
20,90b Dial SH 1-0010 85, NO. US ass RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1962 7c FER COPY PAGE ONE Million Gain Racing TRENTON (APj - tftw Jersey carted la on HI million mouth Park produced total revenue of 13,78,747 tor the state. from, it! extended racing season and added earimntuet bet- The state got all the profit! from this extra aeason, which enauer Um taxes this year, barely bait of what it had bees hoping closed at Garden State yesterday. • ftf, - , • Attendance for the extra M days was 418,851, well below Thomas 1. Brogao, .chairman of th* state Racing Com- tbe average daily attendance at Garden State and Manmouth munion, reported .yesterday that the 1M2 season produced park. The batttag handle was $42,272,004. Thia worked out ptj mUHoa in state revaane, or $4.1 million mure than last to in,average of slightly over $100 betting per person for year. The state originally aet a goal of It Million mor* than each- day at tHe track* {tetter than the usual average. The TrMhoM Trotting" Track had a banner year. Its It lowered the-goal, however, as the aeason progressed total betting went up $6 million to (28,152,881, attendance and there appeared to be a general decline In race track at- Plans to Quit Post war up from 901,344 to 3M,3» and state revenue was, up tendance end betting. ' frtm $1,144*88 to $l.«17.U0. The state's revenue included Kew Jersey Increased Its tax on parimutuel betting, added $30*011 id breakage. Even excluding the 10 added days of BONN, Germany (AP)-Cban- and economics minister Ludwlg Socialists into a coalition waa afar mpre days of racing at Monmouth Park and 24 more racing this year. Freehold'* attendance was up S.S4 per cent cellor Konrad Adenauer will re- Erhardt known as the father of because they refused to serve days at Garden- SUte u part of it* special plan to provide while state revenue, was up 3f per.cent. tire from office next fall, the West Germany's "miracle" post- With him as chancellor. parliamentary floor leader of hla war recovery. , ' aid for ecmmunili** damaged by a itorm that swept the Garden State's regular SWUy season this year, split be- The Free Democrats broke up East Coast last Match. The changes were authorised for Christian Democratic • party an- Brentano said attempts to form their former coalition with the' tween tbe spring and fall, was the biggest disappointment-to nounced today. ' '"' .; th* MK season only.- tbe state.. Betting was down from $l0jm«4S to »»«4MB, a coalition with the Socialists Christian Democrats on Nov. 20 Brogat said- th*> state may get half a million dollars attendance dropped from 1,116,067 to 887,685 and revenue de- Heinricb Von Brentano said the failed because no . agreement sis a result of Defense Minister mor* when a final-auditing is made. creased from IM7J.MJ to $»,«JJ,3». - . • , venerable chancellor, -who, will could be reached over the change Franz Josef Strauss' part in the FKEEHOID CHANGES. be 87 In January,, made the an*in tbe German electoral law crackdown on , the news, maga- Monmputh Park -also-had a poorer year, though, the. in- which the Christian Democrats zine Der Spiegel. creased tax fate boosted state revenue. Betting was off nouncement at a meeting of par- . The Freehold Trotting Track was given a 60-day aeason, had been aeeklng. Adenauer's party lost its ma- instead of It* previous SXlay season and for the first time from *»0,«7.1» to,$W,876,7j7, attendance Was down from 949,- ty executives last night. . 9(4 40 »«,«» wbJie revenue went up from 17,937,868 to Brentano also ,told. a meeting Wanted Change' . jority in the general elections the state took Freehold's breakage (money left over when- last year. The Christian Demo- beti are paid off to th* next lowest dime). The Freehold' $«.U«7J. _ .';..; of the party's member* in Par- Adenauer wanted a change • Atlaatie City Race Track did about the same in 1962 liament that the; party executives from the mixed proportional and crats .have 241 seats, the Social- change* are permanent. The>»tatewss already taking the ists 190 arid the Free Democrats breakage frtm the three flat tracks which have normal S0- as in INI. BttUag was down from «t9,98S.9S3 to <75,28I,W7, had rejected a pos|lt!pn govetn- direct election system to ma- attendance was up from 742,000 to 790,973 and revenue was ment with the oppoiitlon Social- jority voting which would wipe 87 in the lower house of Par* dly seasons.' liament. ' : The 30 extra day* of racing at Garden SUte and.Mon- .Up from *VSB*,2*» to $»,W6,74J, '.;.. ' ists. A new coalition with the but the' Free Democrats. The conservative Free' Democrats change also would have been a Half the seats In the lower was practically assure^ considerable risk to the Social- house of Parliament—the Bundes- tag—now are filled by direct vote Milk Adenauer's deciaraUdn about ists. and halt distributed according to his retirement did not particu- Political sources viewed this the total strength of the parties Set Direct State larly surprise West German poll s a convenient explanation, in the parliamentary elections. Prices to Be ticiana. He has been under pres- however. .They said the real rea- sure for some time from his ownson Adenauer would not take the (See ADENAUER, Page 2) Caaaeellor Adeoaoer Marlboro Appeals party to. relinquish the govern- Issued Today ment reins to a younger man. MARLBORO TOWNSHIP-CIK-1,100. TRENIW (AP)-Gov. Rich He has been chancellor 13 years, ton T. Barkalow, .attorney for The situation came about when ard J. Hughes was expected, tosince tbe West German' republic the township, announced vaster- the township did 'not go' Into a issue new minimum milk prices was-inaugurated. : 36 Miners Are Trapped day .thai1 the;*atr Division of revelation program "* "" today to'stabilize[the milk * tost Majority Tax Appeal* ««r»«4 tfc P*™11 W* '&&*• moment; dustry. Last year, after his party lost direct appeal* to them by the Ths'Uriited Apjpaisfl Co. Gar- Hughes, state Secretary its parliamentary majority and 1,MI over-assessed local property field,' finished the appraisals by Agriculture PhiBp Alampl,' and had to form a coalition with After Massive Explosion Free Democrats, Adenauer owners. . Feb. 14 and,the figures were en- state Office of; Mjlk Industry Di- the CARMICHAELS, Pa. (AP) - rector Floyd R. Hoffman, planned be would retire in sufficient trapped-or dead-a call went out down 525 feet from the surface. Mr. Barkalow s*Id be was now tered on tbe tax books. In re- ime before the-IMS general.dec- Rescue workers, slowed by deadly for ministers to 'report to the •Olag to call another meeting of checking tbe figures, the com- to issue a joint statement on what At that point there la a sloping the new prices would be andtion to give his successor, a gases, wormed (heir way through disaster area to comfort miners' tunnel without branches extending township officials and Thorns* pany discovered that lJOf of the chance,to get used to his office. families. F. Carlln, secretary of to* divi- 2,400 taxpayers had been over- when they would go into effect tons of rubble today toward, J8 two miles to the working face. The new prices, expected to beHowever, .Adenauer stubbornly men trapped 850 feet underground The blast, second in the-16-year The tunnel drops gradually from lion, to determln* when .the *p- assessed and would have topa y refused to set a date for.hit history of U.$. Steel Corp.'s Ro- peals sboold be mad* --there $#,000 too much in taxes. • lower tnao those In effect when by a shattering mine blast. 525 feet to 650 feet. That's the cOntrob were lifted last October, retirement bena Pit, buckled concrete, walls point where the men are trapped. wu no >tlow limit js*t by tbe The Monaouth County Board Authoritative Christian. Detno- As. a team of SO men inchedand left shoring hanging like board— and whether it. could of Taxation ruled that it was are intended a» a stopgap meas- There to only on* exit to the ure B> atadMlise the milk* industry cratic sources say his successor their way within. 4,500 feet of th burnt matches Thursday at 1:1$surface. be filed ai one appeal for_all too l»te to change the figures, probably will be vice chancellor area where the men are believed p.m. when' the nutter was brought to until a revisM and »treogthened M|he officials said air coning their attention in- August. office of sailk industry can set 44 Escape up from the mine shaft contains up a uniform system of cost ac- Only » of the 1.4* taxpay- R. W. Allen, Forty-four others working in an-large amounts of carbon dioxide, Await Ruling counting'to prevent dealers from other section of the mine escaped indicating there is fire In the ers reaUwd that the; corrections selliag milk below cost. e would not be mad* sad filed ap- 56, unhurt. • Wast area. '• ' On Death peals with fh» county beard. Builder^ Aawsiiag System . 9 There had been no contact with The first Indication of anything Sir. Barkalow said after tbe Hughes has sited Alampi the trapped men. wrong was the. reported failure of r. JL7 siau:body corrected the asseis- Dies at Home s.t up toe wit tt London *Acid\SrnogLewis. Evans, Pennsylvania's W «e^,exnanst fan, It blew Of Boy7 secretary of mines,' rat; but was repaired in U min- ' menu, rebates would be made , m —, Mo one held responsible for the deaths KBANWURC - *W» f«* to, UjpaysTi tevrtviA -fct *tr. rescue work, called the i ute*. Five minutes later it conked r .-» tonaM Veils vile the OMI staff. could see the runway light* Of 4,000 people. " "desptfttt^" but: held out nope. out again. &tp.tpm&*{W1^Uto^ iKktti;M.h* to- torn the aircraft • The vacationing couple spent il, tat' taw* of wsdh ii\ U> nortaat toral l ttr«ay*r* to tfay "We hope tb* men built barri- ^Sistjfwih* limit.orvtohn 'WsiTfinBy * "BJff^fr'' CUriMr" 'WO* ^' jtk cades to stop tbe ida«r;«l g« froa tS> Jet airjrfane. which blanketed leather armchairs at - d*r;*M«tf»e»«Jl detler- w« to have transported Mr. the London Airport. The next Evan* bMrnail JIiiMajf on Mr, i •_. Irabate*mw*. i , •j»-»iyuiB« lac. ,of MO River farm pdrdisse cootfacfc' and Mrs. Lewis H. Deitz, Ml flight they were able to move The. bey was ideatlfM a* B* Preseatly. Mr, BarkakW *aid R*. buDders a*4 developers, combiriation bf gas and coal dust. crews down the shaft detected The- freeze on dealer-farmer Clinton Ave./ back to the U.S. to a hotel near the terminus. He described it as tremendous. dust romtag-rroitt all directions, ward St X Foxx Av*.Av* , a that oaly 55 per cant of the UO The firm, was U*itrurnental In 'attracts went Into effect yester- front London. But they were Op-Wednesday they took off HtfL tax** bad been received. He developing business • and resi- day, Mocking more than 115 milk trapped in the acid smog which from Gatwick Airport, which The mine, one of the world's indicating-an explosion or fire. Francis Cappadonna. sanitar- warned that any amount of un- dential areu throughout Mon- cancellation Dofitts which deal- at litest reports was responsi- was not pervaded by the smog largest soft coal operations, is The ma/or Turoplem for the res- ian, said be was advised by •oe-colltcted tax** would, hay* to ' County' . era; bad tent farmers. Most of ble .for the deaths of 78 per- curtain. about 50 miles southwest of Pitts- cue, teams wa.s to pump bad air pltal officials that the youth bad be idded to next year's township Mr. Allen was born In Yonth- e notices were to go Into effect burgh! It produces ooal for U.S.out, sand.- clean, air In. • Concrete On Monday night the smog Steel's Clsirton (Pa.) Work*. ventilation shafts Had, buckled un- teen stricken with • streptococ- budfet and would cause's.hard- ken, K Y., son of the lattee Ed d - during the w*efc before Christ- was so thick, "they could not cus Infection. Tfce ymtit waa tak-ship on taxpayers next year.' waidGwaidG . and Eva B . WellWlsl AllenAll, mas. drive us to London town," Mrs. The mine shaft drops straight der the blast. Mr. Barkalow said that the London Story, Page S en to the hospital earlier thia H* had resided here the past 21 Pigged to Survey Deitz said. "There was no al- week. • '' preient township surplds WM years. He also was a resident The new prices are expected to ternative except to stay at the f»,mo - the, same amount as of Defray Beach, Fia. Mr. and Mrs. Deitz were on Mlddktown school officials be' pegged to a survey of some uthelr way home from a 17-day airport." aaldffity *** advised by *eaHh th* potential over-taxation, but Ertaaa* Gradnate 2,000 price lists posted by dealers. vacation in London and Paris She is still amazed at the bus Borough to Protest official* that a* apart*! prteau- that $50,000 of the surplus had He became a rtil estate broker The OMI has-declined to discui last Monday. After two nights driver who the next day trans- tions fcad » b* taken in. vh*w ofbeea used for current *)s>ndi- in Ridgewood, N. J., following the )irice list survey. - of delay they arrived here at ported them to a hotel near th« boy"* Illness- tuns because of the lagffag tax receipts. Ha again urged alltax- his - graduation ' from' Erasmus The' new regulations also ban 7:45 p.m. Wednesday. the airport. ° Road Aid Reduction Tin youth U theton of Mr. High; .School. Brooklyn; N. Y., icenses for new milk dealerships "I don't know how, he did payers tp pay their bills by th« Mrs. Deitz said that the plane OCEANPORT - Borough •nd Mrs. Peter Spennola: He wu in 1925. He founded the building for the 180-day period: unless tbe scheduled to return her and it," she said. . Dowell,. Neptune,,', bid «0,44».25 born in Red Bank and bad grad- end of t]be year. firm in Red Bank laJ93», and Council last night.voted to pro-for the Job. • The Momnouth County Board applicant can prove that the pob- her husband to New' York wai None of her group was over- uated from St. Ann's Catholic hi» brother, E. • Rotcoe' Allen, ; health and Welfare require it. come by the sulphur fumes she test a reduction in state aid to Council .introduced an ordi- released their decisions on the the first to T* grounded at this borough for road-construc- School Joined him In 1940. the London airport as the pall said, reasoning that they had ; nance to ban parking'on the west 1 tion. ' , - - ' , Mr.