Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 1947 26 Children took part in a PT and dancing demonstration of the College Stadium. June 14th (Saturday) Q.E.S.S Results published today:- List A – 1 boy and 4 girls

th List B – 4 boys and 4 girls (one was underage) 19 There were 14 entrants. 30th The Rector visited this afternoon. Jul 1st The School nurse carried out her routing cleanliness inspection 23rd The Rector visited this morning A party of the top juniors, led by the headmaster visited the Bell Foundry, 24th during the last hour of the afternoon. 30th The school closed after the afternoon session for the summer holidays All the children, led by the staff visited Dudley Zoo today for the annual outing. A 31st fund had been raised by a whist drive. The school reopened this morning with full attendance. There were 9 entrants. On the roll – Class I – B. J. T. Smith – 33 Sept 10th Class II – Mrs Williams 32 Infants – Miss Warriner 39 Total 104 10th The Rector visited this afternoon 12th The Rector visited this morning 19th The School’s Dentist inspected all the teeth today. 30th The Rector visited this morning. Oct. 8th The Rector visited this afternoon Rose Hips – The children have made a record collection of 675lbs of rose hips this 10th autumn. The School’s Dentist treated 31 children in school this morning. 27th Mr. H. Danvers of Shepshed, and an Emergency Teacher in Training from Stafford began a week’s school practice here today. Nov 3rd & 4th School closed for half term holiday Messrs. Platts & Martin, first year students of Loughborough College T.T. dept. 6th commenced a 3 weeks couse of teaching practice here. The Rector called at 3 p.m. today bringing notice of the visit of the Diocesan Inspector on Friday this week. I communicated with the Education office by 24th telephone. No registers are to be marked on Friday morning and school will be closed in the afternoon. Owing to workmen repairing the stove, no main fire could be lighted until 11 a.m. Owing to the extreme cold in the two junior classrooms, the children of these classes 27th (except those staying for dinner) were sent home at 11.30 a.m. School resumed normally at 1.30 p.m. Diocesan Inspection of Religious Instruction by Rev. H. B. Holderness. No registers 28th were marked. School closed in the afternoon. At 10.55 a.m. today a boy of Class III was struck near the ear (right) by a stone Dec 4th thrown by another boy. There was a slight cut. His teacher rendered first aid. 4th Headmaster absent this afternoon, through sudden illness of his wife. Miss Warriner absent this morning suffering from a bad throat. 9th The Rector call this morning. 1947 15th Miss E. Warriner returned to school this morning. 17th The annual school party was held this afternoon. Several Managers were present. School closed at 3.45p.m. for the Christmas Holidays. 18th Terms attendance: Average on Roll – 104.8, average attendance 100.4 % of attendance = 95.8% 1948


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 The school was reopened today with fair attendance. Jan 7th Two children (infants) are reported to be in hospital with Scarlet Fever. 12th Miss E Warriner, Infant’s mistress absent ill. 13th The Rector visited today 16th Miss Warriner returned to duty this morning 21st The Rector visited this morning. Headmaster attended preliminary meeting of Q.E.S.S. interviewing panel at County 28th Office this afternoon. 29th The Rector visited this afternoon There has been a steady decline in attendance this week, owing to an outbreak of Feb 6th measles, particularly among Infants. 9th &10th School closed for half term holiday. Attendance for week only 73% owing to the measles epidemic. 13th The staff held a whist drive this evening for the school summer outing. 26th Headmaster visited the R.C. School Shepshed in last period this afternoon Q.E.S.S. Headmaster supervising at Shepshed R.C. School. Only candidates Mar 5th attended school today. No registers were marked. Headmaster attended the funeral service of the late Ald. B. Fuller, J.P. for many 18th years Manager of this School. 18th & 19th Medical Inspection of 67 children. 23rd School was closed for the Easter holidays after afternoon school today. Apr 14th School was reopened this morning with 119 on the roll. Headmaster attended interview at the Grammar School at 2.30p.m. in connection 23rd with Oral interviews for Q.E.S.S. School was closed for the afternoon to mark the occasion of Their Majesties Silver 26th Wedding. An appropriate morning assembly was held. Q.E.S.S. Oral Interviews Apr 3rd Headmaster attended Rosebery St School (all day) May 3rd Headmaster attended Cobden St. Girls (morning) May 3rd Interview conducted in this school May 4th Headmaster attended Emmanuel (G) (morning) May 4th Headmaster attended St. Mary’s (G) (afternoon) May 5th Headmaster attended Warner C.E.School (afternoon) Ascension Day. A special service to mark the day was conducted in school by the Headmaster. May 6th Swimming lessons 9 – 9.30 a.m. began today. The Rector called this morning. 13th Dr. Holderness called this morning 14th School broke up at 3.45p.m. for the Whitsuntide holidays School re-assembled this morning., 24th A boy of 12 was readmitted from St. Mary’s Boys School on medical advice. June 7th The Health visitor inspected all heads this morning. The whole of the top class in charge of the Headmaster visited the 11 Blackbrook reservoir this afternoon. 16th The Rector visited this afternoon. Diocesan Report on Religious Instruction

Dated: 28th November 1947.

17th The opening worship was conducted by the Headmaster. The singing was good and the prayers reverently said. The infants were visited first and they showed that they had a good grasp of the stories they had been taught. Good use is being made of wall pictures. They were able to recite the Apostles’ Creed. The lower group of the juniors school readily proffered re-telling the stories from their syllabus. Their 2

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 attention to detail showed that the stories had been well present and they were very interested in the “Scripture lessons”. Good work is being done here. The upper group was eagerly responsive to questions put to them and to suggestive B.B. sketches. The children by their efforts at narration showed that they had a good grasp of the stories which must have been well presented. The Rector was present at the inspection. Signed: H. B. Holderness (Diocesan Inspector). At the Leics. County Schools’ Sports, one girl was 2nd in the 120 yards Junior Girls’ June 24th Race and was a member of the winning team in the Junior Girls’ Relay race. July 5th The Q.E.S.S. results:- Class A – 6 girls and 4 boys, Class B – 1 boy (underage) 13th The Rector visited this morning. Mr. C. H. Moore interviewed the boys who are to be transferred to Limehurst Boys’ 15th School. 5 girls attended an interview at the High School at 2.30p.m. today. Miss E.M. 20th Hanford interviewed the girls who will be transferred to the Limehurst Girls’ School. 27th School closed this evening for the midsummer holidays. 28th The whole school, accompanied by many parents enjoyed an outing to Hunstanton. Sept 8th School was re-opened this morning, with 108 children on roll. Headmaster absent, by permission, owing to the critical illness of his daughter in 9th, 10th, Weymouth hospital. 13th to 17th Miss Butler, student in training did a period of School Practice with Infants. Headmaster absent, by permission, removing his daughter from Weymouth Hospital 23rd & 24th to an Oxford Hospital. Oct 5th The Rector visited today. 15th The children have collected 681lbs of rose hips this autumn. 23rd The Rector visited this morning 28th,29th & School closed for the mid-term holidays. Nov 1st Nov 4th – Two students from Loughborough College Training Dept. are doing their Junior 26th School Practice for this period. A tutor of the Training Dept. of Loughborough College spent the afternoon here, 16th watching the students taking classes. th The Health Visitor inspected all heads this morning and excluded three children 17 th from one family, who were admitted here on 9 Nov. School was closed all day to celebrate the birth of a son to H.R.H. Princess 19th Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh 24th Mrs. Hynd, Meals organiser visited in dinner time today. Mrs. Black a tutor from Loughborough College spent the afternoon in school to hear 25th lessons by the students. A girl pupil fell during a P.T. lesson this afternoon and broke a tooth. She was 28th treated in School. I visited the school this morning and found the children and the attendance very Dec 12 good. Signed Olive Hunt. Dec 9th The Rector visited school this morning 16th The annual Christmas Party was held in the school this afternoon and evening. 17th School closed this evening for the Christmas holidays. 1949 Jan 5th School was reopened today. 6th The Rector visited the school this morning and brought an episcope for school use. 7th Miss Peebles H.M.I. visited the school this morning Feb 21st The Rector visited this morning. 24th The Rector visited this afternoon. Mid Term Holiday School was closed from 25th Feb to 2nd March. 3

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Mar 3rd Three cases of scarlet fever were reported this morning. Scarlet fever, measles and influenza are responsible for the very low attendance 11th percentage this week(79.5%) There is still much illness among the children (75.4% this week) 18th The top class led by the Headmaster visited Shepshed Church to see the rehanging of the bells at 2.00p.m. today. Mrs Wilkins was left in charge. A girl aged 7 fell in the Infants playground at 1.25p.m. today. After first aid in school the child’s doctor, Dr. R. M. Paterson of Shepshed was call in as we 21st suspected a fracture near the right elbow. The doctor treated her and took her home. Accident was reported to the office. A representative of the Board of Trade together with the Borough Sanitary Inspector 25th visited the school and addressed the children on paper salvage. 31st The Rector visited this morning. Attendance fell to 75.1% this week. Scarlet fever, measles, mumps and chicken pox April 1st are mainly responsible for absences. 6th The Rector visited this morning. 4th Headmaster absent this p.m. suffering from a heavy cold. 11th Attendance this week 76.7%. 13th The school closed after the afternoon session for the Easter Holidays. (Tuesday) School was reopened this morning. Attendance is not yet up to average. May 3rd 2 cases of mumps were reported. 10th & 11th Q.E.S.S. held in school. There were 10 of age candidates. 12th School was closed for the municipal elections. 18th The Rector visited this morning 23rd The Rector visited this morning The headmaster took all children in the top class to see the fill “Scott of the June 2nd Antarctic” in Loughborough this afternoon 3rd School closed today at 3.45p.m. for the Whitsuntide holiday. 13th School was reopened this morning. 14th The Rector visited school this morning. Mr. G. V. Sibley visited the swimming class in charge of the headmaster at the 16th Loughborough Baths this morning. Headmaster attended Shelthorpe School this afternoon, with three boys for Q.E.S.S. 17th interview. 19th The Rector visited this morning July 6th The Rector visited this morning. School was closed for the day. The staff took the whole school to Cleethorpes for the annual school outing. A large number of parents accompanied the children. July 15th Q.E.S.S. Results – 4 children out of 10 candidates were placed in list A of the Q.E.S.S. – 3 boys and 1 girl. The School’s dentist inspected the children’s teeth this afternoon. 20th & 21st A medical inspection was held on these two days. The school closed at 3.45p.m. today for the summer holidays. 1 children leave for 26th secondary schools. School reopened today with 117 on roll. The interior painting which was scheduled Sept 7th to be done in the holidays has not been carried out. Miss H. D. Blanchard, County P.T. Organizer saw all classes doing physical 23rd exercises this afternoon. 26th The Rector visited this morning. Oct 6th Miss Peebles H.M.I. and Mr. Harris H.M.I. spent the day in school. Oct. 28th – – School closed for mid term holiday. Nov. 2nd Nov 3rd Mr. D. Evans former Headmaster visited the school this morning. 23rd Two first year students from Loughborough College Training Department began 4

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 three weeks teacher practice today. 30th Mr. E. Fern, Manager, visited the school this morning

Copy of H.M.I’s Report – Inspection on 6th October 1949 Inspection by Mr. J. H. Harris H.M.I. and Miss Peebles, H.M.I.

“This primary school with a roll of 118 is organised in three classes and taught in separate spaces. Apart from a small disused classroom, now used for storage purposes, there is no free space.

The headmaster, who has held the appointment for rather more than five years is in charge of the top class. Here sectional treatment is soundly established and the instruction which is marked by freshness, succeeds in capturing the active interest of the children. Mastery of language is indicated in their ready speech an in written exercises which provide ample opportunities for original expression. A varied collection of really attractive books is available for reading and the work in number is sensibly linked with the children’s own experience. Curiosity in the immediate surroundings of the school and district is fostered by a scheme which demands direct observation of simple natural, geographical and historical aspects. This new venture promises well to develop into a valuable feature of the school’s work. Exercises in Dec 5th art and craft are associated in a simple scheme of book crafts. Physical activities are suitably varied and include country dancing, which is much enjoyed but unfortunately restricted to the girls.

The two lower classes are kindly taught by teachers of long experience. The work is approached on well-tried and methodical lines and the children make satisfactory progress. For the youngest children opportunities for flay and choice of activities are provided.

Rather more than 30 children take their id-day meal in one of the class rooms. This is a pleasant and orderly function in the daily arrangements for which the children play an active part.

The school is a happy one. The children are stimulated by their work and give of their best in all they attempt.

Signed as correct copy of the Report – 5th December 1949 – Robert Doble – Chairman of Managers, B. J. T. Smith – Headmaster. Mr Harrison, supervisor of the T.T. Dept. of Loughborough College spent the Dec 6th afternoon in school with the two student teachers. 9th Christmas examinations have been held this week. 13th Mr Insley, Supervisor of T.T. Dept. visitged the student teachers this morning 14th Students finished their school practice. 17th The Rector visited this morning. By invitation of the Rector the top class spent the last hour this morning watching 20th puppetry films on a television set. 21st The annual Christmas party was held in school this afternoon. 22nd School was closed at 3.45p.m. today for the Christmas holidays. 1950 School was reopened this morning with good attendance. The school has been Jan 10th redecorated throughout during the holidays. Accident to scholar – A boy aged 6 trapped his finger in a school door at 1.10p.m. 13th He was taken immediately by his teacher to Loughborough Hospital. Feb 8th The Health Officer inspected heads this morning. Miss Blanchard, PT. organiser visited the school this afternoon to see the country 21st dancing. 5

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 23rd,24th & School closed for the General Election and the mid term break 25th March 21st & Q.E.S.S. held in school for 20 of age candidates. School was closed for all other 22nd children. April 5th School broke up for the Easter holidays at 3.34p.m. today. 25th School re-opened this morning with 125 on roll. 27th Mr E Fern visited the school this morning. May 5th The Rector visited school this morning Q.E.S.S. – information received that 6 children have qualified in category 1 and 4 8th other ‘border-line’ children are to be interviewed. 11th School was closed today for the municipal elections. 12th Mr E Fern visited the school this morning. 25th Q.E.S.S. – 8 children qualified in class A this year – 2 girls and 6 boys. 26th School closed at 3.45p.m. for the Whitsun Holidays June 5th School re-opened for Summer Term. July 3rd Rector visited this morning. School closed at 3.45p.m. for the summer holidays. 20 children transferred to the 25th secondary schools. School was re-opened today, with 113 on roll, there being a preponderance of the Sept 6th younger children. 18th The Rector visited this morning. 1950 The top class in charge of the headmaster visited Blackbrook reservoir this Sept 22nd afternoon. 28th The Rector visited this morning. Oct 19th Miss Fleiming, County organiser paid a visit to the Infants department this morning. Oct 30th – Nov School closed for the half term holiday 3rd Nov 9th The Rector visited this morning. Two first year students of Loughborough College did their initial school practice 20th – Dec 8th here. Their tutor made two visits. Dec 7th Mr. E. Fern visited the school this morning. 14th The Rector visited today. 20th Annual School Christmas Party was held this afternoon. 21st School closed this evening for the Christmas holidays. 1951 School was re-opened this morning 99/117 present only. One case of whooping Jan 9th cough was reported. 12th Many children suffering from coughs and colds this week. Atte4ndance 85% 15th Only 68/117 present this morning. 16th Miss Warriner absent today. 17th Miss Warriner returned for afternoon school. 19th There are 6 cases of whooping cough, 2 measles and 3 chicken pox. Attendance for week 58.9%. 26th The Rector visited this morning. Feb 5th & 6th School closed for half-term holiday 7th Infants attendance 21/45 because of whooping cough, measles and chicken pox. 22nd The Rector visited school this morning 23rd The Health Visitor inspected heads this morning.

1951 Mar 2nd £2.5.2d was collected in school this week on behalf of the Leics. & Rutland Institute for the Blind. 6th & 7th Q.E.S.S. held in School 15th Miss Blanchard (P.T. Organiser) saw Infants dancing this p.m. The Rector visited


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 today 19th & 20th Miss M. Harrington, a student in training of Lincoln spent these two days studying method in the Infants department. 21st School closed at 3.45p.m. for the Easter Holidays. The terms percentage of attendance (76.9%) is the lowest recorded for many years. Whooping cough, measles, chicken pox and the persistently inclement weather were contributory causes. April 10th School was re-opened this morning, there being 112/115 present. Miss M Harrington, teacher in training, began 10 days school practice in the Infants department. 11th Mr. Wright, student teacher of Loughbroough College spent the day in school. Today the School Library received an addition by a gift of a beautifully illustrated book on ‘Wonderful Australia’ sent by a former resident of Hathern – Miss Florence Fisher of “Garendon”, Woodville, South Australia. The Rector visited this afternoon. 17th The Rector visited this afternoon. 19th Mr Bradley, County Psychologist call this afternoon. May 1st Q.E.S.S. results. – 4 candidates qualified in category 1, 2 boys and 2 girls, 1 girl in category 2. 2nd The Rector visited this morning. 9th The headmaster accompanied 1 girl for Q.E.S.S. Interview in Loughborough this morning. 10th The school was closed all day for the Municipal election. 11th School was closed at 3.45 p.m. for the Whitsuntide holidays. 21st School was re-opened this morning. 22nd Q.E.S.S. – following the centralised interview the girl candidate has qualified – no of qualified candidates is now 5. June 11th 20 children in charge of Headmaster visited Exhibition of Child Art in the Library, Loughborough this afternoon. 12th I have examined the registers and found them all correct – R. Allen. 12th 21 children in charge of Mrs. Wilkins visited the above exhibition this afternoon. 27th The School was closed for the afternoon for the Festival of Britain celebrations. 28th The Rector visited this morning. July 6th Mr. C. H. Harris, Divisional Education Officer visited school this morning. The Rector visited this morning. 13th Dental Inspection for the whole school carried out this morning. Miss H Harrington of Lincoln Training College began a further period of teaching training with the Infants class this morning. 20th School closed for the day, on the occasion of the Annual School Outing. 4 coaches of teachers, children and parents travelled to Skegness. The children’s expenses were partially paid from the proceeds of the annual Whist Drive. 24th Prize Giving. School broke up this afternoon for the summer holidays. Sept 11th School re-opened this morning with 118 on roll. The average age of the children is unusually low, there being a preponderance of 7,8 and 9 year olds. To equalise numbers, 12 8 year olds have been moved into the top class. 14th The Rector visited this morning Oct 5th 539 lbs of wastepaper were collected by children. 9th Headmaster absent from 10.00 to 11.00a.m. today, attending a funder in Shepshed. The Health Visitor called this morning to inspect a suspected case of alopecia. 15th I have examined the registers and found them all correct – Olive Hunt 23rd Closed school at 3.45p.m. for the mid-term holiday & General Election. 1951 Oct 31st School was re-opened. Nov 1st The Rector visited this morning. 8th The Rector visited this afternoon 14th The girls’ playground was asphalted and the boys yard patched with asphalt in places. 7

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 15th The Divisional Officer made a brief visit this morning. Miss Blanchard (P.T.O.) saw the Infants and Class 2 at work in P.T. this afternoon. 26th – 30th Many children absent this week through coughs and colds. 30th The Rector visited today to meet representative of the County Architect with regard to the conversion of the school closets. Dec 6th Mr Hunt, of the Divisional Office visited this morning. 7th, 10th & Medical Inspection carried through by Dr. Phillips. 14th 19th The School Christmas party was held today. 20th School closed after afternoon session for the Christmas holidays. 1952 Jan 8th School was re-opened this morning. Five cases of mumps were reported. 18th The annual school whist drive was held in the Village Hall this evening, and proceeds amounted to £24.9.3d for the School outing fund. 28th Attendance fell sharply today, there being only 78 children present out of 126 on books. 30 cases of mumps have been notified to school. There are also a number of children suffering from coughs. The weather is severe. 31st 46 cases of mumps have been notified by today. Attendance 71/126. Feb 1st Attendance percentage for this week was only 58%. This is the lowest recorded for many years. 50 cases of mumps have been notified. 4th The roof to the girls’ porch was dismantled and replaced owing to rotting of the rafters. 6th The sudden death of H.M. King George VI was announced in school today. 7th The Rector visited this afternoon. 11th Attendance still very poor, there being 95/126 present today. 12th A representative from the County Architects Office visited today to inspect the main combustion stove which requires replacement. 15th Funeral of His late Majesty King George VI. The two minutes silence, followed by a short service was observed at 2.00p.m. 21st Miss Thraves of the County Psychologists department visited this morning. 25th & 26th School closed for the half term holiday. Mar 4th & 5th Q.E.S.S. held in school. School closed to those not taking the examination. 11th Mr Preater, County Advisor for Art mad a visit to the school this afternoon. 12th 21 children from the top class accompanied by the Headmaster made a visit to the Civic Exhibition in the Town Hall this morning. 31st Attendance average has fallen very low again. Many children have severe coughs. April 3rd Miss Freeman, prospective Infants Mistress visited the school this afternoon. 4th Miss Warriner absent this morning owing to the sudden illness of her brother. She returned for the afternoon. 7th The Headmaster left school at 2.00p.m. today through sickness. 10th School closed after the afternoon session for the Easter holidays. News was received today of the death of Mr. Edwin Fern. At the closing assembly, the headmaster paid tribute to Mr Fern who was for many years headmaster of this school. The Rector visited today. 29th School was re-opened with 138 on the roll. Miss Warriner Infants teacher has notified that she will be retiring at the end of this term. May 1st. The Rector visited this morning. 5th Mr. Harris, Divisional Education Officer visited this morning. 1952 May 6th Q.E.S.S. 2 boys have qualified in category 1. 8th School closed for Borough Elections 12th Information received that 1 boy, had qualified for the College School of Art 20th At the Loughborough Area Sports on Saturday the school team won the challenge cup for small Junior Schools.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 30th School closed this afternoon at 3.45p.m. for the Whitsuntide holidays. June 9th School was re-opened this morning. The Rector visited this afternoon. 11th 9 + years intelligence test held this morning. 25 children fell into this age group. 12th Headmaster absent, by permission, on the occasion of the Diocesan Readers visit to Gloucester. 25th 4 children in charge of Mrs. Williams went for rehearsal of the Schools Musical Pageant in the Town Hall, Loughborough today. July 4th School was closed today on the occasion of the annual School outing. Children, teachers and a large number of parents travelled to Cleethorpes by coach. 7th One five year old girl reported suffering from Scarlet Fever. 17th Miss K Green, newly appointed Infants teacher spent the day in School. 18th The Rector visited this morning. 22nd Q.E.S.S. one boy has qualified for admission to Loughborough Art School. Miss K Green, new mistress for Infants spent the afternoon in school. 24th Retirement of Miss Warriner. Before an assembly of children, Managers and Friends. Mr. C. H. Harris, Divisional Education Officer presented a handbag to Miss Ellen Warrner to mark her retirement after 45 years of teaching in the Borough of Loughborough. Miss Warriner afterwards presented the school prizes and swimming certificates. 25th School closed at 3.45p.m. for the summer holidays. Miss Warriner completed her duty in school today, her resignation taking effect from 31st August 1952. Sept 9th School was reopened with 133 on the roll. Miss Kathleen Margaret Green of Loughborough commenced as Infants Mistress. The school has been painted outside during the summer hlidays. 18th The district visitor carried out a head inspection this afternoon. 22nd The Rector visited this afternoon. 26th Miss K.M. Green left school at 2p.m. today to attend a gathering of newly appointed teachers in the County. October 1st The Rector visited this morning. 8th Miss Warriner visited this afternoon. 13th Miss M Wragg of Hinckley, prospective Infants teacher visited the school this afternoon. 15th Managers meeting held this evening. 16th The Rector visited this morning. 17th A case of Scarlet Fever in the Infants class was confirmed this morning. 24th School closed for the Autumn holiday at 3.45p.m. todat. November 3rd School was reopened this morning, 4th Headmaster absent this p.m. – attending a funeral (by permission) 11th At a Managers meeting this evening Miss Megan Wragg of Middlefield Infants School Hinckley was appointed on the staff, to commence her duties Tuesday 6th January 1953. 14th Headmaster left at 3p.m. today to attend a meeting of the Education Officers. 21st A Whist Drive in aid of the party and school outing fund was organised in the Village Hall this evening, proceeds amounted to £22. Dec 1st We have examined the registers and found them correct. Signed: Olive Hunt & Elizabeth Price. Dec 3rd The Rector visited this morning. 4th Miss Blanchard called this afternoon with regard to the County Music Festival 1953. Three boys from this school are chosen for an item “Bakewell of Dishley” 18th The Annual School Christmas Party was held in School this afternoon. A number of school Managers were present. 19th The School closed after the afternoon session for the Christmas Holidays. With the appointment of an additional Infants Mistress the school will be organised in four classes next term. 9

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 1953 School reopened this morning with 133 on roll. Mrs. M Wood began her duties as Jan 6th Infant’s mistress with the reception class. 29.01.1953 Examined and found correct – R. Allen Feb 3rd Practice Intelligence Test for QESS held in school this morning for 20 children eligible. Miss Hogg H.M.T. visited the school today and stayed for school dinner. 6th Miss Beauchard P.T. organiser called at school this afternoon to discuss costumes for the County Festival. 9th Attendance down to 109/133 this morning – 9 children have measles and 3 have chicken-pox. 10th Practice Intelligence Test for QESS held this morning 18th & 19th Medical Inspection 20th The District Health visitor inspected heads this morning. 26th I have examined the registers and found them correct – L. J. Tyers 27th Attendance percentage has fallen these past two weeks, there being an epidemic of measles and chicken pox among the younger children. Bad coughs are prevalent among the older children. March 3rd & QESS – The annual qualifying examination for secondary schools was taken by 20 4th children. School was closed for the other children. 4th School Managers meeting was held in school this evening. 6th Attendance for the week only reached 78.9% due largely to the prevalence of chicken-pox and measles. 11th The Chairman of Managers visited this morning 13th Headmaster attended the County Office this afternoon for a composition (QESS) markers meeting. 9th Work on the conversion of the school closets was begun today. 17th The Rector visited today. 31st One boy pupil was notified today that as the result of an examination he is eligible for admission to the art stream of Loughborough College School. April 1st School closed after the afternoon session for the Easter Holidays. 21st School was reopened this morning. A ten year old boy fainted in school and struck his head on a desk. After first-aid he was taken home and then to a doctor. A report was sent to the office. 29th Q.E.S.S. – 2 boys and 1 girl qualified in category i, and 1 boy and 2 girls in category ii May 6th Headmaster attended Q.E.S.S. interviews in Loughborough with three children. 7th School closed today for the Municipal Election. 6th I have examined the registers and found same correct – A. Slack 12th Q.E.S.S. – As a result of the recent centralised interview one girl has been included in the list of qualified candidates. Miss Bragins, School Meals Organiser had dinner in school today. 18th – 21st Miss Wilkins attended with selected children the rehearsals and performances of the County School’s Coronation Pageant. 22nd School closed after afternoon session for the Whitsun and Coronation Holidays. Before school closed each child was presented with a souvenier, the gift of the Borough by the Chairman of Managers. June 4th School was reopened this morning. Top class was taken to Loughborough for rehearsal of the Borough School’s Coronation Pageant. 5th A boy aged 9 was struck in the eye by a small stick in the playground at break this morning. After treatment by the teacher he was sent home. Accident reported to the office. 1953 June 6th 45 Senior children took part in the Coronation Pageant of the Loughborough Schools this morning. 11th The Rector visited this morning 10

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 15th The Rector visited this morning 17th Councillor L. T. Tyers, Manager, visited this morning. 18th Headmaster absent today, by permission, attending gathering of Lay Readers in Oxford. 19th Attendance very low this week because of outbreaks of whooping-cough and chickenpox. The Rector visited this morning. 23rd School Outing – For the annual school outing some 120 children, the staff and may parents had a train trip to Dudley Zoo. The school was closed for the day. Part of the children’s expenses was defrayed by the proceeds of the annual whist drive. 29th The Rector visited this morning. July 1st Miss Boon, Health Visitor inspected this morning. 2nd The Rector visited this morning 8th The Rector visited this morning 10th The afternoon school began at 1.45p.m. today, as the school dinner did not arrive until 1.20p.m. 13th Miss Janet Freeman of Shepshed, a student of Whitelands Training College, London began a fortnights teaching practice this morning 23rd Retirement of Mrs G P Wilkins. The presence of the Managers, parents old scholars and children. Mrs. Wilkins was presented with an oak standard lamp by the Director of Education, Mr. S. C. Mason. Many speakers paid high tribute to Mrs. Wilkins kindly and efficient services to this school in a wide ariety of ways during the past 42 years. 24th School closed this evening for the summer holidays. 21 children transferred to the different secondary schools. Mrs. Wilkins completed her service in this school, her retirement taking effect 31.08.53. Attendances for the year:- Average on Roll = 133 Average attendance = 120 Percentage = 90.2% Sept 8th School was reopened this morning. Mrs P Dalton commenced duties with Class II. Mrs G S Bristow, supply teacher commenced duties with Class IV vice Mrs Wood who has been granted leave of absence, as she is an expectant mother. Organisation:- Juniors Class I – B J T Smith 42 Juniors Class II – Mrs. J Dalton 35 Infants Class III – Miss K M Green 27 Infants Class IV – Mrs Bristow 14 + 2 Total on roll – 118 + 2 21st The Health Visitor inspected all children this afternoon. 24th & 25th Mrs Bristow absent these days owing to the illness of her daughter 28th The Rector visited this morning 29th The Rector visited this afternoon Oct 6th Dental Inspection this morning. Mrs Dalton attended P.E. Class at Roseberry Street School this afternoon. 22nd Mr L V Preater, Advistory Officer for Art, brought a gift of a framed picture for the School 26th – 30th School closed for mid-term holiday Nov 3rd Mr C H Harris, Divisional Executive Officer called this morning Mr G Hollis, newly appointed Headmaster spent the day in School today. 4th,5th & 6th Mrs P Dalton, (Class II) absent, suffering from migraine. Nov 11th Mrs Dalton absent today. Mr Hunt and Mrs Briggs of the Loughborough Divisional Office visited this morning The Health Visitor called today 13th Mrs Dalton absent today Free tickets for Loughborough Fair were distributed today. 11

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Councillor Tyers, School Manager, called this morning 16th – 20th Mrs Dalton absent all week, suffering from migraine. 20th Whist Drive – the staff arranged a Whist Drive in the Village Hall this evening – proceeds amounting to £19.17.9 were for the School Pary Fund 23rd & 24th Mrs Dalton still absent. Mrs Bristow in charge of Class II, Miss Green in charge of both classes III & IV 25th Mrs Dalton returned today 30th Mrs Dalton absent today(migraine)

I have examined the registers and found them correct.

