marie Louise heard sorry for this on account of the that Napoleon would be at ilayence on the 27th. She got there before griei it would give you, but one can­ him* and from the house at which not put up with injustice. The she had put up the previous year, English have ianded your grand­ sho gazed once more at the beauti­ mother at Constantinople, whence ful Rhine scenery, in the direction she will proceed to Buda. Adio, mio of the pontoon bridge- the Wies­ bene. 1 out a toi. baden and jVJalibocus hills, crowned Nap. by a Roman Tower. The Prefect "Jambon" (Jep.n Bon.) Si irt-Andre Dresden, July 7th (1813). came to pay bis respects to her. The Emperor w;is inspecting the Ma bonne amie, Thank you for fortifications et Cassel. She your beautiful engravings. I„,have joined him there ?v both made a present oi them and tisey proceeded along the Rhine together, have given much pleasure. My like plain commoners, as far as health is very good: I am going to Mayence, where the Emperor re­ Vittenberg tomorrow, 30 leagues quested of her. on the L'Hth. after from here, to view some troops and dinner, the favour of a drive. fortifications. I beg to keep well and never doubt your Ma benne Louise, I was very sad Nap. all night l?ng; I had already grown accustomed to being wi.h you, it Dr esden), July 9th (1813) is so sweet! And I felt very lonely. Let us hope (?) that before a month I have received your letter of July has passed we shall be tcgether for 6th, ma bonne amie, and I am an­ a long time. I arrived at the Prince swering it from Wittenberg. I Primat's at half past eleven. I ex­ spent all day visiting the fortifica­ pect to be at Vurzbiurg) early to­ tions and viewing the 5th and 6th morrow. Adieu ma bonne amie, Divisions; it was rather tiring on Five years before, Spain had crumbled before the'night of the Napoleonic armies. The capitulation of Madrid, on December love me and take great care of your account of the great heat. Other­ 4, 1808, has been pictured dramatically by A. J. Gros, in the painting reproduced above. But time and the knowledge that self. Your faithful husband. Bonaparte was beset en the northern frontiers by the Russians and the Prussians, and that Austria's alliance was now no wise my health is very good. I am Nap. going to spend the night at Desseau, longer more than a form, had, by 1813, made the Spanish restive under French rule. So difficult was the situation south of the Purenees that Napoleon ordered his brother Joseph, whom he had enthroned as King of Spain, to yield authority over the where I have 10,000 (men) to view. Vursburg, August 1st (1813) Tomorrow, I shall proceed to Mag- Marshal Soult, the Duke of Dalmatia, debturg;, and on the 14th I shall be (Monday: "The Allies Attack.")

./ THE ASTWOOD-DICKINSON CO. Wife offers— The "PURO" Pen EttgHjslj ^norta ^l?qti ENGLISH SHEFFIELD TRAYS British Manufacture MADE BY CONWAY STEWART m LONDON feature MEN'S SHIRTS W8ffimmmmm»mfflM$£B& For Fine, smooth, easy CANDELABRA, SALTS and PEPPERS and ODD writing try this Pen with "Prince of Wales" Collar PIECES 12/6 LEADING FRENCH and BERMUDA PERFUMES MADE TO STAND HARD BUTTERFLY WING PICTURES, TRAYS, NOVELTIES USAGE I I In fine striped English Broadcloth, for town or FAMOUS ZEISS BINOCULARS country wear. THE BEST, MODERATE PRICED "All far Below prices fri U S. A.' 5082f« PEN SOLD

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Correspondence MAIL NOTICES Mails per S.s. "Lady Drake" THE UNEMPLOYMENT SITUATION for the Maritime Provinces, and I THE CASTLE HARBOUR Newfoundland, will close at the General Post Office today at 10.30 March 8, 1935. a.m. To the Editor, Presents The Royal Gazette and Colonist Registered Mail and Parcel Post Dally. at 10.00 a.m. SIGMUND SCHATZ and his ORCHESTRA Dear Sir, * * in SUNDAY afternoon programmes of Symphonic The great problem of unemploy­ Mails per Q.t.e.v. "Queen of music between the hours of four and six in the Lounge. ment together with its shocking Bermuda" for Great Britain, the state of depressed families is upon Dominion of Canada, and the Features of the concerts are vocal solos by H. Lennon us. With the march of time, the United States of America, will and solo numbers by A. Babos on that unique instru' responsibilities of our legislators close at the General Post Office ment, the Czimbalom. become greater and no longer can today at 12.00 Noon. they close their eyes to the fact Supplementary Mail: (Double Postage) From 12.00 Noon to 1.00 Afternoon tea is served during the hours of music. that the population is seriously increasing with no outlet in view, p.m. Registered Mail at 11.30 a.m. To enable music lovers on the island to take advantage and the natives are thus meeting in questionable places in some cases Parcel Post for Great Britain, of these rare musical treats, the Castle Harbour has and the United States at 11.30 '^f re-arranged its SUNDAY FREE bus service. in a depressed and demoralising atmosphere. a.m. 18 hole$ 6200 yards There are thousands of people * * * /^ 1C The Sunday train leaving Hamilton at 3.10 reaches Mails per S.s. Lady Somers for Aquarium station at 3.40 and is met by the FREE bus in these islands who do not belong \ ~Wi\ I 10 minutes from Hamilton here and who are taking away from Bahamas, Jamaica, and British which arrives at the hotel at 4.05 p.m. the native citizen many jobs and Honduras will close at the General X^VyJLJL by Ferry much of the money which could go Post Office on Monday, the 11th, at FULLY EQUIPPED GOLF SHOP Visitors will have sufficient time to enjoy a leisurely toward feeding and clothing our 9.30 a.m. afternoon tea, remain for an hour and a half of music own. If the countries from which Registered Mail and Parcel Post and and depart on the 5.29 p.m. bus for the 6.08 train these people came cannot take care at 9.00 a.m. CLUB HOUSE arriving in Hamilton at 6.31 p.m. of them, why should they be * * * allowed to stay here and foment Mails per S.s. Lady Rodney for GOLFER'S GRILL trouble among our own. These the United States of America (via 3><=><><><^<>c^>cr><><^>c><>c^>c^><^>e^><3<><^>«^>

5065'' * CHESLEY E. WHITE THB mac oszraa ass mwmm nmrt SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 Page li