-*lien was'a director: of moved into the area. As Uieir been too far from the center side of Wolf Hill Avev,between the First Merchants. Nations Y : Ha referred the telegram tolh* InduatrtolCongress. vate Interment will ,be Monday. uffolk and Orange counties. nor sa|d Hughes' had already re- dation will be made early in Zemlansky, who Is chief sanl-', May. he job for the second time, won he contract for $9,912. tarian for the New Jersey De- Hughes watched inside a dark- partment of, Health, suggested ened room at the center as con- A bid submitted by the Stavola irm Oct. 18 In the amount of a word "llmlo," to stand for Gives Views on Migrant Housing Action troller) studied radar scopes $10,318.75 was rejected on the•"land Improvement* materials showing simulated aircraft mov- recommendation of the Highway —Inorganic and organic." UPPER FREEHOLD TOWN* lings six months- out of every the migrants' support, the may- that 1^-month period of time." this Monmouth County com- ing in patterns that would be Department since it exceeded the The evening classes were' SHIP (APMfayor Frederick year. .••••-, or Hid. Barkalow said. ' munity. The township has alikely to exist if the Burlington lorough engineer's estimate. sponsored by the N. J, State Kolesler said after the amend* Clifton, T. BiHtllow, township .Hi added that the ordinance' population of LOOT/ Jetport were already in opera- Contractors Association and C. Kniaslsr and other township The road is to be repaved over official* »*id today that an ment was Mooted/that its pur- atfofney, *a)d; '^sraayl U»t ipplles only "to thole places Kniesler also said last night tion. the state Department of Health. pole was > ('to prevent migrant the amendatory ordinance was ts entire length with bituminous Graduation exercises were held amendatory ordinance govern-; classified by the state as mi- that the township committee Simulated Town oncrete next spring. Fred Mac- lag tha dwellings of migrant workers from establishing res- designed •, topreven t workers grant labor camps. had shortened the abandonment These "aircraft" were set up Wednesday night. farm iWprkars w*a not pri- idence In .the township for a full from living in the dwellings for He-said that farmers coold requirement because fanners in the next room by workers, ra»rily%lm*d'* wduclng the year'and thus becoming auto- the l^-month period because In provide year-round housing for now needed the migrant work- each of whom was theoretically eommualtys ttOJit costs.' matically eligible for relief most cases the dwellings ''are. the migrants If they so desired. ers for longer periods of time. piloting one of the aircraft. These benefits." ' i . not equipped for year round Today's Index The ^rdlaane* adopted by the Richard Satterthwalt, head of The harvest and" marketing "pilots" talked with a simulated The mayor said-yesterday: liying." •; " "' .; ", ' '• ' • the township's Relief Commit-: tower to receive their Instruc- Page TownsfTp Committee Thursday' Off Public Road* season for potatoes', the town- night provide* that th* worker* '•'I don't think the ordinance tee, said duly one migrant ship's, main crop, had been tions and make mandatory re- Adam and Eve 11 Editorials .. Suit vacate llctased migrant .makes any difference in ttie Bsrkalow Mid .the dwelllngi, worker was among persons'on lengthened as a result of ex-ports of position. Allen-Scott I Herblock - 4WeUln|k'het*' bKween Jan. cost of relief . . . even if we which are llcehsed by the state, the community'! relief rolls last panded iterate facilities,' th* Air Force Col. Albro Llngard, Amusements Movie Timetable >r<(- '6f(eh 'located off public 1 ..W-17 » and March 1 n p. Johnson, chafe MRS. mmm E. ms& mm mmm WOOD < Apply to Buy Parking In aid partly cloudy with tome Harbor anniversary to visit the man Gtotti T. Seabprt of the sary of Japan's swak attack oath* MATAWAN - Mrs. Myrtto E. LINDEN -. JPr*d Meeker snow flurries elsewhere. Windy underground command;. post in Uonnc Ea srgy Cotnmiailon, Sec-Pearl Harbor naval base-the sig- ones, 48, died yesterday h ber Wood, M, of 12NorfliWoodAve. iome, 28 Middlesex St. a former city councilman and and cold, hfgh Nebraska that would direct quick be Air Force Eugene nal tor Americas entry Into World Raceway College Area War IL Second, it came as SAC Bora here, she was the daugh-Board of Health member here, from the 30s hi and terrible nuclear retaliation M. Zucker «nd military chiefs o! ter of Mrs. Carrie Hyer of this died Monday la Moamouth Medl- NEWARK (AP) - The broth- WEST LONG BRANCH — In against any future attacker. services. was preparing to place the first the northwest Minuteman intercontinental mis- place, and the late Harry Hyer, cal Center, Long Branch, after a ers Sigmund and Abraham Som- an attempt to halt student on- to tile low 40s Kennedy was scheduled to fly The tiro ng at the trip to SAC rom siles in combat-ready status. TheShe was the widow of Walter H. brief illness. , mer, Metuchen real estate devel- street parking, Council last in the south- ' nearby Andrew* Air Force ieidquart< rt at Offutt AFB was Mr. Wood waji the son of the Base, Md., to the Strategic Air solid fuel Minuteman can carry* Jones, Sr. opers, have applied to the N. J. night introduced an ordinance re- east, Partly wdear punch 6,300 miles. Even- She was a member of the Meth- late Meeker and Susie Winans cloudy, contln Command (SAC) headquarters State Racing Commission for a;ip- striding parking to a maximum Uially, 800 of these missiles will odist Church here. Wood. His family was among ued windy and near Omaha. Drainage the, early settlers of the city, and proval to buy Freehold Raceway, of two hours on designated streets «•] cold tonight This was the first leg ol a three form the core of the nation's de- Also surviving are a son, Wal- ter H. Jones, Jr., and a daugh- he lived all his life In the bouse published reports said today. in the vicinity of Monmouth Col- md Saturday day trip (hat also will taka the terrent power. iii whid* he was born,;, /;:;. lege. with tnow flur- President to top-secret nudesr de- Pac( Goes The White Hofise, ter, Mrs. Shirley M, Meeks, both The request, made yesterday, ries In north- velopment end testing stations In the trip, did not mention the Dec. if this place, and a grandchild. Mr. Wood served-as a city was a follow up to an action The first reading of the western hills. New Mexico and Nevada. 7 anniversary. The funeral will be Monday at councilman from 1916 through last Monday in which the broth- ordinance was accepted unan- To Stavola 1921. He was appointed to the Low tonight in the 20s, high Before returning to Washington The official announcement said p.m. in the Bedle Funeral Home- ers took over an option to buy imously by council. Public Monday morning, the chief execu- NEW S IREWSBURY - M. J. with Rev, Frank E. Sweet- Board of Health ' i . 192T. and the raceway from the owners of hearing will be held Thursday, Saturday in the 30s in the north- Kennedy's motive for the tour was served four years. 'He \*as an tive will spend a day and' a half itavola. DC., New Shrewsbury, a desire to see for himself the en, pastor of the Methodist Yonkers Raceway in NewYork, De~ iic. 20 at 8 p.m. in Borough west to the low or micMOs in relaxing at crooner Blng Crosby's elder of the Linden .Reformed it was reported. Hall. 'as low Mdder among eight -last progress being made by "Project Church, officiating. Burial will the southeast. home at Palm Desert, Calif. Rover" scientists who are work- be in Franklin Memorial Park, Church for SO years, and was its This was the second time the A fine of not more (ban $50.00 TIDES Joining Kennedy tor the mili- night, and was awarded the con- North Brunswick. oldest living mendjer, ,, .,;/, the or ; on • nuclear-powered rocket Sommer* have applied to buy imprisonment for a term not (Sandy Hook) tary part of the tour were a dozen tract to c ny out drainage work engine, being developed at Los A founding director of the Lin- track. exceeding 15 days, or both, will Today — High 4:17 p.m., and on Hamilon Rd. for a price of Alamos, N: Met, and tested near den Trust Co., Mr. Wood served Last August they obtained an be levied on any person or per-low 10:31 p.m. Las Vegas, Nev. on the board of directors until sons convicted of violating the or- $4,890. Fair Haven its merger two years ago with option to buy the track from its Saturday—High 4:48 a.m. and A condiJon of the contract was If hopes for "Rover" are real- owners, Harold and Bernard dinance. the Union County Trust Co. He 5:16 p.m. and low 11:12 a.m. and hat the work be completed by ized the engine may propel the retired 25 year* ago from the Sampson of Milwaukee. The Som The ordinance imposes the two- 11:23 p.m. first American to land on the hour restriction between the April 1, 1163. Board Grants Wood, Coal and Fuel Co., a busi- mers subsequently sold their op- Sunday — High 5:42 a.m. and moon. hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. on This coitract replaced an ear- ness started by his father. tion to Y. R. Holding Co. Both 6:10 p.m., low 12:07 a.m. RIVERVIEW the Y. R. Holding Co. and Yonk- the designated streets. Red Bank lier one, o do the drainage work On the schedule for Kennedy's 3 Variances Mr. Wood's Iwife was the late (For Red Bank and Rumson by a different method, which Mr. 2Mrhour stay at Offutt were trips ers Raceway are owned by Mar- Streets affected include Larch- Fannie Norman Wood. bridge add two hours; Sea Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lucarel- Stavola ah-eed to waive in view FAIR HAVEN - The Zoning tin, Alfred, Stanley and Leo Tan wood Ave. from the southerly through subterranean command Surviving are, two daughters, Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long li, 5 Alden Ter., Little Sliver, son, of the fad that a better way had Board of Adjustment last night anbaum. , boundary of West Long Branch rooms, one containing the famous Mrs. Alice Clarke of Little Silver, Branch, deduct IS minutes; High- yesterday. been found. The earlier contract "red phone"—the war phone over granted three variances, The Tananbaums offered the north to Hollywood Ave; Elm- Mr. and Mrs. John Figan, 32 was loth sum of $5,640. The Holy Communion Episco- and Mrs. Louisa Turner et Day- wpod Ave, from Cedar Ave. lands bridge, add 40 minutes,) which the President would have ton, Ohio, and'eight grandchil- Sampsons a reported $7 million Marine Wellington Dr., New Shrewsbury, to give a direct order before pal Church, River Rd. at Church for Freehold. It developed, too, north to Maple Ave.; Pinewood Other h doers last night were: dren. daughter, yesterday. Eagleson Brothers, Point Pleas- SAC'a bombers and missiles could St., was granted a 26-foot rear that the Tananbaums held a (4 Ave., from Cedar Ave. north Block Island to Cape May: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Poling on!<>a<1 yard variance which will allow Funeral (ervices will be today to Maple Ave.; Brookwillow Ave. Small craft warnings are dis- ant Beac $8,719" Harris Broth- their burden of nuclear ter- million mortgage on Freehold. 