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1989 The undF amentalist Journal

10-1989 Fundamentalist Journal Volume 8, Number 9

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N0Ta reprint- all 22 volumesrevised and updated Who is the mostimportant Evangelical writer of our time?lf a pollcould be taken amongEvangelicals the worldover, the nameof FrancisA. Schaefferwould pre F] bablylead all the rest.By far. Theliberals pretend that a few TV preachersare causing the resurgence of conser- vativeProtestantism. But it goesfar, far deeper,and muchof the creditbelongs to FrancisSchaeffer. He is bringingthoughtful conservative Protestants 1) backto their rootsand 2) rightsmack into the mainstream. Horvto formulatea wodd view that is bothChristian and conservative Schaefterrcnges lrom epistemologyto VOLUME 3zA Christian Viewof Spirituality spiritualityto the arts How to relate biblical reality to the nitty-gritty of everydaylife. Includesthese four books, complete and updated: VOLLJME1: A ChristisnWew of Philosophyand Culture No Little People * True Spirituality * The New Super- How relatesto philosophy. . .to culture. Roots of Spirituality * Two Contents, Two Reslities the "God is dead" mentality. How to make the Christian faith live and flourish under modern conditions. Includesthese four VOLLJME 4: A Christian Wewof the Church books, complete and updated: Why Westernculture is dying. Is the church dying too? How the The God Who Is Thert * Fscape frcm Reason * He Is church can surviveand grow in our time. Ways of giving Chris- There and He Is Not Silent * Back to Freedom and tian witnesstoday, in deedand word. How the church can cope Dignity with ecologicalproblems and population growth. hcludes these five !eok5, complete and updated: VOLLJME 2: A Christion View of the Bible as Truth The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century * The Is the Bible true? How and why it is truth. When doesthe Bible Church before the Watching World * The Mark of the touch on science?How to integrateGenesis with theologicaland Christian * Death in the City * The Great Evangelical scientific thought. How Bible truth should relate to Bible study Disaster - and to the Christian world view. Includesthese five books. complete and updated: VOLLIME 5: A Christian Viewof the Wat Genesis in Space and Time * No linal Conflict * The rise of Westem culture - and the seedsof decay. What Joshua and the Flow of liliblical History * Basic llible Christiansmust do. Coming: the death of freedom and the rise Studies * Art and the llible of an authoritarian elite? Abortion, euthanasia, pollution: Christian responses.Includes these four books, complete and updated: Pollution and the Death of Man * How Should We Then Uve? * Whatever Happenedto the Human Race? * A Christian Manifesto

Every4 weeks(13 timesa year)you get a freecopy of the Club Bulletin, which offen you the FeaturedSelection plus a good choiceof Alternates. coNsERnAnvElil rooK curB - Bookson currentissues, religion, economics, Communism, politics, etc. I5 OAKLANDAVENUE O HARRISON,N.Y. 10528 all of interestto conservatives.* lf you want the FeaturedSelection, do nothing.It will comeautomatically. * If you don't wantthe FeaturedSelec- tion, or you do want an Alternate,indicate your wisheson the handycard I enclose$9.95. Please accept my membershipin the Club and send enclosedwith your Bulletin and return it by thedeadline date. * Themajori- me,at no additionalcost, the 5-volume $59.95 quality paperback set ty of Club bookswill be offeredat 20-5090discounts, plus a chargefor ship- OfTHE COMPLETEWORKS OF FRANCISA, SCHAEFFER.I ping and handling.* As soonas you buy and pay for 4 booksat regular agreeto buy 4 additionalbooks at regularClub pricesover the next2 Clubprices, your membership may be ended at anytime, either by youor by years.I alsoagree to the Club rulesspelled out in this coupon. the Club. * If you everreceive a FeaturedSelection without having had l0 you you FJ.72 daysto decideif want it, may return it at Club expensefor full Name credit.* Goodservice. No computers!* TheClub will offerregular Super- bargains,mostly at 70-9590discounts plus shipping and handling.Super- Address bargainsdo NOT counttoward fulfilling your Club obligation,but do enable City. State. Zip- you to buy fine books at giveawayprices. * Only one membershipper household, ocToBER1989 Fundamentalist vol. 8/NO.I

PurPit I Goverstory: Satanis 40 IH;Hfi,'le becomingmore and more LeslieR. Keylock activeas the worlddraws nearerto its God-appointed finishline, Satan's methods attractthousands each year, christ's andentangle them in his 42 t;?J,'#*"ring snares,This month's issue HughLatimer will inform you of the dangerslurking beyond "The Edgeof Evil" and warnyou of the realityof Profile "Satan'sFinal Assault." RandalMiller AngelaElwell Hunt att t1

Falwell FEATURES 1I nv Jerry Comments A Commitmentto Excellence

{ A RescuingOur Children from I I TheEdge of Evil MinistryUpdate JerrvJohnston 36

a ^ SatanicSeductions I 0 MaryAnn Kuharski wv4(| News TlananmenSouare Satan'sFinal Assault SilenceFollows 20 theSlaughter HowardErickson 6 t TheUnheard Screams 4+ of PrivateVlolence LO|SHoaotev urcK 62 iffi'fr:Group CleanUp TV tovictorv MarkSmith 28 h:llilt',i'ifrs

a { A PeacePlan for the J- I WarBetween the Mates DanEhnis with Dave Branon AfterAll AAY v I Batteredwomen do not "deserve" or AnimalRights or "need"to be battered. Nor do they "ask HumanWrongs? DEPARTMENTS forit," A terrible fallacy ascribes guilt to NormanL. Geisler thevictim, Why does this violence hap- penwithin families? What should the 6 YouSaid lt victimsdo? What can we do to help the abusedas well as the abuser?

4 FundamentalistJournal


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I Fllls a Yacuum and recommendedclasses to help Therefore, when Bill Cowell her accept his "alternate lifestyle." (July/August) says accepting a Thank you for the beautiful piece This, among other improper prac- licensewas the result of wise coun- of work which you are doing in put- tices, were the result of placing him sel from godly men, I question their ting together and publishing Fzz- in a state-licensed"Christian" boys wisdom (1 Cor. 3:18-19)and their dntrwntalist J ournnl. The magazine home. This started a series of godliness(Col. 2:6-8). has certainly becomea strategic part events-the first of which was to of the Christian scenein our time. In promptly remove him from that JF fact, it fills a very large vacuum that home-which led to my salvation. Fort Worth, Texas has existedfor nearly a generation. Since saving me, God, through May God continue to bless in all His Word, the counseling and I Dlsturbed of your labors in putting out each guidance of the Holy Spirit, and demanding edition of FJ. good sound Bible teaching has After reading the July/August is- shown me that a state license for a sue of the FundamentalistJournal David W. Breese,President church ministry is unbiblical and I was greatly disturbed. The whole Christian Destiny out of the will of God. Peter, Paul magazine seemedto be about the Hillsboro, Kansas (the apostle), and others, including Southern Baptists. There are some many in the early church, were per- godly peoplein the SBC. However, I God rather than men secuted and martyred for their I thought the FJ was for and about refusal to obey man's Iaw when independent, fundamental Baptist A state-appointed psychologist man's law conflictedwith God'slaw. believers. advised my wife to let my stepson "We ought to obey God rather than I realize that with all the fellow- live out his homosexualfantasies. men" (Acts 5:29). shipsor associationsofBaptists you cannot write about all of them, but I think our fellowship deservesto be written about. Our Bible college,the AffordableLIFE INSURANCE Arlington Baptist College,recently celebrated our jubilee year. How RealProtection many Bible colleges can say they have been training pastors, mis- Low CostTerm sionaries,evangelists, and laypeople years? (Aclu.l Annurl Pr.mlum!Shown) in the Bible for 50 Our found- ers. J. Frank Norris and Louis $25,(n0 $100,(n0 $200,000 $250,000 $500,m0 Entzminger, as well as others, deserve articles written about 30 $89f/ear $124 $149 $174 $275 them in our fundamental Baptist 40 90 1go 1zB 21o 340 heritage. If you can have articles on the 45 118 155 198 234 385 Evangelicals, Southern Baptists, and others, would you consider 50 14s zoo 307 365 s46 publishing some articles on people from the World Baptist Fellowship? 55 198 247 424 s13 791

60 2gs 3os 696 8ss 1,408 Lisa Bowers Colbert, Georgia 65 418 650 1,230 1,390 2,550 I I ttmrr Dad'rannral Incoma lr mlnlmumpollcy .acomman(bd. Editor's note: Fundamentalist Lowest cost term insurance policies lor males, non.smokers,good health, Journal is geared toward those who non-risky work & avocations. Costs increase annually. Monthly pay costs beli,euei,n the fundamentak of the more. Every 2 years a policy change is recommendedto keep costs low!!!l! Christian i.nnludes m,anA Christi,ans in the SBC and For Informationor ServlceCall other fellou,sships as u,tell as i,n- THE HOLMESAGENCY, 1 (800)327.8963 d,ependentBaptists. 959Main St.,Cross Plains, TX 76443 ln Texas (800)58&54i13 We congratulate Arli,ngton Baptist College on i,ts 50th anni,- re On[the Fooled orsick pay more aersarA. Thank you for telling us about the celebration. We are

6 FundamentalistJournal pleased to haue included J. Frank Norris, one of the collcge'sfoundzrs, Love i,n our October 1982 "Thund,er in "Sex, the Pulpi,t" section. andRomance" I Most interesting SEXEDUCATION FROM THE BIBLE! - - I found your July/August issue ONLY $S.SO most interesting. The whole issue (Publishedby A BEKABooks) ByHugh F. Pyle, D.D., [1.D. reinforcedthe feelings I have had all Writtenfor Teens; Suitable for all! along, mainly, that a true Fun- TEARNSEX from the Creator!Here are 66 chapters - lust aboutall of the sex, damentalist has no businessin the love and romancementioned in the Bible.Tastefully and sacredlvhandled. Southern Baptist Convention. Wonderedwhat to tell (p. vour childrenabout: Jerry Vines says 18) that he HOW SEXCOT STARTED? DAVID AND BATHSHEBA? hopesto "set a tone and create an SEXAPPEAL? FORNICATION? atmospherewhere healing can occur DIFFERENCEBETWEEN BOYS SEXAND ALCOHOL? in our denomination." Dr. Vines is AND CIRLS? THEVIRCIN BIRTH? "peacemaker" (p. 14). SEXUALTEMPTATION? SECRETSINS? called a AIDS,VD, HERPES? AVOIDINGSEX TRAPS? Where in the Bible are we told to DANCINCAND SEX? ABORTION? make peacewith religious Liberal- DIRTYPICTURES, ETC.? SEXAND EVOLUTION? ism and unbeliefl The Bible tells us TELEVISIONAND SEX? FALLINCIN LOVE? in 2 Corinthians6:14-7:1 to get out SEXAND MODERNMUSIC? EUNUCHSAND CONCUBINES? ADULTERYAND DIVORCE? SEXAND FALSEDOCTRINE? of ecclesiasticaluncleanness. One of the Conservative SBC leaders has TEENSWltt READlT EAGERTY;Adults will enjoyit! The book is excellentfor usein churchtraining courses. Dr. Pylehas been a veteranpastor, stated that one of the aims of the evangelist and writer for manyyears - working often with youth (Authorof 30 books Conservatives is not to purge the and booklets). SBC of compromise and unbelief, THEBEST SEX EDUCATION lS FROMGOD'S WORD! Use it to help your but to createa "balance," with Con- even smallchildren get startedright. Order today!Only $5.50,plus $1.10postage servativesin control. Again, where and handling.Total: $6.60 did they find that in the Bible? Dr. HUGH PYLE,BOX 1508, PANAMA CITY, FL32402 My personal belief is that there are no true Fundamentalists in the SBC.Conservative men in the SBC becomeFundamentalists when they get out of the Convention, obey -& Hebrews13:13, and take their stand HOLYLAND'90 for Christ. ISRAEL,JORDAN PLUS EGYPT OPTION Robert J. King, Pastor Feb. 19-27,1990 Temple Baptist Church First-Class Hotels . Three Meals Daily Dubois, Pennsylvania Full Sight-seeing I Great CO-HOSTS Rev. Ed Cowger, E. Wallingford, VT (802)259-278r A few years back I viewed a Rev. Bob Parker, Somerset, PA priest (an Episcopalian) shouting The Trip of a Lifetime (814)++5-5r2r and waving his fist in contempt, Rev. Thomas Farmer, Richmond, VA oNLY (804) 276-1835 while Dr. Falwell preachedfrom an $1,2gg Rev. Jerry Cline, Waynesboro,VA outdoor platform. (703) 943-154r Tour Host:Dr. LindsayHowan Mr. John Humphries, Stuarts Draft, VA I vowed to myself, that if ever Dr. (703) 337-2566 Falwell appearedin my city, I would llth HOLY LAND Tour Zella Robertson, Martinsville, VA attend, sit in the front row, and StuartsDraft, VA (703)337-4200 (703) 632-3630 Rev. Bill Fortune, Waynesboro, VA praise God and His Son JesusChrist (703) 943-5115 for him. ROYAL Rev. David Prather, Centerville, OH Dr. Falwell is not only a great JORDANIANAIRLINES (513) 433-8982 TravelArrangements: THE Rev. Jay Roller, Lorain, OH Christian, an outstanding apostle, (216) 2BB-r334 but a great American as well. qUEST GROUP,Atlanta, GA Kaleekaal Thomas. Toronto. Ont. Canada As Cardinal Spellman oncesaid (416) 47s-1589 about him. "I wish I had a hundred Dr. Ray Reed, Toronto, Ont. Canada FREEBrochure and Co-host (416) +75-8547 just like him!" Rev. John Rush, Toronto, Ont. Canada May God continue to bless your InformationCall Toll Free (416) 691-0844 great Rev. Allan Vincent. Toronto. Ont. Canada ministry, and know well that 1-800-241-1042 (416) 246-0692

October1989 7 millions of Catholicspraise God for I Good Literature Dr. Falwell. Thank you for publishing good Glenn C. Smith Christian literature. Whether any National Catholics Evangelization work of mine ever finds its way onto Publlshor: Jerry Falwell Association the pagesof your magazineor not, Edltorlal Boad: Rockford, Illinois there is such a need for alternatives VerleAckerman o Norman L. Geisler to the secularbooks and periodicals DavidJeremiah . John Rawlings Elmer L. Towns o Jack Wyrtzen available today, that I wish you WendellZimmerman I Helps me learn every success, May the Lord continue to bless Edltor: DoborahWad6 Huff The Fundamentalist Journal you and your work. Gopy Edltor: EarleneB. Goodwin has been very encouraging to me Coodlnatlng Edltor: Cindy B. Guntor Assoclate EdltoF: as a student. It has shown me Gary Stevens W. David Beck . Daniel R. Mitchell that there are other young Chris- Contdbutlng Edttor: Ronald E. Hawkins tians that love the Lord like I do. Contdbutlng WrlteG! I enjoy Thunder in the Pulpit I Thank you Angela Elwell Hunt . Kay Ra)rsor Edltodal &slstint: lGthy Taylor because it is very inspiring and RosearEh Aselstant: Mariori€ L. Futch helps me learn more about gteat Thank you for the Fund,amen- preachers from another time. I talist Journol. You always know Art DI|EG{or: Tracy Scriven€r also enjoy the Ministry Update how to get the ball rolling! Speclal Sectlon Deslgnen: section becauseit keeps me up to Preaching& Pastoring,Jim Patterson Ministry Updato,Donna Conner date on what is happening in the Estelle Lofgren lypogEphe6: Dian€ M. Page ministry. Gig Harbor, Washington Rena€ R. Bullock . Neil Dooley Keep up the good work! Photognplry: Cathy D. Watson,Mgr. Brian Sullivan Nancy Schaefer Atlanta, Adrrortlslng& Mad€tlng: TamaraPugh Georgia Subscdbor SeMces: Connie Schof€r.Coord. Modele: Kim Kroinerand Gone Ho,rcq pp. 24,28,31

This magazlnsis committodto tho historic ColledTo fundamontalsol ths Christianhith, biblicalseparation, moralabsolutos, the priorltyol th€ localchurch, and worldevangslization. Although no magazine or Individ- ual can spoakfor the overallFundamenialist movg- TheMinistrymont,our desirois to creat€a lorumto €ncourage Chrlstianloaders and statesmonto dofondbiblical Chrlstianily.Ws will examino mattors of contomporary StudyOff,Campus and intorostto allChrlstlans, provldlng an opon dlscussion ot divorgentopinions on relevant issuss. The FundamontallolJournol will algo reattlrm our history EarnA Degree! and heritago,a8 wollas pointthe wayto tho futuro.

o Bethany allows you to remain in your Fundamontallst Journal is publishod monthly, 11 present ministry whilc earning your issues per yoar,by Old-Tlm6 Gosp6l Hour. Postags is paid al Lynchburg,, and additlonalmailing otlicos.Address all correspondencsto Fundamanlallsl . Bethany offers quality education, is Journaf, Lynchburg, Virginia 24514,(804) 528-4112. fundamental and Baptist in doctrine. C.nadlin Otffce: Bq 505,RichmondHlll, Ont. L4C4\€. Subscrlptlon: $14.95a yoar (11 issu6s) or $2.00 psr r One may earn either the ASSOCIATE, issue in U.S.Outsids U.S.add $5.00psr year postago BACHELOR, MASTER OTDOCTORATE prepaid U.S. cutrency. degree through the Off-Campus Change ot Add|6so: Wh€n ordBrlng a change ot addrsss,pleass returnyour old mailinglab€l along with Program. th€ new address. Allow eight wooks for a change. o Resident classes are available at the Advertl3lng: Fundamontalllt Joumal, Lynchburg, Virginia 24514, (804) 528-4112. Dothan Campus-tuition at a minimum. Submlsslom: Fundamentallrt Journal dogs not ac- manuscriptswithout prior written o Credit is given for previous college c€pt unsollcited con- sullation with ths gditors.All corrosoondsncsmust be work and life experience. accompaniod by SASE.We assuma no respon$ibility for lhg return of unsollcitodmanuscriols. All matorial Complae coupon and malltot in lhis issue is subject to U.S. and intornational copyright laws. P6rmissionto roproduco must be ob- PERSONALACADEMIC RECORD talned by writing to Fundamontallsl Journal. '1989 P.O.Box 583 . Fotest,VA 24551 Writeor Call for FreeInformation O Old-Time Gososl Hour For eachset of3, endosechec& or moneryotder Neither advsrtised products,writers' theological posl- BETHANYBIBLE COLLEGE tions, nor editorialcontont in Fundamontallst Journal for !{.95 pfrrsS2.00 posage & handltng.Nhdnta should be considoredas andors6d by, nor ths otticial rcsldentsadd 22CSales lix.) Alloqr2-3 Wks. AND THEOLOGICALSEMINARY position of, the magazine or Old-Tim6 Gospol Hour. PIEASEPijNT PO. Box 1944 Fundamontllgt Journal is a Name Dothan,Alabama 36302 memborof the E\rangolicalPr6ss Strea (205)793-3189 fusociation. Cttv - ! POSTMASTER:Send addrssschanges to Fun- Staie-Ztp- t damontall8t Journal, Subscribsr Ssrvices, L------'------J Lynchburg, Virginia 245'14.