supervised by Mr. F. Wadson. As THE WHITNEY INSTITUTE soon as the compressor-drills have done their work, the cricket-field, BUILDERS The New Games' Held new netball plot, hockey and foot- baU pitches should be well on the HARDWARE On Thursday night Mr. Hayes way to completion. In 1936 it is Hamilton, whose beautiful coloured hoped to tackle the problem of a movies of Bermuda have won the second netball pitch, a junior highest encomiums from all who football field, and school tennis have had the good fortune to see courts. SEWING them, showed his pictures at the The Smith's Parish Branch of the Whitney Institute to a packed hall Arbour Society (Chairman, Dr. of parents, friends and children. T. W. Mercer and Hon. Sec. Mrs. The frequent applause which greet­ H. St. G. Tucker) have Inter­ WEEK* ed some of the more beautiful ested themselves in continuing the flowers, fish and sunsets showed splendid work of beautifying these how enthusiastically appreciative ground, begun by the late Mr. J. those present were. Scott Pearman, towards the field As Mr. J. J. Outerbridge said in Miss Kate Pearman has been a proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. very generous donor, £500 must be COMMENCES Hayes Hamilton for coming down raised this year towards this excel­ to the School to show his pictures, lent project to provide the Whitney TODAY "Words fail one to describe ade- Institute with the largest, most quantely either the beauty of the efficient and most baautiful play­ pictures or the delight of the audi­ ing-fields tu Bermuda. Subscrip­ ence." tions are urgently needed: trustees, The "movie" was preceded by a parents and pupils are doing all vocal and instrumental concert they can with a strong determina­ A week to be set aside for Sewing •. • for If you are erecting a given by Charles Ward's Orchestra, tion not to fall short of the very catching up those back stitches.*.for assisted by the Misses Madeline best: more donations are needed new building or reno­ Smellie and Ruth Masters, and from former pupils. To attend as making that new dress.... vating an old one we Mr. Ross Doe. This part of the pro­ many of the entertainments during can supply you with the gramme was arranged by Mr. A. E. the coming months as possible To help the good work we are arranging a Redmand; the arrangements for (especially the Fete in June); to Hardware that you showing Mr. Hayes Hamilton's take cards or collecting boxes, and SEWING WEEK require. pictures were made by Mrs. E. to assist the Headmaster in his Schorb. drive to construct a mile of pennies, A Week of Special Displays .... Sandwiched between the two pro­ should be the first intention of all grammes was a humorous sketch, nteriested. The Headmaster wul Frith's Hardware Store written and produced by Mr. J. be only too plased to show visitors Specially Reduced Prices on Materials and Sew­ Murray Rosewarne. This presenta­ around the new grounds and to ing Requisites... S064«!«j>. tion—a kind of Wackford Squeers show them bis pictorial history of School of today (with variations!!) the whole scheme. was received by continual bursts The services of an experienced Dressmaker to help of loud laughter, especially from -00- With your sewing problems and the use of the younger members of the com­ i>CXIOl)CI<)OOOI>OOCKIO()09pOO(I pany. The members of this Shelly HAMILTON SAILORS' HOME Pictorial Patterns... Bay Junior Dramatic Club showed considerable talent and good train­ This in a few short stitches, so to speak, is THE BOOK STORE I ing in their portrayal of the lighter Superintendent Honoured by side of school life, Haskins-Davis, Parent Society Millard Davis, Jay Outerbridge, Warren Outerbridge, Jackie Outer- : NORTH-WEST BY bridge and Elliott Cooper being The work of Mr. L. N. Tucker, Superintendent of the Hamilton SEWING j WEEK NORTH by Dora Birtles, particularly conspicuous. The (12 6).A woman's journal Headmaster, in congratulating the Sailors' Home, has long been appre­ of a remarkable voyage members of Mr. Ward's group of ciated locally, but it is gratifying made in a thirty-four-foot players and singers, thanked Mr» to learn that the British Sailors' Commences Today cutter from Sydney to Sin­ Redman for the interest he had Society, London, in recognition of gapore. A travel record of taken in procuring Mr. Ward and his splendid services here, have Continues All Next Week insight, imagination and providing such an enjoyable con­ invited him to take & three months' considerable histori­ cert. course of special training in the organisation of such societies. cal knowledge besides being The Auditorium had been taste­ Whilst in England he will also the log of a scrange psycho­ fully decorated by the Senior Girls, attend the Annual General Meeting logical situation. under the direction of Mr3. J. M. of the Society held at the Guildhall THE : : : : THE POACHER by Rosewarne, with maiden-hair fern, under the auspices of the Lord §rW H. E. Bates, (7/6). The sweet-peas, palms, passion-flowers Mayor of London, when repre­ story of a poacher who runs and Easter lilies. The Hall, down­ sentatives from all countries will wild and is hunted by the stairs, where refreshments Were gather to exchange experiences. police in his youth, mar­ served after the singing of the STREET ries a respectable woman National Anthem, was tastefully Mr. Tucker sails from Bermuda and becomes a farmer in decorated with linaria, calandulas by the Orduna on April 3rd, and we middle-age, and is caught and nasturtiums. Mrs. E. Schorb, wish him every success on his by the police and outcast who was in charge of this part of well-earned vacation. by respectability as an old the entertainment, was ably assist­ During his absence Mr. Fred g man. ed by Mesdames Campbell-Wilkin­ Taylor will act as Superintendent : THE WIND OF son, Cyril Smith, Arthur Outer- of the Sailors' Home. MORNING by Thomas bridge, Alan Zuill, Fred Smith, We Stock and Recommend Camborne, (7/6). This is J. J. Outerbridge, Jack Tucker, 00 a love story, its selting a Will Harnett, and Howard Mitchell. romantic island off the All the arrangements for pub­ coast of Franc 3. The au­ licity and seating were in the very Popular thor has succeeded in writ­ capable and willing hands of Mr. ing an enthralling and G. J. Butland, who proved as ever SPRATT'SI lovely story, which is at an indefatigable worker. Among once romancic and con­ those present were Mr. and Mrs. vincing. O. H. Clay, Dr. and Mrs. T, W. : THE GOLDEN Mercer, Mrs. K. Sheldon, Mrs. APPLIANCES! • GRINDSTONE by Angur B. O. O. Outerbridge, Mr. and Mrs. and Graham, (12/6). A thrill­ H. J. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. ing and authentic story of Zuill, Mr. Alex Outerbridge, Mr. George Mitchell who fell a Arthur Smith, Mr. M. R. Smith, victim to the gold rush Mr. and Mrs. J. Lambert, Mr. and REQUISITES ^^B fever of '96. He emerges Mrs. J. B. Outerbridge, Miss Bertha as a real "character," with Outerbridge, Miss E. Trott, Miss a grim sense of humour E. Allen. For Dogs and a knack of coming out The Games' Field Fund benefited on the right side of awk­ by just over £12: it is hoped to raise ward situations. at least £15 on the Concert on : THE GAME OF March 85th (advertised in our See Our CHESS by Dr. S. Tarrasch, columns today), when a most en­ (15/-). This book was first joyable programme wiU be pre­ published about three years sented by the pupils of the School. SHOW WINDOW ago in Germany, where it The Ave, six and seven year-olds will has already achieved an perform a charming play in 12 immense success, and in short scenes, "Snowdrop and the the opinion of the tranr- Seven Dwarfs," under the direc­ 1 Call or Dial 1192 I lator it is the fineft work tion of Mrs. J. M. Rosewarne. T. evar written on the game. Haskins-Davis will give a short Shakespearian recital of some of the chief speeches of Caliban, Prospero, Shy look, Mark Anthony, MASTERS HARDWARE CO. Henry V and Gaunt. This boy has Front St. THEBOOKSTORE unusual ability in this direction. 5037«jfl!th.i. 5 In addition to songs by the Senior Girls and a sketch from the Senior Boys, there will be a short exhibi­ tion of Swedish Drill and gymnas­ tics by the "Eight Aces." We are asked to add that on Monday at 8.45 p.m. there will be SLUGGISH! played the last house-match on the old field, the final hookey COMPETENT HELP "I ached all over" inter-house game between Mc­ Laughlin House and Zuill. The This jacket frock is one of a Insetting a small advertise* two houses are very equally match­ Vfoup of springlike dresses seen ed : the last game resulted in a draw, in various stores at a reasonable ment in our Classified so the replay should be exciting. .price range. Materials include scarf prints, printed taffetas, Advertising columns is a This will be followed at 3.46 p.m. wools and crepes. by a Netball Match between the swift, sure way for an em­ Whitney First Seven and the Ber­ ployer to get in touch muda High School. In 1933 and either by mail or in person in 1934 the Whitney Team won the championship of the Island, an with the kind of workers honour previously enjoyed by the he needs. B.H.S. This year the Institute ONSTIPATION — sending poi­ C sons through your system... mak­ team is much weaker, but a good The cost is trifling, the ing you groggy, tired. Vet relief is so struggle is anticipated. results satisfactory, and easy. Fleischmann's Yeast, a pimple On Monday night there is a meet­ food, will do more to banish consti­ die time saving worth pation thap all the ing in the Whitney Institute Audi­ harsh cathartics you RICH IN torium of all friends, parents, tras while. can buy. VITAMINS tees and any interested in the Grand Eat 3 cakes of A-B-D-G Bazaar and Fete to be held il> June Fleischmann's Yeast daily. It stones'.: to raise £200 toward the new field, Simmons Beds — Springs — Tik. Royal Gazette your system, too. . which it is hoped will be officially CHALLENGES WAR TAX PLAN—At right is Eugene G. Grace. I opened that day. The prepara­ President of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, as he appeared' Write far booklet Mattresses — Furniture & Colonist Daily as a witness before the Senate Munitions Committee in Wash- i tion of the new games' field, which Convenient Terms ington and challenged the 100% war tax plan. Be is talking f, S. PURVIS & CO. Vti. Dept 10356 has been going on for some six or wiU) Senator Gerald P. Wt sad, left. Senator Warren Barbour,' Hamilton, Ber#u

