Village News - Parish Summer 2020 June to August We l c o m e

Well, it’s not difficult to pick the main talking point around the world at the moment. Most of us will know or have heard some bad news on friends, relatives or work colleagues who have been infected with COVID-19. Like so many events of this nature, the situation brings out the very best and the very worst in human nature. From the tireless efforts of hospital staff to the ignorance and stupidity of those who chose to ignore lockdown measures, the full range of mankind’s ability to try and save or destroy itself has been shown to us via our TV screens.

Looking to the positives, the weather has been really good, and most of us with a garden will have spent a lot more time in it than we had perhaps planned. Our pace of life has slowed down, time to reflect, read more and listen to more music than usual. Baking product sales have never been so good, and baking powder is now as rare as hens teeth!

Claire and I have been spending half the working week down at the Hub, where, along with the other volunteers, we have been keeping the shop open and arranging deliveries of food to those self - isolating. The kind and positive feedback from them has kept us going in these difficult times, and a big thank you to all those who are helping in making this happen.

What the future holds, no one knows, but the world will certainly have changed for the experience and lets hope that it reacts in a positive and supportive way.

Stay safe, think of others and lets look forward to a time when life can return to some sort of what passes for ‘normality’. This is our first electronic version of the Village News. We have emailed out to many residents and it is also available on the Farlam Church website. Please tell your friends and neighbours or email them a copy. A few hardcopies will also be in the Hub.

Please contact us at [email protected] with any news, views or articles for the Autumn issue, which will be hitting your doorstep in September. Deadline is Saturday 15th August.

Paul & Claire Skeates

Food Bank

The closure of schools has meant that those families who may struggle through the summer holidays with providing regular and substantial healthy meals for children now suddenly face this issue for a much longer period. In response to such needs a Food Bank has just been set up in Brampton Community Centre. It is a satellite of the Food Bank and is called SHINE. It delivers food parcels. To request help (it covers a very wide area) or to volunteer ring 01697 927 005 or text 07723 573 202.

Donations can be left at the Community Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 – 5pm and Saturdays 9 – 12 noon. They are currently short of baby essentials such as nappies, wipes and baby jars of food, but are always very grateful for any donations.

For further information see back page.

Funerals, Christenings and Weddings

We’re very sorry that spring and early summer weddings and christenings have had to be cancelled until further notice. This is a great disappointment for those concerned, and as soon as the relevant restrictions are lifted we hope we will be in a position to plan these services again.

Funerals can only take place under certain constraints: none can take place in church, but minimal numbers can attend graveside services. Attendance at crematorium funerals is limited to 12, and the time available cut to 20 minutes. But do get in touch with the vicar for further clarification. We anticipate that some will want to arrange memorial services when the restrictions are lifted, so there can be an opportunity for a more normal celebration of the life of a loved one. Page 2

Village News - Farlam Parish Lockdown in Farlam Farlam 100 Club

March Winners: How things have changed! 1st Prize £25: No.101 Percy Ferguson The first and most important thing is to express our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones across our local area, 2nd Prize £15: No. 98 Kate Apperley and to acknowledge our deep appreciation of those in our parishes who work in the NHS or in other caring settings and who are at the 3rd Prize £10: No. 47 Jacqui Clifford forefront of the struggle against COVID-19. April Winners: We must also express gratitude to all those in our parishes who are supporting neighbours and others, whether it is informally or through 1st Prize £25: No. 45 David Lawson the volunteer networks which have been organised. And how 2nd Prize £15: No. 29 Peter Starkey important the existence of the Hub has been for our community! Shopping is being delivered, prescriptions picked up, people are really 3rd Prize £10: No. 153 Angus Murray looking out for one another across the whole area. May Winners: It is also heartening to see people using the opportunities of the present to have more time for one another. In normal times we often 1st Prize £25: No. 98 Kate Apperley had to pass like ships in the night, but now some can take time to have long conversations by phone, or over garden hedges, or when 2nd Prize £15: No. 151 Gary Clifford encountering each other – at a safe distance – on a walk. 3rd Prize £10: No. 75 Eileen Shaw None of this is to minimise the cost of the lockdown on the mental health, stress and anxiety of many. Relationships can become strained, enforced confinement causes tension, and fears for our health, for loved ones, and for livelihoods rise (so please do keep Flower supporting our local businesses). It’s a disturbing and surreal time, but Show 2020 one which people will be experiencing in a huge range of different ways. And we are reminded of the terrible effects of this virus on the The date set for this year’s flower show is lives of those in other parts of the country and less protected parts of Saturday 5th September. We very much the world. hope that the show will be able to go ahead on this date so please mark it on your But as the future unfolds, we can choose to build on the good things calendars now. If it can go ahead, a full that are happening. We can continue to celebrate, support and be in- schedule will be published in the September spired by those who risk their own health and indeed their own lives to village news and Village Hall Facebook page treat, nurse and care for the sick. We can be inspired to simplify and and we will display posters nearer the time. organise our lives for the greater good, and we can use this time to If you would like to receive a copy by email reflect anew on the gift of life. To quote St Paul: This is my prayer, then please let us know at that your love may grow ever richer in knowledge and insight of every kind, enabling you to learn by experience what things really matter. [email protected] .

