Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Was a Remarkable
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leaflet-Tennyson final.qxp:Layout 1 15/12/08 14:55 Page 2 9 8 7 6 Alfred and Emily’s Marriage Certificate Marriage Emily’s and Alfred Alfred in later life later in Alfred Poet of the People the of Poet Julia Margaret Cameron Margaret Julia Voice of the Victorian Age, Victorian the of Voice over the world today. world the over Enterprise inspire and comfort people from all from people comfort and inspire leaves a legacy of words which still which words of legacy a leaves hamlet nestling in rural Lincolnshire, rural in nestling hamlet VISIT gentle, thoughtful man from a small a from man thoughtful gentle, after Prince Albert’s death. Albert’s Prince after notable people of that time. This time. that of people notable from reading In Memoriam In reading from Designed by City Graphics, Tealby, Lincolnshire © 2008 © Lincolnshire Tealby, Graphics, City by Designed £57,000, Tennyson mixed with the most the with mixed Tennyson £57,000, Tennyson’s life. Tennyson’s Produced by Economic Development, East Lindsey District Council District Lindsey East Development, Economic by Produced Victoria, who gained comfort gained who Victoria, The Collection Lincolnshire County Council County Lincolnshire Collection The Emily Sellwood Sellwood Emily income of £10,000, leaving an estate of estate an leaving £10,000, of income 1850 was the most significant year of year significant most the was 1850 many of his visitors, and Queen and visitors, his of many Photographs by kind permission of Jean Howard and the Tennyson Research Centre, Research Tennyson the and Howard Jean of permission kind by Photographs Compiled by Jean Howard Howard Jean by Compiled the Victorian age, earning an annual an earning age, Victorian the Cameron, who photographed who Cameron, Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements: appointed in his place. place. his in appointed Deemed the most successful poet of poet successful most the Deemed the photographer Julia Margaret Julia photographer the died in April that year and Alfred was Alfred and year that April in died acquaintances. His neighbours on the Isle of Wight included Wight of Isle the on neighbours His acquaintances. Malvern Spa Spa Malvern 64118 to GOODTASTE attend, but the Abbey was so full, hundreds also stood outside. stood also hundreds full, so was Abbey the but attend, Poet Laureate William Wordsworth had Wordsworth William Laureate Poet As his reputation grew so did his circle of friends and friends of circle his did so grew reputation his As farm shops and tea rooms text rooms tea and shops farm 01427 676666 01427 Tel Westminster took the service. Emily Tennyson was too weak to weak too was Tennyson Emily service. the took Westminster for him through a Civil List pension. List Civil a through him for Lincolnshire” pubs, restaurants, pubs, Lincolnshire” Marshall’s Yard, Gainsborough Yard, Marshall’s Rawnsley at his parish in Shiplake, Oxon. Shiplake, in parish his at Rawnsley To find out nearest “Tastes of “Tastes nearest out find To Alfred was buried in Westminster Abbey, and the Dean of Dean the and Abbey, Westminster in buried was Alfred write The Charge of the Light Brigade. Light the of Charge The write During this time, a number of friends secured £200 a year a £200 secured friends of number a time, this During Information Centre Information married by their friend Revd Drummond Revd friend their by married 64118 to HISTORY text Tourist Gainsborough Times’ report of the Battle of Balaclava, Tennyson went on to on went Tennyson Balaclava, of Battle the of report Times’ gout, not epilepsy, and his health started to improve. to started health his and epilepsy, not gout, at Aldworth. at in Lincolnshire Lincolnshire in In June that year, Alfred and Emily were Emily and Alfred year, that June In 84118 to DISCOVER text or his popularity and his bank balance! In response to The to response In balance! bank his and popularity his Malvern he was persuaded his symptoms were actually were symptoms his persuaded was he Malvern For news of similar historic trails historic similar of news For something more serious and he died on 6th October 1892, October 6th on died he and serious more something 01507 601111 01507 Tel the legends of King Arthur, and Enoch Arden strengthened Arden Enoch and Arthur, King of legends the visited a number of places to take the ‘water cure’. At cure’. ‘water the take to places of number a visited as the poet of the age. the of poet the as Louth Street, Cannon now in decline and eventually, a simple cold developed into developed cold simple a eventually, and decline in now where to stay to where Centre Information Tourist opportunity to read it aloud. Idylls of the King, based on based King, the of Idylls aloud. it read to opportunity Alfred’s health broke down and over the next few years he years few next the over and down