Signed:- Olive Hunt Dec 1st Mrs Dalton absent this morning. Returned for afternoon School. 4th The two pictures chosen as the schools coronation gift from the County Council were delivered today. 9th Mrs P Dalton absent today (migraine) D Sgt Shaw brought a police van with “Safety First” demonstrations this morning. Each child received Kerb Drill booklets. 10th Mrs Dalton absent this morning. Returned in afternoon. Headmaster absent (by permission)for part of this afternoon in order to visit Coleorton School 11th The sliding screen between classrooms 1 & 3 was repaired today. 14th Peter Groves, aged 5, struck his head on a cupboard in room 4 this morning. After first aid his mother was sent for and he was taken to a doctor to have a stitch inserte4d. 16th The annual school Christmas party was held this afternoon and was attended by the Divisional Officer, Mr C H Harris and a number of school managers. 17th Mrs Bristow relinquished her post with Class IV as Mrs M Wood returns on 5th January 1954 following her maternity leave of absence.

This being my last day of duty in this School, I should like to record my warm appreciation of the friendly co-operation of the Managers and the loyal and efficient services of the school staff. My tenure here has been very happy – B J T Smith December 17th 1953 1954 January 5th School re-opened this morning for the Spring Term with 120 children on the roll. Mrs M Wood resumed her duties on the school staff following maternity leave of absence.

I commenced duties as Headmaster – Mr G M Hollis.

Class Organisation – Class I – G M Hollis – 41 Class 2 – Mrs P Dalton – 36 Class 3 – Miss K Green – 27 Class 4 – Mrs M Wood – 16 Total - 120 8th The Rector visited school this afternoon 18th Mrs M Wood absent today owing to illness of her son. Miss K Green in charge of Class III & Class IV

Jan 20th Mr Johnson, County Organiser for Physical Education called this morning. 21st Mrs Wood absent today – Influenza cold. 22nd Mrs Wood returned this afternoon 25th Mrs Dalton absent this morning (migraine) Miss Green in charge of Class II, Mrs Wood in charge of classes III & IV 12

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Mrs Dalton returned to school this afte4rnoon 26th Practice Intelligence Test taken this morning by 17 of the 21 entrants for this years Q.E.S.S. Feb 1st Low attendance last week due to severe weather and resulting outbreak of coughs and colds. Average attendance 102- Roll 122. Attendance today down to 97 2nd Mrs Dalton absent this afternoon – injured ankle 4th Mrs Dalton absent today – injured ankle 18th,19th, 22nd Mrs Wood absent these days due to Tonsillitis – 24th 23rd – 24th 21 children took the Q.E.S.S. examination - 10 boys and 11 girls. Mrs Bradshaw of Kegworth County School attended to assist with the supervision of the examination 25th - 26th Mrs M Wood absent – tonsillitis – expected to be back at School Wednesday 3rd March 1954 March 1st & School closed for Half Term Holiuday 2nd 3rd School reopened after half term holiday Mrs M Wood still absent, Mrs P Dalton absent - migraine 4th & 5th Mrs M Wood and Mrs P Dalton absent. Mrs M J Hollis temoporary service during afternoon of 4th March and whole of 5th March 8th Mrs M Wood and Mrs P Dalton resumed their duties this morning. 10th Mrs P Dalton absent today – migraine Mrs M Wood absent this morning to take baby to skin specialist. 11th Mrs P Dalton away today - migraine 12th Mrs P Dalton away today. Mrs M J Hollis temporary duty 15th Mrs P Dalton resumed her duties this morning 16th Mrs P Dalton away this morning until 11.00a.m. 17th Mr C H Harris, Education Officer and Mr E Briggs, School correspondent visited the school this morning to inspect suitable sites for proposed new wash basins. 19th Mrs P Dalton absent today – migraine. Mrs M J Hollis temporary duty this afternoon in charge of class II 23rd Mrs P Dalton absent today - migraine 24th Mrs P Dalton returned to duty 25th Mrs P Dalton away today – migraine Medical examination of 18 children conducted by School Medical Officer 26th Mrs M J Hollis on temporary duty in charge of Class II 30th Medical examination of 19 children conducted by School’s Medical Officer April 5th Mrs P Dalton resumed her duties in charge of Class 2 6th Medical examination of 13 children conducted by School’s Medical Officer 8th School closed this afternoon for Easter holiday 27th School reopened this morning – 3 children admitted to reception class – w2 children withdrawn on leaving the district. Numbers now as follows:- Class 1 – Head Teacher – 42 Class 2 – Mrs P Dalton – 34 Class 3 – Miss K Green – 28 Class 4 – Mrs M Wood – 19 Total 123 Mrs P Dalton absent suffering from migraine. Mrs M J Hollis temporarily in charge of Cass 2 28th,29th,& Mrs P Dalton absent – migraine. Mrs M J Hollis in charge of Class 2 30th May 3rd & 4th Mrs P Dalton absent – cervical neuralgia. Mrs M J Hollis absent. 5th Mrs P Dalton absent – cervical neuralgia. Mrs M J Hollis in charge of class 2 13th School closed while in use as Polling Station during Loughborough Borough elections. Patricia Fuller attended interview by Q.E.S.S. panel at Loughborough 17th Mrs P Dalton absent – migraine. Mrs M J Hollis in charge of class 2 Mr Allen, School Manager visited the school for inspection of registers. 13

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 18th Mrs P Dalton absent – migraine. Mrs M J Hollis in charge of class 2 Mrs M Wood absent – son’s visit to hospital. Mrs P Dalton returned to her duties this afternoon . Mrs M J Hollis in charge of Class 4 19th Mrs M Wood resumed her duties this morning 21st Mrs M Wood absent this afternoon – visiting infant son in hospital 24th Mrs P Dalton absent today - migraine 25th Mrs P Dalton resumed her duties this morning Results of Q.E.S.S. published in April – Anthony White – category 1 – qualified for admission to Grammar School Patricia Fuller – category 2 – result of interview did not qualify. June 4th School closed for Whitsun holiday this evening. 14th School reopened this morning after Whitsuntide holiday – 121 children on roll. 16th Mrs P Dalton absent today – migraine. Mrs M J Hollis in charge of class 2 Mrs M Wood absent this morning – taking infant son to see skin specialist at hospital. 17th The School Health Visitor inspected all the children this morning. 25th Mrs Dalton absent this afternoon – migraine. Mr Johnson, Physical Education Adviser for visited the school this morning and observed work by the children of classes 1, 2 & 4 29th Mrs Dalton absent – migraine. Mrs M J Hollis in charge of class 2 30th Mrs Dalton resumed her duties this morning. July 2nd Today 39 children of class 1, in charge of the Headmaster visited Viscounts Beraumont School to join with the top class of that school in an educational outing. The morning was spent on a tour of Coleorton Church and the grounds of Coleorton Hall. After being entertained to dinner at the school we all walked over the fields to New Lount Colliery where 3 of the colliery staff conducted a most interesting and instructive tour of the pit-head workings. Miss Green was left responsible teacher in charge of the school for the day. 5th Josie Hunt was struck on the head during the games lesson with a rounders bat and suffered a severe bruise. She was bandaged with a cold compress and immediately sent home. The accident was reported to the Education Office. 23rd School closed today after afternoon session for the summer holidays. 21 children are transferring to secondary schools. John Storer Charity Prizes awarded to Judy Hollis, Josephine Watt, Edwin Burnhill, Michael Barnett, Jean Bradbury and two books were purchased for Infant’s library. Hathern Charity Prizes for progress awarded to Anthony White, Rodney Edwards, Patricia Fuller and Joyce Baxter. Mrs Dalton terminated her duties in charge of Class 2 today. September 7th The school reopened this morning for the Christmas Term. There was a full attendance of 108 children, including 8 new entrants. Organisation - Class 1 – Headmaster – 37 Class 2 – Mrs Hollis – 33 Class 3 – Miss Green – 23 Class 4 – Mrs Wood – 15 Total 108 Mrs Hollis appointed for temporary duty in charge of Class 2 in place of Mrs Dalton 8th Mrs Wood absent owing to illness of infant son. Miss Green in charge of class 3 & 4 10th Mrs Wood absent this morning suffering from a bilious bout. Miss Green in charge of classes 3 and 4 September Mrs Wood has ceased her duties as she expects the birth of a child in November of 13th this year. Miss Green today assumed responsibility for the whole of the Infants department. 15 School attendance Office, Mr Mee visited the school today. Very few absences from school to report and none for his attention .


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 21st The School Dentist visited the school today and inspected the children’s teeth 22nd The children were all photographed today by a photographer from Leicester Photographic Services. 29th The school attendance officer visited the school today. October 1st John Hollis, aged 6, tripped and fell during Music and Movement this morning. He bit his tongue severely and was taken to Loughborough Hospital where a stitch was inserted. 6 Nurse Boon, Health Visitor, visited the school this morning and inspected all the children for cleanliness. 21 A Parents’ meeting was held in the school this evening for parents to see their children’s work and discuss their progress with the teachers concerned. A large number of people were present and the evening proved most profitable and enjoyable. 22nd School closed this afternoon for the mid term holiday. Nov 1 School reopened after mid term break. 108 children present out of the 110 on roll. Miss Ann Johnston of Mountsorrel commenced temporary duties in charge of class 4. 9th Mr R Pulbrook, County Adviser for Secondary School visited the school this morning. 12th Free tickets for the Loughborough Fair, three per child, were distributed this afternoon 19 The School Whist Drive was held this evening in the Village Hall to raise funds for the children’s Christmas Party. The amount realised was £25.7.10 Dec 21st The School Christmas Party was held this afternoon at 2.30p.m. Of the board of managers, The Rev. Doble, and Mr Tyers were present and Mrs Doble and Mrs Tyers also. A very enjoyable time was had and Father Christmas arrived to give presents to all the children. 22nd School closed at the end of the day for the Christmas Holiday. Miss Ann Johnston ceased duty today. 1955 Jan 10 School re-opened with 113 children on the roll 18 Miss Ann Johnston commended duties this afternoon as teacher temporarily in charge of Class IV Feb 4 Miss Johnston ceased duties today, being about to enter Training College in Bradford 3rd Miss Thraves, of County Psychologist Dept. visited school today and gave tests to one boy ages 8 years 2 weeks. 7th Mrs Wilcox commenced duties today. She was placed in charge of Class IV (Reception Infants) 14thy,15thy & The annual school medical inspection was held on these three days 16th 21st & 22nd School closed for half term holiday 23rd Nurse Boon visited the school today and inspected the 106 children present Mrs 1st & 2nd Q.E.S.S. was to have been held today and Wednesday but owing to weather conditions has bee postponed until 8th & 9th March 8th & 9th The School was closed on these two days, Tuesday and Wednesday to all children but the 19 candidates for Q.E.S.S. One girl was absent ill for the whole of the examination. Mrs Bradshaw of Kegworth County School was the visiting invigilator for the examinations. 10th Mr Mee Schools attendance officer visited the school today. 11th Friday. Mr Briggs, the Clerk to Loughborough Primary Schools visited the school this afternoon . Mr H Savage plumber, Tanners Lane Hathern is to receive the order to fit new W.C. basin to the Staff toilet. 8th & 9th Loughborough Parks Dept. workmen lopped sycamore tree in back playground. During the works one large branch fell upon the lowest climbing bar in the playground, bending the bar and partly breaking the collar attaching it to the next 15

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 upright. 30th One girl aged 10 fell and severely grazed her knee during P.E. lesson. The wound was washed and cleaned and covered with a prepared antiseptic dressing, but it was not thought necessary to send the child for further treatment. April 1st One girl was excluded from school suffering from a severe rash on face and body 6th School closed at the end of the afternoon session for the Easter Holiday. 25th School reopened this norming with 118 children on the roll, there being 3 new entrants May 26th School closed for General Election 27th School closed at 3.45p.m. today for the Whitsuntide holiday June 6th School reopened after Whitsuntide holiday. Q.E.S.S. results:- 3 children were placed in category 1 and four in category 2. As a result of centralised interviews in Loughborough 2 were placed in category 1, making a total of 5 children in this group. 8th Mr Wingate Saul H.M.I. visited the school today and saw the work of all 4 classes. The County auditors from the County Finance Dept visited the school this afternoon and examined the school accounts books. 9th A Parents evening was held in the school at 7.30p.m. Over 75 parents attended to discuss their children’s progress with the staff and inspect their work. 14th Mr F J M Johnson, county organiser of P.E. visited the school and saw all classdes at work in the school yard. July 1st A rummage sale was held in school after the afternoon session, and produced £27.1.3d towards the expenses of the children’s outing. 14th A team of 5 girls competed in the North Leicestershire School’s Swimming Gala. The team won second place and 3 were placed 1st in the diving contest. 15th In perfect summer weather, 6 bus loads of children and parents visited Mablethorpe for the day, the school being closed. Money raised at the rummage sale on 1st July and some of the residual funds from the whist drive last autumn paid the whole of the children’s fares, and provided them with refreshment on the homeward journey. All enjoyed a most delightful day by and in the sea. 22nd School closed at the end of the afternoon session for the summer holiday September 6th School reopened for the Christmas term with 100 children, including 7 entrants on the roll. Miss Helen Cullen of Empress Road Loughborough commenced duties in charge of Class 3 (919 children) Miss H Green assumed responsibility for Class 4 (25 children) Mrs M Hollis retaining charge of Class 2 (33 children) Oct 3rd Accident to Scholar – a 9 year old girl fell from the climbing bars this morning during class 2’s P.E. lesson. She was sent home and her father took her to Loughborough hospital for X-ray. He reported this afternoon that a “green stick” fracture is suspected. Accident reported ot Education Office, Loughborough. 21st School closed following the end of the afternoon session for the mid term break. 31st School reopened this morning. During the half term holiday new floors of West African mahogany have been laid. Thus the school has throughout the building sound smooth level floors, which add greatly to its comfort and appearance. Repairs have also been carried out on the electric pump which circulates the hot water in the school heating system. Nov 4 Mrs M Hollis absent this afternoon in order to attend prize distribution at . Dec 2 Attendance this week has decreased to the lowest level for over 2 years owing to an epidemic of chicken pox. Over 20 children are away from school suffering from this complaint. Attendance for the week being only 80%. 2nd This week mirrors and towel rollers have been fitted in the children’s cloakrooms where there are washbasins. An electric doorbell and a letter box have also been installed. 9th Attendance continues very low, 73.9% due to prevalence of chicken pox. A whist drive was held tonight in the Village Hall and proved very successful, £32.8.9d being taken towards providing the Children’s Christmas Party. 16

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 16th Attendance still very low due to chicken pos. Percentage for week 76.9% 19th This evening before a large number of parents in the school the scholars gave examples from their work this term in drama and music. Class 1 and class 2 performed the play ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’; class 3 performed the ‘Frog Prince’ and examples of their percussion band work and class 4 acted ‘The Turnip’ All items were enthusiastically received by an appreciative audience. 20th The school Christmas party was held in school this afternoon . All classrooms were decorated for the occasion and the children were served with tea in their several classrooms. All the school managers had been invited to be present, and the Rev. & Mrs. Doble, Mrs. O Hunt, Mrs G Stokoe and Mr Tyers attended. Mr Allen sent a letter regretting that he was unable to be there. A number of parents and friends were at the school to help in serving teas. After tea the children played games and danced, and later Father Christmas arrived and presented Christmas gifts to everyone. The party ended with more games and dancing after the younger children had gone home. 21st School closed today after the afternoon session for the Christmas holiday. 1956 Jan 10thy Reopened school after Christmas holiday. 2 children admitted from Shelthorpe School to make number on roll 100. – Class 1 – 23, Class 2 – 34, Class 3 – 19, Class 4 – 24. 25th The school health visitor inspected all the children this morning. 31st Practice Intelligence Test for Q.E.S.S. held this morning. Feb 7th & 8th Practice Intelligence Test repeated this morning. Medical examination of leavers, entrants and re-inspections. 21st Miss Green absent today by permission to attend funeral. 28th & 29th Q.E.S.S. examination held in school. 15 children took the examination, 9 boys and 6 girls. Mrs Mcwraith of Kegworth County Primary school and Miss Cullen assisted in the supervision of the examination. Miss Green attended Long Whatton Primary School and Mrs. Hollis Kegworth County Primary School. The school was closed for all children not taking Q.E.S.S. Mar1st & 2nd School closed for half term break. 5th School reopened following half ter break. 6th Mr Wingate-Saul H.M.I. and Mr Denham H.M.I. visited the school this morning. 23rd Mrs M Hollis absent from morning session by permission owing to her son’s illness. 28th School closed after the afternoon session for the Easter Holiday. April 8th School reopened this morning. 7 new entrants and 2 admitted on transfer from other schools, bring roll to 107. 11 children promoted from class 2 to make class 1 34 on register. 11 children promoted from class 3 to class 2 making class 2 34 on register (including 1new admission). 12 children promoted from class 4 to class 3 making class 3 19 on register. 8 children admitted to class 4 making 20 on register. 24th & 25th 9+ examination of 3 Standard Tests in English, Arithmetic and Intelligence held on these 2 days. 23 children took the examination . June 7th A 11 year old boy cut his hand when attempting to stop a swing door at the Loughborough Town baths this morning. He was taken to Lougthborough Hospital where the cuts were treated and an anti-tetanus injection was given. 8th A jumble sale was held in the school today at 4.30p.m. A number of parents assisted at the stall and helped to realize £28.2.4d from the sale of goods. The proceeds go into school funds to pay the children’s fares on the summer outing to the sea. 11th Nurse Boon, Health visitor inspected all the children this morning. 14th M r F J H Johnson, County Organiser for P.E. visited the school this afternoon to see the children’s work in P.E. lesson by its class teacher, and Mr Johnson expressed satisfaction with the work done. 25th A 5 year old pupil fell in the playground this afternoon and severely bruised her knee. The wound was cleaned and the child sent home. July 9th A 5 year old pupil fell from the climbing bars during a P.E. Class this morning. She was taken with her mother to Loughborough Hospital where is was discovered that 17

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 her left shin was fractured. The accident was reported to the Loughborough Divisional Education Office. 18th Miss Gilbert, school meals organiser call today and stayed for the mid-day meal. 19th An ‘Open Day’ was held this afternoon and many parents attended to see the children at work. A large quantity of written work, art, handicraft and needlework was on display and attracted a great deal of attention . Unfortunately bad weather prevented the display of any physical activity but the parents were able to listen to classes singing and to see a display of country dancing by the older children. 25th School closed at the end of the afternoon for the summer holiday. September 4th School reopened after the summer holiday with 92 children on the roll, including 1 boy admitted to the entrants class. Class 1, Mrs G Hollis, 22, 11 boys and 11 girls. Mrs. M Hollis, 33, 20 boys and 13 girls. Miss H Cullen ?, Miss K Green ? total 92. The exterior decoration of the school has been completed during the holiday, the ceiling in room 3 re-plastered, the stove in room 4 repaired and the school keeper has completed the staining and varnishing of all floors with at least 2 coats of floor seal. 10 S A O, Mr Mee called this morning. 17 Mr Johnson & Miss Foggo, advisory officers for P.E. called this morning Mr Johnson took a lesson with classs 1 and Miss Foggo took a lesson with Class 3. Oct 16th Dental inspection carried out this morning. 19th The school was visited today by the County Superintendent Caretaker. 22nd Mr Sealey, advisor for Primary Schools visited the school today, attending morning assembly service and spending a short time with class 3. 25 School closed at the end of afternoon school for the half term break. Nov 5th School reopened this morning following the mid term break. 6th Mr R Elliott, a student in training at Loughborough College commenced a 3 weeks period of school practice today. 15th Mr A Wilcox tutor at Loughborough College called today to see Mr Elliott teaching 16th Average attendance down to 81.7% this week. Many children have been ill with gastric influenza. 23rd Miss Cullen absent this morning suffering from a severe cold and stomach disorder. Attendance still low – 85.2% this week. Mr Elliott, student teach absent last Friday 16th due to gastric influenza. 27th Mr Elliott student from Loughborough College ended his 3 weeks period of school practice today. A number of the children of class 1 clubbed together and present him with a Gillette safety razor in a case. As a result of a Whist Drive held on 23rd November the sum of £24.27.6d was raised and paid into the school welfare fund. Dec 13 This evening in the Village Hall the children gave a performance of Carols, a Tableau and a Nativity Play. There was a large and appreciative audience of parent and friends, and the sum of £7.12.6d was collected in aid of Hungarian Refugees. The money was sent to the Loughborough Refugee Fund. 18th The School Christmas party was held in the School this afternoon. Tea was followed by games, and father Christmas then gave presents to all the children. The infant classes then went home, but the 2 junior classes enjoyed further games and dancing until 8 p.m. when the party came somewhat reluctantly to an end. 19th School closed at the end of the day for the Christmas holiday. Enthusiasm for swimming has been so great this term that on cessation of school swimming in October, some 15 children have gone regularly every Tuesday evening to Coalville baths which remained open until 7th December. It is hoped that these children will resume their out-of-school swimming when Coalville Baths reopens early in February. 1957 Jan 8th School reopened today with 95 children on the roll. There were no new entrants. Class Distribution – Class 1, Mr Hollis – 23, Class 2 Mrs Hollis – 34, Class 3 Miss Cullen – 18, Class 4 Miss H Green – 20. 11th The school keeper, Mrs Roberts reported to me today that there was a defective 18

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 window in classroom 3. On examining the window I found that it was not secured by its metal frame, all the bolts having given way between the fram and the stonework. 14th The damaged window in classroom 3 was repaired over the weekend my Messrs Hammond, Builders of Bridge Street, Loughborough. 15th Nurse Boon the health visitor inspected all the children present this morning – 87 in number. 21st Dr Thomson carried out 24 routine medical inspections this morning. Classes 3 (Miss Cullen) and class 4 (Miss Green) both worked in classroom 4 this day as classroom 4 was in use for medical inspections. 22nd Dr Thomson carried out 23 medical inspections this morning. Feb 1st Messrs Hammonds of Loughborough, Bridge Street have completed the pointing of foundations stones in the school walls, replace damaged air-bricks and fitted a new grating to the drain in the big playground. 11th Miss Green absent with tonsillitis. Miss Cullen responsible for Classes 3 & 4. Mrs Hollis for class 2 and 6 children from class 3, Headmaster for class 1 and 5 children from class 2. 15th Miss Green returned to duty 14th 14 children examined for sight and hearing by audio metrician from County health service. 18th & 19th Mess H Savage, Plumbers, carried out repairs to lead guttering between roofs of classroom 1 & 2. 26th & 27th The school was closed on these 2 days for the Q.E.S.S 18 children, 9 boys & 9 girls took the examination this year. The Headmaster, Miss Cullen and Mrs McIlwraith of Kegworth county primary school supervised the examination at Hathern. Mrs Hollis at Kegworth and Miss Green at Long Whatton assisted in supervision at other schools. 28th – Mar 4th School closed for half-term holiday 5th School reopened following half term holiday – 90 present – 94 on roll. 19th Miss Cullen absent with Laryngitis – Miss Green responsible for Classes 3 & 4 21st Miss Cullen returned to duties. April 10th School closed for the Easter holiday. May 1st School reopened following Easter Holiday. Four new entrants, two boys and two girls admitted. Classes were re-organised as follows:- Class 1 – Headmaster – 37, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis – 28, Class 3 – Miss Cullen – 18, Class 4 – Miss Green – 98, making total on roll 98. The results of the Qualifying Examination for Secondary Schools were received today. Three children were placed in category (i) having qualified for admission to Grammar Schools. Two more were placed in category (ii) to be interviewed by the District Panel in Loughborough on Thursday 9th May.Easter holiday. 4 new entrants 2 boys and 2 girls admitted. Classes were reorganised as follows – class 1, headmaster -37, class 2, Mrs Hollis -28. Class 3 Miss Cullen – 18, class 4 , Miss Green 15 – total 98 on roll. May 9th1st School closed for the day on account of the Loughborough Borough Elections. 2 students attended District Panel interviews at Loughborough College School.The results of the Q.E.S.S. were received today. 3 children were placed in category 1 having qualified for admission to Grammar Schools – all boys, 1 girl and 1 boy were placed in category 2 to be interviewed by the Loughborough district panel in Loughborough on Thursday 9th May

