2019 Report to the Community

message from the BOARD CHAIR & CEO

We have come to an exciting turning point in the A Bright Future life of The Center. It is a point from This year, TBHC marks our 175th anniversary. which we look back at the results of years of planning 2019 brought us to this point where we stand ready to serve for the next 175 years. If Brooklyn and hard work, and a point at which we look forward to were its own entity, our 2.6 million residents a more dynamic future. would comprise the fourth-largest city in the country. A community of that size, with its his- A Firm Foundation tory, vibrancy and future, should expect nothing We turn toward this future standing on a firm foundation less than an independent, community-focused, established by the five pillars of our Blueprint for Financial and forward-looking hospital on a new campus Operational Success: the Patient Experience; Quality and Safety; providing the kind of healthcare a modern, People, Places and Technology; Strategy; and Financial Stability. complex city requires. With these pillars in mind, we have in 2019: Every member of the TBHC team is committed to Offered patient-centered, state-of-the-art care. making this vision a reality. Now, at this time, at Achieved new and recognized levels of quality and safety. this important turning point, we move forward. Reaped the benefits of upgrades in advanced electronic record-keeping and clinical technology. Monetized our significant real estate assets and gained finan- Lizanne Fontaine cial stability. For instance, the Maynard Building sale is finalized, Chair of the Board of Trustees and the faculty practices are moving to a beautiful, modern and exciting space at 86 St. Felix Street in 2020. Started a $25 million renovation of our Emergency Department. Gary G. Terrinoni President & Chief Executive Officer Attracted new physicians in obstetrics, urology and surgery among many other disciplines.

But this, truly, is only the beginning. A foundation is meant to be built upon.

2019 Report to the Community 1 LOOKING AHEAD

In 1839, 30 years before the Brooklyn Bridge was completed, a random accident became the pebble in the pond that rippled into the hospital we know today. A visitor from out of town broke his leg in a wagon accident. There was no local hospital to treat him. Visionary civic leaders responded by founding what eventually became The Brooklyn Hospital Center in 1845.

Today, that 175-year-old story continues to unfold. We remain the only independent hospital in serving the borough. Our focus has been, is now and will always be the health of this borough we call home.

2 The Brooklyn Hospital Center we remain the only independent hospital in downtown brooklyn serving the borough.

In this 2019 Report to the Community, we will highlight the major achievements that have been years in the making. These milestones position us to look forward with confidence. They are a record of accomplishments in how our patients experience their time with us, the quality of care we provide, the execution of our campus master plan, the stability of our organization and, of course, the connection with our community.

Sherly Abraham, MD, and patient.

2019 Report to the Community 3 Brooklyn has changed so much throughout its storied history, and it is changing right now as anyone can see walking through Fort Greene/Downtown Brooklyn. Families with generational roots here welcome the just-arrived. Brooklyn is a vibrant place for neighbors old and new, all looking to keep their families healthy.

Patrick LeBlanc, MD, in the NICU.

4 The Brooklyn Hospital Center Healthcare itself is at a turning point as the focus shifts to using state-of- the-art medicine and cutting-edge technology to foster wellness among those we serve in hopes of keeping them out of the hospital. Today’s model is based on convenient, ambulatory care and focuses on staying healthy.

This is the future The Brooklyn Hospital Center turns to as we reimagine our place in a revitalized borough providing new models of care. Turn to the future with us in the pages that follow as we review all that has been accomplished in 2019, and all we prepare to do for the decades to come.

2019 Report to the Community 5 A DRIVE TO IMPROVE

Every morning at 8:30 am something amazing and impactful happens at The Brooklyn Hospital Center—senior managers and staff leaders from across the organization meet to review…everything!

They call it the Daily Safety Huddle. These leaders and decision-makers review every incident that happened the previous day at the hospital with a focus to identify opportunities for improvement. “From major issues to the most trivial one, we discuss it and resolve it,” says Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Vasantha Kondamudi, MD. “It is a part of our commitment to being a high-reliability organization.”

6 The Brooklyn Hospital Center healthcare- associated infections have dropped to their lowest levels in the hospital’s history.

Judy McLaughlin, DNP, MS, RN, and Sherine Azeez, RN.

Becoming a High-Reliability Organization This commitment to high quality and continuous, sustainable improvement has been flourishing at the hospital for the past four years. As we turn to the future of TBHC, this commitment is making a difference. “Today, quality is part of our culture,” Dr. Kondamudi says. For instance, TBHC has recently seen healthcare-associated infections drop to their lowest levels in the hospital’s history, and the staff is able to sustain those results.

It goes back again to TBHC’s aim to be a high-reliability organization (HRO), which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines as “organi- zations that operate in complex, high-hazard domains for extended periods without serious accidents or catastrophic failures.”

2019 Report to the Community 7 Patient feedback is another important tool to become an HRO. “We survey every patient upon discharge,” says Judy McLaughlin, DNP, Senior Vice President and Chief Nurse Executive. “Our patient experience scores have steadily gone up.” Much like the Daily Safety Huddle, the hospital staff reviews those surveys and a host of other quality-focused metrics to make improvements. It’s called PDSA: Plan, Do, Study, Act. As TBHC implements an improved process, results are measured, and actions are taken when the data calls for it.

Achieving HRO status requires leadership commitment, robust process improvement, a culture of safety and a preoccupation with failure. The Daily Safety Huddle and PDSA are proof positive TBHC is making this happen. As Dr. Kondamudi says, “We identify small failures and take action. We don’t wait for the bigger ones.”

