SME4 Labour 8th Floor Elizabeth House 39 York Road SE11 7NQ [email protected] • Sme4Labour Sme4Labour 32 OLAY 25 Nisan 2017 Salı BiraBira London,London, world’sworld’s firstfirst beerbeer forfor kebabs!kebabs!

[email protected] | BiraLDN Bira London “Firstly, thank you for taking your Small firms account for 99.3 per cent time to have a look at what we do. of all private sector businesses in the We began the SME4Labour group UK. They provide nearly two thirds because we firmly believe that small of all private sector jobs and nearly businesses play a crucial part in half of the private sector’s turnover. British society and have a lot to con- Small and medium sized businesses tribute to progressive politics. I am employed 15.7 million people and a small business owner and a proud had a combined turnover of £1.8 Labour Party member. Despite what trillion last year. No political party some people think, these two things which is serious about forming the go hand in hand. next government can ignore small businesses. I began my working life as a waiter. Over time, I worked my way up to At SME4Labour we will be support- become a manager and setting up ing the Labour Party’s endeavours, my own restaurant in 2005. I now as well as small businesses, entre- run five restaurants across London preneurs and the self-employed who and employ 60 people. There seems contribute so much to their commu- Co-Chair of SME4Labour to be an idea that the Labour Party nities, and who find themselves, far and 2017 GE candidate is anti-business. In my opinion this too often, in precarious situations. for the Cities of Westminster could not be further from the truth. Whether that is because of com- and London The Labour Party understands that plex tax systems and regulations, or SMEs are the lifeblood of our com- competition from large businesses munities, as most small businesses who can get away with breaking create jobs and reinvest in their local the rules, small businesses need our areas. I have personally borne wit- help. ness to how much Labour MPs place ibrahim.dogus.90 value in the businesses in their con- So, please, let us come together and stituencies. However, we can’t say invest in our communities, our inno- the same about the Conservatives, vators and our future prosperity.” @ibrahim_Dogus who once in power tend to side with the bigger businesses, often to the neglect of local communities.

Labour speaks up for people who don’t have a voice. So we are taking it upon ourselves to speak up for the companies that don’t have big marketing budgets, that don’t put “The Labour Party their money in tax havens, that don’t off-shore jobs and that don’t be- understands that lieve in zero-hour contracts. We will support businesses that believe in SMEs are the Labour values. We need to get away from this anti-business view and lifeblood of our start saying, as a party, how much we need SMEs, because we, as SME communities, owners, need Labour. We are living under a government that does not as most small respect small businesses or work- ing people. The Labour Party is the businesses create party of workers, people who are up at the crack of dawn to see through jobs and reinvest a hard day’s work. The previous Labour government was a friend in their local to small businesses, and I strongly believe it is time we had a party like areas.” that in No. 10 once again.

SME4Labour 3 Messages of Support

“SME4Labour provides small businesses with a way to have their voices heard, which are too often drowned out by larger companies and corporations. I’d like to thank and congratulate my colleagues in the SME4Labour team for their contribution to an economic policy that works for the many, not the few.” MP for Islington North and Leader of the Labour Party

“I wish to thank SME4Labour for the major contribution the group has made to developing and campaigning so successfully for Labour’s policies. SME4Labour has really made its’ mark on our political direction.” John McDonnell MP for Hayes & Harlington and Shadow Chancellor

4 SME4Labour Messages of Support glint of ambition in their founder’s sustainable economy, we will look to eye. cover a range of areas, including: Yet start-ups face huge challenges. 7 • Recognising the importance of out of 10 don’t make it through their micro-business by pushing for a third year due to a lack of working dedicated shadow minister and capital, business planning and local council leader for this group. entrepreneurial skills. This is an area • Catalysing start up growth where an active government can use through investment relief; using its powers to ensure that startups unused council property as start can fulfil their potential. up hubs; reducing red tape Likewise we need to follow Tom and providing greater practical Watson’s example in doing more to support; and enabling greater support micro-businesses – those access to sectoral business that consist of less than 10 people. mentors and advisers. More than 8 million people work in • Expanding the reach of small more than 5 million such companies businesses by pushing the in this country – an existence that government to help SMEs can be a source of great innovation access international markets and creativity, but can also be a very too often dominated by bigger insecure experience. organisations. Sonny Leong We were good on small businesses • Deepening the partnership Co-Chair of SME4Labour both in government and in and Chair of Chinese for Labour economy by developing the same opposition. as links big business has built with Shadow Business Secretary set up educational institutions to connect “Why do we need Small Business Saturday, which SMEs with schools. encourages people to buy ‘small’ In all of these areas, the Labour SME4Labour? one Saturday in December. Chuka’s values of partnership, international- 99.9% of private sector businesses bi-partisan initiative was a huge ism and common endeavour are very are SMEs, employing an estimated success, adding to the £460m spent much of benefit to business AND to 15.7 million people, which is in small businesses last December. well over half the private sector working people of all backgrounds We need to continue and build on workforce. It accounts for nearly half who want make the most of their these efforts under Jeremy Corbyn’s of private sector turnover at £1.8 talents and potential. leadership. To that end, we have set trillion. SMEs are not only the source That, for me, is what Labour is all up SME4Labour: a group of Labour of many people’s livelihoods but about – bringing each of us a life of supporters from every part of the also the dominant driver for growth success, by building a successful so- party to offer support, advice and and creativity in our economy. Every ciety, together. That’s what SME4La- policy suggestions to the Shadow national business success – Amstrad, bour is about. It’s why I will continue Business team. Virgin, Innocent, Ella’s Kitchen – to give my all to Labour under the began life as a small business, as a With a goal of a more fair and leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.”