121 Second Ave., Keyport, daugh- ror on the homeland of an enemy. the construction of a 36 x 30-foot at 2 p.m. at the tee Funeral The Tananbaums withdrew from Ceda,r Ave. north to its end. played. Southwest to west winds er, Belm r, $6,866; Central Con Home, here. Rev. Forrest Deck- ter, yesterday, struction Co., Clark. $6,270.70; addition to the parish house. from the deal Monday, reported Also, Beachwood Ave. Larch- 20 to 30 knots with higher gusts Part of the space will be used er of Herkimer, N.Y., and Rev, today continuing tonight *nd Mr. and Mrs. Francis Edraond Thomasi. Russomanoo Contract- ly because they felt the racing woo..cod AAvev . east to Norwood Ave., 6 Stillwell St., Matawan, son, yes- for classrooms. Bart Schneider of Hohokus, for- commission would turn down st of Saturday. Mostly cloudy ing Co., long Branch, $6,765; Catt Expect Redls mer ministers of the Linden Re- Hollyvvsod Ave. from Larchwood ^°A terday. Julian Stansky, 431 River Rd. their application to buy. Ave. east to Norwood Ave.; and today with a few snow flurries Corp., Mitawan, $6,995; William formed Church, and Rev. Jo* inshore and some showers well MONMOUTH MEDICAL Kohl, Ri!d Bank, $8,370; and was granted a 50-foot lot width At the same time, they trans Lawrence Ave. for its entfn Long Branch Withdraw seph Perry, paitor of the church, length. offshore. Partly cloudy tonight Schweizei' Bros, Middletown, $7,- To variance, seven-foot westerly will officiate. ferred their contract to purchase and Saturday with showers well Mr. and Mrs. David D. Fulch- 403. ;; side yard variance and a 2,600 to the Sommers. offshore. Visibility over 5 miles. er, 20 Atlantic Ave., Long Branch, Councilman Herbert L. Willett (Cuba Troops square-foot lot area variance per- Charles Sheehan, Racing Com son, yesterday. mitting the construction of a MRS. EAFFAELA DE BOMS mission secretary, said the new 3d pointed out that Mr. Stavola LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Raf- Debating Club Mr. and Mrs, Frank R. Young, had previously agreed, as a con- WASHINGTON (AP)-U.S. au- one-story, 22 x 16-foot addition application by the Sommers will CLEVELAND (AP) - The sea- to his home. faela DeBonis, 72, of 10 Arthur ton's first major snowstorm left 23 Kenneth Ter., Mlddletown, son,dition of a variance, to build as- thorities expect the Soviet Union be considered soon. yesterday. Ave., died Wednesday at Mon- Holds Contest a blanket of white more than a phalt ptajita on Hamilton Rd., to to withdraw thousands of troops The board; also granted five- mouth Medical Center. * Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simmons, widen anil pave that road, once foot rear yard and three-foot RUMSON — The Rumson-Fair foot deep across broad areas from Cuba now that Red bombers Born in Italy, Mrs. DeBonis from the Great Lakes region in- 1518 Fernwood Ave., Point Pleas- the borough had completed the sideyard variances to Robert S. Cite Youths Haven Regional High School De- ant, son, yesterday. drainage 'work. He congratulated and missiles have been pulled Lockwood, 62 Harvard Rd., whowas the wife of Lulgl DeBonis bating Club was host recently to New York State and south- from the Island. who survives her. ward into Tennessee today. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mon- Mr. Stavjbla on the present con- plans to build a five-foot addi- to representatives of six other tella, 86 Myrtle Ave., Keantburg, lltlon of Drift Rd., also paved as American intelligence sources tion to his garage. Surviving also are six sons, For Service high schools at a practice poetry Cold weather added to the »vin-son, yesterday. a part

CD INSTRUCTORS — Monmouth CoHag* announced this week it it offering an in* Biasiie. IhnlM» UK* bet*} IK srttffd COLO STEAM teniive Civil Defense court* to Its faculty and employes^. Looking over • Geiger «*•*. GwrtMtfwUuMe. tool Counter to be used in the instruction are, left, Dr. Clyde Slocum, co-ordinator of the HUMIDIFIER | program) and instructor! Miss Ruth Guinon, Dal* Shiek and Dr. John Gilbert. NMqrsMcttliekttMtrMii

This year, let Walton hu- Prof. Clifford Humphry* of the midificalion bring the fresh- Department of Resource Devel- OutstandingStudenlopment of Michigan State Uni- ness of Springtime into your versity estimates developing a IstoblUhtd desert-dry, winter heated lake with 600 acres of water SH 1*0001 home. Award to Gallagher surface, 1,200 lake-front lots and 1IM Enjoy wintertime health 1,500 back lots would require MDIANK LINCROFT - Andrew Kevin an outlay of $2,485,000 by Hie 17 Bread St, and comfort you've never Gallagher of Christian Brothers builder. t known before! Academy is one of the 870 out- standing students of high school You'll be proud of the English in the country. superior engineering and The National Council of Teach- SHOP FRIDAY workmanship, the long life materials (coppfr. hra«% ers of English has named him chrome) ... the general quality appearance and • 1962 national runner-up in its annual Achievement Awards performance of wonderful Walton humidifiers.- Fea- competition. & SATURDAY 9.30 tures that have made Walton the leader in homr, hos- ASK ABOUT THE Last spring, a committee ol pital and industrial humidification for more than 25 WALTON LINE English teachers nominated Mr. years. Gallagher to represent CBA in the OF PORTABLE AND competition. The nation's school! FOR CHRISTMAS Feel good , . . protect your health . . . keep your CONSOLE MODELS nominated almost 6,200 students furnishings, books, pianos, drapes from drying out. /or the NCTE citation. ALSO AVAILABLE You've never known the benefits of tjjtctivt humidi- In announcing the winners, fo humidify James R. Squire, executive sec- fication until you use a Walton. smaller homes, retary of the National Council of Teachers of English, said the BOW CALL TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION apartments and council recommends these stu- offices dents for college scholarships in SHadyside 1-6300 1963. In previous years, 99 per cent of the award winners entered QUILT-LINED the college of their choice. Ap- Andrew K. Gallagher proximately 80 per cent of those applying for scholarships re- merit. The council also (ends the MELTON LAWES COAL CO. INC. ceived financial aid. namej of the students to their re- spective congressmen and gover- The NCTE sends to all winners nors: ' '•'•'• ! •'-•.. and runners-up scrolls of recog- Brother Andrew, Brother Rob SYCAMORE AYE. SHREWSBURY nition. It honors their high school SUBURBAN err and Robert Mason have beet departments with certificates of Andrew's English instructors al CBA. Andrew is the son of Mrs. Beatrice Gallagher of Sycamore COATS La., Rumscm. The National Council of Teach en of English, which recentl FINAL held its 52d annual convention i Miami Beach, with its 75,000 members and subscribers amonw English teachers from elementary grades through college is thi largest subject-mater organiza- tion of teachers in the United Liquidation States. 11.88 Shore Man You'dr expect LADIES' - MEN'S Is Geared topaiy'iS! NEW YORK-A grand larceny You'll warm up to this quality charge against Benjamin Begen- tailored single breasted suburban! dorf, 37, of 254 Rockwell Ave., It's knit collared and has an Orion Long Branch, stemming from his acrylic pile lined hood for Full Fashioned Sweaters alleged attempt to cash an unau- thorized $500 check, was dismissed extra warmth! Fall pattern* and in Criminal Court here Wednes- tones jn tiles 8 to 18. ' day after a hearing. Skirts - Slacks - Knit Shirts Mr. Begendorf was arrested Nov. 20 on the complaint of Bror Peterson of 145 East 23d St., New Including Buikta, Synthtrics, York, who claimed Mr. Begen- Unbelievable quality at Ridiculous Prices dorf used his bank book to .ob- Shttiands, Fur Blends, tain a bank check for {500. For Irregulars Judge Neal Bottiglieri ordered , low price., *.. Knitted Dresses the charge dismissed because of insufficient evidence. Mr. Begendorf, who had iKver been arrested before, had been GIRLS' PRICES BELOW MANUFAaURER'S COST • free in $500 bail, pending Wednes- day's disposition. 7-14 TERRIFIC BARGAINS Fire Chief PILE-LINED 5 DAYS ONLY Post Goes BOY COAT To Richard WITH EATONTOWN-Stanley E. Rich DECEMBER ards was named fire chief for KNIT SCARF 1963 in fire department voting penter, Wednesday reported the this year's chief, H. Kenneth n 12 13 14 15 *ary. WED. THURS. SAT. Also elected were Stanley Cain, TUES. m. assistant chief; Peter Tomalno, captain; Ralph LaParre, first 9.88 lieutenant, and Joseph Miller, Jr 9-5 12-9 12-9 12-9 9-5 second lieutenant, Robert Brower was elected to • •WinteMweffht luxury blend •» Melton succeed Edward Chasey as com- reprottsaad wool and ethar nbarsl pany president. • DeubMirMMed with n«khed Mllsr, Other company officers will be l»oHli»d buitMW and balled batkl ALL SALES FINAL Fred Stlllwell, vice president; Raymond Hill, secretary, and • lined haHtUHMMif with atryllc srfle md quilt... backed with weolin Inltrllnlnfl. Robert A. Braun, treasurer. John Bennett will be fire marshal, Rus- Stock of Recently Liquidated sell Tomaino, chief engineer, and Charles Levlne, assistant engi- neer. Famous Keyport Manufacturer (SHUCKS WORTH SOMETHING FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) - Tha phrase "ain't worth shucks" does not hold true these days at Che- noa, a remote community in east- ern Kentucky. Csrr's Cabin Crafts of Chenoa AEROMARINE BLDG. and Klarer Co. of Louisville have drawn up a contract for volume production of 12 different types Our New Saltiraem In Ktantbara Locust Street Keyport. N. J. Of corn shucks dolls. The brightly co|ored eight-inch ROUTE 36 ON MAIN STREET dolls, have brpught employment to FREE PARKING alrnW ^families In the de- dlso in ASBURY PARK, Rt. 35 at Aibury Park Traffic Clrek pressed mountain area. PLENTY OF RREE PARKING AT BOTH LOCATIONS , A Erening of Mo*ie' ' Friday, Deeember 7, Area Tax Appeals Decisions Postmaster' It Hetfaodirt Qmnk JLED BANK BE OEAOTORT — "An f JWOT^~'^ county t_ftlfl,80». \!dammjo*i£k%im Public if Matte" will be presented by ?£&?3toW *f*f— ** *»• BernarB"*"d1 -an~d StetStelea RefcbmanRefatenaa, 16,400, „ ,„ • be Jiiaiot *nd senior cnolrs eMtaaao««tfedsD]«lebyta^H-MaiidHishfa_4Aves..buUdH-detend H3gHaa4 Avet., budd-- v.kAMB.***** £? « _ be MeoSodist Church in the payers on ing, J25.2S0 to J22,2S0. *urch on Main St. Sunday, Dec. $11,500 Co-operation 3, at 7.45 p.m. munWpai aasesaon. Junes H. Murray, 12 Third St., to RUMSON — Acting Postmaster The choir* are under the di- Among them were Uwse lor building, 110,900 to $10,000, *e«o murA^aflties: Rottbwt, Rt. 15, hud. Oscar N. Benson has Issued an ectioii of Earl Miller, organist Coastal Broperttss Inc., land, $6,700 to b O,l» urgent appeal tor public cooper- ind choirmaster. RARTTAN TOWNSHIP $12,000 to $9,750; land, $7,200 to $L«M ation with (he effort of the post Refreshments will be served Michael and Sandra Pek), 9 $5,600; land between Middle Rd., Tbe Greet Atlantic and Pacific office to expedite service during BrooUawn Dr., buMng, $13,000 and Rt. 36, $19,800 to to $12,850. •••^^* Tea Co., RL 36 and Primer the holiday season. " ( landld , $10,00$10001 to $75$7,5000 ? lland, K- Am., personal $70,000 to $60,000. John apd.Vwa Selllck, 13 Pine- to \p urging ttie public to "mail * MMWOUTH BEACH early and avoid delay," the post- John J. and Nettie Pa«D0, 81 master said that card* sent first Par-ttd* La., Bayonne, bonding, eta; mail with the Christmas tam to tw,too. stamp are' assured priority of dispatch and deirVery, forward- AtpbaaM aad Angela Mtzzei, ing without additional charge, 177 Union St., MontcWr, build- and return to the sender without SUNSHINE VILLAGI Ini, $17,)»o to $18,000. cost. Where speed is of the es- John Chnnento, Vail Ave., Lit- sence, he recommends ~ air mail NEXT 'Cmmtomn.- ISOUTH OP RT, m • tle Stiver, building, (47,800 to stamps be used. 38. Cry of tc.sdo. 7 S 10 • JOIN OUR 1963 in UPPWNE TOWNSHIP, N. 1l. ', 1 S »• • • • • Packages should be wrapped YOUR CHOICE OF 5 CffiVTEMFORARV RANCH J. Gordon Kaveny, 12 Johnson ST.Bow and sealed securely and a slip St, buiMing, $20,300 to $11,000. J8,Otrts II tx bearing a return name and ad- MOttt34pN WOODED. LANDSCAPED W-ACRE PUJW NEW SHREWSBURY CHRISTMAS (4- dress should be included in the _ wi, J. Isppman, Sycamore 1% event of toss or severe damage, Ave., Jand, $13,050 to tlO.SM; 718 the postmaster said. LTtK». V If It. Sycamore Awe., land, $78,400 to % SAVINGS CLUB % % *72,ioo*"/. •'"• ' " -' ; SLCDttln« • A Mr. Benson said that under the n It JO 11 aa 13,200 Mk*ael Stavola, Hamilton Rd., tool i* "Shop and Mail Early" policy KO POTWrAWlBHW FOB flPAIinKD VMS Sf.IUgn(ts« last year, the Poet Office De- personal, $187,S» to $1H,5»; »I 14- Iff M I HO KXTSUU , a«.C»rta_i CO: V i partment saved (5,000,01)0 on hol- pereonai otf Hamtton Rd, south aWir. . Y/i GA* CLOTHES DRYER INCLUDED IN ALL MODELS <* raBroad, $«0.«0 to $52,«SO; rj- 2$A iday mail deliveries. The policy J6.J not only benefits our economy M« JtaUt la —• llnkm HUM br Blm*4 buttding, $},*» to $«0. ST.) Etabetti Forehand, 70 Spring- u SI 13 but also enables postal employ- KEANSBURG-MIDDLETOWN Vw NATIONAL BANK «* MMM tram Ktpuk _ is MJMtM torn Knr Y«ik. .300,', : .,,-' form their families;.he said. Wttuam R. Cook, 102 Kance 40. An IS >» KEANSBURG MDDLETOWN UNCROFT % No problem finding mints Ltoeroft Shopping Aw. buHding, $30,490 to IH.OM. ^t % Church I; Carr Ave Jtogs Hwy. notehea •3 w< when you advertise The Register Ceatar Sale* Agents; The Laagtso-KeBer Ce, . . Wiaiam and Geneviere Foales, 44. Lounges 41 • 787-Olt* OS i 730 Sycamore Ave., land, $Z7,450 / YA Adtirt «.Oirf» «* to $28,850: buJIdtog. $H»0 to «r $1LSM. 41. 