
Laboratory Manual

Regional Medical Research Centre Indian Council of Medical Research Port Blair


Laboratory Manual

Regional Medical Research Centre Indian Council of Medical Research Port Blair Copyright© World Health Organization (2007)

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Leptospirosis is an important public health problem of India. Recently there has been frequent resurgence of this malady coinciding with the natural calamity. In spite of considerable advances in the management of this condition, timely and accurate diagnosis is often diffi cult, owing to its atypical presentation and similarity of signs and symptoms with other infectious diseases.

It is indeed a matter of great satisfaction to learn that RMRC, Port Blair in collaboration with WHO is bringing out the much needed manual on laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis. This manual is a crystallization of more than a decade of experiences and endeavour of the scientists of RMRC Port Blair working in the fi eld of leptospirosis. This is a meticulously planned manual presented in a simple way for its use in the laboratory for the diagnosis and characterization of leptospirosis. This book will be of signifi cant utility and will prove to be a ready reckoner for the clinicians and the laboratory personnel as well.

I sincerely compliment the joint efforts of RMRC, Port Blair and WHO in bringing out this manual which I am sure will serve as a useful guide for early detection of the disease, and thus reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with leptospirosis.

(N.K. Ganguly) Director General

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Laboratory Manual iii


Leptospirosis is becoming an increasingly signifi cant public health problem, particularly in tropical developing countries. The whole of Southeast and South Asia are endemic to the disease. Frequent outbreaks are occurring, many of which in the aftermath of natural disasters. Yearly upsurges and outbreaks are common in rice cultivating regions as a large number of farmers get exposed to contaminated wet environment. Complications such as severe pulmonary haemorrhages and renal failure are being reported more frequently. Once these complications set in, it is diffi cult to save the patient even in most well-equipped hospitals and the case fatality ratio becomes very high.

In most of the developing countries where leptospirosis is endemic, no specifi c control programme is in operation and the surveillance is often incomplete. Therefore, the disease outbreaks continue unchecked and even an estimate of the disease burden is missing. Being a zoonotic disease with a large spectrum of animal carriers and the diffi culty in preventing exposure of the people, whose subsistence depends upon small scale farming and other occupations closely linked to the environment, it is diffi cult to devise an effective control strategy. In this situation, early case detection and treatment becomes very important for reducing the morbidity and mortality.

The two obstacles for early case detection are the lack of awareness of the people and medical professionals about the disease and the unavailability of laboratory support for diagnosis. Because of the frequent occurrence of the disease either in the form of outbreaks or as sporadic cases, awareness, at least among the medical professionals is increasing. However, lack of laboratory support and trained laboratory manpower is still an important issue in leptospirosis surveillance and control. Several rapid test kits has become available in the market in the recent years. However, there is no uniform standard or algorithm for laboratory diagnosis. There is a need to systematically evaluate these commercially available tests and evolve a diagnostic algorithm.

This Centre has been carrying out research on leptospirosis for about one and a half decades now. Since 1999 it is working as the National Leptospirosis Reference Centre and since 2003 as WHO Collaborating Centre for Diagnosis, Research, Reference and Training in Leptospirosis. As part of these activities, the Centre has also been conducting Hands-on-Training Workshop on laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis on alternate years.

We at this Centre thought it worthwhile to bring out a document based on the information generated by the research activities of the Centre and the Collaborative efforts of this Centre and WHO. This manual is a result of this. The primary objective is to briefl y present the existing knowledge about the disease and its pathogen and draw guidelines for procedures for laboratory diagnosis and characterization of leptospires. I hope this document jointly published by the Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Port Blair and WHO will address some of the current issues in leptospirosis diagnosis, surveillance and control.

P. Vijayachari

Laboratory Manual v


List of Abbreviations viii

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1

CHAPTER 2 Historical Perspective 4


CHAPTER 4 Epidemiology of Leptospirosis 13

CHAPTER 5 Clinical Manifestations 22

CHAPTER 6 Laboratory Diagnosis 27

CHAPTER 7 Serological Characterization of Leptospires 46

CHAPTER 8 Molecular Tools in the Diagnosis and Characterization of Leptospires 52

ANNEXURES I. Preparation of EMJH Medium 61 II. Preparation of Fletcher’s Medium 62 III. Maintenance of Leptospires 63 IV. Purifi cation of Contaminated Cultures 64 V. Preparation of Antisera 65 VI. Requirements for a Leptospirosis Laboratory 66 VII. Measurement of the Density of Leptospira Culture 67 VIII. General Safety Rules for Leptospirosis Laboratories 68 IX. Typing of Leptospira Isolates – Report Format 69

Laboratory Manual vii List of Abbreviations

5-FU - 5-Fluoro Uracil

AFLP - Amplifi ed Fragment Length Polymorphism

Ag - Antigen

APPCR - Arbitrarily Primed PCR

CAAT - Cross Agglutination Absorption Test

DGM - Dark Ground Microscopy

DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid

EIA - Enzyme Immuno Assay

ELISA - Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay

EMJH - Ellinghausen McCullough Johnson Harris Medium

FAFLP - Fluorescent Amplifi ed Fragment Length Polymorphism

IFA - Immuno Fluorescent Antibody Test

IHA - Indirect Haemagglutination Test

ILS - International Leptospirosis Society

Lepto-LAT - Latex Agglutination Test

mAbs - Monoclonal Antibodies

MAT - Microscopic Agglutination Test

MCAT - Microcapsule Agglutination Test

MSAT - Macroscopic Slide Agglutination Test

PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction

PFGE - Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis

RAPD - Random Amplifi ed Polymorphic DNA fi ngerprinting

REA - Restriction Enzyme nuclease Analysis

RFLP - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism viii Leptospirosis Chapter 1



eptospirosis is an acute bacterial infection form is that presenting with severe pulmonary caused by spirochetes belonging to the haemorrhage4, 10, 11. Other complications include genus Leptospira1 that can lead to multiple acute respiratory failure14, myocarditis15, L 16 organ involvement and fatal complications. It meningitis and renal failure . Uveitis has has a wide geographical distribution and occurs recently been recognized as a late complication in tropical, subtropical and temperate climatic of leptospirosis17, 18. zones. In the developed world most cases that occur are associated with recreational Pulmonary haemorrhage is perhaps the most exposure to contaminated water. The incidence fatal complication in leptospirosis. In Andamans, seems to be increasing in developing countries. a signifi cantly higher case fatality ratio has Some countries, where leptospirosis is under been observed amongst patients who develop surveillance, have recorded this increase in pulmonary haemorrhage as compared to patients incidence2. Most countries in the South East with other clinical presentations11. Serovar Lai Asia region are endemic to leptospirosis. The belonging to serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae International Leptospirosis Society (ILS) made had been incriminated as a cause of leptospirosis an attempt to compile data on occurrence of with haemoptysis as the predominant symptom leptospirosis in various countries3 and the data in China and Korea19. But other serovars such as showed that tens of thousands of severe cases Australis have also been found to be associated occur annually world-wide. This could only be with similar clinical presentation3, 20. Serovars an under-estimate as only a small number of Canicola and Pomona were involved in the countries participated in the survey and even 1995 outbreak in Nicaragua21, 22. Serogroup in those countries, leptospirosis surveillance is Canicola was responsible for an outbreak of far from complete. leptospirosis with pulmonary haemorrhage in Orissa, India after the super-cyclone in 19993, 8. A number of leptospirosis outbreaks have In Andaman Islands, a few serovars belonging to occurred during the past few years in various the serogroup Grippotyphosa including Valbuzzi countries particularly in South America4, 5, 6 and have been isolated from cases of leptospirosis India 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Some of these were as a result of with pulmonary haemorrhage23. natural calamities such as cyclone and fl ood. The other most common fatal complication is Leptospirosis is considered as the most renal failure. It was observed that a signifi cant widespread in the world12. proportion of cases with renal failure attending Leptospirosis affects human beings and many nephrology dept. in Chennai, India had other species of vertebrates. It can present leptospiral etiology16. However, in most cases, in a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations renal failure is reversed with conservative in human beings13. The syndrome of icteric measures such as maintaining fl uid and leptospirosis with renal involvement is referred electrolyte balance and symptomatic therapy11. to as Weil’s disease. Another recognized clinical Other complications such as meningitis rarely

Laboratory Manual 1 become fatal. Myocarditis may some times of the tropical region with plenty of rainfall cause intractable hypotension and cardiac and it is often diffi cult to avoid exposure arrhythmias and might become fatal. of the people to animals or contaminated environment. Because of this, early case Leptospirosis, being a zoonotic disease with detection and prompt treatment and creating a large variety of animal species acting as awareness about the disease among the people carriers, is diffi cult to eliminate and perhaps and public health professionals are the steps even control in tropical developing countries. that could be taken to reduce the magnitude The is adapted to the environment of the problem.

2 Leptospirosis References

1. Waitkins SA. 1987. Leptospirosis. In: Manson’s Tropical Diseases, 19th edn. Eds. Manson-Bhor PEC, Bell DR. London, Bailliére Tindall. p 657 – 665. 2. Tangkanakul W, Tharmaphornpil P, Plikaytis BD, Bragg S, Poonsuksombat D, Choomkasien P, Kingnate D, Ashford DA. 2000. Risk factors associated with leptospirosis in Northeastern Thailand, 1998. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 63 (3, 4): 204 – 208. 3. Smythe LD, Field HE, Barnett LJ, Smith CS, Dohnt MF, Symonds ML, Moore MR, Rolfe PF. 2002. Leptospiral antibodies in fl ying foxes in Australia. J Wildl Dis, 38 (1): 182 – 6.. 4. Zaki SR, Sheih WJ. 1996. Leptospirosis associated with outbreak of acute febrile illness with pulmonary haemorrhage, Nicaragua, 1995. The epidemic working group at Ministry of Health in Nicaragua. Lancet, 347 (9000): 535 – 536. 5. Ko AI, Reis MG, Dourado CMR, Johnson Jr. WD, Riley LW, Salvador Leptospirosis Study Group. 1999. Urban epidemic of severe leptospirosis in Brazil. The Lancet, 354: 820 – 825. 6. Barcellos C, Sabroza PC. 2001. The place behind the case: leptospirosis risk and associated environmental conditions in a fl ood-related outbreak in Rio de Janeiro. Cad Saüde Püblica, Rio de Janeiro, 17: 59 – 67. 7. World Health Organization. 2000. Leptospirosis, India - report of the investigation of a post-cyclone outbreak in Orissa, November, 1999. Wkly Epidemiol Rec, 75: 217 – 223. 8. Sehgal SC, Sugunan AP, Vijayachari P. 2001. Outbreak of leptospirosis after cyclone in Orissa. National Med J India, 15 (1): 22 – 23. 9. Karande S, Kulkarni H, Kulkarni M, De A, Varaiya A. 2002. Leptospirosis in children in Mumbai slums. Indian J Pediatr, 69: 855 – 858. 10. Sehgal SC, Murhekar MV, Sugunan AP. 1995. Outbreak of leptospirosis with pulmonary involvement in North Andaman. Indian J Med Res, 102: 9 – 12. 11. Singh SS, Vijayachari P, Sinha A, Sugunan AP, Rashid MA, Sehgal SC. 1999. Clinico-epidemiological study of hospitalized cases severe leptospirosis. Indian J Med Res, 109: 94 – 99. 12. Faine S. 1982. Guidelines for control of leptospirosis. Geneva, World Health Organization. 13. Levett PN. 2001. Leptospirosis. Clin Microbiol Rev, 14: 296 – 326. 14. Silvia RRV, Brauner JS. 2002. Leptospirosis as a cause of acute respiratory failure: clinical features and outcome in 35 critical care patients. Brazilian J Infect Dis, 6 (3): 135 – 139. 15. Ramachandran S, Perera MVF. 1977. Cardiac and pulmonary involvement in leptospirosis. Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg, 71 (1): 56 – 59. 16. Muthusethupathy MA, Sivakumar S, Vijayakumar R, Jayakumar M. 1994. Renal involvement in leptospirosis – our experience in Madras city. J Post Graduate Med (India), 40 (3): 127 – 131. 17. Rathinamsivakumar, Ratnam S, Sureshbabu L, Natarajaseenivasan K. 1996. Leptospiral antibodies in patients with recurrent ophthalmic involvement. Indian J Med Res, 103: 66 – 68. 18. Rathinam SR, Rathnam S, Selvaraj S, Dean D, Nozik RA, Namperumalsamy P. 1997. Uveitis associated with an epidemic outbreak of leptospirosis. Am J ophthalmol, 124 (1): 71 – 79. 19. Oh HB, Chang WH, Cho MK, Seong WK, Park KS. 1991. Identifi cation of new serovars yeonchon and hongchon belonging to Leptospira interrogans of the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup. J. Korean Soc Microbiol 26: 253 – 262. 20. Simpson FG, Green KA, Haug GJ, Brookes DL. 1999. Leptospirosis associated with severe pulmonary haemorrhage in Far North Queensland. Med J Aust 169: 151 – 153. 21. Zeurner RL, Bolin CA. 1997. Differentiation of Leptospira interrogans isolates by Is1500 hybridization and PCR assays. J Clin Microbiol 35: 2612 – 2617. 22. Trefejo RT, Rigau-Perez JG, Ashford DA et al. 1998. Epidemic leptospirosis associated with pulmonary haemorrhage – Nicaragua, 19956. J Infect Dis 178: 1457 – 1463. 23. Vijayachari P, Sehgal SC, Goris MGA, Terpstra WJ, Hartskeerl RA. 2003. Leptospira interrogans serovar Valbuzzi: a case of severe pulmonary haemorrhages in Andaman Islands. J Med Microbiol 52: 913 – 918.

Laboratory Manual 3 Chapter 2

Historical Perspective


n 1886, Adolf Weil described a clinical presence of spiral organisms in kidney specimens syndrome characterized by splenomegaly, stained with Levadeti technique (used to Ijaundice, haemorrhages and nephritis1. demonstrate spirocheats) from a patient4. A This syndrome is usually referred to as Weil’s World Health Organization Scientifi c Group on disease and this has become synonymous with Research in Leptospirosis (1962-65) recognized leptospirosis. Clinical syndromes resembling Stimson’s description as the fi rst demonstration Weil’s description of haemorrhagic jaundice, of leptospira5. Naguchi, who himself was not have been known for many centuries. Such a physician, grew a from the liver diseases were recognized as occupational specimen of a patient, who, he was told, had hazards of rice farmers in ancient China2. In died of yellow fever. He named this organism as Japan, diseases with traditional names such Spirochaeta icteroids. It closely resembled the as nanukayami (seven day fever), akiyami causative organism of Weil’s disease and it was (autumn fever) or hasamiyami (autumn fever in not possible to distinguish the two organisms in Hasami district) were later proved to be due to cross-protection tests in guinea pigs. By 1930, leptospirosis. In Europe and Australia diseases after the discovery of yellow fever virus, it with various local names such as cane-cutter’s became clear that the two organisms were disease, swine-herd’s disease and Schlammfi eber essentially the same and the patient might have (mud fever) were also later recognized as due had leptospirosis rather than yellow fever. to leptospiral infection. Thus, leptospirosis had various names in different parts of the world The Japanese workers who discovered the that denoted seasonal association, symptoms, organism responsible for Weil’s disease named duration or occupations that were thought to it Spirochaeta icterohaemorrhagiae. However, be associated with the disease. there were considerable differences in the appearance and movement of this organism from Leptospires were fi rst identifi ed as the cause of other . When Stimson observed the Weil’s disease in Japan, where it was common organism in the kidney specimens, he had doubts among coal miners3. In 1915, Inada and Ido about it being a spirochaete and designated successfully transmitted the infection to guinea it provisionally as Spirochaeta interrogans on pigs and from the blood of the infected animals account of its hooked extremities. The Germans they grew the responsible organism. Unaware Huebener and Reiter called the organism of this development, Huebener and Reiter Spirochaeta icterogenes and Uhlenhuth and reported the successful transmission of Weil’s Fromme as Spirochaeta nodosa. The French, disease to guinea pigs in October 1915. They however, adhered to the original nomenclature demonstrated fl agella like bodies in Giemsa stained blood smears. Ten days later Uhlenhuth Leptospires were fi rst identifi ed and Fromme also reported similar fi ndings. They as the cause of Weil’s disease also recorded anicteric leptospirosis caused by in Japan, where it was common the same spirochaete for the fi rst time. Several years before this, Stimson had reported the among coal miners.

4 Leptospirosis Rodents are the fi rst leptospirosis in animals was recognized as an recognized carriers of important veterinary problem as well as a source of infection to man. During the period leptospires. A large number from 1950s to 1970s much data on the ecology of studies on seroprevalence of leptospires in tropical countries were and leptospiral carrier state in generated because of military operations in South East Asia. rodents have been conducted in various countries. Rodents are the fi rst recognized carriers of leptospires. A large number of studies on Spirochaeta icterohaemorrhagiae of the seroprevalence and leptospiral carrier state Japanese authors on the ground that the in rodents have been conducted in various Japanese workers, being the discoverers of countries. The disease in cattle was fi rst the organism, were alone entitled to name identifi ed in Russia1. A series of studies conducted the organism. Naguchi introduced the genus by W.A. Ellis and colleagues in Northern Ireland Leptospira in 1917 on account of the difference during 1970s and 80s revealed many aspects of in morphology and movement. He described the transmission of the infection in animals9, the characteristic feature of this organism 10, 11. During the same period several studies as ‘long, slender, cylindrical, highly fl exible conducted in various countries generated a fi lament with tightly set, regular, shallow lot of data on the dynamics of transmission of spirals’. The family among the the disease in various domestic animal species. Order of Spirocheatales was proposed by Pillot It has now become clear that almost any and Ryter in 1965. mammalian species including wild animals and aquatic mammals can harbour leptospires and Soon after the discovery that Weil’s disease was can act as source of infection to man. caused by leptospires, several other disease entities were recognized to have a leptospiral Initial studies on pathogenesis showed that etiology. These include ‘nanukayami’ or the leptospires are widely distributed in the organs. Japanese seven-day fever and ‘akiyami’ The studies also showed that leptospires the harvest fever. The same Japanese group adhere to platelets and this adhesion was that identifi ed leprospires described the role thought to be the cause of thrombocytopaenia of rats as their carriers3. During the early and haemorrhages seen in Weil’s disease. days, it was considered that there were Information about immunity was generated three types of leptospires i.e. Leptospira soon after the discovery of the organism and icterohaemorrhagiae, L. icteroids and L. it was understood that immunity is mostly hebdomadis, which differed serologically humoral in nature. In the initial publications, from one another though morphologically they an immune agglutination with convalescent were similar6. Leptospires were thought to be sera was described. Soon several serological responsible for yellow fever, seven-day fever tests including latex, haemagglutination and and Weil’s disease and probably for dengue other macroscopic agglutination tests were and sand fl y fever6. developed. Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) developed some 70 years ago still remains as Much of the basic current knowledge about the standard. An ELISA test for the diagnosis of leptospires and leptospirosis was understood leptospirosis was developed in 1980s12. Before within a decade of the discovery of leptospires. the discovery of antibiotics, specifi c therapy was Several types of leptospires such as limited to immunotherapy using rabbit or horse L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. canicola, antisera and arsenicals. Since rats were the L. grippotyphosa, L. andamana, L. australis, fi rst recognized animal carrier of leptospires, L. bataviae, L. tarassovi and L. pomona were the initial attempts at control of the disease recognized during this period7, 8. By 1940s were centred on rodent control. Once it was

Laboratory Manual 5 understood that a wide variety of animals can reports of leptospirosis, diagnosed either by harbour the organism and act as the source demonstration or isolation of the organisms or of infection to man, the diffi culties in control by serological evidence, appeared regularly became obvious. from several places including Calcutta, Assam and Bombay17, 18, 19. But after the 40s, reports of In India, reports of Weil’s disease had started leptospirosis were comparatively few till 1980 appearing in the literature by the end of and most the reports, which appeared during 19th century13. Chowdry reported a series of this period, were from the four metropolises. jaundice cases that occurred over a decade starting from 1892 in Andaman, which he Earlier, the disease was confi ned to a few believed were cases of malaria, though malaria places like the Andamans, Bombay, Calcutta parasite was not seen in blood smears. Later and Madras. During the 80s reports of human researchers believed that these were actually leptospirosis started appearing in increasing cases of Weil’s disease6, 14. Wolley reported frequency and in many places, where it a series of 40 cases of severe malaria with had never occurred earlier. Outbreaks have jaundice and 17 deaths that occurred among occurred in various places and often with high self-supporting convicts of Andamans in 190915. mortality rates. Though there has not been any In this series also, malaria parasite was absent systematic compilation of data on incidence of in blood smear. Wolley also reported observing the disease, judged by the number of reports motile rod like structures attached to RBCs. appearing in the literature, the disease is In 1921 de Castro reported fi ve cases of ‘toxic becoming more and more common. Now it has jaundice or unknown origin’ in Andamans16. He been recognized that the disease occurs in all examined blood fi lms for leptospira but failed the Southern states, in West Bengal and Assam in to demonstrate them. In 1926, Barker reviewed the Eastern Region, in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and these reports and concluded that these cases Delhi in the North, in Maharashtra and Gujarat were actually cases of Weil’s disease. He also in the West and in the Andaman islands. In obtained microscopical evidence of presence of many places like the Andamans, Tamil Nadu and leptospires in stained blood fi lms of patients. Kerala, leptospirosis has been recognized as an important public health problem. Leptospirosis In 1931, the fi rst report of bacteriologically accounts for considerable proportion cases with confi rmed cases of leptospirosis originated clinical complications like renal failure and from the Andaman islands14. Twenty four myocarditis20, 21, 22. Considering the epidemic isolates of leptospires were obtained within a potential of the disease and the nature of period of four months from 64 patients with the environment and lifestyle of the people, Weil’s disease among the free-living convicts leptospirosis is a constant threat to the health in Port Blair and surrounding villages. Isolated of our people23.

