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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-2-1909 Santa Fe New Mexican, 07-02-1909 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 07-02-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/7285

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ANTA FE NEW MEXIC VOL. 46. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY J ULY 2, 1909. NO, 120 II APPOINTMENTS PITCHED BATTLE END OF TIFF IDENTIFYING I T INSPECTORS BY GOVERNOR MOMS I CHINAMAN ED

Clancy Presides Deputy Sheriff Kent Aldrich Returns to Found in the Hud- - No Delinquency in Supreme Court Ad Over District At- Killed in Union Scene of son River Last East Saint Louis journed Until torney Meet County Action Night. Investigation August 24

PETITIONS TAX BELIEVED TO BE LEON LING CHARGES UNWARRANTED m Guimiiii JfilST HEADQUARTERS AT I : - Next .Forestry Service Takes up Posses Scouring Country for Vote May Be Taken Relatives of Murdered Gir Secretary Wilson Promptly Opinion Handed Down in Matter of Scenic Highway Rustlers and, Will Give Tuesday or Even Before Do Not Aid Police in Removed Harms, Bischof Another Case Yesterday Trail Them Short Shrift That. Search and Michael. Afternoon.

Terri- D. 2. From New 2. The ef- 2 Governor Curry this forenoon ap- Captain Fred Fornoff. of the , C, July York, July first Washington, D. C, July That The following is the order handed the way school got down to order fort made the lo pointed Dr. John H. Sloan of Santa torial mounted police, today received by police identify meat inspection, as carried on at East down last evening by the Territorial Spanish-America- n this morning it was evident that the the of the Chinaman found in Fe, a trustee of the Sheriff body St. Louis stock yards, is and of a high supremo court in reference to redis- Arriba the following telegram from teacher had returned, in other words the Hudson river last as that Normal School at El Rito, Rio coun- night order, is the substance of the report of the and D. W. Snyder of Clayton, Union Senator chairman of the of Leon wanted ricting Territory assigning county, leaving but one more vacancy Aldrich, Ling, for the murder the investigating committee sent by "My Deputy Jim Kent was killed was of judicial headquarters: on the board to be filled. ty: finance committee, in his seat Elsie Sisel, have failed, but another Wilson of at Gladstone Am Secretary the Department the of New Mexico, Ger-- . yesterday. starting when the Senate convened and a full attempt will be made today and it is Dividing Territory He also appointed Herman is near the of Agriculture to inquire Into the truth Into Seven Mak- a there now." Gladstone quorum was ready for business. The expected that the body will be identi- Judicial Districts, hardt of Tucumcari, Quay county, of the report that inspection has been of to the Colfax county border and considerable return of Aldrich caused much spec fied. A small boy who knew Ling ing Assignment Judges - trustee of the Quay county experi- lax and inefficient, made by Inspector Several and distance from any railroad. Accord- ulation as to the possibility of getting well in life was taken to the morgue Districts Fixing the ment farm to succeed Donald Stew- Harms, one of the East St. Louis to dispatches in the Denver pa- a vote on the income lax proposition and to view the remains Time and Place of Holding Court art, resigned. ing permitted force. pers yesterday, Deputy Sheriff J. I. and Senators believe the end is near. but he said it was not the suspected Therein. of District In with an act of Con Meeting Attorneys. Kent had started from Trinidad, Colo- The fact that Senator Bulkeley's ob- Chinaman. Metnoers of the Sigel "It is the belief of your committee," accordance General Frank W. Clancy men gress entitled "An act to amend sec Attorney rado, on Tuesday, with C. H. Hamilton, jections stood in the way of getting family were not asked to identify the says the report, "that the at East afternoon over, the SG an a gov- presided yesterday twenty-seve- n a vote before and the as not St. Louis from to bottom tion of act to provide attor- charged, with the theft of Tuesday that body they have rendered any station, top of territorial district '''- ernment for the of Hawaii, meeting horses. debate seemed almost exhausted, led aid to the police in the search for are absolutely honest and competent. Territory who discussed informally the to for additional and neys to the conclusion that a vote will be Leon. They are discharging their duty to the provide judges - enforcement of the laws in reference Details of the Killing. for other believe high-minde- d judicial purposes," approved taken then, and some it might Identified By public in a way and no to assessment, and the to the New Mexican. Reporter. March 3d, IHO',1, the chief taxation, Special be taken even before tomorrow. Busi- 2. meat is what is fit for directing anti-gambli- , That the passed except and laws. There Folsom, July 2. Deputy Sheriffs J. July body and associate of the Sunday ness began with the presentation of found in the Hudson river last human food. It is to be regretted that justice justices was an interchange, of views and I. Kent, I. S. Williams and Guy Mellon night Supreme Court of the of petitions against the corporation tax is that of Leon was affirmed the service should be made the sub- Territory while no formal action was taken, the went out from John King's ranch, Ling by New Mexico to redistrict the Terri bill, many coming from the north- a who saw the at the of attack an will lead to great- twenty-fiv- e miles south of Folsom tnis reporter body ject by irresponsible Into seven and meeting probably west. From Spokane 106 merchants tory judicial districts of in enfor- two o'clock to arrest Jam- morgue this '"morning. The reporter person who is answerable to no one." of er uniformity procedure morning at in of bill as pro- to make such assignments the at- appealed support the said he was sure the was the laws. Among the district ison Brothers for whom they had body that, The report believes that the attack for in said act as cing posed by Taft because it safeguarded of the Chinaman judges provided in attendance were George W. warrants them with horse wanted for the mur- on the meat inspection is baseless and shall in their be meet and torneys charging private business interests. Another der of Elsie judgment of J. M. Hervey A battle ensued in which J. I. Sigel because he knew will dc injury to the export business. Klock Albuquerque; theft. firm called the measure him proper, therefore, was pernicious all last summer when the China- Wilson ordered the dismia- - of Roswell; E. R. Wright of Santa Kent, the regular deputy sheriff, and wanted it killed. Secretary We, the undersigned, chief justice W. was man ran a pin game at Fort George. sal of Rosa; Elmer E. Studley of Raton; killed outright and Williams Senator in of Harms, Inspector Bisbof and and associate justices of the Supreme Alex- Heyburn speaking All .peculiarities correspond with . H. Llewellyn of Las Cruces; seriously, if not fatally wounded. Kent the measure declared the amendment Veterinary Inspector Michael. court or uie Territory or .New .Mexi Read of returned from that of Ling. assembled ander 'uerra Amarilla; and Williams had just too indefinite and declared the fixing co, at trie Supreme Court W. G. Ward of Las Vegas and Kansas with seventeen head of horses It' Wasn't Leon. room, in the in (,uarles of a two per cent tax on corporations Territorial Capitol, which had been stolen from the New York, July 2. It was after- SIGN OF THE RE- - the of iu the said Ter others. renders it impossible to de'termine City Santa Fe, Fernandez ranch and had wards that the was of New Architect for School Buildings. King and the object of the bill or to, enforce proved body not! TURN OF PROSPERITY ritory Mexico, con- and Clarence . Hamil- Leon but a 1G old. j Do the said Ter- Superintendent J. E. Clark is arrested jailed the provisions because of vagueness. Ling, boy years hereby order that from Khali be into with Architect J. F. Johnston ton, and brought him to Clayton re-- " which had been discolored a ritory divided seven ju- sulting Aldrich, Root, and other Senators by long Internal Commerce of United States of in reference to a compi- Trinidad, . Hamilton, it is to these time in the water. Thus the search dicial districts as follows: Nebraska, plied objections saying that Month of . had been released from During May Approach- Fy-st- The counties of Santa lation of building plans suitable for reported, just many distinguished lawyers had pass- (Starts anew. Fe, was ed Volume of 1907. Rio San Taos and Tor- district school house purposes in thi, the penitentiary v and charged ed on them and found the bill consti- Arriba, Juan, a in at rance Judi- Territory, and which is to be with having hand this theft, tutional. Senator Raynor declared shall, constitute (he First " w thirty-fou- r of horses EARTHQUAKES AND D. C 2. In- ed soon. - '. hich time head his belief that the bill is constitu- Washington, ...July The cial District. stolen from and Fernan- Commerce Second. Distribution of Laws. were King tional but unjust, but said he would TERRIFIC HEAT ternal of the United States, The counties of Bernalillo, dez. It is not known, whether any ob- ash shown the bulle- and Sandoval, shall consti- On Monday, Territorial Secretary yet vote for it because he could not during May by McKinley of the alleged rustlers were killed or tin of Commerce tute the Second Judicial District. Nathan Jaffa will begin the general tain the income tax and otherwise the Unfortunate California Suffered From of the Department wounded. Posses from Clayton and Third. The counties of Dona distribution of the Laws of 1909, government would" be bankrupt. He Both Salt Lake and Labor, has an optimistic tone. Ana, Folsom are out the county Yesterday and Grant and shall which have been The first scouiing said it could not be contended that Yuma in While the volume of livestock and Luna, constitute the printed. are to re- the Same Class. was distributed among and the murderers likely Congress had the right to tax a cor- grain movements is below that of the Third Judicial District. consignment little if found. Mi ihe territorial officials and district at- ceive but mercy poration chartered by a state to carry last two years, and the movement In Fourth. The counties of San San Bernardino, Cal., July 2. A Colfax, Mora and shall torneys on last Tuesday and Wednes- on business. coal and lumber is slightly checked, guel, Union, slight earthquake shock was felt here constitute the Fourth Judicial Dis day. Western States Cheated. manufacturing and building Industries JAMES CUNNINGHAM yesterday. No damage was done. The trict. Mounted Police Investigating. Washington, July 2. At a meeting are Improved. Building activity in the atmosphere was .. Fifth. The counties of Chavezy Cur- Lieutenant J. W. Collier and Police- CONFESSED MURDER of the recently organized Colorado unusually heavy large cities is unusually active. Traffic throughout the day with the ther- ry, Eddy and Roosevelt, shall consti- man Rafael Gomez, accompanied by Republican association here, it was operations are not up to the high mometer 105. tute the FL.j. Judicial District. Detective French of the Denver and It Was He and Not Novak Who Killed shown that scarcely 100 of the 131 registering record of 1907, but better than in 1908. 116 in the Shade. Sixth. The counties of Otero, Gua- Rio Grande railroad; went to Buck-man'- s Miss Caroline Brasch at San government employes in this city El 2. The ther- dalupe, Lincoln and Quay, shall con- yesterday to search the house Francisco. charged up to Colorado are legal resi- Cenlro, Cal., July 3 BOOT LEGGER stitute the Sixth Judicial District. of Mrs. Donaciano Gomez, to dents of that state. Colorado, it was mometer yesterday at o'clock regis- alleged Seventh. The counties of be of man arrested stated at the has been im- tered 116 breaking all records Socorro, a sister the ye- San Francisco Cal.. July 2. James meeting, GIVEN THE LIMIT Sierra and shall be'ing on. since temperature were recorded Valencia, constitute sterday, accused of the burglar mur-de- r posed Cunningham has confessed to the here. the Seventh Judicial District. who rifled a number of stores in this today-passe- s Yesterday the temperature of Miss Caroline Brasch, cashier A native of Colorado who Feature of the Trial at Grand Junc- It is further ordered that the chief the past two weeks and commit an examination for a here. Wednesday the temperature city for the Bray Brothers Construction govern- tion, Colorado, is Sampling of justice and associate justices ' are . the reached 115. was ted other depredations, including ment position in Washington has his Yesterday's humidity in Dis- Company, who was shot and killed in , Whisky Bottle. hereby assigned to the Judicial breaking open and robbing a trunk name on the eligible list of 30. Cotton growers claim this hot the companys' office last Wednesday. placed tricts as judges thereof as follows: and boxes belonging to Dr. Edgar L. the civil service commission, and is weather is excellent for the crop. No Cunningham surrendered because a Grand Colo., 2. The To the First Judicial District, Mr. Hewett and archaeological party at told that he cannot be appointed un- prostrations are reported but builders Junction, July fellow employe of the company, J. No- limit of a sentence and a fine of Associate Justice John ; R. McFie, Buckman's last year. The accused til some of the employes reg- work. jail was accused of the crime. Cun- already suspended with headquarters at Santa Fe. his name as Fox but in his vak, istered Colorado the serv- Hottest in 1901. $125 and costs, amounting to a like gives from leave Day Salt Lake Since To the Second Judicial District, Mr. he' carried cards ningham said he entered the building ice. sum, was the verdict in the case of pockets printed Salt Lake, Utah, July 2. The mer- Associate Justice Ira A. Abbott, with "Nicolas Martinez," and he is to ev- just as Novak left and entered into a like is Juan Valdez, tried for bootlegging. Colorado, the other states, cury crossed the centry mark yester- headquarters at Albuquerque. native-born-. over a check, 0 . dispute with the girl pay one each 10,-00- The feature of the trial was the testi- ery appearance e'ntitled to employe for day for the first time since 1901. At 3 To the Third Judicial District, Mr. Scenic Trail. which ended by his shooting the girl, of of two "tasters" who Highway inhabitants. Outsiders, many o'clock the government thermometer mony sampled Associate Justice Frank W. A. C. has who had over In Parker, District Forester Ringland Novak, also quarreled whom never set foot on Colora- e the contests of the bottle evidence have registered 101 degrees. This tempera-tru- with headquarters at Las Cruces. directed Stewart of the his pay was believed to be the slayer do giv- and testified in their it Supervisor soil, have come to Washington, has been exceeded but once in that opinion To the Fourth Judicial District, Mr. Pecos forest reserve to send out a until Cunningham confessed. en as Colo- was whiskv. their place of residence Salt Lake and that was In 1889 when Chief Justice William J. Mills, with ranger to reconnoiter a trail from the Na- rado, and have been appointed. 102 was reached. headquarters at Las Vegas. - end of the Scenic Highway to the tives, men who are entitled to Colora- v Yuma Reports 110 To the Fifth Judicial District, Mr. Pecos river and to report on the do are thus crowded to the Only Degrees. patronage D. 2. Official Associate Justice William H. Pope, feasibility of its construction. Deputy SEVERE AERIAL where will remain until Washington, C, July TOOK LIFE FOR rear, they forecasters see no indications of a with headnuarters at RoswpII. Ranger 0. H. Johns has been de- these either or are imposters resign break In the now To the Sixth Judicial District, Mr. tailed for this duty. forced from the service. hot weather prevail- lower Associate Justice Alford W. Cooley, Incorporations. The Colorado association will in- ing over a wide area except that ' with at Incorporation papers were filed to- temperatures are Indicated in the far headquarters Alamogordo. FLIGHT TEST augurate a campaign to remedy this HIS MUSTACHE To the Seventh Judicial District, day in the office of Territorial Secre- abuse. Another will be held Northwest. meeting the remaining Associate Justice pro-vide- d tary Nathan Jaffa by two Deming a At Yuma, Arizona, the next week when permanent organi- yesterday for by law, with companies. One is the International was 110 while in headquarters zation probably will be effected. mercury at degrees, at Socorro. .Metals Company, capitalized at $250, other sections an of 90 de- Big White River Tract is Opened. average That the times and of hold- 000 divided Into 25,000 shares, of But has was of Cousin Ends places WrightBrothers The secretary of the interior grees registered. Joke ing United States district courts In which capital $2,000 are paid up, by vacated the order of withdrawal un- One death and six -- prostrations, the the incorporators and directors: Are Confident of First, SecondThird, Fourth and der the reclamation act in connec- with the temperature at 100 degrees in Fatal Shoot- Sixth Judicial shall remain .James O, Clifford, 160 shares; W. H. tion Districts, with the White River project. downtown was the record - - yesterday's as now established. V - Patterson and Ney B. Gorman,- 20 Result Colorado, so far as the same related in Washington. It is further ordered that the time shares eaech, and all three of Deming, re- ing to about 507,560 acres of land, and of which is designated as the headquar- holding United States district stored said land to the public domain, court in the Fifth Judicial District ters of the company, James O. re- TIN PLATE WORKERS L where1 not otherwise withdrawn, shall be at the of Roswell on the ford being designated the New Mexico served or TRAGEDY AT MAHONEY CITY city appropriated. ON STRIKE fourth Mondays of April and Octoher agent. The other company Is the Said lands will become to subject of each year. Jiomeplot Company with headquarters 3, settlement on and after September Pa. 2. Twenty-fiv- e Is -- Pittsburg, It further ordered that the at Deming and Ralp C. Ely designat- Never Before Has not July city Aeroplane 1909, but subject to entry, filing thousand men will be on a strike if the Stuck Chewing Gum in of Socorro In the countv of Snrorrn ed as New Mexico agent. The capital or selection 1909, Sailed Over Such until October 30, second strike movement the be and the same Is establish- ization is $100,000 divided into 1,000 Rough forbidden. against Whiskers of Italian hereby being expressly American & Tin ed as a seat of the Seventh shares, $2,000 being paid on the cap- Country Sheet Plate Company judicial ital, by the following incorporators takes place on July 15, when the pres- Relative. Judicial District, and that the time of ' and directors: Ralpfi C. Ely, 18 shares, MRS. TAFT IS ent wage schedule ends. At midnight, holding United States district court In C. D. D.VC. 2. After a last of the said Seventh Judicial District shall Eda E. Deckert and Ambrose Washington, July night, the strike the Amalga- Mahoney City, Pa., 2. Stung ' MUCH BETTER July be at the of Socorro on - 1 share each. The company will en- view of the rough country near Fort' mated Association of Iron. Steel and city the 2nd to a frenzy because he had to have in gage in land and irrigation enter- Myer, over which Orville Wright will Tin workers began and this will be Mondays June and December of Physicians Predict Her Complete Re-- his mustache cut off as the result of each year. prises.' .. make his trial flights In an aeroplane materially augumented by the probable de-- covery Within Another a It is further ordered that Conservation Commission. under government supervision, he j strike of the Tin Plate Workers Inter- practical joke, Espiano Tosta, shot the said Two Months. United States courts con- The Conservation Commission has clared he would rather ride over it In national Protective Association. It is and killed Mariana his cousin, district shall Tosta, tinue in session not to af--" in exceed six "postponed its meeting to Monday an aeroplane than an automobile. the wage scale of this organization A week ago, Mariana . Washington, D. C, July 2. Presi- yesterday. months at each term. ternono, July 6. It will be a unique test in many ways which expires 15. dent Taft is delighted with the prog- July reached over the table and smeared It is further orderedv.that the re- National Guard Encampment. as It will be the first lime the aero Strikers Ordered to Return to Wo'k, ress Mrs. Taft is making toward re- chewing gum in her cousin's mus- spective clerks of the district courts General R. A. Ford an-- . sailed over such rough country 2. An order Adjutant plane covery. For the first time In six Pittsburg, Kan., July of the Second, Third and Sixth Judi- the and the machine at one will be was Issued local tache. Later he tried for several days nounced definitely today ,that point weeks Mrs. Taft lunched with the here today by the cial Districts, transfer to the district New Mexico National Guard will 500 feet above the ground, the board of to cut the stuff out but it was go highest.. President and HflMriful milte well. The of the United Mine Workers sticky clerk of the proper district all rec- into at Las on While many new America of the no use was to encampment Vegas yet attempted. physicians say she will have regained instructing the miners and finally forced ords, papers, books and pther things ,15 30. will obstacles are the brothers ' Kansas re July to Special attention presented her health completely within two district, 8,000 In number, to shave off the pride of his heart. Yes- and paraphernalia in their official cus-- . &e to en- - have no fear that the trials which out- given field instruction. The months. The President will take her turn to work at once, pending the terday he met his cousin on the today, belonging or appertaining to probably will begin tomorrow will be to Beverly, , In a few come of a conference of the miners street and opened fire with fatal (Continued on Page Eight.) successful. days to a cooler and u ...j; atmosphere. operators. (Continued on Page' Eight.) WMMli