47 % . Jacob Motley. Jr., $1 Fear St., had, $9S0 to H00. % OCEANFORT BUSES TO NEW YORK Geonge W. F-ccus, 229 Coman- rown University., He received ehe Dr., land, C,«0 to C2C0; butJding, $38,000 to $31,500. Andronieo master's degree in psychology IVwquaie and Anal D. Tomaino, 1960 from Rutgers University, 1298* Batontown Blvd., building, here he is completing hi $7,900 to $4,000. Joins Staff jctorate. , Ann Defazto, Eatontown Blvd., bofkUog, $4,K0 to $3,550. Completing his internship dur- Lymen and Helen Potter, 215 At Center g 196041, Mr. Andronieo H-nilton Ave., land, $2/190 to$1, - lultaneously held a fill-tim 000. ultion at the Johnston* Train- Ira J. and ZAdBe Katohea, IS g and Research Center for the Arcam Ave., buHding, $8,750 to [enttlly Retarded, and the New $7,000. Naomi McGregor, 19 Leonard ;rsey State Reformatory, Bor- Ave., bu«dfng, $S,W0 to *»,*». sntows. Joseph and Sylvia K-b, 51 Mr. Andronieo and his wife, Main St., building, $17,2M to$18, - te former Joan Santa Croce o M0. onkers, N. Y., reside at 563 Walter Cottrell, 18 Bond Ave., avldson Rd., New Brunswick. bufldfag, $9^50 to $8,450. No': problem fiwHug tenanta LOWEST EASY TERMS lien you advertise The Register PRICE AS LOW AS 2 Parties •ay-^Advertisement. EVEItl $3.00 A wept HERE'S WHAT YOU QET: Slated At j 10 RIDES • FSMSS Kqrstsnjw Good for Ono Y«or, From VFW Home • BrilllMl SCTMS • Mnitiem Mtwi MATAWAN TOWNSMP - Two you are / • Extra RtH aai Ca • FIM Caritta MWdktown-Red Bonk Ana Christmas parties wlU be held invited Sunday, Dec. IS, In the Veterans Home, OiHwdod Ave,, to our new GROUP sptuored by <%adal- VBdma Middlelown Veterani of Foreign the co-operation of EATt«nX>WN - Michael P. Office FAMILY Andronieo, a clinical psycholo- fi ft sen- of Amffiary, the Corps liy-Tullp Cop plant) Association to tbe Gua-gist, recently joined the staff oJ the Children's, Psyshiatrlc Cen- ttalcanal Junior Drum and Bugle Or if It's more •. AB stvrtt open avtry night HJI Corps and the Vetoans Memori- ter. Announcement was made by coaVenient for you, al, Home,'Inc. Dr. Robert M. Counts, medical visit "r mate office Chrlitmoi... for all your Gifts THE MOST ECONOMICAL WAY— director of the clinic at 65 Broad !• Shrewsbury - Attending the parties will be on Eo»y Credit It's ... for imal groups, dubi ami organirariMS St Mr., Andronieo will serve as the children of members of thea staff psychologist, conducting to travtl by bus! four. sponsoring organizations. psychological testing, psycho- The children, from 1 to12 years tfierapy and research. of age will attend the party from for further information call 1 to 4 P-m. The guests also will An associate member of Amer- include the post-sponsored Junior ican .Psychological Association Walker & Walker Drum and Bugle Corps, tbe VFWand an affiliate of the American Umu Little League team, a'l'" Association of Mental Deficiency, REALTORS . HVSURORS with the Girt Scout Troop 281, Mr. Andronieo has written sev- SH 1-0285 OS 1-2100 TWO GREAT OFFICES sponsored by the auxiliary. eral papers on psychological sub- jects. CO 4-2222 PR 4-2727 The program will include tbe Hout«S5 I 661 Broad St Bayview Presbyterian Church He received a B.A. degree with MDddieto—a I Shrewsbury Junior Choir; directed by Mrs. major In psychology as a OUur Storei: »m BnMiwIc*. M»rrlitow», Dow, BomerrUIe, F—lofleld, 1714111 I 741-SJH MMlo Puk, Trtotoo MBS L«TltU~«. nt. Marion Buccl, and a magician scholarship student In 1958 at who will .present a fire-eating act and a comedy and magic show/. Santa Claus will present gifts to the children In age groups, 1 to 3; 4 to 6; 7 to 9 and 10 to12 . Refreshments will be served. SHOP THE HRST DISCOUNT TOY STOtt The teenage dance win be held IN THI AREA! HRST IN SELECTION! FIRST IN from 5 to 9 p.m. The members' OUAUfVl FIRST IN LOW, LOW PRICES! teenage daughters and sour will be permitted to bring escorts. The girls will wear dresses or skirts and blouses, and the boys will dress in Jackets, shirts and ties, or,jackets and sport,shirts. No dungarees will be permitted, and the girls may not: wear slacks nor sweaters.-Ace Unger's NiteOwls will provide the musk tor dancing and the dance ©on- tesft.The teenage contest* will The maker of our fine, hand-detailed Include the twist, cha-cha, mash potato and jitterbug: Prizes will 100% cashmere coats played Santa be awarded to the winners hi each contest. by offering us his $135 quality coats at a The highlight of the evening pirty will be if special dance very special price. We spread the good cheer tontest for adult members and their guests, Prizes will be awarded for the twist and the o$ a pre-Christmas bonus for our deserving polka.' ' ' The Guadalcanal Christmas clientele. Fund Committee wilt chaperon the teenage dance. * ______$89 LaBrecque Color selection includes black, navy, brown Gets $300 and camel. Classic set-in sleeve semi-fitted coat shown or bal collar model with roomy raglan back shoulder PRICED FROM NEWARK - Alfred &_• l Brecque, Jr., of 34 Ridge Rd.; Our /i Balance Open End Account eases the ' 31« Rumson, has been awarded a FOR ANY SMART YOUNGSTER $300 Alumni scholarship at Rut- TO gers School of Law, Lehan K. after-Christmas hangover. No service charge. Of course it's; a dream, Jrtko , . . Tunks, law school dean, has an- because Columbia built••It An'' way 46" nounced. Jbora and girls asked for it! Every a .third-year stu- dent, Is ajradoat e of Dartmouth conceivable denote dxfra equipment, College. The scholarships, pro- styled die CoWfcMa Way, in gleamlflj vided through, law school alumni on enjewU . , . AW standard jnddi .. ... contributions, are granted on Jorcott* bikee fnd geiralw Columbia Ugtanfetot achievement, Character, financial need and leadership qualities, Open Sunday 10 to 6—DaHy 9 to 9 , During 19D142, Rutgers law graduates gave 28 scholarships to «Id law students In their 17th Little Silver MIKE'S through 19th years of schooling. Oft. RAILROA1KITAT1ON , SH \4 It pays to advertise In the Kid jwm PAHKIK» m RIAR - UTAWAYS h_k Rrilstef.-Advertis«aj«ot h tiedHankRegister SURPUSB . AU.EN- •Hk.N.j. .. at* Gilbert U»kf Jtta RtMk tad itaary Ctay SCOTT By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY THOMAS IRVING BROWN, PafaUsber ltt-USt REPbRT JAMES J. HOGAN. Edit* M. HAROLD KELLY. Gtwnl Manager Nineteenth Century England wu full of poverty W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Prodoetioa Manager WASWNGTON-Tha Uteat De- fense Department estimate ot and fun, of pomp and circumstance, ojf enormous Tbomu J. Bly Arthur Z. Kunln and Wllli*m F. Sandford Frank W. Htrboar Russia's military capability in wealth from the Industrial Revolution and the colonies, SxxuUn KJtor AuoeUU Blltn MUdI«lowB Bunta Mrr. Cuba shows clearly how dot* of a keen seme of the ridiculous. Its wit was K mark Member of the Associated Press the U.S. cam* to another Pearl Harbor. V of bneding and it could even employ satire, which if IM i—m»———-i« mmm« ula turn* txeiuuniy imauw t»put>uoauo« si an Uu urai MI »ruu« This suppressed report reveals now a dead art except among cartoon- la tau ump*e«r u nil u U U nn that the Soviets, In addition to Member ol Americas Newspaper Publishers AtsoclattM th* MahlyiNbUclsad missile* and ists. It never feared the controversial. Member Audit Bureau «i Circulation IL-a bombers, were able to tad "The Mikado" which I sw the Tb» IU4 But lUHJUr uiumw no BntnMu raipoulbluuw lor trpogrufcKu nton la Un«MU>it in Cuba virtually undetected be- M ttui nprtnt WIUKHU cluti*. Uui tut el u MmtMtnmt la wtalea U>« trpoftkphlul im ocean id- D'Oyly Carte Company do this year, as nitlmr* will Mat BOHII dw muifnsmi ImmMltuir ot «j mi irtssi =;r owm. • tween 28,000 and 33.M0 troops, including an entire motorized In so many other years, is * cjassj^fiot AM wrmMt wnmM u iwpoaMMUUu lac ttauamti at opteloM la utun trom tta ruuJarn Russian division with supporting only because It lives and is cherished •vMonptiw PnaM I* Mnw Ihaa t nxx. P«r month ti.M U month*—ni.M> « month*-! t.00 units. ' •Una oocr •> eonut t MSM Dana copj br mill, 10 emu • moDtn*—IU.M > montto-l MO This "elite" guard division, but because it is a masterpiece of sittre. consisting of 16,000 to 18,009 It is given the decor of Japan,.bbt it FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1962 crack troops, is still in Cuba. Its is as boisterous as Rex Harrison in "My removal, together ' with other Soviet military personnel, is the •0K015KY F^ Lady", and the British wfcen they main unpubllcized issue still un- Everybody's Responsibility resolved in the U.S^Russlaa ne- are gay we boisterous although they expect everyone gotiations. else to be quiet and mannerly. Arthur Sullivan, naf' " The Christmas season is fast ap- mation issued by Gov.. Richard J. Ready For Invasion ly an Irishman, wrote not only "The Mikado" bui proaching. Streets after dark are be- Hughes, is a program launched By The crack Soviet division, lo- cated In strategic areas on the ward Christian Soldiers", one of the best military the state that should be carefully island, was poised with Castro's ing occupied both by thick traffic marches of all time arid sung religiously for peace, followed. The governor has called JIM BISHOP: D - 73,000 regular troops and 125,000 and clusters of package-laden shop- militia to meet • US. Invasion "the Salvation Army" goes to war against vice with It pen. Temperatures are bound to upon all people in the state "to co- Reporter ot Cuba. Its main striking power centers Satire is a difficult art .because the unknowing drop and cause roadways to be cov-operate with state, county and local around four tank and four mis- take it seriously. They believe every word of the non- ered by slippery ice and snow. More officials in their efforts to keep our Drinking vs. Writers sile battalions., Each of the tank battalions is comprised of • INsense and enjoy none of HV Ollbert and SuUlvai loved communities accident free" and upon V/e were sitting in Toots Short restaurant tfflkinj light, medium and /heavy tanks, and more now, people will be com- to write npnwnse and never forgot what they were ing to and from parties, driving and "enforcement agencies for the strict- about writers and drinking—or, drinking versus writer; manned and supported by be- —and someone asked if it is possible to divorce ,th< tween 1,200 and 2,000 troops. doing. Chesterton understood them best when he wrote: walking with varying degrees of in- est kind of law enforcement for The mechanized missile bat- those individuals who will not com-two. Frankly, I don't know. More writers drink, I wouU talions are equipped with 60 nu- "It'meant a real Victorian talent; that of explod- security. In short, the danger sign clear-tipped, frog rockets, carried ply voluntarily with the traffic safety guess, than those who don't ing unexpectedly and almost, as it seemed, uninten- has been posted. William Faulkner was a Nobel Prize writer. Hi and launched from.tank-type ve- regulations." hicles. These rockets have tionally. Gilbert made good jokes by the thousand; clobbered himself pretty good, and ranges of 25 to 300 miles. The December long has been one of The governor stressed: "I urge some of his friends used to speculate, division has its own artillery, In- but he never (in his best days made the joke that the worst months of the year for cluding 40 self-propelled SU-100 could possibly have been expected of him. This Is the drivers and pedestrians alike to re- on reading his oral wanderings, which millimeter rifles. traffic deaths on the streets and parts were written while sober. Heming last essential of the Victorian. Laugh at Mm as a Urn- member that the incidence of alcohol CALLING THE ROLL-Accord- highways of the nation. It would in traffic accidents during this festive way tilted a glass too and it may have ing to the Defense estimate of the ited man. a moralist, conventionalist, an opportunist, oiled the inhibitions to the point when appear, from the records posted since season is higher than at other times Russian table ol - organization a formalist But remember also that he wu really a the words assumed an'orderly flow. and equipment in Cuba, the nest 1955, that the people of New Jersey largest group of troops consists of the year, when New Jersey's Al- George Bernard Shaw didn't neec humorist; and may still be laughing at you." realize this and have been trying to cohol Determination Program shows of 6,000 specialists in the rocket a bottle, but then he had something units, manning the ground-to-air No Vulgarity ' be more careful. In December, 1955,that alcohol was a factor in 54 per BISHOP just as good:, a massive ego. This can missile emplacements that ring there were 111 traffic deaths in the the island. There Is not a vulgar word in "The Mikado"; but cent of our adult traffic fatalities." sustain a writer as firmly as though he were a nut These units, with more than state. The number dropped to 84 in He said that "each of us is responsi- If you want to be psychological about it, drinking ii 650 SA-2 missiles, are supported every one has a very good time and there are plenty 1957 and to 62 for each of the last ble not only for our own safety, but the writing fraternity is caused by lack of sufficien by 2,000 additional Soviet troops of laughs, much more than in a most popular Broad- ego plus the tension of the work. handling the early-warning radar two years. Still that number is noth- for the safety of our guests and oth- network and the missile-jamming way musical through which I sat with profound aus- ing to brag about. At best, writing is an