“SME4Labour is a vital component of the conversation that the Labour Party will have with voters between now and the 2020 election. More than five million small and medium enterprises in Britain employ over 15 million people, and are the produc- tive frontier of our future economy. Clear, strong and close relations be- tween our party’s policy makers and SMEs are critical, and SME4Labour is playing a strong and innovative role in providing that platform.”*

*This message was received in 2016 in support of SME4Labour. Tom Watson MP for West Bromwich East and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party

SME4Labour 5 Messages of Support “Our small business sector is the That’s why I have worked closely power-house of the economy, con- with SMEs in my campaign Be Fair tributing 47% of the UK’s income in – Pay on Time to tackle the scourge the private sector and constituting of late payments. I was delighted over 99% of all businesses and the our recent manifesto “declared war majority of private sector jobs. Small on late payments” and promised to businesses are critical to boosting both use government procurement aggregate levels of productivity in to ensure that anyone bidding for a the UK. For sustainable and healthy government contract pays its own growth, we need to support and suppliers within 30 day and develop nurture our entrepreneurs and small a version of the Australian system businesses. of binding arbitration and fines for “But one of the issues facing SMEs persistent late-payers for the private Debbie Abrahams and which has a direct impact on and public sectors.” MP for East and their productivity is late payments by Saddleworth and Shadow Work large companies to their suppliers. and Pensions Secretary

“Comprising over 99% of private quarterly reporting for businesses sector businesses in the UK, small with a turnover of less than £85,000 and medium enterprises are the will go some way to reducing the backbone of the economy. I’m financial and administrative burden delighted that the Labour Party has that small businesses currently face such a close relationship with SMEs under the Tories. In my own educa- through SME4Labour. It is no secret tion brief I know that our plans for that the Labour Party is the only a National Education Service will party committed to a fair deal for ensure that people have the skills working people and so this rela- that they need to get on and that tionship is essential when 60% of all businesses have the highly trained private sector employment in the UK workforce that they require to be is in small businesses. successful. Supporting small businesses to be I am very pleased to be joining the successful is an essential part of SME4Labour gala and hope that this Labour’s agenda for government. I strong relationship with the Labour MP for Ashton-under-Lyne and believe that our policy of introducing Party continues to develop in the Shadow Secretary of State for a lower small profits rate of corpo- coming years.” Education ration tax for SMEs and scrapping

all help businesses start and grow. Our investment in infrastructure and growth are crucial to the success of businesses of all sizes. The next Labour government will put the economy first in negotiating and make sure we maintain membership of the single market and customs union during a transition period for as long as busi- ness economy needs. We want a deal which maximizes our access to our biggest market in the EU and minimiz- Chi Onwurah Bill Esterson es disruption after that we leave. That MP for Newcastle upon Tyne MP for Sefton Central and includes guaranteeing the rights of Central and Shadow Minister Shadow Minister for Business EU citizens who make such a massive for Industrial Strategy, Science and International Trade contribution to so many businesses in and Innovation the UK. Business needs government to “Small businesses are the engine “SMEs are responsible for 60% of be its partner, along with our work- of our economy and the platform private sector jobs. Smaller businesses force. SMEs need a fair market and for our future growth. We need are often the source of the innova- the chance to compete on an equal tion and creativity which we need to to invest in and nurture small footing with larger businesses. The unlock to boost our productivity and businesses and encourage entre- next Labour government will stand growth. Labour’s plans for a National up for businesses, especially smaller preneurs from all backgrounds, if Investment Bank, access to govern- businesses, which are at the heart of we are to build an economy that ment contracts and making sure larger our communities and are the key to works for all.” firms pay their suppliers promptly will our future success.”

