International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal Penal International pour le Rwanda Amha lntematlonal Conference Centre P.O.Bax 6016,Arusha, Tanzania - B.P. 6016,Arusha, Tanzanie Tel: 255 27 2504207-11 2504367-72 or 1 212 963 2850 Fax: 255 27 2504000/2504373or 1 212 963 2848149


To: Office of the Registrar Date: July 26,2002 Attn: Dr. Koffi Afande A: Co-ordinator, Trial Chamber III

Through: Barbara MULVANE~ SIC de: Senior Trial Attorney

From: Drew White De: Legal Advisor

Subject: Motion for Judicial Direction - filing with Registry -- Dear Sirs:

Accompanying this letter please find the Prosecutor's Motion for Judicial Direction, dated July 26, 2002, for filing and circulation to all four defence counsel.

We believe the Annex A that is attached to the Motion has previously been sent by the Registry to translation.

If you have any additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact this office, through the Senior Trial Attorney, Ms Barbara Mulvaney.

0-egal Advisor Tribunal Penal International pour le Rwanda UN~TED-NATIONS NATIONS UNIES International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda


Before: Judge Lloyd George WILLIAMS, Presiding

Judge Pave1 DOLENC . .I I- Judge Andresia VAZ i:(1" ' I

Registrar: Mr Adama DIENG

Date of Filing: 26 July 2002


Theoneste BAGOSORA w* + d Gratien KABILIGI - >.3 Aloys NTABAKUZE Anatole NSENGIYUMVA

Case No.: ICTR-98-41-T


Prosecution Counsel Defence Counsel


1) The Prosecution hereby sets forth its state of compliance in respect of the Trial Chamber's order of 28 June 2002. It further asks for directions on how to proceed with regard to the issue of outstanding disclosure obligations due to non-availability of translations into both working languages of the Tribunal. In the alternative, the Prosecution seeks an order directing the Registrar to use all means at his disposal to finalize all outstanding translation requests from the Prosecution in this case as soon as is reasonably possible.1


2) During the Status Conference held on 28 June 2002, the Trial Chamber directed the Prosecution to discharge any outstanding disclosure obligations in both working languages of the Tribunal no later than 30 July 2002. From the context of the Conference, it was uncertain whether that direction pertained specifically to disclosure obligations relating to the upcoming 4 week trial segment commencing September 2nd,2002, or more broadly to every disclosure obligation throughout the course of the trial, or to some other combination of disclosure issues.

3) In any event, the Prosecution has disclosed to the Defence all material that it knows to be in its possession concerning witness statements and exhibits, which is both relevant and disclosable, in redacted or unredacted form, excepting for recently-translated items in the process of being catalogued and provided. The Prosecution therefore submits that it has fulfilled its disclosure obligation to the extent it is physically possible. In order to give the Trial Chamber a better understanding of the status of the disclosure process and the availability of translations, the Prosecution submits the following.

4) The Prosecution understands that the Trial Chamber's order requires it to finalise the disclosure process of material which falls under Rules 66, 67, 69, 75 and 94bis. Accordingly, the Prosecution must disclose to the Defence the following categories of documents:

1 See Minutes of Proceedings pursuant to Rule 35 of the Rules and Article 44 of the Directive for the Registry on Court management, dated 1 July 2002, line 1. A) redacted witness statements of protected witnesses pursuant to Rules 66(A)(ii), 69 and 75; B) unredacted witness statements of protected witnesses no later than 35 days before the protected witness testifies at trial pursuant to the Trial Chamber's orders of 29 November and 5 December 2001; C) unredacted witness statements of unprotected witnesses pursuant to Rule 66(A)(ii) of the Rules; D) expert witness reports pursuant to Rule 94bis; and E) exhibits that the Prosecution intends to offer pursuant to Rule 66(B) and the April 2002 agreement reached between the Prosecution and the Defence.

A. Disclosure of REDACTED witness statements of protected witnesses

5) The Prosecution has disclosed to the Defence, in at least one of the working languages of the Tribunal, the redacted witness statements of all 150 protected witnesses on the Prosecution's active witness list. Out of these, the majority of the redacted witness statements have been disclosed to the Defence in French, whereas the redacted witness statements for approximately 2 dozen witnesses have been disclosed to the Defence in English only, and another approximately 2 dozen witnesses have been disclosed to the Defence in both French and English. Most of these statements were provided in 1998, 1999 and 2000.

B. Disclosure of UNredacted witness statements of protected witnesses

6) In respect of this category of witness statements, the Prosecution submits that it has disclosed, in at least one of the working languages of the Tribunal, the unredacted statements of all protected witnesses who are scheduled to appear during the first trial segment ( 2 - 26 September, 2002 ). Witness statements have been disclosed to the Defence in both French and English, except for two witnesses. One outstanding translation is that of witness XAM, consisting of 2 pages. The Prosecution submitted for the first time that statement for translation to LCSS on 25 September 2001. Subsequently, re-submissions were sent to the LCSS on 7 December 2001 and 2 July 2002. To date, the Prosecution has not received any translation of that document. The second outstanding translation is for witness CE, who provided 5 'statements' in French, only one of which has been translated into English. Those items were originally submitted for translation on July 28, 1998, ( CE-1 & 2 ) and November 2 & December 10, 1998, ( CE-4 ). Although it is possible these items for XAM and CE might be translated before July 3oth, it is unlikely they will be able to be catalogued, filed and delivered before that date.

C. Disclosure of UNredacted witness statements of UNprotected witnesses

The Prosecution submits that disclosure of all disclosable material that it knows to be in its possession, in at least one of the working languages, has been made for all unprotected witnesses.

There are 42 witnesses in this category, including experts and investigators, as of July 19, 2002. This category has never had a fixed number of witnesses because of continual additions and deletions.

