
Walter LeRoy .~rown

R. F. D. l. Albion, N. Y.



An American genealogy may be an account of a person or family now or rcc<.!ntly living and records of the families from whom the person or family is descen


ABBREVIATIONS. b., born; d., diecl; m., married; d. y., died young; B.R., Bible Record; G.S.R., grave stone record; V.R.., vital record; D.R., death record. AUTHORITY for statements is usually given, either at the be­ ginning or end of records. NUMBERS before a name indicate the number of the child in a family and the number of the generation from the parents indicated at the beginning of the records, as: 72 John Allen indicates that John Allen was the second child of his parents and that one of his parents was the 7th child of his grandparents whose records arc being given, as to descendants. INDEXED at the end of the book. MISTAKES. As in most works on genealogy, there probably arc mistakes due to various reasons, hut the lines of descent we believe to be as nearly correct as the source of information will permit. IV SOURCES OF GENEALOGICAL INFORMATION FOR AMERICAN FAMILIES

'WRITTEN FA7\IILY RECORDS. The older members of a fam­ ily usually know where to locate the family records of their parents and sometimes of their grandparents and great-grandparents. These records arc usually accurate. GRAVE STONE INSCRIPTIONS. These records sometimes con­ tain c-rrors as to elate of birth, due to the faulty method of remember­ ing one's age instead of remembering the elate ·of birth. Just one year is a common error and this is made in the computation of the date of birth from the date of death and age at the time of death. CHURCH RECORDS. The early churches kept the vital records ,,f the members and kept records of baptisms. Some of these records i1ave been published and can be found in libraries with a department of genealogy. These records are accurate. GOVERNl\-IENT VITAL RECORDS. Births, marriages and deaths were recorded in N cw England from the beginning, but the practice seems not to have been compulsory, for many records that arc verified in other ways cannot he found in the town records of New England. The early vital records of Rhode Island have been copied and published. The early records of Connecticut arc indexed at Hartford with copies of the original at the State Library. Many of the town records of :i\fassachusctts have been copied and published. Some of the towns of New York have records for the years 1847-1850. Only since 1884 have all the towns of New York kept vital records, and for the first few years these arc not in all cases complete. Similar records haYc been kept in Michigan only since 1910. but the State Library at Lansing has colkctecl valuable records since 1867. Eng­ land h,lS kept vital records since 1837. Death records arc sometimes inaccurate as to the parentage of the deceased, and as to the place of birth of the deceased. LAND RECORDS. The land records of Connecticut arc kept by the towns; and in New York these records arc at the county seats. The place of residence of both grantor ancl grantee is often given in deeds, and the names of both husband and wife appear in the grantor in New York. Records of mortgages arc likewise valuable to the genealogist. PROBATE RECORDS. These records often give the names of all surviving members of a family. The early wills of Connecticut have been brought to Hartford. Land and Surrogate records arc most reliable. ·- LOCAL HISTORIES usually contain an account of the early set­ tlers of a place, and something about the people that have been con­ ncctccl with the local government. Leading citizens arc mentioned; but it is to be deplored that, for financial reasons, no account of many

V worthy citizens appears in most local histories. Local histories give clues to facts but sometimes contain inaccuracies. PENSION RECORDS. Family data of a pensioner is on file at the pension bureau, given at the time of application for pension. The Ac­ counting Department also has family data on file. The service of a soldier can often be established through the pension bureau. TO'WN RECORDS. The minutes of the town meetings of New York and of New England often contain valuable records, as the sign­ ing of the Oath of Allegiance at the beginning of the Revolutionary War. Many of the road records show the names of C\'cry man in the town who paid a toll tax. CENSUS RECORDS. New York State, Act of April 4. 1825 pro­ vided for the taking of the Census. 1835 and 1845 Census arc of not much value to the genealogist. Some of the counties have copies of the 1855 and 1865 state census of the County and these records are quite complete as to family data. They tell the county in which a person is born, if in N. Y. state, or the state, if born in another state. Vital records are given for the year the census was taken. U. S. Census. The taking of the census for the entire United States was established by the constitution for purposes of representation. The first census, that of li90, give the names of the heads of families and the number of each sex in the family. A copy of this census can be found in most libraries having a department of genealogy. The census of 1850 gives the names of each person in the family, their age in years and the name of the state in which each person was horn. The census of 1840 lists pensioners. The census returns to 18i0 inclusive are open to the public for inspection at the Census Bureau in \Vash­ ington, D. C. Copies of some of the U. S. census after 1870 arc to be found in some of the counties, viz., a census of the county. A list of what counties of N. Y. have census returns and what thcv ha vc is given on page E of the Appendix of this book. ., FA.1\IIL Y TRADITION. There is much satisfoction in verifying a family tradition by written records or by other evidence, or in even finding the kernels of truth which gave rise to the tradition. Tra­ dition common to widely separated branches of a family arc apt to be correct, but the tradition of large fortunes in the courts of chancery is common to many families, and has its origin more often in fancy than in fact. PERIODICALS with a genealogical department contain valuable records and give opportunity for people working on the same fami­ lies to compare notes. The Boston Transcript, Hartford Times, and Johnsville Enterprise and News contain genealogical departments. The Virkv:s Company of Chicago is a clearing house for genealogists and issue:, a handbook showing who arc working on various families.

GENEALOGIES. Jvlost great libraries contain a genealogical de­ partment. The Library of Congress and the Library of the Daughters

VI of the American Revolution contain many works on genealogy at a sing-le center. The Grosvenor Librarv at Buffalo, the Central Librarv in Syracuse. the State Library at Albany. and the State Library at Hartford, Ct., contain works in which are listed many of the early set­ tlers of New York. The value of a genealogy lies in the fact that many people trace back to a common immigrant family. In the 300 years of American history lia vc been about 11 generations. Allow­ ing 6 children to the family that reproduced families for the first 6 generations and 3 for the last 4 generations. the number of contem­ porary descendants of an immigrant family is: 611 x J 1 =3ii9136. Thus millions of people arc interested in the same immigrant family. The number of ancestor families the 1 l generations backward is 2tu=l024, making no allowance for intermarriage of cousins.



Maxson and l\faxon family records point to Rhode Island and converge to John Maxson and wife l\Iary Mosher of Newport and Westerly, R. I. Mary (l\losher) Maxson was a daughter of Hugh l\Iosher. She died Feb. 2, 1718. Hugh Mosher came to Salem, :rviass., in 1632. Later he was one of five who owned the township of \Vest­ erly, R. I. John Maxson was a native of R. I. and was of the second generation in America. No descendants of his parents, other than the descendants of John l\Iaxson, have been discovered; accordingly the records which follow, though tracing back to the parents of John l\Iaxson, the emigrant family, are usually indicated as originating with Joh11 2 1Iaxson and wife l\fary (Mosher) Maxson. There is a tradition recorded in the diary of G. H. Richardson, now in the collections of the Newport Historical Society, which reads: "Today, Dec. 20, 1720, died John :Maxson Sr., age 82 yrs. He lost his father and brother Richard who were attacked and killed by the In­ dians. Mrs. l\laxson escaped in a shall op to Acquetncck and her son was born soon after the landing in the spring of 1638 before the pur­ chase of the island from the Indians. He was the first white child born on the island of Rhode Island." Be this as it may in 1639 Richard 11axson was one of the 14 men who signed their names, 15 others making their marks to the following: 44 \Ve whose names are under­ written do acknowledge legal subjects of his majesty, King Charles and in his name do bind oursclVL's into a civil body polotike unto his laws according to matters of justice." The 29 men were of the set­ tlement which later was callccl Acquetneck (R. I. Records, Vol. I, p. 70). Mar. 6, 1640 ownership of 36 acres was recordc

1 l\1AXSON FAMILY have found no dcscendents of John: l\laxson who spell their names other than l\laxso11 or l\laxon. There were l\Iaxham and :Maxam families early in l\Iass. and eastern N. Y. l\faxharn and l\laxam arc given in the Appendix tu carefully separate Iviaxham and I\faxam. from l\laxson and l\laxon. In 1661 John 2 l\Iaxson with others formed a company at Newport for purchasing and settling a tract of land called hy the Indians 1Iisquamcut which now comprises \Vcstcrly, Charlestown, ancl Hop­ kinton, R l. He was married about 1665 and was made freeman at \Vestcrly Oct. 29, IG68. He served as deputy to the g-cncral assembly from \Vestcrly 1670, 1686, 1690, and 1705. He was over~eer of the pour 1687. The colony of \Vestcrly had connected itself as a branch to the Newport Seventh Day Baptist church of which \Villiam Hiscox was pastor. John l\Iaxson was a member of this branch church be­ fore 1692. In 1708 the \Vesterly branch was made a separate church. Sept. 20, 1708 John l\laxson Sr. was ordained to the office of Elder (pastor) to the cong-rcgation in and about \Vcstcrly, now called the First Hopkinton S.D.ll.C. at Ashway, R. I. John~ l\laxson made his will Jan. 22, 1716 which was probated Feb. 16, 1721. He was buried in the Clark burying ground near the Pay­ tuckct river where on a slate stone was the following- inscriptir ,l: "Herc lieth the hody of John l\laxson, rliecl Dec. 17, 17:?0 in the 82nd year of his life". The early ministers of the First Hopkinton church have been reintc-rrccl on the spot where the church stoocl and a monu­ ment has been erected to their memory. (Sec p. 58 llrown-Hakes and Allied Families.)

FIRST GENERATION 1 Richard' Maxson hacl sons: 2 Richard 1\1 ax son d. ae 13 yrs.

3 Jolin~ l\Taxon, d. fkc. 17. 1720 111 his 82nd year, m. about 1665 ·l\lary, dau. of Hugh !\Josher. '·,

REFERENCES Arnold's Records of Rhode Island; Newport; Westerly; ·J,•d Hopkinton. James Rogers Genealogy 1902. Clark Genealogy 1902 by Cyrus Clark VanDeventer. Jo,;eph Clark Family of Westerly by George Austin Morrison, Jr. A copy is at the Congressional Library. Seventh Day Baptist Memorial by Randolph. Brown-Hakes and Allied Families 1940. Burdick Genealogy by Mrs. Fred Johnson, 57 Birdsall St., Norwich, N. Y. 1400 pages. l!l37. Other references arc given with data furnished.


3 (t) John~ Maxson (RicharcP) and i\Jary l\Iosher. Ch.: !vlaxson: 4 (+)Rev.John, Jr., 1666-Oct. 28, 1748, m. Jan. 19, 1687, Judith Clarke, b. Oct. 12, 1667, dau. of Joseph Clarke and Bethia Huh­ bard (Samuel). See p. 83, Hubbard, anc.l p. 84, Clarke, Brown­ Hakes Records.

5 (+)Rev. Joseph, 1672-1750, 111. Tacy Burdick, dau. of Robert Burdick and Ruth Hubbard (Samuel). 6 Dorothy, d. before Jan. 22, 1715, m. Jan. 5, 1692, Joseph Clarke (brother to Judith. above). They had ch.: Clarke; flethia; Dorothy, d. y.; Elizabeth; Experience; Frecgift, rn. John Saunders; John; Joseph; Joshua; ;..Jary; Samuel; Sarah; Susanna; Thomas; and \Villiam. 7 (+)Jonathan, d. Nov. 20, 1732, m. i\fay I, 1707, Content Rogers 1688-1768, dau. of Jonathan Ifogas (James of Nc·.v London) ancl Naomi Burdick. Sec James Rogers gcnealog-y. Homer Rogers, Box A. Pendleton, On·gcm, is collecting data to hri11g Rogers data to date.

l3 ( +) Hannah cl. 1752, 111. 11 uhbard Bmdick ( Robert and Ruth Hubbard).

9 Mary, 111. Daniel Lewis (John). Daniel Lewis was the first settler of Hopkinton. R J., 1110,·i11g there ;i.hout 1707. He was a .fuller hv trade. I-Iis \\'ill was datccl Feh. 1. 1718, and he died that year: age about 50. His wife tli,•cl 17.21. See S. S. Gris­ wolcl Hist. of Hopkinton, R.. I. Note for No. G: Jo;c:eph Clarke of Joseph and Dorothy, m. Ap!'. 25, 1725, Dehornh Crn11d:!ll (JameR, John) (Sec Cr:rndall, p, 3C, Brow·n-HakeR Rec­ ords) and had a dnu., 1\Jolly, 172D-178fl, whom. John Stillman (Ccorr.e ll, I) nnd had a son, John Stillman, b. i'.Iar. 13. 1752, father of Elizabeth Stillman, wife of Silas7 l\luxson (Paul'\ David\ John -1, :i, ~). Note for No. 4: Johna l\Iaxson, Jr., was an extcn:,ivc land holder in West­ erly. Vol. I, p. 144, Town Records: Granted to Joh11 i\Iuxson, Jr., of West~ erly, 100 acres of lnnd falling by lot in No. 12 on the south sicfo of the great river to him, his heirs and as,;igns, l\Iar. 28, Hif)2. He had ~ portion of 'the i\laxson purchni;e of 2,(i84 acres. I\Inr. 30, 170'.l he W~!s granted an cxha l 00 acres. l•rom the Town Records: John l\la."Xson, J1·., mlmitted freeman Feh. 13, Hi90; ,July 2, 1694 chosen surveyor; Hi95-16!)8 Councilman; Oci. 3, HHJS chosen with Jame!'\ Bahcock to make a list of people of the town and the males between the ages of 1G to GO; lGDf) chosen deputy to the General Assemhlr at Newport; Aug. 1S, l 699 chosf!n Grand Juryman; .July 25, 1700 chosen 2nd Constable; ,June 2fl, 1700 Fence Viewer: Oct. 14, 1700 First Deputy to Gen. Assembly at Providence; Oct. 21, 170a 2ncl Deputy to General Assembly at Warwick; June 28, l'l04 Town Councilman (here called Ensign); June 2S, 1708 2nd Rate l\Jaker; 1713 1\Ioderator; 1715 Councilman; 171(i Councilman; 1718 i\Ioderator but declined to serve, claiming- the mectin1,; \\'as illegul ( and the meeting was di:;solved); July fi, 17Hl he wns ordained to the place ( West­ erly) of Elder (pastor) by Joseph Crnndnll of Newport. 1'hc Inst act record­ ed of Elder l\Iaxson, Jr., was his m,sisting his brother Joseph ut the ordination of Elder John Davis of Shrewsbury, N. J, (P. 78, Brnwn-1-Iakes and Allied Families.) 1\IAXSON FAl\1 IL Y - THIRD GENERATION

4 (t) John:1 lviaxson (John~) and Judith Clarke. Ch.: Maxson: 10 Judith, b. Sept. 23, 1689. 11 .Mary, Oct. 26, 1691-!\far. 16, 1692. 12 ( +) Bcthia, b. July 31, 1693, m. about 1715 Joseph' Maxson (Joscph:1, John~) b. i\Iar. 10, 1692 \Vesterly, d. 1747 in N. J. (No. 20). 13 ( +) Elizabeth, b. Nov. 7, 1695, d. Apr. 1751 Squam, N. J., m. Aug. 25, 1715 (\Vcstcrly Record) Rev. John Davis, b. 1692 near Phib., Pa .. d. Apr. 18, 1745 Squam. N. J.. son of \Villiam and Elizabeth (Brisley) Davis. 1-1- (+) Hannah, h. J1111c 13, 1698, m. 1717 Capt. John l\Iaxson (No. 21 belo\\'). 15 (+) Jolm, b. Apr. 21, 1701, d. 1786, m. Sept. 26, 172-t- Thankful Randall, dau. of Matthew (of John) and Eleanor (Utter) Randall who cl. 1735 and was named in the will of Nicholas Utter of Stonington as his daughter-in-law. Newport Hist. l\lag., Vol. 4, p. 130; also Brown-I-Jakes and Allied Families, p. 165, Randall. 16 (+) Dorothy, h. Oct.20.1703, m. July 24, 1724 Thomas Burdick, son of Samuel (of Robert) and ?dary (Foster) Burdick. 17 Susan, b. Oct. 19, 1i06, m. Zaccheus Reynolds. Dau. Eunice m. 3 2 Benjamin 1Jaxson (John'. , ). 18 Joseph, Dec. li09-July 1710. 19 Avis, b. Dec. 2i, 1712, 111. Nov. 5, 1731 Samuel Burclick, lived in Stonington, Ct., maclc Capt. Oct. 1, 1750 (Vol. 9, Conn. Rec.). Dau. i\Iargaret~ m. Apr. 7, 1763 Joshua Coon. Dau. IVIartha8 Coon m. 1796 James Recd Burdick. Dau. Roxa A. 7 m. Thornas8 2 1\Iaxson (Benjamin\ PclegG, l\latthew~, John\ a, ). 5 (t) Joseph:: .i\1 axson (John~) and Tracy Burdick. Ch.: l\faxson: 20 ( +) J oscph, b. :.Iar. 10, 1692, d. 1747 in N. J., m. Bethia Max­ son (No. 12). 21 (+)Capt.John, m. 1717 Hannah l\Iaxson (No. 14), m. 2, Sept. 13, 1744 .l\lrs. l\1artlia (Prosst'r) Lewis, dau. of John Prosser. 22 Tacy, rn. Samuel Burdick. Dau. Sarahr, h. Nov. 18, 1725, West­ erly, m. Johnr. .i\laxson (john"', \ ~). 1 23 :tvJary, m. 1724 Jeffrey Champlin (\Vm.:i, \ Jcffrey ). Ch.: Champlin: Samuel and J effrcy. 24 Judith, m. 1724 i\I atthcw Randall, had a son t\f at thew and a son Joseph. (Hartford Times, Nov. 21, 1942). 25 Ruth, m. 1727 Thomas I3ahcock. 26 Elizabeth, 111. Nov. 29, 1734 Jonathan \Velis. 7 (t) Jonathan=1 l\foxson (John~) and Content Rogers (Jonathan, James). Ch.: l\laxson: 27 ( +) Jonathan, h. Jan. 16, I 708, m. Jan. 1, 1736 Jemima l\ium­ forcl. 28 ( +) Content, b. Jan. 28, 1709, cl. after 17-1-9, m. July 7, 1731 James Babcock (John. James), m. 2 Dec. 22, 1742 \Villiam His­ cox, b. l\1av 31, 1705, son of Thomas Hiscox. 29 Joseph, Ja11. 14, 1712-1739.


30 (+)Rev. John, b. 1\Iar. 12, 1714 \Vestcrly, d. Mar. 2, 1778 at Newport, 111. 1 Oct. 22, 17.~6 Tacy lfogers (Jonathan, Jonathan. James), m. 2 Oct. 31. 1756 l\[rs. 1\1111 l\IcCarthv. 31 Naomi, b. 1Jay 6, 1716, d. 1mm. • 32 (+)Samuel, h. July 20, 1718 \Vcstet'ly. cl. 1796 in Hopkinton. R. I., 111. 1 Oct. 1.3. 1742 Ruth Rogers (Jonathan, Jonathan, James), b. Oct. 4. 1722, d. after 1756, m. 2 l\far. 15. 1763 1\Iary Downing. 33 Caleb, b. Nov. 21, 1721. cl. unm. about 1752. 34 ( +) Ivlary, b. Nov. 1723 \Vester])', m. 1\lay 12. 1748 Joshua ChasC' (Benjamin. Benjamin, \Villiam). JONATHAN MAXSON'S WILL, WESTERLY, R. I., 1732. Executors were his wife and son John. He left the use of 1/3 of his "movable estate" to his wife after debts and funeral expenses were paid. He divided a tract of land near the Pawcatuck between ltis sons, Jonathan, Caleb, and Joseph. He divided the lands which he purchased from the government, in Hopkinton, between Joseph and Samuel equally. He willed to his daughter Content Babcock, two cow!'l, a bed, and n chest, provided she "outlive her now husband" but not, the same was to be gfren to her daughter Anne Bab­ cock. See Babcock Genealogy, p. 15. He willed that the rest of his estate after the death of his ,vife, or after her marriage, be divided equally among his two youngest sons and his three daughter:;;. He willed 100 pound in money to his son Jonathan and 10 pound to each of his daughters, Naomi and Mary. 8 (t) Hannah~ .l\faxson (John:?) and Huhbard Burdick (Robert). Ch. : Burdick: 35 Hubbard, b. Nov. 24, lil6. 36 (+)Nathan, b. Feb. 19, 1719, m. Oct. 14, li43 Goodcth l\laxson (John4, Joseph a, John ~). 37 John, b. l\Jay 19, 1721. 38 Ezekiel 1720-1~02. m. 1750 An111c.·y Do\\'ning. Dcsccnclants: Hamrnhr. (17i2-1845), Burdick. m. 1788 Capt. Paul Babcock 1766-1840), Sally0 Babcock (1i97-1876) m. 1817 Jesse Burdick 1794-1858), son of Henry Burdick and Judithr. l\faxson (Sam­ uel\ Jonathan:!, John:i). Curtis E.7 Burdick (1832-1886) rn. 1861 Emma C. E. Beers, b. 1841. Jessie~ L. Burdick, b. Aug. 7, 1864, m. E.T. 'Whiton. D.AR. 83023. 9 (t) l\Iary3 Maxson (John~) and Daniel Lewis (John) of Hop­ kinton. Ch.: T,ewis: 39 John, m. Nov. 24, 1720 Anna Clarke. Cl1.: Lc·wis: Jonathan, b. Aug. 21, li21; John, b. Apr. 13. 1723; Avis. b. Aug. 8. 1725, m. Nov. I, 17..J.3 Hubbard Burdick, h. No,·. 2+. 1716. (No. 35, above); Anna, b. Nov. 13, l72i; Keziah, b. June 12, 1730; and Joshua, b. May 13. 1733. 40 Jonathan. 41 .l\.fary. 42 Dorcas. 43 (+)Daniel, rn. Martha Prosser. Daniel Lewis II had a small farm on the Tomaquag in Hopkinton, R. I. He built a dam and erected a fuIJing mill. :Martha (Prosser) Lewis, m. 2 Sept. 1.3, 1744 Capt. John IVIaxson (No. 21 which see for ch.) 44 Hannah.


12 (t) and 20 (t) Bcthia" l\I axson (J ohn:1, :!) and Joscph" !\Iaxson (J oscph=t, John:!) sailed from \V cstcrly for the mouth of the l\fonasquam riYer in the fall of 1742. They both

Note for No. fil. Thoma~ Potter was a son of Thomas:? Potter (Ichabod l''lttcr atHl l\lartha Hazard, dau. of Thomas Hazard). See Hazard, p. 135, of I!rown-Hakc~ and Allied Families. The fir;-;t members of the Shrewsbury, N. J., church were; Elder Wil1ium Davis nnd wife Elizabeth. J o;-;cph Maxson and wife Bethia. ,John Davis and wife Elizabeth. Thomas Dabcock nnd wife Ruth. 'l'homns Davis and wife Bethin. William llrand and wife Elizabeth . •Tudith, wife of James Davis. Joseph Davis. :Mary Stillman. Elizabeth Davis, Jr. Silns l\'laxson. Reference: Westerly and Witness, p. 27£1. Seventh Day Baptist by Ran­ dolph, 1005. 13 (t) Elizabeth" Maxson (John\:!) and John Davis (\Villiam) of Westerly. R. I., and Shrewsbury, N. J. Ch.: Davis: 54 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 17, 1717, m. William Brand. 55 (+) Wmiam Thomas; b. May 15, 1719, d. June l, 1795, m. in Wcst('rly Dec. 8, 1737 Tacy Crandall (John).


56 ( +) l\Iartha, b. Aug. H, 1721, d. Apr. l, 1756, m. Nathan Rogers (Jonathan. Jonathan. James). 57 ( +) Rev. John, Jr., b. Sept. 18. 1723. d. Aug. 29, 1792 at Bristol. Ct .. m. 1 Bethia Rogers, h. Apr. 1, 172j, cl. after 1772 at Bristol, m. 2 l\Iary (Saunders) Stillman, \\'iclow of Benjamin Stillman. 58 ( +) Rev. Joseph, b. Sept. 24. 1726, d. 1798, m. l Comfort Long- worthy, 111. 2 Dorcas (Clark?). 59 Ann, b. Jan. 23, 1728. 60 Judith, b. Apr. 7, 1731. m. Thomas Babcock. 61 Experience. 62 (+) 1\fary, h. Dec. 5, 1737, cl. June 16, 1785, 111. Jan. 3. 1759 Elisha Stillman, b. Apr. 25, 1722, d. July 26. 179t.\ son of George TI Stillman and Deborah Crandall. Elisha Stillman is accepted by the• D.A.R. as a rccog-nizecl patriot. SN· also Hopkinton, R. I. List of names, Narrag-ansctt Register. A descendant, 1\Irs. Blanche (Ruhy) Adams has a D.A.R. bar for Elisha Stillman. HcY. J('Jm Davi,:;, Sr., was the son of William Davis, b. 1663 in Wales, d. 1745 at Shrewsbury, N. J. The latter attended Oxford University and became a Quaker and public speaker. He settled in Pa. under the direction of Wil­ liain Penn and preached at Penncck near Phila. Later he became a S.D.B. nnd was ordained at Westerly in 1710. He established a church at Shrews­ bury, N. J. and preached to his congregation until his death. William Davis m. 1 Elizabeth Brisley and ]md ch.: l\fartha: William ( d.y.); John; and Mary. He m. 2 Elizabeth Pnvior and had ch.: Thomas: Joseph; Lydia; Edward; James; Elizabeth; and William. Rev. John Davis, Sr., was chosen Elder July HI, 1746 and preached at Shrewsbury, N. J. A genealogy of William Davis is printed in series by the Alfred Sun, starting l\Iay, 1945. 14 (t) and 21 (t) Hannalr1 Maxson (John~,~) and Capt. John4 l\lax­ son (Joseph=\ John~) Iin·d at the foot of i\Iaxson Hill now called Diamond Hill in Hopkinton, R. I. Ch.: l\lax:;011: 63 ( -/·-) \Villiam, h. Jan. 20, 1718. m. Oct. 14. 1743 Hannah Reynolds. 64 Amos, b. l\Jar. 16. 1720, 111. l\lary \\Titter. the "Story Teller.'' The latter was said to have been a very gifted woman (Jona­ than I. l\f ax son). 65 (+)Joshua, b. Fch. 1, 1722, m. Sept. 20. 1742 Anna Slack (per­ haps clau. of Samuel Slack and Ahig-ail l .c:wis ). 66 (+) Isaiah, b. Jan. 21. 1724. m. Oct. 19. 1749 Judith Reynolds, by Benjamin Randall. Justice in \Vc:;terly. 67 ( +) Goocleth. b. Jan. 5. 1726. 111. Oct. 14. 17-k, Nathan Burdick. son of Huhhard Burdick and Hannah l\laxson (No. 36). 68 Tacy, b. Dec. 15, 1728. m. Jan. 22. 1747 Jonathan Lewis. 69 (+) Judith, b. Jan. 17. 17.,1. 111. 1 Dec. 1. i749 John l\fatthrw Greene, b. i\lar. 13. 1722. cl. before Oct. 1757. son of Benjamin Greene and Eleanor Randall. 70 (+)Torey, b. Jan. 22. 1733, m. Sept. (or Oct.) 18, 1753 Martha Lanphere. Torey Maxson signed the Test Act. 71 ( +) Silvanus. b. l\lay 3, 1735, cl. 1820. m. Dec. 21. 1769 Lydia Lewis, b. Mar. 1, 1750, cl. 1800, dau. of Stephen. 72 Hannah, b. Dec. 3, 1737, m. Dec. 21, 1757 David Reynolds. 73 1\lary, b. Nov. 23, 1739. cl. unm. Ch. by 2nd wife. Martha Prosser:


74 ( +) J essc, b. June 11, 1745, m. l\Iay 18, 1770 Elizabeth Clarke, b. Nov. 14, liSI. d. Dec. 25, 1831, dau. of Rev. Joshua and Han­ nah (Cottrell) Clarke. 75 Ruth, b. Jan. 31. 1747, m. Oct. 12, 1769 Rowse Babcock (Brown­ Hakes and Allied Families, p. 134). 1746-1801. (George, George, John, James). See Babcock Genealogy by Emerson Babcock, 1903. Capt. John Maxson's 2nd wife, l\Iartha m. 1 Daniel Lewis and had Elias, Jonathan, Daniel, Maxson, Martha, and Hannah. She d. in Hopkinton Nov. 3, 1804, aged 100 years and 14 days. 15 (t) John• !\1axson (John\ ~) and Thankful Randall (Matthew, J olrn) of \Vcstcrly. 10 ch.: l\laxson: 76 ( +) John\ "Egypt John", b. Aug. 27, 1725, m. Oct. 30, 1746 Sarah Burdick, b. Nov. 18, 1725, dau. of Samuel Burdick (Sam­ uel, Robert) and Tacy l\laxson (No. 22), m. 2 1\frs. Darcis (Niles) Davis, widow of Nathan Davis. 77 ( +) 1\Iatthew, b. Apr. 27, 1727, d. Feb. 28, 1791, m. Dec. 21, 1749 :ti.fartha Potter, b. Jan. 3, 1729, dau. of Thomas Potter (1695- 1773) ancl Mary Babcock. Thomas Potter (1695-1773) was a son of Thomas (1663-1728) and Susanna Tripp, dau. of John Anthony Tripp, gr.-dau. of John Tripp (Ichabocl, Nathaniel). Capt. l\Iatthew Maxson made his will Jan. 3, 1791, same was probated Mar. 18, 1791 in Hopkinton. He signed the Test Act. l\frs. Neil Cameron of Detroit, Mich., a descendant, established him as honor ancestor in the D.A.R. i8 (+)David, h. July 24, li29, cl. about 1786, m. 1748 Abigail Greenman, cl. Mar. 5, 1812 (G.S.R. Petersburg, N. Y.). dau. of 1 Edward Greenman (Edward, Edward ) and Sarah Clarke, b. Feb. 21, 1692, dau. of Benjamin Clarke. David Maxson made bullets for the Rev. \Var and is accepted by the D.A.R. as a patriot of the Rev. vVar. Sec Nat. No. 156,510, Lineage No. 165, 1938. David l\laxson was appointed Deputy to the Gen. Assembly in 1775 to procure bullets, powder, lead, and flint. 79 ( +) J oscph, b, Mar. 23, 1731, m. Sept. 11, 1753 Keturah Randall 1 (Benjamin, l\Iatthcw, John ). Sec p. 165, Brown-Hakes and Allied Families. This is J csse Maxson in Arnold's Records 3-102, p. 45, vVestcrly 1\1 arriagcs. 80 ( +) Benjamin, b. Feb. 21, 1733, cl. Apr. 9, 1822, m. Eunice, dau. of Zacchcus Reynolds (Sec No. 17). 81 ( +) Stephen. b. May 3, 1735, d. Apr. 29, 1794, m. Martha Stew­ art, d. 1792. (Probably Martha, b. Nov. 11, 1736, dau. of Wil­ liam Stewart of Stonington, Ct., who joined the Westerly S. D. B. C. July 7, 1770.) 82 (+)Thankful, b. July 16, 1737, m. Nathan Barber (1735-1816), son of Benjamin Barber (Moses) and Mary Tifft (John). 83 ( +) Daniel, b. Sept. 23, 1739 Westerly, m. 1 Mar. 31, 1762 Boro­ dell Ross, dau. of Isaac Ross and Isabel Baradell, m. 2 Anne. (Barrcdel, Arnold Rec.)


84 Joel, b. l\Jay 28, 1742, d. prob. Sept. 5, 1762, a private in the ex­ pedition against Havana, Cuba, in 1762. (Vol. XIV, p. 57, Hist. & Gen. Register. 85 ( +) Elinor, b. Jan. 24, 1749, m. Oct. 31, 1771 Capt. \Villiam Bli­ "en, son of Edward Bliven, Jr. 16 Ct) Dorothy¾ !\faxson (John \ ~) and Thomas Burdick (Samuel, Robert) of \Vcstcrly. Ch.: Burdick: 86 ( +) Zacchcus, h. Feb. 28, 1734, d. , N. Y., Apr. 7, 1809, 111. \Vestcrly Feb. 19, 1759 Elizabeth Smith, h. \Vesterly May 22, 1739, d. Berlin, N. Y .. dau. of Bcnoni and Ruth (Pendleton) Smith of \Vcsterly. He settled in Berlin, N. Y., 1799. He served 1777 in Capt. E. Chapin\; Co., Colo. Ruggles \Voodbridge Regt. under Gates. 87 Susanna, h. about 1736, cl. Preston, Ct., Oct. 1794, m. 1759 Ben­ jamin Austin, cl. Preston, Ct .. Apr. 25, 1789. son of Edward and Isabel (Hardy) Austin. Ch. given on p. 56 of Burdick Gene­ alogy. 88 Zebcdiah, b. --, m. Isabel --, cl. Extcr, R. I., before 1785. They had a son Zebediah, an early settler of Thurman, N. Y., 1792. 89 Elias, m. 1 Jan. 17, 1754 Hannah Cottrell. m. 2 Aur. 23, 1764 Elizabeth Cottrell. Both wives were daughters of John and Elizabeth (Gardiner) Cottrell. Ch. given on p. 57 Burdick Genealogy. 90 Carey. m. Dec. 27, 175-~ Dorcas Cottrell. Dau. Elizabeth m. Dec. 4, 1773 (Varnum) Phineas I\Iaxson (Benjamin\ John\ :1, :?). During the Rev. he served in Capt. Hustecl's Co., Colo. Van Rensselaer's Reg., N. Y. Levies and I\Iilitia. 91 Thomas, m. Abigail Allen. They lived at Kortright, N. Y. Dc- sccmlants sho\\'n p. 58 Burdick Genealogy. 20 (t) See No. 12. 21 (t) Sec No. 14. 27 (t) Jonathan4 Maxson (Jonathan\ John~) and Jemima Mum­ ford of \Vesterlv. R. I. Ch.: i\laxson: 92 Joseph, "Saddler Joe", b. 1739. cl. Dec. 16, 1818. m. Elizabeth Stillman, b. Feb. 14, 1747. cl. Aug. 1, 1793. He owned a stone house a short distance east of the roacl running east from the Milne Brook at the Ezekiel i\Iaxson house. No. ch. He is said to have been "somewhat eccentric" (J. I. 1\Iaxson). 93 (+)Colonel Jonathan, b. about 1742 in Richmond, R. I.. m. 1 Dec. 29, 1763 l\Iary \Voodmansce, b. Feb. 7. 174-1-, dau. (prob­ ably) of Joseph and l\Iary \Voodmansec. (Nan-ag. Hist. Reg. Oct. 1888, p. 354). m. 2 I\Irs. Tabitha (Clarke) Tucker. Mrs. Tucker's husband was killed by solclicrs while attempting to prevent them appropriating the cattle for their use. Col. Jona­ than served in the General Assembly. 94 (+) Sarah, m. July Ii, 1757 Joseph Tefft, Jr. Sec Richmond Records. The family moved from \VestcrJy to Richmond and probably there were other children not recorded.


4 3 28 (t) Content Maxson (Jonathan , Jolm::) and James Babcock (John, James). Ch.: Babcock: 95 Anna, b. :ti.far. 30, 1732, m. Dec. 15, 1756 Capt. Simeon Rhodes of Newport. 96 (+)Major James, b. Nov. 1, 1734, m. Sarah Stanton. 97 Jonathan, m. Esther Hazard. Ch. by 2nd husband, \Villiam Hiscox: Hiscox: 98 David. 99 Susanna. 100 Content. 101 Lucy. James Babcock (John, James), b. 1663, d. July 7, 1736, m. 1 Elizabeth Saunders (Tobias) and had Jnmcs, Elizabeth, Samuel, Daniel, Anna, and Joshua whom. 1 Hannah Stanton and rn. 2 Ann 1\lnxson (John•, Jonatha11=1, John2 } and who was the first man from R. I. to graduate from Yule College. Joshua Babcock had a store on the hill east of Westerly. Anna Maxson Bab­ cock is buried at Ashaway near the monument to the ministers. See Steven Babcock Genealogy. 30 (t) Rev. John• 1\foxson (Jonathan:i, John::) and Tacy Rogers 1 (Jonathan\ Jonathan::, James ) of vVcsterly and Newport. Ch.: Maxson: 102 (+)Jonathan. b. Aug. 24, 17.37 vVesterly, cl. July 31, 1823 in Newport, m. Nov. 14, 1759 Lydia Clarke, m. 2 July 9, 1775 l\Iary 1\-Iillard of Freetown, 1Iass. Jonathan and his step-mother Ann joined the S.D.B.C. at Grcenencl, a place near Newport, R. I. 103 ( +) Esther, b. June 13, 1739, m. Nov. 29, 1765 James Hubbard of John and Judith (Clarke) Hubbard. 104 Anna, b. Jan. 24, 1741, d. l\Tay 23, 1812, m. May 28, 1780 Dr. Joshua Babcock (Sec above) of \Vestcrly. 105 Nathan, b. 1746, cl. unm. ac. over 70 years in Newport. 106 Content, b. 1747, d. unm. July 28. 1818. 107 Judith, b. Sept. 13, I 749, m. May 21, 1791 Samuel l\farriott as his 3rd wife. 108 (+)John, b. Apr. l, 1751, d. Apr. 16, 1822 (or Mar. 1821), b. July 19, 1783 Sarah Shrieve, d. Apr. 14, 1852 at Newport, c.lau. of Daniel Shrieve. Both are buried in the "Common Burial Place" (J. I. i\laxson). 109 ( +) Caleb, b. Nov. l, 1752, d. Apr. 6, 1841 DeRuyter, N. Y., m. 1 Oct. 20, 1782 l\Jary Bliss (\Villiam), d. 1lar. 16, 1798, m. 2 1far. 1. 1807 Mary Bliss, clau. of Henry Bliss. John Maxson, 1714-1778 (Jonathan3 , John~) became the fourth pastor of the S.D.B.C. at Newport in 1754. Many of the early marriages of R. I. are recorded as "married by John Maxson''. Until 1720 such records refer to the first John Maxson. Such records between 1720 and 17 48 refer to John Max­ son, Jr., and if dated 1748 to 1778 refer to John of Westerly and Newport, son of Jonathan. 32 (t) Samuel4 Maxson (Jonathan:i, John::) and Ruth Rogers (Jonathan, Jonathan, James) of Westerly and Hookinton. Ch. : Maxson : 110 (+)Samuel II, b. Sept. 5, 1743 Westerly, d. Feb. 1, 1808 Graf­ ton, N. Y., m. Dec. 15, 1765 Hannah Davis, dau. of John Davis and Bethia Rogers (No. 57). 10 MAXSON FAI'vlILY - FOURTH GENERATION

111 (+)Ruth, b. Mar. 5, 1747, m. Jan. 18, 1776 Peleg Babcock 1 (Oliver\ :i, John=, James ). 112 ( +) Elisha, b. Apr. 20, 1749, cl. Sept. 9, 1827, m. l\far. 22, 1788 Rebecca vVilcox, b. Hopkinton Sept. 13, 1762, d. Oct. 10, 1844. They arc buried in the Hopkinton church yard, west side, lot 91. 113 (+)Lucy, b. Aug. 27. 1751, cl. July 5, 1775, m. Dec. 14, 1769 Peleg Babcock (His 2nd wife was Ruth l\Taxson, above). 114 (+)Tacy, b. Feb. 13, 1754, m. July 18, 1767 Oliver Babcock (brother to Peleg, above), b. 1746, d. Sept. 11, 1806 in Leyden, Mass. He was a private under Capt. Bliven. 115 Judith, h. June 19, 1756, d. June 13, 1838 Scott, N. Y., m. Henry Burdick (Ezekiel, Hubbard, Robert) of \Vesterly, Hopkinton, Colerain, Mass., and Scott, N. Y. Descendants, See p. 84 Bur­ dick Genealogy. Ch. by 2nd wife, Mary Downing: 116 Phineas, b. Jan. 11, 1765, d. 177i in Hopkinton, R. I. 117 (+)Mary, b. Jan. 9, 1767, m. Nov. 1, 1787 Amherst Crandall. 118 Esther, b. Dec. 31, 1768, 111. Apr. 16, 1791 Rogers Kenyon of Hop- kinton and had ch.: Kenyon: Hannah, h. l\fay 20. 1792; and Esther, b. July 7, 1797. (Hopkinton Record.) 119 (+) Barbara, b. Jan. 1, 1771, d. May 4, 1862, m. Dec. 9, 1810 l\Iajor John Barber. 120 Nancy, b. Aug. 6, 1775. d. Oct. 17. 1863, 111. David Stillman (Benjamin, George II, I). She was his 2nd wife. Twin daus. cl. y. 121 \Vcalthy, b. l\lay 21, 17i9, cl. 1851, m. Capt. Phineas \Vhccler. They had a son, Phineas vVhceler, who m. Harriet Swan. See \Vhecler Genealogy, p. 333, No. 4121. Snmuel 1\foxson, 1718-1796. and his two wives are buried near Potter Hill, R. I. He was known as "Saddler Sam" as he was a harness maker. He made his will in 1792 and died in 1796. Westerly by Denison, 1878: The dam at Potter Hill was owned by Samuel Maxson and John Davis. Prior to 1762 there was a dam and grist mill at the meeting house owned by Peter Crandall (p. 136 Brown-Hakes). The dam caused the flooding of valuable meadow lands. The owners of the meadow lands purchased the dam and leveled it. The grist mill was purchased by John Davis (No. 67) and re­ moved to Potter Hall, on the Westerly side of the river. Later the saw mill was transferred to the opposite i-ide of the river. After occupying the mills a few years, on Jan. 10, 1776 the g-rist mill, saw mill, and fulling mill with dwelling houses and 16 acres of land were purchased from John and William Davis for 300 pound by George Potter (No. 51) and were operated by him until his death. 34 (t) l\fary4 IV!axson (Jonathann John~) and Joshua Chase. Ch.: Chase: 122 l\lary, b. l\Iar. 27, 1749, m. George Griffith. 123 Joshua Jr., b. June 15, 1750. 124 l\faxson, b. l\fay 9, 1752. 125 Mercy. 126 Ruben. 127 Amy. See N. E. Reg., Vol. 87, p. 140.


36 (t) Nathan"' Burdick (Hannah a l\,J axson, John:!) and Good ct hr, Maxson (John• J oseph:i John:?). Ch.: Burdick: 128 Zillimus, b. May 30, 1745 \Vesterly, R. I., 111. Lydia Lewis. 129 Sylvanus, b. Sept. 17, 1747, m. Mercy --- 130 Goodeth, b. Apr. 17, 1751, m. Elisha Covey . . 131 Tacy, b. Oct. 12, 1754. 132 Milety, b. Feb. 11, 1758, m. Zacchcus 11axson. They went to Shrewsbury, N. J., ancl about 1786 went to Salem, \V. Va. See S. D. B. of \V. Va., by Corliss F. Randolph. 133 Adam, b. Dre. 28. 1759. Hopkinton; m. 1 Hannah Burdick, 111 2 Lodema Lee. 134 Nauman, b. July 18, 1762. cl. unm. 135 Sheparcl, b. Oct. 18, 1766, m. Lucinda --. cl. East Haddam. See Burdick Genealogy, p. 29. 2 43 (t) Daniel" Lewis Jr. (Mary:i Maxson, John ) and l'v[artha Prosser. Cb.: Lewis: 136 Elias, 17.10-1804, 111. 1 Susan Reynolds and had: Eunice; Lois; Elias cl. 1835, 111. Elizabeth I3ro\\'ning. He m. 2 1i96 and had 5 ch. 137 Jona than, mo\'ccl to N. Y. state, cl. ac. over 80 yrs. 138 Daniel Ill, li35-1821. m. 1 ---, cl. Sept. 17, 1804, mother of his ch. m. 2 Anna (Clark?). Ch.: Lewis: Elizabeth, 1764- 1796; l\Iartha, 1766-1826 ( m. --- Babcock and had 3 ch.) ; Hannah, 1769-1810 (m. Hazard Browning and had 9 ch.); Amy, b. Aug. 14, 1773; Daniel, h. l\Tay 23. 1778; and Christopher, b. Sept. 23, 1780 (m. \Vcalthy Kenyon and had 7 ch.). 139 l\laxson. 140 1lartha. 141 Hannah. l\JAXSON FAl\J ILY - FIFT11 GENERATION 45 (t) Bethia~· l\Taxson (Joseph" John\:!) ancl Thomas Davis (Rev. vVilliam ). 142 ( +) Lydia Davis was one of their ch. She 111. Samuel Stillman, 1770. They moved to Lincklean, N. Y., where she died. Samuel Stillman was a son of Elisha Stillman and Hannah Rogers (Jonathan. Jonathan, James of New Lonclon). Sec p. 76 Brown-Hakes Gen. 46 (t) l\Iaryr. l\Iaxson (Joseph\ :i John:!) and Joseph Stillman (George II). Ch.: Stillman: 143 (+)Esther, b. Nov. 22, 1740, d. Feb. 2, 1824, 111. Fch. 11. 1758 George Sti11man (George ITI. II, I). 144 (+)Joseph, b. Feb. 9, 1743, d. Mar. 25, 1825, m. Oct. 22, 1769 Eunice Stillman ( dau. of Benjamin Stilln,un and Mary Saunders), b. Oct. 5, 1751. d. Mar. 10, 1837. The other children of Benjamin and Mary ( Saunders) Stillman were: Nathan, b. 1757; Waite, 1738; Lydia, 1760; Mary, 1762; Benjamin, 1763; Wealthy, 1765; Thankful, 1767; David. 1769; and Ephraim, 1771. 145 Arny, b. Apr. 7, 1754, m. Silas Bailey, b. J unc 9, 1754, d. July 8, 1854. They lived at West Greenwich, R. I., where were born: Bailey: Silas, b. July 5, 1779; Eli Stillman, a preacher, Sept. 23, 1783; Polly, 1783; Polly, b. Apr. I, 1787; and Jacob, b. June 16, J 790. 145a Lois, b. Apr. 18, 1756, m. Asa Maxson (No. 289).


47 (t) Judith~ Maxson (Joseph4, 3 John:!) and James Davis of Shrewsbury, N. J. Ch.: Davis: 146 James. 147 Joseph, m. Penelope Lewis. 148 Jacob, b. 1748. He was in the moYcment from N. J. to \Vestern Va. to \Vooclbridgc town, Fayette Co., Pa., where he died. He rn. l\Iary Davis (\Villiam, Re,·. John. \1/illiam). They had ch.: Davis: Jacob; Jr., Zebulon, Samuel, Crandall, l\Iary, Lydia, and Elizabeth. 149 \Villiam. 150 Content. 151 Hannah. 152 Thomas. Note: James Davis (wife, Judith) was a prii;ute in Capt. James Moore's Co., Somerset Co., N. J. l\lilitia. (Adjunct Gen. Office, Trenton, N. J.) Brown.I-Jukes and Allied Families, p. 77. Randolph. S.D.B. Memorial, 48 (t) Joseph~' l\laxson (Joseph\ :i John:!) and wife Elizabeth of Navcsink, N. J. Ch.: (from his will) li.Iaxson: 153 ( +) Capt. John, b. Feb. 14, 1761, cl. Dec. IS, 1835 Navesink, m. Lea Benjamin of l\Iiddlctmn1, N. ]., cl. l\£ar. 20, 1847. He was a shipbuilder. S,D.U. ancl was a soldier in the Amer. Rev. 154 Lydia. 155 Hannah. 156 Amy. 49 (t) Zebulon~· Maxson (Joseph". :, John~) and wife Experience. Ch.: (from his will) l\laxson: 157 l\Iarvcl, b. 1\lay 22, 1i68, cl. 1813, buried nca r Springfield, 0. m. John Davis (\Villiam, John. \Villiam) 1754-1842 \V. Va. Ch.: Davis: Amy, 111. George Davis; Jane; Sarah; Zipcrah; J olm; Lewis. b. Aug. IO, 1810; and i\lary. Sec Alfred Sun. Nov. 29, 19-15. 158 Elizabeth. m. Benjamin Thorpe. .:\leadvillc, Pa. 159 Expcrienee, 111. Joseph Da ,·is. 160 ( +) Zebulon, cl. Nov. 1822 (or Nov. 20, 1821, ac. -1-0 yrs., Ran­ dolph. p. 443) at Green Brier Run, Va., m. (prob. Dec. 25, 1795) I\lary Davis. h. Aug. 30, 1778, d. li.Iar. 1869, clau. of Nathan Davis and Ann Gifford. 161 Bethia, m. l\l ichacl G---. Last 3 ch. were not of age in 1787. 50 (t) Simeon~ l\laxson (Joseph\ :i John~) and l\lary Babcock (of Simeon Babcock). (l\lss. of Elder Simc:011 Babcock, C. H. Greene of Alfred, and J. I. l\Iaxson). Ch.: l\Jaxson: 162 Nathan. 163 Joseph. 164 \1/illiam. 165 Thomas. 166 l\loshcr. 16i Simeon. 168 James. 169 George°, b. Aug. 2-1-, I7i3. m. 1 Sept. 3, 1i95 Anna l\Iaxon, b. Nov. 4. 1778, cl. Dec. 11, 1796, m. 2 Oct. 18, 1800 Elizabeth Read (neiec of Felix Grundy, b. Nashville, Tenn), b. 1far. 2, 1776, d. Oct. 21, 1821, 111. 3 Apr. 10. 1823 Sarah Van Horn, b. 1Iar. 13, 1791, d. Oct. 29, 1839. Probably George11 had a son George', b. Nov. 20, 181 I Clnrksburg. vV. Va .. d. Jan. 26, 1895 at l\farble Rock. Iowa, m. Dec. 15, 1842 Rachel. dau. of John Harbert. In 1834 George; moved to Champion Co., 0 .. taught school in Allen Co., 0., thcnec: o ]owa, had ch.: Stanley~ who teaches at Cooley H. S., Detroit, l\fich. ( 1945); Thom ass; and Simeon11 of Vv. Va. Mrs. Neil A. Cameron of Detroit. 170 John. 171 Ruth. 172 Susanna.


2 51 (t) Contcnf' l\faxson (Joseph\ \ J ohn ) and George Pottl-r of Hopkinton, R. I. Ch.: Potter: 173 l\fary, b. May 30, 1755, m. John Stillman. 174 (+)George, b. Feb. 10, 1757, cl. 1800 Hopkinton, m. Mary Still­ man, b. l\Iar. 8, 1762, cl. 1801. 175 Joseph, b. Feb. 16, 1759, m. Phebe \Veils. 176 (+)Hannah, b. l\lar. 9, 1761, m. Amos'1 l\laxson, b. Feh. 27, li54 (Torey~ Capt. John~ Josepha John::). 177 Susan, b. nlar. 18, 1763, m. Samuel \Veils, m. 2 Isaac Saunders. 178 Content, b. May 25, 1765, m. Apr. 8, 178-t- Daniel Babcock. 179__ ( +) Lydia°, b. Oct. 10, 1766, cl. June 15, 1843 Gent see, N. Y., m. Dec. 17, 1795 Joseph'1 l\laxson, b. Apr. 25. 17il (Silva.nm? John4 J oscph~ John::). (Sec unclcr No. 71 ). 180 Nathan, b. l\Iay 31, 1767. m. Lucy Rogers. 181 (+)Lucy, b. Oct. 10, 1771, m. 1 John Barber, m. 2 Feb. 1797 Rogers Crandall of Phineas. 53 (t) Sec No. 183 below. 1 55 () \Villiamr. Thomas Davis (Elizabeth~ l\laxson, John: , ::) and Tacy Crandall of John. Ch.: Davis: (2 ch. cl. y.): 182 (+)Nathan, b. May 9. 1740 \Vcsterly, m. Jan. 19. 1761 Anna Gifford, b. Jan. 17, 1742. 0 183 ( +) Elizabeth , m. in lVlonuouth Co., N. J., Apr. 27, 1764 Ephraim~' l\Iaxson (Joseph"', a John::). (No. 53). 184 John. h. Jan. 1, 1754, d. l\lay 22, 184-2. m. :\Iarn:l 1\Iaxson, h. Ivlay 22, 1768, d. 1813 (No. 157 whae ch. arc given). (Brown­ Hakes, p. 7i). 185 William, b. l\Iar. 12. 1758, cl. Jan. 6, 1845 at Shrewsbury. Elizabeth Johnson, b. July 11, 1762, cl. same day as her husband ancl buried in the same grave. 186 1\Iary. m. Rev. Jacob Davis (No. 148 where ch. arc given). 187 l\Iartha, b. Aug. 15, 1760, d. Jan. 2. 1854. m. Thomas Babcock. b. Feb. 12, 1759, d. Greene Co., 0., Feb. 3, 1825, son of Thomas Babcock and Judith Davis, m. 2 John Smalley. 56 (t) l\fartha~ Davis (Elizabeth4 :'I 1 ~.xson, John\ ~) and Nathan Rogers. Ch.: Rogers: Nathan, d. y.; 188 Amos, b. 1743 of Greenfield, N. Y. 189 Cary, b. 1745 of Waterford, Ct.. d. Oct. 26. 1822, Grafton, N. Y. 190 Elizabeth. m. --- Lanphear. 191 Jeremiah. 192 .!\Iartha. 193 ( +) David, left \,Vatcrford, Ct., and settled on Rogers St., Pres~ ton, N. Y., in 1804, m. 1 Hannah, cl. 1821, m. 2 Avis Burdick, d. 1835 ae. 56. 57 (t) Johnr. Davis Jr. (Elizabeth4 Maxson John=i, :!) ancl Bethia Rogers (Jonathan\ 2 James) of Hopkinton, R. I., and Bristol, Ct. Ch.: Davis: 194 (+)Hannah, m. Dec. 15, 1765 Samuel Maxson II, b. Sept. 5, 1743, cl. Feb. 1, 1808 at Grafton, N. Y. (No. 110.) 195 John III, d. Jan. 1780 ac. 30 yrs. (G.S.R. \,Vest Britain, Ct.). m. Mar. 27, 1773 Naomi Kenyon of Hopkinton, cl. Feb. 20, 1801.


She m. 2 Amos11 Stillman (l\Iaryr, Davis Elizabeth• l\faxson John\ ~). 196 \Villiam, b. l\fav 25, 1748, m. Feb. 26, 1767 .-\nna \,Vilbur. He was deacon o( the Leonardsville S.D.B.C., established 1802. (Hist. i\Jaclison Co., N. Y., p. 539). Ch.: George i Jushua; \Vi)­ liam; John. 197 ( +) David R., m. Lydia Cartwright, n1. 2 Anna Lanphear. He was the first pastor of the S.l). B.C. at DeRuyter, N. Y., with a branch at Lincklcan in 1815. ( Hist. l\laclison Co., p. 89). 198 Jonathan R., b. l\lay 5, 1756. d. Dec. 1831, m. Oct. 13, 1777 (Farmi11glon V. R.) Elizabl'th Covey. b. l\far. 10 1759, d. Nov. 7 1&!0, dau. of Hope Covey and Lydia Davis. Ch.: Davis : Bcr­ thcnia, b . .i\lar. 10, 17i9; John, b. Aug. 14, 1881; Hannah, b. Bridgeton. Ct., Jan. 1, 1784, cl. l\far. 24. 1861. Alfred Sun, Feb. 21. l 946. 199 (+) Thomas, m. Nov. 20, 1i77 Polly \Vest. (Farmington, Ct., V. R.) 200 ( +) Elizabeth, b. May 15, 1755, d. Nov. 28, 1826, m. Feb. 4, 178] Benjamin 'West, b. Nov. 30, 1761, cl. July 1853 at Vernna, N. Y. 201 Experic·nce, 111. Nov, 20, 1777 Hezekiah \Vest. cl. Jan. 15. 1805. (G.S.R. at \Vest Britain, Ct.). 202 Amy, m. l\fichael \Vest. 203 ( +) Rogers, b. Dec. 17. 1i64, cl. Dec. 26, 1846 (James Rogers Gen., p. 267). m. Aug. 28. 1788 Lois Covey, b. Aug. 1, 1770, d. Dec. 2, 1850. clau. of Elisha Covey and Goodeth Ramlall. Bristol, Ct.. 1790 Census shows Rog-crs Davis. 3 in the family. 58 (t) Josc.·phr. Davis (Elizabeth~ l\laxson John\ ~) and Comfort Lang-worthy. 9 ch., 2 h. Shrewsbury, N. J., the 3rd in \Vcsterly; 4 ch. by 2nd w. Dorcas. aJI h. Hopkinton. Davis: 204 1\fartha. h, l\Iav 5, 1746; 205 Samuel. b. 1749; 206 Comfort, 1753; 207 l\Iarvcl. 1755; 208 Anna. 1758; 209 Prmll'nce, 1760; 210 Joseph, 1764; 211 Tacy, 1766; 212 Edward, 1768, 213 (+)Clark, b. 1774, d. (prnh.) Jan. 4, 1850. ae. 75, m. Hannah ---.

N. Y., 111. 1782 \Yells Kenyon, b. Jan. 16. 1758 Hopkinton, ti. about 1840 Berlin, N. Y., son of Nathanil'l Kenyon (patriot. supplemental bar a descendant, i\hs. I31anchc (Ruby) Adams. 223 \:Villiam, b. l\lay 4, 1767. 22..j. Ethan, h. li68, m. Polly Lewi!,. ?r...... J Rev. l\Iatthcw, 1770-1838, m. Elizabeth Nichols. cl. 1838. 226 Hannah. b. 1773, d. Lincklcan, N. Y. 1865, m. \Vecclon Burdick. Sec p. 130 Burdick Genealogy. 227 \\Tillett, b. 1777, m. Scrviah Noyes. 228 r-.rary 1779 m. John Cottorell. Elisha Stillman m. 1 l\lnr. 5, 1747 Hannah Rogers, b. 1727, ' 1758 (Jonathana, ~, James) and had Samuel, 1747-1834, Lydin Davis ,o. 142) and Martha, m. Jonathan Palmiter, b. 1768. 6:, (t) \Villiam;; l\laxson (Capt. John' Jos<:ph:1 John~; also Han-­ nah• John:i, :?) and Hannah Reynolds of \Vcst<:rly. Ch.: l\Iaxson: 228 ( +) \Villiam, b. Nov. 16, 1745, m. Sept. 16, 1767 Lucy 1\Iincr, b. 1 Apr. 6, 17--16. clau. of Simeon 1\1 iner (Ephraim\ ~ Thomas ) and Hannah \Vhceler. 229 Susanna, b. Apr. 20. 1749, 111. June 28, 1772 Edward Cheever Jr. of Easthatn, Mass, son of f\laxson Cheever. b. Fch. 21, 1774. Hopkinton Rec. 65 (t) Joshua~· l\laxson (Capt. John4 Joscph:i John~) and Ann Slack. Ch. : I\laxson : 230 (+)Anna, b. Oct. 1741, cl. after the clcath of her husband on a visit back to R. I., and is buried nt Ashawny, m. Dec. 24, 1767 David Randall, b. June 1739, d. at Elk Creek, Erie Co., Pa., about Oct. 1820, buried on his farm, son of Benjamin Randall and Mary Babcock of Westerly_ 231 (+)Ramlall, m. (probably) Apr. 13, 1793 1lary Saunders (alias Hull, Hopkinton Record). 66 (t) Isaiah~· l\faxson (Capt. John~ Josepha John~; also Hannah 1 • John\ ~) aml Judith Reynolds. Ch.: 1laxson: 232 (+)Clark, cl 1809, m. Nancy Clark, b. \.Vcstcrly 1\Iay 24, 1758, d. 184D, July 16, ac. 82. (G.S.R. DeRuyter, N. Y. Vol. 1, p. 155. l\ls. Dept., Albany, N. Y.) 233 (+)Perry, m. Abigail Palmer, dau. of Vose Palmc·r, and settled at Laceys Corners. 1larlison Co., N. Y., in 1792, moving from Stonington, Ct. (Hist. 1\Iarlison Co., p. 362.) 234 ( +) Sarah, ni. Nathan Clark. 235 Hannah, joined the Hopkinton church 1Iay 20, li86. 236 Eunice. Isaiah Maxson probably moved to Bruokficlcl, N. Y., along with several other families about 1792, from H.. I. 67 (t) Sec No. 36. · 69 () Judith~ l\faxson (Capt. John~ Josepha John~) ancl i\Tatthcw Greene of \V csterly, R. I. Ch.: Greene: 236 ( +) Benjamin, b. f\lar. 25, 1751, m. Dec. 13, 1781 Grace Rogers, h. Mar. 1760. 237 Hannah, b. Aug. 4, l, 53, m. 1 Ezekiel Rogers, m. 2 Clarke Rogers. 238 Sarah, b. Aug. 14, 1755, m. Zchulon Rogers, h. July 1757. 239 Humility. b. Apr. 9, 1757, m. Jonathan Rogers, h. Nov. 10, 1760, d. Sept. 18, 1824 (Nathan), m. 2 Jennie Clarke (\rVilliam). Sec


James Rogers Genealogy, Greene Gen., p. 258. Judith Maxson 111. 2 Sept. 12, 17il David Rogers, 1719-1803, who m. 1 Grace Lester (David), m. 3 Susan Truman. See Bro\\'11-Hakes Gen., p. 75. Sec Nar. Hist. H.cg .. Vol. II, p. 169, No. 3, and Vol. 1, p. 135, No. 2. 70 (t) Torey~' I\Jaxson (Capt. John~ Joseph=1 John::) and !\fartha Lanphere of \Vcsterly, R. ]. Ch.: Maxson: 2-tO ( +) Amos, b. Fch. 27, l 754, said to ha vc commit<:d suicicll' (J. ]. l\faxson, p. S. I 8), m. Jan. 3. 1789 Hannah, dau. of George and Content (Maxson) Potter. (No. 1/6.) 241 John, b. NO\. I, 1755, lived in Brookfield, N. Y., where he cl. unm., a school teacher. 242 Catherine. b. Apr. 16, 17::;8 \Vcsterlv, d. Feb. 1842 \Vesterly, m. Apr. 6, 1790 Capt. Charles EC1wnrds, son of Daniel of Charlestown. 243 (+)Torey, b. June 2. 176i, 111. Aug. 3, 1782 Betsey Champlin of Westerly, H. I. 244 (+)Joshua, b. Jan. 27, 1763, cl. !\lay 29. 1845 Brookfield, N. Y., m. 1\Iar. 4, 1790 Thankful Stillman, clau. of Benjmnin ( George II, I) Stillman and Mary Saunders. (Sec under No. 144.) 245 ( +) Prudence, b. Aug. 18, li65, cl. i\lar. 16, 1825, 111. Feb. 11. 1790 Benjamin StilJman, b. 1763, d. Jan. 23, 1857 West Edmeston, N. Y. (Brother to Thankful, above.) 246 Martha, b. Oct. 20, 1767, m. James Crandall Jr., moved to Brook­ field, N. Y., who m. 2 May lG, 1793 and had a son, John A. Crandall who hnd a son Alonzo D. Crandall of South Brookfield, N. Y. 247 (+)Hannah, b. Dec. 17. 17i0. d. Dec. 28, 1850 Hopkinton, R. I.. m. Oct. 1, 1795 Ichabod Burdick Jr., b, Feb. 3, 1772 at Charleston, R. I., d. June 5, 1842 at Hopkinton, R. I. 248 Benjamin, b. Feb. 27, 17i3, cl. a young man oi small pox. He was cared for by his brother John and sister Hannah who had previous­ ly had the cfo:case. ( J. I. l\laxson, p. S-16.) 249 ( +) El11atha11, h. !\Tar. IO, 17ii, cl. Sept. 30. lR-!-4 at Scott, N. Y.. m. 1,---, m. 2 Fanny Palmer, b. ::\lur. 12, 1792 in Ct., d. Apr. 15, 1886, Scott, N. Y. 71 (t) Sylvanusr• Maxson (Capt. _Tohn~ Joscph=1 John~) and Lydia Lewis of Hopkinton, R. I. Ch.: l\11xson: 250 (+)Joseph, b. Apr. 25, 1i71. d. Jan. 288, 1856 Genesee, N. Y.. m. Dec. 17, 1797 Lydia Potter, b. O"t. 10, 17H6, d. June 15, 1843 Genesee, dau. of Gcorg-e and Content l:!'fnxson) Porter (No. 179). They went to Allegany Co., N. Y., in 1826. F .. rmcr, Lumberman, and Shoemaker. 251 ( +) Lewis. b. Dec. 17, 17i2. m. Jan. 27, 1797 Tacy Coon at Montville, Ct. He was a tailor and moved to Hartford, Ct. 253 ( +) Sylvanus, b. Feh. 16, 1775, 111. Sept. 24, 1797 lletty Lang­ worthy, b. Jan. 23, 1780, d. about 1870, 1· uu. vf Altania Babcock and John Langworthy who settled in North Stonington, Ct, near Clarks Mi11s. They moved to 1\Ialdcn on the Hudson in 1819. 254 ( -1-) Nathan, b. Oct. 5, 1777. cl. Dec. 16, 1824, m. Apr. 28. 1800 Ruth Crandall, b. Feb. 28, 1778, d. Mar. 20, 1864, dau. of Phineas of Montville. 255 (+)Lydia, b. Oct. 14, 1785, cl. Mar. 26, 1861 at Genesee, N. Y .. where they moved in 1826, m. May 1, 1806 Joseph Wells, b. 1\lny 7, 1783 Hopkinton, R. I., d. June 1, 1837, son of Samuel and Susan (Potter) Wells of Potter Hill, R. I. Blacksmith S.D.B.


74 (t) Jesse~ l\laxson (Capt. John~ JosC'ph 11 John~) and Elizabeth Clarke of Hopkinton, R. 1. Ch.: 1\faxson: 256 ( +) Russel, b. 17i0, cl. Sept. 22, 1831 at Preston, Ct., m. 1 Mary Clarke, b. Sept. 26, 17i2, cl. Sept. 13, 1812, dau. of Phineas and Mary (Babcock) Clarke, m. 2 Hannah Peckham, buried in the Hopkinton cemetery. 257 ( +) J csse, h. 17i2, cl. Oct. 11, 18-46, buried Hopk. ccm., m. 1viar. 20, 180,~ Sophia Clarke, h. Jan. 16, 1778, d. l\Iar. 10, 1872, \Vest­ crly. 258 Joshua C., cl. unm. 259 (+)Oliver, b. 1\far. 4, 1781. d. Apr. 7, 1856, 'Waterford, m. l\Iar. 8. 180+ Esther Rogers, h. Apr. 12, 1784 in \Vaterford, d. Nov. 17, 1851. He Icarnccl the sadcller's trade from his brother Jesse ancl worked at it several years. Later he took a stand in the Fulton N. Y. fish market until 1830. 260 (+)John Jay, m. Feb. 20, 1820 Abby Babcock. They went to Preston, N. Y. 1810. 1855 Census, Preston, N, Y.: John I. Maxson, ac. 58, b. R. I.; Abby, ae. 56, h. R. I,; Mary E., ae. 26, b. R. I. 75 (t) Ruth~· ~laxson (Capt. Joh1r1 Josepha John~) and Rowse Bab­ cock. They had a store on the hill east of Westerly, near that of Jm;hua Babcock's. He was a justice 1775-1781. Ch.: Babcock: 261 Rhoda, h. Dec. 17, 1769. 111. Gen. \Villiam \Villiams. 262 Rowse, b. May 12, 1i73, m. Hannah Brown. 263 Elizabeth, b. I\Iar. 14, 17i5, m. Joseph Noyes. 264 Benjamin, b. SC'pt. 2, 1779. m. Nancy vVikox. 265 Sarah, 111. Gov. Jcremiah Thurston. 266 Nancy. m. \Yilliam \Villiams (his 2nd w.). 267 ( +) Ahhy, m. John I. I\Iaxson (No. 260). (S-44 J. I. l\faxson's Records from 1\Irs. Samuel Burdick.) 2 76 Ct) John~· 1\laxson (J ohn4. ::, ) and Sara hr, Burdick (Tacy• Max­ son, Joseph" John~). Ch.: Ma>:son; 268 Eunice, b. Feb. 23, 1747, 111. Jan. 1, 1766 Richardson Avery Jr. of Stonington. See Chesehrough Genealogy and see Burdick Geneal­ ogy, p. 54. 269 Lois, b. Nov. 1 I. 1748. 0. S. Hopkinton, R. I., Record. 270 John, b. Nov. 11, 1780, may have gone to I3rookfielcl, N. Y. 271 Tacy, h. Apr. 3, 1753 N. S., 111. Feh. 13, 17i2 Ephraim Rogers of Jonathan of New London. 272 Thankful, b. Aug. 2, 175.~ N. S., m. Jan. 7, 1773 Samuel Coon (Capt, John). 273 Sarah, b. Feb. 11, 175E N. S. Hopkinton. 274 ( +) Richard, b. Oct. 11, 1763 N. S .. d. at Marietta, 0 .. m. tfary Wells of Thomas Jr. and Sarah Thompson of Hopkinton, b. Dec. 2, 1768 Hopkinton, d. Marietta, 0. They went to Ohio with his brother Henry and 46 other pioneers, arriving at Marietta Apr. 7, 1788 and made the first settlement. 275 Henry, h. June 7, 1766, cl. 1812, m. Oct. 23, 1807 in I\Iarietta, 0., Elizabeth Galow_ No record of his descendants has been found. Ch. by 2nd w. Darcis (Niles) Davis who had 9 ch. at the time she m. John Maxson: 276 ( +) Susanna, b. Jan. 20, 1780 in the "Egypt House" in Hopkin­ ton, d. Nov. 8, 1865 Salem, Ct., m. Oct. 29, li97 John Peabody


(Thomas 1 \Villiam\ ~ John') h. Aug. 28, 1775, d. Apr. 14, 1803, 111. 2 Lewis Chapman, b. June IO, 1782, d. i\Iar. 20, 1870. John~' Mnxson, ' 1Egypt John" i'cl said to hnve hnd n "corner" on whent during n period of i;cnrcity of that p;rnin. He was town clerk of Hopkinton 1768-1774. He was a justice of pence. i7 (t) nlatthcw~' l\laxson John\ a,~) and l\iartha Potter of \Vcst­ erly, R. I. Ch.: l\laxson: 277 Thomas, h. Jan. 7, 1750, d. Nov. 1821, 111. Dec. 17, 1772 Hannah Sisson. 3 l'h.: l\Iaxson: Hannah. b. Oct. 4. 1773; Thomas, h. Oct. 17, 1775; and Laura, m. Rev. Harvey Patridge. Virkus, Vol. IV, p. 421. 278 (+) Peleg, b. Aug-. 6, 1752, d. June 1820, m. Nov. 13, 1777 Mrs. Sarah Clarke, b. i\l ar. 2, 1i-ti, clau. of Eel ward Burdick. (S.D.B. Church Rec.: Sarah, dau. of Edward Ilurclick, was a member Nov. 1769. Also J. l. l\Iaxson's record.) He was a Corporal in the Rev., Capt. Jesse Burdick's Co. Militia, being a detnchment of Col. Joseph Noyes' Rein. Rec'd pny for 28 days. Vol. 4, p. 44 1\lilitary Census 1777 (unpublished): Peleg l\foxson of Hopkinton, ne. 15•50, able to bear arms. 279 ( +) i\Iatthcw, b. Jan. 6, 175..J., d. i\lay 20, 1826 Grafton, N. Y.. m. Feb, 26. 1ii8 (He !,lated in his application for a pension the date of 111.) Fanny Peckham. ( Stillman Village Cemetery: Fanny, wife of i\f atthew i\Iaxson. cl. --) cl. Nov. 18. 18-~1 in her 80th year. 280 (+) George, h. Oct. 10, 1756. m. Jan. 8. li78 Anne r.Ierritt, b. 1759 Providence, R I. l.ieutcant in the Re\'olntion. 281 (+)Nathan, h. Dec. 9. 1758, d. 183-l-. m. Dec . ..J., 1783 Nancy Vars, b. 1\far. 17, 1765, dau. of Jsanc and Elizabeth ( Burdick) Vars. 282 i\hcl. Jan. I, 1761-Aug-. 18, 1ii3. 283 ( +) Luke. b. Apr. 18. 1763, cl. Sept. 16. 18..J.3 Alfred N. Y., m. June 10, 17H4 Lydia Babcock, b. June 20, 1760, d. July G, 1839, dau. of Simeon. 28..J. (+)i\Iartha, h. l\lay 8. 1765, cl. Jan. 19. 18-+3. 111. Jan.6.1785 Luke Crnnclull, cl. No,·. 11, 1839. 285 l\Iary, h. J\ug-. 7, 1767, cl. Feb. 27, 1829. m. Phinl'as Burdick. They moved to Plainfield, N. Y., and later to Clifford, Pa., or vicinity. 286 (+)Randall, h. July 9. 1769, m. DL"horah Kenc\all. Sec Alirecl Sun, Sept. 27, 1945. 28i Pottri-, h. July 1773. d. Aug-. '2.i. 177-1-. iS (t) David~· Maxson (John", :i, :!) and .'\big-ail Greenman of \Vest­ erly, R. I. David Maxson died on his fmm near Westerly from an accident with a hay fork nnd is buried there, though hi::. wife is buried at Petersburg, N. Y., near her son, Capt. David l\laxson (tradition). Ch.: Maxson: 288 ( +) Silas, h. Dec. 2Q, 1750. m. l\l ar. 20. 1iil Sarah Clarke, b. June 24, 1753, d. 1837 at Petersburg, N. Y., dnu. of Joseph Clarke ( son of Joseph C]nrke and Sarah Worden) and Deborah Pendleton of Westerly (Clarke Gen., p. 48). Westerly V.R., Vol. II. He was n farmer. Silas l\Iaxi;on was pensioned, Orderly, Sugeant. He wns in General Spencer's Expedition. 289 (+)Asa, b. :rvlar. 6, 1752, cl. l\far. 18, 18-+2 Aclams, N. Y .• 111. Dec. 6, 1775 Lois Stillman, b. Apr_ 18, 1756 (No. 145a), dnu. of Jos­ eph Stillman and Mary !llnxson, m. 2 before 1830 Mrs. Mary ( Stmmnn) Potter, widow of Capt. George Potter (No. 174). 19 l\IAXSON FAl\llLY - FIFTH GENERATION

290 (+)Elizabeth, b. July 14, 1754, m. Jan. 27, 1773 Joseph Still­ man, b. Aug. 30, li52 \Vesterly, cl. Dec. 9, 1825 (Gl'orge III, II, I). 291 ( +) Paul, h. Aug. 2, 1757, d. July 13, 1818 Petersburg, N. Y., m. Dec. 22. 1778 Susan StilJ..:nan, li. Oct. 8, 1758, cl. Oct. 27, 1820. Petersburg- (Georg<.: IV, Ill, II, 1). 292 (+)Chloe, b. Oct. 15. 1759, cl. l\far. 19, 1833, Brookfielcl, N. Y., m. li76 Samuel Clarke, h. Dec. 11. 1754, \Vestcrly, d. Feb. 13. 1830. Brookficlcl. son of Joseph ancl Deborah (Pendleton) Clarke. Samuel Clarke was a Captain, served in Crary's Rcgt. in the Revolution. 293 ( +) \Vealthy, b. :\Jar. 9, 1762, m. 1780 \Vait Stillman, b. Nov. 27, 1727 \Vesterly, d. Fch. 13, 1833 Petersburg, N. Y., son of Benjamin and 1\Iolly (Saunders) Stillman. (Sec under No. 1..J.4). \Vestcrly V.l{., Vol. II. 294 ( +) Sarah. b. Dec. 23, 1763. d. Oct. 22. 1841, m. Apr. 2, 1783 Georgi. Stillman V., h. Sept. 2, 17ffJ, d. Aug. 25, 1844 at :i\tilton, \Vis. (George IV, lll, Il, I.) 295 ( +) David, h. Aug. 29, li66, cl. Aug. 15, 1839 Pctcrslmrg. m. f,.fay 16, 1793 Sarah Gr(.'cnman, h. Dec. 18. 1764, cl. Aug. 1, 1853. Petersburg, clau. of \Villiam and Elizabeth (Bliss) Greenman. Both are buried in the Stillman Viliage Cemetery at Petersburg. 296 Eleanor, m. Joshua Vincent of \Villiam and J criah. 297 Abby. 79 (t) Joseph:, Maxson (John\ :i, ::) and Keturah Randall of vVest­ erly. Ch.: l\faxson : 298 Jedediah, b. Aug. 3, 1754, may haYC been the father of Charles l\faxson whose wife was Pamelia \Voocl. parents of \Villiam Maxson, b. Sept. 6, 1837 in J cffcr.son Co., N. Y., 111. 1858 l\lary J. \Voo


14 He served 5 yrs. in the Rev. nnd was in the wnr of 1812" ... from "Allegany Co., N. Y. and Its People, 1806." He was pensioned as a private, but served as 2nd Lieut., Capt. Christopher Dyers Co., Colo. Topham Regt. U. S. Service in R. I. Troops, an organization engaged to serve 12 mo. He served July 16 to Aug. 16, 1778. Pensioned Sept. 7, 1819. R. I. S. S., Vol. 160, R 142, 42905. 306 ( +) Benjamin. b. Sept. 23, 1775, cl. l\lay 17, 1859, m. I Penelope Nichols, b. Dec. 2, 1782, cl. Apr. 22, 1832, m. 2 Susan Potter. He was a ship builder and port master, and was called Cnptain. They moved to Genesee, N. Y. and located on the farm which in 1881 was owned by Ethan Kenyon. (J. I. Maxson from l\lrs. Samuel Burdick.) 307 Lyman. Benjamin:. Ma.xson was a member of the R. I. Gen. Assembly. He was commissioned to purchase corn and Rye during the Rev. Accepted by the D.A.R. as a Patriot. 81 (t) Stephen" l\Iaxson (John\ !I, ~) and Martha Stewart of Hop­ kinton, R. I. Ch.: l\faxson : 308 ( +) Stephen, b. Aug. 25, 1757, cl. 18-1-2 at DeRuyter, N. Y., m. Aug. 11, 1799 Caty \Vhitforcl. b. 1f ay 14, 1759, d. 1834 DeRuyter, dau. of Joshua \,Vhitford. S.D.B. He was a pensioner of the Re\'. \Var. 309 Avis, b. Oct. 20, 1759, m. l\Ioscs Barber (below). 310 Esther, b. June 13, 1762, cl. Sept. 5, 1820. 311 (+) Jared, b. Dec. 30. 1764, m. Amy--, cl. Sept. 19, 1866, ae. 94 yrs. on Dec. 25, 1866. 312 (+)Joel, b. l\f ar. 21. 1767, m. Rachel Coon. 313 Hannah, b. Fch. 26. 1769. 314 ( +) Benjamin. b. June 27, liil, cl. Oct. 18, 1849 at Milton \Vis., m. Patty Saunders, b. Apr. 15. lii8, cl. Apr. 15, 1860, clau. of Charles Saunders. Both were deaf ancl dumb. None of their ch. were thus afflicted. 315 Thankful, b. Feb. 27. 177i. d. 1Iar. 29. 1791. 82 (t) ThankfuF- l\Iaxson (John\ a, :!) and Nathan Barber of Hop- kinton. Ch.: Barber: 316 Susan, b. Sept. 24, 1755. 317 l\Ioses. b. July 26, 1757, m. Avis l\laxson (above). 318 Thankful'\ h. l\Iay 2. 1759. 111. James Lewis. Descendants: ThankfuF Lewis 111. Ezra Palmer. I-knrys J. Palmer m. Hanna Amanda Le\\'is. Ida11 l\lay Palmer. h. Griswold, Ct., m. Al­ phonso \Vhiteman Davis. D.A.R. 62675. Lineage Vol. 63, p. 224. 319 Capt. Nathan, h. l\lay 7, 1760. m. l\Iary Pendleton. 320 l\f ary, b. 1762. 321 Benjamin, b. Nov. 20. 1763, m. Dec. I. 178-t- Fanny Bliven, dau. of I\lajor Edward 131iven. 322 John, b. Dec. 21. 1765. m. Jan. 9, 1790 Sally vVilcox. 323 Eunice, b. July 22, 1769. 324 ( +) Elinor. b. May 15, 1775/6. cl. Nov. 13, 1852, m. George' :Maxson, b. Nov. 23, 1778 Hopkinton (George11 I\Iatthew'' 2 John\ :1, ). No. 706. 1 325 Joanna \ b. July 7, 1778, m. Augustus Kenyon, had sons: Joel7 Kenyon 1801-1878, m. Lovicias 1vlaxso11 (George', 11 l\fatthew~


John'. \ ~) ;i\loses Barber 7 Kenyon; and Alanson' Kenyon (who m. 1832 Polly Lucinda l\laxson (Jamcs7 Gcorgc'1 1'.fatth­ 2 cw~· John\ \ ). 326 Lydia, h. J unc 14, I 780. 83 (t) DanicF· l\laxson (John\ ·:, ~) ancl Borodcl Ross of \Vestcr­ ly, R. L. and Bozrah, Ct. Ch.: i\lnxson: 327 Joel, b. Jan. 1, 1763 \Vcstcrly, m. --- and removed to Ben­ nington, \Vyoming Co., N. Y. (prob. from Rens. Co., N. Y.) in 1806. Turner's Holland Purchase. p. 532 of 1849: 11 The pioneer settlers be­ tween Attica (N. Y.) and Varysburg were .... Joel Mn.xson.'' Joel was deeded land, Lot 246, Sec. 14, Town 10, Range 2 H.P. 1815 Wyoming Co. Sold land 1817 to Joel Ma.xson Jr., 1823 to John Max• son, and in 1827 to Jesse L. l\Inxson. No further records found. 328 ( +) Daniel, b. June 10, 1765 (birth not recorded), m. 1 Mar. 20, li90 Prudence Crandall of Benjamin of \iVcsterly. (No fur~ thcr rcconl of Prudence.) m. 2 Jan. 12, li95 Catherine Coons, b. Dec. 23, 1780 Rens. Co., N. Y., cl. about 1863 Leoni, Mich., dau. of Abraham. (Koon-Coons Families of E.N.Y., 1937, p. 130.) Sec Appendix: Palatines. 329 (+) Elias, b. Sept. 11, 1770 \Vestcrly, d. Aug. 9, 1849 Benning• ton, N. Y., m. Sept. 11, 1803 Hannah Coons, b. 1'.lar. 22, 1785 (Sister to Catherine, above), cl. Oct. 29, 1854 near Earls, N. Y. 330 ( +) Isaac, b. Feb. 13, 17i0 (Coggeshall in America 1930, p. 74, evidently a mistake in the date of birth), m. July 4, 1793 \Vealthy Ann Coggeshall, b. Apr. li, 1770,


86 (t) Zacchcus:. Burdick (Dorothy:. l\Iaxson Johna, :.:) and Eliza­ beth Smith had a daughter: 345 ( +) Ruth 11 Burdick, b. June 24. li60, d. Dec. 2, 1834 Petersburg, N. Y., m. \Villiam \Veils, 1759-1839. (Caleb, Thomas\ a, :!, Na­ thanieP .) 2 93 Ct) Jonathan~' i\faxson (Jonathan•, a John ) and l\Jary \Vood­ mansee of Richmond, R. I. Ch. : 1\1 axson: 346 !-.fary, b. June 28, 1764 in Richmond. m. Sheffield Kenyon. (Note by J. I. Mnxson) There wns a Polly Maxson, b. Apr. 20, 1780, who m. Feb. 9, 17!)9 --- Sheffield, b. 1776. They are buried in Herkimer Co., N. Y. 347 (+)Jemima, b. Jan. 25, 1766 in Richmond, cl. probably before 1817 in Stephentown, N. Y. or ·wash. Co., N. Y., is said to have been the mother of Colo. Sheffield 1\Iaxson. She 111. Edward Lillibridge ancl they went "west" (\Vash. Co., N. Y.). 348 Jonathan, b. June 9, 1768 in Richmond, m. Jan. 6, 1791 Eliza­ beth, clau. of John Brown of Hopkinton, R. I. They went west. 349 Sarah, b. Dec. 24, 1770, m. Nov. 12, 1789 \Villiarn Ellery Phillips. They went west. 350 Tabor, m. Nancy Franklin ('Will of his father). 351 Elizabeth, m. Jarvis Kenyon, son of Jarvis and Jemima (John­ son) Kenyon. Desc. Godfrey' Kenyon, m. l\Iinerva Kenyon. EIJaH l\L Kenyon, m. George Chipman. EtheJl1 R. Chipman, b. Plainfield, Conn., m. Samuel L. King. D.A.R. 50597. Vol. 51, p. 267. 352 Anna. m. Jan. 10, 1790 John Babcock Jr. of vVesterly. 353 Joscph 0 livecl at one tinw in Herkimer Co., N. Y., huried in Rich­ mond. Desc.: J onathan1, m. Abby Tefft. Joseph" Tefft l\fax­ son, rn. Sarah Larkin. Henry" l\Iaxson, b. Sept. 13, 1849 (Leba­ non, Ct. V.R.) at which time Joseph~ was 31 and (w) Sarah was 33 yrs. old. 354 Varnum, cl. age 3 yrs. His mother sent him to call his father to dinner when he stepped on a log fence which fell on him and killed him. 355 A son. d. in Richmond May 22, 1787. (Newport Herald.) Colo. Jonathan Ma.xson was Capt. May 1776 of the 2nd Company of Rich­ mond, recruiting officer of Richmond Aug. 1777, Major of the 2nd Reg't of Kings Co. May 1779, and Lieut. Colo. of the 3rd RC'g't. He served in the General Assembly. 94 (t) Sarah~· l\laxson (Jonathan\:, John:!) and Joseph Tefft. Jo­ seph Tefft was Deputy to the General Assembly 1779-1781. b. Richmond. 356 Desc.: Sarah~· Tefft, b. 1768, m. 1780 Benjamin Barber. Benja­ min· Barber Jr., 1801-1878, 111. 1827 Elsie Sweet. lSOCJ-1890. MaricH Barber, b. 1844, m. 1866 Henry H. Bowen, 1840-1903. Lina1.1 Bowen, b. Guilford, N. Y .. m. Allen Rockwell. D.A.R. Lineage Vol. 81, p. 27, No. 80066. % (t) Major Jamesr, Babcock (Content4 l\Jaxson Jonathan:' John::) and Sarah Stanton. Ch.: Babcock: 357 Amelia, m. Nathan Pendleton. 358 Simon m. Hannah Champlin. 359 James. 360 Ezra. 361 Charlotte. 362 Ann. 23 l\IAXSON FAtlILY - FIFTH GENERATION

102 Ct) Jonathan;· ivlaxson (John~ Jonathan:1 John::) and Lydia Clarke. Ch.: :Maxson : 363 Mercy. 364 I\fary, b. !\lay 21, 1762, m. --- Archibald, a Quaker. He m. 2 Anna, sister to l\fary (below). 365 Tacy, b. Oct. 30, 1764, cl. Nov. 8, 1764. 366 Lydia, twin to Tacy, d. Nov. 10, 1764. 367 Anna. Also t,vin girls cl. y. Ch. by 2nd w. 1\lary l\litlard: l\1axson: 368 Tacy, m. Samuel P. Young. 369 Abby, b. Nov. 10, 1780 at Newport, R. 1., d. Apr. 26, 1874 unm. at the home of Jonathan Maxson in \iVcstcrly. 370 ( +)] onathan, h. July 4, 1782 at Newport, d. Jan. 2, 1852 of small pox, m. l\Iar. 27, 1806 Nancy Potter, b. l\'lar. 12, 1781, d. July 10, 1862 in \Vesterly, dau. of George Potter (No. 174) and I\Iary Stillman. 103,(t) Esther" :Maxson (John1 Jonathan:i John::) and James Hub­ bard. Ch.: Hubbard: 371 (+)James\ m. Jan. 26, 1799 Amey; Stillman (No. 455a), b. Feb. 20, 1777 (J oscph11 Stillman !vlary!i Maxson Joseph\ a 2 J ohn ). 372 Tacy, m. in Westerly Jan. 6, 1791 Edward Sheffield \,Velis, of Hopkinton. 108 (t) J ohnr. Maxson (John1 J onathana John:?) and Sally Shricvc of Newport. Ch.: lVlaxson: 373 ( +) Catherine, cl. Aug. 4, 1842, ac. 53 yrs., 111. Capt. Jolm Ald­ rich Saunders, b. Mar. 25, 1787, d. I\Tar. 18, 1832 in his 45th year. ( G.S.R. on the Saunders farm in Bradford, R. I.), son of Stephen Saunders·' (Stephena,:? Tobias1 ) and Tacy Stillman. (George III, II, I). He was a ship builder. After his death his sons carried on ns builders and seamen. R. I. Biog. nnd Hist. Nnr. Reg. by Arnold. 374 Mary°, ac. 90 in 1881 m. James Alger. Ch.: Alger: James; Wil­ liam; Nicholas; Samuel; I\Iary; Sarah; Elvira; and Elizabeth;, who m. Edmond Dodge, dau. Sarah 11 Ann Dodge. D.A.R. Nat. No. 19543. Vol. 20, p. 203, with Johnr. 1Iaxson of Newport as Honor Ancestor. 375 (+)John S., d. Aug. 22, 1825, ae. 32 yrs., m. Abigail Baker, cl. Dec. 1. 1860. 376 Samuel, d. unm. June 26, 1857, ae. 59. 377 vVilliam, cl. unm. 1827, ae. 22. 378 Sarah, m. Elward Allen. Ch.: Allen: Edward; William (had a family); John (had a family); Anne; E1izabeth; and Susan. 379 ( +) Tacy, m. Thomas Spooner. 380 Eliza, m. \Villiam Holt. Ch.: Holt: \Villiam; John; Harriet; Ellen\ m. Perry B. Dawley. Dcsc.: William 11 P. Dawley, m. Edna Rose; Elizabeth Maxon Dawley, b. Newport, R. I. D.A.R. No. 51023, Vol. 52; and Alice; Holt. Johnt• Maxson was adrivate in the Rev. He was in the Battle of Long Island. He was pensione in Newport. D.A.R. File N. 13764.


109 Ct) Calcl{• :Maxson (John 1 Jonathan:; John~) was a weaver, lived in Jordan, Homer, and DeRuyter. N. Y. Rcforcnce: His­ tory of I\fadison Co., N. Y., p. 278. Ch. hy his 1st wife i\Iary Bliss: l\faxson: 381 (-/-) Elizahcth \Varel. h. Sept. 11, 1783 Thursday at Newport, R. I., d. Nov. 16, 1869 Plainfield, N. J ., m. Dec. 23, 1804 Joseph Stillman. h. Jan. 24, 17~)9, cl. Oct. 7, 1861, the 5th son of Joscph4 (Josepha George 11. 1) and Eunicc4 Stillman (Benjamina George ll, I). 382 ( +) \Villiam, b. Aug. 21, 1785 Monday at Newport, d. Oct. 20, 1863, m. Nov. 18, 1811 in Stonington, Ct., Lucinda Larry, b. May 9, 1789, d. June 7, 182~). 111. 2 Aug. 8, 1832 in Phila. Amanda. Georgiana Alberti, dau. of Frederick and Anna M. (Shipley) Alberti. He was a sailor in early life, captain and owner of n vessel, mude several trips to France. Later he wns ordained, 1819, nnd estab­ lished the first church, S.D.B., at Scott, N. Y. See Gazetter of N. Y. p. 254. 383 ( +) Josl"1a Babcock, h. Dec. 12, li88 Friday at Newport, d. Sept. 8, 1865. m. Sept. 24, 1812 Polly Carpenter, h. June 20, 1794, d. Feb. 4, 1869, clau. of SilYanus Sr., Farmer ancl Blacksmith. S.D.B, Berlin, N. Y. He preached to the S.D.B. at Stephentown and was deacon at Berlin. They arc buried in the Carpenter Cemetery at Stephentown, N. Y. 384 (+)John, b. June 25, li92 l\londay at Newport, cl. 1Iay 19, 1876, m. Feb. 12, 1816 l\fory Starr, b. in Groton, Ct., Sept. 2, 1791, d. July 27, 1859. He was a wagon maker and printer. He was editor of the Protestant Sentinel which preceded the Sabbath Recorder. 385 ( +) Content. b, Fl'h. 19, 1795 Thursday at Newport. d. 1825 at Unadilla Forks, N. Y., m. Abel Stillman, b. June 14, 178!1, son of Joseph·• and Eunice Stillman. (See under No. 381.) Ch. hy 2nd wife. l\Iary Bliss (first cousin of his 1st w.): 386 (+)Mary Bliss, h. l\lar. 27. 1808 at Cocster Harbor lslancl (Cocclcs ?). rn. Jan. 16, 1831 Henry C. Greenman, b. Api-. 21, 1810 Brookfield. N. Y., d. Oct. 18. 1865. Lum her M crchant. 387 John Lucas. h. Apr. 9, 181 I, d. Jan.3.1815. 388 Tacy \Veils, h. Fl·b. 25, 1814 l-lopkinton, R. 1., cl. Feb. 19. 1~1 in Berlin, Wis., m. Feb. 23, 1833 in Scott, N. Y., Datus Ensign Lewis, b. Feb. 29, 1808 Petersburg, N. Y., d. Aug. 7, 1883 Berlin, Wis., son of Abram and Abi~ail (Green) Lewis. 389 ( +) Charles Henry, b. Feb. 28, 1816. m. Sept. 2..J., 1839 Sena Ann Enos. 110 (t) Samul'F' II nlaxson (Samuel~ 1. Jonathan:• J ohnz) ancl Han- 11ah11 and DaYis (John:. DaYis, Elizabeth• Maxson• John\ z) of Hopkinton, R. I. and Grafton, N. Y. Ch .. all b. Hopkinton: Maxson: 390 A son, prob. cl. y. 391 (-/-)Ethan, b. Apr. 28, 1i68. cl. Feb.1.1854 at Verona, N. Y., m. 1 Feb. l!l, 1791 Tacy (or Lucy) Lanphear of Westerly, d. Nov. 4, 1802, m. 2 Apr. 11 ( or 12) 1807 Dorcas (Lewis) Wells, widow of Jason \Vcllr. who was a minister (tradition). Grafton, N. Y. Town Records. 392 (+)Samuel JlI. b. Apr. 1, 1774. d. in i\Iurray. N. Y .. July 14, 1841, age 67. (G.S.R. Tanner GraYc Yard, Albion. N. Y.), m. about 1i99 Elizabeth Austin. b. 17i7 in l\Iass. (Census). d. Aug. 1865 l\[ urray, N. Y.


393 Elisha, b. Apr. 3, 1776. The 1820 census of Verona, N. Y., shows Elishn Maxson ns head of n fnmily with one son and two dnus. Died in Verona, N. Y. Mnr. 16, 1855. l\'lrs. Eliznbcth Mnxson, ac. 75, relict of Elisha Maxson. (Record from L. M. Maxson.) 394 \,Vcalthy, b. Apr. 24, 1779. No further record. 395 Davis, b. Mar. 13, 1784. No further record. 396 John Davis, b. l\Jar. 10, 1788, m. (probably) Rosaline ---. They hnd a large fumily nnd moved to the West. (Letter from Mrs. Jed Rix. See Brown-Hnkes Gen., p. Gl.) Landmarks of Orleans Co., N. Y., p. 218: Albion, N. Y. Lund Trnmmctions: Nov. 3, 1832, 42 and ~~ ncres were articled to Daniel B. Austin nnd nftcrwnrds transferred to John D. l\ln.xson. When John D. l\faxson sold this Jund in 1839, wife Rosaline and Joseph l\Iuxon signed the deed. Murray, Orleans Co., N. Y., Docket: Oct. 15, 1837: Samuel On tout vs. John D. Maxon. Later, 1860, Elijah l\Ia.xon, son of Samuel III Maxon, lived on the Oatout farm north of Hindsburg, N. Y. 111 (t) Ruth;; I\laxson (Samuel~ J onathana John:=) and Peleg Bab­ 1 cock (Oliver"'. a John:? J ames ). Ch.: Babcock: 397 Solomon, b. 1776, m. Amy l\Iorgan, the first marriage at Scott, N. Y. Peleg and Solomon Babcock and George Denison settled on lot 82 at Scott in 1799. ( Gazetteer of N. Y., p. 254.) 398 Lucy, 1778-1793. 399 (+)John, b. July 26, 1780, d. Nov. 28, 1865 at Manston, \Vis., 111. l Nov. 13, 1803 Phebe \i\'ilhur, cl. May 29, 181 I. m. 2 Fch. 23. 1812 in Leyden. l\Tass., Betsey Bu11finch. He lived in Leyden when young, later settled in Spafford, N. Y. 400 Luke, 1782-1784. 401 Jared, b. 1786, m. Susan Clapp, Spafford, N. Y. 402 Benjamin, m. Lydia ---. Early settlers of Spafford. Sec No. 113 for the rest of the ch. of Peleg- l3ahcock. 112 (t) Elisha:, Maxson (Samuel' Jonathan:: John:.!) and Rebecca \:Vilcox of Hopkinton, R. I. Ch.: l\lax:-.011: 403 ( +) Ezc kicl, b. Sept. 22, 1788, d. Dec. 11. I 870, 111. Dec. 9. 1813 at Griswold, Ct., Eunice Culver of Groton, Ct., 1781-Fch. 12. 1867. 404 Tacy, b. Apr. 6, 1790, d. unm. 1810. 405 ( +) Elisha, b. Jan. 26, 1792, cl. Aug. 8, 1827 Hopkinton, m. Mar. 12, 1824 in \Vesterly. Lydia Rathburn. 460 (+)Daniel, b. Nov. 6, 1793, d. l\lay 1, 1828 in N. Y. state, 111. Jane Cole, cl Feb. 24, 1841. ac. 40 yr. 5 m. 10 cla. Hoth arc buried in the Hurley burying ground. Ulster Co., N. Y. 407 Abigail, b. Nov. 6, 1795, d. Apr. 17, 18JS Stonington, Ct., m. Jan. 11, 1829 Hezekiah Palmer of Exeter. h. Nov. 9, 1809, d. Oct. 12, 1891. 408 Rhoda, 1\Iar. 22, 1798-1\lar. 27, 1810. 409 Rebecca, b. l\Iar. 21, 1800. 410 Samuel, b. l\ilay 29, 1802, cl. Jan. 18, 1838, 111. Oct. 16. 1827 by I'vlatthcw Stillman, Lucy Stillman, b. 1809, dau. of Davicl Still­ man (Benjamina George II) and his first wife Grace Crandall. (See No. 144.) 411 Paul, Dec. 20, 1807 - l'vlar. 9, 1810.


113 (t) Lucyr. 1\Iaxson (Samuel' Jonathan=1 John~) and Peleg Bab­ cock. Ch.: Babcock: 412 l\[axson. b. Ort. 20, l i70, m. Sept. 5, 1790 Experience Urown. 413 Peleg Jr., b. May 29, 1i72, d. 1826, m. 1798 Patty Morgan, Scott, N. Y. Desc.: PcJcgi Babcock, b. li99. m. 1818 Rosetta Nichols. Rosetta~ Bahcnck. IR:20-1846, m. 1838 \Villiam F. Hall, 1811- 1869. .i\Iaria11 R. Hall. h. 1843, m. 1862 John .i\larvin. b. 1837. Emma10 i\larvin, b. Vermillion, Ill., m. Judd Harlan, D.A.R. No. 80674, Vol. 81, p. 253. Also Nathan; Babcock, 1800-1874, 111. 2 1859 l\largaret Terhune, 1816-1891. \Villia111 11 Carey Babcock, 1862-1930, m. 1893 Avancll Daugherty, b. 1871. l\largarct11 Jane Babcock, b. Jasper Co., Incl., m. Raymond Paulus. D.A.R. Mag. 1938, p. 95, Vol. 162. 414 Polly, 1774-1806, m. George Denison. Lucy Babcock d. July 5, 1775, and Peleg m. 2 Jan. 18, 1776, Ruth Maxson sister to Lucy. See undc1· No. 111. Reference: Babcock Genealogy; Pioneer History of Cortland Co., N. Y., p. 215 by H. C. Goodwin, 1850. 114 (t) Tacy l\Iaxson (SamucJ-1 Jonathan:1 John~) and OliYer Bab­ 2 1 cock (Oli\·crl, a John James ) of Hopkinton, R. I. Ch.: :Bab­ cock: 415 Ethan. 416 Olit·crU, b. 1773. m. Luranna, datt. of Ezra Foster. Desc.: Lur­ ana 7 Babcock. ISQO.J86i. m. Hosea B. Clark, 179i-IS75; de Lafayette Clark, 1822-1904. 111. Charlotte A. Sherman, lived in 1 Brookfield, N. Y. Elizahcth ' Clark. m. --- Bentley. Georgi­ ana Bc11tley 1°, m. --- Chase --- Ballston Spa., N. Y. 417 Joseph°, b. Jan. I. 17i6, m. 1800 Sarah Babcock. They went to Lcydon, !\lass. Dcsc.: Julia; 13abcock, Jan. 23, 1801-1\lar. 30, 1880, Oneida Castle, N. Y., m. Clark Brown (Alpheus, Reuben, Humphery. Thomas). Edwin~ C. Brown. 1821-1881. noted mu­ 1 sician of Oneida, N. Y. Edwi11 ' Jerome Brown, b. 18-1-2, was a lawyer. 418 Phineas. 419 Lois. 420 Nathan of Brookfield, N. Y .. 111. Dec. 22. 1803 Hulda Burdick of rolrain. 1\Tass. 421 Hezekiah. 422 Patty. 423 Susanna. 424 Ezra, b. 1794 Hopkinton, cl. 1897 Brookfield. N. Y .. m. 1813 Han­ nah Brown (sister to Clark. ahoYe). About 1815 they mot·ecl from Leydon, Muss., to Homer, N. Y., where he kept a dry go-ods store. Later they moved to Brookfield. 2 ch.: Laura, d. 1845; and Roxie, 1816-1879 Berlin, N. Y., m. Albert Hills, son of Daniel and Sally (Hutchins) Hills. 117 (t) l\fary~' l\foxson (Samucl4 Jonathana John~) and Amherst Crandall. Ch.: Crandall: (Record from J. I. Maxson): 425 Phineas, b. June 25, 1787. 426 Ethan. b. Jan. 11, 1780. 427 Polly, b. Sept. 16, 179.2. 428 Luke, b. i\'lar. 22. 1795. 429 Charles. 430 Mary Ann, b. July 22, 1811. 119 (t) Barbarar, l\faxson (Samuel~ Jonathan3 John:) and John Barber. Ch.: Barber: 431 John Maxson, b. Oct. 2, 1811 Westerly, m. Mary Hiscox of Clarke. 27 MAXSON FAMILY - FIFTH GENERATION

432 \,Vcrdthy, b. June 8, 1813, m. Apr. 13, 1840 George Clinton Still­ man, b. Mar. 20, 1813 of Phineas. 433 Phineas \.Yhcclcr. Bnrbara Maxson was the 2nd wife of Major John Bntber. His first wife was Sally--, who d. July 6, 1810. I\IAXSON FA!vJILY - SIXTH GENERATION 0 3 142 (t) Lydia Davis (Bethiar, 1Iaxson Joscpht John , :!) and Sam­ uel Stillman of Lincklcan, N. Y. Ch.: Stillman: 434 ( +) Jared, b. Nov. 8, 1772, cl. Oct. 12. 1836 Lincklean, N. Y., m. Abigail Burdick, 1776-1847 (Robert, Daniel, Robert, Thomas, Robert'). 435 Davis, b. 1774, m. Sarah Burdick, clau. of Daniel and Temper- ance (Hall) Burdick. 436 Prudence. 437 Samuel, m. Grace Smith. 438 (+)Thomas, b. 1781, m. Betsey Coon. 439 Joseph, b. 1783, m. Sarah Coon, went to Wisconsin. 440 Maxson, m. EsthC'r Gates. 441 Elisha, m. 1 Florilla Austin, m. 2 Esther Hall. 442 (+)Hannah, b. 178i, m. Benjamin Burdick (brother to Sarah, above). 443 (+)William, rn. 1812 Abigail Burdick, b. Feb. 16, 1796, d. 1877 (sister to Sarah, above). 0 3 2 143 (t) Esther Stillman (i\Iary:; Maxson, J oscph\ J ohn ) and George Stillman of \Vcsterly. Ch.: Stillman: 444 Susanna, b. Oct. 8, 1758. 445 (+)George V., b. Sept. 2. 1760, cl. Aug. 25, 1844 at Milton, Wis., m. Apr. 2, 1783 Sarah i\Iaxson. (No. 294) 446 Esther, b. Feb. 9, 1763, d. Sept. 30, 1839 Alfred, N. Y., m. Dec. 26, 1792 Ethan Burdick. 447 Sarah, b. Nov. 9, 1766. 448 Sylvester, b. July 26, 1769. 449 l\Iary, b. Feb. 19, 1772. 450 (+)Maxson, b. June 28, 1774, m. Dec. 8, 1798 Esther Crandall of Phineas of Montville, Ct. 451 Luke, h. Oct. 5, 1776. 452 Lucy, b. May 30, 1779. 453 Elias, b. June 13, 1782. 454 Arney, h. l\Iar. 25, 1i85. 144 (t) Joseph'1 Stillman (!vlary'' I\'laxson Joseph\ 3, John:!) and Eunice Stillman (Benjamin, George II, I). Ch.: Stillman: 455 (+)Sabra 7, b. Oct. 28, 17il, cl. Apr. 19, 1865, m. Oct. 20, 1791 Ezra Babcock, b. Sept. 17, 1769, cl. July 16, 1844. 455a Amey, b. Feb. 20, 1777, m. James Hubbarcl, No. 371 which see. 0 145a (t) Lois Stillman (ivlary~ Maxson, J oseph4, :1, John2 ) and Maxson: 0 3 289 (t) Asa !vlaxson (Davicl , John\ , !!). Ch.: I\faxson: 456 ( +) Asa, b. July 1, 1776, m. 1 l\'1ay 29, 1797 Polly Lewis, cl. ae. 36, 5 ch., m. 2 Jan. 15, 1818 Sarah Read (a widow) and had 2 ch. 457 Lois, b. Aug. 25, 1778. 458 (+)Polly, b. July 14, 1781, cl. July 27, 1862 at Rodman, N. Y .. m. Sept. 14, 1799 Edward 'Whitford, b. l\lay 2, 1778 at Stoning­ ton, Ct., cl. Sept. 4, 1862 at Roclman, son of Joshua \Vhitford (David, Nicholas, Pasco) and Prudence Burdick. 28 MAXSON FA!vlILY - ~ SIXTH GENERATION

459 (+)David, b. Sept. 27, 1788, d. July 19, 1865 at Adams, N. Y.,

111. 1 Dec. 23, 1809 Esther Peckham1 h. Mar. 25, 1790, d. May 30, 1842 at Adams, N. Y., m. 2 Nov. 12, 1842 Susan Peckham (sister to Esther, and widow of Russell Saunders), cl. July 5, 1873 in Lewis, Iowa. He moved with his parents to Petersburg, N. Y., and in 1824 to Alfred, and in 1834 to Adams, N. Y. 460 \Vealthy, b. Aug. 18, 1790, m. Dr. Ebenezer Robinson. 461 (+) Joseph Stillman, b. Aug. 3, 1797, d. Jan. 23, 1836 at Adams Center, N. Y., m. Feb. 21, 1822 Elizabeth Vars, b. Feb. 22, 1802, d. Jan. 8, l&i:3, clau. of Thomas Vars and Abigail Sheldon of \Vcsterly, H.. I., and Stephentown, N. Y. 462 Rebecca. 463 Amelia, m. Dr. Robert Collins. 464 Thankful, m. Dr. Ebenezer Robinson whose first wife was Thankful's sister, \Vealthy (above). Asa11 Maxson was promoted to Lieut. 1777 in the Rev. War and served to the end of the wnr. In 1785 he was chosen Captain of the 3rd Company, Washington Co., R. I. He moved to Berlin, N. Y., with his 2nd wife and later to Adams, N. Y. After his death his widow lived with her son, Charles Potter, at Adams, and about a year Inter lived with her son-in-law, Joseph Spicer, in Hopkinton, and still later lived with her daughter, l\:Iary Rogers, in Waterford, Ct., where she died Apr. 7, 1851 in her 90th year. She is buried in the Hopkinton church cemetery. 153 (t) Capt. John° l\f axson (Joseph\\ '1 Jolm~) and Lea Benjamin. Ch.: l\faxson: 465 (+)Joseph. b. Dec. 15. li84 at Clay Pitt Creek, N. J., cl. Feb. 14, 1860 at Chapel Hill, N. J., m. nlar. 10, 1813 J\Iaria Cosgrove, b. A11g. 12, 1789 1\fiddktown, N. J., cl. 1\fay 3, 1869 Navesink, N. J. Carpenter. 466 Henry, b. l\Iay 3, 1787 Navesink, N. J., cl. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y .. m. Sally --. No. ch. 467 (+)Lydia, h. Nov. 19, 1789 Navcsink, cl. Sept. 13. 1869 in Mills Co., Iowa (or Indianapolis, Ind), m. Hiram Abiff Delevan, b. Apr. 19, 1785 in Ct.. cl. Aug. 26, 1836 in Troy, 0., son of Matthew Delevan and Hannah Upstead of 1\Ionmouth, N. J. Farmer. He was a dcsccnclant of Edward C. Delevan, noted temperance worker. 468 John Anhley, b. June 18, 1792 Monmouth, N. J., d. Feb. 5, 1881 Tabor, Iowa, m. Apr. 1827 Eliza Goe, dau. of Dr. Richard Goe of Brownsville, Pa., cl. 1840. No ch. 469 ( +) Charles, b. July 15, 1795, Na vesink, cl. Nov. 27, 1866, Key­ port, N. ]., where he was buried, m. Cornelia Cook, d. Aug. 30, 1872. He was an engineer on a Hudson river steamer. 470 l\Iarie B., b. Mar. 22, 1802, Na,·esink, d. Apr. 21, 1878 Navcsink, m. Edwin \Voodward of Nimrod. 4 sons and 4 daughters. 471 Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1804 Navcsink, cl. Aug. 8, 1878 Navesink, m. Joshua Robbins (or George Robertson); had 8 or 9 ch., all buried in the Old Maxson Ground at Riceville, N. J., excepting Capt. Henry Robertson who died Dec. 2, 1880.


