January 24, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S553 of S. 11, a bill to amend the Internal CLELAND) was added as a cosponsor of Whereas the U.S.S. returned to Revenue Code of 1986 to eliminate the S. 135, a bill to amend title XVIII of the combat on January 17, 1991; marriage penalty by providing that the Social Security Act to improve pay- Whereas the U.S.S. Wisconsin served as income tax rate bracket amounts, and ments for direct graduate medical edu- strike warfare commander for the amount of the standard deduction, the Persian Gulf, and directed the sequence cation under the medicare program. of Tomahawk launches that initiated Oper- for joint returns shall be twice the S.J. RES. 1 ation Desert Storm; and amounts applicable to unmarried indi- At the request of Mr. THURMOND, the Whereas the U.S.S. Wisconsin, decommis- viduals, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from (Mr. sioned on September 30, 1991, is berthed at S. 23 WARNER) was added as a cosponsor of , the National Maritime Museum in At the request of Mr. SPECTER, the S.J. Res. 1, a joint resolution proposing Norfolk, Virginia, where she will serve as a name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. floating monument and an educational mu- an amendment to the Constitution of seum: Now, therefore, be it DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. the United States relating to voluntary 23, a bill to promote a new urban agen- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- school prayer. resentatives concurring), That it is the sense da, and for other purposes. S. RES. 13 of Congress that— S. 27 (1) a commemorative postage stamp should At the request of Mr. DASCHLE, the At the request of Mr. FEINGOLD, the name of the Senator from North Caro- be issued by the United States Postal Serv- names of the Senator from Maryland ice in honor of the U.S.S. Wisconsin and all lina (Mr. EDWARDS) was added as a co- (Ms. MIKULSKI), the Senator from Dela- those who served aboard her; and sponsor of S. Res. 13, a resolution ex- ware (Mr. CARPER), and the Senator (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Com- pressing the sense of the Senate re- from California (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) were mittee should recommend to the Postmaster added as cosponsors of S. 27, a bill to garding the need for Congress to enact General that such a postage stamp be issued. amend the Federal Election Campaign a new farm bill during the 1st session Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, Act of 1971 to provide bipartisan cam- of the 107th Congress. today, I have the distinct honor of in- paign reform. f troducing a resolution that commemo- rates one of the greatest ships of the S. 28 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- and her crew mem- At the request of Mr. GRAMM, the TION 3—EXPRESSING THE SENSE bers. I am joined by the senior Senator name of the Senator from South Da- OF THE SENATE THAT A COM- from Wisconsin, Mr. KOHL, and 15 of my kota (Mr. DASCHLE) was added as a co- MEMORATIVE POSTAGE STAMP sponsor of S. 28, a bill to guarantee the other colleagues. SHOULD BE ISSUED IN HONOR The U.S.S. Wisconsin is the largest of right of all active duty military per- OF THE U.S.S. ‘‘WISCONSIN’’ AND the four magnificent ever sonnel, merchant mariners, and their ALL THOSE WHO SERVED built by the United States Navy. These dependents to vote in Federal, State, ABOARD HER four vessels, the Wisconsin, the Iowa, and local elections. By Mr. FEINGOLD (for himself, the New Jersey, and the Missouri, com- S. 88 Mr. KOHL, Mr. BAYH, Mr. BINGA- prise the revered Iowa-class battle- At the request of Mr. ROCKEFELLER, MAN, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. DASCHLE, ships. Each of these ships served gal- the names of the Senator from Okla- Mr. EDWARDS, Mr. GRASSLEY, lantly in every significant United homa (Mr. INHOFE) and the Senator Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. KERRY, Mr. States conflict from World War II to from Connecticut (Mr. LIEBERMAN) LEAHY, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. MIL- the Persian . were added as cosponsors of S. 88, a bill LER, Mr. MURKOWSKI, Mr. REID, At 887 feet, the Wisconsin carries a to amend the Internal Revenue Code of Mr. TORRICELLI, and Mr. WAR- 108-foot, three-inch beam with a dis- 1986 to provide an incentive to ensure NER) submitted the following placement of 45,000 tons. Her armor—as that all Americans gain timely and eq- much as 171⁄2 inches in some points—in- uitable access to the Internet over cur- concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee cludes nine 16-inch guns, 20 five-inch rent and future generations of guns, 80 40-millimeter guns, and 49 20- broadband capability. on Governmental Affairs: S. CON. RES. 3 millimeter guns. The 16-inch guns are S. 104 able to hurl shells roughly the weight Whereas the Iowa Class , the At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the of a VW Beetle to distances of up to 23 name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. U.S.S. Wisconsin (BB–64), is an honored war- ship in United States naval history, with 6 nautical miles. Due to the recoil of SMITH) was added as a cosponsor of S. battle stars and 5 citations and medals dur- these massive guns, the had to be 104, a bill to require equitable coverage ing her 55 years of service; built of teak wood because steel plat- of prescription contraceptive drugs and Whereas the U.S.S. Wisconsin was ing would have buckled from the devices, and contraceptive services