ANTONELIS AND FISCUS: PINNIPEDS OF THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT CalCOFI Rep., Vol. XXI, 1980 THE PINNIPEDS OF THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT GEORGE A. ANTONELIS. JR. AND CLIFFORD H. FISCUS Marine Mammal Division Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 7600 Sand Point Way, N.E. Seattle, WA 981 15 ABSTRACT 10s pequenos peces en 10s cardumenes y peces ana- There are six species of pinnipeds-California sea dromos. Los dos focidos, otra vez con ciertas excep- lion, Zalophus californianus; northern sea lion, Eume- ciones, predan especies diferentes. Aparentemente, el topias jubatus; northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus; elefante marino se alimenta en aguas mas profundas que Guadalupe fur seal, Arctocephalus townsendi; harbor la foca peluda, alimentindose de especies demersales seal, Phoca uitulina richardsi; and northern elephant y benticas, y la foca peluda se alimenta de especiesdemer- seal, Mirounga angustirostris-that inhabit the study sales costeras y neriticas, entrando ocasionalmente en rios area of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries y aguas estuarinas haciendopresa de 10s peces anadromos Investigations (CalCOFI). y otros pequeiios peces que entran regularmente en estas The numbers of animals in each population are given; aguas. the size, distribution, and seasonal movements are de- scribed. The known prey species of the pinnipeds are INTRODUCTION listed for each species. The otariids, with certain excep- The California Current, its components, and the Cali- tions, consume the same kinds of prey, although in slight- fornia Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations ly different amounts. In general they feed most commonly (CalCOFI) station plan have been described many times on the smaller schooling fishes and squids of the epi- in the past and are well known (Kramer et al.
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