THE DAILY ROUND UP. WE YOU Store A SMALL SWEET WAY. WAIT The world Big There's never a rose in all the But makes some green spray sweeter, There's never a wind In all the sky, To Attend Our Gigantic But makes some bird-win- g fleeter; There's never a star but brings to heaven Some silver radiance tender; And never a rosy cloud but helps Mill To crown the sunset splendor; Outlet Sale No robin but may thrill some heart, His dawn light gladness voicing. will You God gives us all some small sweet It prove a remarkable money saver to way To set the world rejoicing. Thousands of choice Remnants from the Mills Pres. Journal. direct New Auto Line An automobile linej. Why wsufferwilh Is to be installed between Cimarron when This and Maxwell City via Colfax, Dawson pain and French. BAL1AR0SSN0W Another Railroad Change Id th Santa Fe shops at Las Vegas, John LINIMENT Archer Talley, has succeeded J. D. Harritv. resigned, who will go to WILL CURE Winnipeg, Manitoba. RHEUMATISM. CUTS, OLD Begins Saturday Morning Seventy Convicts on Road Work SORES, SPRAINS, WOUNDS, The state of Colorado now has sev STIFP JOINTS, NEURALGIA, enty convicts at work ou the Scenic j SCALDS, ETZ., Highway between Raton and Trini- G. A. Friodel, Dallas, Tex. dad and they are pushing the work writes : UI use Ballard' s Snow rapidly. Liniment for my family. It JONE made. Death of Operator-Cha-rles is the best Liniment Lintoype relieves and scalds.' Grimes, a lintoype operator It burns and at Las Vegas, was found dead in an 25c, 50c $1.00 outhouse at La Junta, Colorado, heart Liniment Co. failure being assigned as the cause Ballard Snow SELIGMAN BROS. CO. of death. ST. louis, Ma, Weddings at Raton Albert Town-dro- ask pay for pair of shoes when and Hazel Williams of Johnson's Let ns you why $3.50 ton as one of out UAu(MN it will require three pair to wear as pair Mesa were married this week at Ra- Sold and Recommended by SANTA FE. HEW MEXICO cnnnTTOWwwv nnv s" no when we can duplicate the Shoe for $5,uu. it is lamblean suffer. You will, find ln.our ton. So were Percy Fox and Miss FISCHER DRUG COMPANY SHOK8-MAKIN- ; . , ftMBhmewy POINT KNOW TO GOOD Cora Krtzer, both of Boulder, Colora do. Rev. Charles Dixey performed dragged at a terrific pace by a fright WE BELIEVE OUR SHOES to :$4.00) the ceremony in both cases. ened horse, and sustained serious ARE THE BEST $4.00 SHOES ;ON. EARTH Monument Postoffice Robbed The' ternal injuries. The babe escaped un postoffice at Monument, Guadalupe: harmed. TRY OUR county, was robbed recently. The of-- A small boy who deliberately threw Gronnd store and the two firecrackers beneath the lea PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS. iflce is in a grocery giant thieves besides $60 from the horse was the cause of the runaway- In MONEY TO LOAN taking postoffice secured $40 worth of mer- Mrs. J. O. WhittiKen, who was stand On notes, diamonds and jewelry as low as $10 and as high as $200. chandise. A reward of $25 is offered ing beside the rig, attempted to grab AJso Good for Chickens Loans are strictly private. T me one month to one year. Rates are for the capture of the burglar. the bridle and was knocked down reasonable. Call and see us before borrowing. Suit for Heavy Sum Adolf Strauss and the buggy passed over her. Aside SOLE AGENTS FOR of Las Vegas, in a suit against the from severe bruises her condition is Win. FARAH at SALMON Store Horse Shoe Land and Cattle Com- not serious. International Stock Food pany of Roosevelt county, has been in tne sum of $27,-350.5- 2 awarded judgment Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and the property of the de fendant company will be sold at Clo-- NATHAN SALMON. vis, Curry county, on August 28. Hour, Hay, Grain, Potatoes, Odd Fellows Elect Officers Las Indigestion Phone 108 San Francisco Street. Vegas Lodge I. O. O. F. has elected In The largest and the only store Santa Fe. the following officers: Noble Grand, C. H. McAllister; vice Ed- president, Stomach trouble is trata symptom of, and not I, ward R. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE GRAIN HOUSE IN SANTA FE. Comstock; secretary, 0. In Itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, W. E. Williams; treasurer, Crites,! Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yel who has served thirteen years in that j they ar symptoms only of a certain spedni position; and representative to the' Nerve sickness nothing else. grand lodge at Albuquerque, Gus. tt was this fact that first correctly led Sr. Shooi In of now Stomaci Lehmann. . the creation that very popular DIAMONDS WATCHES Romariv T)r. Rhonn'a Reiterative. Golna direct H. C. VONTZ Disappeared Mysteriously Says WW i to the stomach nerves, alone brought that succesi the Leader: "Two months ago Logan and favor to Dr. Snoop and his Restorative, witn a was seen into the Teated and stranger driving out that original and highly vital principle, no RIGHT PRICES . wsywrw canon six miles east of here, with a such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had Fitted te big bay horse hitched to a good laun For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad RIGHT G00D3 By 3 CARS FLOUR 3 A few later man breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop'i dry wagon. days -- ets RIGHT SERVICE JEWERELY Method. and horse disappeared but the wagon, Restorative-Tabl- or Liquid-a- nd see for your- can and will do. W tail and chew a good set of some groceries self what it harness, recommend CUT CHINA AND SILVERWARE. a outfit were left be fully GLASS, Cream and camping N. M. Jersey hind." 346 San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, Imboden P I I Cloudburst at Knowles This week, Imperial III r Knowles in Eddy county, was visited 1 lvmi by a cloudburst which poured down Pansy water in sheets for an hour and a Stoops half inundating the surrounding ji. Whole plains to a depth six to twelve inches. Imperial Wheat A number of houses were floated off their foundations. The high wind Graham that was blowing also caused much STRIPPLING-BURROW- S CO. (6 damage. The office of the Knowles Corn Meal News was struck by lightning but fortunately, no damage was done. D. M. HOOVER & SON WE'CONTROL ABOVE BRANDS OP FLOUR for SANTA FE Judge Abbott Will Present Flag "Judge Ira A. Abbott has received a Builders and Contractors which will be to large flag presented PLANS & E3TIMATES the city at Traction park at 8 o'clock, next Monday night, when a Famished on short notice inter Co. display of fireworks and a band con- CEMENT WORK a SPECIALTY Grocery cert will indicate that the Fourth of w No. 40 is not All the Southeast Corner Plaza, Santa Fe. Telephone July forgotten. patriot- ic orders of the city have been invited FRESH EGGS to take part in the presentation and a meeting of committees from the & various organizations has been called CREAM MILK 1 for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at Telephone No 140 Red SKIPPING THE BAD ONES the office of Pitt Ross to make ar- MRS. OTTO RETSCH. CALL AJID SEE FOR YOURSELF rangements." Albuquerque Citizen. YOU CAN'T MAKE Death of Pioneer Woman Mrs. A. AfMISTAKE J. Young, a pioneer of northern New SEE BY BUYING YOUR1 FINEST AND FULL LINE OF Mexico, died at Raton, aged 75, after THE a long illness. She leaves a large and influential family in northern New 8 Mexico and in Trinidad. Mrs. Young DUDROW GARDEN TOOLS & and her husband formerly owned the ranch on the Verjnejo, now the prop- Diamonds,Watches, Clocks erty of W. H. Bartlett, the well known FOR Chicago millionaire grain operator. POULTRY NETTING Deco- Big Fire in Arizona Town Fire Jewelry, Silverware, the commercial center of the town of Parker, on the Colorado river. SCREEN rated China, Novelties, The fire started in a hotel kitchen. OF US Leather and Leather Ebony The loss is estimated at $75,000. Our Goods and Prices are Right Goods. FIRE CRACKER Doors From LAWN MOWERS AND LAWN SPRINKLERS CAUSES RUNAWAY

MANUFACTURER Gand Junction, Colo., July 2. Phone S Clasping her babe in' No 14 3. 3piM JEWELER her arms to protect it as best she could, Mrs. Bertha Booking leaped . .HARDWARE CO.' from her buggy while It was being Up.

In noint of noon's and for reasonable cost you will find IT this STORE. Medicines to give fight results must be A W7 A "7S - ZOOIC'S i&iu W 21 iu right. Buy Medicines here and you get all the advant- ages ot care in selecting tne drugs anomiing me pres- no matter how simple or complex that all our PHARMACY ,1 cription so EUGH customers have depended upona-th- ey find us right-- PHONE NO. 2i3 will you. :- -: 2- -2 l PAGE THREE FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1909. THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M.