Epic: More than Record-Keeping The focus on experience, quality and safety takes place at every patient encounter—before they come in, while here and after they leave. With the Epic electronic medical record management system in place for TBHC’s ambulatory sites, patients receive a reminder before a scheduled appointment. We are rolling out a pilot that if patients fail to show within an hour, they are reminded and offered a future appointment. For those keeping their appointments, as soon as they finish, they receive a text survey and a reminder of their next scheduled appointment. “These steps are definitely decreasing the no-show rate,” Dr. McLaughlin says.

That being said, today’s healthcare is geared toward keeping people out of the hospital and treating problems as outpatient before they require hospitalization. Those TBHC patients signed up on Epic’s MyChart receive reminders when it’s time for a flu shot or when it’s time for an annual mammogram.

Even in the hospital, a program that uses the bedside TVs allows staff to survey patients in real time about care and service. Each floor features educational videos specific to that department. “All of this allows us to be more proactive in delivering and improving care,” Dr. McLaughlin says.

8 The Brooklyn Hospital Center Initiatives and Collaborations It’s not just the quality of care being improved, the breadth of care also is expanding. Building on the success of our cardiology partnership with Mount Sinai, TBHC is establishing other joint efforts with new partners, such as in oncology and cardiothoracic surgery.

And the care is improving by going deeper, too. In March, we established a Nurse Residency Program in collab- oration with a grant from Vizient, a large healthcare performance improvement company. This program pro- vides educational and emotional support to new nurses. Those who go through it become nursing professionals who enjoy and create a more collegial workplace and are more likely to stay with us.

This all adds up to cause for optimism. “I look ahead,” Dr. Kondamudi says, “and I see nothing but good things.”

Vasantha Kondamudi, MD.

2019 Report to the Community 9 James Gasparino, MD.


As The Brooklyn Hospital Centers turns to the future in the quality and breadth of care it delivers, the facilities comprising the hospital campus and centers in the community are rapidly moving ahead as well. It’s an important move, requiring not only a strategic master facilities plan keyed to 21st century healthcare, but also the financial sta- bility to support and sustain it.

10 The Brooklyn Hospital Center As the only hospital in the Downtown Brooklyn area, maintaining top-level trauma care is a must.

The result will be state-of-the-art facilities attracting the people of today’s rapidly changing Brooklyn and attracting physicians and specialists to expand what TBHC can do. We are turning to a future as The “New” Brooklyn Hospital Center.

“We had a vision, but it didn’t happen overnight,” says Lenny Singletary, Senior Vice President of External Affairs, Strategy and Marketing. “We stuck to the plan, trusted the process and we’re starting to see the results.”

The Maynard Building Sale In every grand endeavor, there comes a turning point, the time in history when plans begin to become reality. Our turning point was the completion of this year’s sale of the Maynard Building at 240 Willoughby Street, where most of our faculty practice offices have been located. We have worked toward it for years. Now, it’s done. “The sale of Maynard is huge,” says Robert Aulicino, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “It gives us the resources to create a new image for The Brooklyn Hospital Center while continuing to serve our existing community.”

2019 Report to the Community 11 The sale is the first major step in mone- tizing TBHC’s real estate assets, buildings now outdated by changes in healthcare and patient expectations. The sale of Maynard and other properties will solidify the hospital’s financial foundation and help fund the space we need today.

Maynard was originally a residential building converted to offices for physician practices. While it was suited to its need for years, the standards for ideal environ- ments for outpatient care have changed. We must adapt to these standards; the Maynard building is no longer the best we can offer our community. The $95 million sale enables physician practices in 2020 to move to six floors of a stunning, brand- new building at 86 St. Felix Street, just a block from the main hospital.

The sale of the Maynard Building

and other properties New Space, More Care In 2019, we also broke ground on the expansion and renovation of our will solidify Emergency Department thanks in part to a $25 million grant from the state of . As the only hospital in the Downtown Brooklyn area, the hospital’s maintaining top-level emergency care is a must. financial foundation Keep in mind the goal of 21st century healthcare is to help members of the community stay out of the Emergency Department and even the hospital itself. That’s why in 2020, you’ll see more ambulatory centers open, as well and help fund as a relocated Dialysis Center into a brand-new site on Myrtle Avenue. These additional sites will free up space for newly renovated offices in our main new space hospital for services such as Family Medicine.

“We’re taking our first steps toward modernization of the hospital campus,” we need today. says Mr. Aulicino. “We are bringing every aspect of this organization into the 21st century. Our vision is to present to the community a model of care consistent with their expectations.”

12 The Brooklyn Hospital Center Expanding Vision In 2019, we have continued to grow our cardiac care, maintained our bariatric surgery service as a designated Center of Excellence, expanded orthopaedics, promoted a new chair of OB/GYN, and attracted a urologist physician group from another Brooklyn hospital. We are expanding our breast service and have added a breast surgeon. We’re moving ahead to promote gynecological oncology and gastroenterology.

“As we transform into The ‘New’ Brooklyn Hospital Center, we are refining, revamping and renovating so we become best in class with the immediate benefit to the community,” says Mr. Singletary. “Brooklyn is considered a ‘top five city’ in this country. We should have ‘top five healthcare’ here in the borough’s downtown.”

Melanie Howell, MD, and bariatric patient.

2019 Report to the Community 13 FOUNDERS BALL 2019!

Typically, a torrential downpour encourages people to stay at home. But it did not dampen the spirits of the 850 guests who braved heavy rains to support TBHC at the New York Marriott Brooklyn Bridge on October 16, 2019. “It’s routine to have a 10 percent no-show rate in good weather,” says Vice President and Chief Development Officer Deborah Niederhoffer. “We did better than that in terrible conditions. It really illustrates the enthu- siasm in the community for TBHC.” The event, outstandingly chaired by Bob and Cynthia Knakal, raised more than $1.4 million to support a variety of needs across the organization.

