NOVA COURSES 2021/22 Fall term courses • Western European Empires – from colonial past to postcolonial world Jorge Pedreira, Pedro Aires Oliveira, José Neves, Pedro Cardim, Alexandra Pelúcia • The History of Politics and the Politics of History José Neves • Filming the Past – the case of Portuguese Documentary Film Catarina Alves Costa • History in the Media: contesting, commemorating, resignificating Carla Baptista, Paulo J. Fernandes and Pedro A. Oliveira • Oral History: theories and methods Paula Godinho e Maria Alice Samara • Digital and Spatial Humanities for Historians Daniel Ribeiro Alves • The Essentials of Archival Research Maria de Lurdes Rosa and Maria João da Câmara 2021/22 Spring term courses • Museums as spaces of memory, identity and activism Alexandra Curvelo COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Western European Empires – from colonial past to postcolonial world Jorge Pedreira, Pedro Aires Oliveira, José Neves, Pedro Cardim, Alexandra Pelúcia Fall Term, AY 2021-2022 Mandatory Credit value: 8 ECTS Module: Histories of inclusion and exclusion; Entanglements between national, regional, and global frameworks of history Consultation: during office hours or by appointment at
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] or
[email protected] BRIEF INTRODUCTION: This course is devoted to the history of the Western European colonial empires, with a particular focus in the case of Portugal and its empire, combining global and national perspectives. It covers the period between the early sixteenth century and the late twentieth century. The course will provide students with key insights on the historical development of the Western European colonial empires and will highlight the social construction of their memories.