Thinking in Architecture

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Thinking in Architecture HGJLH9Qz >AFD9F<= )*/1+, HGKLAGQB 9J;@AL=;LMJ=<=KA?F9JL Yj[`al][lmj] &(0 &(0 JYfYd\DYoj]f[]:mad\af_gfl`]@gjargf&L`]9j[`al][lmj]g^Kn]jj]>]`f Q=9J:GGC h`glg_jYh`q LaegNYdbYccY@]Y\afl`][dgm\k$^]]lgfl`]_jgmf\ &(0 ]p`aZalagfk =dafYH]fllaf]fO`Yl\g_Yj\]faf_$l`]EYljqgk`cY\gddYf\l`]Jgddaf_Klgf]k`Yn]af[geegf7 ÇKhYlaYdh]jkh][lan]kgfl`];Yjf]_a]9jl9oYj\*((0]p`aZalagf LaegNYdbYccYGdd]:µjldaf_Ìk\j]Yekg^kl]]d Zggck HYfmD]`lgnmgjaL`]JakcYf\Dmpmjqg^HmZda[MjZYfKhY[] d][lmj]k 9f\j]oEY[EaddYf;`Yjd]kJ]ffa]EY[caflgk`&@ak[gfljaZmlagflgl`]Eg\]jfEgn]e]fl D]kda]NYf<mr]j9\gd^DggkJ]Y\qeY\] =nY=jackkgfOal`@aklgjqLgoYj\kEg\]jfalq&L`]9j[`al][lmj]g^?mffYj9khdmf\ hlY`oYkl`]Yf[a]fl=_qhlaYf_g\ g^Zmad\af_$o`gk]aeY_]YdkgY\gjfk l`]ZY[chY_]g^gmjhmZda[Ylagf& ;gn]j HL9@ Hjg_jk$L [`faim]$9j[`al][lmj] H]jllaC]cYjYaf]f&LadY HYkkY_]+!$*((/$[%hjafl\aYk][$)1-p)*-[e$\]lYad& @]dkafca!oYkYko]ddl`]fYe]g^l`] EMK=MEG>;GFL=EHGJ9JQ9JLCA9KE9& >affak`;A9E_jgmh^gmf\]\af)1-+ ZqH]flla9`gdY$9mdak:dgekl]\l$ 9Yjf]=jnaYf\AdeYjaLYhagnYYjY& AKKF)*+1%+,() &(0 = < A L G J A 9 D ((- YdnYjYYdlgY[Y\]eq HYjlg^l`]9dnYj9Ydlg>gmf\Ylagf$l`]9dnYj9Ydlg9[Y\]eqakhjaeYjadq^mf\]\Zq &(0 l`]>affak`Eafakljqg^=\m[YlagfYf\akdg[Yl]\YlKlm\ag9YdlgafLaadaeca$@]dkafca& L`]9[Y\]eqYdkgjYak]k^mf\af_gfYhjgb][lZYkak3YeYbgjhYjlf]j`YkZ]]fl`];alqg^Bqnkcqd& L`]Jmd]kYf\J]_mdYlagfkg^l`]9[Y\]eqkh][a^qalk^mf\Ye]flYdhmjhgk]kYkk]jnaf_ `llh2''ooo&YdnYjYYdlg&Õ YkY\ak[mkkagf^gjme^gjafl]jfYlagfYd]fnajgfe]flYd[mdlmj]$hYjla[mdYjdq[gfl]ehgjYjqYj[`al][lmj]$ Laadaeca*($((++(@]dkafca$>afdYf\ Yf\YkY[gddYZgjYlan]gj_Yf^gj[gflafmaf_]\m[YlagfafYj[`al][lmj]& hlY`8YdnYjYYdlg&Õ L`]9[Y\]eq`YkY^gmj%e]eZ]jZgYj\$o`a[`[gfn]f]k^j]im]fldq& L`]Yj[`al][l=kYDYYckgf]f`YkZ]]fl`]9[Y\]eqÌk\aj][lgjkaf[]alk^gmf\af_af)111& HmZdak`]j L`]9[Y\]eqhYjla[ahYl]kafYoa\]jYf_]g^Y[lanala]k$^jgek]eafYjklg>affak`Yf\afl]jfYlagfYdf]logjcaf_& L`]9dnYj9Ydlg>gmf\Ylagf L`]9[Y\]eqakafl]jfYlagfYddqY[[dYae]\^gjYjjYf_af_\]ka_fk]eafYjk$Yj[`al][lmj]kqehgkamek Yf\]n]flkZjaf_af_lg_]l`]jj]k]Yj[`]jkg^YjlYf\Yj[`al][lmj]& =\algjaYdZgYj\ Gj_Yfak]\]n]jqkmee]j$l`]k]YlljY[l`mf\j]\kg^>affak`Yf\afl]jfYlagfYd]ph]jlk$ ;dY]k;Yd\]fZq$Dmak>]jff\]r% afl]j]kl]\af\ana\mYdkYf\bgmjfYdaklk&L`]]n]flkYj]mkmYddqY[[gehYfa]\Zqk]n]jYd]p`aZalagfk& ?YdaYfg$EYjlCYde$EYjccmDY`la$ L`]9[Y\]eq`YkYdkgZ]]fafngdn]\afgj_Yfakaf_l`]Za]ffaYd>affak`9j[`al][lmj]]p`aZalagf JgZ]jlE[;Yjl]j$9flgfqEgmdak$ J=>GJEK9F<J=E9JCK (*(+$(,(-$(.