Borough Council

Report No: PS/0348


Report to Overview and Scrutiny Commission

8 September 2008

Report to Cabinet

10 September 2008


1. Key Points

1.1 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and associated Regulations require Local Planning Authorities to publish a Local Development Scheme (LDS) and review it on an annual basis. The LDS sets out the Council’s programme for preparing, over a three year period, the Local Development Documents (LDD’s) to form the Local Development Framework, including Supplementary Planning documents (SPD’s). The LDS should provide the Council, stakeholders and the public with a clear understanding of the timing and type of LDDs to be produced over the LDS period (2008 – 2012).

1.2 This report highlights the key documents within the LDS and sets out the new programme. The revised LDS has been drafted with the objective of bringing forward a realistic programme for LDD production over the next three years reflecting the priority of the Core Strategy Review and balancing staffing and financial implications. This report seeks approval to submit the LDS to the Secretary of State and for its subsequent adoption, subject to there being no significant changes.

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2. Recommendations

2.1 To the Overview and Scrutiny Commission:

The Commission consider the report and decide what comments, if any, it wishes to submit to the Cabinet.

2.2 To the Cabinet

The Cabinet is recommended:

(i) that the Local Development Framework Local Development Scheme 2008 be submitted to the Secretary of State; (ii) following submission to the Secretary of State of the Submitted Local Development Scheme and subject to there being no intervention from the Secretary of State and on the expiry of the statutory four week period the Council adopt the Local Development Scheme from that date, subject to no significant changes and following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development.

TED BERESFORD-KNOX Head of Planning Services

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3. Background

3.1 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and associated Regulations require Local Planning Authorities to publish a Local Development Scheme (LDS). The LDS sets out the Council’s programme for preparing, over a three year period, the Local Development Documents (LDD’s) to form the Local Development Framework.

3.2 The existing LDS was submitted to the Secretary of State in March 2007. The key milestones for LDD production were met for the LDS period (1 st April 2007 to 31 st March 2008). However, in accordance with Government guidance there is a requirement to review the LDS. The review has provided the Council with an opportunity to evolve its three year programme and set a realistic programme that gives priority to the Core Strategy Review.

3.3 The Draft LDS (appended to this report as Appendix A) was presented to the Local Development Framework Working Group in July 2008 and was endorsed for submission to the Secretary of State.

3.4 Provided the recommendations of this report are agreed by the Council’s Cabinet the Draft LDS will be submitted to the Secretary of State by 30 th September 2008. The Local Development Scheme is brought into effect four weeks after submission to the Secretary of State unless the Secretary of State intervenes during that period.

4. The Local Development Scheme

4.1 The LDS sets out the Council’s programme for preparing, over a three year period, the LDDs to form the Local Development Framework, including SPDs. The Draft LDS covers the period January 2008 to March 2012, which is slightly longer than three years, but enables the Draft LDS to demonstrate the full Core Strategy Review Programme.

4.2 The key elements of the LDS are:- • the profiles for each of the documents to be produced • the evidence base requirements for the Core Strategy review • a timetable for the overall production of the LDDs to form the LDF • the financial requirement of the LDS programme • the risks to achieving the LDS programme.

4.3 The Council adopted the current Core Strategy in November 2007, which was fundamental milestone achievement of the current LDS. However, the Council are required to have adopted a replacement Core Strategy by April 2012 in accordance with the Inspector’s Core Strategy Report. As a consequence, the primary element of the Draft LDS is the Core Strategy Review. The Core Strategy Review will include the spatial vision, objectives and development strategy for Crawley over the plan period 2012 to 2026. The Core Strategy will also include strategic site allocations to deliver and facilitate the vision, objectives and development strategy. A series of succinct development management policies will be included in the Core Strategy.

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4.4 The Core Strategy Review is underway in terms of evidence base assembly. However, the first stage of consultation (Non Statutory Consultation) will take place in May/June 2009, followed by Proposed Submission in September/October 2010 and provided the Core Strategy is found sound at Examination the Core Strategy will be adopted in June 2012.

4.5 The other Development Plan Document (DPD) the Council is bringing forward is the West of Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP). The Joint Area Action Plan outlines a series of objectives, policies and a conceptual masterplan to steer and guide the development of 2500 homes and associated uses West of Bewbush. The key milestone that was met in the LDS 2007 period was the publication of the JAAP for Preferred Options consultation. Although it forms part of the LDS 2008 period, the JAAP was submitted to the Secretary of State in May 2008. The Examination is programmed to take place in January/February 2009 and if found sound the JAAP is anticipated to be adopted in July 2009.

4.6 In addition to the DPDs outlined above, the LDS includes a programme of SPDs that should be brought forward to support the spatial and policy objectives of the Core Strategy. The SPD’s to be produced over the LDS period are: • Development of • Planning Obligations • Town Centre Wide • Affordable Housing • Planning and Climate Change

4.7 The LDS also highlights additional DPDs that may need to be produced in the future to address changing circumstances, or emerging planning policy. Currently, it is considered the Council may need to include, in future LDS reviews, a Gypsy and Traveller DPD, a Site Specifics DPD, a Development Management DPD and a University DPD. However, at this stage the Council does not have sufficient certainty, or evidence base to formally state a requirement for these DPDs. The Council will continue to monitor on an annual basis, as part of the LDS reviews, the requirement for these DPDs and will include them in a future LDS as appropriate.

5. Ward Members' Views

5.1 The Draft LDS was endorsed by the Local Development Framework Working Group at its meeting in July 2007 for submission to the Secretary of State.

6. Staffing, Financial and Legal Implications/Powers

6.1 It is considered that the Draft LDS programme is challenging, but deliverable. The achievement of the programme is dependant on maintaining staff levels, use of consultants and the continued success of joint authority working to formulate an evidence base for documents’ production.

6.2 The Council has a sufficient budget to meet the requirements of the Draft LDS programme until April 2011. The funding comprises £100,000 per annum from the LDF Base Budget and further £80,000 per annum from the Housing

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& Planning Delivery Grant fund. Post April 2011, funding will be required for the submission, Examination and adoption of the Core Strategy, which the £100,000 LDF Base Budget may not cover. As highlighted in the LDS, additional documents not currently programmed may also need to be prepared. Therefore, further Housing & Planning Delivery Grant funding may be required to bridge fund the LDS programme. Such expenditure would need to be agreed by the Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Head of Finance, as set out in the Council’s scheme of delegation.

6.3 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and associated Regulations require Local Planning Authorities to publish a Local Development Scheme (LDS).

7. Links to the Sustainable Community Strategy and Corporate Plan

The proposals contained in this report relate to the following key areas of the Sustainable Community Strategy

Community Cohesion Community Safety Young People and Children Health and Well Being Older People The Environment y The Local Economy y Social Inclusion y

The following key principles are applicable:-

(i) Working together y (ii) Dignity, respect and opportunities for all (iii) Involving People y (iv) Making it last

As the Core Strategy review will include the spatial vision, objectives and development strategy for Crawley over the plan period 2012 to 2026 it is considered that the Core Strategy will genuinely contribute to the Sustainable Community Strategy’s objectives, particularly the local economy, the environment and social inclusion.