6 SME4Labour Messages of Support

Richard Burgon MP for Leeds East, Shadow Baroness Hayter Secretary of State for Justice Shadow Deputy Leader and Shadow Lord Chancellor Peter Dowd of the House of Lords MP for Bootle and Shadow “Small and medium enterprises Chief Secretary to the Treasury make a huge contribution to our “Given the potential impact of shared prosperity, and provide an “SMEs are vital in growing a sus- Brexit on SMEs, it is vital Labour important number of jobs in Leeds tainable economy and SME4La- hears direct from them about their hopes and fears so that our policy East. That’s why I’m pleased to sup- bour pays a crucial role in that responses reflect their needs. port the fantastic work SME4Labour goal. Hearing what SME4Labour SME4Labour is the channel for does working in partnership with have to say on this is important these enterprises, trade unions and this dialogue, and we look for- in shaping Labour’s economic ward to working with them in the the Labour Party to develop Labour’s position.” plan for growth and a fairer society.” year ahead.”

Lesley Laird Liz McInnes Jim Fitzpatrick MP for Kirkcaldy & MP for Heywood and MP for Poplar and Limehouse Cowdenbeath and Shadow Middleton Secretary of State for Scotland

“From Kirkcaldy to Kelty and “SMEs are absolutely vital to our “Small and medium enterprises Cowdenbeath to Crosshill, SMEs local economy in Heywood and provide 60% of private sector jobs are the backbone and heartbeat Middleton, and to the British in the UK and are a vital part of lo- of the Scottish economy. In Scot- economy as a whole. As we face cal communities up and down the land, SMEs account for 99.4% the challenges and opportunities country - they need the support of of all businesses, 55% of private of Brexit, it is crucial they are the Government to thrive. sector employment and 40% of given the support and certainty “Labour is the party of SMEs. Giv- private sector turnover. It is for necessary to thrive. The work that en the changes the UK economy this reason that I am delighted to SME4Labour does it very impor- is about to go through, we must see so many SMEs come togeth- tant in highlighting the signifi- ensure they’re fully equipped and er in support of Labour. We are cance of this and I am happy to ready for the years ahead. Listen- proud to be the party of SMEs give them my full support.” ing to groups like SME4Labour is and we will always act in their now more important than ever.” best interests.”

SME4Labour 7 Messages of Support

Toby Perkins MP for Chesterfield David Drew “SME4Labour has a crucial role MP for Wrexham MP for Stroud in ensuring that Labour’s policies are informed by people with real “I ran a small business and under- “SMEs are the lifeblood of our experience in running and work- stand its challenges and rewards. economy. That’s true of Stroud ing in business. As a former SME As more people earn a living this as much as it is in the rest of the owner myself, I have huge respect way, it is essential Labour speaks country. I work very closely with for those who are dedicating their to those people even more effec- SMEs and I congratulate Labour’s time to SME4Labour, because tively.” initiative in this area.” they know that only under a La- bour Government will small firms get the support to succeed and thrive.”

Iain McNicol General Secretary of the MP for Garston and Halewood Labour Party

Virendra Sharma “SME4Labour provides a brilliant “Whilst small businesses con- MP for Ealing, Southall and and worthwhile link between small tribute to job creation and eco- Chair of the Indo-British APPG businesses and the Labour Party. nomic activity locally, they rarely Small and medium-sized enter- have the time or space to get “I would like to convey my sup- prises employ the vast majority involved in formulating public port for the second SME4Labour of the working people we seek to policy – SME4Labour can enable gala. The gala and awards are im- represent, and the work SME4La- a two way flow of information portant in recognising the key role bour does in advancing that cause and understanding ensuring that that SMEs play in the economy is highly valued by us all. Labour policy takes account of the and in driving growth. In my con- “I’d like to congratulate the needs of this vital sector and that stituency SMEs are the lifeblood SME4Labour team on their out- small business understands how of the local economy, and raising standing work in hosting events it can support and put into effect awareness of SME issues within the year round, and look forward Labour values at a local level.” the Labour Party is an important to watching how they will contin- mission.” ue to grow in the future.”


