SME4 Labour 8th Floor Elizabeth House 39 York Road London SE11 7NQ
[email protected] • Sme4Labour Sme4Labour 32 OLAY 25 Nisan 2017 Salı BiraBira London,London, world’sworld’s firstfirst beerbeer forfor kebabs!kebabs!
[email protected] | BiraLDN Bira London “Firstly, thank you for taking your Small firms account for 99.3 per cent time to have a look at what we do. of all private sector businesses in the We began the SME4Labour group UK. They provide nearly two thirds because we firmly believe that small of all private sector jobs and nearly businesses play a crucial part in half of the private sector’s turnover. British society and have a lot to con- Small and medium sized businesses tribute to progressive politics. I am employed 15.7 million people and a small business owner and a proud had a combined turnover of £1.8 Labour Party member. Despite what trillion last year. No political party some people think, these two things which is serious about forming the go hand in hand. next government can ignore small businesses. I began my working life as a waiter. Over time, I worked my way up to At SME4Labour we will be support- become a manager and setting up ing the Labour Party’s endeavours, my own restaurant in 2005. I now as well as small businesses, entre- run five restaurants across London preneurs and the self-employed who Ibrahim Dogus and employ 60 people. There seems contribute so much to their commu- Co-Chair of SME4Labour to be an idea that the Labour Party nities, and who find themselves, far and 2017 GE candidate is anti-business.