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Signs and Symptoms of ED-DMT1/  Fractures/ Bone Diabulimia  Anaemia and other deficiencies  Early onset of Diabetic Complications It is important to note that in Type 1 , particularly neuropathy, retinopathy, Anorexia and/ or Bulimia can develop as it gastroperisis & nephropathy would in a someone without T1. However an  Co – occurrence of depression, can also develop anxiety or other psychological independently and have Diabetes specific disturbance i.e. Borderline Personality roots. It is for this reason that these signs and Disorder. symptoms should be taken into consideration  Anxiety/ distress over being weighed as well as those associated with Anorexia and at appointments Bulimia. Please also note that this list is  Frequent Requests to switch meal informed by academic research and also input plans from our members:  Fear of hypoglycaemia  Recurrent episodes of DKA/  Fear of injecting/ Extreme distress at Hyperglycaemia injecting  Recurrent episodes of Hypoglycaemia  Continually requesting new meters  High HbA1c (for the b.s. Solution)  Frequent hospitalisations for poor  Injecting in private blood sugar control  Insisting on having injected out of  Delay in puberty or sexual maturation view or irregular menses /  Avoidance of Diabetes Related Health  Frequent trips to the Toilet Appointments  Frequent episodes of thrush/ urine  Lack of BS testing /Reluctance to test infections  Over/ under - treating Hypoglycaemic  Nausea and Stomach Cramps episodes  Loss of appetite/ Eating More and  A fundamental belief that Losing Weight makes you fat  Drinking an abnormal amount of  Assigning moral qualities to food (i.e. fluids good for sugars/ bad for sugars)  Hair loss  An encyclopaedic knowledge of the  Delayed Healing from infections/ carbohydrate content of foods bruises.  Persistent requests for  Easy Bruising medications  – Dry Skin  If T1 is concurrent with  Dental Problems hypothyroidism – abuse of  Blurred Vision levothyroxine  Severe Fluctuations in weight/ Severe  Metformin abuse weight loss/Rapid weight Gain/Anorexic BMI