472 ( +) \Villiam A., b. Aug. 20, 1806 Navcsink, d. Riceville, N. J., m. Dec. 31, 1835 I\largarct A. 1\lonnt, h. Jan. 13, 1817, datt. of Timothy l\Iount and Cornelia Hill. 160 (t) Zcbulon11 I\laxson (Zebulon'' Joseph\ :i John ::) and !\Jary7 11 505 (t) Davis (Nathan , Thomas Da \'ts, Elizabeth\ J ohnn, ::). Ch.: 11 4 1 505 (t) Nathan Drn·is Thomas~' Davis Elizahcth i\laxson John: ,::). Ch. : 1\1 ax son : 473 Catherine, b. Nov. 2, 1797 New Salem, Va .. <1. Jan. 27, 1856 Dod­ ridge Co., Va. (Now vV. Va.). m. f\lay 13, 1813 Joshua J. Davis of \\Tilliam, \Vest Union, Va. 474 Hannah, h. Feb. 4, 1799 New Salem, cl. Sept. 12, 1879 Ritchie Co., \V. Va., m. Sept. 24, 1818 Asa 13cc, Jr. They lived at Ben.•a, \V. Va.

475 ( +) Ivlarvcl, h. Nov. 1.3, 1801 Green Brier Run, Va.1 cl. Oct. 26, 1891, m. Feb. 27, 1823 Phineas F. Randolph, son of Jonathan Randolph and PolJy Davis, New Salem, Va. 476 Parmclia, b. Jan. 20, 180-1- Green Brier Run, d. Jurn! 16, 1879 at Pardee, Kan., m. John Davis of Elder John, \V cs ton, Le,vis Co., vV. Va. 477 (+)John, h. Sept. 25, 1805 Green Brier Run, ct. Jan. F:, 1851 Dod­ ridge Co., Va., m. Aug. 27, 1827 Mary Bee, b. June 4, 180'/, d. July 12,

18531 dau. of Asa Bee and Rhodn Cox who were m. Aug. 5, 1793. 478 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 26, 1807 Green Brier Run, n. Aaron l\IcViccr. 479 ( +) J anc, b. Sept. 30, 1809 Green Brier Run, cl. Apr. 25, 1843 Hanison Co., Va., m. Feb. 20, 1827 Jonathan Fitz Randolph (Jesse, Samuel, Jonathan, Thomas, Edward). 480 ( +) Drusilla. b. Dec. 2, 1812 Green Brier Run, cl. l\1ar. 25, 1874 Dodridge Co., ,v. Va., m. Feb. 28, 1827 Reuben D. Sutton of John nnd Rachel (Davis) Sutton, New Salem, W. Va. 481 ( +) Gidcan, b. Oct. 31, 1815 Green Brier Run, 111. Oct. 22, 1837 Catherine Hughes, dau. of l\fartin and Ann ( Davis} Hughes, New Salem. 482 Mary, Jan. 20, 1821 - l\Iar. 27, 1821. Zebulon l\faxson was a basket and broom maker and a S.D.B. minister. After his death his widow m. 2 Nim:·1d Frensure and he d. after about 5 )'ears. See Alfred Sun of Dec. 12, l!MG for ch. of No. 47G. 174 (t) Gcorgc0 Potter (Content" tvfaxson, Joseph\ :i John::) and Mary Sti11man of Hopkinton. Ch.: Potter: 483 (+)Nancy, h. l\lar. 12, 1781, 111. !vlnr. 27, 1806 Jonathanu l1vlax­ son (No. 370). h. July 4, 1i82, N~wport (Jonathan'' Joh11·1 Jona­ than=1 John~). 484 George II I, b. Apr, 17, 1783, m. Betsey Rogers. Ch.: Potter: George, IV; Mary; Emma; and EHzabcth. 485 Benjamin 7, b. J unc 18, 1785, m. Betsey Greene. Ch.: Potter: Franklin; Maria; Elizabeth; Sarah: Luther; Susnn; and JohnR 1827- 1893, m. l\forgaret Witty 1841-1893, dau. Eloiscn Potter, m. Neil Willis Andrews. D.A.R. No. 60001, Vol. 61 Lineage, Descendants of George Potter 1732-1794, reformader of Hopkinton, and of George Potter, Jr. 1757-1800, Lieut. in 8ullivan's Life Guard, and of William Greene, private. 486 PoIJy, b. July 20, 1787, m. Daniel Rogers. Ch.: Rogers: David; Sarah ; Daniel, Jr.; Mary; Charlotte; Ann; and Lydia.

30 MAXSON FAMILY - SIXTH GENERATION 4R7 Ephraim, b. May 30, 1789, m. \Vcalthy Hall. Ch.: Potter: Daniel j and Arvilla. 488 ( +) Sally, b. Aug. 11, 1792, d. Nov. 25, 1862, m. Philip Arnold Fenner, h. Jan. 17, 1791 Cram;ton. R. I., d. Sept. 11, 1846 Heb­ 1 ron, l\Hs. (Stephen, \Villiam, Thomas=•, ~, Arthur ). 489 John. b. IVIay 13, 1795. 490 (+)Content, b. Aug. 9, 1797, m. Nov. 12, 1818Joseph Spicer. 491 Charles, h. Sept. 17, 1799. 176 (t) Sec No. 240. 0 2 181 (t) Lucy Potter (Content"; l\faxson, Joseph4, a, John ) and Rogers Crandall (Phineas, Joseph~, 3 , ~, John1 ). Ch.: Crandall: 492 ( +) Jarius, h. Jan. 17, 1799, m. Julia Ann \Veils. 493 Susanna, b. Sept. 5, 1801. 182 (t) Nathan° Davis (vV. Thoma1/• Davis, Elizabeth• Maxson, John~, 2 ) and Ann Gifford. Ch.: Davis: 494 \Villiam. b. Squam, N. J., l\Iay 7, 1762, m. 1 Sarah Johnson, m. 2 Stuckey Jeffery, widow of James Jeffery. 495 Joshua, b. l\far. 12. 1764, d. July 27, 1839, m. i\'1rs. Content (Dnyis) Havens, b. July 27, 1756, d. July 27, 1840, dau. of Joseph Davis. 496 David, b. July 26, 1766. 497 Hannah, b. l\Iay 22, 1769. 498 John, b. 1lay 22, 1769. 499 Joseph, b. Apr. 1, 17i0, m. -- Sutton. 500 Nathan, b. June 21, 1772, m. Jennie Sutton. 501 Tacy, b. Sept, 1, 177...j.. 502 (+)Ananias, b. 1777, d. Sulli\'an. Ind., m. Rebecca Clayton, 1773-1860. 503 Twin to Ananias. 50+ Ann. b. Feb. 9, 1778, m. Ezekiel Brown. 505 ( +) l\lary, h. Ang-. 30, 1779, d. 1869, m. Rev. Zebulon Maxson, Jr., d. Nov. 1882 No. IGO). (Dates for Mary furnished by Mrs. Iva (Davis) Davis. Date under No. lGO furnished by J. I. Mn.xson). 506 Stephen C., h. Sept. 30, 1781 at Salem, cl. Aug-. 16, 1869. m. Apr. 24, 1802 Nancy F. Randolph, b. Feb. 19, 1781, d. June 18, 1871, dau. of Samuel F. and 1\Iargaret (l\lollesen) Randolph. 507 Rulana, m. Jonathan Bonell. 183 (t) Ephraimr· l\faxson (Joseph\ a, John:) and Elizabeth n Davis 53 (t) (\1/. Thomasr· Davis. Elizahcth4 l\[axson, Johna, :). Ch.: Maxson: 508 Amy. m. Samuel Lippincott, Sr. Ch.: Lippincott: Catherine, m. Joseph Davis; Remembernnce, m. Eleanor Davis; John; Samue11 ; Ephraim, m. Mary Patterson, son John m. Emily Babcock; Obadiah; Lemon; and William, m. 1\Inrtha Babcock. 509 ( +) J cssc, m. (bond Feb. 2.3, 1i97) Sarah Sutton, dau. of Cor­ nelius Sutton, b. Oct. 29, 1750 in N. J., d. Sept. 30, 1850 West Union, W. Va. 510 ( +) Prudence. m. J acoh Davis. Sec D.A.R. Lineage CXLV, p. 130, 1935. 511 Sally, m. John Patterson of New Salem, vV. Va. and Green Co., 0. 512 Piety, m. 1796 Joll',than Davis. Prob. no ch. 513 ( +) Charity, m. 1803 Simon Babcock, b. 1784 Squan, N. J., d. 1870 at Jackson Center, O. 193 (t) David0 Rogers (r-i,[artha~ Davis, Elizabeth"' Maxson, John3,2) and wife Hannah. Ch.: Rogci·s: 3L MAXSON r◄ Al\llLY - SlXTH GENERATION

514 Adon. 515 (--t-) David, m. Polly Truman. 516 Amos. 517 Nathan. 194 Ct) See No. 110. 0 1 197 (t) Davicl Davis (Johnr. Davis, Eli1.aheth· l\laxson, John\ l) and Lydia Cartwright. Ch.: Davis: (V.R. Hopkinton, R. I.). 518 Lydin, b. l\lay 16, 1768. 519 Lillias Hudson, b. July 7, 1770. 520 Davicl, b. Oct. 3, 1772. 521 Joshua. b. Apr. 5, 1775. Madison Co., N. Y. Book A., p. 33/i: Jnmcs Coon in 1807 sells 40 acres to David Davis "lnte of Petersburg, no,.., of DeRuyter, N. Y.'' 1 1 1 199 (t) Thomas ) Davis (John:, Davi;;, Elizabcth i\Iaxson. John; , ~) and Polly ·west. Ch.: Davis: 522 C+) Benjamin, cl. 185•}, m. l 1795 Lyc.lia Burdkk, cl. 1811 (Jo­ seph), m.2 in Brookfield, N. Y. Sally Burdick, m ..1 in Peters­ burg, i\lrs. J\nnil• { Lol!ving) S\\'eet. 200 ('t) Elizabeth" Davis (John-~ Davis, Elizahethr, l\Iaxson, John:•,~) and Benjamin \Vest of Verona, N. Y. Ch.: \Vt:st: 523 (+) Benjamin Jr., h. June 15, 1783 Grafton, N. Y., d. Aug. 17, 1823, bur. Verona, N. Y., m. in Grafton, N. Y., l\far. 15, 1804 Catherine Brock, d. in Rives, ;'\lich. 524 ( +) Joseph, b. J unc 26, 179-1-, 111. 1813 11 ary Brock.

3 2 1 203 Ct) Rogcrsn DcJ.vis (Johnr. Davis, Eliz.' l\laxson, J0hn , , ) and Lois Covey. Ch.: Davis: 525 ( +) Fanny, b. Sept. 0, 1801, cl. Apr. 4, 1881 Preston, N. Y., m. Ethan Rogers (Ethan, Nathan, Jonatlrn.n::, \ James) b. Apr. 11, 1796, cl. Preston Aug. 20, 1879. 526 Robcrt7 Livingston, m. Lt1cy Ann Thompson. Descendants: Georgc8 B. Davis, 111. Emma Rose \V:ttrus; Rohrrt11 L. Davis, m. l\fahellc Lake; Robert Livingston Davis1n Jr., m. Clarissa 1rf. I\farlettc. Editor of "Global Thinking," P. 0. 1945: 4321 4th Ave., Detroit 1, Mich.

11 213 (t) Clark Davis (J o-;cph~· Davis, Elizabeth' r.Taxson, John\ 2 ) and wife, Hannah. Ch.: Davis: \Vill :Mon roe Co., N. Y., Pro­ bate 1far. 28, 1846: 527 Joseph, cl. ivTar. 29. 1874. ae. 72 (Pinc Hill Cemetery, Rush, N. Y.), h. Jttnl! 13, 1901 Bristol, Ct. (Pictorial Ilist. Monroe Co., N. Y., p. 259), rn. Dec. 8, 18~0 Parthenia Green, b. Nov. 19, 1808, d. Jum: 11, 1888 of Jaml'S Green.

528 Clark. 529 Sally, 111. --- Billings. 530 Hannah.

531 Lucy, 111. Isaac Simmonds. 532 Anson, 1816~1900.

11 217 (t) Ethan Davis (Joseph:-. Davis, Elizabeth1 l\faxson, John3 , 2 ). Ch.: Davis: (i'lfonroe Co. Probate Nov. 1, 1850. Pinc Hill Cemetery, Rush, N. Y.): 533 Eliza, d. Nov. 19, 1876, wife of vVilliam Rothrick, Jr. l\lAXSON FAMILY - SlXTH GENERATION

534 Harry R. (Executor. 535 Elccta. 53G Ethan. 537 Clark of Picront, 0. 538 Dorcas. 539 Darius. 140 l\lan· Ann Green. 5.+1 Cnus. 5+2 Emily of Rush. 543 Sall,>-, w. of J. Smith of \Vheatiand. 544 Betsey, a minor, 1850. 545 Adeline, wife of Egbert Cockingham. 219 (t) Rev. Elisha11 Stillman (Mary.-, Davis, Elizabeth• Maxson, John~,:.!) and Pruclcnce Burdick. 9 ch. the 2nd: 546 Phineas; Stillman, b. i\l ay 10, 1785, cl. Feb. 7, 1S67. n gunsmith, m. 1810 Thankful Gardiner. (Burdick Gen., p. 96) 1784-1852. 222 (t) Elizabeth;\ Stillman (.l\Jary.-, Davis, Elizabeth~ Maxson, 11 John , !!) and Rev. \Veils Kl•nyon of Hopkinton, R. I., and Ber­ lin, N. Y. Ch.: Kenyon: the 4th, 10th, and 11th: 547 ( +) vVell.s 11, b. Nov. 25, 1789 Charleston, R. I., d. June 15, 1872 Rn111c., N. Y., m. June 15, 1815 Lydia Vars Davis, b. Apr. 13. 1791 Wc8tcrly, d. Apr. l 5, 1867 R.ome, N. \'. 548 Justin, m. (Prob.) Polly• Hakes, b. 1798 Truxton, N. Y. Sec Hakes Ge,walogy. p. 112. (Jesse, Jonathan. Solomon.) 549 ( +) Rev. John Leyland, b. Oct. 21. 1807 il(•rlin, d. 1lar. 16, 1839 Verona, N. Y., 111, Nov. 30, 1828 Rhoda S. Lewis, b. Oct. 26, 1809 Petersburg, N. Y. 228 (t) \rVilliam 11 J\faxson (vVilliam", Capt.~ John, Joscph:t, John:!) and Lucy l\rincr of Hopkinton. 9 ch.: i\faxson: 550 Susanna, b. Sept. 16, 1769, m. Feb. 2, 1788 Archibald Crandall. 551 (+)'William l\'lincr, h. July 12, 1772. m. 1\lar. 13, 1793 Sylvia 11iner of \Vindham, Ct .. m.2 about 1827 Sally Stockwell. Sea Captain. Harness and Saddle l'vf aker. He left R I. about 1815. 552 ( +) Lois. h. Jan. 21, 1776, m. Albert l\f umford Crandall who m.2 her sister Susan (below), b. 1772. cl. Aug. 29, 1845. 553 Taber. h. Apr. 16, 1778, 111. ---. had no ch. 554 Hannah, h. Apr. 1. t780. 555 Susan, b. 1\far. 25, 1782. 556 Lucy, h. I\Iay 22, 1784. 557 .\-.eneth, b. June 21. 1786. 558 Elon, h. Nov. 3, 1788, lived and cl. with his niece Ambrozic. One of th,· aliovc clans. 111. --- Chesebrongh and liver near Brookfi<'ld. N. Y. 2 230 (t) Anna l\laxson (Joshua, John, Josepha, John ) and David Randall. 7 ch.: Randall: 559 Nancy, d. 1825 Galwn.y, N. Y., m. Simeon Niles. 560 Hannah. m. Phineas Lewis. 561 David Jr., b. l\fay 26, 1765, cl. Fulton, N. Y. 562 Maxon, b. Aug. 27, 1767, cl. l\fay 9, 184G at Elk Creek, Pa.

563 John, b. I\! ay 17, 1770, 111. Lydia Odell. 564 Joshua, b. 1778, d. 1857 in \Vis., m. Rachel 11iller. 565 \,Villiam. h. Peter8boro, N. Y. Dec. 10, 1785, cl. Oct. 27. 1861 at Dalas, Oregon, m. Sabra Simons. Sec Erie Co., Pa. ~ev. SoJ­ diers. D.A.R. 1929, p. 62. Above records were furmshed by Mr. Frank Lamb of \Vcstfield, N. Y.


231 Ct) Randall" Maxson (Joshua\ John\ Joseph\ John~) and Mary Saunders probably were the parents of: 566 Martha l\laxson, b. Dec. 6, 1812, d. Feb. 17, 1892, m. Benjamin Austin, son of Capt. Rufus Austin, b. 1773, ancl wife Eunice Rathburn and who had a granddaughter, (I\I rs. Cippcring of Sand Lake, N. Y.) 567 ( +) Polly l\laxson, 111. Rufus Austin, brother to Benjamin, above. Dau. Lucy L. Austin b. 1821 Petersburg, N. Y., m. in Berlin, N. Y. John Babcock, 1821-1897, ancl son l\.Iaxson Austin. 232 (t) Clark11 l\laxson (]saiah\ John\ Josepha, John~) and Nancy Clark of Hopkinton, R. I.. Berlin, N. Y. (prob.). Brookfield, N. Y., and DeH.uyter, N. Y. Ch.: l\.laxson: 568 ( +) Paul, b. 1783 Berlin, N. Y., cl. 1827 Brookfield, N. Y., m. about 1806 Lucy Pardee, clau. of haac of \Vaterford, Ct., an


234 (t) Sarah 11 Maxson (Isaiah·\ Johar', Joseph\ John!!) ancl Nathan Clarke of Hopkinton, R. I. Ch.: Clarke: 587 (+)Judith, h. Oct. 29, 178-t- Hopkinton, cl. Dec. 17, 1849 Houns­ field, N. Y., 111. 1803 Holly I\laxson (No. 747). 588 Hannah, b. June 2. 1786, m. \Villiam \Vhitforcl. (Burd. Gen., p. 59.) 2 2.m (t) Amos;. }.Jax son (Torey\ J ohn4, Joscph\ J ohn ) and Hannah:. Potter. 176 (t) (Content:. 1\faxson, Joseph\ a, John !!). Ch.: l\Jaxson: 589 Lydia (J. I. ~fax son) (or) Sally. m. Lchbius Cottrell. Son, Benjamin~ Cottrell, 111. 178..J. l\Iary Burdick, had a son, Thomas0 Cottrell. (P. 118, Burdick Genealogy.) 590 David Stillman. 591 Hannah. 592 Betsey. 243 (t) Torrcy0 l\laxsun (Torey\ Capt. John-•. Joseph=', John!!; also 1-fannah\ John\ !!) and Betsey Champlin. Ch.: Maxson: 593 (+)Amos Champlin, h. I\1 ay J, 1783, m. Aug. 1807 Elizabeth Tinker. He \\'as a carpenter. 594 Nathan T., b. Apr. 16, 1785. 595 Betsey. b. June 19, 1792. 596 Phebe Peck, b. I\Tay 16. 1i96. 597 Sally Latimer, twin to Phebe. Torey l\fa.xson livcrl in Westerly, R. I.. during the Revolution. He lived in Lyme 35 years, and was recorder! in the 1840 ceni.us of Lempster, N. H., age 79. He was with 8ullivan in the R. I. expedition. R.I. S.G. 13844. 11 1 244 (t) Joshua l\laxson (Torey\ Capt. John ', Joscph: , John:i) and Thankful Stillman. Ch.: i\laxson: 598 (+)Joshua, b. Sept. 29. 1792, d. Sept. 29. 189.3 at \Vest Edmes­ ton, N. ·y., m. Fanny Coon of Daniel. 599 ( +) John. b. l\Iar. 18. 179~ at Broadalbin. N. Y.. cl. Sept. 6, 1867 Brnoldield. N. Y., m. Dec. 10, 1818 Almira Taylor, b. Sept. 22, 1802 of \Villiam. d. Fch. 15, 1878 Brnokfield, N. Y. 600 (+),\lartha, h. Jan. 9, 1796. d. June 17. 1851 at Royalton, N. Y .. m. Rowse Bnrdick, h. Oct. 10, 1790, cl, 1871 Rovalton, N. Y .. son of Robert Burdick and Sarah \Villiams of Hoj>kinton, R. I. They lived at Burdick's Bridge. Royalton. N. Y. 601 ( +) Ephraim, h. July 13. 1799 Brooklield. N. Y., d. Apr. 5, 1872 at \rVcst Edmeston, N. Y., m.1 Clarissa Coon, m.2 Zercviah Vin­ n•nt. Ephraim and his wi\'L's ancl parents arc buried in the cemetery north of \Vest Edmeston near the banks of the Unadilla. 602 ( +) Polly. h. Dec. I 1, 1800. d. \Vest Edmeston, m. Ichabod Bur­ dick. Jr.. of Brookfield as his 2nd wife. (Sec No. 247.) 603 ( +) David, b. Aug. 30. 1803 Brookfield, cl. Dec. 22, 1855 \Vest Edmeston, 111. Laura Coon. h. Sept. 12. 1801. cl. Oct. 28, 1bu9 (Daniel. Joshua). 11 4 245 (t) Prudcnce l\laxson (Torey~, Capt. John , Joshua:i_ John~) and Benjamin Stillman (Benjamin. George II. I). Ch.: Stillman: 604 Polly, b. July 1, 1791. m. Joseph 13urclick of Scott. N. Y., Jan. 11, 1811, b. Apr. 22, 1782. d. l•\·b. 10, 18S2. 13 ch. 605 Benjamin III, b. Fch. 5, 1793, m. Sept. 13, 1827 Variety Green,


b. Dec. 4, 1804, clau. of Elisha Green and l\lchala Fish of Leon­ ardsville, N. Y. 4 rh. Compare p. 153 Brown-Hakes Records. 606 Amos, h. l i95, m. Julia Ann Spears. No ch. 60i Hannah, d. unm. 608 Lydia, cl. unm. 609 Phebe, m. Jchil Taylor of Brookfi.clcl, d. Dec. 4, 18i3, ae. 63 yrs. They had a dau .. Almira Taylor. 24i (t) J-Ia1111ah': I\laxson (Torey\ Hannah 4, John:i, ~; also Capt. John', Josepha, John~) and Ichabod Burdick 11. Ch.: Burdick: 610 Ichabod III, h. July 10, 1i96 R.opkinton, R. I.. d. Feb. 5, 1880 West Edmeston, N. Y., m. Fanny Greene about 1817, d. l 928, dau. of Rathbun Greene of Charleston. 6 ch. He m.2 Polly Mnxson (No. 602) and had 2 ch. 611 Benjamin l\laxson, b. Apr. 8, li98 Hopkinton, cl. Oct. 7, 1814 Hopkinton. 612 !\latthcw Stillman, b. Feb. 23, 1802, cl. Oct. 28, 1834, unm., insane. 613 Jonathan Trnman, b. i\lar. 8, 1804 Hopkinton, drowned at New­ port June 2, 1830, m. 1\!ary Ann Armstrong of Newport, dau. of John Armstrong. 2 dnus. She lived at Cottage Grove., Minn., at one time. 614 Hannah, b. l\'Iay 4, 1800, d. unm. Aug. 20, 1855 at Hope Valley, R.I. 615 1\1 artha, h . .l\Iav 3, 1806, d. Aug. 19, 1899 Hope Valley, m. Jan. 29, 1824 Nathai1 Fellows Chipman, b. Oct. 28, 1800 in Stoning­ ton Borough, d. l\[ar. i, 1872 in Hope Valley, son of Charles Chipman and 11artha Birch. Ch.: Chipman: (Burdick Gen., p. 362): Nathan T.; Charcsl Henry; l\lartha Jane; Erastus D., an l\I. D.; ancl \Villiam !\I., b. 1845, ,.I. unm. 1915, a school teacher. 616 Isaac Coe, h. Aug. 29, 1808, d. 1Tar. 26, 1880 \Vestcrly, m. Mary Louise Babcock. dau. of J\sa Babcock. 61i \Vclcomc Clark, h. r.far. 16, 1811 \Vesterly, cl. Jan. 26, 1853, m. i'.Iar. 4. 1836 Aclclinc ·wheeler, b. Oct. 26, 1816, cl. in a hospital in \Vashington, D. C., dau. of Swan \.Vhccler. 4 ch. 3 2 249 Ct) Elnathann Maxson (Torey~·, Capt. J ohn4, J oscph , John ) and his first wife. Ch.: Maxson: · 618 Cornelia, d. Apr. 2, 1845 P('rsia, N. Y .. m. Sept. 1823 Stephen Whitford, h. June 6, 1797 Brookfield, N. Y., and cl. there May 26, 1877, son of Joshua \Vhitforcl and Phoebe Palmer. He moved from Brookfield to Persia, N. Y., to Pa., to l\-Jich., and finally returned to 13rookfielcl. S.D.B., Farmer. Dau. Sarah, b. 1825 Brookfield. m. 1846 Chancey Slatterly. 619 (t) Alzina, h. Junc 9, 1809 Brookfield, cl. Aug. 27, 1847 Brook­ field, m. Jared Babcock Crandall, b. Nov. 4, 1814, d. Apr. 7, 1893 Brookfield, son of Augus1 ns Cranclall and Charlotte Babcock. Farmer. Ch. by 2nd w .. Fanny Palmer: 620 Francis, h. Nov. 13, 1818 Brookfield, cl. Sept. 5, 18~4 Brookfield. 621 George T., b. Feb. 24, 1821. cl. July 26, 1844 Scott, N. Y. 622 ( +) Amos R., b. i\I ay 9, 1823 Brookfield, m. Sept. 10, 1851 E. Lodema Barber, b. 1835 Scott, N. Y., d. Feb. 1876 Scott, clau. of William W. Barber and Susan Burdick of Scott, m.2 Aug. 31, 18i9 Lettie l\L Harrington, b. Sept. 14, 1857 Homer, N. Y., dau. 3G MAXSON FAI\IILY - SIXTH GENERATION

of Alfred G. Harrington and Vcstalinc E. \Voodworth of South Cortland, N. Y. He was a stone mason. S.D.B. 623 John, b. July 10, 1828 Brookfield, m. Kate Doning of Utica. 624 Fidelia, b. July 22, 1825 Brookfield, d. Sept. 25, 1844 Scott, N. Y. 625 I\'Iorgan. b. Aug. 27, 1832, cl. June 22, 1894, m. Aug. 17, 1852 Esther 0. Barber, b. June 1, 1825, cl. July 10, 1897, dau .of Sam­ uel Barber and Sarah Brown of Scott, N. Y. Carpenter and Joiner. 1850 Census Scott, N. Y.: Fanny Maxcn. age 58, b. in Conn.; Amos, 26, b. i11 N. Y.; John, 21; I\Iorgan, 17. 11 3 250 (t) Joscph Maxson (Silvanus:', John\ Joseph , John:?) and 179 (t) Lyclia11 Potter (Contcnf• l\Iaxson. Joseph\ a, J ohnz) of Hop­ kinton. Ch.: l\la.:s:s011: 626 (+)Asa, b. Feb. 14, 1i9i, cl. .May 16, 1824, m. I\Iary Chapman, b. Sept. 12 1804, cl. Oct. 27, 1892 in Norwich. Ct. She m.2 Nov. 1830 Elias Cottrell, b. Apr. 28, 1810. 627 (+)Joel, b. Dec. 23, 1798, cl. Feb. 28, 1865 Genesee, N. Y., m. l\lercy Greene, b. June 24, 1805 Newport, d. Jan. 25. 1863 Gene~ sec. Fanner, Town Clerk, Supervisor, and Justice. 628 ( +) Phebe, h. l\fay 30. 1802, cl. Dec. 29, 1881, m. Nov. 29, 1827 Joseph Allen, son of Robert Allen and Catherine Peckham. Sec note below. 629 George Potter, Oct. 21. 1804-Fcb. 1810. 630 ( +) Lucy Crandall, b. July 18, 1807 Hopkinton. d. Jan. 19, 1888, m. Feb. 28, 1828 Rev. Azariah Ayars FitzRandolph, b. Jan. 1, 1805, d. June 25, 1868. son of Abel FitzRandolph and Ruth Ayers. 631 Thomas, b. July 19, 1811, cl. Sept. 5. 1852. He is said not to have been very brilliant (J. I. Maxson), low I.Q. Reference: Gazetteer of N. Y. by French, 1860, p. 174, Footnote: Gene­ see Town: Joseph l\faxson from R. I. and John Cook settled in the west part in 1827. The first marria~e was that of Joseph Allen and Phebe l\:Ia.xson. In the same year ---. No liquor liceni,;c has even been granted in the town; it is claimerl t.hnt no inhabitant has e>ver been sent to a prison or poor­ house. The census reports 3 churches, all Seventh Day Baptists. 0 2 251 (t) Lcwis l\laxson (Silvantis\ John4. Joseph\ John ) and Tacy Coon of Hartford, Ct. Ch.: l\laxson: 632 Nancy, b. Nov. 2, li98. 633 Samuel Coon. b. July 25, 1800. 111. Oct. 30, 1834 Emily Lord. (m. by Rev. G. F. Davis, Hartford V.R.). The family is said to have moved to Natchez. 253 (t) Silvanus'1 1\faxson (Silvanus~·. John"*, Josepha, John::) and Betsey Langworthy of \Vestcrly. Ch.: .Maxson: 634 ( +) Elizabeth, b. Sept. 6, 1798. d. June 1864, m. Jan. 28, 1816 \Villiam Potter, h. Apr. 3, 1794. On J unc 5, 1864 Elizabeth and her grandson, Robert Potter of Charles, then 11 yrs. old, were on a steam boat which caught fire. She was suffocated. Rob­ ert escaped badly burned. The accident was near Poughkeepsie.


635 Cynthia, b. Aug. 1, 1800 \Vcstcrly, d. Feb. 12, 1874 in Kansas, m. July 20, 1824 John F. Smith, d. Aug. 24, 1872 in Kansas. Ch.: Smith: Cortland, m. Phebe T. Baker, cl. 1870; and Frances, m. George P. Allen. 636 Altania, b. Sept. 19, 1802, m. Henry Derick of i\lalden, N. Y. Ch.: Derick; Sarah; i\lary; Freel of Cat:;bann. N. Y.; and Christain. 637 ( +) Sanford Langworthy, b. Dec. 5, 1806, d. Feb. 20, 1883, m. OliYe Royce, 1809-1867 (Hillside Cemetery, Holley, N. Y.). 638 Lydia Ann, b. Oct. 5, 1809 \Vcstcrly, d. 1841 in Green Co., N. Y., m. ]. Simpson. 2 ch. 639 Abby, b. Sept. 8. 1811, d. 1842 in Coxackic. N. Y .. m. Levi Freil­ eigh. Ch.: Austin Freileigh; and Benjamin Frcilcigh of Cox­ ackie or Saugerties, N. Y. 640 ( +) Sylvanus, b. Oct. 29, 1813 \Vcsterly, cl. Dec. 9, 1897 at BalJ­ ston Spa, N. Y., m.1 Jan. 2, 1838 Sarah Styles, L. July 31, 1911 Kingston, N. Y., cl. Jan. 22, 1853 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., dau. of James and Sarah (Doyle) Stiles of Kingston, m.2 l\Iar. 4, 1854 Julia Greenman Gennett, h. Oct. 12. 1825, d. Jan. 2, 1899, dau. of Charles and Sarah (Beach) Gennett of Poughkeepsie. 641 1'1ary, b. June 29, 1819 in Saugerties, N. Y., m. 1Iay 17, 1834 Elijah Travis. They lived in Shaken, N. Y. one ch., d. y. 254 (t) Nathan" :rvlaxson (Silvanus\ Capt. John4, Josepha, Johni) and Ruth Crandall. Ch.: l\Jaxson: 642 Nathan, b. May 7, 1805, cl. Jan. 19, 1825, a carpenter. 643 Jarius Rogers Crandal, b. July 11, 1807, cl. Oct. 29, 1827. 644 Nancy, b. 1809, prob. cl. y. 645 Nancy, b. Dec. 22, 1810, m. ancl had a family. 646 ( +) Horace, b. l\fay 17, 1812, m. Nov. 1835 Lavinia Lanphear, d. Sept. 11. 1846, ac. 33, dau. of Joseph and Sally (Greenman) Lanphear, m.2 July 5, 1847 Sarah C. Coon, b. Brookfield, N. Y. Nov. 5, 1826, dau. of Thomas and 1larthy A. (Davis) Coon. They lived opposite the Ezekiel l\Iaxson place in Ashaway, R. I. near l\Iill Brook. He was a maker of lines. 647 ( +) Lydia \Velis, h. Oct. 22, 1816, cl. Dec. 15, 1899 in !vlystic, Conn., m. Aug. 11, 1836 Franklin Barber. b. Nov. 9, 1814 West­ erly. d. Feb. 29, 1854 at l\Iystic, son of Sprague and Lucy (Still­ man) Barber. In ea:·ly !ifc he was a sea captain. At the time of his death he was a manufacturer of woolen goods at Mystic. 'While oiling shafting he was caught ancl drawn over and fell c.leacl. S.D.B. at Greenville-. 648 (+)Susan, b. June Ii, 1820. d. Dec. 12, 1896 Asha way, R. I., hmiccl at Mystic, Ct., m. July 8, 1841 \1/illard Franklin Prosser, son of John K. a.nu l\lary (\Vilbur) Prosser, b. Mar. 23, 1820, cl. Sept. 21, 1895 at Providence, R. I. He was a manufacturer of woolen goods in \Vcsterly with Edwin H. Brown, and in Mystic with the Gretnma.ns. in 1891. Methodist. Student at Alf red. N. Y. 0 255 (t) Lydia. Maxson (Sylvanusr·. Capt. John ◄, Joseph\ John2 ) and Joseph \Veils of \1/csterly. Ch.: Wells: 38 MAXSON FAl\IlLY - SIXTH GENERATION

649 Joseph \Villard, b. Feb. 9, 1808, cl. Sept. 19, 1835 Little Genesee, N. Y. 650 DanicF Babcock, b. :\ug. 15, 1811. cl. Sept. 12, 1871 Little Gene­ see, m. 1\lar. 7, 1833 Sally Burdick, d. Apr. 27, 1846 Little Genesee, N. Y., dau. of Jabez Burdick, m.2 Dec. 28, 1848 Harriet Lewis of Elijah. Desc.: Cordelia~ Jane Wells, m. Daniel L. Corbin: Dinnie0 Corbin, b. Friendship, N. Y., m. Frederick R. Brothers. O.A.R. No. 105704, Vol. 106, p. 223. Also Burd. Gen., p. 219. 651 Clark Stillman, b. Oct. 30, 1814. m. Jan. 28, 1839 Esther Lan­ phear of George of Ceres, N. Y. 652 Samuel, b. July 27. 1817, m. Oct. I, 1840 Lucy Clarke, d. Dec. 20, 1864 of Samuel B. of Little Genesee, m.2 Sept. 6, 1866 Emily Clarke. 653 Lydia, b. Aug. 3, 1822, 111. Aug. 15, 1839 Benjamin S. Hall, Jr., d. Mar. 27, 1861. 654 Susan, b. June 8, 1824, d. Aug. 11, 1875 in Albion, Mo., m. 1847 Silas A. Palmiter of ,Jonathan of Alfred, N. Y. 655 Emma Elizabeth. b. July 15, 1827, cl. Dec. 1, 1878 Little Genesee, N. Y. 3 2 256 (t) Russeln 1\laxson (Jesse\ Capt. John4, Joseph • John ) and I\lary Clarke. Ch.: I\Iaxson: 656 l\lary Clark, July 16, li95-Nov. 25, 182i, Hopkinton, R. I. 65i (+)Russel. b. Aug. 25. 1797, cl. June, 1889 Leonardsville, N. Y., m. Sarah H. Clarke, b. I\lar. 8, 1807 Hopkinton, d. Apr. 1, 1895 Leonardsville. They moved to Preston, N. Y., soon a£ ter their marriage and about 1867 moved to Leonardsville. She wa:; the 7th of 12 children and was an in,·alid for over thirty years. 658 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 25, 1800, d. Nov. 23. 1826 at Norwich, N. Y., m. Ira Bliven, d. at Norwich. 659 ( +) Paul Clarke, b, Feb. Ii, 1806. d. Jan. 28, 1875 at DeRuyter, 11 3 2 N. Y., m. J eancttc Rogers (Da,·icl , :., Nathan 4. Jonathan , , James•), m.2 Ruth \Velis of Hopkinton, alive in 1881 at Oxford, N, Y. 660 (+)George Perry, b. Mar. 26. 1824, m. Harriet Fenner. (Ch. of 2nd w., Hannah Peckham.) There was a Martha l\fa..'Cson, b. Dec. 20, 1808 (or 1810) who d. in West­ erly, Jan. 7, 1893, who was said to have been the daughter of l\Iary Clarke. Maxson (No. 666). 257 (t) Jcssc0 Maxson (Jesse\ John4. Joseph\ John:.!) and Sophia Clarke of Westerly. Ch.: l\laxson: 661 Jan. 29, 1804-Oct. 18, 1824. 662 Cortland, Dec. 6, 1806-Dcc. 1. 1808. 259 (t) Olivcr0 l\Iaxson (Jesse, John. Joseph, John) and Esther Rogers. Ch.: Maxson: 663 (+)Julia Ann, b. Nov. 8, 1808 vVaterford, Ct .. d. Jan. 17, 1889 Plainfield, N. ]., m. Nov. 24, 1824 Rev. Benedict vVcstcote, d. 1841, son of William and Esther (Harris) vVestcote. 664 Sarah Rogers, b. Nov. 6. 1808 Waterford, m. Jan. 27, 1826 David Rogers II, cl. June 30, 1880 \Villiamsburg, N. Y. Ch.: Rogers: Sarah; Esther Ann; David Benedict; Alexander Campbell; Mary TuthilJ; Mary Elizabeth, m. Clay Rogers; Sarah Emma; Herbert Maxson; Herbert Utter; and Albert Mortimer.


665 Elizabeth, b. l\Iar. 2, 1814, cl. Apr. 19, 1835 in N. Y. City, m. Aug. 16, 1832 at \\'atcrford, Nathan Rogers, b. Sept. 13, 1806, son of Jonathan and J cmima (Clarke) Rogers, 2 ch. d. y. He m.2 Sept. 11, 1838 Experience Randolph and had 6 ch. He m.3 Emeline Chapman. 666 Oliver, b. June 3, 1818, cl. l\Iar. 27, 1893 \-Vatcrford, Ct., m. Jan. 6, 1841 Ursula M. Perkins of Preston, N. Y. Ch.: :rvlaxson: Oliver Rogers, b. Oct. 1, 1842, cl. July 26, 1853; Helen Elizabeth, m. Jan. 10, 1866 Emory H. Shaffer, cl. I\lay 19, 1877 leaving 2 claus.; and Herbert B. Maxson, b. Oct. 19, 1854. 667 Joshua Clarke, b, July 16, 1820, m. Dec. 11, 1842 Sally Beebe, cl. Oct. 21. 1910, ac. nearly 87 yrs., dau. of Ezekiel T. ancl Mary Crandall. Ch.: Elizabeth Urst1la .l\Iaxson, b. l\far. 5, 1846. 260 (t) John° I. Maxson (Jesse", John", Joseph\ John~) ancl 0 8 2 267 (t) Abby Ilabcock (Ruth'' Maxson (John\ Joseph , John ). Ch.: I\Taxson: 688 (+)John Cortland, b. about 1821, d. Preston, N. Y., ae. 74, m. Harriet Alzina Rogtrs, dau. of David and Polly (Truman) Rogers and sister to Jeanette Rogers whom. Paul Clarke Max­ son (No. 659). 1855 U. S. Census, Preston, N. Y.: John C. Maxson, age 3-l-, b. R. I., (w.) Harriet, ~e. 34, b. Chenango Co., N. Y.; Jane Rogers I\Iaxson, 15; Barnet A., 34, b. Chenango Co.,; Sands C. 11axson, 5; George \,Veils, 30, b. R. I. (a boarder). 669 Caroline---, 111. --- Hull. A son, John J. Hull, lived in Brookfield. 670 Elizabeth, 111. Benjamin Crumb; lived in DeRuyter, N. Y. 274 (t) Richard0 Maxson (John\ 4, \ ~) and Mary \Velis of Mari­ etta, 0. Ch.: All b. in :Marietta: 11axson: 671 Elizabeth, b. & d. in :Marietta, m. Zebulon Jennings. She was the first white child born in Marietta. 672 John D., cl. in \Vash. Co., 0., m. Sarah IvlcGce. Son. Henry Maxon left a widow who was living in Marietta in 1895. 673 ( +) \Villiam C., b. 1800, m. July 1, 1831 Elizabeth Huff, b. Sept. 8, 1811 .i\Iarictta, d. July 17, 1889 Chillicoth, 0., dau. of James and --- (Duttoun) Huff. 674 Eliza, d. i\farietta, 111. Calvin Hildreth. (He furnished these records for J. I. Maxson.) Son, Stephen i\Iaxson Hildreth of :Marietta. 675 Isaac, m. Ann Hildreth. Dec. 17, 1830. Hist. Athens. O.: The \Vestcrn Spectator was editecl an


276 (t) Susa11na11 i\l axsrm (John;', 1. \ ~) and John Peabody of Hop~ kinton, R. I. Ch,: Pcubocly: 680 J 0 I111, I), 1N ()\. · , ,l,"1 1I-no :.,,:1, ( I• L•' l ·I ). -t? K , 1-99I · · , 681 Susan, h. Feb. 21, 1000, 111. 1818 Collins 1\lain of Bolival', Conn. 682 Olivia, b. Oct. 3, 1801, cl. i\lar. .31, 185-3, 111. Silas Chapman. They had a son, Edwin Chnpmnn. 683 J erusha, h. J u11e ·~, ISUJ, cl. Oct. 1849 unm. 7 ch. by Lewis Chnpt11u11. Chupman: 684 Caroline, h. Dec. 26, 1806, m, Daniel Porter. 685 Lucretia, d. y. 686 Elizabeth, b. Feh. 22, 1810. d, Feb. 12, 1892, m, Henry \Vest who d. at Potter Hill, Hopkinton. 687 Lucinda, h. July 8, 1812, m. Danic:l Griffin. 688 John P., h, Oct. 4, 1814, d. Sept. 27, 1857, 111. :\[ar. 1840 Harriet Coon. \Villiam 1-1., h. i\l ay 19, I 818, d. Nov. 15, 189-1-. m. Oct. 23, 1843 Tabitha Stocldnrcl, 2 ch.: Horace W. Chapman, b, Feb. 11, 1845, and Aseneth S. Chapman, b. Feb. 5, 1848. 690 Benjamin F., h. Aug. 8, 1820, d. Mar. 5, 1888, m. 1846 l\Iary E. Gates. 278 (t) Peleg'; .i\laxson (l\Iatthcw:O, John!, a, ::) ancl Sarah I3urdick (nee Clarke) of Hopkinton. Ch.: Maxson: 691 ( +) l\lartha, b. Aug. 12, 1779, cl. July 28. 1858 Little Genesee, N. Y., m. Jan. 20, 1798 Benjamin·; Crandall, b. Dec. 5, 1765 Westerly, d. Apr. lfl, 1832 {Benjamin!, Joseph\ ::, John 1 ). 692 (-1-) Il(•njamin Clarkl', h. Apr. 5, I 781. alive 1850, not mentioned in the 18o0 census, m. l\tnr. 26, 1807 Betsey Saunders (Caleb, Isaac) of Charleston, IL I., ae. 64 in 1850, alive in 1860. 693 (+) Peleg-, Jr .. h. June 27. 1783. cl. June 22, 18-1-8, 111. June 15, 1809 Clarissa Burdick, b. Nov. 15, 1793, d. Jnn. 7, 1882. They lived near Rockville, H.. I. 694 Sarah. h. i\lar. 18. 17RS. d. ae. 22 days. 695 Clarke, settled in Truxton. N. Y. (tradition). had a rlau., Mrs. Angelina !luge of DeRuyter, N. Y. 279 (t) 1\latthcw': .?\laxson (i\Iatthcw·\ John\ :i_ :!) and Fanny Peck­ ham of Westerly, R. I., and Grafton, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 696 (-1-) \Vccdon. h. l\lar. I 1. 1i79. cl. 1831 ( or 1832) in vVhitby, On­ tario, Canada, m. 1800 in Petersburg, N. Y. Nancy Randall, cl. ne. 93. ( She prob. m.1 --- Webster. m.2 l\Iaxson, m.3 --- Jones ---, m.4 Phillips.) 697 Polly, h. July 21. 1781. 111. --- Stillman. 698 ( +) Potter, b. July .23. liS-1-, d. Apr. 30, 1862, m.1 Betsey Brindle, h. Apr. 23, 1798, m.2 Elizabeth Rosenbur~. d. Aug. 14, 1868 ne. 4!)-3-22. 699 ( -1-) Daniel, h. July 10, li8i, 111. Susan Armsbury, Petersburg, N. Y. (He cords from J. I. l\laxson am! i\I rs. Elsie Cameron of Detroit.) 700 (+) Patty (l\fartha), b. Apr.5.1790.


703 Pluma, b. Sept. 30, 1802, d. Dec. 26, 1848 (Stillman Village Cem.). 704 John. 705 Gcorg-c. Last two arc from tradition. 280 (t) Georgc11 l\faxson (I\fatthcw'', John\:,,~) and Anne l\lerritt of Hopkinton, R. I. Ch.: Maxson: 706 ( +) George, Jr., h. Nov. 23, 17i8, cl. Nov. 8, 1853, m. Eleanor Barber, b. l\fay 15, lii6, d. Nov. 13, 1852 (No ..324). 707 Nancy, b. Sept. 17, 1780, m. Dr. Hazard \Vilcox, b. about 1775. (He was a member of the Odd Fellows of R. I. --- from I\Irs. Estee.) 708 (+)Freelove, b. Dec. 2, liSS (or June 3), cl. Sept. 10, 1862 I3rookficlcl. N. '{., m. Caleb Hovey llurclick, b. May 4, 1799, d. Sept. 6, 1852 I3rookficld. (Burel. Gen., p. 160.) 709 Polly, b. Feb. 2, 1787, m. l\Iar. 2, 1801 in Extcr, R. I. John Rir.hmond of Stephen of Exter. 710 (+)James, h. l\lar. 2, 1788, cl. about 1866 near Richburg, N. Y., m. 1812 Lucinda l\laine, b. Dec. 22, 1795 in N. Stonington, Ct., d. July 25, 1840 Bolivar, N. Y., dau. of DcwC'y and Lucinda (Crandall) l\lainc of Ct. and Lincklcan, N. Y., m.2 1843 Hannah Salisbury from Fall River, i\Tass. James :M. was a soldier in 1814. 711 (+)Abel, b. l\[ay 11, 1790, cl. about 1872 in Albion, \Vis., m.1 Tryphcnia I .ull, m.2 A big-ail Lull in 1\faclison Co., N. Y., 1818. Friendship, N. Y. and Albion, \Vis. Soldier in 1812 \Var. 712 Matthew, b. July 7, 1792, d. a young man. 713 Henry, b. Aug. 1, 1794. George7 , ,Tames, Matthew, and Henry, brothers, moved to Madison Co., N. Y., in 1800. George11 l\laxson lived in Hopkinton, R. I., Lebanon, Linck­ lenn, Friendship, and Berlin, N. Y. 2 281 (t) Nathan,; Maxson (l\fo.tthew·:;, Jolin\ a, ) and Nancy Vars of \Vestcrly. R. I. Ch.: l\l axson: 7 714 Nathan , b. Dec. 16, 1785. 715 Elizabeth, h. Oct. 21, li87, m. Leonard Titus Richardson. N. Y. Reg., Vol. 55, p. 172. 716 Catherine, h. Nov. 9, 1789, d. Dec. 30, 1791 Hopkinton. 717 1\Iatthcw, b. Nov. 27, 1791. cl. Dec. 30. 1791 Hopkinton. 718 Isaac Vars, b. :rvfay 23, 1793. 719 Edward, b. Aug. 20, 1797. 720 Sarah. h. Sept. 16, 1799. Nathan Maxson is listed amon~ the Revolutionary soldiers who came to Hartford Co., Pa.. set.tied first: ~t Gibson anrl was on the tax lh;t 1816-1817, then went to Clifford. On the tax lint nt Clifford in 1842 were: Dudley Max~ son; Isaac Vars Maxson; and Edward Maxson. There W'.ls a dcntiRt at Hart~ ford, Pa., in 1887 named Maxson. (F. B. Lamb, Westfield, N. Y., and Hist. Susquehanna Co., Pa.) 283 (t) Luke0 l\Iaxson (fi.fatthew", John4. \ ~) and Lydia Babcock. Ch. : Maxson : 721 (+) Luke, Jr., b. Sept. 11, 1785, d. July 5, 1867, m. July 4, 18:t Susanna Greene, cl. Dec. 7, 1858, ac. 64 8-11, m.2 Mar. 22, 1862 Marie Louise Morton who m.2. Greene Gen., p. 419.


722 Lydia, b. July 12, 1788, d. July 29, 1850, m. Jan. 25, 1816 Maxson Greene. Greene Genealogy, p. 419. 723 Matthew, Apr. 7, 1790-l\lay 27, 1812. 724 Martha, b. Feb. 5, 1792, cl. Sept. 10, 1870, m.1 Dec. 1, 1808 Wil­ linm Saunders, b. 1787, d. Dec. 9, 1814, m.2 Nathan Greene, 1785-1851 . .Martha and William lived in Berlin, N. Y., until about 1810 when they moved to Alfred, N. Y., and settled on a farm nnar Alfred Center. After his death she returned to her father in Petersburg and remained until 1830 when she ap;nin went to Alfred where her children had settled, and there m. July 10, 1837 Nathan Greene. 725 1\fary, b. Sept. 27, 1793, d. Oct. 31, 1876, m. June 22, 1820 Henry Sheldon. 726 Nancy, b. Jan. 20, 1796, cl. Oct. 30, 1857, m. Dec. 22, 1820 Joseph Goodrich. l\Iilton, Wisconsin. Descendants listed in Goodrich Gen. 727 (+)George, b. Apr. 19, 1798, d. l\[ay 14, 1863. m. Aug. 26, 1821 Phebe Wells, b. Apr. 24, 1797 1\Iilford, N. Y., d. 1878 Leonardsville, N. Y., dau. of Caleb and Susanna (Phillipi:;) Wells. Luke Ma.....:son wns n Rev. Soldier. See Hist. of Allegany Co., N. Y., 1896, p. 626. Luke and Lydia B. Maxson settled on a fatm in Petersburg-, N. Y., where they lived until a few years before his death when they moved to Alfred. 0 4 2 284 (t) l\Iartha l\l axson (l\fatthcw\ J ohn , :i, ) ancl Luke Cran­ dall. Ch.: Crandall: 728 ( +) i\lartha. h. Jan. 22, 1786, cl. June 4. 1849, m. Oct. 1, 1807 Benjamin Crandall Maxson, b. 1\lnr. 8, 1791, d. July 9, 1872 (No. 864 ). 729 ( +) l\fatthcw, b. Nov. 7, 1787. cl. Sept. 9, 1874, m. Sept. 28, 1807 Prudence l\Jaxson, cl. Sept. 10, 1860, clan. of Zaccheus (No. 305) anc.1 Amelia (Crandall) Maxson. 730 Prudence, h. ]\[ay 22, 1790, m. 1810 \Villiarn I\foon. Ch.: Moon: Nelson, h. 1812; J oscph. 1814; Prudence, 1816 . ..,, Albert Mur­ ray; Martha, 1818; Luke, 1820; Ebenezer, 18.-~, ~~:1rah, 1824; Marina, 1826; Eliza, 1828; and Joanna. 1830. 731 Benja111i11, b. May 7, 1792, cl. Jan. 12, 1824. Dau. Nancy m. John Dirven. 732 Joseph Pendleton, b. l\lay 22. 1794, m. Feb. :4, 1820 Susan Pen­ dleton l\lain. 12 ch. 733 I\Iary_. b. July 8, 1796, d. 187..J., m. Oct. 18. 1817 Moses Barber. 12 ch. 7.W Roland Ira, b. Aug. 23, 1798. m. Susan l\Jaxson of Jared of Lincklcan, N. Y. Several ch. 735 Irany. 1801-1814. 736 ( +) Nancy. h. Feb. 15, 1803, 111. Fch. 20, 1823 Samuel Andrew Barber. 4 ch., of whom Nancy 111. Enoch Ir:i. l\Iaxson (No. 1480). The Cr::mda11s lived on the Oswaya Creek, a brnnch of the Allegany River, and are buried in the cemetery at Portville, N. Y. Records were from George S. Crandall of Ceres, N. Y., through J. I. Maxson. 11 1 286 (t) Randall l\laxson (l\Iatthcw ". J ohn1. \ ~) and Daborah Kendall prob. wcr(' the parents of: l\Iaxson: Grafton, N. Y.: 737 James. 738 Calvin, clan. m. Lyscngcr Hodges, Jan. 6. 1852. 739 Orrin, m. Anna Delia Stillman, b. Mar. 10, 1849 at Crumb Hill, N. Y., ancl had Charles. Emeline, and l\Iary, m. Merriman. 740 Adelia, b. 1843, m. \Villiam Stillman. 741 Norman Square, b. 1838. 43 MAXSON FAMILY - SIXTH GENERATION

11 288 (t) Silas Maxson (David\ John ◄, :i, !?) and Sarah Clarke lived in Hopkinton where 6 ch. were born, and in Petersburg, N. Y., where the other ch. were born. Ch.: Maxson: 742 Silas II, b. 1\Iarch 25, 17i2. 743 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1773. 744 Polly. 745 Dchorah, d. at Sackctts Harbor. 746 Barton. 1850 census Grafton, N. Y.: Barton Maxson, ac. 71, b. R. I. Farmer, (same house) Ira S. Scriven, ae. 38, b. N. Y.; Sally A., 88; Wm., 12; Perry R., 6; Louise, 1; Rebecca Maxson, 27; Ma~ hnla, 1. 747 ( +) Holly, b. Nov. 9, 1779, d. Nov. 1 l. 1827 Scott N. Y., m. 1803 Judith Clarke. 748 Sally, d. Sept. 17, 1828, 2nd w. of John Greene. Greene Gen., p. 49. 749 (+)David, b. about 1782, d. he fore 1865, m. Polly Brown, b. about 1789, d. prob. in Rush, N. Y. They were recorded in the 1850 Census Rush, l\lonroe Co., N. Y., under the name Darius Maxson, and as grantors 1853. 750 Jared. 751 (+)John, 1791-1853, m. Eunice Brown (sister to Polly, above), b. Hoosic, N. Y., 1795, d. 1876 East Spafford, N. Y. 289 (t) Sec No. 145a. 0 2 290 (t) Elizabeth l\faxson (David\ John\ :i, ) :incl Joseph Still­ man ( George III, II, I). Ch.: Stillman: 752 Asa, b. Dec. 7, 1773, r;. Fch. 12, 1835 Petersburg-, N. Y., m. Nov. 24, 1796 Deborah Clarke, b. Sept. 24. 1778, d. Nov. 16. 1829 Peters­ burg. 6th. 753 Tacy, b. Jan. 8, 1776, cl. unm. in Petersburg. 754 (+)Jesse, b. Feb. 27, 1778. cl. Oct. 26, 1862 at Otselic, N. Y., m. Aug. 11, 1799 Esther :Maxson, b. 1\fay 24, 1780, d. Sept. 6, 1820 (No. 901), m.2 Nov. 2, 1820 Phebe Frances, b. Aug. 28, 1798, d. Apr. 18, 1833, m.3 1\Irs. Strnanna Robinson, dau. of William Greenman, 1780- 1864. 755 Silas, b. Aug-. 6, 1780. d. June 3, 1857, 111. Jan. 23, 1808 Re bee ca Peckham, 1785-185!:l. 10 ch. 756 Betsey, b. Aug-. 30, 1782. 757 Henry, b. No\·. 19, li84, d. Apr. 19, 1813, m. Polly ---, dau. Polly. 758 David, 1787-1872, Alfred, m. Lillie Rose, clau. of Nathaniel and Mary (Tanner) Rose. 4 ch. 759 Abigail, b. Nov. 1. 1789. d. Feb. 2.2, 1863 J\lmoncl, N. Y., m. June 6, 1809 Pardon Cottrell of Petersbul'g, 178G-1871. 8 ch. 7(:1) Jared, h. Mar. 29, 1792 in \rVcstcrly, d. Nov. 4, 1852 at Almond, N. Y .• m. Nov. 10, 1810 Chrischana Bremer, b. Feb. 14, 17!.12, d. Jan. 7,. 1872 at Wellsville, N. Y. r> ch. 761 Joseph, b. June 25. 1795. d. Oct. 27, 1875 at ·watson. N. Y., m. Oct. 24, 1812 Lucy R. Gardener. li94-1874. 8 ch. 0 2 291 (t) Paul !vlaxson (David\ John\ :i. ) and Susanna Stillman of Westerly. Ch.: r.foxson: 762 ( +) Paul II, b. Oct. 2S. 1780, cl. Jan. 6, 1815, m. 1\lartha Holmes. 763 (+)Silas, b. Sept. 7, 1782. d. May 22, 1853. m. Oct. 13, 1808 Elizabeth Sti11man, b. Feb. 17, 1782, cl. Jan. 22. 1862. dau. of John and Milly Stillman of \Vcsterly. 764 (+) James (or Jarius), h. Jan. 15, 1785, d. Dec. 15, 1874, m. Nov. 10, 1804 Desire Cranda!J, d. Apr. 28, 1830. (Phineas). Both bur. Petersburg.


765 Susanua, h. Dec. 19, 1788, d. Nov. 10, 1810, m. Silas Burdick. 766 (+)Jesse, h. June 12, 1791, cl. June 6, 1874 Adams, N. Y., m.l Britta Lewis, b. Feb. 9, 17q3, d. June 6, 1813 (Asa), m.2 Feb. 18, 1816 Betsey Brow11, b. Sept. 5, 1798 Berlin, N. Y., d. Sept. 6, 1863 Adams, N. Y., dau. of Christopher nnd Tabitha (Arnold) Brown of Berlin, Farmer. In the Navy in 1812. 767 George Stillman, b. Aug. 18, 1793, d. 1867, m. Sybil Lewis, d. 18 61. Ch.: l\foxson: Lewis; Pau I ; ,Tu Iin ; and G~orge. They went to Illinois and all died, Hist. Brookfield. LaSalle Co., Ill., p. 449. 768 Sally, b. Sept. 27, 1795, m. Clark \Vilcox. Ch.: Daniel; Jane; Others. 769 Abby, 1797-1817. 770 Esther, 1800-1821. 771 David, 1802-1825. 292 (t) Chloc 11 Maxson (David\ John\ :,. ~) and Samuel Clarke. Ch. : Clarke: 772 ( +) Catherine, b. Aug. 3, 1777 \Vesterly, cl. July 2, 1849 Brook­ field, N. Y., m. Jnn. 16, 1794 Amos Burdick of Robert of Hopkinton. 773 l\f axson. h. Sept. 20. 1779, cl. Oct. 16, 1862 Brookfield, m. Sally Champlain, 1784-1866. See Clarke Genealogy, p. 108. 774 Samuel. h. Dec. 1. 1782 \Vcstcrlv, m. Barbara Crandall, Ports­ mouth, R. I. A dau. m. --- Perry of Ill., said to have been a judge. 775 David, h. Tune 15, 1785 V/csterlv. cl. Feb. 23, 1863 Brookfield, m. Jan. 14, ·1804 Lydia Frink, dau. of Asa and Theta Frink. Clark Gen. 776 Joseph, b. Oct. 12, 1787, ,l 1\fay 11. 1873, m. Sept. 16, 1807 Esther Lanphear, d. Aug. 11, 1862, adopted dau. of Thomns Van Horne. 777 Truman. h. Apr. 9, 1790, d. May 30, 1877 S. \Valpole, Mass., m. July 25, 1815 Betsey l\fonn, b. July 5, 1796, d. Feb. 12, 1873 S. Wal­ pole, dnn. of Colo. Timothy and Rachel (Ward) Mann. 778 Clari.-·sa. 1793-1871, m. Natlwniel :Maine, 1788-1871, of Nathaniel. 779 Fanny, 1795-1796. Babcock Genealogy, p. 287. 780 Hosea J3arher. h. 1797 WC'st('rlv, d. 1875 Brookfield, N. Y., rn. 1817 Luranna Babcock, 1800-1867, of Oliver and Luranna (Foster) Babcock. 781 Ethan, 1800-1872. Rockford. Ill.. m. Amy Crnn


800 Susan, 1793-18-1-3, m. Eclwiu \Vclls Burdick. Burd. Gen., p. 311. 801 Esther, h. l\lar. 15, 1796, d. l\[ar. 2, 1869, m. Jared Coon of Al­ fred. Dau. Arminta Jane Coon, b. June 19, 1818 Alfred, N. Y., cl. June 6, 1&~6, m. Nov. 4, 1837 Davidrl Maxson. Davis Gen. in Alfred Sun, Aug. 16, 1945. 802 Nancy, b. 1799, m. Gardener l-Inll. 6 ch. 803 John, b. Fch. 2, 1802 \Vcstcrly, d. Albion \Vis., 1\[ay 24, 1887, m. Lavinia \Veils (sister tci Britta, above). -1- cli.-I Harriet Newell~ m. Silas Crandall, 10 ch.-1 J osephinc" Crandall. 1851- 1932, m. James E. Simms. l\Irs. E. L. i\lcCarthy 111 of Jackson, 1\1 iss., sent rccorcls. 804 Lucy, b. 1804 Berlin, m ..'\masa Lewis Jones, 1800-1876, of Israel and Sally (Chapman) Jones of Colrain, 1\lass. 5 ch. 805 David l'd ., b. 1807, 111. i\laranda Coon, cl. 1879, at Albion, \Vis. 806 Abby "1\laxson, b. 1810, cl. 1879 Alfred Center, m. 1826 Silas Stillman. 295 (t) David'1 Maxson (David~·. John"', :i, ~) and Sarah Greenman. Ch.: :Maxson: 807 \Villiam, 1794-1795. 808 (+)Sarah. h. Ort. 13, 1795, m. Ezra Stiles Holmes. They lived ancl died at Pl'tcrshurg, N. Y. 809 Elizabeth, b. 1797, m. Daniel Stafford Greene 810 (+)Abigail. h. l\Iar. 20, 1800. cl. Apr. 11, 1881 Delhi, N. Y., m. Jan. 4, 1820 Crawford Bernon Sheldon. He was County Clerk of Delaware Co., N. Y., at one time. 811 (-!-) David G., h. Aug. 10, 1802, cl. Apr., 1878, 111. Feb. 3, 1823 at Petersburg-, Hannah l\Jary Rix, h. Dec. 23, 1801, dau. of Thomas. Petersburg, N. Y. 812 ( +) Susanna, h. Apr. 4, 1807, d. l\lar. 6. 1896 Adams, N. Y., m. Joseph Langford Greene of Berlin, N. Y. Lived and died in Adams. N. Y. 299 (t) Hai111ah 11 l\laxson (Joseph\ John4, a, ~) ancl Joseph Vars of Westerly. Ch.: Vars: 813 Joseph, b. Apr. 22, 1782, d. 1848, m.1 I\Ialinda 1-Jockburn, m.2 Lucinda Stephens, m.3 Diana Joslyn. 814 Irene. 815 Samuel, 1786-1797, Stephentown, N. Y. 816 Billings, b. 1791. 817 Augusta, b. Apr. 26, 1793 Stephentown. 818 Esther, h. Apr. 5. 1797 Stephentown, d. unm. Apr. 14, 186-L 300 (t) Kcturah 11 l\faxson (Joseph;., John\ :i, ::) and Georg-c Clarke of \Vcstcrly. Ch.: Clarke: 819 (+)George, b. r.fay 29, 1779, cl. 1840, m. Desire Bliven, b. Aug. 11, 1870, dau. of Eleanor Maxson ancl Capt. William Bliven (No. 339). He was a :::1ip builder in Cincinnati, 0., lived in Ind., Ill., ancl Ohio. s,~ ... Virkus, Vol. V, p. 124. 820 Augustus, b. 1781. 821 J eddc, b. Oct. 1, 1784, e.l. 1857, m. l\fary Baker. Virkus, Vol. V, p. 323. 822 Keturah, b. Sept. 16, 1789. 823 Phebe, b. July 15, 1794. 824 Joseph, b. Oct. 15, 1794.


0 2 301 (t) Augustns i\laxson (Joseph\ John-I, a, ) and Thankful Ross of \1/estcrlv. Ch.: .Maxson: 825 Augustus, h. l\l'ar. 19, 1784 in \Vesterly. 826 ( +) (Probably) Daniel R., b. 1796 in Rens. Co., N. Y., cl. 1865 Sanilac Co., l\lich .. m. Sarah Gray. 827 Samuel, b. N. Y. 828 Stephen, lJ. N. Y., wife Elizabeth, son 1\fatthew b. Dec. 18, 1868. ( Births, 1\Inningcs, Deaths, und Wills prior to lS'iC. Bny Co. Mich.) 302 (t) Joseph" Maxson (Joscpl{·, John\ a, :.!) and (prob.) Judith Clarke prob. went to Stephentown, N. Y., ancl later to Hart• wick, N. Y. (The following is bused on: •rurner'11 Hollund Purchase 1849, p. 634: Hist. Walworth Co., Wil-l., 1882, p. 740; Port. and Riog. Album Lena· wee Co., :Mich., 1888; Lettel's to J. I. Maxson, W csterly). Ch.: I\I axson: 829 Josc.-ph III, h. July 31, 1789 Stephentown (or Hartwick), cl. June 17, 1864 in Wis., m. Aug. 27, 1815 Amelia Wurd, b. Jan, 1800, Ply• mouth, N. H., d. 184( ?). He was presented u pocketbook by his grand• father, Joseph Maxson, which had been given to him by Sarah Randall of Rock Island in 1740. 830 James, d. ae. 2 or 3 yrs. 831 Lucy. had a grandson Daniel Lindsey of Cedar Falls, Dunn Co., \iVis. 83.? (+)Jesse, h. Sept. 12, 1i9J Stephentown, d. June 21, 1877, a nw~ician and stone mason, 111. l\Iaryetta Dayton, h. Nov. 10, 1804 in N. Y., d. I\Tay 10, 18.:J-l.. They moved from Centerville, N. Y. to l\lich. i11 183-l. 833 Henry. 834 Elrasecl, h. June 24. 1799. 835 Hannah, 1800-1869. 836 Keturah, b. 180.k 837 Philinda, b. July 18. 1805. 838 Amanda. 8.19 Cvrene, 1811-1871, m. \Villiam Beebe. 2 303 (t) SamtH.•ln Randall l\faxson (Joseph\ John\ :I, ) and Hannah Utley. Ch.: l\f axson: 840 Phche, h. July 2. 1796 in \Vcstcrn N. Y., cl. Galipolis, 0 .. m. Apr. 6, 1823 John Place, Jr. (\Nash. Co., 0., Early l\Iar.) 3 ch. 841 ( +) Samncl, h. Jan. 26, 1798 in \Vestern N. ·y., cl. June 4, 1853 Gallipoli,, 111.l Dec. 16, 1830 Lucy i\Tclntosh, m.2 July 16, 1839 Eliza Blockwood Rog-crs. b. l\f ar. 19, 1810. d. Feb. 8, 1899. 842 {+) Loranna, h. Jan. 2, I 799 in \Vcstcrn N. Y., cl. nca.r l\kCon• nclsville, 0 .. m. l\Iay 31. 1819 Samuel (or John) Allard. She lived \\'ith her grandparents in \Vcstern N. Y. near the Genesee (Centerville?) a long- time. 843 Helen. b. Feb. 15, 1801 in \Vcstcrn N. Y. 844 ( +) Sophronia. b. Aug. 8, 1803 in \Vestcrn N. Y., d. Mar. 27, 1882 in Galipolis, 0 .. 111. Apr. 4, 1S27 Emory Bailey, d. Jan., 1892. 845 Hiram, h. July 5, 1804, d. Feb. 26, 1875 in Gallipolis, 0., m. Nancy Long. 2 ch. 846 ( +) (Dr.) Darius, h. Feh. 22, 1806 ,vester-11 N. Y., cl. Dec. 30, 1850 (or Jan. 1, 1851) Gallipolis. 0 .. m. Ji.far. 10, 1831 Mary Newsome, h. June 29, 1813, d. lVfay 2, 1887. (Or b. Mar. 10, 1816, cl. May 14, 1887.) 847 Nelson, b. Jan. 10, 1808, cl. July 28, 1833. 848 Hannah, b. Oct. 14, 1809 VJ'estern N. Y., d. Oct. 8, 1892 Gallipolis, 0., 111. l James Russell, m.2 Colo. Everett. 2 ch. 849 Charlotte, b. June 14, 1812 vVcstcrn N. Y., m. 1831 Alexander 47 UAXSON FAl\lILY - SIXTH GENERATlON

Shepard, 1806-1872. 3 ch. of whom Fannie" Shepard, 1848- 1908. m. 1866 \Villiam Henry \Vhitman. Datt. Charlotte 11 Jane vVhitman h. Carrollton, nlo., m. James .i\[itchcll. See Vol. 8-t-, p. 3, D.A.R. Lineage, No. 83005. 850 \Nilliam II., h. July 9, 1815 l\larilla, 0., left no descendants. AnlO"C' ·, -] 8}? 851 J"\ ;, ' l --• 852 Ranson:, 1omas, h. Jan. :29, 1821, cl. Sept. 1889 New Charles- town. \V. \'a. He left no descendants. 304 (t) Varnum Phincao.;" ?\Jaxsuu (Benjamin~. John\ \ z) and Elizabeth Burdick. Ch.: i\l ax son: 853 ( +) Eunice, b. Oct. 30, 17 +-l, cl. Sat., J unc 28, 1862. m. Jan. 27, li99 Uriah l\lead. h. i\.lar. 11. 1774. Varnum Phineas was liv­ ing with Uriah l\l cad in 1lorristown. N. Y .• June 1, 1840. 854 ( +) Phineas Varnum. h. Dl'c, J. 17i6. cl. Oct. 6. 18.1.1 Kortright, N. Y., m. Feb. 12, 180-t- Sophia Reynolds, b. Oct. 1, 1785. cl. Kort­ right l\Jar. 19, 1831, clau. of Zacchcus ancl Phebe (Babcock) Rcynolcls. 855 Limon P., b. Dec. 6, 1779 was of N<: 1.~011, :\J adison Co., N. Y. Jan. 8. 1850, the date gi\'cn for the settlement of his father's estate. 856 Alanson. h. Aug. 7, 1784. d. --- 27. 1789. 857 Olive. h. Nov. 6. 1786, cl. i\Tar. 15. 1796. 858 ( +) Bcnjami11 C.. h. Sept. 27. 1789, was adm instrator of his father's estate. of Hnmmond. N. Y. 1850. 859 Dorcas. h. Apr. 28, 1792, d. l\Jar. 5. 1796. 860 Alanzon Z .. h. l\f ay 27, 1794, was of \Vc11s Island. J cffcrson Co .. N. Y .. Jan. 8. 1850. 862 David. July 15. 1798-Dec.30. 1802. Above reco~·tls were from Phineas l\fox~on's Bible Records in possession of Mrs. William Lowery of Hammond. N. Y., nnd from the Surrogate's office at Canton, N. Y., furnished by Albert T. Maxr-;on. Phineas Max~on died at Morristown about Sept. 2!), 1849, ac. 94, intestate, no widow. He 1ived 3 or 4 yrs. in Hopkinton, R. I., after the RcYolution, when lrn moved to N. Y., livinl? at Hoosic, Shadock, New TiaHimorc. Schoharie, 1\Iidd\etown, l

305 (t) Zacchct1sn Maxson (Iknjamin". J ohn·I, :i. :!) and Amelia Cranda11 settled in Genesee, N. Y. 1832. Ch.: !vlaxson: 863 (+)Nancy. 1779-1841. m. Benjamin Satmrlers. 864 ( +) Benjamin Crandall, h. Mar. 8, 1791, d. July 9, 1872 Port­ ville, N. Y .. m. Oct. 1, 1807 l\1artha Cranda11. b. Jan. 27. 1786, MAXSON FAl\IILY - SIXTH GENERATION

cl. June 4, 1849 Genesee, N. Y. (No. 728). 865 Emily. 866 (+)Amelia Pendleton, b. Aug. 15, 1801, d. Mar. 12, 1868 Scott, N. Y., tn. Mnr. 8, 1821 nt Truxton, N. Y., George Saunders Greene, b, Sept. 15, 1788 Hopkinton, d. Sept. 23, 1875 Scott, N. Y. ( Cnpt. John Greene nnd Pruclcnce Saunders). G. S. Greene went to Scott in 1824. One time member of the legislature. 867 ( +) Dr. Enoch Kenyon, b. Nov. 9, 1796, d. Fredonia, Iowa Dec. 15, 1844, rn. Laurinda (Darling) Waterbury, dau. of John and Esther (English) Darling, widow of James Waterbury. Laurinda, b. Feb. 22, 1806, d. Dec. 12, 1888. He was a 1\1.D. from Louisville, Ky., wnR the first res;ident physician of Ceres, N. Y. (Hist. Ceres, N. Y., 189G.) The family moved to Iowa in 1835 and he wa;; one of the founders of Fredonin, Iowa. 868 ( +) Zacchcus Reynolds, b. Apr. 23, 1791, m. Nov. 3, 1816 Tem­ pcrcnce Coon, d. Sept. 11. 1858 at Little Genesee, N. Y., ae. 64-9-16. 869 Virtue, h. Dec. '27, 1805,


884 (+)Almira, m.1 Sam Stetson, m.2 William Prindle, Little Genesee, N. Y. Susan Potter Maxson ( 2nd w. of Benjamin M.) left a will 1864 re­ corded at Belmont, N. Y. She mentions Hulda Crandall and Almira Prindle, ch. of her husband. 307 (t) Lyman Maxson (Benjaminr·, John ◄, :i, ::) had 16 ch. Ch.: Maxson: 885 Ann. 886 Bia!. 887 Elizabeth. 888 ( +) Sally, b. 1810 in Canada, m. Joseph Curtis, b. 1812. (Data from Harlow Curtis of Manlius who is collecting Curtis records.) 889 l\Jary. 890 Eunice. 891 Susan. S92 Lyman. 893 Ellen. 894 Rebecca. 895 Franklin. 896 Benjamin. 897 David. 898 Lucinda. 899 (+)Harmon. 900 Stephen. (List from J. I. Maxson, Westerly, H. I.) 11 5 3 308 (t) Stcphen I\Iaxson (Stephen , John\ , ~) and Caty Whitford. Ch.: Maxson: 907 (+)Esther, b. May 24, 1780, cl. Sept. 5, 1820, m. Aug. 11, 1799 Jesse Stillman (Joseph, George III, II, I), b. Feb. 22, 1778 Otselic, N. Y., d. Oct. 26, 1862. (No. 754.) 902 ( +) Stephen, b. Sept. 5, 1782 Petersburg, d. Feb. 6, 1833 Troy, N. Y., m. in Berlin, Desire Nichols, b. May 10, 1782, dau. of David, Jr. and Elizabeth (Potter) Nichols. 903 \.Villiam" Stewart, b. Sept. 11, 1784, d. 1799, B. R. of Angeline Maxson Tripp of Belvidere, Ill. (prob. another by same name was b.) 904 (+)Joshua Whitford, b. Dec. 31, 1786, d. July 7, 1821, m. July 20, 1815 Harriet Breeze of Hoosic, N. Y. She m.2 Charles Cushing who had 3 ch. by a former marriage. Charles and Harriet had James, Jane and Charles L. Cushing. They are buried in the Ward cemetery, Sanborn, N. Y. One of the first 3 Cushings rn. Lyman Trowbridge and went to Napoleon, Ohio. 905 Hannah, h. July 6, 1789, m. Ichabod Randall. Both d. 1868 and arc buried in Orangeville, 0. (A. F. Randall). Desc.: Nathan8 1\Iaxson Randall, b. 1819, m. Celesta Flowers, d. 1868. Pauline11 Randall, 1846~1885, m. 1863 Louis A Clemens. Minnie Clemens10 m. Lesis H. Stem. D.A.R. Lineage, Vol. 81, p. 141. No. 80371. 0 3 311 (t) Jared l\faxson (Stephenr·, John\ , ::) and wife Amy. Ch.: Maxson: 906 (+)Amy, b. Sept. 10, 1810 Linck lean, N. Y., d. l\fay 20, 1902 New Auburn, Minn., at the home of her son, m. Sept. 21, 1829 Rev. Zuriel Campbell. 906a (-1-) Avis, m, Samuel Pulford of Lincklean, N. Y. 907 ( +) Duey, cl. Farina. Ill., Mar. 10, 1886, ae. 71 yrs. 13 days, m. Benjamin Franklin Potter. 907a Jared, Jr 907b John. 908 (+)Eunice L., b. June 13, 1812, cl. Sept. 1873 Utica, \Vis., m. Jan. 21, 1835 Edwin L. Fuller, b. Dec. 18, 1809, d. Feb. 1875, bur. Utica, Wis. 0 3 312 (t) Jocl l\Jaxson (Stephen::., John4, , ~) and Rachel Coon. Ch.: l\faxson: 909 Thankful, b. Apr. 1791. 910 Moses Barber, b. Feb. 1792, m. Patience Clark, b. Sept-. 4, 1793 Richmond, R. I., dau. of Perry and Patience (York) Clark. Ch.: Levi and \Villiam C. Maxson: (Clarke Genealogy, p. 94).


911 ( +) Josiah G., b. Aug. 6, 1793, d. Aug. 21, 1874 Brookfield, m. Oct. 9, 1812 Lois Burdick, b. Nov. 21, 1793, cl. Mar. 24 1865 Leonardsville, N. Y .. clau. of Amos and Phebe (Covey) Burdick. Burdick Gen., p. 236. 912 Polly. b. Sept. 1794, m. Saunders Crandall. Dau. Eunice rn. 1820 Ranson Tyler Stillman. Burdick Gen. 96. See also Alfred Sun of Aug. 23, 1845 - Davis Genealogy in Series. 913 Betsey, b. Aug. 1796, m. Briggs Nye. !::114 Henry C., b. 1798, cl. unm. 915 Peggy, b. Oct. 1800, d. unm. 916 Rachel, b. 1801, m. Svlvcstcr Greenman. 917 Electa, b. Aug-. 1802, m. Ethan Crandall. 1850 Census Inde­ pendence, N. Y.: Ethan Crandall 50; Elccta 48; l\Iary E. 16; Joel 13; Henry P. Greene 62; Henry Maxon 52; l\Iary Green 4; Thomas Green 22. 918 Joel C. 919 920 Lavinia, d. Aug. 14, 1868 in her 62nd year, m. Smith Burdick. 314 (t) Bcnjamin° !\faxson (Stephenr., John\ :i, :?) and Patty Saun­ ders were pioneers of Clarkson, N. Y. Later he and his brother Jared settled in the Lanphea1· Valley and still later moved to Alfred, N. Y., and finally to Albion, Wis. Ch.: Maxson: 921 ( +) Charles, b. Dec. 23, li98, d. Jan. 29, 186i Albion, \Vis., rn. Catherine Saunders, b. July 21, 1800, cl. Oct. 15. 1860. 922 ( +) Daniel, b. !\for. 8, 1801, cl. July 26, 1879 Albion, \Vis., rn. Susan 1viincr. See Hist. Dane Co., \Vis., 1880, p. 1187. 923 ( +) Patty, b. l'.far. 18, 1803, d. Alfred N. Y, m. \Vm. Crandall. 924 ( +) \Villiam, b. Feb. 22, 1807, d. Oct. 5, 1880 Alfred, m. Oliv~ Burdick, b. Nov. 14, 1806 Petersburg. d. Jan. 1903. 925 (+)Jared, b. Berlin, June 15, 1810, cl. Sept. 13, 1896. m. Nov. 6, 1837 Susan Pickens. b. June 13. 1812 Newburg, N. Y., d. Dec. 24, 1886; both bur. in the Garland cemetery near Brockport, N. Y.; dau. of Thomas and Charity (Griffith) Pickens of New­ burg. He was a brick mason, !v!ethodist. Brockport. 926 ( +) Benjamin, b. Oct. 6, 1812 Berlin, d. June 18, 1898 at the home of his son George in Rochester. N. Y., m.l Julia Eliza Henyon, b. Aug. 4. 1812 Buffalo, N. Y., d. Sept. 1, 1853 Clarkson, dau. of David Henyon; m.2 1'.fay 16, 1854 Arminda Thatcher, b. :May 11, 1820 Alfred, cl. May (or June) 28, 1885, Brockport, N. Y.; m.3 July 1, 1886 Mrs. Mary Ann (Seeley) Brown, b. Jan. 28, 1822 Sara.toga, N. Y. Contractor and Builder. l\f ethodist. 927 ( +) Stephen, b. Oct. 16, 1816 Alfred, cl. Sept. 28, 1879 Walla Walla, \Vash., m. about 1836 Lois M. Babcock, b. June 20, 1820 Alfred, d. Dec. 26. 1887 Spokane Falls, \Vash., datt. of Daniel Babcock and (prob.) Lois Potter. He was a hotel keeper in the East and a fnrmer in the West. S.D.B. in early life, later a S. D. Advent. He was a member of the Washington Territorial Legislature 1867-1868. 928 (+)Lucretia, b. May 21, 1820, m. Sept. 27, 1838 Daniel G. Vin­ cent, b. Nov. 9, 1812 Berlin, N. Y. d, Nov. 2, 1888 Alfred, son of Joshua Vincent and Olive Spencer. Justice of Peace. Cabi­ net Maker. Lived in Alfred.


324 {t) Sec No. 706. 328 (t) Danicl0 Maxson (Daniel\ John~, a, ~) and Catherine Coons moved from Rene. Co., N. Y. to Bennington, N. Y. about 1807, thence to Leona, l\lich. about 1837. Ch.: I\Iaxson: 929 Daniel, b. Jan. 15, 1796, cl. l\Iar. 15, 1802. 930 (+)Abraham C., b. Oct. 1797, cl. about 1875, m. Apr. 15, 1827 Dianna l\[atterson. 931 (+) Hannah, b. Aug. 31, 1799, cl. Apr. 1856, m.l Sept. 22, 1816 John Vaughn at Varysburg-, N. Y., July 19, 1842, m.2 Dec. 15, 1850 Isaac Burchancc, Baryshurg, N. Y. and Clinton, Mich. 932 (+) John Jackson, b. Jan. 22. 1801, cl. Oct. 25, 1883, m.l Sept. 7, 1823 Luna Tompkins, m.2 Oct. 29, 1839 Harriet A. Eastman. .Moved from Earls, N. Y. to Leona, i\lich., 1838. 7 ch. by 1st w.; 11 by 2nd. 933 ( +) Katherine, b. !\fay 29, 1803, d. Aug. 21, 1855, m. Checkley S. Palmer about l 819. Eaton Rapids, I\lich. 7 ch. 934 James (or Joseph), b. l\Iay 8, 1S05, d. Apr. 17, 1806. 935 ( +) Roswell Recd, b. Jan. 2, 1808, d. Feb. 23, 1882, m.1 Oct. 2, 1830 Lutia Eastman, m.2 about 1852 -- Nee


947 Nancy, b. Jan. 16, 1816, m. Garrett Tuttle. 948 (-1-) Lucy A., b. Oct. 23, 1817, d. Aug. 15, 1877, m. Orrin D. 1Iitchcll, Varysburg, N. Y. 4 ch. 949 Elias C., b. Feb. 13, 1820, 111. Joanna Smith. Elias was one of twins. 950 George C., b. Fch. IO, 1822, cl. unm. about 1846. 951 Charles, b. Mar. 2, 1824, m. Y\.lary Langdon. 952 Fanny, h. Oct. 31, 1825, m. George Tuttle. 953 ( +) J oscph Artemus, b. l\lay 10, 1827, d. Aug. 20, 1906, m. 1 Jan. I, 1863 Sarah \Vicker, cl. Sept. 4, 1866, m.2 ?\Jar. 2, 1879 Lena Hartman. They lived near Earls, N. Y., ancl Darien Cen­ ter, N. Y., and in 1867 moved to St. Joseph, nlich. 954 Andrew J., b. July 28, 1828, 111. l\l aty Stone. 11 330 (t) Isaac Maxson (Danil·F', John\ :.i, ~) ancl \Vcalthy Ann Coggeshall of Portsmouth, R. l. Ch.: i\laxson: 955 Sarah, m. Lewis Grcnell. 956 Zoe, m. Timothy Peckham. 957 \Vealthy Ann, m. John Barker \Van!. 958 Phebe, m. Benjamin Rirler. lived in Fall River, l\£ass. 959 ( +) Ann Elizabeth, h. Nov. 3, 1810. 111. Dec. 25. 1828 Gardner Green \Voocl. 0 2 334 (t) Joshua 1\·laxson (Danictr', John', \ ) and Theresa Smith. Ch. : l\l ax son : 960 ( +) \Villiam, b. :May 1814 llozra, Ct., cl. Sept. 21, 1876 at Hiram, 0 .• 111. i\l ay 5, I 843 Salina Cecelia l\1 urn ford, h. Sept. 20, 1820 i\lilforcl, N. Y., dau. of \Villiam and Susanna (i\lorris) Mumford of \Veathcrsfield, 0. 961 Joshua Jr., clau. Ruth m. --- Coundry; Hiram, 0., in 1895. 962 Henry. 963 CarolinL', 111. Lester Larcomb. 964 ( +) Laura, d. 1895, m. --- Sylvester Packer. 0 1 335 (t) Fanny I31ivcn (Eleanor~ l\faxson, John4. = , ~) and Pardon Greene. Ch.: Greene: 965 Pardon, b. Jan. 1, 1790 \Vcsterly, cl. ahout 18-+5 in I3o.ston. He was a .sea faring man. h:?d a son ancl a dau. Probahly went to Brooklyn. 966 Elizabeth, h. Nov. 8. 1791. m. Benjamin Potter of George (No. 445). 967 ( +) \Villiam Bliven. b. Feh. 9. 179-1-, Hopkinton, R. I., m. l\Iary Hiscox. 968 Luther Bliven, b. Feb. 9, 1796. m.l Susan Merritt, m.2 Mrs. Laura vVhiting-, 111.J l\l rs. Ann lfracling. 969 Fanny Stillman (datt. of Nathan Stillman, 2nd husband), b. Coxsackie, N. Y. 339 (t) Sec No. 819. 345 (t) H.uth 11 Burdick (Zarchcus:· Burdick, Dorothy~ l\Iaxson, 2 John:•, ) and William \Vl'lls of Petersburg-, N. Y. Ch.: \Velis: 9i0 ( +) Caleb (twin to Zacchens). d. 1849 Petersburg, N. Y., m. 1823 !i.fary \Vaite, li99-185J, clau. of Peleg. See p. 125-6, Burdick Gen., for more complete list of descendants.


0 11 347 (t) Jcmima Maxson (Jonathan\\ , John\!). Ch.: 971 ( +) Col. Sheffield Maxson, b. Feb. 16, 1797 Richmoncl, R. I., d, June 15, 1861 \Voonsockct, H.. I., m, Oct. 9, 1821 in Richmond Martha Kenyon, h. June 11, 1791 Hopkinton, cl. June 6, 1830, of Jarvis Kenyon. Jemima, m. Edward T. Lillibriclge, b. Apr. 3, 8 1 1765, cl. before 1817 (Thomas , ~, of Richmond) and they went to Wash. Co., N. Y. Ch.: Lillibridge: 972 Jonathan M., b, Stephentown, N. Y., formerly of ·wash. Co. Will probated May 1, 1818 Troy, N. Y. Half brother Sheffield Maxson was executor i Varnum Maxson was a witness; also mentioned was: 973 :i\faxson Lillibridge. (Mentioned also Uncle John Babcock, No. 352.) 2 370 (t) Jonathan° Maxson (Jonathan\ John', Jonathan". John ) and 8 11 Nancy" Potter (Content~ Maxson, Joseph\ 1 John ). Ch.: Maxson: 974 (+)George Potter, b. July 13, 1807 Newport, m. Jan. 1, 1828 Hannah Bentley, Aug. 8, 1808-July 20, 1838, no ch., m.2 Oct. 26, 1843 Mcrcia M. Carpenter, 1812-1849, Arkansas, m.3 Lydia AnnR Maxson (Lukc7, 6). Lived at one time 1802 Fairmont Ave., Philadelphia. 975 Mary Potter, b. Feb. 28, 1809 Newport, m. Jan. 1, 1838 Benjamin vV. Bentley, son of Benjamin P. Bentley. 976 ( + )2William, b. May 11, 1811, cl. Mar. 9, 1900 Westerly, m. Sept. 25, 1834 Sarah Rogers, b. Apr. 12, 1813, d. Sept. 9, 1885, dau. of David and l\fary (Potter) Rogers. 977 (+)Charles, h. Sept. 3, 1813 Westerly, d. Feb. 16, 1881 'West­ erly, m. Feb. 24, 1841 Ann Maria Barber. 978 (+)Jonathan, b. Jan. 26, 1816, cl. 1899 Westerly, m. Jan. 25, 1844 Matilda Mandana Wilcox, b. Nov. 13, 1819, dau. of Martin and Matilda (Stillman) Wilcox. 979 Nancy, b. Sept. 27, 1818, cl. Oct. 3, 1858. 980 Elizabeth Hannah, h. Sept. 19, 1822, cl. Aug. 25, 1847. 981 Edwin, b. May 6, 1827, d. Aug. 15, 1901. 0 2 371 (t) Jamcs Huhbard (Estherr. Maxson, John\ Jonathan8, John ) and Amcy7 (455a) Stillman (J oscph0 Stillman, Mary~ Maxson, 2 Joseph\ :i, John ). 982 ( +) Amcy1 Hubbard, b. Oct. 6, 1799, m. Jacob Chase. 0 11 2 373 (t) Catherine Maxson (John~, \ Jonathan , John ) and Capt. John Aldrich Saunders of Westerly, Newport, and S. Kingston, R. I. Ch.: Saunders: 983 (+)John A., b. Newport June 21, 1808, m. Susan Gould. (MS. in possession of Walter E. Thayer.) 984 l\iatilcla, m. Edwin Oatley. Ch.: Esther; and Phebe, m. Charles Potter. 985 Catherine. 986 Mary Ann, 1813-1891, m. 1829 Daniel Saunders, d. May 11, 1837, m.2 Charles Peckham. 987 Edwin. 988 ( +) Stephen, b. July 6, 1820, m. Sally G. Gardener when she was 14, d. May 14, 1871, age 41, dau. of George Gardner and Mary


Cottrell (Smith, Nathaniel), Stephen early followed the seas, He commanded the schooner Eugenia built by his brother John A., 1825. He is believed to have been lost in a gnlo in 1859 on n voyage from Pensacola, Fin. The family kept together with difficulty and she m.2 Mar. 10, 1870 Samuel McCracken, hncl twins; one d., the other, Edna, m. --- Hohler, 989 Harriet. 990 'William. 991 James H., d. in Baltimore !\fay 20, 1854, age 26. 992 Sarah, m. --- J nnws. 9!Xl Martha. 994 Capt. Elias, noted sea captain, on the Sound, m. Mar. 3, 1850 Sarah C. Brown. (S. Kingston Record.) 375 (t) John S. 0 Maxson (John\ 4, Jonathan\ John::) and Abigail B".kcr. Ch.: 995 James Baker, 111. May 28, 1846 Martha E. Crooker, Providence, R. I. 996 Cecelia, lived with her mother in Providence. 6 2 379 ("r) Tacy Maxson (John\ \ Jonathana, Jolm ) and Thomas Spooner. 6 ch. and: 997 Caroline7 Spooner m. Benjamin Brown. Desc.: Sarah8 Brown m. Frank vVilks. Caroline Brown vVilks, D.A.R. No. 15926. 0 3 2 381 (t) Elizabeth vVard l\faxson (Calcbr., John\ Jonathan , John ) and Joscph Stillman. Ch.: Stillman: 998 Thomas Bliss, b. Aug. 30, 1806, cl. Jan. 1, 1866. m. Apr. 27, 1830 Susan Burt, b. June 13, 1807, dau. of James and Catherine Burt of Schenectady, N. Y. (S.D.B. Memorial. Biog. Encyclopedia of N. J., p. 254.) 999 Alfred, b. Sept. 28, 1809, cl. Dec. 13, 1850, m. Elizabeth A. Green­ ough, dau. of John C. ancl Mary (Pratt) Greenough. l\lechanic. 6 ch. 1000 Mary Ann, b. June 19, 1803, cl. Feb. 6, 1826. 1001 Paul, 1811-1856, m. Lydia A., clan. of David Rogers. 1002 Charles Henry, b. Jan. 25, 1817, 111. l\fary Elizabeth Starr, b. Sept. 7, 1821 Norfolk, Ct., clan. of Albcrtus ancl Elizabeth (Lan­ phear) Starr. He was a M.D. 5 ch. 1003 Jacob D. B., b. Feb. 21, 1819, m. l\lay 26, 1847 Caroline B. l\fax­ son, b. Homer, N. Y., July 29, 1S22, d. l\Tay 26, 1852, clau. of John l\Jaxson of DcRuvter (No. 384) and they had one ch.: John Maxson Stillman, b. Apr. 14, 1852. Jacob m.2 Mary \Veils of \Villiam of \Vestcrly and had several ch. 1855 Census DeRuy­ ter: John Maxson, age 63, b. R. I.; l\.fary, 61, Conn.; John !\fax­ son Stillman, age 2. grandson, b. N. Y. 1004 Elisha H., b. J unc 20. 1821, d. Nov. 17, 1853 Plainfield, N. J., m. P. A. LaDuc of St. Louis, Mo. 1005 vVilliam B., b. Feb. 24, 1825, cl. Aug. 12, 1827. 1006 vVilliam James. b. June 1, 1828, m.l Laura l\fack of David of Belmont, Mass., and hacl 3 ch., d. in Cocna, Crete, during the Crctian Rebellion, m.2 Martha Spatali, clau. of the Greek con­ sul in England. Artist and Author, was a close friend of Rosetti.


6 3 2 382 (t) \Villiam Bliss .l\faxson (Caleb\ John\ Jonathan , John ) and Lucinda Larry. Ch.: l\Iaxson: 1007 Helen Emma, b. Feb. 20, 181.1 Pawcatuck, Ct.. m. Nov. 24, 1836 Ebenezer S. \Neavcr of Peter \Veavcr. Ch.: \Veaver: 1'.lary L., m. E. B. Clarke; Ella Elizabeth, m. Seymour Dexter; and Emily Amanda. They lived in Leonardsville, N. Y. lOOia \Villiam, 1816-1828. lOOib Albertus. 1008 Elizabeth, b. July 23, 1822 at Unadilla Forks, N. Y., d. June 26, 1830. 1009 Phebe Helen, b. 1fay 16, 1824, Unadilla Forks, cl. Feb. 1, 1899 in N. Y. City, m. Jan. 1, 1848 Charles S. Benson. One ch.: Ada Benson, d. Nov. 18, 1891, ae. about -10, 111. June 1899 Albert \Vintcr. 1010 Henry• Clarke, b. 1\Iar. 8, 1828, cl. Aug. 3, 1863, m. Aug. 23, 1849 Ellen Downing. Son "William Bliss~ fviaxson. Henry C. fi.Iax­ son made more than 50 trips across the Atlantic. He was ranked as Lieutenant Commander. He enlisted on the U. S. Mail Steamer \Nashington. He died of yellow fever during quarantine at Sandy Hook. 1011 ( +) \Villiam Bliss, b . .May 10, 1829, m. Amanda Titsworth Mar. 26, 1867, dau. of Abram D. and Julia (Randolph) Titsworth of Plainfield, N. J. Ch. by 2nd wife, Amanda G. Alberti : 1012 George Frederick Alberti, b. July 25, 1833 New l\farket, N. Y .. cl. Feb. 12, 1855 Brookfield, N. Y. 1013 Anna Lucinda, b. Dec. 2.3, 1834 at New Market, cl. June 12, 1855 at Leonardsville, N. Y. 1014 ( +) 1\fary Frances, b. May 17, 1842, m. Frank Stillman vVclls Nov. 19, 1867, son of Jason \Veils. \:Villiam Bliss Maxson and wife Lucinda are buried in the Elder Clarke burying ground at Brookfield, N. Y. 0 8 2 383 (t) Joshua B. Maxson (Caleb\ John ◄, Jonathan , John ) and Polly Carpenter. Ch.: l\Iaxson: 1015 Silvanus, Oct. 29, 1813-Fcb. 15, 1814. 1016 (+) Elder \Villiam Bliss, b. July 24, 1816, cl. I\Jar. 17, 18i6, m. Feb. 4, 1840 Lucy Ann Carpenter, b. July 11, 1816, d. Nov. 29, 1850, dau. of Colomon and Lucy Carpenter of Stephentown, N. Y., m.2 Apr. 22, 1854 Clarissa Calcine Palmer, clau. of Benjamin and Cloe (Goodrich) Palmer of Stonington. 1017 ( +) Silvanus Carpenter, b. Sept. 2, 1819, cl. Dec. 28, 1861 in Mil­ ton, \,Vis., m. Sept. 29, 18--16 l\lary F. Holcomb, b. Nov. 24, 1822, d. 1912 Ruse N. Y., buried in the Patterson cemetery, dau. of Silas and Freelove Holcomb of Rome, N. Y. 1018 ( +) fvfary Eliza, b. 1\fay 2, 1825, d. 1893, m. Clark Burdick Good­ rich, h. July 19, 1814. 1019 1-Iercia Content, b. June 7, 1831, d. Aug. 14, 1854, cl. unm. Stephentown. 1020 John Henry, b. l\lar. 23, 1835 Stcphcnto\\'n, m. Evelyn Mc­ Knaught. He was a machinist and lived in Waterloo, Iowa.