10th9th 2 children from Tugby aged 8 and 7 were admitted on Thursday May 2nd bringing the number on the School roll up to 100.School closed for the day on account of Loughborough Borough Electons. The 2 children selected for interviews attended at Loughborough College. 14th10th Noticed received today that as a result of District Panel Interviews 1 pupil has


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 qualified for admission to Grammar School.2 girls from Tugby were admitted on Thursday 2nd May bringing the number on the school roll up to 100. 28th14th Mr C h Harris, Divisional Education Officer called to discuss planning of shelves and cupboards and asked for a managers meeting.Notice received today that as a result of the district panel interviews the boy had qualified for the Grammar School. 29th28th As a result of a rummage sale held in the school on Friday 24th May the sum of £25.5.0d was raised for the school friend. The major part of the proceeds will help to defray the expenses of the school visit to London on 5th July.Mr C H Harris, Divisional Education Officer called to discuss planning of shelves and cupboards asked for at last manager’s meeting. June 3rd29th The Loughborough Primary Schools’ Area Sports were held on Saturday 1st June. Hathern won the small schools’ trophy with a total of 6 points. 1 girl won the girls’ hurdle race and will represent the Loughborough area in that event at the County Sports on 22nd June.As a result of a rummage sale held in the school on Friday 24th May the sum of £25.5.0d. was raised for the school fund. The major part of the proceeds will kelp to defray the expenses of the school visit to London on 6th July 7thJune 3rd School closed this evening for the Whitsuntide holiday.The Loughborough Primary Schools’ area sports were held on Saturday 1st June. Hathern won the small schools trophy with a total of 6 points. 1 girl won the girls hurdle race and will represent the Loughborough area in that event at the county sports on 22nd June. 26th7th This afternoon, while playing rounders during the games lesson an 11 year old boy sustained an injury to his thumb. The boy slipped while running to score a rounder, and in checking his fall his thumb was hurt. The boy made no complaint to me at the time, but that evening, being in pain, was taken to Loughborough Hospital where a fracture was diagnosed and the injury attended to. The accident was then reported to me the next morning.School closed this evening for the Whitsuntied holiday. July 5th26th School was closed today on the occasion of our visit to London. 54 children in charge of the 4 members of staff travelled to London by the 8.35a.m. train from Loughborough. The children were those of the 2 junior classes in the school. The infant classes taking a holiday. On arrival in London we were met by a coach and proceeded on a short tour of central London, stopping at Buckingham Palace on our way to watch the changing of sentries before going on the Tower. We spent about an hour at the Tower of London and then travelled to Westminster Pier for a river trip as far as Tower Bridge and back. Leaving the river our coach took us to the Zoo where we spent the reminder of our time before catching the train for home. Miss Cullen was taken ill on the train for London and was sent for treatment at a hospital. She rejoined us before we returned home, having been treated for acute wry neck.This afternoon while playing rounders during the games lesson, a boy aged 11 sustained an injury to his thumb. The boy slipped while running to score a rounder and in checking his fall his thumb was hurt. The boy made no complaint to me at the time, but that evening, being in pain was taken to Loughborough where a fracture was diagnosed and the injury attended to. The accident was then reported to me the next day. 8thJuly 5th Miss Cullen absent. Class 3 divided between Mrs Hollis and Miss Green.School was closed today on the occasion of our visit to London. 54 children in charge of the 4 members of staff travelled to London by the 8.35 a.m. train from Loughborough. The children were those of the two junior classes in the school, the infant classes taking a holiday. On arrival in London we were met by a coach and proceeded on a short tour of central London , stopping at Buckingham OPalace on our way to watch the changing of sentries before going on to the Tower. We spent about an hour at the Tower of London and then travelled to Westminster Pier for a river trip as far as Tower Bridge and back. Leaving the river our coach took us to the Zoo where we spent the remainder of our time before catching the train for home. Miss Cullen was taken ill on the Train for London and was sent for treatment aat a hospital. She rejoined us before we returned home, having been treated for acute wry neck. 9th Miss Cullen returned to duty. 12th The 2 infant classes in charge of Miss Green and Miss Cullen were taken for the 20

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 afternoon by coach to Bradgate Park. School was open as usual for the junior classes. 11th This evening the school took part in the North Leicester Schools’ Swimming Assoc. Gala for Primary Schools. Hathern competitors were very successful, although they did not win any of the championship trophies. Their outstanding success was achieved by the girls who won the 4 x 1 length relay race. 13th P.C. Trigg of Shepshed visited the school and gave safety first talks to both infants and juniors. 23rd The 1st annual school sports were held this evening on the Recreation Ground before an interested crowd of parents and friends. The staff were assisted in their organisation by Mrs Stokoe, Mr R White, Mr J Monk, Mr. M Cook, Mr R Hurt and the Rev. Doble. The children, parents and friends assembled in the School playgro9und after the sports for the presentation of trophies. An extensive system of house competitions has been commenced in school, and a number of trophies have been given by generous friends. The houses have been named Bradgate, Oakley, Piper and Swithland, after well known local woodlands. Trophies were presented as follows, by the donors where possible. Green Trophy (presented by Miss K Green) for the winning house at the Sports – Piper House. Beaumont Cup (presented by Ald. W Stagg, Ald.L Tyers and an anonymous donor) for School Work – Oakley House. Games Shield, for cricket, rounders football and swimming – Oakley House (football not included this year). Hudson Cup (presented by Mr I Hudson) for the champion house, awarded on aggregate of all competitions – Oakley House. 26th School closed this evening for the summer holidays. Miss Kathleen M Green concluded her service at Hathern School today as she is to be married in August and will move to Coventry. At the dismissal service in the afternoon, Miss Green was presented with a dinner service, the gift of scholars, staff, managers and friends. Sept 10th School re-opened with 87 pupils on the roll. 46 boys and 41 girls. The vacancy on the staff caused by Miss Green’s leaving has not been filled, and the school is now re-organised in 3 classes – Class 1 – 35 pupils, Headmaster. Class 2 – 29 pupils, Mrs M Hollis, Class 3 – 23 pupils, Miss H Cullen. Eighteen children, nine boys and nine girls have been transferred to secondary schools on attaining the age of 11 before 1st Sept. 1957. Five chidren 2 boys and 3 girls have been admitted to the school, boing now of infant age. 7th 2 boys admitted today from St. Mary’s School, Loughborough 20th Nurse Boon, Health Visitor inspected all the 82 children present this morning. Oct 4th Attendance reduced to 80.1% this week owing to an epidemic of influenza and colds. 18th It is with deep regret that I record the death last week on 9th October of Edwin Burnhill, who left school last July to proceed to Loughborough Grammar School. A letter of sympathy was sent to Mrs Burnhill, and the school children contributed to the cost of a wreath. Mrs Hollis and I attended the funeral, and several of his former class mates were present when the funeral party left the Church. 19th On 16th October Class 1 by kind invitation of Mrs R Hurt of Tanners Lane watched a Schools Television broadcast about the artificial satellite launched by the Russians. A very interesting programme kept the whole class absorbed for close on ¾ hour. 30th At a special Manager’s meeting tonight Miss Margaret Fostitt of Aspley, Nottingham was appointed to replace Miss Helen Cullen who is leaving at the end of this term. Nov 8th A whist drive was held in the Village Hall this evening to raise funds for the children’s Christmas Party and the school fund. The function realised £26.0.10 clear profit for addition to school funds. 11th Mr Brian Woolley a student from Loughborough College commenced a 3 week period of School practice. 19th Mr Willcox a tutor of Loughborough College came to see a lesson taken by Mr Woolley. 22nd Mr Jones a tutor from Loughborough College came to see a lesson taken by Mr


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Woolley. 25th Mr Wingate Saul, H.M.I. and Miss Turner H.M.I spent the day on a full inspection of the school 29th Mr B Woolley concluded his 3 week period of school practice today. Dec 3rd The Police ‘Safety First’ van with Father Christmas visited school today and after P.C. Trigg had talked to the younger children, Father Christmas distributed ‘Safety First’ gifts. 4th Miss Margaret Footitt spent this afternoon in school with the class for which she will be responsible next term. 16th A concert was given by the children in the Village Hall this evening before a large audience. The infant class performed a Nativity Play ‘The Gift’ the juniors acted a musical play ‘Hansel & Gretel’ and the evening concluded with carols sung by the school choir and the audience. The proceeds of the concert, amounting to £7.10.0d Are to be sent to ‘The Ockendon Venture’ at Donington Hall. 19th The Children’s annual Christmas party was held in the school this afternoon. Teas was served by the staff and a number of friends. Father Christmas called after tea and gave a present to every child. Following Santa Claus’s visited Miss H Cullen was presented with a clock to mark the occasion of her leaving the school to be married. The evening concluded with games and danci8ng. 20th School closed today for the Christmas Holiday. Miss Cullen ceased duty. 1958 Jan 7th School re-opened today following the Christmas holiday with 87 children on the roll. Miss Margaret Footitt commenced duty in charge of Class 3. Present distribution of children – Class 1 – 35 children, Headmaster, Class 2 – 33 children, Mrs M Hollis, Class 3 – 19 children, Miss M Footitt. Additional shelving has been fitted in classrooms 1 and 2 by Mr R Thorpe, joiner, giving a good deal more adequate storage space in the classrooms. A ‘Siesta’ stove has been installed in the Staff Room. 9th The circulator electric pump in the heating system has been giving trouble and was repaired today by Murcotts of Loughborough. Feb 3rd Copy of the H.M.I’s report issued 31st January 1958, Inspection held 25th November 1957 by Mr Wingate-Saul H.M.I. & Miss Turner, H.M.I. “This is a controlled school with 89 children of primary age on the roll. The buildings date from the last century and are lacking in certain amenities – there is for instance – no hall, but they are solid and appear to be well maintained. In the last few years a number of useful small improvements have been effected. Most of the children live in the village, and only a few stay for dinner. After a period during which enhanced numbers justified a four class organisation, the school has, since September, been arranged in three classes, taught by the Headmaster, who took up duties in January 1954, his wife and a young woman teacher, who is leaving shortly to be married; a successor has been appointed. The children in the infant class have a happy introduction to school life, and care and thought have clearly been given to the arrangements of their work. Further possible developments under their next teacher were discussed with the headmaster at the inspection. The other two classes are still, to some extent, in the process of settling down into the patter of the new organisation. In general, the teaching is kindly and careful, and the work of the children reaches quite a fair standard. On the other hand, there seems to be some reluctance to carry group work beyond a somewhat cautious point, and there is a danger, in consequence, that the brighter and abler children may not make the full progress of which they are capable. A richer supply of books which they could consult for information would assist the development of the written work. The children are pleasant and polite to their visitors, though perhaps a little reticent in their speech, and the general spirit of the school makes a good impression” Feb 11th & The Q.E.S.S. was held in school on these two days. 13 boys and 6 girls took the 12th examination. Only those children attended school. The registers were not marked.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Mrs M J Hollis assisted supervision at Long Whatton Primary School, and Miss M Footitt assisted supervision at Kegworth Primary School. Mrs O McIlwraith of Kegworth Primary School assisted supervision at Hathern. 13th, 14th 17th School closed for mid term break 18th School re-opened following half-term. Mar 13th Miss Footitt came to school this morning suffering from intestinal pains and I sent her home to see her doctor before school began. Mrs Hollis assumed responsibility for class 3 and I took over the supervision of class 2 for most of the day. They were able to work in their own classroom for most of the time and Mrs Hollis was able to give some time to them when the infants could be left for a few moments. 14th Miss Footitt still absent. 17th Mrs C Greenfield of Oxley Villa. Leicester Rd. Shepshed has assumed responsibility temporarily in Miss Footitts absence. 24th Mrs Hollis absent with a cold’ Headmaster in charge of classes 1 & 2 except for 4 children from class 2 sent to class 3. 25th Mrs Hollis returned to duty 31st Miss Footitt still absent. Mrs Greenfield continues to charge of Class 3. April 2nd School closed for Easter Holiday 22nd School re-opened after Easter Holidays. Miss Footitt still absent ill. Letter received from her dated 22.4.58 states she expected to enter hospital for appendix removal weekend of 20th April. Mrs Greenfield continues as supply teacher in charge of class 3. Five new entrants, 3 boys & 2 girls and 3 transfers from Rosebery School Loughborough, all boys, raise number on roll to 88 – Class strength – class 1 – 39, Headmaster, class 2 – 33, Mrs Hollis, class 3 – 16, Mrs Greenfield. Mmr Mee, attendance officer called this afte4rnoon, 2.30p.m. Mr C H Harris, Divisional Education Officer called this afternoon, 3.25p.m. May 2nd Q.E.S.S. results announced today. 2 pupils qualified in Group 1 for admission to Grammar Schools, 5 were placed in Group 2 and are to be interviewed at Loughborough College School next Wednesday 7th May. 1 pupil had taken the examination at Whjitwick C.E. Primary School. A Rummage Sale was held in the school at 4.30p.m. today and a sum of £32.10.5d was raised for School Funds. 6th School Dentist inspected all the children’s teeth today. 12th The Health Visitor, Nurse Boone inspected all the children this morning. 14th Managers Meeting 23rd School closed for Whitsuntide June 2nd School re0-opened after Whitsuntide. Miss Footitt returned to duty in charge of class 3. 7th (Saturday) At the Loughborough Primary Schools’ Sports today, Hathern School won the small schools (boys) cup, our under 9 team winning the relay race and one boy winning the boys under 9 60 yds race. 26th Today 53 children between the ages of 8 & 11 in charge of the 3 members of staff spent the day on a school visit to Liverpool. We travelled to Leicester by coach and from there to Liverpool by a special train carrying four other schools as well. At Liverpool we spent ¾ of an hour on a conducted tour of the Cathedral and then proceeded to Pier Head for a 2 hour cruise up and down the River Mersey on the ‘Royal Iris’. The children took great interest in the waterways, shipping, shipbuilding yards and docks for which they had made a preparatory study of booklets and pamphlets obtained some time previously from various shipping firms and the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. The cruise terminated at New Brighton where we had tea and after a 2 hour stay we returned to Lime Street station via the Mersey Tunnel. July 10th Loughborough Schools Primary Gala. 16th School Sports Day held on the Recreation Ground at 6.00p.m. before a large crowd of parents and friends. Piper House won the Championship Trophy. 22nd Open Day. The school was open to visitors from 1.30p.m. onwards. A large 23

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 number of parents and friends came to see the children’s work on view in the classrooms. Handiwork and needlework was exhibited in the staffroom along with a scale model of Liverpool docks (class 1), and a harbour (class 2). Displays of expression work, P.E., dancing and skills ball were given in the playground and the latter half of the afternoon was occupied with singing, recitation, percussion band and musical items from the recently formed recorder group. 25th School closed at 4.00p.m. for the summer holiday. Mrs O Hunt, a School Manager presented trophies and prizes to the children and a wedding present to Miss Foottitt. Champion House – Swithland, Work Cup – Swithland, Sports Cup – Piper, Games Trophy – Swithland, Swimming Cup – Oakley. Sept 9th School re-opened this morning with 79 children on the roll. Distribution:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 13 boys, 14 girls = 27, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 17 boys, 11 girls = 28, Class 3 – Mrs M Arnold 12 boys, 12 girls = 24. Ten new entrants, 5 boys and 5 girls were admitted, this being he largest intake for some time. In addition 2 older girls were admitted, one having removed to Hathern from Rosebery School and one temporarily here from Hemington. Miss M Footitt returned to school as Mrs. M. Arnold having been married during the August holiday. 11th Mr Mee School Welfare Officer attended at 9.30a.m. today. Nurse Boone, Health Visitor inspected all the children this morning. Oct 13th & 14th Mrs Arnold away – cold and severe sore throat. 17th Mrs Arnold away – cold and severe sore throat. Mrs A C Greenfield temporarily assumes Mrs Arnold’s duties. 20th Mrs Arnold returned to duty. 24th School closed this evening for half term holiday. Nov 3rd School re-opened this morning after the half term holiday 4th Mr G W A Baker, a student at Loughborough Training College commenced a 3 week period of school practice today. 11th Mr Abrahams, a tutor of Loughborough Training College visited the school today to see Mr Baker teaching. 18th Mr Abrahams paid a second visit to see Mr Baker at work. 21st Mr Baker concluded his period of teaching practice today. A very promising student. 25th Mrs Arnold absent – unable to travel owing to fog. Dec 1st Mrs Arnold absent – abdominal colic 3rd Mrs Greenfield on supply in place of Mrs Arnold. 5th A Whist Drive was held in the Village Hall this evening and as a result, the sum of £22.14.5d was raised for the School fund. 8th Mrs Arnold absent this afternoon. 12th Mrs Arnold absent today – visiting hospital on both occasions. 15th A very successful concert was given by the children in the Village Hall this evening. A large number of parents and friends attended by invitation and were entertained by a programme of two Nativity Plays and six carols. A collection taken at the end of the performance realised £3.13.6d for School funds. 18th The School party was held this afternoon at 3.30p.m. A number of managers attended by invitation and several parents assisted in preparing and serving tea. The children were provided with cakes, sandwiches, jellies and blancmanges and a cracker each, and Santa Claus distributed a present to each. The evening concluded with games and dancing. 19th School closed after the afternoon session for the Christmas holiday. Mrs Arnold ceased her duties at this school. 1959 Jan 6th School re-opened following the Christmas holiday. There were 74 children present out of a roll of 82. Two children were admitted, both girls. Distribution of children – Class 1 – Headmaster, 28, Class 2 – Mrs. M. Hollis, 28. Class 3 – Mrs M Draper, 26. Mrs Margaret Draper commenced duties in charge of class 3. 20th Practice verbal test, Q.E.S.S. 1 girl from Long Whatton joined the 17 children from 24

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 this school for the test. 26th Fumes from the stove in classroom 2 were so bad that 1 girl was sick and was sent home, and the rest of the children, many of whom complained of headaches were withdrawn from that classroom. School was ceased 15 minutes earlier than usual at 11.45a.m. I reported the matter to the Divisional Office and heating engineers came out to the school at once. They were unable to find any defect in the heating apparatus, but made several suggestions as to the working of the stove. There has been no repetition of the trouble. 30th Attendance this week down to 75.5% due to the prevalence of coughs and colds. Feb 13th Attendance down to 74.8% due to prevalence of colds and influenza. 17th & 18th A.E.S.S. – 9 boys & 6 girls took the examination along with 1 girl from Long Whatton. 2 girls were ill and will take the examination later. The rest of the school was closed for the 2 days of the examination. Mrs O McIlwraith of Kegworth County Primary School assisted with invigilation at Hathern, Mrs M Hollis acted similarly at Kegworth and Mrs M Draper at Long Whatton C E Primary School. 19th,20,21st School closed for half-term holiday. 22nd School re-opened after half term holiday March 19th A rummage sale was held in the school to raise money for the School fund and realised the sum of £28. 25th School closed for the Easter Holiday. April 14th School re-opened following the Easter Holiday. 84 on roll including 1 new entrant and 4 transfers from other schools. 16th 9+ test for 15 children. May 1st Q.E.S.S. results announced. 4 boys qualified for Grammar Schools and 1 qualified for interview. 4th The 1 pupil attended District Panel Interview at Loughborough College School. 7th School closed for use as a polling station in Loughborough Local Election. 13th & 14th The school produced “Toad of Toad Hall” in the Village Hall before 2 highly appreciative audiences. 15th School closed after the afternoon session for the Whitsuntide Holiday. 25th School re-opened this morning after the Whitsuntide Holiday. 3 boys admitted – 2 from Granby Rd School, Leicester and 1 from Shelthorpe School Loughborough. The number now on roll is 87 June 6th Loughborough area Primary Schools Sports – a team was entered but little success was achieved this year. 8th Mrs Roberts, the school caretaker, who broke her arm in a street accident today has temporarily handed over her duties to Mrs J Screaton. 29th School photographs taken by Mr R Coleman of H Tempest Ltd., Nottingham. July 2nd School closed for the day. All children from 8 years upwards taken on a school visit to London. The days programme started with a short tour of central London, including a short stop at Buckingham Palace. From there we proceeded to Westminster Abbey to view Statesman’s Aisle, The Royal Chapel, St Edward’s Chair, the Stone of Scone, Henry VII’s Chapel, the Battle of Britain Window, Poet’s corner and the Unknown Warrior’s Tomb. On leaving the Abbey we embarked at Westminster Pier for Greenwich. The down-river trip afforded an excellent view of numerous London landmarks and much of the foreign shipping in the river. At Greenwich we were conducted over the “Cutty Sark” and visited the Royal Maritime Museum before embarking on our homeward journey. 9th Infants afternoon trip to Bradgate Park. 15th The School Sports were held on the Recreation Ground this evening and the trophies presented afterwards by Mrs Doble. Piper house won the Sports Championship for the third successive year. There was a splendid response to the introduction of races for mothers and fathers, the 2 events being won by Mrs J Atkins, and Mr W Crocker. The old scholar’s events were won by Carol Henson and Terence Rose. 16th Mr Harding the recently appointed Assistant Deputy Director of Education for the County visited the school this morning and spent some time with each class. 25

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 19th The school entered a team in the Loughborough Area Schools’ swimming gala. Primary section and the boys team won the trophy awarded to small schools. 22nd The school was opened this afternoon to parents and friends, a large number of whom came to see work on exhibition and to watch displays and activities of various kinds. Owing to the favourable summer weather most of the children’s activities took place out of doors before a large and appreciative audience. 24th School closed for the summer holiday Sept 9th School re-opened this morning with ? children on the roll. 17 children have transferred to secondary schools, 1 child from Class 3 has left the district, 1 boy has been transferred from class 2 to Craven Lodge Special School at Melton Mowbray. 3 boys have been admitted at 7+ from Rosebery Infants School Loughborough, a boy and a girl have been admitted to the reception class. Classes are now arranged as follows. Class 1 – Headmaster, 25, Class 2 - Mrs Hollis, 29, Class 3 – Mrs Draper ? The school has been decorated internally during the summer holiday. Mrs Roberts has resigned her post as Meals Server although she has resumed duty as caretaker. 14th 1 gr-irl admitted to reception class. 23rd Mrs Jones of Gladstone St. Hathern, appointed Meals Server w.e.f. Monday 28th September in place of Mrs Roberts who has resigned on doctor’s advice. 28th Mrs Jones commenced duty as Meals Server. Miss Gilbert School Meals Organiser visited the School for the lunch hour. 29th Miss Gilbert attended again. Oct 5th Mr J Gledhill a Loughborough College Student commenced a period of student training here. 8th School closed for use as Polling Station, General Election. 14th Mr Willmore tutor from Loughborough College visited the school to see Mr Gledhill teaching. 21st Mr Wilcox tutor from Loughborough College came to see Mr Gledhill teaching 23rd School closed at 3.45p.m. for half term holiday Nov 2nd School re-opened following half term holiday. 4th Accident to scholar:- during the afternoon break a girl aged 4yrs 11months fell and struck her head. The blow caused a sizeable lump on the back of her head; she was dazed and limp. I fetched the child’s mother and we took her straight to Loughborough Hospital where she was retained for observation. I reported the accident to the Divisional Officer in Loughborough. Since 2nd November Mrs E D Ward of Farndale Drive Loughborough has been on temporary service in charge of the Infants class. Dec 2nd A parents evening was held today and a large number of people came to inspect their children’s work and discuss their progress with the staff. 4th A whist drive was held in the Village Hall and a sum of £22.15.1d was realised for the School fund. 14th A Christmas concert of plays and carols was performed this evening in the Village Hall before a large audience of parents and friends. A collection of £7 was taken for the World Refugee Fund. 15th Mr Wingate-Saul H.M.I. spent the morning inschool today and saw the work of all 3 classes. 17th The School Christmas Party took place today and the children were supplied with a sumptuous meal, crackers and a gift each from Father Christmas. The party concluded with songs, games and dancing until about 6.30p.m. 18th School closed at the end of the day for the Christmas Holiday. Mrs Ward ceased her temporary service as Infants Mistress. 1960 Jan 5th School re-opened for the Spring Term with 75 children on the roll. There were no new entrants, but one boy was re-admitted to class 2 after a temporary absence from the district. Miss D M Fox of Salcombe, Devon and recently completed training at Bletchley 26

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Park College commenced her duties in charge of Class 3. Class organisation:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 25, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 29, Class 3 – Miss D Fox, 21. 18th Practice verbal test held today for 3 boys and 4 girls taking the Q.E.S.S. in February.

