Acacia House
Acacia House Winter 14 /15 International Catalogue Dear Reader, We invite you to look at our Winter 14/15 International Rights Catalogue, a list that includes new works by authors represented by Acacia House, but also new and forthcoming titles of The Collins Press, Douglas & McIntyre, ECW, Great Plains, Harbour, NeWest, New Star, Turnstone, Véhicule, and Wymer whom we represent for rights sales. We hope you enjoy reading through our catalogue. If you would like further information on any title(s),we can be reached by phone at (519) 752-0978 or fax at (519) 752-8349 or by e-mail: — or you can contact our sub-agents who han- Bill Hanna Photo by Frank Olenski dle rights for us in the following languages and countries: Brazilian: Dominique Makins, DMM Literary Management Chinese: Lily Chen, Luc Kwanten, Big AppleTuttle-Mori Agency Serbo Croatian: Reka Bartha Katai & Bolza Literary Agency Dutch: Linda Kohn, Internationaal Literatuur Bureau France: Anna Jarota,Anna Jarota Literary Agency French Canada: Jean-Sebastien Dufresnes, Montréal Contacts German: Peter Fritz, Christian Dittus, Antonia Fritz, Kathy Olenski Photo by Frank Paul & Peter Fritz agency Greek: Nike Davarinou, Read ’n Right Agency Table of Contents Hungarian: Katalin Katai, Katai & Bolza Literary Agency Fiction 1 Indonesia: Santo Manurung, Maxima Creative Agency New Adult 11 Israel: Ilana Kurshan, Harris-Elon Agency Fantasy 12 Italian: (non fiction) Daniela Micura, Daniela Micura Literary Agency Mystery 13 Italian: (fiction) Sarah Katooki, Argosy Agency Biography/Memoir 17 Japanese: MikoYamanouchi, Japan UNI Agency Cooking 21 Korean: Duran Kim, Duran Kim Literary Agency History 22 Malaysia: Lily Chen, Big AppleTuttle-Mori Agency Health 25 Polish: Maria Strarz-Kanska, Graal Ltd.
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