Master’s Thesis Internship - Sustainable Business & Innovation - Accelerating the transition towards a Circular Economy and sustainable food waste management The case of Singapore March 13, 2018 Caspar-Mateo Aardenburg
[email protected] 5551870 University supervisor: Dr. Simona O. Negro -
[email protected] Second reader: Dr. Joeri H. Wesseling - j.h.wesseling@uu-nl Internship organization: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Singapore and Brunei Internship supervisor: Astrid Seegers-
[email protected] PREFACE This thesis research - as part of the master’s thesis for the program Sustainable Business and Innovation - was conducted in collaboration with Utrecht University and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Singapore and Brunei, which is part of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of the Netherlands. Context of the study: The Netherlands and Singapore are aiming for a circular economy. Both countries have confined space, are highly urbanized, strong innovators, and are mostly dependent on imports for their resources. Dutch and Singaporean businesses, knowledge institutes and governments, therefore, initiated to join forces and create a basis for a circular economy in an urban context. The goal is to identify bottlenecks and solutions for the transition towards a circular economy. The role of the Embassy in this is to provide (Dutch) companies and other organizations with independent research on market developments, trends and opportunities within the field of technology and innovation, with the long- term goal to provide international collaboration and strengthen the international competitiveness of Dutch research and innovation.