The Founders Ball also turns the spotlight on deserving members of the TBHC extended family. This year’s honorees included:

Dino J. Veronese The Hamm Family Dhanan J. Etwaru, MD Linus M. Yoe, MD John A. Catsimatidis, Jr. Founders Medalist Special Acknowledgement Walter E. Reed Medalist Walter E. Reed Medalist Robert B. Catell Emerging Educated at what is now Charles and Irene Hamm After earning his medical A graduate of the Institute Philanthropist John Jay High School, donated $1 million to name degree from SUNY Stony of Medicine in Yangon, John A. Catsimatidis, Jr., is a Mr. Veronese graduated the entrance to the new Brook Medical Center in Myanmar, Dr. Yoe spent five Principal at the Red Apple from Columbia University, Emergency Department 1986, Dr. Etwaru completed years as a medical officer Group, a conglomerate that joined Fiduciary Trust after Charles’ father, Frank his residency training there. After moving to the owns and operates assets Company in 1974 and rose Coleman Hamm, MD. in internal medicine at U.S., he received internal in the energy, real estate, to the title of Managing Dr. Hamm served nearly Winthrop University medicine training at TBHC. finance, insurance and Director until retiring in 30 years at TBHC including Hospital, followed by gen- In 2005, he graduated and supermarket industries. 2016. An avid philanthro- as Chief of Urology. eral surgery and urology at joined the Department In addition to his involve- pist, he has served on Charles Hamm served Kings County Hospital. He of Medicine. Since 2006, ment in the operations of the boards of Brooklyn as a trustee from 1985 is double board certified he has served as Medical portfolio companies, Mr. Kindergarten Society, to 1999. TBHC recognized in internal medicine and Clerkship Director. Dr. Yoe Catsimatidis also leads Brooklyn Community the Hamm Family for urology. He joined TBHC in is now Associate Program the company’s invest- Services, Boston Symphony their invaluable service, 1995. Dr. Etwaru provides Director and Chief of ment team. A graduate of Orchestra at the Brooklyn expertise and generosity the latest in minimally General Internal Medicine. the New York University Academy of Music, the Park that strengthened the invasive procedures He has been involved in the Stern School of Business, Slope Civic Council (where institution. including laparoscopic professional staff, includ- Catsimatidis earned a B.S. he met his late wife Jean and robotic surgeries. He ing serving as President of with concentrations in Lange) and the Brooklyn has been Chair of Urology the Professional Staff and finance and management. Historical Society, among for 12 years, and is the Chair of the Medical Board NYU honored him with the many others. Mr. Veronese Program Director of the from 2017 to 2018. He President’s Service Award presently serves as SUNY Downstate Urology received his department’s for distinguished service. Chairman of The Brooklyn Residency Program at TBHC. Fribourg Teaching Award He is involved in all of the Hospital Foundation and is and Teacher of the Year philanthropic activities of a member of TBHC’s Board Award in 2005 and 2011. the Catsimatidis Family of Trustees. Foundation.

14 The Brooklyn Hospital Center 1 2 3

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1. TBHC Board Member David Schwartz of Slate Property Group; Robert B. Catell 7. Deirdre Quinn, Co-Founder and CEO, Lafayette 148 New York and TBHC Board Emerging Philanthropist, John A. Catsimatidis, Jr.; TBHC President & CEO Gary Member; Deborah Niederhoffer, TBHF Vice President, with son, Noah; Terrinoni; TBHC Board Chair Lizanne Fontaine; Brooklyn Borough President King Chong, Sr. Director of Global Relations, Lafayette 148 New York. Eric L. Adams; SVP, External Affairs, Strategy & Marketing Lenny H. Singletary; 8. TBHC Board Chair Lizanne Fontaine; Council Majority Leader Robert B. Catell, Chairman, Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center. Laurie A. Cumbo; Deputy Borough President Chaplain Ingrid P. Lewis-Martin. 2. TBHC Board Chair Lizanne Fontaine with Founders Medalist Dino J. Veronese. 9. TBHC Board Member Earl D. Weiner; TBHF Board Chair & Founders Medalist 3. Walter E. Reed Medalist and Associate Program Director of Medicine Dino J. Veronese; TBHF Board Co-Chairman and Chairman of Dental & Linus M. Yoe, MD (with daughter, Hillary) and Event Co-Chairs, Cynthia Knakal Maxillofacial Surgery Harry Dym, DDS. and Robert Knakal of JLL. 10. Jason Dow and podiatrists Olatunde Osofisan, DPM; Allyssa Knowles, DPM; 4. John Catsimatidis; Robert B. Catell Emerging Philanthropist John A. Catsimatidis, and Podiatry Division Chief O. Joseph Falcone, DPM. Jr.; Event Co-Chair Robert Knakal. 11. Guests betting it all at the popular casino! 5. Sandy Etwaru and Walter E. Reed Medalist Dhanan J. Etwaru, MD, Chair of 12. TBHF Board Member and Neurosurgery Division Chief Anders J. Cohen, DO TBHC’s Department of Urology. (third from left), striking a pose with friends and wife, Asha, in our themed 6. Seated: Irene Hamm; Robert B. Catell; Charles Hamm. Standing: TBHC Board photo booth. Secretary J. Barclay Collins, II.

