At Least 17 Die in Hijack in Pakistan
. to MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. Sept. 5. mw OPINION |T M SALES SPORTS WEEKEND PI I S TAB SALES GARS ICAMfERS/ FOR SALE TRARiRS Voters prudent, Tog sole-everythlng must BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Bosox Increase ool Moving out of the There’s Just one Giant tog sole - G «n«ral 1979 Olds Delta "88" country, Saturday and Building Supply Com- Royole. Very good condi sewer suit shows Sundoy September 4th oony, JOO Tolland Street R S n P A M TM B / MSCElLANEBUt tion. 82500. Coll 647-9330. lead on Toronto and 7th. 158 South Moln GMLBCABE l O ^ f ------------ 1972 Shasta Trailer. 14' 1 Adelma Simmons Eost Hortford, 289-3474 (ot Street PAPEimiB 8ERVICE8 self contained. Excellent ... editorial, page 6 the Dovls ond Bradford 1948 Mecury convertlb- le,automotlc transmlssl- condition. Asking 8950 568- ... pago<i » 'VS?'’ ® General Child core In my licensed Name your own price — 4653. ... magazine Inalda Building Supply Com home. Coll 449-3015. Delivering deem form Art's tight Trucklng- on.good running Fother and son. East, loom; 5vards875phMteM. egiiars,attfcs,gorages condition,new top,l pany) September 4 thro dependable service. September 14. Anderson Also sand, stone, and cleaned.■ Juhk houi..i m - owner. Coll evenings 646- CLEAMNB Eolntlng^ Eaperhanglno grovel. Call 4434S04. .Piirnffure (indoppitaness 6299. MOTORCYCLES/ windosw, doors, kitchen 8> Removal. Coll 8724237. cabinets, roofing, hord- Large Yard sole Saturday 8ERVICE8 moved. Odd lobs, very MOPEOS September 4th,9-4pm,742 honest dependable 1978 gos VW Rabbit, stand wore, hardwoods, oak, John Deerr painting con redwood, sidings and West Middle worker. 2S^eors expe ord transmission, sun 1981 Yamaha 550 Moxlm- Tpke,Monchester.
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