The report relates to the following areas in which the Council operates to enhance the town and the quality of life of local people:-

(i) Our Communities : (ensuring they are safe, healthy, y cohesive and enjoyable) (ii) Our Environment: (ensuring that it is attractive, clean, y protected and sustainable) (iii) Our Economy: (ensuring it is thriving, vibrant and y prosperous) (iv) Our Council: (ensuring it is engaging, transparent, y business-like with a social conscience, cost-effective and a place-shaping community leader)

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8. Reasons for the Recommendation

8.1 It is essential that the Council has an up to date LDS to accord with Government guidance, provide a realistic programme for LDD production over the LDS period and to formally prioritise the Core Strategy review. The LDS also provides the Council, stakeholders and the public with a clear understanding of the timing and type of LDD to be produced over the LDS period.

9. Background Papers

Crawley Borough's Local Development Framework Local Development Scheme - September 2008.

Contact Officer:- Steven Dennington – Planning Policy Manager Direct Line:- 01293 438450

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Crawley Borough Council’s Local Development Framework Local Development Scheme – August 2008


Executive Summary Page 3

Background Page 5

Introduction Page 5

Development Plan Documents Page 6

Future Development Plan Documents Page 14

Supplementary Planning Documents Page 16

Statement of Community Involvement Page 25

Financial Requirements Page 27

LDS Risk Assessment Page 29

Appendix 1 Saved Plans and Documents Page 30


Executive Summary

The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and associated Regulations require local planning authorities to publish a Local Development Scheme (LDS). The LDS sets out the Council’s programme for preparing, over a three year period, the Local Development Documents (LDD) to form the Local Development Framework. This LDS covers the period January 2008 to March 2012, which is slightly longer than three years, but enables the LDS to demonstrate the full Core Strategy Review Programme.

The key elements of the LDS are:- • the profiles for each of the documents to be produced; • the evidence base requirements for the Core Strategy review; • a timetable for the overall production of the LDDs to form the LDF; • the financial requirement of the LDS programme; and • the risks to achieving the LDS programme.

The LDS also outlines the existing plans and documents that will continue to be employed until they are replaced or deemed redundant. Several plans and documents have been saved in accordance with the DCLG protocol (August 2006) and the Planning and Compulsory Planning Act. Appendix 1 of this LDS sets out the Council’s saved plans and documents.

The Council adopted the current Core Strategy in November 2007, which was a fundamental milestone achievement of the previous LDS. However, the Council are required to have adopted a replacement Core Strategy by April 2012 in accordance with the Inspector’s Core Strategy binding report. As a consequence, the primary element of this LDS is the Core Strategy review. The Core Strategy review will include the spatial vision, objectives and development strategy for Crawley over the plan period 2012 to 2026. The Core Strategy will also include strategic site allocations to deliver and facilitate the vision, objectives and development strategy. A number of succinct Development Management policies will be included in the Core Strategy.

The Core Strategy Review is underway in terms of evidence base assembly. However, the first stage of consultation (Non Statutory Consultation) will take place in May/June 2009, followed by Proposed Submission in September/October 2010 and provided the Core Strategy is found sound the Core Strategy will be adopted in June 2012.

The other Development Plan Document (DPD) the Council is bringing forward is the West of Bewbush Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP). The Joint Area Action Plan outlines a series of objectives, policies and a conceptual masterplan to steer and guide the development of 2500 homes and associated uses West of Bewbush. The key milestone that was met in the LDS 2007 period was that the JAAP was published for Preferred Options consultation. Although it forms part of the LDS 2008 period, the JAAP was submitted to the Secretary of State in May 2008. The Examination is programmed to take place in January/February 2009 and if found sound the JAAP is anticipated to be adopted in July 2009.


In addition to the DPDs outlined above, the LDS includes a programme of Supplementary Planning Documents that should be brought forward to support the spatial and policy objectives of the Core Strategy. The SPDs to be produced over the LDS period are:

• Development of Gatwick Airport • Planning Obligations • Town Centre Wide • Affordable Housing • Planning and Climate Change


1. Background

1. In 2004 the Government introduced the requirement for Local Planning Authorities (LPA) to produce Local Development Frameworks (LDF) as the mechanism to outline their planning policy, the allocation of land for particular uses and the strategic and spatial visions and objectives for their administrative area. The process for bringing forward a LDF was set out in Planning Policy Statement 12 (PPS12): Local Development Frameworks and the accompanying Regulations. In 2007 the Government decided to review PPS12 and in June 2008 a revised PPS12: Local Spatial Planning was published with revised accompanying Regulations. The revised PPS12 and accompanying Regulations have introduced new mechanisms for bringing forward a LDF. These new processes and arrangements are the basis of the Council’s LDF formulation and are reflected in this Local Development Scheme.

2. Introduction

2.1 Part of the Council’s LDF is its Local Development Scheme (LDS). The LDS sets out how the Council will bring forward its LDF over the forthcoming three years. The LDS outlines the number, scope and programme for the documents the Council intends to bring forward to form the LDF. Document profiles for each of the documents are included in this LDS and outline a brief description of the document, its status, the matters it will address and the milestones that the document will be produced against. The LDS also outlines how all the documents to be produced are linked and how they will set out the planning policy and the strategic and spatial visions and objectives for the Borough. Furthermore, the LDS outlines the planning policies and Supplementary Planning Guidance the Council has saved from prior to 2004 to ensure the Council has comprehensive policy coverage whilst the LDF is being formulated.

2.2 The LDS is required to be submitted to the Government Office on an annual basis by the 31st March. However, this year submission has been delayed with the recognition of the Government Office to ensure the LDS takes account fully of the revised PPS12 and accompanying Regulations. The Council consulted the Government Office for the South East (GOSE) informally in July 2008 on the content of the Draft LDS, and it is now formally submitted to the Secretary of State in September 2008, following endorsement by the Council’s Cabinet.

2.3 The primary element of this LDS is the Core Strategy Review. The Council adopted the current Core Strategy in November 2007, which was a fundamental milestone achievement of the previous LDS. However, the Council are required to have adopted a replacement Core Strategy by April 2012 in accordance with the Inspector’s Core Strategy binding report. The Core Strategy review will include the spatial vision, objectives and development strategy for Crawley over the plan period 2012 to 2026. The Core Strategy will also include strategic site allocations to deliver and facilitate the vision, objectives and development strategy. A series of vital development management policies will be included in the Core Strategy.

2.4 The Core Strategy Review is underway in terms of evidence base assembly. However, the first stage of consultation (Non Statutory Consultation) will take place in May/June 2009, followed by Proposed Submission in


September/October 2010 and provided the Core Strategy is found sound at Examination the Core Strategy will be adopted in June 2012.