6 Leptospirosis References

1. Weil A. 1886. Ueber eine eigenthümliche, mit Milztumor, icterus and nephritis einhergehende, acute infectionsskrankheit. Dtsch Arch Klin Med, 39: 209. (As quoted in Levett PN, 2001). 2. Faine S, Alder B, Bolin C, Perolat P (eds). Leptospira and Leptospirosis. 1999, Melbourne, Australia, MediSci. 3. Faine, S. 1994. Leptospira and Leptospirosis. London, CRC Press. 4. Stimson AM. 1907. Note on an organism found in yellow-fever tissue. Pub Hlth Rep, 22: 541. (As reproduced in Faine S, 1994) 5. Abdussalam M, Alexander AD, Babudieri B, Borg-Peterson C, Eichhorn EA, Galton MM, Kaplan MM, Stableforth AW, Turner LH, van der Hoeden J, Wolff JW, Yager RH. 1965. Classifi cation of leptospires and recent advances in leptospirosis. Bull Wrld Hlth Org, 32: 881 – 891. 6. Baker MF, Baker HJ. 1970. Pathogenic leptospires in Malaysian surface waters I. A method of survey for leptospira in natural waters and soils. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 19: 485 – 492. 7. Kmety E, Dicken H. 1988. Revised list of “Leptospira” serovars. I Alphebetical order, II chronological order, 1 and 2, Griningen, the Netherlands, University Press. 8. Kmety E, Dicken H. 1993. Classifi cation of the species Leptospira interrogans and history of its serovars. Griningen, the Netherlands, University Press. 9. Ellis WA, Logan EF, O’Brien JJ, Neill SD, Ferguson HW, Hanna J. 1978. Antibodies to leptospira in the sera of aborted bovine fetuses. Vet Rec, 103: 237 – 239. 10. Ellis WA, O’Brien JJ, Cassells J. 1981. Role of cattle in the maintenance of Leptospira interrogans serotype hardjo infection in Northern Ireland. Vet Rec, 108: 555 – 557. 11. Ellis WA, McParland PJ, Bryson DG, McNulty MS. 1985. Leptospires in pig urogenital tract and fetuses. Vet Rec, 117: 66 – 67. 12. Terpstra WJ, Ligthart GS, Schoone GJ. 1985. ELISA for the detection o specifi c IgM and IgG in human leptospirosis. J Gen Microbiol 11: 452 – 457. 13. Chowdry AK. Jaundice at Port Blair, Andaman Islands. Indian Med. Gaz (1903): 38: 409 -412. 14. Taylor, J & Goyle, A.N. Leptospirosis in Andamans. Indian Medical Research Memoirs. (Memoir No. 20): Supplementary series to the Ind. J. Med. Researdh (1931). 15. Woolley JM. Malaria in Andamans. Indian Med. Gaz (1913): 48: 266-267. 16. de Castro AB. 1922. Toxic Jaundice of unknown origin. Indian Med. Gaz. 57: 292. 17. Dasgupta, B.M. & Chopra, R.N. The occurrence of Weil’s disease in India. Indian Med. Gaz (1937); 72: 610-612. 18. Dasgupta, B.M. A note upon an interesting serological type of leptospira in the Andamans. Indian Med. Gaz (1939): 74: 88-89. 19. Dalal, P.M. Leptospirosis in Bombay: Report of fi ve cases. Indian J. Med. Sci (1960): 14: 295 – 301. 20. Muthusethupathy, M.A. & Sivakumar, S. Acute renal failure due to leptospirosis. J. Asso. Phy. India (1987): 35: 631-635. 21. Muthusethupathy, M.A., Sivakumar, S., Suguna Rajendar, Vijayakumar, R. & Jyaykumar, M. Leptospiral renal failure in Madras city. Indian J. Nephro – News Series (1991): 1: 15-16. 22. Ramachandran S, Perera MVF. Cardiac and pulmonary involvement in leptospirosis. Trans. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg (1977): 71 No.1: 56-59. 23. Sehgal SC. Leptospirosis on the horizon. National medical journal of India. (2000); 13 (5): 228-30

Laboratory Manual 7 Chapter 3



Morphology Fig. 2. Electronmicrograph of leptospires eptospires are fl exible helical rods that (45,0000X) are actively motile. The motility of Lleptospires is characterized by rotation about its longitudinal axis and fl exion and extension. The rotatory movement occurs in both directions alternately. Usually one or both ends are bent or hooked. They are too thin to be seen under light microscope and are best visualized under dark ground microscope. They cannot be stained readily with aniline dyes and can be stained only faintly by Giemsa stain. Leptospires are best stained by silver Electron microscopic features impregnation techniques1-3. The cell of leptospira has several coils. The coils have amplitude of 0.1 µm to 0.15 µm and Microscopic appearance under dark a wavelength of approximately 0.5 µm. Freshly ground illumination isolated pathogenic leptospires tend to be The bacterial cells are thin, fi nely coiled and shorter and tightly coiled than laboratory strains actively motile. The size of the cell ranges that have undergone repeated subcultures. from 6-20 µm in length and about 0.1 µm in thickness. Under low power magnifi cation Leptonema illini is wider with an amplitude (200X) bacterial cell looks like a small piece of of approximately 0.13 µm and wavelength of thread and hooked ends are visualized as dense 0.6 µm whereas T. parva is shorter and tightly dot like structures. The fi ne coils are seen only coiled (amplitude 0.13 µm - 0.14 µm and under high power magnifi cation (1000X). wavelength 0.3 µm -0.36 µm). The direction of the coils is right handed (clock wise coiling).

Fig. 1. Leptospira under dark ground Cultural characteristics (Microscope (200X) Leptospires are aerobes and utilize long chain fatty acids as carbon and energy sources. In addition to long chain fatty acids, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12 and ammonium salts are also required for their growth. Leptospires utilize purine bases but not pyrimidine bases and hence they are resistant to the antibacterial activity of the pyrimidine analogue 5- fl uro uracil. This compound is used in selective media for the isolation of leptospires from contaminated sources.

8 Leptospirosis Because of the inherent toxicity of free fatty i) Media that contains rabbit serum: These acids, these must be supplied either bound include Korthof’s medium, Fletcher’s to albumin or in non-toxic esterifi ed form. medium and Stuart’s medium. Rabbit Pyruvate enhances the initiation of growth serum contains nutrients including high of the parasitic leptospires. Leptospires are concentrations of bound vitamin B12 which grown at 28ºC to 30ºC with pH in the range of 7- helps in the growth of leptospires. All these 8. At 30ºC the generation time varies between media can be used for the isolation of 7-12 h and yields of 1-2 X 108 cells per ml can leptospires from the clinical specimens and be obtained in 7-10 days. The pathogenic for the maintenance of leptospires but not leptospires can survive for many days or even for the preparation of antigens for MAT. months in wet soil and fresh water with neutral ii) Fatty acid albumin medium: In this medium or slightly alkaline pH. In salt water the survival long chain fatty acid is used as a nutritional time is only few hours. source and serum albumin as detoxicant. This medium is popularly known as Ellinghausen- Culture media McCullough-Johnson-Harris (EMJH) medium A wide variety of culture media can be used for and widely used for isolation, maintenance the cultivation of leptospires4. The routinely and preparation of antigens for MAT and for used culture media are described briefl y here: growing leptospires in bulk.

Fig. 3. Phenotypic classifi cation of leptospires


L. interrrogans L. bifl exa

Serovars (No. = 250) Serovars (No. = 45) E.g. L. interrogans serovar E.g. L. bifl exa serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae strain RGA patoc Strain Patoc 1

Serogroups (No. = 25) Serogroups (No. = 38) E.g. L. interrogans serovar E.g. L. bifl exa serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae strain RGA patoc Strain Patoc 1 in in the Icterohaemorrhagiae the semaranga serogroup serogroup

Laboratory Manual 9 iii) Protein-free medium: In this medium long in the presence of 8- azaguanine is being chain fatty acids are treated with charcoal used routinely for speciation5,6. The growth to detoxify the free fatty acids which are of pathogenic leptospires is inhibited both highly toxic to leptospires. The antigenicity at 13ºC and in the presence of 8-azaguanine and other characters of the cells grown whereas non-pathogenic ones grow at 13ºC in this medium are similar to those media and are resistant to 8-azaguanine. Both the described above. species have several serovars and serovar is the basic taxon, which is defi ned on the basis Culture media can be enriched by addition of surface antigenic makeup7,8,9. “Two strains of 1% fetal calf serum or rabbit serum to are said to belong to different serovars if cultivate the festidious leptospiral serovars. after cross absorption with adequate amount Selective culture media, containing 5-FU of heterologous antigen more than 10% of the 50-1000 µg/ml or a combination of nalidixic acid homologous titre regularly remains in at least 50 µg/ml, vancomycin 10 µg/ml and polymixin B one of the two antisera in repeated tests”. sulphate 5 units/ml or a combination of actidione Closely related serovars are arranged into 100 µg/ml, bacitracin 40 µg/ml, 5 FU 250 µg/ serogroups. However serogroup designation has ml, neomycin sulphate 2 µg/ml, polymixin B no offi cial taxonomic status and is intended for sulphate 0.2 µg/ml and refampicin 10 µg/ml laboratory use. can be used to avoid the contamination. More than 250 serovars arranged into 25 Liquid medium can be converted into semisolid serogroups have been described under the and solid by the addition of agar or agarose. species L.interrogans. The species L.bifl exa Semisolid media contain 0.1-0.2% agar whereas has 65 serovars arranged in 38 serogroups. solid medium contain 0.8-1% agar. Liquid The binominal classifi cation system is strictly medium is used for the cultivation of leptospires followed. However serovar and serogroup to be used in various tests and other purposes. name may be added e.g. Leptospira Semisolid medium is commonly used for the interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae in isolation of leptospires and for maintaining the serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae (L.interrogans, cultures. Colonies are sub surface and visible at serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae in serogroup 7-21 days of incubation. Solid medium is not ideal Icterohaemorrhagiae) or Leptospira bifl exa for isolation or maintenance of leptospires and serovar Patoc in serogroup Semaranga (L. bifl exa mainly used for the research purpose to clone serovar Patoc in serogroup Semaranga). the leptospires from mixed letospira cultures. A panel of rabbit antisera (group sera) is used for Classifi cation of Leptospira serogroup determination. Cross Agglutination The genera Leptospira, Leptonema and Turneria Absorption Test (CAAT) is the test of choice for belong to the family of Leptospiraceae. The serovar determination. A panel of monoclonal families Leptospiraceae and antibodies (mAbs) are helpful for comparing (genera Spriochaeta, Cristispira, and antigenic pattern between reference strains ) make up the order Spirochaetales. and isolates. The classifi cation and nomenclature of Leptospira is complex. Presently two different Genetic Classifi cation: Based on genetic classifi cation systems - one based on phenotypic homology in DNA hybridization experiments, 15 characters and other on the genetic homology genomic species (L. interrogans, L. kirschneri, are being used. L. borgpetersenii, L. santarosai, L. noguchii, L.weilii, L. inadai, L. bifl exa, L. meyeri, L. Phenotypic classifi cation: The genus leptospira wolbachii, Genomo species 1, Genomo species is subdivided into two species (fi g. 3), namely, 3, Genomo species 4 and Genomo species 5) the L. interrogans (pathogenic) and the L. have been described in the genus Leptopsira bifl exa (non-pathogenic). Growth at 13ºC and (fi g. 4) whereas Leptonema and Turneria

10 Leptospirosis Fig. 4. Genotypic classifi cation of leptospires


Species containing Species containing Species containing pathogenic both non pathogenic non pathogenic serovars and pathogenic serovars serovars

L. interrogan L. inadai L. bifl exa L. kirschner L. meyeri L. illini L. borgpetersenii T. parva L. santarosa Genomo species 5 L. noguchi L. weili L. wolbachi Genomo species 1 Genomo species 3 Genomo species 4

has one species each8 (L. illini and T.parva chromosome ranges from 4,332,241 bp to respectively). 4,277,185 bp whereas the size of the small chromosome is in the range of 358,943 bp to Genomic species is a group of Leptospiraceae 350,181 bp. serovars whose DNAs show 70% or more homology at the optimal reassociation temperature of Though the DNA-DNA hybridization is 55ºC or 60% or more homology at a stringent considered to be the gold standard technique reassociation temperature of 70ºC and in which for species level identifi cation of leptospires, the related DNAs contain 5% or less unpaired it is seldom used because of its complexity. bases. Several PCR based DNA fi ngerprinting methods have become popular and are being used The genus Leptopsira is characterized by G+C routinely for characterization of leptospires in content of 34.4 mol%. The genus Leptonema recent years. Random Amplifi ed Polymorphic has G+C content of 51-53 mol% whereas the DNA (RAPD) fi ngerprinting, Arbitrarily Primed G+C content of the genus Turneria is 47-48 PCR (APPCR) and Fluorescent Amplifi ed mol%. A complete sequencing data is available Fragment Length Polymorphism (FAFLP) on two leptospires (serovar Lai and serovar are some of the examples. The technical Copenhegeni). Leptospiral genome has two details of the various techniques used for the chromosomes - large chromosome (CI) and characterization of leptospires are described small chromosome (CII). The size of the large in chapter 8.

Laboratory Manual 11 References

1. Faine, S. 1982. Guidelines for the control of leptospirosis. WHO Offset Publication No. 67. p. 29. World Health Organization. Geneva. 2. Faine S. (1994). Leptospira and Leptospirosis. In , Classifi cation and Nomenclature. CRC Press, London. 117 – 140. 3. Dugui JP. Staining Methods. in Mackie & McCartney Practical Medical Microbiology, 13th ed., Vol 2 editors Collee JG, Duguid JP, Fraser AG, Marimion BP, London: Churchill Livingstone, 1989; p. 38-63 4. Kmety E and Dikken H.. Serological typing methods of Leptospires. In Methods in Microbiology. Editors Bergan T, Norris JR.. Academic Press, London. 1978; 11: 260-08 5. Johnson RC, Harris VG.. Differentiation of pathogenic and saprophytic leptospires:1. growth at low temperature. J Bacteriol 1967: 94: 27 – 31. 6. Johnson RC, Rogers P.. Differentiation of pathogenic and saprophytic leptospires with 8-Azaguanine. J. Bacteriol. 1964; 88: 1618-23. The spirochetes in Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology., Editors : Noel R. Krieg, John G. Holt, Williams and Wilkins, London. 1984; 1: 39-70. 7. International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology, Sub Committee on the Taxonomy Of Leptopsira, Minutes of the meeting, 5 – 6 September. 1986 Manchester, England, Intl. J. Sys Bacteriol 1987; pp 472-3. 8. Brenner DJ, Kaufmann AF, Sulzer KR, Steigerwalt AG, Rogers FC., Weyant RS. Further determination of DNA relatedness between serogroups and serovars in the family Leptospiraceae with a proposal for Leptospira alexanderi sp. nov. and four new Leptospira genomospecies. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1999; 49 : 839-58 9. Kmety E and Dikken H. Classifi cation of the species Leptospira interrogans and history of its serovars, 1993; University Press Groningen, The Netherlands.

12 Leptospirosis Chapter 4

Epidemiology of Leptospirosis


Geographic distribution and occur on the aftermath of natural calamities magnitude of the problem such as cyclones, fl oods and fl ash-fl oods. eptospirosis has a wide geographical distribution and occurs in tropical, Leptospirosis is currently identifi ed as a 12 Lsubtropical and temperate climatic zones. worldwide public health problem . In endemic In the developed world, the incidence has come areas, leptospirosis is a major cause of various down substantially and most cases that occur clinical syndromes such as jaundice, renal 13 now are associated with recreational exposure failure , myocarditis and atypical pneumonia. to contaminated water. In contrast, the The annual incidence of leptospirosis increased incidence seems to be increasing in developing from 0.3/100,000 persons during the period countries. Some countries such as Thailand, 1982 – 1995 to 3.3/100,000 persons in 1997 1 where leptospirosis is under surveillance, – 98 in Thailand . A multi-centric study in India have recorded an increase in the incidence of showed that leptospirosis accounts for about leptospirosis1. Most countries in the South East 12.7% of cases of acute febrile illness attending 14 Asia region are endemic to leptospirosis. The hospitals . Leptospirosis is the cause of a International Leptospirosis Society (ILS) made signifi cant proportion of cases of non-hepatitis an attempt to compile data on occurrence of A – E jaundice, non-malarial febrile illnesses leptospirosis in various countries2. The data and non-dengue haemorrhagic fever in South 15 shows that on an average 10,000 severe cases East Asian countries . requiring hospitalization occur annually all over the world. In many tropical endemic areas, a signifi cant proportion of the population is exposed to Vast majority of leptospiral infections are either leptospires. High seroprevalence rate is found subclinical or result in very mild illness and among healthy population of many endemic 16 the patients may not seek medical assistance. areas such as Andaman Islands , Seychelles 17 18 In a small proportion of patients, severe Island , rural areas around Chennai etc. complications may set in. In such cases, there High seroprevalence has also been observed would be clinical manifestations of multiple among some of the primitive tribes living in organ involvement and the case fatality ratio could be more than 40 % 3. Because of the Leptospirosis is currently protean manifestations of leptospirosis it is identifi ed as a worldwide public 4 often misdiagnosed and under-reported. health problem. In endemic areas, A number of leptospirosis outbreaks have leptospirosis is a major cause of occurred during the past few years in various various clinical syndromes such as places such as Nicaragua5, Salvador6 and Rio de jaundice, renal failure, myocarditis Janeiro7 in Brazil and Orissa8, 9, Mumbai10 and Andaman Islands11, 3 in India. Outbreaks usually and atypical pneumonia.