384 Ct) John° 1\Jaxson (Caleb\ John\ Jonathana, John:i) and Mary Starr. Ch.: Ivlaxson: 1021 ( +) Cornelia Peck, b. Apr. U, 1817 Stonington, Ct., cl. Jan. 15, 1898 at DeRuyter, N. Y., m. Jason B. \,Velis of DeRuyter as his second wife. 1022 (+)Caroline Beal, b. July 29, 1882 Homer, N. Y., cl. I\.fay 26, 1852 in Homer, m. Dr. J. D. B. Stillman, b. Feb. 21, 1819. (No. 1001.) 1023 ( +) l\fary Starr, b. Nov. 22, 1825, Homer, cl. Mar. 24, 1868, Westerly, m. l\lay 26, 1847 Rev. George B. Utter as his 2nd wife. The three daughters, Cornelia, Caroline, and Mary were m. at the same time. 1024 Helen Lucille, b. July 19, 1830, cl. Feb. 12, 1855 \,Vaterford, Ct., m. Benjamin Rogers. 385 (t) Content0 I\laxson (Caleb\ John\ Jonathan~, John:i) and Abel Stillman. Ch.: Stillman: 1025 Franklin W., b. 1818, m. Elizabeth \Velis, May 28, 1845, dau. of William and Abby (Gavitt) Wells. 1026 (+)l\laria, b. June 16, 1820. d. Jan. 7, 1845, 111. Nov. 5, 1841 Jason B. Wells of DeRuyter, b. Nov. 17, 1817, as his 1st wife. 1027 Catherine, b. 1824, cl. Jan. 29, 1846, m. l\Iay 27, 1845 George B. Utter. No ch. Abel Stillman m.2 Catherine Beaup, m.3 Anna Johnson. 386 (t) l\Iary0 Bliss Thfaxson (Caleb~, John\ Jonathan:1, John=) and Henry G. Greenman. Ch.: Greenman: 1028 (+)Charles Henry, b. Mar. 11, 1832, m. Aug. 27, 1853 Caroline Y. Goodrich. dau. of Elijah and Polly Goodrich. 1029 ,villiam B., b. Nov. 23, 1833 Sangcrgeld, N. Y., cl. Sept. 3, 1853. 1030 John l\Iaxson, b. Apr. 15, 1835 Hornellsville, N. Y., m. Oct. 24, 1858 Elizabeth Sturtivant. Lawyer. They had two sons. 1031 ( +) Reynolds, b. July 24, 1840 Hornellsville, d. 1912, m. Mar. 25, 1862 Lois P. Collins. 6 3 388 (t) Tacy \Veils l\faxson (Caleb\ John", Jonathan , John::) and Datus Ensign Lewis. Ch.: Lewis: 1032 (+) Justina Cordelia, b. Apr. 10, 1838 Scott, N. Y., m. Joseph Clarke Burdick of Berlin, \Vis., b. J::i.n. 26, 1830, son of Clark Burdick. 1033 (+)Abram Herbert. b. Nov. 17, 1836 Scott, d. Nov. 3, 1908 at Westerly, m. June 2, 1855 Augusta Melissa Johnson, b. Aug. 6, 1837 Natic, R. I.. dnu. of Thomas and Ann (Tanner) Johnson. Public Speak­ er, Writer, Preacher, and Author of Works on Church History. 11 3 2 389 (t) Charles Henry :rviaxson (Caleb\ John4, Jonathan , J0hn ) and Sena Ann Enos. Ch.: l\f axson : 1034 Charles Benjamin, b. Nov. 10, 1850, m. Julia A. \Velis of DeRuy­ ter, N. Y. Ch.: Charles D. Maxson; and Julia W. Maxson. See History of Madison Co., N. Y., p. 278. 1035 Rev. Henry Doty, b. Sept. 6. 1852, d. Nov. 23, 1891 at Eau Claire, Wis., m. Ada Wells (sister to Julia A., above). Dau. Julia W. l\Iaxson of Menomonie, Wis. 3 391 (t) Ethan'' Maxson (SamueP, ', J onathan , John::) and Tacy Lanphear. Ch.: l\faxson: 1036 Hannah, b. Hopkinton, R.. I., Apr. 1792, d. Aug. 11, 1825. 1037 Sophia, b. Apr. 15, 1793.


1038 ( +) Eti1an, b. June 20, 1797, cl. Apr. 26, 1875, m. May 1, 1816 Betsey Andrews, b. Apr. 1, 1801 Hartford, Ct. 1039 Tacy, d. l\far. 10, 1831, age 32 yrs. (G.S.R. Verona, N. Y.) 1040 Samuel, d. June 10, 1832, age 24 yrs., m. Betsey Caldwell, b. Feb. 5, 1805, d. May 18, 1890. One ch.: Samuel LaFactile, cl. ac. 3 yrs. 1041 (+)Lewis, b. Jan. 19, 1813, d. Jan. 19, 1892, m. Oct. 27, 1835, as her 2nd. husband, Betsey Caldwell (above). 1042 Sarah Emily, d. May 13, 1845, age 27 yrs. 1043 David (tradition). The last 4 ch. were by the second wife, Dorcas (Lewis) Wells Maxson who hnd n dnu. Lornnnn Wells, b. 1802 in Grafton, N. Y., whom. Chauncey Brown (d. June 28, 1871 Byron, N. Y.) and moved from Verona to Byron, N. Y. (Seep, 68, Brown­ Hakes and Allied Families, 1940.) 392 (t) Samue.1° Maxson (Samuel", ", Jonathan\ John::) and Eliza­ beth Austin. Ch. : Maxson: 1044 (+) Hannah Davis, b. July 11, 1800 at Grafton, N. Y., d. July 8, 1826 in Lisle, N. Y., m. Mar. 11, 1825 Zacloc Dyer Brown, b. Dec. 8, 1806 near Ithaca, N. Y., cl. l\Iar. 3, 1880 Clarendon, N. Y., Son of John Brown and Nancy \.Vood (NathanD, Samuel", 1 , 1 Thomas:?, ) of Killawog, N. Y. 1045 ( +) Ruth Davis, b. Washington Co., N. Y. (Census 1855), d. Dec. 17, 1861, age 59 yrs., m. Berry Chase, b. t'1'ar. 12, 1800, d. about 1876, son of Barry and Marcy Chase. Orleans and Ni­ agara Co., N. Y. 1046 ( +) Betsey, b. Jan. 1, 1805,


and Phebe \:Yilbur. Ch.: Babcock: 1052 Nancy, b. 1804, cl. Battle Creek, Mich., m. John Mapes. 1053 J olm W., b. Jan. 30, 1807, m. Ann Davis. 1054 lthmar. 1055 Hiram, cl. y. Ch. by second wife, Betsey Bullfinch: 1056 Eliza, m. Seymour Grine}!. 1057 Joseph, b. 1814, m. Mrs. Laraway. 5 ch. Went to Battle Creek. 1058 ( +) Lucy, b. Dec. 15, 1818 in Spafford, N. Y., d. Jan. 25, 1846 in East Shelby, N. Y., m. Jnhn Grinell, b. Dec. 4, 1796, d. Mar. 12, 1888, son of Isaih Grine!!, a native of R. I., from where he moved to Saratoga Co., thence to Oneida Co., and thence to Onondaga CC',, N. Y., where he cl., age 90. 0 1 3 403 Ct) Ezckiel Maxson (Elisha ", Samuel\ Jonathan , John:i) and Eunice Culver. Ch.: Maxson: 1059 Oliver, b. June 12, 1815 Groton, Ct., m. l'vlrs. Potter of Hopkin­ ton, cl. Feb. 22, 1864, age 37 yr. 1 mo. 18


434 (t) JarccF Stillman (Lydian Davis, Bcthia~ Maxson, Joseph\ 3, 2 John ) and Abigail Burdick. Ch.: Stillman: 1076 Emily, m. Sheffield 1-lain. Ch.: JamcsP and Newell Main. 11 1077 .Mary, b. Aug, 1 C 1802, m. Avery Coon. Ch.: Coon: Evclon ; Scbbcus; Ann Eliza, m. Joel B. Crandall, h. 1829, son of Hulda Maxson (No. 878); and Salina. 1078 Lydia, m. Ahira Johnson. 1079 Robert, b. Jan. 31, 1807, m.1 Phylury l\fainc. Ch.: Stillman: Nelson; and Alvin. m.2 Annie Crumb, ch.: Susan and Anson Stillman. 1080 Jared, b, Jan. 7, 1810, m. Mary Irish. Ch.: Stillman: Benjamin; Sanford; and I\lary Ann. 1081 Sanford\ b. Mar. 27, 1812, m. 1831 Sally Irish, cl. 1879. Ch.: 11 Stillman: Orville , m. Adaline Ackley and had Arthurio; m.2 Diantha Saunders and had LoviniaP; George11 who m. thrice; 0 10 LaFloyd m. Mary Kenyon and had Mauclc ; and Emeline" 111. 10 Llewyn Poole, clau. Martha and son Evert 111. Lou Gardner and had Gleeson, Mary, and Martha11 Poole. 1082 l\.Iatthew\ b. Dec. 12, 1818, m. Almcdia Burdick. Ch.: Stillman: 11 0 Samuel1 ; Mary; Perry; Lucy; and J ane • 1083 Salina, m. Isaac Austin. Ch.: Newell and Leonard0 Austin. 1084 Joseph. 1085 Almeron. 1086 Lorenzo. l\frs. John Sheerer of Cincinnatus furnished the above list and the following: 438 (t) Thomas7 Stillman (Lyclia0 Davis, Blcthia~ Maxson, Jo­ 3 2 seph"', , John ) and Betsey Coon. Ch.: Stillman: 1087 Avery C., m. Diana Nichols. Ch.: Stillman": George, m.1 1 Hulda Crandell, m.2 Janette Burdick; Lanena ', m.1 Eliphet Johnson and had Thomasw, l\fartha, J anc, and De Etta, m.2 John Crandall. 442 (t) Hannah7 Stillman (sister to Thomas', above) and Benja­ min Burdick. Ch.: Burdick: 1088: Juina, b. 1809, m. 1841 Cyrus Cartwright. 1089 Benjamin, m.1 Esther Spicer, m.2 Luanna Burdick. 1090 William E., b. June 13, 1813, m. June 3, 1834 l\faria Blackburn. 1091 Daniel Recd, b. July 23, 1815, 111. Sarah Burdick. 1092 Lohancy H., b. Oct. 13, 1818, cl. 1890, m. 1854 Welcome A. Palmer. 1093 Wealthy Ann, b. Nov. 30. 1821, m. Aug. 23, 1845 Daniel Babcock. 1094 Lydia T., b. Nov. 30, 182-1-, 111. 1845 \i\'m. Babcock. 1095 Elmira Polly, b, Oct. 5, 1827, d. unm. Babcock Genealogy, p. 118. Benjamin Burdick was one of the organizers of S.D.U.C. in the Burdick Settlement, Lincklcan, N. Y., organized Nov. 15, 1831. 443 (t) vVilliam 7 Stillman (hrnthcr tc Thomas7. above) and Abigail Burdick of Lincklcan, N. Y. Ch.: Stillman: 1096 Melvina, d. ae. 14. 1097 l\faxson. d. ac. 18 yrs. 1098 ( +) Samuel Russell, b. Nov. 29, 1819, d. L .:c. 15, 1897, m. Oct. 11, 1842 Sarah Amos, b. Apr. 9, 1822, d. May, 1907.


1099 Amanda, 111. Schuyler Olin. Ch,: Carnline0 Olin, m. George Ed­ wards. 3 sons and 4 claus. 1100 Nancy, d. mun., ae, 30. 1101 Daniel, cl. ae. 12 yrs. 1102 Benjamin, 111. Jane \Vilcox. Ch.: Stillman: Jennie'', m. Charles Coon. Son Arthur 111 Coon is a S.D.B. minister in Indiana. 445 (t) Sec No, 294. 450 (t) IvJaxson 7 Stillman (Esther11 Stillman, :Mary:; l\faxson, Jo­ 11 seph \ , John~) and Esther Crandall of \Vesterly, R. I. Ch.: Stillman: 110.3 ( +) 1\faxson, b. \Vestcrly Sept. 29, 1799, cl. Nov. 20, 1896, m. Sept. 26, 1822 Lydia Chapman of East Hampton, Mass. 1104 Silas, b. Aug. 6, 1801. 1105 Susanna, b. Dec. 29, 1803. 455 (t) Sahra7 Stillman (Joscph 11 Stillman, Mary5 l\IaxsonJ Joseph', 3 , John~) and Ezra Babcock. Ch.: Babcock: 1105 ( +) Ephrain,K S .. h. Aug. 20, 179-1-, d. Dec. 4, 1832, m. :Mar. 20, 1817 Amy Wilcox Crandall. h. :Mar. 4, 1800, cl. Apr. 1, 1850, dau. of Oliver Chase and Albright (\Vest) Crandall. Ch.: Eunice Babcock, b, 1821, d. 1881, m. 1840 Leonard Woolworth, b. 1816 Alfrt>d, cl. 1891 Orleans, Neb. 455a (t) Amey7 Stillman (Joseph" Stillman, Mary~ Maxson, Jo­ 1 seph\ :1, John 2) and Jamest Hubbard (Esther~ Maxson, John', 2 J onathan:i, John ). Dau.: 1106 I+) Amey Hubbard, b. Oct. 6, 1799, m. Jacob 01ase ----· Chase G..:ncalogy by J. C. Chase and G. \V. Chamberlain, 7 2 0 456 (t) Asa Maxson (Asa\ David\ John\ :i, ; also Lois Stillman, 2 I'rfary~' 1\faxson, Joseph ◄, :i, John ) and Polly Lewis of Peters­ burg-, N. Y. Ch.: I\Iaxson: 1107 ( +) Polly, b. Apr. 1, 1798, cl. Highland, Kan., Jan. 10, 1877, m. Aug-. 7, 1814 Joshua Lamb, h. Aug. 22, 1792, cl. May 6, 1831, son of Joshua and Betsey (Stc.-wart) Lamb of Fort Ann and Peters­ burg, N. Y. 1108 Lois ------, m. ______Wait. 11()<) (+)Asa L., b. 1\lay 22, 1802. m. Julia Ann Read. They were of \.Valmouth, \.Vis. in 1893. 1110 Sophia, m. Dennis Baxter. Ch.: Dennis: and Sally Baxter, m. Ira Allen. 1111 ( +) Harvey, b. Rensselaer Co., N. Y., m. Emeline Lewis, 11 Lity", b. Sept. 1, 1816 r.faclison Co., N. Y., cl. Feb. 20, 1899, dau. of Ly­ 3 2 man Lewis and Loisr. Davidson (Ezra\ Asa ◄, Thornas , , Dan­ iel1) who d. Nov. 14, 1834 and is buried one half mile east of Grafton Center in the Stewart burying ground. See note below. Ch. by 2nd wife, Sarah Rcacl.: l.\faxson : 1112 Lewis P., m. Julia Burdick, lived at Troy, N. Y. 1113 Darwin D., cl. in Petersburg, m. Emeline Rcacl. Note for No. 1111: Lois Davidson and Lyman Lewis had ch.: Lewis: 1 Emeline; 2 Louisa, m. Nathan Read; 3 Sarah Dcida­ mia, b. 1821. Lois m.2 Amos \.Vest, son of Francis of Stephen­ town, and had: 4 Adeline \Vest, b. Sept. 22, 1830, who m.l George R. Bly and m.2 in 1853 Lorenzo H. l\faxon, b. Peters-


burg Sept. 16, 1816, cl. Nov. 12, 1904 at Farina, Ill. The latter had Charles \V. Maxwn, b. \Valworth, \Vis., druggist and bank­ er of Farina, Ill., and Charles vV. had Nerne Jewel Maxon, b. Mar. 4, 1883, and Lois Lou l\faxon, Oct. 16, 1888-1894. Lois and Amos \Vest also had: 5 Abigail \Vest, m.1 Charles B. King, m.2 Rev. Charles M. Lewis, d. 1883 Verona, N. Y. Dav­ ison Genealogy by A. A. Davison, p. 73, through l\Irs. Elsie Cameron. Also Burdick Gen., p. 102. Compare No. 1124. 7 3 11 458 (t) Polly Maxson (Asa°, David\ John\ , :r; also Lois Still­ 11 man, .i\Iaryr, l\laxson, Joseph\ , John~) and Edward \Vhitforcl of Berlin, N. Y. 9 ch.: \,\,'hitford: 1114 ( +) Betsey, b. Aug. 5, 1800, cl. at Pittsfield, Mass., where they moved in 1847, m. James Johnson !vlurray, b. Oct. 28, 1801, d. Utica, N. Y. (Aylesworth Gen., p. 491-'2) son of William Henry and !i.Iargaret (Greene) Murray of Plainfield, Otsego Co., N. Y. 1115 ( +) Polly, b. Oct. 4, 1802, d. Feb. 15, 1857 Adams Center, N. Y., m. Thomas Rix Greene, b. Jan. 12, 1801, cl. May 6, 1873, son of Thomas and Hannah (Rix) Greene. (Hist. and Gen. of the Rix Family 1906, p. 46). 1116 ( +) Prudence, July 2, 1806-May 11, 1874, m. James Hull, Aug. 10, 1802-Nov. 23, 1869, son of Joseph and Lois (Greene) Hull of Berlin, N. Y. 1117 ( +) Lois, b. June 2, 1810, d. July 5, 1873, Adams Center, N. Y., m. Apr. 8, 1841 Benjamin Franklin Coats, b. Sept. 11, 1804 Whitesville, N. Y., d. Aug. 27, 1881, Whitesville, son of Edmund and l\Iargarct (Frasier) Coats. 1118 Asa7 Maxson, b. Feb. 26. 1812 Berlin. N. Y., d. Sept. 1886 at Farina, Illinois. m. Jan. 17. 1836 Catherine Coon, b. Nov. 21, 1813 Petersburg, cl. July 8, 1877 Farina, dau. of Asa and Sarah (Greene) Coon of Petersburg. 1119 ( +) Phebe, b. Sept. 7, 1813, d. July 20, 1873 Berlin, N. Y., m. Dec. 29, 1831 Schuyler Greenman, b. Dec. 21, 1811, cl. Mar. 25, 1881, son of \Villiam and Susan (Greene) Greenman. 1120 ( +) Edward Wel1s, b. Aug. 23, 1815. d. Apr. 5, 1892 Farina, Ill., m.1 Sally Ann Greene, b. Pinckney, N. Y., May 15, 1816, cl. Mar. 2, 1849 Rodman, N. Y., m.2 Nov. 22, 1849 Clarinda Odell. 1121 Albert SheldonH, b. Aug. 9, 1918, cl. Jan. 29, 1844 Adams Center, N. Y., m. Charlotte Heath, rlau. of Jacob. Ch.: \Vhitford: Al­ bert 0., b. Dec. 17, 1842. cl. Nov. 23, 1912, m. Rosaline Greene, b. July 16. 1849, A1:lams Center. dau. of Alva G. and Laura 10 10 Greene, and they had Mary • Edward; and Bertha Whitford. 1122 ( +) Margaret Eusebia. b. r P, 1820, d. Dec. 6, 1888 Adams Center, m. Silas Maxson. (l" '. 96.) Edward Whitford Jived near t.. ... homestead of his parents in Southeast Hollow, Berlin, N. Y .. until about 1831 when he moved to Rodman. N. Y. He was Supervisor of Berlin 1819- 1821. He aided in rebuilding the S.D.B. church which had burned 1821. He had a military record 1808-1821 when he ad­ vanced to the rank of Lieut. Colonel. (Military Minutes of the


Council of Appointments of N. Y. State 1783-1821, Albany 1902, Vol. 2, pp. 992; 1519; and Vol. 3.) 2 459 (t) David• Maxson (Asan, David\ John\ :i, ; also Lois" Still­ man, l\Iaryr. l\faxson, Joseph\ :i, John:!) and Esther Peckham. 5 ch. b. Petersburg, N. Y.: Maxson: 1123 l\liranda~ Barnell. b. Dec. 27. 1810, cl. Oct. 29, 1847 Almond, N. Y., m. Apr. 17, 1828 Elisha Potter of Alfred, b. Feb. 12, 1806 Potter Hill, R. I., son of Nathan and Lucy (Rogers) Potter. Esther0 Euphemia Potter, b. Alfred, m. Dr. W. Crandall and Jived at Andover, N. Y. 1124 ( +) Lorenzo Harvey. b. Sept. 2, 1816 Petersburg, m. Sept. 1, 1838 Lydia M. Greene of Adams, d. 1v1ay 8, 1848, m.2 Rowena StiJlman of Almoncl. (Compare No. 1113.) Lorenzo H., m.3( ?) Adaline Vv est. 1125 Edwin Robinson, b. Sept. 24, 1820, m. Oct. IO, 1846 Lucy P. Maxson of Alfred. At one time they lived at 208 Madison St., Syracuse, N. Y. Ch.: Sarah0 Maxson, b. Sept. 30, 1858 Genesee, N. Y., and Edwin" l\laxson, b. Dec. 26, 1860. 1126 ( +) Lois Melissa, b. Nov. 8, 1823, m. Jan. 21, 1847 Russel Clarke Langworthy of Almond, son of Daniel Lee and Susan {Potter) Langworthy, b. Aug. 29, 1825, cl. June 3, 1894 Adams Center where they moved in 1852. He was an undertaker and was in the furniture business. 1127 Eusebia Neville. b. Apr. 12, 1815, cl. Dec. 9, 1819 Petersburg, N. Y. 2 461 (t) Joseph• i\Taxson (Asa", David\ John", :i, ; also Loisa Still­ l\1an, !vlaryr. Maxson, Jvseph4, 3, John~) and Elizabeth Vars. Ch. : !\Laxson : 1128 (+)Thomas Vars, b. Mar. 26, 1823, m. Oct. 5, 1840 Alma Ann Hull, cl. Nov. 3, 1869, buried at Adams Center, N. Y., dau. of Bcnjami11 and Maria (Jones) Hull. 1129 Abigail, h. Oct. 21, 1828, m. Burton C. Saunders, cl. Oct. 31, 1880. They lived at Grand Rapids, l\fich. 1130 (+)John Henry, b. l\far. 19, 1834 Petersburg, m. Jan. 1, 1859 l\fattie Anderson. h. Feb. 17, 1838 Grayson, C. H., Va. Lived at St. Louis, Mo. 2 465 (t) Josephr Maxson (Capt. John", Joseph\ \ 3, John ; also Bethia\ Johna, :!) and :Maria Cosgrove. Ch.: l\Iaxson: 1131 Emeline, b. Jan. 3, 1814 in the! Old Maxson House at Clay Pitt Creek, N. J., d. Apr. 12, 1873 at Chapel Hill, m. Richard Browne of Richard and Lydia (Morris) Browne of l\liddlctown, N. J. Ch.: Browne: Aaron; Euphcnia; Emeline; Richard; Lydia; ancl Mary. 1132 (+)Joseph, b. June 1, 1815 :Middletown. N. J., m. Dec. 2, 1839 Lydia Card, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Sutton) Card of High­ lands, N. J. He was a mason. 1133 John, b. Jan. 20, 1819 in New York City, m. Sarah Ann World of Middletown, N. J. 1134 (+)Walter, b. Mar. 10, 1821, m. Amelia l\lorris. They lived


at Navesink, N. J. One of the above children had a son, l\fil­ burn l\.faxson. 467 (t) Lydia7 i\laxson (Capt. John°, Joseph\\\ John~) ancl Hiram A. Delevan of 1\lon111011th, N. J. Ch.: Delevan: 1135 Rev. Alfrc,d, b. July 27, 1808, m. July 9, 1834 Olive Shaw, dau. of Lewis Shaw of Taber, Iowa. He was a Baptist minister. He was a representative from 1'.Iorgan Co., Indiana, 1849-1850, and was in the Senate 1851-2-3. He was appointed by Gov. Joseph "\Vright of Indiana a commissioner of swamp lands. 1136 Jerome, b. Oct. 2, 1813 Monmouth. N. J., cl. Feb. 10, 1860 at J cffcrson City, 1Io .. m. Apr. 10, 1836 Jane l\lorrow of Rohe rt. 1137 Ann Eliza, b. Apr. 13, 1816 l\lonmouth, N. J., d. !\far. 22, 1865 Collinsville, Ill., m. July 12, 1836 Joseph Davis of Charles. 469 (t) Charlcs7 :rviaxson (John\ Joseph\ 4, a, John~) and Cordelia Cook. Ch. : 1\faxson: 1138 Lear, b. l\Iar. 22, 1817 l\lonmouth, N. J., cl. 1884. m. Jan. 6, 1834 John Halcott, h. l\fay 25, 1810 Catskill, N. Y., d. Nov. 29, 1844. They livecl on Burnham Ave., Paterson, N. J. !\farinc Engin­ er. Ch.: Halcott: 1, Caroline Ann, b. r-.fav 26, 1835 in New York City, d. Nov. 18, 1868 at l\Jorris Plain, ·111. July 15, 1851 J. Henry Pierson; anrl 2, John Sweeney, b. Aug. 28, 1837, m. June 20, 186() Sarah :Messenger. 1139 Peter C., b. Aug. 17, 1819, m. ---, who d. Aug. 27, 1888. They had a dau. who m. Samuel Van Birskirk who kept a hotel at Closter, N. J. 1140 Mary, b. July 15, 1821, cl. July 28, 1871, m. Lewis Radford. Ch.: 1 Carrie; Sarah; \Villiam; and En1ma ' Radford. They Jived in New York City. 1141 (+)John, h. Jan. 14, 1825 l\fonmouth, N. J., m. Mar. 2. 1843 Catherine, clau. of Joseph Eclwarcls and his wife who was a Pearse of Fairficlcl, N. J., b. Jan. 15, 1825 in Fairfield, d. J\far. 6, 1886 Farmingclalc, L. I. He was a hoilcr maker in the Brook­ lyn Navy Yarcl 1857-1867. Methodist. 1142 \1/illiam, 1827-1828. 1143 Cordelia, 1829-1830. 1144 (+)Charles H., b. Nov. 30, 1831 N. Y. Cit_v, m. Oct. 1854 Re­ becca J. Malshury, h. Apr. 18, 1832, datt. of Benjamin ancl Abby (Gibson) Malshury of N. J. He was a ship joiner. 1145 (+)George "\Vashington, b. June 5, 1835 N. Y. City, m. Oct. 1, 1854 Sarah Horton, h. Jan. 20, 1940 in Manchester, Eng.,


1861; 2, Frances J., b. Apr. 27, 1865; 3, \Valtcr B., b. Sept. 13, 1867; and 4, \Villiam A., b. Apr. 6, 1874. 1150 Timothy 1\Iount, b. Dec. 20, 1841, unm. 1151 John, 18-f.7~1854. 1152 \Villiam A., b. Dec. 2, 1851, 111. Nov. 4, 1873 Deborah A. Read, b. June 1857, dau. of John of Shark River, N. J. He was a! deputy keeper of N. J. State Prison. They lived in Trenton, N. J. Ch.: Edwin Eusil'' l\Jaxson, b. Aug. 17, 1876 Navesink, N. J. 1153 Edwin, b. Dec. 1, 1854, m. Fch. 26, 1880 Nellie Mount, dau. of John and l\lartha l\lount of Grrenpoint, N. Y. 1 4 475 (t) l\farveF l\Iaxson (Zehulo11 ', r., J oseph ,:', John~; also Bethia4, John:', ~) and Phineas Fitz Randolph of New Salem, Va. Ch.: 1154 ( +) l\fary Ann Fitz Randolph, h. Jan. 16, 1826, cl. Feb. 15, 1901 at Elmdale, Kan., m. Sept. 30, 1847 \Villiam Jcffcry, b. May 22, 1824, d. Aug. 8, 1902 at \Vichita. Kansas. 7 3 477 (t) John l\Iaxson (Zrhulon'l, r,, Joseph\ , John:.:) and Mary Bee. Ch. : l\f axson : 1155 (+)Annette, b. July 14, 1828. cl. Jan. 1860, m. 1849 John La Forge Fitz Randolph, b. Oct. 23, 1802, d. Jan. 17, 1887 at Salem, \V. Va. She.' was his second wife. 1156 (+)Nathan, b. June 27, 1830, m. Alzina Sutton, 1828-1873 (sis­ ter to Reuben D. Sutton. under No. 480). 1157 ( +) l\farvel, h. Sept. 7, 1832, cl. Dec. 2, 1887, m. Oct. 2, 1851 Asa Fitz Randolph, b. Feb. 15, 1833, d. Sept. 3, 1903, son of Dr. John Fitz Randolph ancl his first wife, Experience Brown. 1158 Ezekiel. 1834-1837. 1159 Rhoda. b. Nov. 20, 1838. d. Feb. 7, 1917. 1160 ( +) Elisha John, h. Aug. : >. 1844. m. tfar. 10, 1869 Margaret Law, b. Jan. 1, 1857. d. n.~c. 28, 1922, clau. of Thomas T. and Nancy (Eckel) Law of G;lmer Co .. \V. Va. Members of the S.D.B. church of Ritchie, •~v. Va. Farmer. He was stationed near Clarksburg, \V. Va., ;1s a militia man for a while during the Civil \Var. 7 3 479 (t) Jane Maxson (Zebuton°, \ Joseph-I, , John~; also :Mary7 Davis, Nathan~' Davis, \V. Thomasr, Davis, Elizabeth' Maxson, John3, ~) and Jonathan Fitz Randolph. Ch.: Fitz Ran­ dolph: 11 1161 Joh 11 • 1162 Gillett. 1163 J essc'l, Son Ernrst° Fitz Randolph, l\fayor of Salem, \V. Va., and candidate for U. S. Congress, which position is now (1940) filled by his son, J rnning-srn Fitz Randolph. 7 2 480 (t) Drusiliia Maxson (Zebulon''. 5, Joseph\ :i, John ) and Reu­ ben D. Sutton of New Salem, \V. Va. Ch.: Sutton: 1164 ( +) Emily J .. b. July 2, 1950, cl. Jan. 7, 1901, m. Mar. 20, 1870 James Fitz Randolph, son of Annette l\faxson. (No. 1155.) 1165 Lois A., 111. Cornelius R. Davis, parents of Rev. Riley G. Davis of Dcs!i.foincs, Iowa, R. F. D. See Alfred Sun of Sept. 4, 1947 for more ch. of Drusillia - 8 in all.


7 2 481 (t) Gideon Maxson (Zebulon'', \ Joseph". :i, John ) and Cath­ erine Hughes of Palmers Fork, \V. Va. Ch.: Maxson: 1166 Clarissa, b. Jan. 2, 1839, m. June 6, 1861 John McLary of Michael and Lucy Ann (Clarke) I\1.cLary of Parkersburg, \V. Va. 1167 i\fary Ann, b. June 5, 1840 Green Brier Run, m. Dec. 9, 1858 Riley G. Davis of Jcssl' J. and Hulda Davis of Salem. 1168 Corneliu:;, b. !\lay 30, 18-+3, m. Oct. 22, 1867 Catherine L. Davis, b. l\lar. 29, 18..J-2, dau. of Joseph Davis. Green Brier Run, Vv. Va. 1169 Jacob, cl. y. 1170 Priscilla, h. 11 ay 22, 1846, rn. l'.Iay 21, 1864 Oliver G. Davis of Jesse J. and Hulda Davis. 1171 l\Iartin, 18-1-9-1853. 483 (t) See No. 370. 0 9 488 (t) Sally· Potter (Georgc Potter, Content~ Maxson, Joscph4, , John:!) and Philip Arnold Fenner. Ch.: Fenner: 1172 John. 1173 Mary. 1174 Hiram. 1175 ( +) Sarahs Maria, b. Jan. 7, 1825 Palmer, N. Y., cl. Jan. 28, 1916, 0 m. \Villiam Ellery~ l\Iaxson, b. Nov. 18, 1818 (Silas1, Paul , Da­ 2 vid:., John4, :,, ) as his second wife. 1176 Charles. 1177 Emily. 1178 Susan. 1179 (+)Lydia, b. June 12, 1832, m. Gurdeon Hiscox. 490 (t) Content1 Potter (Georger. Potter, Content:; Maxson, Jo­ 2 seph\ :s, John ) and Joscph Spicer. Ch.: Spicer: 0 1180 I\fary , 1826-1883, m. 1845 Henry \Vhipple. Descendants: Jo­ seph11 H. vVhipple, b. 1854, m. 1884 Ella Hammett, h. 1857; Mary10 1\L \Vhipple. b. \Vcstcrlv. R. I. D.A.R. 73789, Vol. 74, p. 285. - 1181 Edward11 D., h. 1828, m. 1851 Eliza \,Veils, b. 1828. Desc.: 1 Charles ' Spicer, b. 1861. m. 1~9 Mary \Vood; Olive Corrinne 10 Spicer , b. Adams, N. Y .. m. F. l\L Holley. D.A.R. 80966, Vol. 81, p. 352. 1182 Albertu Hamilton, m. Helen Torrey. Dcsc.: Alhert0 Hamilton, m. Helen Torrey; Jennie l\L Spicer1°, b. \Vesterly. D.A.R. 38710, Vol. 39. 0 8 492 (t) Jariusi Crandall (Lucy Potter, Content:; Maxson, Joseph" , , John::) and Julia Ann Wl'lls. Ch. among whom was: 1183 (+)Albert Rogers" Cranclall, b. Sept. 16, 1840, d. 1926, m. Ellen A. Saunders. He was a professor at l\filton College, Wisconsin. He collected and arranged Crandall Records. 502 (t) Ananias7 Davis (Nathan° Davis, \Vm. Thomasr. Davis, Eli~­ abeth• Maxson, John3, z) and Rebecca Clayton. Ch.: Davis: 1184 Jacob. 1185 Lydia, b. June 5, 1802, cl. Sept. 1876, m. David Dodd. 1186 ( +) William C., b. Feb. 18, 1809 vVarren Co., Ohio, cl. Nov. 5, 1891 Nortonville, Kansas, m. Aug. 1, 1830 Mary Stearns, b. Dec. 26, 1814, cl. Oct. S. 1857 at Sullivan, Ind., dau. of Luther and Mary (Adkins) Stearns, m.2 in Sullivan, Ind., Elizabeth Ann George, b. July 24, 1828, d. Nortonville Apr. 27, 1885, dau. of John and Rhoda (Shepherd) George.


1187 John, b. July 27, 1813, d. May 26, 1888, m. Sept. 23, 1833 Loanery Lafollct, h. Oct. 16, 1813, d. Dec. 29, 1864, m.2 !\.lrs. Harriet (Simpson) Lockwood. 1188 Jonathan, b. Dec, 29, 1817, d. l\lay 12, 1891, m. l\fary Ann Engle, b. Jan. 22, 1880, cl. T\fay 21, 1855, m.2 Mrs. Pauline (Tincher) Cox, m.3 l\fary (Tincher) Osborn. 1189 Ann, m. Cyrus Cahal. 1190 Elizabeth, m. Nelson Reynolds. 1191 Sarah, b. Jan. 20, 1820, d. Apr. 30, 1892, m. James Irwin Engle, b. l\far. 17, 1817, d. Sept. 26, 1885. 1192 Nathan, b. Dec. 19, 1822, d. Apr. 9, 1905 at Welton, Iowa, m. June 29, 18-14 Nancy Doty, b. June 29, 1823, d. Dec. 15, 1905. 505 (t) Sec No. 160. 509 (t) J esse7 l\Iaxson (Elizabeth" Davis, vV. Thomasli Davis, Eliza­ 2 bcthf l\faxson, Johna, z; also Ephraim\ Joseph', ~. John ) and Sarah Sutton. Ch. : l\foxson : 1193 .T cptha, b, Va., cl. unm. Clark Co., 0. 1194 (+) Lydia, b. Dec. 4. 1799 Va. (now \V. Va.), cl. Sept. 22, 1871 Rock Co., Wis., m.1 Jacob Babcock, b. Apr. 25, 1797 Salem, W. Va., d. Jan. 2, 1835, bur. S.D.B. cemetery, Northampton, 0., son of Martha Davis (\Villiam, John, \Villiam), m.2 Caleb Ayers. Sec Alfred Sun, Dec. 13, 1945. 1195 ( +) Ephraim, b. Va., d. Clayton Co .., Iowa, ae. 53, m. Mary Smith (Peter). They moved from Ohio to Ind., to Mich., to Clayton Co., Iowa. 1196 Elizabeth, b. Va., m. William Furrow, living in Humboldt, Neb. in 1881. Dau. Elizabeth m. Silas Babcock. 1197 ( +) Hannah, b. l\far. 1806 in Va., m. Jan. 1. 1824 Samuel Lip• pincott, b. Va. 1803, d. 1859 Logan Co., 0., son of Samuel Lip• pincott and Amy l\Iaxson (No. 508). 1198 (+)Jonathan, b. Nov. 11, 1810 Clark Co., 0., cl. 1878 Dearfield, Incl., rn. 1829 Christian Davis, dau. of Jacob and Sarah Davis, m.2 Alice Smith. l\Iilton, \,Vis. 1858. 1199 Jane, b. Clark Co., O., m. Peter Smith, Northampton, Clark Co., 0. 1200 Sutton, b. Clark Co., 0., m.1 Lavinia Lippincott, m.2 Vienna Sutton. 1200 ( +) Prudence, b. June 15, 18li Greene Co., 0., cl. Feb. 22, 1890 Salmoniam, Incl., m. Oct. 3, 1836 Elder 'William Smith, b. July 25, 1815 Clark Co., 0., d. Apr. 19, 1894 Salamonia, Ind., son of Jacob and Jane (Elliot) Smith. They were in Humboldt, Neb., in 1881. 1202 Sally, m. Oct. 3, 1836 Gilbert Davis. Boundary City, Jay Co., Incl., in 1881. Two albino ch. and 1\fartha m. -- Kaufman. 1203 Naomi, b. Clark Co., cl. about 1873, m. Philip McFarlin. Son, Nimrod. 1204 Charity, b. Clark Co., 0., m. George vVeaver. New Carlisle, 0., 1881. 510 (t) Prudence; 1\Jaxson (Elizabeth0 Davis, W. Thomas~ Davis,


Elizabeth" l\laxson, Johna, :: ; also Ephraim\ Joseph', 11 , John!!) and Jacob Davis. Ch.: Davis: 1205 James Ball, 1814-1892, fatht~r of Viola C. D. Trainer. See D.A.R. Lineage CXLV, p. 130. 1935. Sec Portrait and Biogra­ phy, \Villamctte Valley, Oregon, p. 130. Sec also J. I. Ivlax­ son's Records \,Vcsterly, R. I., Library. Note for No. 509: Hartford Times, June 1941. No. 8664. Cornelius Sutton's wife may lun·e been Elizabeth Applegate. 1t is stated on his grave­ stone that he was a Revolutionary Soldier. The ch. were: Cornelius, m. Judith Babcock; Hannah, m. Joseph Davis; John, m. Rachel Davis (Under No. 480); Jennie, m. Capt. Nathan Davis ; and Sarah, m. Jesse l\-Iaxson. 513 (t) Charity7 Maxson (Elizabcth0 Davis, \V. Thomas5 Davis, 3 Elizabeth" l\'laxson, John\ :: ; also Ephraim:.t J oscph ◄, , John:.:) and Rev. Simeon Babcock. Ch.: Babcock: 1206 ( +) Rev. I\Iaxson Babcock, m. Philothcta Davis. Babcock Gen., p . ..?-7 I , 515 (t) David; Rogers (David11 Rogerst rvrartha5 Davis, Elizabeth' 2 Maxson, J ohn:'t ) and Polly Truman. Ch.: Rogers: 1207 ( +) Harriet Alzina, b. Chenango Co., N. Y., about 182lt m. John C. l\laxson, cl. Oct. 1. 1894 Utica, N. Y. (No. 668.) 1208 ( +) Janett, m. Paul l\1axson, b. Feb. li, 1806, d. Jan. 28, 1875. (No. 659.) 522 (t) Bcnjamin7 Davis (Thomasfl Davis, Johnr, Davis, Elizabeth' 2 Maxson, John:i, ) and Lydia Burdick. Ch.: Davis: 1209 Polly, h. Apr. 12, 1i96.. m. \Vatc \Villiams. 1210 Betsey, h. Feb. 10, 1798, m. John P. Davidson. 1211 Nancy, h. l\lar. 29, 1802, m. Lcclwick( ?) Peckham. 1212 Joseph B., b. V crona, N. Y., 1\lay 4, 1804, cl. Sept. 11, 1866. 1213 Benjamin, b. l\Iay 29, 1806, d. Apr. 12, 1875. 1214 Eleanor, h. Dec. 13, 1803, m. Perry Davis. 1215 William, b. Bridgewater, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1810, d. Oct. 29, 1900. Ch. by second wife, Sally Burdick: Davis: 1216 Sally, m. Wi1liam Larribcc. 121i George West, 181Sp1882. 1218 Steven, h. 1819, m. Hann:1h Strickland. 1219 Thomas W., b. 1821. 1220 ( +) Daniel'\ b. l\:Iay 24, 1824, m. Dec. 25, 1851 Eliza Eldred, b. 1824t d. May 5, 1886, dau. of Gardner Eldred of \,Vatson. N. Y. 1221 Isaac. 1222 Elisha. 1223 Susan. 1224 Ursula. 1225 Gardner, b. Jan. 3, 1839. 1226 C7rnrles, B. July 4, 1840. 1227 Stanton, b. May !St 1844. 523 (t) Benjamin7 \.Vest, Jr. (Elizabcth0 Davis, J ohn5 Davis, Eliza­ 2 beth• Maxson, John\ ) and l'vlary Brock. Ch.: West: 11 1228 Isaac , b. Nov. 29, 1806 Grafton, N. Y .• cl. at Spring Prarie, Wis., m. Jan. 16, 1831 at Verona. N. Y., Armenia Palmer. b. Sept. 28, 1805, d ..May 11, 1891, bur. l'vlilton, \,Vis. Ch.: West: Lucy, b. Verona, d. y.; \Villiam n .. b. Durhamville. N. Y., Feb. 24. 1833, cl. May 19, 1904, m. 1852 Isaphcma Burdick, b. Alfred, N. Y., 1828; and Ann11 Genet, b. Lenox. N. Y., June 28, 1838t m. Joseph


Davis. (Burdick Gen., p. 1014. Alfred Sun, Feb. 7, 1946.) 524 (t) Joseph• vVcst (Elizabcth 11 Davis, John;; Davis, Elizabeth• 11axson, John\ ~) and Mary Brock. Ch.: vVest: 1229 Emily\ b. 1816, cl. 1876, m. Thomas \V. Potter, b. 1814 Grafton, 11 N. Y. 3 ch.: Potter: Ascart , b. 1839, m. 1862 :Martha A. Clarke, b. 1843; r.liltonll, b. 1845, m. ?llar. 20, 1868 !viary I. Geer, b. 1844, clau. of Abel and Sibil (Hakes) Geer, had 3 daughters (Harry Hakes Gen., p. 114); and Josephine'', b. Verona, Aug. 30, 1847, m. Andrew Barber. 8 1230 ( +) Olive , m. at Petersburg, N. Y., 1846, Dr. Daniel Horace l\Jaxson, b. June 8, 1823 Petersburg, son of Daniel Maxson (No. 699) and Susan Armsbury. 8 1231 Elizabcth 1 m. Sept. 2, 1875 Ephraim Curtis as his 2nd wife. P. O. 1901 Brookfield, N. Y. 525 (t) Fanny; Davis (Rogers11 Davis, John~ Davis, Elizabeth• Max­ son, John\~) and Ethan Rogers. Ch.: Rogers: 1232 Sarah Ann, h. 1828, m. Ethan Rogers Custis and hacl ch.: Cus­ 11 tis; Oliver , b. 1844; Elbert Victor, 1853; Kleber M.; Otto B.; Ithamar; I3e.-nice; Ellen; and Arletha, b. 18i0. 1233 ( +) Mary\ h. J unc 1829, rn.1 \Villiam l\J ungcr, m.2 Hezekiah Norris. Ch.: l\lungcr: Francis Eaton'', b. Sangerfield, N. Y., m. Jeremiah Clarke; ancl Fannie Estella. b. 1854, m. Jan. 2, 1872 0 Dr. Sands~ Carr :Maxson (John C.i, John J. , Jessen, John\ Joscph:i, John::). 547 (t) vVells• Kenyon (Elizabeths Stillman, l\faryr, Davis, Eliza­ bcth1 .l\Iaxson, John\ ::) and Lydia Vars Davis of Verona and Rome, N. Y. Ch. : Kenyon: 1234 Abby Susan, b. Apr. 3. 1819. cl. l\Iay 25. 1886, m. Sept. 15, 1841 Thomas \Vest. No ch. 1235 ( +) l\faria. h. l\lay 5. 1822, m. June 19, 1844 Norman \Vest, d. 1900. 1236 (+)Elizabeth Fidelia. b. Oct. 9. 182..J. Verona. cl. l\Iay 25, 1893 Oneida, N. Y., 111. May 6. 1846 at Verona. Daniel Hagar, b. Nov. 21, 1819 in German\', cl. Dec. 6. 1892 in Rome, N. Y. 549 (t) Rev. John L.· i(enyon (Elizabeth 11 Stillman, l\Iary~ Davis, Elizabcth4 ~laxson, J ohn:1, ::) and Rhoda S.Lewis. Ch.: Kenyon: 1237 Elvira. b. Dec. 12. 1829, cl. Oct. 22, 1903 l\loravia, N. Y., m. Charles Tinker. No ch. 1238 l\lanirllc E., h. June 19~ 1833. d. Feb. 2. 1916, m. Aug. 19, 1858 Marian l\tather, b. ~lar. ,30, 183-1-, cl. Nov. 23, 1924, Cortland, N. Y. He was editor ancl owner of the 1\[oravia Valley Register many years. 2 ch., both d. tmm. 1239 Ang-elina, 1835-183~>. 551 (t) \Villiam· 1\1. 1\laxson (\Villiam'\ \ John\ Joseph:i, John::) and Sylvia rvlincr. Ch.: Maxson: 1240 Charles 1\1 iner\ b. Sept. 8, 1798 Hopkinton, R. I., m. (tradition), had one ch., went to Cortland, N. Y., and later to Canada. Ch. by second wife, Sally Stockwell: 1241 (+)George \N., b. Aug. 15, 1800, d. Mar. 19, 1888 Scott, N. Y.,


rn. Jan. 28, 1838 Emeline L. Babcock, b. July 14, 1813 Scott, N. Y., cl. May 19, 1855 Scott, N. Y. He was an M.D. and S.D.B. See p. 448 Pioneer Hist. Cortland Co., N. Y., 1850, by H. C. Goodwin. 1242 (+)Esther, b. Jan. 26, 1805, cl. Gaines, N. Y. 1858 (J, I. Max­ son's record from her brother Louis who lived in Gaines), m. Jan. 15, 1836 Vose Leonard Burdick, b. Jan. 14, 1813, cl. Utica, Kan., July 2i, 1898. (Burdick Gen., p. 233.) 1243 ( +) Sylvia, m. Smith Risley, Dalton, 'Wis., 1892. 1244 ( +) \,Villiam Henry Hewitt, b. May 19, 1813 Brookfield, N. Y., cl. June 8, 1887 Brown's Valley, Minn., m.l, 1848 Lydia Merri­ field in Ohio, m.2 I\far. 3, 1855 Harriet L. Hart of Joseph (1802- 1837) at Baraboo, Wis. 1245 Lucy Ann, m. Noyes Palmiter. Homer, N. Y. 1246 Almira. 1247 Sally, d. y. 1248 ( +) Levi Stockwell, b. 1822 in N. Y., d. July 4, 1866 (shot while hunting) at West Burlington, N. Y. 1249 Hannah. 1250 ( +) Lewis Reynolds, b. Feb. 26, 1824 Brookfield, N. Y., alive 1880, m.1 Apr. 14, 1851 Abigail H. Childs, d. 186-l, bur. at Five Corners, N. of Albion, N. Y., dau. of Samuel and Ann (Redman) Childs of Hamlin, N. Y., m.2 Harriet A. Godfrey. 552 (t) 555 (t) Lois7 Maxson (\Villiam°, \ John\ Josepha, John:i) and Albert M. Crandall had 4 ch. and her sister Susan and A. M. Crandall had 5 ch. Ch. by Lois: Crandall : 1251 Ambrosia, cl. Mar. 19, 1855 Brookfield, N. Y., m. Justinian Hunt­ ington. 1252 (+)Kilburn, 1801-1865, m. Ruth Rogers. 1253 (+)Mary Maria\ b. Oct. 6, 1799 Troy, N. Y., cl. Jan. 8, 1849, bur. New Berlin, m.1 Nov. 5, 1816 Freeman Hull, b. Jan. 29, 1794,


1260 Lucy L .. h. 1821 Petersburg, N. Y., m. John Babcock, 1821-1897. 1261 ( +) f\faxson\ b. l\Iar. 28. 1827 Berlin, N. Y., cl. June 19, 1888 at Cheona, Ill., m. Nov. 7, 1845 Lena Hakes, b. June 28, 1826 Berlin, N. Y., dau. of Rensselaer" Hakes (Jessea, Jonathan:?, 1 Solomon ) and Laney Elmer (Harry Hakes Gen., p. 129). Hist. l\IcLcan Co., Ill .. Vol. 2, p. 826, 1908. 3 2 568 (t) PauF I\Iaxson (Clarke°, Isaiah", John\ Joseph , John ) and Lucy Pardee of Brookfield. N. Y. Ch.: l\faxson : 1262 ( +) Alanson, b. Sept. 21, 1808, d. 1868 Adams, N. Y., m. Susan Clarke, b. Mar. 10, 1807 Brookfield, d. Dec, 10, 1886 Champlain, N. Y., clau. of Stephen Clarke and Susan Maxson. He was a lawyer. 1263 Paul Clarke, b. Apr. 10, 1810, rl. Apr. 1862 Hounsfield, N. Y., m. Eunice Potter of \Vest Edmeston, N. Y. 1264 ( +) Erastus Darwin, b. 1811, m. 1834 Hannah Crouch of Houns­ field. 1265 Lucy Ann, b. Feb. 11, 1814, cl. Oct. 20, 1900 Brookfield, m. Feb. 1835 Laura H. Babcock, b. June 1812, the 11th son of Ezra and Sabra (Stillman) Babcock of DeRuyter, N. Y. 1266 Harriet, b. Apr. 1816, d. May 1888 in Ottawa, Canada, m. Oren Freeman of Hounsfield. 1267 Edwin, 1819-1841, unm. 1268 Sally, 1824-1846, unm. 572 (t) Thomas7 Maxson (Clarke°, Isaiahr·, John\ Joseph3, John!!) and Jane Spear of DeRuyter, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 1269 Thomas~. ae. 35 in 1850, m. Sarah ---, ae. 23 in 1850, son Thomas, ae. 4 in 1850. Thomas7 was a blacksmith and was a deputy sheriff in 1850, ThomasH was a wagon maker and (prob­ ably) was mentioned as LeRoy Maxson, ac. 40, wife Sarah ae. 27, with clau. Harriet ac. 11 in the 1855 census of DeRuyter. 1270 Emeline Montique, b. Dec. 11, 1811, d. DeRuyter Jan. 24, 1884, m. Aug. 23, 1832 \Villiam Riley Burdick, b. July 12, 1810, d. l\fay 2, 1878 at DeRuytc·r. Sec Burdick Genealogy, p. 299. Sons, Alonzo and Edgar. 1271 Nancy 1'.Iaria, b. DeRuyter July i, 1832, cl. Apr. 1~, 1915 Roch­ ester, N. Y., (D. Rec. states that she cl. 143 Umv. Ave.), m. Feb. 18, 1849 Henry Coon (a professor at DeRuyter Institute), b. Nov. 19, 1820, d. Nov. 24, 1902 at the home of his dau., Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell (wife of William), son of Clarke Coon of Petersburg. 6 ch. Burdick Gen., p. 274. 573 (t) Benjamin C. 7 Maxson (Clarke", Isaiahr,, John', Joseph3, John~) ancl Lucy Ives. Ch.: 1\faxson: 1272 Sophie. b. Dec. 26, 1826, d. 1907, m. Jack Demick, burned to death Dec. 29, 1894. She was living at Rices, N. Y., in 1895. 1273 ( +) Rufus Leonard, h. Mar. 24, 1828 Hounsfield, N. Y., m.1 Azalia Warren, cl. Oct. 1870 Rises, N. Y .. m.2 April 18, 1872 Sarah D. (Baker) Hall, wiclow of Hiram Hall, b. Jan. 19, 1837, cl. 1865. Ch. by 2nd wife, Hannah T. Gilbert. Ch.: Maxson:


1274 Ellen, b. June 22, 1850, cl. Sept. 21, 18741 m. Feb. 22, 1872 Jud­ son Horton. 1275 Gilbert, b. Nov, 23. 1857, killed Apr. 16, 1866 by being thrown out by a run-away horse. Bcnj. C.i I\laxson was a member of the N. Y. State Lcg-islalurc in 1850. 2 585 (t) iviary Ann; l\faxson (Pcrry'i, Isaiah", John\ Joseph~, John ) ancl Nays Burdick of Cassville, N. Y. Ch.: 1276 Cynthia Arlouinc Burdick, b. Aug. 7, 1849, m. Mar. 1, 1876 Heze­ kiah Manchester of Yonkers, N. Y. 587 (t) Sec No. 747. 0 2 593 Ct) Amos C.; Maxson (Torey , r., John4, Joseph:', John ) and Elizabeth Tinker of Lyme, Ct. Ch.: Maxson: 1277 John P., b. l\-Iay 12, 1808. 1278 Nancy, b. J unc 16, 1810. 1279 Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1812. 1280 Nathan T., b. July 31, 1814. 1281 Fabius Beckwith, b. Oct. 6, 1816. 1282 (+)Amos Champlin, b. Feb. 4, 1821 Lyme, Ct., d. age 93, m. Feb. 7, 1850 Phebe Elizabeth Pierson, cl. July 19, 1879, buried in Robert's cemetery, Ford Co., lllinois. 7 3 2 598 (t) Joshua Maxson (Joshua'1, Torey:', John\ Joseph , John ) and Fanny Coon. Ch.: Maxson: 1283 Alice C., 1818-1822. 1284 Laura B., b. July 7, 1822, cl. July 26, 1852 \Vest Edmeston, N. Y. 1285 (+)Daniel, b. Aug. 21, 1826 Edmeston, N. Y., cl. Dec. 8, 1903, m. Nov. 12, 1850 Louise C. Fenton, dau. of Gilbert Fenton. 1286 (+)Truman, b. Sept. 9, 1829 Brookfield, N. Y., m. Nov. 12, 1853 Anna D. Panlce. 599 (t) John; l\faxson (Joshua\ Torey\ John ◄, Joscph:s, John~) and Almira Taylor. Ch.: l\faxson: 1287 (+)Charles Potter, b. Nov. 19, 1822 in Brookfield, N. Y., d. Jan. 30, 1905, b. July 8, 1847 Roxanna Elizabeth Hibbard, dau. of Vililliam and Roxanna (Palmer) Hibbard, b. Sept. 25, 1828, d. Aug. 22, 1872 Brookfield, m.2 Aug. 14, 1873 l\frs. Mary A. Blanchard, b. IVIar. 11, 183-1- Truxton, N. Y., cl. Sept. 24, 1884 Brookfield. (She m. 1850 Taylor Blanchard, lived in Cuyler and DeRnyter, had a dau. Cora who m. Otto Pratt of Albany.), m.3 Eliza Perry of Verona, Nov. 5, 1885, cl. 1914, having spent her last days with her brother, Ora Perry in Rome, N. Y. 1288 Edwin, b. Sept. 11, 1825, m. Orissa Hodges of Samuel. Lived in \\fest Edmeston. Ch.: Lee Maxson, d. unm.; and Atlie Maxson. 1289 LeRoys, b. Jan. 2, 1827, m. Apr. 11, 1854 Elizabeth Coon of Dan­ iel; lived at Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: Ora", b. Jan. 18, 1860, cl. Mar 16, 1892, m. Clarence J. Scarles and had Scarles; 10 Ethelyn and Lca10 who 111. Arthur Brown of Leonardville and had 2 ch. 1290 Eli S. B., b. June 7, 1833 Brookfield, m. Jan. 15, 1865 Mary A. Brand of Barton Brand. Lived in South Brookfield. Post-


master 25 years. Sec Hist. of Brookfield, N. Y., p. 367. 1291 Amos R. W., b. June 7, 1833, d. Jan. 31, 1848. Elizabeth Ann (adopted). 600 (t) !\Iartha7 I\Iaxson (Joshua'\ Torey\ John\ Joseph\ John!!) and Rowse Burdick came to Royalton, N. Y., about 1830. Ch.: Burdick: 1292 Fannie S., b. Aug. 28, 1817, cl. Dec, 13, 1902, m. Orrin Jones, Mil­ ton Junction, Wis. 1293 Lyman Berry, b. Feb. 12, 1819, d. Aug. 25, 1880 Royalton N. Y., m. 1844 Alvira Hunt, 1824-1898. 1294 Martin Hall, b. Apr. 21, 1822, cl. 1861 Royalton, m. Sybil Brett. No ch. 1295 Hugh Stephen, 1826-1828. 1296 Phebe Thankful, b. Aug. 21, 1831, d. 1903 Akron, N. Y., m. 1856 Christopher Downey, b. Akron 1831, d. Akron Nov. 29, 1920. Several ch. 1297 ( +) Daniel Hazard, b. Sept. 24, 1835, cl. Oct. 10, 1913 at Clar­ ence, N. Y., m. Apr. 10, 1861 Jane Lucas Brown, b. Aug. 12, 1838, d. Mar. 7, 1915, dau. of Robert Brown of Royalton, N. Y. Rowse Burdick m.2 June 3, 1854 Lucina Hull, son Rowse b. 1855. 601 (t) Ephraim1 Maxson (Joshua\ Torey°, John\ Joseph3, John:?) and Clarissa Coon of West Edmeston, N. Y. Ch.: 1298 Phebe 11 Maxson, b. Dec. 24, 1835, m. Nov. 12, 1853 William Pal­ miter of David; lived at \Vest Edmeston. Dau. Mary0 Pal­ miter d.y. 602 (t) See No. 610. 7 3 2 603 (t) David Maxson (Joshua°, Torey\ John", Joseph , John ) and Laura Coon of \Vest Edmeston, N. Y. Ch.: l'.faxson: 1299 Eunice, 1828-1912, m. Nov. 7, 1846 Jabez, son of John Millard. Sec Burdick Genealogy, p. 220. 1300 Cornelia, m. Sept. 26. 1849 Daniel, son of John Millard, m.2 Joseph C. Babcock of Utica, N. Y. 1301 Rhoda, b. 1844, cl. 1910 tmm. 7 3 2 619 (t) Alzina 1vJaxson (ElnathanU, Torey:., John\ Joscph , John ) and Jared B. Crandall of Brookfield, N. Y. Ch.: Crandall: 130.? ( +) Rev. George J., b. Aug. 12, 1839, m. June 5, 1862 Elizabeth Ann, adopted clau. of John l\Iaxson and Almira Taylor (No. 599), b. July 11, 1839 Columbus, N. Y. He graduated from Alfred Univ. 1303 Calvin Byron, b. Nov. 2-3, 1841 Brookfield, m. Sept. 14, 1880 Nettie Langworthy, b. Oct. 26. 1838, dau. of Christopher of Nortonville, Kansas. By a second wife Jared B. Crandall had Caroline A. ancl Kate Evandte who m. 1881 D. Comstock. 622 (t) Amos R.; .Max son (Elna than°, Torey~, John", Joseph\ John~) and Fanny Palmer. Ch.: Maxson: . 1304 Cora (Orlesta V.), b. Jan. IO, 1865 Scott, N. Y., m. Jan. 1, 1879 Merius B. Harrington of Alfred G. and Vestalina E. !Wood­ worth) Harrington. Living 1892 in Spafford., N. Y. 1305 Fannie, b. Nov. 6, 1870 Scott, N. Y., m. Jan. 1, 1890 Arthur J.


Ripley of John ancl Clarn ( Huff) Ripley, living 1892 in Spafford. 1306 Floyd A., h. !\lay 12, 1881. Ch. by 2nd wife, Lettie Ivl. Har~ ington: 1 3 2 626 (t) Asa Maxson (Joseph", Silvanus", John\ Joscph , John ) and Mary Chapman. Ch.: Maxson: 1307 (+)Frank, b. Nov. 1l, 1822, d. Oct. 8, 1902 in San Francisco, m. Nov. 27, 1848 Juliet Lanphear, b. Nov. 5, 1826, cl. Nov. 16, 1863, dau. of \.Villiam and Eliza (Miner) Lanphear.

1308 Harriet Hyclc, h. Nov. 26, 1824, cl. Jan. 1, 18651 111. Mar. 27, 1842 (or 18-J.l) Henry Potter, Norwich, Ct. Potter Genealogy, p. 25. After the death of Asa i\laxi,;011, his widow married Elias Cot­ trell, Nov., 1830, and hacl 4 children. 2 627 (t) JocF l\laxson (Joseph°, Silvanus;., John\ Joseph\ John ) and Mercy Greene. Ch.: Maxson: 1309 Julia Ann, b. Oct. 1, 1830 Genesee, N. Y., cl. Mar. 19, 1883 Bath N. Y., 111. Sept. 26, 1873 Hobert Stewart, m. Oct. 4, 1819 at How­ anl, N. Y., sun of John and Jane (White) Stewart. She was a teacher before her marriage. 1310 Asa Lyman, b. Oct. 29, 18.32, 111.l Abby Caroline Johnson, July 11, 1863, dau. of Ezekiel and Abby (vVilhur) Johnson, m.2 Mrs. Caroline Young, clau. of kliahod and Sally (Clark) Babcock of 11 Little Genesee, N. Y. 2 ch.: Johnson; Cortlancl , b. Feb. 28, 1865, Little Genesee, N. Y.; and Ezekicl11 \Villis, b. Dec. 14, 1868. 1311 Cyrus, h. Aug. 25, 183-J., 111. Aug. 31, 1873 at Bath, Mary Scott, rlau. of Allison Scott and J anc Hanning. He d. Mar. 10. 1892. 1\1 usic teacher and music dealer, Bath, N. Y. 1312 :\-lercy Adeline, b. Jan. 5, 1836, m. Rev. Oliver Dyer Sherman of Alf red Center, Dec. 28, 1867, son of Hir~~m Dyer and Salome (Williams) Sherman. Lived at 1\lystic Bridge, Conn. She was D.A.R. 20817, Vol. 21, p. 286. 1313 Henry Reynolds, h. Feb. 18, 1839 Genesee, N. Y., m. Mar. 28, 1866 Olive Amanda Palmer, dau. of Norman Palmer and Hulda Sahith of Nortonville, Kan. He had his Ph.D. from Alfred and i\1.D. from the Homeopathic Medical College of N. Y., 1880. He served one year in Co. C, 85th Reg., N. Y. Vol. They had a son, Ira Lee Maxson. L. Oct. 10, 18i0, Ashland, :tvlinn. 1314 Welcome Lewis, .Mar. 30-Nov. 26, 1841. 1315 Emmet Livingston, b. July 19, 18+5, 111. Sept. 18, ]~77 Alice, dau. of Sylvester Lamson from North Jasper, ~:. Y. She was a teacher. A son b. Nov. 1880. 628 (t) Phcbe7 l\faxson (Joseph°, Silvanus\ John\ Joseph3, John:i) and Joseph Allen of Wirt, N. Y. Ch.: .Allen: 1316 Almira \.,Yhcelcr, b. Apr. 17, 1829 'Wirt, N. Y., m. Dec. 22, 1865 Jesse C. Hamilton, son of Scmour and Sally (Underwood) Ham­ ilton. They lived at Wirt Center, N. Y. 1317 Joseph .J\.laxson, b. May 31, 1831, m. Dec. 29, 18i0 Susan Greene Tibbits, dau. of Henry Tibbits and Abby G. Thurston. No ch. 1318 Euphemja, b. May 3, 1830, m. Aug. 18, 1863 Rev. Oscar Uberto Whitford, 1837-1905; 3 ch.


1319 \Vat'ren Wayland, Oct. 29, 1835, lived at Wirt Center, N. Y. 1320 Arthur Franklin, b. June 1. 18-W, unm. Bradford, Pa. in 1892. 1321 l\Iarshall Malvolio, b. Nov. 19, 1843 Wirt, N. Y., m. Feb, 22, 1867 Julia VanVelzor, Wirt Center, N. Y. 3 630 (t) Lucy Crandall7 Maxson (Joseph\ Silvanusn, John\ Joseph , John°) and Rev. Azariah Fitz Randolph. Ch.: Fitz Randolph: 1322 Asa Maxson~, b. Jan, 19, 1829. He was of the class of 1853, Allegany College. He was Attorney General of Kansas for 2 terms. Supreme Court Reporter, Topeka, Kan., 18 yrs. 1323 Elizabeth Emily, b. Feb. 9, 1831, cl. Jan. 5, 1903. Alumna of Alfred Univ., Artist, Stelle Homstcad at Cussewago, Pa. 1324 ( +) Carafelia, b. l\Iar. 17, 1833, cl. Oct. 20, 1916, m. Sept. 21, 1852 Arnold Freeman Stelle, b. Feb. 18, 1829, cl. Mar. 6, 1905, 1325 Capt. Julius, b. May 27, 1835, killed Aug-. 28, 1862 in action at the second Battle of Bull Run. 1326 Abbie Jane, b. July 28, 1837, cl. Oct. 15, 1879. 1327 Eugene, b. Jan. 30, 1840, cl. Jan. 9, 1864. Was a private in the Civil \,Var. "Gave his life." 1328 William, b. Aug. 15, 1842, drowned June 1866 towing a boat near Oil City, Pa. 1329 ( +) George Erwin, b. Feb. 16, 1845 at Nile, N. Y., cl. Oct. 5, 1931 at Kansas University Hospital, 111. Feb. 24, 1874 Margaret Fraser of Effingham, Kan., b. Feb. 21, 1843 at Niagara Falls, Canada, cl. 1922 at Nortonville, Kan. 1330 Hiram. b. & d. 1850. 1331 Leslie", b. :Mar. 21, 1851, cl. July 7, 1931, m. Addie Wheeler, b. Apr. 9, 1850; lived at 602 Univ. Ave., Boulder, Colo. Dau. Olive° Fitz Randolph b. Feb. 17, 1885 Nortonville, Kan., cl. Nov. 1, 1925 at Brandon, Colorado. 1332 Georgiana, b. June 24, 1853. Leavenworth, Kansas, at one time. 634 (t) Elizabeth 7 Maxson (Silvanus'\ r., John\ Joseph:i, John~) and William Potter. Ch.: Potter: 1333 William Henry, b. Dec. 15, 1816, rl. Feb. 26, 1891, m. Sept. 1838 Nancy Catlin \Vebstcr of Orange and Diantha Catlin Webster, b. Sept. 18, 1820. 9 ch. 1334 Amelia, Dec, 19, 1821-Aug. 16, 1822. 1335 Charles Oliver, b. Dec. 21, 1823 Jersey City, m.1 Maria Bennett, m.2 Anna Johnson of Homer, N. Y. S ch. 1336 Robert Pierce, b. Dec. 27, 1818 in N. Y. State, cl. Oct. 25, 1823. 1337 Susan, b. Jan. 22, 1826, m. vVilliam King of Stonington. They lived at Stonington, Ct. 7 ch. 1338 Rebecca Elizabeth, b. Jan. 15, 1829, m.l James Graham, m.2 John Quinn of New London. No ch. 1339 Jabez Oscar, b. Apr. 12, 1832, m.1 Delia Clark, m.2 Mary Quinn. 5 ch. by 1st m. and 3 by la.st m. Lived in Newark, N. J. 1340 James Dickenson, b. Sept. 26, 1835, cl. y. 637 (t) Sanford Langworthy7 Max.son (Silvanus°, \ John4, Joseph3, John::) and Olive Royce. Ch.: Maxson: 1341 ( +) Clarissa, b. 1832, m. William Hayward.


1342 ( +) Charles H., b. --, tn. --. The family was living 1902 in Chester Co., Pa. 1343 Rosetta, b. at Clarkson Corners, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1838, cl. unm. Dec. 20, 1939. She moved with her parents to the County Line (road between 1\fonroc and Orleans Counties) neighborhood about 1842. She attended the Brockport Collegiate Institute. Later she took up dress making. She is buried in the Hillside Cemetery, Holley, N. Y. She furnished much of this data. 1344 ( +) Porter Lyman, m. Kate Finn. 7 2 640 (t) Sylvanus Maxson (Sylvanus'', r., John4, Joseph~, John ) and Sarah Ann Styles. Ch.: Maxson: 1345 Albert, b. Mar. 22, 1840 Kingston, N. Y., d. unm. Feb. 1911. 1346 Charles Anson, b. Jan. 4, 1853 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., d. June 1, 1911, m. Aug. 11, 1891 Alice Reynolds, b. Sept. 6, 1853, cl. Jan. 6, 1935. No ch. Ch. by second wife, Julia Greenman Gennett: 1347 George vVashington, b. Nov. 16, 1854 Poughkeepsie, cl. Sept. 20, 1917, m. June 6, 1883 Mary Martha Bell, b. July 23, 1856. No ch, She was living in 1945. 1348 ( +) Rev. Edwin H., b. Sept. 10, 1856 Poughkeepsie, d. Dec. 6, 1930, m. Sept. 5, 1877 Matilda V. Blitlersdorf, b. Aug. 17, 1855, dau. of Isadore and Elizabeth Blitlersdorf of Balston Spa., N. Y. 1349 Sarah Elizabeth, b. Dec. 30, 1860, cl. Jan. 20, 1864. 1350 ( +) \Villiam Lyman, b. Mar. 30, 1863 Poughkeepsie, m. Apr. 15, 1891 Lillian !vL Euston, b. Sept. 11, 1868, of Hoosic Falls. 1351 Frances, b. July 30, 1865 Poughkeepsie, cl. Dec. 22, 1871. 1352 Sylvanus Raymond, b. Sept. 28, 1867 Poughkeepsie, d. June 28, 1869. 7 2 646 (t) Horace Maxson (Nathan°, Silvanus··, John\ Joseph\ Johrt ) and Lavinia Lanphear of Asha way, R. I. Ch.: l\faxson: 1353 ( +) Sarah Catherine, b. Mar. 4, 1837, d. Oct. 1, 1897 \Vesterly, R. I., m. I\far. 23, 1856 Cyrus Henry Brown, b. Nov. 24, 1829, son of Cyrus 'N. Brown and Elizabeth Babcock. 1354 Hattie Lavinia, b. May 19, cl. Sept. 7, 1846. Ch. by second wife, Sarah Coon: 1355 ( +) Clarence Horace, b. Aug. 29, 1851, 111. Mar. 25, 1873 Alice Josephine Austin, dau. of Charles W. and Emma (Bliven) Aus­ tin of Potter Hill, R. I. 1356 Maria Annette, b. Mar. 30, 1855, m. May 10, 1879 Thomas Tay­ lor Larkin, b. May 22, 1856, son of Thomas Taylor and Tacy L. (Green) Larkin. Lived at Ashaway, R. I. Ch.: Alice; and Albert Clarence Larkin. 647 (t) Lydia Wel1s 7 Maxson (Nathan, Silvanus, John, Joseph, John) and Franklin Barber. Ch.: Barber: 1357 Dr. Oscar Maxson, b. June 25, 1837 Asha.way, R. I., d. Apr. 3, 1909 Mystic, Ct. He grad. from the N. Y. Homeopathic Col­ lege. Unm. 1881. 1358 Horace Franklin, 1840-1846. 1359 Leander, b. Aug. 4, 1844 Westerly, m. 1869 Mary Frances Bur­ dick, dau. of Dennis and Elizabeth (Rogers) Burdick. Ma-


chinist and fish-line maker at Mystic, Ct. Ch.: Braber: Nellie11 1\1., b. 1873, 111.l Harry Raymond, cl. 1901, had son Philip; m.2 Lloyd Horsfall; Franklin Oscar1t, b. 1882, m. Hannah vVoocl, lived in New London; Abbie0 Elizabeth, b. 1885, m. John F. Noyes, Providence. See Ilurdick Gen., p. 750. 648 (t) Susan l\faxson (Nathan Sylvanus, John, Joseph, John) and ,vmiam F. Prosser. Ch.: Prosser: 1360 Harriet Josephine, b. Mar. 27, 1843. cl. May 20, 1893, m. Feb. 7, 1871 Charles Herman lVIoore, son of Uriah Moore and Mary Harwood of Sudbury, Mass., great grandson of Olive Howe who lived in the famous "vVavside Inn". 1361 Charles Orville, h. Dec. 28, 1844, m. Dec. 9, 1868 Emma Augusta Ilarber, dau. of Capt. George Barber and Emily Clarke of Westerly. He was a line manufacturer, druggist, and hotel clerk, Westerly. 657 (t) RusseJT I\-fa.xson (Russel, Jesse, John, Joseph, John) and Sarah H. Clarke. 01.: Maxson: \362 Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 1830 Preston, N. Y., d. Oct. 25, 19()() Leonardsville, rn. June 25, 1868 Roswell E. Brand, son of Barton and Charlotte (Crandall) Brand of Leonardsville. · 1363 Mary Clarke, b. Sept. 25, 1832 Preston, N. Y., m. Jan. 9, 1854 Henry J crome Crandall, son of Henry and Esther (\Veils) ~ranclall. Lived at Leonardsville. 4 ch. 1364 (+) Russel, b. Jan. 3, 1835 Preston, N. Y., m. Apr. 1864 Hannah A. Ilabcock, b. Jan. 25. 1843 Hopkinton, R. I., dau. of George A. and Abby A. (Brown) Babcock of Ashaway. Farmer and In­ surance Agent. He moved to l\£innesota in 1864, thence to Kansas Dec. 1869. He was town clerk of Preston 1857, and was assessor at Alden, lVIinn., 1865. 1365 Frank Paul, b. Sept. 21, 1838 Preston, m. Oct. 17, 1867 J anc A. Hall, dau. of Samuel Hall. 1366 Martha Sophia, b. Sept. 5, 1840 Preston, d. Apr. 4, 1872 unm. 1367 H. Isabella, b. Sept. 18, 1846 Preston, m. Nov. 5, 1869 Ela S. Brand, son of Roswell Ela and Almira Jane (Crandall) Brand. 1955 Census Preston, N. Y. No. 266. Russel Maxson. 58, b. R. I.; (w.) Sarah, 48, b. R. I.: (s.) Russel, .19, b. Chenango Co.; Franklin, 16; Martha, 13; Isabell, 7. 659 (t) Paul Clark7 I\Iaxson (Russel, Jesse, John, Joseph, John) and Jeanette Rogers of Preston, N. Y. Ch.: 1368 Charles, b. about 1844. 1369 Josephine, b. about 1850, m. -- Curtiss. 660 (t) George P. Maxson (Russel, Jesse, John, Joseph, John:!) and Harriet Fenner. Ch.: 1370 Clara Georgiana l\faxson, L. 1850, m. Amory Olney, son of Par­ don and Abby C. (Lillibridge) Olney. He was a teacher. At one time she lived at Locustville. (J. I. Maxson.) 663 (t) Julia Ann7 Maxson (Oliver, Jesse, John, Joseph, John) and Benedict Wescotc. Ch. :


1371 (+) Emma Julia Westcote, b. Dec. 19, 1825, m. May 4, 1847 Dr. Albert Utter. They had Emma11 Albertine Utter, b. Jan, 7, 1851 New London, Com1., 111. Clarence iviaxson, b. Westerly 7 11 3 Au~. 10, 1849. son of Charles (Jonathan°, , John\ Jonathan , John~) and Ann l\fa.ria (Barber) Maxson. 1 11 2 668 (t) John C. Maxson (John J .• Jesse\ John\ Josepha, John ) and Harriet Alzina Rogers of Preston, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 1372 Jane Rogers, h. about 1840. 1373 ( +) Dr. Sands CarrR, b. Aug. 6, 1848, d. about 1932 Utica, N. Y., 1 m. Jan. 2, 1872 Fannie Estelle ' Munger, b. 1854, cl. Aug. 1934 in Schenectady, dau. of FrancisR E. Munger (Mary J ane7 Rogers, 0 2 Rogers Davis, Johnr. Davis, Elizabeth• Maxson, John\ ). See p. 79 Brown-Hakes and Allied Families. Sec also Family Sketches, Oneida Co., N. Y. 7 3 673 (t) William C. Maxson (Richard\ JohnG, 4, , :) and Elizabeth Huff of Marietta, 0. Ch.: l\faxson: 1374 (+) George Washington, m. Mary Jane Beck. 1375 Thomas, m. Dec. 3, 1856 Elizabeth Chenev. P. 0. in 1895 was: 2133 E. 5th St., Dayton, 0. . 1376 Henry Clay, m. Eliza Rogers. 1377 Calvin Hildreth, b. Apr. 5, 1850 Wash. Co., 0., m. Dec. 20, 1833 Elizabeth, clau. of John and Mary (Urig) Bauer. P. O. 1895: 342 E. 2nd St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Dau. Leila Leone Maxson b. Sept. 28, 1884. . 1378 Abram Guyton, m. Lina Downing. Chillicothe, 0. 1379 Jane Guff, m. Gideon Spears. 345 E. Main, Chillicothe, 0. 1380 1\fary Caroline, m. J. Northup. \Vood River, Neb. 1381 Louise, b. June 20, 1849, m. \Villiam \V. Wolcott. 352 E. 2nd St., Chilicothe, 0. 1382 Edwin. 676 ( +) Thomas7 l\faxson (Richard°, John~, 4, :i, :!) and Hannah 677 Caywood. Ch.: Maxson: 1382 ( +) Weston Thomas, b. Apr. 20, 1839, cl. June 20, 1923, m. Aug. 4, 1858 Alice Wiggins, b. Aug. 6, 1839 'Wheeling, \V. Va., d. !i.fay 31, 1929, dau, of Eli and Ann (Blackly) Wiggins of Harpers Ferry. They lived in Marietta, Ohio. 1383 Charles Corey, d. Dec. 29, 1894, m. Mary Doran, b. 1845. Ch.: Thomas H. Maxon; Robert; and Lenora E. Maxon. 1384 Eliza, m. Madison Campbell. Ch.: Campbell: Elizabeth; and Hattie. 1395 Harriet, cl. about 1865. 5 3 691 (t) Martha Maxson (Peleg\ Mntthew , John', , ::) and Benja­ min Crandall. Ch.: Crandall: 1396 Sarah, h. Sept. 12, 1798, d. Apr. 2, 1845 11nm. 1397 Benjamin W., b. May 18, 1800, m. Nov. 29, 1823 Joshua Weed­ en. They lived in Hope Valley. N. Y. 9 1398 ( +) Joel , b. Jan. 31, 1802, d. Mar. 29, 1875 Little Genesee, N. Y., m. Hulda !\faxson, b. Aug. 17, 1808 (No. 878), 1399 Sophie, b. July 4, 1806 Hopkinton, m. Sept. 1, 1825 William Douglas, b. May 24, 1803, son of Joseph Douglas. She was a


widow in Voluntown, Ct. See Douglas Genealogy. 1400 Daniel J\L, b, Aug. 5, 1809, cl. June 2, 1880 in Rockville, R. I.. m. Abhy Burdick. Sec Burdick Genealogy, p. 316. 692 (t) Benjamin C. l\laxson (Peleg, Matthew, John\ 3, :i) and Betsey Saunders of Cuyler, N. Y. Ch.: l\.laxson: 1401 Eliza Ann\ cl. Sept. 21. 1850, age 41, m. May 24, 1832 'William G. Crandall, Jr. (Hist. Cortland Co., N. Y., p. 285, Early Set­ tlers of Cuyler). 4 ch.: Crandall: 1 1 Iscar ', m. Mary 'Wheelock. No. ch. 11 2 Ira S. , b. Jan. 3, 1843 DeRuyter, N. Y., Veteran of the Civil War, d. Dec. 11, 190-1- Cortland, N. Y., m. Dec. 3, 1867 Emily E. Burdick, b. June 26, 1846 Lincklean, N. Y., d. June 20, 1928 Homer, N. Y. Son \Villiam G. Crandail1°, b. Jan. 2, 1876, m. l\Iay 7, 1902 Lucila J. \Vatson, Live (1943) at 3 Center Park, Homer, N. Y. "Crandall's Real Estate Agency." (Burdick Gen., p. 610.) 1 3 l\fartha \ m. 1\-Iills B. Frisbee. 3 ch.: Frisbee: A) Anna 1°, 111. Will Brown, cl. about 1940, and she d. later, lived in Syra­ cuse, had son Alexancler 11 Brown and dau. Mrs. Alton (Brown) Fenner of Herkimer B) Elvira1°, m. Charles Ham­ mond, cl. 1942, and she lives at 64 Cortland St., Homer; C) 10 William , d. y. 4 Eulalie'', believed to have died young. 1402 Angelina\ m.1 --- \Vooley, son Irving0 \iVooley, d. in the Civil \Var, m.2 John Page, m.3 Rev. L. 1'1. Cottrell. 1403 ( +) Thomas~ Clarke, b. Feb. 4, 1812, cl. Dec. 25, 1874 Farina, Ill., m. Feb. 27, 1833 Roxey A. Burdick, b. Nov. 11, 1815, d. Nov. 25, 18i4 Farina, 111., clau. of Capt. James R. and 1'.fartha (Coon) Burdick. (Burel. Gen., p. 120.) 11 1404 Matthew , age 34 in 1850. 111. Polly ---. No ch. Deeded 16 acres lot 10, DeRuyter, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1875. 11 1405 ( +) Martha E. , b. Apr. 5, 1817, alive 1902 in Linck lean, N. Y., 111. Apr. 2, 1836 James Burdick, b. Plainfield, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1810, cl. June 15. 18i5 DeRuyter, (brother of Roxey, above), m.2 ---Coon. 1406 Lydia Cornelia\ h. about 1825. n1. David Johnson; son Clarke0 Johnson 111. Julia Burdick ancl cl. soon. They lived on her broth­ er's place after his death. The complete list of the ch. of Benjamin Maxson was furnished by a descendant. !\frs. Anna B11rdick Spicer of Toledo, Ohio. 0 2 693 (t) Peleg; l\faxson (Pclcg , I\.fatthew\ John4, 3, ) and Clara Burdick of Rock\·ille, R. I. Ch.: l\faxson: 1407 ( +) Elias8 Irish, h. Apr. 3, 1810, cl. July 4, 1876 Portville, N. Y., m. Aug-. 31, 1833 Rachel R. Nye, dau. Brigg-s Nye. 1408 Sally, b. Apr. 29, 1813. m. 1834 Asa Jaques of Hopkinton. Ch.: 0 Jaques: Sarah A. ; Alfred L.; Peleg M.; Clara A.; Lydia; Harriet A.; and Jane L. 1409 Pelcg8 Hazard, b. l\far. 14, 1815, m. Lydia Rogers of John of


11 Waterford, Ct. Ch.: Alma A. ; and Perry Clinton Maxson of Milton Junction, Wis. 1410 Clara Ann\ b. Aug. 5, 1817, m. Dec. 11, 1837 Christopher Norris Chester of Hopkinton. Ch.: Chester: John Henry!', b. Feb. 21, 11 1838, cl. 1913, m. Mary Richmond; Horace , b. 1840, m. Mary Woodmansee; and 8 other ch. Burdick Genealogy, p. 398, 1411 Luke Burdick, b. Dec. 7, 1819, d. Nov. 25, 1907, 111. Anna E. Bab­ cock. No ch., but they acloptecl his nephew, John F. Maxson, son of Be11jarnin F. Maxson. 1412 Lydia, b. Apr. 1, 1822, cl. May 14, 1897, m. Aug. 1851 Luther Potter, cl. 1853, m.2 Feb. 1858 John Lanphear who later adopted Elmer J. l\laxson, son o{ Joel (No. 1215), who became Elmer J. Lanphear. 1413 (+) George Irish, b. June 3, 1824, d. Jan. 21, 1892, bur. at Hop­ 8 5 kinton, m. May 24, 1848 Lucy E. Randal1 (Reuben\ 11, Joseph , 3 2 1 4, Nathan , Jobn , ) of Voluntown, b. Mar. 16, 1824, cl. Apr. 28, 1876; m.2 Jane E. Tucker, 1844-Sept. 15, 1912, and had 2 children. 1414 (+)Perry Burdicks, b. July 20, 1826 'Nash. Co., R. I., d. Jan. 7, 1920 Emporia, Kan., m. Nov. 8, 1851 Mary Starr \,Vilcox, b. Dec. 13, 1827 Scott, N. Y., d. June 28, 1916 Emporia Kan., clau. of Willard DeRuyter \Vilcox and Sybil Godfrey of Scott, N. Y., and granddaughter of Dr. Hazard Vvilcox and Nancy :Maxson (No. 707). He was a member of the Kansas Legislature, Sena­ tor, Greenbacker, Populist. Sec Early Settlers of Kansas. D.A.R. Library, Vol. I, p. 111, Wash, D. C. 1415 J ocl 8 Crandall, m. May 22, 1829, cl. Sept. 23, 1863, m. Oct. 9, 1855 Mary E. Larkin. Ch.: Elmer11 J. Maxson acloptecl by his aunt Lydia; and Emma E.11 Maxson. 1416 (+)Martha Elizabeth, h. July 5, 1832, cl. Mar. 27, 1915, m. Oct. 1 11, 1852 Samuel Champlin (Samuel°, ·5, \ 3, Wm.2, Jcffry ), d. Aug. 16, 1908, age 80. (Westerly Sun, Aug. 17, 1908.) 1417 (+)Mary Emily\ b. June 12, 1834, m. Oct. 15, 1866 Westerly, Major Andrew Morgan. She cl. Sept. 11, 1881. Son George0 L. f\forgan b. Aug. 17, 1868. 1418 ( +) Benjamin Franklin, b. June 26, 1836 Rockville, R. I., d. 1\fay 4, 1918, m. Aug-. 27, 1864 Elsie Adelaide Newton, b. 1843, clau. of Henry and Sally (Larkin) Newton of Voluntown, m.2 Nov. 22, 1867 Delia Frances Coon. 696 (t) Weeclon7 Maxson (I\.Tatthew", r., John\ 3, ~) and Nancy Randall. Ch.: Maxson: 1419 ( +) Samuel Peckham, h. July 1, 1807 Grafton, N. Y., alive 1895, a carpenter in Adams, N. Y .. 111. Sept. 10, 1831 in Petersburg, Roxcy Lavinia Greene, b. Jan. 14, 1812 Adams, N. Y., d. Apr. 30, 1861, clau. of Paul and Nancy (Gardener) G1·eene. 1420 ( +) Matthew Randall, h. Oct. 8, 1810 Petersburg, killed Mar. 14, 1845 in a sugar camp, Sharon, Potter Co., Pa., m. Aug. 23, 1834 Mary Eliza Barker, b. May 2, 1817 DeRuyter, dau. of Law­ rence and Sally (Coon) Barker. She m.2 Samuel Howe and had dau. Eliza and son John Howe; lived in (New) Genesee, N. Y.


1421 Fannv. 1422 ( +) fvlalincla, b. Mar. 25, 1806 Grafton, N. Y., cl. Aug. 30, 1871 \Vooclford Co., Illinois, bur. Yankee Town cemetery, m.1 Dec. 14, 1823 Daniel P. 1I. Davison, b. May 25, 1804 Grafton, N. Y., d. Jan. 8, 1844 Grafton, bur. -½ m. east of Grafton Center, son of Ezra. l\Ialinda m.2 Jan. 1853 John Armsbury (Sec No. 700), with whom she lived when a girl. (Elsie M. Cameron, Old letters, G. Y.) 7 698 (t) Potter l\Iaxson (l\Iatthew°, D, John", :i, ::) and Betsey Brindle of Rensselaer Co., N. Y. 2 ch. : 1\faxson: 4 ch. by Eliz. Rosenburg: 1423 Henry B., b. Nov. 12, 1807, d. a young man. 1424 (+)Lyman, h. Feb. 12, 1813, d. Aug. 7, 1887, m. Adeline Turner, b. July 22, 1824, d. Oct. 18, 1890. He was a carriage maker. 1425 Elizabeth, 1821-1895, m. Jesse Allen. (Ch. by 2nd w. Elizabeth): 1426 Allen, 1823~1904, 111. Laura S. Tilley, cl. 1891. No descendants. 1427 Emeline, b. Dec. 26, 1825, cl. l\Iay 21, 1851. Buried on the Perry 1\Iaxon burying ground where her parents are also buried. Emeline m. Noyes B. Crandall (tradition). 1428 ( +) George, b. Nov. 6, 1828. cl. Aug-. 11, 1916 Berlin, N. Y .. m. 1862 at Grafton, Jane Elizabeth Burdick, b. July 30, 1838, cl. Nov. 9, 1911 at Grafton, N. Y., clau. of Joel and Caroline E. (Jones) Burdick. 699 (t) DanieF !\I axson (1\Iatthew", \ John"', :•, ~) and Susan Arms by of \Vesterly and Petersburg, N. Y., Ch.: Iviaxson: 1429 (Elclcr) Thomas. 1430 vVilliam. 1431 (+)Daniel Horace, h. Petersburg, June 8, 1823, cl. I\Iay 5, 1893 Humboldt, Neb., 11i.l 1846 (Sec Alfred Sun, Feb. 7, 1946) Olive \Vest (No. 1230), m.2 Elizabeth Greene(?), (sister of Spencer below), m. 3 --. He moved from Petersburg to Deerfield, 0., 1862. Herc he enlisted in Co. F, 115 Ohio Reg't of Vols., served 3 years. He took a homesteacl in Richardson Co., Ne­ braska. In 1866 he moved to Humboldt, Neb., where he cl., leaving his 3rd wife. 1432 Susan of Milwaukee. 1433 Mrs. Estee of Alfred Center, N. Y. 1434 Harriet, b. 1813, m. 1833 Spencer Green. (Greene Gen., p. 127.) 7 0 0 3 700 (t) Martha Maxson (!i.fatthew , , John\ , ~) ancl John Arms­ hury of Grafton, N. Y. Ch.: Armsbury: 1435 Fannie, m. Daniel Lee \Velis. There are no living descendants. 1436 Susan, 111. Francis !\Ic13ride. Dau. went to Green Island, Iowa. 1437 Jane, m. Judson l\Iaxson, who m.2 Susan's (1436) dau. Edwina. 7 11 2 706 (t) Gcorge Maxson (George , l\[atthew\ John\ 3, ) and Elea­ nor Barber 324 (t). Among their children were: 1438 ( +) Lovicia, l>. Sept. 25, 1803, cl. 1875, m. J ocl Kenyon, b. July 29, 1801, cl. Jan. 20, 1878, son of Augustus Kenyon (325). 1439 ( +) Nathan, b. Feb. 10, 1808 at Richburg, N. Y., cl. Oct. 27, 1878 at Dwight, Ill., m. Aug. 25, 1832 at Ceres, N. Y., Sylvia Palmer,


b. Sept. 27, 1813 Ceres, d. Dec. 6, 1880 at Pardee, Kansas. 708 (t) Freelove; l\laxson (Georgc•t, Matthew\ John\ u, :?) and Caleb Co\'cy nurclick of Brookfield, N. Y. 11 ch., the 9th of whom was: Ruel Vents Burdick, b. Aug-. 15, 1818, d. I\Iar. 1, 1903, m. Nov. 27, 1841 Fanny S. Greene, b. Brookfield July 27, 1821, d. Aug. 14, 1848 at \Vest Edmeston, N. Y. He was a farmer and horse breakt•r. They had a dau. Henrietta, b. Apr. 19, 1847, d. Holley, N. Y., m. Sept. 10, 1866 George I-1. Sheffield. See Brown-Hakes and Allied Families, page 153. ilO (t) Jamcs7 1\[axson (George'\ i\Jatthcw", John\ :i, :!) and Lu­ cinda !\I a inc. Ch.: l'Vlaxson: 1441 Polly" Lucinda, h. Dec. 6, 1814 at Lebanon, N. Y., m. 1832 Alan­ son, son of Augustus Kenyon of \Virt, N. Y. (Sec No. 325.) 1442 Eliza, b. i\lar. 20, 1817 Lincklean, N. Y., cl. Apr. 1854 Bolivar, N. Y., m. 18--1-3 George, son of Seymour Hamilton of Portville, N.Y. 1~43 Samantha E., h. Oct. 30, 1820 Friendship, N. Y., d. 1853 Albany, N. Y., m. 18-t6 Barnum Noble, had a dau. Florence Noble. 1444 ( +) J amcs Sheffield, h. Oct. 9, 1823 Friendship, N. Y., m.1 Nov. 10, 1855 Rebecca L. Cranclal1, b. July 28, 1833 at Potter Hill, R. I., cl. Feb. 19, 1859 Rockville, R. I., dau. of Samuel Crandall, Jr., and Eliza Nichols of Rockville, m.2 Amelia B. Child on Dec. 18, 1859. h. Sept. i, 1835 Hammoncl, N. Y. Teacher. Living at Parsons. Kansas, in 1895. 1445 Georg-e Dewey, b. Sept. 3, 1826 Friendship, m. 1871 Mrs. Avery LanplH.'ar of Nik, N. Y. Hartford, Kansas, in 1895. He was Assistant Surgeon at Astoria in the Civil \Var. 1446 \Villiam \Vallacc, 1831-1832. 1447 J oscph Crandall, h. J unc 6, 1834, m. Feb. 9, 1861 Lurnna L. Tan­ ner, h. F('b. 9, 1841 Genesee, N. Y., dau. of John Tanner of Little Genesee. Little Gc11escc in 1895. 6 children. 711 (t) Abel7 l\laxson (Georg-cu, Matthew\ John\ :i, :?) and Try­ phcnia Lull. Ch.: Maxson: 1448 Tryphenia. Ch. hy 2nd wife Abigail Lull (probably): 1+49 Harriet Newell. h. Nov. 29. 1818 Lebanon, N. Y,, cl. ~{ay 17, 1901 at J\lfrcd. N. Y., m. tS~l2 Dr. Elisha Converse Greene, son of Alphl'tts M. and Ahhy Stoddard (\Vells) Greene. (Greene Gen .. p. 341.) 1450 Matthew, h. Feb. 1820. 1451 Mary. b. Aug. 31, 1821, d. 1849. 1452 ( +) Abigail A., b. Feb. 24, 1824 Frienclship, N. Y., d. Oct. 26, 1902 Alfred N. Y., m. July 12, 1849 Jonathan l\L Allen, b. Jan. 26, 1823 Alfred, N. Y.,


1456 ( +) Schuyler, b. 1830 in Friendship, d. Mar. 10, 1863 of brain fever in Newburg, N. C. He was in Co. E, 85 Vols. He m. 1851 Joanna Kenyon, clatt. of Joel Kenyon and Lovicia Maxson (No. 1438). 1457 Rev. George, h. Oct. 14, 1831. m. --, had 4 ch. Lived in Canada. 1458 Edmund, cl. in the Civil \.Yar. 1459 \Villiam P .. h. Apr. 25, 1837. d. 1882, m. Mary E. Norton. 1460 Lcmira, b. Jan. 19, 1839, d. 1886, m. 1863 Capt. William R. Pren­ tice. Dau. Orphclia, b. Elmira, N. Y., m. Rev. J. A. Platts, Ph. D. D.A.R. 63771, Vol. 64, p. 255. 1461 Benjamin Franklin, b. June 6, 1841, cl. 1899, 111. !i:lay 16, 1870 Olive Biglow. Civil \Var Veteran. 721 (t) Luke; 1\f axson (Luke°, .Matthew\ John", ~. ~) and Susanna Greene. Ch. : Maxson : 1462 ( +) Susan, b. Aug. 15, 1812 Alfred Center, N. Y., m. Aug. 13, 1831 Spencer Sweet. 1463 Almira, b. Aug. 17, 1813, m. Oct. 31, 1833 Truman Clarke Place, b. Aug. 1, 1811. 1464 Eusebia, h. Jan. 25, 1815, cl. Aug. 10, 1870, m. Nov. 3, 1833 Perry Sweet. Ch.: Delia; Jerome; Arminda Sweet. 1465 ( +) Luke Green, h. Nov. 11, 1817, cl. Apr. 6, 1873, m, Oct. 25, 1841 Cordelia Ann, dau. of Jacob Hartshorn. 1466 Nathan, b. Oct. 23, 1819, cl. Feb. 17, 1855, m. Isahella \,Vells (Probably hahella Susan \Veils. Sec Burdick Gen., page 748). Dau. l\Iary G. 1\Taxon m. 1868 \Vm. Edward Burdick. 1467 Al'mincla, b. Nov, 8, 1821. m. 1842 Elder James Cochran, m.2 John Wells. 1468 ( +) Lydia Ann\ h. Nov. 24, 1823, d. l\Iar. 21, 1896 in Philadel­ phia, 111. Oct. 25, 1852 George; P. I\Iaxson (Jonathan\ G, John\ 1 Jonathan: , John~) as his third wife. (No. 974.) 1469 ( +) George Russ(•!, b. Junc 8, 1832, d. Oct. 12, 1893 in Milton, \Vis., m. l\lar. 6, 1856 Lydia Elma Babcock, b. Apr. 30, 1838 in N. E. Eric Co., Pa., clau. of Abel Stillman Babcock and Lucy Ann Huntington. 727 (t) Georgc7 l\Iaxson (Luke'', tfatthew\ John\ a, ~) and Phebe \Velis. Ch.: l\f axson: 1470 ( +) Phchr Arabella, h. June 5, 1822 Petersburg, N. Y., m. Jan. 12, 1843 Calvin \Vhcelcr, h. Feb. 11, 1812 Brookfield, N .Y.,


and (864 t) Benjamin C. 1 Maxson (Zncchcus°, Benjamin\ John\ :i, ~). Ch.: l\laxon: 14i3 Benjamin Crandall, h. l\lay 25, 1808, d. Dec. 25, 1851. 1474 Zacchcus R., b. I\l;:1r. 31, 1810. 1475 Reynolds Spencer, b. Jan. 24, 1812, d. July 15, 1910. 1476 Luke Freeman, b. Sept. 20, 1814, m. --. His wife lived a year. He went to Little Rock, Ark., then to the Cala. gold region, and was not heard from later. 1477 ( +) Lucy Ann (or Laura Ann), b, Oct. 24, 1816 at Rockville, R. I., cl. Jan. 28, 1902 Little Genesee, N. Y., 111. Sept. 24, 1834 Varnum Phineas l\laxson, h. Feb. 12, 1808, cl. about 1882 Gene­ see, N. Y., son of Phineas Varnum 1\1 axso11 and Sophie Reyn­ olds. (No. 854.) 1478 Lydia Emeline, b. Nov. 8, 1818, 111. Sept. 12, 1844 Adolphus D. Hamilton. 14i9 ( +) \Villiam H.usscl, h. Dec. 28, 1820 Truxton, N. Y.,

1480 Enoch Ira, h. Jan. 15, 1823, m. July 3, 1845 I\lary Ann Barber1 b. Oct. 27, 1824, clau. of Andrew Barber. ( 1850 Census Genesee, N. Y. No. 75. Enoch l\laxson, 28; I\lary, 25; dau. Ivlary, 4; Anson, 2; Zacheus T., 5/12; Benjamin C., 61.) 1481 Samantha Ursula, b. June JO, 1825, h. Oct. 27, 1844 John S. Cole. 1482 Julia Clarirnla, h. 1\lar. 11, 1827, 111. Ort. 27, 1844 Joseph G. Hamilton. 1483 Happy Ivy, 111. Feh. 8, 1848 Oli\'er B. Langworthy, 1823-1909. Dau. Alice, b. Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., 111. Wm. J. Height. D.A.R. 77248, Vol. 78. 729 (t) l\fatthew; Maxson Crandall ( I\lartha'1 l\l axson, l\Iatthew\ John\ a, ~) and (Si0 t) Prudence; l\Iaxson (Zaccheusn, Benja­ min\ John4, a, !!). Ch.: Crandall: 1484 Zaccheus, b. l\'lay 29, 1810. 1485 ( +) George Spencer, b. July 10, 1812, d. 1897, m. 1836 Corintha Hamilton, 1816-1888. 1486 Cynthia Eliza, h. Sept. 30, 181-l, d. 1867 Portville, N. Y., m. Aug. 24. 1833 J\l11crt G. Bttnlick. Burdick Gen., p. 278. 1487 IvTartha Emily, b. J\lay 25, 1817, m. \,\falter Hamilton Lackey. 1488 Daniel Lorenzo, b. J\ug-. 31, 1819. m. Susan Dennis. 1489 Mary J\1111, b. May 12, 1821. 111. G1.·org-c T. Dennis. 1490 Elsie I\Taric. b. Feb. 3, 1823, 111. \Nilliam Hornblower. 1491 Virtue Vorancy, h. Oct. 7. 1825, 111. Ashley G. Packard. 1492 Penelorc, b. I\Iay 29, 1832, m. John Langworthy. Above records from 1\1 rs. Samuel Burdick furnished by George S. Crandall, Ceres, N. Y. S.-215 J. I. l\laxson. 736 (t) Sec No. 1480. 747 (t) Holly; I\.Iaxson (Silas'\ Davida, J ohn4, :S, ~) and Ju­ 0 3 clith7 Clarke (587 t) (Sarah ~laxson, Isaiah\ John\ Joscph ,


John~) lived in Petersburg, Urookfielcl and Scott, N. Y. Judith m.2 Stephen Clarke, Jr., and m.3 Na than Clarke. (Clarke Gen., p. 7..J..) Farmer. Ch.: .l\laxson: 1493 Diantha, b. Feb . ..J., 1805 Brookfield, lived with her sister Mary and


1511 Martha. 1512 Paul III. Petersburg. N. Y. (S-41 J. I. :Maxson,) 763 (t) Silas; 1'.laxson (Paul\ David\ John\ \ :?) and Elizabeth Stillman. Ch.: 1\-Iaxson: 1513 Eliza, b. Aug. 20, 1809, cl. Sept. 9, 1895 unm. at West Mystic, Ct. 1514 Silas, b. Sept. 25, 1811, d. May 27, 1813. 1515 Paul, b. Dec. 7, 1813, d. y. 1516 Silas Franklin, b. Apr. 6, 1816, d, July 8, 1820. 1517 (+) William Ellery, b. Nov. 18, 1818, d. Dec. 12, 1895 at West Mystic, Ct., m.1 Dec, 2, 1839 Elizabeth M. Smith, dau. of Stephen, both of Westerly, m.2 !\lar. 4, 1849 Sarah Marie Fen­ ner, b. Jan. 7, 1825, dau. of Philip Fenner. Lived at Groton, Ct. Sec Potter Genealogy. 1518 Cyrus~ Henry, b. Mar. 17, 1821, cl. Nov. 3, 1859, m. Sept. 25, 1854 Charlotte G. Coon, b. May 13, 1828. One ch.: Abby Elizabeth11 Maxson, b. Jan. 3, 1856. 1519 George, b. Feb. 9, 1824, cl. :May, 1825. 3 764 (t) James· (or Jarius) 1'.faxson (Paul°, David\ John\ , :!)and Desire Crandall. Ch.: Maxson : 1520 Lucy~ Ann, b. Apr. 11, 1805, cl. 1904, m. 11ar. 29, 1823 Ray Greene. Son Edgar IV' Greene m. Elvira C. Greenman; and dau. Ida11 Greene m. Harvey Danison. D.A.R. No. 40267, Riv­ erside, California. 1521 Emeline. 1522 Jarius 1812-1839. 1523 Paul. 1524 BrittaK --, m. :Martin Brimmer. Son Hcnry11 Brimmer lived in ·watertown, N. Y. 1525 Abby. 1526 Sarah. 1527 Susanna. 1528 Franklin. 766 (t) Jesse' l\faxson (Paul°, David~·, John\ :,, :.!) and Betsey Brown. Ch.: I\laxson: 1529 Eliza, h. Nov. 14, 1816 Berlin, cl. Aug. 18, 1817. 1530 Britta L., b. Feb. 7, 1819, d. Oct. 9, 1893 Adams, N. Y. 1531 Albert G., b. Feb. 24. 1821,


1866 Lemon D. Estaing Greene oi Thomas and Ann (Sweet) Greene. No ch. Greene Gen., p. 81. 1539 Daniel H., May 8, 1838-Nov. 29, 1839. 1540 George, Dec. 23, JS,H-Fcb. 28, 18-12. 772 (t) Catherinci Clarke (Cloe°, l\laxson, David\ John\ a, =) and Amos Burdick of Hopkinton. Ch.: Burdick: 1541 (+)Amos, b. Oct. 7, li94, d. May 15, 1880 at Alfred, N. Y., m. Feb. 26, 1818 Anstis Clarke 1801-1884. He moved with his par­ ents to Brookfield 1802. In 1818 he moved to Alfred, N. Y. Farmer, Hotel Keeper, and Merchant. A Trustee of Alfred University. Burdick Genealogy, p. 356. 1542 ( +) Stanton, h. Dec. 2. 1799, d. Dec. 22, 1893 Brookfield, m.1 1\lar. 8, 1821 Eliza Ann Hoxie, 1804-1874. Farmer. 7 other ch. 11 2 783 (t) AbigaiF Stillman (\Vcalthy Maxson, David·\ John', =-, ) and \,Villiam Burdick. Ch.: Burdick: the 4th: 1543 ( +) Olive, b. Nov. 14, 1806 Petersburg, N. Y., d. Nov. 13, 1893, m. \Villiam l\faxson, 1807-1880. (No. 924.) 784 (t) DavicF 1'laxson Stillman (\Vcalthy11 l\Iaxson, David~, John\ :i, =) and Susanna Powers. Ch.: Stillman: 1544 ( +) Caroline H., 1822-1879, m. \Villiam Bishop, 1819-1899. 1545 Wait J., m. Levera. l\L Haner. 7 6 5 3 785 (t) Elizahcth Stillman (\Vcalthy l\laxson. David , John', , :?) and Daniel 0. Burdick. Ch.: Burdick: 1546 ( +) Daniel Maxson, b. Aug. 14, 1813, d. i...ittle Genesee, N. Y., :May 6, 1900, m. Aug. 26, 1837 Sally A. l\laxson, dau. of Zac­ chcus (No. 868). 1547 ( +) Harriet Elizabeth. h. Nov. 12, 1816, m. Jared Maxson, b. l\Iay 4. 1816. (No. 883.) Several other ch., p. 119, Burdick Genealogy. 808 (t) Sarah7 l\laxson (David\ ;.' John4. :i, ==) and Ezra S. Holmes of Petersburg. Ch.: Holmes: 1548 Jane, 111. Hezekiah Coon. Dcsc.: Saraht' Coon, m. \Vm. Henry Crandall. Edward H. Crandall m. Elizabeth \Vebstcr. Nellie11 1 Crandall 111. Leyton T. Reynolds. Ch.: Rcynolcls ~, \Villiam, and Bertha. 1549 Martha\ 111. Isaac Saunders. Ch.: Saunders: Charles, Isaac, 1 Albert, and Thomas \ 1550 Albert, m. Sarah Ann Case. 1551 David· Edwin, m. l\Iercy Drook (John.). Gertrudc0 Holmes lives (1935) in Petersburg. 1 0 1552 John L.S. m. Adeline Kendall. John K. ' and .i\1innic Holmes. 1553 \Villiam R., m. Emeline i\Iax.son. dau. of \Villiam. Ch.: Holmes: \Villiam, Edwin, Sarah, llertha. ~\f abcl. Albert, and John. 1 810 (t) AbigaiF Maxson (Da\'icl '. :0. John\ a, :!) and Crawford B. Sheldon (Job\ 4. Pardon\ Nicholas:!, Jolm 1 Sheldon), b. Oct. 12, 1799, d. Mar. 11, 1869, son of Job Sheldon of Delhi. N. Y. Ch.: Sheldon: 1554 Edwin I·Iolmcs~. b. Dec. 24. 1821, d. Dec. 18, 1890, m. Oct. 19,


1846 Frances Ogden. Ch.: Sheldon: Edwin Berton, m. Louise 'Whitehouse; and Frances, m. William Fitzhugh Whitehouse. 1555 vViiliam Crawford, b. Aug. 14, 1823, cl. Jan. 28, 1896, m. Jan. 21, 1851 l\Iary DeForest. Ch.: George Rumsey Sheldon, who was treasurer of the Republican National Committee in the cam­ paign of 1908; and Kate Sheldon who m. S. P. Prentice. 1556 ( +) Emily Elizabeth, b. l\lay 24, 1825 Delhi, N. Y., d. Nov. 21, 1913 in N. Y. City, 111. Oct. 14, 1848 George Frederick Rumsey, b. Dec. 14, 1820 Troy, N. Y., d. June 17, 1881 in O1icago. 1557 Louis Wells, 1827-1828. 1558 Charles Root, b. Jan. 11, 1829, cl. Dec. 17, 1900 unm. 1559 Nathaniel Edson, h. Jan. 28, 1831, m. June 24, 1865 Fannie B. Ingle. 1560 Sarah Maxson, b. Apr. 19, 1836, cl. Dec. 27, 1892 unm. 1561 Frances Ogden, b. July 28, 1841, m. Oct. 14, 1862 Robert Doug­ las, son of Edwin Il. Sheldon Douglas. 811 (t) DavicF Maxson (David°, r., John\ :i, ::) and Hannah Rix of Petersburg, N. Y. Ch.: lvlaxson: 1562 ( +) Henry Lee, b. Apr. 30, 1824, m. Jan. 5, 1847 Mary Hill, dau. of Henry of Petersburg. 1563 Thomas, b. July 4, 1826, m. Eliza Kellog. They went west. 1564 ( +) Phebe Harris, b. Apr. 7, 1829, m. Oct. 10, 1849 Joshua 2 Weedon Hakes, b. Jan. 17, 1827 (Weedon", 3, Jonathan • Solo­ rnon1 Hakes-Hakes Genealogy, p. 132). They lived at Grafton, N. Y. 1565 Charles Egbert, b. Apr. 27, 1831, m. Nellie Fi~hley. Ch.: Emma and Florence Maxson. 1566 George, d. unm. 1567 Augusta Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1837, m. Amos L. Lewis. Both d. in N. Y. City. Ch.: Lewis; .M crril; Walter; l\Icrvin; Edith Ruthford; Danford (twin to E. D.); and Harris. 1568 Cyrus Edson\ b. Aug. 31, 1833, m. Sophronia Wells. 1569 Emily\ m. Amos H. Allen. Ch.: Victor Maxson° Allen, m. Blanche Percy and had Mary Allen 10 who m. Dr. William H. Sweet of Peekskill; and Percival0 Allen m. Fanny Powers and had Henry1u Allen and Victor10 Allen. 1570 David\ b. 1842, m. Alice---. Records of the last three were from Clarence Wells of Petersburg, N. Y. 812 (t) Susanna I\.laxson, cl. 1896, m. 1831 Joseph L. Greene, b. Ber­ lin Feb. 8, 1808, d. Apr. 6. 1886 Adams, N. Y. (Record from David Maxson Greene's 1\1S. in New York City Library.) Ch.: Greene: 1571 David, b. July 8, 1832 Brunswick, N. Y., m. Jan. 31, 1855 Maria N. Skinner, dau, of Judge Calvin Skinner of Adams, N. Y., b. Sept. 17, 1832. No ch. Lived at Troy, N. Y. 1572 ( +) Albert, b. Aug. 3, 1838, grad. Rens. Pol. Tee. Inst., Troy, N. Y., 111. July 12, 1864 Eliza Story, d. Mar. 8, 1896. Naval Of­ ficer 37 yrs. 1573 George E., b. Sept. 12, 1843, d. unm. 1870.


