Targeted Flora and Fauna Habitat Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View Prepared for Statewest Planning Ref: T18022 Terratree Pty Ltd ABN 48 159 6065 005 Unit 3, No. 42 Victoria Street, Midland WA 6056 Telephone: (08) 9250 1163 Mobile: 0400 003 688 Email:
[email protected] Document Control Revision Details Date Author Reviewer Rev 0 Internal Review 10/01/2019 G. Maslen J. Grehan Rev A Draft for Submission to Client for Review 23/01/2019 G. Maslen J. Grehan Rev B Final Submission to Client 07/02/2019 G. Maslen S. O’Hara Joseph Grehan Director and Principal Ecologist Targeted Flora and Fauna Survey of Proposed Development in Swan View for Statewest Planning i DISCLAIMER This document is prepared in accordance with and subject to an agreement between Terratree Pty Ltd (“Terratree”) and the client for whom it has been prepared (“Statewest Planning”) and is restricted to those issues that have been raised by the client in its engagement of Terratree and prepared using the standard of skill and care ordinarily exercised by Environmental Scientists in the preparation of such documents. Any organisation or person that relies on or uses this document for purposes or reasons other than those agreed by Terratree and the client without first obtaining the prior written consent of Terratree, does so entirely at their own risk and Terratree denies all liability in tort, contract or otherwise for any loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever (whether in negligence or otherwise) that may be suffered as a consequence of relying on this document for any purpose other than that agreed with the client.