United States Patent (19) 11, 3,989,755 Mccoy Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11, 3,989,755 McCoy et al. (45) Nov. 2, 1976 54 PRODUCTION OF OXIMES BY THE (56) References Cited REACTION OF CARBON MONOXDE WITH UNITED STATES PATENTS NTROCOMPOUNDS 2,945,065 7/1960 Donaruma...................... 260/566 A 75) Inventors: John J. McCoy, Media; John G. 3,480,672 11/1969 Kober et al..................... 260/566 A Zajacek, Strafford, both of Pa.; Karl 3,734,964 5/1973 Knifton........................... 260/566. A E. Fuger, Therwil, Switzerland (73) Assignee: Atlantic Richfield Company, Los Primary Examiner-Gerald A. Schwartz Angeles, Calif. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Delbert E. McCaslin 22 Filed: Feb. 20, 1975 (21) Appl. No.: 551,487 57) ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data Production of oximes (and ketones) by contacting at 63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 372,457, June 21, elevated temperatures and pressures, a primary or sec 1973, abandoned. ondary saturated aliphatic nitrocompound with carbon monoxide in the presence of a catalyst comprising me 52 U.S. C. ........................ 260/566 A; 260/586 C; tallic selenium or inorganic selenium compounds and 260/586 R; 260/593 R a base. (51 int. Cl”........................................ C07C 131/04 58) Field of Search........ 260/566 A, 586 A, 586 R, 20 Claims, No Drawings 260/593 R 3,989,755 2 cycloaliphatic nitrocompound is contacted with carbon PRODUCTION OF OXIMES BY THE REACTION OF monoxide at temperatures in the range of from 50° to 200 C. under pressures in the range of from 10 atmo CARBON MONOXIDE WITH NITROCOMPOUNDS spheres to 200 atmospheres in the presence of a sele nium catalyst and a base.
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