Laboratory Manual 13 the jungles19. Even in subtropical and inter- as carrier hosts, in whom the carrier state tropical areas, seroprevalence could be high is temporary ranging from a few months to among certain occupational groups such as years, and reservoir hosts in whom the carrier farmers20,21. In endemic areas, the incidence state is life long. The reservoir hosts are the of asymptomatic infection could also be primary source of leptospires. They infect both very high. A survey conducted in Seychelles17 animals and human beings. The carrier hosts showed 9% point prevalence of asymptomatic who get infection either from reservoir hosts leptospiral infection as proved by positive or from other carrier hosts can also act as the Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR). In a source of infection to human beings. Man to study conducted in the North Andaman, 27% man transmission is very rare and leptospiral of the 396 persons followed up serologically infection in human beings is a dead end of had evidence of leptospiral infection during transmission chain. Therefore, the source of the follow up period of 12 weeks in the post- infection both in animals and humans is the monsoon season22. carrier animal, though infection may actually occur through various environmental vehicles. Transmission cycle Leptospirosis is primarily an infection of Although leptospires are susceptible to various animals, humans being accidental victims. environmental factors, particularly drying, The natural habitat of leptospires is the acidic pH, salinity and presence of detergents renal tubules of carrier animals. The animal and other bactericidal agents, they can hosts of leptospires are broadly categorized survive for long periods in water and wet soil

Fig. 1. Transmission cycle of leptospirosis

Reservoir Carrier Hosts Hosts


14 Leptospirosis under favourable conditions. Some serovars the environment is most suited for the survival of leptospires have been found to survive of leptospires. In South East Asian countries, retaining their infective potential in soil for where monsoon is active, the peak occurrence up to 74 days23. There is also indirect evidence often follows the monsoon, when the land that leptospires can grow and multiply in becomes wet and water-logged thus facilitating environment under favourable conditions24. the survival of leptospires. Fig 3. shows the Thus environment plays an important role in association of occurrence of leptospirosis with the epidemiology of leptospirosis. rainfall in Andaman Islands. The peak occurrence always follows the peak rainfall. In contrast, Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of the transmission in subtropical and temperate countries, the cycle of leptospirosis involving reservoir hosts, peak occurrence is often observed during carrier hosts, environment and human beings. the summer months, when the environment becomes warm and suitable for the survival of Three basic factors i.e. the animal carriers, the bacteria. Seasonal trends are also affected environment suitable for the survival of by occupational or social activities such as leptospires and exposure of people to harvesting or outdoor activities as part of fairs contaminated environment, carrier animals, and festivals. their urine, body fl uids or tissue, are always involved in the transmission of leptospiral Carrier animals infection. However, the exact nature of these Rats are the fi rst recognized carriers of factors varies from one ecological setting to leptospires. They are often incriminated as the other, thus making the transmission cycle the source of infection to human beings. A complex and dynamic. Successful transmission large number of studies on seroprevalence depends on the presence of all these three and leptospiral carrier state in rodents have factors. Fig. 2 shows the transmission triad of been conducted in various countries. Although leptospiral infection. Successful transmission serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae has been often occurs in the area where all the three factors associated with rodents, other serovars have coexist (shown in blue in the diagram). also been isolated. Other rodents such as bandicoots25, mouse26, mongoose27, shrews28 and Seasonal trends the aquatic rodent coypu of France29 etc. have Occurrence of leptospirosis shows strong also been implicated as the source of infection seasonal fl uctuations in most epidemiological in different ecological niches. settings. This fl uctuation most often refl ects seasonal changes in the environment, with peak Several domestic animal species can harbour occurrence corresponding to the season when leptospires and act as source of infection to human beings. Serovars Hardjobovis, Pomona, Fig. 2. Transmission triad of leptospirosis Bratislava and Grippotyphosa are commonly associated with cattle. Leptospirosis in cattle could be totally unapparent or may result in Carrier acute febrile illness, diarrhoea or mastitis. animals Studies have shown that trans-placental transmission of infection can occur in cattle30. Sometimes carrier cattle could be seronegative even to the infecting strain31 and therefore seropositivity would not be a reliable indicator of carrier state. In endemic areas, a signifi cant Favorable Exposure proportion of the cattle could be seropositive32, environment which indicates that the exposure level in cattle could be very high and they may play an important role in the transmission of infection.

Laboratory Manual 15 Fig. 3. Association of rainfall with occurrence of leptospirosis cases in Andaman

2000 ...... Rain fall _____ Cases 80


1500 60


1000 40 Cases 30 Rainfall (mm)

500 20


0 0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Quarter

Pigs are commonly infected with serovars Transmission can be direct or indirect. Direct Pomona, Tarassovi, Grippotyphosa, Bratislava, transmission occurs when leptospires from Sejroe and Icterohaemorrhagiae. Adult non- tissues, body fl uids or urine of acutely infected pregnant infected pigs are usually symptom or asymptomatic carrier animals enter the free. In communities where pigs are reared body of the new host and initiate infection. close to human habitation, they can be the Direct transmission among animals can be source of infection to human beings. Sheep transplacental, by sexual contact or by suckling has also been shown to harbour leptospires for milk from infected mother. Presence of leptospires prolonged period of time33. Serovars Canicola in genital tracts as well as transplacental and Icterohaemorrhagiae are commonly isolated transmission has been demonstrated in animals30, from dogs. Infected dogs may suffer illness 37, 38. Direct transmission from animals to human usually referred as Stuttgart Disease, which beings is common in occupations that involve is characterized by vomiting, dehydration, handling of animals or animal tissue such as bloodstained faeces, mucosal sloughing and butchers, veterinarians, cattle and pig farmers, death. Surviving dogs may have chronic rodent control workers etc. Accidental infection nephritis and may shed leptospires in their to veterinarians has also been recorded39. urine for prolonged period of time. Leptospiral seropositivity has been observed in many wild Indirect transmission occurs when an animal animal species including opossums34 and sea or human being acquires leptospirosis from lions35. However, their role in the epidemiology environmental leptospires, originating in the of human leptospirosis is not clear. urine of excretor animals. It is considered that the most common portal of entry of leptospires Mode of transmission and risk groups into the host body is through intact skin36. High Leptospires are ubiquitous. They are found incidence has been recorded among people who wherever experts in leptospirosis, medical and veterinary practitioners and epidemiologists, Leptospiral seropositivity has been who are aware of the epidemiology of the observed in many wild animal disease and adequate specialist laboratory species including opossums and sea facilities exist36. The primary source of leptospires is the excretor animal, from lions. However, their role in the whose renal tubules leptospires are excreted epidemiology of human leptospirosis into the environment with the animal urine. is not clear.

16 Leptospirosis are exposed to wet environments because of factors that expose people to wet environment occupational or other activities. Leptospirosis that is likely to be contaminated with is a known health hazard of rice farmers in leptospires as well as factors that expose countries such as Indonesia and Thailand. High people to the excretions or tissues of carrier incidence of leptospirosis has been recorded in animals pose risk of leptospiral infection. provinces with large populations of farmers1. Depending on the environment and the social Outbreaks have occurred in Korea on several and occupational behaviour, the factors that occasions when the fi elds were fl ooded before pose risk of leptospiral infection may vary from harvest40. Outbreaks have occurred among community to community. In a study conducted general population when people are exposed to in North Andaman16, various outdoor activities fl oodwaters that have high chance of leptospiral including agricultural work, fi shing in fresh contamination8, 9, 5. water, crossing water bodies on the way and use of stream water for bathing were found to Leptospirosis has been recognized as a potential be associated with leptospiral seropositivity. hazard of water sports and other recreational In Hawaii, use of water catchment systems, activities that expose people to possibly drinking surface water and presence of skin contaminated waters. Outbreaks associated wounds were found to be the factors associated with recreational exposure to water have been with leptospiral infection45. In another study reported from several countries41, 42. conducted in Northeastern Thailand, where leptospirosis is a public health problem among Ingestion of contaminated water has occasionally the rice farmers, various rice farming activities been reported to cause leptospirosis by some were found to be independently associated investigators. Cacciapouti B et al investigated with leptospiral infection1. In contrast, the risk an outbreak of leptospirosis that occurred in factors identifi ed in Seychelles Islands were a small town in Central Italy. In a case-control gardening, staying in corrugated iron house, wet analysis, drinking water from a fountain soil around house, refuse not being collected was found to be signifi cantly associated with by public service, presence of cats at home, 43 leptospirosis . Corwin A et al (1990), who skin wounds and drinking home brews, while investigated an outbreak of leptospirosis at indoor occupation was found to be a protective Okinawa, Japan, reported that swallowing factor17. Ashford DA et al studied the risk water while swimming was signifi cantly factors of leptospirosis in El Sauce in Nicaragua 44 associated with leptospirosis . Human-to- and came up with some interesting fi ndings46. human transmission through breast-feeding The only identifi ed risk factors were rural 39 has also been recorded . However this mode household and gathering wood, while indoor of transmission is not of much epidemiological water source was a protective factor. Shelling/ importance as such instances are rare. husking corn was found to have signifi cant interaction with the type of household, with Risk factors it being a risk factor in urban households and Occupational, behavioural or environmental a protective factor in rural households. In a population based matched case-control study Occupational, behavioural or conducted in Salvador, a Northeastern coastal environmental factors that expose city in Brazil, the identifi ed risk factors were 47 people to wet environment that related to exposure to sewage and rats . Table 1 summarizes the risk and protective factors is likely to be contaminated with identifi ed in various parts of the world where leptospires as well as factors that leptospirosis is endemic. The variability in the expose people to the excretions or risk factors in different parts stresses the point that the transmission dynamics of leptospirosis tissues of carrier animals pose risk varies greatly from one ecological setting to of leptospiral infection. the other.

Laboratory Manual 17 Table 1. Risk factors of leptospirosis in diferent areas

PLACE RISK FACTORS PROTECTIVE FACTORS Andaman Agricultural work, exposure to wet fi elds, participating in rice harvesting, working in the jungles, other outdoor activity, fi shing in fresh water, crossing water bodies on the way, use of stream water for bathing Hawaii Use of water catchment systems, drinking surface water, presence of skin wounds Thailand Walking through water, plucking paddy sprouts for replanting, ploughing, fertilizing in wet fi eld Seychelles Gardening, staying in corrugated iron house, wet Indoor occupation soil around house, refuse not being collected by public service, presence of cats at home, skin wounds, drinking home brews Nicaragua Rural household, gathering wood Indoor water source Brazil Open sewer in proximity to residence, peridomiciliary sighting of rats, sighting groups of fi ve or more rats, workplace exposure to contaminants

Fig. 4. Targets for control strategies on the transmission cycle of leptospirosis

Measures to Rodent Control make the soil TestTest andand SlaughterSlaughter Measures and surface TestTest andand TreatTreat water unsuitable MassMass TTreatmentreatment for leptospires

Reservoir Host Carrier Host


Use of protective MAN cloth at work place

18 Leptospirosis In the rural setting it is often the carrier state is detected in animals, it could agricultural exposure to wet fi elds be taken as a potential source of infection to humans. Several strategies have been described possibly contaminated with the to reduce the load of carrier domestic animals. urine of rats or farm animals which These include test and slaughter carrier is the cause of leptospiral infection. animals, test and treat, vaccination of herds and rodent control measures.

Epidemiological settings Measures targeting the environment are The eco-epidemiological settings in which application of substances to make the leptospiral transmission occurs can be broadly environment unsuitable for the survival of categorized as urban, rural, recreation associated leptospires, water- shed management, better and disaster sequel. In the urban setting, rats irrigation practices etc. Measures targeting infesting sewage networks, overfl owing sewage carrier animals or environment can only be during rains, fl ooding of roads and exposure devised only after clearly understanding of people to fl ooded roads create an ideal the transmission dynamics in a particular environment for the transmission of leptospirosis. community, whereas measures targeting In the rural setting it is often the agricultural people are independent of the epidemiological exposure to wet fi elds possibly contaminated variability. Measures targeting human beings with the urine of rats or farm animals which is include vaccination and chemoprophylaxis. the cause of leptospiral infection. Leptospiral Vaccines have been developed for use on infection also occurs due to exposure to river man48, however the existence of a large or stream water as a result of recreational number of serovars of leptospires makes it activities such as canoeing, rafting or swimming. diffi cult to develop a universally effective Leptospirosis has now been recognized as a vaccine. Chemoprophylaxis with doxycycline possible sequel of natural disasters such as has been tried on soldiers from non-endemic cyclones and fl oods as during such times people areas visiting endemic areas and was found and animals are exposed to wet environments to be almost 100% effective49. However, a for a prolonged period of time. study conducted in endemic area during an outbreak showed only 54% protection22. Prevention and control Chemoprophylaxis can only be used in Prevention of leptospirosis essentially is by outbreak situations or on travellers. Although identifying the source and interrupting the the basic principles of prevention such as transmission. Intervention strategies can reduction of source, environmental sanitation, target many points in the transmission cycle of more hygienic work-related and personal leptospirosis. Fig. 4 summarizes the intervention practices etc. are same everywhere, there is targets on the transmission cycle and the no universal control method applicable to all strategies that could be adopted. In different epidemiological settings. A good understanding epidemiological setting, different animal of the ecological, epidemiological and cultural species could be the primary source of infection. characteristics of a community that faces Even in the absence of epidemiological evidence the problem of leptospirosis is the essential of association between contact with an animal prerequisite for evolving an effective and species and human leptospirosis, if signifi cant acceptable intervention strategy.

Laboratory Manual 19 References

1. Tangkanakul W, Tharmaphornpil P, Plikaytis BD, Bragg S, Poonsuksombat D, Choomkasien P, Kingnate D, Ashford DA. 2000. Risk factors associated with leptospirosis in Northeastern Thailand, 1998. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 63 (3, 4): 204 – 208. 2. Smythe LD. 1999. Leptospirosis Worldwide, 1999. Wkly Epidemiol Rec, 74: 237 – 242. 3. Singh SS, Vijayachari P, Sinha A, Sugunan AP, Rashid MA, Sehgal SC. 1999. Clinico-epidemiological study of hospitalized cases severe leptospirosis. Indian J Med Res, 109: 94 – 99. 4. Flannery B, Pereira MM, Velloso LDF, Carvalho CDC, de Codes LG, Orrico, GDS, Dourado CMR, Riley LW, Reis MG, Ko AI. 2001. Referral pattern of leptospirosis cases during a large urban epidemic of dengue. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 65 (5): 657 – 663. 5. Zaki SR, Sheih WJ. 1996. Leptospirosis associated with outbreak of acute febrile illness with pulmonary haemorrhage, Nicaragua, 1995. The epidemic working group at Ministry of Health in Nicaragua. The Lancet, 347 (9000): 535 – 536. 6. Ko AI, Reis MG, Dourado CMR, Johnson Jr. WD, Riley LW, Salvador Leptospirosis Study Group. 1999. Urban epidemic of severe leptospirosis in Brazil. The Lancet, 354: 820 – 825. 7. Barcellos C, Sabroza PC. 2001. The place behind the case: leptospirosis risk and associated environmental conditions in a fl ood-related outbreak in Rio de Janeiro. Cad Saüde Püblica, Rio de Janeiro, 17: 59 – 67. 8. World Health Organization. 2000. Leptospirosis, India - report of the investigation of a post-cyclone outbreak in Orissa, November, 1999. Wkly Epidemiol Rec, 75: 217 – 223. 9. Sehgal SC, Sugunan AP, Vijayachari P. 2001. Outbreak of leptospirosis after cyclone in Orissa. National Med J India, 15 (1): 22 – 23. 10. Karande S, Kulkarni H, Kulkarni M, De A, Varaiya A. 2002. Leptospirosis in children in Mumbai slums. Indian J Pediatr, 69: 855 – 858. 11. Sehgal SC, Murhekar MV, Sugunan AP. 1995. Outbreak of leptospirosis with pulmonary involvement in North Andaman. Indian J Med Res, 102: 9 – 12. 12. World Health Organization. 2003. Human leptospirosis: Guidance for diagnosis, surveillance and control. Geneva, World Health Organization. 13. Muthusethupathy MA, Sivakumar S, Suguna R, Jayakumar M, Vijayakumar R, Everard COR. 1995. Leptospirosis in Madras – a clinical and serological study. J Assoc Phy India, 43 (7): 456 – 458. 14. Sehgal SC, Sugunan AP, Vijayachari P. 2003. Leptospirosis: disease burden estimation and surveillance networking in India. South East Asian J Trop Med Pub Hlth, 34, (suppl 2): 170-177 15. Laras K, Van CA, Bounlu K, Tien NTK, Olson JG, Thongchanh S. Anh TNV, Loan HK, Punjabi N, Khem HB, An US, Insisiengmay S, Watts DM, Beecham HJ, Corwin AL. 2002. The importance of leptospirosis in Southeast Asia. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 67 (3): 278 – 286. 16. Murhekar MV, Sugunan AP, Vijayachari P, Sharma S, Sehgal SC. 1998. Risk factors in the transmission of leptospiral infection. Indian J Med Res, 107: 218 – 223. 17. Bovet P, Yersin C, Merien F, Davis CE, Perolat P. 1999. Factors associated with clinical leptospirosis: a population- based case-control study in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean). Int J Epidemiol, 28: 583 – 590. 18. Ratnam S, Sundararaj T, Subramanian S. 1983. Serological evidence of leptospirosis in a human population following an outbreak of the disease in cattle. Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg, 77 (1): 94 – 98. 19. Sehgal SC, Vijayachari P, Murhekar MV, Sugunan AP, Sharma S, Singh SS. 1999. Leptospiral infection among primitive tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indian J Med Res, 122: 423 – 428. 20. Nuti M, Amaddeo D, Crovatto M, Ghionni A, Polato D, Lillini E, Pitzus E, Santini GF. 2002. Infections in Alpine environment: Antibodies to Hantaviruses, Leptospira, Rickettsiae and in defi ned Italian populations. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 48 (1): 20 – 25. 21. Vado-Solìs I, Cárdenas-Marrufo ME, Jiménez_Delgaddilo B, Alzina-López A, Lavida-Molina H, Suarez-Solís V, Zavala- Veláquez JE. 2002. Clinicalepidemiological study of leptospirosis in humans and reservoirs in Yucátat, México. Rev Inst Med Trop S Poulo, 44 (6): 335 – 340. 22. Sehgal SC, Sugunan AP, Murhekar MV, Sharma S, Vijayachari P. 2000. Randomised controlled trial of doxycycline prophylaxis in an endemic area. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 13: 249 – 55. 23. Smith DJW, Self HRM. 1955. Observations on the survival of Leptospira australis A in soil and water. J Hyg, 53: 436 – 444. 35 24. Baker MF, Baker HJ. 1970. Pathogenic leptospires in Malaysian surface waters I. A method of survey for leptospira in natural waters and soils. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 19: 485 – 492.

20 Leptospirosis 25. Saravanan R, Rajendran P, Thyagarajan SP, Smythe LD, Norris MA, Symonds ML, Dohnt MF. 2000. Leptospira autumnalis isolated from a human case from Avadi, India, and the serovar’s predominance in local rat and bandicoot populations. Ann Trop Med Parasitol, 94 (5): 503 – 506. 26. Collares-Pereira M, Mathias ML, Santos-Reis M, Ramalhinho MG, Duarte- Rodrigues P. 2000. Rodents and Leptospira transmission risk in Terceira island (Azores). Eur J Epidemiol, 16 (12): 1151 – 1157. 27. Matthias MA, Levett PN. 2002. Leptospiral carriage by mice and mongooses on the island of Barbados. West Indian Med J, 51 (1): 10 – 13. 28. Adler H, Vonstein S, Deplazes P, Stieger C, Frei R. 2002. Prevalence of Leptospira spp. in various species of small mammals caught in an inner-city area in Switzerland. Epidemiol Infect, 128 (1): 107 – 109. 29. Michel V, Ruvoen-Clouet N, Menard A, Sonrier C, Fillonneau C, Rakotovao F, Ganiere JP, Andre-Fontaine G. 2001. 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Isolation of Salmonella enterica and serologic reactivity to Leptospira interrogans in opossums (Didelphis virginiana) from Yucatan, Mexico. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo, 44 (4): 235 – 237. 35. Colagross-Schouten AM, Mazet JA, Gulland FM, Miller MA, Hietala S. 2002. Diagnosis and seroprevalence of leptospirosis in California sea lions from coastal California. J Wildl Dis, 38 (1): 7 – 17. 36. Faine, S. 1994. Leptospira and Leptospirosis. London, CRC Press. 37. Ellis WA, McParland PJ, Bryson DG, McNulty MS. 1985. Leptospires in pig urogenital tract and fetuses. Vet Rec, 117: 66 – 67. 38. Ellis WA, Songer JG, Montgomery J, Cassells JA. 1986. Prevalence of Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo in the genital and urinary tracts of nonpregnant cattle. VetRrec, 118: 11 – 13. 39. Bolin CA, Koellner P. 1988. Human-to-human transmission of Leptospira interrogans by milk. J Infect Dis, 158: 246 – 247. 40. Park S, Lee, S, Rhee Y, Kang S, Kim K, Kim M, Kim K, Chang W. 1989. 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Laboratory Manual 21 Chapter 5