launched on December 7, 1943, by the Phila- stress. While she was designed for a under health plans. delphia Naval Shipyard, sponsored by Mrs. crew of 1,921 sailors, she ended up car- S. 126 Walter S. Goodland, wife of then-Governor rying almost 1,000 additional sailors at Goodland of Wisconsin, and commissioned at At the request of Mr. CLELAND, the points during World War II and the Ko- name of the Senator from Connecticut , Pennsylvania, on April 16, 1944, with Captain Earl E. Stone in command; rean War. (Mr. LIEBERMAN) was added as a co- Whereas her first action for Wil- The U.S.S. Wisconsin was built in sponsor of S. 126, a bill to authorize the liam ‘Bull’ Halsey’s Third Fleet was a strike Philadelphia, and commissioned on 7 President to present a gold medal on by her task force against the Japanese facili- December 1943, exactly two years after behalf of Congress to former President ties in , thereby supporting the am- the surprise attack on . Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn phibious assault on the Island of Mindoro, From the time President Roosevelt Carter in recognition of their service to which was a vital maneuver in the defeat of chose to name the vessel the Wisconsin, the Nation. the Japanese forces in the ; citizens from our state took an imme- Whereas the U.S.S. Wisconsin joined the S. 132 diate interest. School children volun- Fifth Fleet to provide strategic cover for the At the request of Mr. JOHNSON, the assault on by striking the Tokyo teered to christen the battleship. Some name of the Senator from Maryland area; Wisconsinites even recommended chris- (Mr. SARBANES) was added as a cospon- Whereas the U.S.S. Wisconsin supplied cru- tening the Wisconsin with water taken sor of S. 132, a bill to amend the Inter- cial firepower for the invasion of Okinawa; straight from the Wisconsin River, national Revenue Code of 1986 to pro- Whereas the U.S.S. Wisconsin served as a which runs through the heart of our vide that housing assistance provided flagship for the Seventh Fleet during the Ko- state, instead of champagne. In fact, under the Native American Housing rean conflict; the Wisconsin’s first commander, Cap- Assistance and Self-Determination Act Whereas the U.S.S. Wisconsin provided tain Earl E. Stone, was born in Mil- of 1996 be treated for purposes of the consistent naval gunfire support during the waukee and attended the city’s public low-income housing credit in the same Korean conflict to the First Marine Division, the First Republic of Korea Corps, and schools and the state university before manner as comparable assistance. forces; his appointment to the Naval Acad- S. 135 Whereas the U.S.S. Wisconsin received 5 emy. At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the battle stars for World War II and one for the In 1944, she underwent sea trials and name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Korean conflict; training in the . After

VerDate 24-JAN-2001 02:10 Jan 25, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.047 pfrm02 PsN: S24PT1 S554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2001 the trials she was at last ready for shipyard personnel completed the oper- mittee on Commerce, Science, and duty. On 7 July, the Wisconsin departed ation in just 16 days. Transportation be authorized to meet Norfolk, Virginia, on her way to war On 28 June 1956, the ship was once on Wednesday, January 24, 2001, at 9:30 with the legendary Admiral William F. again ready for service. Over the next a.m. on the Nomination of Norman Mi- ‘‘Bull’’ Halsey and his 3rd Fleet. She two years she steamed from Norfolk neta to be Secretary of Transportation. came to the aid of U.S. Marines and in- five more times before heading for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without fantry as they began their island-hop- Philadelphia and deactivation. For the objection, it is so ordered. ping strategy toward Japan by sending next 28 years she remained on inactive COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL her shells with deadly accuracy into status until 1986, when she was towed RESOURCES the Philippines. to in Pascagoula, Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask Following that action, the Wisconsin Mississippi. In 1988, the U.S.S. Wis- unanimous consent that the Com- joined the 5th Fleet under another leg- consin was re-commissioned for a third mittee on Energy and Natural Re- endary commander, Admiral Raymond time. sources be authorized to meet during Spruance, and helped eliminate the In 1991, she led the Navy’s surface at- the session of the Senate on Wednes- Japanese resistance on Iwo Jima and tack on during the Gulf War and day, January 24, for purposes of con- Okinawa, then joining in the Battle of on 17 January fired her first tomahawk ducting a Full Committee business . After that, the U.S.S. Wis- in the Persian Gulf War. Fol- meeting which is scheduled to begin at consin became part of Fast Carrier lowing her service, she was honored by 9:30 a.m. The purpose of this business Task Force 38; joining in the attacks leading the ‘‘Parade of Ships’’ for the meeting is to consider the nomination on the Philippine Islands, Saigon, Fleet Week celebration in New York of Gale Norton to be Secretary of the Camranh Bay, Hong Kong, Canton, Harbor. Interior. , and finally the Japanese home On 7 December 2000, 57 years to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without islands. day after she was commissioned, the objection, it is so ordered. Following Japan’s , the Wis- U.S.S. Wisconsin arrived at