25th Practice verbal test repeated today – 1 boy absent. I arrived at school this morning to find classroom 2 full of sulphurous fumes and unusable. Mrs Hollis and Class 2 share classroom 1 with class 1, and used the staffroom as a classroom this afternoon. During the weekend, wet had penetrated the roof in classroom 1 and a defective window frame in class 2. I reported these defects to Division Office and Messrs. Messengers came this afternoon to repair the blocked furnace, and Messrs. Palfreyman cam to attend to the damaged roof. 26th Messsrs Palfreymans demolished the damaged chimney head and carried out temporary repairs to the roof. Messrs Saunders inspected the chimneys and will start rebuilding tomorrow. Messengers sealed joints in the boiler furnace. 27th Saunders commenced repair work on the chimney. The second flue now disused will be demolished and sealed up. It appears that the chimney to the staffroom store is also insecure and in need of attention. The disused bell tower over the entrance porch needs re-covering. Both Palfreymans and Saunders report that except for the odd tiles and the damage near the chimney, the roof appears sound and in good condition,. 28th Saunders completed work on the school chimney. This work was carried out in spite of heavy rain the whole day. I am very grateful to Mr Saunders for ensuring us a satisfactory heating system in the shortest possible time. Feb 16th A.E.S.S. 3 boys and 4 girls took the examination this year. School was closed to the rest of the children. 17th School closed for half term holiday. 22nd School re-opened after half-term holiday. Mrs Roberts school caretaker reported unfit for duty on Saturday 20th February. Mrs J Screaton takes over temporarily. 24th County Architect visited the school with Mr. Abell, decorating contractor, to discuss the repetition of some unsatisfactory work. March 2nd Miss Gibbon, Adviser for Infant departments visited the school this afternoon and spent some time with Miss Fox in the infant room. She expressed herself well pleased with the work and organisation in the department. 14th & 15th Palfreymans repaired damaged roof. 18th Saunders Bros. prepared to carry out repairs to turret and chimney. 19th Mrs Screaton ceased duties and Mrs Roberts returned to duty as caretaker. April 7th School closed for Easter holiday. 26th School re-opened after Easter holiday. 2 boys admitted on reaching school age. One aged 5 ½ transferred from St. Winifred’s Shepshed. 27th A.E.S.S. results received. None of the 7 candidates qualified for a grammar school place. May 2nd One girl of school age admitted. Number on roll now 77. 6th School closed for wedding of H.R.H.Princess Margaret. 12th School closed for local elections. 13th Sale of Rummage and produce held at 6.30p.m. in school. 28th Loughborough area Schools A.A.A. Primary Sports on Southfields Park. Hathern school boys team won the small schools cup. 1 boy was 1st in the high jump and will represent the area in the County Championships at Oadby on 2nd July. June 1st & 2nd The school gave a performance of a play ‘The Other Children’ by Margaret Harding in the Village Hall. Two large and appreciative audiences attended the production and the sum of approx.. £20 was raised for the school fund. 3rd School closed for the Whitsuntide Holiday. 15th School re-opened following the holiday. 20th This afternoon the children watched the presentation of 2 films (sound & colour) on East Africa and Ceylon. 17th The infants class in charge of Miss Fox and Mrs Hollis visited Bradgate park this 27

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 afternoon. 24th The two junior classes visited York on a trip organised by British Railways. School was closed for the day. We arrived in York at 11.40a.m. and visited the Railway Museum, the Minster and the Castle Museum, and cruised down the river Ouse as far as the Archbishop’s Palace at Bishopsthorpe. 27th Headmaster absent this afternoon , by permission to attend a funeral. 29th Mr C H Moore, Headmaster of Garendon Boys School called today to meet the boys due to go to Garendon in September. July 2nd The boy representing the Loughborough Area in the High Jump at the County Sports on the Leicester University Ground at Oadby was unplaced.d 7th Loughborough Schools Swimming Association Primary Gala. Both a boys and girls team were entered, but none of our competitors were placed. 12th The School Sports were held this evening on the Recreation Ground, despite rather unfavourable weather. The competition was held between 2 houses this year, and Piper house again won by 141 to 137 points. The trophies were presented by Mrs Doble. 20th A large number of parents visited the school in all the classroom, while in the staffroom there was an exhibition of needlework and handicrafts. Out of doors the children gave a display of P.E. and dancing, singing, verse speaking and dramatization of story. 22nd School closed for mid-summer holiday. Sept 6th School re-opened after summer holiday. 72 children on roll. Class 1 (9-11) – Mr Hollis, 30, Class 2 (7-9) – Mrs Hollis,20, Class 3 (5-7) – Miss Fox, 22. 7 children were transferred to secondary schools at 11+, one at 9 to Loughborough Grammar School preparatory dept. and 1 at 7 to the same prep dept. There was 1 new entrant at 5, 1 girl of 7 transferred from Shelthorpe Infants and a girl and boy transferred from Rosebery Infants.

It is with deep regret that I record the deaths by drowning of the Chairman of the Managers, the Rev. Robert Doble and his wife. The school has been deprived of a staunch support and loyal worker for its welfare. 30th Miss D Fox absent today to attend a course of Primary Teachers at the end of their first years teaching. Oct 24th-28th School closed for half term holidays. Dec 2nd A Whist Drive held in the Village Hall raised a sum of £23.29.0d for the school Christmas party and school funds. 14th A Christmas recital given in the Village Hall raised a sum of £3 for the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. 21st School closed for the Christmas Holiday. 1961 Jan 10th School re-opened for the Spring term. 2 children have left, 4 were admitted. Numbers very low – little more than 50% attendance owing to an epidemic of measles. 13th Measles still very prevalent among the children. Attendance for the week only 54.8% 20th Attendance for week only 60.3%. Many children still away suffering from measles. Feb 8th Headmaster absent by permission to attend Magistrates Court. 14th A.E.S.S. 10 boys and 6 girls took the examination. Rest of school closed. 15th-17th Half term holiday 20th School re-opened. March 21st A parents evening was held in the school at 7.00p.m. A large number of parents attended to discuss children’s progress. 29th School closed for Easter holiday Miss Fox terminated her servicer at Hathern School having obtained a post in High Wycombe, Bucks. She was presented by the staff and pupils with a ‘keep hot’ tea set. 28

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 April 18th School re-opened for the Summer term. Mrs J A G Sneddon took up her duties as Infant teacher in place of Miss Fox. 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls were admitted as new entrants. 24th 1 boy admitted aged 6, a transfer from Coalville, Convent School. The County Adviser for School Libraries called this morning. She is to pay another visit next Monday, 1st May. 28th Q.E.S.S. results announced today. 4 pupils were placed in category 1, 2 girls in category 2. There are a number of cases of whooping cough among the absentees this week. Attendance for week 77.2%. May 11 School closed today for local elections. An Ascension Day children’s service was held in Church at 8.45a.m. 12th A sale was held in the school this evening at 6.00p.m. and as a result of a most successful evening, a sum of £27.11.1d was deposited in the School Welfare Fund. 15th The 2 girls who were in category 2 for the examinations passed and went into category 1. June 3rd Area sports on Southfields Park – a depleted school team took part but with little success this year. 8th Mr Wingate-Saul, H.M.I. paid an informal visit to the school this afternoon and spent some time with each class. 28th School was closed for the summer visit of the two junior classes to London. All paid a visit to the Tower of London and subsequently the older children spent the afternoon at the Science Museum and the younger ones went to the zoo. July 7th The Infant class in charge of Mrs Hollis and Mrs Sneddon spent the afternoon at Wollaton Park, Nottingham. 15th 16 children from Class 1 attended a Country Dance Party at Melton organised by the County Adviser for P.E. and The English Folk Dance & Song Society. 19th The School annual sports day was held on the Recreation ground this evening. Piper House won the Sports Championship Trophy for the 4th consecutive year. 21st Today an open day was held this afternoon. Many parents & friends came to attend displays of P.E. presented stories, singing, folk dancing and choral speaking. Children’s work was on display in the classrooms. 25th School closed this evening for the summer holiday. Sept 12th School re-opened today. 4 children were admitted – 2 boys and 2 girls, and 1 girl was admitted on transfer from Rosebery Infants School. 6 children have left to attend Grammar Schools, and 10 to attend secondary modern schools. The number on the roll is therefore now 67. 1 girl has been transferred to Craven Lodge, Special School at Melton Mowbray. Classes are now – Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 21, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 21, Class 1 – Headmaster, 25. 18th The Director of Education, Mr S Mason paid a brief visit to the school during the dinner hour. 27th The school attended a children’s Harvest Service at 9.00a.m. in the Parish Church. October 10th The school Harvest Festival was held today at 3.00p.m. The service was well attended by many parents and friends, and the sale afterwards realised £9 for Charities. 12th A parents meeting was held tonight and was moderately attended. 27th The Divisional Education Officer, Mr S C Harris called today. School closed at 3.40p.m. for the half term break. Nov 6th School re-opened. 9th School closed for one day – local by election. 17th At a Whjist Drive held in the Village Hall tonight the sum of £32.20.6d was raised and deposited in the School Welfare Fund. 20th Two H.M.I’s., Mr Hallifax & Miss Griffin spent the last hour of this afternoon in school today. They visited each class and made a brief survey of the school buildings and premises. Dec 19th The school Christmas party was held this afternoon in the Village Hall, when the 29

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 children were served with tea by a large number of helpful parents. Father Christmas distributed presents to all the children and the party concluded with games, dancing and carol singing round the Christmas tree. 21 School closed for the Christmas holiday. 1962 Jan 13th 3 more children, 2 boys and 1 girl admitted this morning. 2are transfers from Rosebery Infants and the third boy of 8 has never attended school before. They have all been placed in Class 3 with Mrs. Sneddon. The consequent overloading of the infant class has necessitated the promotion of some children to class 2. 8 children who have reached or are approaching the age of 7 have been moved to Mrs Hollis’s class. Numbers are now 76, distributed as follows:- Class 1 – Mr Hollis, 26, class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 29, class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 21. 16th Practice Q.E.S.S. verbal test. 24th Managers meeting 7.00p.m. Feb 13th Q.E.S.S. 8 boys and 6 girls took the examination. Mrs O McIlworth of Kegworth County Junior School assisted with supervision. Mrs Hollis attended Kegworth Junior school for supervision. 16th Several tiles dislodged by recent gales. Palfreymans to repair damage. 22nd School closed at 3.40p.m. for half term holiday. April 11th The school children gave a concert of plays and verse in the Village Hall this evening before a large and appreciative audience. Proceeds were in aid of the Village Hall Funds. 12th School closed today for the Easter holiday. May 1st School re-opened today for the summer term. 5 boys and 3 girls were admitted to the reception group of class 3. Number now on roll 78. Class 1 – Headmaster, 25, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 28. Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon 25. 4th Q.E.S.S results declared today. Category 1 – Grammar school places offered to 1 boy and 2 girls. Category 2 interviews to 2 boys. 25th 4 boys competed in the cycle reliability trials at Shepshed this afternoon. 31st Most of the junior children attended a children’s service for Ascension Day at the Parish Church. June 1st A jumble sale was held in the school this evening at 6.00p.m. approximately £41.12.0d was raised for school funds. 4th The 2 junior classes in charge of their teachers visited the Victory Cinema this afternoon to see the religious film, ‘King of Kings’ 8th School closed today for the Whitsuntide holiday. 18th School re-opened this morning following the Whitsuntide holiday. Mrs Robert reported sick, unfit for duty. Mrs Jones assumed caretakers work for the time being. 22nd School was closed today while the junior part visited Liverpool. The staff were in charge. We visited Liverpool Cathedral, spent an hour and a half on the River Mersey aboard the ‘Royal Iris’ and the last two hours were passed at New Brighton. We returned to Lime Street Station to start the return journey, passing through the Mersey tunnel on the way. When we returned to school at 10.00p.m. Mrs Jones informed me that during the day a leak had appeared in the school boiler and a large quantity of water had escaped in classroom 2. She and her husband had stopped the flow of water from the supply tank and cleared up the mess. 23rd I reported the damage to the Divisional Education Office. 29th The infants, in charge of Mrs Sneddon and Mrs Hollis visited the Abbey Park Leicester this afternoon. July 7th A number of children gave a display of folk dancing at the Garden Fete in the Rectory Grounds. 10th The school sports were held this evening on the Recreation ground. A number of parents and friends assisted as officials, and the proceedings were watched by a large crowd of spectators. Competition was very keen and for the first time since the sports were inaugurated in 1957 Piper House was beaten and the Green Cup passed 30

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 into Oakley House’s keeping. 12th The North Leicestershire schools Primary Swimming Gala was held this evening. A number of children entered for various events, and performed creditably. 1 girl swam very well and only just missed 1st place in 2 events. 18th A number of parents attended school this afternoon on our open day. A considerable amount of work was on display and the 3 classes performed P.E exhibitions, dramatised stories and rhymes, nursery rhymes, songs, verse speaking, percussion band work and folk dancing. 27th School closed today for the summer holiday. A large number of old pupils attended the Dismissal Service in the afternoon, when prizes were distributed to successful scholars and house trophies were presented. September School re-opened following the summer holiday. Number on roll – 69. Class 3 – 11th Mrs Sneddon, 27, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 23, Class 1 – Mr Hollis,. 19. Fourteen children have transferred to secondary schools and one girl has gone to Mountfields Junior School on leaving the district. 2 boys and 1 girl have been admitted to the Infant class as new entrants. 2 boys and 3 girls have been transferred from other primary schools. Oct 4th Mrs Roberts has resigned from the post of school caretaker and Mrs L Bates of Dale Cottage, Dovecote St. Hathern has been appointed in her place. Mrs Bates will commence duties forthwith. 9th A Harvest Service was held at the School today and a number of parents attended. Several managers attended also. The children brought gifts which were on display at the service. The money raised from the ensuing sale (approx. £7) was set aside to provide small Christmas presents to all the pensioners in the village. Nov 2nd School closed at the end of today for the half term holiday. 12th School re-opened today following the half term holiday. 13th Mr D J Wickens a student of Loughborough Training College commenced a period of school practice in the school today. 14th The children’s photographs were taken today by Mr Coleman, a representative of H Tempest Ltd. Nottingham. 24th A team of 12 dancers from the junior classes took part in a non-competitive dance festival at . A large number of County schools took part and we had an enjoyable time. The children’s work was commended. 26th Mr Wilcox, a tutor from Loughborough Training College attended today to observe the teaching of Mr. Wickens. 27th Mr Wicken’s teaching was observed today by Mr. Lewis, a tutor from Loughborough Training College. 30th A Whist drive was held in the Village Hall this evening and the sum of £30 was raised for the children’s Christmas party and the school fund. Dec 4th A Road Safety Display, Father Christmas’s Cave entertained the infants class this morning and distributed gifts to the children. The display was provided by Loughborough Division of the County Constabulary. Miss Roberts a tutor from Loughborough College came today to see Mr Wickens at work. 7th Mr Wickens completed his school practice today. 17th Before a large and appreciative audience in the Village Hall, the children produced a concert of Christmas plays and carols. A silver collection taken realised over £6 and this money was set aside for dispatch to the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. 18th The children’s Christmas party was held in the Village Hall this afternoon. A delicious tea was provided, and following games, dancing and singing for the children, Father Christmas arrived and distributed presents to all of them. A number of parents helped at the party and there were several Managers present. 20th School closed for the Christmas holiday. 1963 Jan 8th School re-opened after the Christmas holiday. 3 boys were admitted to the reception group and there was one boy transferred to another school on his family’s relocation 31

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 to Derby. Classes are now arranged as follows:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 18, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 26, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 26 – making total 70 on the roll. The snow and severe cold weather are causing considerable difficulty. The lavatories are frozen throughout and I have had to borrow paraffin heaters and a coke brazier to thaw the tanks sufficiently to drain off the water. In spite of all precautions there was a split joint in the kitchen water supply and one split tank in an exposed position in the boys lavatory. Water pipes in the school remained free. In spite of all the caretaker’s efforts and continual stoking of the boiler, no rooms were really warm enough during the morning, class 1 particularly starting at 42 degrees F and only reading 52F in the afternoon. 11th The weather is still extremely cold and there is still no water available in the lavatories. 14th All water in boys cloakroom frozen this morning. This is in spite of the presence of a heater lamp. A small leak discovered in a joint in one of the water pipes. 15 Q.E.S.S. practice test this morning. 1 girl absent. Feb 12th Q.E.S.S. held this afternoon. 11 children – 6 boys & 5 girls took the test. School was closed for the remainder of the pupils on roll. 21st School closed this evening for half-term. 27th School re-opened this morning. Mar 9th A team of dancers competed in the folk dance section of the N. Leics. Youth Music Festival at Garendon School today. They were placed 3rd with 84 points. April 4th School closed for Easter Holiday. 23rd School re-opened for summer term. Number on roll 76. Class 1 – 18, Class 2 – 29, Class 3 – 29. 7 children admitted – 3 boys and 1 girl transferred from other schools. 3 girls new entrants to admission class. During the holiday the wooden sliding screen between classroom 1 and classroom 3 has been replaced by a single brick wall and door, and the disused urinal and the dividing wall between the playgrounds have been demolished. May 6th Dividing wall between classroom 1 and classroom 3 has been fitted with fibreboard display panels. May 3rd Q.E.S.S. results released. 2 boys qualified for grammar school paces and 1 boy is to be interviewed on 6th May. 6th May 9.30a.m. The District Interviewing panel Q.E.S.S. consisting of Miss Sawdon, Miss Hickinson and Mr Ferrigan visited the school this morning to interview the 1 boy. 23rd Children accompanied by Headmaster and Mrs Hollis attended a short Ascension Day Service at the Parish Church. Mrs Sneddon remained at school in charge of children not attending service through parents wishes. 31st A sale was held in school this evening and a sum of £42.14.5d was raised for the School Welfare Fund and Summer outings. School closed for the Whitsuntide holiday. June 10th School re-opened after the Whitsuntide holiday. 26th The juniors of the school (40 boys and girls) visited London today accompanied by the Headmaster and School staff. We visited Westminster Abbey and took a boat trip down the River Thames as far as the Tower Bridge. The younger children then proceeded to the Regents Park Zoo, while the older boys and girls visited Madame Tussauds and the London Planetarium. School was closed for the rest of the pupils. 27th Headmaster absent suffering from tonsillitis. School in charge of Mrs M Hollis. July 3rd Headmaster returned to duty. 5th The infant classes visited the Abbey Park Leicester this afternoon in charge of Mrs Sneddon and Mrs Hollis. The juniors remained at school in charge of the headmaster. 10th The school sports were held this evening on the Recreation ground at 6.00p.m. A well contested series of events resulted in a win for Oakley House. 18th This afternoon an open day was held and in addition to a large selection of children’s 32

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 work being exhibited, a varied programme of drama, mime rhythmic P.E., verse speaking, singing and dancing was presented to the company attending. 25th School closed at the end of the afternoon session for the summer holiday. Sept 10th School re-opened following the summer holiday. 73 children on the roll. 2 boys admitted to the reception group. 2 girls and 1 boy transferred from Rosebery Infants school. 1 boy transferred to Loughborough Grammar School. 2 boys transferred to Loughborough College School. 3 boys transferred to Garendon Boys School and 5 girls transferred to Limehurst Girl’s School. Class distribution:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 21, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 31, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 21 – making 73 on roll. During the summer holiday the whole school roof has been striped and retiled with felt lining. 2 dormer windows have been removed from the infant classroom and 2 skylights fitted, one each of the raftered classrooms. The skylights are temporarily covered with felt, and tiling is expected to continue to the end of the week. 18th The work on the roof is now finished except for the glazing of the skylights. 20th Mrs Jones today gave notice that she wished to give up the post of meals server on 18th October. 30th The chimneys were swept today. Oct 1st Heating system started today 15th 3 applicants for the post of meals server interviewed by Headmaster and Miss Gilbert (Schools Meals Organiser). Mrs Mattitison 33 The Green Hathern appointed to commence duties Monday 21st October. 16th Headmaster and Mrs Hollis absent by permission owing to daughter’s illness in London. Mrs Sneddon in charge of School. Rev C. R. Bull attended school to help with supervision. I am very grateful to him for his assistance in the difficulty 17th Headmaster returned to duty – Mrs Hollis still absent. 18th Mrs Hollis returned to duty. Mrs Jones ceased her duties as meals server today having served just over 4 years. The children who take school meals organised a collection to which the staff contributed and presented Mrs Jones with an umbrella as a token of our affection and esteem. 21st Mrs Mattison began her duties today as meals server. The two new skylights in the school roof have been glazed over the weekend with reinforced glass. 25th School closed today for the half term holiday. Nov 4th School re-opened following half term holiday 8th Headmaster absent by permission to accompany father to Royal Infirmary Leicester. 12th Mr D J Lenton a student from Loughborough Training College commenced a four week period of schools practice today. 21st Headmaster absent by permission to accompany father to Leicester Royal Infirmary 22nd Mr Pemberton Billing a tutor from Loughborough Training College visited the school this afternoon to see Mr Lenton teaching. 26 Mr Travers Divisional Education Office and Mr Snutch from County Architects Office visited today to review suggested plans for additional indoor sanitary accommodation,. 29th A Whist Drive was held in the Village Hall tonight to raise money for the Children’s Christmas Party. Approx. £29 was taken which should leave about £27.10.0d for the school fund. Dec 3rd Mrs Sneddon absent by permission to attend court at Daventry. 17th The school Christmas party was held this afternoon and evening in the Village Hall. The children were served with tea and each received a present from Santa Claus. A number of parents gave invaluable help with serving tea and managers present were The Rev & Mrs Bull, Mr & Mrs Slack & Mrs Stokoe. The evening concluded with games and dancing until about 7.30p.m. 19th School closed for the Christmas after the afternoon session. 33

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 1964 Jan 7th School re-opened for the Spring term with 79 (43 boys & 36 girls) on the roll. 6 girls and 2 boys were admitted to the reception group at the age of 5. 3 boys were withdrawn from the register on the family’s removal to Loughborough. Classes as follows:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 22, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 28, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 29. Mrs Bates, school caretaker has been off duty ill sine 30th December. Mrs Mattison has been acting as temporary caretaker and Mr Bates has carried out the morning and night stoking. Jan 11th It is with deep regret that I record the death last night of Mrs L Bates, our school caretaker. She was held in great affection by us all, and her death is a sad blow to the school. A collection is to be taken in school for flowers at her funeral on Tuesday. 14th At 2.00p.m. this afternoon the Headmaster attended the funeral service of Mrs. Bates in the Parish Church. After deducting the cost of flowers from the collection made among scholars, staff and managers, the residue of £3.10.0d was hand by general agreement to Mr Bates to use as he thinks fit. The Q.E.S.S. practice verbal test was held this morning. 3 boys and 6 girls were eligible to take the test. 8th Headmaster absent today, by permission, due to fathers illness. 30th Headmaster absent for morning session of occasion of fathers visit to Leicester Royal Infirmary. Feb 6th & 7th Mrs Sneddon absent – severe cold. 10th Mrs Sneddon returned to duty. 11th Q.E.S.S. 6 girls & 3 boys took the examination. The rest of the school was closed for the afternoon session. 13th School closed for the half term holiday 19th School re-opened for the second half of term. 26th Dental inspection Mar 5th Mrs Hollis absent suffering from a severe cold. Headmaster responsible for Class 1 & class 2, Mrs Sneddon responsible for class 2 and class 3 from 9.10 – 10.45 a.m. 6th Mrs Hollis still absent. Headmaster responsible for class 2 morning session. Mrs Sneddon for afternoon session. 9th Mrs Hollis still absent 10th Mrs Hollis returned to duty 25th Close for Easter Holiday April 13th Re-opened for Summer term. No. on roll 86 (44 boys & 42 girls). 1 boy removed to Tunbridge Wells, 1 girl returned to U.S.A. 3 boys and 1 girl admitted as new entrants. 1 girl admitted from Borrowash, Derbyshire, 1 girl admitted from Canada. Regrouping of classes – Class 1 – Headmaster, 27, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 35, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 24. 16th Mr J Spalding a 3rd year student from Nottingham Training College commenced 4 weeks final schools’ practice today. Work is proceeding on the construction of a new sanitary block to be incorporated with the main building. 9+ test carried out this afternoon. 10 children, 6 boys and 4 girls took the test. May 2nd Q.E.S.S. results announced today. Of 9 candidates, 4 have qualified for places at grammar schools. 7th School closed for local elections. 15th School closed for Whitsuntide holiday 25th School re-opened after Whitsuntide. June 12th A sale was held in school this evening to raise funds for the summer outing and school welfare fund. As a result the sum of £45.19.1d was paid into the school bank account. 19th School was closed today while the junior scholars in charge of the staff took their annual summer outing. We visited Oakham Castle, Rockingham Castle and 34

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Wicksteed Park. July 3rd The infant class in charge of Mrs Sneddon and Mrs |Hollis paid a visit to Twycross Zoo. 4th At the village garden fete, 16 children gave a display of folk dancing, much appreciated by a large audience. 7th Our sports day was held this evening, and a very enjoyable contest was won by Oakley House. 9th Today was open day, when a large number of parents came with friends to see their children’s work exhibited and to watch displays of rhythmic P.E., action songs, drama, singing dancing and band work. 23rd School closed today for the summer holiday. The school now possesses a very fine television set, half the cost of which has been met from the school welfare fund. The set should prove invaluable when school t.v. starts again next term . Sept 8th School re-opened for the autumn term with 78 children on the roll. 2 boys were admitted to the reception group. 6 girls & 3 boys have transferred to secondary schools and 4 boys have left the district. Class distribution:- Class 1 – Mr Hollis, 23, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 30, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon 25. Work is still proceeding on the extra sanitary block being added to the school building. 17th A Harvest Festival Service was held in school this afternoon and a good number of parents attended. There was a fine collection of produce and flowers on display and this was sold afterwards to bring in a sum of £7.4.1d This is to be paid into school funds and reserved to present to some needy cause in the village. 21st I have today written a letter to the Divisional Education Officer asking him to request most urgently for the installation of suspended ceilings in raftered class rooms before the onset of winter (copy attached) Dear Mr Travers, I write asking most earnestly for your help in urging the Education Committee to ensure that suspended ceilings be installed in Hathern School without delay. Without them I have the gravest doubts that we shall be able adequately to heat the school. This winter there will be three additional radiators in the new toilet buildings to be heated from the same boiler that has served the school so far – not always effectively. Despite working the heating system at full pressure, there is always a considerable difference in temperature between the two classrooms open to the rafters and that with a boarded ceiling. I consider it is essential for the ceilings to be installed in time to prevent our spending another winter in conditions of considerable discomfort, and I trust that you will support my plea for urgency. I understand from the County Architects Department that the work entailed is not a lengthy operation. If such be the case, I would be agreeable to its being carried out during the term rather than wait for closure at holiday time. We have small room that could be used temporarily to accommodate each class in turn, and would be glad to help in this way to get the job done sooner. Yours faithfully, G. M. Hollis, Headmaster. 28th School heating started. 1 boy aged 9 ½ admitted on transfer from Shelthorpe County Junior School. Number on roll – 79. Oct 12th 20 students from Loughborough Training College with their tutor, Mr A Wilcox spent the morning in school. They spent some time with each class, talking freely to the children and observing the work in each room. Miss Ampler of the Church of Children’s Society gave a talk to the school on the work of the society. Mrs O Hunt, manager visited the school today and inspected and signed the registers.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 30th School closed for the mid term break. Nov 9th School re-opened for the second half of the autumn term. Mr D Johnston, a first year student of Loughborough Training College started a one months period of school practice today. New suspended ceilings have been fitted to the school in two classrooms and two cloakrooms during the mid term break. There has been a noticeable improvement in warmth and light and the acoustics in both classrooms are vastly better. 20th Mr Pemberton Billing a tutor of Loughborough Training College visited the school today to see Mr Johnston teaching. 27th Miss Burnley-Jones of Loughborough Training College visited the school today to consider the possibility of a woman student doing schools practice here next year. 30th Mr Sandham, a tutor of Loughborough Training College visited the school to see Mr Johnston teaching. 27th A Whist drive was held in the Village Hall this evening. The sum of £36.5.0d was paid int the bank account of the school welfare fund. Dec 1st Mrs Sneddon absent from school suffering from a severe cold 2nd Mrs Sneddon still absent 3rd Mrs Sneddon returned to duty. 4th Mr D Johnston completed his month of school practice today 18th A concert was produced in the Village Hall this evening. The infant class performed Christmas singing and poems. The junior classes performed 2 playlets ‘Waiting for Saint Nicholas’ and ‘The first Christmas Tree’ and a choir sang a programme of six carols. An appreciative audience contributed to a collection in aid of Village Hall funds. As a result a cheque for £6.5.6d was despatched to the Treasurer of the Village Hall committee. 21st The school Christmas party was held this afternoon in the Village Hall, when the children were entertained to tea and Santa Claus distributed presents to all the children. 22nd School closed today for the Christmas holiday. 1965 Jan 7 School re-opened today after the Christmas Holiday. 3 girls and 2 boys admitted to the reception group; 1 boy and 1 girl transferred to other schools. Number on roll now 81. 6 boys and 1 girl transferred from Class 3 to Class 2 to make places available for infant entrants and in anticipation of new entrants coming after Easter. Class arrangement now as follows:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 24, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 34, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 23 = 44 boys and 37 girls. Feb 5th % attendance for week – 81.5% Chicken Pox prevalent in the school. 9th 12 children, 7 girls and 5 boys sat for Q.E.S.S. today. School was closed during the afternoon session for the rest of the children. Apr 8th Q.E.S.S. results released today. No children qualified for grammar school places. 9th School closed for Easter holiday. 27th School re-opened for the summer term. 29th 14 children, 8 girls and 6 boys took 9+ test today. May 10th Mr A R Smith, 3rd year student from Nottingham Training College paid a preliminary visit to school today. He will begin a 5 week period of school practice on 24th May. 13th School closed – local elections. 21st A summer sale was held in the school this evening to raise funds for the summer outing. A sum of approximately £45 was raised. 24th Mr A R Smith started school practice today. June 9th Mrs M Hollis absent ill. I took charge of Class 2. Mr Smith (student) took charge of Class 1. 11th The infant class in charge of Mrs Sneddon paid a visit to Twycross Zoo this afternoon. 14th Mrs Ogle of Loughborough commenced temporary duties in charge of Class 2 today. 36

