November 50p 2019

Parish Magazine email: [email protected] part of the South Team Ministry

The contents of this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the PCC or the editor, but are those of the individual contributors.

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Our Vision Statement

St Peter’s Church Leckhampton exists to love and worship God, to serve our neighbours and to pass on the faith in Jesus Christ.

The Parish Prayer

Loving God Open our eyes that we might see you. Open our ears that we might hear you. Open our hearts and minds that we Might respond to you and bring others to know you. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord who lights our way. Amen +++++++++++++++++++++++

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In this November issue…

Service Times, Regular Activities Page 4 Gary Writes…… Pages 5 - 6 Calendar and Readings Pages 7 - 10 Parish Register Page 11 Street Pastors Page 11 Learning to Listen Page 12 Youth News Page 14 Ladies Group Page 17 Men’s Group Page 18 Christians in the World Page 19 Local History Society Page 20 The Messenger Pages 21 - 23 Rotas Page 33 Directory Page 34 Contacts Page 35

The contents of this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the PCC or editor but are those of individual contributors. Editor: David Webber Deputy Editor: vacant Business and Advertising Manager: Sue Marlow Distribution Manager: Peter Davies Printers: Parish Office

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Usual Services Sunday 08.00 Holy Communion 10.00 Family Communion Junior Church

18.00 Evening Prayer 18.00 Service of Prayer of Healing and Second Sunday Wholeness Weekdays 08.30 Morning Prayer 17.00 Evening Prayer Wednesday 10.30 Holy Communion

Other Regular Activities Monday 19.30 Bellringers’ Practice Church Tuesday 10.00 Tuesday Club (0-4) Cottages Thursday 17.45 Brownies Cottages Friday 09.30 Flower Guild Church For choir practice times please see Simon


Other Information Baptisms Please ask the Parish Office for details Weddings

Parish Office Hours: 09.00 -13.00 Tel 513647 (Cottages) Monday to Friday

Prayers are said daily at St Peter’s, at 8.30am and 5.00pm. We invite you to request prayer for people or situations that weigh heavily on your heart and mind at this time so that we can include them on a regular basis. Unless you ask otherwise, we will pray for them for two weeks from the time we receive your request. You would also have to let us know if you would also like the prayer to be used in Sunday services. If you would like to ask for a prayer, you may telephone, email or write to the Vicar (see back cover; emails may also be sent via St Peter’s website), or you may prefer to leave the prayer on the board beside the door in church. If you name somebody, please be sure that they are happy for this to happen; you may choose to use just a Christian name or be even less specific. You are; of course, welcome to join us for daily prayers at any time.

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Gary writes………

Love your neighbour as yourself

Mark 12.31

As a nation we may be about to exit the European Union and begin a new relationship with our European neighbours, and with the world. At the time of writing, the course of events is still uncertain and the prolonged uncertainty is itself challenging. Did we leave on the 31st October?

Whichever way, our nation is divided about our future relationship in Europe, however, our calling as the Church in these times is not to take sides in this debate but to continue to be the Church for everyone. There are leavers and remainers in every congregation, but this can never be our primary identity as Christians; our identity is in Christ alone.

As the Church, we have a particular responsibility at this time to speak out for the poorest in our communities and to help them (as the church has always done). We have a responsibility to work for the peace and the common good, to offer in public, and in private, a voice of truth and a voice for hope in the future; and we are called to love our neighbours as ourselves, and pray for them.

As the Church we bring a long-held perspective on the present debate. We know from our own history that the UK has re-imagined its relationship with Europe many times in the past. The came into existence as part of one of these eras of change.

In November, we will all remember again those who gave their lives in the great wars of the twentieth century which were focussed around conflict across Europe. As the Church, our friendships with Europe, and with the Church across Europe, will continue and deepen, whatever the political and economic settlement.