indefinite art What yoi equipment. terity, as I had heard it all, jokes and musk, in the er fellow citizens as well." think is good*, I may feel is worthless. And vice versa Another 5,000 to 8,000 troops are The year 1962 has been a bad To this, the governor might have assigned to Cuban port facilities; Thalia Theater on the Bowery more than 50 years ago. All professional writers are aware of this, just as all and 2,000 Soviet pilot* and air one for traffic accidents in the added that December's earlier twi- pros know that every reader is a critic gifted with hi force technicians' are. scattered Gilbert's words are sheer satire, taxing the wit of state" and in Monmouth County. Up light and darkness make the traffic own infallible judgment When a reader says a work throughout the lslsnd at newly- the author but not the listener; Sullivan's music Is of built airfields. Also, between the lightness of British tradition and never permits through midnight Dec. 2, there had situation particularly hazardous, as of yours is bad, you have lost a chip of the pedestal 2,000 and 2,300 Russian sailors itself to become "grand" opera. been a total of 816 deaths in the do chances of skidding on slippery on which you stand. Lose enough chips, and you and officers are training Cubans v topple. i- operating Soviet patrol craft Walking out of the theater, which was sold out, state this year, and 64 in Monmouth. pavement. It just so happens that and missile-firing FT boats. Newspaper editors are the Caesars of the city . Private Pressure I heard an unmistakable wife say to her spouse: ' Corresponding numbers for the same safety is everybody's business, and room. When they say a piece of work is bad, It isn't President' Kennedy is privately "They didn't have enough mikes—especially for period of 1961 were 720 and 47. This this means that pedestrians and bi published. Of course, like the writers, they make the pressing Premier Khrushchev to , chronic error of identifying themselves with the "aver- remove the "elite" division, thejthe women's voices." meant traffic fatalities were up more cycle riders have an extra burden of missile specialists, and the Sovi than 13 per cent in the state and 35responsibility thrust upon their own age reader," which is akin to a county judge trying pilots, but so far he hasn't gottei So low have we fallen that one goes to an opera per cent in the county. Those per- shoulders at this time of the year. ^ to think like a crook. very far with his demands. to listen to musk via the microphone and heating After the Soviet lh-Kl*tx nature's loveliness^iitcu upon.it in disdain. That lady centages are something to fear as Almost Too Much bers sre removed from Cuba, t t Let us move into the Christmas wanted Yum-Yum to belt out her sad refrain perhaps the key part of the holiday season This causes some drinking among reporters, who, President Is. expected to chang and New Year's season happily and as writers, are on trial five days a week. The tension his tactics and bigin exertinj after the fashion of Ethel Merman. And there was a approaches. Usually in Monmouth, with purpose. But let us do it with public pressure on the Sovi girl behind me who, looking at the program, was of recurring deadlines, coupled with the task of writing eader to remove these mllitar about 50 persons a year die from real concern about the so-called an assortment of facts within the confines of space units. startled to see such names as Nanki-poo. She said, it traffic mishaps. This year the toll "other fellow" and with common pre-ordained by the city desk, in addition to the pres Until now, die President has reminded her of Winnie the Poo, a book for infants played down this part ot the Rus- written with all the seriousness of a tailored job. mounts. sense. Then the season, indeed, can sures of' local politics, is almost too much to bear. sian military build-up because Now in progress, under a procla- be a merry one. Nice guys drink more than jaded ones. Tom Cas"hard" intelligence about many 1 think, not being a professional critic and paying sidy was the only reporter I knew who could rap outof the units was lacking, and for my seats, that the current performances of the a story while his forehead leaned on the moving car- didn't want to inflame publii Your Money's Worth* opinion in the U.S. D'Oyly Carte Company are the best that I have seen riage of his typewriter. Jack Miley put on a pretty NOTE: The identification in the half century that I have Seen enjoying Gilbert good bag. So did John McNulty and Red Dolan and the Soviet units as part of and Sullivan. Actors and actresses come and go but a lot of others who gave more to the craft than they "elite" guard was made through When Will We Get These 'Dream Kitchens? imignias copied by Cuban the standards are high and the conventions retained took 'from it gees from Russian officers' un! and nothing is done to "modernize" the beautiful. I By SYLVIA PORTER The tough ones were ascetic, or periodic drinkers. forms found in Cuban suppl no more expect Gilbert and Sullivan to turn into a lepots. The appliance manufacturers Weiss: That's the trouble. Mo what does she want from us? They had hearts which, on tender occasions, could HARD TO BELIEVE-One in Broadway "musical" than I would the Taj Mahal into constantly dazzle us with prom- housewives think defrosting Is Then we work with the archi- swell to the size of French peas. They needed no liquid credible note was struck durin. a neon sign—akblinking one at that. In "The Mikado." ises of a work-free, worry-free loathsome chore but the readi tects and designers of homes to sedation, no pills and few friendships. Some treated President Kennedy's three the motif must be carried by Nanki-poo and Ko-Ko, one-half hour meeting with Soviet home, but when are those available automatic defrosting re be built in the future. their families as adjifncts to their profession, like so played by Thomas Round and John Reed. Ko-Ko, in "dream kitchens" of the future frigerators are not widely e It costs far less to air con- Deputy. Premier Mikoyan when going to arrive? Appliances are joyed. Very few families are cu dition or light condition a home many typewriter ribbons. When they fell off the ped-he stopped over in Washington en particular, must, in this play, be as great a mimic as being turned out in ever more rently enjoying the benefits of ai when It is being built than it estal, the crash was always public, painful and route from Havana to Moscow. Charlie Chaplin and as graceful a dancer as {Fred intriguing colors, sizes and condtioning or of "programmed' The tense incident occurred aft- does to do it later, and the same protracted. Astaire or perhaps Njjinsky. John Reed is equal to shapes, but areranges with their automatic tim is true of a well-designed kitch- :r the President complained thai they really any ers. Many homes have isolatec n. As a writer, I have tried it both ways. When I Hie Russians had built their Cu them and thoroughly English in tone and manner. ' better than ; labor-saving appliances, but th How To Shop worked as* a rewrite man on New York newspapers, ian missile base in secrecy whlli it the same time their govern- deacade ago? kitchens are not properly laid oui Porter: How should consum- And thus, I enjoyed myself thoroughly in a cen- I did my drinking in my bfftime. It never worked for icnt was claiming that only de- Here, from to make effective use of them. ers shop for home appliance sys- tury of austerity and nonsense, of seeming silliness but Herman L me. I was subject to wonderful ideas while sipping 'ensive missiles were being sent We are increasingly looking al tems? great adventure, the century of Victoria and Gladstone Weiss, vice ;o Cuba. the home as a system. We ash Weiss: Consumer ignorance on booze, and used to jot them on a little pad. When I president and and Disraeli, when Liberal meant what it spelled'like what are the average housewife' how to.buy home appliance sys- was sober, oneof two things occurred: Either I couldn't Mikoyan, replying with group execu- g traight face, said: and Conservative built great Empires to be knotked d tems is a major problem which decipher what I had written, or what I had written tive for con daily chores, what is her schedula manufacturers are trying to "Premier Khrushchev was plan- down by the humorless men of the middle of the sumer products sickened me. / ing to Inform you about, the ercome through educating deal- Twentieth Century who dare, not laugh at themselves of General ers and through working closely So, a good many years ago, I gave it up. Com- ilssiles after your elections. He PORTER Electric, are with electric utilities and builders, didn't want to disturb you before lest it become contagious. Poor them! »ome answers about home ap- so we can co-ordinate appliance pletely. It is so far behind that I have no more longing then." pliances which may startle you. products with actual home-build- for it than I have to return to the use of bubble gum. JFK Thunders Porter: Where are those ing and installation. Many Amer- Still, I maintain that there are writers whose work "Do you expect me to believe "Well, Invite Somebody! Said For That "dream" appliances of the fu- icans simply do not understand is benefited by a few hookers. It loosens a mind stiff that?" thundered the President ture? what an up-to-date kitchen looks "You can't disprove It," said Albanian" Weiss: Actually, the "dream like or how to go about acquir- with fear; it makes a human being out of the man Mikoyan. kitchen" of the future Is here ing one. They should ask ques with no mercy; up to a point, it can improve the When the President did not today, but 90 per cent of Ameri- tlons, go see a modern kitchen product. It alsp improves the digestion of facts. smile, Mikoyan went into a long ca's households haven't caught before buying. harangue, saying that Russia wu up with it. Porter: Why should appliances Dolan was the only reporter I knew who made under no obligation to Inform th The future may hold refine- cost so much more than they did a profit put of getting bagged. His editor sentenced U.S. where missiles were being ments like or transis a decade ago? him to arise at dawn and make the 5 a.m. Coa^t Guard sent. torized motor detectors in lawns Weiss. Because of the constant When he finished, the Presl to turn on sprinklers automatical- number of new features being cutter which went out of New York harbor to meet the dent Icily replied: "Your p ly or home vacuum cleaning sys- engineered into them which great- incoming ships. Dolan said that the only way he could eminent has no right to deliber- tems in which the housewife ly Increase the value of the ap-make it would be to sit up ail night. "Okay," said ately mislead other govern' would merely set a few dials to pliances. Actually, taking com- Harvey Deuell, "sit up all night." ments." "program" her vacuum cleaner, parable products — non-auto- then leave the house and come matic defrost refrigerators — Red did. He made the boat. The first ship he VATICAN VISITOR — A top home to find the job done. These prices have decreased. Between boarded from the cutter was the old He de France. Vatican prelate is coming to the are all technically feasible. 950 and March of this year, the U.S. early next year to push Aboard was a movie star, Gloria Swanson. Also aboard Christian unity in this country, 'Rube Goldberg' consumer price Index had gone p 25 per cent while the house- was a movie mogul. Red interviewed the movie star, Augustln Cardinal, Bea, presi- While it isn't practical to pro- dent or the Vatican's Secretariat duce, we have developed a "Rube old appliance index had gone and spent the rest of the trip up the bay hoisting a down 2 per cent. . for the Union of Christians, is Goldberg" machine which could few with the studio boss. olannlng to tour the U.S. bealn- take frozen food out ol the Ireez Porter: What are manufactur- es doing to improve service? By the time he got back to the office, Red was lf In March, at the invitation er and put it into the oven be- of Cardinal Cushing of Boston. fore the housewife gets home Weiss: We are putting In. in a prime mood. He had an offer to write motion pic- :reued emphasis on building bet- Tha two Cardinals will speak on The day surely will come when tures from the big man himself: Joseph P. Kennedy. the critical need for Catholic. we will have home dry cleaning ter products to start with to elim- inate many repairs. Red told Deuell what to do with the dawn assignment Protestant-Jewish unity. • units to stand next to your wash- The visit has the blessing of ers and dryers. Right now it But with appliances becoming Kennedy, father of the President, hired Dolan at twice more complex, they will continue Pope John, who has informed would be possible to have cooled what the paper had paid him. U.S. Catholic Church leaders at- o need service, Since we realize closets for your furs or clothes tending the Second Vatican Coun- hat nothing is more annoying to It is the one case,.I know where drinking paid off. conditioning closets In which the cil that lie will not personally be he housewife than waiting for Some of the older reporters have swapped their hang- teat and moisture are controlled able to accept their Invitation jo to remove wrinkles. he repairman, we now have in overs for ulcers and warm milk. Some of the younger come to thfo country, major cities radio-dispatched ones eat candy bars and read Proust. Porter: I'm « modern house- ervice trucks which enable us wife, but my kitchen ii no give one to two-day service on Dqn't tell them they don't know what they're SOCIAL WHIRL - Ballet dan- "dream." 