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 17th The junior classes in charge of he whole staff visited London today. School remained open for the infant class in charge of Mrs. Ogle, supply teacher. 18th Mrs Ogle ceased temporary duty today. 21st Mrs Hollis returned to duty. 29th The school swimming team took part in the annual Primary Schools Gala. The girls team won the small schools girls championship. July 2nd School closed today for the summer holiday. During the holiday period Mrs E W Middleton, 11 Brook St.Sileby are to redecorate the interior of the school. Aug 23rd School re-opened today following the summer holiday. 6 girls and 4 boys transferred to secondary schools in Loughborough. 2 girls admitted to reception class, new entrants, & 2 boys admitted to 1st year junior class on transference from Rosebery Infants School Loughborough. 1 girl transferred to Fairfield School, Loughborough and 1 girl transferred to Cobden Junior School. Number on roll:- 77 – 41 boys and 36 girls. Class distribution:- Class 1 – 27, Class 2 – 31, Class 3 – 19. Mrs D M Benson started duty today as Dining assistant. 30th School closed – Bank Holiday Sept 13th & 14th School closed – Industrial week-end holiday. 15th A parents meeting was held this evening and was well attended. 30th The school Harvest Festival was held this afternoon at 2.30p.m. and a good number of parents were present. The children sang appropriate hymns, conducted the prayers and read and recited suitable verses. The sale of produce afterwards realised a sum of over £7, which will be spent nearer Christmas on gifts for the elderly people of the village. Oct 15th Closed for half term. 25th Re-opened for 2nd half of term. Nov 9th Mr David Bratt a student of Loughborough Training College started a period of school practice. Dec 3rd Mr Bratt completed school practice. School whist drive this evening. Approximately £35 was raised for school funds. 20th A concert was held in the Village Hall this evening and a sum of £10 realised for the funds of Hathern Village Hall. 21st The school Christmas party was held this afternoon and evening. Santa Claus distributed present to the children. 22nd The children distributed packets of tea to the older people of the village. School closed for the Christmas holiday. 1966 Jan 6th School re-opened after the holiday. 6 children admitte4d at 5 years old, 5 boys and 1 girl. Number on roll 83. Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 25, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 30, Class 1 – Mr Hollis, 28. 11th Q.E.S.S. practice test. Feb 3rd Headmaster absent by permission from 10.20a.m. – 2.30p.m. to attend a funeral. 7th Mr Roberts H.M.I. visited the school this afternoon from 1.30p.m. – 3.40p.m. 8th Q.E.S.S. (14 examinees_ School closed this afternoon except for examinees. 11th School closed this afternoon for half term holiday. 16th School re-opened today. Mar 30th School closed for Easter holiday April 20 School re-opened for the summer term. 8 children admitted to reception class – 4 boys and 4 girls. 2 girls and 1 boy promoted from Class 3 to Class 2. Class 1 – 37 – headmaster, Class 2 – 34 – Mrs Hollis, Class 3 – 28 Mrs Sneddon. 28th 9+ test held today. May 12th School closed – local elections 20th School sale – proceeds £42.9.5d June 1st School sports day 10th Infants visit to Twycross Zoo 17th Juniors visit to Liverpool 28th Small schools’ swimming gala 37

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 29th Open day July 1st School closed for summer holiday August 31st School re-opened for autumn term. 79 on roll. 13 children transferred to secondary schools. 3 admitted, 2 at age 5, 1 transferred from Thorpe Road Infants School Shepshed. Class 1 -27 – headmaster, Class 2 – 26 – Mrs Hollis, Class 3 (infants) 26 – Mrs. Sneddon. Sept 21st The school Harvest service was held this afternoon. October 5th Mrs Sneddon absent this afternoon from 1.45p.m. to attend Loughborough Hospital for specialists examination. Oct 18th Mr Wilcox a tutor of Loughborough Training College with 18 students visited the school this afternoon for observation. 24th – 28th School closed for half term break. Nov 1st A new automatic gas fired boiler, replacing the old worn out “Robin Hood” coke fired furnace, was put into operation for the first time this morning and has brought a notable improvement in the school heating. Dec 9th A whist drive was held in the Village Hall this evening. The sum of approx.. £45 was raised for the Children’s Christmas Party and school fund. Nov 5th A sum of £6 has been sent to the Aberfan disaster fund. Dec 14th A concert was held in the Village Hall this evening. The sum of £11 was presented to the Village Hall heating fund. 19th The children’s Christmas Party was held in the school this evening. 20th School closed today for the Christmas holiday 1967 Jan 5th School re-opened today for the spring term. 9 new entrants were admitted, 7 boys and2 girls. Number on roll – 87. Class 1 – 26, Class 2 – 35, Class 3 26. 9th 1 girl admitted to infant class. Feb 10th School closed for half term holiday at end of afternoon session. 15th School re-opened this morning. Mar 25th School closed for Easter holiday after the afternoon session. April 6th School re-opened today. 8 boys and 1 girls admitted to the reception group of the infants class. 1 girl withdrawn from infants class. Class organisation:- Class 1 – 28, Headmaster, Class 2 – 38, Mrs Hollis, Class 3 – 24, Mrs Sneddon. – total 99 10th Sergeant Askham of the Leicestershire County Constabulary called to discuss ‘Police Week’ to be held at the end of May. 13th School closed for County Council elections. 23 children elected to take the usual swimming lesson at 10.20a.m. 25th A.F.P. Test taken this morning by all 4th year juniors – 15. May 8th School photographs taken this morning. 11th School closed today for Borough election. 19th Messrs Coombers representative called today to demonstrate their schools model record player. 22nd Today is the first day of the Police Schoolchild Relationship Scheme. Each day this week various members of the Leicester and Rutland Constabulary will talk to the children about their work and demonstrate their equipment. Today we were visited by Sgt. Askham and P.C.Foulkes-Williams. 23rd P.C. Foulkes-Williams and P.W. Iliffe spoke to the children about their work. 24th Today’s visitors were P.C. Williams, motorcycle patrol, and P.C. Powell with Sandy the police dog. 25th Cadet Kettle and Detective Constable Sutcliffe visited the school. 26th P.C. Wright (patrol car) and P.C. Baker (frogman) spoke about their work. This afternoon the children watched a film about the policeman and his beat. An excellent conclusion to a most interesting week. 29th School closed today for Bank Holiday. May 17th – Mrs Hollis absent, ill. 24th


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 May 18th – Miss L Dent of Loughborough in charge of Class 2 during Mrs Hollis’s absence. 24th 25th Mrs Hollis returned to duty, Miss Dent returned to Mountfields School. 30th School re-opened. June 2nd This afternoon all the children below the4 age of 8 visited Twycross Zoo. Mrs Sneddon and Mrs Hollis accompanied them. The weather was good and the children spent a happy time there, returning to Hathern at about 5.30p.m. 9th Today the juniors of the school paid a visit to London in charge of the headmaster and Mrs Sneddon. Mrs Hollis remained at school in charge of the infants. The party travelled by bus to Charing Cross Pier where we embarked on a launch to travel down-river to Greenwich. On arrival there we made a very interesting tour of the Clipper Ship “Cutty Sark”, and afterwards walked up to the old Royal Observatory in Greenwich Park to see the Greenwich Meridian, the standard measures and General Wolfe’s statue. In the afternoon we travelled by bus to the Regents Park Zoo where the children spent a couple of hours visiting the various animal houses before having tea. We returned to Hathern about 9.15p.m. having set out in the morning at 7.30, but in spite of the long da, the lovely weather and the interest of the places we visited made this a very happy day for everyone. 26th Open Day. A large number of parents attended the school open day from 2.00p.m. onwards. The children gave various displays, demonstrations and performances in the school playground and their work was on show in the school for parents to examine and discuss. There was a very good attendance of parents. 30th School closed for the summer holidaty August 30th School re-opened. 81 on roll, 45 boys and 36 girls. 15 children have been transferred to secondary schools and 3 children admitted (1 a transfer from another school). Classs 1 – Headmaster 23, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 32, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon 26. Sept 11th Headmaster and Mrs Hollis absent due to bereavement. Mr Middleton of Rosebery School temporarily assumed duties of headmaster. Mrs R Richards in charge of Class 2. 18th Mr & Mrs Hollis returned to duty 19th Headmaster absent from 1.25 – 3.00p.m. at Police Station. 25th Headmaster and Mrs Hollis absent for afternoon session to attend funeral of son-in- law. Oct 12th Headmaster absent from 3.00p.m. to attend inquest. 20th School closed for ½ term holiday. 30th School re-opened after half term holiday. Headmaster absent through illness since 19th Oct. 31st Mrs M Evans of Loughborough in charge of Class 1. Nov 9th Headmaster returned to duty. Dec 1 A whist drive was held in the Village Hall and a sum of £40 was raised for the children’s Christmas party and school funds. 12th The school gave a concert in the Village Hall to a large audience, and £11 was taken and present to the Village Hall Heating fund. 14th The children distributed approximately 130 packets of tea as Christmas gifts from the school to pensioners in the village. 19th The children’s Christmas party with tea, Christmas presents from Santa Claus, singing, games and dancing was held in school today from 3.20p.m. – 7.00p.m. 20 School closed for the Christmas holiday. 1968 Jan 4th School re-opened for the spring term. 91 children on roll, distributed as follows:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 23, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 35, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 33. 8th 3 more children admitted today. 1 boy and 2 girls. The 2 girls being temporary admissions. From today school meals ae being supplied by Castle Donington High School Kitchen. 39

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Feb 12th & School closed for half term holiday. 13th 19th Bu arrangement with St Winefride’s RC Primary School, Shepshed the whole school attended a performance of the play “Pinocchio” in the St Win ifride’s Church Hall. The play was produced by the Argyle Players a professional company specialising in children’s theatre. 26th Mr G Evans, a student at Loughborough College of Education commenced a period of school practice today. Mar 22nd Mr Evans today completed his period of school practice. Apr 15th School closed for Easter holiday. 25th School re-opened for the summer term. 1 girl transferred to Birstall. 2 children admitted on attaining school age, 1 boy and 1 girl. No on roll now 93. Class 1 – Headmaster 23, Class 2 –Mrs Hollis, 36, Class 3 – Mrs Sneddon, 34. 30th The whole school today attended a showing of Walt Disney’s Film “Fantasia” at the Essoldo Cinema, Loughborough. May 9th School closed for local elections. 15th & 16th A considerable number of children entered various classes at the Thorpe Acre Arts Festival and a number of awards were gained. June 3rd School closed for mid term break. 6th Small schools swimming gala at Loughborough Baths. Girls team won championship. 7th Class 1 spent the morning at the Jewry Wall Museum in Leicester. Mrs. Ball of the museum staff conducted a tour of the Roman exhibits and gave a very interesting talk. 12th Mrs J Evans appointed school secretary to take up duties Autumn term 1968. 19th School sports held this evening on the recreation ground. 14th Junior scholars visit to York. 21st Infants visit to Twycross Zoo 25th School open day 28th School closed for summer holiday. Aug 28th School reopened for Autumn term. 87 children on roll. 12 children have been transferred to secondary schools in Loughborough, 1 child transferred to Notts. 8 new entrants and 2 children transferred from Notts. admitted. Class 1 – 28, Class 2 – 30, Class 3 – 29. Sept 9th 1child admitted transferred from Winchester, and 1 new entrant admitted. Oct 2nd Headmaster absent 9.15 a.m. – 11.30a.m., Teachers Course in Loughborough. 3rd Miss Hodkinson, H.M.I. spent most of the afternoon in the school. She visited all classes, and saw some of the children’s work in handicraft, art, needlework, infant activities, music and dance. She expressed pleasure at the happy atmosphere in the school. 9th Mr Mitchell, School manager visited this afternoon to sign registers. 18th School closed this evening for half term holiday. 28th School re-opened this morning. Dec 6th A whist drive was held in the Village Hall this evening to provide funds for the children’s Christmas party. Proceeds from this, a prize draw and cash donations amounted to £50. 17th A concert was performed by the children in the Village Hall and a large audience attended. Takings amounted to £14 which was presented to the Village Hall improvements fund. 19th The school Christmas party was held today. 20th School closed at 3.40p.m. for the Christmas holiday. 1969 Jan 7th School re-opened today. 11 children were admitted, 6 boys and 3 girls on attaining the age of 5 years, 2 boys aged 9 years and 7 years transferred from Castle Donington. Mrs C Harris, 6 Greenhill Rise Hathern commenced duties as part-time teacher. She 40

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 is to be responsible for the 3rd year infants class during the morning sessions. School roll is now 105 – Class 1 – 31, Class 2- 35, Class 3 – 39. In view of the darkness of the mornings before 9.00a.m. I have advised parents and children that morning school will now commence at 9.15a.m. and end at 12.15p.m. Afteroon school will be from 1.30p.m. to 3.45p.m. for juniors and 3.30p.m. for infants. 30th Miss Cresswell, audiometrician visited the school this morning to test sight and hearing of all second year juniors. Feb 3rd From today, morning school reverts to normal hours – 9.00a.m. to 12 noon. Afternoon school 1.25p.m. to 3.40 p.m. 4th Mrs Sneddon absent due to severely scalded writs. Miss Reilly a student awaiting entry to college and currently assisting at Rendell School seconded to Hathern School during Mrs Sneddons absence. 7th Mrs Sneddon returned to duty this morning. She left after marking registers for the afternoon session to attend Loughborough General Hospital foir attention to her wrist. 11th Mrs Evans absent today School closed for mid term break. Attendance this week was low, 83.5% there being many children suffering from coughs and colds and some with Mumps. 20th In view of persistent heavy snow school was closed today at 3.25p.m. instead of 3.40p.m. 26th The whole school today visited St Winifred’s Hall Shepshed at 2.00p.m. to see a performance of Rumplestilskin by the Argyle Theatre Co. The children were delighted with a very good presentation. Mar 13th School was closed today today for local bye-election. Apr 3rd Headmaster absent due to an attack of influenza. Mrs Hollis in charge. School closed today at the end of the afternoon session for Easter holiday. 21st School reopened today after the Easter holiday. No admissions or withdrawals. Roll 105. May 6th Dental Inspection this morning 8th School closed for local elections. 16th A group of 6 students from Loughborough College visited the school this morning to study the school buildings and make a brief history of its development. 23rd At a sale in the school this evening a sum of £60 was raised for the school fund and summer outings. 26th & 27th School was closed for the mid term break. June 5th The North Leics. Small scholls swimming gala was held this evening with 9 schools competing. Hathern, the smallest of all the competing schools had competitors in every final except 1. 2 children obtained second places and 1 a third place. 6th June 55 Junior dept. children with 2 staff and 1 student accompanying spent a days visit to Runnymede and Windsor Castle, travelling up the River Thames to Windsor. The infant classes stayed at school in charge of Mrs Sneddon and Mrs Harris. 13th The Infants classes in charge of Mrs Sneddon and Mrs Harris spent the afternoon at Twycross Zoo. 24th Today was open day at school. Many parents and friends visited the school this afternoon to see their children’s work and see and hear various displays of P.E., music, drama, recitation, singing and dancing. 27th School closed at the end of today for the summer holiday. Mrs Sneddon ceased her duties as Infant teacher today and is retiring from teaching. Her post will be filled by Mrs. Rosemary Buchan of 10 Sandalwood Drive, Loughborough. To mark appreciation of her 8 years service in the school, Mr J Randon, Chairman of the School Managers presented her with a Cape Leather Handbag, purchased with funds collected from scholars, staff, managers and friends. The school leavers also presented her with a bouquet. Aug 20th School re-opened this morning for the Autumn term. There are 95 children on the roll. 12 children have transferred to secondary schools in Loughborough and 2 to 41

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 preparatory departments of Loughborough Endowed Schools. 1 boy has left the district and 2 girls. 2 girls and 1 boy have been admitted on attaining the age of 5, 1 girl from abroad and 1 boy from Rosebery Infants. Another boy has been admitted to 3rd year infants on moving into the village. Class distributions – Class 1 – Mr.Hollis, 27, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis 33, Class 3 Mrs Buchan and Mrs Harris (part time) – 35. 29th School closed tonight for the Bank holiday break. Sept 3rd School re-opened following the Bank holiday break. Oct 7th A 7 year old boy tore his hand at playtime this afternoon on a staple in the school wall. I bandaged his hand and took him home, recommending his parents to have the injury treated. Oct 8th The boy returned to school this morning, his father reporting that the wound had been stitched and left medicine to be administered at dinner time. The boy was dosed in accordance with his fathers’ instructions. 17th Close for half term. 27th Re-opened after half term holiday. 29th Class 1 and class 2 visited the Jewry Wall museum in Leicester, the Battlefield at Bosworth and the Steam Engine exhibits at Cadeby. Dec 4th School closed – N.U.T. withdrawal of services by staff. 6th School whist drive to raise funds for children’s Christmas party. 10th Children’s concert in Village Hall - £15 raised for Village Hall Funds. 12th Medical inspections. 17th School Christmas party 18th Medical inspections 19th Close for Christmas holiday. Mrs Buchan away suffering from influenza. 1970 Jan 7 School re-opened for Spring term. 103 on roll. 5 children admitted on reaching school age. 2 admitted on transfer from Balby near Doncaster, 1 from Glasgow. Arrangement of classes:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 30, Class 2 – Mrs Hollis, 35, Class 3 – Mrs Buchan 39. Mrs Harris (part time) is responsible for 3rd year infants in mornings. Mrs Harris absent from duty owing to illness in her family. 8th Mrs Harris absent owing to family illness. 9th Mrs Harris returned to duty today. 30th Headmaster absent by permission for afternoon session to accompany aged relative to Royal Infirmary, Leicester. 27th Interviewed parents o 9 children regarding transfer to Secondary Education next August. Feb 16tgh & School closed for half term holiday. 17th 24th Parents meeting. Parents of 1st and 2nd year infants were invited to the school at 8.00p.m. this evening. A good number attended and following a short explanation of the school’s method of beginning the teaching of reading by Mrs Buchan and very useful and interesting discussion followed. In the afternoon 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls took the test set in conjunction with the allocation of free places to the Endowed Schools in September. Mar 2nd The 2 junior classes in the school attended St Winefrides School, Shepshed to watch a performance of “The Princess and the Drummer Boy” by the Argyle Theatre Schools Players. The play was much enjoyed and many children wrote letters to the Theatre company the following daty. 30th 4 children accompanied the headmaster and Mrs Hollis to a concert in the De Montfort Hall, Leicester given by the Vienna Boys’ Choir. 2 children received book tokens as prizes awarded by the Argyle Theatre for Youth as a result of the letters written on 3rd March. This was a complete surprise to us all as the existence of such a prize scheme was unknown. 25th School closed for the Easter Holiday. Mrs J Evans ceased her duties as school secretary. 42

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 April 13th School re-opened for the summer term. 4 admissions of 5 year olds, 2 boys and 2 girls. Class 1 – Headmaster, 31, Class 2, Mrs Hollis, 35, Class 3 – Mrs Buchan, 42. Mrs Harris (part time) responsible for 3rd year infants in morning sessions. Mrs G J Wreghitt, 15 Sandalwood Rd. Loughborough commenced duties as school secretary. 17th A collection for the Leicestershire Association for the Disabled was taken this week and the proceeds amounted to ………… 21st A full dental inspection was made this afternoon. 30th The County Library Mobile Van visited the school this afternoon for the purchase of library books to use in school. May 6th A special service held in the open-air and attended by parents, managers and friends was held in school today to mark the centenary of the 1870 Education Act. An exhibition was staged in school and remained open to the public all week and over the week-end. On view were samples of the present day scholars work, the school log books since 1863 and a large collection of school photographs of groups, activities etc. from 1908 to 1969. The exhibition excited considerable interest in the village and drew a very large number of visitors. 7th School closed for local elections. 8th Mrs Buchan absent all day suffering from loss of voice. Today we moved all the classroom furniture of the infant department back to room 3 in school from the Village Hall where class 3 have spent the last ten days. Dry rot was divcovered in the floor joists of room 3, and Messrs. Allsopp have been at work replacing the affected parts and treating the walls and floors around. 15th After accosting Mrs Buchan in the street last night a parent complained to me that Mrs Buchan had excessively punished his son aged 5 by slapping him on the leg and leaving a mark. Today I interviewed the parent and Mrs Buchan who admitted punishing the child and apologised for the severity. The parent accepted her apology and the matter was closed. 25th & 26th School closed for half term holiday June 5th Today 67 juniors in charge of the Headmaster, Mrs Hollis, Mrs Benson (a parent) travelled to London by motor coach for the annual summer outing. The busses halted at Westminster for the children to see Westminster Bridge, Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Bodiceas’ statue. We walked along the Thames Embankment to Charing Cross and travelled down the River Thames by launch to the Tower of London. After 1 ½ hours there the coaches took us to Regents Park where the children spent the rest of the afteroon at the Zoo. We returned by coach reaching Hathern about 10.00p.m. The infants class stayed at school for the day and during the morning a girl aged 5 trapped her thumb in a door when another child closed it. Mrs. Sheffield was found after the class teacher had wrapped up the injury and took her to her own doctor for treatment. 10th The school sports was held this evening in glorious weather. A number of parents assisted with the organisation and a large crown watched an excellent contest with some very fine running and jumping. 12th The infants class in charge to 2 staff and a student paid a visit to Drayton Manor Park and Zoo. The weather was fine and they spent an enjoyable and interesting afternoon there. They left school at 12.45p.m. and returned about 5.30p.m. 15th During Folk Dancing in the Village Hall this afternoon, a girl slipped and fell cutting her forehead on the edge of a gas heater. The wound was bandaged and the child returned home to her mother who took her to her own doctor for treatment. A stitch was inserted and the child returned to school a day later. 16th The Small Schools Swimming Gala was held this evening and the Hathern competitors swam very well, gaining 5 awards. 24th Mrs J Blackler of the R.S.P.C.A. attended school this morning at 11.00a.m. and spoke most interestingly to the 2 junior classes on the care of pets. July 1st Today was the school open day from 2.00p.m. onwards, a large number of parents and friends were treated to a display of songs, poems, music and movement, R.E.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Musical Plays drama, percussion band work and dancing. There was also on display in the classrooms a large and varied collection of children’s work, much appreciated by the visitors. 3rd School closed at the end of the day for the summer holiday. Mrs Buchan completed her probationary year as a qualified teacher with credit and ceased her duties at this school as she is expecting a child. Her post next term will be filled by Mrs Stackhouse of Anson Road, Shepshed. Mrs Hollis after 16 yeafrs service in the school ceased her duties today, her retirement being effective from 31st August 1970. Mr J Randon, chairman of the School Managers, spoke to the assembled school and paid tribute to the sterling and devoted service rendered by Mrs. Hollis to Hathern School. He presented her with a parting gift from pupils, staff, old scholars, managers and friends – a Grundig V.H.F. Radio set. Mrs Hollis expressed her thanks and the happiness she had enjoyed from her tenure at Hathern School. Aug 18th School re-opened this morning after the summer holiday with 105 children on the roll. 11 boys and 7 girls have transferred to secondary education in Loughborough. 2 boys and 3 girls have been admitted at the age of 5 years and 2 boys and 3 girls on transfer from other schools (Sawley, & Normanton on Soar) Mrs M Stackhouse and Mrs E Lennox have commenced duties in charge of class 3 and class 2 respectively. Mrs Harris continues on part time service, mornings only. Class 1 – Headmaster, 28, Class 2 – Mrs Lennox, 43, Class 3 – Mrs Stackhouse, 34. Mrs Harris is responsible in the mornings for a group of children from class 2. Sept 10 A Harvest Festival was held in school this afternoon at 2.00p.m. The children of each class contributed to the service. A large number of parents attended the service and a sale of produce afterwards raised £12.6.0d. This will be used at the end of term to provide small Christmas gifts for the children to take to pensioners in the village. Oct 9th. School closed for half term holidaty. 26th School re-opened after half term holiday Dec 15 An 8 ½ year old boty hurt his right thumb in the play ground this dinner time Suspecting a dislocation I sent the boy home by bus with a note to his mother recommending that she take him to a doctor. Dec 18th School closed for Christmas Holiday. 1971 Jan 5th School re-opened today after the Christmas break. 3 children were admitted, 2 boys transferred from Sileby and Bunny respectively and 1 girl on attaining the age of 5. Mrs Harris is now teaching full time in the school and classes are grouped as follows:- Class 1 – Headmaster, 27, Class 2 – Mrs E Lennox, 37, Class 3a – Mrs Harris, 16, Class 3 – Mrs Stackhouse, 25. Number on roll 105. Another boy was admitted on attaining the age of 5. 1 girl withdrawn on transfer to Thorpe Acre Junior School. 6th 1 boy admitted having attained the age of 5. 14thy Mr Hunt, Divisional Education Officer and Mr Pinchiri, Deputy Director of Education for Leicester visited the school today to discuss school accommodation, likely intake and school numbers over the next 2 years. I was able to show them our difficulties and we discussed means of dealing with an increasing school population. We also visited the site for the new school that is to be built and spoke about how best to use the first stage of the new school and relieve the problem of overcrowding. 18th 42 children and staff this evening paid a visit to the Little Theatre in Leicester to see a performance of “Toad of Toad Hall” by the Leicester Drama Society. All thoroughly enjoyed the excellent production. Feb 6th I arrived at school this morning to find that the gas fired boiler of our heating system had failed during the night. No efforts by the caretaker or myself could bring it into operation. I reported the matter to the Gas Board who promised to send a fitter out as soon as possible. By 11.00a.m. no workman had arrived and the school was cold everywhere – little more than 52 degrees. Class 3a, the smallest, were able to work in their small room with the help of an electric fire. The 2 junior


