Arguing with Socialists: 3.86 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/07/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

The Socialist Threat Against American Liberty and What You Need to be Doing About it.

In 2018, Economic War Room featured the 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism in Episodes 11 and 12. You mission was focused on the importance of protecting western civilization and liberty. Unfortunately, the Bernie Sanders, Ocasio Cortez’s and the radical left continue to march down the path of Socialism for America. The Communist have had a long-term plan to overthrow America’s democracy and it has been executed for decades with success. Remember, they said not one shot will need to be fired. All this as America’s boomer generation assumes America will always be America. With a crisis like the pandemic, however, there’s a power grab and accelerant toward tyranny.

Howard Zinn has rewritten America’s books (see Episode 83) and much of the entertainment business is giving America’s youth a false history of America (see Episode 81). The greatness of America (free markets and individual liberty) is not being communicated. At the same time crony “capitalists” have broken the golden rule of free markets for their own monetary gain. The socialist/communist plan to change America is being executed perfectly.

Now with a COVID-19 pandemic, the Government is experimenting with tools to protect citizens by shutting down the economy, and then applying extreme stimulus tools to restart the economy. The last time the Government experimented with the economy this much was during the Great Depression. It took us 10 years to recover and it created long-term damage.

It’s time to bring truth and logic to America and reunite America on the principles that have improved lives so dramatically over the last 200 years.

This week your mission is similar to Battle Plan 12. Now, more than ever it is mission critical that you do even more, and this provides additional tools to help:

Your Mission: To understand and provide the substance to the myths of Democratic Socialism. It is critical to understand the undermining America and your family. Also, how to implement action plan steps below that will protect America’s economic infrastructure and freedoms. If it is to be, it is up to you to reset America back to its founding principles and help educate the next generation on the power of free markets and liberty.

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Ep. 3-86 (OSINT) Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing. This includes quotes and summaries from Kevin Freeman and Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck has done a great job of documenting the socialist lies in his new book, Arguing with Socialists. Glenn Beck joins the Economic War Room for this week’s briefing.

Lessons In History:

“If we don’t turn to God, we are in real trouble because of the things that we are doing to the economy today. I was really struck with how reminiscent they are on all of the policies that caused the Great Depression. You know, everywhere else in the world, it was just the depression. But here we just started experimenting with things and it caused the Great Depression. It caused it to go on for more than a decade and I have a feeling we could be very close to losing a whole generation if we don’t free up the people and free up the actual free market. We need to stop picking winners and losers and experimenting with the economy.” –Glenn Beck

Burton Folsom highlighted (in his book New Deal or Raw Deal) the mistakes that prolonged the Great Depression. We are at risk of failing again by trying to pick winners and losers in the economy.

In addition, we are literally destroying our food distribution system and not considering its impact on farmers, or food supply and the threat to the worlds food supply. See Our Special Episode on COVID-19 and Food Disruption.

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1. Today we have those that believe in the socialist . They do not believe in individual liberty.

Getting into the mind of perhaps a typical 25-year-old who says maybe socialism is alright:

» They were born around the time of the Oklahoma City bombing.

» Their first memory is 9/11.

» They might remember war, economic instability, and fear.

» In 2008, their mom and dad may have lost their house, or their job, or their savings.

» Big banks got bailed out, crony capitalism and corruption moved on.

» Politics became more divided between the major parties.

» And now they face COVID-19 where we shut down the country and businesses are forced out of business. Possibly, their Mom and Dad are going to lose everything.

This generation has never really seen real Capitalism or true free markets:

“They’ve never seen this work. Now, you look at it from that perspective and wonder, ‘Who would like capitalism?’ But the problem is, it’s not capitalism. We haven’t done the free market in like forever. We are less free in business than they are in blessed Sweden. And blessed Sweden is not socialist. They even say that. The prime minister came out and said that their nation is not socialist. Sweden tried it and it failed.

And they were they were one of the only ones that didn’t have to leave through revolution because, they’re Swedes. So they didn’t have a revolution to get rid of socialism. That’s a rare thing. As rare as us finding freedom and then holding onto it in the seventeen hundreds. It’s very rare.” –Glenn Beck

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Glenn reflects on why America is not a free market today:

» We are sitting here at a time where you have to look at the free market and you have to say that there are real problems because it’s not a free market.

» Government is picking and choosing winners and losers, and those businesses are getting into bed with the government.

» Big tech is the biggest example right now where they’re looking for authoritative truth. What the heck does that even mean? Authoritative truth that should scare everybody to the bone.

