Governor Support Service Children & Younger Adults Department County Hall Matlock DE4 3AG

For the attention of: 01629 580000 ext . 35769 Ask for : Jeanette Hamilton Chairs of Governors and Headteachers Our ref: BUL71TL Your ref: Date: 4 February 2015 e-mail : [email protected]

CONTROLLED Dear Colleague


Please circulate this bulletin to members of your Governing Body and your Clerk to Governors for information.

Safeguarding Please see Appendix A for the latest safeguarding briefing from Debbie Peacock, Safeguarding Training Team.

Safeguarding training Level 1/2 e-learning now available from DSCB Below is a link to a Safeguarding e-learning package aimed at Level 1and Level 2 for staff, volunteers, governors, parents or young people. This is found in the training and events section. This will go live on the website in late February and will be added to the “Safeguarding Training Materials” section found in the secure section on LID which requires a log in.

The course takes about an hour to complete and is free. On successful completion of the assessment, it is possible to print off a certificate. The course is a useful starting point to help you understand key safeguarding issues and what to do if you have concerns about a child or young person. Please use as part of any staff induction and refresher training. You will need to have Adobe Flash installed on your browser in order to view this e-learning. To access the e-learning please see the training courses and events page of .

Governor briefings – Spring 2015 These FREE briefings are designed to support your work as an effective governing body and we hope you will encourage at least one governor to put the relevant date in their diaries. Details of our spring sessions are below. Please book your place in advance to ensure there are sufficient handouts and refreshments at each venue. The Erewash venue has been confirmed as Friesland School, .

Venue Date Code Glossopdale Community College Wednesday, 25 February SP1512 Freisland School, Sandiacre Monday, 2 March SP1513 County Hall, Matlock Monday, 9 March SP1514 Parkside Community School, Chesterfield Wednesday, 11 March SP1515


All sessions will start at 6.30pm promptly and end at approximately 8.30pm. Please allow time on arrival to pick up refreshments.

To book a place, please email [email protected] .

Urgent – maintained schools Whilst the deadline for your new Instrument of Government coming into effect is 1 September 2015 under reconstitution, we would encourage Governing Bodies to submit their Instrument to Steve Foyster, [email protected] , by the end of the Spring Term if at all possible to ensure that the deadline is met comfortably. For further information about reconstitution please see the details on our website, _the_governing_body/default.asp , and do not hesitate to contact Governor Support if you have any queries, [email protected], 01629 535769.

Exclusions Training - cancelled The above training scheduled for 10 March 2015 at County Hall has had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Please accept my apologies for this. If you are booked onto this course, a member of the Governor Support Team will contact you to rearrange your booking. The next course will be on Wednesday 24 June 2015 at County Hall (course ref: SU1508).

Support Service for Special Educational Needs – SEND reforms training workshops – available to Governors for information Please see Appendix B for information about SEND reforms training workshops. The workshops are not specifically for Governors but are part of SSSEN’s specialist training to school staff including class teachers, SENCOs and SMTs so schools have been directly invited. However, if there is spare capacity then Governors are welcome to book and attend by contacting the bases by telephone. Whilst we would welcome Governors who wish to attend to broaden their knowledge of SEN, the workshops are not focused on the role of Governors. School staff who attend the workshops should be able to feedback to their SEN Governor/Governing Body as an additional way of dissemination.

Workshops for Governors – Eco Schools and effective waste management Please see Appendix C for information about two free workshops run by Derbyshire County Council’s Eco Schools Officer, Anne Welch, to which governors are invited. For further details and book a place, please email [email protected] or phone 01629 539792.

Audit Newsletter Please see Appendix D for the latest Audit Newsletter and ensure it is seen by the members of your finance committee.

PTFA accounts / Friends of accounts The Governors have a responsibility to ensure that the financial activity of groups, which fund raise in the name of the school and/or have use of the school premises, do not harm the reputation of the School.

Therefore, in order to ensure transparency of the financial management of such groups the Governors should apply best practice in terms of holding details of the constitution of the group. In addition, as evidence that the group produces annual accounts in accordance with the requirements of the guidance issued by the Charities Commission, a copy of the accounts should be reported to the Governing Body which should be minuted.