In recent weeks, the Bishops have issued some advice on how to respond, here are a few things from that advice which we can all do:

1. Give extra support to the Cheltenham Food banks and CCP ( There may be temporary shortages of some foods, and prices may rise. Food bank and CCP usage may also rise, so we need to ensure stocks are high, and that there are enough volunteers. 2. Watch out for the lonely, the anxious and the vulnerable. Levels of fear are rising and may rise further. Knock on your neighbours’ doors and check if - 5 -

they are OK. Speak to people on the bus and at work. Build networks and friendships. 3. Reach out to EU nationals in our neighbourhood and workplace. This is a moment for friendship and hospitality and love for the stranger. As we leave the EU, or as the uncertainty continues, people are likely to feel less welcome. 4. Support the services provided by local councillors and neighbourhood police officers, and point people to good advice on migration and travel, and qualified advice on debt and financial support. 5. Remember the needs of children and young people. Our schools and churches can be a place of balance and sanctuary for our children, who may be feeling upset and anxious. 6. Work together with other churches, faith communities and charities, to be aware of local challenges. 7. Encouraging discussion about the rights and wrongs of Brexit is unlikely to be helpful. Instead, listen to one another, engage in truthful and honest debate, look for ways to address concerns and acknowledge differences. 8. Watch over other faith and minority ethnic communities. Hate crimes and crimes against other faiths increased after the 2016 referendum. 9. Pray in public worship and private prayer for the healing of our political life, for wisdom for those who lead us, for reconciliation between communities and for stability in our government. 10. Don’t underestimate what can be achieved if every church, chaplaincy and school does something and if every Christian disciple takes some action, however small.

And finally, don’t take on too much either, loving our neighbour through the Brexit process needs to be woven into everything we do anyway, not simply added into busy lives. Don’t be limited by the above list either, you might have better ideas.

As the Church, we are called to be a contemplative, compassionate and courageous, to love our neighbours as ourselves in the months ahead, and to pray and work for the wellbeing of our communities.

Revd Gary.

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Sunday and Weekday service times are listed on the Information page

1 Friday All Saints’ Day 9.00-16.00 Crossroads Care (Cottages) 2 Saturday Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) 14.00-16.00 Church Cleaning 3 SUNDAY FOR ALL SAINTS’ FOURTH SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00 All Age Communion All Saints’ 15.00 All Soul’s Thanksgiving Service 15.00 Birthday Party (Cottages) 4 Monday School term resumes 9.00-16.00 Crossroads Care (Cottages) 20.00 Christians in the World (Cottages) 5 Tuesday 10.00 Tuesday Club (Cottages) resumes 19.00 Rock Solid (URC Centre, Warden Hill) resumes 6 Wednesday 9.00-12.30 Craft-T-Time (Cottages) 10.30 Holy Communion 7 Thursday Willibrord of York, Bishop, Apostle of Frisia, 739 12.30 Men’s Group at the Wheatsheaf 14.15 Julian Group (Cottages) 18.00 Brownies (Cottages) resumes 8 Friday The Saints and Martyrs of England 17.30 Wedding Rehearsal - 7 -

9 Saturday 13.30 Wedding of Benjamin Hopper and Lauren Davies 10 SUNDAY REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 8.00 Holy Communion 9.30 Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial 10.00 Parish Communion with 2 Minutes’ Silence 18.00 Service of Healing and Wholeness 11 Monday Martin, Bishop of Tours, c.397 9.00-16.00 Crossroads Care (Cottages) 12 Tuesday 19.30 Standing Committee (Rectory) 13 Wednesday Charles Simeon, Priest, Evangelical Divine, 1836 9.00-12.30 Craft-T-Time (Cottages) 10.30 Holy Communion 11.00 Holy Communion at Hampton House 19.30 Leckhampton Local History Society (Cottages) 14 Thursday 9.00-17.00 Sue Ryder Retail (Cottages) 19.30 Ladies’ Fellowship Group (Cottages) 15 Friday 9.00-16.00 Crossroads Care (Cottages) 16 Saturday Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Philanthropist, Reformer of the Church, 1093 9.00 Organ Tuition 9.45-13.15 Bell Peal 17 SUNDAY SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 8.00 Holy Communion 10.00 Parish Communion with Junior Church 14.00 Act of Remembrance for George Frederick Delmar-Williamson 18.00 Evening Prayer 18 Monday Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, Philanthropist, 1231 9.00-16.00 Crossroads Care (Cottages) 11.00 Holy Communion at the Grange