Edward Johnsen Best wishes to all

Capon Tree Veterinary Centre

24 hour emergency service We aim to provide the highest standard of professional veterinary care with dedicated and caring personnel – in a friendly environment Call: 016977 2318

Page 3

Summer 2020

Brampton Area Farlam 100 Club 2020 - 21 Action Group: Get your name on the list of winners Hundreds of pounds of total prize money every year Helpdesk: 016979 27006 Better than 3 to 1 odds for a prize! Complete the application form and support your parish church Email: 12 monthly draws: 3 prizes: £25, £15 and £10 brampton- baag@gmail. Enrol before 30th September to qualify for the extra com Christmas Bonus Draw

Please contact Claire Skeates: [email protected]

Dog Fouling in the Parish Help Lines

We continue to receive complaints that this remains a problem, particularly Victim Support on Crossgates Road but also in other areas. Including information and advice for those affected by domestic violence Please would all dog owners take the appropriate action and pick up after your dog. It is NOT acceptable that residents have the verges and 0300 3033 797 / 0300 3033 979 pavements by their house fouled by other people’s dog mess. The right Email: cum- thing to do is to bag it and take it home to put in your grey bin. In addition, [email protected] never leave bags of dog mess in the countryside as this prevents it break- ing down and is simply foul litter and a danger to the environment. Your Childline Counselling: 08001111 co-operation in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Samaritans: Free phone 116 123 Thank you. Farm Community Network: 07002 Farlam Parish Council 32632

Page 4

Village News - Farlam Parish Hallbankgate Village Hall Hello Everyone.

I wish we were updating you under better circumstances, however I hope that we can all use these difficult times to really appreciate what we all have. With the hall currently closed, until it is safe to reopen, we only have a few up- dates for you.

Firstly, I would like to personally thank every single person who helped in any way towards the coffee morning in March we held. For those who didn't know, my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer in January. One of his requests was that we hold a coffee morning in the hall. He loved the hall and the community that had made us as a family so welcome, and thought the space was perfect to raise a little bit of money. We hoped we would raise a couple of hundred pounds if we were lucky.

The Morning was very successful and I have some thanks to make. To Jill Stobbart, Donna Craig and Jenny Ritson who served refreshments (You were amazing and we couldn't have managed without you). To everyone who very kindly baked and donated cakes. To everyone who donated raffle prizes (there were over 100!!). To Andi Keen, a lifelong friend who announced the raffle, when I was unable to find the words to talk. To Nicki Armstong and her family for helping plan, organise and run the event. And of course, A HUGE THANK YOU to those who attended, bought raffle tickets, gave cash donations, washed dishes, cleaned up and supported myself and my family. Unfortunately, my dad was too unwell to attend, but afterwards sent his thanks for everyone's support. It was incredibly overwhelming and we cannot express how much the support from the village meant to us, especially given we have only lived here a couple of months. A Whopping £2500 was raised.

Unfortunately, a few weeks after the coffee morning, my dad passed away. Due to the circumstances of his end of life care, (between myself, my family, and Nicki and her family), We decided to spilt the money between 3 charities. Macmillan received £1000, Brampton Medical Practise received £1000 (to go towards equipment not funded by NHS), and £500 went to hospice at home. I would also like to thank those who sent cards and shared words of 9comfort following our loss. I know my dad would be incredibly proud to know we have joined such a caring commu- nity in which we will be looked after.

Onto Hall news. We are hoping that we will be able to run our Annual flower show as normal, on the first Saturday of September. However, at the moment we are still unsure if it will be safe to do so. We will keep you updated via our Facebook page and notice board outside the hall.