Clinical Manifestations


he clinical manifestations of leptospirosis symptoms of restlessness, confusion, delirium vary greatly1. The incubation period is and hallucinations and occasionally psychotic Tusually 7-14 days but may range from behaviour may be prominent features in 2-21 days. Sub clinical and mild infections some patients. Some patients develop acute are quite common. Only a small proportion of gastroenteritis with abdominal pain, vomiting cases develop severe leptospirosis. The various and diarrhoea. clinical manifestations are described in this chapter. The most characteristic fi ndings on examination are conjuctival suffusion and Anicteric febrile illness severe myalgia. Conjuctival suffusion occurs The typical leptospirosis is biphasic illness2. in the fi rst three days and lasts from one The fi rst phase which is called as septicemic or day to more than a week. It is bilateral, leptospiremic phase is characterized by acute most marked on the palpebral portion and is systemic infection and by the presence of usually associated with unilateral or bilateral leptospira in the blood and cerebrospinal fl uid. subconjuctival haemorrhage. There is no This phase lasts for 4-7 days followed by a 1-3 infl ammatory exudate and true conjunctivitis days of afebrile and asymptomatic period and does not occur. Myalgia is severe, even then the second or immune phase starts with touching the muscle causes intense pain. It is occurrence of fever and presence of leptospira most commonly observed in the lower limbs in the urine. especially the calves. A transient macular, maculopopular, erythematous, purpuric or The onset is abrupt with rapidly rising fever, urticarial rash may occur, usually on the trunk which is associated with chills and rigors, but it may be localized on the upper limbs or increasing prostration, severe headache the shins. and body ache. Temperature ranges from 100-105ºF. The headache is severe, persistent, The septicemic phase subsides after 4-7 days. usually frontal, less often retro-orbital but The temperature then becomes normal and occasionally may be bitemporal or occipital. the patient feels well. The second or immune Body pains are most marked in the lower phase is characterized by severe headache limbs especially in the calves and thighs. due to meningeal involvement and low grade Severe pain in the back, neck, abdomen and fever. This lasts for 4-30 days or longer. upper limbs is frequent. Prostration may be so This biphasic course may not be seen in all marked that the patient has to stop work and patients. frequently takes to bed. Anorexia, nausea and vomiting are frequent and may be associated Icteric leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) with constipation or diarrhoea. Epistaxis may In some patients the septicemic phase instead occur during the early stage. Chest pain, dry of subsiding progresses to a severe icteric cough and haemoptysis may occur. Mental illness with renal failure. Jaundice is the most

22 Leptospirosis important clinical feature of the severity of Anorexia and vomiting worsen illness. Jaundice occurs between the fourth and sixth day but may occur as early as the second and hiccups may occur. Meningeal day or as late as the ninth day, and deepens symptoms are frequent but rapidly reaching a peak within a week. The liver overshadowed by hepatic and renal is often enlarged and tender. Jaundice is due to hepatocellular necrosis, intrahepatic features. Confusion, restlessness, cholestasis and increased bilirubin load from hallucinations, delusion and absorption of tissue haemorrhage. Marked convulsions may occur. elevations of bilirubin with mildly elevated transaminases are characteristics. Death rarely occurs due to hepatic failure. Renal and in severe cases the mortality may be as involvement is the most serious complication high as 15-40%. In those who are not severely and is the most common cause of death in ill, recovery takes place in the second week. icteric leptospirosis. Oliguria occurs in the Diuresis occurs and the blood urea level falls second week but may occur as early as fourth gradually. Fever subsides and the general day of illness. A signifi cant number of patients conditions improve, however, jaundice takes develop non oliguric renal failure and have a a longer time to clear. better prognosis than oliguric renal failure. Renal manifestations range form urinary Haemorrhagic pneumonitis sediment changes (pyuria, albuminuria, Pulmonary haemorrhages usually occur in hamaturia and granular casts) to severe the second week of severe forms of icteric renal failure. Anorexia and vomiting worsen leptospirosis. Occasionally it may occur within and hiccups may occur. Meningeal symptoms 24-48 hours of the onset of illness3. The onset are frequent but overshadowed by hepatic is sudden with rapidly raising fever which is and renal features. Confusion, restlessness, associated with headache, generalized body hallucinations, delusion and convulsions may ache, and cough which is dry in the beginning occur. Severe bleeding, cardiac and pulmonary but becomes streaked with blood after two to complications are frequent. Towards the end three days. The patient becomes breathless of the second week the patient is deeply and toxic. Clinical examination reveals a jaundiced, uraemic, and haemorrhagic and toxic patient with temperature ranging become comatose. Death may occur at this between 100-105ºF, tachycardia, tachypnoea stage or early in the third week from renal and hypertension in few. Examination of the failure. Occasionally sudden death may occur respiratory system reveals fi ne crepitations, from arrythmias, cardiac failure or adrenal which in the initial stage are confi ned to the haemorrhage. Massive bleeding from the bases but soon become extensive involving alimentary and respiratory tract may also bilateral lung fi elds. Massive haemoptysis end fatally. Death is rarely due to hepatic may cause asphyxiation and death. Mortality failure but is virtually limited to icteric cases in these cases is very high and it may be as high as 50-70% in cases who report late to the Doxycycline has been used as hospital. Chest X-ray in these patients shows bilateral alveolar shadowing which appears to a chemo prophylactic agent be more dense in the mid and lower zones. for short-term exposure, but However the radiological abnormalities may it cannot be recommended range form a single ill defi ned opacity, through multiple areas of infi ltration to a large area for routine continuous use or of consolidation. These abnormalities clear for long-term occupational up within one week without any residual exposure. damage.

Laboratory Manual 23 Aseptic meningitis COMPLICATIONS OF LEPTOSPIROSIS Leptospiral infection may present as meningitis with fever, headache, photophobia and vomiting Myocarditis and with signs of meningeal irritation (i.e. neck Cardiac complications are frequent in stiffness and Kernig’s and Brudzinskis signs). The leptospirosis. They are usually mild and are C.S.F. Examination shows a cell count of 10 – 1000 observed as electrocardiographic abnormalities cells/cumm with most of them being lymphocytes ranging from low voltage complexes, non- and raised protein (10 – 200 mg/dl) with normal specifi c ST and T wave changes, conduction sugar. Convulsions, focal neurological signs and defects and arrhythmias. Atrial fi brillations is encephalitis are rare. Prognosis in the meningitis the most common arrhythmia. Rare but more illness is excellent. Very rarely death may occur severe manifestations are cardiac dilatation, form encephalitis. In Leptospiral meningitis, cardiac failure and severe arrythmias from some distinctive features such as myalgia, haemorrhagic myocarditis. Sudden death may conjuctival suffusion and evidence of bleeding occur from cardiac failure and arrhythmia. All are frequently present if sought carefully. cardiac abnormalities revert back to normal within 2-3 weeks. Case defi nition For the purpose of case detection and Haemorrhage surveillance, a working case defi nition is Bleeding is a constant feature of leptospirosis usually followed. The commonly followed case and is believed to be due to vascular damage. defi nition, which is also recommended by the It is usually mild in anicteric cases but more WHO and International Leptospirosis Society common and severe in icteric cases. Bleeding prescribes that any person presenting with may occur from the respiratory alimentary, acute onset of fever, headache and body aches renal and genital tracts and occasionally into associated with: a) severe muscle tenderness, the subarachnoid space and adrenal glands. particularly in calf muscles, b) haemorrhages Death may occur from massive bleeding. including sub-conjunctival haemorrhage, c) jaundice, d) cough, breathlessness and Hypotension haemoptysis, e) oliguria or f) signs of meningeal Hypotension is an important complication noted irritation should be suspected as a case of in patient with severe leptospirosis. The causes leptospirosis and investigated. A suspect, of hypovolemia are: i) hypovolemia secondary who tests positive in any of the screening to vomiting, increased insensible water test such as dipstick, lateral fl ow, dri dot or losses and diminished fl uid intake, Ii) massive latex agglutination test should be considered haemorrhage most often gastrointestinal, as a probable case. Successful isolation of iii) myocardial dysfunction, iv) adrenal leptospires from clinical specimens, a four- haemorrhage, v) widespread vascular injury fold or higher rise in titre or seroconversion in leading to fl uids shifts from intravascular to paired MAT or a positive PCR is considered as extravascular fl uid spaces, and vi) unidentifi ed confi rmatory evidence of current leptospiral vocative endotoxin. infection. Uveitis Bleeding is a constant feature of It is a late complication of anterior uveal tract and presets clinically as irritis, iridocyclitis and leptospirosis and is believed to rarely as chorioretinitis. This may occur in the be due to vascular damage. It is second week of illness or may be delayed up usually mild in anicteric cases to one year but is more frequent in the fi rst 6 months. Uveitis may be unilateral or bilateral but more common and severe in and the course in variable (i.e acute benign icteric cases. episode, recurrent episodes or a chronic process).

24 Leptospirosis This ultimate prognosis is good but chronic uveitis and is breathless. In bacterial pneumonitis the may cause blindness from cataract formation toxicity is not much and conjuctival suffusion and hypopion in the anterior chamber. and muscle tenderness are absent. Pulmonary tuberculosis and military tuberculosis have an Leptospirosis during pregnancy insidious onset and the toxicity, breathlessness, The hazards of leptospirosis during pregnancy conjuctival suffusion and muscle tenderness are include intrauterine infection with foetal death not seen. In leptospirosis urine examination will and abortion, stillbirth, premature labour and show proteinuria which will not be found in other signs of congenital leptospirosis within a week conditions mentioned above. The chest X-ray in or two of delivery. Leptospires may be secreted haemorrhagic pneumonitis due to leptospirosis in the milk of lactating mothers, who during will show bilateral alveolar shadowing with clear the septicemic phase should be regarded as apices which differentiates it from tuberculosis potentially infective for breast fed infants. and bronchopneumonia.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Aseptic meningitis has to be differentiated from Leptospirosis with its varied manifestations may bacterial and viral meningitis and encephalitis. mimic a large number of disease processes. Bacterial meningitis can be confi rmed by CSF examination. Viral meningitis is undistinguishable Anicteric leptospirosis is usually misdiagnosed from Leptospiral meningitis because CSF as P.U.O., viral fever, malaria, enteric fever, examination in both will show lymphocytes with infl uenza or pyelonephritis. The associated raised protein and normal sugar. Conjuctival features of leptospirosis such as conjuctival suffusion, myalgia and evidence of bleeding suffusion and muscle tenderness if carefully suggests the diagnosis of leptosirosis and looked for may aid clinical diagnosis. Icteric this can be confi rmed by serological tests. In leptospirosis may be confused with: a) viral children clinical features that are not seen or hepatitis, b) septicemia with jaundice, and c) rare in adults such as hypertension, a calculus malaria. In leptospirosis the onset is abrupt, cholecystis and pancreatitis can occur. severe headache, myalgia and conjuctival suffusion are constant features and proteinuria TREATMENT is common, whereas in viral hepatitis onset Antibiotic treatment is effective within 7 to is gradual, headache and myalgia are mild 10 days of infection and it should be given and proteinuria and conjuctival suffusion are immediately on diagnosis or suspicion. The absent. antibiotic of choice is benzyl penicillin by injection in doses of fi ve million units per day Haemorrhagic pneumonitis can be confused with for fi ve days. Patients who are hypersensitive bacterial pneumonitis, pulmonary tuberculosis to penicillin may be given erythromycin and military tuberculosis. In haemorrhagic 250 mg four times daily for fi ve days. pneumonitis the onset is quite sudden with high Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 10 days fever, headache, body ache, conjuctival suffusion is also recommended. Tetracyclines are also and muscle tenderness, patient looks quiet toxic effective but contraindicated in patients with renal insuffi ciency, in children and in pregnant The antibiotic of choice is benzyl women. penicillin by injection in doses of fi ve Doxycycline has been used as a chemo million units per day for fi ve days. prophylactic agent for short-term exposure4, Patients hypersensitive to penicillin but it cannot be recommended for routine may be given erythromycin 250 mg continuous use or for long-term occupational exposure5. four times daily for fi ve days.

Laboratory Manual 25 References

1. Faine, S. 1982. Guidelines for the control of leptospirosis. WHO Offset Publication No. 67. p. 29. World Health Organization. Geneva. 2. Ferrar, W.E. 1990. Leptospira species (leptospirosis) p. 1813 – 1827. In Mandel GL, Douglas RG, Bennett JE (ed.), Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. Churchill Living stone. New York 3. Singh SS, Vijayachari P, Sinha A, Sugunan AP, Rashid MA, Sehgal SC. 1999. Clinico-epidemiological study of hospitalized cases severe leptospirosis. Indian J Med Res, 109: 94 – 99. 4. Takafuji ET, Kirkpatrick JW, Miller RN, Karwaki JJ, Kelley PW, Gray M, McNeill KM, Timboe LH, Kane RE, Sanchez RL. 1984. An effi cacy trial of doxycycline chemoprophylaxis against leptospirosis. New England J Med, 310: 497 – 500. 5. Sehgal SC, Sugunan AP, Murhekar MV, Sharma S, Vijayachari P. 2000a. Randomised controlled trial of doxycycline prophylaxis in an endemic area. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 13: 249 – 55.

26 Leptospirosis Chapter 6

Laboratory Diagnosis


eptospirosis cannot be diagnosed based a phase of leptospiraemia when the leptospires on clinical grounds alone due to the multiply in blood and spread to different organs. Lvariability in clinical manifestations, The chances of recovery of leptospires from similarity of signs and symptoms with those of blood or other tissues or body fl uids is usually other bacterial, viral and parasitic infections high during this stage. This phase is followed and frequent occurrence of the disease in by immune phase or leptospirurea phase when atypical forms. Confi rmation of the diagnosis the organisms are excreted in the urine. In requires laboratory support. However, this phase, chances of recovery of organisms laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis is an area from the blood is low. The ideal specimen for not often well understood by many of the isolation or demonstration of leptosires during workers involved in leptospirosis diagnosis and immune phase is urine. surveillance. Although an array of tests has been described, availability of laboratory support, in The antibodies usually develop within 2-12 days practice, is still a problem. Selection of the right after the onset of illness. IgM antibody starts specimens and tests and correct interpretation appearing early in the course of the disease of test results are important. To understand and reaches detectable levels within one week these points rightly one should have basic or as early as on third or fourth day of illness. knowledge regarding the sequence of events They reach peak levels during third or fourth that occur in the host after entry of organism week and then decline slowly over months and and antibody response against leptospires. become undetectable within six months. Rarely IgM may persist at low level for several years. A small number of organisms can cause infection1. The incubation period usually ranges In a small proportion of patients (about 10%) from 7-10 days. Leptospirosis may follow a IgM antibodies may not develop at detectable biphasic course. During the fi rst 10 days, there is level and the fi rst appearing antibody may be

Fig. 1. Different stages of leptospirosis


Leptospir uria

IP First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth week

Septicemic phase Immune phase

Laboratory Manual 27 Fig. 2. Level and duration of lgM antibodies at different time intervals gm) l Titre ( Titre

0 1 2 3 4 Weeks Months Years Duration

IgG. Hence the sera from these patients may the fi rst month of illness may give negative give negative results in IgM based immuno result in Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT). assays. IgG antibodies appear later than IgM Serovar-specifi c antibodies are long-lasting than and reach peak level after few weeks of serogroup specifi c antibodies. In less than 10% illness. IgG antibody may persist at low level of patients the immune response is erratic and for years. Microscopic agglutinating antibodies antibodies (IgM and microscopic agglutinating) usually appear in detectable level at the end may not appear at detectable level. Hence of the fi rst week of illness and reach peak negative test results observed in immuno assays levels during third or fourth week and then do not necessarily rule out the disease among a decline slowly over months and may become small proportion of patients. undetectable within years or may persist at low level even for decades. Laboratory diagnosis is broadly divided into two categories- those that give direct evidences and In about 10% of patients microscopic those that give indirect evidences. The direct agglutinating antibodies appear at detectable evidences include either demonstration of levels only after about a month of illness. Hence leptospires or its DNA and isolation of organism the sera collected from these patients during from clinical specimens. Detection of specifi c

Fig. 3. Level and duration of Microscopic agglutinating antibodies at different time intervals

Genous specifi c antibodies

MAT titre MAT Serovar specifi c antibodies

0 1 2 3 4 Weeks Months Years Duration

28 Leptospirosis Fig. 4. Laboratory diagnosis — Direct and indirect evidences

Laboratory diagnosis

Direct evidences Indirect evidences Demonstration of leptospires or its DNA or Demonstration of antibodies to leptospires isolation of organism

Microscopy Genus specifi c tests Dark Ground Microscopy Macroscopic slide agglutination test Phase contrast Microscopy Indirect haemaglution test Counter immuno electrophoresis Staining ELISA Silver staining Lepto dipstick Immunofl uoresence Lepto lateral fl ow Lepto dridot Isolations of leptospires Animal Inoculation Serovar specifi c test DNA Hybridization Microscopic agglutination test Polymerase Chain Reaction

antibodies to leptospires (serological diagnosis) of this technique as a diagnostic tool has is indirect evidence. shown that the test has low sensitivity (40.2%) and specifi city (61.5%). The usefulness of Though several techniques have been described, differential centrifugation was limited and the the most often used procedures and their motility of the organism further reduced after advantages and drawbacks are mentioned here. centrifugation at higher g.

DARK GROUND MICROSCOPY Reading the results is always subjective as in the Dark Ground Microscopy (DGM): Demonstration majority of the samples the number of organism of leptospires by using DGM appears to be a per fi eld ranges from 0-2 and there was always simple and rapid procedure. In old text books doubt about typical motility. Results obtained it is mentioned that DGM is a useful tool for in DGM on samples from confi rmed patients and the diagnosis of leptospirosis but it is not true controls were identical. Therefore DGM is not in practice2. Though the organism is present in recommended as a sole diagnostic tool for the the blood during acute stage of the disease, the diagnosis of leptospirosis. concentration is too low to allow detection by direct microscopy. The leptospiral shedding in Specimens urine is intermittent. Moreover serum proteins The specimens should be taken aseptically and or cell fragments may mimic leptospires. Even sent to laboratory without delay, they must not experienced personnel may be confused with be frozen. Oxalate, citrate or heparin may be these artefacts as in majority of the clinical used as anticoagulant for blood or pleural fl uid. samples leptospires may not exhibit typical motility due to reactive antibodies or due Principle to mechanical injury during the process of The principle of dark ground microscopy is that specimen for examination. Critical evaluation the object is illuminated only by light rays that

Laboratory Manual 29 are scattered by the object. The specimen Fixative is illuminated only by rays so oblique that • Acetic acid 1 ml unless they are scattered by the object with • Formalin (40% HCHO) 2 ml a refractive index different from that of the • Distilled water 100 ml

suspending medium the rays fail to enter the Mordant objective and reach the eyes. • Phenol 1 gm • Tannic acid 5 gm Procedure (Blood) • Distilled water 100 ml  Centrifuge 5 ml of blood (treated with an Ammoniated silver nitrate anticoagulant) at 1000 g for 15 min. Add 10% ammonia to 0.5% solution of silver nitrate  Add approximately 10 µl of plasma on a in distilled water until the precipitate formed just dissolves. Now add more silver nitrate solution drop thin microscopic slide and apply cover by drop until the precipitate returns and does not slip. re-dissolve.  Examine under dark fi eld microscope with low power and high power (X 200 and X 400). procedures are not recommended for direct  If no leptospires are seen, centrifuge the diagnosis of leptospirosis. plasma at 3000-4000 g for 20 min.  Carefully remove the supernatant and Fontana Staining examine a drop of sediment microscopically as above. Procedure  Treat the fi lm three times, 30 seconds each Procedure (Urine) time, with fi xative.  Centrifuge a portion of freshly voided urine  Wash off the fi xative with absolute alcohol at 3000 g for 10 min. and allow the alcohol to act for 3 min.  Examine a drop of deposit by DGM (X 200  Drain off the excess of alcohol and carefully and X 400). burn off the remainder until the fi lm is dry. Advantages  Pour on the mordant, heating till steam rises, and allow it to act for 30 sec.  Laboratories, where the facilities for the other tests are not available, can undertake  Wash well in distilled water and again dry this technique. But the results should be the slide. confi rmed with other standard tests.  Treat with ammoniated silver nitrate, heating till steam rises, for 30 sec, when Disadvantages the fi lm becomes brown in colour.  Low sensitivity and specifi city.  Serum proteins and fi brin strands in blood Fig. 5. Culture stained with Fontana resembles leptospires. Staining technique  The concentration of organism is frequently too low in the specimens.  Requires technical expertise.  Equivocal results.