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19 Tuesday Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680 20 Wednesday Edmund, King of the East Angles, Martyr, 870 9.00-12.30 Craft-T-Time (Cottages) 10.30 Holy Communion 11.00 Holy Communion at Hampton House 19.30 Cantores Choir Rehearsal 22 Friday 9.00-16.00 Crossroads Care (Cottages) 23 Saturday Clement, Bishop of Rome, Martyr, c.100 13.00-evening Cantores (Cottages) 13.00-17.00 Cantores Rehearsal 19.30 Cantores Concert 24 SUNDAY CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT 8.00 Holy Communion 10.00 Parish Communion with Junior Church 18.00 Evening Prayer 19.00 NextGen (Emmanuel) 25 Monday 9.00-16.00 Crossroads Care (Cottages) 26 Tuesday 19.00 SCTM Quiet Evening 27 Wednesday 9.00-12.30 Craft-T-Time (Cottages) 10.30 Holy Communion 28 Thursday 11.00 Holy Communion at Middleton House 29 Friday 9.00-16.00 Crossroads Care (Cottages) 12.30-14.00 Friday Lunch with Friends at 1 Vineries Close 30 Saturday Andrew the Apostle 9.00 Organ Tuition 16.00 Wedding Rehearsal

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Readings for November 2019

Date Sunday Readings 3rd FOR ALL SAINTS’ Isaiah 1.10-18 10am THE FOURTH SUNDAY 2 Thessalonians 1.1-12 BEFORE ADVENT Luke 19.1-10 10th REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Job 19.23-27a 10am THE THIRD SUNDAY 2 Thessalonians 2.1-5, 13- BEFORE ADVENT end Luke 20.27-38 17th THE SECOND SUNDAY Malachi 4.1-2a 10am BEFORE ADVENT 2 Thessalonians 3.6-13 Luke 21.5-19 24th CHRIST THE KING Jeremiah 23.1-6 SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE Colossians 1.11-20 ADVENT Luke 23.33-43

Message from Jo Pestell: Thank you to all of you who have been praying for me as I have started my new role at St Catharine’s . We had a wonderful licensing service on 5th September and I am settling in well, slowly getting to know new names and faces. Hepsy-bunny has also adapted to the taste of Gloucester dandelions! I was blessed by your generous leaving gift, and I wanted to send a photo of me wearing the stole that I had made with the money you gave me. I will always be able to remember you when I wear it, and it is lovely to think that you will remain part of my ongoing ministry through it. Many thanks. I continue to pray for you. With love and blessings Jo

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From The Parish Register We congratulate those who have recently been baptised:

Finlay Robert McCallum 21st September Thea Nancye Russell 6th October

We congratulate those who have recently been married:

James Michael Dey and Stephanie Victoria Garagan 30th August Jack Joseph Hayman and Stephanie Catherine Vinall 7th September

We offer our sincere sympathy to the families of those who have recently died, especially:

Glenis Marjorie Close aged 88

Street Pastors 10th Commissioning

This year Cheltenham Street Pastors celebrates 10 years of patrolling the streets of our town. We have also just been awarded the Police and Crime Commissioner’s ‘Community Hero Award’ so we have lots to celebrate as well as commissioning our new recruits. We would like to invite you to our special service which this year is being held at Cambray, where our very first Commissioning took place in 2009. It will be held on Saturday 7th December at 7.30pm and will be followed by a finger buffet. We are pleased that Revd Les Isaac (international founder of Street Pastors) will be speaking and The will also be a part of the service. Please come along and celebrate 10 years of Christians being salt and light in Cheltenham at night and also support those who are training Street Pastors within your congregation. If anyone is interested in joining us please email : [email protected] or join us for an observation evening to find out more.

Sarah Chad CSP Coordinator

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South Cheltenham Churches

‘Learning to Listen’ Tuesday 26th Nov 7pm to 9pm As we practise listening to God, Bishop Honorary Assistant Bishop in the of Gloucester and former Bishop of will lead us in prayer and reflection.

HOPES and DREAMS Luke 8: 1-15

All are welcome.

Bring a Bible (and a cushion maybe!) Hot and cold drinks will be provided.

