The Washington Monument Illustrated; Complete Guide And
" ^'•. \..^ :Mm^ ^<-^.^^ /Jfet \..'^ :'M£'' %.^^ /Jfev ] BooR of National Interest Memorial Tablets Historical Pictures ^ ILLUSTRATED GUIDE ^ George Washington Views of the Nation's Capital Founded by INA CAPITOI^A EMKRY, Biaitor-PtiblisHer ^ Sxxhtx. THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT— ,^G« History, ............. 3 Description. ............ 5 Site, 3, 25 Height, ............. 7 Construction, . ... 5, 7 Cornerstone, ............ 9 Keystone, . , 10-11 Memorial Inscriptions, .......... 12-23 Views From Top, ........... 24, 25 Guide to City of Washing:ton, 52 Washington Monument Society, .......... 3 ILLUSTRATIONS— Completed Monument, . 1. 4 Incomplete Monument, 8 Foundation, Monument, 6 Capstone, Monument, 10. 11 Memorial Tablets, Monument, 13-17 Views from Monument, 24, 25 George Washington: Equestrian Portrait, 2 Stuart's Portrait, 28 Delivering Inaugural Address, 32 Miniature Photograph, 34 Martha Washington: From White House Painting, 29 Motmt Vernon: George Washington's HonK-, .... ^o George W'ashington's Tomb, . 31 Christ Church, Alexandria, where Washington Worshipped. 31 WASHINGTON CITY— (Founded by George Washiuglon) Capitol, 33 White House, .... 36, 38 39, 40 State, War and Navy Departments, 42 Treasury, .... 42 Interior Department, 44 Pension Bureau, 44 Department of Agriculture, . 43 Smithsonian Institution, 43 Library of Congress, 45, 46, 47 Soldiers' Home, 48 Arlington National Cemetery, 48 Bureau of Engraving and Printing 45 Daughters of American Revolution Hall 49 Municipal Building .... 49 Union Station 51 Pennsylvania Avenue 3! Pre^dentt
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