School website The school website is becoming increasingly important and it is a useful vehicle for communicating key information about the school. Governing Bodies are required to publish specified information on a website and Ofsted will check school websites prior to inspection. You will be aware of the document “Information to be published on a school website” which can be found on the following page of our website: . Please note this has recently been updated. Point 9 has the following addition:

“By April 2015, schools in receipt of the primary PE and sport premium must publish information online about their use of the funding. Schools must publish the amount of grant received, how it has been spent (or will be spent) and the effect on pupils’ PE (physical education) and sport participation, and attainment. Schools should also consider how the funding is helping to ensure pupils develop healthy lifestyles.’

Pupil Premium Summer Schools Programme 2015 – has your school applied? Summer schools provide an excellent opportunity for secondary schools to help disadvantaged new pupils understand what and how they will be studying in key stage 3. It is also an opportunity for schools to help disadvantaged pupils who are behind in key areas such as literacy and numeracy to catch up with their peers. Secondary schools can now apply for funding by completing a short online form by 29 May 2015. Please go to the following link for further details - programme-2014 .

First Aid in schools First aid at work covers the arrangements that establishments must make to ensure that people at work who suffer an injury or fall ill, receive immediate attention and that an ambulance is called in serious cases. Although the regulations are intended to cover employees, the same level of provision should be available for any other person on school premises (e.g. pupils/young people, visitors, contractors, service users) and are a requirement for Early Years Providers.

The Governing Body should ensure that there is adequate cover for their school and that the required number of first-aiders are adequately trained. Schools buying in to the LA Health and Safety package will have received guidance on this.

Governors’ Handbook – new edition A revised edition of the Governors’ Handbook was published on 16 January 2015 and can be accessed via

Ofsted guidance A summary of the changes made to the Ofsted maintained school inspection documents January 2015 can be accessed via january-2015-summary-of-changes .

DfE publishes new guidance for exclusions The DfE has released revised statutory exclusions guidance. While there has been no legislative change, the update provides more explicit guidance on the role of governors. The new guidance takes effect from 5 January 2015 and can be accessed at . 3

New university funding initiative launched by the Sutton Trust The Sutton Trust has launched a new programme to support the brightest students in the country. In collaboration with four top UK universities - Cambridge, Warwick, Nottingham and University College London - the aim is to fill the gap left after the government abolished the “gifted and talented” programme in 2011. The top 10% of students from low and middle incomes will be invited to attend regular academic seminars, skills sessions and university visits at these institutions. Details of the new programme can be found at universities/ .

Advice on promoting British values in schools published The DfE has published advice on promoting British values as part of SMSC (social, moral, spiritual and cultural education) with the aim to ensure that young people leave schools prepared for life in modern Britain. It contains examples of actions that a school can take. The full advice from the DfE can be assessed for maintained schools at uidance_Maintained_Schools.pdf and for academies at g_the_spiritual__moral__social_and_cultural__SMSC__development_of_pupils_supplementary _information.pdf .

Do you have vacancies on your governing body? Please email [email protected] and we will try to help you fill your vacancy. The School Governors’ One-Stop Shop (SGOSS) may also be able to help you. SGOSS recently launched a new school governor recruitment campaign. The campaign is aimed at encouraging more skilled professionals to volunteer as school governors as they can bring their expertise from the world of business to support the operation of a local school. You can contact SGOSS via their website: .

Experienced Governors needed Did you know that you can be a Governor at more than one school? We are looking for highly effective Governors with significant experience who would be willing to strengthen the Governing Body of another school. If this is something you or other members of your Governing Body could offer, please email: [email protected]

Sharing good practice There are now groups of Chairs of Governors around the county who meet for mutual support and to share good practice. If you are interested in meeting with other Chairs, please email: [email protected] . It is helpful if you state in your email that you agree that I share your email address with other Chairs who wish to participate in the support network.

If you have examples of good practice that you are willing to share, please contact me to discuss .

Support for Chairs of Governors Appendix E gives details of Derbyshire’s three National Leaders of Governance who can also offer free and independent support.


National College Leadership Development Programme for Chairs of Governors If you are an experienced Chair of Governors and would like to undertake this leadership development programme, please contact the National College: .