11 2 819 (t) George• Clark (Keturah .Maxson, Josephr. John\ :i, ) and Desire11 339 (t) Bliven (Elinor" 1Iaxson, John ◄, \ :?). Ch.: Clarke:

1574 John", b. 1806 Orange1 Ill., m. 1827 Sophia Albright. Son Luth­ er11 Clarke, b. 1830, m. l\falinda Hall. Son Charles1° Clarke, b. 1857, was a fruit grower in Salem, Oregon. Dau. Emma11 Clarke, b. Nov. 14, 1896, m. vVilliam H. McCall, b. 1880, and they have "\Villiarn 1\kCall, b. 1910; Robert, b. 1917. Virkus, Vol. V, p. 323. 1575 Desire Ann", 1804-1881, m. 1823 George Snell, 1801-1892. Desc.: 10 John° P. Snell, 1824-1907, m. 1850 Eme!ine Flint; Fannie Snel1 , b. Ripley, Ind., m. Richard N. Pemberton. D.A.R. 103067, Vol. 104, p. 22. 7 0 5 3 826 (t) Daniel R. Maxson (prob. Augustus , Joseph , John4, , =) and Sarah Gray. Ch.: Maxson: 1576 1fary, b. 1834 in Canada (1860 Census), m. -- Reynolds. Last heard from in Oklahoma. 1577 Marion Frances, b. 1838 in Canada, cl. about 1928, bur. Battle Creek, Mich .. unm. A teacher and she practiced medicine. 1578 (--t-)Daniel Marshman, b. 1840 in Jefferson Co., N. Y., d. 1915, m. Anna .MacKinney. Bay City, 1\-Iich. A Miller. 1579 :rviaJcom R., b. about 1843, cl. unm. 1881. I 580 ( +) l\fatthew Lewis, b. 1849 Jefferson Co., m. 1878 Emma J. Stevens. Lived in Hampton, Bay Co., Mich., d. about 1930 Gary, Ind. Sarah Gray Maxson had a brother who was a retired officer of the British Royal Engineers and had received a grant of land on the St. Lawrence opposite Jefferson Co., N. Y. She had had a first husband, James A Taylor, and they had sons: Benjamin, who was killed in the Civil ,var; and James A., Jr., cl. a'!Jout 1890. The latter had a clau. Addie who m. \i\Tilliam l\faxson, a dentist of Ray City, l\lich. Daniel R. l\Iaxson, b. 1796 Rens. Co .. N. Y., lived in Canada ancl in Orleans. Jefferson Co., N. Y., and is said to have died on a trip from J effcrson Co. to look after his holdings in Sanilac Co., l\lich .. 1865. (James 1Iatthcw l\Iaxon. Hist. Jefferson Co., Part III, p. 177.) 7 0 829 (t) Joscph l\Iaxson (J oseph , \ John4, :i, ~). pioneer of Center­ ville, N. Y., 1804, tavern keeper and farmer, moved from Cen­ terville to Fairfield, \Vis., 1837, m. 1815 Amelia \rVarcl. Ch.: :Maxson: 11 1581 Austin 0. , b. Mar. 20, 1818, cl. Sept. 23, 1866. Son How­ ard A. 0 I\laxon, b. Nov. 22, 1864. Hist. Hillsdale Co., Mich., p. 805. 1582 (+)Arthur ,Nard, b. Centcrvme Mar. 10, 1820, d. Dec. 11, 1889, m. Lucy Ann Baldwin, b. Ashtabula Co., 0. They lived in Max­ sonvillc, \Vis., 1882, and later in Marshall, l\Iinn., where he died. 1583 Amelia, b. Mar. 18. 1822. 8 1854 Orrin T. , b . .!\Jar. 29. 1824, m. (prob.) Eunice l\IcCrary. Desc.: Orrin°, b. Sept. 14, 1855, m. Kate Irene Sherman. Ch.: Max-


10 son: Eunora , b. 1881 ; Evelyn, b. 1885; Rieta, b. 1886; and Harold, b. 1890. (Abbot Genealogy, p. 531.) 1585 Caroline, b. Dec. 1829, m. -- Barnes. 1586 Joseph A., b. Feb. 1834, d. 1847. 1587 Eilen, b. Jan. 1842, m. --Lyon. 11 2 832 (t) Jesse• l\faxson (Joscph , r., John\ :i, ) and Judith Clarke. Ch.: Maxson: 1588 Marvin M., b. Oct. 20, 1831 Centerville, N. Y., m. 1865 Delia Chipman, b. l\Ialonc, N. Y., of Elan and Rebecca Chipman. He was a druggist in Hudson, l\lich., an

1606 ( +) Darien Claudine, b. Sept. 4, 1851 Gallipolis, d. Oct. 1924 Columbus. 0., m. Dec. 4, 1877 Thomas Benton Kline, b. Sept. 26, 1840 Hagerstown, Md., cl. July 26, 1886 at Milton, W. Va. Lawyer of Huntington. vV. Va. (See Prominent Men of W. Va., 1886.) She m.2 Mar. 22, 1892 George W. Hamilton of Vin­ ton, O. 7 0 2 853 (t) Eunice Maxson (Varnum P., Benjaminr., John", 3 , ) and Uriah Mead of Morristown, N. Y. Ch.: 11.foad: 1607 James Alanson, b. Oct. 27, 1799, d. Friday, Oct. 31, 1823. 1608 Daniel P., b. Mar. 24. 1801, d. \Vecl., Oct. 29, 1823. 1609 Phineas l\L, b. Jan. 17, 1803, d. l\Ion., June 23, 1823. 1610 Sarah, b. Feb. 12. 1808, m. Feb. 22, 1827 Ira Delong. 1611 Benjamin '\V., b. Feb. 28, 1810, rn. l\far. 30, 1843 Betsey Lanphier. 1612 Hiram 0., b. Jan. 23, 1812, d. Apr. 14, 1896, m. May 18, 1827 Jane Taylor. 1613 Clarissa, b. Junt 8, 1815, m. Mar. 10, 1835 Joseph Dunn. 854 (t) Phineas7 Varnum Maxson (Varnum0 P., Benjamin~, John4, 3 2 , ) and Sophia Reynolds. Ch.: l\Iaxson: 1614 Ira, b. Oct. 19. 1804, cl. 1876. was of Greene Co., N. Y., in 1834. 1615 (+)Varnum Phineas, b. Feb. 12, 1808, d. about 1882 in Gene­ see, N. Y., m. Sept. 2-1-, 1834 Lucy Ann Maxson (No. 1477). 1616 Betsey, b. Feb. 23, 1810, d. Dec. 29, 1832, was the first wife of Stephen vVeaver by whom she had a son, Stephen \Veaver, who was living in Chenango Co., N. Y., in 1834. 1617 Benjamin, b. May 12, 1812. cl. July 27, 1830. 1618 (+)Reynolds Z., b. Kortright. N. Y., Mar. 23, 1814, d. Nov. 18, 1891 Bloomville. N. Y., m. :ti.far. 9, 1842 Lydia Butts, b. Kort­ right Dec. 18, 1818, cl. Bloomville, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1889, dau. of Capt. Abraham Butts (b. Nov. 30, 1772 Dutchess Co., N. Y., d. Dec. 28, 1858 Kortright) and Deborah Elliot (b. July 28, 1782, Dutchess Co., cl. Aug. 29, 1863 Meredith, N. Y.). Burial place: Riverside Cemetery, Bloomville. 1619 Phebe, b. l\Tar. 18, 1816, cl. in Pcwauke. \Vis., m. Aug. 1833 Stephen \\leaver, d. June 17. 1876 - (J. I. :rviaxson Records.) 1620 Nelson, b. Feb. 3, 1816, was of Delaware Co., N. Y., in 1834. 1621 Altron, b. Apr. 11, 1820, was of Delaware Co., N. Y., in 1834. 1622 "vVilliam C.. b. 1822. cl. 1827. 1623 Demarius, b. June 6, 1825, Delaware Co. in 1834. 1624 \Villiam, b. Nov. 3, 1827. Delaware Co. in 1834. 1 11 2 858 (t) Benjamin C. l\Iaxson (V. Phincas'1, Benjamin:1, John\ , ), wife Philander, when land was sold in the Hoffman & Ogden Tract Dec. 20, 1849. rccordecl at Canton, N. Y. He cl. Dec. 22, 1871 at Hammond, N. Y., leaving no ,viclow, but the following kindred: 1625 James S. Maxson, 1820-1890, (Brier Hill Cem., between Morris­ town and Hammond, N. Y.), m. Julia Manning, 1841-19-. Their ch.: (same cemetery) : (1) Franklin, cl. 1879 ae. 8 mo.; (2) Benjamin C., 1870-1913; Will 1901, proved Feb. 10, 1913, shows 2 sisters and a brother; ( 3) Harriet Maxson ; ( 4) Ena Maxson; and (5) James H. Maxson. 91 MAXSON FA;:\llLY- SEVENTH GENERATION

1626 Stephen I\faxson, 1823-1895; wife Theresa \Voodcook, 1836- 1920. Ch.: l\laxson: Herman. 1882-1900; Emma l\laxson Evans, 1863-1933,,-From Chippewa St. Cemetery, near Brier Hill Cem., buried there; also James H. :i\I axson. d. l 910 ne. 35 yrs. 1627 Almcron l\Jaxson. b. Oct. 5, 182i, cl. Oct. 9, 1892, of Hammond, N. Y. . 1628 John Maxson and J\manrla Ford of Dexter, Iowa. 1629 Pctctia l\laxson of Hammond. 1630 Eunice Dunham of Spring 1f ills, l\Jich. 1631 Betsey Gordon of Rosair, N. Y. 1632 Draco Krake of :\IaComb, N. Y. 1633 George 1\laxson, Co. K .. 1\Iich Vols., 1835-,1906. i\fonument en­ dowed in Brier Hill Cemctcrv. He was administrator of the estate of Benjamin C. Maxson. His will was signed Oct. 11, 1906, proved July 22. 1907, !\Iorristown, N. Y. He left his property to l\J art ha C. l\-1 cad. The preceding "kindred" may not all be children of Benjamin C. and Philander l\Iaxson. Some may be other "kindred". The data were furnished by Albert T. Maxson from a trip to St. Lawrence Co., Oct. 1941, and from letters to him from l\frs. Hazel Lo,very of Hammond. N. Y., a granddaughter of Eunice Maxson and Uriah l\Iead. 7 3 863 (t) Nancy I\laxson (Zaccheus°, Benjamin\ John4, , z) and Benjamin Saunders. Ch.: 1634 John" Saunders. 1809-1899, 111. Mary Garrison, 1819•1886. Desc.: I\Iary11 Saunders. b. 1832. m. 1855 Lewis Bright. Lillie10 Bright, b. l\H. Pleasant, l\·lich., m. J. P. Oge!. D.A.R. 65654. Vol. 66. 864 (t) See No. 728. 866 (t) Amelia• P. !vlaxson (Zaccheus0 Benj/\ John4, a, ::) and George S. Greene of Scott, N. Y. Ch.: Greene: 1635 Harriet Newell, 1822-18i4, m. Henry Burr. Cleveland Gen., p. 1598. 1636 Lora J ., b. 1823, m. 1\Iatilda Bather. 1637 Francis, b. 1826. livc .. d in Scott, N. Y. 1638 Elvira A.. h. Feb. 28, 1828, m. Albert Clarke, son of Job Clarke. 1639 Oliver Davis, b. Jan. 25, 1833, m. Kate Rich. 1640 :t\farion \V., b. June 3, 1835, m. Rev. A B. Prentice. Son, Dr. Alfred S., d. Feb., l 9-1-9, of Endicott, N. Y. Dau., Lucy, b. Aug. 6, 1867, d. l\Iar. 7, 1949, m. Oct. 17, 1888, Alfred J. Stillman, d. 1932( ?). 1641 Josephine, b. 1838. m. Charle.s B. Sutton. No ch. Seneca Falls. 867 (t) Enoch7 K. I\faxson (Zacchcus'1, Uenjamin:·, John\ :i, :i) and Laurinda Darling. Ch.: l\laxson: 1642 ( +) De \Vitt Clinton, b. Dec. 15, 1832 Genesee, N. Y., d. Oct. 25, 1898 Fredonia, Iowa, m. Aug. 21, 1856 Nancy Jane Spurgeon, dau. of Nelson, m.2 Oct. 23, 1864 Caroline Frances Huelle of Fredonia (Port. and Biog. Album Louise Co., Ia., 1899). 1643 ( +) Helen E.sther, b. l\Iay 26, 1834 Genesee. N. Y., d. Aug. 1, 1918 San Diego, Cal., m. Sept. 16, 1852 Chandler William Ells•


worth, b. July 15. 1831 Cooperstown, N. Y., d. July 25, 1900 San Diego, son of Ebenezer \Vecks ancl Susan (Balch) Ells­ worth. The family ,,·ent to Cal. in 1883. He was an officer in the Iowa Cavalry in the Civil \Var; merchant, landowner, Re­ publican member of the Assembly, and 33 degree Mason in SanDiego. 1644 Lavinia, b. Genesee, N. Y., 1836, d. San Diego Oct. 11, 1902, ae. 65, m. James Harris, d. San Diego Sept. 13, 1885. No ch. 1645 Ruby, b. 1838 Fredonia, Ia., cl. unm. 1646 Silence, b. Nov. 15, 1840, m. Elisha Chew. Both d. Fredonia. Dau. Effie 11 Chew, b. Oskaloosa, Ia., m. \Villiam Evans and they Jive at 1742 E. \Valnut St., Des l\Ioincs, Ia. Son £11110 10 Evans. b. 1900. 1647 Silvia, twin to Silence, d. unm. 1648 ( +) Louisa, b. 1845, Fredonia, cl. Sept. 10, 1934 Los Angeles, m. 1870 John \Vhistlcr. 1 3 2 868 (t) Zacchctts R. I\laxson (Zaccheus\ Benjamin~, John\ , ) and Temperance Coon. Ch.: l\faxson : 1649 ( +) vVelcome Reynolds, b. Nov. 4. 1834 Genesee, N. Y., d. Dec. 11, 1914, m. l\far. 20, 1856 Sophronia Grow of Martin Grow of Wirt, N. Y. 1650 ( +) Sally, m. Aug. 26, 183i Daniel l\Iaxson Burdick, b. Linck­ lcan, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1813, cl. l\Iay 6, 1900 Little Genesee, N. Y. (No. 1546.) See Burdick Genealogy. p. 289. 1651 ( +) Nancy l'vf., b. 1852 in Truxton. N. Y., cl. May 1899 Boli­ var, N. Y .. 111. Israel Howard Stone, h. 1822 Troy, N. Y., 1.I. Apr. 7, 1881 Portville, N. Y. (Legend: His father cl. before his birth and his mother cl. at his hirth. Bound out, he ran away after his guardian's second marriage ... D.A.R. 1'.Iag. Oct. 1946, p. 55.) Civil \Var Veteran with his four sons. 1652 Eliza. 1855 Census Genesee, N. Y.: Zaccheus R. l\Iaxson, 64. b. R. I.; Temperance. 61, h. Rens. Co.; \Vckomc R., 20, b. Alle­ gany Co.; Calista A., 26, b. Cortland Co.; Zaccheus R., 19, Nephew. 870 (t) See No. 729. 875 (t) Nancy7 l\faxson (Benjamin'\ r,. John\ :i, :i) and Mr. Kenyon. Ch.: Kcnvon : 1653 Ethan, m: Comfort ---, 1st cousin, and had Libbie. Herbert, and l\faudc. all d. y. 8 0 1654 Benjamin , m. Eli7.a Cottrell. Ch.: Kenyon: Floyd , m. 1\-linnie \Varren; George, m. -- Champlain; Bennie; and Fannie, m. Claire Andrus, and their son Kenyon Andrus died in France (vVorld \Var I). 4 876 (t) DavicF :Maxson (Benjamin°, ~, John • \ ::) ·and wife Mary. Ch. : Maxson : 1655 1\fary1\ m. Martin Babcock, moved from Genesee to Alfred, N. Y. Ch.: Babcock: Dc\Vayne1°, m. Fanny --- and they had 0 Paul; Faith; Fanny. DcForcst' ; and Viola, m. Professor Ken­ yon of Alfred and they had Dora Kenyon.


1656 James, b. 1829 1657 1658 Marshall 1659 Olcott P., b. 1835 1660 Abby, b. 1837 1661 Jand 1662 Dudley 1663 Elnora, b. 1842 1664 Augustus 0 3 2 877 (t) Sally7 Maxson (Benj. , G, John\ , ) and George Kenyon of Bolivar, N. Y. Ch.: Kenyon : 8 1665 ( +) Emily , m. Lewis Coon. 1666 (+)Angelina, m. Edgar Cowles. Above lists were from Mrs. J. L. Hardy of Aberdeen, '\Vashington, and she thinks there were other ch. and that one of them was: 1667 Sarah, m. Kenyon Wilcox. George Kenyon was an Entertainer and was a 32 Degree !vlason. 1667a Inez -- Pettitt. 878 (t) See No. 1398. 3 2 883 (t) Jarcd7 1\Jaxson (Benjamin6, ", John4, , ) and Harriet E. Burdick. Ch.: .l\faxson : 1668 Norman went west. 1669 Albertus went to Nortonville, Kan. 1670 Lucelia Harriet, b. Aug. 22. 1844 Little Genesee, N. Y., d. June 2, 1899, m. Feb. 9, 1861 William Cranston of Mansfield, Conn., b. June 28, 1837. He was an oil producer. Ch.: Cranston: Byron; Claude; and '\Villiam. Sec N. E. Hist. Reg., Vol. 80, p. 234. 1671 ( +) Cassius, b. Little Genesee, Aug. 22, 1848, d. Dec. 25, 1923 in Chica1;0. m.l Fannie Langworthy, b. Cuba, N. Y., m.2 Feb. 12, 1891 Belle DeNio, b. Feb. 12, 1863 Caneadee. N. Y. Cassius was a baby when his parents clied. He was adopted by Avery and Polly Stillman Coon. The other children were raised by Joel and Hulda 1\faxson Crandall. Cassius was a jeweler, edi­ tor, printer, and lecturer. 3 2 884 (t) Almira Maxson (Benjamin", r., John', , ) and Sam Stetson. Ch.: Stetson: 1672 Mary Ann, m. Fred Parkham. Oi.: Nettie and William Park­ ham. 1673 Hulda, m. Edward Foster. Ch.: Lena; Will; Satie; and Eddie Foster. Ch. bv 2nd husband, '\Villiam Prindle: Prindle: 1674 Sarah, m. George Rathburn. 1675 Frank. 1676 Horace. m. Alice Cummings, lived near Genesee, N. Y. 1 3 2 888 (t) Sally Maxson (Lyman", Benjamin\ John4, , ) and Joseph Curtis. Ch.: Curtis: 1677 Charlotte, b. 1834, m. Lester Bacon. Ch. : Bacon: Abiah and Abiathor. 1678 ( +) LaFayette, b. 1839, m. Mary Harrigan. 1679 (+)Mary Jane, b. 1842, m. Sidney Corkins. 1680 Hannah, b. 1845; a teacher. 1681 James, b. 1850. 899 (t) Harmon C. Maxon. half brother to Salty (884). had a son Chester lvfaxon, age 87 in 1936 of Erieville, N. Y. Descendants of Lyman Maxson by Harlow Curtis of Manlius, N. Y. 7 1 2 901 (t) Esther Maxson (Stephen 0. \ John4, 3, ) and Jesse Stillman


0 3 754 (t) (Elizabeth 1\foxson, David\ John\ , :i). Ch.: Stillman: 1682 Caty, b. Mar. 18, 1800, m. Dec. 20, 1829 Walter F. Worth, b. 1784 in Dutchess Co., N. Y. 1683 Betsey, b Dec. 4, 1806, d. Aug. 26, 1859. m. Rowland Hall. 1684 (+)Cornelia, b. l\fay 30, 1809, cl. June 29, 1883, m. June 22, 1826 Sebus Burdick. See Burdick Genealogy, p. 685. 1685 Halsey. b. Dec. 1811, m. July 9, 1831 Amelia Irish. DeRuyter. N. Y. 1686 Emma, b. Sept. 27, 1814. m. Jonathan Crandall. 1687 Adelia, b. Aug. 15, 1817, m. Silas Main. By his 2nd w. Jesse Stillman had 7 children. 6 1 902 (t) Stephen Maxson (Stephen , ', John\ 3, !!) and Desire Nich­ ols. Ch.: Maxson: 1688 Sally, b. June 14. 1803 Berlin, N. Y., m. 1vlar. 23, 1822 Samuel Seabury Hyde, b. Jan. 31, 1788 Franklin, Ct., d. Jan. 20, 1877 Pittstown, N. Y., son of Solomon and Susar ,a (Rogers) Hyde of Goshen, Ct. Hyde Genealogy. 1689 WiJliam Steward, b. Mar. 30, 1805 Berlin, cl. Jan. 5, 1824. 1690 Betsey, b. Feb. 24. 1807 Berlin, d. 1886 at Albany, m. Thomas Halstead. 7 ch. 1691 ( +) David Nichols, b. Apr. 9, 1809 Petersburg, d. 1879 Brook­ lyn, m. Mary Bumstead of Thomas and Mary. 1692 Catherine, b. Dec. 29, 1811 Petersburg, living 1892 in Troy. 1693 Hannah, b. Mar. 14, 1814 Petersburg, m. Alonzo Crandall. 1694 Jane, b. Feb. IS, 1825 Troy, N. Y., m. Charles Henry Carpenter, M. D., of Pittstown, N. Y. No ch. 1 3 904 (t) Joshua W,i l\faxson (Stephen'\ 5, John\ • :i) and Harriet Breeze. Ch.: Maxson: 1695 (+)Stephen Breeze, b. Jan. 1818 Hoosic, N. Y., d .Jan. 3, 1904 Pekin, N. C., m. Dec. S, 1839 Sarah Ray, b. Nov. 13, 1819 Wood­ grange, Ireland, cl. July 1, 1904 Pekin. 1696 Henry; and probably :Mary. 11 3 906 (t) Amy Maxson (Jared'1, Stephen , John\ , :i) and Zuriel Campbell had 10 ch. among whom was: 1697 Marcus Campbell, m. April 12, 1873 --, cl. Nov. 26, 1925, and they had: 1 Gertrude Amy, m. Howard C. Stewart of Au• burndale, \Vis.; 2 Edith, m. Jesse E. Hutchens of Milton, Wis.; 3 Zuricl of Grand Mound. Iowa; 4 l\fargaret C. of Hermister, Ore.; 5 Ray of Spokane. \Vash.; 6 Victor G. of Excelsior, Minn.; and 7 Florence B., m. Howard Gould of Buffalo Lake, Minn. 7 2 907 (t) Lucy Maxson (Jared'\ StephcnG, John', 3, ) and B. F. Potter. Ch.: Potter: 1698 Luther, killed at N. Loupe. Neb., July 16. 1888, m. July 2, 1870 Nancy Maxon at Farina, Ill. 2 daus.: one d. a young woman leaving a son, Leo Loofboro10 and Lela Green°. 7 7 3 2 908 (t) Eunice L. Maxson (Jared , Stcphen°, John\ , ) and Ed­ win Fuller of Bolivar, N. Y. Ch.: Fuller: 1699 William B .. b. l\Ia y 3, 1836. m. Caroline Lewis. Ch.: Fuller: Elizabeth; Anna; Ruby; Edwin; \,Villiam; Fred; and l\rlelvin.


1700 Lucy Angelina, b. Apr. 20, 1838, d. Jan. 20, 1921t m. Oct. 25, 1856 Zuricl \Vecdon Burdick, b. Feb, 6, 1833 Lincklcant N. Y., d. Mar, 15, 1874 Milton Junction, \iVis. Burdick Genealogy, p. 683. 1701 Jared l\I., b. Oct. 21, 18-t0 Bolivar, N. Y., d. 1916 at Veteran's Home, \Vaupau, \Vis., m.1 Duttc Knapp, m.2 Susan Clarke. Ch.: Fuller: \Villiam; Charles; Frank; and George, 1702 ( +) ElecLa Roena, b. Aug. 5, 1842, d. Oct. 8, 1904, 111. Feb. 22t 1865 Clinton R. Lewis. b. Nov. 30, 1838 Scio, N. Y. 1703 Harriet Philcna, h. Feb. 26, 1844 Bolivar, d. Nov. 8, 1898 N. Loupe, Neb., m. 1861 Loyal H. Lawton. 1704 Eunice Abigail, b. Ju]y 14, 1847, d. Apr. 25, 1922, m. Nov. 25, 1865 James L. \Villiams, b. l\fay 6, 1841 \,Virt, N. Y., of Daniel. 911 (t) Joshua7 G. 1'.faxson (Joel°, Stephen:;. John\ a, ~) and Lois Burdick. Ch.: Maxson: 1705 Luanna, b. Aug. 8, 1813 Plainfield, N. Y., cl. July 15, 1887. 1706 Truman B., b. Nov. 7, 1814, d. Jan. 7, 1871 Orange, Inn .. m. An­ gelina Clarke, b. July 4, 1814 of Joseph. Ch.: Duane Maxson of Redfield. Ia.; William Henry; Herbert E.; John; .1.nd Anna Maxson. 1707 l\falvina, b. Dec. 30, 1816, cl. Aug. 14, 1918, unm. 1708 ( +) Samuel Hubbard Coon, h. Oct. 4, 1818 Plainfield, d. Oct. 5, 1901 N. Loupe, Neb .. m. Sept. 1542 Cornelia Burd •.;k, b. 1822, div. 1865, m.2 July 5. 1866 S. E. Mitchell (of David from Pa. and Nancy Hunter from Ky.). See No. 2520. 1709 Henry C., b. Aug. 9, 1820, cl. Jan. 20, 1845, unm. 1710 ( +) Scv. Darwin E .. h. Sept. 15, 1822 Plainfield, d. Feb. 23, 1895 Alfred Center, N. Y., m. Nov. 28, 1849 Hannah A. Greene, b. 1831, d. Mar. 26, 1904 Alfred, dau. of Luke and Irma (Fisk) Greene. He grncluated from Alfred and Brown Universities. Professor of Science at Alf reel, Chaplain in the Civil \Var. S.D.B. Pastor at 1\1 ilton, \Vis. 8 yrs. Member of Assembly from the 2nd Dist. of Allegany Co., N. Y., and held the same office in Rock Co., \i\Tis., in 1869. 1711 ( +) Scwc11 Spaulcling, b. Sept. 8, 1826, d. Saunk Center, Minn., m. Oct. 29, 1869 Susan Davis, h. Verona, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1836, d. Eagle Lake. l\linn .• Jan. 29, 1922, clau. of Benjamin and Anna (Loin) Davis. 1712 Marilla Burdick, b. Nov. 23, 1821, killed by lightning July 2, 1843 Brookfield, N. Y. 1713 Danie) B., b. Oct. 31, 1829; al awJc•r; :, Hied in battle July 11, 1863, Port Hudson, La. 1714 :tvfartin VanBuren, b. Nov. 11, 1831, cl. unm. 1883. 1715 :tviary Louise, b. Jan. 31, 1834, m. Nov. 8, 1858 Frank Watts; farmer and harness maker, N. Loupe, Neb. 2 ch.: Henry A., m. 1884 Eva Green, d. 1888, m.2 Hannah Clement; and Earle A., b. Sept. 17, 1865, m. 1889 Nellie Clement. 1716 Artimissa, b. Judy 23, 1836, d. Nov. 20, 1889 unm., and insane (J. I. Maxson). Burdick Gen., p. 236. Joshua G. Maxson be­ came blind in the prime of life.


1 11 3 2 921 (t) Char1es Maxson (Benjam:n , Stephen\ John\ , ) and Catherine Saunders. Ch.: Iviaxson:

1717 (+) Samantha, b. July 17, 1824, d. June 61 1897, m. Mar. I, 1863 Charles Badger. N. Loupe, Neb. 1818 ( +) Horatia, b. Nov. 26, 1827, cl. Oct. 9, 1909, m. Nov. 16, 1854 Sarah C. Carr, b. Nov. 13, 1836, cl. Feb. 18, 1884, dau. of Slocum :md Deborah (Goodrich) Carr.

1719 Mary Ann, b. Aug. 12, 1830, d. Jan. 41 1872 Milton, Wis. See Hist. Rock Co., \Visconsin, p. 825. 11 3 922 (t) DunieF l\faxson (Benjamin , Stephen\ John◄, , ll) and Susan Miner. Ch.: Maxson: 1720 ( +) Maryette, b. 1far. 30, 1829 Alfred, d. Janesville, Wis., June 20, 1903, m. Oct. 15, 1846 Benjamin C. Hall, d. 1881. 1721 E. Lyman of Albion, Vv'is. 1722 Jannis. 1 8 2 923 (t) Martha Maxson (Benjamin°, Stephen\ John", ) and \-Villiam Crandall. Ch.: Crandall: 1723 Caroline, d. y. 1724 Charles of Alf red. 1725 Angelina Sutton of Naples. 1726 Russel of Alf red. 1727 Olive Batelle of \Vaterloo had 2 sons. "The elder had a son who was with his grandmother and may be Jiving now (1937). The younger son was Claude and was alive in Waterloo a few years ago."-J ulia Edna Maxon of Rochester. 1728 Stephen of Naples. 1729 ?i.forris of Alf red. 1730 Lucy. 1731 Laura Batelti of Bradford, Pa. 1732 William of Alfred. 924 (t) vVilliam1 Maxson (Benj.°, Stephens, John\ 3, :!) and Olive Burdick (No. 1544). Ch.: Maxson: 1733 ( +) Fernando Stephen, b. Dec. 25, 1835, m. Aug. 8, 1861 Almira C., dau. of Samuel Banks and Catherine (Marks) Clark, living at 53 Bell Ave., Cleveland, 0., in 1895. 1734 ( +) Martha Ann, b. Jan. 18, 1838 Alfred, d. Apr. 15, 1921 Alfred, m. Nov. 1, 1860 John G. Allen, b. Jan. 16, 1837. Merchant in Alfred. 1735 Lieut. Benjamin F., b. Nov. 12, 1843 Andover, d. Sept. 9, 1864 in the battle of Winchester, Va. 160 N. Y. Vols., 1862. 1736 Chester Albertus, b. Jan. 25, 1846 Andover, d. Mar. 21, 1935, m. Oct. 29, 1868 Susan E. Burdick. 7 11 1 3 2 925 (t) Jared Maxson (Benj. , Stephen \ John\ , ) and Susan Pickens of Brockport, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 1741 (+)Willard Jay, b. Jan. 28, 1835 Clarkson, d. Jan. 9, 1906 Ro­ chester, N. Y., m. Sept. 12, 1855 Sarah Ann Jackson, b. Sept, 25, 1836 St. Catherines, Canada, cl. Feb .25, 1914 Rochester, dau. of William and Phebe (Brown) Jackson of Eng. Contractor and Builder. Brockport and Rochester. Methodist.


. 1742 (+)George Lewi, b. June 27, 1841 Clarkson, d. Mar. 20, 1917 at 69 Cady St., Rochester, m. Aug. 30, 1861 E11en A. King, b. \.Yaync. Eric Co., Pa., cl. Apr. 9, 1916 Rochester. (D.A.R. Rec., \Vash., DC., Vol. 19, p. 198). Dau. of Randall and Eliza (Crane) King of Kendall, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. 1743 Frank .Martin, Jan. 3, 1847-Aug. 26, 1850. 3 927 (t) Stephen· 1\1axson (Ecnj.°, Stephent•, John\ , ::) and Lois 1\L Babcock. Ch.: l\faxson: 1744 Caroline A., b. July 4, 1840 l\Iilton, \Vis., m. J. F. Wood. 1745 (t) Samuel Russel, b. Jan. 7, 1843 Milton, m. July 18, 1864 Mary Elizabeth Paul, b. Oct. 4, 1849, dau. of John and Mary (Fitz­ simmons) Paul of \Vala ,vata, Washington. 1746 Martha A., b. l\Iar. 2, 1846, m. Jesse Drumhler. \Valla WaI1a. 1747 Frances Adelia, b. July 6, 1850, m. --- Coston. Cottonwood, Idaho. 3 2 928 (t) Lucretia i\Jaxson (Benj., Stephen, John', , ) an


7 0 5 931 (t) Hannah 1faxson (Daniel , , John", a, ::) and John Vaughan of Varysburg, N. Y. and Clinton, Mich. Ch.: Vaughan: 1762 (+)'William, b. Aug. 30, 1817, d. Aug. 14, 1891, m.1 Apr. 16, 1844 Cynthia l\Joorehouse, m.2 Apr. 16, 1846 Almira Seymour. Newtown, Iowa. 1763 J crush a, b. Sept. 23, 1819, d. before 1889, m. Nov. 5, 1839 Silas H. Davis. Lived in Mich. and had children. 1764 Sally Ann, 1822-1831. 1765 Henry M., b. July 8, 1824, d. May 30, 1854, m. Mary C. Felton. They lived in Newton, Iowa. 2 children. 1766 Orrin, 1826-1827. 1767 Samuel, b. May 23, 1828, d. about 1861, m. and lived in Newton, Ia. Had a dau. living in Cala. in 1922. 1768 Amanda !vI., b. Feb. 1831, cl. Mar. 14, 1866, m. l\Iar. 13, 1850 Welcome B. Fisk. Clinton, Mich. 1769 John, b. Oct. 2, 1833, d. lVIar. 1920, m. Oct. 23, 1855 Cornelia Piper. They lived in Newton, Iowa. 1770 Marion H., b. Apr. 25, 1836, m. 1858 Thomas Arthur. Newton, Ia., Oakland, Cala., and Bellingham, Wash. 6 children. 1771 Theodore, 1838-1841. 1772 Francis S., 1841-1844. 11 11 932 (t) John J. Maxson (Daniel , , John". 11 , :!) and Luna Tomp­ kins of Earls, N. Y., and Hillsdale, Mich. 7 ch. and by 2nd wife Harriet A. Eastman 10 children. Ch.: Maxson: 1773 William D., b. Feb. 19, 1825, m. Jane --and he d. 1852, said to have been an M. D. 1 1774 Catherine Ann \ b. Sept. 22, 1826, cl. June 4, 1901, m. Dexter I\Iunger, d. Dec. 30, 1862. 4 ch.: Munger: Luna, d. 1919. m., no children, lived in Waterloo; Elva, b. July 31, 1854, cl. July 24, 1905, m. Edward Getts and had Charles, Carrie and Prim; John°, b. Apr. 28, 1857, m. Minnie Ingalls and he cl. 1892, no ch.; 11 and Harlow • 1775 ( +) Martin Whipple, b. J Jly 2, 1828, d. Oct. 17, 1899, m. Aug. 14, 1851 Susan A. Blake. Leslie, Mich. 5 ch. 1776 (+)Luna Rcmina, b. Mar. 19, 1830, d. Feb. 26, 1905, m. July 2, 1850 Richard J. Burt. Coldwater, Mich. 1777 ( +) John Fremont, b. Apr. 4, 1832, d. Nov. 16, 1917, m. Martha J. 1fabee July 2, 1863. \rVaterloo, Ind. Hist. DeKalb Co., In­ diana, 1855, p. 899: F. J. Maxon, Jeweler, Waterloo, b. Green­ bush, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1832, son of Jchu J. Maxon and Luna Tompkins, m. 1863 Martha Mabee, clau. of James of Lock­ port, N. Y. 1778 ( +) George Cippery, b. Jan. 16, 1834, cl. Feb. 24, 1916, m. Oct. 4, 1857 Deliah A. Harmon. Coldwater, Mich. 1779 ( +) Caroline, b. June 1, 1835, d. July 25, 1889, m. Jan. 1, 1859 Charles Basset. Waterloo, Ind. 1780 \.Valter Harvev, b. Nov. 8, 1840, killed in the Civil \Var. 1781 James Rollin, ·b. Apr. 8, 1842, d. Leoni, Mich., ae. 6 mo. 1782 ( +) Harriet Amanda, b. Nov. 9, 1844, cl. Oct. 6, 1921, m. June


25, 1867 Simon S. \Voodruff, b. Feb. 1, 1843, d. Feb. 7, 1930. Hillsdale, 1\Jich. · 1783 (+) Frederick Charles, b. Jan. 4, 1846, m. Feb. 5, 1874 Jane A. \Vebstcr. Adrian, Mich. 1784 (+)Mary Louise, b. Sept. 17, 1847, cl. Oct. 26, 1823, m. Apr. 15, 1867 Andrew \Vcathcrwax. Jackson, Ii.Heh. 1785 ( +) Almcron Curtis, b. 1\fay 21, 1849, m. Aug. 13, 1869 Isabe11a L. \Voocl. They lived in Pittsford, Mich. 1786 ( +) Byron Adelbert, b. Feb. 7, 1851, m. May 18, 1873 Nellie L. Fuller. Fresno, Cala. 1787 (+) Georgiana, b. Sept. 19, 1853, m. Jan. 1, 1873 Oscar L. \iVcatherwax. Jackson, Mich. 1788 Henry Arthur, b. Oct. 18, 1856, believed to have d. in Texas. 1789 ( +) Etta Eliza, b. Oct. 7, 1861, m. June 12, 1879 Charles W. \,Vasson. Spokane, \Vashington. 0 1 3 933 (t) Katherine' .l\faxson (Daniel , 1, John\ , ~) and Checkley Palmer of Wrn. N. Y. and Eaton Rapids, Mich. Ch.: Palmer: 1790 (+)Daniel W., d. Apr. 1, 1871, ae. 50•6-5, m.1 Antionette Covey, 10 ch.; m.2 Josephine Bernard Jan. 1868, 1 ch. 1791 Ros wen had at least 3 ch.: Francis; Roswell Jr., and Frank. 1792 John Vv., m. the widow of his brother Daniel W., in Feb. 1887. He d. Nov. 16, 1916. One ch.: Dan 1889-1895. 1793 Keziah, d. Ashland, Ore., m. Perrine --. 1794 ( +) Uretta Demarius, b. July 7, 1829, d. Feb. 23, 1898 in Inde­ pendence, Kan., m. 1849 Reuben R. Riddle. Eaton Rapids, Eu­ reka, Strawberry Valley and Marysville, Cala. 1795 Lucy, b. Sept. 1, 1839. d. Apr. 14, 1915, m. Dec. 4, 1861 John H. 1\f ead. Eaton Rapids. Mich. 3 2 935 (t) Roswe]F Reed Maxson (Daniel'\ 5, John\ , ) and W. Lutia Eastman of Needmore, Mich. Ch.: 1\faxson: 1796 (+)Emory, b. July 2, 1831, m. Amelia McCarger. They had 3 children. 1797 Wilbur, b. Oct. 16, 1832, m. ·--, lived at Charlotte, Mich., and had several ch. 1798 Daniel, b. Sept. 1, 1834. 1799 Sally, h. Ivfoy 12, 1836, m. Francis Carpenter. 1800 ( +) Roswell R., b. I\Iar. 111, 1838, cl. Feb. 13, 1922, m.l Ascnath DeGraff, no ch., m.2 1868 1\fary E. Harrington, 2 ch. 1801 Juliette, b. Oct. 15. 1840. 1802 Carmelia, b. 1842. 1803 Theodore, b. 1845. 1804 l\fartha, b. 1846. 1805 LeRoy, b. 1849, cl. in Kan. 1806 Elnora, b. 1851, m. Theron Moyer. 1807 Marilla Luta, b. Mar. 1, 1854 (Ch. by 2nd w.), m. Andrew Barnes. vVichita, Kansas. 7 2 937 (t) Mal'ia Maxson (Danie1°, \ John\ a, ) and Alan Matterson. Ch .b. in Wm. N. Y. before 1846: f\{atterson: 1808 Joseph, cl. about 1851.


1809 ( +) Julius Caesar, 1836-Dec. 29, 1904, m. Eleanor Potter. Portage, 1Hch. 1810 Ira Daniel, b. Apr. 27, 1S38, d. Sept. 7, 1920, m. Jan. 24, 1881 Estella Lanning. No ch. 1811 Helen Jeannette, !vlar. 13, 1842-Jan. 17, 1920, m. Jan. 22, 1867 John S. Chubb. 1812 Glasier, cl. about 1867 leaving 2 ch., m. Almira --. Almira m.2 Ivlr. Joseph in 1922. Alva, Okla. Ch.: Dora11 Matterson, m. -- Fell. Alva, Okla.; and J ulius11 B. l\Iatterson, b. Apr, 5, 1867, m. Sept. 15, 1891 Minnie Scott. Kansas in 1922. 1813 Hannah, 1848-1919, m. Ruffian Thay~r. Commerse, Okla. Ch.: Thayer: Ira11 and Effie", d. before 1922; Ola0 of Okla.; and Rose" Covert. 1814 Malinda, d. in her teens. 938 (t) Daniel J.1 Maxson (Daniel°, c;, John\ a, =) and Elizabeth Varnsdale. Ch.: Maxson: 1815 Sarah Estella, Jan. 1, 1850-May 29, 1919, m. Sept. 16, 1875 Smith 5 8 M. Munger. Tipto-n, Mich. 4 ch.: Fay ; Kay ; Adella 8, and 8 Jay , d. y. 1 1816 May Josephine \ b. May 18, 1858, m. Sept. 19, 1881 George W. Knapp. 2 ch.: Knapp: Leila" Rosetta, b. Jan. 8, 1884, m. Nov. 24, 1905 S. Bartley Cannell. Los Angeles; Lillian°, 1886-1892. 1817 ( +) Alpheus CCoons, b. Oct. 3, 1860, m. Aug. 26, 1896 Bessie B. Bossonette. East Lansing, Mich. 3 ch. 7 5 3 939 (+)Betsey E. Maxson (Daniel°, , John\ , :?) and Rev. Perry Z. Skinner of Chester, :rv!ich. Ch.: Skinner: 1818 Valorous P., b. Aug. 14, 1841, d. May 9, 1920, m. Apr. 30, 1864 Adaline Eddy. Battle Creek, Mich. 2 ch. 1819 Adelaide Adell, b. Dec. 13, 1843, m. Apr. 30, 1876 Hiram Corliss. Bellevue, Mich. 2 ch. 1820 Homer F., b. Sept. 20, 1846, cl. May 30, 1884, m. Oct. 19, 1871 Rebecca Stark. Ovid, l\1ich. 3 ch. 1821 Catherine Amanda, b. Jan. 26, 1849, cl. umn. Nov. 26, 1870. 1822 Gillispie Daniel, b. Mar. 31, 1851, m. Jan. 12, 1881 Ruth Sher­ man. 3 ch. Grand Ledge, :rvlich. 1823 Alice, b. 1853, m. 1877 William Flemming. m.2 Uria Corliss. No ch. 1824 Zuinless Alonzo, 1856-1857. 1825 Lauren Alcea, b. July 22. 1858, m. Sept. 3, 1888 Philander Bishop. Chesaning, Mich., 3 ch. 1826 Varian Augustine, b. Feb. 17, 1861. m. Dec. 24, 1893 Olivia Moskle. Grand Lodge, Mich. No ch. 0 2 940 (t) Lucy Henrietta' Maxson (Danicl , ~, John\ :i, ) and John W. McCarger of Roxana, Mich., Ch.: McCarger: 1827 B. Oct. 2, 1846, d. unm. and insane 1876 in the asylum at Kala­ mazoo. 1828 John W., b. June 29, 1848, d. Mar. 17, 1894, m. Dec. 22, 1872 Abbie Falkinburg. Lincoln, Neb. 3 ch.


1829 Daniel M., b. Apr. 28, 1850, d. 1884, m. Amanda Landis. Edin- burg, Ind. 1830 George W., b. Feb. 7, 1852, d. 1903, Central City, Colo. 3 ch. 1831 William A., b. Jan. 7, 1854, m. --, d. --. 1832 Marietta, b. Feb. 15, 1857, m. 1881 Frederick C. \Vallington. Lansing, 1-Iich. Ch.: Ivan° D. Wallington, m. Erma Cameron. 1833 Douglas J., 1859-1921. 1834 Charles H., b. June 16, 1861, m. ,--, son John. Detroit in 1922. 7 1 3 941 (t) Julia Ann Maxson (Daniel'\ ', John\ , ~) and John Lud- wick of Pewamo, Mich. Ch.: Ludwick: 1835 Wi!Jiam H., d. 1910, ae. 66. Son Benjamin of San Diego, Cala. 1836 Augustus E., cl. ae. about 22. 1837 Lucy P., m. J. 0. Crane. Ionia, Mich. 1838 Emma E., b. about 1850, m. Abram DeLong. Cala. 1839 John Jay, b. Dec. 5, 1852, m.1 Dora Betts, m.2 Alta L. Maxson, 1864-1920. Coverdale, Mich. 1840 Asa W., 1855-1896. Norwalk, Conn. 1841 Julia A., 1857-1899. 1842 Charles A., 1859---. Grand Ledge, Mich. 7 3 942 (t) Paulina Maxson (Danie1°, Ii, John", , =) and Cyrus Heath Thompson of Marshall and Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Ch.: Thomp­ son: 1943 Alice, 1844-1848. 1844 Cynthia PriscilJa, b. Mar. 11, 1846, m.l Dec. 22, 1864 William WeJis, 3 ch., m.2 May 20, 1880 Isaac E. \Nilcox. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 4 ch.: Alice; Herbert; John; and Grace. 1845 Cyrus Herbert ,1848-1909, m. 1871 Cornelia Bassett. Marshall, Mich. 1846 Evangeline, b. 1853, m.1 Jan. 27, 1875 William H. Blake, m.2 l\far. 20, 1879 Samuel A. Foster. 1847 May Viola, b. Oct. 28, 1857, m. July 26, 1877 Francis H. Dusen­ bury, m.2 Hamilton H. Humphrey. Mt. Pleasant, Mich, 1848 Lizzie Bell, b. May 10, 1860 Coldwater, Mich., d. unm. Aug. 18, 1877 at Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 7 0 2 943 (t) John F. Maxson (Elias , Danielr., John\ :i, ) and Almira Shook of Earls, N. Y. Ch. : Maxson: 1849 (+)Wellington, b. Dec. 19, 1842, was a charter member of the F. & A. M. of Varysburg, m. Mar. 14, 1866 Aurilla Cooper, dau. of Sanford Cooper. 5 ch. 1850 George Washington, b. July 3, 1846, m. Dec. 26, 1899 Sylvia Danley. No ch. 1922 was living with his brother Wellington, d. there. 7 3 2 944 (t) Hannah Maxson (Elias°, Daniel\ John\ , ) and Benjamin Nelson of Attica, N. Y. Ch.: Nelson : 1851 Wilbur, b. Dec. 2, 1836, d. Mar. 6, 1906, m. Dec. 13, 1866 Demia C. Smith. 2 ch.: Helen D. 11 Nelson, b. June 18, 1869, m. Dec. 25, 1897 Lowell M. Hanks. Conesus, N. Y. no ch.; and Kate Cor­ nelia9 Nelson, b. June 26, 1876, m. July 6, 1905 Percy L. Hanks.


One ch.: Wilbur L.10 Hanks, b. July 12, 1911. Attica, N. Y. 1852 Franklint b. Sept. 17, 1837. Civil War Veteran. d. unm. 1853 Sarah, b. Nov. 20, 1842, d. unm. Aug. 29t 1864. 1854 ( +) \Villiam, b. Feb. 14, 1846, d. Feb. 20, 1887, m. Oct. 12, 1871 Allie J. Vincent. Attica. 3 ch. 1855 Helen, b. June 11, 1848, d. unm. July 16, 1865. Attica. 945 (t) Edwin T.7 1\faxson (Elias", Daniel\ John\ :t, :?) and Lovisa Gardner of Attica, N. Y. Ch.: :rvfaxson: 1856 Marion'', m. ---, had 2 sons: Eugene0 Maxson of Athboy, S. Dakota; and ---, in Varysburg, N. Y. in 1943. 1857 Ella, d. about 1919. 1858 George, no ch. 1859 Hattie, d. ---, no ch. 7 3 2 946 (t) Katherine Maxson (Elias\ Daniel\ John4, , ) and Wil­ liam Cooper of Earls, N. Y. Ch.: Cooper: 1860 (+)Chester, m. before 1856, separated about 1864, Betsey Willis. 6 ch. She m.2 Roger Lawton and (probably) went to Grand Rapids, Mich. 1861 Dexter, d. about 1859, ae. 27, m. Anna Spencer, had a son, lived near Earls, N. Y. 1862 Hannah. 1 11 3 2 948 (t) Lucy A. Maxson (Elias , Daniel'\ John\ , ) and Orrin D. Mitchell of Varysburg, N. Y. Ch.: Mitchell: 1863 Layfette, killed in the Civil War. 1864 Charles, went to Michigan. 1865 Rosetta. 1866 Drusillia, m. James Bentley, lived in Johnsburg, N. Y., d. 1887. 2 ch.: Dau. m. 1889 Henry Smith; and Elias Bentley of N. Y. City. 1 11 3 2 953 (t) Joseph A. Maxson (Elias , DanielG, John 4, , ) and Sarah A. Wicker of Darien, N. Y. Ch.: :rviaxson: 1867 Harriet M., b. & cl. 1867, bur. Darien Center beside her mother. Ch. bv 2nd w., Lena Hartman: 1868 May ~Belva, b. l\Tay 21, 1881, m. Dec. 31, 1902 Levi Geisler, liv­ ing 1922 near St. Joseph, Mich. 8 ch.: Geisler: Leonard Levi, b. May 28, 1903; Lena E.; Verna May; Mabel, 1907-1908; Agnes; Jldilton; Nelson; Gordon I., b. July 28, 1918. 7 3 959 (t) Ann Elizabeth Ivlaxson (Isaac". Daniel\ John', , ::!) and Gardiener Wood. Ch.: Wood: (Coggeshall Genealogy.) 1869 Caleb. Son d. No ch. 1870 Alonzo, d. unm. 1871 Edgar Bloomfield8, b. June 13, 1838, m. Sept. 25, 1858 Susan E. Cole, b. Nov. 13, 1838, dau. of Olney and Roby (Hopkins) Cole. 4 ch.: Wood: I, Cora, d. ac. 9 yrs.; 2, l\fabel Estella, m. Frank Ashton, m.2 Richard Scott; 3, Harrict0 Ann, m. Charles Ham~ mett Weeden. No ch. P. 0. 1947, Mrs. Harriet W. \Vceden, 66 Lincoln Ave., Riverside 15, R. I. She furnished the data for the descendants of lsaac6 Maxson; 4, Walter Lewis, unm.


11 960 (t) \Villiam Maxson (Joshua', Daniel , John", 3, =) and Salina C. .Mumford. Ch.: Maxson: 1872 Edward W., b. Feb. 3, 1844 Troy, N. Y., m. Nov. 7, 1867 Eliza­ beth C. Mull, b. May 3, 1847 Schenevas, N. Y., cl. Sept. 10, 1875

Carrettsville, O. 1 m.2 Dec. 14, 1876 Eudora B. Lockwood of Philander and Mary (Voris) Lockwood. Lawyer, A.M. and L.L.B. Prosecuting attorney for Blink Morgan who was hung. Res. 1895 Ravena, 0. Dau. Maude b. Apr. IO, 1874 Garretsville, Ohio. 1873 Son b. 1858, lived on the home farm at Hiram, 0. Unm. 7 11 %4 (t) Laura Maxson (Joshua\ Daniela, John\ , ::) and Sylvester Packer. Ch.: Packer: 1874 Angeline, b. Garrctsville, 0., m. Cyrus Ryder. 1875 Mary, m. E.G. PhiJlips. "He made his fortune then went west." 1876 Lorinda, m. -- Taylor, a minister. 1877 Lucy, d. unm. 1878 Arthur. 1879 Ella. 967 (t) \i'/illiam 7 B. Greene (Fanny', Bliven Eleanor:1 Maxson, 11 John", , :!) and Mary Hiscox. Ch.: Greene: 1880 ( +) Wil1iam 8 B., b. Apr. 21, 1827, cl. Mar. 14, 1899, m. Caroline Clarke, b. Jan. 3, 1823, d. Oct. 21, 1912, dau. of Samuel B. Clarke (b. Feb. 16, 1787 Hopkinton, cl. Jan. 18, !~50 Andover, N. Y.) and Tacy Maxson, b. Dec. 20, 1788, d. May 11, 1828, dau. of John Maxson of Brookfield, N. Y. (Not located - perhaps No. 270.) 970 (t) Caleb7 WeJJs (Ruth6 Burdick, Zaccheus5 Burdick, Dorothy3 2 Maxson, John:i, ) and Mary Wait of Petersburg, N. Y. Ch.: Wells: 1881 ( +) Horace W., 1824-1907, m. 1855 Hulda Jane Young, 1836- 1931, both bur. Petersburg. He had flax, saw, grist, and cider mills. Comm. of Highways. Supervisor of Petersburg. 1882 Mary, m. Henry Lewis. Son, WiJJiam Lewis of Newark, 0. 1883 William S., d. Perry Co., 0., m. Elizabeth Walser. 1884 Zaccheus, b. 1836, d. N. Y. City, m. Eusebia Babcock. 1885 Pamelia, m. Henry Hartshorn. Petersburg. 7 5 971 (t) Sheffield Maxson (Jemima\ Jonathan , ", II, John~) and Martha Kenyon. (Richmond, R. I.) Ch.: Maxson: 1886 (+) Jemima, b. Sept. 13, 1815, m. John A. Spencer of Warwick, R. I., b. May 14, 1813, d. June 27, 1900 Nantick, J,.-fass. 1887 ( +) Louise, b. Jan. 9, 1817, d. Aug. 11, 1894, m. Oct. 26, 1836 Daniel Horatio Goff of Coventry, son of Daniel and Isabella (Stone) Goff. 8 Dodge St., Providence, R. I. 1888 (+) Tabitha, b. July 5, 1818, d. Dec. 11, 1896, m. Oct. 13, 1846 William Metcalf Morse of Woonsocket. 104 Hope St., PMvi­ dence, R. I. 1889 Jonathan Hazelton, b. Oct. 10, 1819, d. Dec. 29, 1840 unm. 1890 ( +) Sheffield Kenyon Nelson, b. Dec. 20, 1820 Woonsocket, d. July 30, 1862 Providence, bur. Woodville, m. Oct. 6, 1846 Eliza Maria Davis, b. Apr. 21, 1826, d. May 14, 1877, dau. of John


Dads and Eliza Ward of Palmer, Mass. 1891 ( +) Gorton Whitman Arnold, b. Oct. 7, 1822, cl. Jan. 6, 19101 m. July 301 1861 Martha 1\'lallory Burlingame, b. Oct. 11, 1835, Smithfield, R. I., clau. of Sanford and Phebe (Mowry) Burlin­ game. Blackstone, Mass. 1892 Isaac Collins, Apr. 11, 1824-Oct. 8, 1826, was a twin to: 1893 (+)Amos Collins, cl. Jan. 11, 1898, m. Jan. 8, 1852 Elvira Heath :.tvlansfield, b. Dec. 13, 1826, Hope, Mc., cl. Feb. 15, 1892 Malden, Mass. He was in the soap business. Also was a carpenter. 1894 ( +) William \.Vallace, b. Dec. 10, 1826, d. Nov. 11, 1890, m. Nov. 1, 1861 Sarah Ann Hoxsie of Richmond. Lived in Woodville, R. I. 1895 Clarissa, Feb. 6, 1829-Mar. 25, 1833. 18% Isaac Collins, May 20-June 2, 1830. 7 6 11 3 974 (t) George P. Maxson (Jonathan , , John\ Jonathan , John=) and 1468 (t) Marcie M. Carpenter. Ch.: Maxson: 1897 Sarah, 1845-1850. 1898 George Henry, 1847-1850. Ch. by 3rd wife, Lydia Ann Maxson: Maxson: 1899 John, b. Jan. 25, 1857, cl. June 3, 1870. 1900 Dau. b. Oct. 30, 1859, d. June 3, 1870. 1901 Carrie, b. Oct. 30, 1859 at Alfred, N. Y., d. unm. Dec. 26, 1937. 1902 ( +) Frederick, b. June 13, 1862 at Beverly, N. J., d. Jan. 21, 1934 in Philadelphia, Pa., m. Oct. 17, 1888 Clara Tompkins Crawford, b. June 21, 1864, cl. Nov. 23, 1945, dau. of Samuel and Augusta (Smith) Crawford. 7 6 3 976 (t) \,Villiam Maxson (Jonathan , to, John\ Jonathan , John:!) and Sarah Rogers. Ch.: Maxson: 1903 A son b. & cl. 1836, DeRuyter, N. Y. 1904 ( +) Charles Albertus, b. DeRuyter, Mar. 19, 1838, cl. Sept. 29, 1906, m.1 May 1, 1862, then div., Frances G. Priest, m.2 Nov. 30, 1874 l\fatilda Maria, dau. of Nelson and Catherine (Saunders) Reynolds of Milton, \Vis. 1905 ( +) William Edgar, b. DeRuyter Oct. 12, 1840, d. May 15, 1893, m. Feb. 18, 1875 Margarette Ann Niblock, b. Mar. 1, 1852,


l\Iatilda Mandana \iVikox (Matilclar. Stillman, Ethan~ Stillman, Mary3 Davis, John:: Davis, Rev. \Villiam 1 Davis ... See under No. 62 ... also sec Alfred Sun, Sept. 6, 1945, Genealogy in series.). Ch.: Maxson: 1909 ( +) Albertus Wilcox, b. June 24, 1846 Pawcatuck, Ct., m. Sept. 17, 1873 Isabel Augusta Randolph, b. Feb. 18, 1852 Westerly, R. I., dau. of Thomas F. and Caroline Matilda (Yarnall) Ran­ dolph. 1910 Henry Martin, b. Mar. 28, 1852 Pawcatuck, m. Dec. 30, 1879 Henrietta Louise Lewis, dau. of Dr. Edwin and Louise (Brown) Lewis. Dau. Ruth11 Maxson, b. Feb. 10, 1881 Westerly. 1911 (+)Jonathan Irving, b. Sept. 22, 1856 Pawcatuck, Ct., d. Sept. 23, 1924 Westerly, R. I., m. Nov. I, 1881 Sarah Yarnall Ran­ dolph, d. July 11, 1924, clau. of Thomas F. and Caroline M. (Yarnall) Randolph. 1912 Frank Howard, b. June 19, 1859, d. Oct. 14, 1863 Pawcatuck, R. I. 982 (t) See No. 1106. 983 (t) John A.1 Saunders (Catherine Maxson, John\ 4, Jonathan:,, 2 John ) and Susan Gould. Ch. : Saunders: 1912 John G. 1913 Jole. 1914 William Edward. 1915 Daniel. 1916 Benjamin. 1917 Stevens. 1918 Susan Catherine. 1919 William Gould. 1920 Thomas Coggeshall. 1921 Ellen Greene. 1922 Izett Eugene. 1923 Martin Luther. 1924 Stillman. Dates, around 1850. Places, S. Kingston and nearby places in Rhode Island. 988 (t) Stcphen7 Saunders (Cathcrine0 Maxson, Johni;, ", Jonathan\ 2 John ) and Sally Greene Gardener of S. Kingston, R. I. Ch.: Saunders: 1925 (+)Mary Catherine, b. Aug. 19, 1847, cl. Dec. 4, 1925, m. Aug. 0 0 10, 1867 Theophilus C. Ball (Abel , , Peter\ Edward\ John::, 1 Ed,va!·J ), cl. Nov. 13, 1933. Foreman in Cotton Textile Mills. 1926 Sarah Blanche, b. Oct. 6, 1839, cl. May 23, 1931, m.l Andrew Keach, hacl one ch.: Annie Keach who m. Samuel E. Thayer 8 0 6 3 2 Geo. W.9, Samue1 , Ebenezer\ , , ", Isaac , Ferdinando , 1 Thomas ), m.2 William Caswell of Narragansett. No ch. 1927 Minnie Ann, b. July 8, 1855, d. Mar. 19, 1894, m. Thomas Moore and had ch.: Ada and Howard Moore, both m. and have no ch. 1928 Stephen Cranston, b. Feb. 27, 1857, cl. May 1, 1930, m.1 Alice Sullivan, had 3 ch.; m.2 and_ m.3 and had no ch.


1929 ( +) Ella Richards, b. Dec. 7, 1859, d. Jan. 13, 1937, m. George A. Brown. Jamestown, R. I. 1011 (t) William Bliss7 Maxson (\,Villiam B.°, Caleb", John', Jona­ 2 than8, John ) and Amanda Titsworth. Ch.: Maxson: 1930 Harry L., b. Aug. 9, 1870 Plainfield, N. J. 1931 Mabel Amanda, b. Feb. 6, 1872 Plainfield, N. J. 1014 (t) See No. 1026. . 7 0 3 1016 (t) William B. Maxson (Joshua B. , Calebr;, John', Jonathan , J ohnz) and Lucy Carpenter of Petersburg, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 1932 (+)Helen Euphemia, b. July 3, 1841, m. Seth Adelbert Parish. They lived at Auburn, N. Y. 1933 Solomon C., b. Sept. 8, 1843, cl. May 1, 1870. 1934 Ruth Goodrich, b. 1847, d. 1879, m. Lucius Heritage. Dau. Lucia Heritage grad. from Milton College, teacher's course. The family is said to have died from tuberculosis. 1935 Albert William, b. Nov. 29, 1850, d. 1913 Milton Junction, Wis., m. Amanda Evelyn Clarke, dau. of Henry F. and Harriet A. (Champlin) Clarke. Several other ch. d. y., by 2nd w. Clarke Gen., p. 161. William B. 7 Maxson was a farmer in Petersburg. After his 2nd m. he moved to Walworth, Wis., where he lived about 15 yrs., farming and in the mercantile business, and hold­ ing town offices, Ordained in 1869, he preached 5 yrs. in J as­ per, Mo., and later he preached in Utica, Wis., where he lived his remaining years. 7 0 3 1017 (t) Sylvanus C. Maxson (Joshua B. , Calebs, John"', Jonathan , 2 J ohn ) and Mary F. Hole um. Ch.: Maxson: 1936 ( +) Fidello C. Maxson, b. Mar. 15, 1850 Hartsville, N. Y., d. 1933 in Milwaukee, m. May 3, 1876 E. Josephine Strong, d. 1921. He was president of the Independent Tug Co. of Mil­ waukee and the financial manager of other lake property. 1937 (+)Albert S., b. May 11, 1857 Milton, Wis., d. about 1945, m. 1882 Dollie Babcock, b. Jan. 8, 1857 Johnson, Wis. He was an M. D. They furnished much of the data for the descendants of Calcbr; !t.faxson. 7 1018 (t) Mary Eliza Maxson (Joshua B.°, Caleb\ John', Jonathan 3 , John!!) and Clark Burdick Goodrich. Ch.: Goodrich: 1938 Eugene Clark, b. Feb. 13, 1847, cl. Nov. 18, 1903, m. June 10, 1880 Jennie A. Bailey. Ch.: Goodrich: Edith E., b. Feb. 6, 1885; and Ruth Beatrice, b. !vlar. 17, 1888, m. vVilliam Cleveland. 1939 (+)Henry Maxon, b. Oct. 24, 1851, d. Dec. 9, 1916, m. Sept. 26, 1878 Ella A Smith, b. Nov. 18, 1856, cl. July 31, 1933, dau. of Hiram Smi~h. 1940 (+)Charles Justice, b. Sept. 2, 1857. cl. Jan. 13, 1930, m. 1891 Li:.zie l\fay Smith. (Sister of Ella above.) 3 1021 (·r) Cornelia Peck• Maxson (John°, Caleb\ John 4, Jonathan , Joh.1::) and Jason B. \,Velis of DeRuyter, N. Y. Ch.: Wells: 1941 Mary Lucille. 1942 \iVilliam Maxson, cl. ae. 8 weeks. 1943 Fred Jason, twin to \,Vi11iam, b. Feb. 7, 1856.


Jason B. \Vells m.1 l\faria Stillman (No. 1026). Jason B. '\Ve11s was born Nov. 17, 1817. (Burdick Genealogy, p. 319.) 1022 (t) Caroline B. 7 1Iaxson (Johntl, Caleb", John\ Jonathan:', John=) and Dr. J. D. B. Stillman. Ch.: 1944 John l\Jaxson Stillman, b. Apr. 14, 1852, m. June 20, 1878 Emma E. Randolph, datt. of Dr. S. F. Randolph and Sabina Von Kraft of Homer, N. Y. 1855 Census RcRuyter, N. Y. No. 109: John Maxson, 63, b. R. I.; (w) :Mary, 61 i John Maxson Stillman, 2 yr., b. N. Y. (grandson living with his grandparents). 7 11 3 1023 (t) l\Iary Starr l\Iaxson (John'\ Caleb , John4, Jonathan , John~) and George B. Utter had a son: 1945 (+)George H. Utter, m. l\Iay 19, 1880 Elizabeth Lavinia Brown, dau. of Sarah Catherine Maxson (No. 1353) and Cyrus Henry Brown. He was a governor of R. I. 0 1 1026 (t) l\faria• Stillman (Content .l\laxson, Ca1eb \ John\ Jona~ than\ John::) and Jason B. \Veils of DeRuyter. Ch.: 1946 Franklin Stillman \Velis, m. Nov. 19, 1867 Mary Frances Max­ son, b. l\Iay 17, 1842 (No. 1014). 1028 (t) Charles H. Greenman (Mary B. 0 .Maxson, Calebr., John\ Jonathan=i, John~) and Caroline Goodrich. Ch.: Greenman: 1947 Carrie, m. Niles Rice, 1\Iilton, \Vis. 1948 Sarah Ann, m. --- Van Campen, Cannon Falls, Minn. 1949 'William Henry, b. Dec. 28, 1859, cl. Milton, Wis., rn. Jennie Rogers. 1950 Lucy, m. Joseph Lane, Milwaukee, \Vis. 1031 (t) Reynolds Greenman (I\fary B1iss 0 1\Iaxson, Calebr., John4, Jonathan:i, John::) and Lois P. Collins of Milton Junction, Wis. Ch.: 1951 Floy, m. Frank Morris. Ch.: Frank, Lois and Catherine. 1952 Stella, m. Dr. King. Williamsburg, Va. 1032 (t) Justin C. Lewis (Tacy Wells°, Maxson, Calebr., John"', Jona­ than\ John::) and Joseph C. Burdick of Berlin, Wis. Ch.: Bur­ dick: 1953 Mary Agnes, b. Jan. 16, 1857. 1954 Fannie E., b. Dec. 30, 1862, m. Feb. 22, 1883 John M. Root. 3 ch.: Frank; Grace; and Edwin. 1955 Tacy L., b. July 8, 1870. 1956 Harriet L., b. Dec. 28, 1872. Two granddaughters of Justinia live in Berlin, \Vis. (1936) ... from Mrs. Dr. A. S. l'vlaxson, I\'rilton Junction, Wis. 1033 (t) Abram H.7 Lewis (Tacy Vl/. 0 Maxson, Caleb\ John", Jona­ than3, John::) and Augusta M. Johnson. Ch.: Lewis: 1957 Addie Lena, b. Nov. 26, 1863, cl. about 1935 in N. Y. City. 1858 ( +) Edwin Herbert, b. Nov. 28, 1866 Westerly, R. I., taught many years in the Lewis Institute of Chicago and in 1916 was Dean Emeritus of that institute; was author of several works. He was living at 358 Tennyson Ave., Palo Alto, Cala., in 1936. 1959 Grace Edna, b. Feb. 1, 1870. MAXSON FAMILY - SEVENTH GENERATION

1960 Mary Anna, b. 1\far. 31, 1872, rn. Frank Langworthy. Evaston, Ill. 1961 Ruth Augusta, b. Oct. 18, 1878, m. --- Kimball. Evaston, 111. 1962 Eva Minnette, b. Dec. 19, 1879 at Alfred Center, N. Y. 7 6 1038 (t) Ethan l\laxson (Ethan , SamueF·, ', Jonathan\ John:!) and Betsey Andrews. Ch.: Maxson: 8 1963 (-!-) George Gerry , b. Feb. 28, 1818 Oneida Castle, N. Y., d. Nov. 1, 1886 Schenectady, N. Y., m. Feb. 1841 Ann 1\faria \Vood, b. Sept. 5, 1819, cl. Nov. 8, 1890 Schenectady, dau. of \iVilliam \iVood. He was president of the :Mohawk Valley Nat. Bank, built the grain elevator at Schenectady, and was a large grain dealer. 1964 (+)Densmore \,Villiam8, b. Sept. 30, 1820 Verona, N. Y., d. Mar. 21, 1887 Santa Cruz, Cata., m. Elizabeth Turck, b. Feb. 22, 1828 Caskill, N. Y. They moved from Oneida to \iVashington Co., \Vis., in 1843. Excerpt from a letter to his cousin Samuel in Oneida 1886: "In the month of May 1843 I promised my grandfather (Ethan, Sr.) to write and preserve and transmit the genealogy of our forefathers ... " His parents moved to \Vis. in 1845. His father was ordained a l\Iethodist Episcopal minister July 15, 1837. Densmore W 8 Maxson served several terms in the Assembly and in the Senate of \Vis. (\.Vis. Mag., Vol. I, p. 54.) 1850 Census Polk, '\Vash. Co., Wis., No. 358: D. \V. Maxon, ae. 29, b. N. Y. $300; (w) Elizabeth, 22, N. Y.; (son) 1\fason rd .. ac. 3; Bruce 9/12; James Thompson, lawyer (living with :r,.,,fr, Maxon, b. Conn. $900. 1965 France!J Elizabeth, m. J. C. Toll. ln 1881 she was living at Santa Cruz, Cala., ancl had 3 ch. 1966 Hannah, cl. 1850, m. Barnet Clow. Res.: Reno, Nevada. 1967 (+)Eliza Ann, b. May 7, 1834, m. Jan. 26, 1863 Jed Rix, d. Jan. 26, 1902. In 1917 she was living at 1426 Vine St., Holly­ woocl, Los Angeles, Cala. See p. 61, Brown-Hakes and Allied Families, a copy of a letter written by her in 1881. 7 1 3 2 1041 (t) Lewis 1\Iaxson (Ethan 1, Samuel\ 4, Jonathan , John ) and Betsey Caldwell. Ch.: Maxson: 1968 (+) Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 21, 1838, d. Aug. 23, 1894, m. Jan. 1, 1863 Orrin B. Smith. 1969 (+)Samuel A., b. Jan. 11, 1841, cl. May 21, 1927, m. June 3, 1875 Sylvia Stringer, dau. of \Villiam Stringer of Munnsville, N. Y. 1970 (-f-) Sarah Emily, b. Sept. 11, 1844, d. Feb. 20, 1890, m. Jay Faulkner. The Lewis J. Maxson family lived near Verona Sta­ tion, N. Y. 2 1044 (t) Hannah Davis' 1\faxon (Samuel°, r., 4, Jonathan:i, John ) and 1048 (t) Zadoc D. Brown had one child, and Alzina7 :l\Iaxon, sister to Hannah, and Zacloc D. Brown had 6 ch. Ch.: Brown: 1971 (+)Hannah Minerva, b. June 25, 1826 Lisle, N. Y., cl. Oct. 12, 1888 Pctosky, :Mich .. m. about 1849 Sammuel Cassada, b. Rens. Co., N. Y. about 1821 (Census 1875). She was brought up by


her grandparents, Samuel and Elizabeth Maxon. They were living in Clarendon, N. Y. 1865 and Kendall, N. Y. in 1875. Later went to Mich. Farmer. 1972 (+) Samuel Joshua, b. Apr. 13, 1829 Vernon, N. Y., d. Oct. 11, 1891 at 430 East Mich. St., :Marquette, Mich., m. Mar. 5, 1857 in Loraine Co., 0., Emily Emons, d. July 17, 1900. He was a musician and Methodist minister. He enlisted in the Civil War. His widow was pensioned: W.C. 331, 780. Ch. by 2nd wife: 1973 (+)John, b. Jan.13, 1831 Vernon, N. Y., d. July 24, 1873 Mur­ ray, N. Y., m.1 Mar. 25, 1853 in Erie Co., N. Y., by Justice of Peace, Abigail VanAuker, b. Chili, N. Y. about 1838, d. July 14, 1854 near Burdick's Bridge, Royalton, N. Y., clau. of John Van Auker, granddaughter of John Vannocker and Dolly Sullivan (dau. of John Sullivan and Elizabeth Cooper of Duensburg, N. Y.), m.2 Nov. 4, 1860 Sarah Stearns, b. May 12, 1842, d. June 5. 1932, buried in Mt. Albion Cemetery, Albion, N. Y.,


1980 (+)Laura, b, Feb. 28, 1832, d. Aug. 1906 Lockport, N. Y., m. July 2, 1849 Charles 1\Iinckley, b. Feb. 5, 1825, cl. Aug. 1883, son of John !i.[inckley (m. Apr. 25, 1820 Gaines, N. Y., by Asa Stand­ ish, Justice) and Amy Smith. 1981 Clark, d. Apr. 28, 1832, ae. 25 yrs. 1982 Albert, d. ae. 22 yrs. 9 mo. (G.S.R. Tanner G.Y. north of Mt. Albion where Ruth D. Maxon Chase, her parents, Berry Chase, and his parents are buried.) In 1860 Berry Chase was living north of Dysinger Corners, Niagara Co., N. Y. He m.2 Lucinda Scripture. 1046 (t) Betsey7 !\faxon (Samue1°, r., ", Jonathan:i, John~) and Syl­ vester B1own of Murray, N. Y. Ch.: Brown: 1982 ( +) 1\lorrh, b. about 1830, cl. about 1892 Starkweather, N. D., m. Lavinia---. They moved from Murray, N. Y. to Alei­ clon, Mich. about 1860. 1870 Census Aleidon, Ingham Co., Mich.: No. 55: Morris Brown, 40; Lavinia (w), 32, b. N. Y.; Walter, 11, b. in l\Iich.; Ida, 9; Orminda, 7; Hattie, 5; Silas, ae. 2. 1983 (+)Esther, b. Feb. 1, 1831, cl. Mar. 28, 1864, m. Mar. 25, 1850 O.,reo Minckley, b. July 9, 1828, d. Dec. 29, 1899, son of John and Amy (Smith) ?vlinckley. Osreo m.2 ---, had 3 ch., went to Kansas. See I .andmarks of Orleans <;:o., N. Y., p. 236. 1984 Elizabeth, b. 1835, m. Richard Gould. No ch. 1986 Nancy, m. "\,Villiam Gibson, went to Elsie, Mich., and later to Aleiden, l\Tich. Ch.: Matthew; Fred; Alfred; Homer; and Jennie. Fred went to Dakota. 1987 Clarke, b. about 1837, d. about 1923 Murray, N. Y., m. Mary Gould. No ch. 1988 George, b. about 1840, m. Louise Gould. \1/ent to Mich. No ch. 1989 ( +) Alanson, b. l\fay 10, 1842, d. l\fay 6, 1925 in Elsie, Mich., m. Ju!y 3, 1873 Emma McClatche, b. Sept. 23, 1854, d. Aug. 13, 1936 at Elsie, Jdich. 1990 (+)Lucy, b. 18-tS, cl. l\Iay 11, 1920 Murray, N. Y., m. Willi.lm l\1inckley, cl. Oct. i-1-, 1886, age 44 yrs., 1 mo., son of John and Amy (Smith) Minckley. Lucy m.2 Charles Simpson. 1991 ( +) Hiram Eugene, d. Feb. 23, 1905, age 58 yrs., Albion, N. Y., m. Helen Gould, dau. of Mary Gould who m.2 Clarke Brown, and who was a daughter of Oliver and Sarah (Burrows) Gould of l'vlurray. 7 0 3 2 1047 (t) Lucy Ann Maxscn l,.;amuel , :;' 4, Jonathan , John ) and Joseph Hard of Murray, N. Y. Ch.: Hard: 1992 ( +) Emily Olivia, b. Mar. 18, 1838, d. Feb. 14, 1917, m.1 Noble Washington Stockham, b. Sept. 1, 1838, d. Jan. 21, 1890, son of Washington and Frances (Mallory) Stockham. Farmer, Mur­ ray, N. Y. Emily 0. m.2 Dec. 1, 1892 Eli \Nebster, b. July 22, 1822, d. June 7, 1894 as his third ,vife. See Landmarks of Orleans Co., p. 105. 1993 Wallace Bruce, b. 1839, was a Lieutenant in the Civil War, and was kil1ed in action.


1994 ( +) Harriet, b. July 16, 1841, cl. Dec. 10, 1926, m. Nov. 20, 1866 Stephen Vail, b. Oakfield, N. Y. Feb. 20, 1841, d. July 18, 1918, son of Moses and Mercy (Pound) Vail. They lived at Elba, N. Y. Farmer. He was a veteran of the Civil \Var, 8th Heavy Artillery. See Gazetteer of Genesee Co., N. Y., p. 137. 7 11 2 1049 (t) Elisha Maxson (Samuel , r., ◄, Jonathan~, John ) and wife Mary. Ch.: Maxson: 1995 Edwin H., b. about 1843 in Indiana. 1996 1\fary J., b. (probably) about 1846 in Indiana. 1856 Census English Township, Iowa: Elisha Maxon, 42, b. N. Y.; (w) l\.fary, 36, b. N. Y., 3 yrs. in Iowa; (son) Edwin H., 13, b. Indi­ ana; (clau.) Mary J. 7 1050 (t) Elijah Maxon (Samueln, :n, 4, Jonathan=i, John2 ) and Su­ sanna Hewitt. Ch.: Maxon: 1997 (+)George Samuel, b. July 20, 1842, cl. May 21, 1915, m.1 Jan. 25, 1866 Helen Curtis, no ch., m.2 1868 Margaret Garrison, had ch., m.3 Lcvina Sperry who survived him. He was a veteran of the Civil \Var. He was wounded in action at Cold Harbor June 3, 1864 and honorably discharged as a Corporal. Claims Ser­ vice: XC-2, 471, 688-Maxon-WO-1, 051,320. 1998 ( +) Ira, b. Sept. 18, 1844 Kendall, N. Y., d. May 19, 1929 Glen­ dale, Arizona, bur. Ash Fork, Ariz., m. 1868 Annie K. Copeland, d. 1874. He enlisted in Company K, 129th N. Y., age 18, 5 ft. 7 in. in height, complexion light, eyes blue, hair brown., at Lockport, N. Y., on Aug. 13, 1862. On June 2, 1909 he stated that after his discharge he had lived in Orleans Co., N. Y,; until 1870, in Minn. 1877, in Wash. state 1886, and in Arizona until 1909. 1999 ( +) Charles Morris, b. Oct. 17, 1848, m. Oct. 3, 1872 Mary Jane (Barr) Keech, a widow, dau. of Rufus Biglow Barr and Mary Amelia Bliveburg of Sherbornc, N. Y. · 200) Edwin, b. Aug. 31, 1849, d. unm. 1879 in Minnesota. 2001 Fillmore, b. Aug. 31, 1856, cl. Feb. 12, 1933 Clarendon, N. Y., m. Feb. 22, 1882 Jessie Podgers, b. Oct. 16, 1863, d. May 11, 1944, dau. of James and Mary (Nixon) Podgers from England. Elijah7 Maxon, a farmer and stone mason, lived in Carlton, N. Y., buried at East Carlton. Susanna Hewitt was a daughter of Betsey Brown who m.l Samuel Shaler Kilborn, and her ch. were: Clark Kilborn of Annsville, N. Y.; Mary Ann; and Sam­ uel Shalor Kilborn, Jr., who moved from Oneida Co., N. Y., to Harlem, Ill. After the death of her second husband, Richard Hewitt, she lived with her son, Samuel S. Kilborn. Reference: Kilborn Genealogy 1856. Portrait & Biog. Record of Winne­ bago Co., Ill., 1929. Brown-Hakes and Allied Families 1940. 1058 (t) Lucy7 Babcock (John° Babcock, RuthG Maxson, Samuel", 3 Jonathan , John:.?) and John Grincll of East Shelby, N. Y. Ch.: 2002 ( +) John Grin ell, b. Sept. 20, 1843, d. Feb. 5, 1909 Barre Center, N. Y., m. Margaret Cornell, b. Oct. 2, 1848, d. June 23, 1925. She was an orphan adopted by Orpheus Root of Millville, N. Y.


Her parents lived in Albany, N. Y. Her mother's name was Hannah ( i\l rs. Enos Rice). 1855 Census, Dist. No. 3, No. 103: Orpheus Root, 32, b. l\lonroc Co.,; (w) .Mary, 31, b. Vt.; (child) i\largn· ct, 6 yrs. 3 yr. in town. John Grin ell, Sr., located in Barre !820 and rcmond to Shelby 1854. He was an active man and owned a n11mlwr of farms in Shelby. The family attended the S.D.:\. Church in Shelby. The church is now a grange hall. John Grincll m.1 Roxanna Tinkham and had ch.: Cyrcnc; Dan­ iel; Paul; Peter; Lyman; Andrew J.; .Mahala; and J. \Vesley. He m.3 Julia Ann Abbot, b. 1815, and had dau. Ellen J. Grincll, h. 18-19. Reference: Emerson Babcock Genealogy; Landmarks of Orleans Co., N. Y .. Part I. p. 535. 1063 Ct) Horace· l\laxi-011 (Danicl-1, Elisha\ Samuel-I, Jonathan~. John:!) anrl Catheriue Julia Henyon of Hurley, N. Y. Ch.: :\laxson: 2003 Emily, b. 1843. 200.J Janc C., h. 1845. 2005 John S., ;:igc 22 in 1870, a carpt•nter. 2006 Sarah, age 12 in 1870, attending school. Living with Horace Maxson in 1850 was Catherine Cole, age 63; also with him in 1870. l0i2 (t) Nathan• l\faxson (Samuel'\ Elijah~, Samuc14, Jonathan·1. John::) and Lucy E. D:n·is of Ledyard, Ct. Ch.: l\faxson: 200i Nathau Elvin, b. Dec. 28, 1856 Lcclyarcl, d. Sept. 22, 1885 Asha­ ,vav, R. I., m. Fch. 5. 18i7 1\Taria Hoxsie Cross, b. Feb. 15, 1850 \V;stcrly, cl. Sept. 1-1-, 1882 \Vestcrly, dau. of George D. ancl i\l ary D. (Burlingame) Cross. m.2 J anc Babcock Cross (sister to 1st w.). .i\lachinist. S.D.B. Ch.: Nathan Elvin l\laxson, h. Jan. 11, 1885, cl. i\tar. 19, 1885. ?\IAXSON FAl\rlLY - EIGHTH GENERATION (t) Samuel 1-V Stillman (\Villiam7 Stillman, Lydia0 Davis, Hcthiar. l\laxson. J oscplr'. Johna, ::) and Sarah Amos. Ch.: Stillman: ( +) Daniel, h. Nov. 26, 1844, d. Apr. 15, 1907, rn.1 1867 Carrie ~lowers, h. Apr. 14, ls++, cl. Oct. 1883, 3 ch., m.2 June 28, 188i Ada Schelling-er Doyer, widow of Elisha Boyce. They lived m·:u Virgil. N. Y. 2009 ( +) Julius, 1850-191 S. m. l Alice Mathewson, 1852-1&-.:7, 5 ch., m.2 Lillian Craft, 1 ch. 2010 i\lhcrt, m. Louise ---, 2 daus. cl. y. 111 2011 i\.Tary L., 111. \Villiam Rindge. Dau. Vcrna m. Clarence Ames. Ch.: Elsie 11 and l\larjoric 11 Ames. 1103 (t) J\ laxson8 Stillman (l\laxson7 Stillman, Esthcr0 Stillman, 1 2 l\lary:, l\laxson, Joseph~. = , John ) and Lydia Chapman. Ch.: Stillman: 2012 Lydia, h. 1824, m. Dr. Henry Coon. No ch. 2013 ( +) Hannah, b. 1828, m. Stephen Burdick. No ch. He m.2 Susan l\l ax son (No. 1472). 2014 Jarius 111., b. 1834, m. Clara Langworthy. One ch.: Clara Laura


10 Stillman • He was director of music many years at :i\Iilton College, Milton, vVis. 2015 ( +) Chester, b. 1840, m. J ennic Burdick. They livccl at Alfred. Artistic Painter. 2016 l\lnry. cl. y. 2017 Hanict. h. 1851, 111. \Villiam R. Clarke, the 1st of 3 wh·cs. He \\'as at a home, 1125 Grand Concourse, N. Y. City, Jan. 1943. Maxson Stillman moved from \Vcstcrly with his parents to Petersburg, N. Y. in 1803. Herc he worked with his father who was a millwright and carpenter. l n 1826 the family movecl to Alfred, settling ahout a mile south of the village. He was in~ strumcntal as architect and builder of Alfred University, was a trustee 6 years before and 51 years after the rhartcr was granted. He taught singing schools in the winter... Excerpt from Biog. Sketch by Boothby C. Davis, Alf red Univ. Qr. Bull. 110.ia (t) Ephraim S.8 Babcock (Sabrai Stillman, Joscph0 Stillman, 11ary:, l\!axson, Joseph\ :i, John::) and Amy \Vilcox Crandall of Scott. N. Y. 2017a ( +) Eunice0 Stillman Babcock. b, Scott, N. Y. July 29, 1821, d. Nov. 29, 1881 Orleans, Neb., m. Sept. 19, 1840 Leonard \Vool­ 1 worth (Elijah\ ◄, Timothy\ RichanF. ). b. Apr. 20, 1816 Al­ fred, N. Y., cl. Aug. 22, 1891 at Orleans. Neb. 8 1 7 5 1106 Ct) Amy , Hub hard ( Amey Stillman, J osephn Stillman. i\Iary 3 11 t.Taxson, Joseph\ , John:i; Jamcs Huhhard. Esther" l\Iaxson, 2 John\ Jonathan\ John ), h. Oct. 6, li99 \Vcsterly. cl. Dec. 16, 1820 Little Valley, N. Y., and Jacob R. Chase, h. Sept. 13. 1794. cl. Oct, 17, 1861 Olmstead Co., l\linn .• son of Nathaniel and Naomi (Kelley) Chase. Ch.: Chase: 2018 Julia Ann. 2019 ( +) \Villiam \Vallacc. h. Dec. 10, 1820 Littk· Valley. N. Y .. cl. .:\ug. 22, 1867 \\Tilton. \Vis .. m.l June 1850 :i\lary L. Akers, had son. Henry Clay, who left home when about 15 and no further record, m.2 Oc~. 15. 1859 Abigail Shepard Packard, h. July 12, 1840 Brocton. l\[ass., d. Dec.• 10, 1909 \Vil ton, \Vis .. da11. of Jo­ siah and Susanna ( Perkins) Packard. 11 1 2 1107 (t) Polly~ l\faxson (Asai, , David\ John\ = • ) and Joshua Lamb, Jr. Ch.: Lamb: 2020 Laura Van, 1815-1817. 2021 Joshua l\laxson, h. 1818, lived at Troy, N. Y. 2022 I\Jary E., h. 1824. 111. Sylv<.·stcr Bonesteel of Grafton, N. Y. They went to Highland, Kan .. where he h.•ca111c Colonel of the State I\lilitia at the beginning of the Civil \Var. ( Frank B. Lamb, \Vc-stfield, N. Y. 1936.) 1 1 1109 (t)Asa~ L. I\faxson (Asai, r., Davirl···. Jnh11 , = , ~) and Julia Ann Rcacl. Ch. : Maxson : 2023 Edgar R., h. Oct. 17, 1823, m. Emily Roger~. 2024 ( +) Henry J., b. Feb. 10, 1826, m. J nnc 1, 1850 Phebe Howland. 7 1 2 1111 (t) HarvcyA 1vlaxson (Asa , \ David\ John ◄, a, ) and Emeline Lewis of Adams, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson:


2025 Charles Byron, h. 18.16, 111. l\lary Jane ------, were of Gales­ ville, N. Y. in 1870. He cl. at Newport N,~ws. Va., 1899, left 3 children. 2026 Emma Jane, b. 18-+1, m. Rev. James Townsend, cl. Dec. 29, 1904 at North Dana, i\lass .. was of Conway, Ma!is. 1867 and of Ham- ilton, N. Y. 1870. · 2027 1\lary T., h. 1843, m. --- Fitch. 2028 Henry F., age 22 in 1865. 2029 Lyman l-1., at', 17 in 1865. 111. Dec. 24. 1868 Esther l\L Lang­ worthy. HarYcy 1\Iaxson'!i will was offered for probate Dec. 7, 1870. The 1865 Census lists Hattie A. Dads, h. Conn., age 15, adopted. 1114 (t) Betsey" \Vhitforcl (Polly· 1'.laxson, Asa'1. DaYid\ John4. :,, ~) am! James Joh11son i\lurray of Berlin, N. Y. Ch.: Murray: 2030 Margaret, h. Feb. 9, 1822, m. Augustus Jerome Jom·s. 2031 _l,,mcs Byron, h. Feb. 14, 182-L m. Sarah Louisa \Vlieekr. 2032 \\'illiam l·h-nry, h. July 30. 1826, m. Laura Armenia J-Ir!tl'h. 2033 Jane Eliza, b. Ang. 9, 1828. 111. Comfort Beneclict Platt. 2034 Ecl\\'ard \Vhitfonl, 1831-183+. 2035 f--farrict E .. b. Oct. 3, 183-k 111. R. H. Dewey. 2036 Flora Annetta. 1839-1841. Sec Descendants of Joseph Greene, 1894. 1 1115 (t) Po1JyH \,Vhitford (Polly· !\laxson, Asa", Davidr., John~. = , :!) and Thomas R. Greene of ,\clams, N. Y. CCh.: Greene: 2037 Thomas H., h. ira" 2+. 1821. m. Philena i\faria Brown. 2038 Hannah, d. y. · :?039 Erl\\'arcl \Vhitforcl, m. Louisa Seeley. 20-tO Almon 1\Iortimcr, cl. Jancsvillc. \Vis .. m. Charlotte i\Iclntosh. 2041 Joseph Langford. cl. Colfax. \Vash .. m. Juli:1. Lawler. Ha,t ch.: :\nna and probably othns. He was b. 1830. 20-42 Phebe Louise, d. Jan. 21. 1~104. 111.l Sylvanus T.onmis, 2 ch .. m.2 \Villiams, m.3 \Villiam Clarke, no ch. :\nianda Robinson. m. George Chafin. Ch.: Frank, Charks. Lucv. 20-H lan:is Van Buren. m. Philander Hosmer. had Frederick and i~mma. Li\'cd at Tracer, Io\\'a. 20-~5 Andrew Jackson. Civil '\Var Vet. 2046 1\Iary Jane, h. 1737, 111. Cyrus Potter. had Darius and Della M. 2047 Sihil J erusha, m. G<:orge Gregory. li,·ecl at Rutland, N. Y. 2048 Daniel Shelclon. h. June 12. 18-L~. 111.l Amelia Babcock, m.2 Dora Bunlick. 11 1116

2051 David C. F. \V., b. Oct. 6, 1843, <1. Feb. 4, 1905 at Farina, Ill., unm. He enlisted in the Civil \Var and served J years. 2052 (+)Albert Spicer, h. Apr. 4, 1845, d. l\l ar. 3, 1900 at Dexter, N. Y., m. July+, 1875 Frances Amanda Ll'e, h. ?,.far. 31, 1850, cl. Apr. 19, 1894 Dexter. N. Y., dau. of Addison and Olive (Ham­ monrl) Lee of Houndsficld. N. Y. 1-le was a private, promoted to Lieut. in the Adams Company, State l\I ilitia. 1862-1864. He was a farmer at Adams Center and later at 1lontag-uc.·. N. Y. Still later he was employed in the paper mills at Dexter, N. Y. 2053 Saryntha ~largarct, h. Apr. 15. 18-1-8, d. Sl'pt. 1-1-. 1920 of cancer at \Vatcrtown hospital. She was crippled in early Iiic from a clislocatccl hip, hut taught school many years and later lived at Aclams Center. highly respected. 1118 (t) Asa 1Iaxsot;~ \Vhitford (Polly· I\laxson, 1\sa\ Davi

11 1128 (t) Thom:1s V. i\lax:-on (Joseph s.r, Asa'\ Davidr., John 1, :i, ~) and .:\Ima Ann Hull of Adams, N. Y. Ch.: l\fa.xson: 2069 ( +) l\l aria Elizabeth. b. J unc 5, 1856, m. July 5, 1874 \Vil son F. Tefft. Bnffalu, N. Y. D.A R. No. 74326. 2070 l-lch-n Hull. b. Oct. 26. 1866, 111. George Hart, Jr. of Adams, N. Y .. m.2 E. B. Bcvine. Adams. N. Y. 1895. 11,m (t) John Henry~ 1\1 axson (J oscph7, Asa 11. DavicF', John"', =i, ~) and l\lattiC' .-\nderson. Ch.: l\laxson: 20il Nl'lla, b. Nov. 5, 1860 in Nebraska Citv. 20i2 Lucia, h. l\lar. 5, 1865 in Nebraska City. m. J. Stafford \Vorth­ ington. Res. 1916. 14-l-5 High St.. Denver, Colo. (A letter di­ nTtl·d to this address Feb. 19-1-3 was answered by Floyd J. vVil­ son of 616 Uni\'ersity Bldg.. Dl'nver. He stated that the \i\Torth­ ingtnns had long- sine<.' passed on ancl left no children.) , 20i3 Elizabeth, 186i-'70. 20i-+ Reta. b. J\pr. 18, 1Si5 in St. Louis. 3 1132 (t) Josl'phs l\Iaxson (Joseph\ John\ Joseph", 4. , John~) and Lnlia Canl. Ch.: l\laxsun: 20i5 (+) \Villiam Henry. b. Sept. 10, 1840 l\Iiddletown, N. J., m. June 2, 186-l- J\nckrenia Claypool of John and Rebecca Arey Claypool of Navcsink, N. J. 2076 Ecl\\'ard Darn11111, b. :\lar. 28, 1842 Navesink. 2077 :\1111i<.' l\larie, b. i\lay 9. 18-l-5, cl. Apr. 11. 1871 Navesink, m. Jan. 16, 1868 Capt. \Villiam Boeckcl of Frederick and Elizabeth (Morris). 2078 Josl'ph. h. Jan. 26. 1847, m. Apr. 20. 18ii Carrie Irwins, dau. of Charks H. and Charlotte M. (Davis) Irwins of Navef;ink. Ch.: Betram. h. Jan. 2-L lSiS; and Harold l\laxson, b. July 28, 18i9. 2079 Sarah ?datilda, 1848-1849. 2080 Linda, h. Sept. 2-1-. 1853. m. Nohlc J. Miller. In 1886 they moved to \Vilkcsharre, Pa., and in 1909 were with her brother GL•orge. 2og1 Andrew Jackson, h. l\Iar. 31. 1856, m. Jan. 27, 1878 Annie E. l\lurphey, h. Sept. 6, 1860. Ch.: George; Andrew Jackson, 1879-1880; and Gcnrg-iana, h. Feb. 12, 1881. 20:S:2 Gl'org-c. h. Dec. 10. 1858 at Navcsink, N. J. 3 1 l 34 (t) \Valtcrs Maxson (Joseph;, John°, Joseph\ ◄, , John::) and Amelia l\lorris of Navcsink. N. J. Ch.: i\laxson: 2083 Frank. h. !\lay 28. 1853, d. Aug-. 21, 1893 at sea, 111. June 6, 1885 Kate Bahl. b. Feb. 18. 1852. dau. of Christopher Ilahl of Balti­ more, I\[cl. Ch.: .i\Ia.xson: i\lary Emma. b. Jan. 2i, 1886; Frank, b. & d. 1888; and Amelia, b. Feb. 25, 1893. 2084 John. 2085 Leon. 2086 Sidney. 2087 .i\Iarv. 2088 Em1;1a. 2089 Stella. 1 4 1141 (t) JohnR l\laxson (Charles\ John '. Joseph;·. :i John~) and Catherine E(hvards. Ch.: l\laxson:


2090 ·wmiam, IJ, No\'. 4. 1846, 111. i\lary Seamon,


21<1) (+)Gideon Henry, b . .-\ug. 5. 1855, d. Apr. 4, 1934 at Federals­ burg, l\ld., m . .:\lar. 16, 188+ Lucy Jane Greene, b. Mar. 16, 186-l in lnc.lcpcnckncc, N. Y .. d. Aug. 16, 1919 Troy, N. Y., dau. of \Villiam B. Greene ( 1827-1899, son of \Villiam Bliven Greene anr! :\lary Hiscox) and Caroline Clarke (1823-1912, dau. of Sam­ uel B. Clarke ancl Tacy, dau. of John l\faxson of Brookfield, N. Y.). Gideon Hl·nry Fitz Randolph rcccivccl his B.A. and his ~I.A. irom :\Ii reel in 1888 whl'rc she Ovl rs.) was also a student. He owned a farm in rnnncction with a }\fission School which he f oundcd at Fouke, Ark. lie and his wife were missionaric"S at Shanghai in LS~S to 1893. He was a S.D.B. pastor at Yarious places. 2110 Cecelia Annette. h. Oct. 23. 1859. I 156 (t) Kathan~ 1\Iaxson (John;, Zebulon".\ Joseph\ a, John~) and Alzina Sutton sl'ttlcd on a farm near Quincy, Ohio, about 185..J.. Ch.'. Maxson: ~11] John, m. Alice---, had sons. 2112 \Villiam. 2113 Byron. 2113 (+)Franklin, b. 1\Iar. 30, 1855, m. June 1, 1879 Ida J. Dall, m.2 I ulia Davis and had ch. 2114 Vina, m. Edward Hardisty, alive (19-1-1) in Quincy, Ohio. 2115 George. 111. Hattie--. ali\·c in 19-U. 2 daus. married. 2116 Fa1111ien. m. Malcom i\Iilner. Dau. Zola .i\Iilner 111. Thomas Stevenson and they han· a daughter, i\Iary 11 Stevenson. Quincy, Ohio. 1157 (t) l\farvcl~ 1\Iaxson (John\ Zebulon°,", Joseph\:•, John:!) and Asa Fitz .Randolph of Berea, \V. Va. Ch.: Fitz Randolph: 21 li Experience:•, b. July IO, 1852 at Bone Creek, \V. Va., tl. Nov. 29. 1906 at New Auburn, .i\linn., m. Aug. 9, 1887 at DeRuyter, N. Y. Leon D. Burdick. Both S.D.B. ministers and graduates from Alf re«!. Dan. Genevieve'". h. Dec. 10, 1892 DeRuyter, grad. Alfred, m. June 13. Arthur L. Penny, alive 1935. Sec Burclick Genealogy. p. 992. 2118 (+) Calfcrnia. b. Oct. 21. 1854 at .i\leat Jlcm~c ·Fork. \V. Va .. grad. Alfred, m . .\pr. 19. 1882 John E. Z..lcathcrell of Clarksburg. \V. Va., d. Nov. 9, 1928. Farn1l'r. 2119 Emma, b. J unl' 11. 1857. d. Aug. 24, 1890 Alf reel, m. Aug. 28, 1888 Rev. A. \V. Coon of Salt.'m. 2120 Virgil. b. Fc:b. 22. 1860 Berea, Vv. Va., 111. Fch. 28, 1893 at \VL"lls­ villc.·. i\lary Eloise Yale, cl. Jan. 25, 1930. Graci. Alfrecl. Ch.: \Vinston 10 Yale Randolph, h. Dec. 10, 1907 \Vellsvillc, N. Y., 111. Dec. 16. 1927 at \\'ash .. D. C.. Helen Juanita Fenton of \Vells­ ville. ] le j._ an electrical e11g-inecr on Staten Island, N. Y. Ch.: 11 Donald \Vinston H.andolph , h. Jan. 19. 1929 Oneonta, N. Y. 2121 (+)Ellsworth, h. Aug. 12, 1862 Berea, d . .l\fay 17. 1905, m. Dec. ,l 1890 Sarah Virginia Stalnaker, b. July 21. 1870. 2122 Andrew C.. h. 1\lar. 10, 1865, d. l\Jay 14, 1868, Bcn·a.


