Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society n eeaindiet the follow- vegetarian population vegetarians the around of of a % widely proportion 30 ing about highest with varies country the any of diet) has vegetarian globe. products. a animal any lowing and/or eat not products do who dairy vegans and eat eggs who lacto-ovo-vegetarians h uhr 05Frtpbihdoln 8Dcme 2015 December 28 online published First 2015 Authors The © thsbe siae htvgtrasadvgn re- population US vegans the and of respectively, vegetarians %, 2 that and estimated 5 present been has it Abbreviation: or poultry , de are Vegetarians Society Nutrition the of Proceedings * osdrbyls omn ihls hn1 fthe of % 10 diet than vegetarian a less following with population common, less considerably orsodn author Corresponding acrEieilg nt Nuf Unit, Epidemiology Cancer h rvlneo eeains tepatc ffol- of practice (the of prevalence The ofrneon Conference h urto oit umrMeig21 eda nvriyo otnhm otnhm6 Nottingham Nottingham, of University at held 2015 Meeting Summer Society Nutrition The H-,AvnitHat td-;EI-xod uoenPopcieIvsiainit acradNutrition-Oxford. and Cancer into Investigation Prospective European EPIC-Oxford, Study-2; Health Adventist AHS-2, alN plb,fx+4()85291;[email protected] email 289610; (0)1865 +44 fax Appleby, N. Paul : asapast egnrlygo,adfrsm iessadmdclcniin tmay particularly it needed, conditions is medical research and vegans. more of diseases Much health omnivores. some long-term comparable for the vegetar- cataract. of and on of that eye good, health than and generally long-term better The disease be be non- population. to diverticular in general vegetarian appears diabetes, the but than ians non-vegetarians, with for vegetarians comparable favourably and risks in compare vegetarians lower groups lower for similar have slightly is mortality to is Overall found combined evidence been sites some is also cancer there similar all cancer, but a For for from vegetarians, stroke. non-vegetarians over- risk for with of the equivocal compared are prevalence IHD that data of lower risk the a lower whereas have a background, and Vegetarians obesity participants. and vegetarian weight main the of summarise We proportion vegans. high and but vegetarians diets, of vegetarian their health the of from long-term adequacy fi foods over the nutritional these animal about the Concerns of known other into all is animals. and research or less extensive meat some from been exclude in has partly who rich There those diet. or diet on a attention wholly focussed of derived have consequences products foods economic and any environmental eat health, not do vegans world eeain,wod o a n et olr or poultry meat, any eat not do who Vegetarians, fi fi dnsfo ag rs-etoa n rsetv ootsuisi etr onre iha with countries western in studies cohort prospective and cross-sectional large from ndings h hymyb sub-classi be may They sh. . e spol h ontetany eat not do who people as ned h ogtr elho eeain n vegans and vegetarians of health long-term The ( 1 ’ , ouain at-v-eeain osm ar rdcsado gs whereas eggs, and/or products dairy consume Lacto-ovo-vegetarians population. s 2 ) lehr,vgtraimis vegetarianism Elsewhere, . ‘ . IPaddress: h uueo nmlpout ntehmnde:hat and health diet: human the in products animal of future The l odCmu,RoeetDie xodO37F UK 7LF, OX3 Oxford Drive, Roosevelt Campus, Road Old fi (2016), fi l eateto ouainHat,Uiest fOfr,RcadDl Building, Doll Richard Oxford, of University Health, Population of Department eld ypsu :Atraie omeat to Alternatives 3: Symposium dnsfridvda acrstsaeicnlsv.Vgtrashave Vegetarians inconclusive. are sites cancer individual for ndings alN plb*adTmtyJ Key J. Timothy and Appleby* N. Paul ( 3 75 ) eeain ea:Mraiy Morbidity Mortality: Vegan: Vegetarian: o example, For . 287 , niomna concerns environmental – , on 9 doi:10.1017/S0029665115004334 293 fi 27 Sep2021 at05:06:57 das ed ( 4 ) . nssc svtmnB vitamin nutri- some as of intakes such low ents of possibility the over remains bemnrt ftegoa ouain n ihcalls with pro- animal and of consumption population, ducts in reduction global worldwide the a for of minority able These lne eeaino ea itcnspl l h nutri- health the good all for supply required can ents well- diet a vegan that or shown vegetarian have planned these Overall, diets. vegetarian of interest. a rvgndiets unforti vegan and/or or selected ian poorly in acids fatty fi h osiueasigni a constitute sh, aysuishv sesdtentiinladequacy nutritional the assessed have studies Many , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at ( 5 ) fi hi ogtr elhi atro considerable of matter a is health long-term their , ue niaeta eeain ersn size- a represent vegetarians that indicate gures ’ ( 7 fi , 8 atmnrt fthe of minority cant ) npriua,vtmnB vitamin particular, in ; 12 iai ,climand calcium D, vitamin , ( 6 ) oee,sm concern some However, . – uy2015 July 9 fi dvegetar- ed 12 status n -3 Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society ecie napeiu eiwb h authors the by review those previous updating a of and proportion in high described extending a participants, with studies vegetarian cohort prospective of ihahg rprino eeainadherents vegetarian of proportion high a the with denomination of Christian members