We really hope that everyone is safe, that you are well, and you are looking after not only each other, but yourselves. These times are hard, please try to take the good from it. We are all in this together.

Stay Safe, Stay Strong Lea-Anne - Caretaker, Lacy Thompson Memorial Hall

Brampton Wood Fuels

Specialist suppliers of Eco fuels for open fires, wood and Multifuel stoves A wide range of compressed briquettes eco lighters and kiln dried logs for all your burning needs Bio Mass Boiler pellets—BSL registered Wild Bird Food, Dog Food, Hen Food Baileys Horse Feed supplements Dave Robinson Brampton Wood Fuels Unit 5C Town Foot Industrial Estate CA8 1SW Tel 01697742536 Page 5

Summer 2020

Church by Social Media With public worship closed down, Edward the vicar has been launched on a steep learning curve into the world of social media! Videos of brief talks and some services have been produced. Thank you to all those who have participated and especially to Lizzie Johnsen, who has been the vicar’s techno tutor!

You can view church information and various videos which have been posted on the vicar’s Facebook page. NB this is primarily a work venture not a social one!

If you are online but not on Facebook you can view the videos by going on You Tube (search ‘Edward Johnsen’). There is also a link to these on the Farlam Church website (a huge thank you to Ann Freer for all she does managing the site). If you are on email and would like to kept informed of videos etc as they come out, do email the vicar on [email protected] so you can be added to the list of those who are notified and given the link as things are put out. We will also give you the links for the more traditional and fuller Sunday services which are being put out by Lanercost Priory.

We have also been offering a Not-on-Sunday ‘Sunday School’ on Zoom. So far 14 families have participated from across six local parishes. Again, let me know if there are any more takers out there…

Ruth McLaughlan of Kirkhouse, died on 6th April, 2020. Ruth was the A Prayer for the Times beloved wife of Bill, a dear mother of Tom and Susan and a loving grandmother. Shortly after moving to Kirkhouse, Ruth decided to take driving lessons and Loving God, soon loved the freedom driving gave her. She would take her car and drive as your Son healed the sick and around the surrounding countryside exploring the area and seeking somewhere brought good news to the needy, peaceful to stop and enjoy a quiet read and coffee from her flask. Ruth soon be with us this day. became involved with Farlam Church and over the years was a faithful member. She played the organ each Sunday and was a member of the PCC. Many of us Loving Jesus, will remember the times she and Bill offered their house and hospitality, hosting as you taught us to ‘Do unto church meetings and fundraising events. Ruth was a trained nurse and her others as you would have them do natural, caring nature was reflected in the many friends she made over the to you’, years. She had empathy and was a good listener. be with all the medical staff this In the wider community, Ruth was, until ill health prevented it, a member of the day. Hallbankgate WI. She will be much missed by her family and within the local Loving Spirit, community. your gift is healing. Due to the restrictions of lockdown and our closed churches, a short Service of Bring you healing into our homes, st Prayer and Reflection took place at the gates of Farlam Church, on the 21 of our hospitals and our county. April, followed by Cremation. A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Ruth will be held in Farlam Church at some time in the future. But most of all, be with us this day. AMEN Janice Murray

Ross Farrimond Garden Maintenance Garden Maintenance, Grass cutting, Strimming, Hedge Trimming, Shed and Fence Staining, Pressure Washing Logs/kindling for sale Call Ross on 07534329570 [email protected] Page 6

Village News - Farlam Parish Farlam 100+ Club Please enrol me/us in the FARLAM CHURCH 100+ CLUB for the 12 months starting 1st September 2020

Name (Block letters) ……………………………

Signature ……………………………

Address ………………………….. Telephone: ……………………


Post Code …………. Email: …………………………………..

Additional Name (Block letters) ……………………………....

Additional Name (Block letters) ……………………………....

I enclose my/our annual subscription(s) of £12 per person. (Cash or cheque payable to Farlam PCC). If you wish to pay by Standing Order please contact Claire below.

New members will receive a receipt with their Club Number. Please return your completed form, together with payment due, to:

Claire Skeates or mark for Claire’s Lowthian Hall attention & leave at Kirkhouse CA8 2NJ Hallbankgate Hub 016977 46947 [email protected]

Please note under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 your details will be held by the co-ordinator and used only to contact you regarding your subscription. Details will be destroyed if subscription ends. By signing this form you agree to this.

Hi Everyone,

Since the last edition of the Village News, we have really entered into strange times, and that has affected The Hub, just as it has everything and everybody else.