(Homestead Entry No. 7992.) HELPFUL WORDS. Notice for Publication. OF FE'S New Mexico Military Institute JDepartment of the Interior, From a Santa Fe Citizen. S1A U. S. Land Office 1 R03WELL, NEW MEXICO. Southwest." Santa Fe. N. M., June 15, 1909. Is your back lame and painful? The West Point of the Sefe--Tin- Notice is hereby given that o Does it ache especially after exer- FOR TOURISTS Army Officers Detailed by War Department. N. ATTRACTIONS Vigil of Santa Fe, M., who, tion? Army Inspectors RANK SCHOOL IN CLASS made on July 26, 1904, Homestead 13 there a soreness in the kidney "A." No. 7992, for E 1-- 2 Entry (010493) region? Academic coure, young 1-- 1-- preparing :SW 1-- NW 4 SW Sec. 13, and Through These symptoms indicate weak kid- men for or for business life. Great lot 3, Sec. 24, Township 18 N, Range Climatic college neys; Are Historic, Scenic and mm g work. Healthlets location 10 N. M. P. Meridian has filed no- They amount of open air E, There is danger in delay. tice of intention to make final five of any Military School In the Union. Located Weak kidneys fast get weaker. No Other Combines So Many proof, to establish claim to the ' City n the beautiful Pecos Valley the garden year Give your trouble prompt attention. above : of an elevation of 3,700 land described, before the reg-- Doan's Pills act quickly. spot the West at and receiver at Kidney That Will Draw but ister Santa Fe, N. M., weak kidneys. Advantages' feet above sea levsl, sunshine every day, on the 28 of 1909. They strengthen July, Read this Santa Fe testimony. Travel The Ideal Ittie rain or snow during session. Claimant names as witnesses: Pasauale Yanni, College street, Tourist :V? lit Eleven Offlcers.and Instructors, all gradu- Rafael Montoya, Beatrlz Vigil, Da-vjni- Santa Fe, N. M., says: "Some four Re- ates from standard eastern colleges. Ten Manuel Cres-3i- and Summer Montoya, Sals y years ago I gave a public testimonial Winter buildings, throughly furnished, heated, lighted all of N. M. Santa Fe, telling of the merits of Doan's Kid- and modern lr all MANUEL R. respects. OTERO, ney Pills. I then stated that this rem- sort of the Continent. W - REGENTS E. A. Cahoon, President; Register. which I at & edy, procured Stripling G, Hamilton, Vice President; J, Phelps White, NOTICF. had Burrow's drug store positively American in W. M. Atkinson and W Dr. John P. Warner.) and the quaintest city ,. Treasurer; Secretary, Notice is hereby given, that a mee- relieved me of pain in the back which (By ,""".. L --JJ There is not another spot on earth United States at its western. A ting of the stockholders of the New had troubled me to quite an extent. Fllyan is possessed, of so many natural About a mile, from the Plaza, at the For and Illustrated Mexico Central Railroad Company, My trouble was aggravated by my that particulars catalogue will conditions which make up the things foot of a hill that overlooks the city, be held at the general offices of sitting at the bench and being in a address. - said to make a sreat and ideal is located the Rosario chapel. In 10!t2 W. company in the city of Santa Fe, stooped position, for at such times necessary COL. IAS. WILLSON, Fe. de from Territory of New Mexico, on Wed- back was especially painful. The resort city as Santa Diego Vargas, marching up Superintendent my stood summit of nesday the 7th day of July, 1909, for claims made for Doan's Kidney Pills Climate, pure water, sunshine, ideal the south upon the rthe of - the hill with his little of two purpose electing directors of were positively carried out in- my temperature, great forests, fishing, army said in- hundred men and viewed the rebel- company, and for the transaction case, for not only did they give hunting and cool, restful nights, of other business lious Pueblo Indians who had driven any that may be strength and tone to my kidneys, teresting drives to sightseeing points, brought" before the no out his in blood and meeting; said thus freeing me from backache, but all of these things are here and countrymeu UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO meeting called In of of such twelve before. His I THE being pursuance they effected a cure that has been other place on earth can boast slaughter years Section 3816 of the Laws of and task was to restore the to Span- Compiled permamnt up to date." complete and perfect comfort city New Mexico, 1897. 5C ish but success looked doubtful ' For sale by all dealers. Price recreation for the tourist, the pleasure rule, health-seeke- r ROBT. n to him. on before mak- LAW, cents. Foster-Milbur- Co., Buffalo, seeker, the sightseeer and the Thus the eve, ALBUQUERQUE President of New York, sole agents for the United as Santa Fe. ing the attack, he knelt at the foot Has been established eighteen years. It has seven the hill and vowed to erect a chapel States. Notwithstanding these facts, Santa one men and name Doan's and upon that spot to the Glory of Our buildings, including two dormitories for Remember the Fe has not received its share of atten of the Rosary, should she be GET TO USING take no other. tion from the traveler and tourist. Lady one for women. It has a faculty of sixteen instruct- of with him in battle. The next morn- Why? Simply because of its lack ing, he and his brave cavaliers march- ors, especially educated and trained for their respec- TO AND FROM ROSWELL. first class hotel accommodations and THE ed the To their amaze- Connection made wlta Automobile vaionmmt nf its suiierb at' upon city. tive departments. Its students are ye&rly increasing is ment, they found the city deserted. V line at Torrance for Roswell daily, I This oversight, however, tractions. The was built and is now in in numbers. Automobile leaves Torrance for Ros- now felt and a live .interest chapel keenly a state of and the vow well at 4 a. m., and arrives at Roswell is manifested in the building of a mag- preservation of Letters and of De Vargas has been sacredly kept, College at 12, noon. Automobile leaves Ros- nificent hotel to cost a quarter of a fin- that following the feast of Corpus well for Torrance at 1 p. m. and ar million dollars which will be the Sciences, Engineering, Cristi, the of the be con- Fill SGH .5 1 rives at Torrance at 10 p. m. The est resort hotel in the Southwest, image virgin Education, Preparatory fare between Santa Fe and Torrance veyed in triumphal procession from 1 j Santa Fe has before it a glorious Commercial. and between Torrance and the Cathedral to the Rosario chapel. is $5.80 'destiny. It has slumbered among its They Are The Best Roswell $10. Reserve seats on auto- Close by the Rosario chapel is lo- 'antiquities until very recently and 'ROOM AND BOARD AT THE mobile by wire. J. W. Stockard, is anxious to cated the National cemetery, where For (since the awakening it all Coughs and Colds, manager, Automobile Line. which will rest scores of the victims of Indian j the things lacking Diarrhoea, both in children and provide and other wars and the headless body unsrrv invite within its gates many thou- and Cholera and of Governor Charles Bent, who was at reasonable rates adults, Rheumatism, Kidney Chamberlain's . Colic, each to enjoy the great ersity sands year Stomach Have - en- In the massacre of 1847. Address President W. G. TIGHT, Complaints. Diarrhoea Remedy Would with which nature has slain There is no more efficient Saved Him $100,00. things school dowed "The City, of the Holy Faith," Nearby is Saint Catherine's Albuquerque, New Mexico. "In 1902 I had a very severe attack children. This Liniment and Medicated Oil for the comfort, health and pleasure for Apache institution of diarrhoea," says R. N. Farrar of church. than the INTERNATIONAL. of mankind. Many resorts have been is conducted by the Catholic Cat Island, La., "For several weeks I and The children are themselves common- the United States " was unable to do anything. On March built throughout notwithstanding the place enough, clean and prim, but 18, 1907, I Hxd a similar attack, and are prospering no with the here may be seen almost, daily the took Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera fact there is comparison which Santa Fe has old Indian visitor arrayed in his blank- These remedies can be found and Diarrhoea which gave great advantages Wells Fargo & Company Remedy western et, with all the traces of his old For all me prompt relief.' I consider it one to offer, not even the great Sale by Druggists and com- minus the and of the best medicines of its kind in resort of Colorado Springs, can habits, spear scalping Dealers In Medlcins 'be its knife. Two miles is the the world, and had I used it in 1902 pare with this city, except it distant, of United States Industrial Indian believe it would have saved me a hun- superior hotel accommodations, Express dred dollar doctor's bill. Sold all whtfh Colorado Surings may right school, where children of many widely by the General Forwarders druggists. boast as around these elegant scattered tribes are being taught Express Compounded Solely, By fully hotels the city grew to become a arts and crafts of their white conquer- TO THE INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE CO ors. It Is an admitted fact that reat. world-fame- d resort. If such great WAS nossible for Colorado OF NEW tate, financial men and merchants all In other parts of the city are stored MEXICO. to, make say that quickest and best results are Springs, why is it not possible such of the archives of the Spanish 111 of World Central New Mexico obtained by advertising In the New Santa Fe a far greater and ueuer re- regime as have not been destroyed or Parts the Mexican. sort with its many natural attractions? taken to the Congressional Libary at Save and Inconvenience Wells when Money by Purchasing Fargo The day is not far distant Washington, many paintings and carv- Santa Fe will be known as the great- ings of great antiquity and interest- DOMESTIC MONEY ORDERS, TRAVELERS' conti- - est resort city on the American ing relics of the time when the In- MONEY ORDERS, FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS. nent. quisition was a political institution of is the United States. Canada. Mexico FORD MODEL T CARS Perhaps someone will ask, why the Southwest. The Church of Our Payable Throughout not Santa Fe a better known resort Lady of Light, the Cathedral of San and all Countries. f so advant- of San Foreign city if it possesses many Francisco, the church Miguel, ROADSTER! & TOURING CARS seems BY ages? The answer is this: It the oldest house of worship now REMITTANCES SENT TELEGRAPH. that every effort has been put forth standing in the United States within for centuries to preserve the anti- its walls are many old treasures of J. D. BARNES. Aoent pre-histor- relics quities and Its interest and also the oldest bell in the rather than invite capital for invest- United States, from which the visitor ment. To this day have been preserv- to the old edifice is requested to ex- ed many of its historic buildings. tract a clear silvery tone. Just across Probably the most interesting the road is the oldest house in the structure in the United States is the United States, still ocupied. No one as Old Palace, built at least as early visits Santa Fe without stepping with- LIVERY STABLE ar- 1598. Twenty-tw- o years before the in this old structure. Everywhere on rival of the Mayflower at Plymouth every side can be seen sights of in Rock, the Palace was first occupied terest. Even the beast of burden is colonizer his of by Juan de Onate, an early still in evidence with pack FINE RIGS, RELIABLE HORSES. SINGLE of New Mexico. Eighteen American wood. The burro is to be seen in the and seventy-si- x Spanish and Mexican streets every day. Santa Fe is a BUGGIES. SURRIES. HACKS. have occupied It. Here it was treasurehouse of interest and one may f If you are interested in a 5 passenger touring car or a 3, pass- rulers that General Lew Wallace, then gov- spend many days to good advantage enger Roadster, do" not buy a car until have our UP NO. you inspected ernor of New Mexico, wrote "Ben within the city limits. CALL 'PHONE 9 J 909 Models. The wonderful of this New performances car over Hur." The building is but one story, Who would criticize the native for Mexican roads should remove all doubt to which survived the When in Need of in the as car you should built of adobe, but it has his religious preservation of the an- Anything Livery Line buy. Santa Fe to Las Vegas 4 hours, 40 minutes, carrying three changes and mischanges of Spanish of old Santa Fe for if this Drivers Furnished. Rates Mexi-- tiquity Right passengers and 200 pounds luggage. rule,. Pueblo Indian insurrection, ' had not been done there would be but can occupation, American control and little interest in the old city proper, Los Cerrillos and return over mountain roads 52 miles on high confederate invasion. On. the Plaza, and it is this that makes Santa Fe gear, 2 hours and 3 minutes. Don in front of the Palace, Governor so extremely interesting. Professor Fort and Hill on forty-seve- n Climbing Marcy Tesuque high gear. Antonio Otermin executed Edgar L. Hewett has said that Santa and within the Palace walls Fe is like the hub of a wheel to cms. CLOSS0M. prisoners For Demos EARL Na- iration MAYS, a few days later Pope, the Indian archaeological research, it is the very call 102 establish-- h Upon E. Palace Ave.. poleon of the revolt of 16S0, center of the most interesting Santa Fe, N. M. thP short-live- d Pueblo empire. It section of the American conti- was to this Palace that Lieutenant nent and for this reason has been es- I Zebulon Pike was conveyed a prison- tablished at Santa Fe the School of was er, March 3, 1806. The Palace the American Archaelogical and State Mb Wb provincial seat of government during Museum, as all of the fields of re- and of 527 the days of Iturbide's empire search are easily accessible from San Francisco Street was to N M the republic after his fall. It Santa Fe either by automobile or EW EXICO S. COLLEGE this palace that Brigadier General team. slglrg 1864, OF W. Kearney came in August, : The principal' feature of a resort leading the American invaders. A city is attractions for the traveler ana Hares and Carlos AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC year later occurred the Indian and and where could one find a more pro- liaii Man ARTS Mexican revolt, led by Juan Gonzales, fuse field of attractions than here Feather and Linen Drawn who suffered the usual fate of rebels. where centuries ago a race had dwelt Blankets, Baskets, Wax, Work, Opals. MESILLA PARK, N. MEX. From -- March 10 to April 8, 1802, the which is long extinct and of which Turquoise, Garnets and Other Gems, t ""i-ralB- I Confederate OUR MOTTO: To Have the Best of in Our Line. city . was occupied by there is no history available? Everything and the Palace was used as the radiating in school whose aim is to prepare young men and women troops Surrounding city, headquarters since that time. It has every direction, are many places of of sight-see- r, lover of JJU for practical life under modern conditions. Complete been occupied by the governor interest to the the until a few months ago, nature, the student of history and the College courses are offered in Agriculture, in Mechanical when the new governor's mansion was mere idler. One of these is the Aztec lli on the gover- - and from now the turquoise mines, and . completed Springs, others, C'vil Electrical Engineering and ,Vt Household Eco- the um ONLY SALE nor ; will ."to longer occupy the salt and alkali lakes of the ! Museum nomics.. Also short courses in Practical Mechanics and Palace. The Archaeological valley, the falls of the Nambe, Agricul- Palace and pre-- j and site of i T,Kfs will now onciiDV the the military reservation courses in where An- ture, Stenography, and a four year preparatory serve it for many more; years, old Fort Marcy, overlooking the of the finest Embroideries White Goods will! be stored many priceless and cient The ruins of the old s course. Expenses are .low and there are. City. many opportunities treasured relics. J Spanish fortifications, and the thou- I v Old - ' Across the from the caveate dwellings of IN CITY. ALL OP THE VERY for self , ' Plaza, sands of cliff and EVER SHOWN THIS support. l 1- .- hntfill , at ri KArJn Itha Pajarito park, in which it is estimat- LATEST AND NEWEST PATTERNS AND DESIGNS For Catalogue and further information, address the President the western terminus of the Santa ed that more than one hundred thou- Fe trail. This famous trail Is of sand persons must once have made inspection is Respectfully solicited W. E. much interest to the tourist, marked their homes at a period so remote Garrison, with such distinctions at Its eastern that not a huma; trace of them re-- the most ADOLF SELIGMAN DRY GOODS CO. , , Agricultural College, N. Mex, and western terminus, with modern American city at its eastern (Continued on Page Seven.) PAGE FOUR THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1909..