a Church, from Adventist drawn Seventh-day three are the studies example, non-vegetarians American For North population. with same studies the along from the drawn participants, of proportion vegetarian high Most a recruiting con- of country). of aim studies the same with the designed of were the some within between (although overlap ducted vegetarians slight par- 000 is this 100 000 280 there % of over nearly 29 basis of including the total least a ticipants, form include will studies (at which The review. from participants results the vegetarian each), of percentage 1 Table non- in vegetarians to apply not conclusions may the countries. review western therefore con- were this countries, discuss in western we in studies prospective in ducted par- the in included all studies; the foods between ticular, therefore differ the may and observed substantially exclude, associations vary they can that diets vegetarian foods A de topic. are the the diets vegetarian of by because review that, systematic is full con- caveat a a further at not presented is material and the ference on based is paper present vriw ecnetaeoratnino the this on In attention vegans. our and concentrate vegetarians we of overview, have health studies long-term few the suf blood relatively of and but been concentrations vegetarians, cholesterol in pressure plasma BMI, as ihteassac fvgtra raiain and organisations vegetarian establishments of and publications assistance health-related health-conscious, the the and with vegetarians delib- at was targeted recruitment erately although populations, free-living the contrast, h i fpoiigaraoal oprsngroup, comparison reasonable a providing with of recruited were aim non-vegetarians the the studies these all dets Mortality Adventist asadepcal nvgn,adti sascae with associated is homocysteine this plasma vegetar- and high in vegans, relatively low in relatively especially be and to ians observed widely been has Nutrition. 1000. and nearest Cancer To into * Investigation Prospective European EPIC, 288 td Location Study dets elh2(AHS-2) Health-2 Adventist Women UK EPIC-Oxford Vegetarian Oxford Vegetarian German (AHS) Health Adventist Shoppers Food Health aysuishv sesdhat-eae atr such factors health-related assessed have studies Many umrssegtpopciesuiswt high a with studies prospective eight summarises ’ Cohort s ( 17 rsetv tde fvegetarians of studies Prospective fi ) in antd n uaint examine to duration and magnitude cient fi eErpa tde eealdanfrom drawn all were studies European ve ( 16 ( 11 ( 15 ) ) ( 18 ) . ( ( ) 14 12 ) ) ( 13 ) al 1. Table . IPaddress: rsetv tde ihahg ecnaeo eeainparticipants vegetarian of percentage high a with studies Prospective ( K1995 1993 1980 2001 1973 1978 1976 and USA UK 1959 UK UK USA California, UK USA California, 9 ) . alN plb n ioh .Key J. Timothy and Appleby N. Paul , on ( ( 14 11 ( 27 Sep2021 at05:06:57 10 fi – – 18 ndings ) 13 The . ) fi ) .In ned .In in codn oteWO irrn h ai rise rapid worldwide the obesity of mirroring prevalence WHO, propor- the the epidemic in reached to now according obes- to have tions linked rates strongly very Diabetes is diabetes ity. 2 type of risk The losgetdarl o eeainadvgndesin diets vegan and vegetarian have management for studies role weight Some a vegetarians. suggested dis- in also obesity-related conditions of risk and reduced eases a in result these to expected so morbidity/mortality, of cause rusbigapoiaeyhl hs ftenon- the BMI of for those adjusting after half overall, vegetarian approximately vegetarians the being in vegans risks groups non-vegetarians, and with diabetes lacto-ovo-vegetarians compared self-reported the of semi-vegetarians, risk from in lower and than a Tonstad data showed cohort, diabetes colleagues (AHS-2) of Study-2 Using Health risk Adventist western lower non-vegetarians. BMI, a low comparable have relatively would their to vegetarians due that, expected o-eeain,wt ifrne yial nteregion comparable the otherwise in 1 than typically of BMI differences with lower non-vegetarians, a vege- have that shown tarians consistently have vegetarians western of vegetarians re n tlat30mlino hs r obese are these of million overweight 300 are least worldwide at adults billion and one than More rather non-dietary to due factors. dif- be dietary health than vege- would any the that observed of likelihood and ferences that the population to reducing same status thus the tarians, socio-economic from similar drawn a were had they that in yhvn h oetBMI lowest the having ly nteIda irto td f70 atcpns 33 participants, vegetarians 7000 were of whom Study of non-vegetarians Migration % and Indian vegetarians the between non- in BMI difference in no mean apply was not in there example may for vegetarians populations; western western in BMI low n easdrn adulthood during vegans and recruitment of Period , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at fl ce nalwrpeaec foeiyaogwestern among obesity of prevalence lower a in ected – – – – – – – – – kg/m 2 790036 29 33 40 60 50 40 40 96000 35000 65000 11000 2000 34000 11000 07 23000 98 99 84 81 80 79 60 ( 22 2 , cosalautaegop,vgn general- vegans groups, age adult all across 23 ) bst n egtgain weight and Obesity n oe egtgi nvegetarians in gain weight lower and , ( 26 – 28 participants* of Number Diabetes ) h consistent The . ( 17 , 20 ( 1 ( ) , 24 21 . , ) 25 hs ifrne are differences These . ) bst samajor a is Obesity . fi ( dnsmgtbe might ndings 19 ) twudbe would It . ( fi 19 ( dnsof ndings 29 ) vegetarian Percentage Studies . ) These . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society hlseo,wt itedfeec nHLcholes- HDL in difference LDL little in reduction terol in with a than to vegetarians cholesterol, due in lower primarily is non-vegetarians, cholesterol total Plasma r atyo hlyatiual odfeecsi BMI. in differences to attributable of differences wholly small or prevalence these partly whether are to the as non-vegetarians, inconclusive and are and but vegetarians pressure between blood hypertension in differences xlie ydfeecsi M ewe h diet the between BMI in differences groups partly by only were that explained effects hypertension, for signi risks into lower translating with differences compared co- these pres- vegans the omnivores, blood and of diastolic lacto-ovo-vegetarians members and in systolic white sure mean 500 lower from found data hort of analysis an hr a odfeec ntepeaec fdaee be- diabetes of non-vegetarians prevalence and the vegetarians in tween difference no was there r ihsl nae bst n xesachlconsump- alcohol excess and tion obesity intake, salt high are rsuebtentede ruswr oeaeadwere and moderate were non-signi groups blood diet systolic the measured between in pressure differences ad- BMI; further eaters, for by meat in justment attenuated the were prevalence in differences prevalence these lowest highest although the the and with vegans the eaters, vegans) (meat and groups hyper- vegetarians diet self-reported four of across prevalence tension Nutrition- European age-adjusted signi in the showed and ences study from Cancer (EPIC-Oxford) Data into Oxford low alcohol. Investigation have and necessarily Prospective salt not of do intakes but non-vegetarians, than niec fCDmyb 4%lwri lifelong in vegans lower lifelong in % 24 lower eaters % meat be 57 in than may and of vegetarians CHD the sources British that of rich suggested concentration are incidence cholesterol seeds such in foods and ferences meat Thorogood nuts 1987, since some In intake, whereas oils, PUFA. SFA fat of in source as differences rich to a due is large be to ainadvgndesi h aaeeto ye2dia- 2 type of management the in betes diets vegan and tarian fi ibtsi eeain ob oe hntoeo non- of those than lower be Taiwanese of to vegetarians non-western prevalence of vegetarians the from in found study diabetes colleagues needed cross-sectional and lower Chiu also a Buddhists, their are to in due data populations: entirely risk More is lower vegetarians BMI. possible in the diabetes whether of of examination further identi cases diabetes hnnnvgtras u h ifrne eevery signi were statistically pressure only pressure differences blood and blood diastolic the Hg) diastolic mm (<1 but and small systolic non-vegetarians, lower than had also ikfcos lsacoetrl yetninadblood and hypertension cholesterol, plasma factors: Risk dnshv e oeatost rps oefrvege- for role a propose to authors some led have ndings h ande-eae eemnnso hypertension of determinants diet-related main The ( 35 ( ( 33 30 ) , ( etr eeain aealwraeaeBMI average lower a have vegetarians Western . ) 34 37 u oersac snee,ielywith ideally needed, is research more but , ) ) fi eeain nteIda irto Study Migration Indian the in Vegetarians . hsdfeec npam hlseo slikely is cholesterol plasma in difference This . atatrajsmn o BMI for adjustment after cant ( 31 ) hra nteIda irto Study Migration Indian the in whereas , adoaclrdisease Cardiovascular ( 33 . fi ) . dtruhmdclrcrs and records, medical through ed ( 32 pressure ) vrl h aaso small show data the Overall . . IPaddress: tal et ocue httedif- the that concluded . ( 32 ogtr elho eeain n eas289 vegans and vegetarians of health Long-term ) ( . 36 ) fi nAHS-2, In . atdiffer- cant fi , on fi heaters, sh atfor cant fi 27 Sep2021 at05:06:57 cantly iec ae oprdars h he itgroups. diet three the across compared Signi rates cidence meat into subdivided and eaters were non-vegetarians the analysis, zto rdahfo H a 2%(5%C 9 42) 19, CI % (95 non-vegetarians % with hospital- 32 compared of was risk vegetarians IHD the in from and lower points death end or fatal ization as well as fatal hn6mlindah olwd n2013 more in for worldwide responsible deaths million being 6 globally, than death com- of most second cause the mon is disease) (cerebrovascular Stroke blood systolic lower slightly and BMI pressure. lower together be vegetarians, their may is of difference cholesterol with IHD LDL this lower of of the much to that risk due suggest the data non-vegetarians, the that comparable and in evidence than vegetarians strong in lower is there Thus olbrtv nlsso aafo the in from listed data of analysis collaborative A stroke. of risk on impact verse 1 e (the from data ies of 1999 in re-analysis tive npriua oeaiersso u-ye fstroke low a of as sub-types B such factors vitamin of dietary of risks whether intake determine examine to to and particular in eefudfrtefloigcnes tmc cancer, stomach cancers: following the for found were vrl acrmraiybtenvgtrasand vegetarians between