We have had to close the Cafe - to follow government guidelines, and to put the safety of our volunteers and customers first. But we are still providing groceries for our community. We are open for people to come and shop, with appropriate safety measures in place. We are also now providing a delivery service, for anyone within the parish who cannot come along to The Hub.

The work put in to keep this service going has been phenomenal. I would like to give a big thank you to Claire and Paul Skeates, who not only set it up, allowing us to stay open, but who are also putting in many hours in The Hub. They are supported by a small team of volunteers - serving, taking orders, packing, delivering orders and cleaning. Hopefully you did see the excellent coverage of The Hub, and what we are doing, in The News and on Border TV.

But I must also give a big thank you to you - the people in our community. You have supported our efforts with your shopping, be it in person, or ordered over the phone. Without you we could not stay open, and there would be no need for The Hub. Thank you, and please continue to show how you value the work put in by Claire, Paul and the team.

We are looking forward to when we can re-open fully - indeed we are looking to implement some improvements when safe to do so. When we do re-open, please come along in person and celebrate (perhaps with a piece of cake!).

I look forward to seeing you, and until then please continue to stay safe!

Gary Clifford - Chair Page 7

Summer 2020 Weekly Prayer in Farlam Church

In mid-May we were told that, while churches were to remain locked and closed to the general public, parish clergy would be allowed to enter the parish churches to pray.

I have drawn up a timetable with days and times when I will go into each of the six churches in my patch and say Morn- ing Prayer or Evening Prayer. I will be in St Thomas a Becket’s Farlam on Fridays at 9am, and I want to assure every- one that I will be focussing my prayers each Friday morning especially on Farlam parish and praying for a blessing on the local community and its people.

If anyone wants to ask me to for pray for particular situations don’t hesitate to get in touch. Edward Johnsen.

850th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St Plant Sale Thomas a Becket Sunday 14th June This year it is the 850th anniversary of the murder of Thomas a Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas was standing up for the right of the Church to 10am –1pm govern its own affairs in certain respects, while King Henry II was seeking to bring the Church more under royal control. In the heat of anger, Henry is said to have uttered the words “Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?” Some of his knights took this to be much more than a rhetorical question, and duly went and Hallbankgate Hub hacked Thomas down in the cathedral.

Thomas’ relics were translated to the shrine at Canterbury on 7th July fifty years later, and so began the Canterbury pilgrimages to this same shrine. Canterbury Plants will be became one of the most popular destinations for pilgrims in medieval Europe, priced between and the pilgrimages were later immortalised by Chaucer. £1 & £5. Cash Farlam parish church is dedicated to St Thomas a Becket and this year, on Only. No change Sunday 5th July, there were to be special services at Canterbury Cathedral marking the 800th anniversary of the translation of his relics. A group of us from given so please Farlam were planning to make a Canterbury pilgrimage ourselves – by minibus – bring plenty! to attend the celebrations. But of course all that has now been cancelled. But I’ll make sure we mark our patronal festival somehow on 7th July all the same – not sure how yet but check our church website as July draws near! Proceeds to be divided between P and H M Ferguson the Hub & Farlam Church. New and Used Cars

Quality new and used cars, servicing and Social Distancing MOT will be in place Fell View Garage, Hallbankgate Call: 016977 46244 Page 8

Village News - Farlam Parish

Farlam Parish Council Chair’s annual report for 2019-20 The final few months of this year, from January onwards, have inevitably been coloured by the crisis of corona virus or Covid-19 as we have come to know it. Life as we had known it ceased and we have had to become used to doing things in a very different way. In the year since May 2019 the business of the council has proceeded in an orderly manner. I remain as Chair with Chris Marsh stepping up as Vice-Chair. Simon Dalton, who had missed the deadline for re-election was co-opted back onto the council. The value of the council’s assets has been re-assessed and insurance adjusted accordingly. The draft General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) were accepted without amendment and we are grateful that our Clerk, Allison Riddell, has agreed to act as Data protection Officer to the council. Reorganisation of City Council wards means we now have three City councillors sharing a very large patch which includes Farlam; hopefully Councillors Mitchelson, Mellor and Tinnion will work out attendance between them so that liaison can continue effectively.

With the assistance of grant funding a new noticeboard has been placed outside the Lacy Thompson memorial hall and, most importantly, a new defibrillator has been placed outside Hallbankgate School, for which the school have undertaken to provide power and care. Thanks are due to the Brampton Cottage Hospital League of Friends for the defibrillator and to Sid Bowman (former City Councillor) for the noticeboard.

