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Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 30, pp. l2L-136 (1992) HYDROTHERMALORIGIN OF PLATINUM.GROUPMINERALIZATION IN THE TWO DUCK LAKE INTRUSION.COLDWELL COMPLEX, NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO DAVID H. WATKINSON Departmentof Earth Sciences,Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre, Carleton University' Ottawa, Ontario KIS 586 DANIEL OHNENSTETTER Centrede Recherchessur la Synthdseet Chimiedes Mindraux, Centre National de la RechercheScientifique' 45071Orldans Cedex 2, France ABSTRACT grainsde plagioclaseau contactde la chalcopyrite'4) dans les filonets s6parantla chalcopyritedes autres min6raux, et 5) dansles zones d'alt€ration desparagenbses primaires Platinum-groupminerals (PGM) occurin chalcopyrite- de silicateset d'oxydes. Certains MPG sont fortement rich sulfide assemblages + Ni) = 0.94, [Cul(Cu zon6s, en pafiiculier la hollingworthite et la sdrie Ptl(Pt+Pd) = 0,221 from very coarse-grainedto d'autres ont des compositions pegmatitic gabbroic rocks of the Two Duck Lake atokite-zvyagintsevite, (sperrylite, kotulskite riche en Bi, Pd5As); intrusion at the easterncontact of the Coldwell alkaline homogbnes MGP se pr€sententen agregatscomplexes rock complex with Archean metavolcanic rocks, in enfin, certains II associ6ei Pdz(Sb,As)'la nickeline nonhwesternOntario. The PGMoccur: l) in sulfides or commela mertieite palladifbre, la majakite, la sperrylite et I'or, et I'atokite at their contacts,2) in postcumuluschalcopyrite, 3) in the la zvyagintseviteet A la kotulskite enrichieen rim of plagioclasegrains with chalcopyrite, 4) in veins associ6ed plomb. des MGP avec: l) les plages along the contacts of chalcopyrite and other minerals, Les relations gabbrospegmatitiques, 2) du mica et de and 5) in veins and areas of alteration of the primary interstitiellesdes 3) la calciteet la chlorite silicate and oxide assemblage.Some PGM are strikingly I'apatite richesen fluor et chlore, 4) les assemblagesde chlorite zoned(hollingworthite and atokite-zvyagintsevite);others dansles zonesd'alt€ration, s€ricite, de calcite are single homogeneousgrains (sperrylite, bismuth-rich ferrifdre, d'6pidote, d'amphibole, de pr6fdrentiellementla magn6tite, et 5) kotulskite, Pd5As), and some occur in complex ag- qui remplacent - qui pyrrhotite' sont gregares(such as mertieiteII with Pd2(Sb,As),palladium- chalcopyrite cubanite remplacentla et en 6l6ments bearing nickeline, majakite, sperrylite and gold; atokite compatiblesavec l'enrichissement en cuivre des with zvyagintseviteand lead-richkotulskite). The relation- du groupe du platine dessulfures lors de l'interaction avec les shipof theplatinum-groupminerals to: l) interstitial areas fluides hydrothermaux de basse temp6rature in pegmatitic gabbro, 2) F- and Cl-bearing biotite and min€rauxmagmatiques. apatite, 3) chloritic and calcitic veinsat mineral contacts, alt6ration, analyses ?r la 4) assemblagesof iron-rich chlorite, epidote, amphibole, Mots-clds: hydrothermale, fluides, min6raux du sericite, calcite, especially after magnetite, and 5) microsonde, chalcopyrite, platine, de Coldwell, Ontario. chalcopyrite- cubanitereplacing primary pyrrhotite, are groupe du complexe compatible with enrichment of sulfides by Cu and platinum-group elemenlswhere hydrous fluid has inter- INTRODUCTION actedwith primary igneousminerals at low temperature. Keywords: hydrothermal, alteration, chalcopyrite, elec- The Coldwell Complex, in northwestern Ontario tron microprobe, fluid, platinum-group minerals, (Fig. l), is an unmetamorphosed, undeformed, ColdwellComplex, Ontario. alkaline plutonic complex emplaced at l.l Ga (Heaman & Machado 1987, unpubl. manuscript) Sotrltr4alns into Archean metavolcanic, metasedimentary and granitic plutonic rocks (Puskas 1967, Dahl et al. Les min6raux du groupe du platine (MGP) sont 1986). The ultramafic to felsic, silica-saturated to associ6saux paragenbsessulfur6es, riches en chalcopyrite silica-undersaturated suites of rocks were inter- = = tCu/(Cu+Ni) 0,94,Pt/(Pt+ Pd) 9,221'desgabbros preted to group around three intrusive centers ferrogabbrosi texture grenue et pegmatitiquede et des (Currie 1980, Mitchell & Platt 1982). The first I'intrusion de Two Duck Lake du complexe alcalin de of an arcuate, massive to.layered Coldwell, situee au contact oriental des rochesm6tavol- center consists gabbroic (Eastern gabbro, host to caniquesarch6ennes, dans le nord-ouestde I'Ontario. Les succession of MGP apparaissent:l) dansles sulfuresou i leur contact, most of the sulfide-rich rocks) and syenitic rocks 2) dans la chalcopyrite postcumulus,3) en bordure des (Wilkinson 1983, Watkinson 1987). t2l t22 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Ftc. l. Geologicalmap of the Coldwell Complex showingthe locationsof the Two Duck Lake deposit(star) and GeordieLake deposit(square); map