mortality signi of non-vegetarians cancer no analysis found subsequent overall AHS-2 a in but mortality mortality, cancer overall 00icdnecnesuigdt rmthe from data using nearly studies cancers of Vegetarian analysis Oxford and pooled incidence EPIC-Oxford a from 5000 comes incidence cer loddntdfe signi differ mortality not disease did cerebrovascular also study, EPIC-Oxford olbrtv eaayi n19 fdt from data of 1999 in re-analysis A non-vegetarians. collaborative with compared vegetarians in lower be eeain o acr ftesoah colorectum, stomach, the of non- prostate or and breast cancers lung, vegetarians for between rates vegetarians death in difference ain n o-eeain tedahrt ai nvege- in ratio rate death tarians (the non-vegetarians and signi tarians differ not did mortality stroke epnil o oeta ilo etswrdiein worldwide deaths being million globally, 8 death 2013 than of more cause for common responsible most the is IHD rltv iki eeain oprdwt eteaters meat with compared vegetarians 1 in risk (relative pciesuis(the studies spective hwdta H otlt a 4%lwr(5%C 6, CI % (95 non-vegetarians lower in % than 24 vegetarians in was 38) mortality IHD that showed · · 17) 1 5%C 0 CI % 95 11; oercnl,aaye nEI-xodicue non- included EPIC-Oxford in analyses recently, More o acricdne nomto nsite-speci on information incidence, cancer For , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at ( ( fi 38 20 athtrgniyo ikbtentede groups diet the between risk of heterogeneity cant ) ) ik o ohftladnnftlIDapa to appear IHD non-fatal and fatal both for Risks . nasbeun nlsso aafo the from data of analysis subsequent a In . fi v al 1 Table o-eeain a 0 was non-vegetarians . rst fi hetr woate (who eaters sh fi esuislse in listed studies ve ( ulse n19,fudn signi no found 1999, in published , 41 · shei er disease heart Ischaemic 6 1 76, ) . 12 fi · nvgtrasmgthv nad- an have might vegetarians in rst 62) ( 20 fi Cancer ) Stroke atybtendeaygroups dietary between cantly hsaayi i o examine not did analysis This . ( fi 40 esuislse in listed studies ve ) oersac sneeded, is research More . fi hbtntma)adin- and meat) not but sh al 1 Table fi · fi atybtenvege- between cantly 3 5%C 0 CI % 95 93; fi epopciestud- prospective ve atdfeec in difference cant ( 38 fi ( 20 ) hwdthat showed ) rst collabora- A . ) . ( fi 42 estudies ve ) al 1 Table fi nthis In . epro- ve fi can- c fi cant · ( 39 74, ) ) . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society ru aeas enrpre o AHS-2 for reported been also have group associations the and signi risks, statistically relative remained the to difference little 0 signi statistically (0 were cant eaters meat to relative cancers combined all for risks vegans, and lacto-ovo-vegetarians into and signi were breast rates the incidence including cancer Overall sites prostate. cancers common other for (0 0 eaters meat with pared both in lower signi no were There obnd(eaiers n 5%C 0 CI % 95 and risk (relative combined signi a with at-eeain n 0 and lacto-vegetarians utpemeoai eeain (0 vegetarians in myeloma multiple tpitctsus ihlwrrs nvgtras(0 vegetarians in risk lower hem- with and lymphatic tissues, the of atopoietic cancers vegetarians; in not but 0 ie,terltv ikcmae ihtenon-vegetarians 0 the was with compared risk relative the bined, the including groups, vegetarian the 0 acr ihlwrrs in risk lower with cancer, 9 I0 CI % (95 dutdrltv ikfralclrca acr f0 of cancers an colorectal 0 with all CI study), for % (95 the risk relative in among adjusted pesco-vegetarians found as was risk (described lowest the groups; diet we h itgop.I oteoaslwomen postmenopausal In be- groups. risk diet in differences the no tween were there women menopausal aes olr aes(h i o a e meat), red eat not did (who eaters Women poultry UK eaters, the in groups diet h niec ncmaio ihnnvgtrasws0 was non-vegetarians with comparison in incidence the 0 non-signi were Risks across compared was incidence cancer Colorectal h oeo iti oehat scmlx thsbeen has may It vegans, complex. especially is and health vegetarians, bone in that diet suggested of role The eat inconclusive. who the people but that cer, vegetar- in and lower non-vegetarians, fi slightly in is than combined ians sites all at cancer ihma aes(eaierssad9 I0 CI compared % 95 risks and lower risks had (relative eaters vegetarians meat not with but eaters aes(h i o a et n vegetarians and meat) eat not did (who eaters ihlwrrs nvgtras(eaiers n 5%CI % 0 95 eaters and meat risk (relative with vegetarians compared in risk lower with 290 n eas(eaierssad9 I0 CI % 95 and risks lacto-ovo-vegetarians (relative week), vegans per once and than more month not per once but least at meat ate (who semi-vegetarians for 0 · · · · · hbtntma a aealwrrs fclrca can- colorectal of risk lower a have may meat not but sh 6 0 66, 7 1 77, 9 0 49, 2 0 82, 6 n 0 and 96; · nlsso h niec fcne nrlto odiet to relation in cancer of incidence the of Analyses ratcne niec a locmae cosfour across compared also was incidence cancer Breast nsmay hr ssm vdneta h ikfor risk the that evidence some is there summary, In 8 0 88, · 8(5%C 0 CI % (95 78 · · · · · 8frvgn) ute dutetfrBImade BMI for adjustment Further vegans). for 98 5 1 65, 1 for 01) · 9 0 89, 4,lreydet signi a to due largely 84), 2 0 82, · · · 2 1 82, 0 0 40, 5 0 85, fi · fi · 2 n 0 and 02; · 3 0 83, atylwrrs o l eeaingroups vegetarian all for risk lower cantly 5.We h eeain eesubdivided were vegetarians the When 95). dnsfrohridvda acrstsare sites cancer individual other for ndings rcuers n oehealth bone and risk Fracture fi fi hetr rltv ikad9 Icom- CI % 95 and risk (relative eaters sh hetr,0 eaters, sh · · · 7 o eivgtras 0 semi-vegetarians, for 17) 2 oprdwt non-vegetarians with compared 82) 8 1 58, · 6frlcooovgtrasad0 and lacto-ovo-vegetarians for 96 . · 4 0 64, fi fi atylwrta nnon-vegetarians in than lower cantly atdfeecsi niec rates incidence in differences cant · · 4 0 84, · 5 respectively). 