‘Leading Governors’ This helpful booklet can be accessed via: -governors-the-role-of-the-chair-of-governors-in-schools-and-academies.pdf .

National College Leadership Training Programme for Governing Body Clerks The National College has recently launched a revised training programme for governing body clerks. Further information is available via the National College: governors-professional-development

Derbyshire School Governors’ Association The Derbyshire School Governors’ Association is open to all Derbyshire School Governors. Meetings are held on the 4 th Wednesday of the month (excluding December and August) from 7-9pm at County Hall, Matlock. However, if your school is able to host a meeting, this would be a welcome opportunity to rotate the venue around the county. If so, please contact the DSGA via their website . The DSGA bulletin board gives more very useful information for governors, including alerting governors to DfE consultations. Dates of future meetings: 25 February, 25 March, 22 April, 27 May, 24 June and 22 July.

I hope you will find this information useful to share with your Governing Body and Clerk to Governors . This and other information can be found in the Governor Support section at: . This is also where Governors can sign up to receive an alert for the next Derbyshire Governor emagazine .

If you have any queries arising from this bulletin, please contact me on 01629 538816 or email: [email protected]

Yours sincerely

Jeanette Hamilton Head of Governor Support


Appendix A

Governors Safeguarding Spring Briefing

Welcome to the spring briefing. It has been a very busy time mostly checking we have up to date and relevant policies that meet Ofsted regulations and good practice to better practice in safeguarding.

The information in this briefing has been circulated to Area, County and Special Heads and some content will differ depending on age range and relevance. This briefing is aimed at keeping you up to date with specific and significant safeguarding issues in Schools.

Ofsted are been rigorous in apply the Keeping Children Safe in Education Statutory Guidance April 2014 and related DBS and barring requirements in schools and colleges. I am strongly recommending therefore that:

• You become fully familiar with the guidance and have a working knowledge of its contents; • That all your staff including volunteers and Governors are aware of and familiar with the guidance and supporting information document where specific issues in safeguarding are referred to; • You read the revised Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2015 which has now been sent out to all schools . This policy adheres to newer Ofsted regulation, DBS additional requirements, roles and responsibilities and good practice in safeguarding. I am recommending that you check for the changes and additions and either adapt in it’s entirely or amend an existing policy to reflect these changes and additions. This policy is now available on LID; • You apply with immediate effect if relevant “Disqualification by Association”. Ofsted reissued an existing regulation and extended it to schools. This applies to schools that have under 8’s on their premises and will extend to clubs and outreach. HR has now issued guidance and governors have been made aware. They are now devising additional guidance on centrally held services where staff are deployed into schools eg catering. Do not divert away from the regulation on this and adopt, amend or add to the declaration templates provided or ask of staff to declare any more than is required by this regulation. If in any doubt seek advice from HR and if staff have declared use LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer, Miles Dent - allegations against professionals; • You report any concerns that a child’s or young person may be exposed to possible Extremism and or radicalisation and this is treated as a safeguarding concern. This includes online exposure and any young people/parents/ visitors on school property who you may feel are discussing/providing information to children that may be inciting or inflammatory. Please contact the Child Protection for Schools for advice and provide a course of action. This may mean a referral by the CPM to PREVENT.

New model Policies/learning • A Separated Parents Policy has been written and schools have welcomed this as it gives clearer guidelines as to the law, sharing of information, sharing of records and around the release of children; • Safeguarding Training level 1 is now available for schools as an e learning programme and has been circulated. Designed for staff, volunteers, and governors as an induction or refresher. This is available on the DSCB site and on LID.

Self- Harm Strategy

The work to develop a Self-harm strategy for Schools is well on its way. There is information and resource links on LID in the safeguarding page which can assist Schools in the interim.


Within the next 4 weeks there will be a:

• re-drafted and updated the self- harm pathway;

• revised practice guidance;

• a new training strategy which will commence later in the year (as soon as possible after April);

• a drafted a prevention strategy which will contribute the wider, all age city-county suicide prevention strategy.