Statements for 15 witnesses have been disclosed in both working languages of the Tribunal. Witness statements for 10 witnesses have been disclosed only in French whereas witness statements for 2 witnesses have been disclosed only in English. There are 15 witnesses who have no formal 'statements' as such. Of those 15, 4 are authors of significant publications; 4 are witnesses who must be dealt with through high-level diplomatic channels; 4 are investigative witnesses; 2 are witnesses who have created no statement but are believed to possess significant information and 1 is a witness who has given prior testimony and made other publicly printed statements.

10) Requests for translations of the witness statements which have been disclosed in only one working languages have been made to the Language and Conference Services Section (LCSS) on a wide variety of different dates between the period of 1996 and the present. The Prosecution has advised the LCSS of the importance of these translations.

11) In accordance with what has already been submitted orally during Status Conferences held on 3 April and 28 June 2002, the Prosecution further informs the Trial Chamber that it has, in respect of some of the unprotected witnesses, not provided a pro forma witness statement to the Defence. In 3 many instances, the Prosecution has disclosed information available in the public domain, such as official reports, books, news articles and interviews, which indicates and discloses with sufficient clarity the issues to which the Prosecution expects the witness to testify to at trial. The reason therefore is threefold: First, the materials in the public domain may be superior because they are more comprehensive, or original writings, or well-documented; Second, pro forma statements may not be readily available, either because of witness inaccessibility, diplomatic restriction, or budgetary constraint. Third, the principle of judicial economy . The Prosecution takes the view that it would be an imprudent waste of time and resources, as well as an unnecessary expense to dispatch investigators on distant missions to take a pro forma statement when there is public material available which puts the Defence on sufficient notice as to the nature of the expected evidence that the witness will provide during trial.

D. Disclosure of expert witness reports.

12)The Prosecution has disclosed to the Defence in English the full statement of its first expert, Dr. Alison Des Forges, as well as filed the same document before the Trial Chamber. In accordance with Rules 3(A) and (E) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence ("Rules) and Article 13(6) of the Directive for the Registry, the Registry on March 2gth, 2002 served the Defence with a translated version from English to French of the same document.

13) The Prosecution further sees a need to inform the Trial Chamber of the very recent request from Mr. Constant, Counsel for Bagosora, that he be provided with all the material referred to in the footnotes of Alison Des Forges' expert report (See letter from Mr Constant to Mr Chile Eboe- Osuji, attached as Annex A). This new request for approximately 100 items comes approximately 60 days before the scheduled commencement of the expert's testimony, making it highly unlikely the requests could be satisfied beforehand, and impossible to satisfy before July 30".

14) The Prosecution's position on this matter is that, as a matter of law, the Prosecution, as the party calling the expert, is not obliged to provide the Defence with material referred to in footnotes. Moreover, a majority of the referenced material is contained in a documents, which the Defence is able to locate and acquire for themselves. One of the purposes in providing reference footnotes in the first place was to facilitate finding such information. Should the Defence want to 4 cross-examine Alison Des Forges as to the underlying facts or data for the opinions she expressed in the reports, the relevant non-public material can be produced in court during cross-examination. The clear advantage with such a procedure is that the interpreters can then also translate that material. Considering the chronic problems with timely translations that has so far marred this case, this is an important aspect to take into consideration. The concern that the Prosecution has is that if it were to provide the Defence with the non-public materials referred to in the footnotes prior to the testimony of Alison Des Forges, the Defence would demand translations of that material. Under Rules 3(A) and (E) of the Rules and Procedure and Evidence and Article 13(6) of the Directive for Registry, the Registrar could then face the task of translating an additional 100 items.

15) However, although not discussed during the Status Conference on 28 June 2002, the Prosecution is willing, on a voluntary basis, to provide the Defence with the non-public background material that OTP would be able to receive from Dr. Alison Des Forges, provided the Defence would not demand out-of-court translations of that material.

E. Disclosure of exhibits

16) Pursuant to Rules 66(B) and the agreement reached between the Prosecution and the Defence, dated April 8, 2002, the Prosecution provided to the Defence on May 9", 16 binders of exhibits. The objective of that agreement is to facilitate inspection under Rule 66(B) and the process of admissibility. Apart from a limited number of documents, ( primarily a series of 'UNKIBAT' material ), exhibits which the Prosecution intends to offer at trial have been physically or electronically provided to the Defence in at least one of the working languages of the Tribunal. Out of these, approximately 72 exhibits have been disclosed in both English and French. Accordingly, there are remaining approximately 200 documents that need to be translated ( about 4000 pages ). Approximately 40 exhibits need translating for use in the September 2002 trial segment ( about 400 pages ), of which 6 require translation into French and the remainder into English. Requests for translations of many of these documents were submitted to LCSS commencing in 1997. 17) Fortunately, the two main witnesses respecting documents in the September trial segment, Dr. Des Forges and Commander Kwende, are both fluent in French and English and thus capable of referring to the various documents in either language, as they appear in the exhibits.

18) However, it has been a serious impediment to the Prosecution's orderly preparation of the case that so many key documents require translation, particularly into English. For example, there are many documents written originally in French by the hand of one or more accused, most of which have been awaiting translation since they were acquired several years ago. Not only does this create a situation where continual, on-going, time-consuming disclosure is a necessity throughout the course of a lengthy trial, but it prejudices the prosecution in at least two ways; first, because it redirects scarce trial resources to administrative issues during trial, and second, because prosecutors will not have been in a position to know all the aspects of their case until well after trial has commenced.

F. Concluding Submissions

19) Disclosure in the present case has been effective, timely and complete to the extent possible. The majority of statements were delivered to Defence more than 2 years ago, in at least one language. All of the exhibits have been available for inspection for a considerable time and the majority of exhibits were delivered to the Defence in May, 2002, in at least one language.

20) The cooperation between Defence and Prosecution regarding disclosure has been high since November, 200 1, when the four Defence counsel provided individual lists of disclosure requests, intended to identify all outstanding disclosure queries. To their credit, the Defence identified some 450 requests to be addressed for satisfactory disclosure. The Prosecution has subsequently responded to each one of those requests, and provided documents where it has been proper and able to do so. There remain a substantial number of outstanding requests for documents because of lack of translations. In conclusion, the Prosecution submits that the defining feature of the disclosure process in the present case is the lack of timely translations. The Office of the Prosecutor has no control or authority over the LCSS, which is a section that operates under the Office of the Registrar. Whatever priorities are made within that section, or whatever the basis for such priorities, are matters falling entirely outside the domain of the Prosecution.