man who seemed to breathe the KING GEORGE V. healthy tang of sea-salt, always I unspeakably grateful to a Sailor Continued from Page 1 King. But for work, often as multiform as incessant, the King's days after BANANA with doctors and nursing sisters in his illness might have been thought Summary of attendance, and those who caught to savour of monotony. It has been a glimpse of the patient as he passed computed that through a period of TRIFLE through the London streets and thirty years the evenings J upon 1934 Report Bfl country roads, realised that the which King Edward and Queen King had indeed looked down into If you like bananas—and Alexandra—than whom no more the great abyss. Bognor entirely devoted couple ever reigned—would NE\^ INSURANCE £ 12,614,046 who doesn't—try this de­ justified its reputation for sunshine licious dish and you will dine tete-a-tete might be reckoned and»"salutary sea breezes, and by on the fingers of two hands; for INSURANCE IN FORGE - - - - 104,399,703 be delighted: mid-March airings in a bath-chair King George and Queen Mary it were prescribed, and indicated that would be a rare exception in London Place sliced bananas into the King was really "getting on." to do otherwise. The, always in­ ASSETS 25,648,362 a dish, sprinkle with a But before Easter came a personal frequent, dinners at the greater little sugar and pour over sorrow in the death of a sister-in- London Houses were for awhile a little sherry. Now spread law who enjoyed perhaps a larger suspended altogether, the occasion PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS - 3,322,724 over a little apricot jam measure of the affections of the of Lord Lonsdale's golden wedding and pile on top some King and Queen than anyone out­ being a marked exception; there SPECIAL RESERVES AND SURPLUS 1,815,061 Nestle's Cream (whipped, side the immediate circle of their was always something perfunctory sweetened and flavoured). own children. Purely English in about the visits to Ascot and Decorate with crystalized upbringing and outlook, the Newmarket, and the Cowes Week apricots. Marchioness of Cambridge com­ alone was looked forward to with The Company's Record, 1887-1934 mended herself alike by her entire eagerness. Visits to the theatre Write to J. S. Vallis, Ham­ simplicity, her selflessness and her became rarer, the King in fact ilton, for complete Recipe acute sense of fun; with perfect haying little appetite for this form Death Benefits Paid £10320,731 Book. It is FREE. tact she never spoke of her august of amusements. Light—very light— brother-in-law except as "the opera he fitfully enjoyed; he saw King," but she touched the King's "Rose-Marie" f thrae times but Payments to Living Policyholders life at points wholly inaccessible thought "White Horse Inn" unduly for Maturities, etc. 16,446374 to any of his cousins. She shared long. Modern dramatists, with the [NESTLE'S with him an intense love of animals, possible exception of Mr. Noel and alone was indulged with a per­ Coward, have made little appeal Dividends to Policyholders - 5,912,663 CREAM mission to bring her dogs with her to him, and he has frankly said to Sandringham; she cared, as he that he would rather abdicate than did, for ah the things belonging to witness again a performance of THE Obtainable at the Best "Hamlet." With the death of Grocery Stores. outdoor life and seemed to bring into the somewhat restricted at­ Melba, whom he sincerely regretted and at whose funeral he was re­ mosphere of a Count a draught of presented, his favourite "La Bo- MANUFACTURERS LIFE fresh and invigorating air. When heme" was shorn of its chief at­ "Meg" Cambridge died, there traction; "Rosen Kavalier" was INSURANCE COMPANY passed out of sight a figure which greatly liked; a solitary and su­ HEAP OFFICE TORONTO, CANADA had no parallel in the Palaces. premely gallant effort was made to By mid-May medical sanction "sit through" a Wagner opera, with ESTABLISHED 1887 was given for a move to Windsor, an interval for dinner, while a re­ but the move was not wholly bene­ presentation of "Les Huguenots" M. A. GIBBONS ficial; the Thames valley can refute was admittedly so inadequate that any change of unhealthiness, as the Royal Box was vacant for the Somers Building Hamilton witness the conditions of Eton boys, last act. but it is not the climate one would choose for a convalescent to whom On the other hand in latter years the salt of the seas was as incense more and more time has been de­ to the nostrils. There was for a voted to reading. Memoirs have time little recrudescence of been eagerly perused, and if Mr. BRANCH OFFICES IN OgmSirWUNtT BRITAIN. INDIA, strength, and one unfortunate, and Gladstone could have witnessed AFRICA. ASIA. IJACMM^'PHILIP$ ST INDIES. not altogether unpreventible, re­ King George, through a long win­ CENTRftgsftfJD Don't let it go until it lapse, which did not, however, for­ ter's evening, he might well have develops into something bid the return to London planned reversed his dictum about King much more serious. for the 22nd June. For this jubil­ Edward and have said that the There is no better ant occasion the King and Queen present Monarch, if a little aloof remedy for the relief of left Windsor in motor cars and from mundane happenings, knows, Coughs, Colds and all changed at the Albert Hall into besides his official business which Bronchial Afflictions .semi-State carriates whence, es­ he had at his fingers' ends, a good than Robert's Syrup. It corted by Life Guards, they drove deal of what is written in books. breaks up the cold, to Buskingham Palace; the route The first public ceremony in soothes the throat and chosen was circuitous and was which the King bore part after his quickly restores normal thronged throughout by men, wo­ illness was the opening of the For a miflion years I conditions. Most pleas­ men and children of all sorts and Naval Conference; here was an ant to take. $ classes, eager to testify their sin­ event which he appreciated—no one cere gladness that the King was better—to be of grave importance, Manufactured by once more up and about. The I have carried Death JiOBTHROP & LYMAW CO., and he nursed himself carefully for * LIMITED reception was rapturous, and the his appearance in the Royal Gallery Toronto, Cuius King was reminded too late that he on the 21st of January 1930. The *3 ** would have been spared the fatigue speech to the delegates, if a little and Destruction!" of lifting his hat continually had stilted in text, was delivered in the bright idea occurred to anyone tones which betokened a knowledge that he should wear the naval uni­ of the complexities of the subject, form so dear to him. Quiet and rest and the final, and evidently spon­ were still enjoined and observed taneous, words of simple advice as far as possible for a Sovereign who as to the necessity of giving as well took his high office very seriously; as taking, were not without effect wmm at the very first moment permitted OF THE EXTRACT OF] on the assembled patriots who had a COO LIVER AND TAR I by the physicians the Sovereign each his own, or his country's axe resumed the functions which dur­ to giind. ing his illness had been delegated To open the India Round Table "Of all the household pests that fly or to a Council of State, and al­ and cleanliness, I DESTROY. . . therf Conference on the 12th of Novem­ though he did not open the new crawl I am the most deadly and destruc­ is nothing too foul for me to live in, ber, the King travelled from Sand­ IBMB Labour Parliament in person, he tive...bugs, fleas, roaches and mosquitoes ringham, and on his way from and nothing too pure for me to befoul... was able, but only just able, on Buckingham Palace to the House are just a bunch of amateurs compared July 7th to be present at the I infect your utensils with filth and your of Lords, encountered one of the Thanksgiving Service which was with me... most of them specialize in more ugly forms of fog, which how­ food with disease... I carry affliction to held in the Abbey Church of West­ ever so little affected his voice that some peculiar form of dirt, but person­ the aged and brush with the wings of minster and broadcast to every listeners in, at home and abroad, ally I am not particular.. .any old filth corner of the world. death the lips of the young... but the one pronounced his delivery to be clear­ looks good to me... wherever it accu­ The renewal of work was for a er than any of those of the trained thing I fear is BLACK FLAG LIQUID while an obvious if willing effort, speakers who followed him. mulates, I BREED.. .wherever people . . . that sweet-smelling stuff certainly but a new, or revived, interest was fye-?f &€44f &o / live, I COME...wherever there is health brings death and destruction to me." to be of the happiest. A little To be continued. Admired by men wherever she went for grand-daughter had found her way her natural beautiful lips. No painted to his affections as a toddling baby; (World Copyright Reserved by look! Of course not—with Tangee. It isn't now a fair-haired child was to be­ London General Press.) paint.' Tangee changes color on four lips come more and more an object of MEET THE MENACE WITH to i soft shade of rose, perfect for your daily interest; her food, her frocks, natural complexion. Its cream base keeps her games, her companions, were lips soft, smooth. all matters of moment. The httle LIQUID Also Tangee Theatrical, a deeper shade. Princess Elizabeth was not always Tangee Face Powder contains the magic good, but she would always "own RIDLEY COLLEGE KILLS INSECTS THAT FLY coior-change principle. up" and be sorry when naughty, For Boys UNTOUCHED—tips left un­ and to a man who was a mirror of H. O. GRIFFITH, M.A., LL.D.. fLAG I touched ate apt to have a faded truth, this was an outstanding Head Master TO USE THE look, make the face seem older. merit. She would apologise also Courses leading to pass and honour LIQUID RIGHT PAINTED—Don't risk that for any mistakes, and a hiccough matriculation to Universities —Close the windows. painted look. It's coarsening in the middle of the Lord's Prayer R.M.-C., and Business. Special Spray upward and POWDER and men don't like iu elicited a "Beg pardon, God." course in Economics and Vocational around the room. TANGEE — Intensifies natural KILLS INSECTS THAT CRAWL color, restores youthful appeal, The delight in childish life, ex­ Guidance. Very high average stand­ and ends that painted look. tended, if in lesser degree, to his ing. Small classes under personal 7 tM&Muf Famous Lipstick other grandchildren was the more supervision. Upper and Lower FULL STRENGTH • • UNDILUTED ^tOS^S;«SS BECAUSE YOU-USfe LESS opportune as death had just now Schools, the latter for boys up to 14. taken away perhaps the only two Eighty acres of ideal grounds. Me­ morial Chapel, Swimming Pool, EHQg THAT WS&sUIHTgR IftOIC I men admitted to terms of intimacy outside the Household, Lord Revel- Covered Rink. Five splendid resid­ MEDICAL HALL, Reid Street stoke and Lord Durham. And a ences for pupils, including magnifi­ year later there was to come the cent new Upper School Dormitory loss of the chosen friend from boy­ Building. A high-class school for Visit hood in whom implicit and entire boys. For illustrated prospectus, confidence was lodged. Charles write to: "The Art Studio" Gust's frank and free and uncom­ The Bursar, Ridley College, ^\ promising utterances had been (Next to Princess Hotel) St. Catharines, Ont. often welcomed as a contrast to Canada Water colours the flattering phrases with which By MABEL RAINSFORD august Personages are so often re­ Weather Cards galed and nauseated; Cusfs opin­ Sketching Classes ion, frequently and variously in­ BETTY i voked, was given without fear or IF your dog is uncle Open Daily Telephone 1878 favour; his judgment may at times One of the most popular weight, feed him on ||^EN-L- RATION contains all the neces- to 31.3.35 have been at fault, but it was gen­ erally sound and always sincere, brands of KEN-L- RATION and see how rap­ II« sary elements for keeping dogs In and his death left a blank which idly he will improve. No dog will good condition—clean, lean meat, ce­ quite certainly in successive years reals, and cod liver oil—making the Condensed Milk thrive on scraps—he must be fed was never filled. Incomparably perfectly balanced food. LUX TOILET SOAP great, and greatly valued, as were regularly on a well-balanced diet. the services of Lord Stamfordham, is for sale NOW everywhere Sote Distributors NICHOLL & ASHTON Chosen by the film whose rest from long labour was feed KEN-l-RATSON te your dog regularly and note his improvement... Your dealer stocks it also at hand, it is within just sur­ for •tars you admire * mise that not even he was so clos9 CHAPPEL BROS-., 1TD. • • PENDLETON —MANCHESTER to the tVearfc of Ms jymRier as tho SIXPENCE m THE KDYAE GAZETTE KNE> COLONISE PAIL SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 Page 13