2019 Report to the Community 15 THANKS TO YOU!

The Brooklyn Hospital Foundation acknowledges the outstanding lifetime contributions from the following individuals and businesses. Their support and dedication advances The Brooklyn Hospital Center’s essential role in serving Brooklyn’s communities.

$1,000,000 – $6,000,000 Donald Carswell C. Swaminathan, MD, and D. Pramila, MD Charles and Irene Hamm Anders J. Cohen, DO TD Bank, through Margaret A. Nagel Trust J. Barclay Collins, II TD Charitable Foundation St. George’s University: Data Driven Delivery Systems LLC United Hospital Fund Charles R. Modica, Esq. Dr. Harry and Mrs. Freida Dym Dino J. Veronese Patrick F. Adams, Esq. The Fan Fox and Earl D. and Gina Ingoglia Weiner Daniel Ricciardi, MD Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, Inc. Jonathan M. Weld Andrew Sussman, MD Lizanne Fontaine and Robert Buckholz, Jr. $100,000 – $249,999 $250,000 – $999,999 GGMC Parking LLC Accuity Delivery Systems The Ambrose Monell Foundation Lucius N. Littauer Foundation The Adams Family Willard and Eleanor Archie Dr. Eric and Mrs. Gina Moskow Anonymous Brooklyn Health Alliance & Associates: Mount Sinai Health System Drs. Richard and Rachel Becker C. Swaminathan, MD National Grid Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cabbad D. Pramila, MD Office of the Brooklyn Borough President Robert and Joan Catell Madhavi Reddy, MD Drs. Kiran and Pallavi Patel, Tampa, Florida Dell Marketing, LLP Sarath Reddy, MD The Professional Staff, TBHC enCourage Kids Foundation BSE Global Kenny Scharf, Artist Ali and Claudia Esmaeilzadeh

16 The Brooklyn Hospital Center Seth S. and Sara R. Faison $25,000 – $49,999 The Strebor Family Foundation Forest City Realty Trust American Express Company Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP GNYHA Ventures, Inc. The Amirfar Family: Sam, Vibhuti, Swanke Hayden Connell Architects Greater NYC Affiliate of Asele and Thea Gary and Celeste Terrinoni Susan G. Komen for the Cure Suryanarayan Anand, MD TGI Office Automation Hyundai Hope on Wheels Apollo Health Street Drs. Prabhakar and Jzanus Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Berkowitz Saimamba Veeramachaneni Kaufman Borgeest & Ryan LLP Debbie Bowen, RN, RPA-C Estate of Esmeralda E. Wesley Med-Metrix Broadlane, Inc. The Whamond Family Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Menezes Drs. Kenneth Bromberg and Willis Towers Watson Carlos P. Naudon and Family Philippa Gordon Wyckoff Heights Medical Center Asha D. Nayak, MD Brooklyn Gardens Nursing and The Yeh Family NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System Rehabilitation Center North American Partners in Anesthesia Brooklyn Nets $10,000 – $24,999 The Phoenix Rehabilitation & Dr. and Mrs. Shalom Buchbinder Acadia Realty Trust Nursing Center Bushwick Center for Accenture Madhavi Reddy, MD, and Sarath Reddy, MD Rehabilitation & Healthcare The ADCO Group RestorixHealth C.V. Starr Foundation Advanced Contracting Solutions SeniorCare Emergency Medical Services Cammack Retirement and AdvantageCare Physicians Starlight Children’s Foundation Cammack Health Aergo Solutions TIAA CBRE, Inc. Olamide and Joseph Ajibesin Variety - The Children’s Charity Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation Albee Development, LLC CenterLight Health System Bassam N. Aldaia, MD $50,000 – $99,999 Christopher M. and Mariann Conlon Allscripts Paul A. Albertson Constans-Culver Foundation American Honda Motor Co., Inc. The Allure Group Robert DiGregorio, PharmD AMS Healthcare Mortgage Corporation Armand P. Asarian, MD, and Bernard and Isadora Drayton Anonymous Alma Janet Olivos-Asarian, MD The Duddempudi Family Anonymous Ashar Aziz Elton John AIDS Foundation Atrium Center for Rehabilitation BNY Mellon Empire BlueCross BlueShield and Nursing Ahmar A. Butt, MD Epic Systems Corporation Robert and Taryn Aulicino Constance and Henry Christensen lll The Fishman Family Fund, an advised fund AvalonBay Communities, Inc. Cobble Hill Health Center of the Brooklyn Community Foundation Morrell Michael Avram, MD, President, Ofer Cohen, TerraCRG Fox Rothschild LLP NY Society of Nephrology Comprehensive Equipment Stacy and Jeffrey Friedman Ballinger Management Corporation Furman Kornfeld & Brennan LLP Conifer Health Solutions GenPath Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. Ellen and Fred Harris Dopf, P.C. HiTouch powered by Staples Brooklyn is a vibrant Dhanan J. Etwaru, MD Lisandro Irizarry, MD Garbarini & Scher, P.C. Abraham Jelin, MD, and place, for neighbors Garfunkel Wild LLC William Sloane Jelin Foundation Healthfirst Angela Kerr, MD, and Curtis Hill Ingram & Hebron Realty Corp. LAX Gadgets old and new, all Babu Jasty, MD, and Drs. Cecille and Patrick Leblanc Buddhadev Manvar, MD Wilbur A. Levin family looking to keep their Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Thomas Lowinger, PhD Kelley Drye & Warren LLP Judy McGrath families healthy. Robert and Cynthia Knakal MetLife Drs. Vasantha and Noah Kondamudi Donald P. Minarcik and Family LAZ Parking The Hon. Milton Mollen Joel and Susan Leitner New York City Council Vijay Battu, MD Massey Knakal Realty Services John E. Osnato BDO Medical Management Resources, Inc. Quarry Hill Foundation Jason R. Bernhard Metz Culinary Management Maria and George Ramirez/ Bestcare, Inc. New York Congregational Nursing Center MFR Securities Inc. New York Bikers Against Childhood Cancer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Palmese Abdul Rehman, MD Blue Wolf Capital Partners, Inc. Proskauer Related The Boldt Company Andrew Randak and Laura Saborio Daniel D. Ricciardi, MD Brave Beginnings Red Apple Group Richmond County Ambulance Brookfield Properties Martha A. and Robert S. Rubin David Schwartz, Slate Property Group Brooklyn Center Pharmacy Lenue H. Singletary, III Richard Serra and Clara Weyergraf-Serra Brooklyn Plaza Medical Center, Inc. Susan Skerritt and Brian O’Keefe Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Simons Brooklyn United Methodist Church Home Drs. Gary Almedo Stephens and SMPS Family Fund Buena Vida Continuing Care and Susan Ramdhaney Sodexo, Inc. Rehabilitation Center