(/Yf\l`]mh[geaf_(0(1!af[ggh]jYlagfoal`l`]>affak`9kkg[aYlagfg^9j[`al][lk EYjbY%JaallYFgjja$Fa[`gdYkJYq$ Yf\l`]Emk]meg^>affak`9j[`al][lmj]& 9ff]Kl]fjgk$Lgj]LYddinakl$ `Ylqgmk]]fgoakYf]ohlY`2YfYffmYdbgmjfYd[gflYafaf_ EYj[Lj]aZ$LaegLmgeaYf\ L`]9[Y\]eqY[lan]dqhmZdak`]kZggckYf\eY_Yraf]k$af[dm\af_alkgof=f_dak`%kh]Ycaf_ bgmjfYd$ Yjla[d]kYjgmf\Y_an]fl`]e]&L`akq]Yj Yf\hjgZYZdq]n]jql`j]] LaegNYdbYccY fYe]\Y^l]jl`]Yf[a]fl=_qhlaYf_g\g^Zmad\af_& ^g[mk]kgfYj[`al][lmj]$\]ka_fYf\l`]Yjlk$ q]Yjk^jgefgogf!gmjl`]e]akÊZmad\af_%\]ka_faf_%l`afcaf_Ê$ Yf\alk[gfl]flkaf[dm\]l`]d][lmj]kg^l`]lghd][lmj]k]ja]kYjjYf_]\af@]dkafcaloa[]Yq]Yj& O =\algj%af%[`a]^ o`a[`oYkl`]lald]g^Yfafl]jfYlagfYdkqehgkameg^Yj[`al][lmj]j]k]Yj[`]jk L`]Bqnkcqdkmee]j]n]flkYj]^gddgo]\Zqkh][aYdj]hgjlk& =kYDYYckgf]f L`]\aj][lgjg^l`]9[Y\]eqakYdkgl`]]\algj%af%[`a]^g^l`]*0%hYjl9dnYj9YdlgYj[`al][lmj] YjjYf_]\dYklkmee]jafBqnkcqd&L`]hj]k]flakkm]g^hlY`eYafdq[gfkaklk ]kY&dYYckgf]f8YdnYjYYdlg&Õ egfg_jYh`k]ja]k$hmZdak`]\Zql`]9[Y\]eqaf[gddYZgjYlagfoal`l`]gl`]jmfalkg^l`]>gmf\Ylagf& l]d#+-0% (!-(%---/++( g^l`]c]qfgl]d][lmj]k$]\al]\lgl`akhmjhgk]&AfY\\alagf$=DAF9H=FLLAF=F 9dnYj9Ydlg9[Y\]eqhmZda[YlagfkYj]YnYadYZd]Yll`]gfdaf]Zggcklgj]g^l`]>gmf\Ylagf& `Yk]\al]\l`]log\ak[mkkagfk`]d\\mjaf_l`]kqehgkame^gjgmjbgmjfYd& L`]9[Y\]eqYdkgYjjYf_]k[gflafmaf_]\m[Ylagfogjck`ghk^gjYj[`al][lkmf\]jl`]lald]g^ 9kkaklYfl]\algj hlY`Ydkgaf[dm\]k^YeadaYjeYl]jaYdkm[`YkYjla[d]k$j]na]okYf\d][lmj]k^jge Kgmf\af_k^gj9j[`al][lmj]&L`]^g[mkg^l`]ogjck`ghkakafljg\m[af_[`ad\j]fYf\hj]%l]]fk =dafYH]fllaf]f lgYj[`al][lmj]Yf\mjZYfhdYffaf_&9dYklaf_j]kmdlg^l`]ogjck`ghkakl`]afl]jfYlagfYd ]dafYh]f8_eYad&[ge l`]9dnYj9Ydlg9[Y\]eqkhjaf_Yf\Ymlmefd][lmj]k]ja]k&L`]hj]k]flakkm] Ykkg[aYlagfg^Yj[`al][lmjYd]\m[YlagfHdYq[]& l]d#+-0% (!,(%//.1)1* [gflYafkl`]d][lmj]ZqHjg^]kkgjE9JLC9DE^jge=klgfaYgfl`]Yj[`al][l @]jZ]jlBg`Yfkkgf$o`gogjc]\\mjaf_l`]ljYfkalagfZ]lo]]feg\]jfake >mjl`]jaf^gjeYlagf =\algjaYdYkkaklYfl$Y\n]jlak]e]flk Y[Y\]eq8YdnYjYYdlg&Õtooo&YdnYjYYdlg&Õ'Y[Y\]eqtooo&hdYq[]&gj_ E]jbYNYafag Yf\[dYkka[ake& e]jbY&nYafag8YdnYjYYdlg&Õ • l]d#+-0% (!,((%//*.+. 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