Oxford’s JJOBSOBS OOFFEREDFFERED HHOUSESOUSES & FFLATSLATS TTOO LLETET Issue No. 7796 Holywell Oxford Sun April 22 WEEKLY Next issue: Tue 24th April Coff ee Music Room Concerts 11.15am INFO Deadline: 10am, Mon 23rd Part of 1BSFOUMJOF 1MVT JT B OBUJPOBM DIBSJUZ student accommodation from AAfterfter SchoolSchool PGGFSJOH IFMQ BOE JOGPSNBUJPO GPS Angell Piano Trio QBSFOUTBOEGBNJMJFT8FBSFBEZOBNJD www.dailyinfo.co.uk BOESBQJEMZHSPXJOHDIBSJUZ TVQQPSUJOH NORTH OXFORD Hummel: Quintet in Eb – Schubert: Trout Quintet PROPERTY SERVICES
[email protected] / 01865 241133 CClublub SSupervisorsupervisors IBMGBNJMMJPO QBSFOUT BOE DBSFST FBDIZFBSmOEPVUNPSFBCPVUVTBU Tickets: Playhouse 01865 305305 / 07976 740024 XXXQBSFOUMJOFQMVTPSHVL Fri 20th - Mon 23rd Apr 2007 www.coff eeconcerts.com 2 posts: lovely nurseries in Iffl ey (ages 2 - 6) 47 Walton Street and Forest Farm Elsfi eld (ages 2 - 11). "3&"."/"(&3 09'03% 4BMBSZb tIPVSTQFSXFFLt3FG".0 Oxford OX2 6AD 0018651865 331174511745 8F BSF MPPLJOH GPS BO FYQFSJFODFE NBOBHFS UP MFBE UIF EFWFMPQNFOU NVQ 3 essential. BOE EFMJWFSZ PG 1BSFOUMJOF 1MVT TFSWJDFT JO 0YGPSETIJSF 8F BSF B MFBEJOH JOEFQFOEFOUQSPWJEFSPGGBNJMZTVQQPSU XJUIXFMMFTUBCMJTIFEQBSUOFSTIJQTBOE North Oxford. Spacious 2 bedroom ground An interest in art and craft activities QSPKFDUTBOEBSFQVUBUJPOGPSIJHIRVBMJUZQBSFOUMFETFSWJDFT floor part furnished apartment. 2 bedrooms, especially welcome. If you can create a 5IF"SFB.BOBHFSXJMMQSPWJEFPQFSBUJPOBMNBOBHFNFOUBOEMFBEFSTIJQUPB one with ensuite, separate bathroom, large warm, caring and stimulating environment