Z^**- -A. llf. UNEP WCMC Bamboo biodiversity Information for planning conservation and nnanagennent in the Asia-Pacific region Nadia Bysthakova, Valerie Kapos, Chris Stapleton, Igor Lysenko '^/n/ Q.^{j^ ! I \^ C t-^C vc ^-o 03 UNEP WCMC Bamboo biodiversity Information for planning conservation and nnanagennent in the Asia-Pacific region Nadia Bystriakova, Valerie Kapos, Chris Stapleton, Igor Lysenko UNEP WCMC INBAR UNEP World Conservation international Network for Bamboo and Rattan Monitoring Centre Anyuan Building No 10. Anhui Beili 219 Huntingdon Road Asian Games Village. Cfiaoyang District Cannbridge Beijing, People s Republic of China CB3 0DL Postal address: Beijing 100101-80 United Kingdom People s Republic of Ctiina Tel:+i4(01 1223 2773U Tel: +86 10 64956961/82 Fax: +UI01 1223 277136 Fax: +86 10 64956983 E-mai[:
[email protected] E-mail: info@inbarmt Website: www.unep-wcmc.org Website: www.inbarint Director: Mark Collins Director General: Ian Hunter The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre is the The International Network for Bamboo and Rahan IINBARI biodiversity assessment and policy implementation arm is a non-profit, international organization established in of the United Nations Environment Programme lUNEPI, 1997 by Treaty As of June 2002. INBAR's Establishment the world's foremost intergovernmental environmental Agreement had been signed by 26 countries. INBAR's organization. UNEP-WCMC aims to help decision-makers mission IS to improve the well-being of producers and users recognize the value of biodiversity to people everywhere, and of bamboo and rattan within the context of a sustainable to apply this knowledge to all that they do.