G ") G

G ¯ Legend G Red line boundary ") Proposed YHA building Temporary construction compound Temporary nursery compound G Place of worship Schools and education ") ") Further education ") Higher education Coop Childrens Rewley Road ") Community school

Nursery ! ") Other independent school

! ! ! Swing bridge

Sheepwash bridge

Roger Dudman Way G Proposed realignment of Roger Dudman Way Junction ! ") (2 lane at bend) Station service area, BTP ! Existing station building

and GWR parking spaces, 1 Platform

rubbish compactor and lorry/ Street (A4144) Platform 2 Platform ")

bin lorry access turning 3 Platform Bicycle parking

Existing 4 Platform Platform 5 Platform Bus

! facility G Youth Hostel Proposed western Station entrance building Oxford

") ! (rail) bridge Station ") ! Pumping chamber Abbey Road

! compound ! ! G

! Botley Road (existing) G

Botley Road !

! ! footbridge

! ! ! G ! New Botley Road Footbridge G ! New Botley Road Bridge span Oxford Cripley Road Castle

G ! Becket Street © OpenStreetMap (and) Compound contributors, CC-BY-SA A02 06/05/2020G FINAL FL MG MG PB ") Existing Network G Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check'd Rev'd Appr'd G

Rail compound !

Churchill House, Churchill Way, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, UK ! Tel: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222

www.jacobs.com ! Becket Street Mill Street Client ") ! Becket Street !

! Carpark Cherwell House Project G (University halls) Temporary nursery OXFORD CORRIDOR PHASE 2 relocation compound ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTG Onsey Lane footbridge Drawing Title PROPOSED PHASE 2 WORKS OVERVIEW

! ") ") Lane Scale @ A3 1:4,000 ") DO NOT SCALE Jacobs No. B2376700

0 125 250 500 Metres 163390-JAC-SKE-EEN-000001

© Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance Survey 0100040692 This drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. N:\Ben\GIS\Jobs\B2376700_OxfordCorridor\ArcGIS\B2376700_001_Rev0_EnvConstraints_Overview.mxd




") G