2019 Report to the Community 17 Karen Buono Alan R. Go, MD Landmark Healthcare Facilities Joan Carney-Clark and Ciaran Clark Goldman Sachs & Co. Samuel Lehrfeld Century 21 Department Stores Joel and Elaine Goldstein Littler Samuel Chan, MD Stuart A. Green, MD, FACP The Madison Square Garden Company Child’s Play Charity Joseph J. Guarracino Mase Coding Services Cicero Consulting Associates Ramesh Gulrajani, MD Meera and Marc Mayer Con Edison Aizid Hashmat, MD Guy and Judith Mennonna Consensus Orthopedics Gale Stevens Haynes, Provost, Karen and Joseph Milano The Corcoran Group LIU, Brooklyn Campus Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Crothall Healthcare Health/ROI Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. Crown Acquisitions, Inc. Mary Anne Healy-Rodriguez, PhD, RN Navigant Cumberland Packing Corp. William Heneghan, MD New York Cancer & Blood Specialists Sylvie de Souza, MD, FACEP Michael Hochberg, MD Newmark Knight Frank, Capital Group Dennett Law Offices Hopkins Center for Deborah Niederhoffer Catherine Derr Rehabilitation & Healthcare Nihon Kohden Ruben Diaz, Jr. Hospice of New York Nixon Peabody LLP DJO Surgical Infinitt North America, Inc. NK Architects DomaniTech J.H. Cohn LLP Nuance Communications Downtown Brooklyn Center for Robin and Gary Jacobs Kenneth Ong, MD Nursing & Rehabilitation JLL Onward Healthcare, Inc. Eastern Brooklyn Medical IPA JPMorgan Chase & Co. Oxford Nursing Home ePlus Technology, Inc. Ramakrishna Karibandi, MD Dr. Peter and Heather Pappas Ernst & Young Andrew Kimball/Industry City Richard E. Pearl, MD James Peloquen, MD Louisdon Pierre, MD Ponce Bank Prescott Fund For Children & Youth, Inc. Prezio Health PwC Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Drs. Rummana and Shafiqur Rahman Michael Raimonde Drs. Sarah Rawstron and Thomas Wisniewski The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Rosenberg RTech Healthcare Revenue Technology, Inc. RTR Financial Services, Inc. RXR Realty The Semenza Family In Suk Seo, MD Mohamed H. Shahjahan, MD Dr. Sandeep and Mrs. Anita Sirsi Daniel Stone Stryker Dental Donna Marie Thomas, RN The Time Record Storage Co. Transcare Unitex/A&P Coat, Apron & Linen Supply, Inc. Sonia Vinas, MD, Michael Mazza, MD, and One Hanson Place Pediatrics Visiting Nurse Service of New York Vornado Realty Trust Waterbridge Capital Weill Cornell Medical College Wellcare of New York David White Feld Entertainment, Inc. Korn/Ferry International Paul Wong and Family Fiduciary Trust Company International KPMG Dr. and Mrs. Philip Xiao Jean G. Ford, MD, and Amy Bibb-Ford The Hon. William Francis Kuntz and XL Catlin Nicholas Franco and Nicole Lawler Dr. Alice Beal Linus M. Yoe, MD Free Country Kushner Companies ZDG LLC Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, LLP Lafayette 148 New York Zone 5

