S939. Visit Diamond
20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. July 26, 1989 I INDUSTRIAL IBOATS/MARINE I CARS CARS I CARS I CARS IMISCELLANEDU8 PROPERTY I EQUIPMENT Ib H f o r W 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE FDR SALE FOR SALE Iautdmdtive 18' HOBIE Catamaran - MANCHESTER - 6000 O LDSM O BILE 1987 Cus- 1971 BUG - runs but needs OLDSMOBILE 1987, FORD Thunderbird, 1985- CHROME 15" Chevy 4X4 sq.ft. Third floor, ele with aluminum trailer W E D E L IV E R Manchester Legion closes In on Zone 8 title... page 9 fom Cruiser Wagon. work. Takeallorparts. Ciera, 16K, mint condi olr, oil power, V6, 61K rim, 5-lug. Mint. 646- vator service. 95 Hll- and Beach Easy For Home Delivery. Call Excellent condition. 643-8744. 2439 or 645-8776. $175 loader. $3290. Call 875- tion, under warrantee. miles. Automatic llord St. 647-9137. Air, wood grain, CHEVY EICamlno-1975. $8,000 643-0690 negotiable. J 647-9946 transmission. 646-9826. 1497. loaded. 37,0(X) miles. VERNON-Indusfrlol for Monday to Trlday, 9 to 6 Automatic, power CAMARO-1976. 305, auto lease. 2,000 to 6,000, 1987 SCAT Hoyercraft - $10,500 or best offer. brakes, power steer 1983 FIREBIRD - Lots of Hardly used, 2 person, Call 646-7843. matic transmission, CARS newer building, park CHEVROLET Camper- ing, fiberglass cap. extras. 4 cylinder. $2300 many new ports, power I ing, office space, reas with cover and trailer. CHEVROLET 1974 Nova. New brakes, tires, or best offer. 643r2192 FDR SALE Make offer. 875-1497. 1972, $1 (X)0 or best offer. steering, brakes, olr.
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