8 FundamentalistJournal

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I :ffiunoerSIanotnerelSnoobllgat|on.noonewr|lcall.noradd|lunderstandthere is no obligation, no one will call, n6r add I E__l I X mym\ namenameroansr. to a list. I i .ffi r ffi Iffi Citv---' Stnte-7in li I K on"rgooaontyinus,L. I i I h r rrrrr rrr rr rr--r rr-rr rrrrrr rr--J JERRY FALWELL COMMENTS & ffi@re@wffi@ffi@wffi truffiffiffiffiffiffiwffiffiffi n August 30 as I droueonto Schools, Liberty must be autono- remember what Liberty University the Liberty Uniuersity cam- mous and self-perpetuating. While is but proclaim it to the next gener- pus to deliuer the conuoca- the church and school are separate, ation that it may not be forgotten. tion address,I realized that many to TRBC gives the school its spiritual May God raise up some young men whom I would speak were not euen heartbeat and serves as the guide, and women who 30 years from now born when this educational institu- setting a coursedoctrinally aligned will be standing here saying tion beganin 1967.At that time our with the New Testament church. "Liberty University was born out of burden was to establish a truly the local church. Liberty Universi- Christian schoolsystem from kinder- goal ty believes that the Bible is the in- garten through doctoral progranxq The end errant Word of God. We employ no where the foundation would recog- of the school faculty, no staff, no administration nize that Christ is Lord, that who cannot sign the doctrinal state- the Bible is inerrant, that biblical systemwould be ment at the head of which is bibli- principles are adhered to by students world . cal inerrancy." and staff, and that the end goal ofthe As another distinctive, our goal school system would be world euan- of world evangelization has helped gelism. place 300 of our former students on Today on this canxpusyou feel the This schoolis also distinctive be- the foreign mission field and over spiritual electricity and see the cause of its commitment to the in- 1,000 in senior pastorates across results of belieuingfaith on the part errancy of the Bible, a most unusual North America. But the majority of of so many. We haue corne a lnng position in today's world. At Har- the student body past and present way, and I think God has reserued vard 350 years ago, its founders, are champions for Christ in other the bestfor the future. The follawing committed to an inerrant Bible, fields like science,the arts, politics, are excerpts from rny challenge to stated in a student handbook. "Let and business.They are soulwinning, thosewho will graduate in the nine- every student be plainly instructed Christ-exalting Christians commit- ties and who will in the next century and earnestly pressed to consider ted to world evangelization through lead our nation and fulfiIl our goal well, the main end of his life and a good Bible-preaching church. for rearhing the lost world for Christ. studies is, to know God and Jesus And finally, Liberty University May you also find it challenging. Christ which is eternal life (John is distinct because of its commit- Luke begins his gospel with a 17:3)and thereforelay Christ in the ment to excellence.Up until recent declaration to Theophilus that he bottom, as the only foundation of years,to be an accreditedChristian "mightest know the certainty of sound knowledge and learning." school caused a great deal of an- those things, wherein thou hast Somewhere along the way the guish for the leadership.My conten- been instructed" (Luke 1:4). Like- leadership of Harvard stopped tion has always been,why should a wise, each school year I take it as declaring its charter, and its found- graduate from a Christian universi- my responsibility at convocation to ing premise is all but forgotten. At ty not be able to go on for a master's do the same thing, giving you the Liberty we believe in the inerrancy or doctorate or any other advanced distinctives that make Liberty one of the Bible, in the infallibility of degree?Why should a student at a of the most unusual schools in the Scripture from Genesisto Revela- Christian school spend four years world. tion. We make no bonesabout it. All just to get the biblical principles, Liberty was born out of a local of our goals of accreditation, aca- and then go on to another college to church. In 1956 Thomas Road Bap- demic excellence,NCAA member- get the academic requirements tist Church began and remains a ship, the acquisition ofgreat faculty necessaryto follow a chosencareer? soulwinning, Bible-believing, local members, and everything God When you hang that degreefrom church with a vision for world evan- called us to do, have beenmet with- Liberty University on the wall of gelization. Every outreach of this out compromisingour belief in the your office or home, you can be ministry is dedicatedto evangelism. Bible. Many of you will one day pro- proud of it. When you go to another By the requirements of the South- vide the leadership for this univer- ern Association of Colleges and sity. May God not only help you continued on page 65

10 FundamentalistJournal

aturd,aA Night Li,ue's Church Noted authority Chat Lady is in her all too Arthur Lyons states familiar behind-the-deskpose. that the United States Her hands are sanctimoniously harbors the fastest- folded with the mock stained- growing and most glass windows positioned perfectly organized body of behind her. Reflecting on the satanists in the world. demise of a crying Christian Soundsunbelievable, leader to her right, with an awry doesn't it? smile, she asks the audience, "And who shall we blame this How Are the Kids on?" She suggests"Sfu!\fu\TAN?" Recruited? And the crowd howls with laughter. What are their per- But is this Satan someoneto sonal stories? And how be Iaughing about? Although can we protect our own occultic practices are as ancient as man, there children from falling is a fast-growing, developing subculture movement prey? This is not a in the teenage community, namely . ghost-and-goblinstory. Unlike the temporarily mimicked dress style of Jerry Simandl, veteran rock idols, satanism among the young is here to expert of the Chicago stay. But to where will it lead? I predict this will Police Department's becomethe most hideous and horrendous reality gang crime unit, shared for educators, parents, and teens themselves to deal with me that there are with in the next decadeas we enter the twenty- four distinct levels of the satanic movement coast- first century. to-coast. Throughout North America I have stood on Tbenagedabblers. These young people take up a the platforms of auditoriums and gymnasiums and preoccupation with the occult through over- met head-on,wall-to-wall, hundreds of thousands of involvement with fantasy role-playing games, the young generation. Some time ago I started suggestiveheavy metal music, drugs, seances,and noticing a distinctive new category of teens attend- a quest for power. The teenage dabbler faithfully ing my talks. They did not fit the norm. These studies the Satanic Bible and has made it one young people glared with a dark and deadly fasci- of the best-sellingpaperbacks for the past 20 nation. The very word,occult means "hidden years. (Accordingto Avon Books of New York, as things." And with these curious-lookingteens were of February 1989 The Satanic Bi,bl,eis in the 27th signpoststhat they were involved. In all those au- printing with 618,000copies sold.) He is usually diencesI kept noticing more and more teens with above average in intelligence and generally a homemadepentagram tatoos and symbols carved loner. Occasionallythere may be a small sect into the web between their thumbs and index of friends (a coven). The dabbler practices chants, fingers, too many notebooksscrawled with "666" incantations, and reads numerous occultic books and "NATAS" (Satan spelled backward) or "LIVE" including Satani.c Ri,tuak and.The Com.plete (evil spelled backward). Satanism plays with oppo- Witch, both by Anton LeVey, among many sites, with mirror-images, with the reverse of any- others. thing good: satanists memorize the Lord's Prayer Self-styled satani,c groups or coaens. Teens are backward. Teachers are asking what to do about recruited through free drugs and sex parties where students turning in essaysabout satanism and they are told only a select few may enter a special death. room. During the party the person is photographed More than one parent stands shocked at or videotapedin a "compromising" situation. Then, the discovery of materials left behind in the if invited into the special room, candidatesare room of a son or daughter who has committed gradually told about a contract with Satan. If they suicide.A skull, a pentagram drawn on the floor hesitate to join, they are told the photo or video- under the rug or behind a picture, and a notebook tape will be used against them. Who are the called The Book of Shadows with horrifying recruiters? Stereotypical normal adults employed in entries. every vocation in a community, but in reality, under- The incidents are so bizarre. In quiet, small cover satanists. towns and booming metropolises,innumerable in- Publi.c religious satanists. Whether theatrical cognito, covert satanic groups exist. They blend in or truly intellectual adherents,these people attend so inconspicuouslywith society;they go as unno- your "First Satan Church," and others. (Michael ticed as a bland wallpaper stretching acrossa Aquino and Anton LaVey are two prominent peo- wall. ple in this category.)Their number is growing. There are hundreds of similar religious satanic by Jerry Johnston groups in cities everywhere. Since they incorporate

October1989 13 as nonprofit organizations they enjoy a tax- teenoger mag be in- exempt status similar to a church or synagogue. aolaed. Please remem- The United States military even recognizes the ber that scribbling Church of Satan. The most damaging contribution "666," listening to Ozzy of this group is that their writings sell in the Osbourne, playing Dun- millions. geons and Dragons, or Debra Winger's gripping portrayal of the buying earrings with a devastating shock at learning of the intricate Nero's cross(the old organization and high level members of the peace sign/broken cross) Ku Klux Klan in the movie, Betrayed,, mirrors or other symbols of the what could certainly take our breath away if we occult does not neces- only knew the full scopeof this particular satanic sarily mean your group. child's friends are Hard.core satanic cttlts. This group has always avowed satanists. But been with us. They are located throughout the does your teenager world. Perhaps more organized than the Mafia, hang around with a they are known to kill, abduct, and brainwash ever group that has occult so secretly. Al Carlisle of the Utah State Prison trappings and is actual- System has estimated that between 40,000 and 60,000 ly cultJike? human beings are killed through ritual homicides Remember dabblers in the United States each year. This statistic is and even self-styled based on an estimated number of satanists at the covens may resemble Ievel where they commit ritual human sacrifices, not so much an organi- times the frequency with which these would be zation as a club. Here done during a satanic calendar year. Carlisle esti- are some marks of a mated that in the Las Vegas metropolitan area destructive cult-occultic alone 600 people meet their deaths during satanic group. ceremonieseach year! o There is undue influence from group leader- ship, evidence of attempts at mind-control. What Can a Parent Do about Kids o There is charismatic leadership, even a younger Getting Head over Heels into the Occult? person who claims special knowledge and is given special power and privilege in the group. Find out if satanic dabbling is a part of o Deception pervades the group's activities. your community's youth culture. How do you They claim to be one thing and are obviously some- find out? thing else. Check into what Aour cornrnunity you,th are o The group exults in exclusivity, elitism, and reading. Do not plan a witch-hunt book-burning. If euphoria. you are alarmed at what you find being offered in o Alienation is encouraged by the group. reading materials in your community, alert the o There may be signs of exploitation in the community to the problem and, as proper in a group. democratic society, allow the community in consen- Talk with your teenager and your teenager's sus to set boundaries for what is offered in the friends. Do not be one of those horrendous adult bookshops and libraries. spies who tries to find out everything. If they told Fi,nd out if Eour contmunitg agennies haue you everything they would not be real teenagers rnticed teeno,gers dnbbling in the occalt in your anymore. area. Consult local and regional mental health Is satanic dabbling a part of my teen- facilities. Simply ask an information oflicial ager's life? How do I find out? What do I do whether the facility handles teenage patients about it? suffering from occultic or satanic trauma. If so, ThIk. Do not drill or badger the child, but talk. ask how pervasive such problems are among Ask specific questions about the occult, and if you their adolescent clientele. Remember that many receive specific answers, ask how your teenager teenagers escapefrom satanism by committing learned this information. themselves to alcohol or drug treatment Watch for an oaerenry)hasiz,edinterest i,n the oc- programs. cu,It. Any normal teenager is curious about the un- Checkfor telltale signs of satanic actiuity or explained, about the supernatural. But an crime naar Aour commuwity. Call your Society obsessionwith occultic practices beyond the ninth for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals local or grade suggests overinvolvement. regional office and ask about animal mutilations Notice strong behauioral and persowality in the area. changes. Watch for a decided withdrawal from Is satanic dabbling a part of your teenager's longtime friends and family, a whole new set peer group? How do you find out? of friends, any sign of self-mutilation, a sudden Yut can rationnlly euahtate a grory i,n uhi,ch your and consistent switch to dark clothing, a new

14 FundamentalistJournal interest-especially noticeable among guys-in of protection or therapy buying jewelry with occult or religious designs, is going to derail his remarkable increase in aggression and violent search. Once away behavior, chronic depression, a distinct drop from therapy and away in grades and loss of interest in school, an from your influence, he obsessiveinterest in power/black/heavy metal will be back on the bands that push satanic themes, a preoccupation track over the edge with death and destruction, nightmares about de- of evil in no time. mons, missing pets in the family or neighborhood Spiritual needs must (as outlandish as it sounds), consistent inability to be addressed. account for absences. Pray. Children who get into satanism What Can Parents Do If are children who Their Teenager Is Dabbling or need help. They Involved in Satanism? are looking for something, not finding Make a copy of any writings and a list of any it in their lives, and occult items belonging to your teenager. Get an ex- striking out for hell to pert opinion on what these items suggest as to find it. A teenager who your teenager's level of involvement. With advice finds encouragement, and referrals from these resources, arrange counsel- love, understanding, ing for your teenager. Remember that in our cul- responsibility; relation- ture, a commitment to the lord of death is, ships to emulatel virtually, a signal that something is wrong. Involve spiritual substance; yourself in following and participating in the therapy consistent and prescribed. Ioving discipline; With this mental-emotional facet of the problem training in critical addressed,consider the physical, practical aspects thinking; opennessto discuss tough issues of your teenager's obsessionwith the occult. such as sex, social training, wisdom, integrity; Remove the satanic items and books. Destroy them and attention at home, will not risk all that if you wish. You are not bound by any ethical, just to gut chickens and bet for demon moral, or civil law to allow anything in your home possession. that you know is destructive. Do not allow any of A final word on preventing your teenager these things back into your home. Even small, from self-destruction: sometimes there is nothing innocent-seeming items have significant satanic you can do. In spite of the rampant, starkly scien- meaning for your dabbler. The bottom line is: Gal tific view of man as a victim in an uncaring satanic influerwes phgsically away Jrom your universe, I need to remind you that your child is teennger and gour teermger physi,cally ausay from more than a combination of chemicals and environ- satani,c influences. ment. Children can and do climb out of the worst Along with your concern about the mental- cesspoolsof "family life" to lead healthy, produc- emotional and the physical-practical, do not tive lives-if they choose.They have a choice minimize the spiritual aspect of teenage dabbling about what they do and who they become, no in satanism. Regardless of your own or your matter how much they want to foist the blame teenager's previous religious opinions, he or she for wrong choices on their parents or their first- apparently believes in the spiritual reality of either grade teacher or the cartoons they watched on r a powerful force or a powerful being called Satan, Saturday mornings. God can deliver one from t Lucifer, or the Devil. The dabbler believes in satanism. i demons and demonic power, in the supernatural t Remember, Satan is mighty, but God is n dimension of spirit. That is the dabbler's reality almighty! The Lord Jesus Christ has "spoiled regardless of your own convictions. You must principalities and powers" and has "made a shew acknowledge that perceived reality and arrange of them openly, triumphing over them in it" some kind of responsible spiritual ministry by (Col. 2:15).There is power in His blood. The hymn legitimate clerry. writer said it well. Perhaps you feel this spiritual business is not Would gou befree from the burd,en of si,n? important, is not the crux of satanic dabbling. There'spower in the blood, power in the blood; You are entitled to your opinion, but I am con- Wauld yor.t,o'er eail a aictorg win? vinced that the spirit of your teenager is just as There's wonderful power in the bl,ood,. vulnerable to the damages of satanism as are his emotions and mental state. It may be tough to I Evangelist Jerry Johnston is an expert admit that your teenager began dabbling in evil as on youth culture and trends. He is president of part of a search for spiritual reality. But if that the Jerry Johnston Association in Kansas City, thirst is not satisfied by spiritual truth, no amount Kansas.

October1989 15

he small clip in the daily paper, he is a member of a "Satan Worship now banned at satanic coven that Chicago's suburban Homewood- directed him to drive a FlossmoorHigh School," along knife through the girl's with the footnote that the American heart and to bury her, Civil Liberties Union "assailed but he "couldn't bring the Satan rule," attracted no himself to do it." even more notice or alarm than though other coven the two-by-two column it was members had promised printed on. him a "death star" Satan worship for high schoolers? @ranting him "super- Impossible,you say. Not any more. natural powers") once A front-page story in a Min- the deed was accom- nesota newspaper revealed what plished. He admitted has become a growing occurrence that he and coven around the country: episodesof members are followers frenzied Devil-worshipers involved in ritual mutila- of Satan-worshiper tion, bloodletting, sacrificing animals and some- Anton LeVey. times human beings, before candle-lit altars to Devil worship has Satan. emerged as the motive An increasing number of police investigators of a number of high- throughout the nation find such satanic profile serial killers, events happening with greater frequency, and most notably Los law-enforcement officials now hold seminars to Angeles "Night Stalker" train their staff to see the signs of satanic Richard Ramirez, who painted pentagrams-five- motives behind otherwise bizarre and inexplicable pointed stars associatedwith satanism-in the crimes. homes of several of his victims, and later emerged Robert J. Simandl, a 2O-yearveteran of the from a court hearing during his trial yelling, "Hail Chicago Police Department, has been studying Satan!" Ramirez reportedly had grown obsessed cult crimes around the country for over five years. with, among other things, the satanic themes in He can rattle off stories that rock the most sea- the rock album Highway to HelI, by the heavy sonedpolice investigators, telling tales of child metal band ACIDC. The cover depicts a band mem- molestation, grave robberies, and teenage suicide ber dressed as the Devil. pacts. Simandl said such obsessionis "typical among Simandl points out that much satanic crime youths who get caught up in the worship of the goes unrecognized for what it is because police do diabolical." not know the clues, such as mutilated goats, penta- Satani,sm is a term used to signify honoring grams, burning candles, satanic graffiti, and occult Satan with quasi-religious ceremonies in mockery holy days. of Christian rites, and with the performance of While there are no statistics, enough documented other works that promote the cause of Satan's criminal cases involving Satan-worshipers have dominion in the world. cropped up around the country in the past five In Bloomington, Minnesota, 16-year-oldWilliam years, leading many police detectives to begin look- Gary Chelseth is awaiting trial for the brutal stab- ing for patterns and links. They say they have un- bing of Teresa Knudsen. In June 1989 Chelseth covered only hints of organized activity, apart from rode to the victim's house on his bicycle. After the established 2,500-memberchurch of Satan entering the home through the garage door while based in San Francisco. Yet they remain convinced Knudsen was outside mowing the lawn, he took a that covens of child-molesters around the country dollar from her purse and some coins off a nearby practice satanic rites and are in contact with one desk. When Knudsen walked into the living room another. and confronted Chelseth, he repeatedly stabbed All this is apart from the countless teens who her. The boy later told authorities he did it for have committed crimes, often suicide or homicide, "Satan and the cult." after dabbling in satanism through demonic lyrics Police found graves containing 15 human of heavy metal rock bands and by following books male bodies just south of the Mexican border on like Anton Szander LaVey's The Satanic Bi.btq April 11, 1989. They said the victims were which claims sales of a half million copies in print sacrificed by a satanistic cult of drug-smugglers. since 1969. The suspectswere U.S. and Mexican citizens, some On October 16, 1987, an 18-year-oldman was of whom admitted to Sheriff Lieutenant George charged with raping a 15-year-old girl in Min- Gavito that the cult had been involved in human neapolis. He confessedto arresting officers that sacrifices, and prayed to the Devil "so the police would not arrest them, so bullets would not kill by Mary Ann Kuharski them, and so they could make more money."

October1989 17 I __.-A-o.lg the 15 victims was the body of Mark outrageous "baddies" Killov (21)_a p_re-medstudent from the U"ive"sity like Ozzie Osbourne of Texas who " disappeared from a crowded.street (who allegedly bit off after 2 a.m. on MuI"_h 14, 1989, after straying from the head of a live bat a drinking party with friends in Matamoros, a while performing on border city across from Brownsville. Texas. stage), and KISS (the Authorities ,,Santaria," said there were signs of rock group whose ini- tV.fC of voodoo practiced I in South and the tials stand for "Knights uarrbbean, and recently featured in the movie The in Satan's Service"). Beli,wqrs. They found candles, and ketiles full of Yet, after learning that body parts, animal bones,human brains, and blood. popular heavy metal In some forms of witchcraft removal of tle brain groups like Mettalica, signifies a sacrifice of the victim,s soul, Megadeth, Anthrax, Kilroy ,,at was reportedly selected random" Slayer, Venom, and when cult leader Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo (26) King Diamond were ordered his followers to bring him an Anglo maie. also known for their According to Alvaro de Leoi(ZZ), one of Ihe cult lyrics on violence (sex, members, males were sacrificed to seek the Devil's rape, torture, human protection from police for their drug-smuggling sacrifice) and death, I was activities. shocked to discover some of those very "artists" in my 16-year-old,sshoe box _ __Constanzo,leader of the cult, ordered his own of tapes. killing when police closedin on him, some of those My husband and I sat down and talked to our arrested said. His bullet-riddled body was found in son about his choice of music. euite frankly, what aj^loset-in the police raided -apartment on May 6, eqioys being a nay-sayer to a child, especially 1989. Also confiscated in the raid were black can_ one likelik_e Tony who is a typical good.good, fun-lovinsfun_loving dles, a goat's head, a blindfolded statue of Saint teen. Nevertheless, music that il indecent, offEn- Anthony, jqg-g"g swords, a wax skull draped with sive, or demonic is designed to have a deliberate, beads, and black clothing worn by women. though perhaps subtle, impact on listeners and Most of those arrested 'i'exas/IVlexico is in the drug_ undeserving of a place in i Christian cult were in their home. early or middle twenties. For We believe a home and what varied reasons is spoken, listened the occult is purposely appealing to to, read, and seen in it reflect the young. the people who live there. For that reason we tell oo" yo.rrrgsters_ Sean Sellers was only 1T when he was put on including those college-ageand yourrg a-clult_that death row in for the 19gb murder of a we cannot permit alb_ums,tapes, television shows, convenience store clerk and the murders of his or reading material that confradicts our faith or mother and stepfather. He told authorities later values. that he it t9 "pay homage to {i! Satan. f am free,,' The other day our 8-year-old daughter, Angela, he said. "Satanism has made me a better person. I came home from school with a toy that was glven can kill without remorse.', to her by a classmate at the Christian school"our Investigators in the Sellers case said that he children attend. The "toy,' was an eight ball_a and several other youths had turned to satanism childish and bewitching game whereii the child after becoming e,nthralled by the images of fire, asks the ball a qu_estionand its answer, after death, and sacrifice in being heavy metal mlsic. The' rubbed and turned, surfaces on a youths sometimes window-like area" conducted candle-lit satanic bap_ of the ball. I took the object away tisms that included and Angela cutting one another with returned it the next day. knives, When I told a friend of dri-nking blood, and using it to write incan_ the incident she remarked, ,,you'd tations to Satan. be surprised at the number of Christian children whose parents In Saint Cloud, Minnesota, four teenageboys naively give them Ouija boards, eight bails, ,Dun- were charged with murder in a vampire-"'ult siry- geonsand Dragons,' and other suc[. games.;' ing in which the victim's throat and wrists were A pastor was recently called for advice slashed and and his body dumped into the Mississippi counsel_by a mother whose River- fifth-grade son persis_ Newspaper accounti verified the slayers]-in--The'Lost tently drew pentagrams spired on the backs of his hands and in{luenced by the horror movie and was seen at schoolgiving ,,Satan Boys, drank the sign', some of the victim,s blood. (waving thg index and smallhngers) A growing fascination to another . with the occult, student. questioned, the boys demonism, violence, 'Just {hen said it was and death has obviously taken in fun." The parents, with the pastor's hold in America. assis_ It can be found in the muiic teens tance, pgved quickly to inform listel the boys of the serious_ to, the latest movies, and the best-selling ness of their innocent, yet novels. naive, acis. We fail to realize that youngsters who become In our home we try to censor the reading, listen- "hooked" on Devil worship, the occult, and fortune_ ing, and television material our children are ex_ telling, usually start with little more lhan an ove"- posed to. I knew to watch out for the more active curiosity and a fascination for the far-out. 18 FundamentalistJournal Christian parents must warn children of the very bility and an obligation to censor OUT material we real danger and sinfulness involved. As believers know to be contradictory to our faith and values. in Jesus Christ, we are to place our futures, our Likewise, we can censorIN the "Good News," mak- lives, and our very souls with no one other than ing our homes a haven of well-written, positive, Him. To submit to fortune-telling (even "just for Christian material that offers stories and examples fun") leaves our souls open and vulnerable. with role modelsyoung peoplecan look up to. Donna Steichen, a free-lancewriter from the Most young peoplewho admit to dabbling in the midwest, has investigated the growing phenomenon occult, do so becauseof a void in their lives. of witchcraft "seminars" on American campuses. Fortune-telling, mysticism, and satanism offer pow- Theseconferences-at which the earth goddesses(in er, excitement, and perhaps quick answers to those the name of feminism) and "self " are adored and struggling or searching.Most have been taught lit- deified-have not only been invited to secular insti- tle in the way of faith, values, and absolutes. tutions but, she reports, have been welcomedon Young peopleneed to know about Jesus Christ, somereligious college grounds as well. about right and wrong, good and evil, and the kind Unfortunately, some young peoplein a state of of life Christ calls us to. Let us as Christians, by spiritual poverty and confusion will turn to the our standards and Christlike example, becomea most enticing, alluring, and false gods,including source of strength and light to our children as well sex, money, power, and the occult, if the message as to the unchurched and unbeliever. Christ Him- of Christ has not been adequatelypresented to them. self in John 17:15-21prayed to God the Father to Parents today are at a great disadvantage when "keep them from the evil" and to "sanctify them film and song idols use their influence to persuade through thy truth" becauseGod's Word is truth. young people to lifestyles that involve drugs, sex, John urges us to love in "deed and in truth," and violence,and satanism. As a busy mom, I am some- not to merely talk about it (1 John 3:18). times frightened and discouragedto realize that Satanism and mysticism, whether in high unless we put a bag over our young, follow them schools,colleges, seminars, films, books, or music, around 24 hours a day, or forbid their entrance will have no foothold, if we, as Christ's ambas- into today's "values-free" atmosphere,they will be sadors,aggressively live the gospel message. exposedto the books, movies, music, and evil en- vironment attempting to attract them. I Mary Ann Kuharski is a free-Iancewriter in To the extent we are able, we have a responsi- Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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H.S. Grad. Yeal