STAINING TECHNIQUES Various silver impregnation techniques are used for the staining of leptospires in body fl uids and tissues3. However these techniques have similar limitations as DGM. Therefore these staining

30 Leptospirosis  Wash well in distilled water, dry and mount water, to which are added 20 ml of a 2.5% in Canada balsam. alcoholic gum mastic solution and 20 ml It is essential that the specimen be mounted in of silver nitrate and sodium potassium balsam under a cover slip before examination, tartarate solution). Mix the three solutions as some immersion oils cause the fi lm to fade thoroughly by moving the rack with the at once. The spirochetes are stained brownish- slides up and down for a few seconds in black on a brownish-yellow background. the dish. Leave the slides in the reduction mixture for 12-15 min. until the colour of the sections changes to light brown. Stock Solutions  Wash 3 times in distilled water, dehydrate, Silver nitrate solution clear in xylol, and mount in neutral mounting • Silver nitrate 10 gms. in 1000 ml distilled water. Place in an amber coloured bottle with glass fl uid. stopper and store in refrigerator. The spirochetes appear with a black mirror Alcoholic gum mastic • Gum mastic 2.5 gms. in 100 ml absolute ethanol. like contrast distinguishable from the yellow Dissolve by stirring and leave to stand overnight, or brown tissue elements. fi lter several times until clear. ISOLATION OF LEPTOSPIRES Silver nitrate and sodium potassium tartrate • Silver nitrate 2 gms., sodium potassium tartarate Isolation of leptospires from clinical specimens 1.65 gms in 1000 ml distilled water. Dissolve the is the strongest evidence for confi rmatory silver nitrate in boiling distilled water. Quickly add diagnosis. Isolation and identifi cation is the the sodium potassium tartarate until the white method of choice to identify circulating precipitate changes to gray. Filter while hot into an amber coloured bottle and store in refrigerator. serovars in a particular geographical region. In addition locally isolated and identifi ed strains Hydroquinone solution will be more useful to be used as antigens in • Hydroquinone 1 gm in 60 ml double distilled MAT as local strains were found to be more water. sensitive and strongly reactive than reference strains. Moreover the local strains will be used MODIFIED STEINER AND STEINER for the development of vaccine. However the TECHNIQUE technique has several drawbacks. Leptospires are slow growing organisms and require several Procedure days or weeks to yield cultures and weeks to  Six to seven μm thick sections from formalin months for identifi cation. Prior administration fi xed tissue blocks embedded in paraffi n of antibiotics greatly reduces the chances of should be cut and mounted on slides with successful isolation. egg albumin. Blood Culture  De-paraffi nize and hydrate in the usual Ideal time : Within 10 days of the onset of manner. symptoms.  Immerse in a 1.0% aqueous solution of silver Media : EMJH and Fletcher’s media. nitrate for 2 hours at 56-58ºC in an oven.  Wash thoroughly in distilled water. Procedure  Swab the area with spirit.  Dehydrate up to absolute alcohol and place the slides in 2.5% of alcoholic gum mastic  Draw blood using sterile syringe and needle solution for 5 min. by vein puncture.  Transfer from the gum mastic solution into  Inoculate two and four drops into two tubes a reducing solution of hydroquinone (1 gm containing 5 ml medium. hydroquinone dissolved in 60 ml distilled  Incubate at 30ºC for 4-6 weeks.

Laboratory Manual 31  Examine the culture using dark fi eld The above procedure should be repeated two illumination initially on fi rst, third and fi fth or three times with urine samples collected days followed by 7-10 days interval up to 6 on different days to increase the probability weeks. of isolation.

Selective culture media containing 50-1000 µg/ Urine can be fi ltered (through 0.22 μm fi lter) ml of 5-FU or a combination of nalidixic acid 50 and/or inoculated into selective culture media µg/ml, vancomycin 10 µg/ml and polymixin B to avoid contamination. sulphate 5 units/ml or a combination of actidione 100 µg/ml, bacitracin 40 µg/ml, 5-FU 250 µg/ Urine may have acidic pH in many cases. ml, neomycin sulphate 2 µg/ml, polymixin B Therefore urine should be collected in tubes sulphate 0.2 µg/ml and refampicin 10 µg/ml containing equal amount of PBS with pH 7.2. can be used to avoid the contamination. CSF CULTURE Subculture should be made within 48 hours to Time : 5-10 days of the onset of the minimize the inhibitory effect of the selective disease. agents on leptospires. Medium : As above

Growth of the fastidious isolate is encouraged by Procedure adding to the medium 0.1% to 0.15% agarose and  Inoculate 0.5 ml of CSF into 5 ml of culture 0.4% to 1% of rabbit serum or fetal calf serum. media.  Follow the same procedure as blood culture. URINE CULTURE Time : 10-30 days after the onset of the Advantages of isolating leptospires from disease. clinical specimens Media : Same as above.  Defi nite proof of infection.

Procedure  Circulating serovars can be identifi ed.  Collect a sample of midstream urine (freshly  Local isolates can be used as antigens in voided midstream urine within 2 hours is MAT. the ideal specimen).  Local isolates can be used in vaccine  Dilute the urine as follows using sterile development. test tubes and sterile phosphate buffer pH 7.2.pH 7.2. Disadvantages  Fastidious organism requires special  Add 0.4 ml of urine to 3.6 ml of PBS pH 7.2 medium for isolation. (1 in 10).  Leptospires grow slowly. Isolation of  Add 3 ml of (a) to 3 ml of PBS (1 in 20). leptospires from clinical specimens takes  Add 2 ml of (b) to 2 ml of PBS (1 in 40). several days to several weeks.  Add 1 ml of (c) to 1 ml of PBS (1 in 80).  The technique is laborious, time consuming  Each resulting 0.5 ml dilution of above is and is not possible in small laboratories. inoculated into 4 separate 5 ml volume of  Contamination of culture media by medium. other micro-organisms or by saprophytic  Label the tubes mentioning the dilution. leptospires is common in routine practice.  Incubate at 30ºC.  The successful isolation rate is less due to prior use of antibiotics, imperfectly cleaned  Examine the culture using dark fi eld glass ware or wrong incubation temperature illumination at an interval of 7-10 days up and pH. to six weeks.

32 Leptospirosis ANIMAL INOCULATION tubes are incubated at 30ºC. Cultures are Clinical materials may be inoculated into examined by Dark Field Microscope (DFM). laboratory animals. Leptospires in the clinical If they are satisfactory the cultures are materials may cause disease in the animals, dispensed into an Erlenmeyer fl ask containing if they are susceptible. Leptospires can be 50 ml of EMJH medium and then incubated observed directly in the peritoneal fl uid or for 5-7 days at 30ºC in a shaking incubator. cultured from the peritoneal fl uid, blood or  Formalin is added to fi nal concentration of tissues. 0.5% and the cultures are allowed to stand for at least 30 min. Animals used  The cultures are centrifuged for 30 min at  Hamsters (4-6 weeks old) 10,000 g.  Guinea Pigs (150-175 gms.)  The supernatant is discarded and the tubes Procedure are allowed to dry in a slanted position for two hours.  The inoculation of blood and/or urine is done intra-peritoneally (0.5-1.0 ml)  The sediment is re-suspended in 1.5 to 2 ml of solution containing 0.5% formalin, 12%  From the third day after inoculation, peritoneal fl uid is examined under Dark Field NaCl and 20% glycerol in distilled water and Microscope for the presence of leptospires. mixed 15–20 times by sucking up and down with a 2 ml syringe through a 18–20 gauge  The examination should be done during needle. 3-10 days after inoculation.  The antigen is kept at 4ºC overnight.  When the inoculated animals die, it is possible to isolate leptospires from liver  Measure the optical density at 520 and kidneys. nanometers in a spectrophotometer. Adjust to a range of 0.550-0.600 by diluting Animal inoculation is not recommended due to suspension with the NaCl - Formalin- ethical reasons. Maintenance of animals is very Glycerol solution. expensive.  Standardize the antigen using control sera.  Store at 4ºC. MACROSCOPIC SLIDE AGGLUTINATION TEST (MSAT) Procedure The basic principle of the test is similar to other  Place 10 µl serum on a glass slide. Add one slide agglutination tests used in other infectious drop (50 µl) of antigen and mix thoroughly diseases such as enteric fever or brucellosis. with a applicator stick. There can be different ways to prepare the  Place the slide on the mechanical rotator antigens. One may either use a single serovar and rotate at 120 rpm for 4 min and read or multiple serovars to prepare the antigens. the reaction with an indirect light against a When multiple serovars are used as antigens, black background. antigens can be pooled. Since the technique will require lot of laboratory work, generally Recording the results a single non-pathogenic serovar patoc (strain The reaction is recorded as ++ when the clumps Patoc 1) is used. are large and defi nite, + when the smaller clumps are well defi ned but the suspension Preparation of the Antigen is not clear, +/- when fi ne clumps are visible  Leptospires are grown in liquid medium but the suspension is not clear and negative preferably EMJH. Tubes with 3 ml medium when the mixture in the drop is unchanged. are inoculated with the few drops of a 5-7 Agglutination of + and ++ is considered as days old leptospira culture. The inoculated positive.

Laboratory Manual 33 The test is easy to perform and read. The antigen consumed. The turbidity disappears quickly is broadly reactive and stable for six months at upon cooling. If there is turbidity, leave the 4ºC to 8ºC. It is more sensitive than Microscopic cultures a few days longer in the shaking Agglutination Test (MAT) in the early stage of incubator until all of the Tween has been the disease. However a high percentage of false used up. positive reactions are observed, probably due  After ensuring the quality of the culture to lack of standardization and quality control of and absence of Tween kill the leptospires the antigen preparation. The number of false with formalin (0.5% fi nal conc.). negative reactions are comparatively low.  After one hour heat the killed leptospira ENZYME IMMUNO ASSAY (EIA) culture in boiling water for 30 min, shaking EIA is one of the techniques commonly used every 5 min. for the diagnosis. The test can detect specifi c  After cooling to room temperature, antibodies earlier than MAT. The advantage of centrifuge the culture for 30 min. at 10,000 the test is that it can differentiate between g. Centrifugation at lesser g is also possible. recent and past infection by detecting the The supernatant is used as antigen. type of antibodies (IgM or IgG) present in the  In the liquid form, the antigen is stable for clinical specimen. In this test, broadly, reactive years if stored at 4ºC. antigen is used. The antigen antibody reaction is visualised or measured by spectrophotometer/ Coating of the ELISA Plates ELISA reader using a conjugate (enzyme  100 µl of antigen is pipetted into every well conjugated to anti-IgM or IgG) and a colour of the ELISA plate. A sample of each batch reagent. The main drawback of the test is it of plates should be checked before being should be standardized locally to fi nd out cut used for routine diagnosis. off titre or signifi cant titre for current infection  The plates are left at room temperature as once a man is infected with leptospires, IgM until complete evaporation of the fl uid may persist at low level for several years. has taken place (1-3 days, depending on Preparation of the antigen for temperature). Avoid exposure to sunlight. the EIA  The coated plates are kept in a closed box, or  Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni in sealed plastic bags, at room temperature. strain Wijnberg or L. bifl exa serovar Patoc The antigen is stable for several years. strain Patoc I is grown in EMJH medium for 10-12 days at 30ºC in shaking incubator. Procedure Abundant growth is necessary to produce a  Rinse the coated plates four times with good antigen. PBS/Tween.  If necessary, add 5 ml of sterile diluted  During the last two washings leave the fl uid Tween 80 (1:10) to 500 ml culture under in the wells for one minute. sterile conditions 4-5 days after inoculation.  Dry the plates by tapping them on a cloth or Incubate for another 5-6 days. fi lter paper.  Before harvesting, check for abundant  Make doubling dilutions of the patients’ and growth and purity. Also check for the controls’ sera in PBS/Tween/BSA. Fill the absence of Tween. This can be done by second column of the wells with 190 µl of adding formalin to a sample from the dilution fl uid, the other wells with 100 µl. culture to get a fi nal concentration of Add 10 µl of patients’ and controls’ serum 0.5%, centrifuging at 10,000 g for 30 min to the second column (dilution is now 1:20). and heating the supernatant in a glass tube Transfer, after mixing thoroughly, 100 µl to in a boiling water bath. If the supernatant the 3rd well, etc. Discard the fi nal 100 µl. becomes turbid, not all the Tween has been Use the fi rst column as blank.

34 Leptospirosis  Allow rapid processing of large number of PBS pH 7.2 samples. • Dissolve per litre distilled water • 8.5 g NaCl Disadvantages • 0.85 g Na2HPO4 2H20

• 0.25 g KH2PO4  Infecting serovar cannot be assessed. PBS/Tween  Calibration of cut off value and signifi cant • PBS pH 7.2 + 0.05% Tween 20 • PBS/Tween/BSA titre are required. • PBS/Tween + 0.5% BSA  Comparatively less specifi c. Preparation of the Reagents: Conjugate Equipment required • Dilute the conjugate in PBS/Tween/BSA. For • Micropipettes (Multi & Uni Channel) each conjugate an optimal dilution should be • Microtips used (i.e. block titration) • Pipettes Substrate • Dissolve 80 mg 5-amino-2-salicylic acid in 100 ml distilled water at 75ºC. This solution is stable Comments: A titre of 1:40 in non-endemic for 1 month if kept at 40ºC. Before use bring pH areas and a titre of 1:80 in endemic areas is to 6.0 with 1 N NaOH. Add 9 parts of 5-AS 1 part considered as signifi cant titre for leptospirosis of 0.05% H2O2 just before use. (1.5 ml 1% H2O2 to 28.5 ml distilled water) in early stage.

MICROCAPSULE AGGLUTINATION  Cover the plate with another microtitre TEST (MCAT) plate and incubate for one hour at 30ºC. The test is based on the principle of passive  After one hour wash the plate as under 1. agglutination and employs carrier micro-capsule  Add to all wells 100 µl conjugate, diluted in particles on the surface of which ultrasonicated PBS/Tween/BSA. For each of the conjugates leptospiral antigens are absorbed. an optimal dilution should be used (i.e. block titration). Kit The kit contains two vials of lyophilized reagents  Incubate for one hour at 30ºC as before. viz reagent A and reagent B and one vial of  Discard the contents and wash four times as diluents, a test tube rack with mirror for reading above. the results, test tubes (small) and disposable  Add to all wells 100 µl substrate. loop (1 µl). Reagent A incorporates antigens of L. australis, L. autumnalis and L. hebdomadis  Leave at RT for two hours. and reagent B incorporates that of L. canicola, L. icterohaemorrhagiae and L. pyrogenes. Reading the results  Read the optical densities using a multi Procedure scanner with a 492 nm fi lter. Use column  Add 2.3 ml of reconstituting solution to the one for measuring “ blank”. vials of A and B.  The end point (titre) is the last well (dilution)  Place 0.3 ml of reagent A into one test tube in which you fi nd a colour giving an OD equal and 0.3 ml of B reagent into another. to or greater than half of the value of the darkest well of the positive control.  Using a loop for 1 µl take about 1 µl, of the test serum and place it into the test tube Advantages containing reagent A and B separately.  Detects IgM antibodies earlier than MAT.  Shake the test tubes and allow to stand  Single antigenic preparation can be used. them in the test tube rack with mirror.  Heat stable antigens which are stable at  After three hours read the results. room temperature for long periods.

Laboratory Manual 35 Reading the results detection reagent in the test tube and The results are recorded as follows - positive mix. when the agglutination pattern cover the  Wet the white test strip of the dipstick by entire bottom of the tube, doubtful when immersing the white end of the dipstick agglutination pattern is slightly larger than the briefl y in the dipstick fl uid (vial C). negative control and negative if no agglutination  Incubate the white end of the dipstick is observed. in the mixture of detection reagent and Advantages serum. Remove any air-bubbles by moving the dipstick up and down. Incubate for  Simple to perform and easy to read. three hours at room temperature.  Does not require any special expertise or equipment.  Remove the dipstick from the detection reagent and rinse with water. Allow to dry. Disadvantages  Not a confi rmatory test. Kit • Reconstitution fl uid (vial A)  Kits have to be imported. • Lyophilized detection reagent (vial B)  Costlier. • Dipstick fl uid (vial C) • Dipsticks containing, on a white strip, a leptospira antigen (lower band) and an internal control band Fig. 6. Positive and negative results in MCAT (upper band)

Equipment • Test tubes • Test tube holder • Micropipettes (5-250 µl) • Disposable pipette tips

Interpretation of the results a) Positive: Development of clearly visible reddish coloured Ag band (1+, 2+, 3+, 4+). b) Negative: No development of reddish coloured Ag band.

LEPTO LATERAL FLOW LEPTO DIPSTICK Lepto lateral fl ow is based on the binding of specifi c IgM antibodies to the broadly reactive Principle heat extracted antigen prepared from non- The assay is based on the binding of leptospira- pathogenic Patoc 1 strain. IgM antibodies bound specifi c IgM antibodies to the leptospira to the broadly reactive antigen are detected antigen. Bound IgM antibodies are detected with an anti human IgM gold conjugate 6 with an anti-human dye conjugate5. contained within the test device .

Procedure Kit  Reconstitute the lyophilized reagent (vial • Lepto lateral fl ow device B) with 5 ml reconstitution fl uid (vial A). • Sample fl uid (diluent)  Transfer 200 µl reconstituted detection Equipment reagent to a marked test tube. • Micropipettes (10 µl) • Disposable pipette tips  Add 4 µl serum to the reconstituted

36 Leptospirosis Procedure suspended by mixing with the serum sample  Add fi ve ml of undiluted serum or 10 using a special spatula followed by swirling of the µl of whole blood added to the sample suspension by hand rotating of the agglutination application. card. Serum, which has been stored frozen, can be used as well. Agglutination occurs within  Add 130 µl of sample fl uid (diluent). 30 to 60 seconds and is clearly visible by the  Wait for up to 15 min. formation of fi ne aggregates that tend to settle at the edge of the droplet7. Reading results  If only the control band became stained, Kit the test is negative. • Lepto dri dot cards  If both test and control bands became • Disposable plastic spatulas stained, the test is considered as positive. Equipment • Micropipettes (10 µl) Advantages • Disposable pipette tips  Very quick.  Both serum as well as blood can be used to Procedure perform the test.  Remove a Dri-Dot card from the packaging and place the card on a bench top with the Disadvantages blue dot facing upwards.  Expensive.  Spot 10 μl serum next to, but not onto, the blue dot and within the area marked by the Fig. 7. Lepto lateral fl ow, positive and black circle. negative test results  Take hold of the plastic spatula with the fl at site of the tip facing downwards. Hold the spatula with the thumb and forefi nger close to the fl at end of the spatula. Suspend serum and blue dot with a quick circular motion while pressing the fl at end of the spatula fi rmly on to the dot. Don’t spread the suspension outside the area marked by the black circle. Proceed with the next step when the blue dot is fully suspended and a homogenous suspension is obtained. LEPTO DRI-DOT  Keeping the card near horizontally, slowly rotate the card swirling the liquid in circular Principle motion within the limits of the marked areas The Lepto Dri-Dot consists of coloured latex in order to mix latex and serum sample particles activated with a broadly reactive further and to induce agglutination. leptospira antigen that is dried onto an  Read results within 60 seconds. agglutination card. The assay is based on the binding of leptospira-specifi c antibodies to Advantages the leptospira antigen. The broadly reactive  Simple to perform and easy to read. antigen ensures the effi cient detection of a  Doesn’t require any special expertise or wide spectrum of leptospira infections. The equipment. assay is performed by the addition of 10 μl of a freshly prepared serum sample to the dried  The Dri-Dot have long shelf lives even at latex particles. The latex particles are then room temperature.

Laboratory Manual 37 Disadvantages  Rotate the slide slowly and gently.  Although the results of the Lepto Dri-Dot  Record the results within 60 seconds. are found to be in agreement with those of IgM ELISA, neither 100% sensitivity or 100% Fig. 8. Lepto LAT, positive and negative specifi city is claimed. test results  It is advised that the Microscopic Agglutination Test to be used as a confi rmatory test.  Kits have to be imported.  Costlier.

LEPTO-LAT Lepto–LAT is a latex agglutination test for detection of antibodies to leptospires in body fl uids. Interpretation of the test results Fine clearly visible agglutination occurs Materials provided within 30-60 seconds. The intensity of the 1. Sensitized latex beads in suspension 2. A positive control agglutination depends on concentration of the 3. A negative control antibodies in a serum sample. Clearly visible 4. Plastic sticks for mixing granular agglutination is indicates the presence of specifi c antibodies to leptospires. In stronger Materials required but not provided 1. Clean glass slides (Please do not use already used reactions fi ne granular clumps tend to settle at ones) the edge of the circle. Agglutination that occurs 2. Micro pipette (5 μl – 10 μl) beyond 60 seconds may be due to evaporation 3. Micropipette tips and should not be considered.

Storage Principle The coated latex particles are stable up to one Lepto LAT is a agglutination immuno assay for the year at 4ºC– 8ºC but can be stored for up to six detection of leptopsira specifi c antibodies. The months at room temperature (32–37ºC). blue coloured latex beads are sensitized with the broadly reactive and specifi c antigen prepared Advantages from pathogenic leptospires and suspended in  Simple to perform and easy to read and storage buffer. When the specimen is mixed doesn’t require any special equipment or with suspended latex, antibodies present in the expertise specimen interact with the antigen that is coated on the surface of the latex particles leading to  The Lepto-LAT have long shelf life even at the formation of fi ne and clearly visible granular room temperature agglutination within 60 seconds.  Cost effective.

