Truman Riips 3Rd Term
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M OJiina.'VB 'SATURDAy, MAY 2, 198S iUanfljfStff Ettfttlng HfraUi Arcrage Dally Net Prem Run The Weither — ---------------------------y , --------- For the Wiaek Knded Foheqfsat af 0 . $. Wqstiwr B|pi$a« May 2iid. 1959 ^ birth dates of the Lucky Luciano "DT'k” would be wkigh to make mob/' and So on. HisseSy^Boos any mui' turn to^Mie straight and GEIttRAi C><«r,' ><Kd 'lM lghL^j^''B ii '«$ M M iutT oW n In alt oasas.' flrst prlsea ganarally narrW. / 1 2 ,9 1 7 48. Bright Mga, JoW MaqMHg, Heard Along Main Street Involving trlM to exotic Hawaii, Sample Swldhel, pjayed by Har pieoaant eHnireihl^ire* TeeMtey. ZMCotajr Mottim Cit«lt will glamoroua Maglco or fabulous ry Jenkine,/Uid so named because IRVICE Member of the Audit InM tu BraatUy' mMtatr Atid on Some of MoHche»tet*» Side SireetSf Too South America al<s Offered. GreetPlayers he wks WMuied on gin and hitters Bkye MilNC A OaB llarMm ef Clrralattim / High 10 to 15. mt 7-M' pjn. la th* Masoatc So far she's won a bottla of cat was another bright spot Ih a very Nights OAeOWBtw Partt Manehetter——A City of VUlafto Chnrrn TtovtoL sup. melodrama. TEL. Ml 8-8410" m . I i! .......................................... I mil I ail. Tbs Snatch ftha doubtful voice. Than ha addad, hi Melodrama chard Recknagel, Darrell Mor- Kamnlmtwr WATBI will M«et "Bay, this is tha bar on Oak St, Bet He Voted 'Ne' Ed Culver, Oeoi-ge Walk VOL. L X X V i n , NO. 182 (INIURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CdNN., MONDAY; MAY 4, 1M9 (Claaaltled A4\-ertt,lng on Psgo 19) FKirE FIVE CENTS T tiiftij at the Italian American Polloa jumped into action ona By WILUAM nUCniAN .recant aftamoon whan a conatabla ian** It?” Among the persons who called er. Barbara Coleman, Nanc^ Rus Canb. W « l(h ^ la wttl be from The Herald to learn the results of For 28 years tha Manchester sell, and Lorraine Leclerc roohded T:1S to S:19, after which a Moth ' broathlqssly callad to aay ha had seen --unknown mqn bundle a l«at Vetar the^ fluorioatlon referendum was Community Players havk been out a-cast for a play in which •re Diy program will be preaent* A mysteiy haa atisan In ths 8rst one man who said when he learned serving tha community Urimigh there were no weak spots. FREE U S . M a t a d o r Tidal Wave Alarm! oA caiUdrcn and jroung friends of "youngster” into their car on Main S t and speed away. VI ling district as to the fate of the the results, "Well, now that they’re sponsored plays and "TeF Nights Other persons who were- re laemhere wiS taka part. Mm. Clara c.lUsen who d-aaopearsd under pe- successful ef that,- maybe they'll In a Barroom” wat another mile sponsible fek* getting the show in Krajawakl anA Mrs. Betty Kus- PoUce rad|o^crackled and squad cUltfr circuristances from a voting have a ‘Gander Is Good for You’ stone in their presentations to the to production and on the stage Truman Riips Gravely Gored V«Med aaik are serving as ctMihairmen of c a ^ turned otit as the word went tooth during IXieaday's refaran- campaign.” ''' comnuiaUy.- ‘Thq play Was pre were; Arthur Holmes, business; tbs eoiamtttae. ^ u n d -thkt, in the parlaitca of dum. sented under tbip-^eiKmsorsKlp of Roger Negro, stage; Ann' Brown PICKUP& Tlonolulu, Mify'' 4 '(/P)—A TMimon Runyon, • the snatch was Saems one of the voting ma- New- Owner the Dilworth-Comell-Quey Poet' " and Dorothy McCann, propeftlee; In Juarez Ring tidal wave «larm waa Bounded^ Start A'fraa lactura <m Christian Qd on. ehtiw landers aaw a man enter low 'bout ihatt the America^-Lagidn. llorja- DellaFera and Carol L<*ui* early today because of aft aooa wtU ba given Tuesday at 8:15 Details were jumbled at first: a tka booth and draw the curtain, A quitclaim deed was recorded The play -is a good old fashioned KMii MStumes; Louise RecknkRel, DELIVERY 3rd Term Ban ekrthquake north of ^pan, name here, a registration number pjB. la B c^ a r auditorium, StaM but than alt - signs of activity at the tow,, derk’e office the other melodrama written by William W. puboclty^ and Arnold Thompson, Juarez. Mexico. May 4 (/E*)— Jfut \va.s called o ff. $n hour Taacbara OoUega, WllllmMtIc; The there, a few cloudy deacrlpUona ceased. Ths attendant didn't think day—a uqual procedure. Pratt iriid directed by. Raymond make-Up. Brooklyn bullfighter Sidney meaker will be Mary Wellington Nothing added up. Police remained too much about it until a few The actual, traiuifer of the prop Culve If you Would like to aee a goo^ SERVICE You don't have to be very and .35 minutes latw. at the station, smoked In silence Y r IVashington, May 4 Franklin was described .