There is no charge but donations are welcomed to cover expenses. Reserve a place by telephoning St Peter’s Church Office 01242 513647 any weekday morning 9am-1pm lifts are available, please phone 01242 530051

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The Tuesday Club is for babies and toddlers aged 0-4 years, with their parents or other carers. We meet every Tuesday during term time from 10 to 11.30am in the Glebe Cottages next to St Peter’s Each session includes time for play, a Bible story, craft, drinks and songs. The adults are a very friendly group and enjoy a good chat and a cup of tea or coffee, as well as joining in with the playing and craft activities. We use a lot of glue! For more information, contact Hermione Mason 01242 516346 Young children, with their parents, are always welcome at church, particularly for the Sunday 10am Family Communion service. On special festivals, we hold All-Age Worship; usually at 10am (see ‘Calendar’). St Peter’s has a spacious carpeted ‘children’s area’ near the front where parents and children can sit together, play with the toys, and take part in the worship. Just turn up! For older children, Junior Church takes place in the Glebe Cottages during the 10am service. Children attend the start of the service but leave after the first hymn, returning to church at ‘The Peace’. The activities at Junior Church are based on the same Bible readings as the adults are learning about. For information about SCC Youth activities: please speak to Liz Johnson (Youth Management Committee rep) or Hanna Sturcken (Youth Leader)

Child Protection: St Peter's is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. The Nominated Person is Sally Campion 01452 854303 The PCC’s Policies for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults are available in church, in the Parish Office and on the website.

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Youth News

Last Man Standing: 3-5pm, Sun 10th November 2019 at Emmanuel Church. Join us for our youth version of ‘Total Wipeout’ and see how long you will last! We have hired the famous ‘Last Man Standing’ game. Step onto the inflatable bed and avoid the rotating sweeper arm by jumping over it. If you’re not quick enough, you’re out! All 11-18 year olds welcome! (This is a free event, please sign up with Hanna)

Youth Christmas Party: Save the date! 4.30-6pm, Sun 15th December at Emmanuel Church.

Group descriptions: Rock Solid (now meets on Tuesdays!) Youth Group for 11-14s. We meet at the URC Centre in Warden Hill from 7-8.30pm to play games and discuss the big questions of life.

NextGen Bible study for 14-18s. We play games, eat snacks and explore different topics in the Bible. 7-8.30pm at Emmanuel Church.

These are all of the relevant youth dates for the upcoming term.

As always, thank you very much! Any questions, please ask!

Hanna Stürcken | Church Partnership Youth Worker Youth for Christ

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WANTED Organiser for Sunday Morning Coffee I have decided that it is time for me to step down from organising Sunday morning coffee. I shall continue until the end of December, but hope to hand over to someone else in January. Please talk to me if you would like to take over or contact me at penny@piggott .eu 01242 574224 Penny

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Junior ‘Breakfast’ Church is on the second Sunday of each month. Please bring some food to share at 10am in the Cottages when we have a short service, before joining the main service in church for Holy Communion. Children and parents are welcome. Contact Liz in the Parish Office for more details.

Pastries and Parables is a new activity for teens (13-16 yrs). It will run on every third Sunday in The Cottages during the 10.00am service. Come and join us for croissants and conversations. For details, contact Hanna ([email protected])

SAVE THE DATE Saturday, 7th March 2020, 6-9 pm Not a Burns Night …….. A Scottish-themed Evening with Music, Dancing, Community Singing and

Entertainment provided by YOU Can you: Recite a Poem Sing a Song Play an Instrument Tell a Joke . . . . ??