2123 (+)Alva. b. Apr. 20, 186i, grad. Alfred. He was president of the Alfred Farmer's Co-op Association. He 111. l\lay 3, 1888 l\lary Caroline Hoff. 2124 Cicora. b. Sept. 27, 1869 Berea, m. 1fay 21, 1903 Eugene C. Gor­ don of \Vest Clarksvi11c, N. ·y_,


2136 \Villiam Trnman, 111. Emma J\nclcrson. 3 ch.: Cranrlall: Marv Ellen, 111. --- Dennis; Barbara Jean; ancl Truman i\nclcrsoi1 (at Cornell University in 1935). 1186 (t) \Villiam~ Clayton Davis (Annias7 Davis, Natha11'1 Davis, \V. Thomas" Davis, Elizabeth~ l\laxson, John\~) and Mary Stearns. Ch.: Davis: 2137 Davis, b. & d. 1831. 21.38 Lt•wis A. Ii. Sept. 30, 1832, cl. July 1868. 21.39 l\lartha S., b. julH~ 21, 18.3--1-, 111. Apr. 6, 1859 I\lartin Van Buren Elliot, b. Oct. 12, 1836. 2140 Sarah, 1836~ 1837. 2141 Annie l\I.. h. Aug. 27, 1838 \Van-en Co .. Ohio. d. \Yelton, fa .. m. Feb. 22, 1863 lsaa1.: Ne\\'ton Hooiboro, b. July 12, 1832, d. Sept. 14, 1907. 2142 Olive S .. h. l\far. 30, 1840. d. Sept. 27. 189-1- Calhan, Colo., m. l'\lar. 1871 as his 3rd wife John Furrow, b. l\lar. 3, 1827. cl. 1908, son of \-Villiam Furrow and Elizabeth Maxson ( No. 1196) . 21--1-3 .l·farvcy, h. Apr. 27, 18-12 Sullh·an Co .. Im.I., cl. Aug. 25, 1916, m. June 5, 1866 J\mancla \Vise. b. Jan. 1, 18-1-6. 21-t-~ Luther S., b. Apr. 27. 18-1-4, 111. Sept. 20, 1882 Sally (Davis) Ran­ dail. dau. of John Davis and Parmclia :l\laxson (No. 476). 21-t5 i\lalirnla. 18-16-1857. 2146 Louisa. h. Dec. 1, 1847 Sullivan Co .. Incl.. cl. Tune 9, 1919 N. Loupe, Neb., 111. Sept. 22, 1866 N. \Vil son Babcock. b. July 30. I 8--1-4, d. 1926. 2147 (+)Thomas Clayton, b. Fch. 9, 1850 Sullivan Co .. Incl., cl. Apr. 24. 1932 Oneida, N. Y., bur. Nortonville. Kan., m. June 10, 1871 Eliza L. Ballcock, h. Dec. 25. 1851 Jackson Center, 0 .. rl. June 18. 1914 Nortonville, Kan,. clan. of John S. anrl Sarah (Fitz H.a:1dolph) Babcock. Rocelia C.. b. 1\lay 30. 1852. cl. Gentry. Ark.. m. Nov. 1. !Sil Lewis Hurley Babcock, h. Sept. 15, 1850. d. May 4, 1911. Ch. by 2nd wire Elizabeth Ann George: Davis: 2149 1\lary V., h. Sullivan Co .. Ind., June 14. 1860. cl. Battle Creek, r.lich., m. Fch. 18, 1889 John Evans. h. Jan. 17, 1857. 2150 Charles B .. h. vVclton, Ia., d.y. 2151 \Villiam, b. Iowa, d.y. 2152 Belle G., b. Feb. 22, 1866 \Vclton, Ia., m. Jan. 1, 1887 \Villiam Henry. 2153 Susie T.. b . .i\lay 1. 1868 \Vclton. 111. Nov. 20, 1889 J. \V. Terrell. b. Aug-. 9, 1851, m.2 in Topeka, Kan., l\Iay 16. 1901. Adam Terry, h. July 7, 1859. 7 7 1194 (t) LydiaH- l\faxson (Jessc -\ Ephraim". Joseph ◄, \ John~) and Jacob Babcock of N. Hampton, 0. Ch.: Babcock: 2154 Nancy Ann, h. Apr. 6. 1818. m. (as 2nd w.) John LippincntL. 2155 Jcptha. b. l\lar. 16. 1820. m. Lavinia Davis. 2156 Hannah, b. June 30. 1822. d. Nov. 2, 1894. 215i Martha, h. Apr. 22. 1825. m. John Livingston. 2158 Julia Arm, h. June 3, 1828.


2159 John, b. Dec. 30, 1830. 2160 Cornelius. h. :\pr. 2, 1833. 2161 Jaccb, b. Fch. 17, 1835. 7 2 1195 (t) Ephraim~- 1Iaxson (Jesse"-'\ Ephraim\ Joseph\\ John ) and i\lary Smith. Ch.: l\laxson: 2162 J es~e. 2163 Ephraim. 2164 Pruclencc, m. Aug-. 1-L 185.1 Scyn1our Chipman of \Villamctte Valley. Ort>gon. son of Thomas of Essex. Vt. They lived at Corwallis. Oregon. Ch.: Chipman: ;\J rs. Eva :\layer of Gil­ more City, Ia.; Charles of Corvallis; l\lrs. Lillian Theresa Simp­ son of Portland, Oregon; and Vi


Jacoh Babcock and Lydia !\laxson (No. 2161) and they had \Vil­ helmina Babcock, h . .l\lay 3, 1856, who m. John Corlcttc. Bab­ cock gen., p. 281. 2184 Emily, h. Sept. 26. 1846, m. Silas B.1bcock who was killed, m.2 Benjamin Botkins. Res. Ohio. 2185 Jesse, h. Nov. 29, 1848, went west. 2186 Clarinda, b. Sept. 26, 1851, cl. Apr. 10, 1865. 218i James Smith. h. Aug. 8, 1856 in \Vis. (By 2nd w.) 2188 Mary Elvin. h. July 18. 1860 in Kansas. 21R9 Elizabeth, h. Tune 18. 186.1 in Kansas. 2190 Calvin Bailey~ h. Apr. 14, 1865 in Kansas. 1201 (t) Prurience~ Maxson (Jesse\ Elizabeth 11 Davis. \V. Thomasr, 1 Davis, Elizabeth~ !\laxson, John= ::) and Elder \Villi am Smith. Ch.: Smith: 2191 Jacoh, h. July 12. 1837 Jay Co., Ind. 2192 John I-I.. b. Oct. 3. 1842. 2193 ( +) Olive, h. June 23. 1846 Cass Co., Mich., cl. Jan. 6. 1913 Port­ lan.l, Incl.. m. Aug. 5, 1866 \Villiam P. \Vchrly, b. Nov. 2, 1845 Preble Co., 0 .. cl. June 16. 1909 Salamonia, Ind., son of John \Vchrlcy ancl Barbara Petry of Stark Co., 0. 219-1- Hosea Dil:;cm, b, St:pt. 25. 1949 Cass Co., 1\fich. 1206 (t) H.ev. l\laxsons Babcock (Charity; l\Jaxson, Elizabeth0 Davis, \V.~ Thomas DaYis-1, Elizabeth I\Iaxson, John\ ::) and Philo­ theta DaYis. Ch.: Babcock: 2195 ( +) Bcthucl Church, m. Phebe Ann Moyer, dau. of Peter an

123 i\l.-\XSON .F.-\l\llL'{ - EIGHTH GENElxATlON

2200 Josephine, h. Feh. 10, 18-ii. d. Nov. 16, 1900, m.1 1875 William B. Sanf0rd, m.2 \Villiam R. :\lather in 1885, 1846-189-1-. Ch.: Daniel H. Sanford, h. Jan. 27, lSii, 111. Anna Robinson. Live in New York City. No ch. 2201 Isabel, b. Sept. 2, 1486, cl. Aug-. 25, 1862. 2202 ( +) Katherine l\laria, h. Oct. 8, 1850. Rome, N. Y., d. Jan. 28. 1920 On<"ida. N. Y .• 111. i\lay t. 1872 G(•org-e H. Ruhy, b. ,\ug-. 2~1. 1843 VC'ro11a. N. Y .. d. Jan. 28, 1938 Oneicla, N. Y. Veteran of thl' C'iYil \Var. 220.3 Charles D .. h. Aug-. 30. 1854, d. Dec. 17. 1!)05 Ro111e, N. '{ .. m. l\lar. S. 11)88 :\1111a D. Hart of l'amclcn, N. Y. No ch. 2204 George \V .. h, Sept. 28, 1860, d. Dec. JO, 1900, 1111111. 1241 (t) George \V.' l\laxson (William\ ~.. 4. John'. Joseph", John~) ancl Emeline Babcock of Scott, N. Y. Cli.: i\1 axson: 2~05 (+) \Villiam 13., b. July 11, 18-i.,. clisappt'arcd in 1872. 111. Sept. 8, 1864 Acidic J. Fay, b. Apr. 28. 1848. clau. of Andre\\' S. and i\Iillicent S. (Harris) Fay of Scott. N. Y. He was an l\l.D., cclucatecl at DeRuyter and Ann Arbor. I-le enlisted in the 157th Co. E .. N. Y., \\'as cfo,charg<"d and again enlisted in the 158th. 2206 l\Jary, b. Nov. 16, 1838, cl. i\lar. 31, 1859, m. /\pr. 19, 1857 John E. North. Census 1850 Scott, N. Y.: p. 509: G. \V. ~foxson. 38, Physician; Emeline, 36; l\Iary (cl.,rn.); \Villiam (son) i. (Liv­ ing with G.\V.1\.1.) l\Iatilda 13arLcr, 20; .Marie Maxson. 22. Real Estate $300. 1 1242 (t) Esther l\L" l\Iaxson (\Villiam', '', \ John', Joseph= , John:!) and Vose Leonard Burdick of Urookfii'ld. N. Y. Ch.: Burdick: 220i (+) Ella Jane, b. Aug. 9, 1837, cl. Oct. 17, 1924, 111. Jan. 1, 1854 in Elkader, la., Thomas G. Hatter, b. Feh. 1, 1835 in Eng., d. Utica, Kan., Dec. 25, 1909. 2208 l\larcia Louisa!), b. Aug. 21, 1840, d. Nov. 20. 1859, m. John Ham­ moJHI. 2209 ( +) Laverne v ✓ illiam'', b. Sept. 9, 1842 Murray, N. Y .. cl. July 6, 1929, hur. Scott City. Kan., m.l Electa Faust, m.2 Apr. 8, 1883 Elkport, Ia., Ida Wilson, b. Feb. 25, 1860, dau. of Gcorg-c vV. \Vilson and Hannah Heald who m.2 Vose L. Burdick as his 3rd wife. Vose Burdick ,n.2 Jan. I. 1852 lfarrid Atwood and had 6 ch. He was a shoemaker. He left Albion, N. Y. 1851. He cl. at the home of his dau, Mrs. Hatter. 0 1243 (t) Sylvias :ti.Jaxson (\Villiam', , \ John\ Joseph;', Johnz) and Smith Risley. Ch.: Risley: 2210 Lucanna. d. I3arabcc, \Vis., m. \Nilliam Dally. 2 ch. in 1892. 2211 Lucy Ann, d. 11ar. 1875. Son Freeman 1\:lark of Altona, \Vis., 1892. 2212 Sallv. cl. 1886, 111. \ 1Villiam H. Field. 4 ch. in 1892. Livecl at StcJ>hens Poiut, Portage Co., \.Vis. 2213 l\.Iarion of Delton, \Vis. 3 ch. 2214 l\lary had 4 ch.


3 1244 (t) \Villiam J-J. H.H 1\Iaxson (\Villiam7, °, r., John\ Joseph , John~) and Lydia i\Jcrrifield. Ch.: 1laxson: 2215 (+) Emclinr Lcvilla, !J. July 18, 1850 in Ohio, m. Sept. 1, 1872 James J\dlar


2230 John Jay, b. Jan. 30, 1830, d. Jan. 12, 1899. Lin·d at 10 l\fadison St., Hamilton, N. Y., had 6 children. 2231 Thomas Avery, m, .l\lary T. Spencer. 2232 Ruth Jane, m. --- \Vhitforcl. 2233 James Albert, m. Cynthia Brown ancl had Arthur and Charles Crnndall. 2234 Delia Ann, m. Henry Clark. 1253 (t) I\Iary 1\1.~ Crandall (Lois7 I\laxsou, Williamn, \ John ◄, Jo- seph8, John~) ancl Freeman I-lull. Ch.: Hull: 2235 Herman, b. Dec. 22, 1817, cl. Oct. 26, 1869. 2236 H. D. Lamont, b. Aug. 23, 1818. 2237 Susan. August 1821-1895. 2238 Charles A., b. Nov. 19, 1823, 11. Nov. 3, 1885. 2239 Frederick VauRcnsselacr, b. Sept. 20, 1826, d. Apr. 9, 1903. Ch. by 2nd husband, John A. Fletcher. Fletcher: 2240 IvJary Amanda, h. Oct. 19, 1831, d. about 1896, m. Jeffcrscn Hewett. 2241 (+)Charles Hc·nry, b. June 5, 1836, d. Apr. 8, 1907 Deansboro where he: was a farmer, m. 1861 El\'ira Cel<.'stia Burlingam<-' 1 (Highland Clark) (\Villiam, Ephraim \Villiam Roger\ ) anrl Betsey l\Ierifield. Elvira cl. 1927 \Vestmorelancl, N. Y. 1258 (t) Simeon M.~ Crandall (Susan7 !\Jaxson, \i\'illiam'1, r,. John ◄, Jo­ sepltJ, John~) ancl Eliza Belknap. Ch.: Cranclall: 2242 Lee Fannie, b. Sept. 16, 1821, d. Nov. 13, 1867 \Vooclstock, Illi­ nois, m. l\lar. 30, 1843 Lucian Densmore Rich. 2243 Irving M., 1833-1841. 2244 Antoinette, 1835-Dcc. 1917, 111. vVilliam Pierson, Trumansburg. N. Y., 1816-1888. 2245 Ocar L .. cl. ae. 8 yrs. 2246 Ann Eliza, m. J. Parker King. 2247 Susan, m. --- Belcher. 2248 Libbie, h. Nov. 11, 1837 at \Voodstock, Ill. 1261 (t) !\faxsonK Austin (Polly7 l\Iaxson, Randall°. Joshua~' John4, 3 Joseph , John~) and Lena I-lakes. Ch.: Austin: 2249 Carrie, h. Jan. 26, 1848, m. James \·VhitL·. Prairc City, Iowa. 2250 James 0., b. Aug. 28. 1849. Res. Fort :Morgan, Colo. 2251 Ala-nson, h. Mar. 18, 1851. m. --- [frs. 1\fan11i11g, Kansas. 2252 !vlarictt, of Grant City, 1-Io. 2253 Lucinda Bump, of Kingsman, Kan. 2254 Zcliah l\J., b. 1856, m. Richard \Vilson. Res. Nebraska. 2255 Susan, b. Aug. 24, 1860, m. 'William Zuck. Res. 1\-lis!muri. 2256 Martha, h. Dec. 14, 1862, m. Charles Hewett. Res. Chicago. 2257 Armina A., b. Dec. 14, 1866, 111. --- Blair. living- 011 home farm at Cheona, McLean Co., Illinois. 1908. 2258 Franklin J ., b. Feb. 29, 1869, d. Mar. 19, 1872. Above records were furnisher! by 1\'l rs. Edith Austin Moore of 490 E. 23rd St., Brooklyn, Feb, 1946. She has much Austin data for an Austin genealogy. 11 4 1262 (t) AlonsonH Maxson (Paul7, Clark , Isaiah\ John , Joseph:1, John::) and Susan Clark. Ch.: Ivf axson: 12G i\fAXSON FAl\l lLY - EIGHTH GENERATION

2259 Carrie, b. 1830 Brookfield, N. Y., d. Jan. 14, 1886 Batavia, N. Y., m. 1864 Jsaac Beecher Pardee. Ch.: Lyman Beecher Pardee, b. Jan. 20, 1873, li,·cd at Elba, N. Y. (\Valdo Genealogy.) 2260 Paul Clark, b. July 1831, d. 1890 Adams. N. Y .. 111. Susan Miller . .He was a lawyer with hi!:; father in Adams. No ch. (Hist. JefTcrson Co., N. Y., p. 193.) 2261 Lucy Jane, b. l\lar. 15, 1835, rl. Oct. 5, lt½l Adams, m. 1860 James I\fonson. 2262 Adelaide, b. Mar. 30, 1837 Loomis. N. Y., 111. June 9, 1863 Horace Brigham King of \Villiam nncl Emily (Duncan) King. Living 1908, Loomis. 1264 (t) Erastus D. 8 i\laxson (Paul Clark, Isaiah John Joseph John) and Hannah Crouch. l\lovc


2281 Bertha, 111. John Dopping- of Bloomington, 111. 2282 Pierson R., of Bloomington, Ill. 2283 \Vi!mcr R. Sec Portrait and Biography of Ford Co., Ill., 1892, p. 286. 1285 (t) Daniel·" l\faxson (Joshua·, 11, Torey\ John\ Joseph:!, John~) and LouisC" C. Fenton of Edme:--tnn, N. Y. Ch.: l\laxson: 2284 Gilbert, b. Oct. 22, 1851, d. Nov. 30. 1872 of small pox. 2285 Charles, h. Jan. 6, 1857, m. Sept. 15, 1897 l\Iaucle Gorton. They went to Richfield Spring·s. 5 cl1. 2286 Conlyn, b. Sept. 12. 1860, 111. i\lar. 21. 1883 Lizzie l\L Babcock. clau. of Pardon and Clarissa Babcock. The\' li\'cd at l.l·onards­ villc. N. Y. 5 ch. See Babcock Genealog-):, p. 571. 2287 Georg-c Daniel, h. Fch. 25, 1862, m. Sept. 2, 1889 Mary E. Cran­ dall, dau. of Henry Densmore Crandall. She li\'cs ( lri~cilla and Ann l\laxson. lk is president of the First Boston Corporation. 100 Broadway. New York City. (1935). Burdick Gen., p. 2i9. D:miel Stillman i\fax:-:on was a wagon maker. \Vest Edmeston. 1 1286 (t) Truman~ Maxson (Joshua;.'\ Torey:·, John\ Josc·ph: , John~) and Anna D. Pardee. Ch.: 1\1 axson: 2288 Arthur, h. Apr. 22, 185R. cl. Nov. 26. 1862. 2289 ( +) Lynn C., h. Apr. 23. 1866. cl. i\11g. 3. 193-t- at the home of hi:; son Donald, m. Nov. 16. 18()i Julia Belle Harrv.


2294 Calvin, b. July 28, 1863 \Vatso11, N. Y .. m. Oct. 15, 1884 Esther Ann Rood, d. 1939, dau. of Percy and l\lerriman (Thorngate) Rood of \Vest Hallock, Ill. 2295 Herbert Lincoln. h. Aug-. 24. 1865 Gcnesl't', N. Y., cl. 1882 N. Loupe. 2296 Myra Alzina, h. Sept. 8. 1867 Alf red, m. Dec. 20, 1890 Guilford L. J lutchins of Bracllcy Hutchins of N. Loupe, Neb. 229i Nathan H .. h. Dec. 5, 1870 Richburg, N. Y .. d. Jan. 25, 1871 Richburg. 2298 Linton Brown, h. Sept. 1, 1873 Richburg. lived at Ashaway, R. I. 2299 Grace l rcne, b. l\Jar. 20, 1875 Richburg. 1307 (t) Frank~ l\laxson (Asa', Joseph", Sylvanusr. John\ Josepha, John::: also Lydia11 Potter, Con ten tr, l\faxson, Joseph·\ :i, John~) ancl Juliet Lanphear. Ch.: Maxson: 2300 Frank Oscar. b. Aug-. 8, 1851, m. Dec. 26, 1877 Evelyn Doran. One ch. P. 0. in 1892: Norwich. Ct. 2301 Lois \Villiam. h. July 2, 1855. Patent Office. \Vash .. D. C. 2302 J ulicttc Ellen. h. July .31. 1857. San Benito, California. 2303 1-Icrhert Elmer, 1863-1864. Scl' Officers in the Navy, 1901. hy Edward Callaham. 1.124 (t) Garafrlia Fitz Randolph (Lucy• Crandall 1\faxson, Joseph. Sylvanus John Joseph John) and Arnold Freeman Steele. Ch.: Steele: 230-1- Alfred Adelbert. b. July 10. 185.3, cl. Oct. 21. 1887, unm. 2305 ( +) Elnora. h. July t, 1855. d. l\Iar. 14, 1932, 111. Feb. 5, 1874 Georgl' Lester Scrafford, 1S52-1925. 2306 :\clclaidt· Elizabeth, h. Sept. 12. 1857. cl. Nov. 10, 1926, rn. Sept. 16. 1899 l\fartin Luther Da\'is. b . .!\Jay 10. 1848. cl. Aug. 17, 1911. 2307 l\lary Delia. h. Jan. 5, 1860. cl. Apr. 5, 1929. m. Oct. 3, 1906 Frank \V \Varel, b. Nov. 28, 1855. cl. Sept. 17. 1938. 2308 Charil's Asa. h. July 20, 1863. m. Apr. 18. 1911 Lillian E. 1\Iiles, h. June 2, 1~63. d. July 15. 1925. 2309 Lucy F .. h. Jan. 12, 1866 Cussewago. Pa. Sec D.A.R. Lineage 1937. 2310 Benjamin, h. Feb. 22, 1868. cl. l\far. 2. rn;·3_ 1329 (t) George E.~ Fitz Randolph (Lucy7 C. l\faxson. Joseph Sil­ vauus John Joseph John) and l\fargaret Frasher. Ch.: Fitz Randolph: 2311 Lucy Isahella. h. June 2, 1876, m. Dec. 18. 1905 Jason R. vVclls. Ii. Oct. 28. JR67. cl. Jan. 4, 1938 at Kansas Univ. Hospital. son of Alfred and Sarah (Carson) \Velis of Berlin, \Vis. Ch.: \VeJls: Alfred R.; Lois l\T.; ancl Vivian R. 2312 i\lary F., h. Aug-. 8, 1878. m. Newton Oursler. 2313 Emma Cameron, h. Apr. 15, 1881, m. --- Jeffery. 2314 Flora, h. July 22. 1884, m. Fritz \V. Schule. ha\'e ch. 1341 (t) Clarissa .l\laxson (Sanford· L., Sylvanus°, r., John ◄, Joseph\ 2 John ) and \Villiam Hayward. Ch.: Hayward: 2315 Mary Ella, 1851-1854. 2316 Charles, 1854-1860.


2317 \Villiam, 1857-1860. 2318 Sarah, 1863-1900, m. Austin Hill of l\Icdina, N. Y. The family was living in Eagle Harbor in 1902. 1342 (t) Charles H.s l\Iaxson (Charles 1-f.\ SanforcF L., Sylvanusn, \ John\ Joseph\ John::) had at least 2 ch. 2319 \V. L. l\faxson, b. so as to graduate from the Naval Academy in 1920. He was a member of the S.A.R. l{cs. 1946; 666 Pros­ pect Ave., East Orange, N. J. Heads the l\£axson Corporation of 460 \V. 34th St., New York Cit\·. 2320 Ralph H. Maxson, Vice President of the Tyson Roller Bearing Co., .Massilon, Ohio. 1344 (t) Porter Lyman~ Maxson (Sanford L., Sylvanue':, :, John Jo­ seph John) and Kate Finn. Ch.: l\laxsun: 2321 \Villiam Edward\ b. Dec. 28, ISil. 111. June i, 1902 Elizabeth Theresa l\Ians, b. Apr. 30, 1869. Scrg. Co. i\L lnf. Enlinstcd 1898 at Tacoma, discharged Sept. I, 1899. Spokane, \Va.sh., in 1902. 2322 Berton LeRoy, b. 1873, lived at Riley, i\Jich., ancl in Chicago. He was a telegraph operator. 11 1348 (t) Edwin H. l\ (Sylvanus7, , r., John J oscph John::) and l\Ia.tilc1a V. Blitlcrsdorf. Ch. : l\laxon : 2323 (+)Julia Elizabeth, b. July IO, 18i8 at Ballston Spa, N. 'Y., 111. June 15, 1908 Henry Stanley Page, h. Feb. 12, 1881. 2324 Arthur Lyman, h. July 27, 1883 Ballston Spa., 111. June 12, 1915 Pruella Taylor. 11 1350 (t) \Villiam Lyman-~ l\laxon (Silvanus·, • ~. John Joseph John:) and Lillian iv[. Euston. Ch.: l\J axon : 2325 Lois .i\L, b. Apr. 29, 1892 Ballston Spa, N. Y. 2326 ( +) Sylvanus Eastman, h. :\lay 31, 1894 Ballston Spa, m. July 12, 1917 Kathryn C. Pierce, h. Nov. 22. 1896. 2327 (+) Carroll Raymond, b. Nov. 1, 1902 Ballston Spa, m. June 2, 1931 Ethel Hanlcv, h. Oct. 10, 1905. l\Irs. Lillian l\faxo11 of 442 N. Branclvwinc Ave., Schenectach·. sent records in 1945. • · 1353 (t) Sarah Catherine' I\'laxson (Horace\ Nathan\ Silvanus~·. John\ Joseph\ John::) and Cyrus Henry Brown of North Ston~ ington, Ct. Ch.: Brown: 2328 ( +) Elizabeth Lavinia, h. J unc l 5, 1858 at Brighton. I\lass .. m. 1\f ay 19, 1880 George J-1. Utter, son of George B. Utter and l'v[ary (Starr) Utter (No. 1045). 2329 Henry Edwin, b. Apr. 5, 1861 Brighton, l\fass., m. Dec. 5. 1890 Caroline C. Rollins, clan. of Lott .M. ancl Caroline (Campbell) Rollins. Res. Allston, Mass. 2330 Katherine Mabel, h. Nov. 5, 1865 Brighton, 1\Iass., m. Oct. 23, 1895 John L. Howard. Melrose, l\fass. 2331 Wilfred l\Ierrill, b. Apr. 4, 1870. lfoxhury, l\fass., in 1904. 2332 Horace Cliffird, h. June 22, 1873 Boston, Ma~s., m. Dec. 30, 1902 Adeline Kilmer of Richard P. and Caroline A. (Cutler) Kilmer. Res. Melrose, Mass.


233.1 Grace Emily, h. July 10, l&~l in Boston. P. 0. in 1904: \Vest­ er!\-. R. I. 1355 (tY Clarence H.~ 1\laxson (Hon1cei, Nathan". Sylvanus\ John\ Josepha, John~) and Alice J. Austin. Ch.: i\laxson: 2334 H.avmond Da11a. h. i\lar. 9, 1874 Potter Hill. R. I. 2335 Joi111 1\lowry, b. Sept. 6, 1876 Asha way, H.. I. 2336 Charles Clan.·11cc, h. 1\ug. l+, 1878 Ashaway. 111. 1'.Iay 8, 1900 Minnie Shaughnessy. dau. of Patric of North \Valpolc, Vt. He was a line maker. 2337 Ruth :\1111, h. rd ar. l 1. 1882 :\I vstic, Ct .. d. 1887. 2338 Am,· Ann, h. Oct. 14, 1885 at ~fvstic, Connecticut. :!339 Alil;'c Josephine, h. Jan. 14. 1887, ·c1. l\lay 24. 1901 Pottl'r Hill. 1-~6+ (t) R11%el~ :Maxson (Russel', '\ Jesse", John\ Josepha, John~) and Ha1111ah :\. Babcock. Cli.: ?\laxson: :?3~0 Burtie, b. Sept. 9. 1865 Carlston, l\finn. 2341 Ina Belle, h. Aug. 5, I 869 Alden, l\finn. 2342 Clifforcl 11 Vern('y, b. :\pr. 21, 18i1 Cowley Co., Kan .. 111. Feb. -1-, 1898 l\Iyrtle Crowsley of Farina, Ill. Lived at Norto11\·ille. Kan. 111 Dau. Emma Jrem· .:\Iaxso11 • b. Oct. 30, 1902, m. Dl1 C. 25, 1927 Edwin E. Shaw. Res. 1930: Port Huron. l\fich. Ch.: Edwin Elson 11 Sha,v, h. !\Tar. IO, 1929. 2343 Jesse Clide, b. J:111. 9. 1874. Pardee. Kan. (Burel. Gen .. p. 649.) 2344 Alfred Irving, h. Apr. 26, I 875, 111. Lola Belle D.ivis. No. 3101. 2345 Lyle EYcrctt, h. i\Iay 31. 18i8 Jeff. Co .. Kan. 2.H6 L,wernc, h. Oct. 16. 1Si9 Nortonville. Knn., d ..Aug. 18. 1880. 1371 (t) S(•c.· No. 1908. 1373 (t) Dr. Sands Carril Maxson (John C.·, John}.'\ Jesse:•, John', Josepha. John:!) and Fannie" E . .i\lungcr (Frances" l\tungcr, l\Iary J.7 Rogers, Rogers'1 Davis, John~· Davis. Elizah ...·th"' i\lax­ son, John~. :!). Ch.: i\1 axson: 2J+7 Irma. h. 1873, cl. 1~86 Leonarclsvillt', N. Y. 2348 Harril'l lvallo, h. 1~80 L<"onarclsvillc. cl. 1909 Utica, N. Y. Gnicl. Alfn·d Univ. 190-1-, 111. J


1.382 (t) \•Vcston T.~ l\Jaxson (Thomas•. H.icharcln, Johur·. 1, a, !!) am! Alice \Viggins or l\larietta, 0. Cli.: Maxson: 2351 Charles Thomas", b. June li, 1860, 111.l Susan Dotson, cl. 1913, 1 m.2 Frieda Hess, d. 1909. Son Thomas " l\laxon of 12..t.2 Sharp St.. Ualtimon:, l\Id. (1895). 2352 Harriet, h. Apr. 5, 1862, m. John Kester. Ch.: Kester: l\lamic: Frank; Granville; Edward; 1\1 arg-arl't; Carl; and Harry. 2353 Ida Belle, b. Dec. 7, 1865, m. DaYirl A. Needs. No ch. 2354 ( +) Frank Lois, bl. Aug. 2-t-, 1872, m. Lattra Gilpin. I-le worked for the Lobl'll Lumher Co .. and moved to northern ~rich. I-le became an inventor for the company. 2355 (-f-) l\lary L., b. Nov. 1. 1879, m. Henry r.I artin Sclinll'rkcr, h. May 28, 1876 in Butler, Pa. 2356 Carrie 0., h. Oct. 2, 1885. Rc·s. 194-~: 775 Grcc·nc St.. l\laridta, 0. 1398 (t) Joe ls Crandall (.i\f art ha· Maxson, Peleg°, 1Iatthew:O, John4, :i, :?) and . 1 878 (t) Hulda· I\foxson (Benjamin'\ \ John\ = , ~). Ch.: CrandaJI: 2357 Hulda Emeline, b. July 23, 1825. cl. St'pt ..1, 1863. m. 1842 Edon Burdick, b. Lincklean, N. Y., d. Richburg, N. Y. 1910. Burel. Gen., p. 290. 2358 Julia Ann, b. I\lay 29, 1827 in .Hopkinton. R. I.. cl. 11ay 24, 1892 in Little Genesee, N. Y., m. Nov. 27. 1847 Benjamin Franklin Burdick. 2359 (+) Joel B., b. l\Iay 25. 1829, d. l\Tay 1895, m. Sept. 30. 1857 Eliza Ann Coon. h. Feb. 22. 1832. rl. Feb. 1891. rlau. of An·rr and Polly Coon. · 2360 Albert. b. Fch. 21. 1831. m.l lcla r.L Mead, m.2 :\Irs. Harriet Bentle,·. Ch.: Crandall: Earl \Varel; arnl Vira. 2361 \,Valtct:. h. l\f ay 17, 1833. m. Desire Ennis. Ch.: E. Ennis. Prnir­ icville. Ark., in 1885. 2362 i\1. Eh·ira. h. June 13, 1835. 111. \Varrcn \Vcllman. Ch.: \Vcll­ man: Nora; Carrie; and Grace. Living 1885 Salamanca. N. Y. 2363 Orson G .. h. Aug. 21, 1841, cl. ac. 11 yrs. 2364 Amelia C., h. Dec. 19, 18-1-3, m. Benjamin G. Buten. 2 ch.: Es­ 10 1 tella Butl'n m. Clarence Lewis. 3 ch.: ancl Bertha B11t1..•n " 11 1I ni. Lewis Champlain and had D011 , Faith ancl Rupert Cham­ plain. 2365 Sarah S .. b. Jan. 28, 1848, m. Hendrick 1. Smith. Ch.: Smith: Gertrude; Angie; Gay; \Varren; and \Vin f red. Olean. N. Y. Hulda i'.\Iaxson and her parents came to Little Genesee, N. Y., in Nov., 1827, by way of Albany, loadcd their g-oods on a scow and were 11 days on thr scow on the Eric Canal. Reaching Syrncuse. they abandoned the scow on account of ice in the canal and finished the journey with tltcir tt'ams from Hopkin­ ton. Genesee "·as formed from Cnha in 1830. BC"njamin I\fax­ son was the first supervisor. 1403 (t) Thomas C. 8 1\faxson (Bcnjamin7 C., Peleg'\ Matthew\ 4 John , :i, :?) and Roxey A. Burclick of Cuyler, Dane Co .. Wis. and Farina, III. Ch.: Maxson: 132 l\L·\XSON FAMILY - EiGHT.1-:I GENERATION

1 2366 (+)Albert Curtis '. b. Cuyk·r. N. Y. Sept. 4, 1834, d. Aug. 16, 1916 Burwell, Neb., 111. Jan. 21, 1875 Harriet Ann \Varden, b. Nov. 13, 1853, d. Dec. 5, 19.V. 23(1i Josiah G., h. June 16, 1H36, d. i\Iar. 1849. 2368 \Villiam H.., twin to J. G .• d. Apr. 17, 1842. 2369 Edg-ar Dcvobon, h. Aug. 14, 1839., d. Mar. 18-1-2. 2370 Sally lktsey, 1,. F('h, 16, 18-Q, d. 1926. She was a school teacher. 2371 (+) Annis l\lelisa, h. Jan. 29, 18.J.5 Cuyler, dead in 1944, living 1932 at Council Bluffs, Iowa, m. ahout .1900 Cyrus \Veavcr, son of Jacob. He was a Yctcran of the Civil \Var. S.D.B. at N. Loupe, Neb. 2372 ~lartha A., h. Nov. 24, 184i, Cuyler, cl. NO\', 13, 1934. She was kno\\'11 as Mattie Ma:-.:son. She was a school teacher many Years. 2373 ( +) l\lancy Antoinette, b. June 26, 1849 Cuyler, d. N. Loupe, Neb.: m.l --- Potter, m.2 --- Sn·an. 2374 Henry Clark, b. June 29, 1853 Cuyler, d. Nov. 14. 1921, m. ---. l..JOS (t) l\larthas i\laxson (Denjamini, C., Peleg'\ Matthew\ John\ :r, :!) and James Burdick. Ch.: Burdick: 2375 Edward Irving. h. Nov. 27. 1837, cl. June 21, 1884 Cuyler, N. Y., 111. Fl'h. 19, 1862 Harrid R. James, b. 18.J.2 DeRuyter, cl. 1923 Cortland, N. Y. 2376 Emily A .• h. Cuyler 18-1-1. d. 1918 DeRuyter, m. \Villis Smith. One ch.: l{av Burdick of Snacuse. 23ii James R .. h: Jan. 12, 1847. ·d. Dec. 27, 1912. m. 187+ Sarah Ann Burdick, b. 1851. Alfred, N. Y., and Toledo, 0. .:\lcrchant. Burd. Gen. 652. 1407 (t) Elias U .;\laxso11 (Peleg·.•:, ?\Iatthew~'. John\\:!) and Ra­ chel~ R Nvc 913 (t) (l3etsiy· ~laxson, Joel'\ Stephen~·. John*, \ :!). Ch.: l\Iax- !iOll: 2378 Louise E., m. Kendrick Crandall. son of Albert of Genesee. 2379 Byron. 2380 Laurette. h. Genesee, N. Y .• m. :\ug-. 20, 185S Leander LiYer­ morc, h . .\tar. 26. 1835 Independence. N. 1·. He was a preacher. One ch.: Alice, h. \ug. 4. 1864 Gcrn.'sce, N. Y., m. June 23, 1887 \Villiam H. Satterkc and they had 4 ch. Dunnclkn, N. J. Sec p. 349, Livermore Family, 1902, by \Valtcr Eliot Thwing. (Set­ tlement 1876 says Laura Etta Phillips.) 8 2 1413 (t) George 1. Jlaxson (Peleg-·. tl. l\latthcw~·. John4, 3, ) an. Ort. 18, 1881. cl. Dec. 23, 1915. 1414 (t) ·Perry 13.s 1\laxson ( Peleg-·. '\ l\latthew\ John\ :i, ~) and i07 (t) i\lary S. \Vilcox. Ch.: l\faxson: 2384 ( +) l\fary P .. h. Dre. 19, 1853. d. Aug. 31, 1913, m. Dec. 19, 1875 Charles Vickers. 133 2385 ( +) Clara Georgiana, b. \Vcstcrly, R I., Dec. 18, 1855, d. Feb. 18, 1916 Tulsa, Okla., 111. Der. 27, 1877 \•Villiam Frances Ewing, b. July 10, 1848 l\It. Nebo, Pa., son of John S. and Letitia V. (1kE1hancy) Ewing of l\lt. Nebo, Pa. \V. F. Ewing cl. Apr. 13, 1916. 2386 Jennie Agnes, b. Nov. 27, 1865, m. Aug. 18-1-9 Rev. J. H. Jetmore. 2387 ( +) \Villard Perry, b. /\ug. ~10, 1869, m. Sept. 17, 1890 J cnnic G. Cowen. Gt. 2 gr. dau. of A Skcllic, Soldier of the Amer. Rev. 0 1416 (t) .i\lartha E." l\lax~un (['rlcg-i, , 1latthcwr·, John'. a, ~) and Samucl Champlin of \Vcsterly, K l. Ch.: Champlin: 2388 Ernest, b. June 1856, d. June 12, 1932 \Vcstcrly, 111. Nicholas De Voll. 2389 (+) Joseph Edwin, b. July 29, 1871, d. Dec. 26, 1935, 111.l Sept. 15, 1897 Anna I\.lorrison Lindsey, m.2 Feb. 19, 1908 Ida F. Lap- ham. , 2390 (+)Clara Augusta, b. Nov. 2, 1874. 111. l\Iay 2. 1893 \Villiam Sydney Gavitt (\Villia111 S., Joseph, John, Philip:' of Salem), b, Jan. 13, 186-+, d. Dec. 12, 19.l+. CaqH'ntcr. 11 1 1417 (t) l'vlary E. l\faxson (Peleg', t:, Matthew\ Joh11 , a, ~) and Andrew .i\l organ. Ch.: 2391 George i\lorgan, d. Dl·c. 2+, 1939, 111. Nov. 1890 l\larg-arct E. Carley, cl. Dec. 25, 1935. Dau. Glaclys Morgan h. 1901 Ston­ ington, Ct., 111. Albert .i\l ill er of Stonington. Dan. Harriet 11 Miller. 1418 (t) Benjamin F.~ Maxson (Peleg\ U, Matthew:·, John 1, a,~) ancl Elsie Ann Ne,vton. 2 ch.: l\laxson: 2392 (t) John Franklin. b. l\lay 22. 1865 \Nestcrly, R. J., adopted by his uncle Luke (No. 1-411 ), m. :\nn Foote, h. !vlar. 26. l8i3 Genesee, N. Y. Farmer, .i\I cchanic and foH'ntor. They !in· not far f rnm \,Vestcrly. 2393 1iahel \Vallace (ch. hv 2nd w .. Delia Coon), b. Dec. 20, 1870 at Camt'ron ..Mo., m. July 1, 1893 Arthur L. Barber. Son Donald Barbe1· h. Feb. 19, 1906. 1 1419 (t) Sanrncl P.~ l\laxson (\Ve 1}don7, 1'.latthcw \ r.• John ◄, a,~) and Hoxev L. Greene of Adams. N. Y. Ch.: :\Iaxson: 2394 Nancy, b. Feb. 25. 183.1, cl. Dec. 29. 1864. 2395 l\lanila J., h. Sept. 15, 18.1+, cl. Sept. 8, 1921 Rochester, l\linn .• m. Hubbard L. Bro\\'11, Sailor, 1813-1914. i children. 23% Charles Hanclall of f .(•onardsvillc, N. Y .. b. S<:pt. 19. 1836, cl. Jan. 27. 1868, 111. l\Iary Fitch, clan. of Erastus, d. Fcu. 12. 1902 ae. 85 ns. One son, Charles F. l\faxson. 1'.tarv m.2 --- Ha ven."had dau. Ethel A. ~ 2397 Lawson G., 1838-1844. 2398 ( +) Laura Ursula, b. July 24, 1840, d. Oct. 24. 1911 \Vatertown, N. Y., m. 1864 Henry Stephen Chase, h. Camps Mills, N. Y.,Scpt. 13, 1839, cl. 1905 Adams Center, son of Roswell and Jane (1\lincr) Chase. Farmer near Sackctts Harbor, and Carpenter. Cor- poral in N. Y. l\Iountccl Rifles. , 2399 Elccta P .. h. Oct. 30, 1843, d. Oct. 11, 18il, Hounsficldt N. Y., m. Bertrand Greene. Son CharlC's and 4 other children. 134 lVlAXSON FAMILY - EIGJ--ITH GENERATION

2400 Edson LaMont, 1845-18-lS. 2-101 Arthur Adclhcrt, b. Aug'. 4, 18-i9, 111. i\Jary M. Shannon. Two adopted claus.: i'\lary and l\lag-gic. Samncl P. l\laxson livl'cl with his son Arthur in l\lich., but cl. at Adams, N. Y., about 1895. 1420 (t} l\latthcw RandaW !vlaxson (\iVccdon1, Matthew°, ~, John-I, a, ~) and l\l"ary E. Barker. Ch.: Maxson: 2402 ( +) Daniel i\latthcw, b. Oct. 16, 1835, cl. J unc 20, 1921, m. Caro­ li11e Rebecca Sih·crthorn Oct. 31, 1866, who was b. Sept. 16, 1842, d. i\foy 28, 1913. Nebraska. 6 ch. 2-103 Prentice Coon, b. Sept. 9, 1837, rn. Ervilla Culver. Lost 2 ch. and an adopted s011. Richmond, \Vis. 85th N. Y. Vols., trans­ ferred to Florence, S. C. Lived through the war. 2404 Horace Leonard, b. Jan. 4, 1839, cl. Oct. 21, 1861, lived in the family of Mrs. Stephen Burdick (Sec No. 1472). He enlisted with his brother Prentice in the 85th Vols., was taken prisoner and sent to Andersonville where he died from scurvey and starvation. , 2405 Thomas Babcock, b. Apr. 18, 1841, m. Angelina Hopkins. Lived in Little Genesee, N. Y. 2406 ( +) Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 8, 1843, m. Sebbeus Burdick Coon, b. Feb. 2, 1834 Sharon, Pa., cl. Aug. 24, 1905, son of Avery. Little Genesee. , 2407 Mary C.. m.1 Uri Robinson, ch.: Saclanna and Grace; m.2 Hor­ ace Foster. 1422 (t) .l\Ialinda~ .Maxson ('Wccclen7, .l\latthcw", r., John ◄, \ :.!) and Daniel P. 1\J. Davison of Grafton, N. Y. Ch.: Davison: 2408 Daniel Harrison, b. May 25, 1826, m. Louise Ann Bly, moved to 111. 2-W9 Almon Alexander, b. J unc 25, 1828, m. Abigail Chandler. 2410 Louise Malinda. h. Dec. 22, 1829, d. Dec. 30, 1902 Bloomington, Ill., m. Sept. 29, 1846 'William Parks. 2411 ( +) Reuben Smith, b. Oct. 14, 1832, cl. Sept. 16, 1902, BaJlston, N. Y., m. Jan. 16, 1858 Louise Hamel, h. Oct. 14, 1838 Middle• bury, Vt., d. June 16. 1923 East Orange, N. J., clau. of Truman and Frozina Hamel. 2412 Ezra J\Iaxon. b. Nov. 5, 1837, cl. 1874, m. Helen 'Wilson. Veteran of the Civil \,Var. 2 1424 (t) Lyman~ .Maxson (Potter\ l\fatthcw':, •·, J ohn4, 3. ) and Adaline Turner. Ch.: i\laxon: 2413 ( +) Marshall Potter, b. Oct. 22. 1842, d. Apr. i, 1918, m. 1863 Bon11ic Lavinia Ziegler, b. Jan. 31, 1846, d. Aug. 5, 1929. They moved to Union City, Mich., in lSiO from Lundy\; Lane, Pa., an! residecl there until 1911 when they moved to Jackson, Mich. 'While in Union City he wns a member of the City Council 5 yrs., Township Trnstce 2 yrs., Director of Farmer's Nat. Bank, Grand Rec. Sec'y of I.O.O.F.. and was a member of the F. & A. M. In Jackson, I\.lich., he was a lawyer. 2414 (+) Mary, h. Oct. 22, 1845, cl. Jan. 15, 1908, m. Myron A. Barn­ hart. Lived in 'Walworth, N. Y. 135 1\1.AXSON FAivllLY - EIGHTH GENERATJON

2415 (+) Oscar, b. 1849, rl. i\lay 20, 1930, m.1 Jennie Sherman, cl. 1880, m.2 Alma Pifer, h. l\lar. 22, 1857, d. 1910. Farmc·r, Lundy's Lane, Pa. 2416 (+) George, b. Jan. 1852, cl. Jan. 4, 190-1-. m. Sept. 10, 1873 11orja Hunt. b. Jan. 9, 1858, rl. Jan. 3, 1923. Lived at Luncly's Lane, Pa.; Lorain, 0.; Bridgeport, 0.; \Vheeling, \V. Va.; and Clc\'c­ land, 0. He was a conductor on the B. and 0. RR 2417 ( +) Elsie, May 1863-1935, 111. 1880 Albert Russell l\l ilncr, 1857- 19.38. I\lanufacturer of stools ancl desks which lw invented. She was a Teacher of Piano sen·ral years. Liver! at Canal Dover, Ohio. 7 1428 (t) George vV.N I\laxon (Potter , l\latthcw''. ", John", :I, ~) and Jane E. Burdick of Grafton. N. Y. Ch.: l\laxon: 11 2418 Albert Clarencc • b. Feb. 6, 186-1-, m. Oct. 5, 1898 Bertha A. Phillips, b. Apr. 5. 187i (Virkus, Vol. V .. p. 424). Shirt 1\lann­ facturcr. Ch.: Katherine, h. Feb. 27, 1902, librarian H. S. at Berlin, N. Y.; Albertine. h. June 8, 1907. m. Charl{'s Robert Hughes. Altoona, Pa.; ancl Robert 111 Clarcnclon, h . .i'.lar. 8, 1909. A. B., Union College. 2419 Jesse P., b. July I, 1869, shirt manufacturer, m. Sept. 12, 1900 in Petersburg, N. Y.• Gertrude D. Sw<"et, h. Petersshurg, Apr. 22, 1877, dau. of Charles E. and Louise J. (Clark) Sweet. R.l':-. Berlin, N. Y. Ch.: Elizabeth Louise, h. Dec. 31, 1905. (Sec Bur­ dick Genealogy. p. 530.) 11 0 3 1431 (t) Daniel Horace l\laxson (DanieF, l\Jatthew , ", John\ , ~) 12.30 (t) and Olive~ \Vest (Joscph7 \,Vest. Elizabcth0 Davis, John~ Davis, Elizabct]r• l\faxson, Johna, ~). Ch.: r.Iaxson: 2420 ( +) Gerrit Smith, h. June 20. 18-1-9 Petersburg. cl. Nov. 19, 1919 Lincoln, Nch., 111. ;\Jar. 9. 1873 Arlassa Florilla 13abcock. 2421 Philena. 1853-1858. Ch. by 2nd w.: :Maxson: 2422 Daniel Horace. , 2423 Susan, m. George Brown, d. about 1941. P. 0. 1943: l\lrs. Su­ san Brown, 507 Church St., Fayetteville, Ark. She has a clau. :\Jamie. 1438 (t) Loviria~ 1\laxson (George', '1. 2\fattl1l'w\ John ◄• :i_ ~) ancl 325 (t) JoeF Kenyon (Joanna(· Barber. ThankfuF· ?i.Iaxson. John~. =i, ~) of Brookfield and \Virt. N. Y. Ch.: Kenyon: 2424 (+)Joanna. m. 1851 in Nile, N. Y., Schuyler 1\Iaxson. b. 1830 Friendship, N. Y., rl. Mar. 10, 1863 (No. 1-1-56). , 2425 Elvira Elizabeth. D.A.R. No. 19922. Vol. 20, p. 337. D.A.R. Lineage. 2426 (+)Lavinia Ro:--alim•, h. Sept. 25. 1803, d. Apr. 6. 1877, 111. Charles 1\Iilforcl 1\lix, b. July 2

2428 ( +) Susan. h. J unc 6, 1840 Richburg, cl. Aug. 6, 1923 Farina, JII., m. James Pernell Green. , 2429 (+)Russel John, b. Jan. 16. IS·t? Richburg, d. Apr. 191 i Gen­ try, Ark, m. Lucy A. Crandall, b. Lewiston, 111., d. l\Iar. 10, 1931 Gentry, Ark., dau. of Albert C. (Cary, Peleg, llcnj., John, Rev. 1 Joseph, Joh11 ) and Hebecca Jane (Hess) Crandall. Reb. Jane, clau. of David Hess, b. S\\'itz1:rland, and Nancy Ann James, b. Eng-. 2430 Sally Orcc·lia, h. Nov. 13, 18-~4 Richburg, cl. June 1926 Rich­ burg, m. \Varren \V. Phillips. 2431 (+)Lydia 1\label, b. Nov. 28, 184i, m.1 Edw~.rd Vincent, m.2 J amcs Pratt. 2-t-32 (+) :rvJartin L., b. Jan. 7, 1852, 111. Jan. 29, 18i6 at Farina, Ill., \rVcalthy Childs, h. Jan. 31. 1853, Niagara. N. Y. 1444 (t) James S:~ Maxson (J amcs', George°, Matthew\ Jol,n4, a, ~) and Amelia B. Child. Ch.: l\faxson: 2433 Lovanthia, h. Dc·c. 10, 1860 Lima, "'is., cl. Jan. 28, 1888 in l\fo­ berly, l\Io., 111. July 21, 18i7 J. \V. French. 243-l- Julia Bell, b. Lima 1862, d. 1888 Parsons, Kan. 2-l-35 1\lary A., b. Apr. 4, 1865 Lima, m. Aug. 26, 1885 Emory Lan­ phear, son of J\\'ery and Hulda (Younglove) Lanphear of St. Louis, i\lo. RC's. 1885: St. Louis. Ch.: Lanphear: Orrin \Val­ ter10, b. 1886 Kansas City; and Ether Emory, h. Apr. 22, 1888 Kansas City. 2436 John C., b. Jan. 1-l-, 186i Lima, rn. Sept. 13, 1892 Addie Weath­ erby. S011 of James of Coffa, Kan. Ch.: Addie Bernice l\Iax­ son, h. Aug-. 6, 1893 Kan. City. 2437 Sarah Lucinda, h. July 12, 1869. Par.wn ..;, !-Can .. 1895. 2438 Gertrude J\ltana. h. 18i-J.. Hartfor:l. i~~:1., 1~95. 2 1452 (t) Abigail A.~ l\laxson (AheF. Ccorgcil, i\latthcw\ John\ ~, ) and Jonathan Allen ofAlfred, N. Y. Ch.: Allen: 2439 Dr. Alfred Allen. , 2440 l\lary Allen. m. George Greenman Champlin. D.A.R. No. 23, 496. Vol. 24. p. 173. Li.neagc. 1456 (t) Schuyler~ l\laxson (AbcF. George°, l\Iatthc,,·r·, John\ :i. z) 2424 (t) and J oa11na!1 Kenyon (Lovida8 l\laxson, George', I\latthew", Jol111\ \ ~). Ch.: Maxson: 2441 Son b. & d. 1861. , 2442 Eleanor Elvira", b. June 28. 1857 \Virt, N. Y., d. Feb. 14, 1945, rn. --- Stimson. Dau. Mrs. Van \Vyck Brooks of \Vestport, Conn. 1462 (t) Susan~ 1\Iaxson (Lukc7. ". Matthew~, John'. =i, ~) and Spen­ cer Sweet of Alfrccl, N. Y. Ch.: Sweet: 2443 Lucy, b. l\lay 7, 1833. 111. \Villiam R. Barber. 11 ch.: Barber: 1 l\l ary Estella. b. 1\pr. 27, 1849, m. John J. i\Iillai-d and hacl Hattie, b. I\lav 22. 1879 in Alfrt•(l. 2 Milo Jason. h.~ Aug-. 25. 1850. m. Viola Chase. Ch.: Franklin Barber, b. Feb. 2:2. 1872; and Frederick Barber, b. Sept. 9. 1874. 3 George M .. h. Sept. 13, 1851. 137 MAXSON FA!\IIL\' - EIGIITH GENERATION

4 Emma Lucretia, h. Nov. 6, 1852. 111. Howard Phillips. Dau. Cora l\lay Phillips h. Dec. 12, 1878. 5 James vVatson, b. No\', 6, 1855, m. Adorn llcll Day. Ch.: Son b. 1881. 6 Amelia L., b. & cl. 1856, 1\lf red. 7 T\vin to Amelia, b .. d. 1856. 8 Clara, b. & d. 186-1-. 9 Nellie, h. & cl. 1866. IO William, b. l\f ar. 20, 1869. 11 Agne:; A. L., h. July 8. 187..J. 2444 Laura, h. Apr. 5, 1834, 111. David Hatfield Rounds. 7 ch.: Rounds: l George A. h. Jan. 6. 1853 Farmington, 111., cl. Sept. 8. 186-1-. 2 Alice, h. Jan. 29, 1855 Farming-ton, m, James !\(organ Grant. 4 ch.: Frank Grant, b. Aug. 23. 1873; Halph L. Grant, h. Oct. 19, 1878; J\lauricc Grant, h. D('c. 18, 1880; Freel Grant, h. Nov. 25, 1875. 3 Mary, 11. l\lar. 15. 1861 St. Joseph. lVlo., d. Oct. 2-t, 1864 Bloomington, Ill. 4 Nellie, 1865-1869 Bloomington. Ill. 5 Samuel D., h. Oct. 13, 186.1 Padua, 111 .. d. 186-L 6 Olive Ann, b . .i\Iar. 20, 1875 Lecia, Ill. 7 Amy. b. July 18, 1879. 2..J.45 Lydia, b. i\lar. 29. 1835 Alf reel, 111. Jarvis Steadman Kenyon. Ch.: :i'\linnie Belle K('nvon, h. Dec. 20, 1866 Alfred. 2446 Albert, h. Aug. 17, 18·10 Independence, N. Y.. cl. Nov. 7. 1840. 2447 Mary, b. June 17. 1842 Al ired. rl. i\Iar. 15. 1846. 1465 Ct) Luke G.~ Maxson (Luke·, n. 1\lattht•,,·~·. John\ :i. ~) and Cor- delia Ann Hartshorn. Ch.: l\laxson: 2448 1\,Jilton Ranson, b. Nov. 15, 18--U. 2449 Charles, b. Nov. 9, 1864. 1468 (t) See No, 974. 11 2 1468 (t) George Hussel~ l\laxson ( Luke·. , Matthew:·, John\ :i. ) and Lydia Elma Babcock. Ch.: i\1axson: 2450 Effie Lucila. b. Feb. 22, 1857 l\lilton, \Vis., m. Apr. 5, 1879 at Farina, Ill., Eugene G. 13urrlkk. Sc:c p. 385 Burdick Genealogy for descendants. 2451 George Lee, b. Oct. 18, 1859 Milton, \Vis., drowned July 3, 1874. 2452 Lucy Estella, h. Nov. I, 1862 Farina, cl. Sept. 22, 1896 at Milton, leaving a clau. 4 ye:ars old, and her husband Judson \Veils, son of Judson \Velis, and brother of Jason \Veils (Recorder Oct. 12, 18%). 2453 Hattie Amelia, b. Apr. 23, 1868 at :Milton, \Vis. 2454 Helen, b. Aug. 3, 1874 at Vanclalla, Illinois. 2 1470 (t) Phebe A.H .Maxson (George•, Luke", .i\fatthew~. John ◄, :i, ) and Calvin \\1heclcr. Ch.: Wheckr: 2455 Susan Arabella, b. Oct. 5, 1844 at Wirt, N. Y., m. Mav 14, 1868 Charles Anthem Chapin, son of David. 9 ch. Mil{\'a.ukec in 1896.


2..J.56 i\mos Delano, b. Apr. 7. 1850 \Virt, 111. Apr. 3, 1886 Harriet A. Greene, b. Oct. 28, 1861, dau. of David and Lavina (Sweet) Greene of N;lc. 245i George l\Iaxson, h. Jan. 24, 1852 \Virt, cl. Nov. 5, 1887. 2.J.58 Mary Ellen, b. July 20, 1853 \Virt. cl. Apr . ..J., 1929 at St. Peters­ burg. Fla., m. 1\ug-. 24, 1878 Colo., \Villiam Thuma:; Eaton, son of Thomas \V. Eaton. Sec~ History of Pinellas County, Fla. 0 1472 (t) Susan~ l\laxson (Gc·orge', Lukc , Matthew~·. John\ a, ~) and Stephen Burdick* of J\I free!, N. Y, Ch.: Burdick: 2459 Hannah Elnur;_1, h. :\pr. 25, 1860, d. ii.lay ..J., 1863, 2-160 ( +) Dr. Georgl' Enos. h. Alf red. Nov. 20, 1864. m. June 2-t, 1887 Nnra Brown, h. June 8, 1866. dau. of John vV. and Abby Jane (Kenyon) Brown. He was grad. from the Univ. of New York 1888, l\l. 0., was in St. Louis, l\lo., 193.3. No ch. 2461 .l\lerll' i\laxson, b . .-\pr. 13, 1879, cl. Dec. 15, 19..J.5, m. Aug. 25, 1909 Olive i\laria Dowell of Peoria, JII. They had a son l\Ierle Burdick. 2-162 Dr. /\If reel S. *Stephen Burdick came to 1\lf rccl with his parents about 1839. lll' was principal of the DeRuyter Institute 1866-1867. He re­ tired fro111 the ministry 1904 and used his time for literary :>.11d historical work. He had a first wife Hannah Esther Stillman. Susans Maxson ( l..J.72) graduated from Alfred ancl taught school 11i11l' years. J. I. r.laxson often quoted her as authority for many of his statements in genealogy. (J. I. ~Iaxson, M.S.S., \.Vcsterlv Librarv.) 1477 Ct) Sec No. 1615~ 1479 (t) \Villiam H.~ i\laxson (Benj.· r.laxso11, Zaccheus'1. Benj.", John\;:_\ ancl i\lartha· Crandall. i\lartha(; 1\Iaxson, 1\latthew:-0, John'. :i, ~) and /\hby Altana Langworthy. Ch.: l\faxson: 246.3 Ralph Hascall. h. Jan. 23, 1851 Portville. N. Y .. m. Apr. 4, 1870 i\lvrn A., cla11. oi \Villiam and Ursula North. 2-164 S,inford LaFayette, h. July G, 1846 Genesee. N. Y .. m. July i, 1866 .Nancy .J anc· Coon. M ii ton. \Vis., 1893. 2465 Janette Emeline, h. July 25, 1848 Portville. m. July 25, 1863 Jocl Aug-ustns Crandall. 2466 vVillct Henry. b. Oct. 25. 1855 Portville, d. Mar. 27, 1857 Port­ ville. 2-167 Emma /\ltana, b. Tunc 24, 1860 Port\·ille, m. --- Harwood. \Villiam R r.lax!-~;n was huric·d in the East Portville Ccmeterv with :i\Iasonic Order, 1895. S.D.B. · 1485 (t) George s.s Crandall (l\Iatthew· 1\I. Crandall, l\Iartha0 Max­ 7 son, Matthew\ J ohtr', :i. ~; also Prudcnce l\Iaxson, Zaccheus°, 1 1 Jk11jami11:·. John'. = • ) and Corintha Hamilton. Ch.: 2468 Lucetta Cranclall, h. 1847. 111. 1868 t-Tilcs ]\[. Oviatt, 18-1-0-1880. Ch.: l\Irs. Frances Oriat Hellikcr Larkin, b. Olean, N. Y. D.A.R. No. 72.412. 1495 (t) l-!ollcy vv.~ l\laxson (Holly•. Silas\ Davicl". John4. \ ~) and Lucy \V. Burdick. Ch.: l\laxson:


2469 Holly 1\Janchester. h. Scot 1, N. '{., i\foy ..J., 1836, cl. DL1c. 6, 1906 J\lfr('cl, 111. Jan. 17, 1865 Ange I folcom, dau. of Orlando of Al­ fred Ceutcr. An adopted dau. :\lice 111. ]·Jarry Jacques and they lmd one child. 24i0 Frances Perry. b. Scott. July 2, 1838. 2471 Charles Newlon. h. Nov. 2c1, 1844 Hottndsficlcl, N. Y., 111. Sept. 7, 1870 l\lary S., dau. oi :\[arming- T. Furman of Pa. Fn~sno, California. 1496 (t) Silasi; Maxson (Holly, Silas. David, Joh11'. :,. :!) and Eu- 1122 (t) schia' \Vhitford (Polly; l\Jaxso11, Asa", Davi1F', John-I, ", i). Ch.: l\Ia.xson: 2472 (+) Josephine· J\d<:lia. b. Adams. N. '{., jtPH~ 11. 18-12, d. June 5. 190i, m. Jan. 13, 1861 Qui11cy D<:Fnrcst Greene. h. June 25, 1840 Adams, N. Y., d. July 28, 1931, .son oi Thomas and Ann (Sweet) Grl'ene. 2473 Dora /\(klaiclc, h. Julv 27. 18--tS Rorlnw11. N. '{., d. July 12, 188-~ Adams, 111. June 2, 186.? \Villiam D. Grl'('lll', son of Paul and Hannah Jones. He m.2 Emrna J. Hall. Ch.: Greene: lda Delle, 1869-1943; George T., 18i6-1Sii; and h'.oy DeForest. 1Si9-1942. No gr. ch. 2474 Ira Adell, 1850-1851. 2475 ( +) Silas 'Whitford, b. Feb. 19, 18-t.7 Hod man, cl. June 29, 1916, m. Dec. 18, 1865 Celestine A. Greene, h. Nov. 9, 1846 Houns­ field. N. Y., cl. Dec. 25. 1902, dan. of \1/illiam B. Grl'enc. He was Commissioner of Schools, /\dams Center, in 1895. Later he was a N. Y. Statf• Inspector of Teachers Training- Classes. He m.2 GertruclC' Griffith of Nortonville, Kan. 2476 Inez Radcliff, h. Sept. 16, 1852 Hodman. She was a teacher at Alfred. 2477 James l\lurray, b. ~lay 24. 1857 lforlman. d. :\pr. 25, 1922 Chi­ cago. Ill., 111. l\Jrs. 1\Iary Eliza Ord\\'ay, h. :Mar. 19, 1857 \Nest Edmeston, N. y·_ He was secretary of the Ordway Heating and Ventilating Co .. 1895. in Chicago. 1498 (t) 1\Jary Starr~ l'\Iaxson (Holly\ Silas\ David\ John". :i, ~) and \Velcome Clarke. Ch.: Clarke: 24i8 Frances. b. /\pr. 27, 1847, m. Feb. 4, 1868 .Amos Stoodh:y. 2479 Edward, 1859-1862. 2480 Frederick, h. June 11, 1862. d. Oct. 12, 186.l 1499 (t) HarrictF I\laxson (David, Silas, David. John\ :i. ~) and Hosea l\Iartin. Ch.: i\lartin: 2-181 John \V., had a son \Villiam J\larti1:, d. 1895. 2482 Eliza, had no ch. 2483 David. m. Ellen J. Kimhall. 3 ch.: l\1artin: Grace vV .. unm.; Clinton 9 .• no ch.; and ,T. 0. of 1.3 ivlonroe St., Honey Falls, 11 N. Y., whose wife d. 1927, hac) ch.: l\lary V. i\Iarti11 • m. G. F. Osburn of Harlington, Texa:,;, and they had a dau. and a son; and Grace B.' 1 1\:lartin, d. 1927 ll·aving- 2 young sons. 2484 Hosea, had no ch. 2485 Harriet. m. Albert Hunter. Dau., l\lrs. Stanton E

1501 (t) Norma11~ BooYc i\ln.:-:011 (Davidi, Silas\ David~' John\ ;I. :i) and Fick·lia Caroline Eaton of Elhriclgc, N. Y. Ch.: Iviaxon: 2486 Laura Conwlia, J•cb. 8-Mav I 1. 18.+l. 2-187 Laura Cornelia, b. July 3, iS-t2, d. tmm. J\lar. 9. 1926. 2488 John Jay, b. ]day 12, 1844, cl. unm. 2489 Norman Franklin. IJ. l\lay 6. l~l8, cl. July 2, 18i0. Vet. of Civil \Var. 2490 ( +) Grov<.• T<.·rry. b. Apr. 20, 1850, cl. Nov. 13, 1924, 111. Apr. 20, 188i Elizabeth Joslin. He was a manufacturer of artificial stone in Cortland. N. Y. Sec Cortlancl Co. Biog. 1896, p. 382. 5 ch. 1st 4 .!!rad. from Cornell. the 5th from Colg-ate. 2491 (+)Henry Eaton, b. Skan<.'atcles, N. Y.. Feb. 23, 1853, m. Jan. 1. 1882 Stella Porll'r. cl. 1\lny 22, 1883, m.2 July 25, 1885 Eliza Farnham, dau. of Hiram and r.fory Vanf\uken (who had a half sister Claire). 2492 Eftit'. Eliza, b. St.'nnett, N. Y .. J unc 22. 1855, d. Apr. 21, 1885 unm. 2-1-93 ( +) J\lat·y Adel.tide, b. J\ug. 13, 1858, cl. July 23, 1933, m. Dec. 29, 1881 Florian Emerson \Veb:itcr. Sec \Vcbstcr Genealogy. ! SO-+ (t) fraM 11axon (John 7. Silasli. David\ John\ :i, ~) ancl 1\[ary J. Clarke of Bing-hamton. N. Y. Ch.: Maxon: 2494 ( +) Jcla Lois, h. Sept. 18. 1855 Scott. N. Y., m. John Otis Get­ man. lived in Cortland. N. Y. 2495 Ada. twin of Ida, cl. v. 24~16 Lorl'nzo E., h. Fl·h. ii. 1839 Eldred. Pa., m. Nov. 11, 1891 Helen E. Yonker (or Clara Yonker). Livl'rl i11 Bing-hamton. 249i Tames 0 .. h. 1\lar. 13, 1861, m. D<-•c. 26, 1882 Sarah Lawton. 625 ·s. \N. St., Snaruse, N. Y. 2498 1\Iary J., b. ·l\lar. 19. 1865. 111 • .i\lortinwr King. 2-1-99 Nora, h. Feh. 2-J., 1869. 111. Att!~- 1889 Robert Sexamith. They went to Dcs1\loines, Iowa. 8 11 1505 (t) Jol111 Maxon (Johni, Silas • Da,•icF', John\ :i, ~) and l\Iary Jane Da \'is. Ch.: 1'.Jaxon: 2500 Fri-on. m. Florence Broekwa\·, livl'cl at Homer. N. Y., had a dan. Edith. 111. --- \Vehst<-:r. 2501 Thran, twin of Fl'ron. m. Charlotte Stevens. livl'cl near Homer, hotl1 d. Son Tolin Sten•11s 10 1\Iaxon m. Alice ---. have: fol111 11 and Cl1arlotte 11 ).la~wn. 2502 Eva. 111. Irving Smith. hanlw:1re merchant at Auburn. N. \". 1 1 Ch.: Jane'° Smith. 111. --- Greene, went to Ill.; and Georgc ( Smith. m. and harl ch. 1517 (t) \Villiam Ellary·~ Max.son (Silas, Paul. Davicl. Joh114. :•,~)and Elizabeth Smith. Ch.: :Maxson: 2503 Herbert Ellory, h. Jan. 23. 18-1-3. cl. 1\T:1r. 16, 1864. 2504 John Edward, 1844-1846. Ch. by 2nd w. Sarah Maria Fenner: r.laxson: 2505 Arthur Livingston°, h. l\lay 11, 18-1-7. m. Mary Godfrey Riley. Ch.: Hcrhcrt 10 Maxson, h. }\,Jar. 23. 18i.2 Nonvich, Ct. \Vas with the Equitnblc Life Insurance Co .. Providence, R. L, in


1895; and lra10 l\laxson, d. Oct. 30, 1895. (J. I. l\laxson Record.) 2506 Alda :Marie, 1850-1851. 2507 Mary Elizabeth, 1852-1853. 2508 ( +) Emily Fenner, b. Mar. 20, 1855 tfystic, Ct .. m. Nov. 1876 l .011is Packard Allyn, h. July 22, 1851, son of Gucrdo11 Allyn. e is D.A.R. No. 5308 with DavicP as Rev. Ancestor. 2509 ;-) Silas, b. l\lay 3, 1857, m. Nov. 18i7 l\Iaria l\lcGaug-l1ey, dau. ui James and Tetitia 1\IcGaughcy. 2510 Ann Elizabeth, 1859-1860. 2511 Charles Potter, b. l\lar. 20. 1863 \,Vest i\Jystic. 111. June 16, 1890 Emma Anita Rathke of New Orleans, h. Junl' 23. 1869. Dau. h. Dec. 25, 1896 at New Orleans. Master and Pilot of steamships. 7 153+ (t) Christopher~ l\laxson (Jcsse , Paul", DavicF', John\ a,~) and Angcnette Millard. Ch.: i\Iaxson: 2512 Alma E., b. Nov. 28. 1859 Adams, N. Y .. cl. l\lar. 6, 1862. 2513 Alden, b. Mar. 6, 1862 Arlams, 111. Apr. 23. 1884 Ella J. Stoddard. clau. of Orren T. and Esther Stoddard. 2514 Adelia, b. Nov. 6, 1865 Adams. m. Oct. 28, 1886 Arthur, son of Leonard and 1Jary Howe. 2515 Jesse S., b. June 14, 1866 Adams, 111. Apr. 7. 1891 Lena, dau. of George and Artimissa Hammond. Adams Center, N. Y. 2516 Orange H., b. I\Iay 2, lSiO Adams. N. Y., m. Nov. 28, 1894 Eunice M. Greene, h. July 27. 18il. clau. of De Elton P. ancl Ann Eliza (Coon) Greene. 2517 Lora, b. Aug. 20, 1Si4. 1536 (t) Paul S.H l\laxson (Jessei, Paul". Davicl". John ◄• :•. ~) ancl Amy L. Gould. Ch.: !\laxson: 2518 Edgar C.8, b. Jn1y 26. 1857. m. Dec. 19, 18i8 Nellie \Vhite,


l\Iary C. Hawley, b. Greenwich, N. Y. D.A.R No. 156,510, Vol. 165. 1546 (t) Sec No. 1650. 154i (t) Sec No. 883. 1556 (t) Emily Elizabeth" Sheldon (Abigail l\Iaxson, Davicln, r., John\ a, ::) and George Frederick Rumsey of Chicago, Ill., had one child: 2522 ( +) Frances Julia Rumsey. b. Dec. 19, 1850, cl. Feb. 3, 1933 Palo Alto, Cala., m. Oct. 14, 1Si3 James Sager Norton, b. Dec. 6, 1844 Lockport, Ill., cl. Sept. 17, 1896 Lake Gl'ncva, \Vis. He was a lawyer, graduated from Yak 1865. 3 1562 (t) Henry Lee l\'1axson (Davicl7, '1. ~-. John\ , !!) and Mary Hull of Petersbtrl'g' and Brooklyn, N. Y. .3 ch.: 1',Jaxson: 2523 Estella l\laria, b. Petersburg Nov. 5, 184i, m. Apr. 10, 1872 George Brust of Brunswick, N. Y. 2524 Mary Edwina, h. Sept. 9, 1849, m. July 29, 1868 l\Iartin E. Brim­ mer of Petersburg-. One ch.: Dr. Geralclw Brimmer of Long Island City, N. Y. 2525 Eyuclla, b. Sept. 18, 1866, cl. June 10. 1869. 11 1564 (t) Phebe H.R Maxson (David', , \ John\ J' ~) and Joshua \Vecden Hakes of Petersburg. 6 ch.: Hakes: Henrietta, b. Ort. 18. 1850, d. Feb. 2+. 1878, m. Nov. 7, 1871 Hi­ ram H. Smith. 2526 Ch.: Smith: Frank H .. h. 1872. cl. 1912; and Otis, b. 1876, d. v. 2527 Ida G., b. Feh. 18, 1853, d. Feb. 25, 1936, m. l\Iar. 9. 1873 Euge11e 1 Lewis. Ch.: Lewis: 1. Lcon ", m. l\·Tina Conners. clan. Julia Lewis; 2. George, m. Dorothy Goodermote ancl had one ch.; 3. Beatrice, m. Arnold Derwig-. had one ch.; 4. Frl'cl, cl. y.; and Clarence. 2528 George R .. b. Dec. 18. 185i. lin's (1937) at rviilan, !\linn., m . .i\far. IS. 1884 Lucy B. Hafford. 2 ch.: Hakes: Volylina, m. 10 vValtcr Hill, had 3 ch.; ancl Ruth • 2529 Nellie, b. Jan. 16. 1863. cl. l\fay 15, 1885. 111. Jacob V. Bootma11. No ch. 2630 Cornell \V .. h. Feb. 14, 1867. d. Fch. 1926. 2531 Ada 1\L b. July 25. 1868. cl. Aug. 9. 1925, 111. July 22. 1891 Dar­ rell C. Pettit. cl. Oct. 2(), 1909. Ch.: Gladys Pettit, h. ~Iar. 13. 1892, m. Apr. 6, 1917 Clarence D. Carr ancl hacl Elii:ahcth I\l. Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1918; :ind J\fillirc·nt Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1921, d. Feb. 18, 1933. Ahove records were furnished hv 1\1 rs. Glad vs P. Carr of Pl't- ershurg, N. Y. Feb. 22. 1937. - · 1 3 1572 (t) Albert s.ii Greene (Susanna• Maxson. David 1. \ John". , ~) and Eliza Story. Ch.: Greene: 11 2532 Clara , b. \,Vash .. D. C.. July 19, 1865. cl. 1868. 2533 Albert Edward Story, b. Feb. 21, 18i.2. 11 0 1578 (t) Daniel l\I. l\faxson (Daniel R.7. Augustus , J oseph:1, John4, :i, !!) and Anna l\facKinncy. Ch.: fi.laxson: 2534 Mrs. Frank W. Lee of Bay City, !\Jich.


2536 Rev. James 1\lntthcw. b. Jan. 1. 18i5, m. Blanche 1\lorris. He is the Bishop of the Episcopal Dioccst' of Tenn. !\lcmphis, Tenn. 1580 (t) 1\f atthew' L. r.Iax!-ion ( DanieF R., :\ugustnsu, Joseph\ John\ a.:!) and Emma Stevens. 5 ch., of whom: 1 10 2536 Flovcl 1\laltom ' l\1 axon. Dau. Sarah Cornl'lia of :\filwaukec. Dat;, 1\lrs. l\lauricc Freema11 11 of 1214 Glenwood An· .. ·Yo11ngs­ 11 town, Ohio, and another da11. • trnm .. who works at tlw stamp window in Chicago. (19.38. Data from Rev. James r.J. i\Iaxson.) 7 1582 (t) Arthur \Varcls l\laxson (Joseph , ll, :;, John', :i, ::) ancl Lucy Ann Baldwin. Ch.; 1\laxson: 2537 Amelia, h. July J, 18-1-9. 2538 Orrin, h . .Apr. 20, 1860. 2539 Orrin E .. h. l\far. 2. 1~6~ Fairfield, \Vis., m. Dl'c. 26, 1883 Kittie \:Vildman, h. l\Iar. 4, 1862 Darlington, \Vi:;. He became County 1 Judge of Lyon County, l\linn. Dau. Ethel L. " 1\Taxson, b. Oct. 27, 1887. Conhy, 1\Iinn. 2540 l\Tary, b. I\Iay · 6, 1864. 2541 l\fattic, b. Dec. 31, 1869. 1590 (t) Lucy~ I\Iaxson (SamueF, r.. Joseph~. John\ :t, :?) an. A11g-. 29. 1904 at Covington. Kv. 2546 S:~11111cl Nelson. h, l\fay 19. 1R80, rl. Apr. 20. 1019. m. about 1917 in Cala .. Nell I\frKav. No ch. 2547 ( +) Harry Russel, i>. Sept. 6, IR~.l m. Nov. 5. 1906 in :\thens, Ga .. Lois Purncker. dat1. of Tulia Smvthc and Hev. Gde. Purucker \\'ho had rhar~e of th(: Arnericai1 Episcopal church in Geneva. Switzr:rla11rl. H. R. l\f. is prcsidl't1t of the l\Iaxon Pn•• mix Burner Co. of :\lt111cie. Indiana, and lives (1945) at 715 Carter Hill road, l\l ontg-omerv. Ala ha ma. 2548 John James 11. h. Apr. 20. 188R, m. 1912 Anna Berry in St. Al­ bans. \V. Va .. cl. l\Tar. 27, l CJ) 9 1\luncie, Ind. John JamC'sR Maxon inheritC'd a part of his fathC'r's farm, said lo haw• hccn 800 acres. i)uring- the last 10 years of his life ht' owne


2550 Elizabeth, h. Chester Hill, 0., cl. Feb. 1939, m. Dr. Bertham Jacobs. Both d. in Columbus, 0. 1595 (t) Charlcs11 Bailey (Sophronia· l\faxon, Samuel Rn, Joseph'\ 3 John4, , :.:) ancl l\largaret Cherrington. Ch.: Bailey: 2551 James, m.I Minnie l\Ionroe and had James ancl l\fonroc Bailey. m.2 Clionc Cherrington and had Helen and Ruth Bailey. 2552 J C%c, 111. \Viii Sharon and had l\Iay ancl \Vill Sharon. 2553 Charles, 111. Anna ---; clau., i\larg-arct Bailey. 11 1 1596 (t) HL·nry~ Bailc•y (Sophonia; 1\laxon, Samuel R. • Joseph1, John\ :r, :!) and Eliza Cherrington. Ch.: Bailey: 2554 Hattie, m. \Vill Vicars. Ch.: Cherrington Vicars. m.2 --­ when about 70. .Alive in 19-1--L 2555 Harry, m. Cora Sward; son: Henry Bailey. 1600 (t) He11rietta11 Bailey (Sophronia7 1faxon, Samuel R.", Joseph"', John", :i. :!) and 1\Ionroe Ridenour. Ch.: Ridenour: 2556 Grace, m. Edward Padgham. 3 ch .. live at 164 Genesee St., Geneva, N. Y. 2657 Frank(?); sons \Vynu ancl Frank Ridenour. 1501 (t) Elizabcth 11 Bailey (Sophronia; Maxon, Samuel11 R, Joseph\ John\ :r, :?) and James Harn•y Summers. Ch.: Summers: 2558 \Viii, unm. 2559 Fred, 111. Carrie Trachlc•r. Ch.: Summers: Emory; Fern; Anna; Jam('S. 2560 Edward. unm. 2561 (+)Charles, b. Oct. 20, 1858. d. July 1-+, 1919, m. l\Iay 6, 1885 Jennie Sccfridge, h. l\Iay 17, 1861. cl. Jan. 25. 19-H . 2562 .i\Tinnic. m. Frank \Villharg-er. Ch.: I·larry; Elizabeth; Ruth; Edward. 2563 Harry, m. I\Tary Clc·nrlcn. Ch.: Summers: Helen; Faye; l\[ary Frances; Elizabeth; and Harry. 1604 (t) Edwar


11 1606 (t) Darien Claudine~ l\Iaxon (Darius\ Samuel H.. , Joseph\ John\ :i, z) and Thomas Benton Klein. Ch.: Klein: 2569 (+)Edith, m. June 25, 1903 Elwood R. Hamilton of Colum­ bus, 0. 2570 l\fary Darien, b. Columbus, 0., m. Dec. 8, 1934 Van Rensselaer Sill of \Vash., D. C. One ch.: Rensselaer Elwood Sill. b. Sept. 22, 1933. Note: Samuel 1\.laxon's mother (Hannah Utley l\Iaxon, No. 303) and several of her children came to Galla Co., Ohio, after her husband's ckath. SamueF !\faxon located first at Charles­ ton, \V. Va., where he was employed by Ruffner Bros. in the salt manufacturing business and he later located at Gallipolis, 0., probably between 1825 and 1830...... Calvin Shepard, through Mrs. E. K. Hamilton of Columbus, 0. 7 0 1615 (t) Varnum Phineas~ 1faxson (Phineas V. , Varnum P. , Ben­ 1477 jamin\ John4. :i, z) and (t) Lura Ann" Maxson (Benjamin C.7, Zaccheus«. Benjamin\ John 4. \ z; also :Martha Cran­ clalF, Martha" Maxson, l\fatthcw'\ John4, a, =) lived in the Main Settlement in the S.W. corner of Allegany Co .. N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 2571 Phineas Varnum, m ..Hattie Wilbur. Large family, lived in Myrtle, Pa. 2572 Benjamin Zacchcus, m. twice. Had 4 daughters; one was Ida Kentner who m. \Vill Hornhlower. Lura Ann spent her last days with Ida Kentner Hornhlowrr. 2573 \rVilliam N. was killed in the Civil \•Var. 2574 Orison Freeman. m. Rhoda Wilbur, Portville, N. Y. 4 ch.: Brayton10 Maxson, m.l Julia ---, age 54 in 1925, son Free­ 11 11 rna1111; m.2 Bertha---; Floyd ; Grace , m. Bert Barber; 11 and Katc , m. Irwin Place and lived in Ceres, N. Y. 2575 Reynolds had a son Brayton 11 of Angelica, N. Y. 2676 Altron N .. m. Jennie Grow, lived at Ceres, 6 ch.: Pearl Rex; Keeth Cecil; Laura Lela, m. Harry DeReamcr (Box 82, Shingle House, Pa., in 1943), son of Norman and Elsie De Reamer; Ah­ ncr10; and another dau. (1925 Census Little Genesee: Norman DcReame1·, 51; Elsie, 44; Rose (clau.), 18.) 2577 Horace G .. m. July 17, 1855, d. Jan. 1933 Milton, \Vis., 111. Fan­ nie Fuller, b. May 28, 1866. No ch. 2578 Hartley Henry, b. July 14, 1858, m. Estella DeGarno. cl. Aug. 25, 1932. He was a Court Officer in Monroe Co., N. Y. Ch.: Helen Maxson, m. Dec. 31, 1925 Harold Rex Brown, Truck Driver and Aviator. In 1936 Helen was working in the Co. Clerk's office. 2579 Sophia, b. 1838, 111. Lttthc.·r Eastman. Myrtle, Pa. 2580 Phebe, m. Thomas Pratt. 5 ch. She rl. Olean, N. Y., at the home of her dau., Clare. 2581 Martha, m. John Eastman. Ch.: Nelson; Frank; and Belle Eastman. l\1artha m.2 Henry Tcritte. 1618 Reynolds8 Maxson (Phineas V.7, Varnum P.°, Benjamin:., John4, :i, ~) and Lydia Butts of Kortright, N. Y. 5 ch.: Maxson:


2582 (t) Marshall C., b. July 27, 1843 LaurC:"ns. N. Y., d. Feb. 20, 1899 Bloomvi1k. N. \'., m. June 29, 1869 Lucia A. KeC:"lcr, h. Oct. 17, 1848 Bloomville, d. Frh. 16. 1823 Bloo111Yille, dau. of Stephen Hiram anrl Elizabeth Lyman (Mer\\'in) Keeler. Veteran of the Civil \Var from Delhi, N. Y. 1852-1865. He was appointed postmaster of Bloomville J1111t• 28. 1898, and his wifr·, Lucia A., Jan. 14. 1899. 2583 Milton B., b. 1840, cl. 1850. 2584 Oliver R., 1850-1852. 2585 (+)Delia E., h. Aug. 28, 1852 Bloonn·ille, cl. Jan. 25, 1911 Delhi, N. Y., m. James B. Cavin. h. Dec. 13, 1853 Kortright. cl. l\far. 26, 1888 Bloomville. 2586 Delia A (Twin to Delia E), cl. July 29, 1929 Delhi. m. May 16, 1872 John K. Forman. 1851-1928. No ch. 7 0 1642 (t) De\\ itt Clinton" .l\faxson (Enoch K•. Zacchcus , Benjaminr•, John\ :S, ~) and Nancy J. Spurgeon. Ch.: Maxson: 2587 Ruby Ann, b. June 15, 1857 Fredonia, Ia., m. Frank Davenport. San Diego, Cala., in 1908. 2588 Tohn Kenvon, b. Feb. 8. 1859, an 11.D., Lincoln, Neb. 2589 Franklin, ·h. Nov. 1, 1860. Ch. bv 2nd w .. Caroline Frances Huelle: l\Iaxson: 2590 Ina Iva. b. 1866, d.y. 2591 Eva Anna, b. Jan. 6, 1868 Fredonia, m. Oct. 1890 Robert K .. son of Frank and l\lolly (Campbell), Kansas City. 2592 Una De\Vitt, h. 1\Jar. 15, 1869, m. 1904 ---. Live at Havana. Cuba. 2593 Osta Lavinia. h. Jan. 15, 1871 Fredonia, m. Nov. 18, 1896 Han·ey L., son of Lewis and Caroline Dcarcloff. 2594 Junior Clinton, b. 1872, cl. y. 2595 Neta Olga, b. 1874, cl.y. 25% Bobby, b. 1876. d.y. 2597 Adrian, b. Mar. I 1. 1877 Fredonia. 2598 l\linerva Geneva, b. Feb. 22, 1830 Fredonia. m. 1903 John Elmer Cloyd. Prescott. Arizona. 2599 I\fary Frances. b. Apr. 26, 1882 Fredonia. Los Angeles. 26CX) Julian, h. Mar. 22, 1890, cl.y. 1643 (t) Helen Esther~ Maxson (Enoch7 K., Zaccheus'1. Benjamin\ 3 J aim\ , :!) and Chandler vVilliam Ellsworth. Ch.: Ellsworth: 2601 (+)Oliver James. b. Feb. 26. 1856 \Vash. Co .. Ia., d. July 8, 1924 San Diego, Cal a., m. Jan. 19, 1875 Laura l\[illhorn at Fre­ donia, Ia., b. Feb. 8, 1856, d. Nov. 30, 1932 San Diego. They came to San Diego in 1883 with 2 ch. 2602 Orilla Jane, twin to Oliver, cl. ae. 3 mo. 2603 ( +) George L., b. Feb. 17, 1858 \Vash. City. Ia., m. Apr. 12, 1882 Ida Finney. He d. Jan. 20, 1943, San Diego. 2(:l)7 (+)Clara A., b. Iowa, Jan. 15, 1860, m. T. B. Thompson. She lives at 1411 S. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles. 2608 Emma, b. Iowa, Sept. 25, 1862, d. Los Angeles Mar. 4, 1944, m. Apr. 22, 1886 Lewis Cheeseman. Dau. Blanche> b. San Diego,


Oct. 21, 1892, d. Lake Forest, JII., Dec. 22, 1932, m. Major Jo­ seph Lamar \Vcir, U.S.A. No ch. 2609 Elmer Orlin, b. Oskaloosa, fa., Feb. 1, 1866, m. Dec. 25, 1890 Emma Christman. No ch. 2610 (t) Laura Ada, b. Oskaloosa, Ia., July 17, 1870, d. Nov. 11, 1919, m. Aug. 27, 1889 at San Diego, Judge 'Wilfred R. Guy, b. Elk­ horn, 0., Feb. 12, 1860, cl. San Diego, July 23, 1917, son of Heze­ kiah and Ellen Guy. He graduatccl in law at Ann Arbor, I\Iich., June, 1887. He wa5 Judge of the Superior Court of Cala. In 1889 he was a member of the legislature. 2611 Mary Ellen, b. Ia., Nov. 3, 18i3, cl. San Diego, May 17, 1917, m. Nov. 3, 1886 Archie Fred Crowell. 6 1648 (t) LouicaR Maxson (Enoch K.7. Zaccl1cus , Benjamin~, John 4, a, ::) and John \Vhistler. Ch.: \Vhistlrr: 2612 Harry, b. Apr. 8, 1871 Fredonia, Iowa. 2613 Silence Estella, h. July 27, 1872, m. George Cranine. Res. Crona de) :ti.Jar, Caln. No ch. 2614 Isaac Terry, b. Apr. 8, 1873. 10 2615 Chester Mansville, b. July 30, 1874. 2 daus.: Junc , m. --­ vVarren and have son John; and Louise10 \Vhistler. 2616 John Solomon, b. Apr. 15, 18i6. 1649 (t) vVelcome ReynoldsH l\laxson (Zaccheus R..7, Zacchcusn, Benjamin\ John\ ::, ::) and Sophronia Grow. Ch.: l\faxson: 2617 Frank Herman, m. Ella 1\fary Hendricks. Ch.: Sophronia10 Mary l\faxon m. PC'rry Hunt. (Ona Maxon Hunt.) P. 0.: Stockton, Cala. 2618 ( +) Sherman Ulysses, b. Jan. 26, 1865 Alf red, N. Y., cl. J u)y 1893 at Forman, N. D .. m. i\fohel Crandall. b. Oct. 26, 1869, d. July 1893. No. 3196. 2619 vValter. 2620 Horace. 2621 l\fary Lee. 8 11 2 1650 (t) Sally 1'.Iaxson (Zaccheus7, , Benjamin", J ohn1, a, ) and 1646 (t) Daniel l\faxson Burdick (Elizahcth7 Stillman, \Vcalthy0 2 !-.Iaxson, David\ John\ :,, ). Ch.: Burdick: 2622 Daniel Oscar, b. Aug. 27, d .Jan. 17, 1847. 2623 Addison Adelbert, b. Nov. 13, 1841, cl. Oct. 13, 1864 at Ander­ sonville, Ga. 85th Volunteers. 2624 Rodolphus D., b. Apr. 15, 1849, cl. Feb. 29, 1928 Little Genesee, N. Y., m. Mar. 4, 1Si9 Ella M. \Valton, b. Eagle, N. Y.• June 21, 1860, dau. of JI.liner and Jane Vosburg. 2625 ( +) Oscar Maxson, b. Dec. 2. 1855, m. Apr. 9, 1888 Eva May Coon, b. Little Genesee, dan. of Sibcus B. and Sarah (Maxson) Coon. (2406.) 2626 Mary C., b. Mar. 22, 1864, m. 1893 Charles E. Saunders. No ch. 0 3 1651 (t) NancyR :Maxson (Zaccheus7, , Benjamin\ John", , ::) and Israel Howard Stone of Little Genesee, N. Y. Ch.: Stone: 2627 (+) Rosella Tempcrence, b. Jan. 18, 1843, d. July 19, 1931 in Seattle, Wash., m. Sept. 6, 1858 Edwin Doane, b. July 9, 1835


at Lcclgeyard, N. Y., r. Sept. 22, 1918 at Rctsil, ·wash. Old Soldiers' Home.) Civil \,Var Veteran. 2628 Albion had a son Charles Stone, 13 m. in Andersonville Prison. 2629 Ernest, b. Jan. 5, 1854. Sons: Jason; Rupert; Waldo; and dau. Clara. 2630 Seigel. 1665 (t) Emily8 Kenyon (Sully7 1\laxson, Benjamin°, r,, John\ a, ::) and Lewis Coon. Ch,: Coon : 2631 Rozena, cl. unm. 2632 Biol. 0. m. :rvlartha Carrie Hall. Burdick Gen., p. 643. Dau. 1'.fary L. Coon b. Bolivar 1861, m. Walter H. Burdick. 7 3 2 1666 (t) Angelina" Kenyon (Sally l\faxson, Benjamin", r., John\ , ) and Edgar Cowles. Ch.: Cowles: 2633 Marcia, m. Frank Lowery. Ch.: Edgar Lowery; and Susie, m. --- Flannagan. 2634 Susie. 7 3 1667 (t) Inczs Kenyon (Sally 1\Iaxson, Benjamin", '\ John\ , ::) and --- (George?) Pettit. Ch.: Pettit: 2635 Will, m. Josie Crandall and had: Fannie; \Viii; and Edna Pettit who m. Fred C. .Millard. 1671 (t) Cassius~ i\laxson (Jared 1. Benjamin\ \ John", :i, :: and 1547 (t) Harriet"' E. Burdick. Elizabeth· Stillman, \rVealthyi1 l\Iax­ son, David\ John\ :i, ::) and Fannie Langworthy. Ch.: Maxson: 2636 Norman A., b. Little Genesee, N. Y. 1883, m. June 24, 1908 Mary \rV. Moore of Livingston Co., N. Y. Ch.: Ruth A., b. Olean, Mar. 14, 1914. Res. Rochester, N. Y. 2637 Arthur, b. Portville, N. Y., May 19, 1886, 111. June 16, 1920 Fanny Koort of Buffalo. No ch. Ch. by 2nd w., BeJle DeNio: Maxson: 2638 Faith, b. Belfast, N. Y., l\fay 20, 1892. m. Oct. 25, 1912 Ernest G. Gleason, son b. l\larshall, Jan. 18, 1887. Belfast. !i:Icchanical Engineer. Ch.: Gleason: Arvin Charles, b. July 29, 1913; and Richard, b. Aug. 1915. 11 7 11 1 1678 (t) LaFaycttc Curtis (Sally l\faxson, Lyman , Benjamin \ J ohn4, :i, ::) and l\lary Harrigan. Ch.: Curtis: 2639 Nettie, 111. 'William Nichols. 7 ch. of whom Grace m. Clayton Goodwin of New \rVoodstock in 1940. 2640 William, e1. Ida l\fay Corkins, dau. of Ira, and hacl Curtis; 11 10 Bcssic '. m. Irving Case of Fairmont; Roy , 111. Catherine 1 Lloyd; and Ada. " Darlene, b. Oct. 29, 1929, of Earlville. 1679 {t) .Mary Jane8 Curtis (Sally7 :rvfaxson, Lyman°, Benjamin", 3 2 John\ , ) and Sidney Corkins. Ch.: Corkins: 3 ch.; but- 2641 1\Irs. Edward Hale of James St., Homer, N. Y., is a grand­ daughter of Mary Jane (Curtis) Corkins. 1684 (t) Cornelia8 Stillman (Esther7 Maxson, Stephen•', :., John",3,2) 5 3 2 and Jessc7 Stillman, Elizabeth" Maxson, David , John\ , ) and Sebius7 Burdick (\Veedon° Burdick, Elias:; Burdick, Dorothy" 2 Maxson, John\ ) had 12 ch. one of whom was: 1 2642 Niles Sweet Burclick ', b. Aug. 26, 1841 Lincklean, N. Y., d. West


Hallock, 111., Sept. 20, 1915, 111. Aug. 28, 1862 l\Iarvel C. Davis, b. June 17, 1840, cl. Jan. 1923, chm. of Rev. John Davis and Pur­ nilla (Maxon) Davis. 2 1691 (t) David Nichols~ I\laxson (Stephen7, n, r,, John ◄, :i, ) and Mary Bumstead of Petersburg ancl Brooklyn, N. Y. Ch.: Ivlaxson: 11 2643 Stcphen , m. Oct. 21, 1864 1\lary Ann Granger, b. Jan. 24, 1843, dau. of John Granger. They lived at 239 Aclelphine St., Brook­ lyn, and had 5 ch.: !vlaxson: Daniel Nichols, b. July 19, 1865; Alice, b. Feb. 26, 1869; ·waiter, b. July 14, 1871; Grace, b. July 6, 1873; and Stephen, b. 1880. 11 2 1695 (t) Stephen B. Maxson (Joshua W.7, Stephcn°, r., John\ :i, ) and Sarah Ray of Pekin, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 2644 Amelia, d.y. 2645 ( +) Martha Elizabeth, b. July 7, 18-U, cl. l\fay 20, 1935, m. Dec. 15, 1864 Charles Herman Barber, h. July 2, 1841, cl. l\fay 15, 1915 Pekin, N. Y., son of Sanford Holmes Barher. He served 80 days in the Civil War. Sanford H. Barber, who was the son of Chester ancl Hannah Barber, both buried on the Saunders Settlement road near Niagara Falls, having moved from Pom­ fret to the Saunders Settlement, was a soldier of the 1812 war, and a flag is on his grave. 2646 Henry DeForest, m. Sada Porter, b. Pekin. 2647 l\Iary PrisciPa, m. Newton Burns, b. Alma, N. Y. Both d. Alma, 1\Iich. Son \-Vilbur N. Burns, Attorney in Niles, Mich. 2648 Henry Eugene, b. June 2, 1849, cn~ineer, Hornell, N. Y. 2649 Herbert Burdette, b. July 14, 1854. Son Hcrbcrt 111 of Los An­ geles with an oil firm. Son Elwood Maxson 11 of Reno. 2650 1\lary Estella, b. Nov. 24, 1856. 2651 Emily, 1858-1862. 2652 Nellie, b. Mar. 12, 1851, m. George Bell Barron, b. Apr. 28, 1862 at St. Charles, Mo., son of Oliver aml Catherine (Ontro) Bar­ ron. Son Eugene l\laxson Barron w. b. Sept. 28, 1889 in St. Louis, Mo. 1702 (t) Elccta Roena ... Fuller (Eunice; :i\laxson, JarcdU. Stephen:·, 2 John .. , :i, ) and Clinton Russel Lewis. Ch.: Lewis: 2653 \1/altcr Henry, b. Mar. 18, 186i Penn, Minn., cl. Jan. 19. 1938, m. Oct. 25, 1890 Linicl Emma Lawton, b. July 4, 1867. 2654 Agnes Francilla, b. l\lay 2, 1868 New Auburn, l\linn., d. Dec. 10, 1921, m. Aug. 6, 1887 Edwin James Brace. 2655 Ida Frances, d.y. 2656 Alice, d.y. 2657 (+)'William Edwin, b. :tvlay 9, 1872 New Auburn, Minn., rn. Nov. 21, 1895 Eva Elma James, b. 1\Iar. 21, 1875 Woodburn. Iowa, d. Jan. 1945 Roosevelt, Utah, son of David Sylvester and Margaret Ann (Shively) James. See Addenda, p. 219. · 2658 Lucian LeRoy, b. July 5, 1877, m. Nina Rood. 2659 :rvlinnic Miranda, b. Orlean, Neb., a child. 7 11 1710 (t) Rev. Darwin Maxson (Josiah G., Joel , Stephen\ Jolur'/,:!) and Hannah A. Greene. Ch.: Maxson: 150 l\lAXSON FAl\-IILY - EIGHTH GENERATION

2660 Flora Delli, b. 1'.lar. 28, 1854, d. l\Iay 23, 1864. 2661 Carrie Ella, b. 1861, m. Jan. 3, 1882 Robert A. Gorton of Elmira. Lived at Plainfield, N. Y. Ch.: Gorton : Florence A., b. Oct. 23, 1884; ·Robert Raymond, b. July 6, 1887; and Evelyn, b. Dec. 21, 1891. 2662 Dolly Irene, b. l\far. 27, 1868, m. July 19, 1888 Dr. Charles M. Post, Professor of Science at Alfred. Ch.: Post: Helen :rvL, b. Jan. 6, 1880; Robert, b. Sept. 29, 1894; and Millard, b. 1896. See Hist. Allegany Co., p. 651. 8 7 1 1711 (t) Sewell Spalding Maxson (Josiah G., Joel\ Stephen ', 3 2 John4, , ) and Susan Davis of Alden, Minn. Ch.: Maxson: 2663 Flora M., b. Aug. 1870, d. Alden, Nov. 3, 18i2. 2664 Ernest DeForest, b. May 3, 1872, d. June 21. 1906 Seattle, Wash. 2665 (+) Edwin Darwin, b, June 4, 1874, m. Clara Belle Franklin, clau. of Euphenia Burdick Franklin. Carpenter and Steam En· gincer. S.D. Advent. Coville, Wash, in 1935. 2666 Earl Fayette, b. Nov. 13, 1876, cl. Dec. 1, 1878. 9 1 1717 (t) Samantha Maxson (Charles , Benjamin°, Stephen\ 3 John". , :?) and Charles Badger. Ch.: Badger: 2667 Kate M., b. May 3, 1855. m. --Holiday, "A very tall man", had a dau. and a son. North Loupe, Neb. 2668 Hattie S., b. Nov. 4, 1861, d. Apr. 9, 1896, m. --Vernon. Charles Badger was an M. D. North Loupe, Neb. Ii18 (t) Horatio Maxson (Charlcs7, BcnjaminU, Stephen\ John",3 ,:1) and Sarah C. Carr of Alfred, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 2669 Charles S., b. May 7, 1859, cl. May 22, 1885. 2670 Maggie D., b. Feb. 13, 1862, d. June 14, 1869. 2671 ( +) William Benjamin, b. Feb. 5, 1865. cl. Apr. 28, 1936, rn. Jan. 3. 1894 l\Iyrtle G. Bolster, b. Dec. 16, 1871. d. July 23, 1917. 2672 Katherine, b. Dec. I, 1866, cl. June 13, 1929, m. Nov. 17, 1891 Thomas Irwin Place, b. Mar. 11, 1861. d. Jan. 19, 1940. He was a jeweler in Milton, \Vis. 1720 (t) Maryettc8 Maxson (Daniel7, Benjaminr-, Stephens. 2 John 4. a, ) and Benjamin Hall of Janesville. Wis. Ch.: Hall: 2673 Mrs. F. C. Hutson of Janesville and Lodi. \Vis. 2674 E. Lyman of Albion, \Vis. 2675 Janis d. (Hist. Dane Co., \\Tis., p. 1187 .... 1880.) 8 11 1733 Ct) Fernan

1737 (t) Elizabeth Charity~ Maxson (Jared1, Benjamin°, Stephen\ J ohn4, :i, !:!) and Samuel Allen of Brockport, N. Y. Ch.: Allen: 2678 Jared Benjamin, b. l\far. 11, 1865, m. Jan. 1, i~95 Grace L. Burns, dau. of Capt. \Vm. I-I. Burns and Sophia Barrett of Brockport. Landmarks of Monroe Co.~ N. Y., Part III, p. 185. They moved to Ashbury St., Rochester, N. Y., and have 2 or 3 ch. 2679 Fred, b. Oct. 13, 1869, cl. Apr. 1924, m. Carrie --- who lived on \Vinton Rd., North Rochester. 8 11 1739 (t) Edson Newland l\faxson (Jarecl', Benjamin", Stephen , John\ ::, ==) and Edith A. \Voodams of Brockport, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 2680 Susan E., b. Oct. 13, 1885, m. Claude Henry, rlau. Wilma Althea Henry. 2681 Tena Belle, b. Sept. 3, 1887, m. Arthur A. Delmar. Ch.: Arthur l\laxon and Lavern Delmar. 2682 Claude Newland, b. Feb. 10, 1891, m. l\lary M. Lee, b. 1\lay 20, 1898 Newark, N. J .. clau. of James and Amy Smith Lee. They live at 260 Ellicott St., Rochester (1939) and have a dau., June Althea Maxson, b. Oct. 29, 1921, attends the West High School (1939). 2683 Mabel :r-.fay, b. May 6, 1892 Rochester, m. 1912 Robert E. Gil­ lette, live at Fillmore, N. Y. 8 ch. 8 0 4 1741 (t) "Jay" l\faxson (Benjamin·, , Stephen\ John , :,, ==) and Sarah Ann Jackson of Brockport, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 2684 Frank \Villard, b. June 18, 1857 Brockport, d. Aug. 7, 1916 }fo. chester, N. Y., m. Dec. 31, 1879 Hester E. Roberts, d. May 15, 1891 Rochester, dau. of Eleazer B. and Clarissa (Davis) Rob­ erts, m.2 Sept. 4, 1902 Elizabeth Paddock. 2685 Julia Edna. b. Aug. 24, 1870, graduated from the Rochester Free Academy June 1890, took training and taught in the Juvenile Asylum of New York City. returnee) to Rochester and began teaching in Public School No. 3 in 1912 and continued in that school 36 years, retiring Jan. 1939. Res. (1937): 60 Plymouth Ave. She furnished much of the data on her line of l\faxon. 7 1742 (t) George Lewis~ Maxson (Benjamin , ", Stephen~, John", 3 , =) and Ellen King. Ch. : Maxson : 2686 (+)Ida Belle, b. Nov. 7, 1863 Brockport, N. Y., m. June 19, 1884 Edward Eugene Parsons, cl. Feb. 13. 1924 Rochester. She· lives ( 1937) with her daughter Harriet at 1496 Marburg Ave., Cleveland, 0. 2687 (+)Lois Gertrude, b. l\far. 8, 1867 Wooster, 0., m. June 1, 1893 Rev. Thomas Dcarlive Holmes, a missionary. 2688 Edward, b. May 13, 1931 in Rochester. 2689 Susan Kiebler, b. June 22, 18i0 Brockport, N. Y., m. Rev. Her­ bert Hatchman, cl. Apr. 8, 1936 Pittsburg, Pa. She lives (193i) at 7839 Hamilton St., Pittsburg. a,.: Genevieve Hatchman, m. Oct. 26, 1931 Jolm C. Church. Res.: Library, Penn. 2690 Harris Bennett, b. July 23, 1876 Brockport, m. Apr. 6, 1889( ?) Florence Ruffell. 69 Cady St., Rochester. Ch.: Clarence Max- 152 MAXSON FAM1LY - EIGHTH GENERATION

on, b. Jan. 20, 1901, m. Julia Truer, cl. Mar. 15, 1946. 136 Brook­ dale Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Ritter Dental Co. There is a street in Brockport, named l\laxon Street. 1745 (t) Samuel Russell~ l\Iaxson (Stephen•, Bcnjami11 11, Stephen~, 2 John\ n, ) ancl Elizabeth 1\fary Paul of \,Valla \Valla, \Vash. Ch.: :Maxson: 2691 Luella, b. Oct. 9, 1868, m. Nov. 26, 1889 D. C. Furgerson. 2692 Charles, b. Aug. 17, 1870, m. Oct. 17, 1892 Fidelia Ferrel. 2693 Alice, b. Mar. 1 ~, 1872. 2694 Mary Lois, b. Jan. 12, 1874, m. Aug. 24, 1893 Eugene C. Harris, m.2 Glen Cranston, b. 1866. Sec KE. Reg., Vol. 80, p. 45. 2695 Stephen Paul. b. Aug. 28, 1879. 2696 lVlinnic Myrtle, b. Aug. 24, 1881. 2697 Samuel Frances, b. Apr. 12, 1884. 2698 John .\,Valtcr, b. Mar. 18, 1886 . 2699 Ralph Russel, b. Feb. 14, 1890. 2700 Bcnj. Frank, b. Sept. 17, 1892. 1753 (t) Abrnm 11 Maxson (Abraham' C., Danicl6, r., John-I,\ :?) and Catherine E. \Vclch of Jackson, l\lich. Ch.: Maxson: 2701 John Patric, b. Mar. 30, 1859, d. June 4, 1897, m. Nov. 24, 1885 l\Iary O'Connor. 3 ch. Jackson, 1\Iich. 2702 Frances Diana, b. Sept. 10, 1867, m. Oct. 25, 1885 John Timmons. 11 0 4 1754 (t) Malinda Adel1 Maxson (Abraham· C., Daniel , r., John //) and John A. \Velch of Iona, 1\Iich. Ch.: \Vclch: 2703 John. 2704 Emily, m. --- Sargent. 2705 Kate, a Salvation Army \Vorker. 2706 Helen, d.y. Ch. by 2nd husband, Johnson: 2707 Minnie Lucina, b. Jan. 25, 1866, 111. Dec. 16, 1891 Zimre J. Davis. No ch. Jackson, :Mich. 2708 Zulia Florilla, b. Jan. 3, 1869. m. June 5, 1895 Herman F. Harr. Shed. Dec. 19, 1900. Long Beach, Cala. 2909 Lulu B., b. & d. 1875. 3 2 1755 (t) CathcrineH Maxson (Abraham C., Daniel".~. John4, , ) and :Mr. Saun

2714 Henry A .. of Jackson, in 1922, 2715 Benjamin Custer, of Jack:,;on, 1922. 1761 (t) HelcnH Ivlaxson (Abrahatn7 C. . , , .. .f ohn~) and Michael Chanter of Jackson, Mich. Ch.: Chanter: 2716 (+)Vincent, b. Apr. 26, 1870, cl. Dec. 6, 1911, m. Aug. 18, 1887 Burt Mann. 5 ch. 2717 Anna, h. Nov. 19, 1872, m, Apr. 20, 1897 Charles i\I. ·waltz. Live near Jackson, l\'lich. Hae! 2 ch.: \Valtz: Carl Martin, b. Dec. 3, 1901; and Clarence J., b. 1905, cl. 1906. 2718 Helen, h. Feb. 1. 1874, m. Apr. 18, 1902 Archibald Beebe. She cl. Oct. 9. 1907. No ch. 2719 l\lila Belle, d.y. 8 7 8 2 1762 (t) \Villiam Vaughan (l-Iannah Maxson, Daniel°, r., John", , ) and Almira Seymour of Newton, la. Ch.: Vaughan: 2720 William, h. May 3, 1847, cl. Feb. 5, 1854. 2721 Fred Wyman, b. Nov. 11, 1849, m. June 16, 1870 Mary J. Ogden. San Francisco. 4 ch.: Vaughan; William, 1873-1877; Nellie, 1875-1877; son b. & d. 1872; and a clau. b. & d. 1880. 2722 Hattie Cynthia, 1891-1854. 2723 Ella Clara 11, b. Jan. 21, 1854, m. Apr. 9, 1878 David Eberhart. N<•wton, Iowa. 3 ch. in 1922: Eberhart: \iVilling, 1879-1898; Frank m. 1916 Sue n. Rech, Kansas City, Mo.; and Myra 1°, b. 1890, m. 1916 Paul A. Handke, Galcsbuq{, Ill. 3 ch.: Jean, b. 1917; Margaret, b. 1919; and David Paul, b. Oct. 26, 1920. 2724 Henry Micajah, b. June 3, 1856, m. June 3, 1879 Lucy Ent, Newton, Ia. 3 ch., all dead. 1775 (t) Martin WhippleM Maxson (John7 J., Daniel°, r., John 4, a,:!) and Susan A. Blake of Leslie, Mich. Ch.: :Maxson: 2725 Flora Adela". b. Aug. 19, 1852, d. Mar. 23, 1913. m. May i, 1879 \iVilliam W. Pierson, Leslie, Mich. 5 ch.: Pierson: Anne Lou­ isc10, b. Feb. 26, 1880, m. Sept. 18, 1907 Henry L. Erlewine. Marion, Ind. 3 ch.: Kittie Bcrnicern, b. 1881, m. 1909 \,Villiam H. Linclcnficld. Brocton, Mont. 3 ch.: J oscph Gale 1°, b. Oct. 10 1, 1883, unm.; Martin Blake , b. 1&~3. unm. Chicago; and Folra 10 Elma , b. June 3, 1889. unm. in 1922. Bowling Green, Ky. 2726 Harriet l\foriam, h. June 19, 1854, m. Sept. 14, 1882 Ambers C. Cole, Leslie. lVIich. Ch.: Cole: l\I ildrccl1°, b. 1883, m. 1913 Alvin 11 11 powning and had Alvi11 , b. 1916; and Davicl , b. 1919 Down­ mg. 2727 Charles Fremont\ b. Nov. 15, 1856, d. Nov. 22, 1907, m. 1887 10 Mary Smith. Long Beach, Cata. 6 ch.: Maxson: Guy , d.y.; Alta Mary1°, b. 1889, m. 1922 \,Vilbcr Davis; Clarence I..1°, b. 1891. unm. 1922; Ruth 10. b. 1897, m. 1920 Earl DuRcc: Vera 10 Paulinc , b. 1901; and Vernon Paul1°, (twin to Vera P.), m. 1922 Miltonette Bush. Long Beach, Ca.la.