» When you have high tech that’s controlling all of the news and then you have governments saying, ‘Nope, this is the authoritative answer.’ They will protect it and make sure to silence any alternative voices. That’s terrifying.

Arguing with Socialists is a book full of documentation. Glenn was careful to not quote himself or conservatives. If there was a fact or and it was from the Heritage Foundation, Glenn sent his researchers back to find a source that somebody from the left would not immediately dismiss.

“You’ve written a book that grandparents and parents can pick up. They can read for themselves, improve their arguments for liberty, and then they could give it as a perfect graduation gift. And I love it because it’s simple. It’s easy to read. It’s fun. It’s got all those sidebars and little notes and fun facts. All the things that young people talk about, the way they use language. And you just completely destroy the lies and the arguments of the Bernie Sanders and Alexandrea O’Cosio Cortez.” –Kevin Freeman

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“At the Economic War Room® our purpose is to help one generation pass on liberty to the next generation.”

“There is free market liberty (on one side) and then communism (one the ). The in-between vehicle to take you from one to another, is socialism. Socialism is the one where you need the gulags and the strong men in power and the corruption and everything else. Communism is the utopian dream that I think only will happen when Jesus is here, where everybody is on the same page and we all, you know, are not greedy and lie.” –Glenn Beck

2. Communism has never been done before, because it won’t work.

According to Glenn, there are three types of Systems:

Free Markets–-Socialism ––Communism

We were built to have Free Markets but have developed a of Communism.

Socialism is the system that is in between. It is one that comes with corruption, where you need the gulags and strong men in power.

» Utopian communism has never been achieved and will never be done without Jesus.

» Socialism is made to look like a nice thing, but it is not. It is a death squad.

» Plymouth Colony tried communism and failed.

» La Reunion (In Dallas, TX in the early 1900’s) – tried and failed. It lasted only 18 months.

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History of La Reunion (Dallas)

It was tried in the Dallas - French, Belgian, and Swiss colonists on the south bank of the Trinity River formed a utopian society in central Dallas.

It was one of the very first socialist communities (or claiming communist at the time) that was attempted here in America. Back in the late 1800s. And it was it was built by the best scholars on Marx in the world.

→ They came over here. They tried to get it going.

→ It was hit with financial insolvency.

→ Shortage of skilled participants.

→ Inclement weather.

→ Inability to succeed at farming and rising cost.

The Results: You could work unless you were sick. If you were sick or old, you were kicked out of the community because they couldn’t carry anyone else. So, it’s just the same as Nazi or communism.

“Once you get too old or if you’re sick and you can’t work, you’re a burden. And when it’s the whole country, they don’t send you to another country. They just kill you (or let you starve). And that whole thing just ended exactly the same way they always had. It just collapsed on itself and it was over.” –Glenn Beck

3. What young people do not know that Socialists will not tell them!

A. You have to work, and we will tell you what you are going to do and buy.

If you go with a socialist system, you get told you have to work. If you don’t contribute, you don’t eat. That’s in the Soviet constitution. page 6 Arguing with Socialists: Glenn Beck 3.86 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/07/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

“And you’re going do the work we tell you. You have to do it. I don’t think young people grasp that. I don’t think they get the idea that they’re going to be told not only what work they have to do, when they work, how they work. They’re not going to like that. Then they’re going to be told what they can consume when they work. When they make money, they will be told what they get to buy.

The social credit system says if you’ve been good and done everything that we want you to do, then you get to buy things. But you only get to buy the one choice that’s available in the stores. I don’t think people understand those things about socialism. Young people would run if they did.” –Kevin Freeman

B. Tech is another concern. It is not all designed to make life easier and better. » People don’t understand that what Big Tech is doing right now. They are setting things up to create the whole Chinese social credit system.

» Once the government gets into something, and with all this personal information, it will want to continue to keep that information and power.

» Big Tech is offering us all of this information now. But when the COVID crisis is over, they will not return to business as usual.

“We are making massive, massive mistakes, China is Orwell in 1984, But the West is the Brave New World.” –Glenn Beck

Orwell’s, 1984 - The story takes place in an imagined future, the year 1984, when much of the world has fallen victim to perpetual war, omnipresent government , historical negationism, and . *Wiki

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Huxley’s, Brave New World - Largely in a futuristic World State, whose citizens are environmentally engineered into an intelligence-based social hierarchy, the novel anticipates huge scientific advancements in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation and classical conditioning that are combined to make a dystopian society which is challenged by only a single individual. *Wiki

C. There are huge ramifications to printing all this money for social programs.

4. The Communist agenda plan in the USA is being executed perfectly.

A. The KGB Playbook was documented in the Congressional Record in 1963 with 45 goals that clearly are being followed. Examples include:

» Permit free trade of all nations regardless of communist affiliation.