SME4Labour held its first annual gala, sponsored by Galliard Homes with drinks provided by Cobra Beer and Bira London, and hosted by Councillor Abena Oppong- Asare. The event was attended by over 400 guests including over two dozen MPs and a number of Labour’s other elected politicians and peers. The gala, which took place at the Park Lane Sheraton Hotel in Piccadilly, also saw the launch of the first ever Labour Excellence Awards. Winners of these prestigious awards, recognising for contributions to the party and to the country, included for ‘MP of the Year’, John self-employed in the party. McDonnell for ‘Shadow Cabinet Cooper said that SMEs shake Member of the Year’, Unite the things up and this is what the Union for ‘Trade Union of the Labour Party is all about. She Year’, and Lord Dubs for ‘Peer of commended Ibrahim Dogus the Year’. (For the winners of each and Sonny Leong, co-chairs category, please see below.) of SME4Labour, on what they As well as presenting an award, had done and said their energy Jeremy Corbyn, the Leader of the and those working with them Labour Party, delivered a speech in SME4Labour exemplifies that we must never allow people praising SME4Labour’s work, the energy and drive of small to divide our country and that the underlining the importance of businesses. Mr. McDonnell said Labour Party is the best way to SMEs to communities. Without that Labour can protect people make sure this does not happen. SMEs, Mr. Corbyn said, our high and communities by investing in Mr. Leong said that SME4Labour streets would be bland clones skills and supporting risk-taking is here to represent the views of of one another. He commended entrepreneurs, adding that no small and micro businesses. Martin Ibrahim Dogus, co-chair of community should be left behind. Howe, a member of SME4Labour’s SME4Labour, on his efforts and Ibrahim Dogus said that the executive committee, said that thanked him for what he had Labour Party and SMEs are perfect aspiration is a Labour value. achieved. Mr. Corbyn added that it partners. Mr. Dogus noted social Other guests and speakers was important that smalls firms be justice cannot happen unless there included MP, Clive able to have access to government is a growing economy. He said Lewis MP, Baroness Angela Smith, contracts. Other speakers, that Labour must be the party for MP, Sharon including Yvette Cooper MP and all of those who want to be better Hodgson MP, Claude Moraes MEP, John McDonnell MP, also praised off, to see their families get on, Jennette Arnold AM, and Rajesh the organisation’s work to raise the and that SMEs are the perfect Agrawal, the Deputy Mayor of profile of entrepreneurs and the engine for this. Sonny Leong said London for Business.


Labour MEP of the Year Trade Union of the Year Claude Moraes MEP Unite the Union

Labour MP of the Year Shadow Cabinet Member of the Year Yvette Cooper MP John McDonnell MP

Labour Councillor of the Year Labour Councillor of the Year Labour MSP of the Year Cllr Ali Ozbek Cllr Pat Cooper Daniel Johnson MSP

10 SME4Labour Labour Council of the Year Labour Welsh Assembly Labour Mayor of the Year Cardiff Council Member of the Year Mayor of London Baroness Eluned Morgan AM

Labour CLP of the Year Labour PPC of the Year Tooting CLP (received by Leonie Cooper AM) Andrew Pakes

Labour Parliamentary Assistant Socialist Society of the Year Friends Group of the Year of the Year Chinese for Labour Labour Friends of Bangladesh Nicolette Petersen

Labour Peer of the Year Labour Peer of the Year Labour London Assembly Baron Alf Dubs Lord Roy Kennedy (right) Member of the year Jennette Arnold AM

SME4Labour 11 Planning to downsize, close 13% or hand on business

of applicants secured 63% external finance OBJECTIVES WHY SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs) FOR LABOUR? The Labour Party believes that small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the United Kingdom’s economy. As of 2016, JOIN US! SMEs made up 99.3% of all private sector businesses in the UK, Standard membership: For invita- employing over 15.7 million people with an estimated combined tions to our events and a say in how annual turnover of £1.8 trillion, accounting for 47% of private sector SME4Labour is run, £15/yr turnover. Concessionary membership: For members of Young Labour (under Through SME4Labour, we want to provide a forum whereby SMEs 27), students and retirees who sup- can work in partnership with the Labour Party and continue to port our cause, with the full benefits inform the debate around our economic policies. of standard membership, £5/yr CLP group membership: If your WHAT DO WE DO? Constituency Labour Party can put • SME4Labour seeks to strengthen the relationship between small, together a group of 5+ party mem- bers who wish to join and form an medium, micro, and family-owned businesses with the Labour SME4Labour CLP Campaign Team, Party you can pay together and we will knock off the price of one standard • We support constructive and informed discussion within the membership. Labour movement on issues impacting SMEs We rely on our members and the • We work closely with trade unions, employers’ groups and generous donations from our sup- individuals, encouraging strong partnerships and collaboration porters to allow us to continue doing what we do. To join SME4Labour or • We organise meetings for Labour parliamentarians and others so to make a donation, please go to that a greater understanding of the challenges faced by SMEs can Alternatively, you can request an application form be gained by emailing [email protected].

