Yellow Fever Conference
YELLOW FEVER CONFERENCE (Washington, D. C., December 21-22, 1954)4 1"I: Scientific Publications No. 19 October, 1955 PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU Regional Office of the World Health Organization Washington, D. C. Reprinted from THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE (Vol. 4, No. 4, July 1955) YELLOW FEVER CONFERENCE (Washington, D. C., December 21-22, 1954) PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU Regional Office of the World Health Organization 1501 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington 6, D. C. YELLOW FEVER CONFERENCE' 21-22 December, 1954 PABTICIPANTS U. S. Public Health Service Dr. Justin Andrews, Assistant Surgeon General Dr. Fred J. Brady, Medical Director, International Health Representative Dr. Victor H. Haas, Medical Director, Microbiological Institute, National Institutes of Health Dr. Willard H. Wright, Veterinarian Director, Laboratory of Tropical Diseases, Micro- biological Institute, National Institutes of Health Dr. Roger Cole, Surgeon, Assistant to the Chief, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Microbiological Institute, National Institutes of Health Dr. George H. Bradley, Scientist Director, Assistant Chief, Communicable Disease Center Mr. Melvin Goodwin, Senior Scientist, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Georgia Dr. John Scruggs, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Georgia Dr. C. B. Spencer, Medical Director, Chief, Division Foreign Quarantine Dr. Knud Stowman, Division Foreign Quarantine Dr. John H. Hughes, Senior Scientist, Division Foreign Quarantine Mr. Roy F. Fritz, Senior Scientist, Chief, Surveillance Section, Epidemiological Branch, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Georgia Dr. Donald R. Johnson, Entomologist, Health Services Branch, Division of International Health Dr. Henry Van Zile Hyde, Chief, Division of International Health U. S. Army Col. Norman W. Elton, Director, Medical Laboratories, Army Chemical Center, Edge- wood, Maryland Col.
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