Cobb's Hill, Warwick. ''A.Man Is Proud of Clean, CHURCH SERVICES 3.00 p.m.—Rev. Francis J. Scoates. * * * Emmanuel Church, Evans' Bay. Bright' Teeth/ Too • •*• Sunday, March 10th. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday|School. 7.30 p.m.—Rev. Francis J. Scoates. CHURCH OF ENGLAND * * * CENTRAL CIRCUIT • The Cathedral. Shelly Bay. 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. 11.00 a.m.—Rev. W. Fraser Munro, Eve Ate an Apple 12. Noon—Choral Eucharist. M.A..B.D. . . . My Teeth Are 4.00 p.m.—First Evensong;. Tuesday. 7.30 p.m.—Second Evensong. 8.00 p.m. Prayer & Praise League. Kept That Way by * * * * » * St. John's Church, Pembroke. Marsden. Then commenced the Colgate's 2 Minute 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and 1.45 p.m.—Sunday School. 3.00 p.m.—Rev. W. Fraser Munro, Treatments . . . Sermon. history of "chores." Electricity 3.00 p.m.—Holy Baptism. M.A., B.D. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer and 7.30 p.m.—Service |of Song by the Sermon. Ladies. Wednesday. will banish them; for instance, 8.00 p.m.—Mid-week Service. St. Paul's, Paget. * * * cleaning up after cooking has 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Harris Bay. 10.30 a.m.—Morning Prayer (said) 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.—Sung Eucharist and 7.30 p.m.—Rev. W. Fraser Munro, become so simple. An Electric Sermon. M.A., B.D. OBACCO BREATH' ens them at the same time?} 7.30 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Rev. T. J. Humphrey, Minister. Tand dull, stained Colgate's delightful Savour, * * * * * * Stove, is far too ladylike to cover teeth worried me. I was told refreshes your mouth . . Y^ Christ Church, Devonshire. St. George's "Ebenezer" about Colgate's guaranteed leaves your breath pure.1 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. results, so I sta'rted doing, And besides, Colgate's stirn* Sermon. 11.00 a.m.—Rev. T. J. Humphrey, your pots and pans with dirty this: for' 2 minutes each ulates your gums, helps Preacher Rev. L. Gower Wil­ B.A. morning and night I brush liams, CF. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. keep them firm and healthy.' 4.00 p.m.—Children's Service. my teeth well with Colgate's Get started with Colgate's'; 7.30 p.m.—Rev. T. J. Humphrey, soot and needless to say, it does Dental Cream. It leaves my 7.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer and B.A. — buy a tube today.' Sermon. Thursday. breath pure".'?", makes my * * * 8.00 p.m.—Mid Week Service. teeth cleaner and brighter." not smell. St. Mary's Church, Warwick. * » * 'Yes ... Colgate's can give GUARANTEE! 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. St. David's Island. Use Colgate's Dental Cream morn* ' 9.30 a.m.—Sunday School. lyou the same wonderful re­ Ind and night for 30 days. If you 11.00 a.m.—Choral Selebration sults. ' Because the polish­ are not entirely satisfied, retuen and Sermon. 3.00 p.m.—Rev. T. J. Hymphrey, the unused portion of the tube to B.A. ing ingredient that dentists your dealer. He Is authorized to re­ 4.00 p.m.—Children's Service. use is contained in Colgate's. fund your money. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer and m * * Sermon. St. Paul's A.M.E. Church. It cleans and whitens your 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship and jteeth... polishes and bright­ The Rector will preach a Course of i Sermons on the Sunday morn­ Sermon. osi Cheap Ulscf liciiy ings during Lent taking for 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. |]Did you know that there are 7 kinds his general subject: Some 7.30 p.m.—Special Candle-Light of stains that discolour teeth—stains Great Sayings of Jesus. Service. Get more out of life •from meats, cereals, sweets, vege­ * * * Rev. J. Leo Pottinger D.D., Pastor. tables, fruits, beverages,and tobacco Holy Trinity, Bailey's Bay. * * * Ismoke. Colgate's removes all 7. 11.15 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Ser­ Bethel A.M.E. Church. mon and Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.—Worship Sermon.Theme w— H. E. The Governor will be "Christ, and His Members." present and read the Lessons. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. At 15% reduction of the * * * 7.30 p.m.—Devotion and Sermon. St. Mark's, Smith's Parish. * # * cooking and heating rate 4.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Allen Temple, Somerset. Sermon. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. force. 12.15 p.m.—Class Meeting. is now m Harrington Sound Chapel. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. NEVK5UPREME 7.30 p.m.—Service and Address. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. # * * * * * St. Peter's Church, St. George's. Vernon Temple A.M.E. Church, The Electric Light Company 7.30 a.m.-—Holy Eucharist. Southampton East. 11.00 a.m.—Matins. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship and 5.00 p.m.—Confirmation Class for Sermon. Men and Boys. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Evensong. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship and Sermon. St. David's Island. Rev. F. A. Lapsley, Pastor. 11.00 a.m.—Matins and Holy Eu­ * * * charist. Emmanuel Baptist Church. * * * Lily Hall, Church Street, Hamilton. Something New ^^^H Prospect Garrison Church. 9.30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 6.00 p.m.—Young People's Union. ^fl Smart Little Hats 10.30 a.m.—Parade Service. 7.30p.m.—EvenlngWorship.Theme "Decision." 7.00 p.m.—Evensong. of stitched taffeta, with band * * * Rev. G. E. Stewart, D.D., Pastor. St. Anne's, Southampton. * * * of taffeta at the crown— 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Seventh-day Adventist. |8 6 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. Saturday. 11.00 a.m.—Matins, with 9.30 a.m.—Sabbath School. BIH1P / ^^H Special Vocal Music. 11.00 a.m.Morning Worship. 4.00 p.m.—Evensong. 3.30 p.m.—Young People's Mis­ * * * sionary Society. DISTRIBUTOR FOR BERMUDA Sunday. H LOCKWARD SL CO. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES J. J. ARNOLD, HAMILTON 8.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Meeting at Reid Street Mechanics' Hall, Subject: 4836CCs23.th28.tu5.s9.thl4. NORTHERN PAPER MILLS, GREEN BAY, WIS., U.S. A. Christ Church, Warwick. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. "Heaven" Shall we know each 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship and other there? Sermon. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship and Sermon. CHURCH NOTES MORRIS A, GIBBONS * * * St. Andrew's, Hamilton. The quarterly pulpit exchange of 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. the Wesleyan Methodist ministers New Delivery of 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School and throughout Bermuda will be held Adult Bible Class. tomorrow. Their various appoint­ SIMMONS GUARANTEED MATTRESSES 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. ments for the day are: Now Reduced in Price Single Size 37/6 Rev. Victor E. Ford, Minister. Rev. J. U. Bell, Grace Church and Double " 50/- * * * Wesley (Hamilton); METHODIST CHURCHES Rev. T. J. Humphrey, St. George's and St. David's. Wesley Church, Hamilton. Rev. O. A. Munro, Wesley, Hamil­ ST. GEORGE'S STORE 10.40 a.m.—Morning Prayer Meet­ ton, Somerset and Ireland Island. ing. Rev. W. F. Munro, Shelly Bay, 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Marsden Memorial and Wes- Hotels—Steamships—Stores Supplies Rev. C. A. Munro, D.D., leyan|Centenary; All Orders Receive 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. Rev. F. J. Scoates, Ieland Island, Personal Attention 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Warwick, Emmanuel PortRoyal. Bermuda Representative^ Rev. J. U. Bell. Rev. W. Fraser Munro, Minister. i W. S. PURVI5 * * * THB NEW FRENCH REMKDV. Grace Church, North Shore. THERAPSON No.1 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. THERAPiONNo.2 11.00 a.m.—Rev. J. U. Bell. THERAPIONN0.3 "FRUIT-PRODUCE 7.30 p.m.—Song Service. •o.l Ovn DloahufMU Mo-1 OnrH HMC Poison. Mo. S Carol Chfonto VutUHH- , Friday. Bulisk Pflce 3>. Chemists, or olth.r No. r.turnM«H 280 Washington St. CR.LETtrnrjinil fi lUm•tin>rtil TtiTTnIimili* 17.30 p.m.—Praise and Prayer. OR. LB CLERO'3 PILLS fO f th* LivmP New York City Rev. C. A. Munro D.D., Minister. AKldmMW-w^akiddnayaokMMlr1*-*