» Provide American aid to all nations, regardless of communist domination.

» We’ve we fought, we overlook Taiwan, the free Chinese people, and we favored most favored nation. The communist Chinese.

» Eliminate all laws governing by calling them , breakdown, cultural standards of , and infiltrate the churches and replace revealed with social religion. » Eliminate prayer from schools, discredit the Constitution, discredit the founding fathers, belittle all forms of American culture. » Capture one or more political parties. Get control of the schools use student riots to foment public . » Infiltrate the press. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures. Continue discrediting American culture control art so that it’s degraded. All of the above have been carried out and continue to move forward while many Americans seem clueless. page 8 Arguing with Socialists: Glenn Beck 3.86 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/07/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

B. The Power of Freedom to improve everyone’s . “The Making of America is one of the best history books written by W. Cleon Skousen. The 5,000 Year Leap, which is gold, literal free market gold also written by him. And he was discredited. And, you know, they came after him. If we would just teach our children the 5,000 Year Leap and really understand what took us from fire to space in 200 years, we wouldn’t have the problems that we have right now. Now, it’s not a coincidence that man cooked with fire for thousands of years. And within a few hundred years we’re cooking on stoves. We have indoor plumbing. A few years after that, we have microwave ovens. I mean, it’s not a coincidence. It’s freedom.” –Glenn Beck

C. Capitalism Works – There is a Golden Rule to Free Markets

» Free Markets give society what they want.

» We built our economy recently on lots of debt and perversions of the free market.

» It is critical we educate the next generation.

» Americans need to understand the freedoms they may lose.

» If we contrast the two systems honestly, we will have a very amazing group of young people in this nation see the truth.

“You realize that the free markets will just give you whatever society wants. And if your capitalists, if your free market entrepreneurs are moral people, they are thinking to themselves, what would get this job done faster, better? How can I help people? The free market is about making people’s lives easier, better, and healthier. But if the people are free and healthy and pretty much spoiled, then your free market starts giving you diversions and it can get really, really corrupt and perverse as the people become more and more corrupt and perverse if they lose their moorings. But when capitalism and the free markets are done right, they help people because they incentivize people to help others.”

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D. Other Must Read Books on the risks of Communism and Freedom: Cleon Skousen has multiple books that everyone should read, The Making of America, The 5,000 Year Leap and The Naked Communist.

In Making of America, Skousen highlights that there has been a gradual drifting away from the Founding Fathers’ original success formula. This has resulted in some of their most unique contributions for a free and prosperous society becoming lost or misunderstood.

In the Naked Communist, Skousen distilled more than a hundred books and treatises on Communism. He looked at what was written by Marxist authors to understand the way the Communist sees himself without the propaganda and pretense.

In The 5,000 Year Leap: Skousen explains the “Miracle That Changed the World.” He also covers the 28 Principles of Freedom. These are the principles our Founding Fathers said must be understood and perpetuated by all who desire peace, prosperity, and freedom. He shows adherence to these beliefs during the past 200 years has brought about more than was made in the previous 5,000 years.

Why you should care?

→ The Socialist/Communists have been executing their 45-step plan for decades. What are those that stand for liberty doing?

→ Liberty is at risk in America like never before. There is only a short time to protect Western Civilization.

→ Young people in oppressed societies are yearning for freedom and liberty today.

→ In America, we are spoiled, and our youth have been taught fake history. Socialism looks great to many of America’s younger generation, but they are being taught lies from the communist agenda.

→ Americans need to wake up to the Economic War being waged against us. It is an economic war, but it is also a war against our values of liberty.

→ Your current investments may be funding China and their communist values.

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In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty.

Action Steps:

1. Be able to share the benefits of liberty over socialism get these books: Arguing with Socialists by Glenn Beck is the perfect gift for high school and college graduates.

In Arguing With Socialists, New York Times bestselling author Glenn Beck arms readers to the teeth with information necessary to debunk the socialist arguments that have once again become popular and proves that the free market is the only way to go.

Check out Cleon Skousen’s books listed above and read The 5,000 Year Leap. This is a book Glenn described as “golden” to understanding what freedom really means.