or u)e urestlp not against fl,esh and blood, but against pri,ncipal- ities, against Ttou,ters,against the '@ ntlers of the darkness of this u;orld, against spiri.tual wicked- rwss i.n high places (Eph. 6:12). Before Mike Warnke became a Christian and a leader in the anti-occult ministry, he served as ln a high priest in Satan worship. brutal ritualistic He had passedthrough several killings, but these youngsters levels of involvement to reach may be following a fad and acting alone. There are this pinnacle, yet he sensedthere organized satanic gxoups far more serious than were still several levels beyond teenage groups or even Anton LaVey's Church of him. One day it becamefrighten- Satan. ingly clear exactly who headed Warnke says that when he was introduced to a the occult movement-Satan himself. lower level satanic group, he found men and women ln The Satan Sellers Warnke writes: "I had from all walks of life: salesmen, carpenters, heard one or two of the Brotherhood jokingly refer teachers,truck drivers, even preachersand priests. to poor old Hitler, and the arch-demon who ran These followers of Satan could even specialize in him. And Stalin. And Nero. And the Borgias... vampirism, Iycanthropy (becoming a werewolf), puppets. The global conspiracy buffls were right, demonolory, or necromancy (communicating with after all, but the buffs weren't giving credit where the dead). credit was due, nor did Satan want them to, for Not all who follow Satan are engaged in such such knowledge could turn men to his immortal bizarre activities. In Mystery Mark of the Neut Agq Enemy. As C.S. Lewis said, Satan's neatest trick Texe Marrs reports that Satan has amassed a new was convincing men that he did not exist. . . and army in the New Age Movement. Great Britain's not even the bulk of all the occultists that I knew Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth have become really saw it. I felt very small. And very frightened. devoteesof New Age holistic health philosophies. "Well, at least f'm on the right side, I thought. Former Senator Gary Hart is a New Age disciple And now Satan will have to promote me; I know who has "spiritual advice" from an Indian woman too much. Then one final, very unwelcomeidea teacher delivered daily to his office. Marrs believes came into my head: if power was what motivated that Mikhail Gorbachev is unquestionably "the the most ambitious of us, what motivated our un- world's foremost New Age teacher and leader. holy leader? Hatred. Pure unalloyed hatred. Of Satan has accomplisheda mighty feat in winning God, for denying him infinite power and throwing the heart and soul of the Soviet Union's highest him out of heaven. Of Christ, for usurping what he oflicial." consideredhis rightful position. And of all mankind, "Jane Fonda energizes herself with crystals," for being God's favorite creation. He hated us. Wontan's Day magazine recently reported. "Shirley Every last one of us. For all eternity." Maclaine makes regular astral visits; Nancy Reagan Most Christians do not like to hear about the consults an astrologer. Most of the 'New Age' ideas power and the plan of Satan. We know Satan is are harmless, but they may lend permission to a real, but we want to think that his power is con- teenager'ssearch for his own alternative. On the fined to remote areas of Africa or nonexistent in bizarre edge of belief, he may find satanism." If the twentieth century. these other activities are admitted "stepping Most Americans today scoff at witchcraft and stones," how can they be harmless? dismiss astrology, Ouija boards, the New Age In January 1988 a 14-year-old New Jersey boy Movement, and even Satan worship as harmless. involved with satanism killed his mother and then They do not believe in a real Devil, and if some himself with his Boy Scout knife. He left a note people want to dance nude under a full moon, fine, that the deaths were the result of a pact with the they say, "Just don't let them disturb the peace." Devil. But Satan is real. He managesthe world, and In 1986 Sean Sellers, a clean-cutblond from he is becoming more and more active as the world , killed his mother, stepfather, and draws nearer to its God-appointed finish line. He a convenience store clerk because he wanted to do has duped the nations of the world into ignorance, something for Satan. Now on death row, Sellers but some men and women willingly give their lives has acceptedChrist and works with groups that to his service. combat occultism. He recently told a national tele- Who are the people enlisted in vision audience that Jesus Christ was the only way Satan's army? Recently the out of satanism. media has focusedon Many police departments investigate murders teenagers who and discount or cover up evidence of satanism. participate Other crimes associatedwith satanism include

October1989 21 t child abuse, sexual assault, cruelty to animals, But if anything or anyone other than God is uplifted, drug sales and use, and prostitution. the sect is of Satan. He is constantly tempting man Satanism is even found in the armed services of to break the First Commandment: "Thou shalt the United States. Lieutenant Colonel Michael have no other gods before me." Aquino, a 2)-year veteran Army officer, now openly Satan's sadistic side has been evident throughout leads the Temple of Set in San Francisco. He is history. Satan hates man, and that hatred is evident still on active duty in the U.S. Army. In Europe, in satanic rituals such as brutal sex, bloodletting, where over 350,000 troops are stationed, it is not pain, and sacrifice.In Leviticus 19:28and 21:5 God unusual to read classified ads in the Sturs an,d, told the Israelites not to cut their flesh or engage Stripes inviting new arrivals to join witches' in any other bloodletting.In Deuteronomy18:10-11 covens and other satanic sects. God told His people:"There shall not be found Satanism began before written history. Satan among you any one that maketh his son or his has always been tempting man to doubt God and daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth trust anyone or anything else. "Don't you want to divination, or an observerof times, or an en- be as a god?" Satan asked Eve. He is still asking chanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter that same question today, and men are replying with familiar spirits,or a wizard,or a necromancer." "Yes!" and calling their religion by many names. Satanism is prevalent throughout the world, in

Watch for the Signs of Satan son begins to have nightmares or if his friends know him by a different name. Satanic groups Satanism is a real and present force in this often assign a new recruit a new satanic name. country, and teenagersare particularly vulnerable Parents and pastors should also notice if the to recruitment from satanic groups.How are parents young person begins to becomesecretive and with- and counselorsto know whether young peopleare drawn from family and friends. Many become ag- involved in satanism or the occult when secrecyis gressiveand show increasedrebellion. Most lose a prime directive? What are the signs of satanism? their senseof humor. Teenagerswho were always Look for The Satani.c Bi.ble, written by Anton active in church and schoolmay show declining LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan; The grades,school absences, and a disinterest in Book of Shadows, a diary of rituals, spells, satanic church and the Bible. symbols, and suicide notes; or other books on the Heavy metal rock music and satanism are occult. (The Book of Shad,owsis also available on intertwined. Many of these rock songshave lyrics computer disk.) that glorify Satan, murder, suicide, and perver- Look for altars in bedroomsor outdoors.Altars sion. Look through your young person's album col- are often laden with ritual knives, silver chalices, lection and look at the album covers-are they skulls or bones,and candles,usually red, black, or adorned with satanic or violent symbols? white. Most teen cult followers tend to be intelligent Look for a pentagram, a five-pointed star sur- and are often overachieversin school.Many are rounded by a circle, used in worship as a protec- creative and easily bored by typical teenage ac- tion against demonsconjured during services.The tivities. They seek personal power, and they be- star is inverted, with the two upward points lieve Satan will grant their desire. representing Satan and the Antichrist. The three Sexual activity and crimes such as animal tor- downward points signify the holy Trinity. A goat's ture and drug dealing and usage are nearly al- head is often drawn into the star. ways involved in satanism. Judy Safransky, a Look for drawings or tattoos of upside-down coordinator of Cult AwarenessNetwork, says if crosses,a capital "A" with a circle around it (the parents suspecta crime is involved they should sign of anarchy), writing done in code,or the call the police. "Parents need to educatethem- number "666" or "FFF" (F is the sixth letter of selves," she told the Th,mpa Ttibune. "I cannot the alphabet). emphasizethat enough. They have to know what The swastika, or broken cross,has becomepopular they are dealing with. Sometimestheir teens are with satanists to represent nature out of harmony. following a fad, but they are also playing with The "horned hand" salute, with the pinky and fire. On the other hand, the teenager might be in index fingers raised, is used by satanists and a lot deeper than they think." many of those who follow heavy rock music. If you would like educational information Look for cuts on the hands, especiallybetween about satanism or other cult groups, call the Cult fingers, and on the arms. These are a result of the Awareness Network's national office in Chicago bloodletting common in satanic rituals. The blood at (312) 267-7777or write to them at 242I West is used for writing or drinking. Pratt tsoulevard,Chicago, Illinois 60645. Please Pay attention if a young personbegins to display keep in mind that this organization is NOT reli- an interest in books that focus on death, violence, gious, nor does it "judge doctrine or beliefs." It secrecy,sex, or the occult. Notice if the young per- can provide you with information, not answers. I

22 FundamentallstJournal countries primitive and civilized. A missionary to thousand souls for good Africa recently recounted his meeting with a tribal for every one he led witch doctor. Angry at the missionary's work, the into darkness. witch doctor pointed at a tree 200 yards away, Actually, millions mumbled a curse, and pointed again as the tree more are actively or in- burst into flames. actively associated with In December 1987 in the small town of Carl Satan. If a man is not Junction, , Pete Roland and two of his born of God, the Bible friends beat Steven Newberry to death with a base- says he is a child of the ball bat. "Sacrifice for Satan," they chanted over Devil. That may be an and over. unpopular notion in On October 12, 1988,in Tampa, Florida, Jonathan this age of "live and Cantero killed his 4O-year-oldmother. Patricia Ann let live," but it is God's Cantero was a Christian who had collectedTodd's truth. What should we heavy metal albums and satanic books and burned do then, surrounded as them. Todd had begun to slip into Devil worship we are by evil in the after involvement with the popular game "Dun- world? geonsand Dragons." After watching a Geraldo First, we must be Rivera television show featuring teenagersobsessed wary, vigilant, and in- with satanism, Jonathan said he found the courage formed. Our adversary, to finally kill his mother. Mrs. Cantero was Satan, walks through stabbedover 40 times. the earth seeking those Why is satanism flourishing today? The reason he can devour. Through certainly has to do with the fact that we are living the Holy Spirit we can through the end times. Satan is organizing his and must resist him forcesfor the final assault on the earth and on and his efforts to keep heaven itself. He is setting the stage for the arrival the lost from the sav- of the Antichrist, the one who will kill those who ing gospel. We cannot dare to remain loyal to Christ during the Tribu- ignore our Enemy or relax our lation. efforts. The Bible tells us that in the last days a satanic TLrworship God is to find lifestyle will be common. "This know also, that in a peace and love that the last days perilous times shall come.For men makes a man strong for shall be lovers of their own selves,covetous, eternity. To worship boasters,proud, blasphemers,disobedient to par- Satan is to find de- ents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, struction, pain, and a trucebreakers,false accusers,incontinent, fierce, constant lust for despisersof those that are good,traitors, heady, power that can highminded, lovers of pleasuresmore than lovers of never be God" (2 Tim. 3:1-4). satisfied. I "Ten years ago, I never saw casesof Satanism," Humberto Nagera told the Tttmpa Ttibune. "Now it is reaching epidemic proportions." Nagera runs the child and adolescent unit at the University of South Florida Psychiatry Center. He has treated children as young as 8 years old who have been in- volved in satanic practices. "Satanism condones and makes acceptable things that our society has objections to, like certain sexual behavior. None of that is objectionable [in satanism.] The pursuit of pleasure and evil are among its principles. As long as it is agreeableto the Devil, your behavior is legitimate." According to the February/March 1987 issue of National Sheri,ff, the number of people who prac- tice satanism nationwide rose from an estimated 480,000in 1976to 1.4 million in 1985.Mike Warnke knows that satanistsplace a high priority on recruitment. He was personally responsiblefor adding over 1,000 people to his group. Now he prays that his ministry will influence a

id you know that women are probably safer walk- ing the streetsthan they are in their own homes? One-third of the murders committed in the United States marnage yearly are in the family, and half of counselor these murders are between spouses. said, 'It seems Each year in the United States, to be your fault.' betweenthree million and four mil- The psychiatrist lion women are battered, the single said, 'Here are some largest cause of injury to women. It sleepingpills."' is also the most unreported crime. "My husband would The FBI reportedthat in 1986,40 hit me, knock me down, pull percent of all female homicide vic- the phone wires out, and pull the car In the United States the first tims were killed by their husbands wires out. Then he kept on with the "safe" housewas a small apartment or boyfriends. beating, knowing I couldn't call or in Minneapolis, openedin 1974.In Even though many women still go for help. Once he tried to kill 1976the International Tribunal on keep silent about violence in the Crimes against Women was held in home, at one point eight million "No one knew what he was like Brusselsand servedto publicizethe American women a year reported at home. In public he said and did problem. American news media beatings by husbands or bo5rfriends, all the right things. He seemedso gave it further publicity. accordingto Maria Roy in TheAAu- concernedabout people and their Before that, most hospital per- siue Partnen problems. At home he was full of sonnelin England treated a beaten Battering is premeditated, hate. called me names." child very casually."Mother claims deliberate terrorism from a man In 1971 a battered wife, Erin child was struck by father," was who has low self-esteemand has Pizzey,founded a houseof refuge in often the only note on the record. usually grown up seeing a parent London,the very first in the world, Yet the same emergency room abused.Often the battered woman known as CWA (CheswickWomen's report on the samecase described in- is an emotionally and economically Aid). Soonthere were other "safe" juries to the wife such as shock from dependentwoman who grew up see- houses all over England, Wales, extensivebleeding, ruptured spleen, ing her mother mistreated. Violence Ireland, Scotland, Australia, and damaged kidneys, punctured lungs, can be verbal as well as physical. Europe, thanks to the untiring work fractured skulls and other bones, In our nation where violence is of many people.CWA grew from a burns from hot irons, acid, boiling directed at society from all forms of single house to 25. Within three liquids. media, wife-abusing is considered years there were 70 refuges in the Wife-beating was not confined to the lesser of the evils. Violence is United Kingdom. the working class.The wife of a com- condoned by Americans because Holland, West Germany, and pany director sought help because they are desensitized. France followed suit. In America, the husband had tried to strangle The family unit is no longer a where marriages are considered the oldest child in one of his fre- peacefulrefuge from the world. Ex- sacredby the churches,wife-beating quent rages. perts claim that one out of every two came as a cultural shock. A few at a time, then dozens- families contains violence.In some Pizzey'sbook, Scream SiLently or hundreds-thousands-of women tragic cases,the woman, pushedbe- the Nei,ghbors WiH Heati cracked. steppedout to tell their stories.They yond endurance and sanity, retali- open the door of the dark closet. lived in daily fear ofphysical abuse, ates by killing her batterer. CWA was the only place in the threats, verbal abuse,miscarriages, Several battered Christian wom- world that would take a woman rape, mental illness, and death. en told me their stories-briefly, desiring temporary relief from bat- Children were born blind, anonymously. tering, and safety for her children. deformed,and mentally retarded be- "I was sobeaten and abusedthat Other women realized they were not cause of the beatings the mothers after a long hospitalization I was alone. One important messageof the receivedwhile pregnant. still a cripple in a wheelchair." book was that children from violent One lawyer respondedto a plea "I was abusedand beaten all my homes and.thei.r children will con- for help from a battered wife by married life. Once he threw me out tinue to propagate violence in our saying, "Until he actually kills you, into the snow with all my clothes society.Children as young as 3 were or at least seriously injures you, I and left me to freeze. Over and over found to be violent toward other can do nothing." 'Be he'd say, out of the house before children, the result of seeing a ln 1977, according to a Harris I comehome or I'll kill you.' I was mother beaten. PolI, 25 percent of college-educated a born-again Christian, but to the A doctor'swife told Mrs. Pizzey Americans approved of hitting a point where I could no longer pray." her story. Her husband was a be- spouse"ifthe occasionis appropri- "I was verbally abused and in- lovedphysician in public, but in the ate." Mrs. Pizzey toured America sultedand blamed all the time. The privacy of her homebeat her cruelly. presenting the problem. After her

October1989 25 for help. Mrs. TYaceyThurman was stabbed 13 times by her estranged husband, leaving her scarred and partially paralyzed. Her 3-year-old son, obliged to witness the attack, as children, was awarded $300,000. coming from This was the first time in histo- homes where ry that a federal court agreed to they were beaten hear the civil lawsuit of a battered or had witnessed wife. father beating mother. Minnesota is one of 13 states Aggressivenessis learned where the state can press chargesof q" early in life. Some of the battering without the victim's con- men may be alcoholic,drug- sent, placing the responsibility for addicted, brain-damaged, justice where it belongs. suffering from low blood sugar, All states now have legislation metabolic or neurologicaldiseases. protecting battered women. Forty- Or, just plain mean. three states permit battered women visit housesofrefuge openedfirst in From 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. homicides to obtain civil protection orders Boston and Brooklyn, then all over in the home actually outnumber without divorce or other civil the states. homicides outside the home, accord- proceedings. Other states have For years domestic violence was ing to a study made by Marvin E. made spouse abuse a criminal considereda private matter with no Wolfgant in Patterns in Criminnl offenseseparate from other types of outside interference allowed. Socie- Hornicide. criminal offenses. ty and churchespretended it did not A study of Kansas City Police Two federal programs now fund exist. Government allotted no funds show that 50 percent of women beat- services for battered women: The for refuge. Social workers made re- en to death had called the police at Family Violence and Prevention marks such as, "You must like it, or least five times prior to their deaths, Services Act, and the Victims of you wouldn't stay." And, "He still and 80 percent had called at least Crime Act, both created in 1984 by cares for you. He's trying to commu- once."The largest single category of Congress. The first received S8.2 nicate with you when he beats you." police calls are domesticdisturbance million in fiscal year 1989. The pur- In a study done by Maria Roy, of calls. Violence in the streets is poseof the programs is to assist the 4,000 partners in violence, 35 per- minuscule compared to violence in states in their efforts to prevent fa- cent ofthe abusive partners were al- the home," reports Mildred D. mily violence, and to provide im- coholics and 16 percent had drug Pagelow, a sociologist at the Univer- mediate shelter and related problems. But doctors, lawyers, sity of California. assistance to battered women and bankers, businessmen-not neces- The national Coalition against their children. sarily drunk or high*still beat their Domestic Violence operates more Wife-battering has become a so- wives. than 700 shelters (1500 Mas- cial issue that demands attention Elaine Hilberman, a psychiatrist sachusettsAvenue, NW, Suite 35, from the church. Once a battered at the University of North Carolina Washington, DC 20005).According wife realizes she is not the only one Medical School, while working in a to their latest report, a study at a trapped in a bizarre secret, she will rural medical center. treated wom- Connecticut hospital revealed that step out and tell her story. en with psychophysiological ail- battering accounts for one in four Will the church listen? ments due to battering: eczema, suicide attempts by women. Seventy One important way the church hypertension,stress, anxiety, back- percent of the assault victims seen can help is to educate the congrega- aches, stomach pains, headaches, in the emergency room of Boston tion that battered women do not breathing problems. City Hospital are women who have "deserve" or "need" to be battered. "Despite having suffered severe been beaten in their homes.Police Nor do they "ask for it." A terrible physical injuries, most of the wom- receive the same number of wife- fallacy ascribes guilt to the victim. en reported that verbal humiliation abuse calls in Norwalk, Connec- Erase notions that battered wom- was the worst kind of battering they ticut, a city with a wide socioeco- en are not making their marriages experienced" (Lenore E. Walker, nomic range, as they do in Harlem, work; therefore they are to blame. The Battered Woman). New York, an area of comparable Help relieve the guilt and alienation What kind of man is a wife- size. of these women who stay in their sit- abuser? He could be your neighbor. Legal history was finally made uations becausethey hope for a hus- He is found among professions and and a precedentestablished on June band'sreform, have no safeplace to nonprofessions,at all economicand 25, L985, when a federal jury in go, fear revenge, and do not want to educational levels, regardless of Hartford, Connecticut,awarded $2.3 rob their children of a father. race,color, or religion. Over 81 per- million to a woman who contended Many states are rapidly adding cent of wife-beating husbands report that29 police officers in nearby Tor- a separate program of counseling they had been battered and abused rington had failed to heed her cries and support groups for the battering

26 FundamentalistJournal

I spouse. counseling if there is to be any The family unit must become a Choosean understanding,caring change in destructive patterns in peaceful refuge from the tensions woman of the church, not necessar- the home.This begins by presenting and fears ofour modern nuclear age. ily a professionalwith credentials, the offer of the Lord Jesus Christ to Christians must becomeinformed, who can listen to horror stories make him a "new creature,"to take then take action against this without being shocked or judg- away old habits, to begin life anew violence. mental. (John 3:3; 2 Cor. 5:17). Violenceagainst women canbe Refer the needy woman else- Even when both spousesmake a stopped. where when necessary:to a hospital professionof faith and commitment or mental health center during a cri- to Christ, continual nurturing and I Lois Hoadley Dick is a free- sis,to free legal aid, to financial as- discipling follow-up is necessary. lance writer in Newton. New Jersev. sistance, to long-term counseling. Somebattered women have become helpless, with such loss of self- esteemthat they cannot make the simplest decision or take correct action. Use your phone book to locate county or state hot-line numbers for domestic abuse or family services. They will provide much informa- tion. If you cannot find the numbers, simply phone your local hospital and ask for them. Call the national toll-free number of National Coali- tion against Domestic Violence: (800)333-SAFE. Become informed by reading. Somewomen still do not know that battering is against the law, that they can obtain a temporary re- straining order against the husband. A church may also establish a hot-line phone number, a sup- port group, or can offer a safe place of refuge for a cooling-off period where a mother and children can stay in a Christian home in a spare room to escapelife-threatening sit- uations. Somechurches own empty buildings that could be rented out at low rates as a "safe" house,ifzoning permits. "Many times," reported one woman, "I approachedchurch offi- cials with stories of rape, incest, or child abuse.They thought I was ly- ing, or at best exaggerating. They couldn't face up to the fact there was wife-battering." A church may take preventive action by counseling to discour- age young people from hurrying into marriage. Spouses having different religious faiths is one of the causes of wife and child abuse, according to E. Bennie and A. Sclare in "The Battered Child Syndrome" (American Journal of Psychi,atry). Battering husbandsmust receive