Feedback Chelsea’s Choice-Secondary

This was a tremendous effort by schools and the only Local authority that received praise from the production team for the work schools did pre- the performance and post- performance. Parents and carers received information on CSE to help them recognise risk and where to go for help. Many schools have embedded CSE into their curriculum, tutor time, and or PSHE learning days.

All performances were attended by staff from Derbyshire Police and Safe and Sound, the Derby based CSE voluntary organisation, so that professionals were present to deal immediately with any queries or concerns from young people or staff. Throughout the six weeks 14 concerns were raised as a direct result of young people seeing the performance. Over half of these concerns related to E safety issues, and this is a priority for the Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board. The young people who spoke out are being supported by professionals from a number of agencies including Police, Children’s Social Care and Multi Agency Teams. Evaluations were completed by schools pre and post production and rated their young people an increased knowledge of what CSE is, how to keep safe, and recognising healthy relationships and unhealthy ones. Young people valued talking openly in the classroom about sexual exploitation and the risk around social media.

Primary and Secondary

We are asking for CSE champions in schools and across providers, training and tools will be provided. Please contact Amanda Clark DSCB Board Manager for details if you or staff in your school has an interest.

CSE Guidance and a Toolkit is now available and will be on the DSCB web site as of 27 th Feb and will be made available on LID.

Exploitation/ Entrapment on line There are a growing number of schools whereby children and young people are reporting to them or to the school via a friend that adults have attempted contact or made contact on line mostly using Face Book, Skype, and Instagram. This will be a deliberate targeting and can extend to a number of children in that tutor group or year group. To the credit of those schools that have raised the awareness and acted proactively in the school they have sought advice and put in measures to respond, divert and attempt to avoid further incident. This is a safeguarding concern and referrals need to be made to the Police and Children’s Social Care in the first instance. A CPM strategy may be necessary to pull together a multi-agency response for that school and I can support and assist in this process. There is learning from this and I can share the experiences of some schools and how they have successfully managed this eg- a developed template letter to parents/carers, alerts and school assemblies.

Anti- Bullying Strategy There are some very exciting programmes available which are pupil inclusive and can extend to parents/ carers and the local community. Steve Boyd is available to offer a visit and provide a programme which best suits and provide advice and in some circumstances mediation. There are now leaflets schools can use on social media, and e safety and these can be displayed on their website to share with parents/carers. Additionally, there is now a

7 suite of forms available which helps with managing incidents and is proving popular in schools as its uses a restorative approach. [email protected]

Training Update The keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance sets out the framework for Designated Leads and requirements and responsibilities. Appointed Designated Leads should hold a senior position and be in a role whereby they can fulfil their roles and responsibilities. They must be kept up to date and should be trained every two years.

There is still a requirement to have at least one person on any panel recruiting staff to be Safer Recruitment trained and that training is kept up to date and the recommendation is every three years. There is capacity to provide additional SDL training full day and half day, and Safer Recruitment Training from April. We will be providing a new workshop on Promoting and maintaining safer working practices and environments in schools/educational settings.

We have now revised the Governor training on offer to include the role and responsibilities of the Designated Link Governor for safeguarding and specific issues for governors in safeguarding. We need to help develop governors to become a critical friend and ensure they are assisting a school to be equipped to ensure good robust safeguarding practices and policies in their schools. We are offering this training, and can offer whole sessions to senior management team and governors on this.

As you now aware there is a new website Learning in Derbyshire. There is a Safeguarding page with relevant sections to assist with keeping up to date and any new or revised policies will be uploaded in to the relevant sections. There are two areas Ofsted and Leadership and Management which will be used to alert you to key issues. There is some more work to be done to this page.

Future Developments: • The Domestic Violence protocol for Schools have been reviewed and will be reissued so that all schools will once again get this notification with guidance and a contact point; • We have had two meetings to establish a strategy and response to Extremism and we are working towards a process and tools; • The offensive weapon policy has been delayed and health and safety are taking it back to the unions for further discussion; • Work is been developed to have a single reporting and records system for child protection and where schools have identified vulnerable children and are keeping records on those children.

I am available for support and advice and can be contacted on 01629 531079 or [email protected].

