At Least 17 Die in Hijack in Pakistan

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At Least 17 Die in Hijack in Pakistan . to MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. Sept. 5. mw OPINION |T M SALES SPORTS WEEKEND PI I S TAB SALES GARS ICAMfERS/ FOR SALE TRARiRS Voters prudent, Tog sole-everythlng must BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Bosox Increase ool Moving out of the There’s Just one Giant tog sole - G «n«ral 1979 Olds Delta "88" country, Saturday and Building Supply Com- Royole. Very good condi­ sewer suit shows Sundoy September 4th oony, JOO Tolland Street R S n P A M TM B / MSCElLANEBUt tion. 82500. Coll 647-9330. lead on Toronto and 7th. 158 South Moln GMLBCABE l O ^ f ------------ 1972 Shasta Trailer. 14' 1 Adelma Simmons Eost Hortford, 289-3474 (ot Street PAPEimiB 8ERVICE8 self contained. Excellent ... editorial, page 6 the Dovls ond Bradford 1948 Mecury convertlb- le,automotlc transmlssl- condition. Asking 8950 568- ... pago<i » 'VS?'’ ® General Child core In my licensed Name your own price — 4653. ... magazine Inalda Building Supply Com­ home. Coll 449-3015. Delivering deem form Art's tight Trucklng- on.good running Fother and son. East, loom; 5vards875phMteM. egiiars,attfcs,gorages condition,new top,l pany) September 4 thro dependable service. September 14. Anderson Also sand, stone, and cleaned.■ Juhk houi..i m - owner. Coll evenings 646- CLEAMNB Eolntlng^ Eaperhanglno grovel. Call 4434S04. .Piirnffure (indoppitaness 6299. MOTORCYCLES/ windosw, doors, kitchen 8> Removal. Coll 8724237. cabinets, roofing, hord- Large Yard sole Saturday 8ERVICE8 moved. Odd lobs, very MOPEOS September 4th,9-4pm,742 honest dependable 1978 gos VW Rabbit, stand wore, hardwoods, oak, John Deerr painting con­ redwood, sidings and West Middle worker. 2S^eors expe­ ord transmission, sun 1981 Yamaha 550 Moxlm- Tpke,Monchester. Quality Kleen commer­ tractor. Residential, com­ rience In moving. 44AM49 roof 8500. 649-3886. much much more. Don't cial and residential clean­ mercial. Fall and winter ,81000,call 649-3148. miss this chance for o D 8i D Londscadng. Voca­ anytime Tog sole-huge assortmen- ing services. Free estl- specials. Free estimates. borgoln. We hove com­ tion cuttings, hedge trim­ 1975 Mercury Cougar. t,antlques,ond collecti­ motes, 649-3248. ming, Prunings, flower A Screened Loam,gravel- Silver 81,000 firm. 872-0867. bing merchandise from 2 references,647-a022. MISGELLAMEOUS lumber yords and every­ bles,building Wall paper hung profes­ shrub plontings. Fret esti­ ,processed grdvel,tand-grdvsl,tand- 6 to 9pm. moterlals,prtced to sell. mates. Call 65^2436 after ,stone, and fill. For AUTOMOTIVE thing must be sold. I specialize In residential sionally at reasonable September 6 and 7. 9om- rates. Will strip paper and 5;30pm. deliveries call George 71 Mustang, tost back, Hlaufh^st^r Herald 3pm. Cancel If rain. 80 window and no wax floor Orlfflng,Andover 742- black, rebuilt modified, CJ-7 hordtop,nutmeg co­ cleaning. Windows In­ prepare walls. Call B.D. ) Manchester A City nf Village Charm Hebron Rd.,Bolton. Wollpqpefing. 871-1721. Your neighborhood 7886. 302 4 speed, 82500 4550343. lor. 2 steel locking doors- OIANT CUARANCI clude storms and screens, handy moni Honest fam­ ,silver color with roll-up T A G SALE Tag Sale-3 family ,glrls floors Include stripping ily man, will estimate any 1978 Toyota Corolla good windows. 81500 or best and sealing. 10 years ex­ Crowning Touch. Color Sal. S8^ Olh I088i-{pi8 clothes,lnfont,(Infant to lob you create, lawns, running condition. 8600 offer. 742-8412 after 6pm. size 5),adult clothes,odds clusive home experience ELECTRICAL hauling, cleaning, point­ consultation clinic. Be­ Call Leslie 633-6990. ContarsiKS Hama and ends,somethlng tor offers the difference. In­ fore you buy your tall 25 Cents Caniragsdansl Church sured. Bill 529-9879. ing, and minor repairs. wardrobe, learn what seo- BECAUSE YOU never everyone. Saturday Sep­ Dumas Electric — Having Residential/ Business. Buick 79 Estate wagon. Hama A Andavar tember 6th and Sunday son you are through color 350, V-8, automatic, oir know when someone will Electrical Problems? For the highest qualify at consultation. Never again be searching (or the Item September 7th,9am-4pm. Need a large or a small the lowest prices call, conditioning, stereo, Reagan 26 Bonks Street In Repair? We Specialize In John 643-4353. hong mistakes In your power windows, power you have for sale. It's better to run your want ad Manchester. Residential Work. Joseph closet by becoming on seats ond more. 73,000 Need someone to clean Dumas. Fully Licensed. educated consumer. You miles. 82275. 633-9332. for several days... cancel­ CARS your home? I am the one. will always look your best ing It os soon as you get At least 17 Large 3 family tag salel Free Estimotes. 