October1989 27 LeadingvlcTlMs tovlcToRY

he phone was ringing the home.She had calledthe police, of us if we return home. What are when I walked through seena lawyer, and left her husband we going to do?" the door. A trembling many times. However, out of loyalty What is the pastor to do for voice said, "Pastor, it's and love she always went back to thesebattered victims of family vio- happened again! This him. She did not believe in divorce lence? Certainly prayer should be time he hit our 8-year-oldson when and felt strongly that any father for offeredfor them. Scriptures such as he tried to stop him from beating her children was better than none. Psalm 140:t-4 are appropriate to me. What shall I do?Please come to When I got to the hospital I real- read for peoplein the grip of such the hospital and help us." izedthat this was the worst episode terror. Though prayer and Scripture The person on the other end of to date. She had several cracked reading are strengthening for the the phone was Jane. I had talked ribs, a swollen eye, and a chipped victim, they are just not enough in with her severaltimes over the past tooth. The little boy's arm was in a the face of such devastation. They six years. She and her husbandhad sling. His shoulder had been badly represent a place to start, not end. an escalatinghistory ofviolence in wrenched.Both of them still had a A pat on the shoulder and reassur- Iook of terror in their eyes. She ance that everything wiII work out by Ronald E. Hawkins sobbed,"He threatenedto kill both are not enough. Ministers and

28 FundamentalistJournal Christians who want to stop there dealings must be squarely examined vation Army, and other community- will find that their goodintentions in light of Scripture. The abused basedagencies are presently of im- will turn the abused into bitter peo- sometimes see their suffering as a mense help to battered women. ple, disillusioned with a church that kind of atonement. Past sins such as Although we may not share offered only a stone when they premarital sex,abortions, or extra- philosophiesin all areaswe must at- desperatelyneeded bread. marital involvements lead them to tempt to work together on the reso- The pastoral counselorwho must the conviction that they deserve lution of issues related to family deal with those like Jane should punishment. The pastor armed with violence. keep in mind the following impor- passageslike 1 John 1:9 can explain The abused need to know that tant facts. T?eat the abuse as a mat- that God is more interested in ex- they can make changes in their ter of utmost seriousness.If the tending forgivenessfor sins of the lives. They frequently feel so help- violence continues to escalate past than in punishment.Many vic- less.They need to know that there without intervention someonemay tims are tragically ignorant of God's are peoplewho will help. Help must get killed. The woman, the child, redemptivelove clearly manifested take concrete forms such as finan- and the abuser are all in potential in the death, burial, and Resurrec- cial help, educationalhelp, job help, danger. In acts of desperation the tion of JesusChrist. They lack any child-care help, legal help, protec- abusedsometimes kill their abusers. clear perceptionof the significance tion, and a host of other tangible Children and women are frequent- of God's love for them and the ways of assisting. ly killed accidentally, sometimes relevanceofthat love for their value People in the church represent a purposely,during episodesof violent as persons. great resource for the hurting. So abuse.Never encourage people to The abused need to know that the members will be aware of the return to such a sick situation there is a safeplace to go. In Jane's needs,pastors should occasionally without doing all you can to guaran- caseshe needsto be warned about mention the problemsof family vio- tee some intervention designedto the risk involved in returning home. lence from the pulpit. They need to minimize the potential of serious She needsprotection. She needsto assurethose involved that resources harm. Pastors,guided by their dis- know that her pastor and friends are available to help both the abuser Iike for divorce, sometimesunder- will support and not condemn her and the abused. estimate the potential for serious for choosingsafety over returning. Generally, abusers are misera- harm in these situations. The pastor or members of the con- ble, frightened people.Their abusive Pastors can recommendrespon- gregation may provide such places patterns are learned. Most were the sible separation.Responsible sepa- ofsafety. In doing so,be aware ofthe product of homes where the male rations are not initiated with risks involved and be prepared to role model was saturated with divorce in mind. Rather they are deal with the abusive spouseif he anger. They are people with designedto force the irresponsibleto shows up on the doorstep. The maladaptive learned behaviors, psy- recognizethe seriousnessofthe sit- dangers related to involvement in chologicalscars, and deepspiritual uation. They represent a statement such dysfunctional families make it needs. Their hope for permanent to the abuser about the impossibili- advisable to frequently use other changeis to be found in a balanced ty of continuing under the present resources. combination of counseling and the conditions. Making this point Shelter homesare now found in transforming power of the Holy heightensthe possibility of getting most communities and are the best Spirit. For them, the answer is the qualified professionalhelp to defuse emergencyhousing alternatives for touch of God'slove in JesusChrist. the conditionsthat lead to violence. abused women. The personnel in Assure the victim that the inter- Separationsalso allow a period for these shelters usually have exten- ventionsare not inevitably ,:,,,..:. cooling down and looking more ob- sive training in handling problems leading to a divorce. jectively at the situation. related to family violence.However, She must under- Assure the abused that it is not they do vary in philosophy. Some stand that only ,,,;1,; God'swill for them to suffer abuse. are heavily afflicted by contem- Regardlessof what brought on the porary women's liberation views. abuseit is wrong and criminal for Most Christian women, if properly a person to use power abusively. supported by their churches, can Submission as a theological issue weather their brief encounterswith doesnot provide abusive husbands the antimale philosophy. with a rationale for holding their These shelters still represent our wives in an abusive relationship. major resource for assisting bat- The church must preach clearly tered women until the church against such a corrupted theology. recognizesthe severity ofthe Women and men must recognize problem and gears up to ./ that the abusive use of force to es- meet it. Hot lines, mental ,i:; tablish control is abhorrent to God. health agencies,social If the woman believes that God service agencies, the .tl is somehowpunishing her, such un- Legal Aid Society, biblical views of God and His YWCA, the Sal- :1i1i::rrrl .,,,:l:,,.,'l,]ll PastoralCounseling for Abuse A Survey Of the pastorssurveyed: 890/obelieve in the needfor specialtraining to dealwith abuse 7o/oreported mixed feelings 4olodenied the needfor any specialtraining Typeof abusemost frequently seen: 300/omental abuse 9olosexual abuse 7olophysical abuse 50o/oa combination 4o/ono response

Numberof peoplecounseled regarding abuse (in past2 years): 760loless than 10 20o/o10-40 4o/o41-60

can she force the abuserto admit the problem and seek help. If she con- tinues to refuse to take such coura- pas- geoussteps she must be prepared to 9lo/oof the acceptthe physical and mental con- sequencesto herself and her chil- torcreport that of dren. She must make the choice. Pastor, friends, and counselormay those'cou nseled , give advice,but ultimately she must decide and act accordingly. Stress /essthan 250/o with her that she must be prepared to follow through on her decision. wereabttsers, The greatest way she can show her love for her abusive husband is to make him accountable,pray for Pastor's comments: him, and set in motion a process that could result in his change. "It is a subject that will not go away. Obviously the problem is not Almost without exceptionthis will new, but has just recently become acceptable to talk about.,' involve the intervention of the courts. They alone possessthe pow- "Abuse is taking place in the lives of Christians more than ever.', er to mandate change in the abusive systemand monitor accountabilitv. "Though I have not seengreat numbers ofabuse cases,the frequency This will be important sinceinitial- is increasing, and looking at society I think the increase ly the only will be even thing the abuserfears is greater in the days ahead." a power greater than his own. If he is not mandated by the court for -Thir special Ftundamentalist Jrvurna,Jsurvey was conducted among 800 pastors. The counselinghe will simply move on findinga reflect the magnitude ofthe problem among Christians. into another abusive situation. Another woman, other children will becomehis victims. Tough love may becomeupset over this vacillation abused must be put aside. They result in his change and the ulti- on their part. Paul admonishedus alone must ultimately own the mate salvation of the entire familv to be patient with all and support responsibilityfor dealing with their from a cycle of violence. the weak (1 Thess. 5:14). Surely complex situation. The key issues Working with battered women these dear people are among the for the pastoral counselor are pa- demands the utmost in patience. weak and deservethe support and tience and a nonjudgmental They will usually move toward deal- love of the church as they seek to presencethat perseveres,so when ing with issues and then back off make their way out of abuse into the battered choose to act, as- several times. Avoid the tendencvto health. Personalfeelings about the sistance is available. I

30 FundamentalistJournal A PeacePtan rorthemR BetweentheMATES

pouse abuse. Domestic and trauma in the following case attacks her. He uses words like violence. Wife-beating. study. frigid and cold, and he questions No matter how you say Getting results the wrong her femininity. Sheretaliates by at- it, the tragic civil war way. Mrs. Jones is upset with her tacking his masculinity: "If you that marks so manv husband. The only time he shows were a real man, you could get a homesis one of life's uglier realities. her any affection is when he wants woman to love you." After several It is the worst possibleway to han- to have sexualrelations. In order to verbal exchanges like this, Mr. dle conflict, and it leaves a dark let him know that she resents the Jonesloses his temper and hits his stain of resentment on a relation- situation, she tries to get her hus- wife. His blows have an immediate ship.Look, for instance,at the pain band's attention by refusing his effect, becausethey end his wife's sexualadvances. This only verbal assaults. by Dan Ehnis with Dave Branon angershim, sohe verbally What follows are a few davs of

October 1989 31 t about what it meansto love his wife. I d,enti,fy the unique stresses that Four times in Ephesians 5, Paul ad- contribute to loss of control (un- monished the husband to love his realistic expectations,interpersonal wife-and that love is a selflesslove. conflicts, financial difficulties). Christ is the model of that kind of IdnntifE cues that signal arqsr love, and He gave Himself for the Couplesshould know if actions such church. Likewise the husband must as tense muscles, clenched fists, be selfless-not self-seekingin his shouting, and pointing are usually love for his wife. If he thinks of her followed by violence. feelings first, perhaps he will see Note speci,fi.cbehauiors that tri.g- that she sometimeswants affection ger physical ui,olence(personal at- that says nothing more than, "I like tacks, threats, destroying prized being with you." possessions,taking off wedding ring). For a husband who has a history Work out i,n aduance a ti,me-out of thinking only of himself, though, sigrrul. Use this to warn your spouse can he change? He can if he seeks that you are losing control and transformation. The apostle Paul thinking violent thoughts. This told how. In explaining how a Chris- strategy allows for a cooling-off tian can avoid conformity to the period. At this time both partners "cold war" world, he said, "Be ye transformed can review their actions and in which both by the renewing of your mind" thoughts to see where they went parties refuse to (Rom. l2:2). And the best way for a wrong in trying to react in a godly communicate. Eventually, person to do that is for him to start way. guilt begins to gnaw at the husband, trying to think the kinds of thoughts Problem 4: He hits her. Does so he apologizes and demonstrates that pleasethe Lord. this verse Ieave any room for a hus- kindness and attention. Mrs. Jones Problem 2: The wife's resent- band to strike his wife? "Likewise, also feels guilty for "pushing her ment and resulting snub of the ye husbands, dwell with them ac- husband over the edge." She ends husband. Two related biblical prin- cording to knowledge,giving honour her "holdout" by forgiving him. ciplescan apply to her at this point. to the wife, as unto the weaker ves- It will happen again. In han- First, the hard part. In both 1 Peter sel, and as being heirs together of dling the problem, Mr. and Mrs. 3:1-2and Ephesians5:22,the wife is the grace of life" (1 Peter 3:7). Jonesresorted to coercivetactics to told that her role in the marriage is The man is responsiblefor con- meet their own needs.As a result, one of submission.Of course,this be- trolling violence.Because he is the they learn lessonsthat are leading comesa difficult principle when the biblically designated leader, he away from resolution, not toward it. man is not acting in a godly way. Yet should acceptthe obligation ofkeep- Mr. Jones has learned that his L Peter 3 is especiallyaddressed to ing things under control. wife's verbal attacks ceasewhen he the wife whose husband is not a Abuse is often conceptualizedas uses physical violence. Christian. The secondpart is what a mutual problem.With many abu- Mrs. Jones has discoveredthat makes the first possible.The wife sive couples,both partners assume she can receive nonsexual interest must live by God'sgxace. OnIy in His the roles ofthe abuser and the vic- and attention by eliciting his guilt power, mercy, and peacecan a wife tim. The husband frequently per- feelings. have the courage and wisdom to be ceives his wife to be superior in Both partners recognize that the kind of wife Scripture speaksof. verbal warfare, so he retreats, feel- something is wrong with their com- Problem 3: He verbally at- ing helplessand inferior. Seeingthis munication. Unless they find a bet- tacks her and she responds in as rejection, the wife draws closer, ter solution,this cycleis likely to be kind. Both the husband and the prompting her spouseto use physi- repeated. wife need to spend some time with cal violenceto get her "offhis back." It does not have to happen 1 Corinthians 13. There they will If both partners would analyze the again. To begin offering help in this find definitive guidelines for letting other's behavior and feelings dwing situation, let's go step-by-step their love show through in their the escalation process,they would through their conflict to see what words. They will discoverthat love discoverthat both ofthem feel vic- they should have done differently if is to be long-suffering,kind, truth- timized. they had used God'sWord as a guide ful, understanding, trusting, op- Abusive individuals need to un- and allowed Christ to rule in their timistic, and persevering.And they derstandthe cycle ofviolence in or- hearts. will seethat there is no love shown der to take appropriate steps to Problem 1: Selfish affections when they are envious, selfish, change their behavior. Violence is ofthe husband. The trouble began proud, rude, self-seeking,and easi- rarely an isolated incident. If the because of selfish demands on the ly provoked. spousesfail to treat the symptoms part of the husband. He paid atten- Here are someadditional devices by applying biblical guidelines, the tion to his wife only when he wanted that addressthe processofescalat- problem often increases in frequency personal gratification. The first ing arguments from a psychological thing the husband must do is think perspective. conti,nued on page 63

32 FundamentalistJournal t Saturday, L:27 A.M. tt'ftt'":'F-*- ThePhoneRings...

Operator - Thank you for calling LifeAid. Operator - You know, what thosepeople problems. Mav I help vou? say now; AIDS, ADDICTION, and 3" Operator - I believe we can help you. \ (pause) Give me one good reason why ARTHRITIS. \ l',r" heard that be[bre . We eet I should't kill myself. \ Y""lr. that's true. these people, and I guess they mean wlll. Operator - Jesus loves you. Operator - What happened next? BuL they come out here and tell us we need just \ f,tutt not good enough. \ ru^ ain't no mini-series. Cod, and then they quit coming out here. Operator - OK. We love you. Operator - I know, I'm sorry. What are * you doing now? Operator Do you think you need GodT \ Y.ulr, sureyou do. D \ I tAinl< we all do: I jut don't know Operator - Look, I don't know who hurt what to do. you bel'ore but we are here to help you. Operator - Remember how you used to do I know \Ao- that'l lbel when you were a little girl and you went Operator - Because,you frusfed us enough to church with your mom and listened to the to call, and together we will try and lind the preacher speak and you lblt so secure sit- answers you're looking for. ting next to her? . \ You said you love me, WhyT All, I've \ Y"rt',, I didn't have a problem in the ever done my entire life is just mess up. world back then. Operator - Well, the good news is that Operator * God wants to give you that God is willing to lbrgive you and allow you security and inner peace again. to start all over again. In John 4:9-11, God \ (pu,r.") I wish. says you are a great person, I'Ie loved you Operator - I know ol'a prolbssional coun- enough to send His only son to die lbr you selor in your city that would like to talk to and encourage us to love one another. you. Would you allow me to contact him \ 1porr.") I used to love to go to church. and arrange lbr you to meet with him? He My mom used lo take me every Sunday to can do l:or you what I can't do over the hear this old guy, kind oflike a grandpa or \ l'r," got two babies now and they are phone. something. He would talk so nice to every- both getting on my nerves. The guy I'm liv- \Whot'" that? one. Then Mom, she just quit going, she qurr ing with doesn't want any type of commit- Operator - everything . . . that's when my dad leli. ment in our relationship and I'm just at the Help you answer all those point where I lbel like ending it all. questions in your mind and introduce you Operator - What happened next? to people who really care about you. 3 Operator * What I hear you suggestrng rs D' \ lVeil, alier I got into high school I that su;c;de is an alternative that you have \ I rhoughr those kind ol'people were didn't want any more religion. I just want- thought about. Suicide will not solve your ext;nct. ed to lly high. problems. What about the legacy you would Operator - No, t:here are still a lbw ol'us - Operator What do vou meanT leave your two children? ar.ound but you have to look in the right \ Yo, know, back then it was-Sex, \ Yor'.. right and I know that suicide Pnce. Drugs, and Rock & Roll. is not the answer but I have so manv \ Y"rl,, I'd like that.

The local police and social services were immediately infbrmed ol'the possibilit.yof a suicide attempt. They were notil!ed of' the young lady's address and phone number. That same morning - a local prof'essionalcounselor in her area was noti{ied o1'saturda.y night's events. IIe w,as inlbrmed o{' her situation and gave his permission fbr Lil'eAid to contact her and give her his number. Lil'eAid then called Social Services again 1o conlirm that they had investigared the situation. They assured us that they had and that she was {bllowing up on the counseling ref'erral she had received. Two weeks later we again received a phone call f'rom this young lady, but this time she had a completely different message. She still had problems to deal with and realized it was going to take time to flnd all the answers but she was ex.,ired and expressed the hope and confidence she f'elt since renewing her relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and in receiving help from trained prof'essionalswho were also dedicated Christians. She thanked Lif'eAid tbr their timelv intervention and lor caiins,-Chris- tian operators who were always available to help in times of need. -7 24rrrHOURSADAY rrrrrrE DAYSAWEEK FEAI Old Time Gospel [Iour Counseling Ministry . Lynchburg, VA 24514 I ( ( I B*.rty is callingmen and women togetherto fight this banle. I would stronglyurge everyPastor in Americato get minvolved by hosting this CelebrationConference in and through their church. Dr. Tlm

"Not on\ do Dorothy and I congrarulate CWA on this "Beverly taHaye md Concerned w()mcn for America l(hh amiversry we thznk the hrrd fr>r tteverly taHaye have filled a real need in ()ur country during this l:st and all her asrx'iates for <-Lringto stand up for principles dcudc. Thc widr spreadsupprt hasqivtn lietothcclaim (r)[\ome] that deserve to sutrivc. Vith CVAwaging the goneof the out America is the largest and America standing Chrisdm leaders of most im[x)rtant w()men s izatiorLs \vomen this century, and Concemed orgmizati()n in Amerie. Vomen for America will go Beverly tallrrye has done a tect the dom in history m a key nugnificent iob in bringrng provroe organization for clling together an effective fighting which w America back to moral sanity. forcc to eombar tic per. Their influence will be felt "l know of no Chrisdrn niciou evils wtrich re "l am convinced, person "We at TBN heartily en [Tt# for generations to come as womm in Arnerica t(xlay abroad in our l:nd. ller ally, that CrVA is one ofth Bflerly laHa,Ye grat nr values righteousness must be in our ouLstanding seNice to our counry. I am very proud t() and a.ll her coworkers we Dr. Jet4t Fatutell hears. That is the ssence of Dr. BIA kvd and our nati()n." be in the fight with allies say,'God Speed, we re with Conp6 what CWA wmts to do." you'." Dt. Pat Robr$on like you." Knp Jrch Cbratdan BftadrNtlng Judge RoM Bor* Jan artd Paal Crattcb 'ffit"ry of H.U.D. Nehl\t* Trlntn Bftpd.Nt Netutrl r I invite you to join with Concemed "lt is heanening to know that the "In just a few short years, you've tf(/omenfor America for an enormous, single largestwomen's group in this become the largest politically nation is a group whose goals are at active women's organization in the nationwideevent-an event that will send a one with the traditions of this nation. Beverly laHaye is changing messageto the entire world that \urEI$nLL country, and whose single over- the face of American politics, and PROTECTOI"]R CHILDREN AND riding purpose is the preservation she deserves our thanks and of those same Judeo-Christian congratulations...she'sone of the GRAI{DCHILDREN! values which motivated the powerhouses on the political scene rF founders of our nation." today, and one of the reasons that lhe secularhumanists have boldly stated Presld.ent George Busb the grassroots are more and more a thaq"By the year 2000we will...raiseour conservative province. " Ronad Reagan childrento believe in human potential, not God."Evidences of this arc all aroundus. The lastdecade is here,bringing us closer to the rum of the century.\Xho will save*re children? On this historic day, Concerned'Womenfor Americawill celebrateits Tenth Anniversary by looking forward to "The Decadeof Destiny for America'sChildren." You'll be part of the biggestnationwid e all-daycelebration conference in history- Itaeata satcWfie-designed specificallyfor everyonewho wantsto preservetraditionalJudeo- Christianvalues in this country for generationsto come.As we standtogether, this extraordinaryevent will literally re-shapethe destinyof our nation-for the sakeof our nextgeneration.

