MEN's SUITS Jantzen
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;-il4LE>r . i i . -*r j. 1 -'V •' I Average DaDy Net Preae Ron iUatu|i>0ter'f:a(^in9 iil|i?raUi ' r«c tkeWMlK-aMM I The Weather " M m SS, IMS ' . PoreoMt of C. B. Weatlier Bm en 1 3 ,6 0 1 Fblr, milder toniglit Low ee-W. Soturday mostly ■anny, hot, te- S|MblMr ,« f On Andtl orsMlng hamldi^. High In lower B m M at(~ ^ M Manche$ter-—A City d / VWiage Charm JL VOL. L x x n ; NO.,229 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1962 (CSuillMI AdrertiaaK on Pnco 18) PRICE nVB CENTS. State News Steels Pace House Passes R 'ou n du p Renewal of Stamford Asks Stock Rally New Trade Bill For Ruling on NEW YORIMAP) — The CONVENIENT Stock market rally picked up Verbal Prayer more steam this l^ternoon in OPEN TONIGHT FREE PARKING WASHINGTON (AP) .*adjustm^t payments during re heavy trading. IN THE REAR. President Kennedy and his training to the workers. STAMFORD (AP) — The Stocks were moving higher fol The President would have au superintendent of schools has lowing the noon reading of the As USE OUR NEW legislative leaders have scored thority. to cut tariffs as much ai t i U 9 :0 0 1 House victory with passage decided verbal prayere will no sociated Press average which was PARKING LOT a 60 per cent. In dealings with the up 1.00 at 208.60, with industrials o f the trade expansion bill. European Common Market. <m longer be used in the Stam up 1.20, raUs up .50, and utilities ENTRANCE Now they’re mapping Senate goods vdiere the market countries ford public schools until ap up .70. strategy to hold the ground and the United States provide the proval is received from the Wall Street wag more confident Cites Revolutionary gained. bulk of world exports, the duties State Board of Education. following yesterday’s gains which The fitr-reaching bill, dynamo could be cut to zero. They could Superintendent Joseph J. Pran- were the greatest since the May 29 be eliminated also in other special upsurge, following "Black Mot- §i!H REG. 3.99 MEN'S of Kennedy's drive to keep the china said yesterday he was act cases, such as non-competitive day.” REG. 3.99 dollar Strang and weld a close ing because of the recent de Birth of Both Lands tropical iHMducts. cision by the U.S. Supreme Court Most market experts regarded It economic partnership with West as a long-overdue technical rally VACATION SPECIAL! ern Europe, was passed late foriridding New York schools to :::jH SHORT (ConUniied on Page Sevente«n) continue using a prayer composed but it was also accompanied by Thursday by the House 208 to 125. some encouraging news, A large MEXICO CITY (A P)—President Kennedy arrived in Mex MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE by the New York State Board of ico today for a three-day visit. Ihe hard-pressed Democratic Regents. number of defense contracts were jl leaders had won^ a preliminary awarded in the last couple of days. The smiling young U.S. chief executive and his wife were liiiH Pranohlna told the school board SLEEVE victory on a 253-m tally rejecting Sweden Pays U.S. Wednesday night the decision Manufacturers’ new orders rose given a spectacular welcome a.s they emerged from their big after, a two-month decline. SUA\MER - n I^publlcan-offered substitute Loan in Full, Early seemed to require him to order a presidential jet in front of a painted circle where 52-year-old which had been calculated to have halt to verbal prayers in local A sudden spurt of buying In President Adolfo Lopez Mateos waited. KNIT maximum appeal. schools until the State Board of steels boosted these issues around MEN'S SUITS There was a substantial biparti WASHINGTON (AP)—The king Education has decided how they mid session. Gains of fractions to A 21-gun salute boomed, and about 25,000 people in and DRESS a point Or more were scattered ..a -'. san element in both votes, since dom of Sweden ThiU'sday paid in are affected by the court decision. around the aii^ort cheered and applauded. School is out now for the sum through the list of key stocks. trade legislation divides Congress full its last remaining debt to the Huge American and Mexican flags made of flowers deco SHIRT on economic as well as party mer, so the order will take effect Some of the "growth” issues as rated the airport building, and a 30-foot high floral piece lines. United States government. The when classes resume in Septem well Os an assortment of other cx>mparable values 4 0 .0 0 to 6 0 .0 0 SHIRTS payment was made 31 years ber. stocks gained two or three points depicted the two chief executives shaking hands. If the Senate agrees to It, the 1 ahead of schedule. The Lord’s i>rayer and other as the ticker tape ran late In the President Kennedy was wearing a dark blue suit, and Mrs. bill wlU replace the present trade The Treasury announced that it prayers have been recited in uni afternoon buying wave. Kennedy had on a green coat and green bell-Shaped hat. law, expiring Saturday midnight. received from Sweden a payment son In a number of the cltyir -. Some special factors accom Welcoming his visitors with a handshake, Lopez Mateos And, for the first time in the of $16.217,S(M.8S, Which UqUidated schools.