Swanscombe and Greenhithe Master Plan Integration

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Swanscombe and Greenhithe Master Plan Integration APPENDIX1 SwanscombeandGreenhitheMasterPlanIntegration • NeighbourhoodRegenerationPlan* KeytoLocations:- HS –HighStreet; TG –TheGrove; SG –SwanscombeGateway; SS –SwanscombeStation; BR –BroomfieldRecreationGround; SR –StanhopeRoad, SV –SwanValleyCommunityCampus; LC –LeisureCentre; SHP –SwanscombeHeritagePark; EP – EbbsfleetPark; CL –CraylandsLane; PHS –PrivateHousingStock; KH –Knockhall; GH –Greenhithe. ProjectsCompletedorInProgress Wher What Description Partners How When Cost e All Marketing,Publicity Develop,deliveramarketingplan andPromotions* forSwanscomberegeneration TG Redevelopmentof Landscaping,rationaliseparking SGTC Fundedfrom COMPLETED GroveCarPark* facilities SwanValley Community SchoolS106 KH KnockhallCommunity Purchaseofcentrefromdeveloper DBC ODPMfunding COMPLETED £223,875 Centre* All HealthyLivingProject StudyintoneedforaHealthy DHAT,Swanscombe ViaDBC COMPLETED N/A Feasibility* LivingProject MethodistChurch, PCT,Social Services,Education KH ParkTerrace* Improvementstounadoptedroad DBC ODPMfunded COMPLETED £59,716 Greenhithe surface All YoungPeople’s Youthclubs,youthshelteretc Groundwork, ViaGroundwork SummerScheme05 £3000 Activities* Volunteers,Youth andKCCYouth COMPLETED Service Service Fundingfor8-11’s £3000 YouthClub SECURED All DeepClean2* DeepClean DBC DBCDelivered COMPLETED GunnRdEstate Securityandappearance Groundwork,DBC Urbanand COMPLETED £500,000 Environmental enhancements ODPMfunded Improvements* APPENDIX1 GreenhithePCSO’S/ Wardenappointed KCC KCCLed COMPLETED Unknown Wardens* All AccesstoEmployment Studyintotransportbarriersto SGTC,KCC, Fundedby COMPLETED– Study* employment Groundwork,CVS Urban Projectsbeingtaken £42,000 forwardthrough Groundwork’sHome toHubFunding All Signage* Streetsigns SGTC Firstphase Firstphase ODPMfunded complete. WallaceGardensHall Assessviabilityofhall SGTC,Guides DBCProperty COMPLETED N/A Assessment* Services SV (SWEL)Literacy LiteracySupport SwanscombeInfants, Targeted £366,120 Tutors* SweyneJuniorsand support,funded SwanValley byDBC,KCC CommunitySchool andUrban SV EarlyYearsServices* Children’sCentre SocialServices,Job Govtmoney Indevelopmentnow CentrePlus,AdultEd throughKCC All SwanscombeWalkie Employinglocalpeopleas‘walking Groundwork,KTDB Urban Furtherfunding £10,000Pilot Talkies* noticeboards’ communitychest required funded All SwanscombeLearning SubgrouptoKTSLSG.Includes AdultEducation Fundedthrough £1000allocated Group* SwanscombeLearningGrant. LearningChampions SNRCseed funding YESProject* Accreditingoutofschoollearning CyberPlace Fundedthrough £600 atCyberPlace SNRCseed funding SV FlagPoles* Provisionofflagsandpolesto SwanValley Fundedthrough campus CommunitySchool SNRCseed funding All 4S* HomeSchoolLinkWork SocialServicesand Urbanand Education SEEDAfunded SHP WalkingTrails* Introductionofanetworkoftrails Groundwork,Walk SNRCseed £1000 andpublicity Tall,Friendsofthe funded,matched HeritagePark byWaterstone Parkfund All SandGFocusarea– SandGnowageographicalfocus Police Meetings N/A CommunitySafety areaforcommunitysafetyissues. underway, milestonestobe determined APPENDIX1 All