The condition of the play area has been problematic; Councillor Hinton has worked hard to keep things in order but there has unfortunately been some vandalism. However, following an appeal, a group of parishioners has come forward to look into funding for new equipment. Other good news is that a new Speed Watch group has been formed and is waiting for the lock-down to end so that speed monitoring activity can begin. Councillors have met with a representative from highways with a view to getting permission for the siting of a flashing sign to alert West-bound traffic entering the village. Councillor Hinton has also devoted much energy in seeking new hosting services for an updated website which complies with new regulations.

Routine business has continued throughout the year including any necessary observations on planning requests. No phone calls had been made during the year from the Phone Box in Hallbankgate so the council did not appeal against its removal. Carlisle Association of Local Councils has changed the format of meetings so attendance at CALC has not happened; representation at Brampton & Beyond has continued. Once again a Christmas tree was positioned on the village green in Hallbankgate. However, there were electricity supply issues and a better location may be outside the village hall.

As I write this our nation is still in “lockdown” due to Corona virus putting a strain on the community and requiring the cancellation of all community activity. Resilience has been maintained in a variety of ways: Hallbankgate hub has closed its café and reduced opening hours but started deliveries within the Parish and therefore shown how vital it is for our community; continued use post-covid will be essential; Edward Johnsen and Church members are helping with prescription collection; friends and neighbours are maintaining social distance but nevertheless working together to fight this unseen enemy.

We all look forward to a time when the threat of Covid 19 is behind us and, when that is the case, we can plan a suitable celebration. Until then all we can do is remain vigilant and stay safe.

Steve Bowles, Chair, May 2020

Carlisle Journal 22/08/1930:

Hallbankgate British Legion Women’s Outing

The members of the Women’s Section of the Hallbankgate branch of the British Legion had their annual outing on Saturday, when they were conveyed in charabancs to Whitley Bay. The day was gloriously fine, and a most enjoyable time was spent, an additional attraction being the carnival. About 50 members sat down to tea, which was kindly given by Mrs Lacy Thompson, the president, at the Waverley Hotel. About ten o’clock they returned to Hallbankgate, tired out as the result of a good days outing.

Supplied by Michael Jackson Page 9

Summer 2020 Lacy Thompson Memorial Hall Summary of accounts 2018-2019

As agreed last year, the hall committee hereby present our overall income and expenditure during the last financial year up to October 2019. The accounts were presented at our AGM in January this year. The hall cottage required considerable attention and expense this year, hence the higher figures. However, we are delighted with the efforts of our new caretakers, Lea-Anne and Stephen, as they transform the cottage into a lovely home for their family. We are also grateful to the Farlam Parish Trust for providing grant and loan assistance for these works. 2019 – 20 will be very different again; the hall has been closed due to Covid-19 and who knows when normal service will be resumed? Going forward, the support of everyone in our community will be invaluable.

Income for the year £ General receipts 5,239.35 Grants 2,917.00 Loans 1,900.00 Deposit interest 2.21 10,058.56 Expenditure for the year £ Utilities, heating, etc. 3423.38 Repairs & maintenance 6412.46 Sundry expenses 1513.95 11,349.79

Net loss for the year £1,291.23

Steve Bray Chair of management committee

Carlisle Journal 15/08/1930:

Brampton Court

Trespassing Charges. John Wharton, Miner, Kirkhouse, and Robert Wharton, schoolboy, Kirkhouse, were summoned for trespassing in the day time, in pursuit of conies on land at Silversike, on July 23rd. Joseph Blair, gamekeeper, Moss Hill, Farlam, stated that on the 23rd he saw a boy searching a field at Silverside. Just as he was in the centre of the field, he heard a rabbit ‘scream’. John Wharton got over the fence, and witness saw the boy take a rabbit out of a snare. It was tied up in a handkerchief by John Wharton. When the witness approached them, the boy ran along the fence; he returned and witness asked them what they were doing, and they replied: “We were gathering mushrooms”. Defendant denied having a rabbit, but he found three freshly killed rabbits, tied up in a handkerchief. Defendant John Wharton admitted trespassing, but denied taking any rabbits. Superintendent Stewart said there were previous convictions for game trespass against the elder defendant. The younger defendant was dismissed, and John Wharton was fined 10s and costs.

Supplied by Michael Jackson