- Kindergarten children panied the rise. Since the first six 2.99 S8-year history of reciprocal trade loans advanced under the post have been saying grace during months of the trading year and said friendly ties were growing between the people of Mexico legislation, there would be provi war Marshall Plan for European their milk periods each morning. today, this is the last session in and the United States b^ause of a “ new spirit of understand sion for keeping tariff cuts in reconstruction and recovery. Franchlna said secondary which stocks can be bought to ing making us conscious of common responsibilities.” 3 (or 8.75 effect even when individual busi The payment included $197,- schools have been observing the establish long-term capital gains “ Our two nations indeed have much to talk about,” he“ nesses and their -- employes are 6<M.8S interest. practice of setting aside a minute for 1962 — and some brokers ex said. 29.90 e snap tab broadcloth hurt by imports. Loans, tax con- Under the loan agreement, Swe for silent prayer and this will con pect at least)) an irregularity high Departing from hia prepared ar and regulation ceskions and technical aid would den did not have to pay off the tinue. The colut’s decision was di er trend for a while. rected only itt prayers composed rival etatemenf, Kennedy told hia short spread collar be available to the firms hurt; debt in full until Dec. 81, 1983. In addition, the holdings of boat the U.S. party came aa good R u sk R e p o rts wash and wear, 55% dacron and 45% rayon, 55% by governmental bodi.:.,. mutual funds and other instruc e 141;^ to 17 nelghbora, following In the foot- dacron and 45 % comiso. tional Investors will be reported atepa "of one of my moat dlatln- • lightweight Seek» Nomination as of the end of the half year. gulahed predeceaaora Franklin D. Success in 5 “ skipdent” cotton $100,000 Bail Forfeited NEW HAVEN (AP)—William B. Brokers retried considerable ac Rooaevelt.” e sanforized plus Ramsey, an assistant corporation tivity on the part of funds to The prealdent aald the United counsel lor New Haven, announced make their portfolios look better Statea and Mexico are both "chil Allied Capitals his candidacy today for the Demo- when their clients receive printed dren of revolution," and "it IS my reports some time in July. Soblen Enters Hospital, cratlc nomination for state treas hope that the apirit of our revolu WASHINGTON (A P)—Secretary urer;. After some uncertainty. Inter tion la aa alive today tn our coun national Business Machines moved of State Dean Rusk reported to The 42-year-old Negro said he try aa the apIrIt of your revolution more than 3 points higher. Po President Kennedy today on his conferred with party leaders be hi In youra.” laroid was up more tlmn 2. FAMOUS NAME U.S. Seeking His Return fore deciding to run lor the nom 10-day visit to five Zhiropean capi 39.90 Among the steels, Lukens spurt "Aa you have recently said, Mr. ination. ed more than 3, U.8, Steel about 2. Prealdent," Kennedy told the Mex tals and said he found the Presi " It was a week ago that Aider- Republic more than a point and ican leader, "until every child has dent veiy pleased with the results wrinkle-resistant 55% dacron and 45% worsted MEN'S SOCKS TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)—Fugi-«age are not within normal extra- man Gerald A. Lamb of Water- Jones A Langhlin about 2. a meal, until every man who of the trip. tlve Soviet spy Dr. Robert A. dition treaty terms. bury, announced his candidacy for wanta a Job can get one, until Rusk is undSkstood to have In reg. 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 Soblen was under medical super a spot on the Democratic state National Steel, sifter dropping formed Kennedy that his mission Soblen, fdrmer supervising psy 14 to 28 on. 10,000 shares, erased every one who wants a (tome can vision In a prison hospital t< ^ y ticket.