A Bath Tub Beau Brummel

Bernard Dibble *?"»•«•-• » Zm\ r\^ E

Page |3 THE ROYAE GAZETTE AttD COLONIST) DAILY, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 nsa HOT CROSS BUNS HAVE LONG Her Skin HISTORY • SALE • The Hot Cross Bun season has * Along the Waterfront" of COTTAGE arrived again. The origin of this ^IO jv^rs young now popular Lenten food goes back By the Rover On Pembroke Glebe North Shore many centuries. on Thursday, March 14th, It would be interesting if we Great doings along the water­ than her ase could compare the ancient buns Wilmer Allison- -Bull pup with 1935 with the delicious product of the front in these days of perfect grievance !; weather (that is, at the time of —DERMATOLOGIST FINDS Quality Bakery. The ancient buns, Clifford Sutter -Machiavelli in at 3 p.m. we are sure, were hard and indig­ writing.) The popular Princess a coma!; estible, while the buns Bermuda Hotel pool has been the venue of Under power of sale contained in Fred Perry—"Charlie" i an indenture of mortgage. enjoys all during Lent are spiced many beautiful scenes recently and "Hamlet"!; the other day a veritable battery of and sugared, and filled with plump H. w. "Bunny" Austin- -Pall There will be offered for sale cameras chased pretty young things raisins; marked with a cross- Mall in shorts!; by Public Auction round the outskirts of the pool nourishing and easily digested. Jack Crawford—A contented and insisted upon various poses. Hot Cross Buns were popular in kitten after dinner!; ALL THAT FOUR ROOM wooden There were the Fox Movietone the old days in England, and Vivian McGrath—A sparrow with cottage known as Alvord Cottage men "shooting" for all they rare "Bunner to the King" was a coveted a cricket bat!; with sheet rock partition on the worth, backed up by Mr. R. Hayes post. The proprietors of two large Glebe at North Shore, Pembroke Hamilton wielding his movie cam­ Sarah Palfrey—Fabyan Shirley bun houses fought for the title Parish, in the Islands of Bermuda era, with Dave Knudsen artistically Temple grown up!; more than a century ago in merrie with the appurtences thereto. arranging groups in the vanguard. Henri Cochet—Ballet master olde England. Every Good Friday, presented at Court! Further particulars may be ob­ the King went bunning, favouring The entire battery was agreed tained from:— one or the other of the two royal upon one thing at any rate; "we've got some darned good stuff," they bun houses. Both the bun houses Perhaps a few local similes might said, so there's a good deal of E. L. PALMER, were packed with the gentry, and be suggested by readers. I offer: excellency publicity for Bermuda. Auctioneer, the Chinese parlors and coffee Colin Smith—"news in a nutshell" rooms of the two long, low bun * * * Hamilton. or "the man with a service." buildings presented a merry sight. Incidentally, talking of Mr. OR FROM Hamilton's colour pictures of Ber­ Naturally, where the King went J. CARDIE MOSSE, there flocked the peopl9, and pan muda, I was amazed at the variety The waterfront of Daytona Barrister-at-Law, after pan of Hot Cross Buns sold of material with which he delighted a packed dining-room at the Inver­ Beach, , has been unkind to Hamilton. through the windows of these fam­ 5078[s.m. ous establishments. urie Hotel last Sunday evening. Sir Malcolm Campbell to date, but the famous British Speed merchant The custom of serving Hot Cross Spontaneous applause greeted his is still confident that, given more Buns only on Good Friday is now many "shots" of typically Bermu­ part of the past. Now Cross Buns dian activities and in his audience amenable beach conditions, his are sold all during Lent in this were the Fox Movitone merchants equally famous "Bluebird" will be BERMUDA POOL SUBSCRIP­ country. When local housewives who afterwards complimented Mr. able to accomplish more than 300 go a-bunning (and they are ad­ Hamilton upon his fine amateur miles per hour. TION LIST • vised to place their orders early) work. It seem an awful waste of time they are insured of flavorful, freFh His instructive patter, often most rushing over a perfect beach at such 1934—1935 ERMATOLOGISTS warn us it in. You'll feel the uprush of circu­ Hot Cross Buns every day—richer amusing, makes a very fitting run­ a crazy speed; a good many people D that when we leave the teens lation revitalizing your skin. Little in the world who have never seen behind us, little skin faults set in— lines are erased, tissues are firmed. and tastier than ever before, this ning commentary upon the many Under the Auspices of the Bermuda blemishes, little lines which, if neg­ year. diversions with which residents the sea would give their very lives Use Pond's Cold Cream for your to bask in Florida's hot Funshine Chamber of Commerce. lected, soon crease into ugly wrin­ nightly cleansing and in the day­ of these Isles may be familiar, but kles. And they say we must begin time, too, whenever renewing make­ oo with which visitors to these shores during these bleak months up to ward off these little marks of up. Banish telltale age signs that north. The Imperial Hotel $25.00 £4 17 11 time immediately. may be less aware. The obvious Watlington & Conyers 40 0 0 mar your youthful freshness. consequence was that one could However, speed merchants will Fortunately, you can do this by THE ROTARY CLUB Pomander Gate 10 0 0 hear some of those attending, com­ be speed merchants and they never replenishing failing glands with the To correct dryness, Nicholl & Ashton 8 0 0 rich oils they crave, by livening up ment after the show, "We must appear satisfied with whatever Last Wednesday, in the Hotel Pearman, Watlington & the circulation. a different cream—greaseless go and see so-and-so before we records they establish. Bermudiana the Rotary Club had Co 80 0 0 Your surface skin becomes dried leave Bermuda!" At the present time public opinion To cleanse—to replace oils... out by sun and wind. Pond's Van­ the pleasure of listening to one Bermuda Trading Co 8 0 0 More good advertising! in the States is certain that he an oil-rich cream ishing Cream melts this layer of of Dr. Henry Wilkinson's illumin­ must not endanger his life any John S. Darrell & Co 16 0 0 You must use an oil-rich cream dead surface skin—leaves you look­ ating and instructive historical Cambridge 5 0 0 ing young and fresh-skinned. more until conditions are better. which penetrates deep into your addresses. The audience was re­ Shortly after the appearance of H. P. Motyer 4 0 0 skin to the starving glands. In addition, it leaves a delicate this column in Thursday's issue On Thursday Lady Campbell step­ film over the skin which forms the minded by Rotarian Carleton Ast­ ped in and prevented her famous Bank of N. T. Butterfield Pond's Cold Cream is perfect for wood, the introducer, that the I noticed that work was underway & Son, Ltd 120 0 0 this. Its specially processed, deep- perfect powder base. Make-up on tbe Transportation Terminal husband from taking the "Blue­ penetrating oils sink down into your clings. Not a trace of caking or Doctor is one of Bermuda's best bird" out when there was well The Astwood-Dickinson blotchiness. run-ways for bicycles. The sug­ skin, purge it of all impurities. Pat historians. His subject was Sir night a gale blowing. There needs Co 10 0 0 Always use Pond's Vanishing gestion made the other day was to • Pond's Cold Cream cleanses, cor­ Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick. In a north-easter to batter the sands Hand, Arnold Ltd 5 0 0 Cream before you make up. Leave his crisp and concise style Dr. the effect that, as 99 out of 100 per­ J. B. Astwood & Son. 12 0 0 rects skin faults. Pond's Vanishing on face, neck, arms, elbows over­ down sufficiently hard for any- Cream smooths roughnesses — holds Wilkinson gave the story of this sons wheeling bicycles, do so right- Foothills 1 19 2 powder. night to satinize your skin. It's handedly, it would be much mors thingapproacbing a recordrun.Later greaseless so can't ruin bed linen. remarkable Rich family and the Bank of Bermuda Ltd 120 0 0 convenient if the run-ways were in the day, however, he eclipsed relations of Sir Nathanial and Sir his former record by establishing Bermuda Bailwaj Co., FREE OF'ER: Mail coupon today for Robert to Bermuda in the early days constructed in such a way that Ltd 20 0 0 cycles could be wheeled to and from an average speed of 276.816 m.p.h. free tubes of Pond's Two famous Creams. of colonization. It was from the M E. &. C. F. Tucker 8 0 0 the ferries on one's right. 6 * * * Nicholl & Ashton, Dept. A- I Earl of Warwick that the Bermuda West India Oil Co 16 0 0 P. O. Box 372, Hamilton, Bermuda Parish of Warwick derived its name. Now I see that this has been done I Smith & Scott Ltd. $50.00 9 15 10 No summary of this lecture could and it will be much more con­ "M§et Steve Hamas," invited' Bermuda Cigar Store 12 0 0 Name- do it justice: venient for all concerned. Prior to white-haired Charlie Harvey, the Ingham & Wilkinson 24 0 0 this alteration it was a question of President Edmund Gibbons made veteran American fight promoter The Book Store 8 0 0 "playing a tune before tuning tho Addrc the interesting announcement to when he and Hamas greeted Eng­ W. H. Heyl & Co 8 0 0 Onorrisbt. 1936, Food's Extract Compsny fiddle!" the Club' that in the near future lish press representatives on the Bermuda Electric Light Bermuda would be visited by th And now for the removal of Burnt wai;erfront of Great Britain. It is Co., Ltd 80 0 0 Island shoal! eminent eye specialist of New York, Ha mas' first time out of the United Butterfield & Co. 8 0 0 * * * Dr. Meek, who is coming in response Sta/tes and his fight with Max Thos. J. Wadson 16 0 0 to a call from the Directors of the Thorburn Memorial Hall will be Scl\meiing at Hamburg a week Gosling Brothers, Ltd 40 0 0 Clearance Sale of Entire Stock Club to treat the eyes of the chil­ the scene of the annual turkly tonaorrow night will determine Miss Jane Tucker $20.00 4 0 0 dren in whom the Club has taken supper next Thursday evening,, fe who shall meet Max Baer for the The Smoke Shop Ltd 12 0 0 And here are some of the Many Bargains a kindly interest, and any others last year's function is any criterion, heavyweight championship of the The Bermuda Fire and then this year's will again a .ttraet who may need an operation to world. Marine Insurance Co 20 0 0 a number of American visftors as MEN'S SHORT SPORT COATS 25/- and 30/- restore their sight. More detail Educated at Pennsylvania Uni­ Godet & Young 8 0 0 well as local residents. Tne pro­ information will later be made versity where he was a star foot­ O. R. Loblein 12 0 0 DORWARD OVERCOATS .60/- and 80/- gramme will be particularly attrac­ public. ball and lacrosse player, a specialist Harnett & Richardson 15 0 0 tive for the small outlay of three WHITE DOESKIN .10/- per yd. in field events such as shot-putting A. J. Gorham 8 0 0 shillings per head and I u» iderstand HOMESPUN and hammer-throwing. Hamas is of W. S. Purvis. & Co 8 0 0 10/- " " -oo- that Mr. Allan P. Tftonjpson, the J Austrian descent. Originally he Newstead, $25.00. ...5 0 0 LADIES and GENTS SWEATERS 5/-, 7/6, 10/- genial manager of the Belmont j studied medicine and took his pre- Men's Collars, Pyjamas, Dress Shirts, Ties, Etc SALVATION ARMY NOTES Manor, will present excellent i liminary degree, but finances put picture, "The Colonization of Ber­ 1 a stop to his pursuing his career Ladies' Dresses, Hats, Shoes, Etc muda," besides whi/jh there will NOTICE The meetings at the Citadel, I to the end, with the result that he be a number of attractive musical ! tried his hand at boxing to raise Court Street, are to be conducted items. THE BERMUDA ORCHESTRAL on Sunday, 17th March, by Adju­ * necessary cash. He raised £18 at THISTLECROFT SPORTSWEAR * * •* and tant and Mrs. Fred Bowers from St. his first fight and now he will be ENTERTAINERS ASSOCIATION I haven't consults d Mercer Beas­ paid £5 000 by a German promoter s Church Street Next to Jeffrey the Cleaners George's. Captain Dorothea Tame V earnestly solicit your patronage for ley as to his opiniora on "Bill" Til- and will probably pick up another will lead at St. George's in their all functions requiring music for den's recent improssions of other ; £5,000 or so in England before re- absence. In each case the meetings Hotels, Dances, Socials, Church Af­ great players in the world of tennis, i turning to the States. commence at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 fairs, House Parties, Bazaars, Sports p.m. but the famous professional's S Of his two-months-old daughter, article in the current issue of Etc. DON'T SUFFER Envoy Mrs. Kelly from St. Steve says, "This Hamburg fight— "Racquet" certainly shows a deep \ a victory I mean—is to be a little No job too big or none too small. George's will be at Somerset, while We are also prepared to accept en­ SOCCER OR CRICKET sense of humour. present for her!" Lieutenant May Byford will be in gagements in any part of Bermuda Lester Stoefen, he asserts, i? a Some present! charge at Southampton. at short notice, day or night. MUSCULAR ACHES.... "Greek god gone goofy!; Entertainers furnished with or - - Here s Double Acting Relief George Lott -a kewpie with a j without Orchestra. grouch!; ' From Samuel Hoffenstein: Terms are extremely reasonable After a grueling contest, there is no Helen Jacobs-Brunhilda with j Babies haven't any hair; to suit the depression. Try us and need to stiffer from muscular aeries BERMUDA WOMAN a shovel; Oldmen's heads are just as bare: be convinced. or soreness. Rub in soothing, cool­ Helen Wilis Moody—Venus , Between the cradle and the grave with a headache 3; * , HEDRICK LAURENCE (Director) ing Absorbine, Jr. At once you can SUFFRAGE SOCIETY Lies a haircut and a shave Address: feel the glowing warmth come into Frankie Parker—Penrod in marble!; BERRIE BROWN (Manager), your muscles—they become relaxed. 'The Annual General Kensington Cottage, the pain disappears. Berkeley Bell- -Tumbleweed in More anon! No need to ever worry about mas­ Meeting high wind!; Pembroke. saging with Absorbine, Jr. It will not blister, but brings will be held double-acting relief from muscular aches and pains. on Tuesdayt March 12th at 3.30 p.m. For forty years Absorbine, When you think of the Jr., has been a favourite in TRINITY HALL among coaches, trainers and athletes. (eastern entrance) Business: Annual Reports (Masreh 13 th) . Sold at All Chemists -«• Election of Officers 5074|s. ABSORBINE Jr. Think of THEY Rub out Pain- Rub in Relief For a generous free sample send this KEEP advertisement with your name and address to: J. S. VALLIS, Hamilton, Bermuda. : TENNIS SVBMTS HIM meat jibiiuc FIT UO NOT SAY * BlSCuitS" RACQUETS /\ ND DOGFOODS HEALTHY SAY 99 "CARR'S CHESLEY E. WHITE Slocked bY All Leading G?ocei*s 4531« *H. FOOTC UMI Agtot •---,*c