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 classes were taken out walking until 12 noon. Mrs Stackhouse also took the infant class out on a walk and left children at their homes wherever possible. No workman arrived during the dinner hour and after school dinners had been served I ascertained which children had parents at home and which could stay with friends until the usual hour of closing school. At 2.00p.m. I rant Divisional Office and reported the situation. Permission was given to send the children home and this was done. 7th Gas boiler in working order – repaired by EMGAS fitter yesterday evening. 22nd & 23rd School closed – half term holiday Mar 3rd A.F.P. test – 8 candidates. 24th Dental Inspection April 7th School closed for the Easter Holiday 26th School re-opened for the summer term. Number on roll 116. 3 boys and 6 girls admitted at 5 years old. 1 boy and 1 girl admitted on transfer from elsewhere. Class 1 – Headmaster, 28, Class 2 – Mrs E Lennox, 42, Class 3 – Mrs C Harris, 17, Class 4 – Mrs Stackhouse, 29. Miss L Buck, first year student from Loughborough College of Education commenced Black Schools Practice today and will attend daily until half term. She is working with class 4. Price of school meals increased as from today to 12p per meal. 28th Mr Pinchin, Assistant Director of Education called this morning bringing plans of the new school that is to built and of the amount to be completed in the first stage. 30th A representative of the Ministry of Agriculture brought a film on Far Safety this afternoon and the children watched the showing of it in the Village Hall. A number of interesting questions arose after the film. May 7th A sale was held in school this evening to raise funds for the summer outings. The proceeds amount to just over £45 12th The 2 infant classes spent part of the day at Twycross Zoo and very much enjoyed their visit, which will provide them with a good deal of interesting project work as a result. 13th School closed – local elections. 14th School photographer, Mr. R. Coleman of H Tempest Ltd. Visited the school this afternoon and took photographs of the children. 20th Mrs Russell and Mr Glazier from Limehurst High School visited the school this afternoon and I spoke to them about the girls due to transfer to Limehurst in August 1971 28th Miss Buck concluded her months block teach practice at mid-day today. Mr W Browse, Adviser for Primary Schools visited us today. He stayed to dinner and brought the plans of the first stage of the new school to discuss and decide on permanent fitments, cupboards, furnishings etc. School closed today after the afternoon session for the half term holiday 31st & June 1st Half term holiday 2nd School re-opened today. Additional and replacement furniture has been provided for the infant department. 15th Small schools swimming gala was held this evening at Loughborough Town Baths – many awards were achieved. 18th The junior classes travelled by bus on an educational outing to Chester. The children visited the Roman Museum, took a boat trip on the River Dee, walked along the City Walls and visited Chester Zoo. 22nd & 23rd Open Days – on these 2 afternoons parents were invited to come into school at any time to see lessons in progress and look at children’s work on display. July 2nd School closed for the summer holiday. August 17th School re-opened to autumn term. 12 children have transferred to secondary schools in Loughborough. 1 has left the district. 2 boys and 1 girl have transferred to Hathern from other schools 5 girls and 1 boy admitted at 5 years old to the reception class. Class 1 – Headmaster, 35, Class 2 – Mrs Lennox, 36, Class 3 – Mrs Harris, 24, Class 4 – Mrs Stackhouse 17. Total on roll 112 45

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 The infant class, class 4 is now accommodated in a bungalow in Pasture Lane, and the smallest room in the school is now available for use as office and staff room. Class 1 and class 2 have exchanged class rooms. No class is now cramped for room, but there is very little space to spare. Sept 7th A parents meeting was held in school this evening a a good three quarters of the families in school were represented. 30th & Oct 1st Miss Rowe of the County P.E. Advisory Staff visited the school each morning to give demonstration lessons on games with infants and juniors. 4th The school Harvest Festival was held in the Village Hall this afternoon. A Large number of parents and friends attended and the children of each class took a share in the service. The newly formed school choir sang 2 harvest songs. The sale of produce which followed realised the sum of £13.13. This is to be reserved for the purchase of tea to give as Christmas presents to the elderly people of the village. 5th Miss Gull, a student from Loughborough College of Education attended this afternoon to begin a series of daily visits to last this term. 6th Mr Somerfild, Divisional Education Office visited the school this morning. He came to discuss the problem of accommodation, the heads request for additional and replacement furniture and to see conditions at the bungalow annexe in Pasture Lane. 8th Mrs Stackhouse absent all day for treatment at Hospital. Mrs P M Thomas, of 90 Tiverton Rd. Loughborough on temporary duty in her place. School closed after the evening session for half term holiday 25th School re-opened Nov 2nd & 3rd Miss Rowe of the County P.E. Advisory staff attended each morning at 11.00a.m. to give demonstration lessons in Junior P.E. 24th At 7.30p.m. Mr Timson, Headmaster of Mountfields Primary School and the Secretary and Treasurer of the Parent/Teacher Association addressed a considerable number of parents on the functioning of a Parent/Teacher Association. Dec 10th The school Christmas concert was produced this evening before a packed audience in the Village Hall. It was a great success - £17.30 was taken at the door and £7.50 was raised from a raffle organised by a group of parents. The money will go to school funds. 15th A most enjoyable party took place in school from 3.30 to6.30p.m. today. The children consumed a large tea. Santa Claus distributed presents and the evening concluded with games, dancing and carol singing. A number of parents came to give help. 17th School closed for the Christmas Holiday at the end of the afternoon session. 1972 Jan 3rd School re-opened after the Christmas holiday. An additional member of staff has been appointed – Mrs J Munn who commenced duties today in charge of the reception group of children who started today. Number on roll – 125. 10 children have been admitted as beginners aged 5, and 1 boy (2nd year juniors) has been transfer=erred to Rosebery County Junior School. Class 1 – Headmaster, 35, Class 2 - Mrs Lennox, 37, Class 3 – Mrs Harris, 24, Class 4 – Mrs Stackhouse, 19, Class 4a – Mrs J Munn, 10. The uneven distribution of numbers is due to the considerable differences in classroom sizes 13th Inaugural meeting of Hathern C.E. School Parent/Teacher Association. Feb 3rd A 6 year old boy arrived at school with a severe cut on his hand, caused, he said by a fall in the road on the way to school The cut was covered with a clean bandage and Mrs Stackhouse took him home and told his mother what had happened. She advised the grandmother and mother to let a doctor see the injury. Mar 1st A.F.P. test taken – 9 candidates. 2nd Mrs Harris absent owing to daughter’s illness. Class 3 divided among infants, lower juniors, upper juniors – 6 or 7 children to each.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 16th Mrs Harris absent for afternoon session – family illness. 21st Mrs Harris absent – death of relative. 30th School closed for Easter holiday at end of afternoon session. April 17th School re-opened after Easter holiday. 7 children admitted, 6 entrants and 1 transfer. Number on roll now 133 24th 2 more children admitted – transfers from Rosebery Infant School – roll now 135 25th The upper infants class in charge of Mrs Stackhouse and Miss Wright (student) mad an educational visit to Loughborough Fire Station 27 The lower infants class in charge of Mrs Munn and Mrs Benson, (ancillary helper) made an educational visit to Loughborough Fire Station. May 19th A 6 a side cricket match against Fairfield School was played tonight as first round of a knock out competition. Fairfield won by 23 runs to 18 25th The school team competed in the Loughborough Primary school’s athletic sports this evening at Loughborough College Stadium. 2 children won their events and have been selected to represent Loughborough in the County Sports at Melton on 24th June. 29th School closed at the end of the afternoon session for the Spring Bank Holiday break. 31st School re-opened this morning. June 1st

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Mountsorrel commenced duty in place of Mrs C. Harris. Class 1 – Headmaster, 30, Class 2 - Mrs J Fillingham, 13, class 3 – Mrs E Lennox, 24, class 4 – Mrs M Stackhouse, 19, class 5, Mrs J Munn, 15. Total on roll 120 31st Mrs Benton School Manager, visited today and signed the registers. Sept 1st Mrs Munn ill, unable to attend school 4th Mrs Munn still absent (for rest of week), Mrs Frost (Div Office permanent supply staff) in charge of class 5. 6th Mr Inchley of school supplies dept. called today bring schedules of school furniture and equipment for new premises. 8th Message from Mrs Munn’s husband to say her doctor had prescribed a further week away from school. I notified Division office by telephone. Girl aged 9 complained at dinner of a fish bone stuck in her throat. All efforts failed to dislodge it and Mrs Benson, dining assistant took her to the surgery of Dr. Bagley who advised she should go to the Hospital. She was taken to Loughborough hospital where she was met by her mother, whom I had notified by telephone at her place of employment. 11th Mrs Munn still absent. Mrs Frost continued in charge of class 5. 18th Mrs Munn still absent. 20th Mr Peach of Cross Street Stores came to me this morning with half a dozen plastic coins and gave me the names of 2 boys alleged to have used them in his vending machine. I carried out an immediate inquiry and discovered 6 children either carrying plastic coins to use in the machine, or admitting to having used them. I reported by finding to Mr Peach and asked hi to advise me of any further attempts. I also addressed the whole school and told them that any such misdemeanour in future would be a matter for the police. 27th A boy from the reception class struck another boy in the face with a stick. The face was scratched nastily, but no stitches appeared necessary. After cleaning and anointing the wound, the class teacher took him home at the end of the session with an explanation of what happened. I punished the other boy and wrote a letter to his mother. Oct 6th A very successful Harvest thanksgiving was held this afternoon in the Village Hall. The children brought gifts of produce to make a fine Harvest display, and each class contributed an item of song or verse as part of the service. The sale of produce which followed brought in the sum of £21.05p to be spent later this term on Christmas gifts for the pensioners in the village. 20th Mrs Stackhouse absent, ill. School closed at 3.45p.m. for half term holiday. Nov 1st School re-opened after half term. Mrs Stackhouse back to duty. Mrs Fillingham away ill, morning session. 13th School photographs taken this morning by Mr R Coleman, of Tempests Ltd. 15th Sgt. Askham of the Loughborough Police Division visited school this morning. He took part in morning assembly and then spoke to the children about the forthcoming “Police Fortnight” in school to commence Tuesday 21st November 1972 Dec 1st Police Fortnight ended today with a film in the Village Hall. During the past two weeks the children have had talks, mostly with practical demonstrations from a Police Constable, a Policewoman, Police Cadet, Motor Cyclist, Motor Patrol, Dog Handler, Detective and Frogmen. The course had been arranged and supervised daily by Sergeant Askham. Each day the Police have attended morning assembly and taken their mid-day meal in school with the children. It has been a most interesting and instructive time. Mrs Wreghitt, the School secretary returned to duty today after being absent on Tuesday 28th Nov and Thursday 30th Nov. suffering from influenza. Mrs Rees, Health Visitor inspected all the children on 27th November for cleanliness. 13th The school concert was given this evening before a capacity audience in the Village Hall. The programme consisted of plays, songs, music and movement, carols and songs by the school choir and community singing with the school percussion band. A repeat performance was given on Thursday afternoon, 14th when the Darby and


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Joan Club were invited to attend. 18th The school Christmas parties were held today. The infants enjoyed theirs in the afternoon and the juniors in the evening. Tea was prepared and served by staff and parents and Father Christmas distributed presents to all the children. 19th A 10 year old boy fell in the school playground during the dinner hour and injured a knee with severe bruising. In view of previous injury to the knee I took him home to his father and informed him of the accident. 21st School closed at 3.40p.m. today for the Christmas Holiday. 1973 Jan 4th School reopened after the Christmas holiday. 5 children admitted – roll 125. Class 1 – Headmaster, 41, Class 2 – Mrs Fillingham, 36, Class 3 – Mrs Lennox, 19, Class 4 – Mrs Stackhouse, 17, class 5 – Mrs Munn, 12. 5th Mrs Fillingham absent, influenza. Mrs C Harris, of Greenhill Rise, Hathern in chare of class 2 for afternoon session . 8th Mrs Fillingham still absent – Mrs Harris continues in charge of class 2 9th Mrs Fillinghanm returns to duty 9th, 10th & Dr Holderness, ~Schools’ Medical Officer conducted medical examinations each 11th morning. 16th Mrs Munn, absent, ill 17th Mrs Munn absent for part of morning session to attend hospital, Nottingham. Returned to school for second half of morning session . 26th Mrs Stackhouse absent, sons illness. Mrs Harris in charge of class 4 for the day. 29th Mrs Stackhouse absent suffering from tonsillitis – Mrs Harris continues in charge of class 4. 31st Mrs Stackhouse returned to duty, Mrs Fillingham absent. Feb 23rd Closed 3.45p.m. for the half term holiday 28th Re-open after half term. March 5th Mr Freis, adviser for mathematics visited this afternoon . 13th A.F.P. test held in Village Hall this morning, Mrs Harris in charge of class 1. 16th At 12.45p.m. a boy reported the disappearance of money from his coat pocket in the cloakroom. £1.50 was missing. I immediately started inquiries, including a search of cloakrooms by the school staff but nothing was revealed. At approximately half past two I called the Police and Sergeant Rutherford and a Detective Constable visited the school. As a result, 6 children admitted to having taken or shared in money and I wrote that evening to their parents asking for a refund of the money. The letters were posted at 9.00a.m. on Friday morning, first class to be deloivered Friday afternoon. 19th Mrs Munn away to attend mother in laws’ funeral at Gravesend. Mrs Stackhouse responsible for all infants. 20th Mrs Munn’s absence continued, Mrs Harris came to take charge of Class 5. 26th Mrs Munn returned to duty. April 12th School closed for County Council election 13th School closed for Easter Holiday 26th School re-opened following Easter holiday. Summer term begins with 131 on roll. 1 8 year old girl admitted on transfer from…………….1 girl admitted – new entrant at 5 years old Mrs D Lennox, 3 Jetcott Ave, Loughborough commenced duties as School secretary. Mrs Wreghitt having taken another appointment. Mrs Wreghiss had completed 3 years service at Hathern School, and received gifts at the end of last term from the children, staff and the headmaster to mark their very sincere appreciation of her efficiency and willingness in the pursuit of her duties. 27th Now that the new school premises are completed, we have begun to transfer the junior part of the school to that building. This is a laborious manoeuvre, and is bound to spread over several days, beside moving the junior department with all its equipment to the new building we have also to transfer the infant department to the premises vacated by the juniors. 49

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 A new dining assistant, Mrs M Hayes of Golden Square Hathern has been appointed to assist Mrs Mattison in her school meals duties. Mrs Benson now being solely responsible for the supervision of children during the dinner hour. Mrs Mattison is shortly to relinquish her school meals duties on assuming the caretakers’ duties for both buildings. An additional dining assistant will then be appointed to serve with Mrs Hayes. A boy from Garendon Avenue was sent home this morning in the charge of his brother having been sick 3 times and looking very poorly. May 10th At 8.45a.m. approx.. this morning two boys collided with each other and one received a bruised nose. By 11.00a.m. his nose was badly swollen and he was in some pain. It appeared to me that the nose might be broken. Consequently Mrs Stackhouse took him home in her car and made a report to his mother, who later reported that the hospital had said there were no bones broken. Mrs Fillingham absent today owing to the death of her father, by permission. 11th Mrs Fillingham returned today. 14th Mrs Fillingham absent today by permission – fathers funeral. Mrs C Harris carried out her duties. 3 children sent home today owing to illness. 1 boy fainted and was sent home about 9.20a.m. Mrs Lennox was very poorly by dinner time today, apparently with an influenza cold so I sent her home too. 15th Mrs E Lennox absent today suffering from a severe influenza cold. Mrs Fillingham absent today also, due to bereavement. Mrs Harris has assisted in school today in their place. 18th 8 children, in charge of Mrs Stackhouse attended the De Montfort Hall in Leicester to rehearse and take part as members of the massed choir in the County’s Primary Schools Festival “Fanfare for Europe”. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience as did the parents and friends who attended the performance that evening. 19th The school 6 a side cricket team play this morning in the Loughborough Primary School’s knockout competition. They beat Holywell School scoring 63 runs against the visiting teams 34. Members of Hathern Cricket Club were kind enough to organise the match and provide umpire, scorer, kit etc. I am duly grateful. 25th School closed at 3.45p.m. today for the mid term break. 30th School re-opened this morning. Mrs C Franks of 32 Narrow Lane Hathern has been allocated by Divisional Office to replace rs J Munn who is leaving at the end of this term. Mrs Franks completes her College training in June. 31st Town sports held this evening at Loughborough College Stadium. No winners this year. June 7th The junior department today visited London in 2 coaches. We proceeded to Charing Cross Pier for a launch trip to Tower Bridge and back, and then went on to the London Planetarium and Madame Tussauds before taking tea and returning home 8th Mrs Lontott, a teacher from Limehurst Girls School called this afternoon to talk to me about the girls who will be going to Limehurst school in August. 11th The P.T.A. Carnival was held on Saturday in the grounds of the Bungalow, Pasture Lane. There was a fancy dress parade round the village led by the school band with the carnival queen riding behind. She was crowned at the opening ceremonyby Mrs J Menday. A very successful carnival with stalls, competitions, music and steam engine rides realised approx.. £126 for P.T.A. funds. 12th Small schools’ swimming gala held tonight. Both a boy and girl achieved winning results. 21st The school sports were held today. Piper House won the match. 29th School closed for the summer holiday at the end of the day. Mrs J Munn ceased her duties today. The children and staff presented her with gifts to mark their appreciation of her services at Hathern. Aug 29th School re-opened today with 115 on roll. 18 children had transferred to secondary schools in Loughborough. 2 had left the district. 5 children admitted on attaining school age. Mrs Franks, appointed last term to replace Mrs Munn was unable to accept the post


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 as she is expecting her first child in a few weeks. Mrs J Buttery, 34 Nightingale Avenue, Hathern is serving in her place on temporary duty. Class 1 – Headmaster, 31, Class 2 – Mrs J Fillingham, 31, Class 3 – Mrs E Lennox, 148, Class 4 – Mrs M Stackhouse, 24, Class 5 – Mrs J Buttery, 11. Total on roll 115. Classes 1 and 2 in new building Pasture Lane, Classes 3, 4 & 5 in Old School, Cross Stree. Mrs. M Stackhouse deputy head in charge. Sept 3rd Mrs C Harris, took over from Mrs Buttery on temporary duty. 12th Mrs C Lovell prospective replacement for Mrs Franks visited the school today. 17th Mrs Lovell commenced uties today in place of Mrs Franks. She is in charge of the reception class. 27th Mrs Stackhouse and Mrs Lennox absent by permission on a oneday reading course at Boothwood C Primary School, Loughborough. Mrs Frost, (temporary duty) and Mors Lovell in charge of infants. Oct 1st & 2nd Headmaster absent by permission on Town Twinning visit to Romans-sur-Isere S France. Mrs Frost on temporary duty. Mrs Stackhouse in charge of school. 10th A very successful Harvest Festival was held this afternoon in the School Hall; children from all classes took part in the service and the school choir sang suitable songs. The sale of produce yelded £22 to be kept to provide Christmas gifts to the pensioners in the village. 11th When I arrived at school this morning at approx.. 10 to 9, the caretaker, Mrs Mattison reported that the school had been broken into during the night. I examined the premises and it appeared that the intruder had broken into the school through a window with a defective fastening, and had made his way to my office. The curtains of my office were drawn, a box file and documents on my desk were disturbed and a metal filing cabinet had been forced open and searched. Nothing appeared to have been taken. I reported the occurrence to the Police who visited the school that morning, carried out an examination of the premises and took statements from the school caretaker and myself. All this occurred at the new building in Pasture Lane. 13th The Hathern school P.T.A. organised a Barn Dance in the School Hall this evening. About 120 parents and children attended and spent a highly enjoyable evening. Proceeds for P.T.A.funds. 15th Sgt. Askham of the Loughborough Police Division visited the school this morning to see what arrangements could be made for security and storage. 16th Mrs Kilburn an applicant for the headship of this school visited this afternoon on a tour of inspection. Recent visitors for this purpose have been Mrs A Johnson, Mr Cunliffe, Mr Bradshaw, Mr Dawson. 18th School closed today at the end of the afternoon session for the mid term break. Miss Halliwell and 2nd year student from Loughborough College of Education attended for the 3rd successive Thursday to observe and assist with Class 1. She will take charge of a small group of children for ~English studies for the last hour each Thursday until further notice. 29th School re-opened today after the half term break. Nov 13th Mr R Coleman of H Tempest Ltd visited the school this morning and took photographs of all the children. 22nd A successful Parent’s evening was held tonight. Many parents visited the school and discussed their children’s work with the teachers concerned. Dec 13th & The school Christmas concert was present to 2 appreciative audiences on Thursday 14th afternoon and Friday evening. 18th & 19th The school Christmas parties were held on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. The children were provided with an ample tea, Santa Claus distributed Christmas presents and there was much fun, games and dancing. Mr David Ellison, newly appointed headmaster of this school has visited the school twice recently. On the first occasion he spent the morning in school visiting each class, meeting all the staff and ancillaries and discussing school organisation with me. The second occasion was to attend the school concert when he came with his wife and son and was introduced to the people of the village in the audience.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 20th The 2 junior classes spent some time this morning distributing packets of tea and biscuits to the pensioners in the village. These Christmas gifts have been purchased with the money raised at the Harvest Festival on 10th October. 21st Notice has been received this week from the Director of Education that owing to the fuel crisis the Christmas holiday will be extended and schools will re-open on 14th January instead of 8th January. We have asked the children to report at 10.00a.m. on Tuesday 8th Jan and Thursday 10th Jan to be given work which they might normally have been expected to do if school had opened at the proper time. School closed for the Christmas holiday at the end of this afternoon’s session.

This is the last entry I shall make in this Log Book – the first was on 5th January 1954. I have been extremely happy as headmaster of Hathern School for the past 20 years. I tender my warmest thanks to the Managers and School staff for their support, co-operation and loyal service, and wish for my successor, Mr D J Ellison the same happy association. G M Hollis, 21st December 1973. 1974 Jan 2nd I visited the school today for the first time as headmaster having been warmly welcomed on previous visits by the retiring headmaster, Mr Ellison and his staff. 8th The holiday having been extended by one week, due to the national energy crisis, the children came in for half an hour this morning to be given homework. The Rector called and have his welcome. 10th The children came in today for another brief period and were given further homework. A staff meeting was held. A new piano was delivered to the Cross Street premises. 14th The school opened in full session today with 130 on roll. Mrs Frost commenced duty in a temporary capacity until a permanent teacher can be appointed. Due to lack of space she cannot be given a class of her own and so will assist other teachers in turn. The classes were organized as follows: Class 1 – D J Ellison, 32, Class 2 – Mrs Fillingham 31, (both in the new school), Class 3 – Mrs Lennox, 21, Class 4 – Mrs Stackhouse, 23, Class 5 – Mrs Lovell 23. 15th An incident occurred involving 2 children who were new yesterday. They were temporarily in the custody of their father but were twice removed (peacefully) by his estranged wife. The matter was reported to the D.E.O 26th The Parent Teacher Association held a Cheese and Wine Party in the New School Hall. Feb 4th Mr More, the architect who designed the new school called this afternoon and noted that some of the exterior cladding was not as specified. 5th Men came from Technical Services Department to plant trees. They did not have a copy of the plans and so planted them in the wrong places, returning later to dig them up and replant them elsewhere. Mr D A George of the Schools Psychological service called to talk about the service. The heating engineers call, having been prompted to do so by the Clerk to the Managers. They fitted a missing damper to the ducted air system. Mr Lowe of the Leicester Co-operative Society called to see if the hall was suitable for the proposed Young Wives Group. 7th Miss Hilary Rudge called to talk and show slides to the children about her work for Christian Aid in Ethiopia. A man called to remove the derelict car from the school grounds but said the ground was too soft for towing and that he would call back later. 12th Mr W J B Browse of the Schools Advisory Service called. He noted certain items which I said I would like to see in school, mainly books and furniture, and Mr Browse promised to help supply them. During the afternoon playtime, a boy in class 5 sustained an injury to the back of his head which required three stitches. This accident was caused by the boy and his friend chasing each other across the


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 playground and both colliding with the kitchen wall. The mother was fetched into school and Mrs Lovell took the boy and his mother to hospital. The boy suffered no ill effects and was back in school the following morning. 18th Mrs Frost, the temporary teacher was absent due to illness. Mr Parriss the heating engineer called and made adjustments to the heating which have so far proved satisfactory (The winter has been very mild) 19th Mrs Frost was again absent. Men from the Technical Services Dept. called to dig and stock the flower beds. I made a visit to Kegworth Primary School at the end of the day at Mr Westhead’s invitation. 22nd Mr R Edwards of the Schools Advisory Service called today to look at reading resources in the school. He made some suggestions and promised some (unspecified) financial aid for the replacement of old stock and for the extension of the range available. Attendance this week has been poor due to an outbreak of influenza (77.6%) The older children being mainly affected. 27th The school was closed today due to the Cross St. premises being used for polling in the General Election. March 1st Mrs Wheeler, responsible for probationary teachers, called to see Mrs. Lovell. Percentage attendance for the 2 days at school this week was 73.8% 7th Mrs Stackhouse was absent due to illness 12th Mrs Bridge of the School Psychology service called in answer to my request. She examined and subsequently reported on some of the pupils who are having learning difficulties. 15th Mr Inchley of the Schools Supply section called at my request to examine certain deficiencies in our stock of furniture. 18th Mrs Stackhouse returned today after being absent for 1 week and 2 days. During this time her class was taken by Mrs Lennox whose own class was taken by Mrs Dow, a student from Loughborough College of Education on her final teaching practice. Mrs Fillingham was absent today due to illness. 19th Mrs Lovell was absent for part of the morning 20th Miss Kay of the Schools Advisory service called. She looked round the school, spoke to the staff and discussed with me how best the school could be organized next term. She asked for a report of my plans and promised financial assistance. 28th I visited Limehurst Girls High School at the invitation of the Headmistress. 29th I attended a function at Mountfields which marked the demise of the Loughborough Divisional Education Executive. 30th A social evening organized by the PTA was well attended and considered a success by all. April 1st The school is now administered by the new Leicestershire County Council Education Committee along with schools of Rutland. The most significant aspect of the change is the inability to contact County Hall by phone. Cows in the grounds. 5th A total of £3.25 has been collected by children and staff for the Leicestershire Society for the Disabled. Mrs Frost leaves today after a term of temporary duty – the children were sorry to see her go. 17th Mrs Harris, acting as temporary teacher came today and will stay until Mrs Hutchinson commences duty on the 29th 24th Mrs Simson of Limehurst Girls High School came to meet the fourth year girls and to discuss records with me. 26th Mrs Harris ended her present spell of duty 29th Mrs Hutchinson took up her post today. Like Mrs Frost and Mrs Harris she will assist me with Class 1 and will also do some remedial work with poor readers. 30th Mrs Bridge called again today. This time she discussed with me how best to organize remedial teaching in the school with the emphasis on reading. 53