Procedure Disadvantages  Shake well the vial containing coloured  Results need to be confi rmed. latex beads.  Transfer 10 ul of latex beads on a slide. MICROSCOPIC AGGLUTINATION TEST (MAT)  Add 5 μl of serum near to the latex. The most commonly used serological technique  Mix the serum thoroughly with the latex for confi rmation of diagnosis is MAT. The test beads and spread uniformly in circular is highly sensitive when performed on paired fashion. (The diameter of the circle should sera (acute and convalescent ) and is serovar/ not be more than 1 cm). serogroup specifi c. One of the critical issues

38 Leptospirosis of MAT is the cut-off or signifi cant titre for The optimal cut-off titre is assessed by carrying diagnosis, when the test is done only on a single out a baseline study on distribution of titres sample8. Ideally MAT should be performed in the community as well as among confi rmed on paired sera collected during acute and patients. Using this data it is possible to estimate convalescent stage of the disease to fi nd the sensitivities and false positivity rates at out sero-conversion or four-fold rise in titre, different cut-off titres. The titre that gives the which is the evidence of current or recent lowest number of false results is then chosen as infection. However, collection of convalescent the optimal cut-off titre. This titre can be found serum sample is diffi cult in routine practice. out by plotting false positivity rates against It also delays the diagnosis. The alternative sensitivities at different titres. Such a plot is is to determine cut-off or signifi cant titre called the Receiver Operating Characteristics for MAT on a single sample for diagnosis. The (ROC) curve. The titre that lies closest to the cut-off titre for single MAT depends on the left upper corner of the plot will result in least baseline titre in the community in a particular number of false results i.e. sum of false positive geographical region. Different laboratories results and false negative results and hence is use different cut off titres ranging from 1 in 100 considered as the optimal one. Figures 11 and 12 to 1 in 400 for diagnosis based on endemicity show ROC curves for MAT during fi rst week and or baseline titre in the community. Several second to fourth weeks of illness in endemic and investigators usually consider a titre of 1 in non-endemic areas. In an ROC curve, a straight 100 as a signifi cant titre for diagnosis without line drawn from left lower corner to right upper considering the endemicity or baseline titres corner is called the no-benefi t line, because if a in the community. This may result in over- titre that lies below this line is chosen as cut-off diagnosis and overestimation of disease the test result doesn’t provide any information burden. useful for diagnosis.

Fig. 9. ROC curve of MAT cut-off titres in endemic area showing that a titre of 1 in 200 is the optimal during 2-4 weeks and no titre is optimal during fi rst week

100% 1:100 1:50 1:200

80% 1:400

60% 1:800


Sensitivity 40% First week 1:1600 1:100 2-4 weeks No benefi t 20% 1:3200 1:200 1:400 1:800 0% 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% False Positivity Rate (1-specifi city)

Laboratory Manual 39 Fig. 10. ROC curve of MAT cut-off titres in non-endemic area showing that a titre of 1 in 100 is the optimal during 2-4 weeks and 1 in 50 during fi rst week


1:50 1:100

80% 1:200




Sensitivity 40% 1:100 First week 2-4 weeks No benefi t 1:20 20%


0% 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% False Positivity Rate (1-specifi city)

Although MAT has several drawbacks, it is free non-agglutinable leptospires. Hence, there an indispensable technique in diagnosis and is an element of subjectivity in reading the test in seroepidemiological studies. The test is results. more specifi c and sensitive if performed on paired sera. However, this is always not true Panel of antigens and therefore, one should be careful while A battery of antigens, covering the range interpreting MAT titres. Due to cross reactive of serovars that are expected or likely to antigens among serovars belonging to different be circulating in a particular geographical serogroups or due to the lack of homogenicity area, where the patient becomes infected, within the serovars of certain serogroups, MAT should be used. Locally isolated strains titres may not always provide actual information should be included in the panel, if possible, about infecting/circulating serogroups. as they may give more specifi c and sensitive results than reference strains. At least The usual method for carrying out MAT is to one strain of saprophytic serovar (Patoc I) mix equal volumes of series of serum dilutions should also be included in the panel to act and leptospira culture in the wells of microtitre as genus specifi c antigen to detect infections plates. The serum antigen mixture is allowed caused by serovars/strains not yet known to to react for a certain period at certain exist in a particular geographical area. The temperature. The degree of agglutination and recommended panel of antigens (one strain endpoint titre are determined by examining a representing each known serogroup) may drop of the mixture by dark fi eld microscopy. The be used while testing sera received from a degree of agglutination as such may be diffi cult geographical area where the information to observe and the degree of agglutination is about circulating serovars is lacking. The often assessed by determining the number of recommended panel is given below.

40 Leptospirosis Preparation of antigens Formalinized antigens The stock culture collection of leptospires is The live cultures killed by addition of a fi nal best maintained in screw-capped test tubes 0.5% formaldehyde solution may be used as containing 5-6 ml of liquid medium. Fresh sub antigens. These antigens are stable for at least culture are made by inoculating 0.5 ml from two months. The disadvantage of these antigens the each strain/serovar into tubes. At the is that leptospires tend to adhere loosely to same time, a loop-full of the culture should be one another, thus interfering with the reading examined by dark fi eld microscopy to confi rm of the reaction. the presence of viable leptospires and the absence of contamination and it should be Density of the antigens free from “breeding nests”. The inoculated Well grown culture, a minimum density of cultures are incubated at 30ºC and checked for 1-2 x 108 leptospires per ml should be used as the presence of the growth after 5-7 days. The an antigen. The density can be determined by cultures used as antigens should be checked by direct counting, using spectrophotometer or by MAT against homologous antisera frequently for McFarland’s scale. quality control. Procedure Live antigens  Fill all 96 wells of microtitre plate with The culture may be used directly as the antigen. 50 µl PBS. The antigens can be used up to one week after  Add another 140 µl PBS to the wells of 5-7 days of incubation. column 2.

Table 1. Commonly used serovars/strains for MAT

SEROGROUP SEROVAR STRAIN Andamana Andamana CH 11 Australis Australis Ballico Bratislava Jez Bratislava Autumnalis Autumnalis Akiyami Rachmati Rachmat Ballum Ballum S 102 Bataviae Bataviae V Tienen Canicola Canicola Hond Utrecht IV Celledoni Celledoni Celledoni Cynopteri Cynopteri 3522 C Grippotyposa Grippotyposa Moskva V Hebdomadis Hebdomadis Hebdomadis Icterohaemorrhagiae Icterohaemorrhagiae RGA Copenhageni M 20 Javanica Javanica Veldrat Bat. 46 Poi Poi Panama Panama CZ 214 Pomona Pomona Pomona Pyrogenes Pyrogenes Salinem Shermani Shermani LT 821 Sejroe Sejroe M 84 hardjo Hardjoprajitno Semaranga Patoc Patoc 1 Tarassovi Tarassovi Perepelitsin

Laboratory Manual 41  Add 10 µl of serum to the wells of column Advantages 2 (dilution is now 1:20) mix and discard  It is serovar/serogroup specifi c test. Some 100 µl. clue about the infecting serovar can be  Dilute by pipetting 50 µl from one well to obtained. the next, discard the fi nal 50 µl (2- >3- >4-  It has sensitivity and excellent specifi city . >5- >6- >7- >8- >9- >10- >11- >12).  Once infected, the person stays MAT Positive  Add 50 µl leptospira culture to all wells. for several years. So the test is useful for  Mix thoroughly on a micro shaker. epidemiological purpose.

 Incubate for 2-4 hours at 30ºC. Disadvantages  14–21 strains have to be maintained in Reading of the test results culture, which is often very diffi cult. The serum-antigen mixtures are examined under a dark fi eld microscope for agglutination.  Procedure is complex and time consuming. For observation, one drop of mixture is  Reading results requires experienced transferred with a platinum loop or pipette personnel. from a well to a microscopic slide and examined  It is not possible to distinguish between IgM under dark fi eld microscope with 20X objective antibodies indicative of current infection, without cover slip. and IgG antibodies indicative of past infection. The titre is the dilution that gives 50% agglutination, leaving 50% of cells free.  Finding of agglutinating antibodies in a Compare with a control suspension of single serum sample does not necessarily leptospires diluted one in two in PBS without prove current leptospirosis. An antibody serum (column 1) titre may be due to residual antibodies of a past infection. Therefore, the Notice that with killed antigen observed interpretation of a single titre is not easy agglutination is measured directly, contrary so a second serum sample is required for to the procedure to the live antigen where, demonstrating a raising titre which has a essentially, agglutination is measured diagnostic signifi cance. indirectly by establishing the reduction of  Calibration of signifi cant titre is essential in leptospiral density with 50% in comparison the case of single serum specimens. with the density of free leptospires in the  False negativity in the early course of the control. disease. Note: Serum samples will be stored at –20ºC. Comments: In the early stage of the disease Prior to examination, serum samples will cross reactivity may occur and patient sera be checked for the presence of debris or may agglutinate a variety of other serovars. contamination by bacteria that may interfere Sometimes even to higher titres than the with agglutination. causative serovar, a phenomenon is called Criteria for serological diagnosis of as ‘paradoxical reaction’. However, such leptospirosis by using MAT paradoxical reactions tend to drop in titre and usually the homologous titre to the causative Seroconversion or four fold rise in antibody organisms predominate in later stages of the titre in paired sera. disease. A minimum titre of 1:400 or more in a single Other serological methods include Immuno serum sample. However, the signifi cant titre in Fluorescent Antibody test (IFA) and Indirect the case of single serum samples may vary from Haemagglutination test (IHA). Different one geographical area to other.

42 Leptospirosis Fig. 12. Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) – End titre 1 in 160

Negative control 1 in 20

1 in 40 1 in 80

1 in 160 1 in 320 methods used in the laboratory for the diagnosis  Four-fold or greater rise in the MAT titre of leptospirosis can also be categorized as between acute and convalescent-phase microscopic, bacteriological, immunological/ serum specimens run in parallel. serological or molecular biological (fi g. 14).  Sero-conversion from a titre < 1 in 20 to 1 in 80 in between acute and convalescent- Criteria for a defi nite diagnosis of phase samples run in parallel. Leptospirosis The criterion for laboratory diagnosis varies Isolation of leptospires is laborious and takes from one laboratory to the other. The criteria several weeks or months. Sero-conversion or usually used in well established laboratories rise in titre is the central dogma of serological are mentioned below: diagnosis but it requires second convalescent-  Isolation of leptospires from a clinical phase sample which is diffi cult to obtain. specimen. Therefore, the criteria for defi nite diagnosis has

Laboratory Manual 43 Fig. 13. Laboratory diagnosis — different approaches

Laboratory diagnosis

Bacteriologic Microscopic Immunologic Molecular

Isolation Direct Microscopy Microscopic Polymerase agglutination test chain Animal Immuno reaction Inoculation histochemical ELISA (PCR) straining Indirect In situ Immunofl orescence haemagglutination hybridization test Silver Inpregaation techniques Lepto dipstick Lepto lateral fl ow Lepto dri-dot

greater application in establishing the endemicity assays, slide agglutination test or latex of the disease in a particular geographical agglutination test. region rather than in routine diagnosis. Once  Demonstration of leptospires directly or by the endemicity is defi ned in a particular region, staining methods. criteria for a presumptive diagnosis can be used for diagnosis and case management. No single MAT titre can be regarded as diagnostic of acute or active infection and sometimes Criteria for a Presumptive confi rmed patients have low MAT titres. Cross Diagnosis reactive antibodies in , ,  A MAT titre of 100/200/400 or above in , enteric fever, dengue and malaria single sample based on endemicity. may give a titre of 80 or 100. Therefore low MAT  A positive result in IgM based immuno- titres need to be interpreted with caution.

44 Leptospirosis References

1. Faine, S. 1982. Guidelines for the control of leptospirosis. WHO Offset Publication No. 67. p. 29. World Health Organization. Geneva. 2. Vijayachari, P., Sugunan, A.P, Umapati, T and Sehgal, S.C. 2001: Evaluation of Dark ground microscopy as a rapid diagnostic procedure in leptospirosis. Indian J Med Res. 114: 54-58 3. Dugui JP. Staining Methods. in Mackie & McCartney Practical Medical Microbiology, 13th ed., Vol 2 editors Collee JG, Duguid JP, Fraser AG, Marimion BP, London: Churchill Livingstone, 1989; p. 38-63 4. Sehgal, S.C., 1997: Vijayachari, P. and Subramaniam, V. Evaluation of Leptospira Micro Capsular Agglutination Test (MCAT) for sero-diagnosis of Leptospirosis. Indian J. Med. Res. 106:504 5. Sehgal, S.C., Vijayachari, P., Sharma, S., Sugunan, A. P. 1999: LeptoDipstick - a rapid and simple method for serodiagnosis of leptospirosis in acute stage. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 93:161-164 6. Sehgal, S.C., Vijayachari, P., Sugunan, A.P., Umapathi, T. 2003: Field application of Lepto lateral-fl ow for rapid diagnosis of leptospirosis. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 52, 1-6 7. Vijayachari, P, Sugunan, A.P and Sehgal, S.C. 2002: Evaluation of Lepto dri-dot as a rapid test for the diagnosis of leptospirosis. Epidemiology & Infection 129, 617-21 8. Vijayachari. P, Sugunan, A.P, Sehgal, S.C. 2001: Role of Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) as a diagnostic tool during acute stage of leptospirosis in low and high endemic areas. Indian J. Med. Res. 114: 99-106

Laboratory Manual 45 Chapter 7

Serological Characterization of Leptospires P. VIJAYACHARI, SAMEER SHARMA & K. NATARAJASEENIVASAN

he taxonomic status of leptospira can be 8-Azaguanine Test defi ned by a combination of its various Tcharacteristics1. Therefore different Procedure markers should be considered or tests should  Make suspension of 100 ml distilled water be repeated. The scheme used for classifi cation and 225 mg. 8-Azaguanine and identifi cation of leptospires is shown in  Sterilize the fl ask with the 8-Azaguanine Table 1. solution at 121ºC for 30 min.  Add aseptically 0.5 ml 8-Azaguanine solution Table 1: Scheme used for classifi cation and to 4.5 ml EMJH media identifi cation of leptospires  Mix thoroughly  Inoculate tubes with 0.05 ml of a well-grown Taxonomic Main Characteristic or Test used culture of the strain under investigation and Status the control 1. Genus morphology, movement  Incubate at 30ºC 2. Species growth at 13ºC and growth with 8-  Check growth twice in a week up to 21 azaguanine (225 µg/ml), days 3. Serogroup agglutination with ‘group sera’ 4. Serovar a) agglutination test and agglutinin Controls absorption tests  Pathogenic strains with and without 8- b) factor analysis with factor sera. Azaguanine 5. Genomic a) DNA Hybridization  Saprophytic strains with and without 8- Species b) RFLP Azaguanine c) RAPD d) REA 13ºC Test

Differentiation of pathogenic and Procedure saprophytic leptospires  Inoculate 0.05 ml of a well grown culture On the basis of morphological characteristics, into 5 ml of EMJH medium of the strain pathogenic leptospires cannot be under investigation and the controls in differentiated from saprophytic ones. The duplicate. commonly used tests to discriminate between  Incubate one set at 13ºC and the other at saprophytic and pathogenic leptospires grow 30ºC at low temperature (13ºC) and resistant  Check twice in a week by dark fi eld to 8-Azaguanine (225 µg/ml). Pathogenic microscopy for growth leptospires does not grow at 13ºC and they  Used controls (Pathogenic strains and are resistant to 8-Azaguanine. Saprophytic strains)

46 Leptospirosis Serogroup Serovar Strain Titre 1. Australis australis Ballico Negative 2. Australis bratislave Jez Brat. Negative 3. Autumnalis bangkinang Bangkinang I 1:80 4. Autumnalis butembo Butembo Negative 5. Autumnalis carlos 3C Negative 6. Autumnalis rachmati Rachmat Negative 7. Ballum ballum Mus 127 Negative 8. Ballum kenya Njenga Negative 9. Bataviae bataviae Swart Negative 10. Canicola canicola H.Uterecht IV Negative 11. Canicola schueffneri VI.90 C Negative 12. Celledoni cellodoni Cellodoni Negative 13. Cynopteri cynopteri 3522 C Negative 14. Djasiman djasiman Djasinman 1:40 15. Grippotyphosa grippotyphosa Moskva V 1:10240 16. Grippotyphosa huanuco M 4 1:160 17. Hebdomadis hebdomadis Hebdomadis Negative 18. Hebdomadis worsfoldi Worsfold Negative 19. Icterohaem. copenhageni M 20 Negative 20. Icterohaem. icterohaem RGA Negative 21. Javanica poi Poi Negative 22. Louisiana louisiana LSU 1945 Negative 23. Manhao manhao L 60 Negative 24. Mini mini Sari Negative 25. Panama panama CZ 214 K Negative 26. Pomona pomona Pomona Negative 27. Pyrogenes pyrogenes Salinem Negative 28. Sarmin rio Rr 5 Negative 29. Sarmin weaveri CZ 390 Negative 30. Sejroe hardjo Hardjopraj Negative 31. Sejroe saxkoebing Mus 24 Negative 32. Shermani shermani 1342 K Negative 33. Tarassovi bakeri LT 79 Negative 34. Tarassovi mogden Compton Negative 35. Tarassovi rama 316 Negative 36. Tarassovi tarassovi Perepelicin Negative Strain DS2 probably belongs to serogroup Grippotyphosa

DETERMINATION OF SEROGROUP of a certain serogroup but in general gives little Presently there are more than 230 pathogenic cross reactions with strains of other serogroups. serovars, placed into 25 serogroups. To Table 2 shows the results obtained in MAT with determine group reactivity, the unknown strain X group sera on an isolate D-15. has to be tested in the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) with rabbit antisera “group sera”. A MAT with positive groups representative group serum is a selected rabbit If the unknown strain (X) reacts positively antiserum, which reacts strongly with all serovars with one or more group sera the MAT will be

Laboratory Manual 47 performed with all reference antisera which the serovar. The methods used for this purpose belong to the positive group(s). If necessary an include the Cross Agglutination Absorption Test antiserum against the unknown strain (X) can (CAAT), the factor sera analysis, typing based be produced in a rabbit. The antiserum has to on Monoclonal antibodies (serological) and be tested in the MAT with all reference strains Restriction Enzyme nuclease Analysis (REA), which belong to the positive group. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) technique, Random Amplifi ed Polymorphic Calculation of the results DNA (RAPD) fi ngerprinting technique. Cross agglutination tires are expressed as percentages of the reciprocal titre for the Cross Agglutination and Absorption homologous strains of positive antisera from Test (CAAT) the whole serogroup with the unknown strain Two strains are considered to belong to different (X) and vice versa. Two strains are considered serotypes/serovars if after cross-absorption to be related in some way if the agglutination with adequate amounts of heterologous antigen titre of unknown strain (X) with an antiserum 10% or more of the homologous titre regularly and/or the agglutination titre of antiserum (X) remains in at least one of the two antisera in with reference strain are more than 10%. Titres repeated tests. are expressed using the formula The amount of antigen to be used for absorption Tgs is a very important factor (Wolff and Broom, Tui = ——– x 100 1954; Kmety et al 1970). It is important that Ths the quantitative relationship between antigen and immune serum to be absorbed should be where Tui is the agglutination titre of the well balanced to avoid the possible non-specifi c unknown strain, Tgs is the reciprocal titre of absorption by excessive amounts of antigen antisera from positive group(s) with unknown (babudieri, 1971). Therefore variable amounts strain and Ths is the reciprocal of reference of antigen are mixed with the antiserum. This antiserum with homologous strain and antiserum is standardized to a MAT titre of 1:5120. The absorbed antisera whose titre Tgi with the absorbing strain is approaching zero Tus = ——– x 100 (should not exceed 1% of the pre-absorption Thi titre) is used for the agglutination with the homologous strain. Tests to be repeated where Tus is the agglutination titre of unknown several times. sera, Tgi is the reciprocal titre of unknown sera with reference strains from positive groups and All cross agglutination titres of more than 10% Thi is the reciprocal titre of the unknown serum are considered to be positive with homologous strain. Perform absorption test with Strain DS-15 and bananal are unrelated as in  All relevant reference antisera that react both sera less than 10% homology is observed. positively with the unknown strain X. Strain DS-15, canalzona and grippotyphosa are  All relevant reference strains that react related as in both sera more than 10% homology positively with the produced antiserum was observed (Table 3). against unknown strain (X).