646-5253. HD FOR SALE Furniture,kerrosine hea­ Young student looking for w irin g colors th^ com results. condemns ter,sewing machine,odds spare money. Call me for HEATMB/ pllment your personal 1979 VW Rabbit, AM /FM and ends,books. 43 & 44 more details 643-5953. seoson. Professional cer­ cassette, good condition. Top Soil. Cleon, rich, Nonce TO cmoiTom BIssell St.,Monchester- PLUMBIN6 tified color consultant 267- 8700 or best offer 647-0299. E S TA TE OF .Satfurday September 6th Let us clean your home or stone free loam. Any 6705 for appointment. MARY A. HILOITCH o/k/o incident business. Monchester- amount delivered I Also 9-5.Roln date September Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ MARY AONES MORIARTY die in hijack 7th. /Vernon area. Dependa­ fill, grovel, stone and Bobcat, bockhoe loader or MARY M. H ILOITCH ble and reasonable. Coll throom remodeling; in­ Bark mulch. Call Davis The Hon. William E. FlfiOor- stallation woter heaters, rental, trucking drainage, By Terence Hunt after 4pm. 684-4161. Construction 872-1400 sight work, top soil, bark 1980 Chevette,4 speed,ex- old, Judet, of the Court of garbage disposals; faucet onytlme. Probot#, District of Mon- The Associated Press repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- mulch, decorative stone. cellent condition. Asking chosftr of o htorlno hold on CARPENTRY/ Coll Davis Construction 81995. Coll 649-4334. Sepfombor 2, I9S4 ordtrod osterCor^ccepted^^^ SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - USED CARS Too sale-66 Green Manor 1 ^ 872-1400 anytime. tnol oil claims must bt prt- REMODELINB stntod to fh# fiduciary on or President Reagan declared Friday 83 PLY TURI8M0 Rd.,attic contents,varlety Plymouth 78 in Pakistan MISCELLANEOUS btforo Oectmbor 5,1fS4 or bs that no punishment Is too severe for bi.. 41)1. bh. Sm Ctn of Items. Roln or shine. Just because you don't motlc tronsmlsslon- barred os by low provided. Carpentry: Repairs of all SERVICES ,power steering,air Mory Lou Taylor, the "despicable and cowardly” Saturday 9/6 and Sunday types. Need a bedroom use on Item doesn't mean Your aesuronce of quick Mohammed Affab >4295 9/7 8-4. the Item has lost Its value. rtsponsg when you adver­ conditioning. Good condi­ seizure of a Pan Am Jumbo Jet in and a basement, need a Ddd lobs. Trucking. tion. 8600. Coll 872-1274.— The fiduciary Is: Clerk The Associated Press 84 CHEV CHEVEHE closet,or extra, shelvln- Why not exchange It for tise In Claselfled la ttNrt Morlbeth Hllditch Pakistan, But hi8‘chief spokesman Tag Sale - 561 East Center Home repairs. You name cosh with an ad In Clossl- our readers are ready to Schneider said the United States has been (p. 4 N M l,attlc stairways? Call It, we do It. Free esti­ 1976 Mercury Montlgo 399 S. Orond Street KARACHI. Pakistan — Four Related stories Street Manchester. Mov­ Bernie 646-3172 until 11pm. (led? 643-2711. buy when they turn to the unable to link the captured captors ing I Saturday 9/6/86,10-4. mates. Insured. 643-0304. little ode. 841-2711. mix station wagon. 8 cy­ Box 43 Arabs holding about 400captive|kn >4195 linder. Best offer. Coll W. Suffleld, CT 04093 to any specific group or Tw o hijackers who survived government. a Pan Am jumbo Jet paniclffd Multi tamlly tog sale. after 12 noon 643-8561. Marcus Morlorty Hllditch when the lights went out Friday the shootout on the Pan Am jet 85 CHEV CAPRICE SI Summer Street Larry Speakes read a statement Saturday 9/6, 9am-12noon and blasted the black interior with In Pakistan tried to blend In 4 h.. H bb. M. R. B Manchester, CT 04040 on behalf of the president a few at 17 Green Rd. Household 004-09 machine guns and grenades Com­ MMsn, P. Lefa 76 Chrysler. 4 door sedan. hours after the incident ended with the crowd after fleeing Items, dishes, clothes, re­ mandos stormed aboard and. in cords, bike, gomes, toys, CARS Vinyl top, all power, when the Arab gunmen opened fire the plane, but passengers >10,595 TAB SALES needs paint, runs good. the end. at least 17 people were much more. I TAB SALES on hostages that had been held In FBRSALE 81200 or best offer. 647-1018 dead and 127 wounded. pointed them out to 84 FORD ESCORT Court of Proboft, District of the plane nearly 17 hours. offer 5pm. MonchMttr An 18th victim, an American authorities. Page 7. Si m.. 4 tn.. bb. K. R. PI. 9/6/86, 10am - 2pm. Furni­ Tag sale-Soturday Sep­ Reports from the scene through­ ture, wicker and antiques. tember 6th(raln date Sep- T a g s 0 Ie-Saturday CARS HO^TICt OF HURINO apparently singled out because nf , A Norwalk woman aboard nspUggihd M. out the day had indicated there 14 Hamlin Street. tember 13th). 9/6,Sunday 9/7,9-4,11 Seo- 76 Toyota Corolla 100,000 his nationality, was shot earlier FBR SALE plus miles. Running condi­ M ORIARTY, SR o/k/o were four assailants, but a State the hijacked Pan Am jumbo jet 9-2pm,mostly all new men Circle Manchester.
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