3. Development Plan Documents


3.1 Development Plan Documents (DPD) are the highest order documents in the LDF. The DPDs outline the strategic and spatial vision and objectives for the Council’s administrative area. They can include planning policy, the allocation of land for particular land uses and the designation of land to indicate a particular planning policy relates to that area and.

3.2 All DPDs are subject to an Examination before a Secretary of State appointed planning Inspector who examines the soundness of the DPD against the requirement that it is justified, effective and consistent with national and regional policy. Prior to submission of the DPD to the Secretary of State, the DPD is subject to one formal period for representations (Proposed Submission Consultation), during which consultation should be proportionate to the content of the DPD. However, prior to Proposed Submission Consultation the DPD should be subject to detailed and ongoing consultation and dialogue with key statutory and non statutory stakeholders, including infrastructure and service providers. If the Council has an adopted Statement of Community Involvement, (SCI), consultation should be undertaken in accordance with this. Following the examination the Inspector will submit his/her report to the Council, which is binding on the Council. Therefore, if the Inspector finds the DPD sound, any changes outlined in the Inspector’s report have to be included in the adopted DPD.

The Sustainability Appraisal

3.3 An integral part of producing a DPD is the Sustainability Appraisal (SA). The SA is produced in tandem with the DPD and ensures that the DPD adopts, as far as possible, the most sustainable options in an environmental, economic and social context having being assessed against all other realistic options and alternatives.

The Proposals Map

3.4 The Council’s Proposals Map is a DPD and indicates spatially local, national and international designations, the allocation of land for particular land uses and areas to which specific planning policies apply. The Proposals Map is always brought forward in conjunction with the production of DPDs; therefore, a specific document profile is not included for the Proposals Map as it will be brought forward in tandem with the production of the DPDs.


Core Strategy (Review)

3.5 The primary DPD of the Council’s LDF is the Core Strategy and consequently PPS12 states: Every local planning authority should produce a core strategy which includes: (1) an overall vision which sets out how the area and the places within it should develop; (2) strategic objectives for the area focussing on the key issues to be addressed; (3) a delivery strategy for achieving these objectives. This should set out how much development is intended to happen where, when, and by what means it will be delivered. Locations for strategic development should be indicated on a key diagram; and (4) clear arrangements for managing and monitoring the delivery of the strategy.”

3.6 The Council adopted its current Core Strategy in November 2007, which addressed the issues outlined above by setting a clear policy approach to, for example, Town Centre North, potential expansion of Gatwick, the North East Sector, the strategic development to the west of Crawley and overall housing land supply. Notwithstanding this, the Council are required to have adopted a replacement Core Strategy by April 2012 in accordance with the Inspector’s Core Strategy binding report. The programme for the Core Strategy review therefore forms part of this LDS. The Core Strategy’s profile is set out below.

DOCUMENT DETAILS Title Core Strategy

Role/Subject The Core Strategy will include the spatial vision, objectives and development strategy for Crawley over the plan period 2012 to 2026. The Core Strategy will also include strategic site allocations to deliver and facilitate the vision, objectives and development strategy. A series of vital development management policies will be included in the Core Strategy. Area Coverage, including Crawley Borough. across Local Planning Authority Boundaries

Document Status Development Plan Document.

Chain of Conformity General conformity with RPG9 and the emerging South East Plan. Accordance with Crawley Borough’s Sustainable Community Strategy.

Replaces Core Strategy 2007 and saved policies of Local Plan 2000.

PLANNED TIMETABLE Total Production Period January 2008 – June 2012


Target date for Non Statutory May – June 2009 (although dialogue will be held Consultation (Regulation 25) with statutory stakeholders, other key stakeholders and the community either side of this specific period of consultation) Target date for proposed September – October 2010 submission period for representations (Regulation 27) Target Date for Submission April 2011

Target Date for pre-examination June 2011 meeting Target Date for start of hearing September 2011 sessions Target Date for receipt of March 2012 Inspector’s Report Target Date for Adoption and June 2012 Publication PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS Preparing Organisation Planning Services Division, Environment and Housing Directorate, Crawley Borough Council. Management Arrangements Local Development Framework Working Group including Joint Committees Cabinet (under emerging constitutional arrangements Cabinet approval may not be required to undertake non statutory consultation (Regulation 25)) Full Council Resources for Production Primarily the Forward Planning Section of the Planning Division. Assisted by Other Services/Sections of the Council. Involvement of Stakeholders Consultation to be undertaken in accordance with and Community the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008, Crawley Borough Council’s Corporate Consultation Strategy and, if appropriate, Crawley Borough Council’s Statement of Community Involvement September 2006. Sustainability Appraisal / SA scoping report consultation to be completed in Strategic Environmental conjunction with non statutory consultation – Assessment SA/SEA May/June 2009. Draft Final SA Report consultation to be undertaken in conjunction with proposed submission consultation – September/October 2010 Submission of Final SA Report April 2011 in conjunction with the Core Strategy submission Monitoring and Review The DPD will be monitored annually to ensure the policy objectives are being implemented. If monitoring indicates that the DPD is not being implemented, or new planning policy guidance, or new circumstances emerge the DPD may be reviewed.


Proposals Map The Local Development Framework Proposals Map will be revised, formulated and adopted in conjunction with the adoption of the Core Strategy.


Core Strategy (review) Evidence Base

3.7 For a DPD to be considered sound it has to be based upon a credible and robust evidence base, which supports the policies and approach included in the DPD. In terms of the Core Strategy review the studies outlined below are those that are to be undertaken, or are underway to inform the Core Strategy review. This is not an exhaustive list as considerable work is undertaken on all policy topics and does not include studies already undertaken, such as the PPG17 assessment. The table provides an indication of the major evidence base studies to be undertaken and those which are being undertaken on a joint authority basis, which is strongly encouraged by PPS12. Through their formulation the studies and assessments will in be subject to stakeholder and public consultation, further enhancing the robustness and credibility.

Stage to Inform Completion Study / Study / NCS (non statutory of Study / Assessment being Assessment consultation) Assessment undertaken on a PS (proposed joint authority submission) basis and with whom Strategic Housing NSC Autumn 2008 Yes, with all West Market Assessment Sussex authorities Strategic Housing NSC Winter Yes, on the basis of Land Availability (January / a shared Assessment February) methodology with 2009 Horsham District Council and Mid Sussex District Council LDF Diamond NSC Autumn 2008 Yes, with all the six Economic Work authorities of the Strategic Flood Risk NSC Winter No Assessment / Water (January / Strategy February) 2009 Sustainability and NSC Winter No Climate Change, (January / including February) Approaches to 2009 Decentralised Energy Generation ‘At Crawley’ Study NSC Winter Yes, with Horsham 2008 (January / District Council and February) Mid Sussex District 2009 Council Heritage NSC Winter No Assessment (January / (characterisation February) work being 2009 undertaken by County Council to inform


review) Borough wide NSC Winter Not at this stage Strategic Transport (January / Assessment February) 2009 Infrastructure – PS Spring 2010 Not at this stage requirement, capacity and delivery report Site specific PS Spring 2010 No Transport Assessments Affordable Housing PS Spring 2010 No Viability Retail Health Check PS Spring 2010 No Local / Sub regional PS Winter Yes, with Horsham Economic (January / District Council and Assessment February Mid Sussex District Employment Land 2010) Council and shared Review methodology with Reigate and Banstead Borough Council


West of Bewbush Joint Area Action Plan

3.8 The current PPS12 and associated Regulations were published in June 2008 and do not come into effect until 1 st September 2008. As the West of Bewbush Joint Area Action had been progressed to an advanced stage it was submitted to the Secretary of State on 30 th May under the mechanisms and arrangements of the previous PPS12 and accompanying Regulations. Therefore, the profile for the West of Bewbush Joint Area Action Plan below is set against the previous PPS12 and accompanying Regulations.

