13944 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 50 / Tuesday, March 15, 2011 / Proposed Rules shall constitute the official record of the Ambient Air Quality Standards Docket Center homepage at http:// proceeding. (NAAQS). www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm. Docket: All documents in the docket DATES: § 952.33 Public information. Written comments must be are listed in the http:// The Librarian of the Postal Service received at the address below on or www.regulations.gov index. Although maintains for public inspection in the before April 14, 2011. listed in the index, some information is Library copies of all initial, tentative ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, not publicly available (e.g., CBI or other and final agency decisions and orders. identified by Docket ID Number EPA– information whose disclosure is The Recorder maintains the complete R09–OAR–2011—0131 by one of the restricted by statute). Certain other official record of every proceeding. following methods: material, such as copyrighted material, 1. Federal Rulemaking portal: http:// will be publicly available only in hard § 952.34 Ex parte communications. www.regulations.gov. Follow the on-line copy form. Publicly available docket The provisions of 5 U.S.C. 551(14), instructions for submitting comments. materials are available either 556(d), and 557(d) prohibiting ex parte 2. E-mail:
[email protected]. electronically at http:// communications apply to proceedings 3. Fax: 415–947–3579 (Attention: www.regulations.gov, or in hard copy at under these rules of practice. Jerry Wamsley). the EPA Region 9, Air Division, Stanley F. Mires, 4. Mail: Jerry Wamsley, EPA Region 9, Planning Office, Air-2, 75 Hawthorne Chief Counsel, Legislative.