Jotn us for a tremendousprogram including well-knosrnpersonalities and experts on the issues,and a lovely banquet-an entire dynamic dayof focusingon the important issuesthat face us, our children and grandchildren. Fo, tt e sakeof our nation'schildren...don't miss this once-in-a-lifetimeoppornrnity! Pleaseuse the coupon to order two or more ticketstoday. Seating is limited-don't delay! A .!)r "ve want to thank --,-*'-:*T Beverly taFlaye for helping women all over our rxation /'l stand up for nhat's right fol America." Pat artd MrIey Bdrre CA,LL NOW FOR THE SITE NEAREST YOU 1-800-282-3888

OYES! Enclosed is my check for one or more tickets at $25 each to reserve a total of tickets. ''Ihe youthand future of "Congratulations to trYES! Enclosed is my love gift of $ -for this event depend on organ Concemed Vomen for like Concerned America on the celebration because I cannot attend. nenfor America to pro- ofvou 10th annivesarv! the moml vdues md to Being a mother of three, wlth guidance e $e moral yet another child on theway, Phone ( ) will keep our nation I am comfoned by the fact and free. For the past "No group in this nation that thse are organizadons Cu/A has served as can claim to have done more such as Concerned Vomen ( encounSer ano pro to stem the tides of deca- for America *to are con- ofparenal rights and dence and decay, and to keep cemed with protecting our 56f ...... _7.tD - - dly unil I look to ClvA America rue to rhe wlues young people from the un thenentenyemmd that make her a Shining City necessary clutter and Chtrgc mY (Tedit c{d No to condnue to be a uoon a Hill than Concemed confusion of pomography, advocate for the Vomm for America. May you child abuse, drugs, etc. May FJ baclbone of this serue many more decades in God continue to bless your MAIL THIS COUPON AMP TO: the cause of familv, hith and very viul ministry." BEVERLYIAFIAYE c/o Celebration Conference BU BrTgbt freedom." kndt Pattl wc@&Jucb/ls, Patuhl.8rcturcn P.O. Box 95003, $Tashington,D.C. 20090-6003 Sndlcobd C<*.mntst All cbechs slnuld be made payabk b CwA Tich.4 vtes arL' nott reJurulable lf wu buy a ticket( s ) and tben cannot attend, it mat be ftarcIfred to a Iridd or oe.lited 6 a t4 deductible .lonation to CWA Write P.O. R6 9600.l, W^bingb\ I) C. 2M9O.60Of u,itb .Nrt request. ficket sales ale nol IN deductible LIIIITED SEATINCTR.S.V.P. ONLY strong gospelmessages. another school,in a LIGHT'89:Ministering No matter how often rough neighborhoodin in South America the statement is made, Buenas Aires, over 300 it cannot be taken lightly rowdy students were -children and young quieted when the team LIGHT'89, a unique English, Spanish, or peopleare the future of sang "No Other Name missions outreach spon- Portuguese;utilizing the world. Teams active But Jesus." After the '89 soredby LIGHT Ministries puppets and skits; or in LIGHT impacted gospelpresentation over of Liberty University, performing gymnastics, thousandsof these young 30 prayed to receive focusedits 23-day evan- teams of young people lives, helping them set Christ as Saviour. gelistic thrust in Argen- opened doors to effective a clear coursefor the Speakingof this service, tina. Brazil. and Chile. ministry and drew future. team member Elizabeth Over 100 students and peopleto the gospel The teams' dynamic DeMosssaid, "God faculty divided into six presentation. Rob Jackson, programs were ideal in definitely worked in teams (LIGHT Singers, LU's campus pastor a public schoolsetting. hearts. He doesn't need Kids International, Single and director of one of Their energy and en- ideal circumstancesto be Purpose,Young Believers, the teams, was im- thusiasm captivated the able to work. He just LIGHT Internationals, pressedwith "how mar- students. The majority wants us to be faithful and Youth Quest),joining velous it was to see God of them were ready to and tell. He will work forceswith missionaries, weave circumstances attentively and thought- out the circumstances." national pastors, Bible together for His glory." fully listen as team At many schoolsboth institute students, and This was especiallytrue members shared testimo- students and teachers other national workers for programs conducted nies and presenteda respondedto the gospel. to share the gospel with in numerous public concisegospel message. One principal had tears as many people as schoolswhere the teams At one schoola series in her eyes as the team possible. were able to uncom- of servicesran from sang"Jesus Never Fails." Whether singing in promisingly present 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. At A teacherin his mid-



="u'"""t: * W # ,J

[)hol,o by Iloward [!rickson

36 FundamentalistJournal I thirties unashamedly tation to receive Christ. me to use whatever abil- deep burden, not only for followedthe teams' Those respondingmet ities I have in serving Brazil but for a lost and presentation,and with with Brazilian coun- the peoplethere. I plan dying world. My prayer severalstudents around selors who recordedtheir to return as a short-term is that you would not him raised his hand and names and gave each missionary and serve as forget this burden. then prayed to receive person a Portuguese the Lord leads." Please don't let this bur- Christ. New Testament. Russ Dean, one of the den die, but share this Arnie Smith, one of On five consecutive team's host missionaries burden with others, be- the host missionaries evenings the team con- in Brazil, gave this final causethis is the impact '89 in Chile, felt that what ductednine concerts,with challenge to LIGHT that you will have in the team accomplished over 10,000people stop- participants: "God has world missions." in the schools"in just ping to listen. Members broken many of your a few days has opened of the literature distribu- hearts, and given you a Howard Erickson doorsfor us in the tion team gave tracts to schoolsand among the as many as possible.In young people of our city. all, they distributed more Liberty'sHomecoming 1989 Also, the program itself than 60,000 tracts at the has made a statement boat docks, over 22,000 in our city and among in one evening alone. Liberty University's soccerteam plays our own people about ex- This gospelencounter HomecomingWeekend Highpoint College at cellencein the Lord's could well be the only 1989 takes place October 11:00a.m. work, and the fact that contact most of these 20 to 22. This year's LU's football team the world and false peoplehave with a activities begin with the kicks off at 1:40p.m. religion do not have a Christian witness. Miss Liberty Pageant on against Towson State at monopolyon talent and Throughout the course Friday evening at 7:30 the new Willard May '89 excellence." of LIGHT over in the Multipurpose Center. Stadium. Other aspectsof this 125,000people were On Saturday, October Make your plans now outreachalso stand out, ministered to through 2t, the seventh annual to attend Homecoming suchas the series of the various aspectsof LU 4-miler begins at Weekend 1989-you servicesconducted at the this outreach. More than 8:30 a.m. The men's won't want to miss it! ferryboat landings in 200,000received a Niteroi, Brazil. detailed gospeltract. Of Overcrowdedferry- the 7,735 who prayed to C A L E 'V D A N boatsapproach the dock receive Jesus Christ as with scoresof people personal Saviour, over October standing on the bow 90 percent were dealt 1 - SpiritualLife Seminaf featuring readyto go ashore and with personally. Their Dr. Jerry Vines,Thomas Road return to their homes names and addresses BaptistChurch after a busy workday. were recordedso effec- - During rush hour up to tive follow-up could 2-6 Dr Falwellspeaks at First Baptist 30,000people an hour begin. In fact, before the Church,Dallas, Texas arrive at the docks. As teams left South America 7 - LU vs. Eastern lllinois (Willard May they surged through the follow-up had already Stadium),1:40 p.m. dockexit they were im- started. National workers - Dr Falwellspeaks at Faith Baptist mediately met by a smil- had been in new con- 8 ing Liberty student with verts' homes, starting Church,Arnold's Valley,Virginia hand outstretched, offer- them on a seven-partdis- 13 - Dr. Falwellspeaks at Riverside ing a gospeltract. cipleship course and BaptistChurch, Denven Atop a small flatbed providing them with a 20-22- HomecomingWeekend at LU truck positioned 100 feet New Testament. from the ferry exit a At least 18 team 20 - Miss LibertyPageant, 7:30 p.m. LIGHT team was begin- members also made life- 21 - SeventhAnnual LU -Miler 8:30a.m. ning their third 40-minute changing decisions '89. 21 - LU vs. TowsonState (Willard May program of the evening. during LIGHT Cheri p.m. As the team sang, Toney said, "The Lord Stadium),1:40 hundredsof people on has placed a special bur- 28 - lmperialsin concertat LU (Multi- their way home stopped den on my heart for the purposeCenter), 8:00 p.m. to listen. Each program country of Argentina. I 29 - Dr Falwellspeaks at LancasterCounty closedwith a public invi- pray that He will allow Bible Church, EastPetersburg, Pennsylvania A Beautyof a BeastFound in the Land of the Dinosaurs

During the first week broken up with a of May an excavating gasoline-poweredjack- team from Liberty Univer- hammer. Once the team sity traveled to a place got to the actual bones, near Grand Junction. they used a pneumatic Colorado,to dig up a chisel to break up the dinosaur. This dinosaur rock surrounding the was to be the first of its bones. kind in any creation They applied gum sciencemuseum in the arabic to the bonesto world. harden them. because The team, composed when bones are first ex- Arlton Murray be- of Arlton Murray, James posedthey can crack or Iieves he and his team Hall, and students Jared shatter. They encased recoveredabout 85 per- Bryson, Jonathan DeBoe, the bones and rock in cent of the dinosaur. "It and David King, dug up burlap and plaster of is difficult to tell, about 7,000to 8,000 paris. This kept the however. due to the fact pounds of bone and rock bones safe until they that most of the bones over a period of about could be carefully are still encasedin the two months. cleaned and preserved. rocks that were brought The processof ex. The excavatorsex- back from Colorado." he cavating the dinosaur periencedseveral said. was tedious work that difficulties involving an It will take about two involved the use of spe- irrigation ditch on the and a half years for the cial skills and equip- property and big boul- dinosaur to be prepared ment. The bones were ders that had to be for the Creation Museum buried beneath a layer of moved to completethe at Liberty University. N rock had dig. The boneswill probably that to be A ltt I c c4

f ffi f


38 FundamentalistJournal


THUNDER IN THE PULPIT Httgh Latfmer Apostleto the Englishand "ConstantMartyr"

he priest's ser- As his body mon was merci- o burned that fully short. His d Oetober, bextwas, , "Though I give he lighted my body to be burned, o a eandle and have not charity, I in England am nothing." The two men attempt- that has never ed to answer the priest, gone out. but their request was refused. One by one their clothes and other belong- In the nineteenth centu- ings were given to sym- ry a leading theologian pathetic bystanders. The wrote that Latimer was old man, who had looked "the one man in En- so withered, crooked,and gland whose conduct shabbily dressed, looked was, perhaps,absolutely surprisingly tall and straightforward, up- straight in his long new right, and untainted shroud. with the alloy of base A smith wrapped an metal." Finally, Chester iron chain around the himself writes that "it waist of the younger may safely be said that man, Nicholas Ridley, for every man whose and fastenedit to a stake. mind was convinced by He fastened Hugh the theolory of a Cran- Latimer, the older man, mer or a Ridley, there to another stake and tied were a hundred whose a bag of gunpowder conscienceswere touched around each man's neck. by the voiceof Latimer." Others piled sticks around the two As the flames leapt around Rid- Who was this man who evokes men. Then someone came over to ley like excited dogs, Latimer such signifrcant responses,but about Ridley with a lighted stick. turned to him and mouthed the whom most of us know so little? The time was the reign of Queen prophetic words by which he is best Hugh Latimer was born about a Mary in the sixteenth century. The known: "Be of goodcomfort, Brother hundred miles north and a bit west young Protestant king, Edward VI, Ridley, and play the man; we shall of London in a small village outside had died just over two years earlier, this day light such a candle by God's the city of Leicester called Thur' and the effort to crown Protestant grace,in England, as I trust never caston.The precisedate ofhis birth Lady Jane Grey collapsed after she shall be put out." is not known, but the best informa- had been queen for only nine days. ln Hugh Lati,mur, Apostle to the tion suggests about the Year Mary, the eldest daughter of Engli,sh, arguably the best biogra- Christopher Columbus sailed for Henry VIII, ruled from 1553 to phy ofthe greatest preacher ofthe America. 1492. 1558, but some 300 "heretics" in- early English Reformation, Univer- His father was a yeoman'farmer cluding Ridley and Latimer lost sity of Pennsylvania ProfessorAllan also named Hugh. All we know of their lives during those five short G. Chester mentions three esti- his mother is that she supervised years, a slaughter unprecedentedin mates of Latimer's greatness. A the milking of 30 cows and gave English history. Roman Catholic imperial ambas- birth to several sons, of whom only sador in Latimer's day said he had the Reformer reached adulthood, by Leslie R. Keylock "made more heretics" than Luther. and six daughters.

40 FundamentalistJournal

T Young Hugh was very bright. that in 7548 a pulpit had to be built Around the age of 14 he headed to for him in the king's private garden Cambridge University, about 65 in Westminster becausethe Royal miles southeast of his home. with Chapel was too small for all the dig- the hope of becoming a priest. nitaries who wanted to hear him. Graduatingwith a B.A. in 1510and In the sixteenth century a man an M.A. in 1514, he achieved his was consideredold at 50. By 1550 goal and was ordained by William Atwater, the bishop of Lincoln, in 1515.For the next 10 years he pre- "I beganto smell pared for the bachelor of divinity the Wordof God, degree, during which time he lec- tured, was appointed one of 12 and forsook "university preachers" who could the school-doctors preach anywhere in England, and washonored with the post of "cross- and suchfooleries." keeper." Though Latimer's training had beenthe scholasticprog"am ofwhat we today call traditional Catholi- Latimer, already popularly known cism,Erasmus's Greek New Testa- as "old Latimer," was not in good ment and Lutheran ideas began health and retired from active in- seeping into England, and many volvement in national religious af- youngtheologians came under their fairs, though he continued to preach influence. in the area of Lincolnshire and War- b*Ihe Latimer opposed them at first, wickshire. His faithful servant, the but under the influence of Thomas Swiss Augustine Bernher, wrote Bilney and the "new learning" he that he generally preached"two ser- wasconverted. "From that time on," mons each Sunday, and rising every hewrote, "I began to smell the Word morning, winter and summer, at of God, and forsook the school- two o'clock [in the morningJ to doctorsand such fooleries." study," not the typical picture of For the rest ofhis rich and varied retirement today. life he defended such biblical ideas When the sickly King Edward VI asjustification by faith alone. As a died oftuberculosison July 9, 1553, result, when he came to the atten- and Lady Jane Grey's reign col- tion of monarchs such as Henry lapsed after nine days, Henry VIII's VIII, Edward VI, and Mary, he was older daughter, Mary, became a marked man. queen. Since she was the daughter Henry VIII thought of himself as of Henry's first wife, Katharine of something of a theologian of the old Aragon, it is not surprising that she school.He was also a crafty politi- was Roman Catholic. Even during cian, so he supported Protestant Edward's reign, when Roman Reformerslike Latimer only as long Catholic practice was illegal, she as he needed them to get his vari- managed to hear mass celebrated ous marriages dissolved. In 1535 daily in her own private chapel. Latimer was appointed Bishop of Although she consentedto allow Ed- Worcester, in the far west of En- ward's funeral to be held at West- gland, but in 1539 Thomas Crom- minster Abbey and to permit well, Henry's vicar-general, tricked strongly Protestant Archbishop him into resigning his bishopric. He Thomas Cranmer to conduct the had so fallen from the king's graces service according to Protestant and ecclesiastical approval that forms, she did not attend her own when Henry died in 1547he was in half-brother's service. prison in the Tower of London. Instead,shejoined 400 others at Young Edward's regents were a solemn requiem mass for Edward Protestants, so it is not surprising in the chapel of the Tower of Lon- that when Edward became king, don, celebratedby staunchly Roman Latimer was immediately released Catholic Bishop Stephen Gardiner, from prison. Under the Duke of whom she had released from five Somerset Latimer was highly years of imprisonment in that very regarded.So great was his preaching same tower! With such a dramatic overnight Our Saviour Himself spokethese love, nothing is of any importance. change from Protestantism to words at His Last Supper.It was the "Tho I speak with tongues of Roman Catholicism, Latimer's for- last sermon He made to His disci- men and angels, and yet had no tunes changed for the worse. He ples before His departure. As a per- love," Paul says, "I were even as seems to have realized that mar- sonwho knows he will die soon,our sounding brass, or as a tinkling tyrdom was his fate and to have Saviour wanted to spend that little cymbal. And tho I could prophesy faced the prospect without flinching. time He had left with His friends. and understand all secrets and all Though he was summoned to Lon- knowledge;yet if I had faith, so that don the following September, Mary's I could move mountains out of their messengers apparently hoped he Spirituallove places,and yet had no love, I were would flee the country rather than is soimportant nothing. And tho I bestowed all my return to London. He did not. goodsto feedthe poor, and tho I gave The court condemnedhim to the that whenyou haveit my body even that I were burned, Tower of London. His imprisonment you haveeverything and yet had no love, it profiteth me at first was not very severe,though nothing" (1 Cor. 13-Latimer quotes he suffered from lack ofheat in the you need. from the Great Bible of 1539; the winter. Along with Archbishop King James Version was not trans- Cranmer and Bishop Nicholas Rid- lated until the following century). Iey he was excommunicated on These are godly gifts. Yet Paul April 20, 1554, and expectedmar- exhorting and instructing them as calls them nothing when a person tyrdom immediately. to how they should lead their lives. does not have love with them. Unknown to the three great Our whole duty is contained in There are those who say that Reformers,however, it would take these words: Love one another. So Paul was speaking against the dig- almost two years before laws would Paul says, "He that loveth another nity of faith. You must understand, be in place that would allow the ex- fulfilleth the whole law." It seems however, that Paul speakshere not ecution of such leading clerics. that all things are contained in this of justifying faith by which we (Laws against Protestants had un- word "love." Our Saviour said, "By receive everlasting life. He speaks derstandably been repealed under this shall all men know that ye are instead of the kind of faith that en- Edward.) my disciples, if ye shall love one ablesus to move mountains and per- Finally, in October 1555 both another." form other miracles. Ridley and Latimer refused their Christ makes love His uniform, This kind of love flows out of last chance to recant. Ironically, it His insignia. Just as many employ- faith. No one can love unless he be- was the Bishop of Lincoln, a succes- ers give a uniform to their em- lieves. The two are inseparable. sor of the man who had ordained ployees,so peoplewill know what Paul also says, "Now abideth Latimer 40 years earlier, who sen- company they work for, so our faith, hope, and love, even these tenced them to be burned. Saviour wants His servants known three; but the chiefest of these is All those today whose Evangeli- by their uniform and badge, love. love." It may seem that Paul is cal roots go back to England can Anyone who is full of love is His praising love and dispraising faith. now look back to the martyrdom of servant, becauselove is the badge In fact, however, Paul is speaking of Hugh Latimer for objecting to the that identifies us as servants of eternity. Love will be the greatest theological and ecclesiastical cor- Christ. Love may be called the very because it endures forever, even ruptions that even Roman Catholics uniform of Christ. when we cometo God andbelieve no now admit were real, and give The personwho lovesis Christ's more becauseour eyeswill seeHim thanks to God for his great courage servant. The person who does not face to face as He is. and faith. love is the Devil's servant. For just For example, I cannot tell the as Christ's uniform is love. so the mayor to make me a pair of shoes I Leslie R. Keylock is associate Devil's uniform is hatred, malice, becausehe is more important than professor of Bible and theology at and discord. a shoemaker. It is not his job to Moody Bible Institute and director I think the Devil has many more make shoes. of Moody Write-to-Publish Con- servants than Christ does.There are Similarly, though love is great- ference. more people who wear his uniform er than faith, it is not love's job to than Christ's uniform. There are save. few who are full of love, gentleness, Are we wearing Christ's uni- and meeknessof spirit, but there are form? We get the answer from PauI: Are You Wearing a gteat number who have hate and "Love is patient; she suffereth Ghrist'sUniform? malice in their hearts, who are long." proud and haughty. If, therefore, we lose our temper by Hugh Lati.mer Paul tells us how important love and get angry, we are not wearing is. Spiritual love is so important our uniform. We must remember 33!nrs rs my commanqmenf,, that when you have it you have not to throw away the uniform of I thatye love oneanother, as everything you need. If, however, Christ our Master. I have loved you" (John l5:L2). you have everything else but lack "Charity is gentle, friendly, and

42 FundamentalistJournal

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I Thunder continued,from page 43 our neighbor. We should be patient Sing A ,"ff,[;8,1#;3',,, when he does something wrong, point its eternal fr out his folly and consequencesto him, and earnestly desirehim to leave his wickedness. In that way we should seek to JofiulSdnsl 4 change him, not hate him or get evenwith him. That is the way you SongtechJunior Sfudio ll Lets wear Christ's uniform. \bu RecordLive! "Love believeth all things." It CDI Low Price seemsas if those who are loving and friendly are the most deceived.Be- causethey think well of everyone, 7990ii'*r,,ili'r... . CompleteSinging System . SfudioEffects believe everyone, and trust their . Built-inCossette Ployer/Recorder . FullStereo Copobility words,they are therefore most de- . EnhonceYour Voice Like Those Used in ProfessionolStudios . Comes"Reody-to-Go" with Microphone, corrying cose ceivedin this world. That is the bur- . godly Youcon even hoveyour own recordingstudio by simply den of the life. ottoching your own cossette ployer wiih the included coores But when those who lack love . Weight 5 lbs. comeat the great day before Christ, they will not have His uniform of PorlobleSing-A-Long AM/FM love. Now let us examine our own Rodio& DuolCossette Recorders wearing hearts, whether we are CDI low Prlce God'suniform or not. If we are not, let us repent and change our ways so we may come into God's favor, 182.50 lilrf i,."",,nsg4so in world to His . ReceivesAM/FM Broodcosts spendour time this . Duol Cossette Decks for Continuous Ploy from Deck to Deck honor and glory, and forgive our t Detochoble Microphone for Sing-A-LongFun neighbors things as they . 6%" DvnomicSoeoker . Echo Feolure all such . HighSpeedDubbing . Weight11 lbs. have done against us. give May God of His mercy us Sludio B Lefs sTsP graceso to walk here in this world, NEWISongfech le charitably and friendly one with \bu Be The Sfqr! joy another,that we may attain the CDI low Price which God hath prepared for all those that love Him. Amen. 244.00ll'l"t1rtt?,, I Adapted and condensed from . Mic MixingControl . AC/DCOperotion . Five Progrom Auto Music Selecl . AuxilioryInputs ond Outputs Tleasurg of the World's Great Ser- . Adiustoble Pitch Control . ExtensionSpeoker Avoiloble morts, by Warren Wiersbe. Copy- . UnidirectionolDynomic . TwoMic Inputs right L977, Kregel Publications. Microphone with 10 Ft.Cord . Weight18 lbs, . Heodphone Jock Gron PrixPorfoble Recorderwith AMEN Sing-A-LongMike "ofh::24.95 iihlffi',... . Ploys/RecordsStondord Cossette Topes CORNER c'-*9 . Deiochoble Microphone . Automotic LevelControl CS00 | for Sing-A-LongFun RecordingSystem "The only man who is Auto Stop oi End of Tope . Weighi 2 tbs. readyto speakfor God in !YES! I AM INTERESTEDIN RECEIVINGYOUR public life is the man FREE COLOR CATALOG FILLED WITH IHE BEST PRICES ON AUDIO/ VIDEO who has been true to EOUIPMENT& SUPPLIES! D PLEASEADD ME TO YOURMAILING LISI Godin hispersonal life." NAME VanceHavner