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 May 1st I visited Garendon Boys High School today at the invitation of the Headmaster, Mr Ferrigan. 2nd Mr Hunt brought Mrs Wilton the new Clerk to the Managers to see the school and to be introduced to me. 3rd Mrs Lovell was absent all day due to illness 6th Mr Bowler of the Schools Advisory Service called today and was shown round the school. He stayed to lunch and talked to the staff. In the afternoon, Mr Whitworth of the same Advisory Service called to discuss the provision of musical instruments. 10th Mrs Benton visited this afternoon 14th Mr Staunton, the Drama Adviser called to talk about the new Loughborough Drama centre. 15th The school sports were held this afternoon, the weather was like a perfect summers day. All the children took part with enthusiasm. There was no interhouse competition but small prizes were awarded to the winners instead. Mr John Randon, the Chairman of the School Managers attended together with a large number of parents. The prizes were presented by the former headmaster Mr Marc Hollis 16th The two infant classes visited the woods a Nanpantan which were full of bluebells. 17th Mr Mitchell from the County Architects department called to inspect the wiring at the Cross Street premises. I had reported the poor state of the wiring after it had been brought to my attention by a radio engineer from the Technical Services dept. 21st Parents of he children in the Infant dept. came to school this evening to discuss reading with Mrs Stackhouse and Mrs Lovell. 23rd Ascension Day – the children attended the Church in the morning where a short service was conducted by the Rector. Nurse Cockle came to school to inspect the children. 27th & 28th The school was closed for the mid term break. June 4th The junior children set off from school at 8.30a.m. on a journey to North Derbyshire. They visited caves and a lead mine at Castleton. They also climbed the steep slope to Peveril Castle in the grounds of which a picnic lunch was held. One of the first boys to the top threw (or kicked) a small boulder down the slope which most children and staff were still climbing narrowly missing at least one child. No action was taken but the incident was later reported to the boys mother. Later the children visited Derwent Dams and Bakewell where samples of the famous puddings were bought and shared out. June 6th The infant children visited Wollaton Park Nottingham where they toured the grounds, the house and stables where police horses are kept. 11th The whole school visited the Haymarket Theatre workshop this morning where they thorough enjoyed a performance of Alice in Wonderland. 12th The Diocesan leader of Mission, the Rev Eric Devonport called to speak to the children this morning,. 13th The Loughborough Junior Schools Athletics Championships were held this evening from 5.00 – 9.00p.m. at the University Stadium. Hathern fielded both a boys and girls team and both came first in their class. 1 boy and 1 girl were selected to represent Loughborough at the County Championships at Leicester – both were placed in the finals and awarded trophies accordingly 17th The junior girl leavers visited Limehurst Secondary School this afternoon 18th Mrs Wilcox of the Church of England Children’s Society came to talk and show slides to the children this afternoon. The small schools swimming gala was held at Loughborough Baths this evening. The Hathern team was unplaced. 19th 2 teachers from Garendon Secondary School called discuss the junior boy leavers. 21st The junior boy leavers visited Garendon Secondary School this morning. 2 other children were taken to the De Lisle Secondary School for the same reason Mr Moore of the County Architects Dept. (the designer of the new school) called to inspect the slabbed path which is being laid around the building at the request of the Managers


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 24th Mrs Joy Robinson from Australia called to spend the morning in school. She talked to the children and took photographs 25th A party was held in the evening for those children transferring to Secondary School at the end of this term. 27th A film was shown to the whole school in the New School Hall. 28th An assembly of the whole school was held at 3.00p.m. this afternoon to bid farewell to the children transferring to secondary school and also to Mrs Joan Fillingham who is to take up a post at Rawlins Secondary School next term. The leavers presented the school with a gift of 2 books for the library. Afterwards the school was dismissed, with prayers, for the summer holiday. August 28th School re-opened today for the autumn term with 120 children on the role. 23 children had transferred to secondary schools in Loughborough and one boy left the district from class 1 and 1 from class 3. Miss Patricia Kettle commenced duties as assistant mistress for juniors. The classes are now organized as follows:- Class 1 – upper juniors, 33 – Mrs M Hutchinson Class 2 – lower juniors, 31 – Miss P Kettle Class 3 – 1st year juniors, 24 – Mrs Lennox Class 4 – upper infants, 13 – Mrs M Stackhouse Class 5 – reception, 19 – Mrs C Lovell The headmaster is engaged in assisting the other teachers by taking out small groups particularly for remedial work. Classes 3, 4 & % are housed at Cross Street with Mrs Stackhouse, the Deputy Head in charge. Classes 1 & 2 are housed at Pasture Lane. On returning to school I noted that there were 3 cases of damage to the new school premises. Copper overflow pipes had been pulled from the wall, new gate fastenings and new letterbox cowl broken. There was also broken glass in the playgrounds at Cross Street and Pasture Lane. These items were reported to the police at Loughborough. Mr & Mrs Stokoe told me of cases of trespass at Dross St. during the holiday and pointed out the unlocked outhouses from which children had removed old furniture. During the holiday the Cross Street premises have been completely rewired. The path round the new school has been completed and gate fastenings and letterbox installed. It is the last 2 items which I now find damaged. 30th I arrived this morning at 8.45 to find that a window pane had been damaged in the class 2 teaching area. A hole had been made close to a catch and I suspected an attempted break in. The window had been held by its safety catch and now one had actually entered as far as I could see. The cleaner, Mrs Mattison said the window was not broken when she left the premises at 5.00p.m. the previous evening and was first noticed at 8.00a.m. this morning. A full report was made to P.C. Poxon who called at the school. A request was made at the same time for greater surveillance by police patrols. Sept 3rd Mrs Graham the peripatetic teacher of deaf children called. Nurse Burton called to inspect the children and commented that they were the cleanest, healthiest and smartest children in the area. 4th Locks have now been fitted to all the outhouses at Cross Street. 10th Mrs Lennox, secretary absent. 23rd Mrs Hutchinson absent, took class 1 myself 25th A Harvest Festival service was held in the school hall at Pasture Lane this afternoon. Each class took part in the reading and singing. It was well attended by parents and 4 of the school managers attended, Mr J Randon, Mrs Stokoe, Mrs Benton and Rev. L Dutton who led the prayers. The produce was afterwards sold 26th I attended a course on Infant Mathematics this morning. A colour television set was installed in the afternoon. Police woman Walker called to ask questions about the children of a local family. The AGM of the PTA was held in the hall at Pasture Lane this evening.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 30th Miss Kettle married at the weekend, returns as Mrs Robinson. Mrs Hayes was absent from the school canteen and Mrs Gregory stood in for her. The piano tuner called. Oct 1st A book exhibition was held this evening in the hall at Pasture Lane. It was well attended by parents and children. 2nd The children of class 2 visited the Windmill at Stanton by Dale this morning. A special meeting of the school managers was held at Cross Stree this afternoon. The future of the School bungalow was discussed. 3rd The children of class 1 visited the windmill at Stanton by Dale this morning. Mr Baxter, the purchasing officer from County Hall (without appointment) this afternoon to discuss the furniture problem. 4th Mrs Lovell spent par of the afternoon at the Teachers Centre, Loughborough 8th Mr Hudson the accountant called. 9th Miss Newton of the newly formed Hathern Community Association Action Committee called to discuss the possible use of the Hall at Pasture Lane for Association functions. 10th The whole school was closed today because the premises at Cross St. were required for use as a polling booth for the general election. 15th A Medical inspection for some of the children was held at Cross Street this morning 16th Miss Whittaker, the school meals service supervisor called this afternoon to discuss the replacement of Mrs Benson as meals supervisor. 25th The school breaks up for half term holiday this afternoon. Mrs Benson finished a long period as meals supervisor and Mrs Branson was appointed in her place. 31st Mrs Hutchinson’s resignations was received today Nov 1st A jumble sale was held at the Cross St. presmises thi evening 4th The school re-opened this morning after the half term holiday. Mrs Mattison, the cleaner in charge, reported that the hasp on the main gate had been broken during the holiday. Mrs Branson commenced duty. 11th Mrs Mattison reported that the main gate had been unfastened during the weekend and having been free to blow in the wind and was now damaged. Mr Roger Hutchinson of the schools Psychology Service (Leicestershire) called to see one of the boys. 12th Mr R Coleman called to take photographs of the children. A consultation evening with parents was held. 19th Mrs Mattison reported that a door had been damaged at the Cross St premises overnight. 20th Dr Bagley called to discuss use of the hall at Pasture Lane by the Hathern Community Assiociation 21st 9 children were sent home with sickness 25th On arrival at school today, I found that the premises at Pasture Lane had been entered during the weekend. The cleaner in charge, Mrs Mattison had summoned the police some thirty minutes earlier and Det. Constables Henshaw and Bull of Loughborough Police investigated the matter. Two windows were found to have been broken to obtain entry and the contents of drawers and cupboards strewn around the secretary’s room, headmaster’s room and staff room. A door had also been damaged. No items of equipment were removed, the more valuable ones being locked away, but a quantity of money was taken as noted in the report sent to County Hall. Arrangments were made for the repairs to be carried out. Nurse Burton called to introduce the new Schools’ Nurse, Mrs Rees 26th Mrs Mattison reported a small fire in the cleaning store. This was a smouldering fire confined to a mop and a small area at the bottom of a boiler house door. Mrs Voss a candidate for the vacant post called to at 1.30p.m. 27th Mr Roscoe from the Buildings and Maintenance dept. called to inspect the locks 28th Sgt. Askham of Loughborough C.I.D. called to discuss security problems. A report was sent to County Hall. 56

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 December 2nd Mr R Melly, a Senior Probation Officer and Divorce Court Welfare Officer called with a mother to talk to her children. 3rd Sgt. Askham called and showed the cautionary film “Never Go with Strangers” to most of the children. 4th The whole school visited Church for an Advent Service. 9th A Christmas concert was performed in the hall at Pasture Lane this afternoon. 10th Mrs Cornell the Art Adviser called The Christmas Concert was performed again this evening 17th A party was held for the infant children at Cross Street this afternoon and for the juniors as Pasture Lane. 19th Mrs Bridge of the School Psychology Service called to see one boy Gifts were distributed by some of the children to about 220 Old Age Pensioners in Hathern 20th The school was closed for the Christmas break this afternoon. 1975 Jan 7tgh School re-opened today for the new term. Mrs Robertson commenced duty to replace Mrs Hutchinson. The classes are now organized as follows:- Class 1 – Upper Juniors 34, Mrs Robertson, Class 2 – Lower Juniors 31, Mrs Robinson, Class 3 – 1st year Juniors 24, Mrs Lennox Class 4 – Upper Infants 15, Mrs Stackhouse Class 5 – Reception 26, Mrs Lovell 8th Mr Kimrade of the Technical Services called 10th Mrs R Davis of County Libraries, Loughborough called to arrange the use of the local library by some of our children. 11th On Saturday 11th January I was telephoned at home at about 12 noon by Mrs Mattison,, the cleaner in charge at the school. She informed me that on opening the premises in Pasture Lane for a delivery at 11.45a.m. she discovered obvious signs of a break in. She told me that the Police had been informed and I made arrangements with her to have the building secured for the weekend. On visiting the school later in the day after the Police had finished finger printing duties I noted that Head’s room, secretary’s room and staff room had been entered, and papers had been strewn around. Ink and orange juice had been poured onto the carpets. A window had been broken to gain entry but had been made secure by a glazier. Only a small quantity of money was missing. 13th Mr Westerman, the psychologist called 14th Mrs Jones of Loughborough College of Education called to discuss the student currently on teaching practice in the school. 15th Mr Taylor of the National Savings Committee called concerning the money lost when the school was broken into last November. 17th Mr Robinson from County Hall called concerning the Endowed Schools Examination 21st Mrs Lovell was absent all day on a science course. 24th Mrs Stackhouse attended a course yesterday and today. Mrs E Cox a County Supply Teacher stood in for her. 27th A new electric cooker for teaching purposes was installed at Cross Street this morning 28th A water heater at Pasture Lane was repaired 29th A heating engineer was sent from County Hall to inspect the heating in one of the rooms at Cross Street. He reported that a larger pump would be installed. 30th A medical inspection of 12 children was held at Cross Street. February 1st (Saturday) A ploughman’s supper was held this evening by the PTA in aid of their funds. The school was presented with an Encyclopaedia Britannica and some cooking utensils. 5th The gate at Cross Street was repaired today. Nurse Rees called to inspect a child with ringworm and 2 others who were dirty 57

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 12th The whole school assembled for a road and general safety entertainment this afternoon which was conducted by Mr Brian Lee. 13th Mrs Lovell attended a course for the day I visited Robert Bakewell School in the afternoon 14th Class 2 went to the Haymarket Theatre Leicester to take part in a musical event. The school broke up at 3.45p.m. for the half term holiday 19th The school opened after the holiday The whole school attended the Parish Church for an Ash Wednesday Service conducted by the Rector. 25th I attended a course at Hoby Fields Study centre today. The school secretary was absent. 26th I continued the course at Hoby The school secretary and Mrs Lovell were both absent. Mrs C Harris acted as relief 28th Mrs E Lennox spent the day on a course at Hugglescote March 4th Mr Mattley of the Estates Department at County Hall called to discus the boundary between the school and the bungalow 7th Mr Mattley called again and the boundary separating the school grounds from the bungalow garden was marked out as arranged. 10th Mrs Robinson was absent today. Flood waters rose in the fields to the north and east between the school and the river. By mid afternoon was had reached the edge of the school grounds at Pasture Lane and prevented the toilets being used. Mrs Robertson was sent home early as she had to cross the River Soar. 11th Mrs Stackhouse took a party of infants to see The Playboard Puppets at the Haymarket Theatre, Leicester. Colonel D E Thornton of the Emergency Services section at County Hall called to see if we have any air raid shelters. 14th Mrs Robinson has been absent all week 17th Class 3 visited the Glebe House Nature Trail at Loughborough. Mrs Robinson absent. 18th Mrs Robinson returned to duty today 19th A meeting of the school managers was held in the Old School staffroom today, the first since the new rules of management came into effect. 2 new members, Councillors Page and Menday were welcomed and Mrs B Benton was elected Chairman. 20th Mr Kinrade of the Teaching Services Dept. called to inspect the quality of cleaning. Mr Roscoe of the same dept. called regarding the door locks. Groundsmen called to plant shrubs. 21st This afternoon the children were dismissed for the Easter Holiday April 7th School re-opened today. 2 new infant children were added to the roll 8th I was absent from school on this day due to acute sickness and diarrhoea 9th I was absent today with the same illness 10th I returned to school today. The field was marked out with a running track by the groundsmen. 14th One of the schools psychologists, Mr R Westerman called to see a boy. 16th Mrs Bridge, the Remedial Reading Adviser called to discuss the case of on boy 23rd Mr P Connolly of the N.S.P.C.C. called to talk about on family from the school 25th Mrs Rogers of the Loughborough and District Consumer Group called this afternoon to ask questions about the school. 28th Mrs Sheffield has donated a pair of scales May 1st Mr A Ladbury Assistant Director of Education responsible for development (pupils) called this morning to discuss the capacity of the school and to try to forecast the likely numbers on roll in future years. It was decided that up to 138 children could be accommodated in comfort. Mr D B Jones, Assistant Director of Education responsible for Primary Schools called this afternoon to discuss future staffing arrangements. He approved the plans 58

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 which I had already made. Apparently some parents had written to the Director to complain about the non-replacement of Mrs Lovell due to current economic measures. Mrs Lovell will leave at the end of the summer term. 2nd Mrs Shone called this morning to discuss her children with their teachers. Later in the day Mrs Shields the social worker concerned called to speak to the boys and their teachers. 6th Mr & Mrs Stokoe visited the new buildings this morning and were introduced to members of staff. 8th The whole school attended church for an Ascension Day service this morning. 12th Mr Barrow, an assistant education office called this afternoon 15th The audiometrician called to inspect some of the children. 19th Mr L Bowler of the schools advisory service called this morning 20th The children of Class 1 visited the Leicestershire Schools Field Study Centre at Hoby this morning and Stapleford Park Lion Reserve in the afternoon 23rd The school closed for the Spring Holiday today June 2nd School re-opened 2rd Mr H R Holt the Education Departments Professional Assistant for primary education paid a visit this morning. There was a meeting between representatives of the school managers and members of the PTA in school this afternoon. Miss Meakens a student at called this afternoon. 6th Miss J Eden of the schools psychological service called this morning to display books for use with the teaching of reading. Mrs Bridge also of the same service called to see a puil for tests and a report. 7th (Saturday) Today on of the hottest day of the summer, the annual PTA Carnival was held in the school grounds at Pasture Lane. The event was opened by the Rt. Hon Lord Crawshaw of Whatton Hall and was supported by the school managers. The profits which were a record will be used partly to provide the school with new musical instruments 9th Mrs Lovell is absent today. Mrs C Harris has taken her place. 10th Mrs Robinson is away on a course at Hoby Field Study Centre for the day. Mr Stockwell and Mr Jarvis called to see the boys who will be going to at the end of August. Mrs Page of Limehurst Girls High School called to see the 4th year girls for the same reason. 11th Mrs Lovell attended a course at the Hoby Study Centre for the whole day 18th The children of class 2 visited the nature trail Bradgate Park this morning and the Carillon in Loughborough in the afternoon. The Carilloner talked to the children about the bells and then played a recital of music especially for them 20th Mrs Robinson has been absent all week 25th A Cycling Proficiency Examination was held at school today 27th The 4th year boys visited Garendon School July 1st An open evening for parents was held today 2nd Mr Ferrigan the headmaster of Garendon Boys School called this afternoon to discuss the transfer of 4th year pupils 3rd A party was held in school for the 4th year leavers after the end of the afternoon session 4th Farwells were said to Mrs C Lovell who leaves today due to her husbands change of job. She will not be replaced. The school closed at the end of the afternoon for the summer holiday. 25 children having transferred to secondary schools in Loughborough August 27th The school re-opened today after the summer break. The total number of staff has been reduced by one and the 107 children now on roll are arranged in classes as follows:- Class 1, 26, 4th & 3rd year juniors – Mrs Robertson Class 2, 26, 3rd & 2nd year juniors – Mr Ellison 59

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Class 3, 24, 2nd & 1st year juniors – Mrs Robinson Class 4, 16, family grouped infants – Mrs Stackhouse Class 4L, 15, family grouped infants – Mrs Lennox Classes 1 and 2 are accommodated at Pasture Lane and classes 3, 4 and 4L are at Cross Street Sept 9th Classes 1 and 2 visited the National Agricultural Centre 11th The 3rd and 4th year children commenced the terms swimming programme at the new Loughborough Baths. 23rd The AGM of the PTA was held in school this evening October 1st A Harvest Festival service was held in the afternoon All children took part and prayers were said by the Rector, about 90 parents attended. A sale of produce followed 4th The PTA held a Barn Dance in school this evening (Saturday) 7th An exhibition of children’s books was held in the school hall this evening 17th The school closed this afternoon for the half term break 24th The PTA held a jumble sale in school this evening 27th School re-opened this morning November Miss V Pleasance a student from Loughborough College of Education visited the 10th school prior to commencing a period of teaching practice 20th The PTA held a film evening 26th Mrs Robertson attended a course at Nottingham University today. December 8th A Christmas concert was presented in the school hall this afternoon in which all the children took part. The audience included some of the managers, the Hathern Playgroup children and bout fifty old age pensioners as well as parents. Some of the pensioners stayed to tea afterwards. 9th There was an evening performance of the concert today 10th A final performance of the concert was held this evening 11th Mrs R Mattison, cleaner in charge found signs of a forced entry when opening the school this morning and summoned the police. The police were in attendance when I arrived. The damage was confined to 2 broken windows. A small amount of money was missing. 16th A party was held at the Cross Street premises for the infant this afternoon. Mr M Hollis, the former Headteacher played Father Christmas. 17th A Christmas party for the junior children was held at Pasture Lane this afternoon. 19th The whole school attended a Christmas Service in the Parish Church conducted by the Rev. L Dutton. The school closed at the end of the afternoon for the Christmas Holiday 1976 January 7th School re-opened after the Christmas holiday with 125 children on roll, there being an intake of 7 infants. 8th Miss Vanessa Pleasance of Loughborough College of Education began a period of teaching practice. 14th Det. Constable Farmer called to inform me that a former pupil, had admitted breaking into the school on the night of 10th December. 15 Mr John Saunders, Warden of the Loughborough Teachers’ Centre called 22nd The secretary Mrs D Lennox and myself attended a morning lecture on School administration at Rawlins Community College. The 2 infant classes attended a pantomime at Loughborough Town Hall 26th I went home ill this lunch time 28th I returned to school this afternoon having been ill at home the whole of the previous day. Feb 10th I attended a course on remedial education at Crown Hills House, Leicester and was away from school for the whole dat. 13th Mrs Malloy, audiometrician made an inspection. Mr George, a child psychologist called 18th Nurse Draper made an inspection today. Mr Parrish of the Building and 60

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 Maintenance section called to inspect the heaters. 19th A heating engineer called 23rd & 24th The school was closed for the half term holiday 25th The cleaner in charge, Mrs R Mattison pointed out some irregularities which had come to light after a letting of the school hall to the Hathern Dramatic Society the previous Friday evening. On inspection of the exterior of the school it was found that several door handles had been broken off and that there were signs of an attempted forced entry. The police were informed. There was a medical inspection. March 1st A C.I.D. officer called 2nd Miss Kay of the County Advisory Staff called this afternoon 3rd The whole school attended Church this morning, it being the first day of Lent. 8th The older junior children were received at the Town Hall this afternoon by the Mayor and Mayoress and Councillor Jay Menday 9th 3rd & 4th year juniors visited the meteorological station at Watnall, Notts. 11th A weather vane made by one of the parents was erected on the roof at Pasture Lane The road Safety office, Mr Davis called to discuss a cycling proficiency scheme course 12th Mr A Fairbairn, the Director of Education called at 9.15a.m. and attended morning assembly. Afterwards he viewed the interior of the new building and discussed its conversion to community school status.He left at 10.00a.m. 13th (Saturday) A Tramps Supper wad held in the New School Hall by the P.T.A. Councillor Mrs J. Menday attended 16th A Public Health Inspector called to see the scullery 23rd Mr I Bushnell who has responsibility for the development of community school facilities called to discuss this aspect of this school’s future. 24th A road safety afternoon was held in school and was conducted by the Road Safety Officer. 30th The younger juniors paid a visit to Wollaton Hall in Nottingham April 1st The first part of a sponsored swim on behalf of the school by its pupils was held at Loughborough Leisure Centre. 8th The second party of the sponsored swim was held today 9th The school closed for the Easter Holiday today. 26th School re-opened after the Easter holiday. Mrs J Buttery commenced as temporary infant teacher for the summer term for mornings only 29th 2 £1 notes have been missed from the headteachers room May 5th A medical inspection was held in school 7th Mr Roscoe of the Buildings and Maintenance section discussed the re-decoration of the Cross Street premises with the Deputy Head Teacher 12th Mr Davis, a Road Safety Officer called to begin a course of cycling proficiency lessons with the older children. 20th Mrs Gilks of Limehurst school called to speak to the 4th year girls leavers. 26th Nurse Draycott made an inspection this morning 27th The children attended Church (Ascension) June 4th Mr L Bowler (School Advisory Service) called. A replacement drinking fountain was fitted. 5th (Saturday) The Annual P.T.A. Carnival was held in blazing sunshine – it was opened by Mrs B Benton, Chair of the Managers 8th The older juniors made a journey to Woburn Abbey. 9th The infants visited Drayton Manor Park 10th Miss N Clegg called to arrange a period of teaching practice next term. The inter school sports were held on the University track this evening. No prizes were won by Hathern School this year. 15th The small schools swimming gala was held at the Loughborough Leisure Centre this evening, Hathern gained 1 certificate. 61

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 16th Mrs H Kay advisory teach for P.E. called to discuss new equipment. 18th The Brian Lee Puppet Theatre gave a performance before the whole school 22nd An audiometrician examined some of the children 25th The boys who will be leaving at the end of term visited Garendon School A photographer called to take pictures of the calssrooms 29th An open evening was held for parents 30th The school sports were held today under a cloudless sky. Prizes were presented by Rev. L Dutton July 1st A party was held for those children who leave us this term. 2nd School closed today with 135 children on roll. Sept 1st School opened today after the summer holiday with classes arranged as follows:- Pasture Lane:- Class 1 – Mrs Robertson, 3rd & 4th year juniors – 29 Class 2 – Mr Ellison, 2nd & 3rd year juniors – 27 Cross Street :- Class 3 - Mrs Robinson, 1st year juniors – 18 Class 4L – Mrs Lennox, Top infants – 25 Class 4S – Mrs Stackhouse, Reception – 22 121 on roll 3rd The County Library visited to change the stock 9th Mr W Browse (School Advisory Service) called 23rd The AGM of the PTA was held this evening 27th I called to see a parent, at home and at her request with regard to the behaviour of her son. It was agreed that the schools psychological service should continue to investigate the problem 29th A Harvest Festival was held in school this afternoon. About 120 parents attended, prayers were said by the Rector. Oct 7th A book exhibition was held in the hall at Pasture Lane from 6.30 to 8.30p.m. 9th The annual P.T.A. Barn Dance was held this evening (Saturday) 14th Mr George (schools psychological services) called today. 19th Mrs Barbara Benton (Chairman of the Managers) inspected the whole school this afternoon. A parent’s consultation evening was held. 20th W.P.C. Staff called to arrange a “Police Week” in school A meeting of the school managers was held this afternoon 25th – 29th Half term holiday 29th A jumble sale was held in the hall at Pasture Lane this evening. November 5th Nurse Draper was to have spoken to the older juniors on the subject of personal hygiene 8th A school photographer called but being very late for his appointment caused some parents to express disatisfaction 10th A medical examination was held in school with Dr Theophilus, Dr Beauchamp and Nurse Draper in attendance 16th Nurse Draper fulfilled her engagement which had been cancelled on the 5th 25th A film show for parents and children was held this evening Dec 6th A performance of the Christmas concert was given this afternoon before a mixed audience of parents, pensioners, playgroup children and two of the school managers, Mrs Benton and Mrs Stokoe. The pensioners were afterwards invited to stay to tea. 7th & 8th Performances of the Christmas concert were given on these evenings before an audience of parents. The following managers also attended:- Rev L Dutton, Mr J Randon and Councillor Bradley 14th A party for infant children was held in the hall at Pasture Lane, p.m. 15th Miss N Clegg finished a period of teaching practice with a junior class today 16th A party for junior children was held this afternoon at Pasture Lane 22nd The whole school attended a service in Church this morning conducted by the Rector. Some parents also attended. The school closed for the Christmas holidays after the afternoon session. 62