The Prosecution has undertaken every effort to assist the LCSS, several examples of which are germane to this Motion: Meetings were held between representatives of LCSS and the OTP Evidence Unit, because it is the Evidence Unit that is responsible for receiving Statements from investigators and electronically entering those statements into the database. The OTP database is an archival storage and retrieval system that permits the electronic transfer of a document to other offices within the Tribunal, without the risk of administrative oversight for a paper copy. The OTP database also records significant information concerning the document, such as translation priority notes, the date of receipt, date of transfer, and the essential electronic Evidence Reference Number (ERN), which allows tracking of any particular page of any document, and who is currently responsible for it. As there are approximately a quarter of a million pages in the system, the ERN number is vital. Notably, the LCSS system of document control does not rely on the electronic tracking of documents. OTP offered the use of its translation tracking database system to LCSS, who declined. Consequently, all documents sent to LCSS by the OTP Evidence Unit must be manually copied, delivered and recorded. When the OTP Evidence Unit delivers individual documents to LCSS for translation, each document is attached to an LCSS approved cover page completed by OTP with the essential information about the document, which includes a translation "priority" rating of either Normal, High or Urgent, as well as "special instructions", such as when the document is needed for the upcoming trial, as determined by the trial team. Meetings were held with members of the Prosecution team in this case and top-level representatives of LCSS on several occasions. Prioritized lists of items to be translated were provided. In particular, promptly following the Status Conference on April 3, 2002, Mr. Eboe- Osuji and Mr. White personally provided an 84-item 'Most Urgent' priority list of documents requiring translation for use in the September 2nd trial segment. During that meeting, higMighted 'Most Urgent list was produced and delivered later that day by Mr. white, mher identifying the priorities of OTP for the documents it was seeking* d) OIP has repeatedly provided additional copies of documents for r e-submission when there was question as to where LCSS had located the original submissions. ~nfortunately.there are nmousinstances of documents being submitted 2 and 3 times* e) Further to a meeting arranged through the office of the ~e~uty-~e~istraron ~hursday. JU~Y 18th between the trial team, LCSS and Registry officials additional documents were exchanged: 9 LCSS provided a 163-item list of documents related to the Military Tea. between the dates of February 1, 2001 and July 17, 2002, indicating title, date of receipt, job number. language and completion status. The list indicated that 68 documents had been completed. approximately 45 of which were indicated on the 84-item OTP 'Most Urgent' list- ii The rial team provided fresh priority lists for witnesses due to testify in ~eptem*erand documents expected to be referred to by witnesses in September. In addition. i'ss requested and OTP provided more hard copies of exhibit documents expected to be refined to in September, contained in an indexed. prioritized and highlighted binder of 58 documents .

The Prosecution cannot do much more than providing the LCSS with relevant and accurate infomation with regard to outstanding requests for translations and impress the urgency with which a translation has to be provided. Unfortunately, recent statistics compiled by the prosecution shows that the average time it has taken the LCSS to translate witness statements is cuflently just under 33 montbS2if the outstanding requests for translation will take an equal amount of time, lhe Proseclion will most certainly not be able to proceed with its case in an efficient and expeditious manner. 24) The Prosecution has high praise for the diligent efforts of translators, but is left with the impression that the LCSS is struggling against two main challenges: first, a serious staffing shortage, and second, reliance on a system of document control that is overwhelmed by the volume of material required in a judicial administration. It appears the present system was not designed to accommodate the needs of tracking and translating a quarter-million pages of OTP statements and exhibits.

25) The Prosecution seeks the direction of the Trial Chamber concerning the various translation issues.


DATED at ARUSHA this 26th day of July 2002.

sel) (Prosecution Counsel)

TO: The Registrar INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL- FOR RWANDA Arusha International Conference Centre ARUSHA, Tanzania

AND TO: Raphael CONSTANT Jean Yaovi DEGLI Sylvia OLYMPIO Clemente MONTEROSSO Andre TREMBLAY Kennedy OGETTO Gershom Otachi BW'OMANWA Defence Counsel c/o The Registrar



Case No.: ICTR-98-41-T Bureau Princloa! 82, Rue Moreau de Jonnes 97200 FORT DE FRANCE Mrs Chile EBOE-OSUJI et Drew WHITE MARTlNlQUE - F.W,I. Avocats 761: 0 (596) 70 64 24 Fax: 0 (596) 70 64 25 Bureau du Procureur Email : [email protected] T.P.I.R. + -7.. $oLLABORATRlCE :; f, Arusha 52 Anta GUISSE ' W TANZANIE c,! C=;, Avocat ri la Cour .t. F-.W

Bureau Secondaire 3, Boulevard Sebastopol 75001 PARIS Tlil: (33) 1 55 80 57 40 Fax: (33) 1 55 80 57 41 Vest. S 083

EN ASSOClATlON AVEC ATcha CONDE Avocat (3 la Cour


Mes Chers Confreres,

Je reviens vers vous, comme nous en avions convenu lors de notre rencontre du 28 iuin 2002, dans le dossier cite en reference concernant le rapport d'expertise de Mme ~lisonDES FORGES.

En itudiant ce dossier, mon iquipe a constate que de nombreuses annexes visees par Mme DESFORGES dans son rapport ne sont pas disponibles ou accessibles.

Or ces annexes sont partie prenante de ce rapport et rendent la lecture critique de celui-ci impossible sans en avoir acces. En outre, Mme DES FORGES fonde souvent ses convictions et analyses sur ces annexes et particulittrement sur des entretiens avec des tiers sans que je puisse savoir de qui il s'agit et avoir ace& au contenu de l'ensemble de ces entretiens.

