Evaluating threats posed by exotic Phytophthora species to endangered Coyote ceanothus and selected natural communities in the Santa Clara NCCP area Final report 1 March 2018 Client Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Funding provided by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Natural Community Conservation Planning Local Assistance Grant Program Prepared by Tedmund J. Swiecki, Ph.D., Principal / Plant Pathologist Elizabeth Bernhardt, Ph.D., Principal / Plant Pathologist Phytosphere Project 2016-0601 P HYTOSPHERE R ESEARCH 1027 DAVIS STREET, VACAVILLE, CA 95687-5495
[email protected] http://phytosphere.com 707.452.8735 Evaluating threats posed by exotic Phytophthora species Final report – March 2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The goals of this project were to: (1) detect Phytophthora species that are either currently impacting or have the potential to seriously degrade populations of covered plants in the Plan Area, and (2) use this information to develop a management strategy to minimize introductions of pathogens and limit/contain impacts in affected areas. We developed a sampling strategy by using GIS data to determine where various priority habitat types with Phytophthora-susceptible vegetation might be exposed to Phytophthora contamination from roads, trails, past restoration plantings, or other known risk pathways. We also considered proximity to lands enrolled or proposed for enrollment in the NCCP reserve system, access, and in-field observations of vegetation symptoms and risk factors to determine sampling locations. We collected 189 samples from Santa Clara County Parks, and Santa Clara County Open Space Authority preserves, and other reserve system areas with high-priority vegetation types. Sixty-eight samples were collected in extant populations of Coyote ceanothus (Ceanothus ferrisiae).