*>5' a Oale of Saa Frands^. a member minutes later when he saw the erty took place son.etlme before le' theme of the play Is the old-fashioned x melodrams playetr' Harrj' Truman oaid today)day the *smart to know that an officehold ■pie U-S. Coast and Geodetic of the Christian pdence Board of as the investigation continued. curtain vas sUl> closed. that, however^ The deed was dated Engaged Xlie of “ Drink” and the good by. an excellent'XMt be sure to ON ALL RERAIRS er tv’hd'is not eligible.for re*elec- doctor 1 0 d a y as kfavely Survey csncelled yK* alert at 2:60 Then there came a clue. Noth Constitution’a ban on a third « . _______a r s _ . Laetnreahip. HW subject win be In eiUgation sho'ved the booth Sept. 37, 1602. The engagement of Miss Joyc ^ in g s In life that come to man ‘Ten Nights In A Barroom” to- ond^RVICE WORK tion loses A-toi of Influence." Tni- wounded. A dyip^T^ull gored a.m., Hawaii tlpun9;.50 a.m..EDT), ‘ 'Christian Science: Mllglon for ing much, mind, juat a s m a ll a-aa an^ty «nd no vote had been A Non. Alferia King to Norman Gharj once he has given up the “Demon.” night at Verplanck 8ot)ool! ■ term sends a president/into man said. \ykst have you I 55, t w i c e ves- after Wake lajand and Midway re the Present and the Future." thread. But when stitched in place ported no undsual wave activity. Cast. A theory that ‘‘the Martians Many is annoanced. by her Boos, hisses, eind catcalls were a second term “ with oi)« hand i)> ‘h' I’l.,. m „„ u. it lied the case op neatly.- got him” has Ireen discarded along ante, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorga/ the order of the night for the inn CAU tied behind him.” Wake and Midway would have Manchester Aualllary Pohce will Pieced together, It happened wlU) several ether Ideas advanced keeper, the dispenser of the de world, and sent himIm oirt-xtp fight I mentalmentaF KingKin been hlr first had a'tidal wave Demonstrator Set 380 Woodbrldqe St. , "It makes no lenM to treat a Dr. Rodriguea Miranda, who meet Monday night at 7 o’clock In thlsaway: A boy and a girl had a ■bice the ;iceppearance. Her ffance is the son or Mr. and mon, portrayed by Robert Wal- our battles in a life and'-dgathnW' swepUtoward the islands from an. polloa headquarters. quarrel. The b<^ and a f r 1 e n d So what did happen? nuiiri, When he appeared on stage, Hov* Your Doctor Ml 3-5135 prealdent thla way—no matter struggle~:-ana you've sent him rated ou v'pj,nltlln at the CTlin- earthquake believed to have hit Asking Justice To Speak at Y Mre. Walter tiany pf'.Ellington. who he to—Republican or Demo ^ a del Perpetno Socorro, said the drove up Main St., aaw the girl Mioa King was nAddated from A|^auae broke out several to fight with one hand tied behij the Kamchatka peninsula region of walking and, juat for fun, hustled Fluoridation Stda Bet tlm^BS during the evening, but the CaN In Your Rrowription crat," the forjner Pre*ident told a him bepkuse e^ yon e knoj he s’ lffered broken veins and .Siberia. The Thomas Spencer Group of Mrs. Ellzah»Ut Gaesette, hoiTie Manchester High School with the Senate Judlciaiy aubCommlttee in UniOye' h eeding after 4 the 8huth Methodist Clpirch will her Into the oair. The first call we had at The class of 1996/and Is employed in Ipudest applause was . for Mary MORIARTY can't for reelectidn. F o r W h it ^ Takrh to Police Headquarters, H en ^ Tuesday night on the fluori demonstratlnn agent of the Hart Morgan, daughter of the drunkard, DoHvorod WIHiiii Tho one of hU.^rare appearance, be- he is not a. good president. the bulKx'W* horn penetrated,.42 M d Its hionthly meeting Tuesday the oIR -e o f' tne Pratt and Whit ' >fpre Congreu. Into Feanklln’s groIn''a.nd noon at the. home of Miss Fthel they explained all, gratefully dation referendum was. from a ford County Agricultural Exten ney Alrefaft, East Hartford. Mf^. played by Edythat Coffin when Hour BRCtTHERS on<i you don’t want to kwp him, sighed with relief when police woman Who wanted to know the sion Council, Inc., will epeak on she sang "Father, Dear Fa ■tYupikn^ said - the amendment Y<5U don't haye to reelect hliffi. ripped throuf^ tho.