DOCUMENT DETAILS Title West of Bewbush Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP)

Role/Subject The JAAP includes a conceptual masterplan, development objectives, policies to steer development, community and infrastructure provision, disposition and phasing of land uses and development of Core Strategy policy for the Strategic Development Location West and North West of Crawley comprising 2500 dwellings and associated uses West of Bewbush. Area coverage Land West and North West of Crawley, although the allocation relates to land directly west of Bewbush. Status Development Plan Document.

Chain of Conformity Conformity with the adopted Core Strategy, Horsham District Council’s adopted Core Strategy and general conformity with the emerging South East Plan. Replaces

PLANNED TIMETABLE Total Production Initial consideration of the Strategic Development Location began once it emerged as part of the West Sussex Structure Plan 2001. Formal joint working arrangements for the JAAP were endorsed by the Councils in February 2006. Target Date for pre submission September 2006 consultation (Issues and Options Regulation 25) Target Date for pre submission October 2007 consultation (Preferred Options Regulation 26) Target Date for Submission May 2008 Alternative Site Consultation August 2008 (Regulation 32) Target Date for pre- November 2008 examination meeting Target Date for start of January - February 2009 examination and duration Target Date for receipt of June 2009 Inspectors Report Target Date for Adoption and July 2009


Publication PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS Preparing Organisations The JAAP is being jointly prepared by Horsham including Jointly Prepared LDD District Council’s Strategic and Community Planning Department and Crawley Borough Council’s Forward Planning Section. Management Arrangements The formulation of the JAAP will predominately be including Joint Committees undertaken by a Joint Officers Board supported by a number of Technical Working Groups. The work of the Joint Officer Board and the drafts of the JAAP will initially be considered by a Joint Member Steering Group. The primary role of the group is to steer the delivery of the JAAP and advise both authority’s Executive/Cabinet and Full Councils on the JAAP.

The JAAP Issues and Options consultation document was considered by the Council’s Executive. The JAAP Preferred Options and Submission document have been considered by the Executive and Full Council. Resources for Production Joint Officers Board and Graphics Technician (HDC). External resources are likely to include West Sussex County Council and as part of the Technical Working Group:- stakeholders, landowners, organisations and companies. Involvement of Stakeholders Consultation has been undertaken in accordance and Community with both Councils’ Statements of Community Involvement and The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. Sustainability Appraisal / Timetable for production of SA/SEA report has Strategic Environmental mirrored the consultation on the JAAP document. Assessment (SA/SEA) Monitoring and Review The DPD will be monitored annually to ensure the policy objectives and the development is being implemented. If monitoring indicates that the DPD is not being implemented, or new planning policy guidance, or new circumstances emerge the DPD may be reviewed. Proposals Map The Local Development Framework Proposals Map will be revised, formulated and adopted in conjunction with the adoption of the Joint Area Action Plan.


Future Development Plan Documents

3.9 In terms of DPD production, the 2008 LDS includes the Core Strategy Review and the West of Bewbush Joint Area Action Plan. However, the Council is conscious that it may need to include further DPDs in its programme to address changing circumstances, or emerging planning policy. Currently, it is considered the Council may need to include, in future LDS reviews, a Gypsy and Traveller DPD, a Site Specifics DPD, a Development Management DPD and a University DPD. However, at this stage the Council does not have sufficient certainty, or evidence base to formally state a requirement for these DPDs. For the reasons outlined below the Council will continue to monitor on an annual basis, as part of the LDS reviews, the requirement for these DPDs and will include them in a future LDS as appropriate.

Gypsy and Travellers

3.10 The South East of England Regional Assembly (SEERA) is currently undertaking a partial review of the emerging South East Plan to address Gypsy and Traveller accommodation needs across the South East. Although it is possible that the partial review could include specific requirements for each LPA these are yet to be formally consulted on and the undertaking of this partial review has been subject to ongoing delay. Although SEERA currently indicates the partial review will be adopted by 2010, the precise content of this review is still the subject of uncertainty. As a consequence, a specific programme for bringing forward a Gypsy and Traveller DPD is not included. However, if the adopted South East Plan partial review indicates a requirement for Crawley, the Council will explore the most appropriate mechanism for meeting the Borough’s requirement, which may include a Gypsy and Traveller DPD to facilitate site allocation.

Site Specifics

3.11 The Council acknowledges the importance of being able to demonstrate through the plan led system how the Borough’s development requirements will be met, particularly housing land supply. Also, the strong emphasis on delivery is a clear theme of PPS12 and PPS3: Housing. At this stage the Council is undertaking a considerable amount of evidence base work regarding the Council’s likely housing land supply position to inform the Core Strategy review, in the context that the South East Plan is still to be adopted. Furthermore, the availability of the North East Sector (an up to 2700 dwelling strategic development location in the north east of the Borough) is subject to ongoing uncertainty relating to the implications of a possible second runway at Gatwick and two High Court Challenges. The significance of the availability of the North East Sector for the Core Strategy’s housing land supply is considerable.

3.12 At this stage it is conceivable that, with the ability to allocate strategic sites within a Core Strategy, there may not be a requirement to bring forward a Sites Specific DPD to demonstrate supply. It would, therefore, be premature to identify this in the LDS, particularly as the Council’s preferred approach is to include strategic site allocations in the Core Strategy review.


3.13 However, if in due course the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and the outcome of the North East Sector challenges indicate that a Sites Specific DPD would assist housing land supply and complement the Core Strategy, the DPD will be included in subsequent LDS. It would be programmed to be adopted soon after the anticipated adoption of the Core Strategy.

Development Management

3.14 The Core Strategy Review will include a succinct number of Development Management policies to supplement the spatial policies of the Core Strategy and supersede the saved Local Plan policies. It is considered that the Council’s Development Management objectives can be met by employing this approach, without undermining the Borough’s environment and built heritage and character. However, if through the Core Strategy review it becomes clear that more policies are required than a succinct number in the Core Strategy review a Development Management DPD will be included in the a LDS review.