6-Friday, December 7, 1962 missing. They do .. cars may look dainty and ethe- 4 .(Sea ALLEN-SCOTT, pa«e 1} at. he Ui itvmi a t fttraaen a«re*l wits m BASK BEGISTER friday. Daxn&erJ, 19«-T rt OB dose* amttatm^ it lota PrtaMeofs dedske. The Chatterboxes Close to Kennedy * • !••••!• ^LM^^t^L^tJt^^i ^SJMjL^^^^^^M Al m toe part he played la *e eouo {MM secretary, torn Sails**. ft,didn't contradict fte Past suggested ratling concessions to get read to di meeting. **» «ta4 to comment on fee tors by seytag Stevenson agreed the Soviets by swapping Allied Koute d fi'mS- taedecl- 1th the "consensus" of the coun- have beefl miwQe bases for Russia's Cuban KM strongly It adds up! More and mpn "* missile bases. lion taken by the President on the D Oat there should be a btock- GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS! founding in 1947 and will continue de. Kennedy mad* his decision people use Th» Register ads ead _. or do« to Pres- This article was widely inter- quarantine. . ." White House e*- to be." fter hearing the council. The issue because results come fast Amatiaq Ntw SIBCO Wotar Puriflw Meat Kennedy's highly Mcnt N»- preted In Washington as a sign fields said the statement had flilte House statement aald only er.—Advertisement. . #ml,|icurityC«uocU. The magazine story was written the Kennedy administration was been prepared with the knowledge b doM Removes Rust. Iran, Sulphur, Chlorfrw, w"tskington Star suggests y • Mend of the President, putting the skids under Stevenson and advice of the President. gCennedy aw the FBI to find out Charles Bartlett, Washington cor- and wanted to bounce him. The statement at first' -glance Odors, tfc., from Cffy or W«H Waf»r who did ft* talking to the Satur- respondent of the Chattanooga What followed, as the storm got teemed to support what Stevenson CHIPPED PORCELAIN Etta)* Part about hew the Times and Stewart Alsop, who bigger, Is curious In itself: Salln- by this time bid' already aald: eauncU advised the President os reportedly has dose connections (TUBS • APPLIANCES • SINKS) huidHai lbs Cuban crisis but In the administration. October. By Itself their .account of what ' This would meu an lnvestlge wis-said at the meeting wpuM 11 REPAIRED I* "»^ra«»» j pJSi, "iend m i*m -- • ttoo of tbcee closest to the Piesl- cause surprise, But evan that was II BLUE GOAL LSS , ..dent. Meanwhile there's no asiur- subordinated to the storm "raited H An^r chippxl porcelain fixture or appliance f*n i about (he SIBCO Water PsrlBer. Water Analysis . * Aame , . since there won't be more Hab- by the part they said was played I ' repaired like new ... in original color, or ''Nag after another secret meeting by Adlal Stevenson, U.S. Arabes-H FRED D. WIKOFF CO. 1m another crisis. sador to the United Nations. changei your "colon, tool, , D^SSS« !"*~—^ The Poet this week not only Write Today! Itwlr story said that .even aftetH RED BANK, N. J. , an account of who said "consensus" of Kenned/* other!! what H the October meeting and Nowii advisers on the NSC said that TeU.phon.SH 1-0554 PORCE COTE OF HONMOUTH COUNTY MIKE ARNOUE, Prop. It Pays to Advertise in The Register

tpfflgance Agency. , Yet (Us week when Kennedy's Allen-Scott (Continued) real, tat they have perfectly j appetites—M Mrs. Mar- Jorie Poet May, wtaltliy "society a," baraed to.her surprise, r gave • party (or the ballet corps rt the American Ballet The- ater, wUcfa has taken up resi< ' dene* in Waihington, and care- , fully provided pitchers of cool nik (or the ilim and trim ' dancers. But (hey took one look, •nd after making sure it was milk, asked, "Where Is the bar? We .want a real drink;" ... II you're wondering what they ate It that ritzy S109*-plate dinner to lauach Washington's $30 mil- lion, Cultural Center, following is the menu: Melon, hearts of cel- ery, assorted olives, charcoal broiled heart of filet migson, rfanlea potatoes, string beans a U Piwencate, domestic Bur- gunty, hearts of iceberg lettuce YOUR CHOICE OF with Preach dressing, peppermint FAMOUS 'ROYALITE" let cream with chocolate sauce, SILEX TOASTER cakes and coffee. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Maybe it was the lure of a or LANDERS % IRON laylsh buffet and several well- ttotfced ban, but whatever the cause, a standing-room-only Duong turned out at Yugoslav 4995 ambassador MJcuoovte's party on in* 17th anniversary of his coun- Sleek, streamlined, easy* try's tftabUshment aa a republic. to-carry.. yet it boasts aH Among the notables present were 6.66 Mattes toast' Just the Chief JosUve Earl Warren, Post- the famous features of standard EACH master Genera! Day, numerous size Royals. Zippered carry cose ahade you want-pops State Department officials and of simulated leather. Terrific for up when done. Chrorne Won't splash or sputter. virtually the entire foreign diplo- every student - away at school or home. plated. Hinged crumb Easy to read dial control matic corps ... A 32-year-old door. UL approved. university president mi the guest f the HaOe Selassie University In Ctmbinatfon Special! Addjs Mttai who 1? touring ibe. U.S.. studying higher schools of •ducatioa. He Is also JookWffor ***** MOTOROLA STIUEO PHONO PLUS . faculty menbers for bisiuaiver- STAND AND 25 RECORD ALBUMS eJty, which Is only two years old. CUSTOfWATIC Another Kennedy has arrived to the capttalr bat as far as she knows is no relation to.the Pres- ident. She it Mrs. Katherine with 3-way adjustable Kennedy McCarthy, new head of the National Council of Catholic Women. Though she was born in comb shaving head... Massachusetts and her brother has a summer home near Hyan- nis Port, Mra. McCarthy says her family has no ties to that of the President. And the adds, "If we were related, you can be SAFE, NEW •Draw* would be the poor rela- Mfrs. tot 22.50 BATTERY- Adjust shaving angle' Newest Novelty OPERATED > to fit your sldn or beard. Built-in TOOTHBRUSH combs set up whislceri for closer, 584 etnoothcr chave*. Extra power AC-DC. only 11.88 7.77 motor. FREE! ALL FOR Check-Up Coupon worth »1. DOMINION HA|R DRYER Newberryt musical coup of the year! You get: JAGUAR BRUSH AND CASE "(-speed automatic portable With. 3 speakers, famous Dominion electric hood Automatic, up-down action nylon 'Feather-touch Control and-all the topnoteh hair dryer that does a safe, thor- bristle brush that's safe even for Motorola-engineering miracles; brown or children. Red, blue, green, yellow ough job. Wear it while you work white... brass-plated stand on casters with its handles. Plastic case. about the house-it weighs only own record rack...25 stereo record albums 3 lba. With case. featuring famous name jazz artists as well as Extra 3 pc brush set 1,79 REMINGTON classics. ••.:••• : ' ' , ' ••" '' / ,-,-V ADDING MACHINE PORTABLE HI-FI 79.50 row 4-SPEED Fax Included STEREO Poriableelectric machine famous for efficient busi- ness performance at a low price! Easily port- able wherever needed. Superb automatic with 2 detach- Model *8 weighs 9 lbs., able speakers. Built-in extension printt-on tape, has trans- cords, list record shut-off, dual channel stereo amplifiers. parent paper cutter. 80 day warranty..

, Kick-rack maglcl Combine red/ green, yellow for plumage of FAMOUS WEST BEND these feathered friends. • FAMOUS N*f»eltyl Bright rick-rack MOTOROLA 30 CUP niUs. a gay decoration for aproiiMppllflue, a touch of em- 14.88 4-SPEED STERKO '• •:• 1 PARTY broMery, Pattern 5M: transfer PORTABLES motifs; directions. WCSTINGHOUSE CLOCK RADIO PERK Thirty-five cents (coins) for Famous clock radio with the automatic this pattern — add 10 cents for "Wake to Music" feature and eaay-to-read each pattern for lst-dass mail. Famous male automatic with top • Portable Send to Laura Wheeler, care.of clock face. Powerful long range speaker, featuresl 2 speakers, one a swing- • Fully automatic concert-hall sound. 5 Tubes. In decorator "M Red Bank Register Needle- away front speaker. Dual channel craft Dept, P. 0. Box 161, Old oxford white. Serving light Ctelsea StaUoa, New.York 11, amplifier, aepante tone) and vol- • Non-drip, faucet N, Y. Print pltinly pattern num- ume controls. ber; name, address and tone. > NEWEST RAGE - SMOCKED •eCWWriW plus 208 exciting oeedlecraft designs In our new ll» Meedlscraft Catalog - Just «ltf '• Fashions, furniahlngi to «p?'iet,,knjt, sew. weive,,em- biWder, •qyllt. Plus free pattern. «ead 2Sc nowl BED BANKRBJIS1ER reading 1 see tbtft "mate," DENNIS THE MENACE Ob, wet}, trt the wsmr *»« ft-Fridsy, Peeemfcer 7, 196 Sgt. Donato ud, t worse oMMi to *we muzzle your neighbor. CHECK THOSE BIRTHDAYS TUCSON. Ariz. (AP)-Somi Is Serving Dear George: times it ptyi to admit your «gi My husband's mother absolute For Instance, the Bank of Tucso In Tehran ry insisted that we visit her. Bu makes no service charge o (Send your problems to George, she seemed insulted when I tool checking accounts of customer TEHRAN, Iran — Sgt First for long-range analysis and con- a turkey out (or dinner. My hui who are 65 or oMer. Class James A. Donate recentlj fusion.) . . band is angry, too. Was this in arrived here from an assignmenl proper? )eax George: Mn. 1 with Headquarters Company, U. My nosy neighbor sayi there is Army Garrison, Camp Drum stiff penalty for failure to muz- Dear Mrs. T: N. Y. He has been assigned Ic e my dog. Is this true? I am afraid so. If you .agree Field Advisory Team, Armist Worried to visit your mother-in-law yo M»ag. should have shown up—you ca )ear Worried. take a turkey, out for dinner an Armish-Maag, the U.S. Military A quick check of laws pertain- time. JOIN OUR Mission with the Iranian Army ing to pets shows no fine for fail' ure to nuzzle dogs. Of course, a and the U.S. Military Assistant ORDER TO ELECT CHRISTMAS Advisory Group in Iran, has thi lot of people do nuzzle dogs — REX) BANK — New office* for dad, son or daughter mission of assisting and advisini mostly, however, this is a volun- CLUB tary thing. Dogs are much more of the Third Order of St. flnw Iranians in developing and ma! ois, of St. Anthony's Fraternitj tabling an effective fighting force. inclined to nuzzle.people. Frankly, I don't,think it's any will be etected Sunday. The me* for a Happier, Sgt. Donato, 54, a native Of Red ing wiU be In St. Anthony's Cat! Bank, N. J., entered the military of your nosy neighbor's business Prepaid Holiday who you nuzz— . . . on closer olic Church at 4 p.m. ir 1963! service in March, 1942, and com- pleted his basic training at Kees Ier Field in Biioxi, Miss. Prior to entering the service he was employed by the Riverside Con- WINDOWS struction Company In Red Bank. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donato of 317 Navesinl River Rd., Middletown, N. J. In addition to its headquarter: I'M SHOW* 3&f rtOWTD UOC STAMPS," in Tehran, Armish-Maag person- laaaam nel are stationed in various loca- tions throughout Iran with major TRAVEL AGENCY 1Nc. Iranian Army field units, the Iran- POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER Serving Monmoutb County tot 17 Yean ian Army Infantry, Armor and 0 Artillery Training Centers, and PROWN'S major logistical installations. NOW LOCATED IN OUR Bad Cartoonist, NEW OFFICE SIXTH BIRTHDAY HIGHLANDS — Dorothy Ko- 144 BROAD ST., RED BANK vic, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Great Playwright Just around the corner from our former office at Michael Kovic, Miller St., ri It RECKLESS PUCE cently celebrated her sixth birth- By HAL BOYLE day at a party in her homi BOYLE Telephone SH 1-5080 Dorothy is a first grade pupil at NEW YORK (AP](-An inability years from now they'd done." You can reserve and pkk up airline, iteemihip, but ClaM Our Lady of Perpetual Help to draw horses led cartoonist Herb With the royalty money rolling Catholic School. Gardner to seek fame as a play- in. Herb and Rita, his actres and tour tickets, hotel and rejort area reservations Guests were her brother am wright—and he won on his very wife, are now busy furnishing an at our office*. sister, Lynn and James, and first try. expensive six-room apartment on Margaret Mary Hall, Mary Ann "I've always associated horses the East Side. But the acclaim If Costs No More to Book Through Ptak, Mary Kathleen Smith, Bar- with the unemployment problem," that greeted his first play hasn' gone to his head. YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT Monmouth Co.'* Regional Bank bara Penta, Debra Layton said Herb, author of the current Nancy Amaro, Sandra Layton, Broadway comedy hit, "A Thou- ASBURY PARK * RED BANK sand Clowns." MANASQUAN • FAIR HAVEN Debra Zolto, Mrs. William Ro NORTH ASBURY PARK maine and daughter Maura, Mr. 