Mme DES FORGES dont le C.V. demontre qu'elle est universitaire ne peut ignorer qu'un travail academique de la nature de son rapport n'a aucune pertinence si les annexes restent du domaine de l'inconnu. L'absence des annexes est pour le moins etonnante sinon que cela vise a empecher la defense de priparer sa mission.

( Membre d'une association agrfte, les paiements par ch&qucssont acceptbs) - - -

Pour ce dossier, je vous remercie de me rtpondre A rnon adresse de FORT DE FRANCE. , . 8 I En r6alit6, en l'itat des choses, le rapport de Mme DES FORGES est incomplet et .@exploitable. Je ne suis pas en etat de preparer l'ecoute de son interrogatoire et encor moins de preparer son contre-interrogatoire.

Je vous prie donc de bien vouloir intervenir pr&sde votre expert pour qu'elle tienne a la disposition des iquipes des quatre accuses l'ensemble des annexes concernies.

Pour vous faciliter la tiiche, j'ai annote dans la liste jointe l'ensemble des annexes dont je souhaite avoir copie. Je vous precise que les pages visees dans ce document concerne l!a version fran~aisesur laquelle j'ai travaillee. Vous constaterez que cela concerne 99 documents, en prenant en compte le supplement que vous nous avez remis le 28 juin dernier.

Pour iviter tout nouveau malentendu comme au mois d'avril 2002, il me parait important de souligner que ces annexes devraient etre en ma possession (donc pas simplement 'depos& au ~reffefe)dahs des dilds suffisants pour me prep&er en vue de l'audition de Mme DES FORGES le 2 septembre 2002. Autrement dit au moins trois s'emdnes' av'ant cette 'date, et ceci 'avec les traductions en francais, conformiment au Reglement de Procedure et de Preuve regissant la des expertises.

Je vous rappelle a cet egard les delais imposes par le R6glement de Procedure et de Preuve et les maints avertissements faits par la Chambre a cet egard.

Je souhaite vivement que ce point puisse Sre reg16 rapidement et Bviter ainsi que je sbis amen6 $ saisir la chambre par rdgu6te et a m70pposer& l'audition de Mme DES FORGES le 2 septembre prochain pot non respet des d4lais riiglementaires.

Je vous precise aussi qu'il aurait lieu a ce qu'une traduction en francais du supplement remis le 28 /O6 /02 me soit communiqui5.

Je vous prie de me croire, Mes Chers Confreres,

Votre Bien Devouk b


Liste des annexes de l'expertise de Madame Des Forges non communiauCes B la DBfense (les pages vise la version fran~aisedu rapport)

1. page 4: Alison Des Forges, I When a Foreign Country Rebels : The ideology and

practice of war in Eighteenth and Nineteenh Century in Rwanda )) Colloque sur l'art de la guerre et la soci6ti en Afrique 2. page 4 : M. DWertefelt et A Coupez, La Royaute sacrke de l'ancien Rwanda 3. page 20: " Arms Project, "Anning Rwanda) The AmTrade and Human Rights Abuses in the Rwanda War", 4. page 20: Africa Watch Vwanda: Talking peace and Waging War, Human Rights since the october 1990 Invasion" 5. p~@f:~Q2: Ministeri y'thutegetsi bwqgihug-u n'Amajyambere ya Komini to Bwan'a Perefe, Bwana su-Pefefe, Bwana Burugumesitiri, No 585/04.09.O 1, Kigali, 5 aoiit 1992 (prefecture Gikongwo) 6. page 23: Africa Watch, "Beyond the Rhetoric: Continuing Human abuses in Rwanda", A Human Rights Short Report, Vo1.5 N07,juin 1993 p.6 a 10 7. page 23 : Ligue Independante pour la Defense des Droits de 1Wornrne (LIDEL), "Rwanda: Le non-dit sur la violation des droits de lhomme", Kigali, janvier 1993, p.93

8. pagg$&3i :., &a.n~oisXavier Nsanzuwera, La magistrature Rwandaise dans 1'Etau du'

pogvpir ex&crttif(Kigali : Editeur CLADHO, 1993) ; 9 .. page Q.4 :Gaspard Ruhumuliza, Prefet de Kibuye, a Monsieur Bourgrnestre (Tous) No 1087/ .04.09.0 1, 12 decembre 199 1 (Commune Bwakira)

10.Page 26 (et page 40): Col. Deogratias Nsabimana a Liste A, 2 1 septembre 1992. -: 11 .page 26 : Gerard Prunier, "The Rwanda crisis, History of a

13ppage 27 : Discours du President Kayibanda, M Le Rwanda et le probleme de ses

r@firgi&su (Kigali 1990)' 1 27 : Document manuserit, non signe et non date, u Message aux Compatriotes

Rwandaid )) 27 : Manifeste-programmes et Statuts de la CDR 27 : Discours de M. Martin Bucyana, Pr6sident de la CDR, du 23 mars 1992 . 28 : Jean, Bosco Barayagwiza au President de la Republique, 3 mars 1992 28 : Stanislas Simbizi, * Compte rendu de la reunion de preparation des manifestations de 1'Alliance r, Kigali le' 10 novembre 1992 18.p-ge28 : Jean Bosco Barayagwiza au Directeur de la Redaction de larlibre Belgique,

11/07/92 ' 28 : Jean Baptiste Mugimba, Rapporteur du Comiti executif, le 01 aoQt 1993 , *, I t 28 igiti5 de Presse du Parti CDR relatif aux massacres

2 29 : C~mmuniqukde presse du Parti CDR du 03 janvier 1994 22. 29 : Communiqut de presse du Parti CDR du 02 avril 'I994 23,page 29 : - Itai~gazo NO05 ry'ishyaka CDR, 22 septembre 1992 (Commission

. 1, Internationale.I des droits de 1'hornme)

j - $43 : Ferdinand Nahimana, (t Le Rwanda : Probl5mes actuels, solutions r, le 21 fevrier 1993 inclut de Nahimana a ses amis, du 28 mars 1994 5