Speak to Jennie Hawdon or Jane Allison if you would like to contribute a ‘Turn’ Venue: Parish Hall. Supper: Scotch Soup + Ploughman’s Tickets available in the New Year

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A fabulous display of trees – the artistic, the ingenious, the thought-provoking and, of course, the beautiful – all designed and decorated by local people – individuals, families and both children’s and adults’ groups. Entrance £2.50 (under 16’s free)

Opening Times: Friday 6th December 6pm – 9pm (join us for Carol Singing, Mulled Wine and Mince Pies amongst the Trees) Saturday 7th December 11am – 5pm Cheltenham Children’s Choir 11.15am Sunday 8th December 2pm – 6pm

Saturday 7pm: Carol Concert with Cotswold Male Voice Choir and Naunton Park Primary School. Tickets £6 (under 16’s free)

For info or to enter a tree contact Sharon Wallington 01242 570075 or [email protected]

Emmanuel Church, Fairfield Parade, Cheltenham, GL53 7PJ

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Ladies Fellowship Group

A friendly group meeting once a month for fun and fellowship! 2019 – 2020 Programme

2019 Thursday 14th November The Cottages Women of the Bible – Ruth 7.30pm Hermione Mason & TBC Monday 16th December The Cottages Wine and Pudding Evening 7.30pm with Carols Hermione Mason 2020 Thursday 16th January The Cottages The Role of a Street Pastor 7.30pm Hermione Mason & TBC Monday 17th February The Cottages Bring & Share Supper with 7.30pm Film TBC March – date TBC Waitrose Food Demonstration Evening Hermione Mason Monday 27th April 7.30pm The Cottages Guest Speaker TBC May – date TBC The Everyman Theatre Trip Theatre TBC Saturday 13th June 10am Meet at St Visit to Sudeley Castle Peter’s for lift TBC sharing Monday 13th July 6.30pm St Peter’s Car Leckhampton Walk + Park refreshments TBC Monday 17th August Moran’s Planning evening 7.30pm All! Monday 14th September The Cottages Meditation Evening 7.30pm TBC

Contact Details: Hermione Mason [email protected] or phone the Parish Office on 01242 513647

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Leckhampton Village Hall Church Road

AUTUMN FAIR SATURDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2019 10 TO 12noon Tea, coffee, cakes, raffle tombola, books, crafts Greetings Cards and more…. Harwood Dance Showcase Any donations of cakes, good quality unwanted gifts and books gratefully received

QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 7th December 2019 7 for 7.30 start Licensed Bar Light Refreshments £20 per team of 4 For both events please ring Tina 01242 243035


Choral Concert - Songs of Twilight Saturday 23 November, 7:30pm at St Peter’s Church Leckhampton

Cantores Chamber Choir, with their new conductor Simon Harper, present a delightful programme of music about eventide, sleep and dreams from the 16th century to the present day, including music by Pärt, Palestrina, Britten, Whitacre, Moore, Elgar, Skempton, and many others. Plus organ pieces played by St Peter’s organist Simon Gibson. Tickets £15 (under 16s free) at the door, or £12 in advance from Sally Marlow, Peter Marlow, Maggie Grady or Stephen Gale.

------St Peter’s Men’s Group

Next meeting: 7 November at 12.30pm

Future date: 5 Dec at 7.30pm

Richard Kerr-Wilson co-ordinator - 18 -

Christians in the World – a change of tempo

It’s time for a stock-take! Christians in the World emerged just over five years ago, growing out of the Christians at Work group that Roy Crompton had so ably steered since the early 1990s. It is a lay-led forum in which topics of current interest or concern can be discussed with a Christian focus. There is no formal membership and people turn up if they wish and if they can; everyone is welcome but, importantly, there is no pressure. We publicise events across the South Cheltenham Team Ministry although the vast majority of those attending are from St Peter's, mostly familiar and welcome faces from the Christians at Work era. Numbers attending have been on a gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) downward trend for the past year or more. Speakers from within the St Peter’s community will usually attract a respectable turnout, but speakers from further afield can find themselves addressing a very select group. This presents me as co-ordinator with a twin-pronged problem: there are a limited number of speakers and topics within the St Peter’s ambit (and few that we have not already used at least once), while it feels to me wrong to seek out speakers to travel from further afield in their own time and at their own expense only to address a handful of people - albeit an interested, challenging and engaged handful. None of this is intended as a thinly-concealed complaint or rebuke. People have increasing and pressing calls on their time, as I know well (ask any new grandparent!), and no-one can be expected to participate in all the initiatives and activities around the vital and developing community that is St Peter’s. It is also clear that the evening-meeting-with-speaker format is no longer universally attractive, especially when evenings are dark and cold. Times and people move on. So it is time for a change of tempo. Meetings will be less frequent and we will not meet every month; indeed for various reasons we have not been doing so for a while. And events will not necessarily be on Monday evenings. But Christians in the World will continue as a label and a “brand” when there is a particular event or topic to promote, and suggestions or recommendations are very welcome. It is good to have a forum in which we can consider matters extra muros ecclesiae – seeing God’s grace and purpose in the wider world beyond the physical walls of our beautiful church building and outside formal liturgy. Meanwhile, I’m already looking forward to the Second Annual CitW Vicar’s Quiz next Summer! But before then, on Monday 4 November in the Cottages starting at 8pm, Andrew Holt will be speaking about the work of the Children’s Society. As we know, many young people in this country face difficulties and challenges that simply did not exist when we were growing up. Even in prosperous and apparently safe parts of the country, children are at risk and in need of help; as - 19 - part of his talk, Andrew will be presenting some hard-hitting facts about the current “County Lines” trade in unlawful drugs and the impact that this is having on young people’s lives. St Peter’s has traditionally supported the Children’s Society, for example through Sally and Peter Marlow’s Friday lunches and also our annual parish carol-singing. This is an opportunity to find out more about the important and life-changing work of the society and why our support matters so much. As always, all are welcome, whether to join in the discussion or just listen.

