© 2016 The American Chamber of Commerce in South China 版权所有 华南美国商会 2016年 “South China Economic Overview” courtesy of Dezan Shira & Associates Ltd. “华南地区经济概况”由协力管理咨询有限公司授权刊登。 Reproduction for commercial use is strictly prohibited. This document is available free of charge in electronic form at: http://www.amcham-southchina.org 严禁复制以作商业用途。华南美国商会官方网站提供该出版物 电子版免费下载。 Cover photo by Yuki Lu, Communication Manager, AmCham South China Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 最后更新2016年2月14日 The American Chamber of Commerce in South China Suite 1801, Guangzhou International Sourcing Center 8 East Pazhou Avenue, Haizhu District Guangzhou, Guangdong, PRC, 510335 华南美国商会 中国广东省广州市海珠区琶洲大道东路8号 广州国际采购中心1801室,510335 Tel. (86 20) 8335 1476 Fax. (86 20) 8332 1642
[email protected] www.amcham-southchina.org The American Chamber of Commerce in South China 2016 SPECIAL REPORT ON THE STATE OF BUSINEss IN SOUTH CHINA 华南美国商会 2016年华南地区经济情况特别报告 ? $ Supporters 支持机构 United Airlines and United Express operate an average of nearly 美国联合航空公司及联航快运平均每日运营5,000架 5,000 flights a day to 362 airports across six continents. In 2014, 次航班,飞往6大洲362个机场。2015年,美联航和联航 United and United Express operated nearly two million flights car- 快运的航班总数约200万班次,为1.38亿乘客提供优质的 rying 138 million customers. United is proud to have the world’s 航班服务。美联航凭借其广泛的网络优势,在美国本土 most comprehensive route network, including U.S. mainland hubs 芝加哥、丹佛、休斯顿、洛杉矶、纽约/纽瓦克、旧金山 in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York/Newark, San 及华盛顿等枢纽机场间运营着超过700条主要航线。 Francisco and Washington, D.C. United started non-stop service to China in 1986 and today 美国联合航空公司于1986年起开始运营中美直飞的 serves Beijing with non-stop flights to Chicago, New York/Newark, 航班服务,包括:北京飞往芝加哥、纽约/纽瓦克、旧 San Francisco and Washington, D.C./Dulles, Shanghai with non- 金山和华盛顿的直飞航班;上海飞往芝加哥、关岛、洛 stop flights to Chicago, Los Angeles, New York/Newark and San 杉矶、纽约/纽瓦克和旧金山的直飞航班;成都直飞旧 Francisco; and Hong Kong with non-stop flights to Chicago, New 金山的航班;香港飞往芝加哥、关岛、纽约/纽瓦克、 York/Newark, San Francisco, Guam, Singapore and Ho Chi Minh 旧金山、新加坡以及胡志明市的直飞航班。 City.