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^Theubysseyca LAJMARAJMA SINCE I918 2009-10*01 WHAT IS HE SO HAPPY ABOUT? Dalai Lama visited UBC this weekend. • NEWS BRIEFS Page 5 & 7 UBC GETS MORE MEDIA PLAY THAN FRASER INSTITUTE The Fraser Institute, a conservative think Dalai Lamarama! tank that conducts international and local educational reports, the most famous be­ ing its annual "report card" of BC schools, can't beat UBC for media play. But it's not as far behind as you would expect. Even though the organization only has a very limited amount of money and persons at their disposal, a recent survey ^THEUBYSSEYca has showed that they rank as one of the top quoted institutions in virtually all YOUR STUDENT NEWSPAPER IS PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY • VOLUME 91, NUMBER IIX • ROOM 24, STUDENT UNION BUILDING • FEEDBACK@UBYSSEY.CA Canadian media outlets, but especially in the Vancouver Sun. In total numbers, UBC still ranks highest with almost double the amount of quotes, but in relation to re­ sources available, the university has some catchinguptodo. The success is being attributed to the Fraser Institute's extensive media pro­ gram, which provides for a continual bar­ AMS loses power rage of cut-and-paste ready press releases, special public events and social media play to UBC advertising. TWITTER APPRAISED AT $1 BILLION SUB Renew Project to be managed Five major companies will be investing a sum of $100 million into the micro-blog- by UBC Properties Trust, architect gjng website Twitter in its second round of Oops. funding, bringing Twitter's total funding to to be chosen by AMS $155 million this year. The new funding gives Twitter a value of $ 1 billion. PAUL BUCCI The site has more than 45 million users feedback(?>ubysseyca worldwide. The investors include Insti­ tutional Venture Partners, Spark Capital and Benchmark Capital as well as Insight Venture Partners and T Rowe Price—two new additions to Twitter's investment opportunity. fter a year of negotia­ governance structure for the Although Twitter use has grown expo­ tions, the project to build management for the project," nentially since its creation in 2006, there a new SUB, known as the said Sullivan. is still uncertainty about how profit can be ASUB Renew Project, is to Frederick spoke differently: gained from a social networking firm. be managed by UBC Properties "Council hasn't voted on Prop­ Trust, according to VP Students erties Trust being the project UBC ACCOUNTS FOR FIVE PER CENT OF Brian Sullivan. The project has manager." BC'S ECONOMY the largest investment of student In addition, Frederick also funds in the history of UBC, with asserted that despite having UBC President Stephen Toope had a mes­ students contributing $85 mil­ Properties Trust as the Project sage last week for all those politicians who lion in student fees to the $ 110 Manager, the AMS still has want to cut funding in education—the million project. control over the specifics of the institution makes up five per cent of the "The SUB Renewal Committee project. province's economy. The workforce be­ AMS PRESIDENT has decided to include Proper­ "UBC knows that we are going VP STUDENTS ing generated, employed or educated at BLAKE FREDERICK ties Trust on the governance to be presenting an account­ BRIAN SULLIVAN UBC provides a bonus of $ 10 billion every chart that we're working with ability agreement that reassures year to the provincial economy, putting "The SUB Renewal right now," said AMS President us that Properties Trust will be "We have agreed on...[a] the institution above oil and gas mining Committee has decided to Blake Frederick, though he ad­ involved in the project under our operations. mitted it "is due to the fact that terms. They agreed to that. So we governance structure for The study, conducted by Walter Sudma- include Properties Trust... the Board of Governors has said are very confident that they are the management for the nt, UBC's director of Planning and Institu­ due to the fact that the Board that we cannot build the SUB if going to accept the accountability tional Research, found that apart from the that is not the case." agreement," said Frederick. project." $1.9 billion that directly flows into local of Governors has said that The AMS has been in ne­ The SUB Renew project has businesses because of university spend­ we cannot build the SUB if gotiations with UBC since last also influenced the controversial ing, it is the "dissemination of knowledge" year over the level of control debate surrounding the con­ that provides the biggest influx into the that is not the case." each party has over the project, struction of an underground bus economy. which was approved by students loop. Students argued that the through a referendum in April proposed moving of the grassy UBC RECEIVES THE LARGEST DONA­ ACCOUNTABILITY | FREDERICK 2008. knoll outside of the SUB in order TION FROM A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION The AMS had argued for many to build the bus loop was a clear months that they should retain affront to the opinion of students "Properties Trust will be UBC Learning Exchange and UBC Faulty $85 MILLION OF YOUR MONEY exclusive control of both the ar­ on campus. involved in the project of Medicine received $2.17 million from chitect selection process and the "The official position of the under our terms. They HSBC Bank Canada in support of their The project has the largest project manager. As of now, both AMS is that we oppose the con­ community initiatives in Vancouver's investment of student funds parties are going ahead under struction of the underground bus agreed to that. So we are Downtown Eastside (DTES). the assumption that Properties loop," said Frederick. very confident that they The donation to be received over the in the history of UBC, with Trust will be the project man­ The AMS conceded to allow next seven years, will enable UBC Learn­ students contributing $85 ager, and the AMS will choose the bus loop to move forward, as are going to accept the ing Exchange to bring more UBC student the architect. long as they were able to build a accountability agreement," volunteers into inner-city schools and million in student fees to MHPM, a project manage­ SUB over top of it, according to non-profit organizations to continue of­ the $110 million project. ment company which has been Frederick. said Frederick. fering free educational resources to DTES advising the AMS during the con­ So what does this all actually residents. sultation process, will continue mean? Additionally the money will be used to to advise the AMS on how the "We are all confident that we support the UBC Faculty of Medicine for a project should proceed. have a project," said Sullivan. world class addictions research program "[MHPM] will work with the "It's going full steam ahead." in the Downtown Eastside in partnership AMS as their client...but they will said Frederick. with St Paul's Hospital. work with Properties Trust as the The AMS is now going to The sum is the largest ever received by project manager," said Sullivan. choose an architect for the proj­ the UBC Learning Exchange. DOUBLE TALK Despite such concrete terms, ect through a series of consulta­ BUS LOOP | FREDERICK "We applaud this exceptional commit­ UBC and the AMS are using dif­ tions with students over the next ment by HSBC Bank Canada to community Despite such concrete ferent language to describe the few months. They are scheduled "The official position of engagement and mental health," said UBC agreement. to have selected one by January President Stephen Toope. "Through this terms, UBC and the AMS "I'd say that both parties 2010. ^ the AMS is that we oppose gift, 'the world's local bank' will make an are using different language are quite encouraged that we —with files from Samantha the construction of the important positive impact here in BC and to describe the agreement. have agreed on an overall Jung and Stephanie Findlay underground bus loop." around the world." vl 2/UBYSSEY.CA/EVENTS/2009.10.01 OCTOBER I, 2009 VOLUME XCI, N° IIX EDITORIAL EVENTS ONGOING EVENTS Piano Concerto • Chan Centre and COORDINATING EDITOR the Vancouver Recital Society present Paul Bucci: coordinating@ubyssey.ca pianist Murray Perahia A perfect outing You bring the food—we'll waive the NEWS EDITOR 8 2 9 with that special someone in your life. fines. • Pay your UBC Library fines Samantha Jung: news@ubyssey.ca • 3pm, Chan Shun Concert Hall, $85, with food instead of cash! All borrow­ more info at chancentre.com. CULTURE EDITORS ers with library fines are eligible for Kate Barbaria & Trevor Record: 8 3 5 waived fines. For every non-perishable culture@ubyssey. ca food item donated, $2 will be waived UBC Veggie Club and Liberation SPORTS EDITOR to a maximum of $20 per borrower. • BC: Vegan Thanksgiving • A free Justin McElroy : sports@ubyssey.ca Sept 21-0ct. 4 talk by Vegan Outreach head Jon Camp, 7 followed by a buffet-style vegan meal. IDEAS EDITOR All are welcome! • 3pm-6pm, SUB Trevor Melanson : features@ubyssey.ca Away We Go • The UBC Film Society 206/207, $5. PHOTO EDITOR presents the comedy Away We Go. 5 3 8 1 Couple Burt and Verona are simultane­ GeraldDeo :photos@ubyssey.ca ously expecting a child and searching The Moon of Letting Go • Join PRODUCTION MANAGER for the perfect place to raise a new renowned writer and celebrated story­ Kyrstin Bain :production@ubyssey.ca 1 5 6 9 family while navigating around the geo­ teller Richard Van Camp with his friends COPY EDITOR graphical and familial hurdles thrown Ivan Coyote and Gregory Scofield as Katarina Grgic: copy@ubyssey.ca into the world around them.

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