Debbie Peacock CPM Schools/Education


Appendix B




Appendix C Workshops for School Governors

1. Using Eco Topics to Improve Your School

Rationale for Workshop The Eco Schools Programme offers a great focus for school improvement. Underpinning Eco Schools is an ethos that values each person, the school community and environment and the wider environment. It promotes a caring approach to understanding the world, both people and natural environment.

Course Content • The Eco Schools Programme • An holistic approach to caring for the school and the world • Eco School topics • Making a difference, children leading and making decisions • Children learning to plan, monitor and evaluate projects • Opportunities to develop a wider range of skills through practical projects • Value added learning • Enrichment opportunities

Date Time Location Wednesday 15 th April 16.00-17.30 Buxton Thursday 23 rd April 09.00-11.00 Matlock Wednesday 10 th June 16.00-17.30 Wirksworth

2. Managing your school’s waste effectively

Rationale for Workshop Many medium and large schools could make savings by looking at waste reduction, effective reuse and recycling. The cost of sending waste to landfill as general waste is far higher than recycling. This workshop explores the most effective ways of managing waste and promoting whole school approach to being a sustainable school, while ensuring the budget is spent effectively.

Course Content • Waste Framework – getting the best deal for your school • Reduction of waste - Analysis of how to reduce waste - through purchasing choices • Reuse o How to use materials more effectively - eg printing both sides on paper, scrap books etc o How to reuse materials - making them into other things • Recycling o How to maximise recycling of as many different materials as possible o Composting and wormeries Pro's and Con's o Contractual issues and Derbyshire County Council waste framework o Communication and learning opportunities

Date Time Location Friday 27 th March 09.00-11.00 Shipley Tuesday 2 nd June 10.00-12.00 Shipley Wednesday 24 th June 16.00-17.30 Buxton

To book a place on either of these two free workshops please contact Anne Welch, Eco Schools Officer, by telephone 01629 539792 or email [email protected] .


Appendix D

Derbyshire Audit Services Issue 5 – autumn 2014/15 AuditMatters

Circulation L ist Head Teacher Governors Finance Staff

Welcome to the autumn edition of the Derbyshire Audit Services’ newsletter for schools. To ensure that all parties are aware of the audit matters affecting Derbyshire schools please ensure that this newsletter is made available to the Chair of the Governing Body, Chair of the Finance Committee, Head Teacher, Bursar/Finance Manager and other relevant staff.

School Audit Reviews

From the 2014/15 financial year, all schools which receive Qualified, Substantial or Full assurance will be visited by Audit Contents Services every 4 years rather than every 3 years (unless part of a sample review of SFVS). This is in part due to the School Audit Reviews 1 improvements made by schools to implement effective control SFVS & Audit 2 procedures and demonstrate good governance principles. However, failure to submit an SFVS return on time or failure IT Support SLA 2 to incorporate sufficient details on the SFVS return may reduce the frequency of the next visit. As recognition of the Top 10 Recommendations 3 improvements made by schools, a list of recent audit reviews Anti-Fraud Bulletin 3 which have resulted in a “Substantial” assurance being provided are detailed below: Passwords 3 Policy Templates 4 • Hulland CE Controlled Primary School SAP in Schools 4 • New Mills Primary School Getting in Touch 4 • Peak Dale Primary School

• Manor Infants & Nursery School Accommodation for the Audit visit

• Westfield Infant School It would assist the visiting Auditors for an Internet connection to be made available on the day of audit and where possible, access to the computer • Hallam Fields Junior School suite during the day would be especially helpful. Current Health and Safety advice states that • any location provided for the auditors during Ashgate Croft School their visit should be appropriate for that purpose which includes the provision of full • Bakewell Infants size desks and chairs . 13

2 Schools Financial Value Standard

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those schools who submitted their Schools Financial Value Standard return to Audit Services by the 31 March 2014 deadline. We received 83% of the required returns by the deadline, which is 12% less than last year, despite numerous reminders throughout the financial year. A further 61 schools submitted the SFVS return after the deadline but, before the Authority’s requirement to report to the Department for Education (DfE), 5 schools did not complete in time for the report to the DfE and were classed as non-compliant without exemption reasons. These figures are disappointing and many of the late submissions were due to poor planning and scheduling of a Full Governing Body meeting to approve the SFVS return before the deadline.

