CRAWLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE - 9 October 2017 REPORT NO: PES/240(c) REFERENCE NO: CR/2017/0444/FUL LOCATION: KILNMEAD CAR PARK, KILNMEAD, NORTHGATE, CRAWLEY WARD: Northgate PROPOSAL: REDEVELOPMENT OF KILNMEAD CAR PARK FOR RESIDENTIAL COMPRISING 37 AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS (3 X TWO STOREY TWO-BED HOUSES, 2 X TWO STOREY THREE-BED HOUSES AND A PART 2-STOREY, PART 3-STOREY AND PART 4-STOREY BLOCK OF FLATS CONTAINING 13 X ONE-BED FLATS AND 19 X TWO-BED FLATS) WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING & LANDSCAPING (AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED) TARGET DECISION DATE: 25 August 2017 CASE OFFICER: Miss D. Angelopoulou APPLICANTS NAME: Crawley Borough Council AGENTS NAME: HNW Architects PLANS & DRAWINGS CONSIDERED: Conservation Area Perspectives, Proposed Site Plan , Existing Site Plan, Proposed Apartment Block - Ground & First Floor Plans, Proposed Apartment Block - Second & Third Floor Plans, Proposed Ground Floor Plans for 1B2P and 2B4P Flat Types, Proposed Ground and First Floor Plans 2B4P & 3B5P Houses, Proposed Apartment Block - North & South Elevations, Proposed Apartment Block - East & West Elevations, Proposed 2B4P Houses North & South Elevations, Proposed Houses Side Elevations, Proposed 3B5P Houses East & West Elevations, Proposed Site Sections (North & South) Apartment Block, Proposed Site Sections (North & South) 2B 4P Houses, Proposed Site Sections (East & West) 3B 5P Houses, Site Location Plan, Landscape proposals, Planting Plan (south), Planting Plan (north), Proposed Refuse and Cycle Store, Site Section and Perspective View Annotated, Cycle and bin store elevations, Foundation Details Cycle & Bin store, Detailed Bay North Elevation (Flats), Detailed Bay Front Elevation 3B5P House & Porch Details CONSULTEE NOTIFICATIONS & RESPONSES:- 1. GAL - Aerodrome Safeguarding The proposal could conflict with aerodrome safeguarding unless a condition requiring a Bird Hazard Management Plan is imposed.
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