Stephen Gale

Leckhampton Local History Society

Meetings take place on the second Wednesdays of each month at Glebe Cottages, Church Road, Leckhampton, GL53 0QJ at 7.30pm. Admission FREE for members. Admission for visitors - £2.00. Please come and bring a friend!!

Wednesday 13th November 2019 Dave Abrutat - ‘GCHQ, 100 years in the making’

Wednesday 11th December 2019 Patrick Furley - Magic Lantern Christmas Show

Wednesday 8th January 2020 Nicholas Herbert - ‘Road Travel and Transport in Georgian Gloucestershire; Turnpikes and the Improvement of the Roads’

Wednesday 12th February 2020 Members’ Evening

Wednesday 11th March 2020 John Putley - ‘“Get Orff My Land”; History of farming in Gloucestershire from prehistory to WW1’

Wednesday 8th April 2020 Geoff North - ‘Exploring Cheltenham’s Decorative Ironwork’

Wednesday 13th May 2020 AGM Neela Mann - "A Little History of Cheltenham and its Quakers 16501850

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The Messenger, November 2019

It’s time to celebrate It’s been two years since the launch of the Life vision for the . The vision brought together prayer and shared conversations which took place in 2016 and involved 6,000 people. At that time we celebrated with a party to introduce the vision and in the two years since, you have done some amazing things. Now we want to invite you back to celebrate everything that you have done to bring that vision to life in our communities. You’ll get the chance to hear about the work going on across the Diocese—Joy Ludlow from Thornbury will be sharing about Muddy Church, Will Mansell from the Stroud Grace Network will be sharing about how they are transforming their community. Janice Hamilton will share about Sedbury Space and the community building work going on there. Dermot McNiffe, headteacher at All Saints’ Academy will talk about body image and the #liedentity campaign and Rich Witham from Script Union will inspire you with his talk about Sports and the OneLife project. There will be performances from the Spring Dance Company, All Saints’ Academy Choir, the Royal Agricultural University Choir, the Renewal Choir and an iSingPop Choir. You can take part in Pilates (2.30pm, 3.30pm, 4.30pm), circus skills, badminton, spike-ball and volleyball. There’s a creative prayer space, arts and crafts, face-painting and Taiko drummers. Bring your best questions to put to the Bishops and the Archdeacons and hear Bishop Rachel’s speech. You can enjoy storytelling, loads of free food and of course, the baking competition where everyone can enter their own baked version of the vision and be in with a chance of being crowned Star baker. Children of all ages and adults are invited to bake and decorate a cake or biscuits of their choice. If you’re entering the Bake Off, make sure you register with Emma on 01452 835515, [email protected] You can download a full colour event programme with timings from Training that could help you save a life