DETERMINATION OF SEROVAR The following control test have to STATUS be performed prior to absorption The serovar is the basic taxon in the taxonomy of test 2,3,4 leptospires . So it is important to characterize  In the cross-absorption test, those an unknown strain of leptospira to the level of pre-dilutions of antisera are used, which give

48 Leptospirosis a MAT titre of 1:5120 with the homologous 20 ml culture) in 1 ml PBS-formalin diluted killed antigen. antiserum each.  If the MAT titre of the antiserum is  Absorption of the antiserum with the higher than 1:5120, dilute to the desired sediments has to be performed overnight at concentration. 30ºC.  Add 0.4 ml pre-diluted antiserum to 3.6 ml  Spin down the leptospires by centrifugation PBS pH 7.2 with formalin (0.5%). for 30 minutes at 10,000 g.  3 ml of this diluted antiserum is used for  The supernatants are pipetted off the absorption tests with different amounts carefully. of sedimented leptospires and 1 ml is used  The supernatants are used for the MAT. for the homologous control test. Agglutination after absorption Inoculation and centrifugation  To check for over or under absorption, the  Inoculate a well-grown culture into 50 ml absorbed reference antisera are tested EMJH medium. in the MAT with live and killed antigen  Incubate in the shaking incubator for 5-7 (absorbing strain X). days at 30ºC.  Fill all the wells of microtitre plate with 50  Check the culture by dark fi eld µl of PBS pH 7.2. examination for the absence of debris and  Add 50 µl each of the absorbed contamination. antiserum to be tested to the wells of  Treat the well-grown cultures (minimum column 2. The dilution in this well is now density = 2 x 108 leptospires/ml) with 1:20. formalin (0.5% fi nal concentration).  The formalinized cultures are allowed to  Add to all wells 50 µl antigen stand for one hour. (absorbing stain X). After the addition of  Divide the culture over 5, 10 and 20 ml the antigen the dilution will be 1:40 in leptospira quantities and centrifuge the column 2. three different amounts of leptospira  After reading the MAT one has to chose culture for 30 min. at 10,000 g. on from the three absorbed antiserum  After centrifugation the supernatants have for further testing. Take the absorbed to be discarded. antiserum each having a MAT titre of 1:40 or 1:80. This titre has to be less than Absorption 1% of the homologous titre for the same  Re-suspend the sediments with air-dried antiserum. cells of strain X (derived from 5, 10 and

Table 3: Cross agglutination absorption test results on isolate DS-15

Antiserum Abs. Homologous Titre Relation Strain before absorption after absorption Canalzonae DS-15 L 5120 L 5120 100 K 5120 K 5120 100

DS-15 Canalzonae L 10240 L 5120 50 K 5120 K 2560 50 Grippotyphosa DS-15 L 10240 L 320 3.1 K 5120 K 160 3.1

DS-15 Grippotyphosa L 2560 L 40 6.2 K 2560 K 80 3.1

Laboratory Manual 49 With the chosen absorbed Calculation of the results antiserum the following MATs are performed Interpretation of results  Control test of the unabsorbed diluted Relationship between strain DS-15 and reference antiserum with live and killed canalzona: In both sera more than 10% of the homologous reference antigen. homologous titre remains. They belong to the different serovars.  Test of the absorbed serum with live and killed homologous reference antigen. Relationship between strain DS-15 and  The tests can also be performed with the grippotyphosa: Both strains are related as after produced antiserum against strain X with absorption both the serum samples give less all positive reference strains. than 10% homologous titre.

Equipment TYPING USING MONOCLONAL  Disposable microtitre plates (96 wells) ANTIBODIES (mAbs) Pipettes Mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are used Plastic tips to type isolates as belong to certain serovars5. Incubator 30ºC Multichannel diluter Characterization can be done by the use of Dark fi eld microscope (objectives 16-20 X, eye MCAs that react with a single characteristic pieces 10 X) epitope or with several MCAs that react with a Microscopic slides characteristic mosaic of epitopes.

Reagents Histograms Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), pH 7.2 Leptospira reference strains and Isolates Serovars can be identifi ed by their characteristic Mouse monoclonal antisera antigenic pattern recognized by a set of Leptospires of control reference strains and isolates monoclonal antibodies which are called will be grown in EMJH medium, incubated for 5-7 histograms. days at 30ºC and checked by dark fi eld microscopy for adequate density and absence of debris or contaminating bacteria.

50 Leptospirosis References

1. Faine, S. 1982. Guidelines for the control of leptospirosis. WHO Offset Publication No. 67. p. 29. World Health Organization. Geneva. 2. Kmety E and Dikken H.. Serological typing methods of Leptospires. In Methods in Microbiology. Editors Bergan T, Norris JR.. Academic Press, London. 1978; 11: 260-08 3. International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology, Sub Committee on the Taxonomy Of Leptopsira, Minutes of the meeting, 5 – 6 September. 1986 Manchester, England, Intl. J. Sys Bacteriol 1987; pp 472-3. 4. Kmety E and Dikken H. Classifi cation of the species Leptospira interrogans and history of its serovars, 1993; University Press Groningen, The Netherlands. 5. Korver H, Kolk AHJ, Vingerhoed J, Van Leeuwen J, Terpstra WJ. Classifi cation of serovars of the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup by monoclonal antibodies. Isr J Vet Med 1988; 44: 15-18.

Laboratory Manual 51 Chapter 8 Molecular Tools in the Diagnosis and Characterization of Leptospires D. BISWAS & SUBARNA ROY

ecently, DNA-based techniques have popularity, the use of labeled probes for been proposed as alternative methods molecular diagnostics has diminished. Rof diagnosis and identifi cation of leptospires. Nucleic acid probes and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) hybridization techniques were used previously PCR method involves in vitro amplifi cation for detection of leptospires from clinical of genus-specifi c target DNA sequence, if samples1,2. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) present, in clinical samples. A pair of short was subsequently developed for detection of DNA fragments, known as primers is used for leptospires from clinical samples. Different specifi c amplifi cation of DNA fragments from groups developed different primers targeting the pathogen in blood, urine or CSF. Positive different locations of the leptospiral genome diagnosis results from the amplifi cation of the for sequence-specifi c amplifi cation of target sequence whereas negative samples sequences in PCR that holds promise as a fail to produce amplifi ed DNA in PCR. PCR molecular tool for diagnosis of the disease3, can be used to detect leptospiral infection in 4, 5. PCR is very often used as a very sensitive both animals and human beings following the and specifi c test for diagnosis of many diseases same methods. Van Eys et al7 developed PCR and PCR with different primers specifi c for for detection of leptospires in urine samples Leptospira is in the process of evaluation in of infected cattle. Urine samples containing different laboratories across the world. as few as 10 leptospires per ml gave positive results in PCR assay. Gravekamp et al4 proposed Hybridization with Nucleic acid the use of two sets of primers (G1 & G2 and probes B641 & B651) that enabled the amplifi cation of Nucleic acid hybridization can confi rm target DNA fragment from leptospiral species. diagnosis before the results of culture and Amplifi cation results in generation of a PCR biochemical tests are available. Dot blot product of 285 bp and could detect even 1-10 hybridization method with 32P- and biotin- leptospires per ml of urine. Leptospires were labeled genotype-specifi c probes has been also detected from aqueous humor of a patient used for early detection of leptospires6. In with unilateral uveitis using silica particles situ hybridization method using biotin-labelled and guanidine thiocyanate method by PCR9. It DNA probe for detection of L.interrogans in has been found that PCR is a rapid, sensitive clinical samples has also been proposed. In a and specifi c means of diagnosing leptospiral particular study, it was found that nucleic acid infection, especially during the fi rst few days hybridization detected 60 of 75 urine samples, of the disease when antibodies are not fully whereas FAT detected 24 samples and only detectable in serological tests. In different 13 samples were detected by bacteriological studies involving patients suffering clinically culture. However, hybridization with nucleic with acute leptospirosis, PCR has been compared acid probes is tedious and costly and with with bacterial culture and MAT for diagnosis polymerase chain reaction gaining more and it has been concluded that the PCR is an

52 Leptospirosis effi cient tool for early diagnosis of leptospirosis during acute phase of the disease, especially Materials and Equipment 1. Tris when the clinical symptoms are confusing. 2. Guanididne thiocyanate The most important advantages of PCR are 3. EDTA its sensitivity, specifi city and rapidity through 4. Triton x 100 which the disease can be diagnosed. However, 5. Sodium hydroxide 6. Kieselguhr-DG the major drawbacks of this technique are 7. Proteinase K its high operational cost and unavailability of 8. Ethidium bromide facilities in common diagnostic laboratories. 9. Taq DNA Polymerase 10. Assay buffer for Taq DNA Polymerase The detection of leptospires in the clinical 11. dNTPs mixture 12. Sets of primers (specifi c for Leptospira) samples by using PCR is one of the most 13. Mineral oil valuable additions in the laboratory for diagnosis of leptospirosis. PCR is an iterative process consisting of three elements: Equipment 1. PCR thermo cycler 2. Submarine horizontal gel electrophoresis 1. Denaturation of the template DNA into two apparatus separate strands at an optimal temperature 3. UV transilluminator and time depending on their G+C content 4. Vorter mixer and size of the template DNA. 5. Water bath shaker 6. Micro centrifuge 2. Annealing of the oligonucleotide primers to 7. Eppendorf micro centrifuge tube the single stranded sequences at an optimal 8. PCR tube 9. Micropipettes and mcrotips temperature of 3-5ºC lower than the 10. Camera and fi lm calculated melting temperature at which the oligonucleotide primers dissociate from their templates. thoroughly at room temperature for 3. Extension of the annealed primers with 10 min. the help of dNTPs and catalyzed by the  Centrifuge the mixture for 2 min. at 16,000 thermostable DNA polymerase. However, g and sediment the diatoms. number of cycles required for amplifi cation  Wash the diatoms with absorbed DNA twice of DNA depends on the number of copies with 1 ml of L2 wash buffer [120 g of GuSCN of template DNA present at the time of in 100 ml of 0.1 M Tris Hcl (pH 6.4)], twice beginning of the reaction and the effi ciency with 1 ml of 70% (V/V) ethanol and once of primer extension and amplifi cation. Once with 1 ml of acetone. the reaction starts it proceeds until one of  Dry the diatoms pellets at 56ºC. the components becomes limiting.  Elute the DNA in 120 μl of double distilled

Methods H2O for 10 min at 56ºC in presence of 5 μl of 10 mg/ml Proteinase K. Serum or Plasma preparation for PCR  Inactivate the Proteinase K by incubating  Mix serum sample with L6 lysis buffer [120 the sample at 100ºC for 15 min. g of GuSCN, 22 ml of 0.2 M EDTA, 2.6 ml of Triton X 100 in 100 ml of 0.1 M Tris Hcl (pH  Centrifuge for 2 min at 16,000 g. 6.4) in the ratio of 1:9 (V/V)].  Use 10 to 40 μl of eluted DNA sample for PCR.  Add 40 μl of diatom suspension [0.5 ml of 36% Urine Sample Preparation for PCR (W/V) HCl and 10 g of diatoms (Kieselguhr-  Collect 10 ml of Urine in a 15 ml container DG) in 50 ml of H O]. 2 and add 10 μl formalin (fi nal concentration  Incubate the mixture after vortexing 0.1%) and store the sample at 4ºC till use.

Laboratory Manual 53  Centrifuge 10 ml of Urine for 30 min at Fig. 1. Lines 1-5, 8-11:285 bp fragment 1500 g. amplifi ed by G1 & G2 (all genospecies except L. Krichneri); Lanes 7-8:563 bp fragment  Discard the supernatant. amplifi ed by B641 & II (L. Krischneri)  Add 9 ml of L6 lysis buffer and 40 μl of diatoms or silica to the pellet.  Incubate by shaking for 10 min at RT.  Centrifuge for 5 min at 1500 g.  Discard supernatant by suction.  Add 1 ml of L2 wash buffer and transfer the suspension to a clean 1.5 ml tube.  Wash the pellets twice with 1 ml L2 wash buffer (1 min at 16000 g).  Wash the pellets twice with 1 ml 70% ethanol (1 min at 16000 g).  Wash the pellets once with 1 ml acetone (1 min 16000 g).  Dry the pallets for 10 min at 56ºC.  Elute the DNA in 120 μl of double distilled

H2O for 10 min. at 56ºC in presence of 5 μl of 10 mg/ml Proteinase K.  Boil the eluted DNA solution for 10 min at cycler for 30 cycles. Each cycle consists 100ºC. of denaturation of DNA at 94ºC for  Centrifuge for two min at 16,000 g. 1 min, annealing of the primer at 55ºC for 1 - 2 min and extension for two min. at  Collect 100 μl supernatant with a pipette 72ºC. After the cycles are completed, the and use 10 to 40 μl for the PCR reaction. fi nal extension of the amplifi ed product is done at 72ºC for seven min. Amplifi cation of DNA  The amplifi cation of DNA is performed in a  The amplifi ed PCR products are analysed total volume of 50 μl. in 1% - 2% agarose gel with 0.1 μg/ml ethidium bromide in TAE buffer pH 8.0.  The primers used for the PCR are G1 5’- At the end of the electrophoresis the gel CTG AAT CGC TGT ATA AAA GT-3’ & G2 5’- is visualized under UV transilluminator GGA AAA CAA ATG GTC GGA AG-3’ and B64I and photographed. Amplifi cation of 285 5’- CTG AAT TCT CAT CTC AAC TC-3’ & B64II /563base pair DNA fragment indicates 5’ – GCA GAA ATC AGA TGG ACG AT-3’ presence of leptospiral DNA in the  The reaction mixture (50 μl ) contains specimen. 5 μl of 10x assay buffer [10 mM Tris Hcl

(pH 9.0), 1.5 mM MgCl2, 50 mM Kcl and Advantages 0.01% Gelatin], 200 μM each dNTPs,  Gives relatively quick results in the early 20 pM of each primer, 0.5 U of Taq DNA stage of the disease when antibodies have Polymerase, Template DNA (10-40 μl). not yet developed in detectable levels. Add 20 μl of mineral oil on top of the reaction mixture, if required, to prevent Disadvantages evaporation.  Complicated and expensive  Amplifi cation is carried out in a thermal  Sophisticated equipment are required.

54 Leptospirosis MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION  Amplifi ed Fragment Length Polymorphism Conventionally leptospires are classifi ed (AFLP). serologically on antigenic properties with  Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE). a serovar as the basic taxon. However, the  DNA sequence analysis. Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT), Cross Agglutination Absorption Test (CAAT) and ARBITRARILY PRIMED PCR (AP-PCR)/ monoclonal antibody (mAbs) techniques that are used for serological characterizations are RANDOM AMPLIFIED POLYMORPHIC generally laborious, time-consuming, and often DNA (RAPD) FINGERPRINTING cannot distinguish all serovars. Moreover, tests like the MAT and CAAT require ready supply of Materials and equipment required live antigens. Tris-Hcl pH .8, 10 mM Magnesium chloride, 4 mM Taq DNA polymerase KCl 50 mM With the advent of modern molecular biological Thermal cycler Tris EDTA buffer tools, several attempts have recently been Electrophoresis apparatus Ethidium bromide made to characterize leptospires by these UV Transilluminator Agarose type II techniques. Most of these techniques are Vortex mixture RAPD primers DNA-based. DNA-based characterization Water bath shaker dNTPs scheme is based on the genetic make up and can Micropipettes Gel documentation system translate the genetic code into visible patterns. Microtips These methods are highly reproducible and can show true genetic affi nities and relationships Principle between isolates. The AP-PCR, also called random amplifi ed polymorphic DNA fi ngerprinting technique is Some of the methods that are currently being based on the amplifi cation of the DNA in the used in characterization of leptospires are: PCR by short random oligonucleotide primers.  Arbitrarily primed PCR (AP- PCR) or The size and number of the amplifi ed products Randomly Amplifi ed Polymorphic DNA depend on the particular primers and template (RAPD) fi ngerprinting. DNA. It is used to compare intra and inter-  Restriction Endonuclease Analysis (REA). specifi c differences among pathogens including leptospires. The RAPD technique can be applied  Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP). on purifi ed DNA, crude extracts of cells from cultures or from colonies on agar plates. This Fig. 2. RAPD fi ngerprints of reference of technique is being used for the molecular Lines 1-5, 8-11:285 bp fragment amplifi ed differentiation/typing of various leptospiral by G1& G2 (all genospecies except L. isolates/strains. Krischneri); Lanes 7-8:563 bp fragment amplifi ed by 8641 & II (L. Krischneri) Procedure DNA for AP-PCR is prepared following the method of Boom et al9. AP-PCR fi ngerprinting technique is carried out as per the method described by Roy et al10. M16, a 22-mer oligonucleotide (5’ AAA GAA GGA CTC AGC GAC TGC G 3’) previously used as one of a pair of primers for amplifi cation of an insertion sequence in Leptospira genome, is used as a primer for AP-PCR, because several regions of Leptospira genome are known to possess base sequences complementary to it11.

Laboratory Manual 55 PCR is performed in 50 ml reaction volumes Materials and equipment required with 50 ng purifi ed DNA, 2 mM primer, Tris borate bufferv Boric acid 250 mM of each dNTP, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5 U EDTA, disodium Agarose type II of Taq polymerase in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0) Lambda marker Restriction endonuclease and 50 mM KCl. The temperature programme and buffers consisted of 1 cycle of 3 min at 94ºC, 1 min at Ethidium bromide Triple distilled water 60ºC, and 2 min at 72ºC; followed by 38 cycles Electrophoresis apparatus Vortex mixture of 1 min at 94ºC, 1 min at 60ºC, and 2 min at Polaroid camera with stand Magnetic stirrer 72ºC; and a fi nal cycle of 1 min at 94ºC, 1 Magnetic stirrer Water bath shaker min at 60ºC, and 9 min at 72ºC. All reaction Micropipettes & Microtips Gel casting platform with products are electrophoressed on 20 cm long comb 1% agarose gels, stained with 0.5 mg/ml Gel documentation system ethidium bromide, and photographed under ultraviolet light using gel documentation Preparation of buffers system. DNA profi les of individual lanes are Tris-borate buffer (TBE buffer) pH. 8.2 matched with each other and dendrograms stock solution (10 x) of genetic distance based on similarity- Tris 108.0 gm coeffi cient are generated at 5% confi dence Boric acid 55.0 gm level using included software. EDTA, disodium 9.3 gm To one litre triple distilled water RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE ANALYSIS (REA) Working solution 1 x TBE buffer Stock solution of TBE buffer 100 ml is mixed Principle properly with 900 ml of triple distilled water to prepare the working solution of 1 x TBE buffer. The Restriction Endonuclease Analysis (REA) is based upon the fact that DNA of different Gel loading buffer nucleotide sequences, those which have a Bromophenol blue 0.25 gm different genetic origin will give different Xylene cyanol 0.25 gm band pattern in gel electrophoresis after Sucrose 40.00 gm enzymatic treatment. The REA involves Single strength Tris borate the extraction of DNA from a homogeneous buffer to 100 ml population of organisms, digestion of the DNA with the restriction endonuclease and Procedure electrophoresis of the digested DNA in an The REA is carried out as per the method of agarose gel. The restriction endonuclease Marshall et al12. The restriction digestion recognize and cleave double stranded DNA at is carried out in 20 µl of volume in a sterile a specifi c sequence, hence a set of fragments microfuge tube, the reaction mixture contains are generated. These fragments are highly 5 µl of DNA, 10 x RE buffer 2 µl, 10 to 15 units specifi c for each type of leptospires for their restriction enzymes and triple distilled water molecular characterization. The REA technique to a fi nal volume of 20 µl. is sensitive enough to differentiate between different leptospiral strains on the basis of The digestion mixture is incubated in a water genetic differences. By comparing restriction bath-shaker at 37ºC for the required period of map of different strains, it is possible to time. After the incubation the reaction mixture differentiate them at molecular level. The (sample) is inactivated by heating at 65ºC for 5 technique is very much useful for the molecular min before electrophoresis. For electrophoresis identifi cation/typing of leptospiral isolates/ 0.7% agarose gel in TBE buffer containing 5 µg/ strains from various sources. ml ethidium bromide is used.