25, 4(5%C 0 CI % (95 84 · · 8 0 88, 95) fi . IPaddress: · ( cant. fi 9 1 59, · 44 3(5%C 0 CI % (95 93 · hetr (0 eaters sh ) 0 0 80, · o l acr combined, cancers all For . 7 0 37, ’ ootsuy e meat red study: Cohort s · 9 epciey.When respectively). 19, · fi 7 n nvegetarians in and 97) fi · atylwrrs of risk lower cantly 9 0 19, · hetr,wr com- were eaters, sh 2 0 72, · 2 0 92, · 3 0 23, · · · · 6 0 66, 9;colorectal 69); alN plb n ioh .Key J. Timothy and Appleby N. Paul 9 o vegans, for 99) 2 0 92, · · 5 0 85, · 5 1 85, 8(5%CI % (95 88 , on ( · 45 9 0 09, fi · · · 8 0 48, ) heaters sh 0 0 60, 2 1 62, 27 Sep2021 at05:06:57 · npre- In . 99) · fi 2 for 02) cantly ( 43 ( · 43 59). , · · · · · ( fi fi fi 44 92) 44 81, 64, 37; 38, · · ) 98 57 ve sh sh fi . ) ) - . . i rcue nmnadwmn(AHS-2) women and men in fractures hip 9 I2 6 ihrrs ffatr compared fracture of risk higher 66) 30 2, eaters a meat self- CI with had eaters, % vegans in (95 meat but % differences lacto-ovo-vegetarians, between and no fractures eaters incident showed reported study EPIC-Oxford iea est ewe easadomnivores and vegans between bone femoral in density difference no mineral found in women ieatrtsadsf isedisorders tissue soft degenera- of and prevalence arthritis higher tive a with associated was tion 4 5 oe nvgtrascmae ihmeat with compared CI vegetarians % (95 in % 31 lower was eaters colon 45) the risk of 14, The con- disease EPIC-Oxford. and diverticular from diseases of reported other been several have for ditions risks the of Analyses body and factors dietary of of importance composition. understanding better relative provide vege- the to in particular density mineral in bone tarians, on needed is research More rtcieefc fpoen hte fpato animal or plant who of suggesting those whether evidence protein, in origin of also than effect was protective meat there a ate frequently; never meat who ate those in higher oprdwt etetr.Ti td lofuda found also dietary study disease between diverticular This association of eaters. risk inverse lower strong meat 90) with 26, a CI compared had % (95 group latter % 72 the vegans and lacto-ovo-vegetarians 2 oe iko inysoe oprdwt partici- 2, with CI diet compared meat % (95 stones high % a kidney 31 consuming of a pants risk had lower also study 52) EPIC-Oxford the in eotdwitfatrsi le oe (AHS) women self- of older responsible risks in studies, was fractures Adventist groups) the wrist diet In reported other risk. require- raised average the the estimated of for the each below compared in % vegans, ment 6 the than of aver- less half estimated with almost the in (below cal- requirement vegans low age many the of that suggesting intakes fracture groups, cium in diet the difference between no estimated risk UK was the there to requirement) equal average amount (an calcium mg/d 525 hni at-v-eeain 2%lwrta omni- than lower % (2 lacto-ovo-vegetarians omnivores) vores) than in density in mineral spine bone than lumbar lower the lum- % vegetarians at (6 the difference in vegans and greater lower neck a 7) femoral with 2, the spine, bar both CI at % omnivores (95 in % than 4 was density eral ueta non-vegetarians frac- and density than mineral bone low of ture risk greater at be ae ihma aes(eaiers 0 risk (relative com- eaters cataract meat eye of with risk associations pared lower vegetarians at that were both vegans) showed (including EPIC-Oxford but in analyses risk, Other signi disease statistically remained diverticular and 0 es 0 /)t o <0gd naema eaters, meat intake g/d) (<50 low to g/d) 100 least aes at-v-eeain n vegans and lacto-ovo-vegetarians eaters, · , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at 6,wt rgesv euto nrs rmhg (at high from risk in reduction progressive a with 86), nlssfo H hwdta ihma consump- meat high that showed AHS from Analyses eaaayi fnn tde on htbn min- bone that found studies nine of meta-analysis A ( ( ( 51 47 49 ) ) ) hntevgtraswr udvddinto subdivided were vegetarians the when ; . usqetsuyo 1 postmenopausal 210 of study subsequent a ; te iessadconditions and diseases Other ( 46 ) mn ujcscnuiga least at consuming subjects Among . fi atatrmta adjustment. mutual after cant ( 8 ) aafo the from Data . ( 53 ) . ( 54 · 4 5%C 0 CI % 95 74, ) oprdwith compared ; ( 52 ) ( 48 Vegetarians . ) fi r intake bre eeboth were ( 47 ) and · ( fi fi 50 63, sh sh ) . Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society week) (de (1 at-v-eeain (0 lacto-ovo-vegetarians iko aigmtblcsnrm oprdwt non- 0 with compared (OR syndrome signi vegetarians metabolic a having in had of participants vegetarians risk 773 that of found analysis AHS-2 cross-sectional A men. in 1 oe,ad1 and women, ohASadAS2hv hw oe otlt in mortality non- lower in than shown vegetarians combined have semi-vegetarians and AHS-2 vegetarians and AHS both 0 ainlma aes(et aertoad9 I0 CI % 95 and ratio rate (death eaters meat casional 0 iie,alcuemraiywssigni was mortality all-cause divided, n h etfrhtrgniybtensuiswshighly was studies between heterogeneity signi for test the and elh ietl hie uha h viac fto- of avoidance the as such bacco choices lifestyle healthy otlt eaiet h eea ouaini common ‘ a is population general fi the to relative mortality oe O n 5%C 0 CI % 95 and omni- (OR with compared vores vegans and lacto-ovo-vegetarians signi hyperthyroidism self-reported was of prevalence study, same 1 ain n o-eeain nEI-xoddoes good. is EPIC-Oxford groups both of in health general non-vegetarians the that suggest and tarians ae ihnnvgtras ae nattlo 8330 of total a on com- 0 vegetarians was based in deaths, non-vegetarians, ratio rate with death pared the 1999, in studies ntepoe nlsso otlt in mortality of analysis pooled the In eeain aidbtensuisfo 0 non- from with studies compared between vegetarians varied for vegetarians ratios rate death ee1 ( were regular oc- and in x/week) condition (<1 the casional for OR multivariate eaters, non-meat eeain dahrt ai n 5%C 1 CI % 95 and ratio 1 rate non- and (death vegetarians contrasting between vegetarians signi mortality produced no all-cause 1513 was in ence on respectively, there EPIC-Oxford, based deaths, In studies, results. 2570 AHS-2 and and EPIC-Oxford the 1 oprdwt o-eeain ee0 were non-vegetarians with compared vegetarians, iet h Kpplto o l asso et were death non-vegetarians of and causes vegetarians all both for for population % UK rela- 52 the ratios to mortality tive standardised study, EPIC-Oxford u o et h et aerto oprdwt meat with compared ratios 0 rate were death eaters the meat) and not eaters but meat as subdivided elh oute effect volunteer healthy · · · · · · dn npopciechr tde wn othe to owing studies cohort prospective in nding 1,respectively 01), 7 0 77, 1 n 0 and 81; 3(5%C 0 CI % (95 03 19) 3,0 13), · nteaayi fmraiydt rmthe from data mortality of analysis the In 0 0 00, fi e stoeetn eta es neper once least at meat eating those as ned fi ( 40 ( ( at( cant 17 20 · ) 1(5%C 1 CI % (95 31 · hntennvgtrasi hssuywere study this in non-vegetarians the When . , ) · 1(0 81 13 · 0 1 70, usqetaaye fmraiydt from data mortality of analyses Subsequent . l-as otlt n ieexpectancy life and mortality All-cause 90), ) fi u h tiigylwmraiyo ohvege- both of mortality low strikingly the but , ( · 57 P 9 0 49, atylwri ahof each in lower cantly fi · , · 41 hetr,lcooovgtrasadvegans and lacto-ovo-vegetarians eaters, sh <0 9 0 69, · 9(5%C 0 CI % (95 89 · 5(5%C 0 CI % (95 95 4 oprdwt eua eteaters meat regular with compared 44) ) fi · nAS2 et aerto nsemi- in ratios rate death AHS-2, in ; 9(1 19 hetr (0 eaters sh · · 3 0 33, 01.We h itgop eesub- were groups diet the When 0001). · ( 0 1 90, 41 · · 4,0 94), ) 4 5%C 0 CI % 95 44, . . · · · 1 1 21, 5 1 05, 2 respectively) 72, · · 6 nvgtras nlssin Analyses vegetarians. in 16) 4 0 84, · ’ 1(0 91 atya osqec of consequence a as partly , · . IPaddress: 3 n 1 and 43) · · · · 4 n 1 and 34) 5 1 75, · 4 0 74, 2 1 82, 4 0 74, · 2 1 82, · 2 0 82, fi hetr woate (who eaters sh ≥ · · · · 5 in 05) 6,btnti vegans in not but 96), 6 1 56, 11) /ek eteaters meat x/week) 1 · 0 0 30, · fi 0,ad0 and 00), atylwri oc- in lower cantly · ( · · 9(1 49 20 ( 2(5%C 0 CI % (95 92 7 0 77, ogtr elho eeain n eas291 vegans and vegetarians of health Long-term 56 · ) 3(1 43 fi · ) oee,the However, . 0 0 00; · fi . eprospective ve 64) fi hetr and eaters sh fi atylower cantly · fi · 1 1 31, 0t 1 to 80 ( atdiffer- cant heaters, sh 55 · 6,and 96), · , on · · 0 1 20, · ) 5 0 65, 5 0 05, ( 5(0 85 40 nthe In . ) 27 Sep2021 at05:06:57 · .Low 0 in 70) · · · · · · · fi 70) 73, 84, 53, 17, 93, 75, sh .N .adT .K rt h paper. the wrote K. J. T. and A. N. P. the and Society Vegetarian the of member a Society. Vegan is K. J. T. MR/M012190/1. Council Research Medical preferences. dietary their of irrespective participants studies, and vegans, these and in vegetarians of stud- health have the Cancer who ied researchers the many at the present, Unit, and Epidemiology past colleagues, our thank We research more insuf much are and required. data conclusions is current strong popula- any the non-western draw vegans, in products For with animal others tions. of and vegetarians intake for conditions low as and a well diseases as studied, and yet health not bone stroke, of types general but the with non-vegetarians, favourably population. compare comparable groups and similar vegetarian is vegetarians mortality Overall for these studies. syn- other metabolic in investigated but the risks and calcium. lower drome, hyperthyroidism degenera- of have in arthritis, cataract, eye to intakes tive higher disease, found diverticular are inadequate diabetes, been for rates also have more fracture have they but needed; Vegetarians non-vegetarians, if are in vegans this those on to data similar lacto-ovo-vegetarians in individ- be rates common may fracture most non-vegetarians. Bone for cancers. inconclusive ual and vegetarians, are