3.15 Providers of high education in the county and sub region continue to pursue and progress opportunities to provide a higher education facility at Crawley, which is a fact acknowledged in the Draft South East Plan’s Secretary of State proposed modifications. Although the opportunity continues to be explored and very initial feasibility work has been undertaken, there is still a great deal of uncertainty regarding the scale and deliverability of such a facility. Therefore, a robust and credible evidence base does not currently exist to justify progressing a DPD at this stage. However, if the plan led process is required to facilitate the delivery of a higher education facility, a DPD on this matter will be introduced into subsequent reviews of the LDS programme.


4. Supplementary Planning Documents


4.1 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) are produced to supplement policies in DPD by providing greater detail on the policy topic, the delivery of the policy, or the detailed design, layout and masterplanning of a site allocated in a DPD. The Council will bring forward the SPDs referred to in the profiles below.

Affordable Housing

DOCUMENT DETAILS Title Affordable Housing

Role/Subject The affordable housing SPD will supplement Core Strategy Policy H5: Affordable Housing in terms of the mix, type and tenure of affordable housing that will be sought. It will also include detail on the delivery of affordable housing, particularly in a affordable housing enabling capacity. Finally, the SPD will introduce the mechanisms against which the Council will seek commuted payments in lieu of on site provision. Area Coverage Crawley Borough

Document Status Supplementary Plan Document.

Chain of Conformity The SPD will conform with the Core Strategy, RSS, PPS3 and affordable housing practice guidance. Replaces SPG 10: Affordable Housing

PLANNED TIMETABLE Total Production Period June 2007 – December 2009 including “pre-production surveys etc.

Target Date for consultation April 2009

Target Date for Adoption and December 2009 Publication

PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS Preparing Organisations Planning Division, Environment and Housing Directorate, Crawley Borough Council. Management Arrangements Local Development Framework Working Group including Joint Committees Cabinet

Resources for Production Primarily the Forward Planning Section of the Planning Division assisted by other Council Sections


Involvement of Stakeholders Consultation to be undertaken in accordance with and Community the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008, Crawley Borough Council’s Corporate Consultation Strategy and, if appropriate, Crawley Borough Council’s Statement of Community Involvement September 2006. Sustainability Appraisal / The SA initial scoping report will be prepared and Strategic Environmental consulted on prior to consultation on the SPD. The Assessment (SA/SEA) Draft Final SA Report will be published in conjunction with consultation on the SPD and the Final SA Report will be published in conjunction with adoption of the SPD. Monitoring and Review The SPD will be monitored annually to ensure the policy objectives are being implemented. If monitoring indicates that the SPD is not being implemented, or new planning policy guidance, or new circumstances emerge the SPD will be reviewed, or withdrawn accordingly.


Climate Change

DOCUMENT DETAILS Title Climate Change

Role/Subject The Climate Change SPD will supplement national and emerging Core Strategy policy to ensure development in the Borough is as sustainable as possible. It will set out local requirements and provide guidance for developers. Area Coverage Crawley Borough

Document Status Supplementary Plan Document.

Chain of Conformity The SPD will conform with the emerging Core Strategy, RSS, PPS and practice guidance. Replaces

PLANNED TIMETABLE Total Production Period June 2009 – October 2010 including “pre-production surveys etc.

Target Date for consultation January 2010

Target Date for Adoption and October 2010 Publication

PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS Preparing Organisations Planning Division, Environment and Housing Directorate, Crawley Borough Council. Management Arrangements Local Development Framework Working Group including Joint Committees Cabinet

Resources for Production Primarily the Forward Planning Section of the Planning Division assisted by other Council Sections Involvement of Stakeholders Consultation to be undertaken in accordance with and Community the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008, Crawley Borough Council’s Corporate Consultation Strategy and, if appropriate, Crawley Borough Council’s Statement of Community Involvement September 2006. Sustainability Appraisal / The SA initial scoping report will be prepared and Strategic Environmental consulted on prior to consultation on the SPD. The Assessment (SA/SEA) Draft Final SA Report will be published in conjunction with consultation on the SPD and the Final SA Report will be published in conjunction with adoption of the SPD.


Monitoring and Review The SPD will be monitored annually to ensure the policy objectives are being implemented. If monitoring indicates that the SPD is not being implemented, or new planning policy guidance, or new circumstances emerge the SPD will be reviewed, or withdrawn accordingly.


Town Centre Wide DOCUMENT DETAILS Title Town Centre Wide

Role/Subject The Town Centre Wide Master Plan SPD outlines aster Plan and Development Principles for the Town. Area Coverage Town Centre as defined by the Core Strategy Proposals Map. Document Status Supplementary Plan Document.

Chain of Conformity The SPD conforms with the Core Strategy. The SPD also conforms with the emerging South East Plan, PPS6 (Retail) and good practice guidance. Replaces

PLANNED TIMETABLE Total Production Period September 2006 – September 2008 including “pre-production surveys etc.

Target Date for consultation January 2008

Target Date for Adoption and September 2008 Publication

PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS Preparing Organisations Planning Division, Environment and Housing Directorate, Crawley Borough Council. Management Arrangements Local Development Framework Working Group including Joint Committees Cabinet

Resources for Production The Forward Planning Section formulated the SPD in conjunction with other Council departments, and the Town Centre Partnership where relevant. Involvement of Stakeholders Consultation has been undertaken in accordance and Community with the Crawley Borough Council’s Statement of Community Involvement and The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. In addition to the above, consultation and liaison was undertaken with key stakeholders, organisations and companies to support the formulation of the SPD Sustainability Appraisal / The SA initial scoping report was prepared and Strategic Environmental consulted on prior to consultation on the SPD. The Assessment (SA/SEA) Draft Final SA Report was published in conjunction with consultation on the SPD and the Final SA Report will be published in conjunction with adoption of the SPD. Monitoring and Review The SPD will be monitored annually to ensure the policy objectives are being implemented. If monitoring indicates that the SPD is not being implemented, or new planning policy guidance, or


new circumstances emerge the SPD will be reviewed, or withdrawn accordingly.


Development of Gatwick Airport DOCUMENT DETAILS Title Development of Gatwick Airport

Role/Subject The Development of Gatwick Airport SPD will update an existing SPG and address the development needs at Gatwick Airport taking into account the Gatwick Airport masterplan, environmental mitigation commitments given by BAA Gatwick, and progress on drafting a new legal agreement. The previous SPG was drafted against a 40 million passenger per annum / 2008/09 scenario. The SPD will be set against a 40 mppa / 2015 scenario based on a single runway two terminal operation. Area Coverage The Gatwick Airport operational boundary as defined on the Core Strategy Proposals Map. Document Status Supplementary Planning Document.

Chain of Conformity The SPD will conform primarily with adopted Core Strategy 2007, emerging South East Plan, BAA Gatwick interim Master Plan 2006 and any relevant Government decision/legislation regarding aviation expansion. Replaces SPG1 Development at Gatwick Airport

PLANNED TIMETABLE Total Production Period January 2007 – December 2008 including “pre-production surveys etc.