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Domestic abuse training It is estimated that one in four women and one in seven men will be affected by domestic abuse over their lifetime. Come and learn more about how we can take a positive and proactive approach to prevention and supporting people. Speakers include the police, GDASS, and a member of senior clergy and the diocesan safeguarding advisors. • Wednesday 27 November, 7-9.30pm at St James’ Church Centre, Bream, GL15 6ES and • Wednesday 4 December, 10am to 12.30pm in the Laud Room, Church House, Gloucester, GL1 2LY Booking essential by email on [email protected]

Suicide prevention training Would you know what to do if someone told you that they were having suicidal thoughts and feelings? The Zero Suicide Alliance has put together a free 20- minute suicide prevention training. It’s an interactive training with three different scenarios which help you to identify the signs when someone is having suicidal thoughts or showing suicidal behaviour. It helps you to speak to them in a supportive way and to feel able to point them to the correct sources of support. Gloucestershire Suicide Prevention Partnership (GSPP) has launched an incentive to get as many people as possible to complete this free online training that could help prevent a suicide. As long as funding lasts, you can claim a free drink and cake or healthy snack from participating community cafes across Gloucestershire. All you need to do is take a photo on your phone or print off the ’thank you’ page upon completing the training and show this to the staff at one of the participating cafes. For more information, and to access the training visit terms and conditions apply

Events and training More details for all these events at

Autumn Craft Fayre Saturday 2 November, 10.30am to 3pm at St Catharine’s Church, London Road, Gloucester Handmade crafts and art. Refreshments available all day. Find @stcatsglos on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more details.

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Environment and Eco Church Workshop Thursday 7 November, 7.30pm to 9pm at St John the Evangelist Church, Elkstone, GL53 9PD Practical workshop on environmental concerns, with a focus on the EcoChurch awards, for churches who want to get started or are already engaged and want to explore the next step. Booking at nw778Xr

Embrace: Women’s Day 2019 Saturday 9 November, 9.30am to 5pm at St Andrew’s Churchdown, GL3 2JT Speaker, Christy Wimber, worship, Rhiannon Davies. Tickets available from the office (£10, and £7 for students) [email protected] / 01452 712154. Refreshments all day. Please bring your own lunch.

Gloucestershire Churches Environmental Justice Network (GCEJN). Tuesday 19 November, 12.15— 1.30pm in the Jerusalem Room, 4 College Green, Gloucester Reconciliation of land and neighbour The Revd Joe Knight will speak about various eco-projects in and around Newnham-on-Severn. Joe is passionate about sustainability in farming and he’s involved with the local school strike movement. Water, tea and coffee are provided. Please feel free to bring a sandwich. Brunch and Bounce Saturday 30 November, 9.30am to 11.30am in the Chapter House at Fun and relaxed get together, open to all with a bouncy castle and crafts for the children. Good coffee, pastries and the weekend papers.

Have your say Visit Facebook Diocese.of.Gloucester, email Katherine [email protected], follow us on Twitter @glosdioc, view videos on YouTube Diocese of Gloucester or visit our website

Church Cleaning at St Peter’s

Saturday 2nd November, from 2.00 pm till 4.00 pm. Please come along for the twice-yearly clean-athon. We will thoroughly polish, dust and hoover to keep our church spick and span. Tea and cake will reward the workers. To volunteer, contact: Jennie Hawdon (Tel: 01242 513705)

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Free auction valuations Regular fine art & antiques sales Insurance & probate valuations

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WEDDING RECEPTIONS, If you respond to one PARTIES, MEETINGS, KEEP FIT, OTHER GROUP of our advertisers ACTIVITIES up to 130 people please tell them that Comfortable & fully heated. you saw their advert in Full kitchen facilities. the St Peter’s Parish Modern Tables and Chairs. Large stage, piano etc. Magazine.

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Down to Earth


For all your domestic electrical While pleased to welcome advertisements, St Peter’s PCC cannot offer endorsement needs of any specific advertiser or event. New lighting Extra sockets If you respond to one of our advertisers Fuse board replacements please tell them that you saw their advert Re-wires in the St Peter’s Parish Magazine.

James Hiatt If you wish to advertise in the magazine Tel: 01242 690902 please contact Sue Marlow 01242 581661 Mobile: 07783 593630

Email: down-to- [email protected]

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