We are in the process of undertaking selected audit checks of the returns, which will continue throughout the current financial year, to provide an assurance to the Department for Education (DfE) and the Authority’s Director of Finance on the veracity of self-assessment school returns. Finally, we would ask that you ensure appropriate procedures are in place for the coming year so that your SFVS return for 2014-15 is submitted to Audit Services before the 31 March 2015 deadline. To help minimize the potential impact of bad weather, it is important that you plan to complete the return and schedule the Full Governing Body meeting, to approve the SFVS submission, before the end of February or early March 2015.

IT Support Procurement – Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Service Level Agreement contracts for IT support have become more topical due to an increased awareness around the cost of the provision and schools’ obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998. It is also important that the IT network support is appropriate for the School’s needs and that all parties are clear on what is expected to be delivered under the contract. To aid staff involved in procuring IT network support or seeking to renew current arrangements Audit Services have raised the matter with the County Council’s Legal Services Section who have confirmed that for all schools which have legal support as part of the traded service all queries in respect of such matters should be referred to Simon Macdonald-Preston (Commercial Solicitor) in the first instance (01629) 538290. Below is a list of the key themes/ areas (not exhaustive) that should be considered when evaluating the use of an external IT Technician or company.

• The cost/rate/term of the service. • Measures in place to access and protect confidential and sensitive information. • The potential for data being viewed and disclosed and controls in place to restrict this. • How disposal of hardware and software will occur. • Secure back-up procedures/responsibilities should be clearly referenced. • Performance standards in terms of service delivery times. • The requirement for DBS checks should be considered. • The qualifications of any Technicians who carry out the work and an assurance that these are maintained and updated as technology advances. • Any guarantees offered for work undertaken. • If items require purchasing to resolve issues, how this will occur, who will order, approve items etc. • How any disagreements between the two parties will be dealt with to resolve the any issues. • Detail the obligations of the School receiving the service i.e. access to the School, ensuring the IT suite is free during maintenance sessions, follow advice on the proper use of systems. • Any notice period required to terminate the contract. 14

Frequent Audit Recommendations 3

1. Governor Induction: The Governors Induction Pack should be

periodically reviewed to ensure it includes all desirable competencies

for Governors. Once amended the Pack should be presented to the full

Governing Body for their consideration and approval.

2. New Starter Induction: A standard Induction process for all new starters should be in place within the School. The completion of the process should be recorded on an Induction checklist which is signed by the new starter and Head Teacher with the document retained on the individual’s personnel file. 3. Skills Matrix : It is the responsibility of all Governors to annually complete the financial self-evaluation of their competencies. The results of this exercise should be used to inform future succession planning and the identification of any training needs. 4. Declaration of Business Interests: The Chair of Governors should ensure there is an opportunity for Governors to declare any potential conflicts of interest at all sub-committee meetings through creation of a standard agenda item. In addition all Declaration of Business interest forms should be fully completed. Anti -fraud Bullet in 5. 3 year Improvement Plan: The School Improvement Plan should be continually updated to cover a three year rolling period as required by During recent weeks there has been a the SFVS. The School Improvement Plan should have clear links to the significant increase in the number of scam emails reported by Derbyshire schools. financial and non-financial resources required to deliver the objectives Employees are reminded not to open within the plan. attachments or click on the links of emails 6. IT Technician – Service Level Agreements: The School should have a received from unknown sources due to the formal Service Level Agreement in place in respect of the IT support risk of triggering viruses. Any emails which clearly stipulates the terms of the agreement and insurance causing concern should be treated with liability. A DBS clearance for the IT Technician should be obtained and caution and reported to Audit Services. details entered into the School’s Central DBS record. The National Anti-Fraud Network has 7. SFVS presented to full Governor meeting for assessment: The published details of fraudulent invoices Governing Body should provide sufficient scrutiny of the SFVS return specifically designed to target schools. prior to it being issued to the Authority in order for them to satisfy These unsolicited invoices are submitted themselves in relation to the responses that have been provided. Such for payment although no order has been scrutiny should be summarized and correctly recorded within the placed or goods provided. Potentially official minutes. fraudulent invoices have been received from the following ‘companies’; 8. Qualifications and Identification Documentation: Copies of employees'