sa Warwick Vase Golf Tournament Big Annual Golf Tournament at T at Riddell's Bay Golf and Belmont Next Week I Local and Foreign Sporting News Country Club Golfers, among the men, at Bel­ mont Manor, as well as many local The results of ' yesterday's golfers are polishing' up their clubs BY "ELLIS" matches were as follows:— in anticipation of the Belmont Manor Men's Championship tour­ ^>0<>0<)0)0<«XICX))0<1C3C><>0<)0<>0<); CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT nament, qualifying and medal play to start on Tuesday, the 12th. Four G. W. Wigle defeated G. West, 2 days of good golf, and prizes that English Football Fixtures to be M.C.C—Jamaica Match Drawn and 1. are lovelier than ever before. There Played Today K. H. Sheldon defeated Bert Dar­ are some brilliant players on holi­ The first Colony match between rell, 2 and 1. day at Belmont Manor just now the M.C.C. and Jamaica was left and good golf is assured. Already Today's English Football fixtures drawn. Rain postponed play on Beaten Eights entries prove that there will be a are as follows:— Thursday and only a moderate heavy field. crowd attended. The following FIRST DIVISION Dr. D. St. J. Wigle defeated P. H. were the scores:— Adderley, 5 and 4. Arsenal vs. Sundeland; R. M. Schofield defeated John Birmingham vs. Wolverhampton JAMAICA Stuart, 5 and 4. Wanderers; (2nd Innings) SUNDAY'S PROGRAMMES Blackburn Rovers vs. Leicester City; FIRST FLIGHT Leeds United vs. Grimsby Town; Barrow, c Hammond, b Iddon.... 40 ELBOW BEACH Liverpool vs. Preston North End; Groves, lbw Iddon „ 19 G. O. G. Montagu defeated J. O. Manchester City vs. Aston Villa; Headley, c sub., b Leyland 14 Cooper, 1 up. A fashionable gathering will at­ Middlesborough vs. Derby County; Beckford, not out 24 W. J. H. Trott, Jr. defeated W. H. tend the Elbow Beach Hotel con­ Portsmouth vs. Tottenham Hot­ DaCosta,.not out 37 Downey, by default. cert this evening (Mar. 10) at 8:30 spurs; Extras 12 in the main lounge. Hilbert Ser- Sheffield Wednesday vs. Hudders­ Beaten Eights bin the youthful maestro who will field Town; wield the baton and, who is enter­ Total (for 3 wickets decl.).... 146 Broke Own Record "Along the Waterfront" of Daytona Stoke City vs. Chelsea; Capt. A. S. Jenkins defeated R. G. ing into the fourth consecutive Beach West Bromwich Albion vs. Everton; Bowling:— Fuller, 2 and 1. year of providing tuneful melo­ A. A. Darrell defeated M. R. Piemn- dies to the many guests at Elbow Here is a close-up of Sir Malcolm Campbell, the British O M R W speed merchant who broke his own world's speed record of SECOND DIVISION Fames 8 2 21 0 tal, 5 and 3. Beach, has arranged an interesting selection of tunes. The program­ 272.108 m.p.b. at Daytona Beach on Thursday. His maxi­ Blackpool vs. Swansea Town; Wyatt 3 0 8 0 SECOND FLIGHT me includes: mum speed was 281.030 m.p.h. Bradford vs. Bradford City; Holmes 9 1 34 0 Brentford vs. Southampton; Leyland 13 2 31 1 G. W. McMaster defeated O. H, Enchanted Lake Suite Bury vs. Burnley; Iddon 11 2 25 2 Davis, 1 up. With Mr. Russell G. Colt of Bris­ PRINCESS SUNDAY TEA Tschaikovsky Fulham vs. Notts County; Paine 11 6 15 0 Eric Frith defeated R. A. Manning, tol, R.I. at dinner were Mr. and In A Persian Market Kettlebey Hull City vs. Oldham Athletic; Mrs. Prescott- L. Wetherill (Marie 4 and 3. Piano Solo: The first Sunday afternoon tea Newcastle United vs. Port Vale; M.C.O. Slaven) of Washington, D.C. who Beaten Eights (a) Ballade Chopin held at Princess last week proved a Norwich City vs. Barnsley; (2nd Innings) were married last Saturday and (b) Ritual Fire Dance De Fala tremendous success, and the man­ Notts Forest vs. Bolton Wanderers; J. Murray defeated Dr. H. W. Miller, are honeymooning in Bermuda. Rendered by Constatine Chatoff agement has decided to continue Plymouth Argyle vs. Sheffield Un.; Wyatt, b Hylton 28 Mr. and Mrs. Hal E. Booth of 4 and 3. Excerpts from Samson and Delilah them throughout the season. From West Ham United vs. Manchester Leyland, not out 30 H. Walker defeated Dr. J. W. Begg, Pittsburgh entertained at luncheon Saint Saens 4.30 to 5.30 each Sunday, tea will be United. Holmes not out 16 Friday Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald 8 and 7. (a) Romanza Granados served and Jacques Lube and his Extras 1 THIRD FLIGHT Davidson (Alice L. Gundelfinger) of musicians will play during the hour. THIRD DIVISION (b) Tango du Reve „..Malderen Pittsburgh who are also passing oo (Southern Section) Selections from Blossom Time Total (for l wicket) 75 Col. R. A. Flood defeated R. A. their honeymoon in the island. Romberg Bournemouth vs. Swindon Town; Stevens, 1 up. Also lunching at the Castle LATE DESPATCHES Bristol City vs. Luton Town; Bowling:—r O. M. Wells defeated M. F. Stofer, Harbour on Friday was a group PARIS, Mar. 8 (CP)—A press dis­ Clapton Orient vs. Charlton Ath­ O M R W 8 and 7. HAMILTON HOTEL which included Mrs. Dorothy patch to Paris from Athens today letic ; Fuller.... 5 1 31 0 * * * Campbell Hurd of Haverford, Pa., said that the rebels had bombarded Coventry City vs. Bristol Rovers; Hylton... 11 2 10 1 TODAY'S PLAY William Scotti and his Concert Miss Ethel M. Glorney of Long the city of Salonika, advancing Exeter City vs. Brighton and Hove; DaCosta 6 0 17 0 Ensemble under the direction of Island, N.Y.; Mrs. E. C. Pearman after sharp fighting in which many and Miss Nancy Pearman of Pem­ Gillingham vs. Crystal Palace; Moodie 2 1 12 0 CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT Joseph Lucas. were killed and wounded. Mill wall vs. Southend United; Headley 2 0 3 0 broke, Bermuda. * * * Newport County vs. Cardiff City; Passailaigue 2 1 10 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. G. W. Wigle Waltz, Student Prince... Romberg Other luncheon guests on Fri­ ATHENS, Mar. 8 (CP)—Loyal Northampton Town vs. Torquay Result:—Match drawn. v. K. H. Sheldon. Au bord d'un ruisseau day were Mrs. O. B. Chase with troops began an offensive from the Miss Sally Washington of New United; oo De Boisdeffre north at the rebels in Macedonia Reading vs. Queen's Park Rangers; Beaten Eights Nell Gwynn Dances...... German York. today shortly after the Greek gov­ Watfora vs. Aldershot. "Trocadero" Sold to Canadian (a) Country Also Mrs. Alton Farrel and Mrs. ernment claimed that they had 1.40 p.m. Dr. D. St. J. Wigle v. R. M. (b) Pastoral Louis Monte, of New York and Mrs. intercepted messages which indi­ THIRD DIVISION Carlos French of Buffalo had LONDON, March 8 (CP)—The Schofield. (c) Merrymakers cated that the insurgents were tNorthern Section) luncheon at the Castle Harbour. first Canadian challenge in the Violin Solo, Meditation from Thais about to surrender. General Kali- Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Stourton oame astras, commanding the divisions Barrow vs. Crewe Alexandra; ninety-nine years history of the FIRST FLIGHT Massenet over to lunch with Lieu. Comman­ in the north, sent his troops plung­ Carlisle United vs. Stockport Coun­ Grand National will be made on Joseph Lucas, accompanied by der B. M. Douglas, R.N. on Satur­ ing down across the snow-covered ty; March 29th by Mr. Gordon 1.45 p.m. G. C. G. Montagu v. W. J. Don Sulvio day. fields in the wake of bombing Chesterfield vs. Doncaster Rovers; Foxbar Perry, the wealthy Toronto H. Trott, Jr. Opera, Manon Massenet planes which roared across the Halifax Town vs. New Brighton; Kamenoi Ostrow, Cloister Scene _ oo— industrialist who has purchased rebels' positions, harassing them Lincoln City vs. Accrington Stan­ the eleven-year-old "Trocadero" Beaten Eights Rubinstein ley; OBJECTS TO MEAT both with bombs and machine gun from Vicomte Max de Rivand, the fire. Mansfield Town vs. Hartlepools famous French turfman. 1.50 p.m. Capt. A. S. Jenkins v. A. A. -oo- TARIFF PROPOSAL United. Mr. Perry has engaged Ted Cull- Darrell. CASTLE HARBOUR NOTES Rotherham United vs. Chester; inan to ride "Trocadero" at Aintree. SOFIA, Mar. 8 (CP)—All Bul­ Rochdale vs. Gateshead; CANBERRA, Mar. 8 (CP)—It was garian soldiers and officers on win­ A steady goer, "Trocadero" came SECOND FLIGHT learned today that the British gov­ Tranmere Rovers vs. Darlington; in seventh in the Grand National Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Black- ter furlough today were ordered to Walsall vs. Southport; stone arrived from New York on ernment will propose an imposition report to their regiments. The two years ago. 1.55 p.m. G W. McMaster v. Erio of two cents duty per pound on Wrexham vs. York City; Frith. Friday and are at the Castle Har­ soldiers had been given furloughs * * * 00 foreign meat and one cent on Em­ Beaten Eights bour. for reasons of economy. An official The semi-final matches in the Other New York arrivals were pire meat, and discontinue the communique issued at the same Cup Match in Ireland present quantitative restrictions on English Cup will be played next 2.00 p.m. J. Murray v. H. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Doblin; also Mr. time as the order emphasised that and Mrs. F. J. Metzger of New York meat imports when the present it was inaccurate to speak of Bul­ Saturday, March 16th. BELFAST, Mar. 8 (CP)—Cup arrangements expire at the end of oo THIRD FLIGHT with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Metzger garia's calling all classes to the games played yesterday resulted as of Marsellon, Ohio. June. The Commonwealth gov­ colours since, according to post­ follows:— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray of ernment is not prepared to agree war peace treaties, Bulgaria has no Sir Malcolm's Speed Record Coleraine Ath. 3 Larne 0 2.05 p.m. Col. R. A. Flood v. C. M. Rye, N.Y. have returned for a to such a policy, Dr. Earle Page, compulsory military service and Distillery 2 Newry Town 3 Wells. sojourn of a fortnight and with deputy Prime Minister, said today. can not recruit by classes. DAYTONA BEACH, Florida, Mar. 00 oo— them are their twin daughters, # * * 8 (CP).—Although Sir Malcolm St. George's A.C.'S Victory -00- Campbell set a new speed record of Jamaica's Team Selected for the Jane and Phyllis. LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP)—Dr. Nich­ 276.816 m.p.h., whether that would Mr. and Mrs. Monroe A. Lawrence N0 BRITISH ARTISTS AT olas Murray Butler's international satisfy him, not even he knew. Second Colony Match The Cup semi-final match be­ are recent arrivals from Cedar- conference today recommended the Yesterday he went on the sands and tween the St. George's Athletic hurst, L.I., and Mr. and Mrs. CONVENT GARDEN immediate provisional stabilisation Club and the B.A.A., played on the Albert C. Hencken are guests from of currencies as a move towards lifted his previous record by more KINGSTON, Mar. 8 (CP).—Mem­ B.A.A. field on Thursday afternoon, Greenwich, Ct. world recovery. ' Stabilisation, than four miles an hour as he bers of the Jamaica team who will LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP)—A hun­ was won by the East-Enders by two From Chicago are Mr. John waiving of the most favoured nation soared southward through a meas­ play in the second Colony match dred and sixty members of the clear goals. At half-time the score Muldoon jr. and Mr. William Buss. clause, to make possible a general ured mile in 13.29 seconds at an versus the M.C.C, starting today, House of Commons signed a protest was 1-0. Mr. James Albert Wales of Strat­ lowering of tariff barriers, and an average speed of 272.727, coming have been selected as follows:—• today against the fact that the The B.A.A. team were without ford, Ct. has arrived for a brief agreement by Britain and the back through the same stretch at Nethersole (Captain), George programme for the summer season Marirea whose form has been con­ visit. United States to accept goods and 281.030 m.p.h. Headley, O. C. DaCosta, Ivan Bar­ of opera at Covent Garden does sistent this season, and their line­ Last evening several dinners were services for governmental debts, ^ Before he retired last night, row, H. Johnston, R. L. Fuller, not contain a single British work up was as foUows:—Cooper, Cris­ given in the French restaurant. there were revealed as the three Sir Malcolm Campbell said that he O. C. Stephenson, D. P. Beckford, or a leading British performer. son and Wilson; Murdock, Stone The largest was a party of fourteen outstanding recommendations of had made no decision as to whether G. Moodie, C. Passailaigue and J. Particular objection is taken in view (Capt.) and Selley; Hayward and given by Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand the international conference con­ he would stay and continue to Groves. The M.C.C. team has not of the fact that this is the year Spencer; Williams; Adcock and W. Roebling jr. of Trenton, N.J. vened by the president of Columbia yet been chosen. of the King's Silver Jubilee. shoot for 300 m.p.h. He feels that Adcock. Their guests were Mrs. J. Ran­ University, New York. The confer­ the "Bluebird" would make it pro­ Next week's fourth and last Test St. George's side consisted of dolph Robinson *and her daughters, ence closed last night. vided that the beach reached the match will be visited by H.R.H. Cooper, C. Moss, R. Taylor, Teddy The Misses Ruth and Celia R. -00- * * * millenium of perfection. At the the Duke of Gloucester. Moss, McRonald, E. Taylor, Terry, Robinson of Westbury, L.I.; Col­ KINGSTON, Jamaica, Mar. 8 same time he asked the officials Oatley, Tucker, Austin and L. Tay­ onel and Mrs. Edward C. Rose of S0UTH AFRICA AND STERLING (CP)—The Duke of Gloucester at­ to stand by and be prepared to -oo- lor. Camden, N.J.; Major and Mrs. tended a reception at King's House clock him in future attempts. Mrs. Campbell Wants Son Home D. W. Boileau; Commander and , Mar. 8 (CP-Reu- yesterday afternoon when 2,000 Shortly after he had left the Quarter-master Sergeant Waite refereed. Mrs. Guy Ridgway; Mr. Fred Ham­ ters)—The South African govern­ people were present, and then dined measured mile on the northern run LONDON, Mar. 8 (OP).—Mrs. ilton, Mr. John Hallmark and Mr. ment still intends to remain linked with officers of the Manchester he had another of his fantastic Campbell, the mother of Sir Mal­ Lloyd Jones. to the pound sterling as closely as Regiment last night and attended experiences that have beset him on \ colm Campbell, is as proud as punch BRITISH MILLIONAIRES Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Weir of circumstances warrant, but not to a brilliant ball at the Jamaica Club all his trials and record runs. The over the new speed record which DECREASE Pittsburgh who are at the Mid- follow the sterling regardless of in his honour where hundreds "Bluebird" hit a bump as he her son has established at Day- Ocean Club came over to dine what happens to finance. This de­ assembled. Tbe Duke left today for started decelerating with the re­ tona Beach, but she wants him to LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP)—The with Mr. W. B. Bell of New York. claration was made before Parlia­ Shaw Park, his country residence, cord in his grasp—and instantly the come home. government revenue return for Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Metcalf of ment yesterday by the Finance where he will stay until the 18th. wheel was wrenched. The car flew "I want him to come home now today revealed that the millionaires Providence dined with Mr. and Minister. It was made in connec­ He will visit the Duke and Duckess toward the soft sands of dunes and that he has broken the record," she in the numbered Mrs. A. de R. Baker and Mr. and tion with the recent drop in the of Kent tomorrow at Montego^Bay only a Herculean effort swerved the said, "but I know that he's got his 452 in the fiscal year 1932-33, or Mrs. T. R. Trowbridge also of value of the pound against foreign and will also take part in^the polo monster back to her path of safety. mind set on 300 miles an hour." 82 fewer than for the previous year. i Providence, R.I. currencies. match at Drax Hall.