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 The interior and exterior of the Cross Street premises were re-decorated between 22nd November and 10th December and certain minor repairs were undertaken. A working party of parents, financed by the P.T.A. had replaced much of the pin board display areas in the classrooms. 1977 January 5th School re-opened today after the Christmas holidays. 6th All the infant children visited the Haymarket Theatre, Leicester. 13th Miss S Woodhouse begins a period of teaching practice with class 1 17th Boiler at Cross Street examined by the police over the weekend after emissions of smoke or vapour was noticed by members of the public. This was reported to County Hall today by telephone after the boiler had been shut off. 18th Boiler at Cross Street serviced and reported to be in good order. 19th The school secretary, Mrs D E A Lennox slipped while walking in the hall at Pasture Lane this morning. After completing her duties she attended Leicester hospital and was treated for a badly bruised elbow. The accident was reported to County Hall 24th Mrs J Wright from Long Whatton School deputized for Mrs Lennox who is absent. Two of the kitchen staff are also absent. 28th The boiler at Cross Street failed to light today. This was reported to County Hall February 3rd Mrs Stackhouse was absent yesterday and today 8th Miss Somerville of the schools psychological service called to arrange visits to help with a boys reading problems. The back door key of the Cross Street building was found to be missing 9th I visited a mother of 3 children at the school at home following up information about the missing key Mrs V Blease who has volunteered to do pottery with the children clled to make arrangements. Miss Newton called to discuss this schools contribution to the Jubilee Exhibition in the Parish Church 10th The missing door key was returned today 14th A boys parents called to discuss problems with the child 15th The P.T.A. held its Annual Dinner at the Charde Cottage Restaurant, Kegworth this evening 16th The Rector paid his usual weekly visit this morning 21st, 22nd & Half term holidays 23rd Severed flooding in the Soar Valley is a cause of anxiety 24th Floods rise to within 10 yards of the school buildings at Pasture Lane. The doors were sandbagged as a precaution. Mrs Robertson was sent home shortly after arriving at school due to her home village of Kingston on Soar being under water with the likelihood that all the roads would be cut. Radio Leicester erroneously reported our school as being closed. March 1st Mr Woodward (Caretakers’ Technical Officer) and Mr Kinrade, (Area supervisor) called to discuss the circumstances of the secretary’s accident. 8th Miss Leslie Severn called this morning to talk to the children about the “Help The Aged Youth Campaign” (a sponsorship competition was arranged and about £60 was collected) 11th A cycling proficiency course was begun this afternoon 16th A special meeting of Loughborough Head Teachers was held at Glebe House this afternoon to discuss transfer of children to secondary schools 25th A P.T.A. dance was held in school this evening April 1st School closed for the Easter holiday at the end of the afternoon 18th School re-opened for the summer term 19th The County Library mobile unit called to change books 22nd Rev P J Dennis called to talk about the work of the Christian Aid organisation to the whole school Mrs Sinclair from Loughborough University called to see the student who should have commenced a period of practice at the beginning of term. 63

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 25th Miss Targett the missing student called this afternoon and began her teaching practice Mrs Molly the audiometrician also called this afternoon 26th Class 1 visited the Ladybird Printing works in Loughborough accompanied by Mrs Robertson (teacher), Mrs Benson (ancillary) and Mrs Lennox (secretary) Mrs D Lennox had returned to duty after a period of absence from 21st January due to a broken bone in her elbow sustained when slipping on the hall floor. During her absence Mrs J Wright of Long Whatton Primary School deputised. 27th A strike by National Union of Public Employees prevented the serving of school meals today. The children were sent home, advance notice of the action having been given. A team of swimmers attended the small schools gala at the Loughborough Leisure Centre this afternoon 28th Dr Theophilus made a medical inspection of some of the children today. May 2nd Today saw the beginning of a Police Week. P.C. Trevor Priestly and P.W. Penny Stagg talked to each class in turn about the history of the police force using many items of interest. 3rd P.C. Powell talked to the children about the life and work of police dogs and police dog Rints demonstrated his skills to the great delight of the children Two police cadets talked to each class in turn about their recruitment and training. They also demonstrated self defence. 4th Police motor cyclist P.C. Oswin demonstrated his bike this morning. Two cautionary films were show and P.W. Stagg talked about the work of police women. 5th The whole school was closed today due to the Cross Street building being used as a polling station for the County Council elections. 6th Police Frogman Sergeant Foulkes Williams (an old pupil of the school) of the Leicestershire Constabulary Underwater Search unit talked about water safety, his work and equipment to each class in turn. A quiz on the weeks work was held in the afternoon 18th All the junior children (and a few infants in the transition class) visited York today. Visits were made to the Castle Museum and the National Railway Museum. 20th Jubilee souvenir mugs were distributed today (purchased by the P.T.A.) to mark the Queens 25 years on the throne. 23rd A boy broke his elbow while playing at lunch time. 26th Mr Jones, the dentist inspected the children this afternoon . 31st Two teachers from Garendon School came June 1st The P.T.A. contributed two stalls to the Loughborough Silver Jubilee celebrations held in Queens Park this evening 3rd A special assembly was held in school this morning to mark the Queen’s Silver Jubilee 4th (Saturday) The Annual P.T.A. carnival was held in the school grounds this afternoon having been opened by the Nottingham Robin Hood Society An exhibition opened in the parish church today to mark the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. Its theme was “Historic Hathern” and included contributions from the school 6th School closed for Spring bank holiday 7th School closed for Jubilee Day but a joint P.T.A. and Community Association Jubilee Dance was held in school in the evening. A window had been broken by vandals on the night of 6th/7th and the police were informed. P.C. Bettoney called to take a statement from me. 9th The 4th years girl leavers visited Limehurst High School today 13th School teams took part in the N.W. Leics. Junior school sports meeting at Breedon- on-the-Hill this very cold evening. The girls relay team won a silver cup. 14th One boy attached another and knocked out a tooth. The Loughborough District small schools swimming gala took place at the Loughborough Leisure centre this evening 15th Again we took part in the N.W. Leics. Sports meeting, this time at Kegworth 64

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 16th A Jubilee Party for all the children was held in school this afternoon with professional entertainment and a strawberry tea with ice cream 21st Open evening for parents was held today 23rd The infants visited Wollaton Park 28th A party was held for those children who leave us at the end of this term. 29th School sports were held this afternoon. July 1st School closed at 3.00p.m. for the summer holiday Mrs P Robinson has left to take up a post in Leicester 22nd Called at school to deal with the mail and discovered that the premises at Pasture Lane had been broken into. Tools and sewing silks were missing and a window was broken. The police were called and I made a statement. I estimate the total cost to be approx.. £45 Aug 23rd Having resigned as head teacher with effect from the end of the summer term to take up an appointment in Nottinghamshire I handed the keys of the school to Mrs P Paterson now acting head teacher this morning. I have enjoyed working at this school and take with me many happy memories. D. J. Ellison 31st School reopens. Sept 6th School mobile library visit 8th First visit by Mrs Meg Martin for the cycling proficiency course. About 12 children are taking part from class 1 & 2 17th Community Association Dance in the school hall Oct 5th Harvest Festival 12th Classes 1 & 2 visited Peakirk Wild Fowl Reserve and Empingham Reservoir 15th P.T.A. Barn dance in school hall 18th Open evening for parents 19th Managers meeting in the hall at Pasture Lane at 4.00p.m. 21st Cycling Proficiency test taken at school by Mrs Julie Park – children were succesful 25th Murcotts of Loughborough came to repair the Fire Alarms. November 1st School photographer was in attendance 8th Road Safety meeting at the Old School. Those present were Mr Burt (County Hall), Mr Spencer (County Councillor) Mr McEwan (Charnwood Borough Councillor), Mrs Benton (Chairman of Managers), Mrs Carter (Secretary of P.T.A.) Mrs Paterson (Acting head) Mrs Stackhouse (Deputy head) Mr Bradford (County Engineer & Surveyors Dept), Sergeant Mawby, Police Sergeant Derry – all of the Leicestershire Constabulary. As a result of the meeting the School sign was re-sited and replaced by a new one. The Chairman of the Managers wrote to all parents asking them to keep cars away from the school and not to call their children over the road. The Surveyors requested the owners of the overgrown hedge at the bottom of Narrow Lane keep it neat and tidy. A Road Safety Officer should visit the School. 9th Mr Gough from the buildings control department at County Hall visited the school to assess the present building and view the site for the infants school to be built onto the new junior school 18th Fire Drill – everything satisfactory 23rd Medicals were held at school 24th The P.T.A. held a successful film evening at school. The film show was the “Gnomemobile” There was a football match at school against Hemington at school. Hathern won 25th Letter from County Hall saying we are entitled to an extra 108 hours for the secretary per annum 29th There was a football match at Hathern against Boothwood. Hathern won. December 5th Dress rehearsal at school for the concert. Pensioners and mothers with very young children were invited. 6th & 7th Christmas concert at school 8th Letter from County Hall saying that for the spring and summer term 1978 we are entitled to another full time teacher. 65

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 9th Mrs Martin, Road Safety Officer visited the school and talked to all the children and showed them films. 12th The choir went to the Parish Church in Loughborough joining other school from “Link 77” for a Carol Concert. 15th Infants Christmas Party Mr Gough and The Architect visited the school with an outline plan for the new infants department 20th Junior Christmas party 21st Church Service for Christmas end of term. 1978 Jan 4th School opens Interview for temporary teacher. Mrs M Monk chosen 16th Meeting between Director of Education, Mr Fairburn, Mr Ivor Bushnell (Further Education) and Community Centre Action Group re the new Community Centre to be built at the same time as the new infants school 24th Mrs Ward visited the school for the managers 25th Classes 1 & 2 visited the University in the morning February 6th The keys and locks were inspected by the locksmith from County Hall. It has been decided to install “panic bars” in the hall and area between the two junior classrooms. 8th The Audiometrician inspected children new into the area 25th Classes 1 & 2 visited Denby Pottery March 17th Service for Easter in Church. End of Term. Mrs P Paterson resigns as Acting Head Teacher and welcomes Mr R Shore as the Head Teacher and hopes he will be as happy here as she has been. April 3rd I Robeert Shore do take up my duties today as Head of Hathern School. 1 new entrant into class 1. A spare part was fitted to the boiler in the hall. 5th I attended a meeting with Mr Gough, Mr Jones and Mr Bushnell in conjunction with the Community Action Committee to look at the brief for the projected commun ity centre May 6th I went to Fearon Hall with 6 children from class 2 on a drama course organised by Link 77 with Mr Staunton 10th I was invited to a meeting of the community action group to talk about juses of the joint building. Mr Dennis, Chairman invited me to join this committee to make communication and c0-operation easier. 11th I attended by first P.T.A. committee meeting 12th Mr Dutton came to assembly 16th I attended Consultative meeting at the Technical College at 10.00a.m. to 3.00p.m.

19th Mr Gough called to discuss Community centre 20th The 6 aside cricket match was held at Hathern, the team beat Rosebery but lost to Holywell 23rd Link 77 swimming gala 24th Rang building control about wall at old school 25th Cricket team played at Sutton Bonington and won by 49 runs 26th School closed for half term 31st School re-opened I gave a talk to new entrants parents June 3rd School Carnival Day. The proceeds were £460. Mrs Paterson opened the Carnival and crowned the Carnival Queen. 5th Heads meeting at Newtown Linford at 4.00p.m. 6th The infants went to Twycross Zoo. I attended Action Committee meeting at 7.45p.m. 7th The juniors visited Ironbridge from 8.30a.m. to 6.00p.m. It rained all day 13th Small schools swimming gala at 6.30p.m. 66

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 14th Class 3 went to East Midlands Safari Park 15th School sports today 20th Girls visited Limehurst 27th Open evening 30th School closed with 146 on roll Each Tuesday afternoon of the holiday a coach took children to Hind Leys swimming pool for a 1 hour swimming session August 29th Staff meeting at 10.00a.m. 30th School commenced with 138 on roll. The new entrants are 17 rising 5’s and 4 others. Mrs Stackhouse absent. Sept 5th I attended a Community Centre meeting 7th Library visit Mr Gough and Mr Dennis came to discuss the proposed Centre plants 8th Mrs Hislam came to discuss English with juniors 11th Mrs Robertson attended course at Brooksby. Miss Stephenson came to discuss plans 19th Staff attended a P.T.A. meeting The video recorder purchased by the P.T.A. has arrived and is installed 26th Class 1 visited Brooksby College connected to their project 27th Mrs Robertson attended swimming course at Leisure Centre 30th P.T.A. Barn Dance Oct 4th Mrs Robertson attended swimming course School medical officer visited 5th The AGM of the P.T.A. took place and approx. 30 parents attended 10th Attended heads meeting at Long Whatton, 4.30 – 6.00p.m. Miss Pleasance attended a drama course at Burleigh 11th The photographer took photos of all children in school Mr Staunton worked all day with class 1 Mrs Robertson attended swimming course Miss Pleasance attended dance course 13th The HCCAC held a square dance in the hall 18th Mrs Robertson attended swimming course Harvest Festival was held at 2.00 in the hall and was followed by a sale of produce The managers met at 4.00p.m. 19th Mrs Stevenson came to talk about furniture siting 20th I attended a dance course at Knighton Fields. The P.T.A. held a Jumble Sale in the Village Hall at 6.30p.m. 25th The football team played Robert Bakewell and beat them 3 - 0 26th Mrs Lennox attended a course at Hoby 27th The school closed for half term Mrs Davis leaves as Mrs Stackhouse is returning The HCCAC Halloween Dance was held. Nov 6th School commenced at 9.00a.m. Mrs Stackhouse resumed duties 9th We played football against Sutton Bonington and lost 7 - 3 10th Mr Browse visited to discuss audio visual aids 13th P.T.A. meeting 17th Football club held a dance in the school hall 21st Library talk to school by librarian from Loughborough Classes 1, 2 & 3 visited Haymarket Theatre to see the The Gingerbread Man 22nd 2 students from the University commenced thee one day visits 23rd The P.T.A. showed the “Island at the Top of the World” to 120 people in the school hall 24th Children of Class 1 attended a rehearsal at Fearon Hall for the Mayor’s Charity Concert 67

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 28th We held a parent consultation evening and book exhibition from 6.30 – 10.00p.m. 30th Miss Stevenson called to discuss furniture for the extension Dec 4th The children attended a rehearsal at the Town Hall for the Mayor’s Charity Concert 5th We attended a class rehearsal in the morning and a performance at 7.30p.m. of the Mayor’s Charity Concert 6th Second performance of the concert 8th Peter Kyle called to discuss some dance work with Miss Pleasance 9th I was called from home at 4.00p.m. to go to school where there had been a beak-in. The offices had been entered and several amounts of cash plus a stop watch taken.. The offices were in a terrible state. The police were in attendance and I informed building control of the damage and requested a visit to assess the need for a secure store. 12th The school concert was performed twice, once at 2.00p.m. for the senior citizens and once at 7.00p.m. for parents. 13th The school concert was performed twice today for parents 18th The infant party took place this afternoon 19th I arrived at 8.15a.m. to find the police inside the school. There had been another break in with all three offices being entered, the doors to them being smashed and all the contents thrown about. A small fire had been started in the secretary’s office. Sergeant Harbidge called later to discuss security and installed an alarm system. We lost a small amount of money and the school camera. I reported this to building control who had not sent anyone from the last time. The junior party was held in the hall and we are grateful to technical services who came and cleaned up to enable the party to take place. 20th School closed at 3.30p.m. after our carol service. 30th The HCCAC held a New Year Dance 1979 Jan 4th School opened at 9.00a.m. – 141 on roll. 15th Link meeting at Glebe House at 4.15p.m. 17th Nurse held hygiene inspection. Mrs Buttery commenced 19th Library van called 20th P.T.A. Theatre trip 23rd Boiler failed – phoned County Hall 24th Boiler not working after engineers visit Mrs Hislam called to work with class 1 Mr Launch came to see a child 31st I attended a meeting at Beaumanor Infants visited Sooty show I attended a meeting in the evening at Rawlins about the proposed playscheme February 2nd School dental service delivered “Crest” packages for dental hygiene 7th Road Safety Officer gave a talk to all the school I have been inform that Technical Service have withdraw labour for Evening Classes due to N.U.P.E. action 9th Mrs Bridges came to test a child 15th Miss Pleasance attended a Folk Dance course in Leicester but returned after it was called of because of snow. 16th Mr Gough called to discuss the new building 20th Mrs Robertson attended a course on growing seeds in the classroom 21st Mr Fox-Rendell called to discuss the transfer of boys to Garendon 22nd Three members of senior staff attended the Education Exhibition at De Montfort Hall, Leicester March 1st We took part in the road safety quiz and were beaten by Cobden 10th P,T.A. held the committee dinner at the Goscote Hotel 13th The infants went see a performance of Paddington Bear at the Town Hall Mrs Stackhouse attended a course on creative pay at Glebe House 68

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 14th Entries for the school badge competition were judged and siz prizes awarded 20th Miss Pleasance attended Folk Dance course. I attended the P.T.A. meeting with all members of staff present to discuss the carnival 21st I attended a heads seminar at Beaumanor The audiomatrician attended school 22nd Audiomatrician completed tests on all children 26th One boy fell of the box in P.E. I took him to Loughborough General Hospital and he had an X-ray but he suffered bruising to the face. I completed an accident form 29th Miss Pleasance and myself attended a course at Foxton Field Centre 31st The P.T.A. organized a Beer & Skittles evening at the Three Crowns April 4th I arrived at 8.10a.m. to find the police in school. They had been called by the caretaker who had discovered a break in. Items missing were colour television, cassette recorder and radio. I sent a report to Mr Swann and rang Mrs Benton. 6th School ended today with an Easter Egg competition in which we had 135 entries of painted and decorated eggs. 141 on roll 13th It was reported to me that the school had been broken into on the 8th April. Two persons had been caught and Mrs Benton had undertaken the duties to have the school made secure. 23rd School re-opened at 9.00a.m. We took in 6 new entrants 24th I attended a meeting to establish a playscheme for the summer. 25th The new propagator was delivered May 1st I attended Link 77 meeting at Glebe House 2nd Library Van Mrs Stackhouse attended Course 4th Mr Stockwell & Mr Pills came to see transfer boys 8th 4th year canoeing 9th Link 77 held a football/netball tournament at Belton. Both our teams reached the final but were beaten. 10th Nurse called to make inspection 16th Link MM Gala 18th Mrs Stackhouse attended maths course Barry Wilsher gave a performance of poetry and prose 22nd Class 1 canoeing Cass 1 trip to Denby, visited Speedwell Caverns and Crich Tramway Museum 25th Break for half term 30th Return after half term June 1st Mrs Stackhouse attended Deputy heads seminar 2nd Carnival Day. The Mayor opened the carnival at 2.00p.m. in beautiful sunshine. The event raised £700 for P.T.A. 4th 4th year went on field trip for on week to Helmsley in Yorks with head. 8th Returned from Yorkshire 12th Class 2 went to Derbyshire to Blue John Mines and Crich Tramway Museum We attended the swimming gala at the Leisure Centre at 6.30p.m. 13th The school sports took place today, followed by tea in the school hall 14th We held a meeting to establish a playscheme for the village during the summer holiday and followed it with a meeting to establish a Cub pack Mrs Mellors will run the pack with extra help 19th Infant trip to Wollaton Park Girls visited Limehurst Boys went to Garendon 20th A boy took his seize machine to the Young Scientists Competition at Nottingham University. 25th Class 3 spent the day at Foxton Field Centre 28th Leavers party. We held a BBQ for 11 leavers 69

Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 29th The school held a leavers service in the Church and school closed for the summer break at 3.45p.m. July 16th Playscheme took place in the Cross St school for the period 16th – 20th We had on average 80 children in attendance each afternoon. Throughout the summer swimming sessions have been arranged on Thursday afternoons at Hind Leys baths for all children from school. August 28th School re-opened at 9.00a.m. with difficulty due to unfinished work by the builders. Staff remains the same and 141 on roll Sept 4th Canoe course for the 4th years commenced 8th The P.T.A. organised a junior knockout on the recreation ground 11th Evening class enrolment 17th The television was returned by the police 18th Initial meeting to form Hathern Cub Pack 20th P.T.A. AGM 25th Class 1 visited Stoneleigh National Agricultural Centre 29th Children’s Barn Dance was well attended October 10th Harvest Festival was held in the school hall at 2.00p.m. £50 was raised from the produce and 3 £10 donations made to the Cubs, Brownies and Guides. 11th A maths evening for parents was held in the school hall 19th P.T.A. Jumble Sale was held at the Village Hall. School closed for half term. 29th School re-opened. 30th Class 3 visited Newark House Museum 31st Children had their photographs taken during the afternoon. November 8 The builders left the site at 10.00a.m. – unconfirmed voluntaryliquidation. 9th Mr Parker called to discuss new equipment. Mr Gough telephoned to discuss the situation with me regarding builders. Two quantity surveyors came to assess the amount of material left on site. Fencing has been erected and a warning sign placed by the gate. The keys to the sheds have been handed to me and County Hall has been informed of this P.T.A. held a Square Dance in the hall. December 3rd AGM of Community Centre Action Committee attended Mr Swann and Mr Bushell for the County Council. A new committee for the management of the new Hathern Community Association was elected. 11th School concert was performed to senior citizens in the afternoon and parents in the evening 12th 4th year took part in the Mayor’s Charity Concert at Loughborough Town Hall 19th Juniors held their Christmas party 20th Christmas service was held in church and school closed for the holiday at 3.45p.m. 1980 January 14th School re-opened Miss G Michael has joined the staff to replace Miss V Pleasance who has moved to Braunstone 19th P.T.A. held a pantomime trip to the Little Theatre Leicester 22nd Pat Walker from Glebe House called to talk about the future of the teachers centre 28th Mrs Stone visited Mrs Michael 30th Nurse carried out hygiene check 31st Infants went to see Sooty at the Town Hall February 4th Mrs Poole came in the evening to talk about Community Centre 5th Audiometrician tested children Head attended Consultative group meeting at Beaumanor 6th Head visited Galts Toy Factory 7th Consultation evening 1 11th Road Safety Entertainer visited the school


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 14th Consultation evening 2 15th Netball v Kegworth – we lost School closed 3.45p.m. for half term 25th School re-opened 26th Phoenix Players presented “Jupiter 13” for the juniors The P.T.A. committee went out for dinner to Anne of Cleves Restaurant, Melton Mowbray March 3rd Mrs Whitaker called to discuss reduced hours for kitchen assistants 5th Football match v Bakewell – 1 - 4 6th Mr Gough and Mr Scott came with news of restart date on building proposed – 17th March 7th Mrs Froggat came to discuss transfer to Limehurst 11th Head attended consultative meeting at Bridge House Football at Sutton Bonington, 2.30p.m. 12th Managers meeting 13th The P.T.A. showed a film “The Muppet Movie” at 7.00p.m. in the school hall 17th Nr Penny adviser for science visited to discuss implementation of science scheme 19th The road safety officer talked and showed film to the playgroup in the hall 25th 4th year children took part in “Robin Hood” a production by Link 77 school on 2 evenings 28th School closed for Easter break April 14 School re-opened. Mrs Hubbard returned ass kitchen supervisor after extended leave of absence. 17th 4th year took part in football tournament at Shepshed 22nd Re-commenced canoeing at Quorn but forced to abandon it by a vicious swan that attacked the children 23rd The science advisor returned to talk to staff 24th Mrs Robertson visited Belton House and Mrs Price substituted. The library van came to change the books May 1st Mrs Monk attended course at Glebe House 5th School closed for May-day 13th School photographer takes class photos 14th Cricket matches against Holywell – lost 84-47 and Cobden draw 50 - 50 15th Ascension day service taken by Rev Samuel 16th A country dance team took part in a schools evening in Queens Park 20th Link Gala we came 3rd overall 23rd School medicals and visitors from Limehurst to see girls School closed for whit break 28th School re-opens Managers meeting June 3rd Class 1 visited Belton House 4th Dentist inspected teeth in school 10th Children swam in small schools swimming gala 12th Classes 4 & 5 visited West Midlands Safari Park 16th Nurse carried out hygiene inspection 18th School sports day. A large number of parents attended 19th Class 3 visited Guilsbrough Wild life part 20th Mrs Benson changed contract to reduced hours and takes up post with St. Botolph’s Shepshed 23rd 4th year depart on one week expedition on canal from Foxton to Stoke Bruern July 2nd Children visit transfer schools of Limehurst and Garendon 4th Leavers service in church 7th School numbers badly affected by Loughborough works holiday – approx.. 40% away 11th School closed for summer holiday at 3.45p.m.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980 147 on roll August 4th School playscheme commenced with a party celebrating the Queen Mother’s 80th Birthday The activities will last for one week. 27th School re-opened with 129 on roll All members of staff remain as before, but classes have been transferred rooms in readiness for the new extension being completed Some progress has been made but no entrances have yet been knocked through. Mr Dennis came to discuss the lack of progress 28th The Architect, Mr Kendall visited the site and we discussed queries raised by Mr Dennis September 1st Mr Baxter came to discuss curtains for the centre and look at furniture with Mr Dennis and Mr Goodacre from the committee. 15 chairs and 3 tables were ordered plus curtains for the door and one window. 4th Mr Kendall, Mr Scott, Mr Dennis and myself held a site meeting to discuss the opening into the hall. It was resolved that the opening could not be extended but the existing brickwork was to be plastered. Mr Scott agreed that the education department could provide curtains for one side of the opening to make a visual screen and the community association would provide the other Mrs Lennox had to move class 4 into the hall to enable the builder to knock through from the new extension 6th One opening was knocked through from the community centre. The hall was not useable all day. 8th Mrs Stackhouse attended swimming course for 2 days 11th Library came to change books 16th Mrs Ward made her visit to inspect the school 22nd Mrs Hislam came to work with the 4th year on spelling project 24th Mrs Monk commenced 2 day swimming course October 1st Miss Stephenson visited Mrs Michael for probation inspection. Mrs Truman visited the playgroup to register it. 3rd Harvest Festival took place in the church for the first time. The produce was left in church for the Church festival and then distributed. 6th Children from 4th year took gifts to elderly and sick people around the village. The school photographer came The roof of the old kitchen at Cross Street has been broken by someone climbing onto it. Reported to building control 7th Mr Roscoe came to inspect damage. 8th Mr Kendall the architect visited the site to make decisions on colour scheme 16th School closes for half term 27th School re-opens after half term 29th Netball match played against Holywell 30th Mrs Robertson attended field centre course. Nov 5th Three students from the University commenced three one day visits 20th The photographer came to photograph each child.


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980


Hathern School Log – 14th June 1947 – 24th November 1980