2. Review Economic Battle Plan 12 (this includes parts 1 and 2) on The Seven Deadly Sins of Socialism.

3. Help your elected representatives stand for freedom and have positive conversations contrasting free markets vs socialism.

4. Learn more about the NSIC at and how you can weaponize your money towards liberty, your values, innovation and new technologies.

5. Send this battle plan to friends, and your financial advisor and ask them to sign up for our weekly battle plan updates at ( Be sure to catch the data and footnotes below for more documentation. We want you to have access to key information to make your own intelligent decisions.

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We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

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• Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

• Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES LAUNCHING SOON.

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Shareable Quote: “We are making massive, massive mistakes. China is Orwell in 1984. But the West is Brave New World.” –Glenn Beck

This promotion is only available for a limted time and may end without notice.

DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman (List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links About Glenn Beck The Socialism Threat [Educate yourself here but use Glenn’s book to reach young people] Who is Howard Zinn and Why Would We Let Him Teach our Kids? Understanding the Media Impact Mistakes of the New Deal La Reunion 45 Goals of the Communist Party in the US The 5,000 Year Leap and The Miracle of America

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

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About Glenn Beck [ ]

[ ] EP25 One-On-One with Glenn Beck Economic_Battle_Plan™_Glenn_Beck.pdf?1552424650

[ ] GBTV Interview w/ Glenn Beck & Kevin Freeman Book “Secret Weapon” Economic Terrorism Stock

The Socialism Threat [Educate yourself here but use Glenn’s book to reach young people] [ ] The Dead End Of Communism

William Brewster & How Pilgrim Covenant twisted into Social Contract, then Socialism–-How-Pilgrim-Covenant-twisted-into-Social- Contract–then-Socialism.html?soid=1108762609255&aid=JftAuORnido

9 Ways Socialism Will Morally Bankrupt America

[ ] Why Socialism Will Never Die and Plague Humanity Forever

More than a third of millennials polled approve of communism not-2019-10-28

Marxist Dreams And Soviet

The Communist Plan to Conquer America

[ ] Socialism Always Fails

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Chris Matthews: “I’ve Seen Socialism. It Doesn’t Work.” doesnt-frickin-work

Marx Didn’t Distinguish Between Communism and Socialism. Why Should We? we_3225448.html

Venezuelans visiting U.S. colleges to warn against evils of socialism

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Democratic Socialists of America Adopts Communist ‘Red Deal’: How Long Until the Democrats Follow Suit? until-the-democrats-follow-suit_3154932.html

[ ] Pilgrims reject Communism html?soid=1108762609255&aid=KLHLfA5pcDY

Economists Prove Socialism Sucks, But The Beer Is Worse sucks-but-the-beer-is-worse-n2550902

Who is Howard Zinn and Why Would We Let Him Teach our Kids? [ ] 04/16/20, EP83 A Distorted American History, Howard Zinn original/1586916437/ep83_Economic_Battle_Plan™_Mary_Grabar-Howard_Zinn.pdf?1586916437

Understanding the Media Impact [ ] 04/01/20, EP81 Hollywood’s Real Impact – Sorbo original/1585603195/ep81_Economic_Battle_Plan™_Hollywood_Sorbo.pdf?1585603195

Mistakes of the New Deal FDR’s Biggest Mistake During the Depression

The New Deal Didn’t Always Work, Either

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The Enduring Myth of FDR and the New Deal

Why did the New Deal fail?

The Mythology of Roosevelt and the New Deal

Did FDR End the Depression?

FDR’s Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression

La Reunion The failed socialist utopian dream that helped Dallas become a major city

La Reunion: A French Settlement in Texas

La Reunion: Utopia on the Trinity

[ ] How A Failed Socialist Utopia Made Dallas The City It Is Today

45 Goals of the Communist Party in the US [ ] 45 Communist Goals for America

The Naked Communist 45 Goals

Full text of “Naked Communist and Capitalist by W. CLEON SKOUSEN - FBI Whistleblower” COMMUNIST-%2045%20COMMUNIST%20GOALS-2_djvu.txt

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The 5,000 Year Leap and The Miracle of America [ ] The 5,000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World the-world/2444877/isbn/9780981559667/

Beck’s backing bumps Skousen book to top skousens-book-the-5000-year-leap-a-miracle-that-changed-the-world-principles-of-freedom-101-is-n- o-1-on-amazon-coms-list-of-best-sellers-in-books-the-book-was-originally-published-in-1981

The Five Thousand Year Leap, What We Seem to Have Forgotten forgotten

The Miracle of America

Miracle of America seminar clip

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