'Most of the toes I left jobs HOLMDEU • BRIELLB and Mrs. Kovic; Mr. and Mrs. was because sooner or later the John Kovic and children, Mary Member Federal Depoilt bnniol boss would ask me to draw Corp. Beth, John, Jane and Donald, horse, and I couldn't. When I drew and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gram- a horse it looked like a cross be- bach. i tween a dog and radio city." At 27, tall and curly-haired, Gardner himself looks like a cross JUST ARRIVED AT PIX between Thomas Wolfe and Orsor Welles when they were that age. Herb started yearning td be Famous Brand writer at 13. He. learned the nidi- ments of stagecraft in his youth here's a new dealer by working as an orange juice CHILDREN'S salesman and hat checker in Times Square theaters,-and re- calls seeing one play 140 times. There followed several frustrat- SHOES ing years as a commercial artist, in town who's selling years in which he sculptured bun- nies and walruses for a toy firm Huge selection Sizes 8V2-12 or drew endless panels in animat- just arrived. ed film cartoons. Sorry we can't Gardner was making a good liv- '5.00 ing as creator of the Nebblsh conf mention the !c strip when he decided to chuck great cars: it all and gamble on Ms writing name but you Sizes 12'/2-3 skill. Working in a cheap unheated will recognize West Side apartment, he turned the brand. out "A Thousand Clowns" in 2V5 '5.50 years. It rang an immediate bell. His experience has made Herl Plymouth NEW SHIPMENT something of an apostle for th philosophy of chance-taking. JUST ARRIVED! "Too many people are worldly 99 merely to buy time," he said. MEN'S SHOES "They work just to have Saturdaj U.9S to 22.95 Values 13 ind Sunday off. "I didn't want to go on buyuij He's backing these time, because I -was afraid' might find the time I bought I was Famous Brand Shoes merely .using to buy more time. Hwy. 35, Middletown •There is too much living for the time being. People should do PIX Next to Middletown Shopping Center all the things they'll with 30 cars with gifts prettily Holiday boxed service plus the most outstand- from... YANKO'S ing protection in the business. BROAD ST. RED IANK Chrysler's 5-year/5O, power-train warranty!! He'd be happy to give you Your Amhoriztd Chry.lir Corporation Dnl«-i Wimnty iplnu Mtctt la mitirUI ind worknumblp wi 1963 em Iwbwii npnfato iMlult pint nplmnMt or nptjr, wJUnul chit|> lor nqalnd parti or tabor, lor 5 ynn 0150,000 mll««, whlch«Y«r comn Ird, oi tin tn|ln« block, hnd and Intitnl Mrtl; Inninlulon ax ud InKrrul ptrti (eKludini nurrail clutch): lorqui convirUr, drhrj ihift, mlviml |oinl» («tlwllii| dusl conn), mt •>U ind difl.rtnUil, ud mi wk«l bMrlnp, provldM lh« irthlcll tin bun unlnd Z/AGE«Xt the details. •I ruuniUt Inlirrili Ktordlni to Ifci Chiyiln Coiponlloil CtrllM Cii Cin MtMaln. in. His deals are too topassup! HERE'S HIS NAME AND ADDRESS

LOUIS LERNER, JR. r ; BAYSHORE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH < :\'i 153 FIRST AVE, ATLANTIC HIGHUNDS Shop Wednesdays and Fridays Until 9 P. M. •HONE 291-0266 OPEN DAILY FR0M 9 A. M, TO 9 P.M. W) BANK in&*y, Decatixr 7, DAHtf CROSSWORD

..W9a •^'^ , $* payctii* At Railroad Warehouse' Outlet- •took ' trUt, *a» the main vttker wMs naut (HMBIMK4 Virgin Mary Sodality M.Bawftt , 4. Label U. River em- |ind 89 annual Cotaunusion break- fait It .(he Molly Pitcher Hotel dine JUST In rune For Christinas Giving! UJtolaap Sunday. U. Choice IBo/t 25.8traaa* • Dr.[ KiJutaro ipoke on "Pay- 28.fta«a(4 nickname'. SLHMim chlatty. »nd JttUgioD," and tt.Oonaent 40. Nam* •trauiff (tie Importance of faith 11. Room lor roidway and religion in, the field of psy- duck 3«. Strike AUy ..chiatfy. |f«' wil introduced by jT.WaUr (OdOt Msgr, Stlntore DiLorenxo, pw- pltfben trnet war tor, frhTtaw a* bteulog and tf.fiuakai •aten t2,CBln«M .tpokf titt the Importance of r»- toatruiMnt monUi noodle* HaW to dally life. . Atttnttrtt were Minet Barbara • ft f T" 5

Well*?!, Antoinette'Bruno, Maria % SuOMO,;Roie PlgnaUro, Mary 11 MomJllJo; Mildred Pace, Elibabeth 14 Ammerati, Marie Ciaglta, Annet- !» te ZingaW, Marie Cammarano, 1* Angela- Figaro, Sophie Clam- brome.rAgdrea Detoc*. w •• Al», Th*re«e SimpUdo, Catb- ^ '/A aa 24- •; erlne PeLoreruo, Mary Ann Mar- f4V,* a«clo,,yindna Poreellf, Mary Ann 1 . %t Vecchls, Werle Makely, Mary YA Entire TRUCKLOAD of CHAIRS , DeFUlRio, Joanne Ctpolttu, Cel- %%. it Rqfflfll,: Antoinette De Fazio, Caroline DeGwrge, Linda Caro- M it cnuto'* lAarle Mazza. YA j»V DIRECT FROM TRUCK • • • SAVE 3 WAYS' »• ;' And, ftm ChlWfaio, Pat ton- ,• ;tardl, Angela Alexander, Rose 'A « •4 . Ca!*r*0ri«ll<>, Mary Toroalne, Q a I n c jr1' VacctreW, Margaret 'A•*' Crciti Sul Pern, Annette C*Wj-

"'. ft lia, A«n Rovito, Mary Ann Let- POWM Herl, Iftvian Germane, Joy?* Por- tWUata %% mict, PeRgy Spendiff. ,' ONE DAY ONLY! And, CanneHne Foggia, .Mar- ly in farming. Nearly 400,000 with- ' garet GrflU. Barbara Lovenidge, New Jobless drew from the labor force. •*W5 CTC0» Barbara Mam, Martha Howe. Seymour WbUbein, Labor De- |cf NNOOS n'n.tm WRRISTOIII TIKI H 5CO» tsr. TOMORROW. SAT., DEC. 8...9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Bridnt PataUno. Maria Grittl partment manpower director, said ,T * UtKh, MESIOOir MIL«0*D IH« OOTLEI IK and D MUelyMl . Increase To the new job figures do not re- I 7 S0HIK »Vt CMM00 HX«» "/'.-;. •;•• ' • • . • ' i flect worsening economic condi- ^orinuiw IEUMOM COSVCRMTIOS SSIIIE WOCKLO»D or AU MERCHANDISE BRAND DEW It add* up!-More and more tions. He conceded that employ- IKCLIItRS «D SHVEL MCKESS CH«I»S CUSTCIK »*DE FOB people use The Register ads each ment is not rising fast enough to l»B0£ STORE C««CECL£B WMOfFW FOB 0OICK DISMStt. »t CARRIES NMUFAOTURER'S MIARANTEE lesue because reeultg come fast- absorb unemployment. O (APJ-Tta De- PRICES ACCEPTED OUR TRUCK IRB1VES YOOR er.—Advertisement. Compared with a year earlier partment of Labor announce* ft employment in November was up •mcuousE FRjD4tJsee-—\ * »»sr «tro« w i» Investigating why 150,000 extra by. 630,000 and imemployraent was IREEDa SAVE 3 WAYS! teenagers tuddenly turned up down by less than 200,000. $ GEBSOB.. unemployed in November Wolfbein said the labor depart- DAY 7«\ ElliVUNATION OP throw the natltto'i job picture out ment is investigating to deter CLEARANCE PRICES WHOLESALE MkUter. mine whether toe Increased teen HANDLINO COSTS The inoreue among job-hunting age unemployment Indicates more teem aggravated »n expected in students are quitting school, ot crease in unemployment to boost merely Oat many are seeking EARLY the national idle rate from 5.5 after-clan work. AMERICAN per cent in October to 5^ pe SWIVEL Comhg Soon To cent in November, the IMS high. RECL1NER ROCKER One explanation may be that the November count oame toward Little Loot, the end of the month and perhaps COMMUTERS caught tome of the teaaonal tin- But Thieves tmploym«nt rlae -oinal fa Decem- WMEtUQUOR ber wheh many youngsters, 1M Monmodtt 8t, Bed Bank well as adult*, look for holiday Eat Hearty job* -' •-- ' - "••• RED BANK-Ttie coffee wasn't ROSE TOMAINO.Hop, .Theover^jl:figures showed ta-.hot, but apparentljOh. e pi. e and Employment Increased by 507,000 cigars were enJoyAT by thieves to 3A mfllioo. :SmptoynMBt de- who broke Into tiiexNew York AOMMUTERS dined by about I12.0W but showed Bui Terminal, 174Montnouth St., l/LUB a'record for the month at nearly late Tuesday or early Wednesday. 68 million. B«si<}« a cash bo* containing The unemployment iacrease ft. • camera, and charithri y coiin was somewhit higher than expea, ed because of the teenagers. Most collectected byy the Elks and First RYES VODKA of the other additional unemploy- Aiid Squidid, two pieces of ap- DEUVERY SERVICE ment had been anticipated be- ppl e pip e and an undetermined numbeb r off cigars .were, taken CAIXSHl-tTU cause of reduced outdoor activity due to colder weather, principal- from; the termlnaJ, Indicating that the place was robbed by a pair ai thieves, or a lone thief with a hearty appetite. The robbery was reported yes- terday at 5,35 a.m. by James A DOLLAR Mamukari, 35 Cross > St., tittle Silver, owner of the establish- SAVED m«(tt. .' •. Detective U. George H. Clay- IS A DOLLAR ton, Jr., who investigated, said EARNING V entry was. gained by prying a 12 by 12 inch window in a sky- ight. The intruder or Intruders then apparently .dropped down to a kitchen table, Lt, Clayton eflorted. • IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS GIVINGI Three drawers and three cabi nets were Taiuacked. Police said • FAMOUS RAILROAD WAREHOUSE I he robbery occurred1 between 0 p.m. Tuesday and 5.30 a.m. SAVINGS Wednesday. • 9 SMART STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Hie Girl Scout movement be1 (tan irT Savannah, Ga., where • EXCITING COLORS AND FABRICS Mrs. Juliette Gordon Low NakvOOc* - Hk Braalmr, Leaf I founded Hie organization in 1912. • QUALITY BUILT tdMt UooarMfldlstan - Oattwsl She formerly had been s leader Unatt-t" - " of the Girl Guide troops In Eng- JJ7T land. n RECLINER with ONLY 3 LEFT! ' No. 11ST TV Footratt VIDEOLOUNGER W 32V4, H .M tn. W il» 21 x IlWln. lnild

No. 341 SWIVEL ROCKER W 2814, D 20M..H 35 In, J44

No. 535T No. 95V RECLINER with GOOSENECK Vldeolounger PLATFORM TV Footre»t Yet, GRANDSOME-a mw word WeVe coined to describe th> All-New, From two-story Colonial model at The Fairways In Deal, New Jersey. GRAND, ROCKER W33, H42ln. S»o» 22 x 30 In. 1 In every tense of the word, with 3. or 4 large bedrooms, ZVWjWious WI9V4, D 21, H 37 In. InilJ. lock H.Ight 29 In. Ex-1 baths, huge 24 ft. living ;|corn,'jrptitial dining room,' spfeojout dine-in Jailing .li.wti.f. JA ttndid Iwigth M In. kitchen, 21 ft* recreation; roojti.Wld* 1o\'v and dromotlb center hall "25,000 at $69.95 Sailing alxwhtr* fffl No. 53ST —plus 2-car garage anil full bifirrierlt, HANDSOME, In rrlany ways- FOS ALL! ot Sll9.95l___ *• teautiful exteriors that fsoi-.the exclusive Hollywood'Gb'lf Club, ALSO ON SALE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT OUR WAREHOUSE AT SENSATIONAL SAVINGS: ensuring lush green surroundings for you and your family now and N». 1U3V4 In the future. Just minute* away, from, fine beaches and the neW SECTIONALS, BEDROOMS, DINING ROOMS, BEDDING, DINETTES, APPLIANCESI Bamberger Shopping Center. GRANpSOME Indeed—see it this weekend) ROCKER with Lock ALSO SEEi The brand new FAIRWAYS and Ottoman RANCH with J or 4 bedroenit, ., 74.95__ THE FINANCING, LAY-AWAY _ ,'- - Bordering the Hollywood Qolf Club ORAL H'OADe Qcean Jown»hlp adjftptnt to DRALi N. «l. and DEUVERY 241 'A Milt South of Eatontown Circle Exclusive Sales Agent:' j !; Rt. M (SWth) to Deal Rd. (Second light ith Shopping Center), turn left one mile to , ARRANGED Opposite Monmouth Shopping Ctnttr John Lazarus . ' ,! HWY. 35 R-Parkww t« Mt l«.%fo Eatontown Circle Kt 10823 • PR 6-6400 ] ), titfn-rlght Vaecoad traffic light (Deal Road),

afaataa^avaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaataaaala^Maat ID-f ruby, Dwmfcw 7, l%2 BED BANK EEGISTER Congresswoman from Pennsylvania At Historical Site Navesink Club to Aid New U.S. Treasurer is 4th Woman in Post Dillon that the treasurer should WASHINGTON (AP) — Rath- tration. Since the treasurer has That was not to the liking of a and energetic, hai her own hope* ry« E. Grsnahan, a gray-haired no policy-making powers, and isbright, energetic woman of her of getting Into the thick of Treas- t.vt over management ot the widow from Philadelphia, will be- rarely consulted on policy mat- temperament, ury affairs. . Savings Bond Program. While In Landscaping Project come treasurer of the United ters, Mrs. Gatov felt outside tile Mrs. Granahan, who is at least "I'm looking forward w much nothing was done about the sug- States in'January. mainstream of the new-frontier. 