Target Date for consultation April 2008

Target Date for Adoption and December 2008 Publication

PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS Preparing Organisations Planning Division, Environmental Housing Directorate, Crawley Borough Council Management Arrangements Gatwick Airport Joint Authorities Meeting including Joint Committees Local Development Framework Working Group Cabinet Resources for Production Primarily the Forward Planning Section of the Planning Division assisted by other sections and other key stakeholders, such as West Sussex County Council, BAA Gatwick, surrounding Local Authorities, and Gatwick airport Consultative Committee. Involvement of Stakeholders Consultation has been undertaken in accordance and Community with the SCI and The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004.


Sustainability Appraisal / The SA initial scoping report was prepared and Strategic Environmental consulted on prior to consultation on the SPD. Assessment (SA/SEA) The Draft Final SA Report was published in conjunction with consultation on the SPD and the Final SA Report will be published in conjunction with adoption of the SPD. Monitoring and Review The SPD will be monitored annually to ensure the policy objectives are being implemented. If monitoring indicates that the SPD is not being implemented, or new planning policy guidance, or new circumstances emerge the SPD will be reviewed, or withdrawn accordingly.


Planning Obligations

DOCUMENT DETAILS Title Planning Obligations

Role/Subject The Planning Obligations SPD outlines the Council’s approach towards seeking planning obligations, including methodology and formulas. Area Coverage Crawley Borough.

Document Status Supplementary Planning Document.

Chain of Conformity The SPD conforms with Core Strategy Policy, RSS, relevant Planning Policy Statements and Circulars. Replaces

PLANNED TIMETABLE Total Production Period January 2007 to September 2008 including “pre-production surveys etc.

Target Date for consultation January 2008

Target Date for Adoption and September 2008 Publication

PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS Preparing Organisations Planning Division, Environmental Housing Directorate, Crawley Borough Council Management Arrangements Local Development Framework Working Group including Joint Committees Cabinet Resources for Production Primarily the Forward Planning Section of the Planning Division assisted by other Council Sections Involvement of Stakeholders Consultation has been undertaken in accordance and Community with Crawley Borough Council’s Statement of Community Involvement and The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. Sustainability Appraisal / The SA initial scoping report was prepared and Strategic Environmental consulted on prior to consultation on the SPD. Assessment (SA/SEA) The Draft Final SA Report was published in conjunction with consultation on the SPD and the Final SA Report was published in conjunction with adoption of the SPD. Monitoring and Review The SPD will be monitored annually to ensure the policy objectives are being implemented. If monitoring indicates that the SPD is not being implemented, or new planning policy guidance, or new circumstances emerge the SPD will be reviewed, or withdrawn accordingly.


5. Statement of Community Involvement

5.1 A Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out the mechanisms a Council will employ to consult on their LDF and who will be consulted and at what stage. The SCI also outlines how representations received on LDF documents will be taken into account. The Council has an adopted SCI, but this would need to be amended in the light of the new PPS12 and accompanying regulations.

5.2 However, the Council is not statutorily required to bring forward a SCI. Therefore, the Council intend to prioritise the bringing forward of the Core Strategy, West of Bewbush JAAP and the SPDs. The Council will carry out consultation against the statutory requirements of the Regulations and adhere to the Council’s corporate consultation strategy. Furthermore, although the existing SCI will be superseded by the new Regulations on 1 st September 2008 regard will be given to the SCI and much of the SCI will be applied to this LDS programme to the comparable stages of the previous regime. If resource capacity emerges without prejudicing the LDS programme then the production of an SCI will be pursued.


Local Development Framework Programme 2009 – 2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

Development Plan Documents

Core Strategy

West of Bewbush JAAP

Supplementary Planning Documents Development of Gatwick

Planning Obligations

Town Centre Wide

Planning and Climate Change

Affordable Housing

Non Statutory Consultation (Reg 25) PEM SPD Consultation

Proposed Submission (Reg27) Examination SPD Adoption

Submission Inspectors Report Adoption


6. 2008 Local Development Scheme Financial Requirements

6.1 Set out below are the anticipated financial requirements of this LDS, which for the period 2008 – 2011 equate to just over £300,000. This budgetary requirement can be met through £100,000 per annum from the LDF Base Budget and a further £80,000 per annum being available from the Housing & Planning Delivery Grant fund. However, the programme below does not take account of any future requirements to commence further DPDs or SPDs to address emerging or changing planning policy and circumstance. As is demonstrated below, if further documents were required, including formulation of their evidence base, or indeed it is deemed further Core Strategy evidence base is required the budget available would soon be pressured. Furthermore, beyond 2011, the £100,000 LDF Base Budget may not be sufficient for the submission, Examination and adoption of the Core Strategy, so further Housing & Planning Delivery Grant funding may be required to bridge fund the LDS programme.

LDS Milestone Budget Requirement (£)


Core Strategy Non Statutory Consultation 5,000 Evidence Base 75,000 West of Bewbush JAAP Submission 5,000 Alternative Development Site 5,000 Consultation Programme Officer 15,000 Examination Administration 2,500 SPD SPD Production 5,000 Total 2008/09 112,500 2009/10 Core Strategy Evidence Base 130,000 West of Bewbush JAAP Adoption 10,000 Inspector 30,000 SPD SPD Production 5,000 Total 2009/10 175,000 2010/11 Core Strategy Proposed Submission Consultation 15,000 SPD SPD Production 5,000 Total 2010/11 20,000 Total 2008/11 307,500


Post 2011 Core Strategy Financial Requirements

6.2 Notwithstanding the financial requirements for the period 2008 to 2011, set out below are the financial requirements for post 2011 to bring forward the Core Strategy review. The table clearly demonstrates the importance of continuous funding to meet the requirements of the LDS programme.

Milestone Cost Submission 20,000 Examination Administration 10,000 Programme Officer 30,000 Inspector 60,000 Adoption 15,000 Total 135,000


7. Local Development Scheme Risk Assessment

7.1 The risks to the delivery of the LDS programme have been identified as:

• Delay in the adoption of the South East Plan and its definitive planning policy context • The Government revise the LDF production process in a manner that has implications for an existing LDF programme • Staffing levels in the Forward Planning Team fall below one full time vacancy • The LDF budget post 2011 is insufficient to meet the LDS programme • Studies/assessment commissioned to inform DPD and SPD production are not delivered on time for reasons outside of the Council’s control. • Planning Inspector or Government decisions regarding the North East Sector, or the possible expansion of Gatwick are of such significance that the policy context and direction of a DPD has to be reviewed

7.2 The risks outlined above are varied in their nature and essentially contingency exists through prioritising budgets, prioritising resources and prioritising elements of the LDS programme. Once a risk has been identified the Council will work swiftly to address the risk and prioritise the most critical elements of the LDS programme.


Appendix 1

Saved Plans and Documents

This appendix outlines the existing plans and documents that will continue to be employed until they are replaced by the Core Strategy review or deemed redundant. Several plans and documents have been saved in accordance with the DCLG protocol (August 2006) and the Planning and Compulsory Planning Act. The Plans and documents that have been saved reflect that the Council adopted its Core Strategy in November 2007 and several SPDs have been adopted. The saved local plan policies are set out first, then the saved SPDs and Development Briefs.


