NATURE 19 the Map Was Drawn, and So the Omission of the Name of Tion Set In, Due to Errors Introduced by Repeated Copying, St
NATURE 19 the map was drawn, and so the omission of the name of tion set in, due to errors introduced by repeated copying, St. Gilles can be accounted for. Vesconte knew that uncontrolled by any check. there was no longer a port of St. Gilles, if he knew that From the evidence outlined above we may reconstruct there ever had been, and, being of no interest to those the history of St. Gilles as a seaport. In Roman times for whom the map was made, it was omitted, but the it was an inland town, of no great importance, past topography he took, directly or indirectly, from the which one of the branches of the Rhone flowed, as at older map. If this map is compared with a restoration the present day, but, instead of turning southwards, of the twelfth century topography, as deduced from the river flowed on to the west, in a valley cut out of the modern maps of the region, upraised alluvium, to where the etang de Mauguio now the agreement, as regards stands. Then came the subsidence in the Dark Ages, the eastern end of the inlet, the lower part of this valley became submerged, and an is so close, that his repre inlet of the sea was formed, with sufficient depth of sentation of the western por water to enable ships to reach St. Gilles, which, by 108o, tion, where direct restoration had become so well established that it was selected Fw. 3·-Coast between Cette is more uncertain, may be as the most appropriatelanding-place for a princess of and Cap Couronne, from the map by Petrus Vesconte, dated taken as corroboration of the Sicily, on her way to the Court of France.
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