IT PAYS TO BE FRANK. If you want anything on earth try Legal Wanks both English and: SANTA FE l:NEW MEXICAN. Proiesionais Cards a New Mex f Much good will result from the Mexican want "ad." Spanish for sale by the New of the lean Printing company. THE NEW MEXICAN PRINTING COMPANY PUBLISHERS. meeting district attorneys wtth Governor LAW.- - If you wan: on - j Curry yesterday. It is a ATTORNEYS AT anythm artli tr PAUL A. F. WALTER FRANK P. STURGES- . New Mexican want "ad." Subscribe for the New Mexican.-- Editor and President. Vice-Preside- happy faculty of the chief executive JOHN K. STAUFFER, Secretary-Treasure- r. that he will consult freely with of- PAUL A. F. WALTER, . ficials and private citizens and thus Attorney-at-Law- Entered as Second Class Matter at the Santa Fe Postofflce. Santa Fe New Mexico learn to look at questions from every RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, six months, by mall. .$2.75 view-poin- t. There is of the Daily per week by carrier $ .20 nothing EDWARD C. Weekly, per year . 2.0(1 WADE, The First National Bank 75 Daily, per month, by carrier underhanded schemer, about Gover- Attorney-at-La- C5 Weekly, six months . 1.00 Daily, per month, by mail nor Curry; his fault, if any, is his ex- Practices in the Supreme and Dis- mail 7.00 Weekly, per quarter . .75 Daily, per year, by treme frankness. Even with the press, trict Courts of the Territory, in the OF Probate Courts and before the U. S. SANTA FE. it was demonstrated the legis-ativ- e OFFICIAL PAPER OF SANTA FE COUNTY. during Surveyor General and U. S. Land session, he is very open and Offices. The oldest banking institution in New Mexico. Established New Mexican is the oldest newspaper in New Mexico. It is sent to Tbe revealed to its representatives every Las Cruces ... New Mexico in 1870'..." everv nostofflce in the Territory, and has a large and growing circulation' executive move contemplated or al- R. President. x J. H. of the Southwest. J. PALEN, VAUGHN, Cashier. among the intelligent and progressive people made. he is better E. C. ABBOTT, ready Naturally, I A. HUGHES, A, H. BRODHEAD, understood perhaps, than any of his Attorney-at-La- Practice in the District and Su Vice President. Assistant Cashier. UNION(flgLABE:fr' and fewer mistakes are predecessors, preme Co arts. Prompt and careful made in judging him or commenting attention given to all business. CAPITAL STOCK, $150,000 on his would be Santa Fe - New Mexico HIGH ALTITUDE AND CONSUMP-TIO- REDISTRICTING THE TERRITORY. acts, than the case SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS S75.000 The redistricting of the Territory were he less frank, were he scheming ' RENEHAN & was wisely done by the Supreme and In the dark. "Tliat DAVIES. Transacts a in all its brancues. It is an erroneous idea, that physi- plotting the i general bankingusiriess The districts are' ; not only A. B. Renehan, E. P. Davie cians have to that Court, of is Loans on helped spread, high meeting district attorneys recog- Attorneys-at-Law- . money the most favorable terms on all kinds of compact, but in . most of them, the altitude is not advisable for the cure county seats' can be reached in a few nized as a good and wise move, is Practice in the Supreme and Dis- personal and collateral secarity; Buys and sella bonds and of tuberculosis. The- layman, after hours from the judicial headquarters. apparent from the following comment trict Courts. Mining and Land Law a stocks in all markets for d and hearing of deaths that its customers. Buys ar sells reading The new seventh district,-- consists of Will specialty. Office in Catron Block. occurred in Raton or by Robinson, "the Tenderfoot," 'domestic and and makes t,fi P.Of have crossing Socorro, Sierra and Valencia coun- Santa Fe . - '. New Mexico foreign exchange raphic Glorieta pass, imagines, that when- the in the Roswell Register-Tribune- : of to all ties, which will relieve materially CHARLES F, EASLEY, transfer money parts of the civilized world on as ever he climbs a few thousand feet "Governor has called a meet- presiding judge of the second district,' Curry (Late Surveyor General) liberal terms as are mone7 above sea level that heart failure is the court business of Valencia given bj any transmiting agency for ing' of the district attorneys of the Attorney-at-Law- . is or Interest allowed on time imminent, that heart trouble aggra- has been - public private. deposits at the county growing materially, Territory to meet during the dog clay's Land and Mining business a spe- that are almost of district rate of three cent vated, hemorrhages and yet, the judge that to consider a better enforcement of cialty. per per annum, on six months' or year's inevitable. And yet, nine cases out of has all he can do to sit in possibly the laws, including those relating to Santa Fe New Mexico time, Liberal advances made on of livestock ten, altitude has the opposite the causes in San- consignments directly arising Bernalillo, Sunday closing, gambling and selling and effect. In cases can be doval and counties. By products. The bank executes all orders of its patrons in fact, many McKinley liquors to minors, and also a closer HOLT & SUTHERLAND, cited where it relieved the symptoms Torrance county to the first the and aims to extend to adding collection of taxes. The bunch are to Attorneys-at-Law- . banking line, them 83 liberal made the sixth district is left four of heart disease, breathing district, get together at the Ancient in Practic in the District Courts as treatment in all respects as is consistent with and easier and even produced a cure. It counties stretched along the El Paso safety August and try to stiffen up the moral well as before the Supreme Court of the oi - sound is also established that the higher and Southwestern Railroad, which principles banking. Safety deposit boxes for sense of the people on these mat- the Territory. the altitude that a can can all be conveniently reached from rent. The patronage of the is solicited. consumptive ters by means of a stuffed club, and Las Cruces New Mexico public respectfully with the more favorable Alamogordo, especially after the re- bear ease, it is well. Laws are made to be en- for his ultimate recov- moval of the county seat of Lincoln the prognosis forced, and it is a sad on H. M. DOUGHERTY, and that alt itude will hemorr- county from Lincoln "to Carrizozo, commentary ery stop the that such a conclave is Attorney-at-La- The cooler and more invigorat- while the removal of the county seat Territory hages. so in the Practices1 in the Supreme and Dis- of the altitude of Sierra to Cutler, will bring it near necessary, especially last ing atmosphere higher clause of the trict Courts of the Territory. Office: a factor in the treatment of to Socorro. Of course, consid- indictment, that relating is great to taxes. In some of the counties tax Socorro New Mexico is not erable burden is added to .... the disease. That this only the first district which is collection is a matter of favor- the observation of those who have already largely WILLIAM R. Mc-Fi- e and in few of McKEAN, also of skilled a large one, but Judge John itism, mighty them is PALACE been cured, but physi- Attorney-at-La- HOTEL expressed his readiness and wil- there any attempt at an honest ren- cians, is apparent from the follow- and Land Law. IHS Mining lingness to assume it. Incidentally, it dition. Such conditions have only one ing statistics of a paper by Doctor Taos ncw Mexico will help Santa Fe in a business way effect upon the minds of the great out- .... Edward E. S. Bullock, read before the ' and will secure the trade of the side, upon whom the conviction is Medical Society on "Twelve C. W. G. WILLIAM VAUGHN Chicago valley to this city, where it forced that we should fit ourselves WARD, pROP, Years of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Territorial District belongs. The size of the third dis- for self government before we ask for Attorney. Work in the West." The paper, trict is cut materially, Socorro For San Miguel and Mora counties. One of the Best Hotel in losing it. It would take a braver man than I - the West which was in collaboration to new sev- Las Vegas New Mexico prepared and Sierra counties the to say that we are fit for it when Cuisine and with Doctor Charles Turner Sands, Large Sample enth district, but retaining Grant, these tax conditions in Table been in the Journal of remain such M. C. MECHEM, Service Room for Com- has published Dona Ana and Luna counties, which a shape that conference of the prose Attorney-at-Law- . Unex the American Medical Association in have enough court business to keep celled mercial Travelers cuting staff is necessary to consider - the issue of June 19th. busy the most diligent judge. The Tucumcari New Mexico it." SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO WASHINGTON Doctor Bullock makes a strong ar- fourth district and the fifth district AVENUE NORTHCUTT & gument in favor of cttmate, especially remain as heretofore and will prob-- ; ROBERTS, Considerable praise is due District Jesse G. Northcutt, , C. J. high altitude, in the treatment of tu- ally continue to have the largest Roberts, Forester A. C. Ringland, for Attorneys-at-Law- . berculosis. amount of court business. No, time taking up should be lost next December promptly the suggestion that the for- Offices: Raton, N. and Trinl' He elects to take the results at Fort by M., IIKWsS?' , AMERICAN AND Andrews in a est service build a trail from the pres- dad, Colorado. -- . Bayard and Fort Stanton, about the Delegate introducing n ySrr? EUROPEAN PLAlfc bill to create dis- ent terminus of the Scenic same altitude as Santa Fe, and com- the eighth judicial Highway with in to the Pecos, and of the road- G. W. pare them with the results in four of trict headquarters at Raton, clearing PRICHARD, to way on the Pecos forest Counsellor-at-Law- . the institutions in the East, "in order relieve the fourth district, reserve, join- Attorney and leading two which altitude cannot be said to enter and should statehood be delayed long- ing the portions of the Scenic Practices in all the District Courts now dis- to the Adi er than predicted, a ninth Highway already constructed. Super- and 'gives special attention to cases any appreciable extent;" with to visor rondack Sanatorium the san- - trict headquarters at Clovis, Stewart, too, is acting promptly before the Territorial Supreme Court. Cottage would-m- relieve jhe-fitt- h district,- i be iti the premises, and while "the amount Office: Laughlin Bik. Santa Fe, N. M. amiss. This is growing so at the of the forest service chusetts State Sanatorium, and the Territory disposal HOTEL and with it court business has for is GEORGE A BARBER,, Rhode Island State Sanatorium. The rapidly, the purpose, not large, yet, if increased so much, that there is not as Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law- . J. E. figures given in tables appended to judiciously expended, it certainly LACOME; only excuse but actual necessity of will the Scenic Practices in the District Court and the article are very interesting. be, magnificent High- nine or ten judicial districts. can be all Supreme Courts of the Territory. In the two government institutions, way made available the to the Pecos to Prompt attention given to all business. Proprietor at Bayard and Stanton, in the incip- way pedestrians and to and Lincoln County New Mexico ient class they report 43 per cent of The Raton Commercial Club made horsebackers, the greater of the to if cures and apparent cures; in the mod an agreeable impression upon Santa part way pleasure teams, Commodious Dele- CATRON & GORTNER, Sample locm advanced 11 cent of Fe and it also gave local business not automobiles. Next winter, erately class per Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law- . in men something to think about. It is gate! Andrews will introduce a bill in Long Distance cures and apparent cures, and the Office: Catron Block. Telephone Station. . no small matter for thirty-fiv- e busi- Congress, for an appropriation to finish far advanced class 3.1 per cent cures Santa Fe New Mexico cures. ness men to drop their interests for the road as first planned, wide and ... and apparent three in the middle of the week smooth enough for automobiles to ' In the four eastern institutions the days ; H. R. PUTNAM, Steam Heated: Electric to come 200 at own ex- make the from Santa Fe to Las results were: Incipient, 42 per cent, miles their trip U. 8. Court Commissioner and FIRST CLASS CAFE to secure Vegas without difficulty. Forester Lighted, Every Room moderately advanced, 6 per cent, and pense judicial headquarters v Conveyancer. Gifford Pinchot has his co- a Good IN CONNECTION In the far advanced class none. As for their home town. It demands a promised LOANS AND REAL ESTATE. One, certain amount of self sacrifice, of operation in the matter, and there is f the authors state, the difference in Correspondents asking information Mme in the way of success the results is not great, but in every willingness to give money and nothing except the of New Mex PRESS THE BUTTON WE DO THE it be local indifference to this concerning Territory REST, class it is in favor of the government for the common good. While Raton import- ico promptly answered sanatoriums in the West. The differ- failed to secure what it was after at ant project. Texico - New Mexico ence is marked, however, when con- this time, the indirect gain of the dem- It is a sideration is given to the fact that the onstration may be even more lasting distinctly good impression W. A. FLEMING JONE3, that Judge Alford W. the Runs ontheluropean PlanS sanatoriums have no than the benefit that judicial head- Cooley, ? Bonds and Investments. government 'new member of New Mexico's choice of patients and the medical di- quarters of the new seventh district judici- IT. S. Commissioner for the Third rectors serve for limited would have been. After meeting its ary, created among the many mem- Judicial District of New Mexico. only periods, bers of the Bar at the when their term of service business men. Santa Fe is no longer gathered Cap- Las Cruces - New Mexkn departing ital as well as among the is ended. in doubt, that the Gate City will some yesterday Eastern and local bank references. many New Mexico people he met more The authors also the re- be one of the most populous, IHi CORONADO hotel compare day intimately the few days. The sults obtained at the Loom is Sana- wealthiest and most large past CONY T. BROWN, progressive reputation of his learning and his in Sullivan New York, cities of the Southwest. Mining Engineer. torium, county, j integrity had him, and many Sana- preceded and Treasurer of New with the New Mexico Cottage were aware of the loyal stand he had Secretary torium in Silver for the reason A. Mexico School of Mines. G. City, of Edward taken for some time in matters that " Lupe Henrera, The retirement Judge Socorro - New Mexico Prop, that "both are private institutions in Mann from the bench to resume the were of considerable consequence to jf the sense that they do not receive practice of law, has given the Bar of the Territory, the Republican party either government or state aid" and New Mexico an eminent addition. It and its leaders, including its territo- OSTEOPATHY FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION because "they present the best results also has restored to the Republican rial officials. Succeeding as he does, obtained under their respective cli- party a strong leader. Next to its Judge Edward A. Mann, the words of DR. CHARLES A. WHEELON his- to Short & matic conditions." In the incipient righteous principles and glorious the latter yesterday, the writer are treats acute and chronic Order Spanish Electric Light, Hot and Successfully Dishes class at Loomis they report 62 per tory, the power of the Republican very significant: "A man more true diseases without or medicines. Speciality Cold Baths. and more drugs Santa Fe, New Mexico. RATES cent of apparent cures; in the mod party lies in its leadership. There loyal to principle I have No for consultation. Office: 50c. Up. conditions in never met. I am his sincere admirer charge erately advanced, 16 per cent, and in are Bernalillo county, No. 103 Palace avenue. Hours: 9 to Mann will make his and friend." Whatever the far advanced 3 per cent. At the where Judge mistakes 12 a. 2 to 5 m. 