2728 Alta Louise, b. June 5, 18641

0 Texas: Gladys' U., b. 1893, 111. 1914 \Villiam D. Martin, Oak Park, 111. 2 ch.: and Noc11° 1\1., b. Feb. 3, 1895, Oak Park, Ill. S.A.R. Ivlcmbcr. 8 7 1776 (t) Luna Rcmina l\Jaxson (John J. , Daniel",", John4, a, !!) and Richard J. Burt of Coldwater, i\Jich. Ch.: Burt: 2730 James Alfred, 1851-1852. 2731 Frank Eltonn, b. 1853, m. 1877 l\fary vVebh, m.2 1914 :Mrs. Julia Gillette. Angola, Incl. 4 ch.: Burt; Nora 10 Olive, b. 1880, m. 1916 Fred N. Goodale, Andrews, Ind.; Clara Belle 10, b. 1884; 11 Walter Elton \ b. 1885, m. Elizabeth Scott, Muncie, Ind.; and Fay10 Estella, b. 1S92, m. 1917 Edward W. Lciger. Chicago in 1923. 2732 Mary EJlaP, b. Dec. 27. 1860. d. Apr. 9, 1888, m. l\fay 13, 1884 Cyreniu~ B. Schrantz. Coldwater, '.Mich. One ch.: Pearl Ruby 10 Schrontz, b. Aug-. 21. 1&%, m. Aug. 16, 1911 Harry 1 Kohler, Roval Oak, 1vlich. j ch.: Kohler: Clara 1 • b. 1912; 11 Raymoncl11, ·b. 1914; Frccl11. b. 1915; Thomas , b. 1920; and Mary Louise, b. July 20, 1922. 1777 (t) John F.11 Maxson (John\ ]., Daniel°, :., John ◄, \ =) ancl Martha J. Mabee of vVatcrloo, Incl. Ch.: Maxson: 2733 Mattie Jane°, b. July 12, 1864, m . .Aug. 23, 1898 Frank D. Smith, Butler. Ind. Ch.: Smith: Frank'3, b. 1899; Laura, b. 1903; \Vil­ Jiam, b. Apr. 31, 1909. 273-i John C., b. June 4, 1871, cl. tmm. 1917. 2735 Earl H .. b. Mar. 11, 1877. d. unm. June 28, 1922. 2736 Agnes G .. b. Feb. 19, 1875. Waterloo, Incl. 1778 (t) George CippcryH Maxson (John J.7. Daniel'\ r,, John", :i, =) and Deliah A. Harmon of Coldwater, IVIich .. Ch.: Maxson: 1 2737 George \V. \ b. July 1. 1859. m.1 Rosaltha \Vhalcn, 5 ch., m.2 1908 Mrs. Belle l\L Gould. Ch.: Maxson: Lea ID, b. 1886, m. 10 1907 Grant E. Shank, Angola. Ind.; Ruby , b. 1888, m. 1907 Arthur G. Berner. Owasso, Mich.; Wave 1°, b. 1890, m. 1909 William Sisson, LaGrange, Ind.; twins b. & cl. 1902; and Ralph 1 Morga11 ", h. Aug. 12, 1912 (Ch. by 2nd w.) 7 1779 (t) Caroline l\faxson (John J. , Daniel", :,, John\ ~, :!) ancl Charles Bassett of \Vatcrloo. Ind. Ch.: Bassett: 2738 Charles Silas, h. 1860, ct. 1912, m. 1882 Carrie Ain:-wol'th. An­ derson, Incl. 10 ch. 2739 Carrie Cordelia, b. May 7, 1860, m. 1&~2 Amos Il. \Valsworth. Sh~ cl. 1920. Enid, Okla. 3 ch. 2i40 Bessie Emma, b. 1867. 111. 1892 Cyrus M. Rummel. Rives Junc­ tion, l\.Jich. 2 ch. 2741 William, b. 1875, m. 1896 Laura Nelson. Drummond, Okla. No ch. 8 7 1782 (t) Harriet Amanda Maxson (John J. , Daniel°, ri, John\ :i, ::) and Simon S. Woodruff of Hillsdale, Mich. Ch.: Woodruff: 2742 Walter Grant, b. 1868, m. 1891 Kate Alley. Jackson, Mich. 2 ch. 2743 Mattie Louise, b. 1869, m. 1893 James vV. McKee. No ch. 155 l\JAXSON FAMILY - EIGHTH GENERATION

2i-l-4 Charles, 18i6-1878. 2745 l\Iaudc Alice, b. Dec. 12, 1882, m. Sept. 11. 1907 Leon E. Roeth­ Jisbcrger. Hillsclalc, l\Iich. 4 ch. 1 1783 (t) Frederick Charlcs!l l\faxson (John J.7, Daniel U, \ John ◄• :S, :?) and Jane A. vVcbstcr of Adrian, Mich. 3 ch.: l\faxson: 2746 Edgar Almcron, b. June 30, 1876, m. July 26, 1900 l\frs. Florence 10 l\l. Drake. 2 ch.: l\laxson: Edgar \Vcbster , b. 1901, m. 1918 Louise F. Morgan. Jackson, Mich. 2 ch.; and Vance \Viley, b. J tme 10, 1902. 2747 Ella May, b. May 30, 1879, m. 1901 LeRoy E. Bassett. Adrian, l\Iich. 2748 Alzora, b. & cl. 1881. 0 1784 Ct) Mary Louise~ 1\laxson (John J.\ Danicl , r., John4, :i, ~) and Andrew \Vcatherwax of Jackson, Mich. Ch.: \rVcathcrwax: 2749 Frederick, b. & d. 1869. 2750 Grace, b. 1\lar. 2, 1871,

1 1789 (t) Etta ElizaR :l\Iaxson (John J. , DanieJl1, ", John\ :i, :i) and Charles Vi/. \Vasson of Spokane, \Vash. Ch.: \,Vasson: 2765 Charles E., b. 1882, m. 1903 Grace Barber. Leoni, Mich. 2766 :Maxson Honor, b. 1893, m. 1919 Charlotte l\foore. Spokane, \Vash. 1790 (t) Daniel vV." Palmer (Kathcrine7 lvlaxson, Danic1°, r., John4, 2 ~. ) and Antionette Covey of Eaton Rapids, Mich. Ch.: Palmer: 2767 Marian, b. 1847, d. 1882, m. Jay Conklin. h. 1846; d. 1918. Sec ADDENDA. 2768 Laura, m. Guy \,V. \Vinfict. Ch.: Claude; Frank; Grace, all d. 2769 l\I~udc, m. \Vm. Saurman. 3 ch .. a son living in Grand Rapids. Mich. 2ii0 Blanche, cl. 2771 Effie, m. Lewis Townsend, Dak. 17 ch. 2772 Chcckley. 2773 Frank. 2774 Alpha. 2775 Wm., d.y., bur. Eaton Rapids. 2776 Dan. 1794 (t) Uretta D.R Palmer (Sister to Daniel") and Reuben R. Rid­ dle of Eaton Rapids, l\lich. Ch.: Riddle: 2777 Cascius M., b. Aug. 9, 1850, cl. Elko, Nevada Feb. 27, 1898. 2778 Elnora, d.y. 2779 Frank, b. 1858 Eureka, Cala .. m. Delia Jones. 5 ch. 2780 Harrv Stanlev, b. Mar. 16, 1862 Strawberrv Valley, Cala. m. Mary Duncari. Living 1928 in Boice City, iclaho. - 2781 Fred Prescot. twin tu Harry. d. age 18 yrs. 2782 George Collins, b. June 15, 1865 Strawberry Valley. d. June 1, 1928 Boice City, Ida .. m. Amelia Duncan. 2783 Grace, b. Marysville, Cala., Aug. 21, 1868, m. --- Stone. 2784 Grant. twin to Grace, m. Cecelia Duncan, living 1928 at Owy­ hee, Nev. 5 ch. 1 1 1796 (t) Emery" l\faxson (Roswell R. • Danict•1, \ John4, :•, :!) ancl Amelia McCarger. Ch.: Everett Maxson, h. Nov. 10. 1855, d. 1926. m. l\follic A. \Vest. Ch.: 2785 Mame A., b. 1885. and Edna, h. 1887. Grand Rapids, Mich. 0 1800 (t) Roswt.•IIR :Maxson (Roswell1. Daniel , r,, John\ :,. :!) and Mary E. Harrington of Charlotte, lHich. 2 ch.: Maxson: 2786 Allie E .. b. June 25. 1869. 111. \V. Grant l\fitchcll. 3 ch.: Mit­ chell: 1\fary Ellen; Edith Louise; and Herod. Charlotte, l\fich. 2787 Howard Ralph, b. July 21, 1870, m.1 ---, had .sons Howard and Jones, m.2 --- and had Isabel 1\faxson. 1809 (t) Julius Caesar8 Matterson (i\faria7 1VIaxson, Daniel\ r., John\ 3 • :!) and Eleanor Potter of Portage, Mich., Ch.: Matterson: 2788 Potter Henry, b. Oct. 6, 1874, m. Oct. 31. 1905 Lettie L. Foster. Portage, Mich. in 1923. 2789 Percy Leon, b. Feb. 22, 1883, m. Sept. 12, 1905 Mary E. Drum­ mond. Portage, Mich. 1923. 3 ch. 157 1\IAXSON FAMIL·y - EIGHTH GENERATION

1817 (t) Alpheus Coonss Maxson (Daniel','\ r., John\\ ~) and Bessie B. Bissonette of East Lansing, .Mich. Ch.: l\1axson: 2790 Don Philip, b. !\fay 16, 1897. m. July 28, 1917 Elsie A. \Vcbb. Hart. 1\Iich. in 1922. Ch.: Laura10 Margaret, L. Jan. 2, 1919; 1 and Alicc () l\fae 1'.laxson, b. Jan. 8, 1921. 2791 Dorothv :Marion, b. Oct. 1, 1898. 2792 Alpheus Herbert, b. June 9, 1900. 1849 (t) \Vellingtons l\Iaxson (John F.i, Elias'\ DanieP, Johnt, ', =) and Aurilla Cooper of Earls. N. Y. 5 ch.: Maxson: 2793 Clara Almira, b. Feb. 14, 1868, m. Oct. 27, 1886 \Villiam R. Craw­ ford. \Varsaw, N. Y. in 1922. 5 ch. 2794 Elvira, b. Apr. 3, 1871, d. July 9, 1909, m. June 11, 1890 George A. Sierk. Kansas City, Kansas, 1922. 2795 Myrta Eleanor, b. July 3, 1874, rn. Nov. 2, 1905 John C. McClel­ lan, cl. 1938. Ch.: Arclene McClelland, b. 1909, unm. 1943. Res. Upper Montclair, N. J. 2796 ( +) Ray \Vellington, b. Dec. 29, 1879, m. June 22, 1910 Edna Knight, b. Dec. 6, 1887, clau. of \Villiam and Jessie (Baird) Knight of Iviiddlebury, N. Y. They live on the old Maxson homestead at Earls, N. Y., have a large dairy, and make a home for their large family employed on the farm. The author called on them Jan. 3, 1944. 1'1r. Maxson's father was a charter mem­ ber of the F. & A. ?vI. at Varysburg. 2797 Glen Grover, b. Oct. 2. 1884, m. Jan. 7, 1921 Ruth \Vhytock. Earls, N. Y. Ch.: Jane Maxson, b. Oct. 24, 1921. 8 7 0 1854 (t) \Villiam Nelson (Hannah Maxson, Elias , DanieP\ John', 2 a, ) and Allie J. Vincent of Attica, N. Y. Ch.: Nelson: 2798 Jennie Vincent, b. ?viar. 1, 1878, m. Mar. 16. 1899 John L. Peck, b. July 27, 1874. Grocer in Attica since 1912. Supervisor of the Town of Attica since 1931 to 1944 inclusive. One ch.: Roh­ 11 crt111 Nelson Peck. m. Marion Town. 2 ch.: Pcck ; Lina Lou. h. Mar. 1920; and John, b. July 1932. Robert Nelson is an accountant and is employed by the Tobin Packing Co., Roches­ ter, N. Y. 7 0 1860 Chesters Cooper (Katherine :rviaxson, Elias , DanieF', John \ 2 :i, ) and Betsey \Viii is. Ch.: Cooper: 2799 Cora, age 8 yrs. in 1864-. 2800 Chester, Jr., age 6 in 1864. 2801 Ella, age 4 in 1864. Hillside Orphanage. Rochester, N. Y. 1880 (t) William B. 8 Greene (William7 B. Greene, Fanny0 Bliven, 2 Eleanorr, Maxson, John\ =i, ) and Caroline Clark. Ch.: Greene: 2802 ( +) Lucy, b. Mar. 16, 1864 Independence, N. Y., cl. Aug. 16, 1919 Troy, N. Y, m. Mar. 16, 1884 Gideon Henry Fitz Randolph, b. Aug. 5, 1855, cl. Apr. 4, 1934 Federalsburg, Mel. (No. 2109). 1881 (t) Horacc8 Wells (Ca1eb7 Wells. Ruth" Burdick, Zaccheus~ 2 Burdick, Dorothy• Maxson, J ohn=t, ) and Hulda J. Young of Petersburg, N. Y. Ch.: Wells: 2803 (+)Clarence M., b. Dec. 6, 1876, m. July 21. 1906 Ste11a Bab- 158 i\IAXSON FAl\TILY - EIGHTH GENERATIO~

cock, b. Nov. 22, J880. Local Historian. Former Town Clerk. Dealer in Flour and Feed. Petersburg, N. Y. 7 1886 (t) Jemima!! Maxson (Shcfficld , Jemima°, Jonathan\ 4, :i, John:?) and John A. Spencer of Providence, R. I. Ch.: Spencer: 2804 l\fartha, Feb.-Scpt. 1837. 2805 Infant, b. & cl. 1838. 2806 Eliza. b. June 29, 1840, m. Henry Burlingame. 2807 John, b. Ji.fay 27, 1843. R. I. Regulars June 1861 -- cl. 2808 Phebe, h. Nov. 26, 1846. 111. \Villiam H. Browning. 7 ch. 2809 Gcorge0 ',V., b. Mar. 18, 1848, m. Laura Orphelia vVilliams. 10 One ch.: Arthur Spencer , h. May 13, 1874, m. Jennie ---, had a clan., Laura" Spencer, h. Aug. 1896, m. ~tiller Viet of 1 Hackettstown. N. ] .. and they have two ~ or more ch. 2810 Antonio. b. Apr. 5, 18-, m. Isabella Pratt. 2811 \Valter. b. July 22, 1854, cl. June 19, 1887, m. Priscilla Platt. 2812 \Villiami>, b. Sept. 29, 1856, m.1 Lizzie Platt. m.2 Melissa Arnolcl. 3 ch. by 2nd w.: Spencer: Ida Viola 1°, m. Herbert Gardner and they had Ruth 11 Gardner, b. July S. 1908, and \Villiam 11 Gard­ ner, h. Aug. 20, 1912; Hattie 10 m. Earl Liberty and they had 11 1 EarJl1, unm. Kcnneth m. and had 2 ch., and Vernon 1 , b. 1915; and \Villiam Spencer, Jr. 10 (3rd ch. of Wm. & l\telissa), b. July 19, 1890, m. Hilda B. Barrett and they had Jean 11 Spencer. b. Oct. 5, 1923, and \Villiam, h. & d. Nov. 11, 1924. 1887 (t) LouiseR l\.faxson (SheffickF. Jemima°, Jonathan\ ◄, :i, John:?) and Daniel Horatio Goff. Ch.: Goff: 2813 I\Jaria Louise, b. July 26, 1839 CoYcntry. cl. Nov. 19, 1862 vVoon­ socket, m. Apr. 29, 1860 Jcffc>rson Aldrich. No ch. 2814 Jane, b. Coventry, cl. '.Voonsockct July 9, 1866. 2815 \Villiam, b. July 16, 1843 Cc,ventry, cl. I\foy 2. 1871 \Voonsocket. m. Sept. 4, 1864 Ella I. I\farsh. Ch.: Clarence Goff. 2816 Daniel Cummings, b ..1\Iar. 29, 184i, m. Oct. 23, 1884 Martha B. Hall. In 1892 they were living in Providence, R. I. 1888 (t) Tabitha!! Maxson (Shcffie-kF. Jcmima'1. Jonathan\ ~. a. 2 John ) and \Villiam l\L l\forsC'. Ch.: Morse: 28li Ella Amandai>, b. Oct. I 1. 1848 \Voonsocket, R. I.. m. 1871 \Vil­ Iiam Barret. Dau. Alice :r-.forsc 10 Barret b. r.fay 28, 1882, m. Rev. Alexander Abbott. pa.star of the Baptist church at Norich, Ct.. and of other churches. 2818 Emma Amelia, b. Jan. 11, 1851 Providence, m. Oct. 14, 1875 Benjamin F. Brown. One son Arthur is a composer of music, is m. and lives in N. J. 2819 Ida Estella, b. Feb. 1, 1853, cl. imm. 2820 Charles Herbert, b. May 2, 1854( ?), m. Oct. 10. 1878 Harriet Beecher Wolfindalc, d. Jan. 1888. Dau. Edith 1fay i\lorsc10 h. Mar. 1, 1881, m. -- and had a son. 8 11 1890 (t) Sheffield Kenyon I\1axson (Shcfficlcli, Jcmima , Jonathan\ 3 2 4, • John ) and Eliza 1'.fary Davis. Ch.: Maxson: 2821 Clara Evclyn°, b. Oct. 25, 1850 \Voonsocket. R. I.. m. Oct. 17, 1872 George Edgar Jcnckcs. a carpenter. Ch.: Jcnckes: \Vin- 159 l\fAXSON FAMILY - EIGHTH GENERATfON

10 10 fred :Maxson , b. Feb. 26, 1880, nnd Evelyn Swcct , b. Jan. 15, 1882. 2822 Fred Nelson, 1857-1882, a draughtsman, d. from pneumonia. 2823 Charles D., 1860-1862. 1 3 1891 (t) Gorton \V. 1\. l\laxsons (Shcfficld7. Jcmima 1. Jonathanr.. ", , John::) and l\Iartha l\I. Burlingame. Ch.: Maxson: 2824 ( +) George \Vashington, b. Aug. 3, 1862 Smithfielcl, R. I., m. May 20, 1866 Ida Estella Bailey, b. Sept. 2, 1857, cl. July 21, 1923, clau. of Job Spencer and Ascnath (Greene) Bailey. 2825 Andrew Nelson, b. Dec. 11, 1863 Blackstone, l\Iass., m. Oct. 26. 1887 Julia B. \Vhcelock, b. Oct. 4, 1864. No ch. 2826 (+)Esther Louise, b. Feb. 14, 1866, d. I\far. IJ. 1937, m. Aug. 20, 1890 Samuel Verry Crane, b. Oct. 4, 1856. cl. Sept. 1931, son of John and Sarah (Verry) Crane. Dealer in coal, wood, and earlier an ice dealer. Blackstone, rvfass. (Sec Historic Homes of \Vorcester, l\Tass., Vol. III, p. 329.) 9 3 1893 (t) Amos C. Maxson (SheffielcF, Jemima°, Jonathan:\ ◄, , John~) and Elvira I-I. I\tansficld. Ch.: l\laxson: 2827 Vl/illiam, d. 1871 at l\J alclcn. 1\1 ass. 2828 Edward Sheffield, b. Nov. 29, 1853 Proviclcncc, R. I., m. Nov. l 8i9 Lillia E. Bacon, clau. of J. Q. Adams and Elizabeth Ann (Brown) Bacon of Malden, l\fass. Ch.: Harold l\faxson, h. Oct. 3, 1880. 2829 John Charles, h. July 19, 1856, Proviclcncc. 2830 I'rank Sidney, b. Dec. 17, 1857. 2831 Fred Stanley, b. Apr. 23, d. Nov. 1, 1864. 1894 (t) \rVil1iam 8 \rVallacc l\Jaxson (Sheffield7, Jemima('. Jonathan\ 2 \ 3, John ) and Sarah Ann Hoxsie. Ch.: :Maxson: 11 2832 \Valter Shcffield , b. Nov. 13, 1863, cl. Jan. 23, 1914, m. Feb. 4. 10 1873 Cordelia Brown, b. Feb. 4, 1873. Ch.: \Vallacc G. , h. Oct. 31, 1903. 2833 Ida Estella, h. July 5, 1868, unm. 2834 Henry Nclson°, h. Nov. 12, 1879, m. Hattie Church, b. Dec. 25. 1884, d. ~--. Ch:. Christine Louise10 Maxson, b. Jan. 15, 1907, d. Dec. 8, 1907; Cecelia Elizabeth M.ixson 1°, b. Nov. 6, 11 1914, m. Sidney Gardener ancl hacl Robert Garclencr , b. Apr. 21, 1932, and Elizabeth Gardncr11, b. Jan. I, 1934; and Sarah Evelyn10 I\.faxon, h. Sept. 5. 1920, adopted by Elisha Bitgood of Hope Valley. · \,Villiam W. Maxson, No. 1894, was a machinist and scrv,~d iu the Civil ,var. Sec Hist. \Vash. ancl Kent Cot1ntics. R. I., p. 1273. 7 1902 (t) FrederickR n Maxson (Gcorgc P., Jonathan'\ ti, John", Jona- 11 3 2 than~. John:; Lydia Ann, Lukc7, °, Matthew\ John ◄, , ); 0 2 also Nancy Potter Contcntr. Maxson, Joseph", a, John ) and Clara. Tompkins Crawford of Philadelphia, Penn. Ch.: Maxson: 2835 ( +) Frederick Raymond, b. J unc 12, 1890, m. June 24. 1915 Emma Wilhelmina Vallers, b. Sept. 5, 1892, dau. of Oscar 0. Vallers and Emma E. F. Prufcr. 160 rvIAXSON FA.i\llLY - EIGHTH GENERATION

2836 Harold Crawford, 1892-1895. 2837 John Warren, b. Dec. 7, 1900. m. 1925 Katherine Beatrice Valen­ tine. Ch.: l\Jaxson: John \Varren, Jr.; Roger Alan; and Fred­ erick Valentine. John \Varren l\laxson is an official of the Giard Trust Co., Phila. 1904 (t) Charles" Albertus !i.faxson (\Villiam7, Jonathan", '\ John~. 1 Jonathan: , John:?) and 1\Iatilda l\faria Reynolds. Ch.: l\Iaxson: 1 2838 Ralph Nclson ', b. Dec. 2. 18i9 'Westerly, R. I., m. Dec. 27, 1905 Jesse Olivia Taylor of Kansas City, l\J:o. Ch.: l\Taxson: \Vil­ 10 0 liam Taylor and Charles RaymoncP • At one time Ralph N. Ivlaxson was professor of Chemistry in the State College at Lexington, Ky. 1905 (t) \Villiam Edgar" l\faxson (\Villiam7, Jonathann, \ John\ 2 Jonathan:'. John ) and .Margaret Ann Niblock. Ch.: l\laxon: 2839 \Villiam Howard. b. \Vcsterly Feb. 6, 1877, d. Feb. 15,1879. 2840 ( +) Harold Rogers, b. Dec. 14, 1879 \Vesterly, m. June 5. 1906 Gladys Louise Ashworth, b. June 5, 1882, dau. of Albion Sager and Julia Etta (Smith) Ashworth of Cowell, l\lass. He was educated at Harvard ancl has specialized in direct mail adver­ tising in New York and Philadelphia (1911-1936). 2841 Charlotte Evelyn, b. Jan. 3, 1889 \Vesterly, m. June 4, 1919 Paul Franklin Esty of Gardner, .i\Iass. She grad. \Vcstcrly H. S. ancl for the next 5 vears stucliccl the violin at the N. E. Co11- sen·ato1·y of .i\Jusic ·in Boston. He is a chemist. gad. Lowell Textile School (1936). No ch. 2842 ( +) Edgar Potter, twin to C. E., d. Dec. 30, 1930. m. Sept. 1916 Mary Starr Utter, b. Feb. 21, 1890. clau. of Gov. George Hcr­ hert Utter and Elizahcth Lavinia Brown (No. 2328). Edgar P. Maxson graduated from \Vcstcrly H. S. and from Amherst College. He cntcr(•cl the employ of the \VcstC'rly Sun after graduation and was editor of that paper when he died. 41 1908 (t) Charles Clarence~ l\faxson (Charles\ Jonathan , \ John\ Jonathan\ John:i) and (No. 1371) Emma Albertine Utkr11 (Emma J. 11 \Vestcoote, Julia Ann7 I\faxson, Oliver11, J essc\ John\ Joseph:1, John~). Ch.; 1 2843 Harry \Vestcote ' l\Iaxson, h. Jan. 30, 1878, m. ---, has no ch. He lives in \Vcsterly ancl directs foreign export of U. S. StccJ. 2844 Charles Clarence'\ b. Jan. 18. 1888, m .. !ins at Lake Glenn. Fla. Ch.: Joanna10 l\faxson, b. about 1924. and Harry \Vcstcote, h. about 1936. 1 11 1909 Ct) Albertus \,Vilcox~ l\foxson (Jonathan , • '', John'\ Jona- than:!, John~) and Isabel Augusta Randolph of \Vestcrly. Ch.: Maxson: 2845 Clara Louise, b. Dec. 31, 1874. 2846 Albertus Randolph, b. :rvlay 10, 1876. 2847 Frank Elwin, b. Sept. 8, 1879. 0 1911 (t) Jonathan Irving~ IVIaxson (Jonathan\ , .-., John\ Jona- 161 MAXSON FAMILY - EIGHTH GENERATION

than\ John:) and Sarah Y. Randolph of \-Vesterly, R. I. Ch.: Maxson: 2848 Ethel, b. Jan. 4, 1883, d. ---, m. --- Guinn. No ch. 2849 Jonathan Irving, Jr., b. l\far. 5, 1888, m. ---, have 2 ch. Thcv live in Stonington, Ct. Jonathan Irving l\faxson was educated in the public schools of Stonington, Ct., and Westerly, R. I. He taught school at Avon­ dale 18i5-1876. In 1877 he studied in an architect's office in New York City and fitted himself for the building and contract business. Later he became a member of the firm of Maxson Company, Contractors and Builders, successor3 to C. Maxson and Company, a building concern which started in 1842 and built from Cape Cod to New York, and along the Connecticut shore. He was a representative in the General Assembly of R. I. 1898-1899. For 30 years he was secretary of the ,vesterly Rifle Association. For 18 years he was an active member of the Militia of \Vesterly..... In 1912 he removed with his fam­ ily to the Isle of Pines where they remained until 1917 when they returned to \1/estcrly..... vVcstcrly Sun, Sept. 3, 1924. He collcctccl records of many Maxson families and his collec~ tions, or most of them, arc in the \1/esterly Public Library. 1925 (t) i\fary CatherineR Saunders (Stephen~ Saunders, Cathcrine11 l\faxson, John\ \ Jonathan:i, John:?) and Theophilus C. BaII. Ch.: Ball: 2850 ( +) l\rinnic Evelyn, b. June 16, 1868 Olncyville, R. I., m. Nov. 4. 1891 at \Voonsocket \Villiam Chester Thayer (Hiram\ Rcu­ 7 0 henR, • Joseph , r., ·\ Samuel\ Ferdinando=\ Thomas•. Farmer. 2851 \Villiam Ellary, b. Sept. 17, 1870, m. J oscphine Bisaillon. 2 ch.: Stephen and Vvilliam, both cl., and Arthur, adopted. Town­ send, :Mass. 2852 Amarinda Bowen, b. May 24, 1873, m. Apr. 1894 William l\fac­ donald. Live at Oswego, N. Y. Ch.: Robert C., principal of the H. S. at Fulton. N. Y., m. ---. has 2 ch.; and Ruth10 Macdonald. 2853 Clarence Stephen, b. Jan. 24, 1877, m. June 5, 1901 Effie Sproat. \Vhitcsvillc . .l\fass. No ch. 2854 Sarah Blanche, b. Nov. 24, 1879. m, Aug. 4. 1902 Howard La­ valette. 6 ch. New Beclforcl, Mass. 1929 (t) Ella R. 8 Saunders (Stcphcn7 Saunders, Cathcrine0 Maxson, John", "', Jonathan:!, John::) and George A. Brown of James­ town, R. I. Ch. : 2855 Letha D. Brown. m. John Brooks, had a dau. 2856 Clara B. Brown, m. Charles Brooks (brother to John, above), one time manager of the Newport and Jamestown Ferry Co. 3 ch. 7 0 1932 (t) Helen EuphemiaR Maxson (William B. , Joshua B., Caleb\ John\ Jonathan:i. John::) and Seth Albert Parish of Auburn. N. Y. 3 ch.: 2857 Albert Seth Parish, h. Sept. 1, 1866. was a carpenter, built and 162 MAXSON FAMILY - EIGHTH GENERATION

ownecl cottages. Holly\\·ood, Caln. 2858 Hattie Parish, b. June 1, 1869, m. ---. Dau. Jiving, 1918, Los Angeles. 2859 Lucy Irene, b. July 3, 1879, m. --- who was a partner in a concern which furnished building material. 1 1936 (t) Fidello C,fl l\laxson (Silvanus C. , Joshua B.n, Caleb\ John", Jonathan 3 John~) and Josephine l\kl\Iiller Strong. Ch.: 2860 Frank Silvanus .Maxson, b. Ii.far. 28, 1977 in 1\Iilwaukee, rn. Phy­ lanca Linderman. M. D. in Mihvaukce and North Cape, \Vis. Ch.: Josephine'°, m. George l\L Adams, Jr., a newspaper man in New York City, works for Hearst papers, has ch.: Nancy11 and Susanu. 2861 Addie Isabell Maxson, b. 1881, m. L. P. Kilburn, auto salesman for Packard Co., 453 N. 31st St., l\Iilwaukee (1936). 1937 (t) Dr. Albert S. l\faxson ('Villiam7 B., Joshua0 B., Caleb~·. 3 2 John4, Jonathan , John ) ancl Dollie Babcock of Milton, \Vis. Ch.: 2862 Mabel .Maxson, b. 1886, teacher of English in l\Iilton College, Wis., also College Librarian, unm. 2863 Mary 1\faxson, b. & cl. 1896. 1939 (t) Henry8 Maxon Goodrich (l\fary7 E. :Maxson, Joshua6 B., Caleb\ John\ Jonathan\ John~) and Ella A. Smith of Stephen­ town, N. Y. Ch. : 2864 Benjamin Harold Goodrich, b. l\far. 7, 1880, unm. He is a merchant in Stephentown, sells large quantities of maple syrup and products. 2865 Ethel Viola Goodrich. b. Dec. 22, 1884, m. Aug. 17. 1910 Elton Farr. 7 0 1940 (t) Charles J." Goodrich (Mary E. Maxson, Joshua B. , Caleb\ John". Jonathana, Johnz) and Lizzie l\L Smith of Stephentown, N. Y. Ch.: 2866 Dorothy Louise Goodrich, m. Edward MacCarry. 2867 Clifford l\Taxson Goodrich, m. Dorothy Ferry. 2868 Frances, m. David Thompson. 1945 (t) See No. 2328. 1958 (t) Edwin H. Lewis (Abram7 H. Lewis, Tacy11 vV. Maxson, Caleb\ John\ Jonathan:', John:!) had a son: 2869 Herbert Lewis, artist and teacher of art, and a clau.: 2870 Janet Lewis, wife of Yoor \\'inters. Author. Read "The In­ vasion." 1963 Ct) George G. 11 Maxson (Ethan', 6, Samuel\ 4, Jonathan~, Johnz) and Ann Marie \Vood. Ch.: Maxon: 2871 Ethan Allen, b. Nov. 2, 1841 Oneida, N. Y., m. Jan. 17, 1863 Emma Frances Thatcher, dau. of Orvin Andrew Thatcher, m.2 May 1, 1890 Anna Amanda Patterson, dau. of Joseph C. and Louise (Abrams) Patterson of Duanesburg. No ch. He was a dealer in grain and bank director. 2872 Ancil Cobb, b. Apr. 2, 1842, m. Frances Trcymeycr, dau. of Daniel and Lydia. Schenectacly, N. Y. 163 l\IAXSON FAMTLY - EIGHTH GENERATION

2873 George, b. July 9. 185,l Schenectady, m. July 12, 1887 Lillian May, dau. of \Villiam vV. and Eva E. (Veeder) Long of Utica, N. Y. No ch. 2874 Frank, b. Apr. 1865, m. l\fatilda Clute. 2875 ( +) \Villiam Densmore, b. Oct. 23, 1857 Schcncctacly, m. Oct. 26, 1881 Annie Cuyler Lush, b. Feb. 28, 1858 Albany, N. Y., dau. of Stephen and Augusta (Causcvoort) Lush of Schenectady. A.B. and A.M. Union College. Theological Seminary of N. Y. and Middletown, Ct. Protestant Episcopal. 2876 l\·I ary Frances, d.y. 0 3 1964 (t) Densmore \V/' Maxson (Ethan7, , Samuel\ \ Jonathan , 2 John ) and Elizabeth Turck Ch.: :Maxson: 2877 Mason 1\farion. b. Jan. 20, 1847, d. !i.fay 28, 1934, m. Grace Lil­ lian Fuller, b. July 27, 1857 Morgan Co., Ill. He was a Capt. in the U. S. Army. Her P. 0. in 1935 was: 267 Greendale Ave., Cincinnati, 0. Ch.: Edith 1°, m. P. G. Swars. Res. 1935: 45 10 Prospect Pl., Apt. 2102, New York City; Bruce Ethan ; and 10 Glcnway W. 1\faxon • 2878 Bruce, b. Nov. 19, 1845, d. unm. 2879 Glcnway, b. Dec. 1, 1851. 2880 Dow, h. Dec. 25, 1853. 2881 Dau. b. & d. Oct. 2, 1858. 2882 Acla, b. Aug. 26, 1862. 2883 Effra, b. Aug. 17, 1864. m. J. S. Cutter. Res. 7404 ri.Hlwaukce St .. Wauwatosa, \Vis. 2884 Densmore vVilliam, h. July 28, 1872. 1967 (t) Eliza A.1" l\f axon (Ethan\ 11, Samuel\ ◄, Jonathan\ John~) and Jed Rix (Rix Genealogy 1906, p. 149). Ch.: Rix: 2885 Frances, h. Oct. 3, 1864. 2886 Artlmr, b. Feb. 1866, d.y. 2887 John George, h. l\Iay 29, 1868. Res. Big Springs, Texas. 2888 Ethan, h. Mar. 23. 1871, d.y. 2889 rvfary P .. b. Feb. 1, 1873. 2890 Jennie, b. Nov. 29, 1874. 1968 (t) l\Iary Elizabcths Maxson (Lewis• Maxson. Ethan\ Sam­ uel", ◄• Jonathan::, John~) and Orrin Il. Smith of Verona, N. Y. Ch.: Smith: 2891 Lois Georgiana, b. Apr. 9, 1865, m. Sept. 19, 1894 Rev. Judson Davis, now (1929) pastor of the l\fcthodist Church at Verona Station, N. Y. Mrs. Davis furnished records when we called on her in 1929. 7 1969 (t) Samuel A.s l\faxon (Lewis • Ethan°, Samuel\ \ Jonathan:', 2 John ) and Sylvia Stringer of Oneida, N. Y. Ch.: Maxon: 1 2892 William Ralph ', b. Feb. 27, 1877, m. June 2, 1908 Edith Merrill, 10 Noted worker at the Smithsonian in Wash., D. C. Dau. Mary • 2893 Samuel Lynn, b. Oct. 20, 1881, m. Margery Slate of Norwich, N. Y. Ch.: Janet and Barbara Maxon. Bronxville, N. Y. 2894 Bessie Stringer, b. Jan. 12, 1887, m. Oct. 19, 1914 Charles Elliot 164 MAXSON FAMILY - EIGHTH GENERATION

Farr. No ch. She was living at 249 S. Petersboro St., Canas­ tota, N. Y., in 1942. 19i0 (t) Sarah E.'1 Maxon (Lewis;, Ethan". Samuel\ 4, Jonathan3, John~) and Jay Faulkner of Verona, N. Y. Ch.: Faulkner: 2895 Gertrude, d.y. 2896 Floyd, cl.y. 2897 J. Vernon, m. Jesse Lyslc. No ch. 2898 Niles Maxon, m. Ruth \Vctmorc. No ch. 2899 Bessie, unm. (1928). 2900 Blanche, unm. (1928). 2901 Fred, m. ---. No ch. 1971 (t) Hannah I\I inerva" Brown (Hannah 0.7 Maxon, Samuel\ G, 4. 2 Jonathan", John ) and Samuel Cassada. Ch.: Cassada: 2902 ( +) Emma, 111. George Cooper. They went to Michigan. 2903 Nancy, h. 1853, cl. Feb. 3, 1931, m.1 Anson Chapin, cl. 1893, m.2 --- Ford. They lived in Allegany Co., N. Y. 2904 (+)Chester, b. July 21, 1854 Royalton, N. Y., d. June 16, 1929 Holley, N. Y., m. Dec. 22, 1875 Emma L. Chapell. b. Jan. 1, 1859 1\lulforcl, N. Y., cl. Jan. 6, 1929 Holley, N. Y., clau. of Elias Cha­ pell (of Elias and Abigail Coy) and Mary Jane Abbot (Hist. Genesee Co., N. Y., p. 440). Farmer, Orleans Co., N. Y. 2905 Lucy, b. 1857, lived in Petoskey. Mich. 2906 l\lvron, b. 1860, d. Kendall, N. Y. 290i Franklin, b. 1861, lived on his father's homestead, Petoskcv. Mich. . 2908 Della, b. 1862, m. ---, lived at Petoskey, had grandchildren. 2909 (+)Martha, b. 1868 June 20, m. vVilliam Sheerer, b. Oct. 8, 1868. They were Jiving at 629 Mich. St., Petoskey, in 1930. 1972 (t) Samuel J. 8 Brown (Alzina; Maxon, Samuel'\ ", 4, Jonathan:', John~) and Emily Emmons of Marquette, Mich. Ch.: Brown: 2910 Gertruclc, age 6 yrs. in 1865 census of Barre, N. Y. 1 2911 Ella 1 , 111. Arthur Bishop, a R.R. Engineer. Ch.: l\forion Bish­ op10 living with his father in Chicago in 1923 (From A. M. Southerland. a nephew, of Ingals, l\lich.). 1865 Census, Barre, N. Y., No. 22; vVarrcn Smith. 35, (visiting with him, home from the \Var was:) Samuel Brown, ae. 35; Emily, 29; Gertrude, ae. 6, born in Niagara Co., N. Y. 11 4 1973 (t) John" Brown (Alzinar Maxon, SamueJ , r., • Jonathan\ John~) and Abigail VanAuker of Orleans and Niagara Co., N. Y. Ch.: 2912 ( +) Hiram LaGrant Brown, b. July 12, 1854 Royalton. N. Y., d. Mar. 23, 1923 .i\Iurray, N. Y.. rn. Nov. 3, 1872 Julia Ann Thorpe, b. Mar. 27, 1856 Barre, N. Y., cl. Dec. 23, 1904 Murray, N. Y., dau. of William Thorpe (son of John Thorpe and Mary Hunt of Navemby, England) and Caroline Allen (dau. of Ed­ ward Allen and Sarah Amiss of Barre and Clarendon. N. Y.). He was a stone mason, contractor and builder, and was a mem­ ber of the F. & A. M. of Holley, N. Y. He m.2 Apr. 4, 1906 Sarah J. Harris, b. Sept. 8, 1861, d. May 26, 1942 in Albion, N. Y. 165 MAXSON FAlVIILY - EIGHTH GENERATION

Ch by 2nd w., Sarah Stearns: Brown: 2913 \Villiam, b. June.· 14, 1865, d. 1901 by sun-stroke at the Pan­ Amcrican, Buffalo, N. Y., m. Ruth Taylor, cl. Nov. 11, 1931 North Rose, N. Y. She was a graduate of Oberlin and a teach­ er. He was a farmer ancl owner and manager of a traveling magic-lantern show. He had a dry-house for drying apples on their farm in North Rose, N. Y. Ch.: Adula Brown, b. July 15, 1893 North Rose, N. Y. She is unm. and manages her farms in North Rose. 2914 (+)Lucila, b. Jan. 10, 1868 Clarendon, N. Y., nt. Jan. 24, 1889 Herbert C. Adams, b. Dec. 26, 1866, son of Ashael Adams, Jr. and Louise Gates of Murray, N. Y. Sarah Stearns Brown m.2 Aug. 14. 1875 Lewis Gates, and their dau. Estella Gates, b. I\fay 6, 1877, m. Mar. 28, 1895 Roscoe Minckley, b. Apr. 15, 1873 (No. 2956). He d. July 31, 1947. 7 0 1974 (t) Ruth Ann~ Brown (Alzina Maxon, Samuel , r., ", Jonathan\ 2 John ) and Henry W. Allen of Murray, N. Y. Ch.: Allen: 2915 Ellen, 1852-1876, unm. 2915a Mary, 1854-1876, unm. 2916 Charles Zacloc, b. Dec. 27, 1856, cl. June 23, 1883. unm. Metho­ dist Minister. 2917 Henry Eugene, b. :rv1ar. 27, 1859, m. ---. Ch.: Leon and Ruth Allen. They went to Salem, Oregon. 2918 Nancy Ruth, b. July 24, 1862, cl. Apr. 3, 1900 Brockpon, N. Y., m. Charles Winslow. One ch. d.y. 2919 George W., b. 1864, d. 1881 unm. 2920 Harriet Elizabeth. b. 1866, was teaching school in N. Dakota and d. from the cffr-c-t of a great storm. 2921 Ulysses, b. Dec. 17, 1868. alive and unm. 1940. 2922 vVelcome, b. Fch. 28, 1871, unm., a cripple from an accident. The family lived on their farm in Jvlurray. The untimely deaths o_f _the children were from tuberculosis. The boys were mu­ sicians. 2 1975 (t) Elijahs Brown (Alzina7, Samuel\:,, ◄, Jonathan", John ) and Hannah Beebe of Murray, N. Y. Ch.: Brown: 2923 James, m. Jessie Brown (Morris, Sylvester, John. Sec Brown­ Hakes and Allied Families, p. 23). Son, Lester Brown of Clear­ water, Idaho. 2924 Martin. 2925 1faude. 3 1976 (t) Ira~ Brown (Alzina', Samue1°, :,. ◄, Jonathan , John::) am! Hattie Tooley of Carlton and I\lurray, N. Y. Ch.: Brown: 2926 ( +) Minnie, b. Carlton. N. Y., Dec. 3, 1874, cl. Mar. 4, 1933 Ba­ tavia, N. Y., m. Jan. 10, 1894 Isaac Harrington. 2927 ( +) Inez, b. Oct. 26, 1879. cl. Sept. 1934 Holley, N. Y., m. l Jean Wires, m.2 Jan. 24, 1899 John 13owen, b. May 7. 1876, d. about 1938, son of George Bowen and Vashti Allen (who was a clau. of Edward Allen and Sarah Amiss. (Compare data under No. 2912). 166 l\IAXSON FAI\lILY - EIGHTH GENERATION

1977 (t) Betsey R.~ Brown (Alzina' Maxon, ~;amuclc, :1., 4, Jonathan\ John:?) and Theodore Johnson of Clarendon and Clarkson, N. Y. Ch.: Johnson: 2928 ( +) Carrie Abigail. b. Aug. 27, 1869, d. Jan. 9, 1943 Clarkson, N. Y., m. June 28, 1905 Frank R. Freeman (an adopted son), b. July 12, 1872, cl. Dec. 7. 1944. He was a mechanic. She gradu~ ated from the Brockport Normal and taught school before her marriage. 2929 (+)Esther Alzina, b. June 9, 1872, d. Sept. 22, 1947 Niagara Falls, N. Y., m. Apr. 19, 1894 Simon Redinger, b. Mar. 1870. 2930 ( +) Melvin Anthony, b. June 30, 1876, killed by high voltage while at work at Niagara Falls, Feb. 26, 1902, m. Dec. 6, 1898 Lettie Wright, b. Mar. 11, 1878, dau. of Nathan \,\Tright and Lucy Josephine Way (of Alexander Way and Elvira Griggs). 2931 ( +) Burton Elmer. b. Dec. 25. 1878 Clarendon, N. Y., cl. Jan. 14, 1944 at Audobon, N. J.. m, Mar. 22, 1904 Iva Lenora Sher~ wood. b. Aug. 1, 1886, dau. of Joseph Martin Sherwood and Lydia Sickler of Jermyn, Pa. He was owner and manager of the Sager vVea~her Strip Company of Auclobon, N. J., which business is being continued by lHrs. Johnson and her son,--, 205 \Vyoming Ave., Audubon, N. J. 2932 ( +) Gracc Rosilla, b. Feb. 6, 1881, m. Oct. 2i, 1909 Floyd King, son of Cassius King (of David, Jr.) and Nellie Connor of Hil­ ton. N. Y. He grad. Hilton H. S. and R. B. U. of Rochester, N. Y. Court Attendant, l\.Ionroe Co., N. Y. 820 E. Main St., Rochcstcr, N. Y. 2933 ( +) Edith Rosetta, b. Sept. 13, 1883, cl. Apr. 5, 1924 Brockport, N. Y .. m. Frank \Vilson. Theodore Johnson was a \'cteran of the Civil \,\Tar. He was wounded and his left leg was amputated above the knee. He lived in Clarendon until about 1893 when the family moved to Clarkson, N. Y. Sec Copeland's History of Clarendon and Landmarks of Orleans Co., N. Y., Part I. Farmer and Dealer in Horses. He was buried iu the Garland Cemeterv with mili- tary honors. · 1978 (t) Lucy Ann" Chase (Ruth· Davis Maxon, Samuel'\ :,, ", Jona­ than\ John:?) and Anson Green of Barre and Roya1ton, N. Y. One ch.: 2934 (+)Augusta Green, b. Sept. 20. 1854, d. Feb. 19, 1931 Lockport, N. Y., m. Oct 3, 1875 Daniel Craine, b. May 15, 1850, cl. before 1929. She was living with her son, Clark A Craine at 110 East Ave., Lockport, N. Y., in 1929 when she furnished these records. 0 0 1980 (t) Laura" Chase (Ruth• Maxon, Samuel , , ". Jonathana, John:?) and Charles l'vlincklcy. Ch.: Minckley: 2935 Amos Berry, h. Apr. 30. 1850, Orleans Co .. N. Y., d. about 1925. rn. Margaret E. 1\Jahler. Titusville, Pa. Ch.: Laura Minckley, rn. Henry Biers. No ch. 2936 George Newton, h. Apr. 24, 1853, d. about 1927, m. Jan. 14. 1880 Alice L. Phillips of Albion, N. Y., and had Florence :rv[inck-


Icy who 111,l Grmgc Bennett nncl m.2 Clinrlcs Bennett. Gcorg-c N. l\·li11ckley 111.2 Augusta Stanger and had \Villiam 111 ancl Gco1·gc 11 1\1 i11cklcy \ 0 2937 lda Ack I, 1856•187~>. m. Nov. 15. 1877 Silas S. Pratt. No ch. 2938 (-!-) Julia Evalinc, b. 1\foy 6, 1859, d. Aug. 6, 1929, m. Nov. 9, 1876 Jchicl Acle[hcrt Hl'cht•, b. Mar. 20, 1852, cl. Mar. 15, 1917, of Bergen, N. Y., son of J ch id Bcchc. 2939 Alice Laura, b. 1863, gracl. Alkgany College, taught school in Kentucky. 2940 Albert Charles, b. Aug. 18. 1867, alive 1928, m. Bertha Holtz. They went to Halsey, Oregon. 7 0 1982 (t) l\f orrisR Brown (Betscy l\faxon, Samuel", , •, Jonathan 1, John~) and wife Lavinia of Aleidon, .Mich., Ch.: Brown: 2941 'Walter, cl. 1932, 111. Rose Smith. 2 ch.: Brown: Etta"', m. 111 Frank. live at Brant, Mich.; ancl Ray Brow11 , went to Idaho. 2942 TCherry Valley. They livccl at LaHarpc, Kansas, No ch. 1989 (t) Alonsonk Brown (Betscy7 l\Iaxon, Samuel°, r,, "', Jonathan :i, J olm~) ancl Emma l\lcC:atchc of Elsie, Mich. Ch.: Brown: 11 2953 Charlcs , h. 1Iay 13, 1875, m. Maude Winters, dau. of Edward. Ch.: Carrie 111, b. Nov. 19, 1900; and Paul'°, b. Aug. 13, 1907. 2954 Ethel°, b. Nov. 3, 1882, m. Philip Frank. b. J unc 19, 1877, son 10 of Charles and Marie Frank. Ch.: Frank ; Erma 1°, Feb. 10, 1903 m. Lester Budlong, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Russel 1°, b. Feb. 0 8, 1906; LloycJl\ b. Apr. 24, 1908i and Ahvinda' , b. Jan. 23, 1914, 111. D011 !\I ahoney, grocer, Kalamazoo, J\,lich. 1990 (t) Lucy8 Ilrown (Betsey· Maxon, Samuel°, :;• \ Jonathana, John~) and \-VHliam Mincklcy of Murray, N. Y. Ch.: Minckley: 2955 Agnes, <1. Nov. 10, 1880, age 3 yr. 9 mo. (G.S.R. Mt. Albion Ccm.). 2956 (+)Roscoe, b. Apr. 15, 1873, cl. July 31, 1947, m. Mar. 28, 1895 168 l\lAXSON FAMILY - EIGHTH GENERATION

Estella Gates, b. 1\lay 16, 1877, d. Sept. 23, 19-i7, dau. of Lewis Gates and Sarah (Stearns) Brown Gates (Sec No. 292.3). They lived in .l\l urray and he engineered the pumping of water for the R. R. Co. at Fancher, N. Y. In early life he was a cooper. 2957 Brownie•, cl. ac. 21 vr. 8 mo. 2158 John, cl. Apr. IO, 190.3, nc. 21 yrs. 7 4 3 1991 (t) Hiram E. Brown (Uetscy l\laxon, Samuel''. ro, , Jonathan , John~) and Helen Gould of Albion, N. Y. One ch.: 2959 (+)Jennie Brown, h. Feb. 1, 1871, cl. Apr. 24, 1938, m. 1892 Fred Hinds, h. Oct. 21, 1856, cl. Apr. 27, 1937, son of Alanson Hinds and Sarah Noble (Nohle Gen. by Boltwood, 1878. p. 250. Landmarks of Orleans Co. N. Y., Part II, p. 189). Stone quarry ow11c·r anrl operator with a partner at J-Iindsb11rg, N. Y. 7 3 1992 (t) Emily OliviaH Hard (Lucy Maxon, Samuel\ r,, \ Jonathan , John") and Noble \V. Stockham. Ch.: Stockham: 2960 ( +) Bruce, h, l\Tar. 22, 1863 iu ile)vcclcrc, Ill., cl. !\fay 12, 1945 l{ocliesler, N. Y., 111. Mar. 6, 1890 Cora Root, b. June 9, 1869, cl. Sept. IO, 1940 Ifochester, N. Y .. dau. of \,Villiam Root and l\fary \Villiarns (Landmarks of Orleans Co., N. Y., Pt. 3, p. 115). Farmer in Murray, and later manager of the N. Y. Canners Receiving Slation at Fancher. 2961 Harriet Frances, h. Fch, 15, 1865 Belvedere, Ill., m. June 28, 1906 l\lilfonl Salisbury, h. Feb. 21, 1853. cl. Aug. 22, 1925 l\Iur­ ray. N. Y., who 111.l 13lanchc Curtis and had a son Curtis. She graduated from the Brockport Normal and from the University of Syracuse. She was the first superintendent of schools in the eastern division of Orleans Co., N. Y. No ch. She lives in Holll'y (1948). 2962 (+)Elizabeth Bethia, b. Dec. 12, 1866, cl. July 7, 1944, m. Feb. 18, 1892 George Salisbury, b. Feb. 28, 1855, cl. Sept. 9, 1925 l\lttrray. N. Y. He was brother of l\lilforcl (above) and son of Harmon Salisbury and Lucinda Harwick. Farmer in rviurra,·. 2963 ( -1-) Emma Amelia, b. i\lar. 23, 1870, Knowlesvillc, N. Y .. ~. Aug-. 30, 1893 James A. Balcom, h. l\Tar. 19. 1866 l\Iurray, N. Y., d. Feh. 11, 1949 Holley, N. Y., son of Andrew J. Balcom (Almer, Constant, Joseph. John of l\fansfitld, Ct.) ancl Adeline Paine. J usticc. Supervisor scwral terms. F. & A. M. Sec Land­ marks of Orleans Co .. N. Y. Sec Brown-Hakes and Alliecl Families 1940. They lived in Brockvillc, north of Fancher, N. Y. 8 1994 (t) Harriet Hard (Lucy· 1\laxon. Sanrncl\ r., \ Jonathan :i, John-.:) and Stephen Vail of Elba, N. Y. Ch.: Vail: 2964 Hugh, b. Jan. 24, 1870, d. Oct. 13, 1912. m. Apr. 9, 1890 Abbie. dau. of George and Ann Jones. R.R. Telegrapher ancl R.F.D. Mail Carrier, Palmyra, Mich. Son Arthur b. Oct. 2, 1895. d. Oct. 10, 1900. 2965 ( +) Meta, b. Jan. 27, 1868, d. Jan. 29, 1942 Oakfield, N. Y., rn. Oct. 5, 1893 George Harkness, b. Sept. 30, 1868, d. Aug. 27, 1928. son of Daniel ancl Amy C. (Holmes) Harkness. 2966 Florence M., h. Apr. 2, 1876 Elba, N. Y. Genesco Normal. Re-


tired school teacher. She 111. June 1941 vVilliam English. R.R. Engineer Retired. Res. Silver Lake. N, Y. (1946). 2967 Sarah. b. July 3, 1879, cl. Oct. 29, 1940. Stenographer and Book Keeper. 1997 (t) George SamueJH :Maxon (Elijah', Samuel", r., ◄, Jonathan 3, John::) and l\fargarct Garrison of Carlton, N. Y. and Mich. Ch.: Maxon: 2968 Cora, b. Oct. 28, 1872, m. --- Derick. South Haven, Mich. in 1915. A letter to her in 1929 was not returned nor answered. 2969 Lottie, b. Sept. 24, 1874, m. --- Chapman. Randall, Minn. in 1916. 2970 Clark, b. Apr. 24, 1880. 1998 (t) JraH 1\faxon (Elijah\ Samucl0, ", •. Jonathan3, John~) and Annie K. Copeland. Ch.: l\foxon: 2971 Cora, alive on June 2, 1909. 2972 Susan, alive 1909, had a family. 1999 (t) Charles!, 1\faxon (Elijah7, Samuel'\ r., \ Jonathan:\ John:i) and Mary Jane Barr. Ch.: Maxon: 2973 Edwin, b. June 26, 1873, of 'Windham, .rvlinn. about 1895. 2974 Ivlary Frances, b. Oct. 17, 1874. 2975 Milton, b. Nov. 23, 1876. living 1929 in Los Angeles, answered a letter and was unm. P. 0. 416 vV. 8th St., S. Pacific Clearing Office. 29i6 Susanna Adeline, b. Dec. 11, 1878 of Medical Lake, Minn. 1895. 3 2001 (t) FillmoreN Maxon (Elijah7, Samuel°, r., ", Jonathan , John::) and J csse Podgers of Carlton and Clarendon, N. Y. Ch.: l\laxon: 2977 (+)Dell, b. Apr. 10, 1884, m. Sept. 10, 1905 Laura Robb, b. Aug. 16, 1885. dau. of Andrew Robb and Carrie Coons (dau. of Adam Coons who enlisted from Greece, N. Y .. ancl was killed in the Ch·il \Var, and Carrie Shepard). Farmer, Clarendon, N. Y. 2978 (+)George F., b. May 28, 1886, m. Pearl Peters. Farmer, Clarendon, N. Y. 2979 ( +) Myrtle, b. Oct. 25, 1888, m. Nov. 29, 1905 Frank Heise, b. May 2, 1887, son of Frank Heise. Res. Clarendon, N. Y. 2980 ( +) r.fabcl, b. Oct. 1, 1891, 111. Charles Greenacre. Salesman in Buffalo. 2981 Clark Kilburn. b. Nov. 25, 1893, 111. Mar. 14, 1914 Hilda Ncisser. 1\fanager of ,,vhitkop & Holmes, Batavia, N. Y. Have an adopted clau. 2982 Jesse, b. July 4, 1895. m.1 Christian Slnrping, m.2 George Rice• brook. Clarendon, N. Y. No ch. Fa ·1,1cr in Clarendon, N. Y. 2983 ( +) Ralph Edward, b. Feb. 15, 1898. m. June 15, 1922 Bonnabcl Brooks, b. Jan. 1, 1903, dau. of \Villiam Brooks (son of Charles from Eng.) and Nellie Ward (dau. of \Vinfield Ward and Nancy l\fadcll of Clarendon). 2984 Dorothy, b. Aug. 17, 1905, m. Frank Warren; live in Batavia, N. Y. Ch.: Bettie Warren; and Cavcrin Warren. 2002 (t) John Grincll (Lucy7 Babcock, john° Babcock, Ruth~ Max-


son, Samuel', Jonathan:!, John~) and !v[argaret Cornell of Barre and Shelby, N. Y. Ch.: Grine II: 2985 ( +) Jvlinnic, b. Mar. 9, 1866, cl. June 22, 1946, m. Sept. 10. 1895 Enos Rice, b. Sept. 9, 1861. son of \iVilliam Rice and Emma Trol­ ley (Landmarks of Orleans Co., N. Y., p. 89 and p. 535). 2986 Catherine. ''Capitola", b. Dec. 10, 1870, cl. June 6, 1928, mun. 2987 Jane, m. Dr. H. J. Weston of the Etna Life Ins., Hartford, Ct. No ch. 2988 ( +) Iva Luella, b. Mar. 27, 1880, m. Sept. 27, 1904 Thomas G. Hoagland, Jr., cl. Aug. 1939. Iron l\.fanufacturet\ Rockway, N. ]. 2989 John III, m. & div. Florence Scaman from Lyons, N. Y. Datt. l\fargarct Grincll m. vVilliam Glover. \,Vorks on the Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls. 2990 ( +) Margaret, b. Feb. 23, 1889, m. Apr. 24, 1913 C. Miller. P. 0., Plantsvillc, Conn.


2008 (t) Daniel" Stillman (Samuel~ Stillman, \Villiam· Stillman, 0 1 Lydia Davis, Bethie" !vlaxson, Joseph4, John: , :?) and Carrie 1-lowcrs. Ch.: Stillman: 2990 Gertrude. b. Apr. 9, 1870, cl. l\lay 1925, bur. Virgil, N. Y., rn. June 18, 1888 Dorr Elster, 1867-1938. Dau.11 Frances, b. Apr. 26, 1894, m. Aug. 4, 1915 Dr. Frank E. Ryan, b. 1889. No ch. 2991 Ina M., b. May 6, 1876, m. Lawrence Bristol; live at Virgil. 11 Ch.: Bristol: Stillman , m. Edna Bennett, dau. Betty':?, b. May 11 11, 1926; Ruth , m. \Valter Hoose. Scottsville, N. Y., have: 12 Hoosc ; Carrol; Donald; Alan; Barbara; Eldon; and Ray­ rnoncl1~, m. Alice Bloomer, no ch. 2992 Edward G., b. Nov. 6, 1882, m. Acta Harvey, b. Nov. 6, 1887. 11 11 Ch.: Stillman: Harvey ; Gcrtr11clc , m. Robert Knarr and have 1 1 Petcr ~ and Fritz Knarr; and Donald E,' , Ronald R., twins, attending Cornell Univ. Danic1° Stillman m.2 June 28, 1887 Adv. Schcllinger Boyce, widow of Elijah Boyce, and had: Stillman: 10 2993 Meerc • b. Apr. 14. 1888, m. Sept. 5, 1908 John Sheerer, b. Nov. 28, 1885. Coal Dealer, Cincinnatus, N. Y. Ch.: Sheerer: Sarah 11 Elizabeth, l>. June 6, 1914. and John Har.-ison , b. Nov. 20, 1925. Mrs. Maen· Stillman Sheerer furnished the data for these Still­ man records. 2009 (t) Julius0 Stillman (SamucP1 Stillman, \Vm.' Stillman, Lydiat1 Davis, Bethiar, Maxson, Joseph\ Johna, ::) and Alice l\Iathcw­ son. Ch.: 2994 Frank Leslie, b. Lincklcan, N. Y. Aug. 11, 1869, d. Aug. 8. 1941. Supervisor of the Town of Virgil 31 years, m. May 6. 1890 171 1\IAXSON FAl\1lLY - NINTH GENERATION

Lena E. 13ays of Virgil, dau. of John ancl Lavina Bays of La­ 11 pcl·r. -l- sons: Stillman ; Orris of Robinson, Ill.; Glenn of Athens, Pa.; Paul and Henry of Virgil. Frank L. Stillman10 had 8 gr.-ch. at the time of his death. 2995 Henry Stillman, a soldier, d. 1926 unm. 2996 Florence 10 Stillman, m. Clair Smith of Union Valley, N. Y. 1 Ch.: Smith"; Harold, m. Julia Case, ch.: Acmilla :i and Ray­ moml1~; ancl Kenneth Smith 11, 111. Barbara Robinson, 2 daus. 2997 Acl

0 202.J. (t) I-Icnri' J. 1\faxson (AsaH, 7, , Davicltt, John-I, a, ~) and Phebe Howland of \Val worth, \Vis Ch.: l\laxson: 3006 N. Dcwight, b. 1\fay 15, 1857. m. rviinnie McLean. ,1007 Fred J., b. Jan. 22. 1863, m. Etta Orstout. 3008 Charles H., h. Sept. 3, 1864. 3009 Cynthia, b. Oct. 12, 1865. 3010 Myrtie, b. Oct ..11, 1867, 111. Eddie Shaffer. 3011 Asa Lois. b. July 14, 1869. 3012 l\lahcl E., b. July 4, 1878. 3013 Jesse, b. June 9, ---.. cl. Feb. 7. 1941. He was an l\f.D. at Harvard, Ill .. and was a mcmher of the S.AR. 2052 (t) Albert" Spicer Coats (Lois11 \Vhitfo:-d, Polly• l\faxson, Asa\ David\ John\ a, ~) and Frances Amanda Lee. Ch.: Coats: 301..J. George Albert, h. 1876. 3015 Lob; \Vhitforcl, h. 1878. 3016 \Valtcr1u John, h. Nov. 9, 1889 l\fontague, N. Y., d. (about 1945), m. l Dec. 20, 1902 Florcncc \Vcbstcr Gray, h. r-.Iay 12, 1884, cl. Sept. 4, 1906, dau. of Dr. George H. Gray ancl Nettie Allen of East Calais. Vt., and had John 11 \V. Coats, b. Apr. 4, 1902 CanM ton, N. Y., d. Nov. 30, 1926 Harre, Vt., m.2 June 2, 1908 Nettie Allen Gove, h. June 2, 1882, dau. of Austin Gove and Eugenia 11 Allen of East Calais, Vt. Ch.: Coats : Frances Eugenic, b. Oct. 4, 1909, m. June 30, 1932 E. Guy Norton, live at Lyndon­ ville, Vt.; and Flora 11 \Vhitforcl. h. July 16, 1914 at East Calais, Vt., at home. 11nm. ( 1939), with her parents at North Mont­ pelier, Vt. \V. J. Coat<; grad. St. Lawrence Univ. Theological Dept. and received an honorary clcgrce from the Uni\'. of Vt. 1938 (Litt. D.). He was active in fraternal (F. & A. l\L) and historical (Vt. Hist. Soc.) work. He was president of the League of Vt. \Vriters and issued a monthly magazine, Driftwood. clc­ votcd to poetry. In 1939 he ,vas working on the "\Vhitford Family in America." He furnished much of the data gi\'en here on his line. He has held local offices of trnst and was the min ister at various Univ('rsalist Parishes. See "\\'ho is \Vho in N. E." 1938. 3017 'Willie, twin to \Valtcr John. 3018 Olive I\laude, b. 1883. 3019 Benjamin Franklin, h. 1&~5. 3020 Harold, b. 1894, cl.y. 2055 (t) Edward11 lHaxson \Vhitforrl (Asa8 l\I. \Vhitford, Polly7 l\[ax­ 0 son, Asa , DavicF•, John!, a, 2) and Josephine Burdick. Ch.: \Vhitford: 3021 Amelia. b. 1874, m. Edward G. Crosley. r◄ arina. Ill. 3 ch.: 11 Crosley: Edith , m. June 1, 1922 Charles S(._'ymom l\faxson and has 3 ch.; Harry 11 111. Frieda Ilattghman, 3 ch.; and \,Valter Edmund 11• 3022 Edith, b. 1far. 16, 1877. m. 1901 Byron l\faxson Greene. son of James P. Greene and Susan l\faxson, 111.2 Carroll A. Davis. Poultryman. 173 l\lAXSON FAMILY - NINTH GENERATION

3023 Orio J ., b. 1878. Farina, Ill. Horticulturist. 3024 Asa l\laxson, b. 1883. l{cs. Farina, Ill. 3 ch. 3025 Elmer Ll'Roy, b. 1885, 111. 1906 at Farina, Ill., Blossom Maxson, h. Chicago, 111., 1885,, son of David James r,.faxson and Hattie C. Gooc!rkh. One ch. d.y. 3026 Lois. b. 1890, a trained nurse, grad. Ann Arbor Med. School, m. at Kalamazoo, :Mich., Dr. Paul l\L Torres, h. in South Amer­ ica. See Burdick Genealogy, p. 933, more detail. 2069 (t) 1'.laria11 Elizabeth l\laxson (Thomas14 V., Joseph S.\ Asa", DavicF·, John"', a, ~) and \Vi Ison F. Tefft of Buffalo, N. Y. Ch.: Tefft: 3027 11axson, b. l\Iar. 24, 1875. 3028 Lillian Vars, b. 1877, d. 1888. 3029 Robert Hull. b. June 23, 1886. 8 7 2075 (t) \Villiam H. i','Iaxson (Joseph , , John", Joseph\ 4, :i, John:) and Anclerenia Claypool. Ch.: :rvraxson: 3030 Emma, b. Mar. 5, 1865 Hoboken, N. J. 3031 \Nilliam, b. Dec. 13, 1868 Hoboken, N. J. 3032 George, b. Dec. 3, 1873 Hoboken, N. J. 3033 Anne Maria, b. Aug. 5, 1876 Navcsink, N. J. 11 7 2098 (t) Gcorgc vVashington Maxson (GcorgeH Vt/., Charlcs • John\ 2 Joseph\ ◄, a, John ) and Addie Cann of \Vcsterly, R. I. Ch.: .l\Iaxson: 3034 Charles LaFayette, h. July 7, 1886, m. l\fabcl Shepard. Res. 59 Clifford St., Norwich, Ct. He had charge of food in \Vorld \Var I. He works in connection with the State Insane Asylum. One ch.: Dorothy11 1laxson, b. Jan. 1, 1913, m. Nicholas Pctu­ 1 menos and they ha vc 3 ch.: Petumcnos: Barbara \ b. May 3, 12 1 1934; Charles Basil , h. Oct. 1936; and Virginia Maxson \ b. l\fay 1, 19( ?). 3035 Harold George, b. Oct. 11, 1888, 111. Florence Shepard (sister to l\lahcl, a hove). He is a steward on the "\Ticking"; live at 1 Quaker Hill, Conn. Ch.: l\Iaxson: Georg-c Harold 1 , b. Sept. 11 21. 1914; and Nina Adclaide , h. July 16, 1916, m. Ernest Hester and they have Ernest Tho111as 12 Hester, b. Apr. 28, 1934. Mr. Hester is a carp('ntcr. They live at Quaker Hill, Conn . •m36 Florence Addie, b. Feh. 1. 1890, unm. (1936). She ancl her mother were living at No. 24 Garfield Ave., New London. 10 3037 Errcntz vVilliarn • h. Nov. 21, 1904, unm. (1936). He is a printer. P. 0. 210 l\larinc Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Employed by the "Brooklyn Eagle." 2105 (t) Bcnoni0 I. J cffrey (l\1ary8 A. F. Randolph, MarvcF Maxson, Zcbulon°, \ Joseph\ :1, John~) ancl Lydia B. Burdick. Ch. b. Albion, Wis. : 3038 Ethel Leo Jeffrey, b. Sept. 30, 1880, m. Mar. 30, 1905 Steven A. Davis. Ch.: Davis: Harriet A., h. Oct. 21, 1906, d. Oct. 30, 1906; Margaret11 F., h. Sept. 29, 1909, m. Nov. 18. 1935 Floyd Coon 11 as his 2nd w.; and Benjamin W. , b. Feb. 13, 1913. 3039 IVJarion R. Jeffry, 1882-1883.


3040 Eslic Orris, b. Sept. 27, 1885, m. July 13, 1904 Gertrude I3. Hoff­ man of Shilo. RR. Employee. Ch.: Jeffry: Gilbert H. 11, b. May 27, 1905, 111. J unc 3, 1929 Elizabeth Tue rs of Patterson, 1 N. J., and they have !r[arilyn \ Jeffry, b. Oct. 25, 1931 Metuchen, N. J .. ancl Barhara 12 Ann, b. Oct. 28, 1934; and Hcnry11 Ells­ worth, b. Nov. 14, 1907, 111. July l+, 1932 vVilma R. Abbott. b. Fort Atkinson, \Vis., Jan. 22, 1910. Res. 615~ Broad St., Be­ 12 loit, 'Wis. Ch.: Henry E. Jcffrey , b. Ft. Atkinson Feb. 23, 19.34, and William A. Jcffry1:!, b. Apr. 16, 1937. l\Irs. B. C. Davis of Alfred is sister to l\lrs. Gertrude B. (Hoffman) Jeffry (above). D.A.R l\fag. Feb. 1939. Burdick Gen., p. 641. 11 1 2106 (t) Jamcs Fitz Randolph (Annette~ .Maxson, John7, Zebulon'\ \ 2 7 Joseph\ a, John ) ancl Emily~ J. Sutton (Drusulla l\Taxson, 6 Zchulon , ",Joseph\\ John~) of Salem, vV. Va. Ch.: Fitz Ran­ dolph: 3041 Hertha, b. Jan. I 5, 1871, d. Oct. 30, 1895. 10 3042 Thomas Arlington , b. Aug. 27, 1874, carpenter of Salem, 111. Dec. 24, 1896 Olclia 0. Davis, h. Jan. 2, 1876. 3 ch.: F. Randolph: 11 Opha CarJl1, h. Aug. 22. 1898; l\lauclclla , b. Feb. 3, 1904, m. l\lar. 11, 1925 at Clarksburg. \V. Va., Fay Barnett, b. l\far. 12, 1903, and they have Betty12 Jane Barnett, b. Dec. 19, 1925; and 11 Iv1yrtle Virginia , b. June 29, 1909, m. Jan. 15, 1930 Horace Latham at Detroit, lVIich. 3Q-t.3 l\Iinnie Louise (Nellie), b. July 9, 1879, 111. Dec. 24, 1895 Eel­ ward J. Doyle of Oakland, l\Id .. h. July 9, 1867. One ch.: Ecl­ moncl Doyle, b. Apr. 27, 1901. 3044 Atwell Erwin, b. Sept. 20, 1882, d. Oct. 27, 1932, m. June 11. 1902 f\Iary Smith, b. Nov. 14, 1882. 5 ch.: Fitz Ranclolph: 11 1) \1/illard , h. Apr. 21, 1903, m. Dec. 24, 1924 at \V. Union, 2 \V. Va., Elizabeth l\lartin, ancl had: l\fary J can 1 , h. Oct. 4, 12 1 1925; Billie Lec , h. Aug. 7, 1929; and Harhara :! Joe, h. Apr. 30, 1932. 11 2) Paul , h. Jum· 2, 1904. 111. Feh. :.?0. 1032 at Salem. Dorothy Davis, h. l\fay 10, 1909, and they have Joc 12, h. Aug. 10, 193-t-. 3) Francis, h. Mar. 30, 1907, 111. Sept. 23, 1927 l\Tahcl A. Harris, 1 b. l\Jay 6, 1908, and they have Thcoclorc ~ F. Randolph, b. 1 Oct. 21, 1928; Ell'at1or :! Jl':tll, h. St~pt. :.?l. 1930; and ::\far­ g-arct12 C., h. Aug. 10, 1937. 4) Pauline. h. July 21. 1909. 111. June 19, 1928 Alban \V. Ecl­ muston at Salem. and thl'V haw Paulinl' \Vinfrccl 12 Erl- muston, h. July 17, 1929. · 11 S) Juniata , h. :\lay 4. 1911. Ill. I\lay 4, 1rJ3S at \Vayneshurg, Pa .. Corwin Mowry, h. June 14, 1910. 3045 John Holman, h. 1'.far. 24, 1886, m. Mar. 31, 1906 Ivfyrtlc John­ son, h. Mar. 3, 1887. l\Tanagcr-tn•asurcr of the Imperial Tee Cream Co .. Parkersburg. \V. Va. 2 ch.: Fitz Randolph: James 11 11 Bennett , h. Nov. 14, 1907; and Mary Viq~inia , b. July 5, 1915. Ch. by 2nd w., Mary Elizabeth Richmond: Fitz Randolph: 3046 Adelaide. h. Oct. 24, 190,, Salctn, m. Nov. 12, 1927 Luther Bowen, 175 1\JJ\XSON FAl\JILY - NlNTH GENERATION

b. Aug. 8, 190·~ at Martins Ferry, Ohio. He gracl. Univ. Pitts­ burg, a pharmacist with Hodge-Davis Drug Co. Ch.: Dowen: b. Martins Ferry, 0.: Luther Randolph 11, h. June 2, 1928; James" Thomas, h. Feb. 5, 1933; and John Ralph", h, Feb. 22, 1935. ,1047 ha Annette, h . .i\far. 25, ]

3) Wardner Elwin, b. Apr. 23, 1918 Alf reel. 4) Bernice Iona. h. Aug. 5, 1920 Alfred. 5) \i\!m. P., b. Feb. 7, 1923 Alfrccl. 6) Janette, b. Mar. 5, 1929 Texarkana, Ark. 7) James Heury, h. Mar. 5, 1929 Texarkana. 8) Ronald Ray, h. Dec. 1, 1936 Texarkana. 3051 Winfield 'Wells, h. 1\far. 3, 1894 Berlin, N. Y., m. Aug. 28, 1917 at Utica, N. Y. Ruth Brown b. Apr. 4, 1895 Utica. Hoth grad. Alfred. High School Teachers. He was 1st Lieut. in \Vorlcl \,Var I. Live at Keeseville, N. Y. Ch.: \,Yinficld LcRov Fitz Ranclolph, b. June 15, Utica, N. Y. . 11 3 211.l (t) Franklin'' 1\faxson (NathanR. John1, Zcbulon ;\ Joseph\ John~) ancl Ida Ball of Quincy, Ohio. Ch.: Maxson: 3052 Annie ;m53 David. 3054 Harry. 3055 Ira. 3056 Joseph. 305i Fred, 111. ~-, had 2 ch. Ch. by 2nd w., Julia Davis: 3058 Lloyd, m. Emma Hodkins of Berea, Vv. Va. Ch.: Maxson: Eilccn 11 had a son h. about 1939. 3059 Hermon, Vet. of vVorld \Var I, 111. --, hacl 3 ch. 3060 Clarence, killed in \Vorld \Var I. 0 7 1 2118 (t) Cal fl·rnia Randolph (l\farvclH l\Iaxson, John , Zebulonu. \ Joseph\\ John~) and John E. l\feathrell of Berea, \V. Va. Ch.: .Meathrell: 3061 Julia Eliza, b. Feh. 28, 1883. 3062 Ruport Richard. h. June 3. 188-1-, a foreman on the B. & 0. R.R., m. Apr. 19, 1911 Dottie Bee of Berea. 3 ch.: I\feathrcll: 1 Carl Richard 1 , b. l\fay 27, 1912, rn.l Apr. 21, 1933 Opal Richanls, d. July 23, 1934, m.2 Gertrude Bunncl of Clarksburg-, \V. Va.; 11 Lowell Edwarrl , h. July 15. 1914, m. June 21, 1933 Rita Grace Jack of Pennsboro, vV. Va.; and Fred Irene, h. May 10, 1919. 3063 Conza, h. June li, 1886 at Berea. I-Iig-h School Teacher. 3064 Draxic. b. Mar. 19, 18&~. m. Aug-. 23, 1922, Rcuhcn Marion Brissey. Both arc tcachl'rs. Ch.: Brissey: Reuben l\farion 1 1, h. July 12, 1923 BC'rea; and George Eclwarcl11, b. Oct. 7, 1928. 2121 (t) Ellsworth" F. Randolph (Marve]R Maxson, John7, Zchttlon°, 11 , Joseph\ 3, John~) and Sarah V. Stalnaker of Berea. \V. Va. Ch.: F. Randolph: 3065 Blondy, h. Nov. li, 1900, m. l\fay 5, 1927 J oicc Jones. Teacher and farmer. Ch.: Jones: b. Berea, vV. Va.: Eclwarcl11, b. Oct. 17, 1928; Odell, b. Nov. 17. 1929; Hilda 11, b. Jan. 13. 1931; 1 11 Charles 1, b. Jan. 27, 1932; and Arla Jcan , b. Feb. 12, 1935. 8 7 11 2123 (t) Alva° F. Randolph (Marvel Maxson, John , Zebulon°, , 2 Joseph", 3 , John ) and Mary Caroline Hoff of Alfred. Ch.: F. Randolph:


3066 Fucia, h. June 18, 1889, grad. from Alfred Univ. 3067 Elizabeth, h. Oct. 10, 1890. Univ. Alfred, Pastor of S.D.C. at Daytona Beach. Fla. ,,068 Lowell, b. Oct. 7, 1894, m. Sept, 13, 1921 Fanny Rana whose father is (1941) State Forester of Mass. She grad. \Vellcsley and received her M.A. from Cornell, a teacher, He gracl. Alfred and received his Ph.D. from Cornell, docs research work in the Dept. of Plant Industry at Ithaca. Ch.: Robert'' F. Ran­ dolph, b. Dec. 27, 1923; Jane F. Randolph, b, Dec. 20, 1927; and Rane, b. Aug. 14, 1929. All b. Ithaca, N. Y. 3069 Florence, b. l\f ar. 4, 1899, cl. Sept. 20, 1927 at Aurora, Colo., m. Mar. 15. 1920 Eldon Lee of LeRoy, N. Y. 3070 Vida, b. June 7, 1903 Alfred; All from Alfred, and M.A. from Harvard; m. Sept. 2, 1931 James T. Barrs of Cadwell. Ga., Ph.D. from Harvard. He is Registrar at Southern Georgia College. Douglas, Ga. Ch.: Dorothy Caroline Barrs, b. Oct. 9, 1937. 2125 (t) Alois P.° F. Randolph (.Marvel~ Maxson, John7, Zcbulonn, r'i 2 Joseph"', :i, Joh11 ) and Jennie Sutton. Ch.: F. Randolph: 3071 Brady, b. July 24, 1897 Berea, vV. Va., m. Aug. 24. 1918 Mary 11 Juergens of Sutton, \V, Va. Ch.: F. Randolph: Brady , b. 1 1 Nov. 15, 1919; Ruth 1 , h. Feb. 18, 1921; l\Iary Ellen 1 , b. Sept. 11 11 23, 1922; Alma Gcan , b. Feb. 12, 1924; and \,Vilma , b. Sept. 15, 1925. .1072 Harold, b. Jan. 1, 1899. d. Jan. 24, 1901 Berea, W. Va . 3073 Ashby, b. Jan. 24, 1901, grad. Salem College, m. Dec. 23, 1925 at Salem, Huth Bond of Salem. Ch.: F. Randolph: Ashby Bonc11\ 11 b. Sept. 19, 1926; Zenia Lcc , h. Feb. 28, 1928; Alois Edmoncl11, h. July 24, 1929; Elsie May, h. Dec. 25, 1930; Eclna Ruth 11, h. 11 Oct. 12, 1932; Rex 1\faine , h. Dec. 19, 1934; and Oleo Eliza­ bcth11, h. Nov. 21, 1936. 3074 Avis, h. Oct. 30, 1903, m. May 31, 1928 Archie R. Swiger, "A l\·I inister of the Chmch of Goel 0, h. Oct. 30, 1904. Ch.: Swiger: 1 11 Alois I\farion 1, b. 1929; Lcl\foync , b. Feb. 7, 1931; and Kermit Arthur'1, b. Dec. 12, 1933. 3075 Elmo, b. Aug. 31, 1913, grad. Salem College, Pastor at the S.D.B.C. at Alfred Station, N. Y., m. l\fadclinc vVatts, h. May 22, 1915. She grad. Fairmont Normal. Ch.: Anne F. Ran­ dolph 11, h. June 3, 1938. 3 2128 (t) Elva" Maxson (Elisha~ ]., John7, Zebulon°, n, Joseph., , John~) and Georgia Thomas of Berea, \V. Va. Ch.: Maxson: 3076 Eva. m. Byron Shepler, employee of the Phila. Gas Co., Clarks­ 11 hmg, vV. Va. Ch.: Ralph Shepler • 3077 Glenn, m. Goe Britton of Oxford, W. Va., live at Sommers. 11 Field Foreman for the Phila. Gas Co. Ch.: Maxson: Arlrnc ; 11 Adaline ; and Charles". 3078 Elsie, m. Ray Bonnell of Berea. Post Master at Berea. Ch.: 11 11 11 11 Bonnell: Glcnora ; Orvil Robcrt ; Dorothy ; W. Dcan , 11 Arlinda ; an

3079 Iris, 111. Brooks Flesher of Oxford, W. Va. Farmer ancl Em­ ployee of the Shovel Factory of Parkersburg, \V. Va., Ch.: 11 William Lee and Paris Nl·ll II Flesher. 3080 Carlton, 111. l\f ahcl Gribhlc of Pullman, W. Va., Employee of 11 11 the Shovel Factory. Ch.: 1\laxson: lfaymon(1 , Clara ; Cath­ 11 leen ; and Donald. 3081 Gertrude, 111. Chester Howe of Clarksburg. Employee of the Hazel Atla~: Glass Co. 3082 Olive, m. Ralph Starley of Berea, farmer. Ch.: Starley: Carl 11 Franklin; Helcn ; ancl Edra 11. 3083 John David, 111. Louise---, Employee of the Shovel Factory. 3084 Pearl. 3085 \Vinfred, grad. H. S. Clarksburg. 3086 Grace. 3087 Eugene. 3 2130 Ct) E. Dow" :Maxson (ElishaM J., John1, Zebulon\ :., Joseph\ , John~) and Jennie I\fae Batson of Berea, W. Va. Ch.: Maxson: 3088 Forest, m.l l\fadge Zinn of Oxford, \V. Va., dau. Julia l\far­ 1 11 garet1 , m.2 Bernice Bond of Parkersburg, and hacl: Joann ; Fannie Dow & Dora. twin sisters11 (cliecl); and Dot & Don twin brothers (cl.). 3089 Guy, m. l\lamic Catnpbcll of Berea, works on State Road and 1 is a farmer. Ch.: Maxson: Virgil1 , grad. I-I. S. Harrisville, 11 11 W. Va.; Evelyn, grad. H. S.; Genna Bel1 ; Lendle Lee ; and Caroll1 1 Ray. 3090 Pricy Gal, m. !\!orris Somerville of Berea, employee of Hope 1 Gas Co., of Auburn, \V. Va. Ch.: Somerville: Ruby' ; Mary 11 11 1 \Vilda ; Cline ; and H.011ziP • 3091 Eunice, m. Manfred Boele of Grove, W. Va., employee of the 11 South Penn. Oil Co., of Salem, W. Va. Ch.: Bode: Wilma , 11 m. --- of Salem; Pauline , student of Salem H. S. (1941); 11 Raymond; Roen a; Bcrlyn; and Kenneth Lee • 3092 Lucille, m. Asley Short of Cox Mills, an employee of a chemical 1 plant at Zesing, \V. Va. Ch.: Short: Ula Rose '. H. S. student at Clarksburg (1941); Freda 11, H. S. Zesing, \V. Va.; \Vay­ 11 11 11 11 mon11; Charles ; \Villiam ; Doris ; and Shirley , J09J Susan, m. Darsey \Villiams of Parkersburg, one of the owners and managers of the 'Wilmar Restaurant of Parkersburg. Ch.: 11 11 11 Williams: Darsey, Jr. ; Kenneth Ray ; ancl Austin • JOCJ4 Luen, m. lVlilclrcd I\fartin of Oxford, \V. Va. Salesman for a wholesale Co. in Marietta, Ohio. Ch.: Maxson: Mary Lccu, b. June 25, 1879. 2133 (t) Gurclon° Hiscox (Lydia11 Fenner, Sally7 Potter, Gcorge0 Potter, Contcntr. Maxson, Joseph\ :i, John~) and Susan Clark of Westerly. Ch.: Hiscox: 3095 Walter C. 3096 Robert M. 3097 Jessie Louise, b. June 27, 1875, rn. Jan. 8, 1895 LaClcdc \Vood­ mansee. No ch. They have a "Gift Shop" (1936) on High


Street, ·westerly. Slw cantrihutcs genealogical articles to the Westerly Sun. 3098 :rvlarion. 0 7 2147 (t) Thomas C. Davis (\,Vm. C,M Davis, Annias Davis, Nathan" Davis, Wm. Thoma~/• Davis, Elizabcth 4 Maxso11, John\ ') and Eliza L. Babcock. Ch.: Davis: 3099 Bert C., h, Humboldt, Neb., Nov. 21, 1871, 111. June 25, 1895 Nettie I\lay Cooley, h. July 21, 187.l Living 1941 Elmira, N. Y., where he is president and business manager of the Ameri­ can vVarming and Ventilating Co. 3100 Effie Irene, b. Apr. JO, 1874 N. Loupe, Neb., cl. Oneida, N. Y., m. Aug. 10, 1898 in Dcsi'lloincs, Iowa, Joseph Scholtz, h. Jan. 13, 1870, Retired from farming, lives near Oneida, N. Y. (1936). 3101 Lola Belle, h. June 10, 1876 N. Loupe, Neb., 111. July 22, 1900 Al frcd l\laxson, h. Apr. 16, 1875 Nortonville. (No. 2344). 3102 Uri Pearl, h. Feb. 21, 1878 N. Loupe, m. Aug. 30, 1906 Edna Lal:ue, b. Jan. 10, 1874, d. Mar. 26, 1927 at Stuart, Fla., m.2 Lera. ---, live in Gainsvillc, Fla., where she teaches in Florida University. 3103 Orie Bliss. h. Jan. 25, 1880, d. Nov. 13, 1889 Dcsl\f oin<"s. 3104 Iva .l\Iac, b. Jan. 23, 1882 N. Loupe, Neb., m. July I, 1920 in Oneida, N. Y., G. Howard Davis, h. Aug. 1, 1897 near Oneida, N. Y. (No. 3123). She has a large collection of Davis records, rlcsccndants of lfrv. \Villiam Davis (Sec Note under No. 13), compiled by her father. No ch. Oneida, N. Y. 3105 Ruby Bien, h. Aug-. 1, 1&~4 N. Loupe, cl. 1919 Oneida. 7 8 2193 (t) Olive ti J anc Smith ( PrurlcnceR Maxson, J esse , Elizaheth 4 2 Davis, vV.r. Thomas Davis, Elizahcth Maxson. John\ ) and William P. \Vehrly of Salamonia, Ind. Ch.: \Vehrly: 3106 IVI incrva Prndencc, b. July 25, 1867, m. Delbert Jackson. 3107 Barbara Isabella, b. Nov. 14. 1869, d. 1930, m. Cooper LeMastcr·. 3108 John \Villiam, h. May 17, 1870, 111. Esther White. 3109 Orilla Cathr.~rinc, b. Apr. G, 1872, m. Arthur S. Andrews. 3110 Benjamin Franklin, h. Oct. 28, 1873, d. Sept. 9, 1895 unm. 3111 Henry Leonard, b. Apr. 17, 1875, m. Mamie Salisbury. 3112 Harvey Allen, b. Dec. 21, 1876, m. Nettie Shreeve. 3113 Alva Monroe, h. Dec. 18, 1878, m. Emma Yeagn. 3114 Roy Garfield. h. Aug. 13, 1880,


2196 (t) Howard0 A. Davis (Daniel~ Davis, Bcnjamin7 Davis. Thom­ 2 asn Davis, Johnr, Davis, Elizabeth~ .l\fo.xson, Johna, ) and Me­ dora Eclwarcls. Ch.: Davis: •1120 Harvey. h, Dec. 21, 1878, d. Apr. 1925 Constableville, N. Y., m . May 1I, 1910 .l\t rs. Anna Eseugracl, wid., and clau. of \rVilliam nnd Ca thcrinc Roth. Ch. by 2nd w., Ella Vaui\tta: 3121 Varian G., h. Lowville, N. Y .. June 26, 1885, m. June 27, 1912 l\Iyrtlc Welter, h. Der. 20, 1884. P. 0. 1941; Port Lyden, N. Y. Ch.: l\T.u-ie Davis, h. Apr. 13, 1914, and F. Varian Davis, b. Aug. 7 1918. Ch. by 3rd w., Celestia M. Durham: .1122 Clarence Albert, h. June 10, 1892, cl. fl.lay 21, 1932 Battle Creek, l\lich., m. Sept. 17, 1919 Arlie Thorngatc, b. Apr. 5, 1893 N. Loupe, Neb .. cl. Dec. l 1. 1920, dau. of Ray I. ancl Flora (Davis) 11 Thorng-ate. Ch.: \Valtcr Davis , h. Apr. 21, 1920 1Iilton, Wis. 3123 Guy Howard, h. Aug. 1, 1897, m. July 1, 1920 Iva Mac Davis. No ch. (Sec No. 3104). 2202 (t) Kathcrineu 1\[. Kenyon (Elizabeth~ F. Kenyon, \-Vel1s 7 Ken~ yon, Elizahctlt11 Stillman, l\Iaryn Davis, Elizahcth4 Maxson, Johna, ~) and George H. Ruby of Oneida, N. Y. Ch.: Ruby: .3124 Elizabeth Florence, b. July 20, 18i4, unm . 3125 l!iabel Hager, b. Jan. 11, 1876. unm., teaches school. 3126 Frederick Charles, h . .Mar. 18, 18i8, d. Feb. 12, 1919, m. Sept. 2, 1903 Ethel L. \Veils, h. Sept. 1, 1882. She lives in Syracuse 11 and teaches. Ch.: Ruby: Raymond \Vclls • b. Feb. 19, 1906, m. Dec. 26, 1931 Estella Houseman, clau. of Rev. Ralph House­ 1 man of Syracuse, and they have l\faclync :! Ruby, b. Sept. 21. 1932. He gracl. Univ. of Syracuse and is in the insurance busi­ 11 ness in C!cvclancl. O.; and George D. , b. Nov.4.1911, m. Apr. 23, 1938 IV1iriam r !ale Kinne, h. 1916. Univ. Syracuse. Law­ yer. They live in Syracuse. 312i Blanche, b. July 11. 1879, m.1 in Oneida Apr. 6. 1909 Vernon vV. Lee, h. l\Tay 8, 1882, cl. 1924, m.2 l\far. 29, 1930 in Oneida Ralph De\Vitt Adams, h. Dec. 9, 18i8. He is 1 photographer. Thev live in Cortland, N. Y. No ch. She is a member of the Tiotighnioga Ch apt .. D.A.R. She f urnishccl the data. desccncl­ ants of Wcl1s7 Kenyon. .1128 Marion Louise, b. :Mar. 4, 1882. m. Oct. 21, 1908 John Frederick Barry, b. Aug. 1879, d. May 9, 1929. She lives in Syracuse. Ch.: Barry: John Frederick, b. July 27, 1910 Oneida. Graci. Dartmouth. \Vith International Business Machines, Bir,g­ hamton, N. Y. 3129 Tom Kenyon, b. Feb. 23, 1884, 111. Sept. 20, 1911 l\Iarguerite Ford, b. Jan. 26, 1890 Brooklyn, cl. l\fay 30, 1930 Oneida. He travels for the Edward K. Tryon Co. 4 ch.: Ruby: 1) John 11 Forcl , b. Dec. 27. 1912, Brooklyn. Columbia Univ.; 2) Kath­ 11 11 erine Marie , h. Nov. 15, 1914; .3) Alice S. , b. June 25, 1916 Lynbrook, N. Y., m. Sept. 28, 1934 Everett T. Gilmour of Jersey HH l\IAXSON FA1\IILY - NINTH GENERATION

City, N. J., b. Aug. 21, 1912, and they have Bruce K. Gilmour, b. Aug. 6, 1935; 4) Thomas Kenyon 11, II, b. Feb. 11, 1918 Lyn­ brook, N. Y. 3130 Abby, "Sue,,, b. 1'.fay 8. 1866 Oneida, m. Sept. 3, 1919 Norman F. Latham, b. May 29, 1887 Newport, N. H. He is with the Oneida Community, Inc., Kenwood, N. Y. 2 ch.: Latham: Kath­ erine Ruby, b. Feb. 14, 1917 Elmira, N. Y. She grad. Southern Methodist Univ., Texas, and teaches; and Barbara11 Ruby, b. May 20, 1924 Oneida, attend~ (1939) H. S. Live in Oneida, N. Y. George H. Ruby and family and dcsc. arc Presbyterians (Blanche Ruby Adams). 11 0 2205 (t) Wi1Iiam B. l\laxson (George \V.H, William', , :i. John", Jo­ seph\ John~) and Addie J. Fay of Scott, N. Y. Ch.: 3131 Maude L. Maxson, b. Mar. 31, 1868, m. Apr. 7, 1886 Fred H. Alwood, son of Fenn G. and Elizabeth l\L (Babcock) Atwood of Spencer, Ia. They lived in Homer, N. Y. 11 8 0 2207 (t) Ella Jane Burdick (Esther Maxson, William', , 5, John4, Joseph\ John~) and Thomas G. Hatter of N. Y., Ia., and Kan. Ch.: Hatter: 3132 Adelbert, b. Mar. 30, 1855, cl. Kan. City, Kan .. Apr. 11, 1922. 3133 Kester L., b. Mar. 19, 1857, cl. Sioux Falls, S. D., Apr. 28, 1904. 3134 ( +) George L., b. July 19, 1860, m. Lillian Pasko. Owner and operator of a creamery, Roanoke, Ind., since 1915. 3135 Carrie L., b. Elkader, Iowa, Aug. 14, 1863, m.l Feb. 9, 1882 Joseph \V. Bowers, b. Blair Co .. Pa., 1848, d. 1913, m.2 1919 0. M. Truman, b. Chenango Co., N. Y .. Feb. 4, 1854. Dealer in Poultry. Lime Springs, Ia. 3136 Frank T., b. Cresco, Ia., Feb. 20, 1867, m. Apr. 13, 1892 Lillie Lee, b. Ell~ton, 0., Aug. 18, 1872. Soldier in the regular army, lost his left hand during the uprising of the Indians under Sit­ ting Bull. Sec. and Director of the Palisade Irrigation Dis­ trict, Palisade, Colo. 3137 \Villiam E .. b. Feb. 13, 1869, d. Utica, Kan., Jan. 9, 1933, m. Ness City, Kan .. Sept. 4, 1905 May B. Killingbeck. Child: Dale Hat­ ter, b. abt. 1908 . Res. 1934 with his mother, Utica, Kansas. 3138 Effie, 1872-1873. 3139 ( +) Edwin Clement, b. Mar. 29, 1875, m. Pen Dennis, Kan., Aug. 3, 1896 Eve !vfay Emerson, b. Cresco, Ia., July 12, 1876. Cowboy and School Teacher. After 1904 he was a telegraph operator and dispatcher. Garden City Kansas, in 1934. 3140 Ethel Pearl, May-July. 1879. 22()<) (t) Laverne0 \Vm. Burdick (Esther8 Maxson, Wil1iam7, II, ~. John', Joseph\ John:) and Elccta Faust. Ch.: Burdick: 3141 Carrie Bell, b. July 1, 1869, d. Feb. 27, 1931 Cocordia, Kan., m. Oct. 24, 1877 Dr. Sanford E. Laymon, veterinarian, b. Dec. 8, 1800, living 1934 with his son in Concordia, Kan. Ch.: Grace, cl. 1921; Clarence Edwin, b. Seldon, Kan., 1901, living 1934, Concordia, Kan., m. --. No ch. Farmer.