in data lower the vegetarians slightly but be may shown between rates as been cancer not Overall such differ has diseases mortality non- Stroke to and comparable IHD. conditions of and that obesity some than is for better vegetarians be of vegetarians health may results long-term and the the but good, that large, suggest not far is available so data of amount The .ArwlS ilt J hlo PK Dhillon CJ, Millett S, Agrawal 1. oedt r edd o xml nsrk n sub- and stroke on example for needed, are data More , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at eeainde,oeiyaddaee nautIda popu- Indian adult in diabetes lation. and obesity diet, vegetarian urJ Nutr 13 Con Acknowledgements 89. , iaca Support Financial Conclusions fl fi Authorship References cso Interest of icts dnsne ob further be to need ndings tal et 21)Tp of Type (2014) . fi in to cient Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 0 e J rsrG,TooodM Thorogood GE, Fraser TJ, Key 20. 9 mt eo 20)Daee n bst:tetwin the obesity: and Diabetes (2006) A Heron & S Smyth 19. 3 eb K ukrK okA(05 iko over- of Risk (2005) A Wolk & KL Tucker PK, Newby 23. 8 aeJ,Bre J&GenodD 20)TeUK The (2004) DC Greenwood & VJ Burley JE, Cade 18. 2 e ae 19)Peaec foeiyi o in low is obesity of Prevalence (1996) G Davey & T Key 22. 1 osa ,Bte ,YnR Yan T, Butler S, Tonstad 21. 3 ulrT,Fae E esnWL Beeson GE, Fraser TL, Butler 13. 2 esnW,MlsP,Pilp RL Phillips PK, Mills WL, Beeson 12. and consumption product Animal (1988) DA of effects Snowdon Health (2006) 11. MS Rosell & PN Appleby TJ, Key 10. 6 plb N hrgo ,Mn JI Mann M, Thorogood PN, Appleby 16. 7 ae K pne A plb PN Appleby EA, Spencer GK, Davey 17. 292 5 rnzlByeR lueJ&Ele 18)Mortality (1988) U Eilber & J Claude dietary R, Vegetarianism, Frentzel-Beyme (1982) 15. PM Sweetnam & ML Burr 14. .OesyD hpelD,DnetA Dunnett DC, Chappell D, status. Obersby bone 9. and diets Vegetarian (2014) KL Tucker 8. .Pwa ,Lse E&BbtneT(04 h prevalence The (2014) T Babatunde & SE Lester R, Pawlak 7. .MMcalA,Pwe W ulrCD Butler JW, Powles AJ, McMichael 5. .CagW agl R(09 oiino h American the of Position (2009) AR Mangels & WJ Craig 6. .L T&Sbt 21)Byn etes h health the meatless, Beyond (2014) J Sabaté & LT Le 4. country. by Vegetarianism (2015) 3. L Bowen PK, Dhillon K, Shridhar 2. epidemics. n ea women. vegan lactovegetarian, semivegetarian, and among obesity and weight olbrtv nlsso rsetv studies. prospective 5 of Nutr Clin analysis collaborative a nvgtrasadnneeain:detailed nonvegetarians: and vegetarians in fi Women epewod o a meat. eat not do who people it oywih,adpeaec ftp diabetes. 2 type of prevalence and Care weight, Diabetes body diet, pro ainl,mtoooy n ecito ftepopula- the of description group. tion. and low-risk a methodology, Seventh-day Adventists, Rationale, Seventh-day in among disease cancer and heart diabetes, coronary Adventists. combined, stroke, causes all disease, of because mortality diets. vegan and vegetarian lnNutr Clin follow-up. xodVgtra td:a overview. an 70 Study: Vegetarian Oxford nachr f3 8 etetr n 156non 546 31 and meat-eaters 883 33 UK. of the in cohort meat-eaters intakes a nutrient in and characteristics lifestyle EPIC-Oxford: mioe:asseai eiwadmeta-analysis. and with review compared Nutr systematic vegetarians a of omnivores: status homocysteine total literature. of review a B12: Nutr vitamin de serum cobalamin of mn emnvegetarians: German among fi ittcAscain eeaindiets. 109 vegetarian Association: Dietetic Epidemiol Nutrients diets: vegan of effects 2015). March (accessed (IMS). Study ietc rdcin nry lmt hne n health. and change, climate Lancet energy, production, livestock pro hetr n meat-eaters. and sh-eaters e,admortality. and ber, 525S , fi fi 1266 , e h dets elhSuy2(AHS-2). Study-2 Health Adventist The le: eo ninvgtra diets vegetarian Indian of le Cancer 109 68 370 541 , ’ ootSuy oprsno vegetarians, of comparison Study: Cohort s – 785 , – 531S. 6 70 100 37 1282. urCancer Nutr 1253 , 2131 , a Med Nat mJCi Nutr Clin J Am 516S , – 260 , 64 up. 329S Suppl., , – 548. urJ Nutr 32 794. 570 , . 791 , – – fi – 1263. 2147. inyaogvgtrasasse by assessed vegetarians among ciency – 265. mJCi Nutr Clin J Am 524S. – 12 mJCi Nutr Clin J Am 13 581. – fi 796. ,75 dnsfo h dets cohorts. Adventist the from ndings 55. , ulcHat Nutr Health Public 11 . 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Nutr Nutrition Clin and J Am Cancer Prospective European into the Investigation from results vegetarians: British cause-speci and cause n elh odn h ttoeyOf Stationery The London: health. and 21)Goa,rgoa,adntoa age national and regional, (AHS-2). Global, (2014) Study-2 results Health subjects: white Adventist Nutr among Health the pressure blood from and diets EPIC-Oxford. in 645 vegans and eaters, ians meat among pressure blood and ihdfeetdesi Britain. in diets people in different concentrations with cholesterol lipoprotein and lipids Study. Migration Indian the India: ONE in PLoS disease factors cardiovascular and risk diet (CVD) vegetarian a between ation n plppoenBi oa f19 meat-eaters, 1694 of total a 178 in A-I B fi apolipoprotein apolipoprotein cholesterol, and of concentrations Serum n niec fdaee nteAvnitHat Study-2. Health Dis Adventist Cardiovasc the Metab in Nutr diabetes of incidence and