'Phone 156. clear- m., and d. EUROPEAN PLAN 60cAND76o New Mexico Cottage Sanatorium the home, that demand skillful may have been made by the AMERICAN PLAN $1.60 - wise will see power at in SPEOLA L RATES BY THE results were Incipient, 83 per cent ap- headed, leadership, that appointing Washington JOHN K. STAUFFER, WEEK to it that the county in the future the past, New Mexico must acknowl cure; moderately advanced, : Public. parent its old time to that the selected for .Notary THE OTEL ORMANDIE 50 per cent, and far advanced 13 per again gives .majorities edge judiciary it Santa Fa New Mexico H N the that will re- is of the highest type "and could not J. W. PRESTON, cent, the difference being in favor of Republican ticket, Office with the New Mexican Print- Proprietor. or- be FXSST-CZjJLS- in store loyalty to the Republican improved upon, even if the selec NEAT, LUNCH COUNTER Aft S the Silver City institution every , that will harmonize dis- tion were left entirely to the ing company. BATE IKT class. ganization, people, CCiTlTECTIOIT cordant factions, Judge Mann has an Combining the results in the three SANTA! N. M. . to contribute to Many and varied are the experien-- , Ft, anis hcxel western institutions with the five east- opportunity mightily about that result. ces that come to editors, but the edit-- i GRAMMAR LESSONS ern institutions the following results bringing or of the Knowles, Eddy county, News, Western institutions: Incip- Given Either in appear. The Logan Leader takes the fol- carries off the palm for present in 56 cent cures; OR GERMAN ient class, per apparent lowing sensible view of the policy New Mexico. His office was struck - SPANISH & 24 PICTO ART PICTURES moderately advanced class, per of the government of being more by lightning during a cloudburst this mm . 6 RAYMOND HAACKE cent, and in far advanced, per cent, careful in seeing to it that homestead week and he describes the sensation and Care New Mexican SUPPLIES FRiMC. eg against: Incipient, 47 per cent, entry men comply with the law be- as follows, so that in the future, any 11 6 the east- NOTARY PUBLIC We in far advanced per cent in fore granting patent: ; editor similarly situated, may know Make a DEVELOPING'PRINTINQ ern institutions. As Doctor Bullock "The appearance of government what hit him: Specialty of AND ENLARGING. well says, "There seems nothing to Land Inspector Gibson seems to have "The sensation of beine struck Mail orders given prompt attention, "tend for Catalogue. do but gracefully admit that high al- caused quite a flurry among some of cannot be compared to anything more HOWLAND A DEWEY COMPANY, titude treatment furnishes better ts our claim holders. You who are liv- aptly than that it seemed as if some Reduction Sale ....',,..,. 10 8. Broadway, Las Anaolte, C-'- ", than can be obtained in unfav- ing in accordance with the homestead one had belabored us upon the head with a orable or low altitude climates." laws shouldn't object to his visits, huge timber. Blue flames play OF TRIMED UD (JilTItllllBD as he is simply protecting you against ed about the room for several sec "Keep the faith", is the'warning of those who are not so living and see- onds, followed by a deafening clap of PAUL P. LACASSAGNE President Taft to the Republican par- ing that they either do their share in thunder which sounded like the sim Bats, Baby Bonnets, etc. ty. The rank and file of the party has advancing the country or lose their ultaneous letting off of a thousand CARRIAGE & SIGN PAINTER faith and will keep it claims. He will not bother you who giant cannon, and the splinters flew FURNITURE ever kept the - ATTRACTIVE SIGHS Not in respect to are living on your claims and doing in all directions. It fairly seemed as v at in the future. only PAINTING & 110 Guadalupe also in reference to all you can to improve them, even if the house was falling down, and the tariff but ' ; ALL KINDS 4 STYLES St. Arl-san- MISS A. MUGLER. Itltehood for New Mexico and though those improvements may be we are violating no confidence when REPAIRING we we must the faith be kept. small." , say that did not linger inside." SOUTHEAST CORNER PLAZA. .. SANTA N. M. FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1909. .TIIE SANTA FEEW MEXICAN, FE, PAGE FIVE

li G FRANKLIN FLICK Prea'.d.nt. W S DAVIS Caahler. 'personal mention i Ask Toar Wife W. E. GRIFFIN, Aatt Cashier

' J. P. Leese, forest ranger from Abaut a tjame in on official business. Esuanola is Woman llvlnn in ren- Frank G. Blake, forest ranger from' Every ted orooerty Ion its to Stock Kfi lino a nouse or ner own. Capital Coyote is in town on official business. There ' are hundreds of thlnirs Chief Justice William J. Mills, was she would like to do to make her cwn homeward bound to Las Vegas last, home more confortahle, EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE attractive and pleasant. Nearly $50,000. evening. every woman Is a money saver, Charles of Delta, Colorado, and sho will help you wonderfully Phone No 83. Mail Order Linpert to pay for a home, SolhUed, is here enjoying the sights. He is at, the Claire. Rent Money Dont fail to se our bargains in J. A. McDougall, lumberman from' is in town UNITED STATES BANK AND Buckman, today registered Will Do ART SQUARES at the Claire. j D. Hoslcins, the Las Vegas banker, We will sell you a very deslr-bl- e We bought low and are willing to CO. was among visitors from home on payments, which TRUST yesterday's Jour rent money will ninke give our customers the benefit the Meadow City. Pon't wait. Begin now paying Mrs. M. J. Warner has returned for your home. from a visit with Mrs. Amado Chaves IKT US KXPfAIX OUR ALSO A NEW at CONTRACT FollCIIKAP MO- Albuquerque. NK V. i J. F. Miller, of the Valley Ranch CAR SANTA N. M. C;r.O. M. KINSKl.L FE, on the was in OF upper Pecos, a visitor 2!U San Franeihcu St. Albuquerque yesterday. F. Butler, the Albuquerque cement FURNITURE bank that takes DEPOSIT your money with the ;man, was an arrival last night. He '.. -J- UST N- Of customers' all times. We want your I- care Its at .is at the Palace. Mr. was contractor. assurance that you will receive stopping today. Klly, the Va business with tllfr L. C. of Colorado new Raton The of our business since Dec- Perkins, Springs, who built, the tunnel for fair treatment. growth is Fe He VVK CAN own Come in to see us, We a sightseer in Santa today, the Santa Fe in loss than a year. He SAVE YOU MONKY ember tells its story " ' is at the Claire. are at your service, stopping has some equipment that he desires to A. L. commis- All kinds of the latest in Kendall, dispose of to the Territory for the use !,sioner came from Cerrillos last SOLICITED. up of the penitentiary. Hall Trees, YOUR BUSINESS He is at the Claire. night. Mrs. Lansing Bloom arrived this J. S. busi--j Chiffoniers, Captain Lea, prominent oon rom M(?sila p.irki Dona Ana DIRECTORS ness man of was last Roswell, among county, to visi,t her parents, Judge Dressers, arrivals. He is at the Claire. FRANKLIN FLICK N. B. LAUGHLIN night's and Mrs. Jonn R. McFie. This is her Sideboards, R. P. Barnes and Attor- 8. DAVIS J. B. LANIY Attorney first visit since she left, as a bride V. B. Walton of Silver were China Closets, H.HANNA. ney City for Satillo, Mexico. Mr. Bloom is at R. homeward bound afternoon. yesterday present pastor of the Presbyterian Rockers Chairs, J. W. Mullin and wife of Austin, church at Mesilla Park. & Tables are the in Colorado, among sightseers IT. H. Pooler and H. C. Viler of the town. are at the Claire. They guests forest service left this morning to V. H. of Dearstyne, representative visit the headwaters of Nambe Creek a Arm from is town YOUR IS ON paper Denver, la and Ghost Creek where will WHEN HOUSE FIRE He is the Pal- Holy they today. registered at the water sheds for the is too late to Hose i ace. inspect pur- It repair leaky file Can Furnish House pose of the effect of for- Robert Williams, a man determining ta traveling ests upon the flow of streams. They Try Our 5 & 7 Ply Now from is town on , in calling will be two or three Is pone days. the trade. He quartered at the Governor n Curry last evening at -- See our Lliifl of D KINDS fifari FURNITURE OF ALL Palace. in- m I.nwn Hose, Hose the executive mansion, entertained Part Sheriff M. C. Stewart of etc. Carlsbad, formally at dinner in honor of the Furnishings arrived from Las Vegas RUGS AND BRUSSELS AND yesterday judges of the Supreme Court. Mrs. All Kinds of Gar. .. Jj, where he had gone to take an Insane ion Implement. TAPESTRIES, AXMINSTER ' A. B. Fall and daughters, Carrie and ,icr CARPETS patient. Jewel, were guests besides Chief Iron and Wire J. M. Kendrick of the Pro- the best MlPRRplVI IA .'-- or Bishop Justice William J. Mills, and Judges Fencing, ( testant returned ' ' ' DAVENPORTS OP LATEST MAKE j Episcopal church, John It. McFie, Frank W. Parker, I' afternoon from a to We Handle &i yesterday trip William H. Ira A. Al-for- d Roswell. Pope, Abbott, UNION LOCK cJ'P WE FRAME PICTURES AND REPAIR FURNITURE. W. Cooley," M. C. Mechem and in Assistant A. F. of Forester Potter Edward A. Mann. D. is a visitor at Washington, C, L. O. Fullen, former district attor- district at Al Charles Wagner Furniture Co. forestry headquarters ney at Roswell, was one of the pass- EVEN THEN KEEP COOL buquerque. that three au- Full E. F. a well engers occupied special Phons HOUSE FURNISHERS Phone Howes, known cattle tomobiles that started from Roswell in No. 10 AND UNDERTAKERS No. 10 J man from Alamosa, was an arrival on Everything at two o'clock morning to last He is yesterday night's train. quartered make connection with the New Mexi- at the Claire. &Freezers co Central train--' arrived here in Refrigerators Forest F. G. station- Ranger Blakej the afternoon, making the entire trip ed at Coyote on the Jemez Is reserve, in half a day. Mr. Fullen enjoys a here on business with the forestry lucrative practice at Roswell, and re- headquarters. that Mrs. Fullen and child, a THE WEST FOR THE E. B. Skinner and Colorado ports WEST. wife, of recent arrival, are well. are visitors in town Springs, today, G. B. Pop and his nurse Mr. Clem The Colorado Life Assoraoce seeing the sights. They are quartered Americo left fiational Company at the Claire. accompanied by Digneo, this morning for Lake Genevre, Wis., Summer Wear For Men Sheriff H. J. McGrath, and Deputy where Mr. Pop goes for treatment at Denver Colorado. District Clerk A. left Joseph Shipley, a private sanitarium. Sometime last for. their home at Silver City yester- March Mr. became demented and GET AWAKE AND SAVE YOUR afternoon. Pop The Pioneer Life Insurance Co., day was taken to Las Vegas insane asy- NICKELS AND DIMES BY PUR- Airs. S. G. to , Cartwright is confined lum and after two months became YOUR OUTFIT AT THE her home with a bad cold therefore CHASING ot well. Digneo will accompany Mr. the Southwest she did not leave for "RACKET". Chicago yester- Pop to the sanitarium and then he as Few collars four-ply- . A IW, BERGEDE, for New Mexico. day expected. will visit a few of the cities. mens are Manager Nathan Salmon and Brother Hermes large Milwaukee, Detroit and re- Cut some and see. tanta Fe, N. M. Catron Block" St. to Chicago, up of Michael College will go main for a month's vacation. Bernalillo on next Sunday. The trip will be made overland. Our Corliss-Coo- It Is an admitted fact tLat rea es- collars, Mrs. J. W. Barnes arrived last night tate, financial men and merchants all 2 for 25cts, are four ply. from to several Moriarty spend days obtained in the New with her the local for by advertising husband, agent that and best results are the Wells say quickest White dress shins 75cts to Summer Healtli Fargo Company. Mexican. Resort - lM Traveling Auditor Charles V. Saf- $1.50 ford returned last evening from a trip liff dene, located among pine-cla- d hills on the which took him to Aztec, Farmington, line work r-- f Pecos River. 2 miles from Rowe Station on Tierra Amarilla and Taos. Splendid good Hon. Solomon left even blue shambrf etc. the main line of the A. T. & S. P. Luna last H.SJUIIE51 shirts j ing for Albuquerque after having spent 50cts. Good and very busy afternoon In Santa Fe. Hunting Fishings He will return ten within days. THE LEADING Shaw-kni- t and Bear brand guaranteed "Sox' as Makes this the most resort in New Mexico Miss M. E. Disette and Miss Schu delightful good as the best at the popular price 25cts S1.50I mann of Paguate, Valencia county, per day, on Porosknit underwear shirts and drawers U.00 $8.00per week, meals 50e. were in Albuquerque yesterday RATES Transportation from Station $1.00 their way to Santa Fe from Laguna. suit, you can tell it by the label. George Sherrard of Salt Lake City, Derby-ribbedundorwe- " ' Fine 60cts the suit. Fox Fiaxtbms Xaaferaaaaktloia. J5.ddroe " a M representing Louisville, , marked down to start , H- - BERGMAN firm, was a visitor between OUR PDITF ae MRS. Ei yesterday UUIx for s ROWE, NEW MEXICO. trains. He left last night for SOLE AGENTS FOR rtVlvCO 0D) do not ask cut rates