@ 25:page 45 : Human Rights Watch/FIDH entretiens avec un ancien officier de la MINUAR, Plainsboro, New Jersey, 13juin 1996 ; 26.mge 45 : entretien au tilephone Nairobi, 22 mars 1996 2%eage 45 : Kigali, 14 fkvrier 199Z. ,1 .., ages 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 55 : Republique Rwandaise Parquet de la Republique, PV j N00259; PV ~"2~3;PV N0143; PV N00142; PV N0148.;PV NO0033 ; N00034; N00146; PV N00370;PV NO020 1; PV n"O 1 12; PV 004 ; PV NO0 133 ;

..:,'$& - p:h,3 $ es 46, ,,g 1, $2 : Police Judiciaire pres le Parquet du Procureur du Roi de Bruxelles, FVVN041.312,dossier 57/95 46 : Human Rights Watch/FIDH entretien Plainsboro, N.J., 14 juin 1996 %page 46 : Commission d'enquete, rapport. P 420-2 1 +&%phge47 : G&&ral Romeo Dallaire , "Answers to questions submitted to Major-General DaIIaire by the Judge Advocate General of the Milita y Court". 48 : (Belgiqw+*Auditoratrnilitaite pres le Conseil de Guerre, d6claration Pro Justitia , 3 janvier 1995 (source confidentielle)

34+qg&48 : Lt Col. J. Dewe%;Kibat (bataillon de Kigali), (( ~hroni~ue,06-19 avril 1994 1) septembre 1995. 49 : Com~~~lniquede Madame Annonciata Kavaruganda 49 : D6claration de Louise Mushikiwabo. 49/50 : Annexe des d&larations et documents verses a l'appui de la requftte des plaignants en jugement par difaut, tribunal fkdiral de district, District de New York, NO94 Civ. 3627 (JSM),Louise Mushikiwabo et al. contre Barayagwiza 50 : Human Rights Watch, entretien Kigali, 29 octobre 1994 50 : Human Rights Watch, entretien au telephone Nairobi, 5 mai 1994. 50 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien 26 janvier 1996 ; 51 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretiens, Plainsboro, NJ, 14 juin 1996 ; 26 janvier 1996. 6


2 r* q2: page s&:gBwi&s, 3 a&f 1998 43. page 5 1 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien, Bruxelles, 26 rnai 1997. 52 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien au telephone, Anvers,-15 avril 1997 et Bruxelles, 20 octobre 1997 52 : Human ~ightsWatch /FIDH, entretiens Plainsboro, N.J. 14 juin 1996 ; par telephone, Ndirobi, 7 mars 1998. 52 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH, entretiens Plainsboro, N.J. 14 juin 1996 ; au telephone, Bruxelles, 27 avril 1997 et 22 juillet 1998. 53 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH, entretiens Plainsboro, N.J. 14 juin 1996 ; au telephone, Kigali 8 novembre 1996. 53 : Tribunal de Premiere Instance de Bruxelles, Deposition de Temoin, 18 septembre 1995 Dossier 57/95. 53 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH, entretiens Bruxelles, 26 rnai 1997. 50.pkges.63: Note de Chris McGreal, entretien avec , Bukavu, aoiit -1994. ik~ggge54 (et 56): "fiambo Perezida w 'Inarna y 'lgihugu lharanira Arnajyambeie Dr SindikuBwabo Theodore Ageza ku Banyamanda kwa 8 Mats 1994 enclosed in Fawustini Munyazeza, Minisitiri w'Ubutegetsi bw'Igihugu n'i\majyambere ya Komini [sign6 C. Kalimanzira] to Bwana Perefe wa Prefegitura (Bose), 21/04/94 (Prefecture

de Butare) . 55 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien , New York, 15 rnai 1996 55 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien , Kibungo, 30 janvier 1995 55 : Commission pour le Memorial du Genocide et des Massacres au Rwanda,

(( Rapport Preliminaire dldentification des Sites du Genocide et des Massacres

The Associated Press, 11 avril94 56: Radio Rwanda, "Radio Rwanda broatlcasts appeal by official of the pro-amy faction of the MDR", 12 et 13/04/94 56: Radio Rwanda, "Defence Minitry Communique urges Rwandans to ignore the "lies"of the RPF radio", 12 et 13/04/94 56 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH, entretien, Mukingi, 10 juillet 1996 56 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH, entretien, Kigali, 14 fevrier 1997.

60,page 57 : Des prEtres du diocese de Nyundo, I Des rescapes du Dioceses de Nyundo 57 Sceur Patricia Massart, 'A Butare, Au jour legour 63.p-ldj7,58 :Dialogue NQ177,aoilt-septembre 1994 57 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien au telephone, le 22 juillet 1998. 57 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien au ttltphone, BruxeUes, 1e 27 avril 59: Africa Rights, Rwanda, Death, Despair, 59 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien, Butare, 7 mars 1996. 60 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien, Maraba, 14 juin 1995 ! $$ g':. 6 1 : Fergal Keane, Season of Blood r0f0rence compl6te 61: Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretiens, Kigali, date?, Mukingi, 10 juillet 1996. 62 : Declaration du General Romeo Dallaire, p. 39 dossier Marchd:

7 62 : Lindsey Hilsum ({ Hutu Warlord defends Child KillingJ' The Observer, (London) 3 juillet 1994

' '?:%page 62: "Radio Rwanda Broadcast appeal, US Committee for refigees, "Genocide in Rwanda", 7&-page 63: (MINUAR) notes, emissions Radio Rwanda, 20 h, 24 avril 1994 63 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien au telephone, Bruxelles, 23 septembre 1996 63 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien, Kigali, 12 septembre 1995, 11 juillet 1996, 12 octobre 1995. 63 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien au telephone, Bruxelles, 26 mai 1997. 77.pagg @f,,;, Fawusitini Munyazesa, Ministri w 'Wutegegetsi bw 'lgihugu n 'Amajyambere ya (en r6alit6 sign6 par Callute Kalimanzira) to Bwana Prefe wa Perefegitura (bose)2 1 avril 1994.