Nauticus, COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, consin headed home with five battle the National Maritime Center in Nor- AND PENSIONS stars to her credit. Additionally, after folk, Virginia, and was given a de- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask nearly two years of service in the Pa- served salute featuring a flyover with unanimous consent that the Com- cific theater during World War II, the F–14s and a 21-gun salute. At Nauticus, mittee on Health, Education, Labor, Wisconsin didn’t lose one crewman or she serves as a floating monument and, and Pensions be authorized to meet for get hit. This is truly an amazing fact. in April of this year, will once again a hearing on the nomination of Elaine After her service in World War II, she serve the public when she opens her Chao to be Secretary of Labor during spent the summer at the Norfolk Naval deck as an educational museum. I wish the session of the Senate on Wednes- Shipyard where she underwent an ex- she had found her final port in the day, January 24, 2001, at 9:30 a.m. tensive overhaul. On 1 July 1948, she great state of Wisconsin, but getting The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without was taken out of commission, in re- her there simply isn’t possible—she’s objection, it is so ordered. serve, and assigned to the Norfolk just too big. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Group of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. Mr. President, I hope my colleagues Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask However, her rest was short as the will help me and the senior Senator unanimous consent that the Com- reawakened the Wisconsin from Wisconsin honor this great ship mittee on the Judiciary be authorized and her sister battleships. She departed with a commemorative stamp. to meet to conduct a markup on Norfolk on 25 October 1951, bound for f Wednesday, January 24, 2001, at 10 a.m. the Pacific where she became the flag- NOTICE OF HEARING The markup will take place in Dirksen ship of the 7th Fleet. When the Korean Room 226. War broke out, future Admiral Elmo COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Zumwalt, Jr., served as the Wisconsin’s RESOURCES objection, it is so ordered. navigator and extolled her ‘‘versatility, Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I f maneuverability, strength, and power.’’ would like to announce for the infor- During the conflict, she covered troop mation of the Senate and the public APPOINTMENTS landings; fired upon enemy troops, that a hearing has been scheduled be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The trains, trucks, and bridges all along fore the Committee on Energy and Nat- Chair announces on behalf of the the Korean coastline; and attacked im- ural Resources. Democratic leader, pursuant to the portant North Korean ports in The hearing will take place on provisions of S. Res. 105 (adopted April Hungnam, , and Songjin. In Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 9:30 13, 1989), as amended by S. Res. 149 April 1952, she headed to Long Beach, a.m. in room SH–216 of the Hart Senate (adopted October 5, 1993), as amended CA, with yet another battle star. Office Building in Washington, D.C. by Public Law 105–275, further amended After departing Long Beach and ar- The title of this oversight hearing is by S. Res. 75 (adopted March 25, 1999), riving in Norfolk, the Wisconsin re- ‘‘California’s Electricity Crisis and Im- and S. Res. 383 (adopted October 27, ceived her second overhaul at the Nor- plications for the West.’’ 2000), the appointment of the following folk Naval Shipyard. Following a num- Because of the limited time available Senators to serve as members of the ber of peacetime and diplomatic voy- for the hearing, witnesses may testify Senate National Security Working ages showing the flag, she returned to by invitation only. However, those Group for the 107th Congress: Norfolk on 11 June 1954 for a brief over- wishing to submit written testimony The Senator from West Virginia (Mr. haul before taking on her role as a for the hearing record should send two BYRD) (Democratic Administrative Co- training ship. copies of their testimony to the Com- Chairman) Surprisingly, it was during her serv- mittee on Energy and Natural Re- The Senator from (Mr. ice as a training ship that the Wis- sources, United States Senate, SRC–2 LEVIN) (Democratic Co-Chairman) consin received the greatest damage. Russell Senate Office Building, Wash- The Senator from Delaware (Mr. On 6 May 1956, as she was cruising off ington, D.C. 20510–6150. BIDEN) (Democratic Co-Chairman) the Virginia Capes in heavy fog, she For further information, please call The Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. collided with the U.S.S. Trici Heninger at (202) 224–7875. KENNEDY) Eaton. The Wisconsin returned to Nor- f The Senator from Maryland (Mr. folk with extensive damage to the bow, SARBANES) and a week later found herself back in AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO The Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. MEET the . Shipyard KERRY) workers fitted a 120-ton, 68-foot bow COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND The Senator from North Dakota (Mr. section from the unfinished Iowa-class TRANSPORTATION DORGAN) battleship Kentucky. Working round- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask The Senator from Illinois (Mr. DUR- the-clock, Wisconsin’s ship force and unanimous consent that the Com- BIN), and

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