FULLY-FUNDED In England, there are over 1.1 million SOLUTION TO households on Local ENGLAND’S Authority waiting lists SOCIAL & and there is a demand of 220,000 new AFFORDABLE homes each year HOUSING CRISIS

Cheviot will build 100% affordable and FUNDING social housing, in circa £500 million with a further £10 billion is fourteen weeks at Christopher Downing no capital cost and available Tel: +44 (0) 7879 695 448 without the need of Email: [email protected] the Local Authority to CAPACITY Rehana Ameer 5,000 homes will be Tel: +44 (0) 7852 427 123 permanently dispose delivered per year Email: [email protected] of the land Our Events

21st November 2017 BEATING THE TORIES ON BUSINESS HOW LABOUR CAN WIN THE BATTLE FOR SME HEARTS AND MINDS AGAIN SME4Labour held a roundtable discussion in Parliament about how the Labour Party can beat the Tories on business and re-establish itself as the party of - and for - small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) own- ers and workers. The session was kindly hosted by MP, Shadow Minister for Labour. Shadow Secretary of State for Business Bill Esterson MP joined Mr. Dromey for the session. Rehana Ameer, council- lor in the City of London and an SME owner, kindly chaired the event, 2017 manifesto, developed in part- businesses from expanding, and and our panel of speakers featured nership with SMEs. issues around competitiveness and Hamish Sandison, chair of Labour Hamish Sandison said that Labour the costs of imports. Business, Simon Lydiard, former civil needs to do three things: (1) bust Simon Lydiard, recently retired from servant, and Emma Barnes, owner the myth that the Tories are the par- the civil service, expressed concern of Wild Fawn jewellery. ty of business, (2) reposition Labour that the big consultancy companies Jack Dromey MP celebrated that as the “natural party of business” dominate Whitehall, locking out business is now talking to Labour (to paraphrase ), and SMEs from key decision making. again after some period of distance, (3) listen to business and go beyond He said that the Coalition and Tory both because of the uncertainties traditional comfort zones on the governments have had “no vision” around Brexit and Labour’s im- doorstep. He said that businesses to offer SMEs, just targets. Mr. Lyd- pressive performance at the Gen- are frustrated with the Tories’ ina- iard praised John McDonnell, saying eral Election, meaning Labour is bility to tackle the key issues facing he is one of Labour’s best media perceived to be a government in them, such as the productivity gap performers in his role as Shadow waiting. He cautioned, though, that and lack of investment, and noted Chancellor, arguing for an economy Labour needs to do more to win the that the Tories couldn’t even pro- of sustainable investment and inclu- business community’s full support. duce their traditional letter from the sive growth. Bill Esterson MP spoke about how ‘captains’ of industry at the 2017 In the roundtable discussion after Labour is pro-business but against general election. Labour, on the our panelists’ speeches, we dis- the type of “short-termist behav- other hand, was able to do so. cussed how to talk to voters about iour”, such as in the City, that has Emma Barnes spoke about her eco business on the doorstep, how to blighted the UK’s economy for too jewellery business Wild Fawn, which challenge old prejudices about La- long. Mr. Esterson spoke about consists of Emma herself plus two bour being ‘anti-business’, how we the challenges SME owners face – employees, and has been going for should challenge the idea that small challenges such as late payments, 3 years. She outlined a number of business and big business’ interests business rates and lack of access to issues that her small business and always align, and why we should be finance, and the injustice of the way the businesses of fellow jewellery championing good practice among banks treated SMEs in the wake of makers face. These include the VAT businesses. the financial crisis. He heralded the threshold, which can deter some

14 SME4Labour Our Events

31st October 2017 THE TAYLOR REVIEW AND ITS FALLOUT WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FLEXIBLE ECONOMY? SME4Labour held a fascinating forum in Westminster on the Taylor Review into modern employment practices. Commissioned and endorsed by the Prime Minister, in July Matthew Taylor published his far-ranging review into modern work. Covering everything from zero-hours contracts to re- forming employment law, the report has provoked significant debate. The event was kindly hosted by Bill Esterson MP and chaired by Philip that Labour’s plans in its taxi drivers in their strug- Ross of Labour Business. Speaking general election manifes- gle against Uber. Echoing at the event were Jack Dromey MP; to – scrapping quarterly Reed, Mr. Glover said Simon McVicker, Director of Policy reporting for SMEs, a that companies like Uber and External Affairs at the Association national investment bank were less about techno- of Independent Professionals and the with regional arms and so logical developments and Self-Employed (IPSE); Hannah Reed, on – would be “transform- more about old fashioned Senior Employment Rights Officer ative” and would greatly exploitation and bosses at the Trade Union Congress (TUC); strengthen that backbone. cutting corners. He stated and Mark Glover, Founder and Chief that “flexibility is used as Executive of the communications Simon McVicker wel- an excuse for poor pay”, consultancy firm Newington. Review comed the Taylor review Matthew Taylor and highlighted issues author Matthew Taylor of the Royal in highlighting much such as tax and social Society for the Encouragement of neglected issues around profits. Arts, Manufactures and Commerce precarious employment but said that (RSA) joined us in the second half of some issues remained undealt with. Matthew Taylor said that he aimed to the session to discuss his report and He spoke about IPSE’s work with the “nudge rather than shove” – so, for to address some of the criticisms that Community union on the vulnerable example, the review recommends a have been levelled against it. self-employed. higher minimum wage for non-con- tracted hours (a “nudge”) rather Chair Philip Ross asked how should Hannah Reed of the TUC said that than abolishing zero-hour contracts Labour respond to the changing TUC analysis shows that insecurity altogether (which would constitute workplace landscape, highlighting in the workplace is primarily driven a “shove”). This, he said, would stop the positive use of ‘worker-tech’ in not by technological changes, as if bosses shifting risk onto vulnerable the Taylor Review and its potential to often claimed, but rather by political workers while maintaining flexibility assist in organising the self-employed. decisions that hit the poorest and and dynamism in the economy. He Host Bill Esterson MP briefly spoke most vulnerable hardest. She agreed argued for the right to request a per- about his background in small busi- that Taylor had made a “timely” and manent or fixed contract and trans- ness and said that Taylor was asking much needed contribution to the parency around the labour supply the right questions, even if not every- discussion about workers’ rights and chain and criticised certain industries, one agreed with all of his solutions. ‘good work’, and said that SMEs, the self-employed and trade unions are giving the example of road haul- MP and veteran trade unionist Jack all workers and allies, and that they age companies, where workers are Dromey said that the Labour Party need to work more closely together vulnerable and exploited with bogus is pro-worker and pro-employer and in partnership. self-employment. that there is “no contradiction” in that at all. He stated that SMEs are Event sponsor Mark Glover outlined the “backbone” of the economy and his company Newington’s work with