ex- - (THE THE CASH Miguel A. Otero, Jr., son of iE & THE ONE PRICE Governor and Mrs. Otero, went to Las STORE STORE Vegas yesterday afternoon to spend t Store a week visiting the family of S. B. COFFEES & TEAS Davis, Jr.- - Mrs. J. P. McNulty, wife of Mana- SOFT DRINKS ger McNulty of the turquoise mines The following are suggested to the thirsty as something cool and Inviting near uerniios, was an arrival on GINGER ALE , WILD CHERRY train. She is a at MICH OrAOtt! LEMON SODA VANILLA yesterday's guest ROOT BEER - KLONDIKE FIZZ the Palace. COFFEE. t STRAWBERRY SARSAPARRILLA R. C. Van Vliet, of ar ORANGE IRON BREW Indianapolis, ' COCA COLA rived on last night's train. He is on Every cup made from '.. Also Ta'blA MlxLaxiaO. Wataxa his way to the upper Pecos where he Chase & Sanborn's Ftew Ftew ftew M'flTwfJl8. ALk Telephone No. 88 and-hav- will visit the ranch of his brother, High Grade Coffee Is The Time To XT your orderes delivered Stewart Van Vliet. .Is always the best, always i k T Santa Fa Bottling Works Miss Miller of Riverside, California, the same. Those who I NVES HENRY Proprietor who has been C. discriminate, find in Chase & KRICK, Santa Fe, New Mexloo visiting her brother, D. Miller, left this forenoon for Den Ban Dora's Coffee a quality REAL ver, to attend the National Education-a- vox u unequalled in any SANTA FE ESTATE otner. Association meeting. and J. W. Martinez and wife, a recently married young couple of Tierra Ama FRUIT RANCHES from 25cts to 40cts rilla, arrived in town last night, com within five miles ofthepiaza ing here to enjoy part of their honey per lb. moon are the If you are A A I M trip. They guests at R PIV. fi V SunmountSanatorium Claire. from 40cts to 80cts looking for a D A U I ii Sheriff C. L. Ballard of Roswell, ar- per lb. Call en er JLAiSieea rived last with six for AN INSTITUTION FOR THE TREATMENT night prisoners C- - Oh the pen. He was assisted Depu- O. WATSON & COMPANY by SAN FRANCISCO PHONE ties W. B. Ballard and J. Johnson, FRESH STRAWBERRIES 119 STREET, TUBERCULOSIS SANTA FE. NEW MEXICO. RED - both of Roswell. The sheriff and his received three times a 189- deputies are guests at the Claire Situated in the foot hills of the one' : week mountains, and a Squire Hartt, Jr., of Ranchos de half miles from the plaza. MODERATE RATES, Taos, left for home this morning after Also a few Home BOX 9, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. spending days with his sister, GrownAsparaps Mrs. V. L. Roberts. Mis Mabel Rob- EVERY MORNING erts went to Taos with her uncle, Blue Ribbon Mr Hartt and will spend a few weeks i Drink there. yg; 1 Adjutant General and Mrs. R. A. Bock Beer The Goldberg Cleaning and Pressing Establishment: Ford, Captain Brooks and family, Mrs. J. H. Sloan, Misses Stella and Anita H. S. KAUUE & CO. Pabst Ladies & Gents garments cleaned and pressed a Specialty V Bergere and Messrs. A. G. Pollock and Malt Tonic HATS CLEANED "," Marshall have returned from a several , weeks' AND BLOCKED outing on the upper Pecos, 3S2ra ; where DIGNEO & NAPOLEON jj. EJZZVtZ&SZ they were In camp at Cowles. I!!E 26. Agts. PHONE 203 BLACK 208 WEST PALACE AVE. T. T. Kelly, former state treasurer of Kansas, called on Governor Curry ,6? 1 M. FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1909. PAGE SIX. TIIE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N.

(Homestead Entry No. 0S2.) flew exico Central Railroad; Time Table HOTEL ARRIVALS Notice for Publication, DRIVES OUT Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. HL DOWN KKAKUP Palace. READ June 10, 1909. ' E. C. C. R. I ALT. Crampton, Raton; Brice, .MILES No 8 PASS'R STATIONS PASS'S Nn.T o RHEUMATISM (Not Coal Land) AOOOM- - DAILY I DAILY AOOOM. Carlsbad; M. C .Stewart, Carlsbad; E. V. Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid, an Irritating, Inflammatory Notice is hereby given that Albino Kt' 3.05 2!o0 111. 7,013 Long, Las Vegas; L. O. Fullen, 0 a. iu.7.30 u. in. 4.25 Lv Santa Ar p. in. p. which into the circulation because of weak kidneys, Lucero N. M., who 22 " " 5,08 Ar Lv 2.18 " 1.36 6,008 J. M. accumulation, gets of Jemez Springs, 8.43 Kmiimdy " " Roswell; Kendrick, City; George which are 41 " 10.45 I' 5.49 " Stunlt'y 1,39 12.15 p. Ill, 6,317 constipation, indigestion, and other physical irregularities usually on 3, 1908, made homestead en- " " " 11.29 " 6.204 Sherrard, Salt Lake; W. E. Smith, can ever July 62 " 11.31 .13 Moriarty 1.15 considered of no importance. Nothing applied externally reach ' " " " 10.5B " 6,136 Cer-rillo- s; try No. 052, for lot 7, Sec. 6; and N 61 p. 111,12.01 6.29 12.58 Antonito; Mrs. J. P. McNulty, the most such, treatment can do is soothe the pains " " " " " " 6.093 the seat of this trouble; 2 68 12.35 6.45 NstanclM 12.42 10,25 Rev. and Mrs. V. R. add to the of lot 1, Sec. 7, Township 18 N, 80 " " 7.09 " Wlllitni " 12.17 " 9.27 " 6.086 Dye, City; while and other mineral medicines really .2.03 " temporarily; potash 4 N. M. 92 " 2.42 " 7.32 " Priturcsso " 11,53 a. in. 8.48 6,167 R. P. Barnes, Silver E. H. of and this fluid therefore continually grows more acrid Range E, P. Meridian, has ' " " City; acidity the blood, 99 3.07 " 7.47 " Kliuicii " 11.38 8.23 6,244 of the different muscles and Joints, filed notice of intention to make final " " " tVdai-val- " " "05 " Sweet, Socorro; W. H. Pope, Roswell; and vitiated. Then instead nourishing 105 3,25 7'58 11.27 8 6,244 and elastic condition, it hardens five to establish claim 116 " 4.00 " 8,20 " Torrance " 11.05 a. m. 7,30a.jii. 6,430 F. Butler, Albuquerque; J. M. keeping them in a normally supple gradually year proof, " natural oils and fluids. Rheumatism can to 86 8. 111. 7.00 930 Kansas Oltv " 10.35 " 11.15 p. m7 780 D. and stiffens them by drying up the the land above described, before p. in. " Oklahoma; Hoskins, Las 1169 p. m. 7.05 a. III. 7.35 " St. Units 10.00 p, 111. 8.59 a. 111. 600 never be cured until the blood Is purified. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses and the and at " 602 Vegas; V. II. Dearstyne, Denver; R. register receiver Santa Fe, M78 n, in. 6 50 a. in, 11,45 OliKiagg 9.00 11.30 p, in, renovates circulation the acids and driving the cause ' " " H. the by neutralizing N. M., on July 21, 1909. 319 "a, ui. 8.00 a-- in." 8.00 Kl Paso 1.15 6.20p. ni. 3,700 Johnson, Albuquerque. from the system. It strengthens and invigorates the blood so that instead 1130 p. Ill, 7.00 " Los AukI(!S " 9.45 a. Ill 963 Claire. corrosive matter in Claimant names as witnesses: 1543 1.00 " Mexico 6.00 m 7,34? of a sour, weak stream, depositing acrid and painful p. in, Oltyj" p. A. L. B. Skin- Refugio Armenta, - Lino - Carver, Laguna; E. and nourishes the entire with pure, rich Armenta, 220 a, in. 1.00 A rlMWrtll L' 6'OOa. in the muscles, joint3 bones, it body ner and wife, Colorado J. blood and cures Rheumatism. S. S. 3. contains no potash, Jose Mestos y Ruiz, Jose Armenta, all with the Rock Springs; permanently Passenger daily makes direct connection at Torrance W. Mullin and wife, Austin, Colo.; alkali or other harmful mineral, but is made entirely of roots, herbs and of Jemez Springs, N. M. Golden the in the West," making the of and tonic Book on Rheumatism and Island Slate Limited, "finest train L. C. Perkins, Colorado Springs; barks great purifying properties. MANUEL R. OTERO, , 8 accom- free to all who write. quickest time to and from all points East and West. Train No. Charles Lipert, Delta, Colo.; E. F. any medical advice Register, ac- modation leaves Santa Fe Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Train No. 7 Howes, Alamosa; J. W. Martinez and THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. commodation leaves Torrance Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tickets wife, Tierra Amarilla; J. A. Mo to all of the world. Pullman berths reserved. Exclusive agents all J. S. parts Dougall, Buekman; Lea, Roswell; FRATERNAL lines. Information gladly furnished. C. L. Ballard, Roswell; .W. B. Ballard, St. Louis, , spent Wednesday RAISING ASSESSMENT SOCIETIES steamship af- Dev-endor- f, and in Moriarty looking J. P. LYNO. and Lauffhliii'Bullding J. Johnson, Roswell; George E. Thursday City Freight Passenger Agent ter the of from IN COLORADO Charles W. Devendorf, Lyden, purchasing equipment MASONIC. the Com- X. M.; R. C. Van Vliet, Indianapolis; Pennsylvania Development Doman is a Governor Schafroth and Board of A. L. Kendall, Cerrillos; J. P. Leese, pany. Mr. constructing Louis & railroad on the of and Equalization May Increase the Montezuma No. Si, Rocky Ml Espanola; F. G. Blake, Coyote; R. L. plains Lodge has cars now on Total to Half a Billion. A. & u Bosworth, Topeka. purchased the dump 1, F. A. M. Reg-- for this 1 Normandie, the southside of the townsite a r communication work. 2. The board Pacific Fred Wilson and family, Albuquer- Denver, Colo., July first Monday of each Railway ComDany. que; J. W. Carter, Climax Springs; of equalization to meet the necessity month at Masonle a income the as- Fred McGahey, Flagstaff; Francisco NOTES FROM THE for greater raised Hall at"7:30 p. m. Vigil, Las Vegas; Juan B. Larranna-ya- , sessment of telegraph and express J. A. MASSIE, Torrance; Jesse Nusbaum, Santa NATIONAL CAPITAL companies' valuations. The Western Worthy Master. PASSENGER SCHEDULE assessed Fe; T. Romero and wife, Cerrillos. Union Telegraph Company's ALAN R. McCORD, Secretary. Coronado. valuation was raised $96,000 over that D. C, July 2. The in- In Effect 1908. Allan C. W. Washington, of last the Postal Telegraph July 14, Step, Denver; Bartsch, terstate commerce commission has year; Salt Lake. Company was raised $40,000; the Santa Fe Chapter No. 1, dismissed the complaint of the Grand No. 1, Miles From Miles From No 2 Globe Express Company was raised R. A. M. Regular con- Moines STATIONS. Junction & Fuel DAILY Dei Raton daily: Mining Company $71,000, proportionately a heavy raise vocation second of LIVE ITEMS Denver Monday against the Colorado Midland, as it was assessed at $100,000 last each month at Masonic & 10 00 a. m. 0 Lv. Des N; M. Arr,! 49 6 80 P, m, Rio Grande and San Pedro, Los and $171,000 this and the " Moines,. FROM MOR1ARTY year year, Hall at 7:30 p. m. 10 12 a. m, H Rumaldo, 1" Lv. 46 6 15 p. m. Angeles & Salt Lake railways. The Pacific was raised 10 36 a, m. u " Dedmaa I" 88 4 56 p. m, Express Company C. J. CRANDALL, H. P. com- o 10 50 a. m. is " " 82 4 36 m, complaint charged the railway $7,000. The Wells-Farg- has not " Oapulln p. Busy and Prosperous Town on the yetj ARTHUR SELIGMAN, Secretary. 11 05 a. ni 20 VlgU 29 4 25 p. m, panies with exacting unjust and un been assessed as it is believed mat 11 20 a. m 26 'J Thompson " 24 8 56 p. m, New Mexico Central Tributary U 45 a. m. 81 " 18 8 30 reasonable rates upon coal its is worth more than the Cunningham to Santa Fe. freight property Fe 12 20 p. m. 42 Olifton House Junction 7 2 55 mines to in schedule in to and Santa Commandery No. 12 46 2 30 shipped from its points turned the board, p. ra. 40 Arr. RATON N M Arr, 0 1. K. T. conclave I 80 p. m. Lv. Lv. 12 25 and a new one will be asked. Regular " Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon 8 60 p. m. 42 Olifton House Junction Lv, 7 12 05 (Haywood and Fielding, Morlarty, com- fourth Monday in each 64 15 49 " 18 811 40 other Pacific coast states, as In the assessments the p. m, Preston Agents for the New Mexican.) making month at Masonic Hall at 4 45 p m. 68 Koehler 23 11 06 a1 m. pared with rates on coal shipped from board followed out the plan of taking 4 55 p. m. 58 Koehler J net. " 11 15 a. m, O. E. Searles, representative of the 7:30 p. m. 96 50 p. 68 Oolfax tlO 15 a. m, and Utah mines. the earning of the compa- in. Peters Cartridge Company with head- capacity H. F. E. C. 6 16 p, ni. 77 Oerrososo " 41 9 43 a. in, The commission after com- nies, their valuation and the STEPHENS, 6 35 9 25 a. at holds, physical p. m. Arr N. M. Lv. 47 m, quarters Denver, Colorado, is stop- PERCY F. KNIGHT, Recorder. 7 08 ra. OIMARRO.N Arr. 7 50 a. m. rates and testimony, value of stock and bonds in this state p. Lv. ping in Moriarty. Mr. Searles gave paring taking i. 10 p. m. 86 Nash N. M. Lv 60 7 40 a. m, that the rates compained of are not in proportion to the physical valuation 7. 23 p. in. 89 Harlan 53 7 25 a. in, an exhibition of sharp-shootin- He Santa Fe Lodge of Perfection No. 1, 7. 7 and in the state as 45 p. m. 94 Ute Park 69 00 a. in. is a remarkable shot and was winner unreasonable in and of themselves, earning capacity d 14th Ancient and the small compared with the total. One-thir- degree, Accepted of the professional trophy at Denver considering comparatively Scottish Rite of Free meeta ( Connects with E, P. 6 8. W. Ry. train No. 124 In Dawson, N. volume of traffic and the fact that the of the result was taken as the amount Masonry arriving on May 3d of this year. O. W. Lasa-ter- , on the M., 6.15 p. m, is over mountain roads at which the assessments were made. third Monday of each month manager of Hughes Mercantile transportation at 7:30 o'clock In $ Connecti with E, P. A S. W. Ry. train No. 123 Dawaon, N. M., The railroads have not been the evening In leaving Company, of this town, is also handy extremely expensive to operate. yet 1:55 a. m. taken up thoroughly yet. The great Masonic Hall, south side of Plaza. with the rifle and competed with Mr. The commission points out that N. M. centers in assessments Visiting Scottish Rite Masons are cor i Stage for van Houten, M., meets tralna at Preston, N. Searles in a contest held at this interest the place probably as a result of this complaint to as invited to C. & S. trains arrive and from Des Moines as follows: . be made upon them are dially attend. Passenger depart Thursday morning. material reductions have been made they NORTH BOUND SOUTH BOUND. the companies representing the great- CHAS. A. WHEELON, 32nd, F. C. McNabb, representative of the in the rates No. 1, 6:08 a. m. No. 8, 9:27 a. m. by railways freight est wealth under the control of the Venerable Master. the Barteldes Seed Company of Den- since the complaint was filed and No. 7, 8:12 p. m. No. 2, 7:05 p. m. state board of equalization. Whether HENRY F. STEPHENS, 14th, ver, Colorado, was a business visitor states that it can find no justification TracK connection with A. T. A S. F. Ry. at Raton and Preston, with C. in they will be increased materially or Secretary. Moriarty Wednesday and Thurs- for further reductions, there- A S. at Des Moines, E. P A 8 W at Colfax, N. M., and Cimarron A ordering not is a question, as they have been day. is dismissed. at N, M. fore the complaint claiming that they have borne the Northwestern Ry. Cimarron, The Moriarty baseball team will B. P. O. E. Cimarron, N. M., Is depot for the following In New Mexico! Ocato, travel to Willard Newspaper Hearing. greater part of the taxation of the points Saturday of this Santa Fe Lodge No. 460, B. P. O. B., Aurora and Red Lakes. week to Washington, D. C, July 2. Messrs. state for years in fact much more Rayado, cross bats with the team of holds its sec- W. H. pub- than their The com- regular session on the Ute Park, N. M., is depot for following points In New Mexico: Arroyo that place. The winner of the game Claude Sachs and Tarbell, just proportion. Den- mittee the assessors' as- ond and fourth Wednesdays of each Seco, Arroyo Hondo, Baldy, Black Lakes, Cerro, Elizabethtown, Lobo, Saturday will play Vaughn Sunday lishers of the Mining Investor at appointed by two-da- month. brothers are invite Ranches de Red River Taos and afternoon on the ver, have concluded a y confer- sociation to meet with the board of Visiting Queata, Taos, City, Twining. Willard grounds. and welcome. DAVID The Willard and ence with Third Assistant Postmaster equalization has been meeting with . KNAPP. DEDMAIN. W. A. Moriarty teams will E. , J. van HOUTEN; GORMAN, the General Laws in to that body and offering advice and Exalted Ruler. play third game Monday, July 5th regard continuing D. V- - - - all that has been J. SENA. Pres. andGen JMgr Gen- Pass- on the Moriarty grounds. The base- the Investor under second class post- suggestions upon Secretary. Superintendent Agent done. An effort will be made to in- N- - JH. N. M- - JW, ball game will be only one of the in age rates, the having been RATON, RATON. RATON, N, charge crease the total taxable assessment of teresting events of the day. made to the department that the pub- the state to $50,0,000,000. Miss Zella Higgins returned from lication was not' entitled to this priv- Santa Fe Wednesday evening where ilege. During the conference Messrs. TOURIST she has spent the past few weeks on Sachs and Tarbell submitted evidence MINING MAN Summer TICKETS TRAVELING a visit at the home of her E. uncle, to show that their circulation list was DEAD AT KINGSTON E. Friday. bona fide and 100 per cent paid. They New Mexico Central Eallroai M. G. Shaw, city freight and pass- are confident that the showing made enger agent of the D. & R. G. railroad of their circulation and business will re- Colorado Springs, July 2. W. S. IN CONNECTION WITH for Santa Fe, was in Wed- man of Moriarty sult in continuing their publication at Harwood.'a prominent mining CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC nesday on busines to EAST WEST pertaining his second class rates of postage. this city, is dead at Kingston, New I LIMITED XKJLIiTS company. Railroad Casualties. Mexico. He died of pneumonia after C. L. Seabright arrived in ' a brief illness. The will be On Sale June 1st to Moriarty Washington, D. C, July 2. An in- body Sept., from Santa Fe Wednesday to this for burial. Har--! 30th 1909. evening. crease of 344 in the total of railroad brought city TRAVEL VIA Mr. Seabright will continue on to the wood was 42 old and had resid- Good October 31st casualties, but a decrease of 65 in the' years Returning Gulf. ed in Colorado Springs several years. total of killed, as compared 1909. S. C. Hall, representing Hibbard, persons He was in New Mexico on a mining and Bartlett Com- with the figures for the corresponding Spencer Hardware deal, in which other local men were To CHICAGO ILL New Mexico Central pany, of Chicago, , was in quarter last year is shown for the interested. town Thursday soliciting business for months of January, February and $50.35 his firm. March, 1909, by accident bulletin No. for Those Who Have Stomach and T. J. Doman, railroad contractor of 31, issued today by the interstate com- Help To ST. LOUIS MO. merce commission. Trouble. After for $44.35 During the months named 663 per- doctoring about twelve sons were killed and 145,122 were in- years for a bad stomach trouble, and To KANSAS CITY MO E. P. S. W. jured. nearly five hundred dollars for med- $35.35 The number of collisions was 1,042 icine and doctors' fees, I purchased k and there were 1,242 derailments. Of my wife one box of Chamberlain's Also Special Rates Stomach Liver which did CLOSE CONNECTIONS these. 168 collisions and 145 derail- and Tablets, ANGELES SAN her so much that she continued To LOS and FAST SCHEDULES ments affected passenger trains. The good FRANCISCO and other damage done by these accidents aggre- to use them and they have done her medicine I points. V. R. gated $1,847,202. more good than all of the STILES bought before. Samuel Boyer, Fol-so- Greneral Passenger Agent. El Paso, Texas, . This medice is for sale by J. P.LYNG, N. E. A. i City, & Passenger WIFE CHOKED all druggists. Sample free. Freight Agent DENVER WHILE IN TUB Given a Divorce on That Account FromHer Husband Who is a $17.80 Denver Hotel Keeper. CORRICK CARRIAGE CO. ROUND TRIP Denver, Colo., July 2. To be beat- en and choked while' she was in the On sale, July 2, 3 4, bathtub was in nowise a part of the In of $Ho80 Return limit, July 30th-190- obligation of a wife, the .opinion Mrs. Eva Ewing Lutz, who was given Haek Un a divorce from William F. Lutz, hotel lus See Santa Fe Agents proprietor, by County Judge John Dix- on. With tears streaming down her 120 San Francisco St SANTA FE to DENVER face and almost hysterical, Mrs. Lutz testified to the acts of cruelty she AND RETURN charged against her husband. Call Black for batn-tub- 132 "I was in the bathroom in the ," op Carrgaies. Account she said, "when he came in and choked and beat me. I screamed for N. B. A. CONVENTION help, but being in the bathroom no one heard me for a long time. Then Via the porter came." KOSWELL-TOR- K ANCE AUTOMOBILE The witness testified that her hus- band beat her on other occasions and U. 8. MAIL AND PA SSENGER ROUTE, E she left him. They were married Service Established Jan. 10, 1906. ing at Roswell at 11:0 a. m. Saving DENVER & R. R 1904. over 30 house between IndependenceDay January 9, . Agents for the Buick, Pope Toledo, Passengers these over . other route. and Kissel Automobiles. . points any Life Saved. Full equipment of modern Cars in Boy's Shortest route between Roswell and Shortes Line between these points My little boy, four years old, had a service securing comfort to passen- 4th. 1909 tho Popna Vnllev tn TH1 PaBO and July severe attack of dysentery. We had gers. Courteous and expert Chauf- Sta-roun- Es- - Rate of one fare between all d j Santa Fe and all points In the in i One Pare for the Round two physicians; both of them gave feurs in charge of every car. Seats in ef-- ' JJ JJ V tions in Colorado We then hlra Chamber- tancla Valley and western New Mex- reserver on Auto to trip flj J from all Points in him up. gave by applying ' and New Mexico. Trip Cholera and Diarrhoea ico. of El Paso & Southwestern feet, account New Mexico. lain's Colic, Agent remedy which cured him and believe Automobiles leave Roswell daily at Railway, or to Roswell Auto Co., Ros- For Information regarding rates, tram service Dates of sale July 2nd that saved- his life. William H. 1:00 p. m. connecting with trains for well, New Mexico. etc. call on or write, to 5th. Stroling, Carbon Hill, Ala. There is El Paso and all points on Rock Island Baggage allowance 50 Iba. Any no doubt but this remedy savfis the Railway. amount of baggage can be carried D. T. P. &'P. A. Good for retrn July 6th P.H. McBRIDE, Agent, orW. SHEA, lives of many children each year. Give Leave Torrance at 6:00 a. m. arrlv-- by notifying Company at Roswell. See Santa Fe Agents oil to SANTA FE. N. M. it was castor according the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by all druggists. J. W. STOCKARD, manager. PAGE SEVEN FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1909. THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M.