3142 Homer, cl. Concordia, 1912. Ch. by 2nd w., Ida Wilson: Burdick: 3143 Jesse C., b. July 3, 1884 Howard, S. D., m. Sept. 25, 1921 Bertha Kirkpatric. No ch. vVichita, Kan. 3144 Della L.. b. l\Jar. 30, 1891 Greely, Ia., m. Dec. 30, 1912 Wm. David Worrel, b. ).far. 16, 1889. Farmer, in Scott City, Kan. 11 Ch.: Worrcll : Verna 1\fay, b. Feb. 6, 1914, m. May 14, 1931 1 John W. King, dau. Patricia l\I. :: King, b. Nov. 3, 1932 Garden 11 11 11 City, Kan.; Lewis , b. 1916; Bcnnie • b. 1917; and Clifton , b. Ellinwood, Kan., May 22, 1920. 3145 Roy E., h. Apr. 16, 1894, m. Bertha Crum. No ch. 3146 Clifton Earl, b. Sept. 23, 1896 Greely, Ia., m. Dec. 25, 1926 Charlotte Kelley. Mechanic. Scott City, Kan. Ch.: Burdick: 11 11 11 George , h. 1927; Don L. , h. 19.29; Clifton Kelley, b. 1932; 11 and Harl Dean , b. July 20, 1935. 11 2215 (t) Emeline" L. Maxson (\Villiam\ i, , \ John\ Joseph:1, John:?) and James Acllard of Browns Valley, vVis. Ch.: Adlarcl: 3147 James F., h. Sept. 1, 1873, cl. Sept. 28, 1883. 3148 Benjamin Franklin. b. June 3, 187S Cooks Valley. \Vis. 3149 Raymond, b. Apr. 24, 1883 Browns Valley. 3150 Laura Louise, b. May 21. 1888 Browns Valley. 2241 (t) Charles" Henry Fletcher (Mary~ M. Crandall, Lois• 1fax­ son, Willian111, n, John\ Joseph\ Johnz) and Elvira Celestia Burlingame of Oriskany Falls and Dcansboro, N. Y. Ch.: Fletcher: 3151 (+)Caroline May, b. Oct. 27, 1863 Oriskany Falls, m. May 4, 1884 William Rochester Avery, b. Dec. 9, 1853 Stittsville, N. Y .. cl. Mar. 18, 1936 Waterville, N. Y., where he ha


3159 Mary Lou, b. June 22, 1897, m. K . .M. Sayles. Ch.: Sayles: Betty Janeu, b. 1921; Karl, Jr., b. Oct. 27, 1922; and David 11 G. , b. June 28, 1928. .3160 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 19, 1903, m. G. F. :Miner. Glencoe. Ill. One son: Jack l\liner, b. Mar. 7, 1926. Radio Operator, World \Var II. 11 7 11 22i6 (t) vVillet R. l\faxson (RufusR L., Benjamin C., Clark , Isaiah\ John\ Joseph:i, John::) and Bessie Hubberston. Ch.: Maxson: 3161 Helen, b. Sept. 14, 189i, m. Albert Hatch, Sept. 14, 1920. vVater­ 11 town. Ch.: Hatch: :\luricl11, b. June 10, 1921; Lorainc • h. 11 Aug. 13, 1923; and Rose l\fary , b. Mar. 23, 1927, and these ch. are m. and have ch. 3162 Donald S., b. Sept. 2, 1898, m. 1922 Hazel Eveleigh, with Ar­ mour and Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: John", b. Oct. 11, 1925, carrier in S. Pacific World \Var II. 3163 Pauline, b. 1900, m. Gordon Fondrey, Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., dau. Jane Foundrcy, b. Mar. 28. 1923. 3164 l\Iuriel, b. 1902, m. Frank Cassler, Black River, N. Y. Ch.: Cassler: Gerald, b. Oct. 23, 1928; Nancy 11, b. Oct. 21, 1934; and Charlesu, b. 1939. 11 2277 (t) Faith R. , Maxson (Rufus~ L., Benjamin• C., Clark\ Isaiah:., John\ Joseph\ John~) and George E. Gilmore. Ch.: Gilmore: 3165 Grace, b. Aug. 15, 1898, Reg. Nurse, m. Samuel R. Eves June 14, 1929. 3166 Phillis, b. Mar. 28, 1900, m. Herald J. Knight, Watertown, N. 11 Y., Sept. 24, 1926. 2 ch.: Knight: Frcderick , b. Nov. 22, 1928; and Faith11 l'vfarie, b. Oct. 9, 1935. 3167 Frances, b. July 30, 1902, Reg. Nurse, d. 1940, m. June 24, 1930 11 Dr. Otto Pflueger, San Francisco. 2 ch.: Pflueger: Judith , b. May 16, 1934; and Otton. Jr., b. May 16, 1935. Leonard R. Maxson of Eric, Pa., sent these records, dcsc. of Benjamin C. Maxson. 2289 (t) Lynn11 Carlton l\faxson (Truman~, Joshua7, C, Torey\ John4, Joseph\ John::) and Julia Belle Harry of Old Forge, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 3168 Katherine, l\l. Walter Mather, have a son. White Plains, N. Y. 3169 Gertrude, m. Albert Brussells, have 2 sons. Old Forge, N. Y. 3170 Grace, m. Edward Risley, 2 sons, Old Forge. 3171 Donald of Mohawk, N Y. Lynn C. Maxson was a Justice of Peace and Supervisor of East Edmeston and was a member of the F. & A. M. He had a hardware store with his cousin, George D. Maxson (No. 2287). In 1911 he went to Old Forge where he was a member of the Old Forge hardware store. 11 7 11 2290 (t) Belinda L. Maxson (CharJesR P., John , Joshua°, Torey , John\ Joseph\ John::), b. Jan. 3, 1850 Brookfield, N. Y., d. Dec. 29, 1917 Utica, N. Y., m. Dec. 1867 Benjamin Lewis Swancott, son of Philip, b. Aug. 20, 1848, d. Apr. 13, 1906. Had a livery in Utica. Baptist, Mason. Page 350, Hist. Oneida Co. Ch.:


3172 ( +) Frederick E. Swancott, b. Oct. 13, 1870, cl. Dec. 30, 1938 Whitesboro. N. Y., m. Feb. 22, 1888 Jesse J anettc Marshall, b. Mar. 11, 1870 Point Peninimla. N. Y., chm. of Char)eg \V. I\lar­ shall of Jefferson Co .. N. Y .. and Mary Ann E. Doughtry of Gallatin, Tenn. J. J. Marshall S. alive in 1950. 2291 (t) Myrtellc11 A. Maxson (CharlcsH P., John\ Joshua°, Torey\ John4, Joseph\ John~) and Charles L. Clarke of Brookfield, N. Y. and N. Loupe, Neb., and of Boulder, Colo. Ch.: Clarke: 3173 ( +) Florence Elizabeth, b. Dec. 2, 1875, m. Aug. 25, 1898 Claude \Vhitford Camengo, h. Jan. 7, 1876, son of John Dix and Elmira (\,Vhitforcl) Camcngo, Iiviug (1943) in the house built by Charles P. Maxson. 3174 Clarence Lal'vlont, b. Dec. 7. 1877 Brookfield, d. Dec. 10, 1891 Boulder, Colo. 3175 ( +) Blen Enola, b. l\Iar. 22, 1886 N. Loupe, Neb., cl. Nov. 22, 1912 Brookfield, m. Nov. 14, 1904 Silas \Vhitforcl Mitter, son of Joel \V. and l\fary (\,Vhitford) :rviittcr. (Silas Mitter, own cousin to Claude Camengo, above). Silas Mitter m.2 Dec. 30, 1914 Jesse M. Palmiter, dau. of Darwin and Eliza (Denison) Palmiter. 3176 ( +) Ruby Viola Gertrude, b. Aug. 25, 1888 N. Loupe, Neb., m. Aug. 15, 1906 Clark Milton Todd, b. Dec. 7, 1881, son of Lewis E. and Azelia Bernice (Slatterlee) Todd. He conducted a tin shop and hardware store in Brookfield; later was employed as a linotype operator for the Brookfield Courier. In 1922 they moved to Milton, \,Vis., where he was employed by the Davis Printing Co., and later by the Burdick Corporation. Res.: about a mile south of M.ilton Junction, \,Vis. I\Irs. Todd sent many records. 2305 (t) Elnora0 Steele (GarafcliaR F. Randolph, Lucy7 C. Maxson, Joseph'\ Silva-nusr', John4. Joseph:', John::) and George L. Scraf­ ford. Ch.: Cussewago, Pa.: 3177 Grace Scrafford, b. 1875, m. 1910 Homer \V. Zirkle, 1861-1934. No ch. 3178 !i.fabc!Ie Scrafforcl, b. 1876. d. 1925 unm. 3179 Frank L. Scrafforcl, b. 1880. m. 1906 Teresa Albertcr. b. 18i9. 1 2 ch. Velma Elnora ', b. Nov. 24, 1909, m. l\fay 23, 1930 Dr. 12 Homer W. Filson, b. Sept. 29, 1909, and have ch.: Eleanor , b. 1 12 May 9, 1931; Homer E. ::, h. July 24. 1932; ancl Carl J. Filson, b. Feb. 4, 1934; and Mary Catherine11 Scrafford, b. Feb. 12, 1898. 3180 Charles Wm., b. May 19, 1884, d. Apr. 3, 1932, m. Oct. 20, 1903 11 Harriet Pike, b. Nov. 2, 1883. Ch.: Scrafford: Dorothy , b. Oct. 16, 1904, m. Nov. 29, 1922 James L. \,Vhaley, b. July 9, 1899, and 1 1 they have Charlotte L. ::. b. Dec. 29, 1928, and Joyce A. :: Whal­ ey, b. May 15, 1932. 0 8 7 6 2323 (t) Julia E. Maxson (Edwin E., Silvanus , , \ John4, Joseph\ John2 ) and Henry S. Page of Schenectady, N. Y. 01.: Page: 3181 Elizabeth Stanley, b. Sept. 12. 1910, m. June 10, 1940 Thomas \Valter Thorton. 185 !vJAXSON FAMILY - NINTH GENERATION

3182 Dorothy Goodeth, b. Dec. 6, 1911, m. Feb. 12, 1932 George Hop­ kins Gurler. Son, Charles Page Gurler b. Sept. 30. 1932. 3183 John Oliver, b. Apr. 26, 1914, m. May 18, 1933 Dorothy Stanton Undsdy. Dau. Goodeth Lindsdy b. Dec. 10, 1934. 11 8 0 11 2326 (t) Sitvanus Easton l\faxon (William Lyman, Silvanus\ , , John\ Joseph\ John::) and Kathryn C. Pierce. Ch.: Maxon: 3184 John W. P., b. Nov. 6, 1918 at Hew Glasgow, Nova Scotia. 3185 David Carroll, b. June 16, 1925 at Beaver, Pa. 2327 (t) Carrol1 11 Raymond Maxon (Wm.11 Lyman, Silvanus1, ", 11 2 John", Joseph:i, John ) and Ethel Hanley. 01.: 3186 Ann 1laxon, b. Mar. 29, 1943. 2328 (t) Elizabeth11 Lavinia Brown (Sarah11 C. Maxon, Horace1. Na• than°, 1945 (t) Silvanus\ John\ Joseph:S, John::) and Gov. George8 Utter 7 2 l\Iary S. l\faxon, John°, Caleb\ John", Jonathan:', John ). 4 ch. of whom: 3187 Mary Starr Utter, b. Feb. 21, 1890, m. Sept. 11, 1916 Edgar Potter :r-.faxon, b. Jan. 3. 1889, d. Dec. 30, 1930 in '\,Vesterly. R. J. No. 2842). 2349 (t) Ethel Eola11 Maxon (Sands8 Carr, John7 C., John° J., Jesse\ John\ Joseph\ John::) and Charles W. Clarke. Ch.: Clarke: 3188 Jean Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1913 Syracuse, N. Y., m. Nov. 25, 1937 Nicholas I. Tineson, b. Jan. 27, 1914, son of Ray and Bessie F. (McKinney) Tineson of Schenectady. Lieut. in the U. S. Army. 3189 Paul Maxon, b June 27, 1916 Syracuse. m. Apr. 1942 Ruth,


3 /; also Eunicer, Reynolds, Susan" Maxson, Johna.:?) and Eliza Ann Coon. Ch. : Crandall ; 3193 Inez, b. 1853, m. Sam Wilbus. 3194 (+)Carlton, b. 1858, m. Minnie Greene, Friendship, N. Y. 3195 ( +) Maude Alice, b. Aug. 13, 1864, cl. 1933, m. Eber Augustus Hendrick, b. July 23, 1848, d. 1921. 3196 ( +) Mabel Crandall, 1866- l893, m. Sherman Maxson (No. 2618). 7 1 2366 (t) Albert° Curtis Maxson (Thomasff C., Benjamin C., Peleg'. Matthew\ John\~.::) and Harriet Ann Worden. 8 ch.: Maxson: 3197 ( +) Myra Ann, b Feb. 26, 1876. m. May 1, 1892 Fred Dawe. 3198 Albert Reed, b. June 3, 18i7, cl. Dec. 23, 1940. 3199 Robert Lee, b. Jan. 5, 1880, m. Sept. 1, 1923 Bertha May Dillon, b. Aug. 8, 1883. He graduated from the Univ. of Nebraska in law. He is president of the Associated Abstract Company of Champaign County, Illinois. 308-310 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Champaign, Ill. S.A.R. Nat. No. 68208, State No. 4064. Mem­ ber of Knights of Pythias Lodge, and of the Urbana Rotary Club. He sent records. 3200 (+)George Harry, b. Jan. 29, 1882, d. Dec. 8, 1943 Burell, Neb., m. Jan. 21, 1902 :r-.1ary Butcher, b. Jan. 31, 1883. 3201 Edgar DeWitt, b. Oct. 24, 1884, of Burwell, Neb., m.l Maude Cleveland, dau. lva11 Maxson m. Ernest Mark, and had 2 ch., ni.2 Nov. 8, 1916 Lucy E. Scott, b. Aug. 8, 1893, and have Ellen Ireneu l\faxson, b. Jan. 6, 19.20, and Howard De\Vitt11 Maxson, b. Dec. 5, 1921. 3202 (+) Nellie May, b. Apr. 1. 1887, 111. Jan. 21, 1902 Wilfred Butcher, b. Feb. 12, 1880. 3203 ( +) Oren Curtis of Paradis J{outc, Riverton, \Vyoming. b. Dec. 13, 1889, m. May 14, 1914 Susan Jones, b. Feb. 16, 1896. 3204 Ario, h. June 28, 1897, m. June 14, 1930 Erna Fisher, b. June 7, 11 11 1909. 3 ch.: Maxson: Darliue , b. Dec. 7. 1934; Bernard , b. Apr. 28, 1936; and Eldon Lee11, b. Sept. 12, 1938. Albert0 C. 1\faxson enrolled Nov. 6, 1862 for 3 years in Capt. George S. McLean's Company, Independent Battery, Colorado's Volunteer Artillery, was discharged Aug. 31, 1865 at Ft. Leav­ enworth, Kan. S.O. No. 16 H.S. 2 U.S. Forces Kansas & Terri­ tory of Colorado. 23il (t) Annis Mclisa0 l\faxson (Thomas8 C., Benjamin' C., Peleg°, 2 Matthew\ John\ :i, ) and Cyrus \Veaver of N. Loupe, Neb. Ch.: Weaver: 3205 Cora, m. --- Allsbery. 3206 Dillbert. 3207 Clare-nee, res. 1932 Council Bluffs, mail earner. Vet. World War I. 3208 0. L. --. mail carrier, rc:s. 1932 Council Bluffs. 3209 Maude, teacher of music. m. --- Harrington, a carpenter, lives (1932) with her mother. Council Bluffs, Iowa. 2373 (t) Nancyu A. Maxson (Thornas8 C., Benjarnin7 C., Peleg\ 3 2 Matthewr., Johnf, , ) and -- Potter. 2 ch.: Potter:


3210 Leila B., m. --- Green of Council Bluffs, Iowa. 5 sons: Green: Leslie of Valley FalJs, Kan.; :Melvin11 of Long Beach, Cala.; Glen11 of Long Island, Neb.; Lynn11 of Council Bluffs; and John11 of Grand Island. When Leila B. wrote to R. L. l\faxson of Champaign, Ill., she stated that her oldest dau. d. 1 12 1932 leaving 2 ch., Loren :? and Luella of Hershey, Neb., and that she had a dau. in Council Bluffs. 10 3211 Melissa , m. --- Loofboro. 0 7 0 5 3 2 2384 (t) Mary P. Maxson (Perry" B., Peleg • , Matthcw , John', , ; also Mary0 S. Wilcox, \Villard8 R. \Vilcox, Nancy7 Maxson, George'\ Matthew;., John\ ~. ~) and Charles Vickers. Ch.: Vickers: 3212 ( +) l\fary Rosamond, b. Feb. 4, 1879, m. Aug. 30, 1901 Charles R. Combs. 3213 Lillian K., b. l\far. 4, 1883, m. Nov. 28, 1917 Jerome Rainsburgcr. 3214 (+)Richard Maxson, b. Apr. 6, 1885, m. Mar. 15, 1908 Dakota Prentis. He cl. Nov. 10. 1934. Cala. 3215 (+)Frank Eben, b. July 10, 1897, m. May 22, 1922 Alice Buerck­ Iin. Kansas City, Kansas. 0 8 7 2385 (t) Clara Georgiana Maxson (Perry B., Peleg , 6, MatthewG, 2 0 8 7 John4, :•, ) (Mary S. Wilcox, \-Villard Wilcoi,;;:, Nancy Max­ 0 son, George , :Matthew\ John', ', :?) and Wi!Jiam Francis Ewing. Ch.: Ewing: 3216 ( +) Clara Virginia, b. Oct. 11, 1879 Emporia. Kan., d. l\far. 9, 1915 Los Angeles, bur. Tulsa, Okla., m. Nov. 19, 1908 Obed Clinton Cloninger, b. Apr. 10, 1881 Hickory, N. C., son of Thomas Postell Cloninger (Thomas, John, Michael2). 321i Nellie Star, b. Nov. 1, 1882, d. Oct. 11, 1891 Emporia, Kan. 3218 Irene, b. Sept. 9, 1884, m. July 10, 1906 John Humphrey Jones, cl. 1935. No ch. Adopted dau. Louise m. about 1944. Irene lives (1945) near Los Angeles. \Villiam Francis Ewing made bricks, taught school, ''Pony Ex­ press'' post master near Emporia, clerk in a grange store, once owned a telephone exchange, was a county commissioner, a county clerk (near Emporia), and owned a hardware store in Tulsa, Okla., when he died. 2387 (t) Willard0 Perry Maxson (Perry8 B., Peleg7, °, Matthew\ 3 John., , ~) and Jennie C. Cowen. 4 ch.: Maxson: 3219 Mae E., b. Dec. 15, 1891. m. Aug. 14, 1921 Urban C. Brown. Ch.: Brown: Constance 11, b. Aug. 14, 1923; and Eleanor, b. Feb. 15, 1926. 3220 Della, b. Nov. 9, 1895, rn. Jan. I, 1920 John W. Johnston. 3221 Perry B.. b. Dec. 25, 1899, m. Oct. 30, 1920 Cora E. Johnston. 2 ch.: Perry B. III Maxson, b. Nov. 3, 1923, and John Wesley ·Maxson, b. Nov. 3, 1926 . •3222 Willard Francis, b. Dec. 15, 1905, m. Feb. 7, 1927 Ethel I. Funk, 2 ch.: Delores Mae, b. Oct. 15, 1927, and William Lloyd, b. Sept. 2, 1930. Elmer0 J. Maxson Lanphear (under 1415), b. 1856, d. Aug. 28,


7 11 3 1932 Westerly, R. I. (Joel C.'\ Peleg , , Iviatthewr., John", , :!) 10 m. Lulu G. Chester , b. July 25, 1870, d. Nov. 13, 1942 vVest­ erly (Under 1412) (Henry11 Chester. Clara8 Ann Maxson, 7 1 3 2 Peleg , °, 1'.fatthew \ John\ , ). Farmer. Hopkinton. Ch.: Lanphear: 3223 Mary Emma, m. Aug. 1908 Amos Stafford. 3224 Lula Elma, m.l Charles Richmond, m.2 Elmer Richmond (bro. to Chas.). 3225 Frederick C., b. 1899, m. Dorothy Lincoln, Westerly. 3226 Earl, unm., crippled from infan. paralysis, lives with his bro. • Frederick. Frederick's mother also lived with him after the death of his father. :rvfargaret Clara, b. Mar, 4, 1910, m. 1926 Alvin Benedict. They live in Quincy, Mass. (1945): 11 7 0 2389 (t) Joseph E. Champlin (MarthaR E. :Maxson, Peleg , , 2 1\fatthewr., John4, :i, ) and Anna 1\1. Lindsey. One ch.: 3228 Clara Champlin, h. Oct. 9, 1900, m. Oct. 2, 1922 Ernest Leon Coolbroth of Portland. Me .. later of Brooklyn. Electrician, 10 employee of the Am. T. & T. 2 ch.: Coolbroth : Richard, b. Mar. 13, 1924, and Ruth. b. Aug. 1927. 0 0 1 2390 (t) Clara A. Champlin (l\1arthaR l\faxson, Pcleg7, , 1\fatthew ', 3 2 John\ , ) and vVilliam S. Gavitt. One child: 3229 Philip Harold Gavitt, b. Mar. 11, 1896, rn. July 11, 1917 i\Tattley Lattin of Bridgeport, Ct. 7 ch.: Gavittu: Robert, b. Dec. 2. 1918; Martha, b. Oct. 20, 1920; Philip S., b. Jan. 13, 1922; Sam­ uel C., b. Feb. 14, 1923; Joseph, b. Oct. 7, 1925; \Vallace, b. Sept. 12, 1926; and William Aubry, b. Feb. 18. 1930. Mrs. Champlin, her son and grandchildren live about 7 miles from vVcsterly toward Providence (1936). Philip H. Gavitt i~ :i carpenter. 2392 (t) John11 F. Maxson (Benjamin" F., Peleg'. ", l\fatthew:., 3 John\ , :i) and Eliza Ann Foote of vVesterly. One child: 3230 Ruth Mildred Maxson, b. Aug. 16, 1892 vVcstcrly. m. Jan. 3, 1911 Henry Francis Parker. b. Oct. 12. 1881 Gloucester, Mass. Plumber. They live (1936) whh J. F. Maxson about 7 miles from vVcsterly. One ch.: Ruth Frances Parker, b. Dec. 30, 1911. 2398 (t) Laura0 U. 1'.faxson (Samuelll P .. Vvecdon7, Ivlatthcw\ r\ 4 3 2 J ohn , , ) and Henry Chase. Ch. : Chase : 3231 (+)Dora, b. Aug. 26, 1869, m. l\far. 17, 1886 Frank Trowbridge, b. Apr. I. 1864, cl. Jan. 24. 1889, son of Orrin Alonzo7 (John°, 2 Jamesr., Daniel ◄, James\ Wm. , Thomas') (Trowbriclgen Gene­ alogy 1909, p. 321) and Esther Cornelia (Jones) Stoddarcl. Trowbridge (widow,-Stoddarcl). Farmer. Adams Center. 3232 Henrietta, b. Sept. 20, 1874, cl. Mar. 16, 1879 Adams Center, N. Y. 3233 Charles Arthur, b. Oct. 2, 1876, cl. Mar. 10, 1914 \Vatertmvn, N. Y., m. Bertha Link. Ch.: Lauretta Bell. 1909-1926, and Lois Bell (adopted). 3234 Frank Gibbs, b. Feb. 23, 1880, d. May 15, 1909 in Alberta, Can­ ada, m. Ida Worden Kellog of Adams Center. No ch.


11 2402 (t) Daniel l\faxson (1\fatthewR R., '\iVeedon\ Matthew°, :i John\ :i, ::) and Caroline R. Silverthorn. Ch.: Maxson: 3235 ( +) Edward Horace, b. Apr .1871, rn. Oct. 2, 1897 Hattie Min­ erva Anderson, b Oct. 25, 1869, d. Jan. 31, 1946. 3236 (+)George Matthew, b. Nov. 20, 1872. m. June 30, 1897 Lucy 1\Iarion ,vhiting, b. l\far. 19, 1876, d. Nov. 18, 1943. 3237 ( +) l\fary Barker, b. Oct. 2, 1874, cl. Apr. 27, 1921, rn. Frank A. Ewen, July 23, 1910. 3238 ( +) Sarah Ella, b. Nov. 8, 1881, m. June 20, 1906 Carl H. Wer­ heim. 3239 Prentice Coon, b. Apr. i, 1887, d. Oct. 7. 1888. 0 1 0 2406 (t) Sarah E. Maxson (MatthewR R., Weedon , Matthcw , r., John\ a, :!) and Sebbeus B. Coon of Little Genesee, N. Y. Ch.: 3240 Eva Mae Coon, m. Apr. 9, 1888 Oscar l\laxson Burdick, h. Little Genesee Apr. 15, 1855, son of Daniel 1\1. Burdick ancl Sally .Max­ son, (2625). Sec t 2625. 2-H 1 (t) Rcube11 11 Smith Davidson (.Malincla~ l\faxson, \Veedon\ 11 Matthew , :., John\ :i, :!) and Louise Hamel. Ch.: Davidson: 3241 ( +) Carrie Louise, b. Jan. 29, 1858 Greenfield Center, N. Y., cl. Oct. 7, 1896 Ypsilanti, Mich., m. Dec. 28, 1882 Henry E. l\Iorin (son of Louis and Adel Morey, name anglecized to Morin on naturalization papers.), b. 1865 Montreal, Canada, d. 1931 Dcs­ Moines, Ia. 1 2413 (t) l\Tarshaif!' P. l\lax:;on (Lymon\ Potter•, Matthew' , ~. John-I, a. !!) and Bonnie L. Ziegler. Ch.: 1Iaxon: 3242 Little Myrtle, b. Sept. 28, 1866, cl. Oct. 11, 1941, m. Philip H. Hocltzel June 1, 1887. Ch.: Philo Frederick1t, b. Oct. 24, 1889. m. Dec. 12, 1915 l\fargaret Bailey, 2 ch.; Franklin Hcnry12 Hoeltzer, b. Dec. 20, 1917; and Philip Carl Holetzer, b. Fch. 26, 1930. 3243 Frederick Emanuel, b. Dec. 28, 1869, d. Sept. 28, 1906, m. Aug. 11, 1903 Isola Smith. No ch. 3244 Isabel, b. Aug. 20, 1874, m. Apr. 21, 1906 vVarrcn Frank Wilkins. No ch. She is an actress, and club woman, and he is a band leader ancl dancing teacher. 3245 Genevieve, cl.y. 0 0 2414 (t) Mary l\faxon (Lymon", Potter1, Matthew , \ John\ ~, ~) and Myron A. Barnhart of vValworth, N. Y. Ch.: Barnhart: 3246 Charles, b. 1866, cl. unm. 1890 (tuberculosis). 3247 Burton Franklin, b. Dec. 11, 1876, m. Hannah C. Dattman. He was foreman engineers, Bessemer R. R., retired 1946. Dau. Mildred b. Sept. 6, 1896, m. July 27, 1917 Dr. Al Boynton Nev­ 11 ling, b. 1889. She is a nurse. 3 ch.: Nevling : Al Boynton, b. l\fay 9, 1921, paratrooper in U.S.A. Army, killed Mar. 24, 1923 by a sniper in Germany; Reed Edwin, b. Oct. 24, 1928; ancl Liane Elsie, b. Jan. 21, 1926. Dr. Nevling has been on the staff of the l\layo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., many years. 11 3 2 2415 (t) Oscar l\laxson (Lyman'\ Potter7, Matthew8, ~, John\ , ) and J ennic Sherman. Ch.: :ti.faxon:


3248 Joseph Lyman, b. May 6, 1872, m. Elva Pifer. Edinboro, Pa. 11 3 ch.: Ch. b. & cl. 1907; Charles Leslie , b. Mar. 17, 1909, m. Laura Myers and they have Charles Leslie l\Iaxon. b. 1\.Iar. 24. 1936, ancl Charlotte Ann, b. Oct. 4, 193i; anrl Kathryn Jane 11 Maxon, b. Mar. 11, 1921, m. Aug. 1943 Lt. Jacob Joseph Chica­ telli (Infantry) of Conneaut, 0. She grad. Eclinborough State Teachers College, Pa., 1943. Ch. by 2nd w. Alma Pifer: Maxon: 3249 Pearl, b. June 29, 1889, d Oct. 15, 1923 (tubercular), m. Charles Bowman Armstro:1g, Erie, Pa. Son, Lt. Charles Bowman Armstrong, Jr., h. July 23, 1918. D.D.S. (:Medical Corp. U.S.A. Navy). 2416 (t) Georgc11 Maxon (Lyman~. Potterr. :Matthew·!, \ John\ :•, =) and Morje Hunt. Ch.: l\faxon: 3250 Benjamin, d.y. 3251 Eva, d.y. 3252 ( +) Grace, b. Feb. 5, 1878, m. June 17, 1903 at Cleveland, 0., Robert Way, Jr., b. l\far. 11, 187i. 3253 Burwell Edgar, b. Oct. 26, 1879, m. 1922 Etta \Vilkins. 2 ch.: Mary Ruth Maxon, b. Mar. 18, 1923, m. Oct. 1941 Corkin Shimp, son Eric1!! Shimp, b. Sept. 20, 1947; and George Burwell Ma:r ·u, b. Nov. 3, 1927. He grad. H.S. 1946, enlisted 1946 in U.S. N.-.,y. 3254 Josephine, 1884-1903. 11 11 2417 (t) Elsie May l\laxon (Lymon\ Potter;, Matthew , \ John\ :i, !!) and Albert R. l\Iilner of Canal Dover, 0. Ch.: l\Iilner: 3255 Donna Eleanor, b. 1882, m. 1905 Rev. Ernest Young. 2 ch.: Young: Aclalinell, h. 1907 Wooster, 0., 111. 1932 Anthony Arm­ hurst, b. 1905 of Cleveland, 0., Commercial Adv. Artist, and 1 they have Kathi, b. Jan. 1940 Milwaukee, \Vis., and Alayne : 11 Armburst, b. Apr. 1, 1943 Milwaukee; and ~Jax • h. 1911, d. 1917. Adaline 11 Young taught in the puhlic schools of Clevt·­ lancl, Ohio, before her marriage. 11 3 2 2420 (t) Gerrit Smith Ivlaxson (Daniel\ •. Matthewu, r., John', , ; and Olivell West, Joseph; West, Elizabeth'' Davis, John~· Davis, Elizahcth4 Maxson, John:i, ::) and Adessa Florilla Babcock of N. Loupe, Neb. Ch.: Maxson: 3256 Orestes Hector, b. Feb. IS, 18i4, m.1 Carolyn Henson in 1901. d. Jan. 4, 1917 at Piugarri, Argentina, S. A., in.2 Audry 1\lurphy, b. June JO, 1888. 0.H.l\l. ancl w. Carrie went to Peru. S. A .. in 1909 as S.D.8. missionary and about 2 yrs. later to Piugarri ,·vhcrc she cl. Both were nurses, graduates of the Battle Creek, Mich., Sanitarium. A.l\L was a nurse at the time of C.I-I.'s death. 0.H.M. and w. Audrey returned to the U.S. 1939 an


h. June 2, 1908, m. Hazel ---, res. :Mountain View, Cal.; (4j Glen Elvin, b. Dec. 22, 1919 in Agentina, m. ---, res. Cicero, Ind (1943); and (5) Susan Cheryl, b. Apr. 2.~, 1921, m. Aug. 24, 1941 Carl Jackson Smith. 3257 J ustinia, "Lenie", b. Aug. 16, 1876, m. Oct. 31, 1918 Christopher Hom backer; dau. Lois m. ---. Res. Trenton, Neb. 3258 vVillia Jewe11, b. Apr. 3, 1878, m. Oct. 19, 1904 at Battle Creek, Mich .. ET'1ma Grace Hanson (sister to Carolyn, 3256), d. July 9, 1931 at Melrose, l\Iass.; dau. Grace Mcarl Maxson, b. Aug. 19, 1905, res. Battle Creek, I\'Iich. Nurse. She sent recordi-. The above children were b. on a homestead adjoining N. Loupe, Neb. 3259 l\Iyron Paul. b. Aug. IO, 1882, m.1 Gertrude Benson, b. Cleve­ land, 0., cl. Feb. 18, 1904 Norwalk, 0., m.2 l\far. 24, 1909 Clara Snyder, d. July 3, 1918 Massilon, 0., m.3 Apr. 4, 1920 Viola Coults. 2 ch. by 2nd w.: Paul iv1axon, b. June 23, 1910, unm. (1942); and Keneth 11, b. Feb. 24, 1912, m. Martha Peterman, 1 1 3 ch. 1\faxon: Barbara Ann :!, b. Mar. 31, 1939; Nancy l\fay :!, b. 1\Iar. 24, 1941; and --., b. 1942. 3260 Sarah Augusta, b. l\Iar. 12, 1884, m. June 30, 1905 Abraham Thrush, cl. Feb. 15, 1915, Palco, Kansas. 4 ch.: Thrush: 1, Marie, b. Feb. 15, 1906, m. --- House, grad. Boulder. Colo .. San., liv­ ing in Oregon; 2 ch.: Marion, b. Feb. 14, 1907; 3, John, b. 1908, cl.y.; and 4, Albert, b. 1910. 3261 Royal Smalley, b. 1889, m. Aug. 26. 1925 Gract! DeLand, both teachers in Oregon 2 ch.: Maxon : Ada Ilene. h. July 14, 1926; and l\lerlin Dean, b. Sept. 3, 1932. 3262 Alice l\fearl, b. June 19, 1892, m. l\Iay 25, 1920 Geo~·ge Henry Harvey. Live near New London, 0. 2 ch.: Harvey: Gerrit Paul, h. Mar. 26, 1921, works (1943) in Glendale, Cala.; and Grace Mcarl, h. June 6, 1926. 2424 (t) See No. 1456. 11 1 2426 (t) Lavinia R. Kenyon (Lovicia Maxson. George•, \ l\fatthew:;, John4, \ :?) and Charles M Mix of Friendship, N. Y. Ch.: Mix: 3263 Charles Melvin, d. Muncie, Iml., m. l\fargaret Tracy. Ch.: Emily; Margaret; Thomas; and l\fary. 3264 Rose Eleanor, d. l\Iuncie, Incl., m.1 James Benton. m.2 --­ Taylor, m.3 Ralph Lehnan of Fayetteville, N. Y. 3265 Joanna Kenyon, m. Oliver Lockhart of Alb; ,1y, Ind. In 1945 her P. 0.: Mrs. 0. C. Lockhart, 15 Abingclc.,n Rel., Vi/estmore­ land Hills, \Vash., D. C. Ch.: Lockhart: Elizabeth Cary. m. R. F. Engdahl; and Charles. 11 5 3 2 2428 (t) Susan Maxson (Nathan\ George1. ··, Mattht>w , John\ , ) and James P. Greene of Farina. Ill. 6 ch.: G1·i.:1:J1e: all m. and have ch.: 3266 John Wesley, b. June 10, 1870; 3267 Clara Linda, b. Nov. 2i, 1871; 3268 Gertrude G., b. Oct. 16, 1874; 3269 George Geer, b. Nov. 9, 1877; 3270 Byron Maxson, h. May 17. 1879;


3271 Roy Claton, b. May 27, 1881. 11 7 2429 (t) Russel John :i\[axson (Nath::m\ George , ---, John~) ancl Nancy Ann Crandall of Farina, Ill., Parclcc, and .Nortonville, Kan. Ch.: l\Iaxson: 3271 ( +) Darwin Ellsworth, h. Dec. 13, 1871, m. Eunice Elmira Huff­ man, b. Feb. 3, 1871, d. :Mar. 12, 1936, clan. of George \Vashing- ton Huffman anrl Loretta Olive l3rl?.\~1. P.n> 3272 Maucle Sylvia, h. Dec. 16, .}873, m.>UitN'. Lanphear. 3273 ( +) Edwin Russel. b. Oct. 27. 1875 Farina. 111. Grace Jesse Eaglesfielcl, b. :Mar. 20, 1883, dau. of Eli C. Eaglcsficld (Eli C .. John, George b. Eng.) ancl Celestia Ascncth Newell (dau. of Joseph Newell of Abraham, and l\fartha l\Jariah'1 Langworthy (Elias:; L., Joseph\ SamucP, !!, Andrew). Res. 1943: 208 vVau­ hascon Rd., Battle Creek, Mich. 327-t Edith Rebecca, b. Apr. 21, 18i7, 111. Daniel Carr 1\fain. son Elwin Main has 3 daus., \Vash., D. C. 3275 Ruth Orcelia, b. May 7, 1879, Pardee, Kan., cl. Nov. Ii, 1895. J276 Nathan, b. Feb. 23, 1882 Nortonville. 3277 Ora Zelda, b. Aug. 1883 Nortonville. m. --- Lowell. Gentry, Ark. 3278 Susan Emma, b. Jan. 19, 1885 Nortonville, m. --- Ricketts. 3279 Ether Grace, b. Aug. 1, 1890 Nortonville, 111. Eyerly. And Geo. & :Myrtle & Ethel. 1 0 2431 (t) Lydia ' I\1. l\faxson (Nathan\ George 7, , l\Iatthew\ J ohn4, 2 :i. ) aLd Edward Vincent. Ch.: Vincent: 3280 Russel Edward, b. Ii.far. 21. 1868, m. Lizzie Huffman Fuller. 3281 Hattie l\Jabel, b. IVIar. 2, 1875, m. J amcs R. Crow. 7 0 2432 (t) Martin" L. Maxson (Nathan~. Gcorgc , , :rvfatthewr·. John\ 2 :,, ) and \Vealthy Childs of Nortonville, Kan. Ch.: l\.Iaxson: :3282 \Vallace, b. Apr. 20, 18i8. ~.283 Jennie, b. Sept. 10, 1880. 3284 Evaline, b. Jan. 21, 1883. 3285 Benjamin, b. Aug. 6. 1888. 3286 Sylvia, h. Mar. 16, 1893. 3287 Charles, b. Sept. 12, 1895. 0 1 7 2472 (t) Josephine Adelaide Ii.Iaxson (Silas ', Holly , Silas°, David\ 2 John•.:,, ) and Quincy DeForest Greene. Ch.: Greene: 3288 Fay DeForest. b. Dec. 14, 1861 Unadilla Forks, N. Y .. cl. May 29, 1939, m. Feb. 12, 1890 Harriet 'Witter, b. Mar. 29, 1869, d. Nov. 1, 1938. 3289 1\Iargarct Maranda, b. l\Iar. 15, 1867 Rodman, N. Y., cl. Oct. 8, 1938, m. Oct. 20, 1886 Philip Sheridon Place, b. Feb. 25, 1865. Res. Alfred, N. Y., where he was a funeral director. :\[ember of F. & A. M. P. 543 Burdick Gen. 3290 Amy Louise, b. Sept. 19, 1869. 3291 Jesse V., b. Aug. 2, 18i2, d. 1942, m. 1S99 Clifford H. Coon. 3292 Miron Claire, cl. Feb. 19, 1919. 2475 (t) Silas0 Whitford Maxson (SilasH, Holly•, Silas'\ Davill5. 11 2 John\ , ) and Celestine Greene of Adams Ct'ntcr, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 193 .l\fAXSON FAJ\JJLY - NINTH GENERATION

3293 (+)William Silas, b. Apr. 13, 1867, d. Aug. 18, 1937, m. Aug. 3, 1892 Nora Edith Butterfield, b. June 4, 1869, cl. Feb. 22, 1923, dau. of George E. and Katherine (Sheen) of Sackets Harbor. He taught school in various places and was principal of Yonkers public schools. He was instrumental in bringing about the N. Y. state law of tenure for teachers having served three years in public schools. 3294 (+)Holly Whitford, h. Nov. 20, 1874, d. Sept. 15, 1927, m. June 27, 1897 Rose I\'largaret LaForge, b ..Mar. 15, 1875 in New York City, dau. of Abial Temple (from Fishkill) and Margaret (Get­ chell) LaForge. He was principal of schools: Asha way, R. I.; Watertown, Mass.; Utica, N. Y.; and Orange, N. J. Supervis­ ing Principal of Public Schools in \,Vest N. Y. and N. J. 17 years. 11 1 2490 (t) Grove" Terry Maxon (Norman~ B., Davicl7, Silas , Davicl \ John\ :i, ~) and Elizabeth Joslin of Cortland, N. Y. 5 ch.: Maxon: 3295 Earl Terry, b. Jan. 7, 1889, m. May 30, 1913 Molly Romaine Roh~ 11 erts. 2 ch.: Iviaxon: Earl Terry , b. Jan. 8, 1916; and Robert Grove. b. Sept. 29. 1918. They live in Greene, N. Y. 3296 Paul Joslin, twin to E. T., m. June 30, 1913 Lena M. Peck. 4 ch.: J\Iaxon: Dorothy Louise, b. Sept. 10, 1916; Virginia Hope, b. Dec. 17, 1919; Sylvia Jane, b. Nov. 24, 1921; and John Peck, b. June 17, 1926. N. Y. City. 3297 Mark Emerson, h. Nov. 24, 1891. m. June 29, 1918 Helen Mary Bryan. He is a member of the Cortland Brewer Tichnor Com­ pany. 3298 \Valter Landon, b. Sept. 17, 1892. m. Apr. 1918 Helen King. One chilcl (said to he adopted); Richard King l\faxon, b. July 29. 1930. He is a mining engineer with Allis Chalmcr, Mil~ waukce. 3299 Oren Kenneth, b. June 1, 1898, cl. !i.fay 1. 1934. m. Dec. 26, 1923 Katherine \Vehster. 2 ch.: 1\f axon: Frederick \Vehster, b. Oct. 2, 1924; amt Catherine Elizabeth, h. Oct. 25, 1926. 2491 (t) Hcnry11 Eaton Maxon (Norman~ B., Davicl7. Silasn, David~, 1 John4. = , ~) and Stella Porter. One ch., cl.y. 6 ch. by 2nd w. Eliza Adella Farnham. The first cl.y. Ch.: l\faxon: 3300 Elwyn H., b. Dec. 14. 1888. m. Nov. 28. 1914 H. Louise Ranney. 3301 Harry Farnham, h. Feb. 7. 1890, m. Aug. 2, 1916 Ella Maude Conger. He grad. Univ. Syracuse, civil engineer, lives near Phila., Pa .. works for the Boston Hose and Rubber Co. (1937). 2 ch.: 1Taxon: Elizabeth Genevieve, h. Aug. 19, 1917, at the 11 Univ. of Syracuse (1937); and Jane \Vclls , b. July 4, 1922. 3302 Theoda Chase, b. Oct. 15, 1892, grarl. Cortland Normal and from the Univ. of Rochester, B.S., and teaches (1937) history in East Rochester. Her home is at Elbridge, N. Y. She furnished rec­ ords and the tradition that Pollv Brown, wife of DavicF Maxon was a sister to Eunice Brown,· wife of David's brother John1, whereby with other records David· Maxon was placed. 3303 Carrol John, b. Jan. 23, 1898, m. Aug. 19, 1921 Myra Holdridge.


He has a grocery store at \Varncrs. N. Y. 2 ch.: Maxon: Nor­ ma Gail, b. Aug. 9. 1924; and Ruth Holdridge. b. Sept. 5,-d. Oct. 16, 1925. 0 2493 (t) 1fary Adalaicle :Maxon (Norman B., David\ Silas , Davidr., John\ a, :i) and Florian \Vebstcr. One ch.: 3304 Effie Maxon \Vchstcr, b. 1Iar. 8, 1888, m. Sept. 15, 1910 Charles Hutchinson Dunning. They moved to Prescott, Arizona. 4 ch.: Dunning: (1) Da vicl \V cb=itcr, b. July 30, 1911, grad. Leland Stanford Univ., engineer, with (1937) Allis Chalmers. Mil­ waukee; (2) !\Iary l\faxon. h. l\[ay 16. 1917; (3) Charles Emer­ son, b. Oct. 10. 1923; and (4) Richard Eaton, b. Dec. 3, 1927. 1 7 2494 (t) Ida ' Lois l\faxon (Ira"; John , Silas'\ David\ John\ \ :!) and John Otis Getman of Syracuse, N. Y. 4 ch.: Getman: 3305 Ada of Svracuse. 3306 l\fary, m: Arthur Gates of Cortland. 8 ch.: Gates: (1) Madlyn, m. Kelvin Gilbert; (2) Lenora, 111. Harolc1 Avery; (3) Lester, m., lives in Cortland; (4) V--. a girl; (5) Eleanor; (6) Zeila; (7) Elizabeth; (8) Myra. 3307 l\fargaret Catherine, b. Mar. 18, 189i, m.l James Dorthey of Preble and had 3 ch.; (1) Robert of Pleasant Valley; (2) Ann. m. Thomas Corey of Auburn. clerk in the prison; (3) Helen, m. Ethan Gott. l\Jargarct m.2 1915 Otis Avery of Dryden, N. Y .. son of Harold Averv and Flora Baldwin of Otis Baldwin, and hacl 4 ch.: Avery: (i) Arnold. h. 1917, standing army of U. S.; {2) Doris. b. Aug. 8, 1918, m. Russel 1\Iorey, farmer, son Law­ 1 rence R. rvrorcy ~; (3) Robert Otis. b. Apr. 6, 1920; (4) \Villard, h. June 26, 1921. !i.£argarct 1n Getman Avery )iYcs (1938) at 217 I\fain St .. vVaterloo, N. Y. 0 2508 (t) Emily° Fenner l\laxson (\Vm. Ellory\ Silas·. Paul • Davicln, 4 John , :i. ~) and Louis P. Allen. Ch.: Allen: Allyn: 3308 Louis I\faxson, b. Sept. 21, 1877, m. June 23. 1909 Laurn Abby Greenman, h. Feb. 15, 1875, cl. Oct. 23. 1922. 2 ch.: Greenman: Lucia, h. Jan. 11, 1911; and Emily I\Iaxson, b. Apr. 24, 1916. 3309 Guerclon Spicer, h. Dec. 29, 1Si9. m. Apr. 3. 1907 Annie Balfour Hislop, b. May 19. 1880. 2 ch.: Allen: Jaines Hislop11 b. June 2, 1908; and Gm•rdon Spicer, h. Feb. 17, 1911. 3310 \Villiam Ellory, b. Sept. 28, 1885, m. Sept. 14. 1912 Uargucritc Leonard Almy. b. Aug. 1. 1885. 2 ch.: Allen: Lydia Ballou 11, h. Jan. 28, 1917; and Diana, h. Feb. 3, 1920. 2509 (t) Silas11 l\f axson (\Villiam~ Ellory, Silas 7. Paul°. David\ John'. :i, :?) ancl Maria McCaughcy. Ch.: Maxson: b. New Lon­ don, Ct.: 3311 (+)Silas, Jr., b. !\fay 10, 1882, m. July 9, 1910 Zelma Clifton10 Burdick, b. Dec. 9, 1884 (Howarcl1'. James", Abram', James", John\ Samuel m. Avis·• l\faxson, No. 19, Johna, :i). Real Estate dealer, Long Hill Road, Groton, Ct. 3312 William, b. 1877, m. Olive ---. 3313 Letitia C., b. 1880, m. Frank S. Gardener of New London. 3314 Irene M., b. 1885, m. Cortland B. Pierce of New London.


2520 (t) Cornclia0 13urdick (Catherine' Clark, Cloe11 l\laxson, David\ 2 1 6 John", :i, ) and Samuel~ H. C. l\Iaxson (Joshua G., Joel , 1 Stephen\ John\ = , ~). Ch.: l\faxson: 3315 ~cnry Eugene, b. June 2. 1849, lived near Hornell, N. Y., en­ grneer. 3316 Herbert Burdette, h. July 14, 1854. civil engineer in California. '3317 1lary Estelle, b. Nov. 24, 1856. 3318 Emily, 1858-1862. 3319 Nellie, b. l\Iar. 12, 1861, m. George Bell Barron, b. Apr 8, 1862 at St. Charks. l\lo. Ch.: Eugene f\laxson Barron, b. Sept. 28, 1889 at St. Louis, l\Io. 2522 (t) Frances11 Julia Rumsey (EmiJyA Elizabeth Sheldon, AbigaiF 3 2 l\laxson, David\ r., John\ , ) and James Sager Norton of Chi­ cago. Cb.: 3320 Frances Sager Norton, h. Aug. 20. 1875 Chicago, m. Harold Chapin Brown who was gracl. from \Villiarns College in 1901, and later received his Ph.D. from Harvard. Ch.: Norton Sager Brown, 1\1.D. in N. Y. City; Frances Manning; :Mrs. E. D. Shel­ don of New Zeland; and Elizabeth R. Brown, Mrs. Ray Strong. 3321 George, cl.y. 3322 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1887, Chicago, lives at 353 Lowell Ave., Palo Alto. Cala. She furnished much of the material on her line of descent. She has a nmnher of photographs of Maxson homes which were presented to her by David l\Taxson Greene. 11 11 2543 (t) John Heisner l\Iaxon (JohnR J., Samuel1, 6, Joseph , John\ :i, :.:) and Lucile R. \Vaddell. Ch.: Maxon: 3323 \Villiam Heisner, b. Oct. 27, 1913. 3324 Thomas Rogers, b. Aug. 12, 1918. 4 3 2547 (t) Harry!' H. Maxon (John~ J., Samuel', '1. Joseph~·. John , , :i) and Lois Purucker of Athens, Ga. Ch.: I\Iaxon: 3325 Harry Russell, Jr., h. Oct. 31, 1907, m. 1'.fay 25, 1940 :Mary Exelyn Fox of St. Louis He was educated at Kenyon College, 0 .• and the Harvard School of Business. Ch.: l\laxon: Harrv Russell III. h. Aug. 28, 1941; 1\f ary Evelyn, h. Oct. 14. 1943; anc.l Sophie Fox, h. June 15, 1945. 3326 Robert de Purucker, b. 1\foncie, Ind. July 9, 1912, m. June 25, 1938 Eugenia Rudulph of l\fontgomcry, Ala. He was educated at Kenyon College, 0.; Rollins College, \\Tinter Park, Fla.; and in 1944 entered the Tulane l\1 edical School, Tulane Univ .. New Orleans. Ch.: Eugenia Caroline11 Maxon, b. July 22, 1940; and Genevieve Lois 1\Iaxon, h. Oct. 26, 1942. 3327 Lois Genevieve, b. Clarksburg, vV. Va., June 23, 1910, educated at Muncie, 1ncl.; Ward Belmont, Nashville, Tenn.; Rollins Col­ lege; and grad. at ·western Reserve, Cleveland, 0., in 1932. She is a Reporter, N. Y. City; Editor of Magazine Dig-est; and Free Lance ·writer; Editor Director Norman Bal Geckles & Co., N. Y. City. P. 0. 1945: 47 E 80th St., New York 21, N. Y. 2561 (t) Charles11 Summers (Elizabeth8 Bailey, Sophronia7 Maxson, Samuel R.n, Joseph\ John4, a, ~) and Jennie Seefriclge of Co­ lumbus, 0. Ch.: Summers: 196 lvlAXSON FA~IILY - NINTH GENERATION

3328 John Howell, b. June 21. 1886, m. Oct. 6, 1915 Louise Sauers. Ch.: James Sauers Summers; and Thomas Sauers Summers. Res. Columbus, 0. 3329 Ruth, b. Aug. 5, 1892, m. Nov. 25. 1920 Robert Odell. No ch. 2569 (t) Edith 11 Klein (Darien-~ C., Darius7. Samucl0 R., Joseph\ 2 John4, :i, ) and Elwood R. Hamilton of Columbus, 0. Ch.; Hamilton: 3330 Thomas, b. Oct. 12, 1905, m. l\lay 3, 1924 Vivian Fergerson of Ashland, Ky. 3 ch.: Hamilton: Edith ivlay, b. Jan. 18, 1930; Tom Kline, b. Jan. i, 1928; and Da vicl Allen, b. Jan. 28, 1933. Res.: 2653 Fair Ave., Columbus, 0. 3331 Mary Darien, b. Dec. 21, 190i, m. VanRcnsselaer Sill of Balti­ more, l\.lcl. Gov. Position. Res. 219 :~. Piedmont St., Arling­ ton, Va. Ch.: Rensselaer Elwood Sill. b. Sept. 22, 1936, Wash., D.C. 2582 (t) Marsha!P' C. 1faxson (Reynolds" Z., Phineas• V., Varnum0 2 P., Benjamin\ John\ :s. ) and Lucia A. Keeler of Bloomville, N. Y. Ch.: Maxson: 3332 Albert T., b. Dec. 25, 1873 Bloomville. N. Y., 1111111. He attended the public school at Bloomville, graduated from Delhi Academy 1894, taught in rural schools in Delaware Co., entered the De~ partment of Yards and Docks, U. S. Navy. Brooklyn, N. Y. June 1, 1903. went to the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agr. in l\lanhattan, Feb. 12, 1904, entered the U. S. Customs of the Treas. Dept. at N. Y. City. Jan. 2, 1907, and became an Inspector of Customs at the Port of N. Y., July 1, 1910, retiring July 1. 1933; now (1943) engaged in genealogical research. He furnished manv records. 3333 l\Iinnie, b. Mar. 10, 18i6 Blooriwille. X Y .. unm .. attended school at Bloomville and the Delhi Acaclem\', lives at the l\Iaxon home in Bloomville purchased in I 869 by· Marshall C. l\laxon. 3334 Robert !vi., h. Sept. 10. 1882 Bloomville, started early and has developed and operatecl a general store at Bloomville since 1914, has been Post l\Iastcr of Bloomville since 1910,( and has held many other trusts in Bloomville; 111. l\Iar. 9. 1910 Jean­ nette D . .l\Jonroc, dau. of l\lalcolm ancl Hannah E. (Davis) l\lonroc of Andes, N. Y. She grad. H. S. and attended Oneonta Normal, and taught in local district schools before her mar­ riage. 2 ch.: !vlaxson: 1) l\1alcolm' K., b. Jan. 25, 1911, grad. Hobart H. S. and Cornell (1933). was physical instructor in various schools and joined the Physical Fitness Dept. of the Navy in 1943. He m. July 23, 1937 Isabella l\Iead, clau. of Henry C. and Ida (Mosher) 1lead of Red Cret'k. N. Y., where she was born Mar. 13, 1911. She grncl. Univ. Syracuse 1932 and taught Social Science and History in Bloomville, 5 yrs. before her m. 2) (2nd ch. of Robert) Marshall M., b. July 8, 1914, grad. H. S. and attended Hartwick College at Oneonta, associated with his father in the mercantile business, entered the army Jan.29.1943. Hem. July 20, 1940 Rt'ba C. Orman, b.


Apr. 16, 1916 Liverpool, N. Y .. clan. of Dwight. She grad. Univ. Syracuse (193i) and taught French and Latin in Bloomville H. S. 3 vrs. hdore her m. 2585 (t) Dclia. 11 E. 1\Iaxson (ReynolclsH Z.. Phineas1 V., Varnum0 P., Benjamin\ John4, :a, :.!) and James B. Cavin of Bloomville, N. Y. Ch.: Cavin: 3335 Delia L., h. Sept. 11. 18i5, 111. Junc 14, 1899 Dr. Henry Arbuckle (dentist), b. Aug. 5, 1874, cl. May 5, 1928 Delhi, N. Y. She lives at Delhi (19-1-3). Member Delhi Chap., D.A.R. 3336 Leonard, h. Apr. 30, 1880, d. 1\far. 11, 1881 Bloomville. 2601 (t) Oliver'' J. Ellsworth (Helens Esther .l\faxson, Enoch1 K., 1 Zaccheus \ Benjamin\ John\ :i, ::) anrl Laura l\.lillhorn. Ch.: Ellsworth: 3337 ( +) Ona l\iaclelin'c, b. Oskaloosa, Iowa. Nov. 25, 1879, m. at San Diego, Cala., l\Iay 5, 1897, George vV. Baines III. b. July 25, 1875 Rockdale, Tex., son of 'William l\Iartin and Elizabeth Virginia (Terrell) Baines. Res. San Diego, Cala. 3338 I\Iajor Dwight. b. Jan. 23, 1883, Oskaloosa, Iowa. 2603 (t) George11 L. Ellsworth (Helen8 E. 1\laxson, Enoch· K., Zac­ cheus°, Benjamin\ John\ :,, ::) and Ida Finney. Ch.: Ellsworth: 3339 Edna, b. Oskaloosa, Ia., Apr. 15, 1885, m. in San Diego. Cala., 'William Evans. 3 ch.: Evans: Andra, b. San Diego Dec. 19, 1909, m. Harold Harper, U. S. A.; Guy". h. San Diego, Oct. 28, 1911, Navy C.B.'s; and Junc'1, b. San Diego. June 19, 1915. 3340 Amy, b. Oskaloosa, Apr. 2. 1883. m. at San Diego. Howard Cun­ ningham. 3 ch.: Cunningham: Georgc11, b. Feh. 11, 1911; 11 Alice , h. June 9, 1913, m. Stephen Brown, no ch.; and Orland, h. Apr. 27, 1917, U. S. Army. All 3 ch. h. San Diego. 2607 (t) Clara A. 11 Ellsworth (Helen~ R .. Enoch7 K., Zaccheus", Ben­ jamin\ John\ :i, ::) and T. B. Thompson. One ch.: 3341 Maude Edith Thompson, b. Oskaloosa. Ia., June 27, 1879, d. l\far. 9, 1903, m. at San Diego, Cala., Don S. Packard, and they hacl Clara 11 Lucille Packard, h. San Diego, May 27. 1897, d. June 6. 1928, m. in Los Angeles, Raymond E. Buel and they have Raymond Earl Buel1::, h. Aug. 27, 1914, an officer in the .Merchant I\larine Service.·. R:Lymond E. 13uel1::, Jr. m. Rita 3 Rohlcs of Los Angeles and they have Barbara Lucille Buel1 , h. Los Angeles. Jan. 20, 1945. 2610 (t) Laura Ada11 Ellsworth (Helen8 E., Enoch• K., Zaccheusn, 2 Benjamin:·, John\ a, ) and Wilfred R. Guy. 5 ch.: Guy: 3342 Ruby, b. San Diego, Jan. 16, 1891, and twin to Ruby: 3343 Rose, m. Chester Clay Keil. They live in Los Angeles and have Wilfred Chester Keil, U. S. Coast, m. in Hollywood Oct. 13, 1942 Kathryn Fitts, dau, of J. Wesley Fitts. 3344 Alice, b. San Diego Jan. 16, 1891. 3345 Lucelle, b. San Diego Aug. 9, 1898, m. Roland Whitman May 6, 1917. She d. in Los Angeles Dec. 26, 1926. Their ch.: Whitw 1 man: Florence 1 , b. 1919; ancl Marjorie Ellen, b. 1921. 3346 Elizabeth. h. San Diego Feb. 1, 1902. m. Boston, Mass., Roland


Sharp, International News Commentator for Christian Science Monitor. No ch. 2625 (t) Oscar11 1\1. Burdick (Sally" l\faxson. Zacchcus R.7, Zac­ 11 cheus11 Benjaminr.) and Eva H• i\l. Coon (Sarah E. Maxson, l\latthcws R., Wecclon7, l\latthc,,•11, :., John', :i, :!), Ch.: Bur­ click: b. Little Genesee, N. Y.: 3347 Leon Maxson, b. June 18, 1889, m. June 21. 1917 Hazel Burges, b. Aug. 16, 1895. Ch.: Leon :ti.I. Burdick, h. Dec. 21, 1921. Mr. Burdick is Supt. of a Gas Co., l\I iami_, Okla. He is a Shriner and his brother a Royal Arch i\Iason. 3348 Raymoncl C., b. Apr. 5, 1891, m. Aug. 25. 1914 Eloise B. Vigan, b. June I. 1892, Salem, 0. Dau. Susic11 Hae b. June 19, 1918. Alfred B.A. SuperintenclC'nt of Schools. 1 2627 (t) Rosclla ' T. Stone (NancyK l\faxson, Zaccheus7, n, Benja­ 4 2 mi-n\ J ohn • \ ) and Edwin Doane. Ch.: Doane: 3349 Willis 0., b. Nov. 16, 1859 Little Genesee. N. Y .. m. J cnnie Gard­ ner. Ch.: Nyna and Evalyn. 3350 Albert E .. b. Apr. 3, 1861 Ceres. N. Y .. m. Emma Tice. Ch.: Doane: Laura; Clara; and Guy E. 3351 Mary Evelyn. b. Jan. 11, 1864 Cayuga Co., N. Y .. m. Olney D. Davis. 13 ch.: l\Iilclrccl; Howard; Edwin; Curtis; \Vardner; George; Roselia; Frances; Althea; \Vinnfrcd Lavery; Olney; Elton; and Boyd Davis. They went west. 3352 James Franklin, b. June 5, 1866 Little Genesee, N. Y., m. Jean­ nette Collins, b. Lisle, N. Y. 2 adopted ch. 3353 ( +) George \Vashington. b. Jan. 31, 1868 Eldred. Pa., cl. Oct. 20, 1927 San Francisco, Cala. (bur. Belli11gham. \Vash.), m. Dec. 20, 1885 Amy Laura Hunt. h. Oct. 17, 1867 Shinglehouse, Pa., d. Dec. 9, 1914 Belling-ham, \Vash. 3354 Nellie, h. Ii.Jar. 5, 1869. m. Henry Bracliorcl. They went west soon after the oldest child was m .. who with her family also went. Mr. Bradford worh·cl for her father's brother, G. W. Doan. 3355 Herbert Eli, b. July 14, 1873 l\laclison Co., N. Y., m. Jessie Brownlee. He formerly was a grocer in llc11ingham, 'Nash.; now works for a newspaper. Seattle, Wash. 3 ch.: Doane: Albert, m. ---, lives at Seattle; Harold and Clycle, both dead. 3356 Theo Mae, b. Sept. 23, 1879, m. Otis Perry Callaham, cl. --­ She grad. Boston Conservatory of Music. Lives at Seattle; member of the D.U.V. 0 11 2645 (t) Martha E. Maxson (Stephens B., Joshua7, Stephen , ~. John", a, 2) and Charles H. Barber of Sanborn, N. Y. Ch.: Barber: 3357 Cora Erma, b. Jan. 31, 1867, m. Sept. 30, 1890 August Doring. Ch.: Doring: Carl, d.y.; Inez,


3359 Sada Grace, b. July 8, 1869. She is a member of the Benj. Bos­ worth Chap., D.A.R., of Silver Creek, N. Y. She furnished data back to Josuua \V/ Maxson. 3360 Sanford Maxson, b. Oct. 6, 1872, m. Margaret \Valkcr and Jives at Santa Cruz, Cala. Ch.: Barber: Helen Martha, m. John Gra­ ham, lvfonrovia, Cala., \Vorld \Var I; and Herman Sanford, m. ---of San Francisco. Served in \Vorld \Var IT. 3361 Curtis, Apr. 4 - Sept. 4, 1875. 3362 Florence, b. Jan. 2, 1877. m. Jan. 2, 1909 Charles Smart. No ch. Live at Niagara Falls, N. Y. (1944). 3363 Clarence \Vesley, b. Apr. 13, 1879, m. Aug. 31, 1905 Mabel An­ drews. Son Clarence Andrews m. Helen Stearns of Fredonia, N. Y. He is now (19-l-4) overseas in service. No ch. 336+ Olin Vern, h. Apr. 1.3, 1882, m. June 1, 1905 at Marion, 0. Myrtle 11 Albright. Ch.: Barber: 1\Iartha , m. \~'alter Simpson of Niag­ 11 ara Falls, June 23, 1928; Vcrne , m. Renee Pugh of Stamford, Ont.; l\Iyron'1, in overseas service ( 1944); Marlyn 11, d.y.; and 11 Shirley • 3365 Oscar Todd, b. June 23, 1884, m. Oct. 11, 1911 Elsie M. Kennedy at \Vindsor, Ont. Ch.: Barber: Kathleen Lor.ti I, h. l\Iar. 24, 1915 Silver Creek, N. Y. Major with 23rd Base Hospital in France (1944); ancl Curtis Toclrl21. h. Oct. 24, I 921 Silvc>r Creek, Corp. in service in South Pacific. 2665 (t) Edwin11 Darwin Maxson (Sewell~ S., Josiah G., Joel, Stephen, John4, :i, z) and Clara 13. Franklin of \Vashington. Ch.: l\faxson: 3366 Lynton Fayette, h. Oct. 17, 1899 Alexandria, \i\Tash., m. Jan. 13, 1923 Lucy Melvina l\forrow. Ch.: Maxson: l\fahel Emeline, b. Aug. 9, 1926; Lucy Faye, h. Jan. 31. 1928; and Margery Ida, b. Sept. 9. 1930. 3367 Vera, b. Jan. 4, 1907 Seattle. Wash., m. June 14. 192-l- David A. \Vise. 2 ch. h. Coville, Wash.: Wisc: David Edwin, h. Apr. 29, 1925; and Dorcas Bernice. h. Feb. 20. 1927. 3368 Frances Euphemia, b. Seattle, m. Sept. 19. 1931 \Valter T. Hager. 2671 (t) ·wmia111 11 Benjamin .Maxson (Horatio \V., Charles. Benja­ min, Stephen, John\ a, ~) ancl Myrtle llolster of Wis. Ch.: ]\fax.son: 3369 Charles Seymour, b. l\far. 12, 1895, m. June 22, 1922 Edith C. Crosley of Farina. 111. Veteran of World War I. 3 ch.: Max­ son: Charles \.Vayne, b. June 13. 1923; Helen Jean, b. July 3, 1926; and Benjamin Whitford. h. Oct. 20, 1923. 3370 Rolland Horatio, b. Mar. 16. 1897. m. Sept. 17. 1919 1\frlva Ra­ chel Thorngate, b. Jan. 9, 1895, rlau. of Ray George (of George) Thorngate who m. Nov. 24, 1891 Flora David. 1\frs. Rollancl H. Maxson sent records. She is actively interested in the preser­ vation of native wild flowers. Mr. Maxson is chief electrical engineer for the Burdick Corporation, Milton, Wis. 3 ch.: Maxson: Rolland Arthur, b. July 22. 1920; Ruth D., b. July 23. 1923; am] Kenneth Alison, b. Dec. 28, 1925. 200 MAXSON FA~IILY - NINTH GENERATION

3371 Dorothy Geraldine, b. July 30, 1899, m. Aug. 7, 1922 John Har­ old Thorngate (only brother to Ray George, above). !Hr. J.I-1.T. is a teacher in the public schools of \Vis. 3 ch.: Thorn­ gate: Charles \Villiam, b. June 1, 1924; Gcrdalinc HSally", b. Dec. 4, 1928; and John Hill, b. Dec. 23, 1935. 3372 Katherine Eleanor, b. Nov. 29, 1901, m. Jan. 2, 1926 Frank M. Radolf. He is connected with the Flint (l\fich.) Journal. 0 2686 (t) Icla Belle l\faxon (George L., Benjamin•. , Stcphenn, John ◄, :1, :?) and Edward Eugene Parsons of Rochester, N. Y. 5 ch.: Parsons: 3373 George De\iVitt, b. Apr. 6. 1885 Rochester, N. Y .. m. Gertrude' Graves. Res. 1937: Batavia, N. Y. 5 ch.: Earl; Aurelia; Rus­ sell; Jack; and Harriet. 3374 Edward Randall, h. Jan. 23, 188i. cl. (prob.) l\Iay 1932, rn. Nellie Escott. Res. Rochester. Ch.: Par:-ons: Pearl, m. --- Fa­ clette and have Ralph Faclettc, b. Oct. 2, 1930; Cornelia, and Eugene. 3375 Frank, 1888-1889. 3376 Charles, b. Jan. 4, 1891. m. Apr. 24, 1913 Irene l\latt, res. 54 Ravenwood Ave., Rochester. 2 ch.: Parsons: Charles, b. Feh. 24, 1915, m. June 20 1936---, live at 75 Meigs St., Rochester; and Shirley, b. Nov. 12, 1916. 33i7 Lewis Robertson, b. Apr. 16, 1892 in l\Ionteral, m. Helen Margie Pulver, res. 24 Calina St .. Rochester. Ch.: Parsons: Helen; 1Iarion; Robert; and Ida Belle. 2687 (t) Lois G. Maxson (George~ L. Benjamin\ r., Stephen\ John\ :i, :?) and Thomas Dearlove Holmes. 5 ch.: Holmes: 3378 Ellen, b. June 9. 1894 Kinwka. China, m. Sept. 12, 1922 Dr. Wil­ lard Sutton of Hornell, N. Y. She is an M.D. and he is a Ph.D. from Furkien University of Foochow, China. 4 ch.: Holmes: Margaret, b. Jan. 11, 1924 Foochow; Lois Jane, b. July 30, 1927 llague, P. I.; \,Villard, b. Jan. 12, 1930, Phil a .• Pa.; and ivlarion Ellen, b. May 29, 1934 Foochow. China. 3379 Lois, b. Sept. 9, 1895 Kinwka, m. Dana Reid. live in !\leaclville, Pa. He is connected with the treasurer's office, Allegany Col­ lege. 2 ch.: Reid: Roderick, b. Jan. 11, 1921; and Berwyn, b. May 8, 1924. 3379a Henry, b. Mar. 22, 1898 Kinwka, unm., works for Kodak, Ro­ chester. 3380 Marion Mabel, b. Kinwka May 29, ---, teaches in China. 3381 Lillian, b. Kinwka, 111. Perry Jacob. Live at 27, 72nd St., Brook­ lyn. Ch.: Sarah Lois Jacob, b. Nov. 27, 1933. 0 2793 (t) Clara Almira l\laxson (\,VellingtonS, John F.·, Elias , Dan­ iel~, John\ :i, :;:) and William R. Crawford of \Varsaw, N. Y. 5 ch.: Crawford: 3383 Harry Maxon, b. Aug. 25, 1888, m. Apr. 23, 1913 :.Iyra \Vhiting. No ch. 3384 Robert \iValter, b. Sept. 17, 1891, m. June 13, 1914 Mary Viner. Res. 1922 Wash., D. C. Ch. Betty, b. Nov. 18, 1916.


3385 Eleanor Clara, b. Nov. 17, 1896, m. Sept. 14, 1916 Edward G. Viner. Denver Colo., 1922. 2 ch. 3386 Agnes Elizabeth, h. Oct. 18, 1902, un111. 1922. 3387 Helen, h. Jan 16, 1908. 2796 (t) Rayt1 vVcllington Maxon (Wellington\ John F.7, Eliasn, Daniel\ John\ :i, !!) and Edna Knight of Earls, N. Y. Ch.: Maxon: 3387a Wilma Edith. h. June 8, 1911, m. Dec. 31, 1932 Sherman Edward

Nichols. Farmcr1 Earls. N. Y. Ch.: Genna Edith Nichols, b. lVlay 27, 1939; and Vernon Edward Nichols, h . .l\fay 26, 1942. 3388 Lavern Knight, b. Oct. 5. 1912, m. Sept. 1935 Jean Clark. Ch.: Harold Lavern Maxon. b. Dec. 31, 1936; and Shirley Ann, b. Apr. 11, '42. 3389 Ho,vard Ray, b. Oct. 11, 1914, 111. Marion Erhart. Ch.: 1\faxon: Caroline Louise, b. Apr. 24, 1941. Farmer. 3390 Althea 1\Tary, b. Mar. 6, 1916, m. Raymonrl Pike. They live at Pavilion, N. Y. He m.1 and had 4 ch. 3391 Genevieve Gerald. b. Nov. 25, 1918, m. l\fay 11, 1941 Darvin Reinor. Ch.: David Philip Reinor, b. Aug. 26, 1943. 3392 Dain Jesse. b. Oct. 2, 1917, mun. and at home (1943). 3393 Daisy Eleanor, b. Jan. 19, 1920, m. Aug. 19-1-1 Donald Streeter Douglas. Drafted from Eastman Kodak. 3394 Ercel Aurilia (girl), b. Aug. 30, 1924, unm., works in Rochester (1943). 3395 Gifford Arthur, b. Sept. 5, 1927. 3395a Stuart. 2802 (t) See No. 2109. 2803 (t) Clarence11 ~'ells (Horace Wells, Caleb1 \Ve1ls, Ruth" Bur­ 2 dick, Zaccheus:. Burdick, Dorothy• Maxson, John\ ) nnd Stella Babcock of Petersburg, N. Y. Ch.: vVeIIs: 3396 C. Malden, b. Aug. 4, 1907, m. Sept. 30, 1928 Irma Nichols, b. Sept. 5, 1907. Ch.: Arden \Veils, h. Sept. 25, 1929. 3397 Doris, b. June 17, 1909. 3398 Eleanor, b. l\fay 11, 1911. 3399 Horace, b. Aug. 24, 1914. -HOO Lyndall, b. Apr. 21, 1916, cl. 1917. 3401 Pamelia, b. Feb. 27, 1918. 3402 W. Vlaync. b. July 14, 1920; and 3403 l\Iary, b. Apr. 22, 1922. 8 2824 (t) George '\iVashington Maxon (Gordon W. , Sheffield7, Je­ 3 2 mima°, Jonathan!\ 4, , John ) and Ida E. Bailey of B1ackstone, l\Iass. 3 ch. : Maxon : 3404 Amy Mowry, b. Sept. 7, 1887, unm. She nms a small craft shop. 3405 Ray Spencer, b. Mar. 15, 1894, m. Aug. 20, 1917 Alma May Friree. He is a CiviJ Engineer, works for the State of Mass. Live at Blackstone, Mass. Member of River Lodge, F. & A. M. No ch.


3406 :Martha Asenath, b. Apr. 11, 1896. m. *June 6, 1914 Henry Theo­ dore Vacher. He is a sample weaver of woolen goods. Res. 146 County St., Blackstone, Mass. She furnished much of the clata on her line of descent. Dau. l\Iuriel l\Iaxon Vacher b. Apr. 22, 1915, 111. June 6, 1936 Irving Donald \Vickstrom and they have Joyce12 Patrica \Vickstrom, b. Apr. 29, 1938. He works

at the Norton Grinding Works, Worcestcr1 l\fass., steam fitter. G. W. Maxon and his brother Andrew owned and operated a grocery store from 1890 to 1905 in Blackstone, i\Iass. He was manager of the \iVoonsocket \Vholesalc Grocery Co. after sell­ ing out until the company sold out to a Providence firm in 1931 at which time he became road salesman for the latter company, retiring in 193i. Royal Arch l\lason, Deacon of the Congregational Church of which his mother, grandmother, daughters and granclclaughtcrs have hccn members. Republi­ can Rcpresentat;vc 1902 ancl 1905. His brotlH'r Andrew, after selling out their grocery business in Blackstone, later opened a store in vVoonsocket, R. I., with a I\fr. Simmons. and he re­ tired about 1931. 2826 (t) Esther0 Louise Maxon (Gorton W. Sheffield, Jemima, Jona­ than r., ",\John~) and Samuel Verry Crane of Blackstone, Mass. Ch.: Crane: 3-107 Edwin l\I., b. Mar. 7, 1917, 111. Anna Mollan. Live in Blackstone, Mass. and carries on his father's business. 3408 Norman V., m. Nov. 1915 Hell'n Millett. Dau. Priscilla 11 Crane m. June 19, 1837 Charles Kessler. Norman V, is a civil engin­ eer, Peabody, l\fass. Edwin :\J. and Norman V. Crane are mem­ bers of the F. & A. M. 3409 Harold Alan, m. June 21, 1920 Bertha l-knclriks. Lumber busi­ ness in Baltimore, Md. 3410 Mildred, unm., teaches in Danbury, Ct. 2835 (t) Fredcrick11 & 10 Raymond 1\laxson (Frederick~ & '\ George7 P., Jonathan°, :,, John4. Jonathana. John~; also Lydia Anns m. 7 Luke , a, Matthrwr,. John\ :i. ~) ancl Emma Vv. Vallers of Glen­ .side, Pa. Ch.: Maxson: 3411 Crawford P., h. Oct. 18, 1918, m. Oct. 2. 1939 Phillis Ann Mac­ Bride. Ch.: 1\faxson: Ann Hope, b. Aug. 24, 1940; Jay Craw­ ford, b. Feb. 12, 1943; and \Vendy Babcock, b. July 9. 194i. 3412 William Raymond, b. Feb. 4, 1920, m.l and div. Roberta Fisher Converse, m.2 Mar. 1, 1947 Ruth Gellert (nee Swartley). 3413 Faith F., b. Aug. 3, 1923. 3414 Frederick Gordon, b. Dec. 12, 1930. M;. F. R. Maxson is in the banking business. P. 0. (1947) 642 Custis Rd., Glensidc, Pa. His father (No. 1902) was a musician. 2840 (t) Harold0 Rogers Maxson (William E.~, \Villiami, Jona­ 2 than°, ti, John\ Jonathan:1. John ) and Gladys Louise Ashworth. Ch. : Maxson : 3415 Carlota ~shworth, b. Mar. 22, 190i in Mexico City, Mexico.


3416 Virginia Rogers, b. May 3, ]909 in New York, N. Y. Both girls grad. H.S. in PhiJa., Pa., and 4 yrs. later from the 1\loure Institute of Art, Science, and Industry of Philadelphia. 11 2842 (t) Edgar" Potter Maxson (\Villiam E.M, \,Villiam7. Jonathan\ , John., (232St) Jonathan:•, John::) and l\Iary Starr Utter (Eliza­ 7 beth11 BrO\vn, Sarah C.H Maxson, Horace , Nathan°, Silvanus\ John\ Joseph\ John::). 4 ch .. b. Westerly R. I.: l\faxson: 3417 \rVilJiam Edgar, b. !\fay 1, 1918. Enters Amherst this fall (1936). 3418 Henry Utter, b. Dec. 6, 1922. ,1419 :tvJary Starr, h. l\Iay 29, 1928. 3420 Edgar Potter. twin to l\fary Starr. 2850 (t) 1\linnie0 E. Ba11 (Mary~ C. Saunders, Stephen7 Saunders", 1 2 Catherine Maxson, Johll'\ ◄, Jonathan: , John ) and Wil]iam Chester Thayer have one child witl1 whom they live (1938), viz.: 3421 \Valtcr E. Thayer, b. Oct. 20, 1892, of North Oxford, Mass., m. Oct. 28, 1922 Helen !1.fargaret Ridel, clau. of Edwin and Mary (Stangforcl) Riclel. 3 ch.: Thayer: Stuart W .. b. Mar. 27, 1924; Patricia. h. Nov. 2, 1926; and Constance, b. July 30, 1931. Mr. Thayer is the selling agent for the Dana \Varp Mil1s. From 1923 to 1935 he was superintendent of the textile workers of the Edn·in Bartlett Co., of N. Oxford. He called on the author in 1938 and furnished records as to the clesc. of Cathcrine11 Max­ son. His parents were members of the Grange and he is a member of the F. & A. M. 11 0 2875 (t) \Villiam Densmore J\Iaxon (George'\ Ethan', , SamueJl', 4, Jonathan\ John::) and Annie C. Lush. Ch.: Maxon: 3422 I\fargaret. b. Oct. 29, 1883 Waterford, N. Y .. m. Apr. 6, 1910 Dr. \Varren F. Draper. Living 1937 in Va. 3423 William Densmore, b. Sept. 25, 1886 Waterford, N. Y., d. July 18. 1887 Utica. N. Y. 3424 Paul, h. June 6, 1889 Utica, rn. Madaline William5 of Toronto, b. June 20. 1900. Ch.: William Densmore Maxon, h. Dec. 8, 1926, attends Yale University (1948). 3425 Richard Lush, b. Mar. 4, 1895 Pittsburg, Pa., m. Mar. 15, 1934 Harriet B. Harv. 3425a Mary Frances, ·d.y. Paul and Richard graduated from Trinity College, Hartford, Ct. These !\laxon brothers form a real-estate firm in Detroit, Mich. Paul is president of the Grosse Pointe Brokers Association and lives at 99 l\Joran, Grosse Pointe Farms. 2902 (t) Emma Cassada (Hanna8 M. Brown, Hannah 7 D. Maxon, 1 2 Samuel!!, :, 4, Jonathan\ John ) and George Cooper of Petoskey, Mich. Ch.: Cooper: 3426 Maude, m. Clyde Bear. Big Rapids, Mich., and later of Bay View, Mich., where he managed a hotel. Dau. Mary m.1 Charles Root, m.2 Archie McDingal. 2 daus. m., had ch. Pe­ toskey, Mich. 2903 (t) Nancy° Cassady (Hannah8 M. Brown, Hannah1 D. Maxon, 2 Samuel\ :;' 4, Jonathan:!, John ) and Anson Chapin. Allegany Co., N. Y. Ch. : Chapin : 204 MAXSON FAl\IILY - NINTH GENERATION

3427 Albert, b. July 19, le88, m. Sept. 22, 1913 Signe L. Larson, b. Aug. 25, 1886 in Sweden. Ch.: Chapin : Robert; Howard; Doris; and Paul. Dairy Farmer, Allegany Co .. N. Y. 3428 \Velcome, m. ---, no ch. l\Iail Carrier from Allegany. N. Y. 3429 Frank, b. Mav 6, 1891, m. Louisa Fredericka Senf. clau. of Fred­ erick Vesper Senf. Contractor and Builder, 190 l\linnctosa Ave., Buffalo. 3430 Hattie, b. 1880, m. Frank Fingcr)os, son l\Ielvin 3431 Lois, m. Charles Sha fer. Ch.: l\f ilclred; Esther; and Dorothy Shafer. 2904 {t) ChesterP Cassada (Hannah·~ 1\-I. Brown .... John::) and Emma L. Chapell of l\f urray. N. Y. Ch.: Cassada: 3432 George, b. Jan. 30, 1877, cl. Aug. 2, 1948. m. 1910 l\Iargaret Young, 1875-1934. No ch. Salesman. Owned a grain threshing outfit. Member of F. & A. l\I. One of the trustees of Holley, N. Y. 3433 Nellie, b. June 26, 1887, cl. Nov. 10, 19+4 Batavia, N. Y., m. \Vil­ liam T. Lambert. No ch. 2909 {t) Martha" Cassada {Hannah/< Brown .... John::) and William Sherer of Petoskey, Mich. Ch.: Sherer: Norma. h. 1890; Grace, b. 1892. . 2912 (t) Hiram0 L. Brown (John" Brown, Alzina7 1faxon, Sam­ uel", n, 4, Jonathan\ John::) and Julia A. Thorpe of l\Iurray, N. Y. Ch.: Brown: 3436 (+) Cora Abigail, b. Dec. 30, 1873 Murray, N. Y .. cl. Sept. 24, 1946 Oswego, N. Y., m. Apr. 30, 1889 \.Yilliam C. Stafford, b. Aug. 16, 1866, son of James Stafford (Samuel) and Emily Bush of Horatio Bush and Rhoda Livermore. Farmer. Greenhouse owner and operator on West Ave., Brockport, 1903 to 1945. He lives with his dau. Ethel, No. 8 West 5th St., Oswego, N. Y. 3437 (+)Walter LeRoy, b. Oct. 15, 1879 l\forray, N. Y .. m. Feb. 14, 1902 M. Theta Hakes, b. l\fay 25, 1882 l\forray. N. Y., Rd. 387, clau. of Hamilton 0. Hakes (Elisha. Perez, Richard, George, Solomon) and Florence May Balcom (Geo. \Vash., Abner, Con­ stant, Joseph. John). See p. 14 and p. 225 Brown-Hakes and .\Hied Families. They raise and retail c,·ergrccns and hardy ornamentals. P. 0., Albion, N. Y., R. F. D. 1. .3438 Edna Caroline, b. Nov. 14. 1882 Barre, N. Y., m. Jan. 1, 1908 Lewis A. Hurley, b. Feb. 29, 1884, Sweden, N. Y., cl. Oct. 22, 1941, Lockport, N. Y., son of vVilliam and Louise (Bermister) Hurley (formerly Hocrle). He was a mechanic, ml'mbcr of the I.O.O.F., ancl she of the Eastern Star. He owned and operated a garage in Holley, N. Y., and a grain threshing outfit. Her P.O. (1948): Box 70413, R. 1, Fontana, Cala. 3439 Elvira Blanche Elizabeth, b. July 17, 1895, Murray, N. Y., killf!d at a R.R. crossing Oct. 15, 1949, near Anderson, Cala., m.1 and div. Ernest Derouchia, no ch., m.2 Oct. 16, 1926 William Frederick Zuehlke, b. Mar. 19, 1888 South Bend, Incl., son of William (b. Germany, d. 1899) and Henrietta (Smith) Zuehlke.


Ch.: Frederick \Vm., b. Burbank, Cala., Feb. 20, 1929, grad. H.S., was a Yeoman in the U. S. Coast Guard. Blanche grad. \Vhile~ mena Hosp. of Rochester, N. Y., and was a Reg. Nurse. She was killed Oct. 15, 1949 at a R. R. crossing near Anderson, Cala., buried at Redding, Cala. 2914 (t) Luella0 Brown (John~ Brown, Alzinai l\faxon, Samuel°, r., 4, Jonathan\ John:!, Richard') and Herbert C. Adams. Ch.: Adams: 3440 Mary Belle, b. Feb. 23, 1895, m. Mar. 24, 1914 \Vallace Nesbitt, b. Mar. 11, 1880, son of Samuel (Adam, John) and Jane (Hrad) Nesbitt. Gaines, N. Y. Employee of Continental Foods. One ch.: Luella Pearl Nesbitt. b. Jan. 20, 1915, m.1 and div. Orio 1 l\lariott and had Ronald \Vallace Mariott :!, b. Aug. 3, 1933, m.2 Feb. 17, 1940 Harold Burns, b. Huron, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1910, son of Joseph and Adelaide Burns. 3441 Edith Estella, b. Dec. 5, 1896 l\Iurray, N. Y., m. l\lar 24, 1914 Jesse Downey, b. July 22, 1890, son of Granger and Alice Car­ 11 penter dau. of David) Downey. 3 ch.: Downey ; Clyde Jesse, b. May 1, 1919, m. Oct. 4, 1947 Avis, dau. of Fay and Esther (Miller) Hollenbeck; Everett Gordon, b. May 25, 1930; and Keith Herbert, b. Nov. 9, 1936. 3442 Clark Everett, b. Nov. 3, 1899 Clarendon, N. Y., m. July 3, 1925 Jennie Dickerson, b. Apr. 3, 1908, dau. of Robert and Emeline 11 .(Briggs) Dickerson. 5 ch.: Adams : (1) Herbert Clark, b. Oct. 28, 1825, Radar \Vorker, \Vorld \Var II. m. Nov. 1, 1946 Etta Armstrong; (2) John Jay, b. Sept. 19, 1929, m. 1947 Phelma Siegel of N. Rose, N. Y., dau. Ann Marie h. Oct. 23. 1947; (3) Ralph Everett, b. July 1, 1932; (4) Robert Keith, b. Nov. 22, 1933; (5) Janet Edith, b. Oct. 30, 1936. 3443 Ruth Ione, b. Oct. 19, 1901 Clarendon. m. 1'.lay 6, 1924 Melvin Downey, h. Sept. 8, 1901, son of Granger and May (Freer) 11 Downey. 4 ch.: Downcy : (1) Barbara May, b. Oct. 7, 1925, 111. Sept. 21. 1946 Donald Parker, only child of Alf red and l\farjorie (Turner) Parker. Ch.: Donald'::: Scott Parker, b. Sept. 12, 1947, and Penelope Ann, b. Sept. 19, 1946. Kodak. (2) Marilyn Ruth, b. May 15. 1929; (3) Shirley Ann, b. Oct. 26, 1931; (4) Melvin John, b. Feb. 26, 1934. 3444 John Raymond, b. Feb. 6, 1905 Murray, N. Y., m. Sept. 28, 1926 Jessie Galloway. b. July 31, 1902, dau. of Russel and Hattie (Vincent) Galloway. State Road Worker, \Vayne Co., N. Y. Ch.: George Adams, b. Feb. 2. 1939. 3445 William Herbert, h. May 19, 1908 Barre, m. Nov. 26, 1937 Gladys T. Little. Ch.: William Fletcher Adams, b. July 24, 193~ and Earl Adams, b. Oct. 2, 1935. They were div. and he m.2 Betty LeVan. They live at 28 1'.leridith St., Rochester. He is connected with the cheese businss. 3446 Charles Francis, h. Sept. 15, 1910, m. June 30, 1936 Ruth Paine of N. Rose. She grad. Genesco Normal. Farmer, N. Rose, N. Y. 2926 (t) Minnie" Brown (lra11 Brown, Alzina1 Maxon .... Rich­ arcP) and Isaac Harrington. Ch.: 206 J\:IAXSON FAMILY - NINTH GENERATION

3447 1v1rs. Florence Harper, Clear vVater, Floricla. 2827 (t) Inez11 Brown (Ira" Brown, Alzina7 l\faxon .... ) ancl Jean Wires. Ch.: 3448 Ira Wires, b. Oct. 26, 189i, m. Apr. 17, 1918 Dora Wagner of Penfield, N. Y. Son Harolcl11 Wires b. Oct. Pl, 1919. Ch. by 2nd husband, John Bowen: Bowen: 3449 John E., b. Sept. 7, 1901, cl. Oct. 8, 1948, m. May 30, 1927 Helen Twiss, dau. of Clinton and l\fary (Lyford) Twiss of Batavia. Dau. Virginia m. Alphonso Zambito of Albion, N. Y. Son Lawrence of Knm;,Jesville, and son Lee. 3450 Daisy, h. Mar. 15, 1905, m. and div. Robert Gelclard. She lives at \Vest Palm Beach, Fla. 3451 Clifford, b. Dec. 20, 1906, m. Emma Kelley. Live at East Aurora. 3452 Howard, b. May 7, 1909, m.1 and div. Evelyn Spilman, m.2 Bes­ sie Lvfthouse, b. Nov. 19, 1917, dau. of \Villiam and Clara (Chap­ man) of Kendall, N. Y. Dau. Jane Ann b. Sept. 11, 1947. Bessie m.1 and cliv. Leo Curtis (George. William, James 1817-1880 of Kendall) and she had dau. Clara Diane Curtis. Howard Bowen is head of the Bowen Trucking Co. of .Murray, N. Y. 3453 Violet, b. June 10, 1911, m. Albert Bull. Ch.: James, Shirley, and David. Lancaster, N. Y. 3454 Richard, cl. about 1934, unm. 3455 Rose Bud, b. July 11, 1916, m. Charles Thomas, Jr., b. Jan. 25. 1910, son of :rvlrs. Thomas of 3 Ellicott Ave., Buffalo. He is Vice President of the Play Boy Corp., Kenmore Ave., Buffalo, and Clifton Parkway, 1\£t. Vernon. Res.: R. F. D., Hamburg, N. Y. Ch.: Thomas: Gary, b. June 17. 1942; Roger, h. Oct. 5, 1943; Karen. h. Apr. 15, 1945; and Ronald, h. Dec. 19, 1947. 3456 Robert, b. June 10, 1920, m. Jan. 1. 1947 Bettie Jane Boss, b. Mar. 13, 1918, dau. of William of Sandusky, 0. Ch.: Bonnie Clara Bowen, b. June 9, 1948. They live at l\lurray. He is em­ ployed by his brother Howard. 2928 (t) Carrie' A. Johnson (Betsc.'y~ Brown, Alzina; l\1axon, Sam­ uel\ r., \ Jonathan\ John:i) and Frank Freeman. Clarkson, N. Y. Ch.: 3457 Burton Freeman, b. June 30. 1906, grad. H.S. and Brockport Normal. He scrvc.'cl in \Vorld \Var II. 3458 Forest Freeman, h. Mar. 23, 1909, grad. H.S. Brockport, Cheese­ brough Jr. School at Chili, N. Y., ancl Greenville, Ill .. College, A.B., 19.35. He studied at the Unh-. of Chicago and majored in social work at St P,,_-.,1, l\Tinn. He attcnclccl the Rochester Col­ gate Divinity Univ. Preacher. He m. Aug. 28, 1938 Isabel, dau. of Dr. L. H. Crutchfield of St. Paul, :Minn. Ch.: Carol Rav. h. July 25, 1939, and Robert Fr<.'eman, b. Jan. 9. 1941. • 2929 (t) Esther" A. Johnson (Sister to Carrie, abo,·e) and Simon Redinger. Ch.: Redinger: 3459 (+)Gladys, b. Dec. 12, 1895, m. Dec. 15. 1915 \Varel \Ventworth, b. Sept. 28, 1894, son of Andrew and Hattie (Johnson) \Vent­ worth. Farmer. They live on Rd. 104, north of Holley, N. Y.


3460 (+) I\lildrccl, b. Feb. 11, 1898, m. 1919 Arthur Chrispcll, b. Jan. 23, 1897, son of James E. ancl Sarah (Hammond) Chrispcll of Slaterville Spr., N. Y. They live at Niagara Falls, N. Y. 3461 Ruth, b. Feb. 5, 1900, m. Feb. 5, 1928 Morris Burns, salesman, :rvlaywood, Ill. Ch.: Virginia Ruth Burns, b. Aug. 31, 1930. 3462 Theodore, b. Dec. 1, 1901, m. 1925 Gladys Lee. Ch.: Redinger: Betty Jane, b. Nov. 3, 1925; Robert LaVerne, b. May 5, 1928; and Eleanor. 3463 Kenneth, b. May 25, 1909, lives 1501 Linwood Ave., Niagara Falls. 3464 Eleanor, b. June 2, 1915. 2930 (t) Melvin11 Johnson (Betsey Brown, Alzina7 Maxon, Sam­ uel°, ", 4, Jonathan:i, John:i) and Lettie Wright. Ch.: Johnson: 3465 (+)Avis, b. June 7, 1900, m. June 21, 1923 Luther W. Ohlbeck, b. June 25, 1899. He graduated from the Univ. of Rochester, M. D.; she also graduated A.B. from the University of Roch­ ester. 3466 ( +) Melvin, b. July 13, 1902, m. June 25, 1949 Marion Beaumont of Br(.lckport. She grad. Albany State Teacher's College, Mas­ ter's Degree. He grad. Granville College, Mich. He is librar­ ian in East Rochester High School. 2931 (t) Burton E. Johnson (Brother to Melvin, above) and Iva Sherwood of Audobon, N. J. Ch.: Johnson. 3467 Caroline, b. May 12, 1905, m. August J ackall, b. Camden, Pa., Jan. 23, 1903. Contractor and Builder. Ch.: Jackal: Burton, 1924-1925; and Tva J can, b. May 23, 1928. 3468 Sherwood, b. Apr. 25, 1906, m. Nov. 6, 1928 Edna Shannon, b. 11 Mar. 15, 1909. Ch.: Johnson: Shirley Ann , b. Apr. 18, 1936; Patricia Ruth, b. Sept. 18, 1939; ancl Carol, b. Jan. 21, 1942. He continues his father's business at Audobon, N. J. 3469 Ruth, b. Apr. JO, 1910, m. --- Day and they have Burton Day. He is a welder in the New York ship yarcl. 3470 Jean Louise, b. Aug. 28, 1920, m. June 9, 1942 Neil E. Losch. 2932 (t) Grace R. Johnson (Sister to Melvin, above) and Floyd King of Rochester, N. Y. Ch.: King: 3471 Maurice, b. !viay 27, 1910, grad. Univ. of Rochester and from the Gen. Staff School of Leavenworth, Kan., m. Jan. 2, 1943 Helen Josephine, clau. of Robert Klebert and Margaret Riegler, b. \iVurtzcnburg, Germany. He is connected with the Veterans Administration, Washington, D. C. Son Richard David Johnson b. Oct. 4, 1943. 3472 Richard Charles, u. Apr. 5, 1914, grad. R.B.U., Rochester, m. Nov. IO, 1939 Lillian Arlene, dau. of Victor C. Wagner (cl. 1944) and Cecil Bachrich. Son Stephen Paul b. June 2, 1945. He is chief consulting engineer for the Cone Textile Co., Greensboro, N. C. 2935 (t) Edith R. Johnson (sister to Melvin) and Frank Wilson of Brockport, N. Y. Ch.: Wilson: 3473 Belva, b. June 24, 1910, m. Jan. 1, 1934 Oyde, son of Arch Brown


and Edith \Villinms of Brockport. Res. 23 l\Ionroe Ave., Brock­ port, N. Y. 3474 Helen, b. Mar. 16, 1917, grad. Brockport H.S. ancl RB.I. of Rochester. 2934 (t) Augusta11 Greene (Lucy~ A. Chase, Ruth D,i ~[ axon. Sa111- 1 ucl", '\ 4. Jonathan: , John:!) and Daniel Craine. Ch.: Craine; 3475 Clark Anson. b. 1Iar. 26, 1876, lawyer, m. Mary \Vright. Ch.: Clark Anson, h. Oct. 6, 1907. Res. 110 East Ave., Lockport, N. Y. 3476 Dan Thomas, h. Jan. 11, 1878. d. No\'. 21, 1928, 111. Ruth Cham­ berlain. Ch.: Craine: J\larjorie, b. Apr. 11, 1912, m. \Villiam Casey. Res. Buffalo; Dorothy, h. Sept. 6, 1913, of Buffalo; and Dan Jr., b. Mar. 29, 1929. 3477 Lon-J <.'ssamin. h. Nov. 19, 1892. Vocal Coach. Lockport, N. Y. 2938 (t) Julia11 E. r.lincklcy (Laura·~ Chase, Ruth7 .l\faxon, Sam­ 2 uelU, :0, 4, Jonathan, John ) and J ehicl A. Beebe. Ch.: Beebe: 3478 Myrna Adell, b. Aug. 28. 1881. 111. Nov. 19, 1910 \Villiam R. Lan­ don. Ch.: Landon: 'William R., h. Feb. 18, 1915; and l\·Iurial, b. Sept. 18, 1920. 3479 Charles J ehicl, b. June 29, 1883, m. !\far. 8, 1906 Bertha Adel Niles. Ch.: Helen Niles Beebe, h. Nov. 29, 1910. Near Water­ ville, N. Y. 1 8 7 2945 (t) J-Iattie ' Brown (l\forris Brown, Betsey :Maxon, Sam­ uel11, ", 4. Jonathan~, John~) and Levi Taylor. Ch.: Taylor: 3480 Yona, 111. John Thompson of Elsie, Mich. Dau. l\Iary m. --- 1\[eacl of Owasso, Mich. 3481 Norman. · 3482 Jessie, m. & div. Gustav R. Blcssum. Son Ray B. Blessum has a son, Norma11 11 Blessum. Albuquerque, N. I\L 3483 Truman C.. has 3 ch .. Brant, 1\lich. (Records 1935.) 2956 (t) Roscoc1' Mincklcy (Lucys Brown. Betscyi Maxon, Sam­ uel°, r., ◄• Jonathan, John~) and Estella Gates of l\forrny, N. Y. Ch.: Mincklcy: 3484 i\Iabcl, b. i\Iar. 28, 1896, d. Mar . ..J., 1916, m. Flovd Nailor. No ch. 3485 h·an h. Jan. 27, 1903, cl. Sept. 24, 1923. • 3486 Lewis, b. Aug. 27, 1905, m. Jan. 1, 1936 Ethel Bailey, b. Aug. 21, 1907, dau. of Brrt and May (Townsend) Bailey of .l\Iurrny. He is one of the engineers at the Fancher RR pumping station. Ch.: Robert Lewis .l\Iincklcy, b. Jan. 10, 1941. 3487 Pearl. h. Sept. 26, 1907, m. Apr. 1927 Raynor Boyce, son of Elmer F. and l\Iargarct Boyce. Ch.: Raynor Boyce, b. Sept. 21, 1930; and Lois l\Iarilyn Boyce, b. Jan. 1937. Engineer at the Fa11chcr pumping station. 3488 Roscoe Lisle, h. July 9. 1912, m. Mar. 29, 1936 Naomi Harling, b. May 29, 1915, dau. of \Villiam a1l'l Blanche (Tice) Harling of 3arre, N. Y. He is a bus driver for the Greyhound Bus Co. Res. Stat<.' St., Albion. N. Y. Ch.: l\Iincklcy: Janice Eileen, b. !\far. 16, 1937; Eleanor, h. Apr. 19, 1939; Donna Lucille, h. Jan. 20, 1942; and \Vi11iam Ivan, h. June 20. 1944. 2959 Ct) Jennic° Brown (1-IiramR E. Brown, Bctscy1 l\[axon, Sam-


uel°, r., 4, Jonathan:i, John:!) and Freel Hinds of l\Iurray, N. Y. Ch.: Hinds: 3489 Madge, b. Dec. 12, 1893, 111. John Pictrie, h. Mar. 9, 1896 Holley, N. Y., son of Frank and Fannie (Lewis, clau. of Edward Lewis ancl Sarah Hatch) Pictrie. Ch.: Elouise Jane, b. 1\far. 29, 1927, m. Nov. 2, 1946 Neil Francis, son of Leon Hawley of Hol1ey, N.Y. 3490 Sarah, b. !\Tar. 6, 1895, school teacher, m. Jan. 17, 1930 Neal \Vilson, son of \Villiam \,Yilson and Ellen Harling. Farmer. Albion, N. Y. Sec Brown-Hakes ancl Alliccl Families, p. XIII and XI. 3491 Helen l\Tary h. June 6, 1901, m. & div. Pierce Stahl of Elmira, no ch., m.2 Jack Suggs. He has a paint shop. P. 0. 85 N. E. 19th St., 1\-liami, Fla. 3492 Stanley, h. Sept. I. 1910, m. Loretta--. Ch.: Hinds: Linda Jane, h. Dec. 8, 1939; Gail Madge, b. Jan. 1942; and Joyce l\Iildred (Twin to Gail). P. 0. 112 Dunlop St., Buffalo, N. Y. 3493 l\Iarion, b. Aug. 4, 1913. \rVorks for Eastman Kodak, Roches­ ter, N. Y. 2960 (t) Bruce" Stockham (Emily8 Hard, Lucy7 1\faxon, Sam­ uel\ r., 4, Jonathan\ John~) and Cora Root of Murray, N. Y. Ch.: Stockham: 3494 ( +) Noble Ward, h. Feh. 11, 1891, m. Edna vValey, b. July 14, 1907, dau. of Charles \iValey of Murray, N. Y. Farmer in Mur­ ray, former town colkctor. member of F. & A. M. of Holley. Insurance Agent. cl. Apr. 27, 1950. 3495 Mary B., b. Nov. 14, 1893, teaches school in Rochester, N. Y. 3496 ( +) William, h. 1\Tay 3, 1895, m. Shirley Ventress, dau. of Archie and Julia (Crossett) Ventress. Farmer in Clarendon. 3497 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1897. Lives in Rochester. 3498 Gertrude, h. Aug. 18, 1898, m. Charles Schrader. Ch.: Charles, b. Mar. 11, 1929; a-nd Cora Jane Schrader, b. Nov. 28, 1934. 3499 Harry, b. :May 4, 1900, m. Helen Brady of Belmar, N. J. 2 ch.: Rohert, b. 1\ug. 19, 1930; and Sybil, b. Aug. 26, 1935. Farmer. 3500 Earl, b. Sept ..10. 190.2, m. 1\fargarct Kelley. Son, John, b. Mar. 2, 1931. 2962 (t) Elizabeth 0 B. Stockham (Sister to Bruce, ahove) and George S. Salisbury of }Hurray, N. Y. Ch.: Salisbury: 3501 George S., b. Oct. 15, 1900 1\furray, grad. H.S., m. June 29, 1922 Marjorie Babbit, grad. H.S., dau. of J.C. and Sarah (Hoag) Babbit of Albion. N. Y. Tl·,i:J live in Albion. Ch.: George, b. Jan. 31, 1930. 3502 \i\!illarcl, b. Apr. 21, 1907 hJurray, N. Y., grad. H.S., m. Sept. 14, 1929 Hazel B. Payne. b. Aug. 29, 1907, dau. of vValtcr G. Payne of Knowlesvillc. Son Donald, h. Sept. 9, 1933. Farmer on the farm of his father and of his grandfather Salisbury in Murray. 2963 (t) Emma0 A. Stockham (EmiJyK H:trd, Lucy· Maxon, Sam­ uel", ·\ 4. Jonathan\ John~) and James A. Balcom of Murray. Ch. : Balcom :


.350.1 Andrew James, b. Jan. 7, 1896 l\f urray, m. Nov. 27, 1919 Gladys Elaine \Vashburn, b. July 4, 1897, clau. of Gates and Eva (Blair) \Vashburn of Albion, N. Y. He grad. Holley H. S., and she grncl. Albion H.S. ancl \Vcllesley College. She is head of the English Dept. of the Charlotte H.S. He collects for a l\fogazine Agency. They live at 134 Landing Road, Rochester, N. Y. Ch.: I3arhara Jean Balcom. h. Oct. 24. 1921 Albion, N. Y., m. May 8, 1942 Joseph R. Covert, .!'On of \V. Ray and Esther Covert of Bok St., Rochester. Both were of the class of 1943, Univ. of Rochester. He was in the Ordinance Division in \Vorld \Var II. Both are employed at Eastman Kodak (1948). Res.: 100 Holloway Rd. 350+ Harriet Adeline, b. May 2, 1898 Murray, N. Y., m. Apr. 19, 1922 Edwin Morton Read, b. Oct. 13, 1894, son of l\Iorton Gustavus and l\Iary ('Whipple) Read of Brockport, N. Y. He was 2nd Lieut., Air Service, \Vorlcl \Var I. He grad. Univ. of Mich., Architect. Employed by Eastman Kodak. She grad. Holley H.S. and has her 1\fast. Degree from Eastman School of l\fusic. She gives instruction in music at her home in Brockport. 11 0 11 2965 (t) l\leta Vail (Harriet~ Hard, Lucy; Maxon, Samucl , , 4, Jonathan\ John:!) and George Harkness of Oakfield, N. Y. Ch.: Harkness: 3505 Carlis, b. Elba, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1895, m. Apr. 12, 1921 Ruth Hull, h. i\lay 9, 1892, dau. of George and Julia (Vogan) Hull. Draughtsman. Res.: Gasport, N. Y. Ch.: Harkness: Eleanor Carol, b. July 7, 1923, grad. Buffalo State Teachers College Jan. '46, teaches· at Lyons Central School ( 1946); and Geraldine Ruth, b. Jan. 7, 1926, now (1946) at Grove City, Pa. College in her Junior year. 3506 Donald, b. Jan. 3, 1900, m. July 14, 1930 Ruth Rossiter, b. Oct. S, 1894, dau. of John and Blanche (l\fclntyre) Rossiter of Stone­ boro, Pa. 3507 Harold, b. Jan. 3, 1900, m. June 19, 1926 Frances Crawford, adopted dau. of --- Crawford. Ch.: Harkness: David, b. May 27, 1927; and Louise, b. Nov. 19, 1934. 2977 (t) Del1 11 1\faxon (Fillmore'\ Elijah7, Samuc1'1, r., \ Jonathan\ 2 John ) and Laura Robb of Clarendon, N. Y. Ch.: Maxon: 3508 Homer, b. June 17, 1906, m. June 30, 1932 Sarah Smitherson of Youngstown, N. Y., d. May 2, 1941. 2 ch.: Maxon: Clyde, b. Dec. 12, 1933; and Glen, b. July 27, 1937. Homer m.2 l\{ar. 30, 1944 Mary Eleanor Quackinbush, b. Oct. 7, 1913, clau. of Myles and Jennie (Lake) Quackinbush of Holley. N. Y. See p. 387 Lake, in Landmarks of Orleans Co. Ch.: Jan Lucinda Maxon, b. Oct. 7, 1947. Sarah Smithcrson was a school teacher. M. Eleanor Quackinbush grad. Brockport Normal and taught in the H_olley H.S. before her marriage. They have a large dairy farm m Clarendon. He is a member of Holley F. & A. M. 3509 Lester James, b. Apr. 21, 1908, m. Apr. 15, 1933 Clara Genevieve Orcutt, dau. of Grant Orcutt of Clarendon. Ch.: 1\Jaxon: Roger


Lee, b. Apr. 17, 1936; and Lester James, b. Dec. 13, 1943, d. June 12, 1944. Farmer. 3510 Howard, b. l\Iar. 18. 1911, m. Sept. 16, 1933 Adel \Vebb. Ch.: Maxon: Joice Carol, b. Feb. 1, 1934; Beverly Ann, b. Aug. 12, 1938; and Shirley Jane, b. Apr. 27, 1941. 3511 Bruce, b. Sept. 24. 1914, m. Nov. 20, 1941 Bertha l\Ieirs, dau. of August l\-Icirs of \Vest Kendall, N. Y. Ch.: l\laxon: Bruce Dell, b. l\Jar. 24. 1947. Res. Clarenclon, N. Y. 3512 Neal T., h. Dec. 1, 1918, grad. Brockport Normal School Teach­ er, m. 1942 Jean Boyce, clau. of Robert of Elba, N. Y. B.S., Oswego State Teachers College. 2978 Ct) Gcorgct' l\faxon (Brother tu Dell, above) and Pearl Peters of Clarendon, N. Y. Ch.: I\laxon: 3513 Esthe, b. ---, 111. June 25, 1947 Charles Johnson of Warsaw, where she was a commercial teacher. Res. \,Varsaw. 3514 \,Vilbur, d. Jan. 14, 1950, age 21, m. Virginia Symonds. 2979 (t) l\Iyrtle11 l\[axon (Sister to Dell, above) and Frank Heise of Clarendon. Ch.: Heise: 3515 Carl, h. Feb. 28, 1907, m. Apr. 3, 1929 Evelyn Schwartz, b. Nov. 1, 1906. Dau. Shirley Ann b. June 21, 1937. 3516 Gladys, h. June 15, 1909, 111. l\Tay 28, 1932 Henry J. Karns, b. l\fay 30, 1904. Dau. Joanna l\I. Karns, h. Oct. 2, 1934. 3517 l\farion, b. No,·. 8, 1917. 2980 (t) l\fahcl'1 l\faxon (Sister to Dell, above) and Charles Green~ acre of Buffalo, N. Y. Ch.: Grccnacre: 3518 Clifford, m.1 Ruth Orma, m.2 1fay 29, 1936 --- 3519 Beatrice, m. Rowland Bingham. clau . .i\fary Jane. 3520 Edith, m. --, has a dau. 3521 George. 11 7 11 2983 (t) Ralph Edward l\Taxon (Fillmore\ Elijah , SamueJ!I, , 4, Jonathan\ John::) and Bonnabcl Brooks of Kendall, N. Y. Ch.: l\Iaxon: 3522 Harold Brooks, b. l\lar. 21. 1923, rn. Oct. 30, 1946 Louise Callard, dau. of Jay Callarcl of Clarendon, N. Y. Son, David Harold l\Iaxon, h. Oct. 4, 1947. 3523 Richard Ralph, b. 1\fay 20, 1925. 3524 Boyd Scott, b. Sept. 24, 1932. Enters Syracuse Univ. 1950, College of Applied Science; will major in Chemical Engineer­ ing. Richard and Harold were in the Navy in \\'arid War II. Q.M. 1/c U.S. Navy. 2985 (t) l\Iinnie11 Grinnell (John~ Grinnell, Lucy; Babcock, Johna Bahcock. Ruth Maxson\ Samuel\ Jonathan\ John:) and Enos Rice of Barre, N. Y. Ch.: 3525 Enos Grincll Rice, h. July 16, 1900, m. Oct. 22, 1929 Marian Sharp, h. May 4, 1899, clau. of William ancl Belle (Toulson) Sharp of Albion, N. Y. Son, Lyman Enos Rice, b. June 16, 1931. Fanner in Barre, N. Y. 2988 (t) lvau Lucila Grincll (John8 Grincll, Lucy7 Babcock, Johna Babcock, Ruthr. !\faxson, Samuel\ Jonathana. John:) and Thomas G. Hoagland. Ch. : 212 MAXSON F.-\?\IILY - NINTH GENERATIO;'\

3526 Thomas Gordon Hoagland, b. Apr. 7, 1912. 3527 John Grincll Hoagland, h. July 23, 1916, grad. Princeton Univ. 1938. Civil Engineer. In 1946 l\lrs. Iva Hoagland was living at 180 Ashland Ave., Bloomficlcl, N. J.