'?@page64 : a Les resistants Hutu chassent le rebelle ififdtr6 a %gal?,' 64 : Lt Col Muvunyi, Comd Place BUT-GIK a Monsieur le Bourgmestre, N00085/MSC. 1.1, 2 1/O4/94 (prefecture Butare) 66 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretien au telephone, Bruxelies, 4 mai 199 C mai Aloys Simba,

NO51 /06.1.9/0 1, 15 mai 1994 (prefecture Butare) 66 : Human Rights Watch /FIDH entretiens au telephone, Bruxelles, 18 decembre 1995 ; au tiliphone, Bruxelles, 4 mai 1997. @$,.pGage66 : Karamera a Monsieur le PrCfet (Tous) , 25 mai 1994. t 4,- 8 6


85. $Z-::,us g&$i~kfi8~hutu a.ffi~smentassvrer la 4 defense civile r, BQA no142 13, 16/05/94.30. 67 : Human Rights Watch- /FIDH entretien au t&lephone,Bruxelles, 22 juillet 1998 87. suppliment remis le 28/06/02 : Alan Kuperman, The Limits of Humanitarian Intervention, Genocide in Rwanda (Washington :The Brookings Institution, 200 1).

Soit un total de 99 pieces rklam6es. lnternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal Penal lnternational pour le Rwanda Arusha International Conference Centre WTEDNATIONS P.0.h~6016, hsha. Tanzania B.P. 6016, hsha.Tanzania N*mS m - Tel: 255 57 504207-1 1 504367-72 or 1 212 963 2850 Fax: 255 57 5040001504373 w 1 212 963 2848149 PROOF OF SERVICE - ARUSHA PREUVE DE NOTIFICATION - ARUSHA The Prosecutor v. - GRATIEN KABlLlGl late: 26 July, 2002 Case Name /affaire: -ALOYSNTABAKUZE - ANATOLE NSENGIYUMVA - THEONESTE BAGOSORA ICTR-98-41-T - / Case No /no. de I'affaire: 0: TC1 received by Irecu par ALO: received by I reppar 0 Judge N. Pillay, President ...... 1: 0 ...... 0 Judge Msse, Vice President ...... 0 ...... 0 Judge A. Vaz ...... 0 ...... E. Nahamya, Co-ordinator ...... TC2 ...... 0 Judge W. H. Sekule 0 ...... Judge W. C. M. Maqutu ...... 0 0 ...... 0 JudgeA. Ramaroson ...... 0 ...... R. Diarra, Co-ordinator ...... TC3 0 Judge L.G. Williams 0 .... TrialJudge Only) Y. Ostrovs*~Pre- ...... Judge P. Dolenc Judge A. Vaz (Trial Only) M. Niang, Coordinator .. [XI OTP IBUREAU DUPROCUREUR 0 Trial Attorney in charge of DEFENSE: Accused IAccusB: KABlLl Lead Counsel IConseil Principal:. ... DEGLI, MONTEROSSO, OGElTO B CONSTANT

In Ia Arusha ...... csianaiure~ by fax mrrgle. Immp,#.c~s~bis FORM" Co-Counsel IConseil Adjoint:. OLYMPIO TREMBLAY, BW'OMANWA 8 SKOLNIK In I a Arusha ...... caianaiue) by fax conplde I mnW'CMS3bis FORM All Decisions: Appeals Chamber Unit, The Hague Suzanne Chenault, Jurist Linguist All Decisions & Important Public Documents: Press 8 Public Affairs Legal Library - ?om JP. Fcinbt6 (OIC~MS) Y. Ling (TC 1) R. Kuoambo CTC 2) W K*(TC 3) F. Talon (Appeals) 3e: mA ru2r - - -0 A. Diena 0 A. Miller, OLA. NY ~~'r~mb-I--, -n K. Moohalu" -n s. Van Driessche r&bl 11W" :c: 0 WVSS- D 0 WVSS-P b LDFMS P. Nyambe P. Enow GLSS lubi c Kindly find attached the following docurnent(s)y \leu~leztrouver en annexe le(s) document(s) suivant(s):

r name / tifre du document Date Filed I Date enregishi Pages UTOR'S MOTION RESPECTING DISCLOSURE COMPLIANCE AND 261712002 20 LTHER DIRECTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE TRIAL CHAMBER'S tDER OF 28 JUNE 2002 lnternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal Penal lnternational pour le Rwanda

WEDNATIONS Arusha International Conference Centre NATIONS ms P.O.Box 6016, Arusha, Tanzania - B.P. 6016, Arusha, Tanzanie Tel: w 504207-1 1 504367-72 or 1 212 96343731 212 9&32M8/49


Upon signature of the detainee, please return this sheet to the originator as proof of service. Formulaire d &re renvoyi d I'erpdditeur diiment signdpar le ditenu.

Date: 26 July, 2002 Case Name/affaire: The Prosecutor v. - GRATIEN KABlLlGl -ALOYSNTABAKUZE - ANATOLE NSENGIYUMVA - THEONESTE BAGOSORA Case No /affaire no: ICTR-98--41-T I To: TO BE FILLED IN BY THE DETAINEE A: Name of detainee / nom du detenu A COMPLETER PAR LE DETENU I confirm rece~tionof the Signature Date, Time / Heure document(s) listed below. /A BAGOSORA Je confirme rbception documents dessous.

Via: Print name l nom Signature Date , Time / Heure Security Officer

Commanding Officer, UNDF

From: JP. Fomete Y. Ling VC1) R. Kouambo (TC2) De: F. Talon Ahouandogbo (Appeals) 0 Other l Autre ...... Subject Objet: Kindlv find attached the following documents I Veuillez trouver en annexe les documents sulvants.