56 Leptospirosis Each digested DNA samples are mixed with 1/5th sources and for epidemiological investigations volume of the gel loading buffer and loaded in in the spread of particular strains in the the wells of agarose gel. Lambda DNA digested community. with either Pst I, EcoRI, or Hind III are used as DNA molecular weight markers. Preparation of buffers Tris-borate buffer (TBE buffer) pH. 8.2 stock Electrophoresis is carried out in a sub-marine solution (10 x) electrophoresis apparatus at 5 v/cm at room Tris 108.0 gm temperature for 5 to 6 hours, depending upon Boric acid 55.0 gm the length of the gel. EDTA, disodium 9.3 gm Triple distilled water to 1.0 litre At the end of the electrophoresis the gel is visualized under UV transilluminator and Working solution 1 x TBE buffer photograph is taken using gel documentation Stock solution of TBE buffer 100 ml is mixed system. with 900 ml of triple distilled water to prepare the working solution of 1 x TBE buffer. RESTRICTION FRAGMENT LENGTH POLYMORPHISM (RFLP) Gel loading buffer Bromophenol blue 0.25 gm Principle Xylene cyanol 0.25 gm The Restriction Fragment Length Sucrose 40.00 gm Polymorphism (RFLP) technique is a DNA Single strength Tris borate based technique which was introduced buffer to 100 ml in 1990 as a powerful tool for detecting differences among the chromosomes of 20 X SSC (pH 7.0) organisms that are very closely related as Sodium chloride (3.0 M) 175.32 gm determined by the conventional genomic Trisodium citrate (0.3 M) 88.20 gm analysis. By RFLP analysis the difference in to 1 litre distilled water DNA sequences are determined by examining 5. 0.25 N HCl the size of the fragments that result when 20.8 ml of conc. Hcl diluted to a litre with DNA is cleaved with restriction enzymes. distilled water RFLP analysis involves the extraction of DNA from a homogeneous population of organisms, Denaturation solution digestion of the DNA with the restriction NaCl (1.5 M) 87.76 gm enzymes and electrophoresis of the digested NaOH (0.5 M) 20.09 gm DNA in an agarose gel, southern blotting to 1 litre distilled water stored at room on to nitrocellulose/nylon membranes and temperature hybridization with specifi c probes. Neutralization solution (pH 7.2) The different restriction enzymes have NaCl (1.5 M) 87.76 gm different recognition sites and cleave the Tris - HCl (0.5 M) 60.55 gm DNA at a specific sequence, which produce to 1 litre distilled water different banding patterns called as DNA fingerprints. It is now feasible to characterize Prehybridization and hybridization buffer strains of leptospires/organisms at the Ficoll 400 0.5 gm genomic level by the unique restriction Bovine serum albumin 0.5 gm fragment length polymorphism patterns of Polyvinyl pyrralidone 0.5 gm their DNA. Therefore this technique is very Sodium dodecyl sulphate 2.5 gm much useful for the molecular identification 20X SSC 125 ml of leptospiral isolates/strains from various 1M Tris/HCl (pH 7.5) 25 ml

Laboratory Manual 57 0.5M EDTA 1 ml in the agarose gel. Lambda DNA digested with Deionized formamide 250 ml either EcoRI, Hind III or Pst I can be used as a DNA molecular weight markers. Make the volume up to 500 ml with sterilized triple distilled water. Electrophoresis is carried out in a submarine electrophoresis apparatus at 5 V/cm at Procedure room temperature for 5 to 6 hours or 3 V/cm The restriction digestion is carried out in overnight. At the end of the electrophoresis the 20 µl of volume in a sterile microfuge tube, the gel is visualized under UV transilluminator to reaction mixture contains 10 µl of DNA, 10 X RE see the positions of the bands, after that acidic, buffer 4 µl, 3 µl restriction enzyme and triple alkaline and neutralization treatment is given to distilled water to a fi nal volume of 20 µl. the gel before transfer onto nitrocellulose/nylon membrane, to keep the DNA strands separate. The reaction mixture is incubated in a water bath shaker at 37ºC overnight for complete Southern blotting is done onto nitrocellulose digestion. After incubation the reaction membrane using transfer buffer for 20- mixture (sample) is inactivated by heating at 24 hours as described by Southern (1975). 65ºC for fi ve min before electrophoresis. For After blotting the membrane is dried at electrophoresis 1% to 2% agarose gel in TBE room temperature and baked at 80ºC for buffer containing 5 µg/ml ethidium bromide is two hours in a vacuum oven to fi x the DNA to used. the nitrocellulose membrane.

Each digested DNA sample is mixed with 1/5th The nitrocellulose membrane is placed in a volume of the gel loading buffer and loaded hybridization tube with hybridization buffer (10

Materials and equipment required Tris borate buffer (pH 8.2 20 X SSC (pH 7) Sodium saline citrate Sodium chloride Sodium hydroxide Hydrochloric acid

Sulphuric acid EDTA Ethidium bromide Agarose type II Denaturation solution Neutralization solution Hybridization solution Triple distilled water Restriction enzymes with appropriate buffers Lambda DNA marker y-p or DNG labelling kit for specifi c probe labeling & ECL Random primed labeling kit detection kit Nitrocellulose/Nylon membranes Whatman’s No. 3 fi lter paper Probe DNA can either be a cloned DNA fragment of leptospiral DNA DNA rRNA a PCR product eluted from the gel a symthetic oligonucleotide having complementary sequence to leptospiral DNA Electrophoresis apparatus UV Transilluminator Water bath shaker magneti stirrer Micropipettes & Microtips Hybridization oven -20°C and -70°C Vacuum blotter Vortex mixture Gel casting platform with comb X-ray fi lm & Auto-radiography cassettes with intensifying screens

58 Leptospirosis to 15 ml) for pre-hybridization at 60ºC for two overnight to X-ray fi lm in an auto-radiographic hours. Then specifi c probes (DNA, rRNA, cDNA & cassettes with intensifying screen at -70ºC in synthetic oligonucleotide having complementary the case of radioactive probe. After enough sequence to leptospiral DNA) labelled either by exposure the X-ray fi lm is removed from the P32 or with digoxigenin, ECL based non-radio cassette and developed. active method is added to the pre-hybridized membrane in hybridization solution. In the case of non-radioactive labeling detection system, the membrane is directly treated with The hybridization is carried out and incubated ECL luminescent detection buffer/system. If at 60ºC for 18 to 24 hours. After hybridization the samples have complementary nucleic acid the nitrocellulose membrane is washed twice sequences to the probe, the strong bands of for 15 min in 2 X SSC, once for 15 min in 0.1 restriction fragments are seen/detected on X SSC at 50ºC. After washing the membrane the X-ray fi lm/Nitrocellulose membrane within is dried at room temperature and exposed 15-30 min.

Laboratory Manual 59 References

1. Millar BD, Chappel RJ, Alder B. 1987. Detection of leptospires in biological fl uids using DNA hybridization. Vet Microbiol. 15: 71-78. 2. Terpstra WJ, Schoone GJ, Lighthart GS, Schegget JT. 1987. Detection of Leptospira interrogans in clinical specimens by in situ hybridization using biotin labeled DNA probes. J Gen Microbiol 133: 911-914. 3. Gerritsen MJ, Olyhoek T, Smits MA, Bokhout BA. 1991. Sample preparation method from polymerase chain reaction- based semi quantitative detection of Leptospira interrogans, serovar hardjo serotype Hardjo bovis in bovine urine. J Clin Microbiol 29:2805-2808. 4. Gravekamp C, Van de Kemp H, Franzen M, Carrington D, Schoone GJ, Van eys GJJM, Everard COR, Hartskreerl RA, Terpstra WJ. 1993. Detection of seven species of pathogenic leptospires by PCR using two sets of primers J Gen Microbiol. 139: 1691-1700. 5. Woo THS, Patel BKC, Smythe LD, Symonds ML, Norris MA, Dohnt MF. 1997. Comparison of two PCR methods for rapid identifi cation of Leptospira genospecies Interrogans. FEMS Microbiol Lett 155: 169-177. 6. Terpstra WJ, Schoone GJ, Ter Schegget J. 1986. Detection of Leptospiral DNA by nucleic acid hybridization with 32P and biotin labeled probe. J Med Microbiol 22:23-28. 7. Van Eys GJJM, Gravekemp C, Gerritsen MJ, Quint W, Cornelissen MTE, Schegget JT, Terpstra WJ. 1989. Detection of leptospires in urine by the polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol 27: 2258-2262. 8. Merien F, Perolat P, Maneel E, Persan D, Baranton G. 1993. Detection of Leptospiral DNA by polymerase chain reaction in aqueous humor of a patient with unilateral uveitis. J Infect Dis 168: 1335-1336. 9. Boom R, Sol CJA, Salimans MMM, Jansen CL, Wertheim-Van Dillen PME & Van der Noorda J (1990) Rapid and simple method for purifi cation of nucleic acids. J Clin Microbiol 28, 495-503. 10. Roy, S., Biswas, D., Vijayachari, P., Sugunan, A.P., and Sehgal, S.C. (2004). A 22-mer primer enhances discriminatory power of AP-PCR fi ngerprinting technique in characterization of leptospires. Tropical Medicine & International Health 9, 1203-1209. 11. Zuerner RL & Bolin CA (1997) Differentiation of Leptopsira interrogans isolates by IS1500 hybridization and PCR assays. J Clin Microbiol 35, 2612-2617. 12. Marshall RB, Wilton BE, Robinson AJ. 1981. Identifi cation of Leptospira serovars by restriction endonuclease analysis. J Med Microbiol. 14: 163-166.

60 Leptospirosis Annexures

Preparation of EMJH Medium


Glassware  Take necessary stock solutions out of the Conical fl asks freezer. Measuring cylinders  Add 1.5 ml Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Pipettes Chloride stock solution. Chemicals required  Add 1 ml Zinc Sulphate stock solution. Na HPO KH PO 2 4 2 4  Add 100 µl Copper Sulphate stock solution. NaCl NH4Cl Thiamine Glycerol  Add 50 mg Ferrous Sulphate and 40 mg Bovine Serum Albumin Fraction V Sodium Pyruvate Sodium Pyruvate. CaCl 2H O MgCl 6 H O 2 2 2 2  Add 1 ml of Vit.B12 Stock solution. FeSO 7H O CuSO 5H O 4 2 4 2  Add 12.5 ml Tween 80 stock solution. ZnSO4 7H2O Vit. B12 Tween 80  Add 24 ml Sterile distilled water to make up fi nal volume of 100 ml. Stock solutions  Adjust pH to 7.4 - 7.6 with 1 N NaOH. Albumin fatty acid supplement stock  Filter through using a Millipore fi lter pore solution size 0.22 µm. Ingredients Reagents Grams per Storage Basal Medium  Dissolve 1 gm of Na HPO and 300 mg of 100 ml H2O 2 4

CaCl2 2H2O + MgCl2 6H20 1.0 each - 20ºC KH2PO4 and 1 gm of NaCl in 100 ml glass

ZnSO4 7H2O 0.4 - 20ºC distilled water. CuSO 5H 0 0.3 + 4ºC 4 2  Add 1 ml Ammonium Chloride stock solution. Vitamin B 0.02 - 20ºC 12  Add 1 ml Thiamine stock solution. Tween 80 10 - 20ºC  Add 1 ml Glycerol stock solution. Basal medium stock solution  Add glass distilled water to make up a total Ingredients vol. of 900 ml. Reagents Grams per 100 Storage  Adjust pH to 7.4. ml H2O  Finally make the volume to 1000 ml by NH4Cl 25.0 - 20ºC Thiamine 0.5 - 20ºC adding glass distilled water. Glycerol 10 - 20ºC  Autoclave at 121ºC for 30 min.

Method of Preparation Preparation of Complete Medium Ingredient Parts Quantity Albumin Fatty Acid Supplement Basal Medium 9 900 ml  Dissolve 10 gms of bovine serum albumin in Albumin Fatty Acid Supplement 1 100 ml 60 ml. sterile glass distilled water. Total 1000 ml

Laboratory Manual 61 Preparation of Fletcher’s Medium


Reagents required  Add 80.8 ml. Sorensen Buffer A and 19.2 ml Sorensen Buffer B. Na2HPO4 KH2PO4  Mix thoroughly. NaCl Bacto peptone  Adjust the pH to 7.4 - 7.6. Bacto Beef Extract Agar  Heat until all ingredients are dissolved. Stock Solutions  Dispense the medium in bottles, 184 ml per

Sorensen Buffer A: Dissolve 11.876 gms. Na2HPO4 bottle. in one litre of distilled water.  Autoclave all the bottles at 121ºC for 30 min. Sorensen Buffer B: Dissolve 9.078 gms. KH2PO4 in one litre distilled water.  Store at 4ºC.

Both Buffer solutions are autoclaved at 121ºC Preparation of fi nal medium for 30 min and stored at 4ºC.  Collect rabbit serum with a little bit of red blood cells. Method of Preparation  Inactivate the serum for 30 min at 56ºC in a  Dissolve the following reagents in 820 ml water bath. distilled water  Add 16 ml of serum to 184 ml medium. a) Bacto Peptone 0.3 gms.  Dispense the medium in 4 to 5 ml volume in b) Sodium Chloride 0.5 gms. screw capped test tubes. c) Bacto Beef Extract 0.2 gms.  Check for sterility by incubating the tube d) Agar 1.5 gms. for 48 hrs at 37ºC.  Store the medium at 4ºC until use.

62 Leptospirosis Maintenance of Leptospires


Routine cultures Stock Culture Stains used routinely as sources of antigens Stock cultures are best maintained in tubes of for serological tests or other purposes are semi-solid media and stored in dark at room maintained in liquid medium dispensed in 5 ml temperature. Cultures are viable for at least amounts in screw-capped test tubes. Duplicate three months and frequently as long as one tubes should be inoculated. The inoculum should year. The process of sub-culture is the same be approximately 10% of the culture volume and as above. should be examined microscopically to confi rm the presence of viable organisms and the Leptospires cannot readily be stored in frozen absence of contamination. Cultures are kept at dried state but may be stored for years in room temperature after incubation of 5 to 7 days liquid nitrogen by using either glycerol at 30ºC. Cultures are routinely transferred at (5 to 10%) or di-methyl sulfoxide (5%) as a 2 to 3 week’s intervals. cryoprotectant.

Laboratory Manual 63 Purifi cation of Contaminated Cultures


Filtration Plating on solid media Leptospires can pass through a cellulose Leptospiral colonies spread horizontally membrane fi lter with pore diameter of through media containing 1% of agarose, 0.22 µm. The contaminated fl uid culture may away from the immobile colonies of the be diluted and fi ltered through a suitable fi lter contaminating bacteria. and can be cultured from the fi ltrate. Animal inoculation Selective media Inject the contaminated culture in a hamster Lightly contaminated cultures may be sub- or a guinea pig intra-peritoneally. Take blood cultured into a media containing 5-fl uro-uracil by heart puncture after 10 to 15 min and (100 µg/ml). inoculate the blood in culture medium.

64 Leptospirosis Preparation of Antisera


Selection of Animals  14 days after the last injection, a small Young healthy rabbits weighing approximately sample of blood should be taken from the 3 to 5 kgs should be selected. ear vein for testing.  If the homologous titre of serum is between The rabbits should be pre-tested for leptospira 1:10,000 or above the rabbit should be bled antibodies prior to inoculation. by heart puncture. Preparation of Antigens  If the titre of the serum is below 1:10,000, Isolates or reference strains should be cloned a further booster injection of 6 ml of live by culturing on solid media containing 1% culture is given. agarose.  At least two rabbits should be used for the preparation of each antiserum. The antigen is prepared by inoculating a single colony into EMJH liquid medium. Storage of sera  Dispense the sera in small amounts, into Procedure the sterile ampoules. Lyophilize and store  Rabbits should be inoculated intravenously at 4ºC. into marginal ear veins with successive doses  Dispense the sera in small amounts (e.g. of 5 to 7 days old live culture containing 2 ml) into the sterile ampoules and store at 8 approximately 2x10 leptospires/ml -70ºC or -20ºC  Five injections of 1 ml, 2 ml, 4 ml, 6 ml  Treat with preservative and store at 4ºC and a further 6 ml should be given at (thiomersal 0.02% or phenol 0.3 %). seven days interval.

Laboratory Manual 65 Requirements for a Leptospirosis Laboratory


Given below are the minimum basic Staff and skills required requirements for establishing a small Special laboratory facilities and skills leptospirosis laboratory capable of performing are required. Leptospires require a lot of screening and confi rmatory tests for the care. Cultures need to be sub-cultured at diagnosis of leptospirosis. regular intervals and fi ltered into fresh media whenever necessary. One needs to be Culture media well trained or has to employ well trained The common culture media used are Korthof’s technicians, who should be solely working on medium, Fletcher’s medium and EMJH medium. leptospirosis.

Equipment Glass Ware & Plastic Ware  Microscope: A good microscope with dark  Screw capped test tubes (125 x 15) fi eld illumination is essential  Conical fl asks  Hot air oven and Autoclave  Pipettes  Centrifuge  Pasture pipettes  Micro pipettes  Microscopic slides  Balance  Racks for test tubes  Refrigerator, freezer  Glass distillation plant  Laminar fl ow cabinet

66 Leptospirosis Measurement of the Density of a Leptospira Culture


The density of leptospira culture can be 2. Counting of leptospires using determined by: counting chamber (Hawksey or Burker - Truck). 1. Estimating the number of leptospires per fi eld by dark fi eld microscopy 3. Measure of the Optical density  Grow the leptospira in a liquid media.  Measure the OD of formolized antigens by  Add formalin to the culture (fi nal spectrophotometer using EMJH medium as concentration 0.5%). blank at 420 nm.  Dilute the culture in a suitable dilution.  Culture OD range between 0.052 to 0.1 (Approximately 2-3 X108 leptospires per ml)  Transfer 10 μl of diluted culture on a may be used as an antigen in MAT. microscopic slide.

 Apply cover slip. Using the McFarland scale  Count the leptospires under dark fi eld  The culture density corresponding to that microscope. of McFarland tube No. 1 (Approximately 8  Cultures with a minimum density of 600 2-3 x 10 leptospires) – 800 leptospires per fi eld may be used as antigens.

Laboratory Manual 67 General Safety Rules for Leptospirosis Laboratories


1. In connection with the dangers of 2. Make sure the work place is orderly with an contamination, it is not permitted to easily cleanable surface. Keep the benches smoke, eat or drink in laboratories, with the and work places as empty as possible. Do exception of specially allocated places. not sit on worktops. Workplaces and fl oors 2. All procedures, which could involve must be kept tidy. chances of direct or indirect contact with 3. Pipetting must never be done with mouth. the organism or clinical material, are very Use an automatic pipette or a pipette using hazardous. The use of gloves and the wearing suction-balloon. of lab coat are thus highly recommended. 4. A clean, disinfected workplace is extremely 3. Hypodermic needles, scalpels, microscopic important in the prevention of contamination. slides and similar sharp objects should be Make sure to wash your hands with soap and deposited immediately after use in the water, not only when leaving the workplace, allocated containers containing disinfectants. but also preferably between procedures. In order to reduce the chance of prick 5. “Working condition” is an established accident, hypodermic needles should never point of attention in the work-assessment be replaced in the protective sleeves. meetings of the department. Co-workers 4. All the test tubes and vials containing are expected to offer their own points of organism or patient material should be attention concerning working conditions at thoroughly closed and should be deposited these meetings. Unsafe situations must be immediately in the allocated containers immediately reported to their supervisors. containing disinfectants and should be 6. Proper disposal of clinical specimens, autoclaved. laboratory waste and chemical waste is of 5. When performing procedures whereby fundamental importance, for both yourself aerosol formation, splashing or powder and others. formation can occur, it is mandatory to use 7. In the event of an accident, where staff protective devices such as safety goggles, are infected or believed to have a risk face masks, gloves and extractor hoods. of infection, prophylactic medication is advisable. Precautions should be taken Safety Recommendations while handling fresh isolates, serum or 1. Keep the laboratory area and administration blood from the suspected patients. as far apart as possible

68 Leptospirosis Typing of Leptospira Isolates – Reporting Format


Determination of serogroup status: Agglutination results with the standard “group sera”

Name of the isolate: Source:

Serogroup Serovar Strain Titre 1. Australis Australis Ballico 2. Autumnalis Rachmati Rachmat 3. Ballum Ballum Mus 127 4. Bataviae Bataviae Swart 5. Canicola Canicola H. Uterecht IV 6. Celledoni Cellodoni Cellodoni 7. Cynopteri Cynopteri 3522 C 8. Dejasiman Dejasiman Dejasinman 9. Grippotyphosa Grippotyphosa Moskva V 10. Hebdomadis Hebdomadis Hebdomadis 11. Icterohaemorrhagiae Icterohaemorrhagiae RGA 12. Javanica Poi Poi 13. Louisiana Louisiana LSU 1945 14. Manhao Manhao L 60 15. Mini Mini Sari 16. Panama Panama CZ 214 K 17. Pomona Pomona Pomona 18. Pyrogenes Pyrogenes Salinem 19. Sejroe Hardjo Hardjopraj 20. Shermani Shermani 1342 K 21. Sermin Weaveri CZ390

Laboratory Manual 69


Laboratory Manual

Regional Medical Research Centre Indian Council of Medical Research Port Blair