SOME OF SANTA FE'S ATTRAC- sources which can no longer be dor- of sheet steel 6 of an Inch thick, being conducted by the use of the MISSOURIANS SWILL TIONS FOR TOURISTS. mant, but are to be enjoyed by man while the cone-shape- d bottoms, which new shaft only, and only such ore 13 for whom they were created. fit into cast iron discharge T's, are being taken out as is necessary In the BEER BY THE BARREL made out of 4 inch material. The of the work. A vast WAHT (Continued From Page Three.) prosecution upper part is stiffened with 3x-1- 6 angle amount of ore has already been block- St. Louis, Mo., July 2. Although mains. More replete with human In- irons, while four columns will sup ed out sufficient to keep the mill more than eighty counties in Mis- a terest, are the Pueblo communities, port the base. In the center of each running to its full capacity for long souri are dry and the Sunday closing FOR RENT Dr. Diaz residence. there will be a h time. men are at em- populace when Coronado made his tank agitation Forty present laws is enforced vigorously, the month tube with and on work. The first journey of exploration through stays auxiliary piping. ployed underground of June just passed, shows a greater FOR SALE Piano. Cash $40. Ad- Top Mining Company. In addition to the above mentioned ore values are all in gold and silver, beer than month this region more than three hundred from consumption any dress Box 115, City. An adjourned special meeting tanks there will be two gold tanks the latter being in excess of the for- since the office of beer was and fifty years ago. They are occu- of the inspector June 26th of the stockholders 16 feet in diameter by 6 feet high; mer.- The whole- by the remnants of Mon- created, eight years ago. FOR SALE Good pied today fading Top Mining Company was held two sump tanks 16 feet in diameter Red River The Lillian Com- upright plana race. Of is Mining salers have done a big business in the same . these, Tesuque, afternoon at Silver City. 8 two 14 nqulre at Wagner Furniture company day by feet high; wash tanks pany, operating near Red River, Taos the dry counties selling beer by the the closest, only six miles from Santa The was called for the pur- in 8 com- Btore. meeting feet diameter by feet high, two county, is a Portland, , barrel and spirits by the case where Fe. Twenty miles distant there is of and upon tue pose receiving acting storing tanks 20 feet in diameter by pany. It is now operating the Lillian formerly people only a drink. Nambe, twenty-tw- o miles from the of the company, bought FOR RENT House with bath and reports of the officers 10 feet, high, two sand filter tanks 14 property under lease and bond and The for beer at the e receipts inspect- are San Udefonso, twenty-fiv- consideration and modern conveniences. Inquire 117 city and for the approval feet in diameter by 6 feet high zinc making rapid strides in the develop- or's office exceed those of the World's thirty-fiv-e of the of E. Grant avenue. miles Santa Clara and miles or rejection proposition slime tanks 5x3 feet in size, one 5x3 ment. The mine is situated, up Bi- Fair for the trans- year. San Juan, clustered within a few A. Wayne and associates foot tank, one 8x7 foot tank, and two tter Creek about seven miles north- miles of each other on the Rio Grande. fer of all the property of the Top conical Two miles FOUND New linen shirt waist. dewatering tanks. east of Red River and twelve e in with Over Thirty-Fiv- Years. Owner can same at this Within easy reach from the city are Mining Company conformity Burt rapid cyanide filters are also from Eiizabothtown. A good vein of get by calling made by In 1S72 there was a great deal of office and other pueblo towns, such as Santo the terms of the proposition being installed. rich free milling ore that will run paying for ad. for the of such diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera in- Domingo, Cochitl, Jemez and Zia. them, and taking General Scheme of Treatment. from $15 to $20 per ton lias been were consum- fantum. It was at this time that SITUATION WANTED "Within fourteen miles is located the steps as necessary 'to By means of a new double compart struck. As yet only development By experi- mate the sale. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and enced male and book- Crater, Durmmit peak with its crystal ment shaft waste is raised to the sur- work 1ms been done, but a ten stamp stenographer All of the officers and members of Diarrhoea Remedy was first brought Address "P. C." this office. lakes, the scource of water for Santa face level, and ore to an elevated mill will soon start runniit? day andi keeper. the board of directors of the com- into use. It proved more successful Pe lies to the north of the city at an tramway where it is conveyed to a night. The Rod River district i1 be- I than other or treatment, medi-cln- al y any remedy To pany were present at the meeting No. 5 Kennedy-Gryator- crusher and bound to be one of known MEN WANTED collect 12,360 Mount the best e elevation of feet, Baldy, stock- and has for thirty-fiv- maintain- sides a number of resident 1 2 years roots, barks, herbs, etc. For elevation 12,623 is within twelve large crushed to a inch diameter, and mining districts in the west. There; feet, holders. The stockholders ed that record. From a small begin- write to miles southeast are represented then conveyed to the ore bins. are some properties that, so their particulars, enclosing stamp, miles. Fifteen or 784,470 ning its sale and use has extended to C. & either in person by proxy In passing to the ore bins a Vezln owners claim, will run from $30 to J. Zehring Co., Lebanon, Pa. the Glorieta battle fields. Nearby a of shares every part of the United States and shares out of total 818,780 sampler ha3 been installed which sam $1,400 per ton. are the Canoncito church and the over to many countries. Nine issued a considerable riinety ples the ore out foreign drug Dr. Clifford F. Losey of East Las ruins of the old road house and automatically, taking out of ten will recommend it per cent of the stock of the company. about five per cent of all the ore sent gists Vegas, N. M., eye, ear, nose and throat famous well dug by the Federal gov- MEETING WITH when their is although By an unanimous vote the proposi- to the bins. The sample is run opinion asked, specialist, will be at the Palace hotel ernment, while seven miles further is A. his associ- they have other medicines that pay tion of E. Wayne and through crusher rolls and quartered 1st, 2nd and 3rd. and the mission of GREAT SUCCESS them a It can July the ruined pueblo ates was accepted and the officers down on the sampling floor. greater profit. always church of Pecos. were authorized to take be depended upon, even in the most the company From the bins the ore drops Into No Trouble In FOR SALE A seconc-rrau- steam Nine miles from the city is located th' steps to complete the Being Experienced severe and dangerous cases. For sale necessary the mortars where it is crusher to a Raising Funds to Erect Statue boiler In good condition. It will be Monument Rock, in Santa Fe canon. transfer of its By the terms by all druggists. property. by stamps weighing 1,050 of Brother disposed of at very low price. Apjly In this canon are located the reser- of the arrangements, four Botulph, completed pounds .ach and making 100 drops to the New Printing Com- voir and water works from which shares of the par value- - of $10 each minute. DUCKS TRAINED TO EAT per From the stamps the ore The committee selected the gen- pany. of in the new will be exchang- by BUGS IN GARDENS. Santa Fe gets it abundant supply company' is concentrated by means of Wilfley eral committee of the St. Michael's water. It Is ed for 100 snares of Top stock, and sparking pure through tables, the concentrates being sacked College Jubilee, is with grat- Twenty-Fiv- e Cents is the Price of a committee consisting of R. P. meeting this canon that the Scenic Highway and shipped, and the sands and slimes ; ifying success in the matter of rais- Alton, 111., July 2. Joseph Junette, Peace. Barnes, A- - F. Kerr and H. H. Betts, starts towards the headwaters of the dropped into two double Dorr classi funds for the erection of a monu- who farms one of the job ranches on and was to attend to the trans- ing The terrible itching smarting, Pecos river and Las Vegas. This high- appointed fiers. The slimes are then conveyed ment to Brother to the the Alton bluffs, thinks he will engage Is al- fer of the shares. Botulph. Up incident to certain skin diseases, way will, when completed, pass directly to the Pachuca tanks, while present time the have con- extensively in "duck" farming and The result of this meeting meets following most instantly allayed by applying through the most picturesque scenery the sands are in two tube tributed: educate the fowls to eat potato bugs 25 with the and unanimous ap- Chamberlain's Srlve. Prince, on the American continent and it has hearty mills where they are crushed from Frank A. liubbell A. at $1 a day per duck. of the stockholders of the $20; Enrique cents. For sale by all druggists. travelers that proval Top 80 to 200 mesh by means of Iceland Just now Junette is enjoying an been said by eminent believ- Abeyta $10; Flavio Silva $5; Francis- Mining Company, all of whom, which will be re Income of 15 the of this picturesque high- Spar pebbles, later co Delgado $5; Nestor Montoya $5; $15 a day from ducks no- grandeur ing as they do that it is only a matter The seals and recortf books for will that of the famous placed by low grade quartz o.e. Pedro Delgado $3; Filadelfo Baca $5; which he trained to clear potato way surpass of active 'and systematic development taries public for sale by the New mountain drives. The treatment or Pachuca tanks M. Valdez y $5; patches of bugs. Switzerland work to the Top mine in as big Quintana Enrique Mexican Printing company at very bring slimes 48 In Gonzales $,1; C. him, accompanied by A. L. Frenc, The upper Pecas Is a delightful are enthusiastic agitate the hours strong Jose M. Tipton $5; reasonable rates. Seals for incorpor- paying proposition, fil M. nothing the thieves but in-- to visit. . This region rivals the cyanide solution, whence tie Burt Stron $3; Silvestre Mirabal $5; regarding are also handled. Call place over the prospective resumption of - ated companies number ters and a filter press separate tail David Garcia $5; Jose G. Chavez $5; another native as he is unques- Alps1 of Switzerland and has a operations on a large scale. at or address the New Mexican Print- ' from the run Isaach Earth Teodore Chacon of mountain resorts. The romantic Socorro Mines Present ings solution, tailings $5; $5; company, Santa Fe. New Mexico. Company over the while the solu Tomas J. ing of Pecos, mining camps, hunt- Indications are that the mill of ning dump, Martinez $2; Julius' H. Engraved cards ae tdm ana wad valley big tion is run two Gerdes com- n through $2; Charles $2; invitations a at the New The New Mexican ing and fishing, good roads to lofty the Socorro Mines Company at Mogol-lo- Haspelmath ding specialty Printing 13,-0- 0 ment zinc boxes for the purpose of Isidore Ferran $1; D. L. Lowitzki $1; Mexican office. An one stand has on hand a of heights at an elevation exceeding will be completed and ready for Printing pany large supply precipitating the gold and silver. Fur- A. J. Fischer $1; D. L. Miller $1; In of such will do well to and tablets suitable for school feet in the Truchas peaks. The operation about August 1st. The suc- ing need pads naces have been installed to reduce 'Domingo Pacheco $1; Esteban Gutier- call at office and examine fain- - the and also for forest, the sulphur and soda cessful operation of this mill will add this work, desk, lawyers petrified the precipitates to Dore bullion. rez $1; Felipe L. $1; R. S. of and the San Cristoval picture more to the prosperity of the rich Quintana plea, style work and prices. merchants; good everywhere. springs, Power Plant. Lopez $1; Cosme Alarid $1; Adelberto We will sell them at 5 cents in book writing and a hundred or more equally Mogollon district than any one thing The power is situated at C. de Baca $1; Jose Arcadio Montoya Subscribe for tne New Mexican. form. points are within easy which has happened in recent years, plant interesting three and one-ha- lf miles ; $1; W. E. Griffin $1; Jacob Weltmer of Santa Fe. The traveler may and its success will certainly be fol- Whitewater, reach on an air line from the mine and six $1; Cipriano Salazar $1; J. D. L. A. find It and instruct- lowed by the renewed interest of all quite interesting miles by road. Here, two B. & W. 375 Carrillo 50c; Miguel Sanchez, Jr., 50c; ive as well as beneficial to sojourn for those who are so fortunate as to hold horse power boilers have been Install Ramon S. Trujillo 50c; Emiterio 0JD HOT Fe without of mining property in that district, with CAUEflTE SPRlflGS. months at Santa tirfng en-bin- e 50c; Celestino C. Cordova the result that more new companies ed also a 425 horse power Ball 25c; the great and interesting things in and two 250 Amado L. Baca $1. Total $128.25. will be formed, more mills built, and and horse power, three These celebrated Hot Springs are the richest alkalin Hot Springs in the about the city. in phase alternating kilowatt generators Additional lists of contributors will world. The efficiency of these waters omit the production of lold and silver located in the midst of the Ancient It would not do to saying which were" furnished by the General be published from time to time. hag been tested the camp so augmented that if will twenty-fiv- e west thoroughly by the about the Santa Fe climate, At Cliff Dwellings, miles something eclipse the most sanguine expectations Electric Company. the present miraculous cures attested to in the asset. The time one one boil- of Taos, and fifty miles north of Santa its greatest principal of even a Mogollon enthusiast. only generator and following diseases: Paralysis, Rheu- of to the traveler, the er is in Bar-anc- o thing interest The double drum 225 horse power use, these furnish ample BASEBALL. Fe, and about twelve miles from matism, Neuralgia, Malaria, Bright's above all to the health-seeke- r. run both the hoist and com- tourist and hoist, built by the Denver Engineering power to Station, on the Denver and Rio Disease of the Kidneys, Syphllitio Fe claim to hav- The water which Santa lays Works Company, was installed March pressor. power, HOW THEY STAND. Grande Railroad, from which point a and Mercurial Affections, Scrofula, on Ameri- will be Installed later will be furnish ing the finest climate the 16th and has been in constant opera daily line of stage runs to the springs. Catarrh, La Grippe, all Female Com- ed two Pelton water wheels, eaeh-- can continent, its climate surpasses tion since April 1st. It is operated by by National The temperture of these waters is plaints, etc. Board, lodging and bath- Colo- of 375 horse These wheels League. that of Albuquerque, Denver and electrical and has a speed of power. from 90 to 122 degres. The gases are $2.50 $15 power now on Won. Lost. P. C. ing per day; per week; $50 round. The d are hand and awaiting instal rado Springs all the year 800 feet per minute. The Ingersoll-Ran- ... 44 15 carbonic. Altitude 6.000 feet Climate per month. Stage meets Denver lation. water wheels i Pittsburg ,746 extreme horse-powe- When these weather bureau gives the 150 r air compressor, Chicago 38 22 .633 very dry and delightful the entire trains and waits for Santa Fe train as 82 de- have been installed and placed in J yearly range in temperature which furnishes air to the mine, is al New York 33 23 .589 year round. There is now a commod- upon This resort is attrac- commission the steam power will be request. grees;' at no time during the year so electrically driven. Cincinnati 32 29 .525 ious hotel for the convenience of in- tive at all seasons and is simply an auxiliary, to be used in open all 1907' did the "daily range of tempera- Grading and excavating on the site Philadelphia 27 31 .466 valids and tourists. suffeing winter. for Caliente case an extraordinary dry season People Passengers Ojo ture exceed 40 degrees. The average of the mill was started December 26, St. Louis 24 35 .407 from consumption, cancer, and other can leave Fe 9 a. m. should render the water inade-- j Santa at and Fe 1907 1908, and its in such a re- supply temperature at Santa during completion dam is on White- Brooklyn 21 38 .356 contagious diseases, are not accepted, reach Ojo Caliente at 5 p. m., the tem- but little over quate. The situated was 48.5 degrees. The maximum markably short time, Boston 16 42 .276 fhese waters contain 1,626.24 grains same day. For further seven much deserved water creek, three miles above the particulars perature during the same year was 87 months, reflects American League. of alkaline salts to the gallon, being address: credit on the executive of power plant, and at an elevation of ,,u degrees. A close study of the above ability Won. Lost. P. C. General A. as 500 feet greater than that of the averages should leave no doubt in Manager James Force, Detroit 44 21 .677 well as on E. the plant For the first two miles below ANTONIO an one's mind that Santa Fe possesses Gybbon Spilsbury, i'niiaaelphia 36 26 .581 JOSEPH, Proorietor. whose as the dam the water will be conveyed excellence. consulting engineer, plans Boston 36 28 .563 Oj) Taot. fountv N M the climate par suc- through a pipe 28 Inches in diameter, (MhnU. laid out, are now arriving at a Cleveland 32 Santa Fe also has the greatest per- and for the mile a h 30 .516 cessful issue. - remaining New of sunshine of any other city will be used. The will be York 30 31 .192 centage Mill. pipe power in New Mexico, the Land of Sun- The transmitted three copper Milcago 23 34 .433 mill has on the by One may see the sun shine al- The been erected which will run from the power St.. Louis 24 39 .381 shine, millsite at the shaft of the cables, most every day in the year, and at company's house to the mill. , Washington 21 40 .344 Little Fannie mine. It is 220 feet long all times there Is a cool, refreshing The Company. Western League. from 60 to 80 feet in width, and oreeze. There is no suffering from by The Socorro Mines Company is Won. Lost. P.C. Rtribbeff is so that it has a of 100 aj no discomfort planned drop witn a stocK or Sioux 34 23 heat and humidity; in corporation capital City .596 Stamps feet. Thirty are put and the winter season is stamps being $6,000,000 and is one of the largest Wichita .. 35 24 .593 whatsoever at though excavations have The maximum present, and most substantial companies ever Topeka ... 26 .527 mild, but invigorating. been made to allow for the addition ij in that section of New Mex- Denver ... 30 27 .526 WHEN YOU FIND YOURSELF WRITING THE 8AME THING velocity of the wind at Santa Fe last mak- operated of ten stamps at any time, thus ico. H. D. Omaha thirty-fou- r miles hour, Its present officers are: 31 29 .517 FREQUENTLY IN THE COURSE OF YOUR RE- year was per ing it a forty stamp mill. BUSINESS, free Hotchkiss, president; William A. Bar- Des Moines . ; 31 29 .492 MEMBER A and the city is comparatively 30 RUBBER STAMP WILL SAVE YOU A GREAT Mortars are in place and the ber, vice president; J. D. Fackenthal, Pueblo ... 35 .407 from sand storms, whlcn are so pre- u DEAL OF TIME. BUSY PEOPLE ARE stamps have been installed; these are and assistant Da- Lincoln ... 20 28 USING RUBBER valent In the Southwest. secretary treasurer; .345 built on a solid concrete base which vid L. treasurer. The board STAMPS MORE NOW THAN EVER BEFORE BECAUSE THEY The of Santa Fe is located in Luke, WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. city 1s 12 feet wide at the bottom, 6 feet of directors consists of Messrs. E. C. SAVE TIME, AND TIME 18 MONEY a level basin, surrounded by lofty National League. THESE DAY8 at the top, and 14 feet high. In the Converse, James E. Nichols, William Boston at mountains. Its altitude is 6,992 feet Wool-unth- ,. Philadelphia. construction of this concrete base 600 Childs, Jr., David L. Luke, F. W. New and the mountains surrounding the York at Brooklyn. sacks of cement were used. Six lat William A. Barber, H. D. Hotch- Cincinnati 13,000 at St. Louis. citv rise to heights of feet, est improved Wilfley tables have been M. W. J. Weath-erb- water kiss, Isaac Thomas, Chicago at Pittsburg. PRICE-LIS- from which is supplied the pure installed, and from these the sands H. W. Balfe, T Dunning, Harry American League. for Santa Fe's use. Santa Fe, has a and to double New-com- slimes will.be conveyed E. and W. H. One-lin- Robert Dowling Detroit at Cleveland. e 2 nonulation of about 8,000 and It, prom Dorr clasiflers of latest Stamp, not over 2 Inches ong 15e design. James A. Force is the general Washington at New York. to to double its, poplation , Each additional line on same 10c. ises grow Situated near the upper end of the manager and E. Gybbon Spilsbury at Boston. stamp, Philadelphia One-lin- within the next five years, witnm mill Is a The active op- - e Stamp, over 2 2 and not over 3 2 Inches 20c. 37,000 gallon tank containing consulting engineer. Western League. long ...... tlie many new buildings In conducted past year the fresh water supply. The tank is erations the mine are Lincoln at Wichita. Each additional line on stamp, 15. erected in the Capitol City, 20 in 16 of F. L. have been feet diameter and feet high, under the superintendency Sioux One-lin- e City at Topeka. over 3 2 and not ov er 5 Inches 25c a million dollars. 3-- 8 of Stamp, long ...... rnresentine nearly being built out of rolled steel Reynolds, while William Farquahr YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Fe has many educational, in- an inch thick and riveted. The has of the mill construction. Each additional line on same stamp, 20c. Santa closely charge American League. first etoss school for is 150 at pres- One-lin- e over 5 Inches Inch dustrial and a public water supply this tank brought About men are employed Detroit 9; Cleveland 3. 8tamp, long, per 85s. vntm. sanitariums. , hosnitals and from on the Evans ent in in springs ranch, the company's operations New York 2; Washington 1. Each additional fine, same price. suit all. three miles from which It the district. churches to away, point Mogollon Boston 3 ; 1. ' lines on count two flows a con- Philadelphia (Curved 8tamp at lines.) If Santa Fe but hinted to the by gravity through The property of the company St.. Louis 2; Chicago 0. pipe. The solution tanks, of which sists of mining claims and a Borders of all shapes, under 3 Inches long way, 25c extra. world-at-larg- e of these and many other eight Western League. there are two," are of the same size and mill site. The claims the sizes at -- sources of attractions it possesses it comprise Topeka 8; Sioux City 7. Larger proportionate prices. as the fresh water and Little Homestake, one-ha- lf would become a center of tourist capacity tank, Fannie, Champion, Des Moines 7; Denver 5. Where type used Is over Inch Inch In lz, we charge for one will be used for storage for weak cya- Clifton, Contention, Gunboat, Andrew Pueblo travel, second to none in America, 12; Omaha 7. line for each one-ha- lf Inch or fraction. nide solution. One clarifying tank, Socorro No. 1 and Socorro Few of the scenic points of the West, Jackson, Lincoln 1: Wichita 0. Second pame 25 feet in diameter by 10 feet high is No. 2. All the claims are in one con- Lincoln DATES, ETC. in posses so many attractions, 0; Wichita 1. fact, situated in the mill building. In the tiguous group and lie about half a so a Pacific Coast League. Local Dater any town and date for .. and none other possesses great building are five Pachuca mile northwest of the town of Mogol- to tastes cyanide Sacramento 3; San Francisco 1. In variety, capable of appealing each of which is 45 lon. The work Ledger Dater month, day and year 6f tanks, feet, high principal development Los Angeles 5; Vernon 0. so widely divergent. by 16 feet in diameter. .These which Is confined to the line Dater .. .35 tanks, mostly Oakland 3; Portland 2. Regular can be no but that which are are consists of a There question practically completed, claims, American Association. Deflnance Model Band Dstsr ...... 1.86 500-fo- - resort mile of un Fe is to be the great city of great size, and about way shaft and about a Fac-8ml- Santa theijonly Minneapolis 3; Columbus 0. le Signature, Rubber Stamp and Wood Cut 1.50 American continent, and tne the average person can realize their workings. There is also of the derground Milwaukee 1; Louisville 5. 1.50 on this is to gaze at them. The an old Incline shaft which, is 500 feet Pearl Check Protector ...... eyes otthe world are centered immensity up Kansas 1. City 3; Indianapolis SELF-INKIN- G nf wonderful re-- upper part of these tanks is built out in Development work is now 8TAMP PADS. Anfont ntv msiiT depth. St. Paul 2; Toledo 5. 10 cents; 2x3 4, 15 cents; 2 25 cents; I 84x4 4, 15 cents; 3 14, 50 cento; 4 2, 75 cents. The New Mexican can 00 printing Cures Biliousness, Sick Cleanses the system equal to that done In any of the large FOR TYPE 8PECIMEN8 ADDKES8 cities. : Our ot Stom- and clears solicitor, every piece Headache, Sour thoroughly work we turn out Try our stock FJEXICAJ1 PRIJ2T1JIG CO. ach. Torrid Liver and sallow complexions of once and you will certainly come J1E7 again. We have all the faciltles for era and blotches. ' - SANTA NEW MEXICO. c Laxative Fnnt pimples turning out every class of work. In FE, ::L?S,on: Syrup It is guaranteed cluding one of the beet binderies In (V ' 1 OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS- - the West. JULY 1909. PAGE EIGHT THE SANTA IE NEW 'MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M., FRIDAY, 2,