18 The Brooklyn Hospital Center Steven Kushnick, MD George J. Laighton Yvette and Ellis Landau Langan Howard Lantz, MD LF Driscoll Healthcare Dean Lindsey Spencer Lubin, MD The Malieckal Family Manhattan Labs Lauren and Vijay Manthripragada Martin Clearwater & Bell LLP Marcella Maxwell, Ed.D Mega Aid Pharmacy, Inc. Antonio Mendez, MD, and Dolores J. Mendez Rekha Menon, MD Mercy Home Care and Medical Supplies, Inc. Judy McLaughlin, DNP, MS, RN Kathleen Marie Minlionica, PharmD Jacob Mizrahi ModernMD Urgent Care $5,000 – $9,999 Edge Communications Bill Moran A&M Electrical Services Edison Properties Municipal Credit Union Sherly Abraham, MD Empire General Contracting and Painting Daniel F. Murphy, Jr./ Adebayo Adeyinka, MD Epstein Becker & Green Putney, Twombly, Hall & Hirson LLP Stephen Ajl, MD ESIS ProClaim The Myanmar American Mohammed Aladdin, MD Eugene A. Hoffman Management, Inc. Medical Education Society, Inc. Alpha Medical Equipment of N.Y. The Eugene Zitwer Foundation, Inc. New York Insulation Anonymous O. Joseph Falcone, DPM, FACFAS Olatunde Osofisan, DPM Apple-Metro, Inc. Irene Farrelly Ronald Palmese/Columbia Utilities LLC Arimed Orthotics & Prosthetics Joseph F. Fetto, MD Patricia T. Phan, MD Farhad Arjomand, MD Robert Fey/Fey, Inc. Geoffrey Phillips, MD ASM Mechanical Systems Scott Foster Preferred Home Care of New York Adrina Banks-Martin and Derek R. Martin Moshe S. Fuksbrumer, MD, and Gloria Rapoport, MD The Bernard and Anne Spitzer Ms. Deena Yellin Dr. and Mrs. M. Scott Reminick Charitable Trust Cindy P. and James C. Gardiner Bruce S. Reznick BET Networks Romulo Genato, MD Russell and Judith Reznick Elizabeth Bonetti and Family Louis N. Gerolemou, DO John Riggs, MD Robert Bourque The Gloria & Hilliard Farber Foundation The Risk Management Planning Group, Inc. Ricardo A. Boyce, DDS Grafton Data Systems, Inc. Rivkin Radler LLP Richard Braun Kim Guishard, MD RKF Brooklyn Community Foundation John Gupta Gloria Rosario Caledonian Family Health Centers Drs. Virender Hak and Anjali Bakshi Xamayla Rose John F. Carroll, MD Ellen and Scott Hand Paul Rosenfeld Stephen S. Carryl, MD J. Dozier Hasty Roux Associates, Inc. CCS Fundraising HaysVentures LLC RSM US Woo-Taek Chang, MD Hudson Meridian Construction Group Swayamprabha Sadanandan, MD Leroy R. Charles Patricia Huggins Schneps Communications Citibank Joseph S. Hutter Deepak Setia, MD, and Glenridge The Clarett Group Hygrade Business Group Medical Associates Steven H. Coleman Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Iaquinta Drs. Sumatilal and Hemlata Shah Colliers International Implants Medical Sales, Inc. Shimadzu Corp. Concordance Healthcare Solutions Investors Bank ShoreGroup Solutions Constantine Cannon, P.C. Island Companies Stephen B. Siegel Laurance D. Coppa Raymond Iwanowski Siemens Thomas Cordeiro Anuradha Iyer Skanska USA Building, Inc. CPEX Real Estate Himani Janapana, MD Mr. Leo and Dr. Lana Slootsky Wesley Trent Crable Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP Elizabeth Snell, RN Daily News Kensington Vanguard Rosa S. So, MD Peter H. Darrow National Land Services Stuart Spodek Ronald Del Gaudio, RPh Peter S. Kim, MD/ St. Jude Medical Dubraski & Associates Gotham Gastroenterology Sunrise Medical Group Insurance Services LLC Sandra and Dennis Kisiel TBHC Department of Nursing

2019 Report to the Community 19 Thornton Tomasetti Michael Bruce Dr. Henry Ferstenberg Minh-Trang H. Tran Jessica Bruzzese Dr. Natasha Fievre The Trump Organization Elizabeth Buckholz Lucina M. Findlay-Dejesus Uzoma Ukomadu, MD John Buckholz Kim Flodin and Farhan Ali Diane Vazquez and Philip M. Vazquez, MD Nathaniel Buckholz Judy Flood Banad N. Viswanath, MD Quentin and Soufia Buckholz Tom Foley Washington Square Partners Whitney Buckholz Amy B. Fontaine and Ahmet M. Kok Sharon Wickes Wesley Burwell Anne Marie Fontaine Patricia A. Winston, RN Dr. Narayana Byagari Elizabeth Fontaine

It’s not just the quality of care being improved,

the breadth of care also is expanding.

2019 ANNUAL DONORS Dr. Erroll Byer, Jr. Louis D. Fontana A&D Engineering CAIPA Fulvia Forbes AAA Insoles, Inc. KerryAnn Brown Capers Roslyn Francis Lori B. Acker Gilda Caputo-Hansen Vicki Francis Gwen Adediran Maria Cardenas Shane Froebel Aergo Solutions Bruno Casanova Dr. James Gasparino Victoria Agramonte Niyireth Castaneda Emily and Adam Gasthalter Antonina Agrusa Centers Health Care Ori Gat Michelle N. Ahing Central Consulting & Contracting Brit Geiger and Mary Sue Lindley Dr. Nada Al-Hashimi Albert Cerrone Genomic Health, Inc. Sonia Alleyne Simone Chang Paige Giordano Edeline Almonacy Dr. Jordan Chanler-Berat Girling Health Care of New York, Inc. Anonymous Dr. Yong Chi Goldberg Weprin Finkel Goldstein LLP Ario Arabi Dr. Moe Sanda Cho and Ivan Ye Cho Arquitectonica Sarah Choi Artisans of Medicine Churchill Real Estate Atlas Capital Group Giorgio Cicero-Santalena Automated Financial Systems LLC Antonino Conigliaro Avanzino & Moreno, P.C. Sandra Conti Girgius Ayad Britt Cosgrove Danny Azarnejad Randal R. Craft, Jr. and Aztec Rebels, Inc. Irene Tichenor Dr. Keneisha Bailey-Correa Wendy Curtiss Claudette Bain-Deshong Princess Daley Dr. Praneeth Bandaru Dr. Victoria Dantchenko and Marjorie V. Banks Dr. Bashir Mohammad Renee Y. Banks Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP Victor Banks and Michelle DeFossett Dr. Caroline Columbres Dean Kay Barrett Gloria Deliz Maria G. Bartholomew-Blaize Joy Dinneen Vicky Baudin Arlene Dismont Leonardo Bello Sue Donoghue Nia Benn-Burrowes Amanda Dorn BioReference Laboratory Dr. Ivo J. Drazenovic Dr. Robert Blackburn Omar Duggan Murali Bolla Marlene Duncan Sherri Bostic Sasheni Durrant Boston Scientific Kimberly S. Ellis Abigail Boston Alison and Peter Engel Caroline Boucher Blythe Engel Joaquin Brito Dr. Irina Erlikh Osvaldo Brito Evil Olive Pizza Bar Broadway Stages LTD EwingCole Kofi Brobbey Dr. Andras Fenyves Kevin and Ginny Brooks John Ferrara Cynthia Brown Nelson Ferreras