SME4Labour 15 Our Events

26th September 2017 SME4LABOUR AT CONFERENCE: BUILDING A PRO-BUSINESS REPUTATION SME4Labour in partnership with LabourList, hosted an event at La- bour Party Conference in Brighton entitled ‘Labour’s links with SMEs: building a pro business reputa- tion’. SME4Labour Co-Chair Ibra- him Dogus was joined by Stephen Kinnock MP, Bill Esterson MP, Lola McEvoy of the Living Wage Foun- dation, and Labour Business Chair Hamish Sandison. Bill Esterson MP kicked off the event, making the case for Labour as the party of small business. He spoke of the real uncertainties around Brexit, but stated that Labour is leading the way while the Tories dither and divide on the issue. He argued that Labour’s manifesto was clear in its support of SMEs. SME4Labour Co-Chair Ibrahim Dogus followed, arguing that we need to invest in SMEs to boost the wider economy. He made the case for greater innovation and that this has been stifled by years ing wage, should be fully utilised. Hamish of Tory economic neglect, arguing Stephen Kinnock MP reaffirmed Sandison only Labour has the ambition to that Labour is the party of fair closed, embrace changes in the economy competition, helping the little arguing in a progressive way. compete with the large, and that we Lola McEvoy argued that low pay that SMEs need better access to have to creates insecure consumers who finance – access that has dried up bust the don’t buy as many goods and in recent sluggish years. He argued myth that services as they otherwise would, for the national investment bank the Tories making the pro-business case for with regional arms, a key part of are a the real living wage. She spoke Labour’s election manifesto. He pro-business party. He said that La- of how effective campaigning can said that SMEs are the answer to bour’s excellent policies on health make the real living wage a reality question of how we rebalance our and education are also attractive and that procurement levers, mak- economy, spark a modern man- for businesses – businesses thrive ing it more likely a company will ufacturing revolution and build a with healthy, productive, well-edu- win contracts if it pays the real liv- new kind of inclusive growth. cated workforces.

16 SME4Labour Our Events

19th July 2017 BEYOND BREXIT: SMES AND THE FUTURE OF THE BRITISH ECONOMY SME4Labour held a roundtable discussion in the House of Com- mons on the role of SMEs in the British economy after Brexit. The event was chaired by Simon McVicker, Director of Policy and External Affairs at the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE), and fea- tured keynote speakers Stephen Kinnock MP and Martin McTague, National Policy Director of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). Stephen Kinnock MP opened by speaking of the increasingly symbi- otic relationship between politics and business, and how changes in the political landscape with Brex- it would impact upon SMEs. He remarked that the big FTSE100 companies had their voices heard during the referendum last June, but that SMEs – whose voices would have been more relatable to ordinary voters, and whose that the state should do more to of the need for good regulation, interests differ to those of big busi- facilitate SMEs and start-ups. there was a widespread perception ness – were side-lined during the at the time of the referendum that debate. Martin McTague agreed that the interests of SMEs differ to those of EU regulations were poorly de- Mr. Kinnock noted that “all that large, highly mobile corporations, signed and poorly implemented. glitters is not gold” – that while and that their interests should be In the Q&A, Mr. Kinnock speculat- the economy may look okay on heard more clearly – hence the ed whether politics would trump the face of it with increasing levels FSB’s role in persuading govern- economics in the EU’s thinking of employment, beneath the ment to pursue the most busi- with regards to a deal with the UK. headlines lie serious, challenging, ness-friendly Brexit possible. Mr. He also said that Labour’s General long-term structural issues, such as McTague also spoke about the Election manifesto contained some regional inequalities, over-reliance geographical imbalances within great ideas for SMEs - in particular on the financial sector and poor the British economy and argued the £250 billion transformation levels of productivity. He posited that one of the key issues for SMEs fund - and that he is currently that following the German model, in a post-Brexit settlement would endeavouring to build a cross-par- with strong ties between regional be access to structural funds to ty “coalition of common sense” banks and SMEs, would be a pos- redress this. He also argued that around Brexit with MPs from other sible solution to these issues, and while most SME owners are aware parties.

