Eleonora Cussini EIGHT JUDAICA BOOKS from the LIBRARY of the YOUNG REFUGEES of VILLA EMMA the Fondazione Villa Emma. Ragazzi
Eleonora Cussini EIGHT JUDAICA BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE YOUNG REFUGEES OF VILLA EMMA The Fondazione Villa Emma. Ragazzi from Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Cro- ebrei salvati in Nonantola, Modena, owns a col- atia, and Bosnia, found shelter in the local Sem- lection of books that originally belonged to the inary and in private homes in Nonantola, with library of the young Jewish refugees of Villa Em- the exception of one of them, the sixteen year ma, in Nonantola.1 The books were left behind old Salomon Papo who had been hospitalized in when the group left the villa following the dra- a sanatorium in the village of Gaiato di Pavul- matic events of September 8th, 1943, when Ger- lo (Modena), because of tubercolosis.2 With the man troops entered Nonantola. Fearing to be ar- help of smugglers contacted by Goffredo Paci- rested and deported to the Fossoli concentration fici, between October th6 and 17th, divided in camp and then to Germany, the adult leaders three groups, they managed to cross the Italian and the seventy-three young refugees, originally border at Ponte Tresa and entered Switzerland, 1 I am grateful to Fausto Ciuffi, Director of the Anni in fuga, Giunti 2006 (Yalde Villa Emma, Tel Fondazione Villa Emma. Ragazzi ebrei salvati, for Aviv 1983); H. VOIGT, Villa Emma. Ragazzi ebrei in his pemission to study and publish the books. I wish fuga. 1940-1945, Milan 2002 (Villa Emma. Jüdische to thank Giuliano Tamani and Tsipora Baran, Uni- Kinder auf der Flucht. 1940-1945, Berlin 2001). Af- versità Ca’ Foscari Venezia for their comments.
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