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tyfrfr. ddiction to alcohol F yoo can,' and I thought this MW had all but de- p suv was really strange for [aw-no,- stroyed the young i not taking advantageofthe black woman's will to live --Esituation." as she visited several doc- E McHugh shared -that tors in a vain attempt to i Christ had made the differ- end her pregnancy. encein his life. baffled The -i "He year was 1958,and none of me," says Miller. "He was them would consider doing consistent,friendly, a gen- an abortion. "Have the tleman, and he wasn't the baby," they urged. nerd type ofChristian I had The baby was born always bumped into at prematurely, and the shopping malls." nurses clicked their tongues McHugh shared the plan in dismay when the scale of salvation with Randal. showed he weighed only Alone in his dormitory 2 pounds and 13 ounces. room that night, Miller ttHets not even cute,tt one asked Christ to do in his nurse remarked. "He'll have a hard life what He had donein Mike's. "To time of it." "Godhas not called a heart ofrepentance and sincerity," As soon as she was able, the me to preach says Miller, "Christ came in that young mother checked out of the night." That same night Miller felt hospital and left her baby behind. civil rights,but God speaking to him about becom- Finally, after eight weeks, the baby He hascalled me ing a preacher. was strong enough to go home-to He began attending a strong anyone who would have him. to preacheternal rights." church, graduated from Liberty His mother refused to seehim, so University, and then moved to Texas his grandmother and various family to becomean associatewith a well- members took turns caring for the known evangelist.In January 1983 child. Before he reached his third simple child's story of "what I did Randal founded IncreaseMinistries. 'He birthday an aunt and uncle decided with my parents last summer," he "My life's verseis John 3:30: to give him a permanent home. At closedhis lips firmly and refused to must increase,but I must decrease,' 18, when he was Iegally able, he con- take up a pencil. He would gladly and my calling is to have a minis- sented to his own adoption and they take a zero rather than admit he try that offersrevival to Christians becamehis parents. had no parents. and evangelism to the lost. This is But all through his growing At 17 Randal spent the summer what God has called and gifted me years the young boy understood bit- working at an amusement park in to do. By no means do I considermy- terness and anger as few children Richmond, Virginia. One of his self a great preacher, but God has do. He heard how his mother had coworkers caught his attention and opened many doors for me to com- tried to end her pregnancy, even at- held it. Mike McHugh was different, municate." tempting suicide at one point, and Miller recalls, "athletic, tall, hand- He is an exuberant preacher who how she had tried to murder his some,and simply dripping with at- roams up and down the platform father. His past stamped him as un- tention from the girls." and punctuates his words with worthy, and somehowhe felt he was Miller approachedMcHugh and strong gestures. He definitely has not good enough to be his mother's slyly asked, "Hey, why aren't you his own style. "Sometimes white child. Randal Miller was not good dating all those girls? Man, you pastors expect me to be the stereo- enough to amount to anything. could date any girl here!" type of what they've heard of un- He flunked second grade. McHugh replied that he was educated black pastors," Miller Whenever he was asked to write a committed to one girl. Miller was admits. "They expect me to be out floored."He didn't make sense,"he of step with current events and by Angela EIweII Hunt recalls. "My mentality was 'date all to lack the communicative skills

46 FundamentalistJournal

I necessaryfor effective evangelism." When I seenew life given to the lost, side, he walked through a housing MiIIer often finds it difficult to I'm reminded Jesus Christ is alive project and knocked tentatively on garner invitations from black and the gospel doesn't change." a door. The woman who opened it churches. "In the black church When he is not on the road was his biological mother. structure the office of an evangelist preaching in revival meetings, He called her for the first time is not acknowledged or utilized. Miller is home with his wife, Lisa, three years earlier, but now he had When a man says, 'I am an evan- and their young twin girls, Kristi arranged to meet her face-to-face. gelist,' it's usually thought to mean and Kara. "It's important to have a She stared at this handsomeman, that he is waiting for a church to family base," he says. "The base of who had sprung from the "ugly" call him as pastor. However, until my ministry is not the oflice in 2-pound baby she had left behind, this takes place he refers to himself Euless,but the home in Arlington. and at his lovely family. Randal sat as an evangelist doing evangelistic If Lisa and I can stay in unity in our and held her hand. They talked for work. Sometimesthe evangelist is marriage and grow as a family, then four hours. seenas a bootlegging preacher who the ministry will grow as well. Randal stood and told his life's doesn't have a purpose or direction "IfI had to give adviceto a young story to a church gathering in Lar- in the ministry." evangelist, I'd say spendtime in the go, Florida, one week later. "I apolo- But Randal Miller has not had Word consistently and develop the gize for being so emotional tonight," trouble filling his calendar. In re- art of searching out the Scriptures he explained as his voice broke. cent months he has preachedbefore for personal growth rather than "But God has been teaching me. I've the Southern Baptist National searching the Scriptures for another learned that God doesn't always call Evangelism Conference,in dozensof sermon. B.R. Lakin always said, the qualified, but He always quali- churches,appeared on numerous TV 'Learn to preach the gospel."' fies the called." programs, and conducted several His family brings his greatest youth camps. In one youth meeting joy. His preaching is used mightily I If your church would like to hear ofover 700, there were over 500 de- of God. But the thing that brought from evangelist Randal Miller, you cisionsin three days, 160 of which Randal Miller the greatest pleasure may write him at Increase Minis- were for salvation. The leadership recently was a meeting in Brooklyn, tries, PO Box 24, Euless, Texas was unprepared for the deluge ofde- New York. With his familv at his 76039,or call (817)468-8710. cisions. Miller estimates that 60 percent of the churchesin which he preaches are white. "The greatest need of white America is to view the black Buil theBodv community through the eyes of the (:trt-ffiGffi)-oiiirc present day, instead ofthrough rri'orc the Ih.ch6 Uo eyesoftheir grandparents," he says. H-a lod's\Ahv. "So much has changedculturally for the advancementofthe black race, but a lot of white pastors know noth- ing about the community. They have a strong desire to know, and Ourcomplete line they make great efforts to try to of SundavSchool have input, but for the most part the currilulumis white community is totally unedu- cated as to the needs and desires of desiqnedto the black community. spirituallyfortify "The greatest need ofthe black community is for black leaders,who andstfinqthen each student from Cradle Roll to Adult. historically have been religious leaders,to boldly articulate a clear Supportrfraterials are also available to helpteachers and messageofrepentance and redemp- wolkersas they develop more effective prbgrams that tion. God has not called me to will yieldeternlal results. preachcivil rights, but He has called me preach to eternal rights." Rqulatup*Prs i Miller finds his purpose arrd.zeal 1300N. MeachanRd., I Schaumbufg,lL 60173-4888 i in holding forth that message."As Plw snd 0s a w cuniculun 6blog lo help equip us il re an evangelist I'm meeting people build lh€ Body. constantly, and the messageI share Mul*hpnttPress is full of life. When someone RIll' CanadianI)istribukrr: responds to the gospel, I feel the EizengaMinisties 171Wilhwbrook Road : FJlu same excitement I felt when I wit- Thornhill.Ontario. Canada l,li'l' 51,5 nessedthe birth of my daughters.

october1989 47 tool today. The Bible says in the end times this type of evil will be predominant throughout the world. Look at the young men and women in our society who are $po out in public nodding and dopedout of their heads. Satan is behind this. Those who snort coke are victims of a srn, not a sickness. Satan is also behind the gambling cartels. He is behind the state lottery. He is behind Atlantrc City and Las Vegas. He is behind pornography. He is behind it all! This world is not righteous; it is corrupt. The Devil goesabout as a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour. If you are not a Christian, he will destroy you! If you are a Other meanings have to Christian, he will try to do with "destroy" and destroy your testimony. "perish." It is as if Peter He cannot destroy your gasolineand add a lighted was writing to us today, soul, but he can destroy match to it, you will ex- saying that as Christians your testimony. perience an instantly we have escapedthe Beloved, sad to say, "Whereby are giuen flaring trash pile. The decay in this world. We many who claim to be unto us er,ceedirrygreat three ingredients-the have escapedthe ruin of marching up the King's and preci,ous promi,ses: trash, the gasoline, and world experiences. Highway with Christ, are that by these ye mi.ght the match-are all that We have escapeddestruc- in reality out of step with bepartakers of the di.ui,ne are necessaryfor spon- tion and we have es- Christ and in step with nature, haui,ng escaped taneous combustion. capedperishing. the world. That's right! the eorntption that is in Spontaneouscorrup- In 1 John 2:16 we Mr. Moody was asked the uorld through lust" tion operateson the read, "For all that is in by a man who had re- (2 Peter 1:4). same principle. When all the world, the lust of the cently given his life to The Bible clearly tells the ingredients are flesh, and the lust of the Christ, "How can I give us there is corruption in there, it will inevitably eyes, and the pride of up my friends?" the world through lust. I happen. Take a world, life, is not of the Father, Mr. Moody looked at wish to discusswhat I soak it in sin, and add but is of the world." him and answered,"If call "spontaneouscorrup- the match of transgression Like a mother who you live for Christ, the tion," but first I'd like to -you will have spon- nurses an infant, Satan world will give you up." discuss "spontaneous taneous corruption. It is nurses the evil and the I used to drink and combustion." What is it? what happenedto this corruption in this world. carousewith my friends Those of you who are world after Adam's Fall. He is behind the liquor on weekends.But after I familiar with a gasoline The word cor'ru,pti,on industry. Liquor kills dedicatedmy life to engine know that spon- comesfrom a Greek more peoplethan all the Christ, I took about a taneous combustion word with three or four wars we have had. We hundred dollars worth of takes place when all the meanings. The first ought not to fool with wine and poured it out. I necessaryingredients meaning is "decay"- the liquor industry! was singing, "Praise are combined.An illus- something decaying is Satan is also behind God!" I mean it. That day tration: If you take a corrupt. The second the illegal drug traffic. It I stood before my pile of trash soaked in meaning is "ruin." is Satan's most potent refrigerator and said,

48 FundamentalistJournal

I "Thank you, Jesus." I did not give it up becauseI was afraid I would go to hell. I gave it PastoralDuties and Conduct up becauseI stood before - the same refrigerator my Part2 Visitation children stood before. I did not want them to fol- Home Sick moving away, joining low in my footsteps. I Calls. It is Call/Shut-In. other churches, or sim- was afraid they would very impor- Visiting the ply backsliding. ff the die as drunkards. tant for the sick displays church is to grow in at- -"ryif.!d$,iit:l Do you know how I pastor to Christian tendance,new people are many friends I had after visit. If the pastor is not love, concern,and com- vital. that? Not many. I did interested in soulwin- passion and affords an The Unsaued Prospect. not have to give them ning, the peoplewill not opportunity for spiritual This visit has a twofold up; they gave me up. I be. If the pastor does not counseling.A selection purpose:to lead the did not have dirty jokes have a burden for mis- of Scripture and prayer prospect to Christ, if pos- to tell, no booze to drink, sions, the congregation is very important. The sible, and to enlist him and one guy told me, will not. Likewise, if the length of the call should to church attendance. "Man, you are a drag. pastor does not visit, the be determined by the Here you must "feel You used to be fun." peoplewill not visit. The physical condition of the your way along" and be I said, "Thank God. I pastor should visit to set patient. led by the HoIy Spirit. am dragging for Jesus." the example, and he Death Go as far as you can, Sadly, too many people should visit for his own Call. Perhaps and when you sense areworldly Christians. sake. In homes and there is no resistancepull back and SomeChristians drink the hospitals he has the other occa- encourage him to come world's booze, smoke the opportunity to observe sion when to church. Be sure to world's grass, buy oodles people where they really the pastor is needed as leave a good tract with of lottery tickets, use the are. It also affords him definitely as when some- the plan of salvation. AI- world's illegal drugs, the opportunity to one dies. His presence ways leave in such a dealin porn, and fre- receive feedback. This gives the family a strong way that you are wel- quent X-rated movies. awareness contributes shoulder on which to come back. They say they are part of to more effective lean when it seemsas if The Saued Prospect. the bride of Christ, but ministry. their world has fallen Saved prospects may they are flirting with the Fellow- apart. His prayers and have recently moved to world all the time. ship Call. words of Scripture give your area and are look- God does not want This call is needed strength. There ing for a church home, thosewho belong to Him basically for may be situations when or they may have left a involved in the world. the purpose a family has recently church in your area. My friend, we cannot of Christian fellowship, moved to town and may Peoplewill respond lovethe Lord and the usually with members of ask your advice regard- better if they sense the world at the same time. your church. This is vi- ing funeral arrange- pastor is genuinely in- I could not tell my wife, tal in the work of a new ments. But as a general terested in them as rn- "Honey,I sure love you, pastor. rule. do not recommend dividuals and in their but I won't be home this Absentee funeral directors, doc- spiritual growth. They weekendbecause I'lI be Call. The tors, car dealers, insur- resent being considered with my girlfriend." The purpose of ance salesmen,real another "scalp on the Bible urges us to "come this call is estate firms, and so belt." Take more time out from among them" f,LH$itril]fTmto let people forth. showing interest in them and "love not the things know they are missed; Prospect as people than in doing that are in the world." to invite them back; Call. This a selling job for your We cannot love God to try to determine call is the church. andthe world at the same the reason for their lifeblood ofthe When calling on time. We cannot work absence.Do not put church. If a prospects who have left full time for God and them down for their church is even to stay con- their former churches, be moonlight for the Devil. absence.You are not stant in attendance,it must careful to be kind and there to chastise, but to attract new people.This is ethical. Do not directly l "Preachert'Joseph encourage and to bind necessary to offset losses or indirectly encourage Brown up spiritual wounds. due to deaths and to people them to "pull down" their former church or and so on; answer his If after you have identi- staff member will usual- pastor. Above all, do not questions;give him some fied yourself and been in- ly allow you time to join in their criticism. positive steps to follow in vited to enter, the have a short prayer be- Their former church continuing on in his deci- patient is not properly fore you leave. On such experiencesshould be sion (personalBible attired, excuseyourself occasionsI usually say past history. Dwell on study, new convert class); and return later. The pa- to the doctor or nurse, their present condition show him that you care tient may not be aware "Is it all right if I have and their future service. for him as an individual of the situation, and if a brief prayer before I Try to bind up their and not just a statistic someoneelse entered the leave?" I have never wounds and encourage for the church records. room, your integrity been refused. Such them to put out of their Hospital could be questioned. consideration goesa lives all bitterness and to Calls. Since If a doctor or nurse long way with doctors continue serving the many hospi- comesin while you are and other hospital Lord, even if it is not ul- tal procedures visiting and needsto at- personnel. timately in your church. are carried tend the patient, ter- When there have been out in the mornings, minate your visit. The I Harold Henniger doctrinal errors you afternoons are usually should take time to in- prime time for hospital struct the people in cor- visitation. Be aware of For I/outh Pastors rect Bible doctrine, all the patient's condition the while being careful and act accordingly.If to avoid personal criti- the patient is in a pri- Tract-cr-Treati cism of former pastors vate room, the pastor can and church members. counsel more effectively Youth really struggle with the idea of serving The Invi- than in a multiple-bed the Lord. They fear rejection from their peers. tation room. In the caseof a Here is an idea for getting today's youth Results semiprivate room, if the interested in an old-fashionedwitnessing tactic- Follow-Up. patient in the other bed distributing tracts. Instead of "trick-or-treating" These calls seemsto respondto you at Halloween, take the youth "tract-or-treating." are extremely important and your ministry, you Plan a costume party for Halloween and ask due to two factors. Peo- can pursue the matter of each person to bring a bag of candy. Have lunch ple are usually dealt his church affiIiation and bags, church literature, and tracts ready so the with at an altar when so forth. Some hospitals group can work together fill they respond to an invi- have very strict rules to the bags with tation. We do not take concerning the proselyt- candy and literature. You will want to include a much time with "the ing of other people,so be messageabout who you are. For example, "This convert." We show him a cautious enough not to spooky bunch who just knocked on your door is few verses and ask him antagonizethe hospital. from Heritage Baptist Youth Group." Teams of to repeat a short prayer. However, if the person two or three should take about 10 bags each There is not enough time doesnot respondto your and go knock on doors.When peoplewelcome to effectively and gesture of friendliness, you with candy,just say, "Thank you, but we thoroughly counsel with do not force yourself on don't want any candy. Instead we want to give the person. you him. Even when pray you a treat from (fill in your church name)." They A member of the with your member be will be surprised, but usually do not refuse. In pastoral staff should considerateof the other fact, you will probably make a follow-up call party, and do not pray so hear commentslike, within two to three days. loudly that he and his "That's different. I've never had anyone give During this call, ascer- visitors are disturbed. me a treat before. Thank you." tain why the person Always knock at the This is an excellent way to get the community respondedto the invita- door of a patient's room, talking about your church and possibly spark in- tion: determine if he identify yourself, and ask terest in visiting. And what about the youth? really understoodthe im- permission to enter be- They think it is fun and a great opportunity to do plications of his decision; fore you look in or go in. something $azy. Promote this event well and you further instruct him Always conduct yourself will cover a lot of territory. from the Scripture con- so that no one, hospital Happy tract-or-treating! cerning baptism, church personnel or visitors, can membership, tithing, think that the patient Martha Harper holy life, assurance, was taken advantage of J repentance,restitution, by your thoughtlessness.

50 FundamentalistJournal

I an unbiased and authoritative source activities have no geographical, THE EDGE OF EVIL concerningthis almost unbelievable sociological, or humanitarian by Jerry Johnston movement. Johnston hoists the lid boundary.It is a deadly movement. off the caldron of hell and reveals The last two chapters, "Educating TheEdge of Euil is a gripping ex- the true intentions of this illusive the Educator" and "Parent's poseof the phenomenonof satanism. and vicious plot of Satan. Precautions," advise of the protec- Jerry Johnston, a noted authority This book will heighten your tive measureswe can take to detect on the teen culture, has investigated awareness of the subtle motives of and correct the problem of satanic from every angle the almost endless those intoxicated with satanism-an involvement. This checklist is in- wealth of infor- insatiable lust for power and plea- valuable. The appendix and glos- mation on this sure. Johnston aptly exposes the sary contains material on occultic frightening sub- gamut of deceptivetools, many that symbols and language, and possible culture. His depict the sadistic and deplorable resource contacts throughout the mammoth effort, behavior accompanying satanic country. which includes rituals, that seduceignorant souls Although the author's rambling interviews with into Satan's clutches. Law- first-person style lends to redundancy, experts in psy- enforcement officials report grisly the book overcomes this minor chotherapy, law- crimes marked by occult symbols weakness by its in-depth content. enforcement offi- and drug abusein small hamlets to Due to the graphic subject matter cials, public and covert satanists, metropolitan cities. The author con- reader discretion is advised (Word and ritualistic murderers, provides cludes that the widespread satanic Publishing, 276 pp., $14.99). Charles Orr

An excerpt from "Well, yeah. I think I was THE EDGE OF EVII too-lots of times. I'd tell stories RAVAGED BY THE NEW AGE: to kids at school about torturing SATAN'S PLAN TO DESTROY And now I wonder how it all somebody and they always OUR KIDS started. "When did you first get thought I was joking; and I sort by Texe Marrs the idea to worship Satan?" I ask of was. But there was something Jim. in me that meant iU there was Texe Marrs's newest book, "About junior high. Before definitely something inside me. RAVAGED BY THE NEW AGE: then I got into drugs and I'd get I'd hear a voice." Satanb Plan to Destroy Our Kids, kicks with thinking about death. "Still hear it?" continues a theme found in his two I always had this obsessionabout He didn't answer for a few earlier books, Mystery of the Neus kiiling-like I'd shoot a bird and seconds. "No. But it would- Age and Dark then get real excited about tear- Actually I thought I saw it some- Secrets of the ing it up. Then in junior high we times. It would tell me to do New Age: Satan's moved to Carl Junction and I'd things." agents are in our sort of pray to both God and "Like to be the first to hit world, they are Satan to see if anybody would Steve with the baseball bat?" active, and they 'Do answer. Then I figured Satan "Yeah. it now,' it said." are implementing liked more what I liked to do so "Any final words to other kids the plan that will I sort of fell away from praying to wanting to dabble out there?" I ultimately usher God." ask. in the Antichrist. "Satan answer any prayers?" "You can't just messaround," Marrs's claims are not tied into I ask. Jim finally says. "It sucks you biblical prophecy, but they are "Sure. I had money and in." enough to make any parent sit up drugs-I'd get them in real sur- I say, "You hang in there" to and take closernotice ofthe televi- prising ways. We were always Jim as I gather up my notebook. sion programs, movies, toys, and praying for demons but they AII the while I can't get out of my bookssurrounding oru children. The never came," head Ron Clements'wordsto the satanic in{luence of the New Age is "I thought Ron once said he dying Steven Newberry: "Be- present from the cradle. A best- thought he was demon pos- causeit's fun, Steve." selling New Age baby name book sessed,"I say. I call for the guard. urges parents to choose"magical or astrological names" as well as

October 1989 51 "names used in incantations to sum- PANDED NEW BORDER. . . NEW mon or exorcise spirits." ORDER. An excerpt from Macy's department stores now Marrs convincingly points out RAVAGED BY THE offer, says Marrs, a line of futuris- the New Age doctrine in Disney's NEW AGE tic clothing for teens called "New CaptainEO production,Boy Scout- Order." Inside each garment is a ing and Girl Scouting, the YMCA There still remains a lot of label that reads: CONFUSION, and YWCA, NASA's spaceprogram, confusion today regarding the CHAOS, DARKNESS...DIRE. and in many unwitting Christian very term "New Age." What THEN, DESTINY'S MERGENCE churches. New Age symbols and doesit all mean?. . .If we are WITH MUCH DESIRE_A teachings are found in common to protect our children, we first GRANDE HORIZON AND EX. comic books (many of which are need to understand the forces that seek their destruction. Briefly, but accurately stat- ed, the New Age is an anE- thing UutJesusreligion. Satan is not a finicky and particular master. He well knows that the only trick he needs to per- form to conquer a person'ssoul is that of separating the in- dividual from the power{ul and merciful love of Jesus. CorrespondenceSchool Yes, the New Age land- scape is littered with bizarue JJfnir is the bestrnaterial we haveever seen or used.A1l the booksso rituals, idolatry, ideas and con- eachother sowell. Ouidauehtersloved it and cepts, and teachings. Among learnedm()re in ()r)eyear thin eucrhef.rre. !! these we find reincarnation, - Arkansas fantasy booksand games(e.g., Dungeons and Dragons,.Nin- tendo's Wi^?nrdsard, Watrirtrs), white magic, black magic, sor- Textbooks cery, shamanism, polytheism and Materials (multiple gods and goddesses), JJ It ir rnybelief that occult symbols (the swastika, A Beka Booksare the pentagram, circle, triangle, finesttexts in North unicorn, etc.),holistic medicine America.We often (polarity therapy, acupunc- Vdeo Home School refer tc'ryour program JJ Wi,fr the viJet-,classrrxrm we sive our s()n ture, reflexolory, rebirthing), asthe'Cadillac'of physical tests and sports (Ninja, quality teaching and a classroom atmosphere. Christianeclucation.! ! martial yoga, Most imrrortantto me is that I can remain'Morn' - Ontario the arts, etc.),oc- while anexcellent teachercives the educationand cult objects and idols (occult my job is to superviseand enforcethe proceduresset figurines, crystals, pyramids, up in the classroom.THANK YOU-\Ve love etc.),psycholory (visualization, A Bekavideoll !! -Iowa meditation, healing of memo- ries), UFO's and extraterres- trials, witchcraft and Satan 'Write worship, astrology and the or call today for information about horoscope,tarot card reading, A Beka CorrespondenceSchool and Video Home School. Ouija boards, palm readings, Ask for a free textbook catalog. fire-walking, sezuloes,mediums, StationJW o Pensacola,FL 32573-9160.n 800-874-BEKA(2352) and spirit channeling. All these and more are signs of New Age occultism and in- fluence in the world. ,fr,aBeka. The most sinister and dan- gerous aspect of the New Age, as far as our kids are concerned, gomb-SCIrooI is that all of these occultic rituals, beliefs, practices, arti- A Clvistian textbookminisny prouiding excellencein Christian education facts, and objectsoften are pre- sented to children in glittery, attractive spiritual wrappings.