SME4Labour 17 Our Events

18th May 2017


SME4Labour Co-Chair Ibrahim Dogus took part in the General Election Small Business Debate, or- ganised by Enterprise Nation. The debate was lively, with Mr. Dgous sharing his perspectives with the other participants and hearing the questions and concerns of the audience. Mr. Dogus was joined on the panel by Matt Hancock, former Digital and Culture Minister and Conserv- ative member of parliament for West Suffolk; Lord Monroe Palmer, Lords Spokesperson for SMEs for the Liberal Democrats; Rachel Col- linson, Green Party Spokesperson for Business; and Ernie Warrender, Spokesperson for Small Business for UKIP. The event was hosted by the founder of Enterprise Nation, Emma Jones.

18 SME4Labour Our Events

23rd January 2017


SME4Labour hosted a dinner for members of the Labour Party at the House of Commons in partner- ship with the Association of Inde- pendent Professionals and the Self Employed (IPSE). SME4Labour Co-Chairs Ibrahim Dogus and Sonny Leong attended the event along with the principal directors of IPSE including Simon McVicker, the Director of Policy and Public Affairs. The event was hosted by MP with the aim of giving leading Labour MPs an opportunity to engage with small businesses, enterprises, the self-employed and independent professionals by identifying the La- bour Party’s priorities and policies for the small business sector. The event was a resounding suc- cess and a productive dialogue was had over the course of the meal. Alongside Nick Brown MP, oth- er MPs in attendance included Rebecca Long-Bailey MP, MP, Jim Dowd MP, Toby Perkins MP, Jess Philips MP, Sharon Hodgson MP, Ian Lucas MP and Catherine McKinley MP, attesting to just how crucial the meeting was.

SME4Labour 19 Our Events

14th December 2016 IMPACT OF BREXIT ON SMES

SME4Labour organised a round- table meeting involving MPs Chuka Umunna and Bill Esterson, attended by an audience of small and medium business owners. It was hosted in Committee Room 19 of the House of Commons and chaired by Ibrahim Dogus. Chuka Umunna MP opened by firmly restating Labour’s commit- ment to being the party of small business, demonstrated under the last leadership. Chuka brought up his own family connection to the cause, his father having run a mar- ket stall, and related several times to the experiences of business owners on Streatham High Road less carry through on one. Their people work in SMEs, and millions in his constituency. He made a failure to do so has been directly in more pounds are spent in them. three-point analysis of Labour’s re- conflict with the interests of small He mentioned that the Treasury’s lationship with SMEs. The first was traders: the 21% fall in the value own analysis say as much as 60% that Labour, being the party of the of the pound has had massive- of our trade is at risk if we revert working people, had to back the ly adverse effects for traders on to World Trade Organisation rules. businesses that provide the ma- Streatham High Road, where 28% He criticised the way the govern- jority of private sector work in the of the produce is sourced from the ment sought a deal with Nissan, country. Secondly, SMEs provide EU (to say nothing of the produce pointing out that the future cannot high streets and communities with sourced outside of it). be made on a business-by-busi- their unique character, so support ness deal basis: whole sectors are for them is a fundamental part of Bill Esterson endorsed all of Chu- ka’s comments and added his own reliant on the outcome of negotia- Labour’s communitarian values. tions which he added are now pre- Finally, he pointed out that setting family experience - his grandfather ran a corner shop, along with Bill’s dicted to take five to ten years. It up a business is an act of challeng- is in this context that Mr. Esterson ing the market establishment. own background having spent 15 years running his own business. He believes that Labour should aim Turning to the topic of Brexit, Mr. noted that in the three years since “not just to be the party of small Umunna spoke about the failure of Chuka and others founded Small business, but of all business”. the Conservatives to even prepare Business Saturday, millions more a plan for a leave scenario, much