Crawley Borough – Local Plan 2000

Title Crawley Borough Local Plan 2000

Role/Subject Local Plan. Part of Development Plan for the area. Policies, proposals, provisions and allocations for Crawley Borough to 2006

Areal Coverage All of Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes. As specified

Completion/Adoption/Approval April 2000

To be replaced Local Development Framework – Core Strategy (in part)






The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in exercise of the power conferred by paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and Compulsory

Purchase Act 2004 directs that for the purposes of the policies specified in the

Schedule (1) to this direction, paragraph 1(2)(a) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and

Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 does not apply.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State

John Cheston Senior Planning Officer Housing and Planning Directorate Government Office for the South East

26 September 2007




Policy Number Policy Title/Purpose

GD1 The Normal Requirements of All Development GD2 Development & its Setting

GD3 Operational Requirements for a Site GD4 The Comprehensive Development of Sites

GD5 Landscaping & Development GD6 Landscaping & Development GD7 Landscaping & Development

GD8 Safety & Security GD9 Safety & Security GD10 The Needs of People with Disabilities

GD12 Creative Design GD13 Specific Sustainability Measures GD14 Specific Sustainability Measures

GD15 Specific Sustainability Measures Environmental Pollution and Hazards to Health & GD16 Safety Environmental Pollution and Hazards to Health & GD17 Safety Environmental Pollution and Hazards to Health & GD18 Safety Environmental Pollution and Hazards to Health & GD19 Safety GD20 The Prevention of Pollution & Hazards

GD21 The Prevention of Pollution & Hazards GD22 The Prevention of Pollution & Hazards GD23 The Water Environment

GD24 The Water Environment GD25 The Water Environment GD26 Rubbish & Despoiled Land


Policy Number Policy Title/Purpose

GD27 Shop Fronts, Advertisements, Signs & Hoardings

GD28 Shop Fronts, Advertisements, Signs & Hoardings GD29 Shop Fronts, Advertisements, Signs & Hoardings GD30 Shop Fronts, Advertisements, Signs & Hoardings

GD31 Illumination GD32 Satellite Dishes, Antennae & Aerials GD33 Storage on Site

GD34 Construction Work GD35 Phasing, Implementation and Planning Obligations GD36 Phasing, Implementation and Planning Obligations

BN1 Conservation Areas BN2 Conservation Areas

BN3 Conservation Areas

BN4 Conservation Areas

BN5 Conservation Areas BN6 Conservation Areas

BN7 Conservation Areas

BN8 Conservation Areas

BN9 Conservation Areas BN10 Areas of Specific Environmental Quality

BN11 Listed Buildings

BN12 Listed Buildings

BN13 Listed Buildings BN14 Listed Buildings

BN15 Listed Buildings

BN16 Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest

BN17 Archeology BN18 Historic Gardens


Policy Number Policy Title/Purpose

BN21 Tree Preservation Orders

BN22 Urban Open Space BN23 Urban Open Space

BN24 Urban Open Space C7 Existing Buildings

C8 Existing Buildings

C9 Existing Buildings

C10 Agricultural Development C11 Agricultural Development

C12 Agricultural Development

C13 Development for Recreation and Leisure

C14 Development for Recreation and Leisure C15 Development for Recreation and Leisure

C16 Access to the Countryside

C17 Enhancement of the Countryside

T4 Roads T5 Roads T6 Roads

T7 Roads T8 Car Park Design

T12 Parking Standards

T13 Parking Standards

T14 Parking Standards T15 Parking Standards

T16 Park & Ride Schemes

T17 Residential Parking

T18 Residential Parking T19 Residential Parking


Policy Number Policy Title/Purpose

T20 Traffic Calming

T21 Traffic Calming

T22 Traffic Calming

T23 Public Transport T24 Public Transport

T25 Public Transport

T26 Walking and Cycling

T27 Walking and Cycling T28 Walking and Cycling

H9 Shared Accommodation

H10 Sheltered Housing

H11 Residential Care and Nursing Homes H12 Mobility Housing

H13 Wheelchair Housing Accommodation for Gypsies & Travelling H14 Showpeople H15 Proposals for Travelling Showpeople’s Quarters

H16 House Conversions Non-Residential Development within Residential H17 Areas H18 Working from Home

H19 Residential Extensions and Alterations

H20 Private Outdoor Space

H21 Allotments in New Residential Development H22 Design

E15 Employment Areas Adjacent to Residential Areas

SH15 Neighbourhood Parades & Local Shops

SH16 Non-Retail Uses SH17 Improvements to Parades SH19 Amusement Centres


Policy Number Policy Title/Purpose

SH20 Petrol Filling Stations

GAT3 General Policies

GAT4 Development at Gatwick

GAT5 Surface Transport Access GAT6 Airport Related Parking

GAT7 Airport Related Parking

GAT8 Airport Related Parking

GAT9 Airport Related Parking GAT10 Airport Related Parking

RL4 Major Built Facilities

RL5 Recreation Facilities in the Town Centre

RL8 Recreation Facilities in Neighbourhoods RL9 Specific Sites in the Neighbourhoods

RL13 Outdoor Facilities Serving the Town

RL14 Outdoor Facilities Serving the Town

RL15 Outdoor Facilities Serving the Town RL17 Small-Scale Outdoor Facilities

RL19 Outdoor Play and Recreational Space

RL20 Outdoor Play and Recreational Space

RL21 Outdoor Play and Recreational Space RL22 Outdoor Play and Recreational Space

RL24 Linear Open Space

RL25 Linear Open Space

RL26 Specific Sites RL27 Specific Sites

RL28 Specific Sites

RL29 Allotments RL30 Tourism


Policy Number Policy Title/Purpose

RL31 Hotels

RL33 Caravan and Camping Facilities COM3 Sites for Community Uses Land at Apple Tree Farm, Langley Lane, is allocated COM4 for a community use. COM11 Education

COM14 Education COM15 Mixed Use of Community Services

COM16 The Courts

COM18 Libraries

COM19 Waste Disposal COM20 Waste Disposal

COM21 Public Conveniences

COM22 Public Conveniences


Title SPGN1 Development at Gatwick Airport

Role/Subject Agreed proposals and allocations for development at Gatwick Airport to 2008/9 in accordance with the Gatwick Airport Sustainable Development Strategy Area Coverage Within airport boundary as shown on the Proposals Map of the Crawley Borough Local Plan Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval February 2001

To be replaced The review of the SPG will be encapsulated within the production of the Gatwick Supplementary Planning Document.

Title SPGN2 Standards for Dwelling Sub- Division Role/Subject Guidance on the standards and requirements for acceptable proposals to create more dwelling units by sub-dividing houses Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes


To be replaced The review of the SPG will be encapsulated within the production of the Housing Standards Supplementary Planning Document.

