SMEs are the cornerstone of local Labour is on your side and will always economies across the UK, often with support good business in making our innovation and community focus at economy world-class. their heart. Angela Rayner MP Anneliese Dodds MP Deputy Leader of the The Labour Party Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer SME is not only a driving force of our We are celebrating SMEs' excellence, the economy right now, this is where ideas amount of jobs you create, the wealth and energy of the future are. you create, the taxes you've paid. Yvette Cooper Sadiq Khan Member of Parliament Lorem ipsum Mayor of London Elizabeth House
[email protected] 41 York Road, London SE11 7NQ @SME4LABOUR @SME4LABOUR @SME4LABOUR INTRODUCTION WHY SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES WHAT DO WE DO? (SMES) FOR LABOUR? • SME4Labour seeks to strengthen relations between the small, medium, micro, owner and The Labour Party believes that small and medium family run businesses with the Labour Party enterprises businesses are the backbone of the United Kingdom. As of 2016, SMEs make up 99.3% of • We support constructive and informed discussion all private sector businesses in the United within the Labour movement on issues impacting King-dom, employing over 15.7 million people with on SMEs an estimated combined annual turnover of £1.8 trillion accounted for 47% of private sector • We work closely with trade unions, employers’ turnover. groups and individuals, encouraging strong partnerships and collaboration Through Small Medium-Sized Enterprises