20 SME4Labour Our Events

8th November 2016

THE NEXT GENERATION OF ENTREPRENEURS Stephen Timms MP hosted a roundtable discussion on how the Labour Party can create and win the support of the next generation of entrepreneurs.The event was chaired by Martin Howe of the SME4Labour Executive Commit- tee, with keynote speakers Ste- phen Timms and Bill Esterson MP at Portcullis House. Stephen Timms MP began by applauding the work of SME4La- bour. He stated that the current government set-up doesn’t seem to support SMEs in the way that it should, and that is a political opportunity for Labour. He ar- gued that the tax system needs to ed, but that it is a success with one reflect more and more the needs company in one part of the coun- of people who set up businesses try and definitely is not a plan. for themselves and that this was an He argued that the target of 3 agenda Labour needs to get right. million apprenticeships is danger- Bill Esterson MP agreed that SMEs ous and that a rush will mean that provide opportunities for criticism there will be a loss of quality. He of government policy, and argued also stated that projections sug- that on the topic of Brexit, busi- gest there will be a deficit of 0.5 ness confidence is essential for million jobs in intermediate and success. He said that the loss of advanced-skilled areas including long-term foreign investment into the construction sector. the country will cause increasing problems over time and added that the result with Nissan is vaunt-

SME4Labour 21 Our Events

16th May 2016


Labour members and politicians Labour’s policy on small and medi- met to discuss the development of um-sized enterprises.

27th April 2016


SME4Labour organised a meeting business rates. in Islington between SME owners and Emily Thornberry MP. There were SME owners from various backgrounds who raised their con- cerns and other issues while also advocating for the Labour Party to become the natural home of small businesses, and that it should do more to engage with them. The key issues raised were lending to small business, immigration issues for the workforce, high rents and

22 SME4Labour Our Events

12th November 2015

NETWORKING LAUNCH IN PARLIAMENT The first networking reception of SME4Labour, Ibrahim Dogus, cess to all the benefits of the wel- for SME4Labour, preceded the who highlighted what the group fare state and business system.” group’s widely anticipated official stands for. This was reinforced with MP expressed that a launch in Parliament the following a speech from the leader of the La- healthy relationship between the January. Hosted by Bill Esterson bour Party, Jeremy Corbyn where Labour Party and SMEs is essential MP, the event was well attended he stated “the formation of this because they can help to “craft by 50 MPs and Councillors. group, within the Labour party, is a our policies so that we can build a The event started with an open- very important step forward” and prosperous economy for the 21st ing speech from the co-founder that SMEs “need to have equal ac- century”.

12nd October 2015 BOOK LAUNCH WITH

SME4Labour, along with Stephen putting forward a profound alter- peace process. Having served the Kinnock MP, held a discussion native to t he neo-liberal economic Labour Party for 50 years and been with Lord Hain about life in British agenda. Lord Hain is best-known a cabinet member under both Tony politics and his book ‘Back to the for being a prominent activist in the Blair and , Lord Future of Socialism’. The book anti-apartheid campaign in South Hain is a true advocate for carrying highlights what the future holds for Africa during the 1970s and for his through the policies brought in by the Labour Party and its members – later role in the Northern Ireland the Labour Party.

SME4Labour 23 WHAT DOES LABOUR’S MANIFESTO SAY s ABOUTOur SMEs are the backbone of our • SMEIntroduce a package of reforms? economy, providing 60 per cent of to business rates – including private-sector jobs. Technological switching from RPI to CPI index- changes, like the spread of digital ation, exempting new invest- manufacturing and rapid com- ment in plant and machinery munication, mean smaller, faster from valuations, and ensuring businesses will be the future of our that businesses have access to a economy. proper appeals process – while Yet this Conservative Government reviewing the entire business has taken small businesses for rates system in the longer run. granted. Labour is the party of small • Scrap quarterly reporting for businesses. We understand the businesses with a turnover of challenges our smaller businesses under £85,000. face. In order to provide the sup- • Declare war on late payments port many small businesses need, a by: We will also bring forward legislation Labour government will: to create a proper legal definition • Using government procurement for co-operative ownership. The Na- • Mandate the new National to ensure that anyone bidding tional Investment Bank and regional Investment Bank, and regional for a government contract pays development banks will be charged development banks in every its own suppliers within 30 days. region, to identify where other with helping support our co-opera- • Developing a version of the lenders fail to meet the needs of tive sector. Labour will aim to double Australian system of binding ar- SMEs and prioritise lending to the size of the co-operative sector bitration and fines for persistent improve the funding gap. in the UK, putting it on a par with late-payers for the private and those in leading economies like Ger- • Reinstate the lower small-busi- public sectors. many or the US. ness corporation tax rate.

(For more, please read Labour’s 2017 Manifesto, ‘For the Many, Not the Few’:

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SME4Labour has actively SADIQ KHAN FUNDRAISER DINNER engaged with CLPs, other Labour friends groups and La- bour politicians since it was es- tablished. As part of our work to support Labour friends and colleagues from across the country, we have organised and hosted various fundraising events and receptions outside of parliament since 2015. Here are just a handful! TRACY BRABIN MP FUNDRAISER DINNER






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