Title SPGN3 – Standards for New Housing Development Role/Subject Guidance on the standards and requirements for acceptable proposals to develop new houses Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval 1999

To be replaced The review of the SPG will be encapsulated within the production of the Housing Standards Supplementary Planning Document.


Title SPGN4 – Standards for Private Outdoor Space Role/Subject Guidance on the standards and requirements for providing private open space for dwellings and the spacing between dwellings Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes


To be replaced The review of the SPG will be encapsulated within the production of the Housing Standards Supplementary Planning Document.

Title SPGN5 – Residential Extensions

Role/Subject To provide guidance on the standards and requirements for proposals for extending houses Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes, March to April 2001

Completion/Adoption/Approval June 2001

To be replaced No although some minor amendments required for clarification

Title SPGN6 – Trees

Role/Subject To provide guidance on retaining and protecting trees Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval March 2002

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced


Title SPGN7 – Shop fronts

Role/Subject Guidance aimed at securing good design in shop fronts, especially in visually sensitive locations Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes


To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title SPGN8 – Signs and Advertisements

Role/Subject Guidance aimed at securing good design for signs and advertisements and avoiding visual clutter especially in sensitive locations Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes


To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title SPGN9 – Access

Role/Subject To provide guidance on the standards and requirements for access for the disabled in all development Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes. October 2001

Completion/Adoption/Approval March 2002

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced


Title SPGN10 – Affordable Housing

Role/Subject Sets out the requirements for securing affordable housing from housing development proposals Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval March 2002

To be replaced Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Title SPGN11 – Public Art

Role/Subject Sets out the Council’s aspirations for securing public art through new development Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes. late 2002

Completion/Adoption/Approval March 2003

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title SPGN12 – Mobility and Wheelchairs

Role/Subject Guidance on the standards and requirements for achieving housing development suitable for use by the handicapped and disabled Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes


To be replaced The review of the SPG will be encapsulated within the production of the Housing Standards Supplementary Planning Document.


Title SPGN13 – Landscaping and Greening the Environment Role/Subject To provide guidance on requirements and standards for landscaping development Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes


To be replaced The review of the SPG will be undertaken once the Council has completed a PPG17 (Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation) compliant open space assessment to supplement the existing Green Space Strategy

Title SPDN14 – Sustainable Design

Role/Subject To provide guidance on securing more sustainable development Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes


To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced.

Title SPGN15 – Telecommunications Development Role/Subject To provide guidance on the requirements for the siting of telecommunication equipment Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes. June 2002

Completion/Adoption/Approval September 2002

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced


Title SPGN16 – Parking Standards

Role/Subject Sets out parking standards for development

Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes. October and November 2002

Completion/Adoption/Approval January 2003

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title SPGN17 – Higher Density Housing - Achieving High Quality Design Role/Subject Provides guidance on securing well- designed, higher density housing schemes that respect the quality of the surrounding area. Areal Coverage Crawley Borough

Consultation Yes. October 2004

Completion/Adoption/Approval February 2005

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title Development Brief for Crawley Traders Market Role/Subject To provide guidelines on the requirements for proposals to develop Crawley Traders Market and land to the west an allocated retail and business use site in the Local Plan 2000 Areal Coverage Crawley Traders Market and adjacent land in the High Street Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval October 1998

To be replaced At present not planned to be replaced


Title Development Brief for Deerswood Upper School Role/Subject To provide guidelines on the requirements for proposals to develop a surplus school site in Ifield Areal Coverage The site of the former Deerswood Upper School Consultation

Completion/Adoption/Approval January 2002

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced.

Title Development Brief for Land West of the High Street Role/Subject To provide guidance on the requirements for proposals to develop land west of the High Street allocated in the Local Plan for commercial uses and housing Areal Coverage The site of Sussex House, the old Cinema and old Bowling Alley and adjacent land west of the High Street Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval May 1998

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced. However, the Town Centre North and Town Centre SPD may encapsulate the review of this SPG.

Title Development Principles Statement for Role/Subject To identify the principles which should apply to proposals to redevelop ICC and to develop any surplus land Areal Coverage Ifield Community College campus, Ifield

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval December 2002

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced.


Title Development Principles Statement for Thomas Bennett Community College Role/Subject To identify the principles which should apply to proposals to redevelop TBCC and to develop any surplus land Areal Coverage Thomas Bennett and Desmond Anderson Schools campus, Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval December 2002

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title Key Development Principles for the Haslett Avenue/Telford Place Site Role/Subject To identify the key principles which should apply to proposals to develop a site adjacent to the Town Centre Areal Coverage The Haslett Avenue and Telford Place Development Site Consultation Yes. 2 nd Quarter 2003

Completion/Adoption/Approval September 2003

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title Development Principles for Dunsfold Close Role/Subject To identify the key principles which should apply to proposals to develop land at Dunsfold Close, , an allocated site for housing and community uses in the Local Plan 2000 Areal Coverage Land at Dunsfold Close, Langley Green

Consultation Yes. August 2003

Completion/Adoption/Approval Further work needs to take place regarding existing car parking. To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced


Title Conservation Area Statement for Dyers Almshouses Conservation Area Role/Subject A statement of the conservation policies for and guidance on acceptable development in the Dyers Almshouses Conservation Area Areal Coverage Dyers Almshouses Conservation Area

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval December 1998

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title Conservation Area Statement for Sunnymead Flats Conservation Area Role/Subject A statement of the conservation policies for and guidance on acceptable development in the Sunnymead Flats Conservation Area, together with proposals for improvements to the area Areal Coverage Sunnymead Flats Conservation Area

Consultation Yes. November 2003

Completion/Adoption/Approval Spring 2004

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title Conservation Area Statement for St Peter’s Church Conservation Area Role/Subject A statement of the conservation policies for and guidance on acceptable development in the St Peter’s Church Conservation Area, together with proposals for improvements to the area Areal Coverage St Peter’s Church Conservation Area

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval Spring 2004

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced


Title Conservation Area Statement for Crawley High Street Role/Subject A statement of the conservation policies for and guidance on acceptable development in the Crawley High Street Conservation Area, together with proposals for improvements to the area Areal Coverage Crawley High Street Conservation Area

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval December 1998

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title Conservation Area Statement for Worth Conservation Area Role/Subject A statement of the conservation policies for and guidance on acceptable development in the Worth Conservation Area, together with proposals for improvements to the area Areal Coverage Worth Conservation Area

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval September 2003

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced

Title Conservation Area Statement for Ifield Village Conservation Area Role/Subject A statement of the conservation policies for and guidance on acceptable development in the Ifield Village Conservation Area, together with proposals for improvements to the area Areal Coverage Ifield Village Conservation Area

Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval September 1999

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced


Title Conservation Area Statement for Forestfield and Shrublands Conservation Area Role/Subject A statement of the conservation policies for and guidance on acceptable development in the Forestfields and Shrublands Conservation Area, together with proposals for improvements to the area Areal Coverage Forestfield and Shrublands Conservation Area Consultation Yes

Completion/Adoption/Approval October 1998

To be replaced At present, not planned to be replaced