20 The Brooklyn Hospital Center Alexis Gomez Dr. Ying Xian Liu Libby and Jim Ryan Victoria Gomez Lori’s Gifts James Safonov Henry Gonzaque Nadege Louis Hakeem Salaam Maria Grannum Dr. Asif Luqman Claudetth J. Samuels Angela Grant Deborah A. Maharaj David G. Samuels, Esq. Dr. Kathleen M. Grima Leolinda Mangaoang Francesca Santana Aleksandr Groysman Marine Park Golf Course Tad Sargi Deborah Guercio Suzanne Marquard and The Schneller Family June Guo James Breckenridge Leslie and Andrew Schultz Carmen Guzman Joseph and Suzanne Martin Ira Schuman GWR Medical, Inc. Kissely Martinez Family of Samuel H. Schwartz Foundation Haitian Medical Association Abroad Venra Mathurin Dr. Jamil Mohammad Shah The Halegua Family Dr. Vijay K. Mattoo Dr. David Sherr Mohamed Hamed Maureen Data Systems, Inc. Charles Small Bruce Hamilton Ulrica Maynard Dr. Aye Min Soe Mario Hamilton Brian McCaffrey Rajiv Soin Peter Hansen Charles and Barbara McTiernan Brenda Sosa Carol Hanson-Beckles Joan Mercado Sarah and Michael Spieldenner Terry J. Hardaway Meridian Capital Group LLC John Spina Mark and Natalie Harounian Elourdes Merisma Max and Kate Spivak Dionne C. Harris Michael Miller Pamela Springer Healthcare Partners, MSO Dr. Steven Miller St. Francis College Mary Rieser Heintjes Patricia Mitchell St. Joseph’s College Hill West Architects Robert Mitchell Elizabeth Porter Steisel Elizabeth J. Horsley Sanderson C. Mittnacht Hazel M. Stephen Nooshin Hosseini Milton Moncayo Timothy M. Sullivan Dr. Melanie Howell Helene Monroe-Vislosky Joseph Sunny Darren Hoyte Rosalie Moore TABB, Inc. Dr. Swe Swe Htike and Dr. Zay Yar S. Htay Sly Moore Dr. Mary Grace Tanguilan Dr. Wynn Htun Dr. Yesenia Morales Kelvin Taylor Integrated Medical Professionals, PLLC Dr. Michael Moretti Betty Thomas Jackson Lewis, P.C. Leslie Morris David Thomas Dr. Robert Jardine Donna Mosley Muyesser Topcuoglu Sarah Javaid Mount Sinai Heart Arthur C. Townend Pearl Jones Dr. Kannan Muralikrishnan TransUnion Healthcare Denise E. Jury Sakibeh Mustafa Dr. Sherlene D. Trotman Laurie Karten Dr. Khin M. Naing and Raymond W. Lwin Helena Twumasi Katten Muchin Rosenman, LLP Network for Good Dr. Alejandra M. Uribe Dr. Edmund Kessler Norwinds, Inc. Denise Uwa Dr. Aye Khaing and Dr. Khine W. Phyu Egondu Onuoha William Vanderwall Neiha A. Khan Temitayo Onwuamaegbu Dr. Viswanath Vasudevan Dorothy Kingston OTC Brands, Inc. Dr. Pratibha Vemulapalli Lester E. Knight Benjamin Paknia Imran Walayat Grace Kok Otis and Nancy Pearsall Anne G. Walsh Insaf Kouba Peking Food LLC John Walsh Dr. Lewis Krata Elizabeth Pierre Dr. Carrie B. Wasserman Andrea Kreisberg Yevgeniya Plutova Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. Yinglan Kuang Anna Pogoriler Iris Weinshall and Charles Schumer Dr. Kishan Kumar Prominis Medical Services Welcome Pediatrics Dr. Mai Ngan N. Lai Ron Rampino Sandra Wheeler Grisselle Latorre-Vasquez Julie Raskin Wilf Family Foundation Michael Lazar Rechler Equity Partners Candace Willcocks Dr. Richard Lechtenberg Lin Shan Ren Dr. Mollie Williams Rosemond LeGrand Keith Reynolds Williamsburg Pharmacy & Dr. Robert Levey James Q. Riordan Surgical Supply Judith Lewis Yolanda Rivera Mary Wong William Lewis Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP You Ying Wu Fudan Li Laurie Robinson Yuanyuan Xu Bruce Liao Dr. Juan Carlos Robles Kyaw T. Ya Dr. Sithu Lin Miriam E. Rodriguez Jin Qing Ye Victoria Lindgren Dr. Irina Rondel Bin Zhang Barbara Lingley Sonia M. Rudder ZT Locum Care LLC