LocalEmployment* EnsuringEmployKTSlinkswith EmployKTS,KTDB Involving Swanscombeprojects EmployKTSin relevantprojects All InterregIIIA(CONRAD) Sustainableregenerationnetwork NorthKentGateway Fundedthrough £28,000 andfourprojects Partnership, Interreg Groundwork,Walk Tall HS HighSt/LondonRd Trafficlightsatjunction KCC ODPMFunded Shouldbecomplete £159,000 SG TrafficControl* byDecember05 All CommunityTransport* TransportBrokeragePilot SGTC,Groundwork Fundedby Oct05 £3000 SGTCand Groundwork, administeredby CDW/SNRC BR DesignExcellencein CommunityMasterplanfor ArchitectureCentre, Planswillinform FromOct05– NorthKent BroomfieldRec. Groundwork,SGTC BroomfieldRec March06 improvements HS HighStreetPartnership Surveyofallretailers,exploring DartfordTown Partfunded December05/ Unknown and (orsimilar)* optionsforworkingtogether AgainstCrime, throughSNRC January06 other SGTC,Police, seedfunding retail Retailers areas AlbertRoad* Improvementstounadoptedroad DBC DBCcapital Shouldbeadopted surface budget followingcompletion £160kforboth ofrepairsestimated roads completionFeb06 HopeRoad* Improvementstounadoptedroad DBC DBCcapital Shouldbeadopted surface budget followingcompletion Asabove ofrepairsFeb06 OldLibrary* ProvisionofadvancedICTproject SGTC,LeighCTC Urban&DBC July06 £281k andcommunitycafe Funded SV Maximisinguseof Campusco-ordinationgroup, SwanscombeInfants, Possible ASAP c.£35000 schoolandother SweyneJuniors, appointmentofa facilities* SwanValley campusco- CommunitySchool, ordinatorpost– HealthCtr,Library, Educationhave AdEd,YouthService funding,match needed. All CommunityEvents* Events SGTC,Groundwork, Fundingis Someevents Differentcostsper APPENDIX1 PCSO’s,volunteers securedper COMPLETED event event Continualdeliveryof others BR Developmentofsport Twosites–BroomfieldRecand SGTC&Groundwork Possible Initialwork Unknown SHP activity* SwanscombeHeritagePark Football underway Foundation and/orODPM fundingrequired. SR Parking–sheltered StanhopeRoadparkingbaysbeing KentHighways Fundedthrough FromJan06 Unknown bays* createdfromwidenedroadand SwanValley trafficcalmingmeasures. Community School’sS106 agreement SV VocationalCentre Provisionofvocationalcoursesto SwanValley Fundingsecured Indevelopmentnow. £610,000 studentsandwidercommunity CommunitySchool, byKCCand Tobecompletedby GKA GKA.ODPM& March06 KCCfunded. All TeenagePregnancy PregnancyPreventionTrainingand PCT ViaPCT Unknown Project* SupporttoYoungParents CommunityFacilities* RefurbGroveHall,ChurchRdHall, SGTC FromCapital T.C.Officesonly TCOffices-£1.8m provisionofnewTownCouncil budget progressing. Offices Surveyshavebeen undertakenonother twohalls. PHS Energyimprovements* Informationandguidancetolocal KentEnergyCentre Liaisonwith Projectworkedup Unknown householdersaboutefficiencyand internal/external byMarch2006 grants. partners HS ChristmasLights/ SeasonaldecorationofHighSt SGTC Fundingneeds Discussionhave Unknown hangingbaskets* tobesourced, beenopened. possibilityof SNRCseed funding BR 2Options:Landscape Masterplangives2development SGTC The2options Masterplanfor Unknown Plan/TownPark options. needtobe BroomfieldRec proposals explored.Itmay shouldbecomplete bethatthebest byMarch2006. elementsof Consideroptions eachcanbe following. merged. APPENDIX1 