"SPECULATION" INQUIRY URGED LONDON, Mar. 8 (CP)—While deprecating the sensational state­ ments arising from the disclosures if about speculation in the London HEME •HEME". commodity markets, David Gren- fell (Labour) in the House of Com­ mons yesterday said that "things STOCKPORT, were not as bad as they should be." xsr&m. H£\NP& He urged the government to insti­ WWW tute an official inquiry. SCHOOL PS HIS EARLIEST r\K- SFW2TWS iNCUNKtiOtf k 666 VlKS teSOClWION "THEM HE. Vtfs IKTfccjbOCSDToUWaTfejSte-^ . LIQUID, TABLETS, SALVE,, NOSE (i c*r FooTSMJ-f\rre>FoR. & DROPS r\LLr\K S0WE.TWE..H6.WVS** IT THKT IM K MERY ft* ^ .^^JS^l A PRED Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first UFEHE •HNS UMED SHIPS M&THESEA. CLOSELY INTS26S.T6D M ' YEWS HE tftb £coop£bi^^NHBFlVjhCKSDQl/ day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 THE. PROGRESS ML Tut OINAPIONSWP$>- WHO IS tfifj^ VISSJ^NA minutes. OP fcOt-TOM \NN4bERERT. s Fine Laxative and Tonic FLASHLIGHTS, BATTERIES and BUTJBS — ASTWOOD'S «