study. cor- the GEICO in 718 the risk cardiovascular setting: and porate weight body program reduce nutrition plant-based to a of trial controlled domized nutri- and 819 1999 health survey national weight examination the to tion of approach analysis nutrient-dense an diet. a management: as pattern low-fat dietary moderate ian a more comparing a trial loss to ( weight diet randomized vegan two-year A Study-2. EPIC-Oxford. in women and ( men meat-eating, 966 vegan 21 and in years 5 over eeain n mioe:deaycmoiin preva- IFG. composition, and diabetes dietary of omnivores: lence and vegetarians management. diabetes 2 Rev type Nutr in diets vegan and Vegetarian 295 ne anbtenae 0ad4 er n ietl char- lifestyle 40 and ages years at 40 men and of 20 acteristics ages between gain index ivrSpring Silver Lond hetr,vgtrasadvegans. and vegetarians sh-eaters, – – – – 351 , 654. 183. 724. 827. ). fi dioyCmiteo urto 20)Salt (2003) Nutrition on Committee Advisory c 30 – bsRsCi Pract Clin Res Obes 353. 67 1389 , – 255 , 9 15 03 ytmtcaayi o h Global the for analysis systematic a 2013: .1,2276 15, ). e110586. , 1909 , – 89 – 1396. 263. 1613S , – 1916. fi – otlt o 4 assof causes 240 for mortality c 2281. – mJCi Nutr Clin J Am – 1619S. LSONE PLoS tal et 23 0yas h dets Health Adventist the years: 60 – tal et 8 fi 292 , 2004. e549 , l L eld Lancet 21)Amlietrran- multicenter A (2013) . rMdJ Med Br tal et tal et tal et 21)Vgtra diets Vegetarian (2013) . tal et tal et tal et tal et – ulcHat Nutr Health Public fi u lnNutr Clin J Eur mDe Assoc Diet Am J 299. hetn,vegetarian, sh-eating, – u lnNutr Clin J Eur tal et 20)Wih gain Weight (2006) . tal et 21)Bd mass Body (2014) . 20)Mraiyin Mortality (2009) . e557. 21)Vegetarian (2012) . 21)Teassoci- The (2014) . 385 fi fi 21)Taiwanese (2014) . 21)Avegetar- A (2011) . 9 hetr,vegetar- eaters, sh ce. e88547. , – 21)Rs of Risk (2013) . 18)Plasma (1987) . 117 , 97 e speci sex ( tal et lnRsEd Res Clin tal et 597 , n Obes J Int – 171. (2014) . – (2009) . Obesity 603. fi Public all- c 111 68 67 5 ) , , , , Downloaded from Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 1 rihM,SnhP,Sbt J Sabaté PN, Singh MJ, Orlich 41. 3 atmnoBrlyY aed-ig ,FnJ Fan K, Jaceldo-Siegl Y, Tantamango-Bartley 43. 4 rihM,SnhP,Sbt J Sabaté PN, Singh MJ, Orlich 44. 6 plb ,Rda ,AlnN Allen A, Roddam P, Appleby 46. VJ Burley EF, Taylor JE, Cade 45. 8 osesklMthw ,Top L nte R Knutsen DL, Thorpe V, Lousuebsakul-Matthews 48. WL Beeson SF, Knutsen DL, Thorpe 47. FL Crowe PN, Appleby TJ, Key 42. eeaindesadteicdneo acri low-risk a in cancer of incidence population. the and diets Vegetarian vegans. 2246 and vegetarians, 298 Study Health Adventist in mortality 2. and patterns dietary r atrsadrs fbes acr nlssfo the from analysis cancer: 62 Women breast of Kingdom risk United and patterns ary mn acsa e n oe:teAvnitHealth Adventist the intake women: meat and Study-2. of men independently Caucasian risk among fracture hip asso- are with consumption ciated analogues meat and (2014) in nonvegetarians and vegetarians in EPIC-Oxford. risk fracture cancers. colorectal of Med risk Intern the and patterns dietary 8612 eaters, 378S meat 491 32 of can- cohort incident a 4998 in of cers analyses updated vegetarians: British rcueoe 5yasi ooto ei n postmeno- and peri- of wrist cohort of a risk women. in on pausal years diet 25 vegetarian over and fracture consumption meat of 300 , AAItr Med Intern JAMA – 385S. – 306. ulcHat Nutr Health Public acrEieilBoakr Prev Biomarkers Epidemiol Cancer 175 u lnNutr Clin J Eur 767 , ulcHat Nutr Health Public . – 776. 173 1230 , ’ . 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NE Allen PN, Appleby FL, Crowe 51. 5 iz S aaéJ aed-ig K Jaceldo-Siegl J, Sabaté NS, Rizzo 55. 0 oPa T uB,LiTQ Lai BQ, Vu LT, Ho-Pham 50. 9 oPa T gynN gynT 20)Efc of Effect (2009) TV Nguyen & ND Nguyen LT, Ho-Pham 49. , subjectto theCambridgeCore termsofuse,available at atro choice? of matter yetyods codn otp fvgtra diet. vegetarian of type Nutr Health to Public according hyperthyroidism 2. study lower health a adventist the with Care syndrome: Diabetes associated metabolic are of risk patterns dietary Vegetarian rhii n ottsu iodr nteavnithealth adventist the in disorders U.S.A. tissue California study, soft and degenerative of arthritis prevalence the the and and consumption of meat tween Cancer cohort Oxford into the Investigation in (EPIC). Nutrition stones Prospective kidney European of risk and risk. cataract and ism, Nutrition non- and and vegetarians British Cancer vegetarians. of European study into of prospective cohort (EPIC): Investigation Oxford in disease Prospective diverticular of risk oels,fatr n iai :alniuia td in study longitudinal non-vegans. a and D: vegans vitamin Asian and fracture loss, bone eeaindeso oemnrldniy Bayesian a density: mineral bone on meta-analysis. diets vegetarian BMJ 34 mJCi Nutr Clin J Am 1225 , rhItr Med Intern Arch 343 u Epidemiol J Eur 18 d4131. , 1482 , mJCi Nutr Clin J Am – 1227. JNutrHealthAging – 1487. tal et u lnNutr Clin J Eur 90 tal et 943 , 21)Vegetarianism, (2012) . 161 29 21)Peaec of Prevalence (2014) . tal et 363 , – 1645 , 93 950. 21)De and Diet (2011) . tal et 1128 , – 369. tal et – 21)Diet (2014) . 10 1652. 66 – ,7 1135. (2011) . ,75 – 14. – 82.