October 50p 2019 Parish Magazine Festival of Music 19th October www.stpeters-leckhampton.org.uk email:
[email protected] part of the South Cheltenham Team Ministry The contents of this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the PCC or the editor, but are those of the individual contributors. - 1 - Our Vision Statement St Peter’s Church Leckhampton exists to love and worship God, to serve our neighbours and to pass on the faith in Jesus Christ. The Parish Prayer Loving God Open our eyes that we might see you. Open our ears that we might hear you. Open our hearts and minds that we Might respond to you and bring others to know you. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord who lights our way. Amen +++++++++++++++++++++++ - 2 - In this October issue… Service Times, Regular Activities Page 4 Calendar and Readings Pages 5 - 8 Gary writes…… Page 9 Parish Register Page 9 Festival of Music Page 11 Learning to Listen Page 12 Young People Pages 13 - 14 Youth News Page 15 Events Pages 16 - 17 The Messenger Pages 18 - 19 Rotas Page 29 Directory Page 30 Contacts Page 31 The contents of this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the PCC or editor but are those of individual contributors. Editor: David Webber Deputy Editor: vacant Business and Advertising Manager: Sue Marlow Distribution Manager: Peter Davies Printers: Parish Office - 3 - INFORMATION Usual Services Sunday 08.00 Holy Communion 10.00 Family Communion Junior Church 18.00 Evening Prayer 18.00 Service of Prayer of Healing and Second Sunday Wholeness Weekdays 08.30 Morning Prayer 17.00 Evening Prayer Wednesday 10.30 Holy Communion Other Regular Activities Monday 19.30 Bellringers’ Practice Church Tuesday 10.00 Tuesday Club (0-4) Cottages Thursday 17.45 Brownies Cottages Friday 09.30 Flower Guild Church For choir practice times please see Simon Gibson Other Information Baptisms Please ask the Parish Office for details Weddings Parish Office Hours: 09.00 -13.00 Tel 513647 (Cottages) Monday to Friday Prayers are said daily at St Peter’s, at 8.30am and 5.00pm.