2019 Report to the Community 21 OUR LEADERSHIP

22 The Brooklyn Hospital Center HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Anne Elizabeth Fontaine Maria Fiorini Ramirez Susan E. Skerritt J. Barclay Collins, II Gary G. Terrinoni Chair Vice Chair Vice Chair Secretary President & CEO (ex-officio)

Lori B. Acker Gale Stevens Haynes David Schwartz Carlos P. Naudon George I. Harris Olamide Ajibesin Patrick Leblanc, MD Calvin J. Simons, MD Immediate Past Chair Trustee Emeritus Adrina M. Banks Joel Leitner Kate Sturgess Bernard Drayton John E. Osnato DIno J. Veronese Alireza Esmaeilzadeh Deirdre Quinn Earl D. Weiner

HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION Gary G. Terrinoni Lenny H. Singletary, III Albert Cerrore Donald P. Minarcik, FHFMA, CPA President & CEO Senior Vice President, External Vice President, Budget & Vice President, Affairs, Strategy & Marketing Performance Analytics Revenue Enhancement Vasantha K. Kondamudi, MD Executive Vice President, Sharon Wickes Sandra Conti Deborah Niederhoffer Chief Medical Officer Vice President & Vice President, Vice President, The Brooklyn Chief Financial Officer Ambulatory and Outpatient Services Hospital Foundation & Robert Aulicino Chief Development Officer Senior Vice President & Sam J. Amirfar, MD James Gasperino, MD Chief Operating Officer Chief Medical Information Officer & Associate Chief Medical Officer & Egondu Onuoha Chief Information Officer Vice President, Critical Care Vice President, Real Estate and Stacy A. Friedman Special Programs Senior Vice President & Armand P. Asarian, MD, FACS Dean Lindsey General Counsel Vice President, Designated Vice President, Revenue Cycle Donna Thomas Institutional Officer & Vice President, Internal Audit & Judy McLaughlin, DNP Chief Academic Officer Karen Milano Compliance Senior Vice President & Vice President, Physician Services Chief Nurse Executive John Walsh Paul Y. Wong Chief Accounting Officer Vice President, Facilities Guy Mennonna Management Senior Vice President, Human Resources

CLINICAL CHAIRS Caroline Columbres, MD Sherly Abraham, MD Erroll Byer, Jr., MD Pratibha Vemulapalli, MD Anesthesia Family Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Surgery

Harry Dym, DDS Philip Xiao, MD Noah Kondamudi, MD Dhanan Etwaru, MD Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery Lab/Pathology Pediatrics Urology

Sylvie De Souza, MD James Gasperino, MD Moshe Fuksbrumer, MD Emergency Medicine Medicine Radiology

THE BROOKLYN HOSPITAL FOUNDATION TRUSTEES Dino J. Veronese Armand Asarian, MD Gary G. Terrinoni Xamayla Rose Chairman Vice Chairman President Treasurer

Harry Dym, DDS Bernard Drayton Deborah Niederhoffer J. Barclay Collins, II Co-Chairman Secretary Vice President Chair Emeritus

Lori B. Acker Leo Ehrline Patrick Leblanc, MD Joshua Rosenberg, MD Antonina Agrusa Anne Elizabeth Fontaine Stephen P. Palmese Calvin J. Simons, MD Anders J. Cohen, DO Noah Kondamudi, MD Madhavi Reddy, MD Kevin Thompson Ofer Cohen


Adam Alshawish Kim Best, PhD Loretta Patton-Greenidge, MD Deborah Benson Ario Arabi Chair Vice Chair Secretary Corey Fernandes Xamayla Rose Gary G. Terrinoni Lenny Singletary, III Sakibeh Mustafa TBHC President & CEO Senior Vice President Community Liaison James Safonov Brad Schneller Joshua Schneps Michael Banach Samuel Dunston Habib Joudeh Max Spivak Eva Berrios-Colon, PharmD, MPH, Fulvia Forbes JoAnn Joyner, PhD BCPS, CACP Deborah Garcia Ray Knights Renee Collymore Rev. Earl Jones Mohammad Sadique Amanda de Geneste-Archer Pearl Jones Mavis Veronica Yon

2019 Report to the Community 23 AT THIS SPECIAL TIME, JOIN US!

So much good is happening at The Brooklyn Hospital Center as we turn to the future prepared to seize every opportunity to do even more. As all these exciting developments unfold, there is one person we want to be absolutely sure to include: You!

24 The Brooklyn Hospital Center There are many ways to be a part of The Brooklyn Hospital Center:

Choose TBHC as your medical home. We’re ensuring our future is one where Brooklynites need not cross a bridge or enter a tunnel to get the medical care they need. We want to be your hospital. Call 1-833-TBHC-NOW or visit tbh.org to find a doctor or service for your needs.

Support us with financial gifts. We are so grateful for our many patrons who already have joined our family through their generous gifts. If you are interested in giving opportunities, call Vice President and Chief Development Officer Deborah Niederhoffer at 718-250-8599.

Volunteer. From answering phones to helping patients to assisting nurses and staff, opportunities abound to connect. Call the Volunteer Office at 718-250-8393.

Partner with us. We have community outreach we can bring to your church, school or organization, including health and wellness education, screenings, and lectures. Call Community Affairs at 718-250-8391. Join us!

In 2020, we start

a second 175 years

of service, and it

won’t be the same

without you!

Designed & Produced by: Jessica Weber Design, Inc. | Editorial/Project Manager: Kim C. Flodin, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, The Brooklyn Hospital Center | Writer: Paul Cozby | Principal photography: Rick Schwab THE BROOKLYN HOSPITAL CENTER

121 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11201 | 718.250.8000 | www.tbh.org