land secondly to the careful feeding TWO APPOINTMENTS TERRITORY. 'and sanitary methods carried out by BY GOVERNOR. MINOR CITY TOPICS the owners of this poultry farm. (Continued from Page One.) (Continued from Page One.) PHONE PHONE ft These dozen hens were carefully NO. 92. NO. 92. isolated and quarantined and well fed campment will largely determine the each and all of said counties compris- with the exception that tubercular attitude of the federal government in each district and that S Denver, Colo., 2. X ing respective July spectum 'was thrown into them daily. the .future toward the New Mexico Na- from said 'Weather forecast for New X they shall take receipts The eggs were daily tested. At the tional Guard. Governor will Mexico: Local showers to- - Curry various clerks thereof. end of 60 10 cent of the make a and HAYWARD'S MARKET sta-- days per personal inspection, Cap- summons, recog s or with Every writ, bond, night Saturday eggs showed tubercular bacilli; at Brooks has been X tain designated by nizance, subpoena, venire or other tionary temperature. end of 90 45 cent showed the days per the War Department to make a field process which has been or may be tubercular bacilli, and at the end of im- - our meal. Best Inspection. His report will have issued or taken out from the United Try ground alfalfa 120 60 cent. AND days, per portant bearing on the future of New States district court for of said QUALITY QUANTITY chicken feed or earth. Leo Hersch, were and ten any The hens then killed, Mexico's militia, as far as,the War De- districts, returnable to a term San Francisco Street. 12 showed tubercu- regular out of they had Is concerned. of court, shall be" at tomorrow at New Line of Local View post cards partment returnable the We are going to give you Kansas City Meats prices losis. re- ever. Stripling-Burrow- s & Co. General R. A. Ford, is times and places designated in this will make set and take notice. best Very yours, Adjutant that you up House respectfully for the organiza- order and shall have the same force Opera Change Tonight: J. R. HOWELL, M. D. ceiving applications Louis XVII and five others. All new tion of National Guard companies, es- and effect as if the same had been fllnia Olllir 10 ppnts pecially In the lower Pecos valley. made returnable at the times and Marriage License Granted The SANTA F BOY Penitentiary Commissioners. places mentioned herein. probate clerk yesterday granted a ATTEMPTS SUICIDE The board of penitentiary commis- The foregoing order shall take ef marriage license to Toribio Encinlas sioners was in session this afternoon fect and be in force from and after and Maria B. de Roibul. in regular meeting. the first day of July,, A. D., 1909. 6 cts. Rolled Roast, no bone, lb .... 20 rts Swallows a Quantity of Carbolic Add I Boiled, per pound IBaseball Game Scheduled The is ordered 13 2 lbs. 25 cts in His Room at the It further that the clerk Pot Roast, per pound 20 to cts. Shoulder Steak, for.. Browns baseball team will play 1-- Curry of the Court of the Terri- Round Steak 13 cts. Rump Roast, ...12 2 and 15 cts. Normandie. , Supreme a game with the penitentiary boys MARKET REPORT tory of New Mexico, enter the fore- on the of 4. this-cou- rt morning July About o'clock this afternoon MONEY AND METALS. going order on the records of Onion Sets at Leo Hersch's. three Sam a local stag- New York, July 2. Amalgamated and that he transmit a certi- On of the Cienfuegos, boy account of the lateness 7-- 7-- fied office of Dr. J. M. Diaz 82 Atchison 115 104 Icopy thereof, attaching the seal summer season we will sell for next gered into the pfd. K fear- N. Y. C. 133 So. Pac. 1313-4- ; U. of this court thereto, to the attorney on Water Street his entire frame two weeks all of our latest styles in contorted and P. 194 Steel 691-4- ; pfd. 1261-8- ; general, of the United States, to 20 cts. 2 lbs. for 25 cents. at $7.50, fully expressing every Roasts lb. 15 cts. Chop Sausage colors and hand tailored suits 31-2- each of the clerks of the per evidence of great agony. He man- prime paper Mexican dollars various judi New-Mexic- Come and see them even if you don't 3-- FOR to had 44; Call 1 7-- cial districts of the Territory of inform the doctor that he money Take a look at our show win- aged to buy. taken a dose of carbolic acid while New York,, July 2. Lead 4.354.45. and the United States mar- dows for other big Adolf for bargains. in his room at the Normandie. This Copper 131-45-- Silver 51 shal New Mexico. Seligman Dry Goods Company, done man uncon- St. Louis, Mo., 2. Lead 4.35; Witness our hands this first M A the young became July day After a three days' Hung Jury scious. Dr. Diaz at once treat- 5.30, of July, A. D., 1909. UTTON the case Johnnie Wilson began spelter trial, against Kansas City the best what Is. And the price Is riglit. ment known to Chicago, July 2. Wheat (Signed) in district court at Roswell, before using every remedy July aid 114 109 7-- WILLIAM J. MILLS, W. H. on a of the stricken boy. Later Cienfue Sept. Judge Pope, charge 7-- gos was taken to his home on San Corn July 69 Sept. 65 8 66 Chief Justice. larceny, went to the late Tues-- ! jury Francisco street where he now lies Oats July 471-2- ; Sept. 41 JOHN R. M'PIE, if aitornoon. The considered day jury 1-- at the of death, there but Pork July 20.45; Sept. 20.62 Associate Justice. the verdict all and Wednesday point being V E night Lard 1-- FRANK W. little of July 11.8082 Sept. PARKER, and after noon re-- ! hope recovery. morning shortly 11.82 Associate Justice. Roasts per lb. 13 cents. Stew, 2 lbs. for 25 cents. that it was Proprietor Preston of the Norman ported hopelessly hung. die was Ribs and 11.20. IRA A. ABBOTT, The case was continued. notified of the affair and ap July Sept. peared at the office of Dr. Diaz bring- , WOOL MARKETS. Associate Justice. Fleming-Foste- r A beautiful wed- ing with him the bottle of acid which St Louis, Mo., July 2. Wool un WILLIAM H. POPE. ding, because of its informal simpli- Associate Justice. was celebrated at the he had found in the boy's room at changed. city, Tuesday the hotel. room LIVE STOCK. ALFORD W. COOLEY, 5 home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Foster Cienfuegos occupied sixteen. He was rub- Kansas City, Mo., 2. Cattl-e- Associate Justice. tomor- - in Las Cruces, when the of occupied selling July These are fine big fat fellows, and we are going to sell them marriage ber KID to Burton bath brushes about town. No Receipts, 2,000, Including 1,200 South Before readjournment to August 24, their row daughter, Florence, definite cause is P. took The given for his action ems; market steady. Native steers, an opinion was handed down in the One-hal- f, 75 cts, Hind 50 cts. Fore 35 cts. Fleming place. pretty Quarters Quarters though he complained of hav- Southern $3.90 case A. ring ceremony was performed by Rev. lately $4.757.35; steers, of J. Street, appellant, vs. ing had trouble with his folks. It is 5.85; Southern na Henry Easter, of the Episcopal church cows, $2.754.25; Minnie Smith, appellee, from Union said that he also made a statement to cows of El Paso, in the midst of the family tive and heifejs, $2.507.00; county, the opinion being by Judge Home Dressed the effect he was a de- Poultry and most intimate friends. that private stockers and feeders. $3.505.50; Pope, and the court affirmed the judg- tective and was engaged in we Js'early every one knows our de- tracking bulls, $3.755.00; calves, $3.757.00; ment of the lower court in favor ol We have a fine lot of Estancia Valley Chix which are dressing the of the recent rob- licious Ice Cream with perpetrators Western steers, $4.75 6.80; Western the appellee. Judge Pope in his sylla- here, 20 cts. per pound. Sunday dinner, beries. He secured the acid at the s $3.00 5.25. you ought too. Stripling-Burrow- & cows, bus of the opinion says: Fischer drug store and then went to Co. Hogs Receipts, 5,000; market 1. Under Section 67 of the Code of his room. Apparently he was seized Wheelon-Lam- y At Los on shade higher. Bulk of sales. $7.45 Civil averments of Angeles with remorse or fright after imbibing Procedure material I Dr. C. A. Wheelon and Miss 7.90; heavy, $7.907.95; packers and an- Monday, the fiery stuff and forthwith hurried the complaint not denied by the Watermelons Philomena Lamy, daughter of Mr. and butchers, $7.60 7.90; light, $7.30 swer as true. to Dr. Diaz. are taken Mrs. J. B. Lamy, were quietly mar- 7.75; pigs, $6.007.25. Cantaloupes, .2 for 25 cts. 30 to 60 cts, per dozen. 2. Under laws of 1907, Chapter 57, Oranges ried, the only witnesses being the Sheep Receipts, 1,000; market Fine Sweets, 2 cts. Strawberries 15 cts per box. Section 24, where causes are tried bride's mother, and Mr. and Mrs. A. CULPRIT ADMITS steady. Muttons, $3.754.75; lambs. Lemons, the fine big juicy ones, 30 cents per dozen. without a jury, the certificate of the C. Ireland, formerly of Santa Fe. $6.007.75; range wethers, $3.75 Peaches, Plums, Apricots, etc. HIS GUILT official is not alone suf-- From Los Angeles the couple went to 4.75; range ewes, $3.004.25. stenographer Santa Barbara, where they are spend- Chicago, 111., July attle Re Says He Was Not Helped By Others testimony an element in the review ing their honeymoon at the Hotel ceipts, 1,000; market Beeves, in Committing His House Break- steady. of the case. Such must in Potter. Upon their return they will Texas transcript ing $5.207.40; steers, $4.756.25; addition be certified as cor- take possession of the beautiful cot- Depredations. Western iproperly The man arrested by the steers, $4.806.25; stockers Vegetables tage, completed on East Palace yesterday rect by the trial judge. just B. and fejders, $3.505.30; cows and city police, giving his name as 3. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, LptUce,"celery, Young Onions, Turnips, avenue. . Upon a doubtful or deficient Fox of BucUman, has made a com- heifers, $2.506.50; calves, $5.00 Beets, Carrots, Spinach, Wax Beans. Chicken wheat at Leo Hersch's. 7.50. ; record every presumption is indulged - ' plete confession that he New Peas, 5 cts. lb. 6 for 25 cts. Prominent Citizens Accused of admitting in favor of the correctness and regu- iS,the guilty party and also Hogs Receipts, 11,000; market Order Sunday dinner from us, you will be more than satisfied. Gambling Warrants were issued by stating of the decision of the jour that he committed the various rob- best strong, others steady. Light, larity trial Justice A. J. Welter at Roswell on court. beries charged, alone and unaided $7.207.80; mixed, $7.408.05; heavy, Wednesday, upon complaint of City by any one. The police, however, are $7.458.10; rough, $7.457.65; pigs, 4. The present record examined MARKET PHONE Attorney R. D. Bowers, against Dr. PHONE certain that the man had confeder- $6.207.10; bulk of $7.557.90. and under the rule just stated the NO. 92. NO. 92. J. W. Kinsinger and Otto Baumer, iales, m ates but have run across no clue as Sheep Receipts, 6,000; market cause affirmed. m both "H'ominent charging citizens, to their Local owners of them with violation of the anti-gambli- identity. steady. Natives, $3.255.20; Western, The suit involved two claims for city stolen have ordinance. More goods already identified $3.255.20; yearlings, $4.756.50; $700 each, one a balance due on five specifically their and it is that at dice property taken possession lambs, $5.008.30; Western, $5.25 notes for $200 each; and the other a alleged they played of it. There are at the Smoke House that "with still many articles 8.00. balance due on material furnished. night on hand that are to have money on the corner." supposed Socialist Convention The annual been stolen at Buckman. The pris- COAL AND WOOD oner will tomor- convention of the Socialists of New probably be tried row. One of the Mexico will be held at Willard, Tor- articles conspicuous TAXIDERMIST TANNER & FURRIER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' rance county, on July 4. among the effects found in the pris- room of in done to order Arrested Oklahoma Suspect Sher oner's at the hotel was a leather Every Description work our line Raton $4.50 per ton note on Screened Lump iff Julius Meyer and Deputy Sheriff covered book, inscribed the GAME HEADS MOUNTED f " outside in "What to Do Monero 5.25 Smith this week, seven miles north gold letters, Artistic Taxidermy and Ladies' Fur Repairing a Specialty 6.00 of Mountainair, Torrance county, ar- Today." tcrrillos rested Robert Lines, wanted in Co- Send for prices for tanning and lining manche county, Oklahoma, on the furs and hides for rugs and robes Coal all siaes d Sawed Wood and Kindling of SIXBROUCHT Anthracite charge larceny. of all Coal. Arrested for Her- IN PEN Highest prices paid for raw furs kinds Coal ( All Kinds of Steam Burglary Angel FOR THE Smithing nandez was at 436 Canon Road General arrested Deming this Phons Black 19 FRANK F GORMLEY Merchandise week for burglary. He was bound Sheriff C. L. Ballard of Chaves V SANTA E, N. M. CAPITAL COAL YARD over to the grand jury. county, arrived last night in Santa Fe Nr A. T, A S. F. DtpoL Phon No. 81, Office GarlUld Atom, bringing in six new prisoners for the HARVARD WINS pen. He was assisted by Deputies W. B. Ballard J. . ANNUAL RACE and Johnson. Sentenced Imposed by Judge Pope . mm .... ' ' I L li V 1 V f rour mue I" ' wuilUbVU vr..v vr having pleaded guilty ag foUowg DUDROW & IM)NTENE uil trie wui nckiibui No 4 No. 4 luuiac mer of H Miguel Padillo, theft clothing GAS at New London. from home, one in the New 2. year peniten- London, Conn., July The and costs. DIRECTORS annual boat race between tiary FUNERAL Varsity Encarnaclon Miranda, for theft of g Harvard and Yale, over foui mile Grocery Bakery AND from second hand store, 18 course, was won Harvard guns by yester- costs. six boat Har- months in the pen and EMBALMERS day by lengths. Time, another WE ARE STILL SELLING vard 21:50; Yale 22:10. W. F. Barcroft, for selling mans' mules, one year. Hearse. CORNELL WINS BOAT RACES Ralph Van Valkenberg, two cases, Black and White AT POUGHKEEPSIE. for theft, two years in the pen and wrists. ' i Poughkeepsie, July 2. Cornell was Mike Murphy, for theft from e four-oare- peniten-th- ALL KINDS OF PICTURE FRAMING both in the d and son, twenty months in the freshmen races. The four oared tiary. Hohm. 10 PUc Avnu. Elktf Hall. Teltphon 142. Nlght- -2 won by three lengths with Syracuse! Bertha Miles, for theft of diamonds, CAN YOU BUY IT ANY WHERE ELSE second. Time 10 minutes, one second. two years. BY THE SACK AT A BETTER PRICE breaking the record made by Syracuse1 ; K XXX XXX X X N four years ago. The Cornell fresh- - TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND men crew won by a length over Syra- DOLLAR FIRE AT HOTEL. Your money back if you can 2. Ho- ' c NAVAJO AND cuse, both crews breaking former Lake Placid, N. Y., July The buy better at any price than tel Duisseaumont, one of the large hotels in tnis was w CMMAYO summer district, Belle Spring Creamery 30 II CHOICE F attacked! by fire this morning and a M EGGS CARRY Butter BLANKETS loss of two hundred thousand dollars K CONSUMPTION GERMS resulted Many narrow escapes from em- - K i death took place. One of the A Curios of Every Description Important and Interesting Experiment ployes who escaped but went back Made on a Poultry Farm at .for his watch may die or nis ourns Possible Reasonable Prices Tuiarosa. ; BE at p PREMIER, 'BARRINGTON HALLTIGOSA. 2 THOUSAND MEN REPORT-recentl- y Tularosa, N. M., July I noticed ONE AND SIESTA a lb. 2 lb. for 75c. SOUVENIER POSTAL CARDS j in an article headed "Tuber- - ED BURIED IN A LAND SLIDE 40c culosis Germs and Danger From Eees" Newport, Monmouthshire, Eng., TVv There is no Coffee to equal the above for an inquiry if chickens are immune July 1. A landslide occurred here J the price TRY IT if it does not suit you, FOR FIVE CENTS if they have access to tubercular this afternoon at work) connected I return it to us and we will cheer.fully re- iff sputum, and if the eggs are infected, with a new dock and it is now report-I- n men are buried fund your money , All Ladies who visit the store will receive a free souvenir the answer I wish to add to Dr. ed that nearly 1,000 Homan's answer the of a - alive. " w We will have in a full line of proofs prac- with us ' shortly tical test made here in Tularosa. j show that only forty You will find you your dealing tt 'Later reports Mexican Straw Hats at 50cts. each A dozen hens were selected from men were buried alive in the debris. w a large poultry farm, here. These let us kaow and we make it right. THE ORIGINAL OLD CURIO birds were picked from this farm be- - No More Prize Packages, Klght right cause for years this breed has been Washington, D. C, July 2. The Proprietor. - of the corn-ease- s, 4- - J. S. CANDELARIO tested for tuberculosis and other dis- flnancp .4. Phone Ho. and have proved themselves mittee of the Senate today decided F. Andrews, u 901-30- 3 Santa Fe, N, IW. San Francisco Street, to be in perfect health, due, first to to prohibit coupons in tobacco and a of snuff packages. a the physical resistance this breed