after Puskas (1967)and Mitchell & Plau (1982). Dahl et ol. (1986, unpubl. manuscript) have outlined a 30 Mt deposit grading 0.4390 Cu, 0.69 shown that the rocks enriched in the platinum- g/t Pt and 1.85 g/t Pd; Cul(Cu+Ni) and group elements(PGE) and Cu near the contact of Ptl(Pt+Pd) are about 0.94 and 0.22, respectively the complex with Archean metavolcanicrocks are (Watkinson 1987). Based on detailed mapping not a faciesof the Easterngabbro, but are part of (Dahl et al. 1986, Watkinson 1987), samples a later intrusive complex, the Two Duck Lake relatively enrichedin sulfides ard PGE, as well as intrusion (Fig. 2). This is a coarse-grainedto rocks with pegmatitic and other coarse-grained pegmatitic, zoned intrusion with a central mag- textures,were investigated to establishthe mineral- netite-bearing unit underlain and overlain by ogy and petrology of the PGE- and sulfide-rich sulfide-rich rocks. Fleck Resources Ltd. has assemblages. HyDRoTHERMAL pcE MINERALIZATIoN. Two DUCK LAKE INTRUSIoN 123 GEoLocy oF THEEesrenN CoLDwELLCotr,rplrx O+ The Easterngabbro of the Coldwell Complex is 47 ii! a massive to layered intrusion ranging from wehrlite to diorite, and locally to anorthosite;these units are generally unaltered. Marginal units are O+ massiveto weakly layered, but the main layered rgo seriesconsists of laminated cumulates,mainly of magnetite,olivine, plagioclase,clinopyroxene and o+ minor orthopyroxene. The Eastern gabbro has 49 o+ variable concentrations of magmatic sulfides 85-18 (Wilkinson 1983, Watkinson 1987) and locally abundant, partially digested xenoliths; there ap- E pearsto be a positivecorrelation in the occurrences of sulfides and xenoliths of country rocks. Detailed mapping (Dahl et al. 1986, unpubl. manuscript) of the (Cu + PGE)-rich sulfide units has revealedthat most of the sulfide-bearingrocks nearthe easterncontact, on the Marathon property of Fleck ResourcesLtd., are part of a cross-cutting suite of sillJike intrusions that comprisethe Two Duck Lake intrusion (Fig. 2). This complex unit was subdividedfrom bottom to top into: l) a fine- to medium-grained hornblende gabbro to mon- fbo Duck zodiorite, 2) a coarse-grainedto pegmatitic olivine La&e ferrogabbroto ferrodiorite, and 3) a coarse-to very coarse-grainedolivine gabbro to diorite. All these units contain abundant xenoliths of Archean volcanic rocks and Coldwell Complex (Eastern gabbro), partial digestion of which has modified the compositionof the Two Duck Lake magmaor magmasand has resulted in pods of granophyric material(Watkinson & Dahl 1988). PETROLOGY OT PGM-BT,IRING ASSEMBLAGES (!ii The sulfide assemblagein rocks of the Coldwell Complex is predominantly pyrrhotite + chal- copyrite + pentlandite. The fourth major mineral is either pyrite or cubanite, but some specimens contain mackinawite or other Fe sulfide minerals that are interpreted to be secondary after chal- copyrite or pyrrhotite. The assemblageof primary sulfides and their textures (massiveand dissemi- :'.+ justifiably l.%' natedin gabbroicrocks) were interpreted j .'.' to be of magmaticorigin (Puskas1967). However, aspointed out by Wilkinson(1983) and Watkinson O lOOm (1987),the PG.E-enrichedsulfides are found in the $ Ftc. 2. Ceologicalmap of the Two Duck Lake intrusion Watkinson, & J. McGoran); sulfide- and xenolith- showing the location of drill holes and trenches bearingunit (mainly gabbro):intensely dotted patrern; (simplified from unpublishedmap of R. Dahl, D.H. ferrogabbroicrocks: sparselydotted pattern. t24 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST most Cu-rich rocks, and the platinum-group grained to pegmatitic gabbro. Most rocks in the minerals (PGM) (Figs. 3-5) are associatedwith Two Duck Lake intrusion are unaltered, but the pyrrhotite-poor assemblagesof chalcopyrite and PGE- and Cu-rich assemblagesare partly altered cubanite, with minor bornite, digenite and chal- to an assemblageof actinolite + chlorite + epidote cocite (Watkinson 1990). There is a positive + sericite + calcite (Watkinson & Dahl 1988). correlation of the PGE-rich sulfides with biotite, PGE contents are generally low in fine-grained apatite and granophyric intergrofihs in coarse- rocks; the highestcontents occur in coarse-grained to pegmatiticrocks, but contentsare slighlly lower in pegmatiteswith the coarsestgrain-size. The PGM have been found in the following settingsin the Two Duck Lake rocks: l) included in or adjacent to postcumulus sulfides, mainly chalcopyrite and cubanite, 2) in chalcopyrite or pentlandite along sulfide-oxide grain boundaries, 3) in the rim of plagioclasegrains with chalcopyrite, and 4) in veinletsalong the contactsof chalcopyrite with other minerals,or 5) in veinscutting magnetite (with ilmenite lamellae)that is partly altered, and in other areas of altered primary magmatic minerals. Some of the petrographic relationships are illustrated in Figures3-5