qualifications and identification documents are taken as evidence of Charlestown Supplies professional qualifications and that the individual has the right to work Grant Ed within the United Kingdom. All copies should be annotated with IPT Trademarks 'original documents seen', then signed and dated by the person verifying the information. Once complete, this data should be recorded Audit Services regularly produce an Anti- on the “Appointment of a Teacher Form” prior to being submitted to Fraud Bulletin identifying potential frauds and scams which employees need to be the Shared Service Centre. A copy of the completed form should be aware of. retained on the employee’s personnel file at the School. The full bulletin can be viewed at:- Anti -fraud Bulletin

Passwords Whilst we all know that passwords should not be shared there is clear evidence that this is happening in a small number of schools. To maintain the integrity of the School IT network and ensure that the actions within IT systems are attributed to the correct individual it is essential that user IDs and passwords are never shared. It is important to remember that if you or your colleagues are sharing account details for whatever reason all activity will be attributed to the holder of the shared account. If you are concerned that this activity is happening you should inform the Head Teacher, Chair of Governors or Audit Services, which can be done confidentially.



During the School audit a review of the following documents is conducted to confirm that the School has adequate policies in place and that once approved by the Governors they are made available to staff, contractors and pupils etc. as required. Below is a list of the policies reviewed during the audit and where available, a link to the Extranet/DfE.

Policy/Document Policy Template / Information Location

Absence Monitoring Policy Policy Extranet information

Acceptable Use of IT Policy for Pupils

Acceptable Use of IT Policy for Staff Extranet

Accessibility Plan Extranet information

Charging Policy

Code of Conduct for Governors DfE website

Code of Conduct for Staff Extranet

Confidential Reporting Code Extranet

Critical Incident Management Plan Extranet Data Protection Policy Extranet

Dinner Money Policy Extranet

Financial Procedures Extranet

Financial Regulations Extranet

SAP in Schools

With the introduction of SAP in Schools the Financial Framework documents including the Financial Regulations, Financial Procedures and Roles & Responsibilities must be updated to reflect the move onto SAP and OrderPoint. The documents should be amended to omit references to DSAS and include approved limits on the OrderPoint system.

Getting in Touch Chrystal Wallage (Assistant Director of Finance (Audit) & RIPA Monitoring Officer) recently retired from Derbyshire County Council. Chrys started work in Internal Audit thirty years ago and has led the section for over 20 years. Audit staff are always available to provide advice and support. You may contact the Auditor who conducted the audit at your School or either of the key contacts listed below: Assistant Director of Finance Carl Hardman (01629) 538821 (Audit) [email protected]

Jayne Wallhead Audit Clerk [email protected] (01629) 538826


Appendix E

National Leaders of Governance

Three of Derbyshire’s experienced Chairs of Governors are now National Leaders of Governance.

You can access FREE and independent support from one of Derbyshire’s National Leaders of Governance (NLG).

Linda Du-Roe, Chair of Governors at Deer Park Primary School, Wingerworth, was appointed Derbyshire's first NLG in April 2012

Linda has now been joined by Mark Coppel, from Ridgeway Primary School, and John Harvey, from Dronfield Junior School.

As experienced Chairs of Governors, their role is to support and coach chairs at other Derbyshire schools in the following areas:

Improving school performance 1. Support the chair of governors to focus on raising standards and leading improvement. 2. Help the chair to understand strategic school and data. Supporting the chair of governors and headteacher 1. Coach a chair of governors to challenge senior leaders. 2. Help the chair build their relationship with the headteacher or principal. Improving governing body processes 1. Help the chair of governors to evaluate their own performance and develop their effectiveness and confidence. 2. Observe a governing body meeting and provide advice on procedures and behaviours. 3. Identify priorities for development and draw up an action plan. 4. Provide expertise to help with a governing body’s work. 5. Promote additional training and support.

Derbyshire’s NLGs can be contacted as follows:

Linda Du-Roe: Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Mark Coppel: Email: [email protected]

John Harvey: Email: [email protected]