Documents name I titre du document Date Filed IDate enrepist& Pages. PROSECUTOR'S MOTION RESPECTING DISCLOSURE COMPLIANCE 26/7/2002 20 AND FOR FURTHER DIRECTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE TRIAL CHAMBER'S ORAL ORDER OF 28 JUNE 2002 lnternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal Penal lnternational pour le Rwanda

m~mN~IONS Arusha International Conference Centre NATIONS UNIL~ P.O.Box 6016. Arusha, Tanzania - B.P. 6016, Arusha, Tanzanie Tel: 504207-11 504367-72 or 1 212 963285073or I 212 12848149


Upon signature of the detainee, please return this sheet to the originator as proof of sewice. Formulaired &re renvoyd d l'expntditeur drimenf signntpar le &%nu.

Date: 26 July, 2002 Case Name/affaire: The Prosecutor v. - GRATIEN KABlLlGl -ALOYSNTABAKUZE - ANATOLE NSENGIYUMVA - THEONESTE BAGOSORA Case No /affaire no: ICTR-9841-T I To: TO BE FILLED IN BY THE DETAINEE A: Name of detainee Inom du dbtenu A COMPLETER PAR LE DETENU I confirm reception of the Date, Time IHeure document(s) listed below. NSENGIYUMVA Je confirme reception documents mentionnd(s) ci- dessous. Via: Print name 1 nom Signature Date , Time I Heure Security Officer I Commanding Officer, UNDF

From: JP. Fombte Y. Ling (TCI) R. Kouambo (TC2) De: F. Talon Ahouandogbo (Appeals) Other l Autm Subject Objet: Kindly flnd attached the following documents IVeuillez trouver en annexe les documents sulvants.

Documents name / titre du document Date Filed 1 Date enregishP Pages PROSECUTOR'S MOTION RESPECTING DISCLOSURE COMPLIANCE 261712002 20 AND FOR FURTHER DIRECTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE TRIAL CHAMBER'S ORAL ORDER OF 28 JUNE 2002 lnternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal Penal lnternational pour le Rwanda

UMIED V*TIONS Arusha International Conference Centre unom wes P.O.Box 6016, Arusha, Tanzania - B.P. 6016, Arusha, Tanzanie 373 or 1 21296349


Upon signature of the detainee, please return this sheet to the originator as proof of service. Formuhire d &re renvoyi d I'equidiieur dimenf signipar le diienu.

Date: 26 July, 2002 Case Name /affaire: The Prosecutor v. - GRATIEN KABlLlGl - ALOYS NTABAKUZE - ANATOLE NSENGIYUMVA - THEONESTE BAGOSORA Case No /affaire no: ICTR-98-41-T I TO BE FILLED IN BY THE DETAINEE Name of detainee Inom du dbtenu A COMPLETER PAR LE DETENU I confim~reception of the Date, Time IHeure NTABAKUZE document(s) listed below.

Je confinne kception diddes n documents mentionne(s) ci- dessous. I Print name Inom Signature Date , Time IHeure Security Officer

Commanding Officer, UNDF

From: 7 JP. Forn6t6 Y. Ling (TCl) R. Kuoamboa (TC2)

7 F. Talon Ahouandogbo (Appeals) Other l Autre Subject Ob 'et: (indly find attached the following documents I Veulllez trouver en annexe les documents suivants.

Documents name / tine du document Date Filed /Date enregirhi Pages PROSECUTOR'S MOTION RESPECTING DISCLOSURE COMPLIANCE 261712002 20 AND FOR FURTHER DIRECTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE TRIAL CHAMBER'S ORAL ORDER OF 28 JUNE 2002 lnternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal Penal lnternational pour le Rwanda

UMTEDNATDNS Arusha International Conference Centre NATIONS WLES P.O.Box 6016, Arusha, Tanzania - B.P. 6016, ANS~~,Tanzanle Tm504207-11 504367-72 or 1 212 -uw49

PROOF OF SERVICE TO DETAINEES PREUVE DE NOTlFlCATlON D'ACTES AUX DETENUS Upon signature of the detainee.. . lease return this sheet to the originator- as proof of service. Formulaire d &re renvoyd ci l'erpddifeur diimenf signdpar le d6ienu.

Date: 26 July, 2002 Case Name /affaire: The Prosecutor v. - GRATIEN KABlLlGl -ALOYSNTABAKUZE - ANATOLE NSENGIYUMVA THEONESTE BAGOSORA Case No /affaire no: ICTR-98-41-T - To: I TO BE FILLED IN BY THE DETAINEE A; Name of detainee Inom du d6tenu A COMPLETER PAR LE DETENU I confirm reception of the Date, Time 1 Heure document(s) listed below. KABlLlGl Je confirme rdception du

Via: Security Officer

Commanding Officer, UNDF

I From: JP. Fornet6 Y. Ling 0 1) R. Kouambo (TC2) De: I F. Talon Ahouandogbo (Appeals) 0 Other/ Autre ...... Subject objet: Kindly find attached the following documents IVeuillez trouver en annexe les documents suivants.

Documents name 1 titre du document Date Filed 1 Date enregishi Pages PROSECUTOR'S MOTION RESPECTING DISCLOSURE COMPLIANCE 26/7/2002 20 AND FOR FURTHER DIRECTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE TRIAL CHAMBER'S ORAL ORDER OF 28 JUNE 2002 29/07 '02 17:20 FAX 1 212 9632851 5251 JUDICIAL ARCHIVE mu01



II @$$j International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal PBnal International pour le Rwanda ** Arusha international Conference Centre P.O.Eiox MHB, Arusha, Tanzania B.P. 6016, Arusha, Tanzanie UUITFDNATIONS - I~*~IONS~S Tel: 255 27 2504207-1 1 2504367-72 or 1 21 2 883 2850 Fax: 255 27 250400012604373or 1 212 983 2848149


To: Office of the Registrar Date: July 26,2002 Attn: Dr. Koffi ~fande A: Co-ordinator, Trial Chamber 111

Through: Barbara MULVANE~ SIC de: Senior Trial Attorney

From: Drew Whlte De: Legal Advisor

Subject: Motion for Judicial Direction - filinv with Registry

Dear Sirs: ." -Y Accompanying this letter please find the Prosecutor's Motion for Judic:id Direction, dated July 26,2002, for filing and circulation to all four defence counsel.