52 FundamentalistJournal

I pornographic), picture books, Eden. He told Eve four lies: 1. You man. The sourceof all reality exists teenage novels, and acclaimed will be like God.2. You will not die. in the human mind. Man's problem library books. Sorcery and evil 3. You will know good and evil. is ignorance, not sin. forces are depicted in movies like 4. Your eyes will be opened.Lutzer Although this book tends to dis- Star Wars, Raid.ers of the Lost Ark, and DeVries call these the "Four cuss its subject in a faddish, popu- E.7., Su,per"man,Heauen CanWait, Spiritual Flaws." Today these lies lar way, and many propositionsare and Willoul Even Mighty Mouse appear as New Age Eastern reli- unsupported,it neverthelessdeals has snorted cocaineon his Saturday gious ideas: pantheism, reincarna- with an increasingly important is- morning cartoon show! tion, relativism, and esotericism. sue and is worthy ofcareful reading Though many of his warnings The bottom line of New Age (Victor Books, 191 pp., $11.95). may seem extreme to some who philosophy is the self-sufficiency of lVayne Brindle have not read the book, Marrs provides research and documenta- tion on the background of satanic symbolsand ancient religious rites. "Surely toy-makersand comicbook artists are not all embroiled in a Are you still looking schemeto capture our children," a parent may think, but there is a for effective darker force behind the steady en- croaching evil philosophy. This book, as well as the others Marrs children'scu ulum? has written, are well worth reading. You may not agree with every example, but your eyes will be opened.Satan is alive and well on our planet, and many do his bidding without realizing it (Living Truth Publishers, 270 pp., $8.95). Angela E. Hunt


SATAN'S EVANGELISTIG STRATEGY FOB THIS NEW AGE by Erwin Lutzer& John DeVries .Acorn (lhildron's l'ublicat ions has designed and developed "teacher-testedt' curriculum to meet the total trainins needs your According to this book, America of church's children. is being converted to a new religion. Materialsfor SundaySchool, Children's Church and Bus Ministry Its evangelists include Shirley ' Complete Maclaine, Curriculum Nursery thru Beginners Werner Erhard, Edgar . Curriculum for Primaries and Juniors Cayce,Terry Cole-Whittaker, Jose . TeachingAids and Holiday-Time Programs Silva, Napoleon Hill, and Marilyn r MissionaryLessons and Puppet Programs Ferguson, in addition to such move- Returnthis coupon for yourFREE CATALOG along with a FREEINTRODUCTORY ments as Transcendentalism,New TAPE and SAMPLETESSONS - or call l-804-528-4112(ask for Acorn) Thought, Theosophy, and psycho- analysis. The authors trace this religion to ancient Babylon (Isa. 47:8-11)and Acorn Children's Publications thence to the future (Rev. 17:18). Lynchburg,VA 24614 The New Age is a revival of the Old Age and will be the Final Age. It is today a mixture of Hinduism, pagan Name magic, health, wealth, and in- Address dividualism. Satan introduced religious City State-Zip paganismas early as the Garden of FJ10/89 L------J october1989 53 non-Christian psychiatrist abused so badly it may You can still raise describing the terrifring have been better if he children to love and serve child abuse (both mental had been. (Thesebroken- God today, but it will and physical) inllicted by hearted parents would be take more attention and leaders of the satanic more careful if they had protection on your part ) church on both their own it to do over.) than it took for your children and on those . Build a hedge of parents to raise you. they kidnap, or on the prayer protection around But those children of children of those whom each of your children- yours are worth it! They they recruit. physically, spiritually, are your greatest posses- Some police offrcials and intellectually. sion. I privately admit that the growth of satanic cults -rl and their practice of ualanrsm is fright- ening becauseit often THE SMILE goes undetectedand Attacking prosecutionsare so A Gift with Rich Dividends diffrcult to make. OurGhildren If the Lord tarries eet the smile, treasured smile? Remem- another decade,you the world's most ber how it set your heart by Tim and Beuerly InHaye can expect this phenome- universal lan- racing? In the romance non to grow. For that guage. More universal department, smiles have Ever since the terrible, reason we recommend than music, it is a lan- few rivals. They carry ritualistic, satanic killings that you: guage babies begin using delightful, secret mes- of young boys in a Texas o Provide your chil- long before they are able sages,even from a dis- border city, we have been dren a Christian school to talk. tance. They give wings to thinking about the danger opportunity, if at all Meet the smile, one of private, personal expres- this posesfor children possible. the most precious gifts sions shared by no one still attending public school. o Keep in touch with God ever granted the else. The Bible predicts that your children about what human race. It has the Smiles communicate during the Tlibulation they are learning in rare quality of being able love in the most trying of period one of the rampant school, and complain to bless the one who circumstances.Whether sins will be "the worship loudly if witchcraft or gives it as much as the one is swampedby the of demons," We are satanism is brought in. one who receivesit. And Iittle crises of life, or already seeing an enor- o Watch their peer though it costs nothing to struggling with one of mous increase in demon groups. First Corinthians receive, nothing to give, major proportions, a lov- and satan worship-not 15:33says, "Evil com- it pays dividends beyond ing smile cuts through way over in India or munications corrupt measure. problems with encourage- T\rrkey-but right here in good manners," or bad God never intended ment and hope. It lifts the United States. companionsruin good smiles to be reserved only both heart and spirit like We receive stories of morals! for occasionsof mirth and love always does. schoolswhere witches o Do not let your chil- joy. Rather, He designed Smiles carry unspoken give instruction to chil- dren out of your sight them with an infrnite messagesof acceptance. dren on their religious unless accompaniedby capacity for variety. They say, "I am not teachings. A friend of someoneyou trust. Smiles can communicate standing in judgment ours in Dallas, who is an Primary age children are love, humor, compassion. on you. I like you. I do expert on Satan, magic, a special target for They can minister, nur- not demand change in and demonic practices, satanists, homosexuals, ture, heal. As we use order to interact with has given a series of lec- and child-molesters. them, they enrich not you." tures in the Dallas public We are sorrlr to men- only the lives of those Smiles communicate schools.He told us that tion this, but two chil- around us, but our own forgiveness.Even without "20 percent of the chil- dren in our neighborhood, as well words, a smile-though dren in the fifth graoe almost within walking Communicator par wrested from a hurting testified they had seen distance of our nation's Excellence. Have you heart-can relay an the remains of satanic capital, were molested in ever caught the eye of invitation to reconcilia- sacrifices." "safe, comfortable" com- a loved one acrossa tion. It doesn't eliminate Yesterday we read a munities. One was mur- crowded room-and been the need for words, but detailed account bv a dered and the other was the recipient of a it can initiate healing

54 FundamentalistJournal beforethe necessary is tangible evidenceof remembering this. (Prov. 17:22). wordscan errer be our faith that He is in Spousesand educators Be Genuine. A smile managed.At the same controL can, too. Correction must be genuine. A time, the smile helps to Smiles can strengthen done in anger builds "fake" smile, or one dissipateanger and pain relationships by soften- walls, and it seldom used to manipulate in the one who has been ing criticism. When cor- accomplishesits others, is like outright wronged. rection must be made, goals. lying. Balm to the Human when hurtful truth must Another, more direct, But how doesone Spirit. The smile is a be communicated,en- way smiles serve as smile genuinely when uniquetool for keeping veloping it in a balm to the human the heart is heavy and the gears of human gentle but spirit is the burdens of life over- relationshipsrunning sincere that they whelm? God understood smoothly.One of its smile cultivate this when He gave us specialtalents is easing healing. promises such as Philip- tension.It accomplishes pians 4:13, "f can do all that equally well with things through Christ family, friends, or which strengtheneth strangers.A timely me." He is the One who smilein a tense situa- can give the heart atti- tion can put everyone tudes necessaryto at ease.Often a smile minister this God-given maybe appropriate gift. With His aid we whennothing else is. can cultivate the heart Smiles excel in radi- of gratitude that cannot ating encouragementto help but overflow on the friendsand strangers face. alike.The harried check- To a friend bowed out girl, the terrified with grief, a smile of childabout to perform love and compassion (orhand you his report says, "I care. I hurt with card),the spousewho you." If a smile is from hashad a formidable the heart, then this gift day-for each one a from God cannot be friendly,loving smile harmfully misused. cannotfail to lift the Is smiling a habit burden. worth cultivating? It You can even en- pays such rich dividends, courageyourself with a works even from a smile.Don't laugh! distance,is delightfully Whenyou need contagious,and strength or is all the while c0urageto get onwith the task,taking a mo- mentto stretch, I Esther M. Gross take a deep breath, andsmile can bring make it more effec- Perhaps not all by them- much-neededrelease tive and easier to selves,but scientific to knots of tension. You receive. evidenceis mushrooming "Why should caneven direct your Personal growth that our spirits have Christians be such smileto the Lord with a can be beautifully more influence over our a happy people? It brief prayer ("Lord, we nurtured by putting the physical bodiesthan is good for our suredo have a challenge smile to wise and judi- we ever expected.Solo- here!"or just "Lord, cious use. Human nature mon recognizedthis God; it gives Him thank You for Your desiresto pleasethe truth three millennia honor among men faithfulness").Whatever one who loves, who ac- ago-"A merry heart when we are glad." your circumstance,He cepts,who encourages- doeth good like a medi- understands!Smiling, not one who disapproves. cine: but a broken spirit rather than scowling, Parents can profit from drieth the bones" -CharlesH. Spurgeon

October 1989 55 Time-saversfor BusyMoms

tells us children are a Plan the day. been enough time to 'tW,;1#3i*{,gift, a reward from the Jennifer. an office accomplishsomething Lord" (Ps. 127:3). manager with a Iarge important? motherhood is a 24-hour- "I know," Sara said computer firm, makes a Laurie makes the a-day assignment?" Sara wistfully. "I really want daily office schedule, most of incoming calls asked her visiting aunt. to do my best to train numbering items in the from friends inclined to "I'm never caught up our children." order of importance. chat for long periods. with washing and pick- When work piles up "That way," she says, "I "Do you have a problem ing up after the kids. and a mother feels fraz- don't squander my time we can pray about now?" There is not enough time zled, what shortcuts will on a lot of trivial items. she asks. If not, she sug- to relax with Bill. When gain time for her? We I try to be realistic and gests one of her own. I try to be alone with hear a lot about time not cram too many jobs Then she talks to God God, kids pop up like management. One defini- onto my list." with the caller. Both bread out of a toaster. tion ofthe term is "doing Planning the day will Laurie and the caller are I'm exhausted most of the things you want to also help full-time pulled away from the time." do in the time available." homemakers.Decide meaninglesschatter and The older woman Some of the time- what's most important, gossip. gave her niece a warm savers career mothers keeping in mind the Expect family co- hug and tried not to see have learned on their long-term goals of Chris- operation. Talk this one the sink of unwashed jobs, such as organiza- tian maturity for each over with the entire dishes and baby bottles, tion, first things first, child. Allow some cran- family. "Order," says one or the floor strewn with planned neglect, and nies for fun with the lit- psychologist,"is impor- children's toys. overcomingprocrastina- tle ones.Perhaps this is tant when training a child. "Yet God gives mothers tion, may also help stay- the day to walk along It teaches respect for their children to train at-home the creek and feed the others and for civil law." and care for." moms. ducks. or to teach chil- Teach children these Aunt Carrie dren about wildflowers lines from an anonymous said gently. ffiooou and trees, or to romp writer: "If you open it, "There's a in the winter snow. close it. If you turn it on, loving l.tto lz Such inter- turn it off. If you want verse ruptions may add to use it, get permission. in the / up to planned If you use it, take care Bible ,LB tj, neglect of less im- of it. If you make a that portant activities. mess,clean it up. If you N\t 6 ?.4 Finishing every item don't know how to run on your list is not im- it, leave it alone." portant. Rather, make Mary Jo's preschoolers the best use of time. frequently strewed toys Stick to the from one end of the plan. If preparing house to the other. One lasagna for dinner is day she took a length of - on the list, don't be clothesline and formed it sidetrackedinto into a big circle in the sorting your recipes, family room. no matter how badly "Keep your toys in- needed.Wait until it side the rope," she told is on the agenda. them. "Toys outside the Use the phone wisely. rope will be put away A local phone call can until tomorrow." save time and gas. It can Eliminate nonessen- also waste time. For a tials. Some work must week keep track of the be done. Other tasks can actual time spent on the be skipped or performed phone. Would it have less frequently. Speaking

56 FundamentalistJournal

I at a family seminar, a the mail arrives, dispose children. Teach them to match the lifestyles ministersaid, "God loves of it at once-letters to fold their hands, close of our two-income youeven if you don't answer,bills to be paid their eyes, and thank friends. When the kids dustevery day." Ask later, junk mail in the God. Laugh with them. are older, I plan to yourself,"What would trash, magazinesto read Sing with them. Trust return to work, perhaps happenif I didn't do when the children sleep. God for results, but on flex-time." this?" If the answer is, Schedule time for never forget the admoni- Mothers of young "Nothing," don't do it. yourself. When Vivian's tion in the Bible: "Train children hold in their Learn to say no. twins outgrew naps, she up a child in the way he care the workers, crafts- Any capableyoung decidedthey still needed should go: and when he men, teachers,preachers, motherwill be askedto a daily rest period,and is old, he will not depart and parents of the fu- domore than she can. so did she. She took her from it" (Prov.22:6). ture. Full-time moms as At in civic Bible into their room In God's Word we well as those with a affairs,people tend to and sat in a rocking read rules and patterns career know they are think that a mother who chair. As long as they for rearing children, working at the most im- stayshome has plenty of listened quietly, she let standards for right and portant job there is for a time for volunteer jobs. them hear her singing wrong that apply to par- woman-training their Learnto be selective. hymns, reading Scrip- ents as well as to chil- children to become Exceptfor the neighborly ture, and praying, often dren. As mothers teach responsibleChristian volunteerjobs anyone for the children. their children Bible adults. naturally does,common Develop friendships truths, they will find Since mothers have sensewarns you not to with other young some of their own ques- only 24 hours of time ev- take on much volunteer mothers and exchange tions answered. ery day, time-savers work while the children baby-sitting. Norma put her career such as those above will aresmall. Turn the day over on hold to be a stay-at- help them do the things Overcome procrasti- to God. First thing in home mother. "Bill and I they want to do in the nation. When the clothes the morning ask God for soon learned what a availabletime. are dry, fold them and instructions. Throughout financial sacrifice we put them away. When the day pray with the were making. We cannot I CatharineIlrandt

ANSWERS TO PUZZLE Family Bookshelf ON PAGE58 Acrossr1. Amalek;7. Snare; 12,Naboth's; 14. Hege's; 15.Inn;16. Ham; 17. Oboth; Destination: Moon creative ideas for spending time with your children, 18.Sned; 20. Nimbo; 22. ie; by James Irwin, as- your spouse,your family, and gives practical activi- 23.Eared; 25. Tui; 26. Ara; tronaut and one of the ties that will help build your child's character. 27.Moses; 29. Eden; 12men who have An insightful book written by parents for parents 30.Realm; 32. Herod; walked on the moon, (MoodyPress, 63 pp., $3.25). 34.Beds; 35. Olive; bringsto earth his excit- 37.Ash; 38. BTU;39. ICSHS; ing adventure to the 43.RP; 44. Geese;46, That; moon.He mentionsthe 47.Lianai49, Two; 51. Oma; importanceof God the 52.Ethan; 53. Sensual; 55.Years; 56. Settle. Creatorand stressesthe Down:''|. Anise; 2. Manna; fact that God is in con- 3.Abner; 4. Lo; 5. Eth; trol of our lives. 6.Khan; 7, Shobi;L Nebo; Full of historical pho- 9.Ago; 10. Retired; tos and facts, this book 11.Eshean; 13. Smite; shouldprove educational 19.Demas; 21. Mushi; 24. Dol; andinspirational to 8- to 26.Ado; 28. Smote;29. Erect; 12-year-olds(Multnomah, 30.Respite; 31. EDH; 33. Evi; Barley;36 48pp., $9.95) Heartland. Author Diane Siebert and artist 34. Lusts;38Beans; 40.Shout; 41, Hamal; Wendell Minor take the reader on a journey through 42.State; 44. Gnar;45. Ewes; poem/story Creative Family America's heartland. The lyrical along 48.Aha;50. One; 51. St. Times, by Allen and with the lifelike illustrations paint a beautiful pic- ConnieHadidian, and ture of the Midwest and its culture (Thomas Y. I Crosswordpuzzle by Will and Lindy Wilson, Crowell,30 pp.,$13.70). DonovanA. Epp, Donovan's offersa bundle of A CindvB. Gunter CrosswordSyndicate.

october1989 57 1 2 4 5 6 7 E 9 10 1

Bible-Centeredl2 t3 t4 Crossword t5 16 l7 IE t9 z0 l1 22 ACROSS 1. Sonof Eliphaz(Gen. 36:12) a3 24 z5 26 7. The prophetis a of a fowler(Hos. 9:8) ,7 28 ,q 12.Whose vineyard? (1 Kings21:1) 14. Belongingto the king'schamberlain (Esth. 2:3) ,o il t2 t3 15.There was no roomfor themin the (tuke 2:7) ,4 t5 |6 16.Fatherof Canaan(Gen. 9:18) 17.Campingplace of lsrael(Num. 21:10) t7 t8 t9 t0 1 tz /\i-ilrii!, 18.Trim(Scot.) r,tir,lljri 20. l3 t4 t5 f6 i:"9i.,: 22.Thatis 23.A roughvalley, which is neither t7 t8 l9 50 t1 lii;rtl ' nor sown(Deut. 21:4) 25.Mimickingcage bird t2 t3 ,4 26.Sonof Jether(1 Chron.7:38) n. Jethro'sson-in-law (Exod, 4:18) t5 to 29.Firstgarden (Gen. 2:8) 30.The kingthought to set himover the whole l"t*rildHf* (Dan, 6:3) 9. I knewa man in Christabove 14 years t,,r-t i) 5r-: i i 32.BeheadedJohn the Baptist(Mark 6:16) (2 Con 12:2) fr:-i ),ri1i.Jii 34.Letthem sing loud upon their 10.They fromthe city,every man to his tent Attt-)\//,] (Ps.149:5) (2 Sam.20:22) t. t' r11;7ji 1 35.The labourof the shallfail (Hab. 3;17) 11.City in Judah(Josh. 15:52) : !: ) l'. '') 37.He plantethan and the rain doth 13.Lord shall we with the sword(Luke 22:49) nourishit (lsa.44:14) 19.Loved this present world (2 Tim.4:10) 38.Britishthermal unit 21.Son of Merari(Exod. 6:19) 39.Interstitialcell-stimulating hormonesubstance 24.Monetary unit (abbr,) (abbr.) 26.Why make ye this and weep?(Mark 5:39) 43.Reliefpitcher (abbr.) 28.And the hail throughoutthe land(Exod. 9:25) 44.Gaggleof 29. Upright 46. thoudoest, do quickly(John 13:27) 30.Give us sevendays' (1 Sam. 11:3) 47.Climbingherbaceous vine 31.Old Englishletter 49.No man can serve masters(Matt. 6:24) 33.King of Midian(Num. 31:8) 51.Tumor(suf.) 34. The wasin the ear andthe flaxwas 52.AuthoredPsalm 89 bolled(Exod. 9:31) 53.Thiswisdom descendeth not from abovebut is 36.They allurethrough the of the flesh earthly, (James3:15) (2 Peter2:18) 55.We spendour - as a talethat is told 38.Take thou alsounto thee wheat, barley, and (Ps.90:9) (Ezek.4:9) 56.- it thereforein yourhearts (Luke 21:14) 40.The Lordshall descend from heaven with a (1 Thess.4:16) DOWN 41.Turkish porter 1. Ye pay the tithe of mint and 42. Otd (Matt.23:23) 44. Growl 2. Wildernessdiet 45.Thy and thy she goatshave not casttheir 3. Murderedby Joab(2 Sam.3:27) young(Gen. 31:38) 4. - | am with you always(Matt. 28:20) I am warm,I haveseen the fire 5. Variationof 31 down (lsa.44:16) 6. MedievalChinese ruler 50.For the bodyis not member 7. Son of Nahash(2 Sam.17:27) (1 Cor.12:14) 8. Bel bowethdown, stoopeth(lsa. 46:1) 54.Saint (abbr.)