111 1 3005 (t) Lucy A. Chase (\Villia111 ' \V. Chase. Amey~ Hubbard, 7 0 3 Amcy Stillman, Joseph Stillman, Mary·~ l\faxson, Joseph\ , John:!, Richarcl1) and Orio G. Briggs. Ch.: Briggs: 3.:28 Pearl Lucy, b. Prairicduchien, \Vis., Aug. 14, 1887, m. Oct. 28, 1914, Albany, \Vis., Claude R. Chamberlain, b. Fcg. 21. 1891, son of James R. and Nora (Davis) Chamberlain. 3 ch.: Chamber­ lain: (1) Ruth 1:! l\farian, b. July 24, 1915, Emerald Grove, Wis .. m. Sept. 27, Clarence H. Kemnitz and they have 2 sons: Kemnitz 1 a: Philip C., b. Oct. 19, 1937; and David Robert, b. 1'.far. 5, 1942. Res.: Beloit, \,Vis. (1948); (2) Robert, b. Aug. 15, 1921, Beloit, \Vis., 111. Apr. 13, 1945 Katherine Holloway of Beloit. He cl. July 14, 1945 from an accident. Dau. Barbara Jean 1 Chamberlain, b. Jan. 27, 19-16; and (3) Evclyn :? Lucy, b. Nov. 16. 1924, Beloit, m. Mar. 21, 1942 Rollin l\Iiner Case. He en­ 13 listed and served 3 vrs. in \,Vorld 'War II. 2 ch.: Casc : Gilbert Rollin, b. Oct. 28, 1942; and Paul Gardner, b. 11.l"ay 17, 1946. 3529 Roy William, b. Aug. 23, 1889 Prairie du chicn. m. Dec. 23, 1916 Anna Nettie Wurtz of Chicago, b. Dec. 11. 1897, dau. of Herman and Elizabeth \Vurtz. 4 ch.: Ilriggs1 :!: ( 1) Harold Roy, b. Chi­ cago, June 2, 1918, m. June 25, 1940 Elsie Helene Zellmer and they have Susan Ann •a Briggs, b. Oct. 24, 1941; (2) Edith Ber­ nice, b. Albany, \Vis., Sept. 26. 1922, m. Sept. i, 1946 Charles Sidney i\follincaux; (3) Marian Elaine, b. Chicago, Nov. 18, 1925, m. 1far. 1. 1947 1!Nalter I3ell, "Bob''; and (4) Audrey Elizabeth. b. Dec. 12, 1927, Chicago. 3530 Pira Elmina, b. Viroqua, \Vis., Jan. 25, 1893, d. Jan. 31. 1895. 3531 Edith \,Vinifred, b. Dec. 11, 1896, Viroqua. \Vis., 111. Sept. 12, 1920 Elmer Leslie Peters, b. July 28, 1893 at Three Oaks, Mich., cl. Sept. 2, 1939, bur. Viroqua, \Vis., son of Luke and Nellie (Conrad) Peters. No ch. Her P.O.: Mrs. Edith B. Peters, 1408 Randall St., Beloit, \,Vis. She furnished the lines of descent from Mary=-- Maxson and sent charts showing her other lines of descent. Her father was a printer and first met her mother in the Monitor Office at Tomah, \Vis., where she was employed as a typesetter. She is a member of the Eastern Star. 3116 (t) Blaine Perle Wehrly10 (Olive0 J. Smith, Prudence8 Maxson, 7 6 4 Jesse , Elizaheth Davis, W. Thomas" Davis, Elizabeth Max­ son, John3, :?) ancl Ermina Gladys Ashcraft of Portland, Indi­ ana. Ch.:


3532 \Villiam Lewis \Vchrly, h. l\lay 27, 1913 at s:;o ·west High St., Portland, Incl., 111. Apr. 17, 1938 l\fadonna Belle Phillips, b. June 18, 1915, Dunkirk, Ind., dau. of Dale Phillips and Hazel Ford, 1 and they have Stcphen !! Phillips \Vehrly, b. July 30, 1943 Ko­ koma, Ind. Mr. Blaine P. \Vchrly grad. from the College of Horology, Phila., Pa., 1905. He owns and manages a Watch and Clock Hospital, Portland, Incl. Data fron·1 : Mrs. Blaine Wehrly, 936 W. High, Portland, Ind., 1946. 3134 (t) George L. Hatter10 (Ella:' J. Burdick, Esther~ Maxson, William7, °, r., John\ Joseph\ John::) and Lillian Pasko. Ch.: b. Minneapolis, :Minn., Hatter: 3533 Vida Lillian, b. Mar. 4, 1891, stenographer, m. 1911 Paul C. Han­ son. Res. Cedar Rapids, Ia. Department Manager, Salesman. 4 ch. 3534 Cora Dawn, h. Oct. 10, 1892, 111. 1915 F. Lawman, b. Man­ chester, Ia. 3535 Thomas G., b. Cresco, Ia., 1901. 3536 June Elizabeth, h. Cresco, Ia., 1904, m.1 and div. Herbert New­ ell, m.2 Robert McKinley. 2 ch. More detail, Burd. Gen., p. 574. 3151 (t) Carolinc 10 May Fletcher (Charlcs:i H. Fletcher, Mary8 2 Crandall, Lois• l\faxson, 'William'\ \ John\ Joseph'\ John , Richarcfl) and 'William R. Avery of Waterville, N. Y. Ch.: Avery: 3537 Lulu, b. Jan. 2, 1885, assistant postmistress at \i\7aterville, N. Y. unm. 3538 Bessie M., h. June 14. 1886, m. July 9, 1913 John L. Nielcls, son of John and Mary S. (Lent) Nielcls of Phila .. Pa. Live at Rome, N. Y. Issue. 3539 Maggie, h. Dec. 25, 1888, m. Apr. 3, 1912 Chester Eddy Rosen­ burg of Rome, N. Y. Ridge Mills, Rome. Issue. 3540 Carrie Mauck, h. Mar. 9, 1890, cl. July 23, 1918 at Alcoa, Tenn., m. Oct. 4, 1916 Maxwell E. Noyes. No ch. 3541 vVilliam Lee, h. Sept. 10, 1894, m. Mar. 2, 1920 and div. 1941, Elizabeth Theresa Stegmaier, h. Oct. 10, 1899 at Elizabeth, N. J., clau. of Otto (Karl, Johannes. l\tichacl. Johann !\I ichael, Jo­ hann. Georg1 of Goppinger, Wurttcmlmrg, Germany) ancl Ber­ tha (Dissman) Stegmaier. \V. L. Avery did service in World \Var I, was of Colgate Class of 1917, B.S. Degree. E. T. S. Avery clicl service in \V.A.C. in \Vorld \Var II. \Vm. L. Avery is manager of the Empire State Collection Bureau, Rochester, N. Y. E. T. S. lives (1947) in Rochester. 2 ch.: Averyu: (1) William Lee, b. Rome, N. Y., Jan. IS, 1921. B.A. Univ. of Rochester Dec. 20, 1942, Class of 1943. Teacher of ancient and modern languages. Besides teaching he has been working for his M.A. at Middlebury College. Home address: (1947): \Va­ terville, N. Y. unm. School Address ( 1947): 40 Prospect St., Brewster, N. Y. (Teaches Latin and French ancl Algebra at Westchester, N. Y.) Above data back to Lois7 Maxson was


furnished by vVm. Lee Avery, Jr. He has made a study of genealogy and has extensive data on other families. (2) John Royce, b. Jan. 23, 1922, Rome, N. Y. Studied at Athanaeum and l\lechanics Institute, Rochester, N. Y. Served in \Varlet \Var I.I. \Vith G"ncrnl l'dotors, Rochester. Prepar­ ing his l\LE. at General l\Iotors Institute, Flint, l\lich. unm. 1947. (3) Lulu 1'.[ay, h . .l\lar. 11. 1925. Passaic, N. ]., rn. Aug. 22, 1942 Russel G. Ogden, h. Sept. 12, 1923, Waten·illc, N. Y., son of Oney D. ancl Grace (Lortschcr) Ogden. They live at \Vater­ villc. 2 ch.: Ogdc11 1a: Rus.scll. !J. l\lar. 14, 1944; and John \Vil­ liam, h. Jan. 16, 1946. \Villiam L. Avery's office is at 204 El­ wood Bldg., Corned of l\lain and State. 10 1 3172 (t) Frederick E. Swancott ( Bclinda ' l\laxson, Charless P., 1 John7, Joshua", Tory~. John\ Joseph: , John~) ancl Jessie Jan­ ette .l\Iarshall of Norich, Utica. and \Vhitesboro, N. Y. 01.: Swancott: {1) G. Harry. h. June 9, 1890, Utica. m. Oct. 17, 1914 Edith Batsforcl. b. June 17. 1890, dau. of Edwin Thomas Batsford and Frances Louise VlttLH.11! ..-of Utica. One child: Tracy Hunt Swancott, b. Dec. 27. 1918, cl. Apr. 26, 1931. She was registrar of Old Fort Schuyler Society, Chilclren of the Amer. Rev. Rev. Frederick E. Swancott continued the "Swancott Livery" upon the cleath of his father in 1906, ancl in 1909 his son Harry joined with him. Later the livery building was built over and the Utica Taxi ancl Auto Co., Inc., was founckcl, later called Swan­ cott's Garage. This was operatl'cl until 1932. Later Harry Swancott was an oil salesman, and is now (1950) cashier finan­ cial man for the Cc·ntral New York Coach line with office in Utica. ]-le is n·gistrar of the Ori.skany Battle Chapter. Sons of the Amer. Rev. Service of Torre,· l\faxson. Res.: 11 Green­ wood Court, Utica. l\frs. G. Har.ry Swancott is registrar of the Oneida Chapter. D.A.R., also registrar of Utica Colony, New Eng. \Vomen. and librarian of the Oneida Historical So­ cietv at Utica. Shl' furnishL·d much of this l\Iaxson line. (2) ·l\lar E,·<.·lyn, h. Dec. 27, 1893, Utica. t111111 •• teaches piano. Chairman of Utica Chapter of Piano Teachers. She has charge of the teaching of music at the i\lasonic Home in Utica. She has a studio at 199 l\Iain St., \Vhitesboro, N. Y. Her training was very broad. (3) Lew Marshall, b. June 22, 1906 Utica. m. Apr. 21, 1934 at Germantown, Phila., Pa. Katherine Nagel, b. July 18, 1903. He is a Baptist minister, attended Colgate Univ., ancl gracl. from Woodbury College, Pa. Now (1950) at \Vaterloo, N. Y. Ch.: Swancott: 31 }frrre, b. June 28, 1938, Elton, N. Y. 32 Charles Frederick, b. Nov. 15, 1936, cl. Jan. 18, 1937 33 Elizabeth, b. June 21, 1938. 34 James Harold, b. Nov. 8, 1942.


3173 (t) Florence E. Clarkcrn (Myrteltc11 A. l\laxson, Charles11 P., 11 2 John', Joscph , Torey", John\ Joseph\ John ) and Claude \V. Camengo of Brookfield, N. Y. 5 Ch.: Camengo: 3542 Charles Clarke, h. Feb. 7, 1900, m. Aug. 16, 1922 at Al­ fred, N. Y. Gladys l\faralyn Davis, b. Sept. 20, 1898, Salem, W. v·., dau. of 12 Virginius L. and Lilea Odell (Knight) Davis. Ch.: Camengo ; Robert Davis, b. May 11, 1923, Hornell, N. Y.; Dorolhy Mara­ lyn, b. Sept. 8, 1924, Brookfield, N. Y.; and Carlos l\'lcacle, b. June 16, 1926. P.O. 310 l\larshall St., Syracuse, N. Y. 3543 l\Jyrtilla Elmira, b. t\pr. 26. 1902 Brookfield, N. V., 111. Dec. 26, 1921 Stanley Newey \Varner, b ..May 25, 1901 Verona, N. Y., son of Henry B. and Vic Julia (Newey) \Varner. Ch.: \Var­ ner1::: Alva Camengo, b. June 28, 1923 llrookficlcl, N. Y.; vVil­ liam Garth, b. Mar. 29, 1926 Durhamville, N. Y.; l\lauricc \.Vaync, b. Mar. 15, 1931; Richard Stanley, b. Dec. 26, 1934i and Glen Wallace, b. May 2i, 19-W Durhamville. P.O. Durham­ villc, N. Y. 3544 Harold Frederick, b. May 21, 190i Brookfield, 111. Oct. 30, 1930 Katherine Jean Jennings, b. June 7. 1913 Brookfielcl, dau. of Harley Norman and Alida Elizabeth (Gorton) Jennings. 3 ch.: Camcngo1:!: Jean Marie, b. Oct. 26. 1931 Brookfield i Myrna Joyce, b. June 25, 1935 i and Carl Lauren, h. Oct. 21, 1937 Brook­ field. P.O.: West Edmeston, N. Y. 3545 Lawrence Dix, b. Nov. 21. 1908 Brookfield, m. Sept. 1, 1932 in l\T ansfield, Pa., Harriet Viola French, b. Feb. 22, 1911 Little l\larsh, Pa., clan. of Nathan Edwin anrl Idcssa Edith (Raupp) French. 2 ch.: Camcngo 1:!: Nathan Dix, h. Aug. 17, 1934 Mans­ field. Pa.; ancl Bruce Clarke, b. Jan. 16. 1935 Mansfield, Pa. P.O. (about 1939): 250 Grant St., Buffalo, N. Y. 3546 Kenneth Arnold, h. June 11, 1910, m. June.· 19.31 in !i.-lilton, \,Vis .. Evalyn Skaggs, dau. of James L. and Hattie (Whitney) Skaggs. 2 ch.: Camengo1z: Cl:rncle Justin, b. l\lay 16, 1936 Urookfielrl; and David LeRoy. b. Ang. 26, 1938 New Ikrlin, N. Y. P.O.: South Edmeston, N. Y. 31i5 (t) Bien Enola Clarkc111 (rvlyrtclla" J\. Maxson, Charles~ P., 2 John7, Joshua", Torey\ John\ Joseph='. Jolm , RicharcJI) ancl Silas \,V. Mitter of Brookfield. N. Y. Ch.: Mitter: 3547 Donald Oarke, b. Nov. 16, 1912, m. Sept. 22, 193-1- Gwendolen Johnson, b. Nov. 5, 1915, dau. of Fay B. and Ruby (White) Johnson of Brookfield. Res. Brookfield. He is employed by the Savage Arms Plant, Utica (1943). Ch.: .i\-Iitter 1z: Bernard Silas, b. Oct. 21, 1936; Harold, b. Jan. 6, 1938; and Linda Jane, b. Apr. 22, 1941. 3176 (t) Ruby Viola Gertrude Clarke10 (Myrtella0 A. Maxson, 8 Charles P., John7, Joshua6, Torey\ John\ Joseph:', Johnz, Rich­ ard') and Clark M. Todd. Ch.: Todd: 3548 Robert Loyal, b. Aug. 9, 1908, m. June 12, 1935 Miriam Lucille Prentice, b. May 9, 1911, dau. of Asa Lee and Miriam (Mon-


roe) Prentice of Nortonville, Kan. Both are active in church (S.D.B.) and fraternal (Grange) organizations. He grad. from the Univ. of Madison; she attended l'viilton College and taught school in Kansas before their marriage. 3549 Bernice Evelyn, b. Aug. 13, 1910, grad. Milton, Wis., H.S. and attended Milton College one year. She is office assistant to Dr. L. M. Burdick of Milton. unm. (1939). 10 0 8 1 ,3191 (t) Lou R. Maxon (Frank , Lois \Veston Thomas Thomas , Richard", John\ •, :i, :i, Richarcl1) and l\farjoric Dau of Detroit, l\1 ich. Ch.: 3550 Lou Alin ·Maxon, b. Dec. 18, 1923. 3551 Marjorie Beth Maxon, b. i\Jay 6, 1928, m. Frank Banks \,Vare, son of Dr. F. Bctram \Vare of Rivard Blvd., Detroit, Mich. 8 7 3194 (t) Carlton'° Crandall (Joel Crandall°, , l\fartha Maxson, 2 Peleg", l\[atthewr'i John\ :i, , Richarc11) and Hulda :rviaxson1, 6 Benj. , r., John\ :i, :i) and lvlinnic Greene of Friendship, N. Y. Ch.: 3552 Ethel Crandall, b. 1881t m. C. Irving :rvlonroe. Ch.: Monroeu; Evelena; Lloyd; Victor; and Carl (cl.y.). Her parents live with her in Friendship, N. Y. 3553 Eva, cl. about 1934, m. vVilliam Harry Burdick, b. Nile, N. Y., 1 Feb. 16, 1884. Ch.: Burclick ::: Richard, b. Nile. N. Y., Mar. 28, 1915; and Barbara Evelyn, b. Oct. 10, 1926. Burdick Gen., p. 939. 3195 (t) 1\fauclc Alice Crandal1 10 (J ocl B.'', Joels Crandall, l\fartha7 7 0 Maxson, Peleg°, I\Iatthew\ John\ :i. ::; and Hulcla , Benj. , .... John\ a, ::) ancl EIJl'r Augustus Hendrick. Ch.: Hendrick: 3554 Kinslev, 1888-Feb. 7, 1918, bur. St. l\Tihiel. Fnmce, \,\Torld Warl. m. Agi1cs Richardson. No ch. 12 3555 Vera Alice. h. 1894, m. John Levens Hardy, Jr. Ch.: Hardy : John Levens. h. 1914. medical student Portland. Oregon (1936); William Hendrick, b. 191i, Univ. \Vash., Seattle (1936). Mrs. Hardy sent records. 12 3556 Leita Estella, b. 1898. m. Howard Caswell Jones. Ch.: Jones : Lcita Elizabeth, b. 1922; Roger Howard. b. 1925; and Robert Edward, b. 1927. P.O.: 2104 N. E. 55th St., Portland, Oregon. 11 11 7 3196 (t) Mabel CrandalP" (Joel , Crandall, 1\fartha 1\foxson, 1 2618 (t) Peleg'\ l\latthewri, John\ ·1, ::) and Sherman ' Maxson (\Vel­ 11 come8 R., Zaccheus1, , Benjamin'\ John\ :i, ::). Ch.: l\Iaxson: 3557 Maude L .. b. Mar. 23, 1885 Genesee, N. Y. Res.: Bolivar, N. Y. unm. She sent records. 3558 Walter Grant, b. Oct. 26, 1888, Forman, N. D., m. Florence Mc­ Dade. Dau. Naomi Catherine, b. Apr. 3t 1915, m. Eldyn Coon, and they have Susanna Ruth Coon1 a, b. Aug. 8, 1944. W. G. Maxson was a barber in Weliesville, N. Y. He


3560 l\fabcl. b. June 26, 1893, Foreman. N. D., m. Chester A. Mc­ 1 Enroe. Ch.: l\JcEnroe ~: Donivan; Thomas; Chester A.; (by 2nd w. Lulu --) : \Valter S.; Sarah Elizabeth; aml Robert Lee. 3561 Weldon Rice, b. July 22, 1889, Bolivar, N. Y. (Son hy 2nd w. Luella Rice) m. l\faric Shaner. Dau. I\farie 1 Luella. h. Aug. 10, 1935, Wellesville, N. Y. 1 11 3197 (t) l\Jyra Ann l\laxson " (Alhcrt C., Thomas~. Benjamin1, 1 Pclegu, 1\tatthcw:·, John\ = , ::. RicharrP) and Fred Dawe. 8 ch.: Dawe: 3562 Ida, h. Dec. 24, 1896. m. July 5, 1920 Burt Hulburt of Burill, 1 Neb. 9 ch.: Hulbcrt ::: (1) Ray Allen, b. Sept. 6, 1921; (2) Ducl­ ley Kenneth, b. Feb. 7_, 1923; (3) Evelyn Gertrude, b. July 31, 1925, m. June 17, 1942 Albert Tusck, ancl they have Loretta K. Tusek•:i; ( 4) Loyal Harris, b. i\Tar. 5, 1926; (5) Doloris Fern, b. Jan. 31, 1928; (6) Della Rose, b. Jan. 16, 1930, d. Feb. 23, 1831; (7) Wayne Dean, b. Feb. 25, 1932. cl. Feb. 5, 1933; (8) Larry Dale, b. Apr. 12, 1937; and (9) Leona rel Earl, h. 1\lar. 7, 1934. ,3563 Jesse, b. Jan. 22, 1898, m. Jan. 31, 1927 Edward C. Hall, b. Mar. 7. 1896. 3564 Albert, m. Feb. 14, 1942 Arva Galbreath. Ch.: Doyle Lee Dawe•::. 3365 Frederick, b. Oct. 30, 1901. cl. Sept. 15, 1902. 3566 George, b. June 23, 1905, m. June 23, 1943 Elsie Hood. 3567 Edward C., b. Apr. 11, 1908, in World \Var II. 3568 Edith. h. Dec. 4. 1912, 111. July 3. 1936 Adolph Fisher. Ch.: Fisher'::: l\1abel L .. h. Aug. 8, 1937; Pauline Joy, h. Feb. 7, 1940; ancl Laverne, b. Jan. 3, 1942. 3569 Goldie, b. Mar. 23, 1915. Data furnished bv Robert L. Max- son (3199). ~ 3200 (t) George Harry Maxson'" (Alhcrt11 C.. Thomas" C., Benja­ 11 1 min; C., Pcleg , l\.latthew~·. John4. ;i. ~. Richar


3574 Eula M .. b. Mar. 5, 1903, m. Apr. 28, 1934 \Vaync Hcsselgcsscr. 8 ch.: Hcssclgesser 1:?: (1) Amelia Juanita, b. Mar. 21, 1925, m. July 3, 1943 Robert G. Gasway, b. July 21, 1921; (2) Trina Leta, b. Jan. 18, 1929; (3) Harvey 'Wayne, b. Apr. 22, 1931; (4) Kath­ eryn Delcina, b. l\Iay 6, 1933; (5) Bessie Louise, b. Feb. 18, 1936; (6) Roma Pearl, b. Feb. 22, 1940; (7) Robert Loyal, b. Jan. 4, 1942; and (8) Nellie Winona, b. Feb. 16, 1927. 3575 Amanda Ann, b. Aug. 14, 1905. m. Apr. 29, 1925 Gustavus A. Scherbarth. Ch.: William Lee Scherbarth, h. June 7, 1931. 3576 Wilfred Hugh, b. Mar. 22, 1906, m. !\far. 24, 1928 -- Ver­ 12 non. 4 ch.: Butcher : (1) Margaret Jean, b. 1'.lar. 3, 1929; (2) Belva Rose, b. I\lar. 2, 1932; (3) vViJfred Hugh, b. Dec. 10, 1933; and (4) Gladda Loraine, b. Feb. 15. 1937. 111 1 8 3203 (t) Oren Curtis Maxson (Alhert \ Thomas , Benjamin', Peleg", 2 1 Matt hewn, John\ :i, , Richard ) and Susan Jones of Riverton, \Vyoming. Ch.: Maxson: 3577 John, b. Mar. 8, 1915. 3578 Elnora, b. Dec. 10, 1916. 3579 Alfred, b. Jan. 18, 1922, twin to 3580 Arthur, m. Feb. 1, 1941 Irene Eleanor Bisbee. Son Arthur Wayne. 3581 Dorothy Irene, b. Nov. 27. 1924. m. June 14, 1941 Joe Eisman. Dau. Josephine Ann Eisman. 10 11 7 3212 (t) Ivlary R. Vickers (Mary P. :Maxson, Perry~ Il.. Peleg , n, 2 Matthew\ Jolurf, a, , Richarcl1) and Charles R. Combs. Ch.: Combs: 1st 5 b. near Lawton, Okla.; 3582 Charles Lee, b. July 30, 1902, m. Apr. 21. 1926 Bessie E. Tawney. 3583 Liilian Evangel, b. Aug. 20, 1905, d. Sept. 25, 1906. 3584 William Francis, b. Aug. 8, 190i, <1. Aug. 25. 1907. 3585 Katherine Maude, b. Sept. 11, 1908. m. Nov. 6. 1929 Eclwarcl Daniel DeMerseman. 4 ch.: Del\lerscman: (1) Robert Ed­ ward, b. Sept. 8, 1932 at Pittsburg, Kan.; (2) Virginia Lee, h. Mar. 16, 1933 Pittsburg, Kan.; (3) Carolyn Kay, b. June 15. 1940; (4) Danny Charles. h. June 21. 1942 at \Vcllsville. Kan.; and (5) Billy Gene, b. Feb. i, 1944. \Vcllsvilk. 3586 Mary l\laxine. b. Feb. 7, 1911, m. 1\far. 1930 Gail Hastings. 2 ch.: Hastings•~: Marion Gale, b. July 30, 1933; and Mary Ann, b. Jan. 19, 1943 at Strong City, Kan. 3587 Grace Rosamond, b. Dec. 31, 1913 at l\forris Co .. Kan., 111. Feb. 4, 1945 Shirley Barrett. Living 1945, at Council Grove, Kan. 3588 Nina Mae, b. Dec. 9, 1916, :rviorris Co., Kan. 3589 Jesse Arthur, b. Dec. 25, 1921, Morris Co., Kan., ni. Dec. 25, 1945 Virginia Lewis. · 3590 Bonnie Willetta, b. Nov. 11, 1925, Morris Co., Kan. 10 11 1 3214 (t) Richard M. Vickers (Maryl• P. Maxon, Perry B., Peleg , a, 2 Matthewr., John', :i, , Richard') and Dakota Prentis. Ch.: Vickers: 3591 Richard Homer, b. Jan. 18, 1909. 1 3592 Lillian Mary, b. Oct. 25, 1910, m. C. M. Clay. 3 ch.: Clay ~: (1) Lee Meredith, b. July 16, 1932 at San Bernardino; (2) Ruth 219 1.tAXSON FAMILY - TENTH GENERATION

Ann, b. Sept. 27, 1934, San Bernardino, Cala.; amt (3) Robert, b. 1937. 3593 Dorothy, b. Dec. 23, 1913, m. Norman Millage, son Carol b. 1924. 3594 Robert Maxson, b. Oct. 27, 1915, m. Sept. 4, 1939 Selma Mehl­ man, dau. of Joseph and Mary Mehlman. 1 0 3215 (t) Frank Ebenrn Vickers (.Mary1 Maxson, Perry\ Peleg1, , Matthew\ John\ a, 2, Richarcl1) and Alice Buercklin. Ch.: b. Kansas Citv, Kan. Vickers: 3595 Barbara J can, b. June 1, 1923, 111. Oct. 22, 1941 \Vant Grosen. Dau. Kathleen Elsie Groscn b. Jan. 29, 1943. 3596 i\lary Ethel, b. Apr. 18, 1925. 3597 Charles Frederick, b. Apr. 30, 1926. 3598 Patricia Joanne, b. Dec. 2, 1934. 1 3216 (t) Clara Virginiaw Ewing (Clara ' G. Maxson, Perry" B., Peteg7, °, 1\.latthew\ John\ a, :!, RicharcP) and Obed C. Clonin­ ger. Ch.: 3599 William Clinton Cloninger, b. Aug. 26, 1909 at Tulsa, Okla., m. Apr. 20, 1931 at Danville, Va., Sarah Juanita Durrance, b. Feb. 13, 1910, Jenny, Ga., dau. of Jessca Asberry Durrcnce 1 1 (J essc \Vashington\ John ). 2 ch.: Cloninger :?: vVilliam Clin­ ton II, b. June 26, 1938 at Charlotte, N. C.; and Eugene Francis, b. Dec. 28, 1941, Charlotte. \Villiam C. Cloninger is a Com­ munications Engineer, has been in the employ of the Am. T.&T. Co. since 1929. He grad. Tulsa H.S. and attended the Agricul­ tural and I\1cchanica1 College at Oklahoma. He sent many records. P.O. ( 1947): 889 •.ilen Arck·n \Vay. N.E., Atlanta, Ga. 3600 Georgiana Cloninger, b. July 10, 1911, Tulsa, Okla. unm. Reg­ istered Nurse. She moved with her aunt, Irene Jones (3218) to Los Angeles, Cala., in 1944. William and his sister Georgiana lived with their aunt Irene after the death of their mother. 3231 (t) Dora Chasew (Laura0 U. :rvlaxson, Samuel" P., Weeden\ 1 Matthew", r., Johu\ a, z, Richard ) and Frank Trm.vbridge of Adams Center, N. Y. Ch.: Trowbridge: 3601 Laura Esther, b. Oct. 3, 1886, m. Sept. 29, 1921 Arthur Eugene Baggs, b. Oct. 27, 1886, Alfred, N. Y., cl. Apr. 15, 1947, son of Vernon Andre and Mary (Green) Baggs. Professor of Fine Arts. Ohio State University. Dau. Mary Trowbridge Baggs. In 1936 Alfred University conferred on him the honorary de­ gree L.H.D. He m.1 Helen Dorothy French of Lynn, Mass., who cl. 1919 leaving two ch.: Arthur Eugene Baggs, Jr., and Hartwell French Baggs who cl. in early childhood. Mrs. Laura Esther Baggs sent many records. 3602 Arthur, b. June 3, 1888, m. Feb. 1, 1914 Vera May Hoke Hill, b. Aug. 31, 1891. Farmer near Rodman, N. Y. 2 adopted ch.: Frank and Marjorie Trowbridge. 3603 Helen Electa, b. Apr. 29, 1890, m. Apr. 29, 1920 Clarence E. Hoke, b. June 14, 1893. Ch.: Lloyd William and Clarence Keith Hoke. Farmer near Watertown, N. Y. 3604 Harold, b. Apr. 23, 1892, adopted after the death of his father


in 1899, as also his sister Elccta Helen, by his father's sister, Margaret Ann Trowbridge \Vhitford and her husband, Ed­ ward A. Whitford, m. July 22, 1914 Ella Heath, b. Feb. 2, 1893. Ch.: \Vhitforcl: Holly, Cyldc, and Ja11e. Farmer nl'ar Rodman, N. Y. 3605 Elsie, b. Jan. 23, 1896, d. Oct. 17. 1911. 3606 John Henry, b. Mar. 27, 1898, cl • .rrlar. 12, 1899 . 111 1 11 .~235 (t) Edward Horace !\laxson (Daniel1 1\1., Matthew R. , \Vec­ 3 2 don1, Matthew", Matthews, John4, , , Richarc.11) and Hattie :\1. Anderson. Ch.: 3607 Prentice Coon .rvfaxson, b. July 16, 1900, d. Dec. 6, 1924 . •3608 Doris Elizabeth Maxson, b. Nov. 7, 1902, m. Aug. 12, 1936 Aro! 12 C. Epple. Ch.: Epple : :rviargaret Ann, b . .i\lay 4, 1939; and Barbara Jane, h. July 5, 1944. 3609 Lester Arthur, b. May 14, 1908, m. Dec. 13, 1936 Ione Agnes Pircn, b. Sept. 1, 1912. 3236 (t) George M. 10 Maxson (Danicl0 1\1., l\latthew8 R., vVee


7 11 1 l\faxson, \Vecdon , l\fatthcw , r., John\ a,!!, Richard ) ancl Henry E. l'vforin. Ch.: l\Iorin: 3618 vValter, b. Oct. 7, 1884, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., m. !\"lay Pringle. No ch. Lives l'ontiac, Michigan. 3619 Ho,varcl E., b. Oct. 23, 1886, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., m. Jewel L. Bansemer. One ch.: Marian l\forin, 111. Adolph P. Donia, Jr. Doth live at 1411 Terrence Ave., San Diego, California. 3620 Elsie 1\1 iller, (aclopted name), b. Aug. 7, 1891, Brantford, Ont., Canada, m. July 30, 1924 Neil Alexander Cameron, h. };ov. 29, 1892 at Sylvania, Pa., son of Rev. A. G. Cameron and Jennie Hoover of Sylvania, Pa. No ch. They live at 16569 Parkside Ave., Detroit, 1'vlich. rvtr. Cameron grad. Oberlin College, is in the Social Sci. Dept. of Cooley H.S., Detroit. Mrs. Cameron has a B.S. from James .Millikin Univ., Decatur, fl[. She was Y.\V.C.A. Secretary at Elkhart, Incl., and l\f ilwaukec, \Vise., for three years. She is Vice-Regent of Fort Pontchartrain Chap­ ter, D.A.R .. has been State Chairman Michigan D.A.R., and is State Registrar Mich. Chapt. Daughters of Founders and Pa­ triots (1948). She sent many records. 3621 Edith, b. June 10, 1893, Pontiac, Mich., m. \\'alter Dunn. They live at Riverside, Calif. .?.621a Beulah Scott, (adopted name), b. May, 1895, Pontiac, I\Iich. Teacher, lives Bellingham, vVashington. 10 7 3252 (t) Grace Maxson (George°, Lyman8, Potter , Matthew\ II, 2 John\ a, ) and Robert \,Vay of Geneva, Ohio. Ch.: \Vay: 36Z2 Donald Maxon, b. May 31, 1904, m. Dec. 20, 1924 Olive Mac­ 12 Ewen, b. May 31. 1906. 2 ch.: vVay : Donald Richard, b. Oct. 13, 1925. enlisted in the Navy Jan. 6. 1943, Gunners !\fate, was made head of Ordinance Dept. on Ship, discharged Oct. 1946; and Joyce Susanne, b. Jan. 3, 1927, grad. H.S. 1944. Stcnog. and Student of the Piano. 3623 Bula Josephine, h. Mar. 16, 1908, m. \Varren J. vVilcox. h. Apr. 7, 1905. Civil Engineer. One adopted child. 3624 Victor Maxon. b. Mar. 30, 1919, cl. Oct. 1, 1932. Mr. vVay was employed by the H. H. Brown Steamship Co. as stenographer and bookkeeper. Besides her ordinary work, Mrs. Way has found time for courses at training centers includ­ ing : Cleveland College course in Home Utilities, Music, Lit• erature, French, Civics, Biology, and Chemistry; nor has she neglected the political field. P.O. (1947) 315 Garficicl Ave., Geneva, Ohio. She sent records. 10 11 1 3271 (t) Darwin E. l\laxson (Russel J. , Nathan\ George7, ', l\fat- 2 thew\ John\ :t, ) and Eunice E. Huffman. Ch.: Maxson: 3624a Ruth, b. Oct. 25, 1896, Flandreau, S. D. 3624b Grace, b. June 10, 1889. 3624c Geneva, b. Feb. 15, 1901, Flandreau, S. D. 3624d Russel, b. July 5, 1903, Gentry, Ark. 3624e Fitch, b. Mar. 15, 1907, Gentry, Ark. 3624f Paul, b. Dec. 19, 1908, Gentry, Ark.


3624g Carl, b. Mar. 24, 1912, Gentry, Ark.. m. l\Iilclred Carr \Vhitcomb, b. June 28. 1923, clau. of Herbert Hartwell \Vhitcomh and Mil­ clred Carr. Dau. b. Nov. 22, 1948, Hornell, N. ·y_ 3273 (t) Edwin R. 10 l\laxson (Russel John'', Nathan\ Gcorgei, 11, l\fatthewri, John'. :i, ~) and Grace J. Eaglcsficlcl. Ch.: 1\laxson: 3625 Fern Mildred, b. May 6, 1905, Gentry, Ark., m. Oct. 15, 1927 and div. Dec. 12, 1947 Leonard 0. Severance, b. l\lar. 3, 1907. Gentry, Ark., son of Edward and Grace (Babcock) Severance. One ch .. l\farjoric Fern Scwrancc, h. Oct. 7, 1934. Fern m.2 June 19, 1948 David Rench Cook. Res. Union City, l\licb., R. F. D. 2. 3626 Glc-nn Irwin, b. July ,l 1908, Gentry. Ad.: .. m. Dorothy Hill. 3 ch.: l\laxson: Richard; Jean; and John 3627 Earl Edwin, h. July 20, 1911. N. Loupe, Nch .. m. Oct. 20, 1943 Irma Fargo, b. Dec. 12, 1920, clau. of Perry and Nita (Putnam) Fargo. 3628 Elizabeth Ann, h. Apr. 2, 1917, N. Loupe. <1. al'. 4 mo., N. Loupe. 3629 l\filton Roderick, h. l\far. 9, 1918. Gcntrv, m11n., U. S. NaYv. 3293 (t) Sec after No. ~1494 on p. 218. - · 11 7 11 3294 (t) Holly \V. Maxon (Silas'', , Holly , Silas , David~. John\ a,~) and Rose M. LaForgc. 2 ch.: l\f axon: 3633 Doris Roselind, b. Oct. 22, ---, \Vatcrtown. l\[ass .. m. June 22, 1926 Henry Randolph Guyre, b. Dec. 20, 1890, \Vest Ho­ boken, N. ]., son of Henry Clay ancl \Valpierga Elizabeth (Reise]) Guyrc of Union City. N. J. He is Chief Accounta11t for thl' Frank G. Shattuck & Co. (Schraffts stores). 2 ch.: 1 Guyre ~: Joan Phillis, b. May 28, 1931, Orange, N. J.; and Ken­ neth Charles, h. Sept. 12, 1936, Summit, N. J. 3634 Kenneth LaForge, b. Apr. 3, 1906, Utica, N. Y .. m. Aug. 19, 1928 Beatrice Viola Skaggs, b. Apr. 28, 1904 in Clever, I\Io., dau. of Hamilton l\L and TTclle (Stokes) Skaggs, and they have Deana 12 Beatrice Skaggs , b. May 31. 1933, Poughkeepsie. Res.: 151 Park Ave .. Mount Vernon, N. Y .. where he is instructor in Jr. H.S. Occupational Shop. 11 11 3311 (t) Silas :Maxson, Silas , \Villiam Ellary, Silas·, Paul11, David\ 2 11 John\ :i, , RicharcP) and Zelma C. Burdick (Howard lP, James 0 1 B., John 7, Burdick Avis , l\foxson\ John\ ::, Richard ). Ch.: Maxson: 3635 1\farjorie Beth, b. Jan. 1, 1913. 3636 Silas lII. h. July 5, 1914. 3637 Norman Ellsworth, b. Oct. 1919. Burdick Genealogy, p. 1214. 10 1 3337 (t) Ona l\fadclinc Ellsworth (Oliver J. Ellsworth 1 , Helen EstherN :Maxson, Dr. Enoch· K. l\faxson. Zacchcus", Bcnjamin,r. John\:,.~. Richar

son. Her Ellsworth Linc: Geo. Ellsworth, h. about 1748, cl. 1829, N. Y. state, m. Eliz. \\leeks. Ebenezer \Vecks Ellsworth 111., Truxton, N. Y., 1826, Susan Balch. Chandler \Vm. Ells­ worth m. 1852 Helen Esther IVTaxson. l\Icmbcr of the D.A.R., Nat. No. 224723. Rev. Sol. Benjamin Maxson. Others Bars: Bcnj. Crnnclall; Zacchcus l\laxson; Veren Balch and son Israel Balch., Conn.; David Cady, Conn.; John Arnold. Conn.; \Vm. English, N. Y.; 5 from Va. 10 1 .3353 (t) George \Vashington Doane (Roselia ' Stone, Nancy~ l\'lax­ son, Zaccheus R. 1 , Zacchcusn, Benjamin", John\ a, :, Richarcl1) and Amv L. Hunt. Ch.: Doane: 3639 Ralph A°rdcn. b. Oct. 11, 1886, Austin, Pa., drowned Ju11e 9, 1908, Union Bay, Vancom•t:r Is., B. C., m. I\far. 30, 1907 Emma Bell­ 1 man, who m.2 Robert B<.~audrcau. Son Howard Ralph Doane \ h. Dec. 23, 1907, of Ferndale, 'Wash .. m. ---, has ch. 3640 Helen :May, b. Apr. 13, 1890, Austin, Pa., m. Oct. 1, 1910 Jasp<.~r 12 Luke Coffey, b. Mar. 2. 1888, Marion, Ia. 2 ch.: Coffey : Max­ ine Leone, b. Jan. 26, 1913, Raymond, 'Nash., violinist trained at Cincinnati Conser. of l\I usic, m. Robert \Va ring Staegcr. They own a jewelry store at Srquim, \rVash. Son, Robert Stae­ ger, Jr.; and Jasper12 L., b. Mar. 1. 1917, Port Angles, \Vash., a 1 1 1 1 watch maker, m. Corrine ---, and has Joan = and Janct = Cogey. U. S. Navy, World \rVar IL 3641 Roselina, b. July 4, 1891, Austin, Pa., d. Aug. 13, 1891. 3642 Jessie Genevieve, b. Sept. 13, 1892. Austin, Pa., m. Oct. 3, 1912 12 Oliver Samuel Beatty. 3 ch.: Beatty : Ellen, h. Oct. 8, 1913, m. Sept. 3, 1933 Archie Hale Watson, b. Apr. 20, 1914, Kenne­ wick, \\Tash. Dau. and a son (adopted(; (2) Adelaide Tmy, b. Jan. 26, 1915, Port Angles, vVash., m. in Seattle, \Vayne Taylor. 4 ch.1:1; and (3) Oliver George, b. June 26, 1916, Raymond, 1 1 1 1 Wash., m. Mary---, 2 ch.: hoy = and girl : • 3643 Leon and 3644 Lester, twins, h. ancl d. 1895. 3645 Raymond, h. and d. 1897, Galeton, Pa. 3646 Belle l\fary. b. Jan. 5, 1899, Galeton. Pa., m. Apr. 13, 1917 at Prince Rupert. Canada. Byron Elwin Brook, b. Sept. 12, 1893. Elisha, Ill., son of Willis Grant and Zena (Calkins) Brock of \Vash., Ore., ancl Cata. Ch.: Brock: 3: (1) Byron Elwyn, h. Jan. 1 15, 1918, cl. Mar. 7, 1918; (2) Harleth l\Iartin ::, h. Api-. 23, 1919, Poi-t Angles, Wash., m. Dec. 6, 1944 (while on leave from the army) Elizabeth Allene Hiller, h. Nov. 22. 1924. Idaho. Ch.: Harlene l\faloy Brock. b. Aug-. 2, 19-t6 in Grass Valley, Cala. He was clischargccl from the U. S. Army as 1st Lieutenant ancl now (1947) belongs to the reserve officers. He is in business with his father (see helow); and (3) Lorali Arny, b. Oct. 17, 1920, Yokima, \Vash., cl. Sept. 24, 1923, \Vest Los Angeles. 3647 :Merle, b. Dec. 12, 1901. Lake vVhatcom, Wash., m. Millie \Vil­ liams. 2 clans.: Doane•::: (1) Charlotte Arny, h. Nov. 27, 1924, m. June 14, 1942 at Medford, Ore., Robert Dale Cummins, live at Klamath Falls. Ore., and have Dale Avon 13 (boy), b. Mar.


11, 1943, and Donna Louise, h. 1946, and (2) Lilly Belle, h. Apr. 4, 1926, l\foclforcl. Ore .. m. Jan. 19, 19-16 l\torris B. Terry, army engineer, \Vorld \Var IT, a musician. mormon, now (19+7) at­ tending Utah State Agr. College. Son. Stevc11 1a .l\Iorris Terry, b. Dec. 2, 1946. 3648 Dora, b. Dec. 1, 1906, Bellingham, \Vash., m. Anson Oliver Cul­ berson, b. Nov. 2, 1898, Summer, l\fo. 2 ch.: Culberson: Tuanita, b. l\Iar. 16, 1926, PcEII, \Vash.; and Harold Anson. ·Dora is traffic manager for the Blue Lake Canning and Packing Co. of Salem, Ore. She m.2 ancl div. Clarence Estecp. Note: 3353: G. \V. Doane had an extensive logging business in \\'ash. and Va11couvcr Island, later after his 2nd 111. to Ethel V. Fracer, they moved to Ore. and he had just complctC'rl a mill at the time of his death. Byron E. Brock (3646) is a real estate broker. general building contractor and hotel owner at Nevada City. Cala. He and his son, Hadeth Martin, own a new suh­ clivision. l\fember of Rotan·. Elks, and I\Iasons. .:\[rs. Brock furnished data as to the clescenclants of Na11cy'1 l\faxson. P.O.: 40 Zion St.. Nevada City, Calif. 10 11 34-36 (t) Cora A. Brow11 (Hiram L. Brown • John Brown\ Alzina' l\faxon, Samuel", :., 4, J onathan:i, John\ Richard') anrl \Villiam C. Stafford. Ch.: Stafford: 3649 .l\fahel Edith, b. Jan. 13, 1891, Rochester, N. Y., 111. l\T ar. 25, 1918 Richard John Thomas, b. Oct. 2.3, 1890. cl. Sept. I 5, 1950, Boon­ ville, N. Y., son of John Richard Thomas (of Richard John of Isaac, and l\Targaret \Villiams) and Susan Annis \Villiams ( of Thomas \Villian1s and Annis Kent). She grarl. Univ. of Syra­ cuse 1915 anrl he in 1916. He was in the NaYv in \Vorld \Var I. I-LS. Principal. Instructor in Elmira Reforma"tory. .i\Iemhcr of F. & A. 1\J. P.O.: Birchwood An•., Elmira Heights, N. Y. 2 ch.: John Richard Thomas, b. Brockport, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1919. grad. Cornell Univ., unm. (19+8); ancl Cora J can Thomas. h. Camillus. N. Y., Oct. 19, 1921, grarl. Cornell m. Aug. 18, 1943 Robert Par­ sons, b. Mar, 6, 1920, son of l\Iarion B. and Esther (Goodman) Parsons of 7 Norwood St., Albany. N. Y. He is a i\f usical Di­ rector. Grad. Cornell and is working for his 1\rastn's Deg-rec. Ch.: Laurel J can Parsons, h. Feh. 27, 1946; anrl John Richard, b. Aug. 1, 1951. 3650 Myrtle IV!ay, b. 1fay 29, 1894, Clarendon, N. Y., grad. Brockport H.S. and Brockport Normal, and Univ. of Syracuse, B.A. in Art, teaches drawing at Port Chester, N. Y., 111. July 4. 1941 John Will Chapman, Corporation Lawyer. P. 0.: No. 1 Birch St., Port Chester, N. Y. (1948). 3651 Clark \\Tilliam, b. Jan. 1, d. Jan. 3, 1896. 3652 Ethel Alice, b. Dec. 16, 1904, Brockport, N. Y.. grad. Brockport H.S. and attended Univ. of Syracuse. 111. Dec. 25. 1939 Charles Little, b. Nov. 15, 1889, son of Frank and Henrietta Little. Charles Little m.1 Jennie Cramer and had Dorothy and Marie Little. He is the chief engineer for the public .schools of Os­ wego, N. Y. P. 0.: No. 8 West 5th St .. Oswego, N. Y. 225 MAXSON FAI\1ILY - TENTH GENERATION

3437 (t) Walter L. Brown10 (Hiram L. Brown!I, John BrownR, Alzina7 Maxon, Samuel", r., \ Jonathan\ John'\ Richarcl1) and I\I. Theta Hakes of Murray, N. Y. Ch.: 3653 Florence Julia Brown, b. Dec. 10, 1921, Albion, N. Y., rn. May 16, 1943 Rodney Towel Swain, b. June 20, 1921, Syracuse, N. Y., son of Wilbur Alfred Swain (Frank Towle, Samuel Greenleaf, Jacob, Edward, William) and Joanna Carr (Albert, Roclney, James b. 1772). She gracl. Holley H.S. and University of Ro­ chester, B.A., 1942, and he grad. E. Orange. N. J., H.S. and Univ. of Rochester, Chemical Engineering. Jfo is employed by the American Cyanamid Laboratories, Stamford, Conn. Ch.: Walt:r Carr ~wain, h. Sept. .\.1945, Sta~11ford, Conn.; Patricia Carolme Swam, b. Nov. 4, 191.ii, and David Cameron, b. Apr. 15, 1951, cl. Aug. 23, 1951; and Edward Hamilton, b. Aug. 6, 1952, Stamford, Conn. P.O.: 22a-CuHede.uJ~lcnhrook, Conn 3438 (t) Edna Caroline Brown10 (Hiram L. Brown°, John Brown8, Alzina7 Maxon, Samueln, ~, ", Jonathan\ John::, Richarcl1) and Louie Hurley. Ch.: Hurley: 3654 Verbam Eunice, b. Dec. 1, 1917, grad. H. S., Burbank, Cala., 1935, rn. June 13, 1937 Joe Mooney, Jr., of Glendale, Cala. 2 ch.: Mooney: Dennis Craig, b. June 1, 1939; and Susan Ann, b. Apr. 1, 1942. He works for the Union Pacific R.R. Co. P.O. (1947): 148 N. Encinitas, I\J onrovia, Cala. 111 11 3459 (t) Gladys Reclinger (Esther Johnson , Betsey~ Brown, Al­ zina 1 1-Iaxon, Samuel'\ ", \ Jonathan:i. John\ RicharcP) and \.Varel vVentworth of r.Iurray, N. Y. Ch.: \Ventworth: 3655 Andrew, h. Apr. 6, 191i, m. June 8, 1940 Helen Richey. 2 ch.: Richarcl Andrew \Vcntworth, b. No\'. 4, 1941 ; and \Villiam George \Ventworth, b. l\Iar. 14, 1944. They have a store in Holley, N. Y., sell electrical goods. P.O.: Holley, N. Y. 3656 Ward, b. Apr. 22, 1925. 3460 (t) Mildred Reclinger111 (Esther Johnsontl. Bctscyq Brown, Al­ zina7 Maxon, Samuel(', ", \ Jonathat,a, John\ l{icharcl1) and Arthur Crispell. Ch.: Crispell: 3657 LHlian Lucille, b. Feb. 1, 1918. 3658 Gordon, b. Aug. 18, 1922. 3659 :tv[ildrcd, b. July, 1924. 3660 Chirley Joice, b. Apr. 10, 192i. 3661 June Rose, b. June 7, 1932. 3662 Carole Jonna, b. Dec. 16, 1934. 1 0 11 3494 (t) Noble Ward Stockham '' (Bruce Stockham, Emily 0. Hard, Lucy• Maxon, Sarnue1°, r., \ Jonathan=t, John:!, Richard') and Edna Waley of Murray, N. Y. Ch.: Stockham: 3663 Lura, b. Mar. 6, 1921, grad. Normal, Brockport, N. Y., Jan. 1944, school teacher, m. July 7, 1945 Glenn Case, h. Aug. 19, 192-, son of Clare and Emma (Haire) Case of Bristol Rel., Canan­ daigua, N. Y. Dairy Farmer. 3664 March, b. Mar. '27, 1924, m. Aug. 16, 1947 Emerson Robertson, b. Aug. 25, 19--, son of Jesse and Ivfinnie (Ricebrook) of Murray, N. Y. 226 l\lAXSON FAl\1 IL Y - TENTH GENERATION

3665 Lois, b. r.far. 21, 1925, 3666 Ralph \Nard, b. Jan. 27, 1929. 3496 Ct) William10 Stockham (Bruce11 Stockham, EmilyR 0. Hard, Lucy7 1',Iaxon, Samuel", r., ·•, Jonathana, John:i, Richarcl1) and Shirley Ventress of Clarendon, N. Y. Ch.: Stockham: 3667 Marilyn Julia, b. ---, grad. Holley I-LS., Salutatorian, 1944, m. Feb. i, 1948 John Zobel, son of \Villiam Zobel of Rochester, N. Y. He grad. Ivionroc 1-T.S., Rochester, Vet. of 4J yrs. in the Navy. P.O.; 214 Berkley St., Rochester, N. Y. 3668 Bruce J., b. Sept. 6. 1925, m. July 23, 1949 Elizaheth Lucille Janus, clau. of Joseph F. Janus. 11 7 11 3293 (t) \.Villia111 Silas Maxsonio (Silas , M, Holly , Silas Davidri, John\ U, :i, Richar(l1) and Nora E. Butterfield. 3 ch.: l\faxson: 3630 Murray Butterfield of Chicago, has 2 sons, George and :Mur­ ray B. 3631 Ruth, b. 1897, cl. Jan. 1, 1899. 3632 Barbara, b. Aug. 14, 1900, Adams Center, m.l Aug. 14, 1923 Howard l\farkham, m.2 Dec. 12 1941 C. Eugene Coy, Real Es­ tate, 97 Grant Drive, Yonkers, N. Y.


Refer to: 2657 (t) \,Villis 0 Edwin Lewis (Electaff, Roena Fuller, Eunice7 Max­ son, Jared", Stephen", John\ ·1, :!' Richarcl1) and Elmira James. Ch.: Lewis: 3669 Margaret Rowena, b. Oct. 13, 1896, N. Loupe, Neb., m. Glen Alvin Lambert. 3670 Edna Rose, b. Nov. 5, 1898, N. Loupe, m. I',Jay 5, 1920 Horace E. Day. 3671 · l\Hnnie Opal, b. Nov. 21, 1900, N. Louge, 111. June 15, 1922 Leland Moore Angus, b. 1\Iar. 1899 at Rudy, Idaho, son of James Clark Angus and Hannah Moore. 7 ch. all b. Roosevelt, Utah: (1) 11 Barbara , b. Jan. 13, 1924, m. June 5, 1942 Harold Timothy, b. May 3, 1922, Altonah, Utah, son of \,Valtace Timothy and Edith May Stoddard, ancl they have: Diane12, b. Sept. 15, 1943, Salt Lake City, and Edith12 Timothy, b. Jan. 26, 1947, Roosevelt, 11 1 Utah; (12) l\Iark Lcc , b. June 4, 1927; Timothy Bert Lewis 1, 11 b. Sept. 17, 1929; (4) Norman Glcn , b. Oct. 19, 1934; (5) Jo Ann 11, b. 1\Iay 14, 1936; (6) Elaine• 1, h. 1\fay 17, 1920: and (7) 11 Beatrice , b. Sept. 16, 1942. l'vtrs. Angus furnished records back to Jarecln Maxson. 10 3672 Anges Oatley , b. Dec. 8, 1902, Little Rock, Ark., 111. Dec. 24, 1924 George Milton Benson. Dau. Jaquctta11 Benson, b. l\lar. 16, 1928, m. Mar. 21, 1947 Raymond Marler Haslem, b. Sept. 2, 1924, Lewiston, Utah. son of Joseph K. Haslem and Zetta l\farler. 3673 Chiara Elmira1°, b. Jan. 24, 1905, N. Loupe. m. l\Jay 15, 1923 George R. Huntsman, b. Feb. 22, 1902, Fillmore, Utah, son of George Riley Huntsman and Hannah Hanson. 4 ch.: Hunts­ mann11: h. Fillmore, Utah: (1) George Ross, b. Jan. 31, 1927; (2) Dwight, h. Apr. 13. 1929; (3) Byron, h. June 15, 1932; and (4) Enox, b. Aug. 13, 1935. 3674 Hazel Utahua, b. Feb. 22, 1913, Duchume, Utah, 111. Feb. 21, 1930 Clayd Collett. 3675 Russel Guy, b. Sept. 29, 1915, Upako, Utah, rn. Aug. 30, 1940 Helen Aldred. 3676 James Willis, b. Jan. 5, 1919. Roosevelt, Utah, m. l\Jay 22, 1944 Millicent Hawkins, b. Dec. 31, 1925, Panama City, Fa. Ch.: Eva Jean11 Lewis, b. Dec. 10, 1946, Roosevelt, and (girl), h. Mar. 7, 1949.

Refer to: 2767 (t) Marian9 Palmer (Daniel vV. 8 Palmer, Katherine7 Maxson, 3 1 Daniel°, °, John4, \ Richard ) and Jay Conklin of Eaton Rap­ ids, Mich. 8 ch.: Conklin: 3677 Clarence, b. 1868, d. about 1925 in Florida, m. Etta Marshall. 3678 Jay, 1872-1940, m. Sarah Smith. No ch. Eaton Rapids, Mich. 3679 Floyd, 1871-1948, m. Alice Holmes. 2 ch.: (1) Marion, b. 1900,


m. Harvey Slaclc, 3 ch.: Alberta, Harvey and Floyd; (2) Ancil, b. 1911. 3680 (Sarah) Antionette 10, b. Apr. 23, 1873, m. Frank Arnold, D.D.S., 1876-1916. 2 ch.: Arnold: Gladys, b. 1899, m., no ch.; and Fran­ ces, b. 1912, m. Alf reel O'Donnell, b. 1906, London, Eng. Editor. Son, Thomas•:: Allen O'Donnell, b. 1933. 3681 Allen, 18i5-19-t-9, m. i\lary r.Jurphy. 4 ch.: Conklin: (1) Gilbert of 4030 Harding, Chicago, Ill.; (2) Clarence of Arlington, Va.; (3) Frank, cl.; and (4) Emily, d. 1945. 3682 Edith, 1878-1943, 111. Chauncey Hines, no ch. 368.3 Daniel, 188,1-1923, m. ~lamic Pratt. 2 ch.: Louis. m. --­ Battle Creek, 1\-lich.; and Lucille, m. --- 3684 Harry, h. 1881, 111. Grace --, cl. --. 2 ch.: Conklin: Ruth, m. -- of Va.; and Harry, Jr., of \Valker, Minn.

Refer to No.:

11 10 1 3048 Ch. of Rohert F. Randolph (John ): (2) Lynn Arden \ b. Aug. 15, 19-H at Edgerton, \Vis. 11 10 Ch. of Caroline E. F. R. (John ) and Donald Gray: (4) Mari­ etta Ruth•:: Gray, b. June 4, 1940. 1'.lilton Junction, \Vis. 11 111 Ivan Henry F. R. (John ) 111. :May 21, 1944 Virginia Mae Al­ brecht, b. Nov. 24, 1924, dau. of Robert and Gladys Albrecht. 1 Ch.: Jeffery Ellis :: F. R., b. June 30, 1948, Edgerton. Wis. Book­ keeper at the Chevrolet plant, J anesvillc, \Vis. 10 Charles Irwin" F. R. (John ), m. June 26, 1943 at Camp Crow­ der, :rvlo., I\larian Suzanne Vail, b. Jan. 21, 1924, dau. of Claud and Gertrude (Paul) Vail of Benton, \Vis. Ch.: F. R.: Twins, cl.y.; (3) Heidi Sue•::, h. Apr. 16, 1945, I-Iazal Green, Wis.; and (4) Jennifer Ann•::, b. June 15, 19-1-8, Edgerton, \Vis. He teaches music at l\lilton Union I-1.S .. l\Iilton, \Vis. Both Ivan and Charles F. R. enlisted in vVorld \Var II and both \\'ere honor­ ably discharged with rating Sg't T./4.

Refer to No.: 3050 Wardner T. 10 F. R. (Gideon° F. R., Annettas l\faxson) was or­ dained Nov. 18, 19-t--t-, S.D.B., and was sent to the i\Iission in Jamaica, B.\V.I. Ch.: F. R.: (1) Lura11 I\lae, m. 1\lay 6. 1939 Charles Allison Craw, b. June 5, 1910, son of J amcs and Virginia (Voorhees) Craw. Ch.: 1 Craw: Naomi'!.!, b. & cl. 1945; Ruth :i, b. Jan. 27, 1947; and 1 Charles :: Allison, b. June 26, 1948. 11 (2) Ruth Joy , m. Mar. 7, 1942 Elvin Smith, b. June 30, 1917. 1 Ch.: James Ray Smith ::, b. Apr. 18, 1947. (3) Wardner Ehvinu, m. Sept. 18, 1939 Margaret McCoy, b. 2 June 18, 1918. Ch.: F. R.: Evelyn Ann 1 , b. June 17, 1940, Tex­ 1 arkana, Ark.; and Robert Eugcnc ::, b. Nov. 17, 1947, Texarkana, Ark.


(4) Bernice I.II, m. Oct. 1941 \Villiam L. Brooks of U. S. Air 12 Force. M/Sg't. Ch.: Brooks: Bertha Nei1 , b. Aug. 1946; and Patricia Ann, b. r.Iar. 23, 1948. 11 (5) \Villiam Picrce , m. Dec. 9, 1943 Jennie Bell Mitchell, b. 1927.

Refer to No.: 3051 Winfield \V. 1° F. R. (Gideon11 F. R., Annetta" l\Iaxson). Ch.: \Vinficlcl 11 F. R., m. Aug. 2, 1945 Claire Denison HasweII of 1 Syracuse. N. Y. Ch.: ¼'infield Peter F. R. :::, b. Jan. 19, 1947. (Addenda, p. 220, was furnished by Rev. John F. Randolph.) 3601 Mrs. Arthur Baggs lives at 27 Hillcrest Ave., \,Vethersfielcl 9, Conn. 3172 G. Harry Swancott, b. June 9, 1890, Utica, N. Y., m. Oct. 17, 1914 Edith Batsforcl, b. June 17, 1890, 11 Grecmvood Court, Utica. She is librarian of the Utica Hist. Society. 3601 l\Irs. Arthur Baggs of 27 Hillcrest Ave., \,Vcthersfielrl 9, Conn.

Refer to page 54, No. 986. Data furnished by \Villiam P. Bent­ ley. 7 0 3 1\Jary Ann Saunclcrs (Cathcrine Maxson, John\ \ Jonathan , John\ Richarcl1 and of the Saunders line: John\ Stephen\ 3, 2, 1 0 Tobias ) m.2 Charles D. Peckham, b. R. I., July 9, 1821, cl. 1871 2 1 Jamcsr., Abel\ Daniel\ Thomas , John Peckham). Ch.: Peck­ ham: 1 Orrin. b. 1841, \Vestcrly, d. Apr. 23, 1862. 2 Stephen C., b. Aug. 22, 1847, m. Grace L. Eldredge. 3 William, m. Alma Smith. 4 Emma Frances\ cl. Oct. 18, 1906, m. July l, 1875 George A.1 1 2 1 Bentley (John°, ', William\ :i, Benjamin , \Villiam Bentley), b. July 4, 1854, cl. l\farch 12, 1924. They liv,:cl at Plainville, Conn., and had ch.: Bentley: \i\/illiam Perry, h. Feh. 22, 1880, m. Margaret Bonner. Lives at 4211 Lorraine Ave., Dallas 5, Texas, and have ch.: (1) Frances10 Elizabeth. m. vVilliam Shapard; (2) Russell Bonner. m. Valerie Lcdwidgc. Fred Harold", b. Sept. 11, 1882, d. Oct. 12, 1918, m. Bessie Esther Smith, Plainville, Conn., and have chilclren: (1) Fred Newton 1°, (2) George Perry, (3) Allon Peckham. 0 John Earle , b. Oct. 28, 1890, m. Kate Lee Ewing of Denison, 10 Texas, and have children: (1) George Ewing , (2) Margaret Emma, (3) John Earle, Jr. 8 5 Hannah , m. Jesse Gould of Kilmarnock, Va. Many de­ scendants. 8 6 George , d.y.


Ref er to page 201, No.: 3465 Avis 111 Johnson (l\lclvin" Johnson, Bctscy8 Brown, Alzina7 Max­ on, Samucl'1, r., 4, Jonathan:!, John::) and Dr. Luther VV. Ohlbeck. Ch.: Ohl beck: Luther, h. Nov. 3, 1925, m. Dre. 26, 1946 Anne Greenwood Car­ ter, clau. of Carney Blake: Carter and .i\Iyrtice Greenwood, b. Apr. 1. 1925, SOil Luther'~ \V. nr, h. Feb. 14, 1951. Luther, Jr. is a medical sturlcnt at the Univ. of N. C. He received his B.S. of U. of N. C. in 1949. He is a veteran of \Vorld War II. His wife graduated from Salem Collegc, AU., in 1946. Ann Avis (2nd ch. of Avis). h. Jum• 20, 1932, is a student at Duke Univ. 3466 1\folvin 10 \·Vright Johnson (1\lclvin" Johnson, Betsey8 Brown, Al­ 0 zina; Maxon, Samucl , r., 4. Jonathan\ John::) and Marion Beau­ mont of East Roclwstcr, have a clau.: Dorinda Ann Johnson, h. Nov. 25, 1950.

I\IAXSON FAl\JILY - UNPLACED 1 JONATHAN l\IAXSON, h. Feb. 20, 1785, cl. Oct. 1825, Tarrison Co., 0 .. m. Jan. 2, 1785 in N. ]., Mary l\fagcliline, b. Oct. 10, 1ii0, cl. 1848 Springdale, Ia. Ch.: 1\laxson: 2 David, b. Nov. 29, 1787; 3 John, b. May 22, 1788; 4 Nathan, h. l\Iar. 3, 1792. 5 \VILLIAM, b. Dec. 27, 1806, Pa .. d. Oct. 18, 1877, West Liberty, Ia., m. 1832 Harrison Cn., 0., Delia Bolon, b. Va., d. Nov. 5, 1850, Springclalc, la., m.2 Sept. 9, 1852 Hannah Keisler, b. Jan. 4. 1827. 6 Mary, b. Mar. i. 1810. Four other ch. (tradition). 5 WILLl.r'.l\I l\Taxsnn (Jonathan) and Delia Bolon. Ch.: Maxson: i JONATHAN. h. l\lay 31, 1833 ( ?). Freeport, 0., d. Aug. 1925 Pasadena. Calif.. m.1 Naomi. h. 1940, d. Mar. IO, 1864, West Liberty. Ia., m.2 Jan. 13, 1871. \.Yest Liberty, Ia., Loeencie Honore Haven, b. July 26. 18-t-5. M i


Pendleton; \,Vinston, m. \Villiam Exum; ancl Ruth Ethel, b. Jan. 10, 1865. Ch. by 2nd w. Hannah Keisler: (Ch. of 5) 13 India, b. Mar. 27, 1856; 14 Flamcttn, b. Feb. 20, 1859. 15 Chester, b. Sept. 12, 1853. 16 Zona, b. July 19, 1861, Springdale, Ia., cl. June 2, 1944, Los An­ geles, m. Joe Pringy. No ch. 7 JONATHAN 1-:IAXSON (\,Villiam, Jonathan) and wife, Naomi. Ch.: .i\fakson : 17 Dora, b. Oct. 14, 1861. 111. \Villiam S. Swem, Orlando, Fa. Ch. by 2nd w., Lorcncic H. Haven: !\faxon: 18 \VILLIAM GUY, b. June 12, 1871, m.1 Alice Rowena Chese­ hrough, b. Sept. 27, 1875, Glens Falls, N. Y., m.2 Apr. 5, 1928 l\Iahel Robertson, nee Beedy, b. l\Iay 30, 1881. 19 HAL YATES, b. Oct. 10, 1872, 111. Emma Frink, b. Sept. 26, 1871, Iowa City, Ia .. cl. July 9, 1944, 'Wilmington. Del. 20 Alice Beryl, b. Jan. 13, 1875, \,Vest Liberty, Ia., cl. 1917 (?),Cedar Rapids, la., m. Don Barnes, \Vest Liberty, fa. 21 Raymond, b. Sept. 24, 1880, d. 1925 ( ?), m. Emma--. No ch. 8 THADDEUS \.VAR.SAW :Maxson, (\,Villiam Jonathan) and Lydia H. Yates. 22 HILLIS A., 111. I\Iyrtlc Phelps. 23 \Villard S., m. :Martha Fawchctt, dau. Elsie m. Larry Boatman. No ch. 24 Rufus, m. l\Iary --. No ch. 25 Candance, m. Edwin Negus, dau. Dorothy 111. \1/m. H. Weber, sons Thomas and Edwin Negus. 26 Hanna llclle, m. Albert C. Holloway. 3 ch.: Holloway: Alberta, b. Aug. 16, 1904, d. Dec. 12, 1941; H. :rvlaxson, b. Jan. 11, 1907; and l\lcrrit, b. Oct. 6, 1910.

9 (Helen) KIRTS Maxson ('William, Jonathan) and 1st w. Ch.: l\laxson: 2i DELIA, m. Harry l\kCann; 28 Louise; 29 Naomi. 30 JESS HOLMES, m. Rose -- 31 Argus, m. --. 2 ch. --. 32 Lefty, m. Ephraim 1vladison, clau. Evelyn. 33 Floyd, m. Lillian, son Calvin. 34 Chesley. Last 3 ch. by 2nd w., Anna Beatty. 10 ELZA Maxson (William, Jonathan) and !vfaria Todd. Ch.: Maxson: 35 Norma, b. 1865, Springdale, cl. 1926, Winfield, Kan., m. -­ Wyant, dau. Mildred vVyant b. 1897, m. -- Moulton and had Judith, b. 1924, and Gwendolyn, b. 1925.


36 Ona, b. 1872, cl. 1920, Mason City, Ia., m. --- Bell, dau. Marie Bell b. 1895, m. --- Gile.Iner, son Frank B. Gildner b. 1924, and dau. Catherine Ione Gildner, b. 1927. 37 Rctt, b. 1878,


Daniel W. Maxson, b. June 3, 1836 in Allegany Co., N. Y., or near Utica, N. Y., from the Toronto, Kansas, Republican, is­ sued Jan. 22, 1920, cl. Jan. 4, 1920 at Galveston, Texas, m. June 8, 1860 Louise E. Myrick in Mapleton, Kan., who cl. Mar. 27, 1901. Daniel \V. Maxson and his sister were taken by an aunt in Western N. Y. at the early death of their parents. (Tradi­ tion). In the records of the 1850 census of Friendship, N. Y., Daniel Maxson was recorded as living in the family of Ai Mid­ daugh, age 25, and wife Caroline (Latta), age 19. Daniel's age was given as 13. Investigation has shown that Caroline (Latta) Middaugh was not Daniel's aunt, nor were the Micl­ claughs nor Lattas and !viaxsons closely related. Civil \,Var record : Daniel W. l\.faxson was born in Allegany Co., N. Y., farmer, was enrolled Oct. 20, 1863 at \Vestport, Mo., was mus­ tered out into service Nov. 4, 1863 at \rVestport, Mo., at Kansas City, Mo., private, Co. M., 9th Reg., Kansas Cavalry, was hon­ orably discharged July 17, 1865. He also acted as a doctor in the Civil War and became a practicing M.D. in various places, for many years at Toronto, Kan. Children: Maxson: (The degree of descent is indicated by the number of places in the numbering). 1 William Marian, b. Feb. 26. 1862, d. June 30, 1863. 2 Willis Edward, b. Oct. 18, 1864, Mapleton, Kan., m.l Oct. 15, 1883 Antionette Gooch, d. Oct. 18, 1914, and had 3 children; m.2 Oct. 16, 1917 Isadora Kich. Ch.: Maxson: 21 Harry I., b. Nov. 28, 1885, Toronto, Kan., m. June 24, 1909 Mar~ ion Flagg, b. Apr. 14, 1887, St. Paul, Minn., dau. of ------· He is head of the Maxson, Mahoncv, Turner Insurance Com­ pany, 606 Republic Bank Building, Dallas, Texas. Ch.: Maxson: 211 Barbara, b. Nov. 5, 1910, Beaumont, Tex., m. Apr. 18, 1936 Oakes Taft Turner, b. Dallas. Ch.: Turner: 2111 David, b. Sept. 3, 1938, DalJas. 2112 Donald, b. Aug. 4, 1942 Dallas 2113 Thomas Hudnell, b. May 8, 1946, Dallas. 2114 Nancy Flagg, b. !\fay 8, 1946, Dallas. 212 John Sherman, b. Oct. 2, 1912, Beaumont, m. July 2, 1937 Nell Virginia DeGoler, b. Dec. 29, 1913, Norman, Okla., and they have ch.: Maxson: 2121 John DeGoler, b. Mar. 11, 1940, Dallas. 2122 Virginia, Lee, b. Aug. 23, 1942. 2123 Peter Flagg b. Mar. 25, 1947, Ft. Worth, Tex., and 2124 Mary Noel, b. Nov. 15, 1949 Dallas. John Sherman Maxson is in business with his father. 213 Peggy (Margaret), b. June 16. 1914, Beaumont, Tex., m. Apr. 24, 1935. Kenneth Mahoney, b. May 6, 1908, son of --­ 2121 John DeGoJer, b. Mar. 11, 1940, Dallas. 2132 Michael Kenneth, b. May 23, 1938, Dallas.


22 Meta Maxson, b. l\far. 14, 1888, Protection, Kan., m.1 Richard T. Muller, Nov. 2 1906, Galveston, Tex., cl. Aug. 10, 1910. Son: 221 Mr1urinc .Muller, b. Sept. 29, 1907, Galveston, Tex. Meta m.2 Dec. 11, 1935, Lloyd LaRue, and had 222 Lloyd LaRue, b. Aug. 10, 1937, San Diego, Cata. Meta Maxson lives 12126 Holley Glen Palace, North Hollywood, Cala. 23 \Villis Edward II, b. Nov. 3, 1892, Purcell, Okla., m. Sept. 6, 1916 Lucille Eilers, b. Sept. 22, 1894, Bastrop, Tex.. dau. of --. He is in the office of the Comptroller of Public Ac­ counts of the State of Texas, Austin, Texas. Ch.: 231 Glen, b. July 28, 1918, Pasla, Kan., cl. July 30, 1918. 232 Willis Edward III, b. Mar. 18, 1920, \Vich Falls, Tex. Lieut. U.S.A.N. Killed in action at Wake Island, Oct. 8, 1943, m. June 19, 1942 Ivlary Pauline \,Vaitman, b. Nov. 5, 1922, San Antonio, Tex., dau. of --- 2321 Sus:-Ln Diane l\laxson, h. Nov. 13, 1943, Austin, Tex. l\lnry Paul­ ine \Valtman .:\I axson m.2 l\lar. 24, 1946 Damon Pi,ilip Smith and they havt• Damon Philip Smith, b. May 1.7, 1947, Austin, Tex.


233 Richard Dan, b. Mar. 26, 1922, \i\/ichta Falls, Tex .. m. Oct. 2, 1948 Beverly J can Bixby, b. Dec. 16, 1950, Houston, Tex. 3 Frank L. Maxson, h. July 28. 1867, liws at i14 N. Main St., Eurika, Kansas. ( 1949) 4 Henrietta, b. Nov. 1, 1869, Coffeyville, Kan.,


ALVIN MAXON, b. 1797, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Gaines, Orleans Co., N. Y. Census 1855: Alvin Maxon, h. 1797 Dutchess Co., N. Y., wife Ivlary 54, b. 1801 Saratoga Co., N. Y. \,Viii of Mary \V. Maxon of Eagle Harbor, who died Aug. 28, 1857, nn•ntions husband Alvin A. .Maxon and childrPn: 1 Ira Maxon. 2 Thomas of Rochester. 3 William of Middleport. 4 Augustus of Eagle Harbor (1825-1915 G.S.R.), m. 1vlartha DeForest. Ch.: 41 Earl, 1856-1924. Cb.: 411 Louis, m. Scharlottc Jewett, .l\Icdina. 412 Robert, 111. Gladys Hartwell. Ch.: Shirley l\[ay of ..l\Iedina. 413 Irene, m. Walter Hibbard, l\lcdina. Ch.: \Valter Hib­ bard, Jr.; Muriel Hibbard; Lucille; and Donald. 434 Eclwarcl of Medina, unm. --1-35 Newell, b. May 21, 1897, (Town Clerk of Albion, 1954), m. Mau


WILLIAM 1 STEWARD MAXSON, b. Berlin N. Y. (or Peters­ burg), m. Feb. 1, 1827 at DeRuyter, N. Y., Eliza Millard, dau. 2 1 of Lucius who was a weaver (Jonathan, Robert\ , ). W.S.M. was a whip maker and shingle shaver. They left DeRuyter and went to Mo. about 1848. Ch.: Maxson: Lydia; Lavinia; and Deloss2 Irat b. Apr. 28, 18..16, gracl. Oberlin College, m. June 16, 1861 in Fayette, Mo., Mandama Silong, b. Oct. 28. 1839, dau. of James Holmes and Mary Ann (Yager) Silong. Their ch.: Max­ son3: Eliza, d.y.; Wm. James; Effie Thorton; and Stewart Ira 8, b. 1876, m. Sept. 16, 1903 at Mt. Morris, N. Y. Amanda Conk­ lin, b. 1880, retire


The fo11owing abridgement is given to separate Maxham and Maxam descendants from l\fa,xson and Maxon descendants. V.R. from uo1c1 Landmarks of Plymouth"' (with additions). 1 Samuel Maxham 1. b. about 1680, of l\'Iiddlcboro, Mass., will made !\fay 22, 1729, proved Nov. 16, 1763 Rochester, Mass., m. Hannah Glover. 01.: I\faxham:i: 2 Jacob, b. 17&J, m. Abigail Green. 3 Thacldius. 4 Dinah, m. Andrew Sturtevant. 5 Samuel, d. about July 17, 1755, m. Elizabeth Gibbs. 6 ( +) Edmund, b. 1722, of South Carver, .:\Tass., m. 1742 Abigail Ellis. 7 Adonyah, b. about 1724, of Sharon, Ct., m. Keziah Benson. 8 John, m. (prob.) Silence Pratt. 9 Frcelor. 1719~ July 6, 1775. V.R. l\fontpelier, Vt. "Old Landmarks'' (B 4 D.L., p. 83) (t) 6 Edmund 1\faxi1am~ and Abigail Ellis of Plymouth. Ch.: 1 Maxham: : 10 Jabez, b. 1743 l\Tiddleboro, cl. 1831, m. Anna Scln·. rti1iff. 11 John, h. Feb. 7, 1745 Carver, Mass., d. 1827, m. Martha Norris.

12 Thomas, b. 1749, 111. Dec. 1, 1768 Jcrusha Lions. 13 Lemuel, b. 1752. 14 (+)Ellis, b. 1756 Carver, m. Apr. 5, 1780 Anna Raymond. They lived at Bristol, Addison Co., Vt. 15 (+) Gideon, b. Nov. 15, 1766, m. :Mrs. Sarah (Beese) Cushman,


22 Ellis. Ch. of No. 19. l\faxhamr.: 23 Charles, b. Apr. 26, 1813 Sanely Creek, Oswego Co .. N. Y., m. 1\fatilda Russel. 24 ( +) Lucinda, b. Apr. 10, 1815 Richland, N. Y., d. Mar. 17, 1864, m. Elijah Dunlap. 25 Mary. 26 Orrin, b. 1819. 27 Cynthia, b. 1822. 28 Lewis, b. 1827. 29 Samuel, b. 1831, d. 1870. 30 Jane. 31 Edward Asa, Jr., b. Apr. 6, 1837 Sandy Creek, d. 1898, m. Sarah Seeley. Desc. of No. 24. 01.: Dunlapu: 32 Olive, b. 1835, Oswego. 33 Russel. 34 Holland, b. 1846, Sugar Creek. 35 Mary, h. Nov. 12. 1849, Sugar Creek, Wis., d. 1933, rr •. Caleb H. Babcock, b. 1851 Williamson, N. Y., cl. 1913 Shelby, Neb. Their child 36 Clistie Babcock\ b. May 5, 1892 Shelby, Neb., m. 1911 Perry Johnson. P.O. (1944) 143 E. 3rd St., S. Logan, Utah, sent above data. No. 15. Gideon3 Maxham (Edmund, Samuel). Ch.: :rvfaxham•: 37 (+) Marcus, b. Apr. 8, 1795 Woodstock, Vt., m. 1814 Polly Sta.nford. 38 Bessie. 39 William. 40 Franklin. 41 George. 42 Gideon.


No. 37. Marcus Maxham (Gideon, Edmund, Samuel) and Polly Stanford. Ch.: 5. 43 Franklin l\faxham. Mary Maxham of \Vorcester, Vt., is a descendant. 44 Lewis. 45 Melissar. Maxham, b. July 10, 1818, d. Nov. 1, 1904, m. 1844 Joseph Bruce, grandparents of l\fary E. Hovey of Hudson who furnished much of Maxham data. 46 Valutia. 47 George. 48 \,Villiam. 49 Mary. 50 Sarah. 51 Louise. 52 Maria. 53 Clarinda.


MAXHAM, Johnsonburg, N. Y. Probably connectccl with the above, but the connection not shown from Available H.ccorcls. 1 Asa Maxham, d. Jan. 6, 1848, ae. 67. 2 Wilson:, m.l Elvira, mother of his ch., m.2 Langworthy. Ch.: Maxham: 3 Eliza:1, m. --- 'Wells. Dcsc. near Glens Falls, N. Y.

4 Minerva 3, m. --- Taylor---, Gloversville, N. Y.

3 5 George , ---, California.

3 6 Harvey , d. Dec. 17, 1897, ae. 73, Charleston, N. Y.

1 7 Henry! , ---, Johnsburg, N. Y.

3 8 Mary Jane , m. --- Nash ---, Steuben Co., N. Y. 9 Arcadia!!, m. --- Smith---, \Visconsin. 10 Henry:, b. 1810. 11 Dennis=-?, b. 1812.

2 12 Samuel , d. Civil War. 13 James\ b. 1814, cl. Dec. 26, 1878 Bolton, N. Y., m. 1840 Althea 1 Crandall. (Possibly this J amcs was a son of a brother of Asa ). Ch.:

3 14 Mary Eliza , dau. :r,r rs. I. H. Priner of 1341 Mansfield Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 15 Charles3 B., m. Electa Balch, Hartford. \Vis.

3 16 Melvina , Stetsonville, Wis.

3 17 Henry J. , Lincoln, Neb.

2 18 Charles , b. 1819, m. Cynthia Butler, Schroon, N. Y.; the 10 ch. : 19 Jennie3 Louise Butler, rn. Judson Oiase. Dau. 20 Mrs. Lila Chase Blood, 37 Sherman Ave., Glenns Falls, N. Y., furnished these J ohnshurg records.

MAXON Definitely not desc. of John 1638-1720 Harry Maxon of Ovid, clothier, cl. in New York; son Irving Maxon of the Armed Forces (World War II); dau. Mrs. Sylva Weisburg of New York. A brother of Harry, in Syracuse. Hebrew Families.

240 INDEX INDEX TO THE NINTH GENERATION OF .i\lAXSON GENEALOGY ABBOT, Wilma 175 Eliza 180 DINGHAM, Mary 212 ADAMS, Charles 206 Elizabeth 182 Rowland Clark Eunice 172 BLESSUM, Gustavus 209 Edith Grace 180 Norman Herbert Oscar 172 Roy Janet Stella 202 BLISS, Eva 191 Luella BATLEY, Bert 209 BLOOMER, Alice 171 Mary Ethel 209 Ralph Icln 202 BODE, Berlyn 179 Ruth Margaret 190 Kenneth Manfred Robert BAINES, George 198 Pauline Wilson BAINETT, Hetty 175 Raymond ADLARD, Ilcnjamin 183 Fay Roen James 1\Iyrtlc Wilma Laura BAIRD, Charles 183 BOLD, Ella 172 Raymond BALCOM, Andrew 211 BOND, Bernice 179 ALDERTER, Teresa 185 Darbnra 211 ALLEN, Diana 1!)5 Florence 205 BONNELL, Glenora 178 Eugenia 173 Harriet 211 Orvil Gucrdon 1!)5 BALDWIN, Flora 195 Ray Jumes 173 HALL, Minnie 204 BOSS, Bettie 207 Lois 195 William Lydia 195 BARBER, Charles 1!)9 BOWENt Bessie 207 Nettie 173 Clarence 200 Bonnie 207 Corn 199 William 1!)5 Curtis 200 Clifford 207 AL1\1Yt Marguerite l!J5 Florence 200 Daisy 207 ALWOOD, Fern 182 Kathleen 200 Howard 207 Fred 1\fartha 200 James 176 Jane 207 Maggie Olin 200 Jean 176, 207 ANDREWS, Arthur 180 Oscar 200 John 207 Clarence 200 Sada 200 Luther 175 Mabel 200 Sanford 200 Richard 207 ARCHDUCKLE, Henry Shirley 200 Robert 207 198 Verne 200 Rose 207 ARMBURST, Alayne Hll BARRNHART, Charles Violet 207 Anthony 190 Virginia 207 Kathie Burton BOWERS, Joseph 182 ARMSTRONG, Charles Mildred BOYCE, Ada 171 191 l\lyron Elijah 171 ASHCRAFT, Alayne 191 BARRON, Eugene 196 Elmer 209 Anthony George Lois 209 Kathie IlAYS, John 172 Neal 212 ASHWORTH, Gladys 203 Lavinia Reynor 209 A VERY, Arnold 195 Lena Robert 212 Doris BEAR, Clyde 204 BRADFORD, Henry 199 Harold BEE, Dottie 199 BRISSEY, George 177 James Under 3062 Reuben Margaret BEEBE, Charles 209 BRITTON, Goe 175 Otis Helen BROOKS, Bonnabel 212 Robert Willard Jeheil BROWN, Arch 208 William Myrna Clyde 208 BENEDICT, Alvin 189 Constance 188 BABBIT, Marjorie 210 BENNET, Edna 171 Cora 205 DA BCOCK, Adcsse 191 BENSON, Gertrude 192 Edna 205 Bethiel 180 BENTON, James 192 Eleanor 188 241 Elvira 205 CASSADA, Martha 205 Richard Florence 206 George 205 Ruth Harold 190 Chester 205 COOLEY, Nettie 180 Hattie 20!) Emma 204 Hiram 205 Nancy 204 COON, Elizn 187 Inez 207 Nellie 205 Eva 190, 198 Jennie 20!) CASSLER, Charles 184 Floyd 174 Loretta 193 Frank Sebbeus 190 Minnie 20G Gerald COOPER, George 204 Norton 196 Nancy Ruth 177 Maude Stephen 1 !J 8 CAVIN, Delia 198 COREY, Thomas 105 Urban 188 James Walter 205 Leonard COULTS, Viola 192 BROWNLEE, Jessie 1!)!) CHAPIN, Albert 205 COVERT, Joseph 211 Anson 204 W. Ray BRUSSELS, Albert 184 Clara 189 BRYAN, Helen 194 Doris 205 COWEN, Jennie 188 BUEL, Barbara 198 Frank 205 CRAFT, Lillian 172 Raymond Hattie 205 CRAINE, Clark 209 BUERCKLIN, Alice 188 Howard 205 Joseph 189 Daniel BULL, Albert 207 Lois 205 Lou-Jessamin David Paul 205 Marjorie James Robert 205 Shirley CRANDALL, Carlton 187 Welcome 205 Inez 187 BUNNELL, Gertrude 177 CHASE, Charles 189 .Joel 187 BURDICK, Alice 188 Dora Mabel 187 Daniel 190 Frank 1\Iaude 187 Florence 199 Henrietta Nancy 1!)3 Jennie 172 CHILDS, Wealthy 193 Leon 199 CRAWFORD, Betty 201 Oscar 190, l!J9 CHITELLI, Jacob 191 Frances 211 Raymond 199 CHRISPELL, Arthur 208 Harry 201 Susie 199 James 209 Robert 202 Zelma 195 CHRISTMAN, Esper 172 William 201 BURGES, Hazel 199 CLARK, Bien 185 CROSLEY, Edith 173, BURLEY, Cora 180 Charles 185, 18G 200 Clarence 185 Edward 173 BURLINGAME, Elvira Harry 173 183 Florence 185 ,Jean 186, 202 Walter 173 BURNS, Adelaide 206 Paul 186 CROW, James 193 Harold 206 Ruby 185 Joseph 206 Susan 179 CUNNINGHAM, Alice Morris 208 198 Virginia 208 COATS, Albert 178 George Benjamin Howard BUTCHER, Mary 187 Flora Wilfred Frances Orland BUTTERFIELD, George George CURTIS, Clara 207 194 Harold Leo Nora John DATTMAN, Hannah 190 BUYER, Vesta 191 Lois CALLAHAN, Otis 199 Lois DA VJD, Flora 200 CALLARO, Jay 212 Olive DAVIDSON, Carrie 190 Louise Walter Willie Reuben CAMENGO, Claude 185 CLEVELAND, Maude DAVIS, Carroll 173 John 187 Clarence 181 CAMPBELL, Mamie 179 COLLINS, Jeannetti 199 Marjorie 186 CANN, Addie 174 COMBS, Charles 188 F. Varian 181 CARPENTER, Alice 206 CONGER, Maude 194 Guy 181 David COOLBROTH, Ernest Harvey 181 CASB, Julia 172 189 Howard 181

242 h·an 181 ELSTER Dorr 1 71 Robert 175, 176 .I\Iaric 181 Frances 171 Ronald 177 Olney HI!) Ercel 202 Rmh 176 Thomns 181 Theodore 17 5 Varian 181 ERHART, Marion 202 Thomas 175 Walter 181 ESENGRAD, l\frs. Anna Wardner 176, 177 DAWE, Fred 187 181 Willard 175 DE LONG, Maude 172 EVANS, Andra 198 William 176. 177 Dale 172 Winfred 177 DENNIS, I'en 182 Fred 172 FLESHER, Brooks 179 DEROUCHTA, Ernest 205 Guy 198 Paris 179 DICKINSON, Jennie 206 Harold 1!)8 William 179 DILLON, Pertha 187 Mary 172 FLETCHER, Ada 183 DOANE, Albert l!J!J June 198 Charles Clam EWEN, Frank 190 Caroline Cly

244 Gifl'orrl 202 Nellie 187 MORROW, Lucy 200 Glen 211 Nol'mn 1!l5 MOWERS, Carrie 171 Glenn 178, l!J2 0. L. 187 MOWRY, Corwin 175 Grnce 179, 184, 191, Orn 193 MURPHY, Audry 191 192 Oren 187 MYERS, Lnurn 191 Grove 104 Oscar 1!>0 NEVLING, A. L. 190 Guy 170 Paul 192, 194 NEWELL, Celestin 193 Harold 202, 203, 212 Pearl 1!}1 Linne 100 Harriet 201 Prentice 190 Reed 190 Hurry 173, 177, 101, Ray 202 NICHOLS, Genna 202 106 Richard 203 ]\[ary 172 Hattie 1!)8 Robert 187, 191, 194, Sherman 202 Helen 184, 200 1!l6, 197 Vernon 202 Henry 173, 194, 1!)6, Rolland 200 Royal lfl2 NORTON, Elizabeth 196 204 Guy 173 Herbert H)6 Russell 201 Hermon 177 Sarah 1!)0, 192 Frances 196 Holly l!l4 Sherman 187 James 196 Homer 211 Shirley 202 ODELL, Robert 197 Hownrrl 187, 202, 212 Silas 193, 195 ORCUTT, Clara 211 Hulda 186 Stuart 202 Grant 211 Ida H>5, 201 Susan 190, 192 Orestes 191 Ira 177 Sylvia 193 ORSTORT, Etta 173 Irene 195 Thcoda 194 Thomas l!Hl ORWIG, Bettie 176 Iris 179 June Iva 187 Virginia 204 Wallace 103 Lawrence Jack 201 Vivian Jan 211 Wendy 203 Jane 194 Willard 188, 192 PACKARD, Abigail 172 Jennie 193 William 188, 194, 195, Clarence 198 Jesse 173 196, 200, 203 Don 198 Joan 179 Wilma 202 PAGE, Elizabeth 185 John 179, 184, 186, McCAUGHEY, Maria 195 Henry 188, 189, 194, 106 McCOY, Jnmes 183 PALMER, Bret 172 Joice 212 Joseph 177, 101 McLEAN, Minnie 173 PALMITER, Jesse 185 Josephine 191, 193 MEATHERALL, Carl 177 PARKER, Henry 189 Julia 179, 185 Conza Ruth Justinin 192 Draxie John PARSONS, Aurelia 201 Knthcrine 184, 191, Charles 201 Julia Ruport Edward Kenneth 200 Earl Laura 189 MEAD, Henry 197 Eugene Lester 211, 212 Isabella Frank Little 1!l0 MILLHORN, Laura 198 Harriet Lucy 200 MILNER, Albert 191 George Lydia lf>3 Jack Lynton 200 Denna Miner, G. F. 184 Lewis Mabel 200, 212 Marion Mac 188 Jack Pearl Malcom 197 MIRES, August 212 Robert Margaret 194, 200 Bertha Russell Margery 200 MITTER, Silas 185 Shirley Marshall 190, 197 Martha 199 MIX, Charles 192 PASCO, Lillian 182 Martin 193 Emily Mark 197 ,Joanna PAYNE, Hase! 210 Mary 186, 188, 190, Margaret Walter 191, 196, 204 Mary Rose PECK, Lena 194 Maude 187, 193 Thomas Myron 192 PETERMAN, l\lartha 192 Nathan 193 :MOORE, Benjamin 199 Nancy 187 l\IORIN, Henry !DO PETERS, Pearl 212

245 PETUMENOS, Barbara ROSSITER, John 211 SHERMAN, Jennie 100 174 Huth SHORT, Asley 179 Charles RUOY, Abby 181 Charles Nicholas Blanche Doris Virginia Elizabeth Freda PHRIES, James 183 Ft·ederick Shirley PIERCE, Bertha 176 Gcor~e Vela Cortland 195 Isabel Waymon Kathryn 186 John SHIUEVE, Nettie 180 Newton 176 l\farion William PIETRIE, Eloise 210 RUDOLPH, Eugene 106 SILVERTHORN, Caroline Frank RUMSEY, Frances l!JG 100 John RY AN, Frank 171 SMART, Charles 200 PIFER, Al mu 1 !J 1 Sally mo SMITH, Acmilla 172 Elva Sarah I!)0 Curl l!l2 PIKE, Althea 202 SALISBURY, Donald 210 Clair 172 Harriet 186 George 210 Harold 172 Raymond 202 l\Jamic 180 Henrietta 205 PLACE, Philip 193 Willard 210 Raymond 172 Kenneth 172 PORTER, Stella 1!14 SAUERS, Louise l!J7 SMITHERSON, Sarah POSKO, Lillian 182 SAYES, Betty 184 David 211 POTTER, Leila 188 SNYDER, Clara 192 Melisa Karl K. l\L PREBLE, Ann 195 SOMERVILLE, Mary 170 Helen SCHMERKER, Henry Morris 186 Ronzill PULVER, Helen 201 Mary Ruby PURUCKER, Lois SCHOLER, Edward 180 SPILLMAN, Evelyn 207 QUACKINBUSH, Mary SCHOLTZ, Joseph 180 STAFFORD, Amos, 189 211 James 205 Myles SCHULER, Fred 183 SCHWARTZ, Everyn 212 William 206 RAINSDURGER, Jerome ST AHL, Pierce 210 188 SCOTT, Lucy 187 STALNAKER, Sarah 177 Raymond 202 SCRAFFORD, Charles STARLEY, Carl 179 RANDOLPH, Alva 177 185 Edra Blondy 177 Dorothy Helen Calfernia 177 Frank Ralph Conza 177 Vilma STEELE, Elnora 185 Draxie 177 George STERNS, Helen 200 Elsworth 177 Grace STILLMAN, Addie 172 Radolph 201 Mabel Chester 172 Robert 177 SEEBRIDGE, Jennie 196 Clay 172 Daniel 171 RANNY, Louise 194 SENF, Louis 205 Donald 171 REINOR, Darvin 202 SEVERENCE, John 180 Edward 171 RICE, Enos 112 SHAFER, Charles 205 Elizabeth 172 Lymon Dorothy Florence 172 RICHARDS, Opal 1 77 Esther Frank 171 RICHMOND, Charles 189 SHAFFER, Eddie 173 Gertrude 1 71 Elmer 189 Glenn 172 SHANNON, Edna 205 Hannah 172 Mary 175 SHARP, Roland 198 Harry 171 RIDEL, Edwin 204 Henry 172 Helen SHEERER, Elizabeth 171 J. Clay 172 Ina 171 RISLEY, Edward 184 Marjorie 172 J. Clay 172 ROD, Laura 211 Julius 171 SHEPLER, Byron 178 Marjorie 172 ROBELS, Rita, 198 Ralph 1\.focrc 171 ROBERTS, Molly 194 SHERER, Grace 205 Neil 172 ROBINSON, Barbara 172 Norma Orris 172 ROOT, Charles 204 William Paul 172

246 STIRLING, Frank 183 THOMPSON, Maude l 08 'f. B. STOCKHAM, Bruce 210 THORNGATE, Arlie 181 Enrl Ray 181, 200 Elizabeth .Melva 200 Emma Ray 200 Gertrude John THORTON, Thomas 185 Mnry TICE, Emma 199 Harry TINESON, Nicholas 186 Noble Ray Sybil TORESS, Paul 174 William TRACY, Margaret 192 STONE, Rose1la 19!1 TROWBRIDGE, Fl'nnk SUMMERS, Charles 1!)6 189 James 197 '!'RUMAN, 0. M. 182 John 1D7 TUER$, Elizabeth 175 Ruth 197 UTTER, Mary 180 SUTTON, Emily 175 VINER, Agnes 202 Gladys 176 Edward Erlo 176 Helen SWAN COTT, Benjamin WEBB, Adel 212 184 Fredel'ick 185 WILLIAMS, Madaline SYMONDS, Virginia 204 212 WOOLWORTH, Leonard 172 TEFFT, Lillian 174 Mary Maxson Philena Robert Wilson ZAMBITO, Alphonso 207 Lawrence THAYER, Stuart 204 Lee Walter ZIEGLER, Bonnie 190 William ZUEHLKE, Frederick 206 THOMAS, Georgia 178 William 205


Daniel W. Maxson 234 Jonathan 1\faxson 231 William Stewart Maxson 230