We believe the Annex A that is attached to the Motion has previously been sent by the Registry to translation.

If you have any additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact this ofice, through the Senior Trial Attorney, Ms Barbara Mulvaney. 30/07 '02 20:47 FAX 1 212 9632851 5251 JUDICIAL ARCHIVE @00l

TX/RX YO 1343 PGS . 20 TX/RX INCOMPLETE [ lll072*1998# 90 33 1 46272763P DEGLI JEAN Y (1) *72*1998L9033146272763 TRANSACTIOS OK ----- ERROR INFORMATI ON -----

lnternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal Penal International pour le Rwanda Arusha lntemallonal Conferenoe Centre P 0 BOX 8018, A~sha.Tanzania - B P 8016. hsha Tanzanle Tel 25527 2504207-11 2604367.72 or 1 212 983 2850 Fax 255 27 250400012504373 or 1 212 963 2848149


To: Office of the Registrar Date: July 26,2002 Attn: Dr. Koffi Afande A: Co-ordinator, Trial Chamber III

Through: Barbara MULVANE~ SIC de: Senior Trial Attorney

.. i CZ. From: Drew White . . I-' i, k> De: Legal Advisor . , 0- Subject: Motion for Judicial Direction - filing with Registry Ls .. -. Dear Sirs: .-. ^1 Accompanying this letter please find the Prosecutor's Motion for Judicial Direction, dated July 26, 2002, for filing and circulation to all four defence counsel.

We believe the Annex A that is attached to the Motion has previously been sent by the Registry to translation.

If you have any additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact this office, through the Senior Trial Attorney, Ms Barbara Mulvaney. 26/07 '02 21:58 FAX 1 212 9632851 5251 JUDICIAL ARCHIVE a001 I 1

TX/RX NO 1316 PGS. 2 0 TX/RX INCOMPLETE [ llIs72r1998# 90 33 1 46272763P DEGLI JEAN Y (1) *72a1998#9033146272763 ~I~imvrp~b TRANSACTION OK I 101*72s1998# 90 33 1 55805741 CONSTANT R (2) *72*1998#915143432199 - - 7w* (3) s7281998#915148429542 ------skel~ic &,o (4) 87281998#914505843064- . - .. r*emrro ERROR INFORMATION [ 26187281998# 0052 240594 OGETTO K

-. -10 ernational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal Penal lnternational pour le Rwanda Awha International Conference Centre wnemmo~s P.O.Box 8018, ANsha, Tanzania -6.P. 6016,Arusha. Tanzanle NATION SUM^ TeI: 255 272504207-1 1 2504367-72 or 1 212 963 2850 Fax: 255 27 250400012504373 or 1 212 883 2848149


To: Office of the Registrar Date: July 26,2002 Attn: Dr. Koffi Afande A: Co-ordinator, Trial Chamber Ill

Through: Barbara MULVANE~ SIC de: Senior Trial Attorney

C, ... ..,': c: From: Drew White , . i- De: Legal Advisor ' I) FJ : cr > Subject: Motion for Judicial Direction - filing with Regisby -.,. Dear Sirs:

Accompanying this letter please find the Prosecutor's Motion for Judicial Direction, dated July 26,2002, for filing and circulation to all four defence counsel.

We believe the Annex A that is attached to the Motion has previously been sent by the Registry to translation.

If you have any additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact this office, through the Senior Trial Attorney, Ms Barbara Mulvaney. TRANSMISSION SHEET FOR OFFICIAL FILING OF DOCUMENTS WITH CMS (Art 27 of tne D~rectve for !he Reg~slryCo~n Management Secllon, lnternat~onalCr mlna. Tr b~nalfor Rwanoa)

To: OIC, CMS [7 Trial Chamber I Trial Chamber II Trial Chamber Ill Appeals Officer J.P. Fomete Y. Ling R. Kouambo K. Afande F. Talon /A. N'Gum

From: Chamber Defence 8] Prosecutor' Office Other:

(name) (name) Akr(name (name) I ch (mh~~ Case The Prosecutor vs. Case Name: % 9"*-4 &. ! Number: rc~P-qg-q t--r

TRANSLATION STATUS ON DATE OF FILING OF ORIGINAL (completed by ChamberIFlling Party) No action required by CMS regarding translations: Please take action with regard to translation: I Filing PartylChamber hereby submits BOTH the a PartyIChambers hereby submits the original, and I original and the translation to CMS for filing will NOT oversee translation. I Filing PartyIChamber will be submittmg translation to CMS in due course, details are provided below. Fill in the boxes below. facilitate translation

Chamber Defence is overseeing translation: OTP Name of contact person: is over-seeing translation. (copy of translation requisition The document is submitted to the following slip is attached for reference) accredited translation ~rvjce(Translation fees will Name of contact person: be submitted to LDFM@:<".- .. , The document is submitted for translation in: Name of service: .,-. c : ?g Arusha Kigali The Hague Address: ..'j Email Itel Ifax: .-#I 5L Target Language: D Number of Pages ~r&qlijtionrec%ed by CMS on: English 0Expected date of translation: -1 0- French . , Kinyarwanda I 3>. I I -. . - I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (TRIM DATA ENTRY ITRANSLATION PRIOR IT IS AT ION)^ I TOP Priority (prioritisation to be completed by CMS in consultation with Chamberst LCSS) Required Date: COMMENTS ourgent Hearing Date: Other deadlines: 1

CMSl I i I THE PROSECUTOR --and Theoneste BAGOSORA Case No. ICTR-98-4 1-T i - Gratien KABILIGI Aloys NTABAKUZE Anatole NSENGIWMVA


Before Trial Chamber I11


Barbara Mulvaney Drew WHITE Segun JEGEDE Christine GrULHAM Office of the Prosecutor INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR RWANDA +1 (212) 963-2850 + 1 (2 12) 963-2848 (Counsel for the Prosecution)

P v Bagosora et al. [Case No.: ICTR-98-48-T]

" a