Section2-ProjectsAwaitingoutcomeofODPMfundingBidfor2006/8Years Wher What Description Partners How When Cost e BR Creationofanew RequiresreshapingofDBCowned SGTC,Kent ODPM06-08 2006-2008 Unknown entranceonMiltonRd land,demolishgaragesetc Highways Funding Possibilityofimprovingoffstreet possibility parking BR Improvedchildren’s Enhancedspace SGTC ODPM06-08 2006-2008 Unknown playareas* Funding possibility All HealthyLivingProject* DeliveryofplanfromFeasibility DartfordHealth Fundingneeds 2006-2008 Unknown Study ActionTeam, tobesecured– Swanscombe ODPMbid2006 MethodistChurch, –08.Willneed PCT,Social co-ordinator. Services,Education HS Environmental Surfacetreatment,landscaping, SGTC,Kent Possibleto 2006-2008 Unknown improvementstoHigh newstreetfurniture,parking Highways exploreusing St anyODPM06- 08funding.Any future explorationof the3 development optionswould haveto recogniseany workdonein06- 08 BR Improvementstopaths, Environmentalandsafety SGTC CouldbeODPM 2006-2008 Unknown lighting,fencingand improvements 2006-08.Links signage toDENKproject. BR Environmental Improvements SGTC CouldbeODPM 2006-2008 Unknown improvementsto 2006-08.Links entrances toDENKproject. TG Improvestreetscene/ Improvementstoaccessroad SGTC CouldbeODPM 2006-2008 Unknown improveaccessroad aroundcarpark,improvementsto 06-08 andsurroundings TheGrovestreetscene APPENDIX1 Children’sPlayAreas* Improvementstofacilitiesin SGTC CouldbeODPM 2006-2008 Unknown KnockhallRec,SwanscombePark, 06-08 ManorPark,SaxonCt/ValleyView BR Highqualityedgeto Planting,betterentrancesand SGTC,Groundwork Linksto 2006-2008 Unknown TG BroomfieldRec qualitystreetscene Groundwork’s DENKproject– possibleODPM 06-08 PHS Offstreetparking Assessmentofpossiblelocations KCCHighways CouldbeODPM 2006-2008 Unknown provision. requiredpriortoaction. 06-08 SR Useofgreenvergefor Largevergeonwesternsideof SGTC,Kent CouldbeODPM 2006-2008 Unknown parking roadtoaccommodateparking Highways 06-08 spaces.Mustbeintandemwith treeplantingproject. SR Treeplanting EnvironmentalImprovements. SGTC CouldbeODPM 2006-2008 Unknown Providedaestheticimprovements 06-08 toincreasedcarparking SHP Finalisationofpaths, CompletionofPhase1 Groundwork,English BidtoODPM 2006-2008 Unknown fencing* Nature,LandSec, environment KCC programme06- 08 APPENDIX1 Section3-ProjectswithNonDBCLeadPartner Wher What Description Partners How When Cost e HS Creationofstation Toprovideimprovedaccessto NetworkRail,SE Establishrail Opendialoguewith Unknown plaza,footpathon station. Trains companiesplans NetworkRailby EasternsideofHighSt forSwanscombe June2006. Station,linkto3 options exploration SS Bettersignageand Safetyandimprovedaccess NetworkRail,SE Needto Opendialoguewith Unknown improvedvisibilityto Trains establishcurrent NetworkRailby existingbuildingand plansfor June2006. platforms Swanscombe Station SS Betterlighting/CCTV/ Safety NetworkRail,SE Needto Opendialoguewith Unknown shrubclearance Trains establishcurrent NetworkRailby plansfor June2006. Swanscombe Station SS Cyclestorage Improvingaccess NetworkRail,SE Needestablish Opendialoguewith Unknown Trains currentplansfor NetworkRailby Swanscombe June2006. Station SS Improveaccessto Accessimprovement NetworkRail,SE Needestablish
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