FundamentalistJournal NEWS T-[atlA[lLu-ctl Silence Follows the Slaughter

l, - rior to "Bloody Sun- church movement. | - d^Y" the world The Three-Self Patriotic L cheeredthe student Movement is the officially demonstrationsin Beijing, recognizedProtestant orga- hoping that positive demo- nization in China. Numer- cratic change could actually ous churches, including come to China. No one most house churches, re- thought that political hard- fuse to join this organiza- liners would regain the con- tion. due to its close trol they once exercised. identification with the Now, months after "the Communist government. A worst day of bloodshed hou,sechurchleader recently in Communist China's his- interviewed said the Three- tory" (TIME, 6-12-89), Self is linked very closelyto silence has replaced the the public security bureau, moment-by-moment news and is actually responsible broadcaststhat revealedin for notifying police to arrest graphic detail the horrifying car- Christians are bracing themselves house-church leaders. "Already," nagewreaked in Tiananmen Square for the worst in the wake of the he said, "many brothers have been in just a few short hours. But images Beijing massacres." Researchersfor arrested and their Bibles con- of what some are calling China's OverseasMissionary Fellowship, a fiscated." "Great Leap Backward" remain mission agency that has long Chineseofficials are attempting clear, and reports from China indi- worked with Chinese people in to stifle any reports of heightened catethat the Christian community Hong Kong and in mainland China, persecution since the Tiananmen there is experiencing intensified predicted, "Repressionof Christianity massacre.Because of continued ar- persecutionas a result of a govern- is to be expectedas an inevitable rests, executions, and verbal ment crackdown. result of the Tiananmen protests, threats, people are afraid to speak Many describethe current polit- later this year and early next year." to foreigners. This is also true for ical atmosphere in China as very A growing persecution, directed Chinese Christians who have to be similar to that of the mid-1.970s. primarily at the house-churchmove- concerned about the repercussions when the Gang of Four was in ment, has now becomeincreasingly churches will receive if they con- power. Leaders of that era took a evident. According to Dick Andrews tinue contacts with Western be- severestance toward religion. "All of OMF, many house-churchleaders lievers. religions are the vain and erroneous in Shandong and Anhui provinces The long-term aftermath is still responsesof man to his feelings of south of Beijing have already been uncertain. Many hard-liners in power impotence and fear in the face of arrested. are in their late seventiesand early natural and socialforces. . . . There- A Chinese representative of a eighties, promising hope for the 'Religion fore Marxism says, is the Christian organization on the West future when new leaders come to opiate which lulls the spirits of Coast,who wished not to be identi power. However, as News Network peopleand is the tool by which the fied, verified that the individuals International quotesone Christian exploiting class controls the people.' currently in power in China have leader, "Either way, we win with Marxists all opposereligion in any long been hostile to any religion. God: If the hard-liners do their form" (Peopl,e'sDai,lE, March 15, Theseindividuals "have beentrying worst, the persecution will only 1979).A return to this pronounced for many years to outlaw house drive more toward God; if the opinion against religion will indeed churches[and] have been trying to reformers are restored, the freedom mean difficulties still ahead for arrest leaders not part ofthe Three- will be exploited to spreadthe gospel China's Christian community. Self Patriotic Movement." He feels more widely." News Network International they will use this time to inflict as reportedin mid-June that "China's much harm as possibleon the house- I Howard Erickson

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l-l L-IL- l'l / Ll, -l L-r -., ffirL-Lb- LLU*L| L GL-ot-L[r /lltL-Lll[:l-s l-u.OLr.-u-Lr- [-11,. l-V

I n the 1950s Lucy and Ricki weeks, Mennen and Clorox were I Ricardo slept in separatebeds on found to be the two most frequent L "I Love Lucy," even though they advertisers sponsoring the con- were real-life husband and wife. troversial fare. In the 1970s Mike and Carol The boycott began July 17. Brady of "The Brady Bunch" be- This is not the first product boy- came the first TV couple to share cott CLear-TV has organized. An the same bed. earlier highly successful boycott In the 1980sviewers not only see singled out Noxell and Mazda, two television couples in bed together, leadingsponsors ofviolence and vul- they alsowitness couplesin situations garity. formerly found only in R-rated frlms. "That boycott," Melvin said, Due to this recent outbreakofex- "was over in four months because cesssex, as well as violence,Chris- the two companiescontacted us and tian leaders nationwide have were extremely anxious to satisfy organizeda watchdoggroup known our concerns. as CLear-TV (Christian Leadersfor "They sent us written commit- ResponsibleTelevision). BillyMelvin ments to correct their advertising In December1988 this group of policies, and have thankfully kept over 1,600Christian leadersmet in Advertisersare now their word." Chicagoto establish a gameplan in With history in their favor, their battle to return family values askingthemselves if they CLear-TV leaders are hopeful that to network broadcasts.They would want their product the current campaign will bring monitor the networks during the more success. rating "sweeps" period (April 27 associatedwith At this time, Melvin saysneither through May 24)to determine which particularbroadcasts. Mennen nor Clorox have responded advertisers were sponsoring the to the boycott. He maintains, majority of these controversial though, that his group has the at- shows. Advertisers sponsoring entertainment field for quite some tention of American advertisers. showsfeaturing gratuitous violence, time. "There were three showsrecent- excessivesexual situations, vulgar During the sweepsperiod, two Iy that did not sell due to their con- language, and anti-Christian companieswere found to have spon- tent," he said. "This proves that stereotyping would be singled out soreda high amount of sexual and advertisersare not just using demo- and targeted with a one-yearboycott violent programming. They were graphics to sell their product, but oftheir productsby supportersofthe Mennen and Clorox. they are examining the content of group. Melvin told Fundamentalist the showsas well." Billy Melvin, executive director Journal, "Over 500 corporatespon- He saysthat advertisersare now of the National Associationof Evan- sorswho usednetwork television ad- asking themselves if they want gelicals and chairman of CLear-TV, vertising were written to by our their productassociated with partic- says the group had to take such ex- group. ular broadcasts. tensive action in order to be taken "We explainedthat we would be This boycottis critical to the suc- seriously. monitoring them throughout the cessof CLear-TV,and potentially to Melvin is joined by Rev. Donald sweeps period, and pleaded their the effort to return traditional Wildmon, executive director of help in addressingthis problem." family values to television. Melvin CLear-TV, in this task. Wildmon is To be fair, he says,each compa- urgesreaders ofthe Journal to par- also founder of the American Family ny receivedan additional two letters ticipate by not purchasing Mennen Association, a group that has beforethe actual monitoring process or Clorox products. promoted traditional values in the began. At the end of the sweeps "We must impact these companies

62 FundamentalistJournal

I economically in order to achieve our cized by the major portion of the goal," he said. American media. "Entertainment It is up to individuals to make Tonight" recently referred to the the difference. Indeed, one person boycott as "chilling." can make a difference in this effort Melvin says this criticism to clean up the network airwaves, as strengthens his statement that it housewifeTerry Rakolta is important for everyoneconcerned found out earlier this year. She with this issueto participate in the rocked the Fox network sitcom, boycott in order to display the unity "Married. . . with Children." after and strength of this religious coa- she penned a simple letter of protest lition. to the sponsorsof the show, asking that they reevaluatetheir products' I Mark Smith associationwith the Sunday night series. TerryRakolta Mrs. Rakolta quickly gained The War continuedfrom page 32 celebrity status after she received these series.Sexual situations and letters from the sponsorsagreeing anti-Christian stereotyping, how- and intensity. There are three with her that their products would ever, have increasedaccording to his stagesof the abuse cycle. be better suited on more traditional group's findings. Escalati.on: the tension-building programming. Over 25 companies After this present boycott,what phase. respondedto her letter, several of can we expect as a follow-up effort Erplosi.on: the discharge of ten- them promising to ceaseadvertising sion through physical violence. with the show. Others guaranteed a Gui,It or rernorse: manifested stricter screening process for the This plan could through apologies, promises that series. this will never happen again, gifts, Certainly, "Married...with promptproducers to and expressions of physical af- Children" must stand as the series fection. most frequently stepping out of the halt the seemingly Biblical, Spirit-directed responses boundsofgood taste. Asked why the relentlessattack on can halt the cycle. sitcom was not included in the Short-term gains or long-term CLear-TV boycott, Melvin explained family values. victory? Abuse is an ineffective that the Fox network had not been means to achieve relationship included in his organizations's change.One way to determine the monitoring system. Only the three uselessnessof violence is to distin- major networks were observeddur- from the Christian Leaders for guish between short-term results ing the programming watch. ResponsibleTelevision? and long-term consequences.Since Wildmon explains that this plan Melvin promises another boycott violence is a powerful means to ef- can effectively cost the networks promotion in the fall, but cannot fect immediate change, the short- thousandsof dollars. "If a company pinpoint when that effort will kick term results can be reinforcing. decidesnot to help sponsor a pro- off "We like to keep everyoneguess- However, the long-term conse- gram becauseof violence and vul- ing," he said. "We may alsoadd the quences of violence-fear, anger, garity, the networks must sell that Fox network to this upcoming and retaliation-never justify the time on the program at a reduced monitoring time." short-term gains. rate. For instance, if a minute of In the meantime. Melvin and The best long-term solution is time sells for $300,000 and adver- Wildmon can expectthe barrage of to strive to live a Christlike life by tisers refuse to help sponsorthe pro- criticism aimed at their group to following God's guidelines. Then gram, the network will then sell continue. In fact, Viewers for Qual- there will be no need to resort to the that time for a reduced rate." ity Television has mounted a counter- short-term "solution" of hurting the This plan could certainly prompt attack to "neutralize" t};reCLear-TV one you love. The mutual goal advertisers,as well as writers and protest. should be to defeat the issue, not producers of network entertain- Dorothy Swanson, director of each other. ment, to halt the seemingly relent- that group,recently stated,"I believe Has the war between the mates less attack on family values. CLear-TV represents a minority disrupted your home? Rededicate The television series found to viewpoint. . . that the majority yourselves to God, reaffirm your regularly offend CLear-TV brass wants the freedom to choosewhat is love for one another, and apply this are, "A Man Called Hawk," "Tour tasteful for themselves." peace plan to your problems. You of Duty," "Miami Vice," "Midnight VQT is encouragingtheir mem- can put an end to the war. Caller," "Dreamstreet," "Gideon bers to counter the boycott by writ- Oliver," and "Saturday Night Live." ing Mennen and Clorox (and the I Adapted by permission from Melvin states that violence is the networks) to back the programs. Discouery Di,gest, Grand Rapids, element that occurs most often in CLear-TV has also been criti- Michigan.

October1989 63 BRIE FS

- Sorrell-who describedthemselves nearly 20 years, it has fervently Judge Pressler Sald as an agnostic, an atheist, and a pushed gay rights, including adop- to Be Bush Gholce for Secular Humanist respectively- tion by homosexualsand sex educa- Government Ethlcs Post said they "are personally offended tion classes which present a 'positive _ that the certificate indicates the view' of homosexuality." I date of conferral by making refer- Yard should reflect on recent his- ! ence to and exalting (through tory. In each of the last three elec- g capitalization of the word 'Lord') a tions, women have favored the more ! deity in which we do not believe." Conservative candidate, and even- 6 The lawyers said they "find it par- tual presidential winner in Ronald ticularly objectionable that a direct Reagan and GeorgeBush. reference to a deity is made on a document conferred by a judicial body, sincethe judiciary, among all Dellnltlon of 'rFamlly" other legal institutions, should be to Include Homosexuals the most sensitive to maintaining religious neutrality on documents San Francisco served in its name." homosexualsare at- - tempting to be in- cluded in the tradi- NOW Proposes Thhd tional definition of Polltlcal Paily "family." Leaders - inln the f,ne citycrly with wrln the[ne (RNS!-Paul Pressler, "I think we're nation's largest homosexual popula- powerful leader in the Southern sending a message tion are preparing a landmark or- Baptist Convention and a justice of to both political par- dinance that broadensthe definition the Texas 14th Court of Appeals,is ties that they had of family to include homosexualcou- a leading candidate for nomination better shape up or ples. This ordinance would allow by President George Bush as direc- they will be out," gay couplesto register at City Hall tor of the Office of Government demanded Molly to becomecertified with a document Ethics, according to congressional Yard, National Organization for similar to a marriage license. sources.The justice, consideredthe Women president, at the organiza- This "domestic partnership" chief strategist for the Conservative tion's July convention. proposal, authored by gay City movement within the Southern Bap- She promised that the boisterous Supervisor Harry Britt, could also tist Convention, could not be NOW would indeed form its own be obtained by heterosexual couples reached for comment. The post for party if reigning political figures did who fail to marry but want public which Judge Pressler reportedly is not buckle under intense feminist recognition for their relationship. It being consideredis an agency ofthe pressure to enact an Equal Rights also expands sick leave for city and Office of Personnel Management. Amendment and promote abortion county employeeswhose "lovers" rights for women. Yard maintains are ill to mirror the current policy that Americans are searching for for married employees with sick New Jenrey Removes Rellglous representatives in touch with the spouses. The proposal also adds Beference from Law Llcenses "mainstream concernsof the peo- these couplesto the city's child-care ple." NOW has only about 200,000 programs. (RNS!-The New Jersey Supreme members,less than half the number Of course, homosexual groups Court has removed the phrase "in in an averagecongressional district, nationwide have praised the proposal the year of our Lord" from law as USA Tbday noted. for breaking new ground in the licenses, after three lawyers com- "The organizations'splatform is advancement of gay rights. Tom plained about the religious refer- a very melange of collectivism, DiMaria of the National Gay and ence. In a letter of protest, Adam pacifism, and sexual utopianism," Lesbian Task Force said the proposal Jacobs, Charles Novins, and Ann says columnist Don Feder. "For "is a recognition that gay and lesbian

64 FundamentalistJournal I families are intrinsically the same China, due to what Chinese officials Drummond was in Yugoslavia worth as traditional families. It's termed "propaganda," "Super- and unavailable for comment, but the fundamental basis for the gay book" is producedby the Christian GeorgeE. Worrell, vice president for rights movement,but probably one BroadcastingNetwork. external affairs, dismissedany con- of the last things we'll achieve cernsand said the school'sacademic nationwide." credentials are secure. Supervisor Britt is being aided Politics in the New Age The Wake Forest schoolhas lost by attorneys from the American enrollment, since October 1987, Civil Liberties Union and the San The New Age Movementhas en- when theological Conservatives Francisco Mayor's offrcein his prep- tered the halls ofCongress.A recent took over the board of trustees. aration of this antifamily legislation. bill, written by Senator Claiborne Former President W. Randall Lolley PelI, would create a privately funded and others resigned in protest. Since group to study such New Age then, relations among faculty, stu- Ghfstian Gartoon May methodolory as ESP and biofeedback. dents, and staff have been in Air In Soviet Union One would think that such a turmoil. measure would receive immediate ousting from the Senate, but sur- prisingly SenatorsAlbert Gore and Excellence cont'd from page 10 Nancy Kassebaumhave decidedto cosponsorthe bill. schoolto get an advanceddegree, it The bill, which Capitol Hill in- will recognizethat you have gotten siders say is sure to be soundly a quality education from a quality defeated,will attempt to create a Christian school. National Commission on Human ln My Utmost for Hi,s Hi,ghest, ResourceDevelopment in order to Oswald Chambers wrote, "Faith explore "increased fulfillment of must be tested, becauseit can be human potential" through the tech- turned into a personal possession niques of New Age philosophy- only through conflict." transcendental meditation, Zen, Everything at Liberty Universi- Yoga, and other mental variations. ty is here becausesomeone trusted One Senatehearing witness re- God and was willing to go to battle cently testified that the Sovietsare for it. The next four years you are dominating the Olympic Gamesdue going to face times of conflict and to their practiceof human potential personal anguish, homesickness, techniquessuch as "autocondition- loneliness;but trust God.The tests An animated children's series ing training." will prove the strength of your faith. called "Superbook" may soon be Due to this bill's coldreception in Chamberswent on to write, "The broadcast in the Soviet Union. the Senate,it has been nicknamed Lodestar of the saint is God Him- Soviet programming officials have "the spoon-bendersbill." self." Focus on that during your discussedthe possibility of airing days with us. God wants you to come the program in Russia. to know Him. He wants to teachyou Should the cartoon series make Accredltlng Agency about His Son, Jesus Christ. God it to the Soviet Union, it would be- Pressing Southeastern; wants to work through you in ways come the first religious television Enrollment Plummets you could never dream possible. program to be broadcast to the While you are here, Godwill use Soviet people, says Slavic Gospel RALEIGH, N.C. (RNS)- preachers,faculty members,room- Association President Peter Southeastern Baptist Theological mates,problems, trials and tribula- Deyneka, Jr. Seminary, already suffering severe tions, blessings and heartbreaks, But Deyneka, whose organiza- enrollment declinesin the wake of and so many situations to bring tion attempts to spreadthe gospelin a bitter battle between Conserva- Himself to you and you to Him. the Soviet Union through shortwave tives and Moderates,received a new Liberty is committed to excel- radio and religious publications, challengerecently from a national lence,and you can be a part ofthat says it will be difficult bopenetrate accrediting agency. excellence.You can leave here an the anti-Christian philosophyof the In a letter to seminary President excellent servant of God because Soviet government. He says "Super- Lewis A. Drummond, the Associa- you allowed Him to work through book" is a program basedin Chris- tion ofTheological Schoolsasks the the innate talent and ability He tian ideology,"and that is in direct seminaryoffrcials to "show cause... gave you. Young people, let's conflict with Marxist ideology." why it should not be placedon pro- changethe courseofhistory. Deter- The animated show was originally bation." The association'saccredit- mine, "I will be one person wholly producedin 1982to reach Japanese ing commissionalso questioned"the surrenderedto the Lord. Whatever children with a gospelmessage. The ability of the school to serve its the Lord has in mind for me I wiII show has been banned in Beijing, stated purpose." do it." T

october1989 65 I MwwwwwWwWWWw, WWWWWMWWWWWWW,W

strange irony of our times is Can we treat animals any way we We are created "a little lower than that animal rights are in- please?Of coursenot. Animals have the angels" (Heb. 2:7) but also a creasing while human rights no rights, but humans have a duty lot higher than animals. Only hu- are decreasing. Several years ago to treat them rightly. Many things mans are made "in the image of when doctors transplanted a heart humans do to animals are morally God" (Gen.1:2D. No animal reflects from a baboon into "Baby Fay," a and resemblesthe Creator in a ra- reporter asked me, "What do you tional and moral way as humans do. think about killing animals to trans- Amid objections No animal is called "immortal" plant their organs into humans?" to organtransplants as humans are (1 Cor. t5:54). To en- The clear implication was, "Why dow animals with human or divine- waste animals in this way?" from animals, like immortality is sentimental I told the reporter, "I have no babiesare being mysticism. objection to sacrificing an animal so God values each individual a human can live. We do it every abortedfor human being. He knows us before time we eat meat! What concerns fetaltissue. we are born. Our name is written in me most is not that one baboon died His "book" (Ps. 139:16).The very today so a little girl could live, but hairs on our head are numbered. that 4,300 babies died today so some While God cares for the birds of doctors could live better!" The wrong. The Bible says,"A righteous the air, and knows every sparrow silence was deafening on the other man regardeth the life of his beast" that falls, He said clearly, "Are end ofthe line. "Thank you for your (Prov. 12:10).When God made His ye not much better than they?" opinion," said the reporter and covenant after Noah's flood it was (Matt. 6:26). One human soul is promptly hung up. To my knowledge not just with man but also with more valuable than the whole world the comments were never printed. animals. Every living animal is part (Mark 8:36-37).Each personhas in- t How can the secular media muster of God'scovenant with creation.He calculable value in God's eyes. more sympathy for tiny fish being has promised not to destroy them To expend endless effort to save a kitled by constructing a dam than and we should not either. few fish while manifesting little or for millions of tiny human fetusesin Cruelty to animals is morally no compassionto save millions of abortion? Amid objections to organ rfirrongbecause humans have moral individual babies is a tragically transplants from animals, babies responsibilities-even to animals. twisted value structure. Even one of are being aborted for fetal tissue. God created humans higher than the 4,300 babies killed today by gave w Do animals have rights? Not animals and us dominion abortion is more valuable than all any moral rights. Moral rights be- over them (Gen. L:27-28). But the baby seals in the world. long only to moral beings, and dominion does not mean destruc- We should not fail to attempt animals are not moral beings.They tion. Man is to subdue the earth. preserving both, but to neglect ffi have no senseof a moral law and no But subduing does not mean de- human life while focusing on animal moral responsibility. This is why we stroying. Animals are to be used life is a distorted sense of duty. do not charge animals with crimes, but not abused. They are a means At the heart of the so-called nor sentence them to prison for of food (Gen. 9:3) and clothing "animal rights" movement is a fa- W doing wrong. To be sure, wild and (Gen. 3:21).But carelessdisregard tal flaw. They obscure the inhu- dangerous animals must sometimes and wanton destruction of animals mane treatment of humans while be killed to protect human life is nowhere given divine approbation preaching the humane treatment of (Gen. 9:5). But animals do not do in Scripture. animals. This is a grossdistortion of right or wrong in a moral sense. We have an obligation to preserve God's created order and we should & It is just plain nonsenseto speak of threatened species.But Christian strongly opposeit. To cry "Save the Yr"6 "animal rights." responsibility to care for and pre- seals" while at the same time doing serve the animals God has created nothing to protect the unborn is by Norman L. Geisler must be kept in proper balance. sheer hypocrisy.

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SteueSmith, u senior :;peech rcmmuniutlions major from Allanta, Georgia, plans to entur seminary. His /ather, I)r. Builel Smilh, is u frnrcr presidr:nt of the Southern Baplist Contention. t