broke health Alfred’s Alfred’s life, giving him financial security and establishing him establishing and security financial him giving life, Alfred’s hundreds of letters and telegrams. His health however, was however, health His telegrams. and letters of hundreds attractions, events and events attractions, and Point Access Customer Louth remained one of Alfred’s favourites and he took every took he and favourites Alfred’s of one remained had failed and the family lost almost all their money. their all almost lost family the and failed had critical acclaim and sold very well. So much so, it transformed it so, much So well. very sold and acclaim critical Lincolnshire, its history, its Lincolnshire, In 1889, Tennyson celebrated his 80th birthday and he received he and birthday 80th his celebrated Tennyson 1889, In 84118 to DISCOVER text or For more information about information more For Despite unexpected criticism of Maud when it appeared, it appeared, it when Maud of criticism unexpected Despite However, by the end of that year the wood carving project carving wood the year that of end the by However, and family, In Memoriam AHH was published anonymously to anonymously published was AHH Memoriam In family, and 01507 601111 01507 Tel Horncastle Road, Wharf India on a ship, Lionel Tennyson died leaving his family devastated. family his leaving died Tennyson Lionel ship, a on India engaged again. With the agreement of friends of agreement the With again. engaged Arthur Henry Hallam. Henry Arthur Point Access their second, Lionel. second, their established Alfred as an outstanding poet. outstanding an as Alfred established Heartbreak met the family in 1886, when whilst returning from returning whilst when 1886, in family the met Heartbreak Alfred. The two were reconciled and became and reconciled were two The Alfred. Community Horncastle children, the first christened Hallam, (after Arthur), and Arthur), (after Hallam, christened first the children, new work, was favourably reviewed and this now this and reviewed favourably was work, new Sellwood and she returned it with a note for note a with it returned she and Sellwood Lord Tennyson can be found on found be can Tennyson Lord contact please needed it for his writing. The couple doted on their two their on doted couple The writing. his for it needed A two volume collection, Poems 1842, half of which was which of half 1842, Poems collection, volume two A playwright were generally unsuccessful. generally were playwright Further information on Alfred, on information Further information further For friends gave their copy to his former love, Emily love, former his to copy their gave friends friends to stay and ensured Alfred had quiet when he when quiet had Alfred ensured and stay to friends continued to be popular, but Tennyson’s attempts as a as attempts Tennyson’s but popular, be to continued Alfred asked for their comments. One of his of One comments. their for asked Alfred to produce wood carvings, investing £8,000 in the project. the in £8,000 investing carvings, wood produce to secretary, ran an efficient household, had her husband’s her had household, efficient an ran secretary, Tennyson’s secretary and support. New volumes of poetry of volumes New support. and secretary Tennyson’s THE LIFE THE copies done for friends to take a look and look a take to friends for done copies decided to support Allen’s dream of setting up a factory a up setting of dream Allen’s support to decided Freshwater on the Isle of Wight. Here Emily acted as Alfred’s as acted Emily Here Wight. of Isle the on Freshwater By 1874, Emily’s health declined and their son, Hallam, became Hallam, son, their and declined health Emily’s 1874, By POET LAUREATE POET release something so personal, he had some had he personal, so something release Septimus, Alfred and Dr Allen became friends and Alfred and friends became Allen Dr and Alfred Septimus, By 1853 they had established a home at Farringford, near Farringford, at home a established had they 1853 By who said it should be published. Reluctant to Reluctant published. be should it said who similar place run by Dr Matthew Allen. Whilst visiting Whilst Allen. Matthew Dr by run place similar expense, into a substantial home. substantial a into expense, TENNYSON saw. Finally Alfred showed it to his publisher, his to it showed Alfred Finally saw. stability he needed. he stability asylum and another, Septimus, was a voluntary patient at a at patient voluntary a was Septimus, another, and asylum ‘Aldworth’ developed, despite Alfred’s grumbles about grumbles Alfred’s despite developed, ‘Aldworth’ ALFRED, LORD ALFRED, inspired him in writing verse, which few seldom few which verse, writing in him inspired she was never in hearty health, Emily certainly gave him the him gave certainly Emily health, hearty in never was she His brother, Edward, had been committed to a private a to committed been had Edward, brother, His Surrey/Sussex border.