Lady's WRIST WATCH, Chromium plated with black strap, between the store of Messrs. Gosling Bros., Ltd., Hamilton, and South Road, Devonshirf. Reward. Return Gosling Bros., Ltd. "Raleigh" 5079*s. Afternoon March 7, Gold BROOCH. About 3^ inches long, set with diamonds and sapphires, between Carberry HUT and Parliament The Monarch of Street, along shore road and through Hamilton. Finder please return Main Branch, Bank of Bermuda. Reward. Bicycles 5071*s. HELP WANTED

Responsible SHORTHAND TYPIST for professional office. Apply in Fcr rent at own handwriting. Give full par­ ticulars. Write Box 5041 Bermuda Press. 5041 th.s. Two Experienced DRESS SHIRT 6 IRONERS, male or female. Apply 5? Wadson/s Castle Harbour Laundry. Leslie Howard and -Merle Oberon in "The Scarlet Pimpernel," j.. m London Film, released through United Artist*. FOR SALE

NEW YORK STOCK MARKET BERMUDA BRIDGE DWELLING HOUSE, Euclid Avenue FOREIGN EXCHANGE CHAMPIONSHIP Woodlands, Pembroke. House Fri. Thur. complete with Electric Stove, 1 MEW PERFECTION OIL ST0YE Refrigerator and Pump, In ex­ American Super Power — cellent condition. £1,550. 0. 0. Local Rates Alaska Juneau — 16} Big Open Event Planned Alleghany Oorp — LOT OF LAND adjoining above Arrangements for the Second The following is a copy of Allied Chemical house, measuring about 50 x 100. Annual Bermuda Open Bridge Am. Can 117 £300. Tel. 2216. J. B. Astwood. the Bulletin displayed on Championship have been completed Friday at the local banks: Am. & Foreign Pow. — 21 4652ts. eitp. Am. Smelt. & Refin ... 65 35 and it is fully expected that the event will attract a large number Dwelling "FALKIRK," Spanish U.S DOLLARS Am Water Works — 9f Am. Tel. & Tel — 106 of prominent visiting and local Point, Living-room, dining-room Anaconda Copper.... 91 91 players. kitchen, pantry, scullery, 5 bed­ Buying at 1% dis $4.8484 This Championship is a Dupli­ rooms, bathroom; large rooms, Selling at2|%prem $4.6829 Atchison R.R 39£ 39J Atlantic Refining _.. 221 22J cate Contract pair event, decided on two fireplaces, two basement 80 match points, and play will com­ rooms; electricity, verandah. CANADIAN DOLLARS Am. Tobacco "B" — Baltimore & Ohio 9 9 mence at the Princess Hotel on Water lot with beach. Acre of land. Bath houses (out of re­ Bethlehem Steel 26J 25} March 18th at 8 p.m. The second Buying at l$% dts $4.8731 pair). Ideal for large family or Borden Company — session will be played on March Selling at li%prem $4 7290 boarders. £2,000, including fur­ Can. Pacific, New 10| 101 21st at the Hamilton Hotel, whilst ?ll^llt nishings; easy terms. Might ex­ 39J the final session will also take place QUOTATIONS Ches. & Ohio R.R 38| change for small cottage, plus Chrysler Motors 34 34J at this hotel. Play commences at New York Closed $4.7750 8 p.m. cash Owner sails March 16th; Col. Gas 4| thereafter Box 456, Hackensack, Montreal Closed $4.8175 Cons. Gas 17| n His Excellency the Governor has 17 N.J. London, 11.30 a.m. $4.76375 Corn Products — generously donated a handsome Sterling silver trophy, and the 5020*w. ei to tu!2. Montreal Latest $4.82 Com. and Southern.... 34| 331 - : y New York I atest $4.78 Bermuda Bridge Club has presented K^S'^W^w^I^ir —S33£>H '\ &sr%& '* 4M!A Com. Solvents 19| 19J GOLF CLUBS—Three Irons, two Dupont 91 i 921 replicas for the permanent pos­ session of winners. Woods, steel shafts, right hand. Eastman Kodak 121J 118} English make. Practically new. Tickets ten shillings each, may Electric Autelite 22 221 Apply Bermuda Press. be obtained either at the visitors Electric P. & L Ii II 5036fth. eitp. CUSTOMS HOUSE Erie R.R. Common — Service Bureau or the Bermuda Fox Film — Bridge Club, and early application BY TENDER- TWO SHARES of Rates of Ei change Gillette Safety Razor.. 135 13! for these should be made to facili­ Odourless, Efficient, Economical Bank of N. T. Butterfield & Son, Gen. Elec, New 22j 22} tate complete arrangements for the Ltd. Stock. Tenders to be in by convenience of all taking part. Saturday, 16th March. Address The following rates of ex­ General Motors _... 28| 28J Mr. Roland Lines, the Tourna­ For Sale by All Dealers communication c/o Box 5088, change were In force at the Goodrich Rubber — Hudson Motors 9 9 ment Director, informs us that al­ Bermuda Press. Customs House on Friday, ready a big entry is assured, and 5088*s ei to f 15. March 8th:— Int. Nickel of Can 23 23 Int. Tel. & Tel 7 7 that the event should produce some Second-hand Remington Portable U.S.A $4.76 Kennecott Copper 15i 151 fine play. WEST INDIA OIL COMPANY TYPEWRITER (in good order) Canada 4.82 L'bbey-Owens Ford 25f 25| Last year'.s winners were Messrs. DISTRIBUTORS £5. 15. 0. Address Box 5987, Ber­ Beigium 20 Luews, Inc 35J 35| Roy LaClair and V. D. Barker, of muda Press Office. France „ 71 Mack Truck 22| Mountclair, N.J. who played a 5087ts.m. Germany 12 Montg. Ward 232 23 J brilliant game against many noted Quiet DRIVING HORSE. Also Holland 6.94 Natl. Dairy Products .. 16 16f experts. Harness and Buggy. Apply Dr. Hong Kong 2/2 Nash Motors 13 j 131 Visitors are cordially invited 10 Curtis. Italy 56 Natl. Biscuit, New 25} 25| take part. Japan 1/2 Natl. Power & Light... 5J 51 New York Central 13| 13J North American 10 J 101 Why ^H -oo—— Northern Pacific- 14J 15 FOR RENT METEOROLOGICAL NOTES Norando Mines — Paramount Pictures.... 3 Partially furnished •'GIRVAN," Packard Motors 3j Don't H attractively situated on harbour March 8th. 3J Penn. R.R 19 front, Paget. For further par­ Baroi:.«i;r— 19f FOUND! Postum (Gen. Foods).. 34$ Furnished and Unfurnished ticulars apply to Campbell, Gos­ 8.(K) a.Ui 1014.8 milibars 341 ling and Company. Telephone Public Service, N.J 211 29 97 inches 21 C OTTAGE 2066. Pullman Company 45\ cum p.m.. 1010.1 millibars 44| You ^H s Pure Oil — 29.83 inches Scarcely a week goes by Radio 4J W'nd- 41 FOR RENT or SALE Two OFFICES on Balcony. 2 Ware­ Radio Keith Orph — without some lost article 8.WJ a.rn W.S.W. 14 ml. per hr. LAND FOR SALE houses. Walker Arcade. Apply Remington Rand 9i Subscribe / Noon, W.S.W 21 mi. per hr. or articles of value being New Westbury B. W. Walker. Shell Union Oil — "p.ui W.s.W. ...26 mi. per hr. returned to their owners Richmond Road 5073fs. Sinclair Oil 7i Max. Temp, i-jr 24 hrs 71° OFFICE in Bermuda Fire and Southern Pacific 14j n through an advertisement Dial-1108 Cable "Teucro" Min Temp, for 24 hrs 65* Marine Insurance Building. Ap­ Southern R.R — 141 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Ruinf.-i; for Z

"' MB