10 years older but just as bright to working with Secretary Dil- gestion, Mrs. Grtnahau may de- NAVESINK — The Navesink lie as a historical site next sunf- Ironically, she messed up her lon," she told a. reporter. cide 10 renew this recommenda- tion or campaign for some other Garden Club will assist with mer. first financial transaction after Actually, Secretary of the enlargement of her new office. planting at the Hendrickson The Bell Telephone Laborato- getting the, job.. Treasury Douglas Dillon seldom Having worked all her life, the House in Holmdel which will be ies donated the house to the Mon- President Kennedy nominated lee* the treasurer. There is no is not prepared to accept a title dedicated and opened to the pub-mouth County Historical Associa- tier for the important money- reason to believe he will change that would amount to retirement TODAY tion. Mrs, Lawrence A. Carton, handling post Sept. 28 when she bis work habits when Mrs. Gran- Jr., Locust, civic chairman, has was en route to her home from than takes over. CHRISTMAS CHARITY BAtt; Newspaper been named the club's represent- Washington. Arriving at her front Even within the treasurer'! of- A native of Eastern Pennsyl- Junior Service League of R« ative. stoop, she owed a cab fare of fice, Mrs/ Granahan win face a vania, Mrs: Granahan does not Bank, Rumson Country* C|ub. ; Mrs. Carlton Vanderwarker, $2.25. major problem: She knows very reveal her birth date. CHILDREN'S PLAY, "A Gift Women To New Canaan, Conn., was guest Quickly Mrs. Granahan handed for ft* Christinas PriaCMs/J little about the highly specialized After education, in the Easton the driver two bills and some Drama Department of the Little speaker at Wednesday's meeting work Involved — although she nibllc school! and at Mount St. small change. Silver Woman's Club, *:» p.m;, Hear Talk Her topic was "Time Saving Tips promises to learn. Having been oseph College in Philadelphia, for Christmas." Mrs. Robert Goi "Lady," the startled driver In the habit of working 12-hour dub house, Rumsoa Rd. *nd PRINCETON-Elaine Shepard, she.worked it supervijor of pub-Church St., Little Silver. : such arranged the program. said, "You just gave me $11—a days in Congresi, it seems cer- lic asslttanoe In the Pennsylvania author of the just-published Mrs. Edwin Ludeman, Middle- ten and a one." She thought she tain she will try hard to learn. "Forgive Us Our Press Passes," auditor general's office before town, and Mrs. Thomas Tyne had given him two one-dollar TOMORROW will be guest speaker tomorrow t Social Problem Mr RMrrlage. Rumson, are chairmen of the an- bills. at a meeting of the New Jersey CHRISTMAS BAZAJl, Nave- nual birthday luncheon of the At that point, Mrs. Granahan Because of the specialized na- Association of Daily Newspaper ture of the work, the recent lady link Hook and Udder Auxiliary, club slated for Feb. 5. began to think seriously about Women at 2 p.m. here in the treasurer! have tended to em- 10 am. to9p.m.. Interviewswjth . Two club members won awards the possible wisdom of printing Demo Club Santa, 1 to 4:30 p.m., Naveiink Nassau Inn. multi-colored paper money, with phasize the ceremonial functions in recent flower shows. Mrs. Be Fire House, Miss Shepard, called a "female a different hue for each denom- of the office: making speeches 11 nard Barrett, Rumson, receivei Ernie Pyle by Walter Winchell, ination. This ideas was pushed, around the country as a good will VICTORY DANCE, MiddletWjm tri-color in the New Shrew Sets Date was the only woman member of without success, by the last ambassador for the party in Township Democratic Exeeutfw the press group on the Eisen- bury Garden Club Flower Sho' reasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Rudell power, handing out awards to Committee, 8 p.m., McGulre's hower Middle East tour. She hasand Mrs. Francis Swartz, Fail Smith Gatov, who quit in April star salesmen of U. S. savings Por Grove, MiddlaMwn. Interviewed Castro, Nehru and Haven, received an honorable to return to Democratic politics bonds, and affixing signatures to EATpNTOWN * The Women's CHILDREN'S PLAY, "A Gift Nasser, among others. mention for her entry in the Lit- in California. paper money. Democratic Club of Monmouth for the Christmas princess,'; Theima Thomas, women's ed- tle Silver Woman's Club Flowei County will hold a Christmas Drama Department of Little Sli- Show. Actually, Mrs. Granahan says ; The ceremonial chores came itor of the Trenton Times, will she 'has a completely open mind naturally to Mrs. Ivy Baker cheon and party here Dec. 1$ver Woman's Club, 11 a.m. and preside at the association's busi- Mrs. Saul Shapiro, Atlanti about vari-colored money. She Priest, who served ai treasurer 12:JO p.m. In,Crystal Brook 1; JO p.m., clubhouse, Rumaon R • Bedspread* •Curtains combine Mrs. Granahan's district ercised by the career experts Mrs. Forgotson spoke of net CLEANED hospital in Izmir, Turkey, as a "The Stan and Stripes," Mrs. experiences is legal work with Other organizations reeeivftjf? • S'lados • Blinds with a neighboring "safe" Demo- who know the job inside out. contributions are the New cratic district, and to force her volunteer. Mosley works, without pay, two Mrs. Gatov tried to convince children and young people acd days a week among the 250 also diicussed Tier visits to the Shrewsbury First Aid Squad, Complete Installation Service retirement, A 1960 graduate of the Ann NerthjWe, Tinton Falls', Waysid* burned, maimed and, crippled Orient and the Near East. She Mrs. Granahan did not take May School of Nursing at Fitkin, and Pine Brook Fire Companies, children of the Izmir hospital was introduced by Mr*. Florence SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE kindly to the idea but, as a loyal Memorial Hospital, the former Monmouth Council of Girl Scouts operated by the Turkish govern- Artist Tells Sutphin, Monmouth ^County help- party worker and ward leader Kathryn Weiss, now married to and the New Shrewsbury Rhino* 747 - 4422 ment and Ege University, a state ing teacher and chapter vice of many years' standing, she ac-First Lt. Howard R. Mosley of football team. Passaic, aide-de-camp to Brig. university. president. cepted the decision. The grateful Of Career Citizenship Institute at Doug- bosses moved into action to land Gen. Charles F. Mudgett, Jr., In her interview with staH writ- Preceding MATAWAN - "Personal Ex- the meeting a las* College and 16 other Worn- ' her the treasurership. chief of staff of Allied Land er Ken Hansen, Mrs. Mosely pressions in Art"-was explained smorgasbord was served by°Mri' an's Club Federation projects al- Still In House stated "I love the work. . .1 try by Mrs. Benjamin Kurtz, a mem-Goetz under the chairmanship of so benefit. to teach the young student nurses At present, she remains a ber of The Woman'i Club of Mat-Mrs. Frank HoUnan, elementary here what I've learned in the member of the House and will twah, at a recent meeting in theprincipal ta Jackson Township, people use The Register ids etch Card Party States, but I don't have a class not resign until she moves down parish hall of Trinity Episcopal •Misted by Mrs. Ethel Moore issue because result* come fist- Pennsylvania Avenue to the ag- room. I sometimes make sugges- Church. Mrs.. Erwta Clement. er.-Adverflsement. 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury ing Treasury building, next door tions." Set for Jan. A display of paintings KIM the to the White House. Dr. Orhan Erogiu, hospital di- Dally 1 to 5: SO three walls of the meeting room. There is at least one good rea- LITTLE SILVER - The Eve-rector, stated that Mrs. Mosley Wed. and Frl. 'til > They vert grouped according to son why Mrs. Granahan might is a "very hard worker and we the Perfect ning Department of the Woman's trips, personal « ' wish to delay the move. As a appreciate her very much." , Club will hold a card party " family sentiment. Congresswoman, she is paid $22,- The grandparents of Nurse fashion show Jan. 29- at 8 p.m. The club Christmas party will 500 a year. Her salary as treas- Mosley are Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf urer will be $20,000. be held Dec. 17. Luncheon will in the clubhouse. Steinbach's will Weiss of 2308 River Rd., Point be served by the hospitality com- compare these The fact that Mrs. Granahan present a spring collection of hats Pleasant. can take her time about moving mittee. Members were asked to and wigs. to her new office is indicative of contribute a Christmas article the fact that treasurers of the Mrs. Oliver Bennett and Mrs. for an auction for the welfare • Ballet • Jazz Joint Meeting Christmas program. LEAH one carat solitaire United Stites are not exactly in- Edward Carroll are chairmen of • Tap dispensable. The work gets done, SHREWSBURY — The Sister- • Ballroom the event. The resignation of Mrs. Joseph by career experts, whether or not hoods of Congregation Beth Sha- MAUER • Toe • Baton Assisting will be Mrs. Leonard Dietrich, who has moved, was* there Is a full-fledged treasurer lom, Red Bank, and'of Congrega- accepted. in residence. Perry and Mrs. Richard Molke, tion Bnai Israel, Rumson, will be tickets; Mrs. Edward Jones and Mrs. Allan Morrison and Mrs. ' Frustrating Job guests of the Sisterhood of Mon- Mrs. Frank Arnone, awards; W. Rulon Smith .were named to Since Mrs. Gatov's resigna- mouth Reform Temple at an in- Mrs. Joseph Yulan, table favors; the membership committee. Mri. tion, the office has been operated tra faith meeting here in the so- Mrs. Bernard Rosen, art work; Johnson Cartan Is chairman. DANCE LESSONS by William T. Howell, the deputy cial hall of the Shrewsbury Pres- Mrs. Jack Skakandy, fashions; 'Refreshments were served by treasurer and a 26-year veteran. byterian Church Monday at 1 Mrs. Curtis Callan, publicity, and Mr». Harry Munson, Mrs. THiaries Even after Mrs. Granahan takes p.m. Topic of the program will $480 Mrs. Edward Bete -and Mrs. An- Ruff, Mrs. Morrison and Mri. over, Howell presumably will be "A Majority of One." ... SH 7-9S52 thony Ditlow, refreshments. Frank Bliss. continue to shoulder many of the Rabbi Richard F. Steinbrink of day-to-day administrative bur- Mrs. Patrick D'Aloia, Mrs. Monmouth Reform Temple will dens. Frank DeGennaro and Mrs. be guest speaker.. INSTANT REDSKINS LEAH MAUER % Each of these One reason for Mrs. Gatov's Yulan will serve on the telephone Mrs. Jack Kohn U Inter-faith WH1THALL, Ohio (AP) -Fire- resignation was'a feeling of frus- committee. chairman. ' men recently rubbed- out a lot diamonds ii . of redsklni. Studio of Dance Alter using a lot of elbow priced for TOTS • TEENS • ADULTS grease and turpentine, the fire- exceptional value! men manged to dean up five 37 E. FRONT ST* RED BANK very red youngsters who' had This is your dropped a brick on a spray Can Opposite N. J. Employment Office FREE! of red paint. ' .:. . $750 opportunity to ONE PAIR HOLIDAY give or own a fine 1-carat SPIRAL CANDLES with a Dry Cleaning order of I.7S or more. STOP LOOKING! diamond at a AU THE BARGAINS ARE AT modest price! MEN'S SUITS DIVIDED PAYMENTS


Limited quantities, hurry In and get your CHRISTMAS CARDS "THE UNUSUAL" FREE GIFT TODAY! UNION-IMPERIAL . '/•••'. Rmilles' UUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS Enlarged to 3* Irood 500 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY show detail AMPLE FREE PARKING PLUS S*H GREEN STAMPS LI 2-3131 OP1N IVININ« 'TIL • 247 HWY. 31 So. «f fetoMown Clrtj* BED TOW. M&$m irAxt, December 7, Middletown Trip^ Victory Ball iGhrisfrrias Spirit Tomorrow Chamber Concert to Open Season MIDDLETOWN — Township purchased at the office of stu- ArJoy offers from Viet Nam, Spain and Italy WEST LONG BRANCH - The The Marlboro Trio, a group of urtis Institute of Music in Phil- Democrats will hold their victory dent affairs, Monmouth College. Chamber Music Society of Mon-major young artists, was oradelphi- a at B years of age and will Mj guests of th> Women's Society of Luther Me- celebration tomorrow night in later made his Carnegie Hail Gilman Collier is chsirman of the The Oaks, McCuire's Grove. mouth Arts Foundation opens its ganized at the Marlboro (Ver- morial Chjirch at a Christinas party Tuesday at 8 p.m mont) Music Festival which is debut. During the past five years society. This is the second such annual new series of concerts Monday in tiwTinton Falls ; Fire House. directed by Rudolf Serkin. Mi- he has toured the , r affair. The first was held follow- at 8:30 pro. with a performance chael Tree is violinist, Mitchell Canada, Italy and South Amer- me^/ee gyes^:wijl speak on Christmas custom ing aie election of Coramiteeman by the world-famed Marlboro Andrews, pianist, and David Soy- ica as a recitalist and as soloist Earl Moody t year, ago. Tomor- Trio. For the first time, the con- in thefl own-countries. er, cellist- with major orchestras. Parenthood row night'* event celebrates the cert will be held in the society's Mr. Tree began Us studies at Rev. Daniel JRejnheimer, pastor, will conduct de- election Nov. 6 of Edward J. new musical - home, the Pollak Award Winner the age of 4. He enterc4 the votions and Mrs. Marvin Roth and Martin V. Lawlor to Auditorium of Monmouth College. Mr. Andrews, a winner of 10Unit Elects Fichtef will be in-charge COURT ST. JAMES, CathoU the Township Committee, giving coveted musical awards, studied Daughters of America, receive* of entertainment. the Democrats control of the at the Philadelphia Conservatory New Officers five new members recently at township's government for the Music and with Rosina Lhe- ASBURY PARK - Mrs. John Hostesses will be Mrs.ceremony in the parish room of first time in more than 40 years. Adam and Eve irinne at Juilliard. He has per C. Ripley was elected president Gustavt "Herman, Mrs. Walle St. James School. General chairman of the affair formed extensively both on radio 1 of the Monmouth County Planned Werner; MM.' Reinheimer am They are Miss Dolores Char' is Joseph Tomas", assisted by and in recital halls in this coun Parenthood Association when the MM. Fiditer. lock. Sea Bright; Mrs. OJe Opsal Frederick J. Whittles and James try, as well as Canada. group held its annual meeting and Mrs. John' Casazza, • RedGrodeska. Mrs. John Smith is in Mistletoe Bait A former member of the Bach here recently in the home of Mrs. Bank, and Mrs. John Halpln and charge .of refreshments, Mrs. KEYPORT REFORMED &ria Group, the Gullet String S. Herbert Anderson. Mrs. George Murphy, Middletown Raymond O'Neill, tickets, and DEAR ADAM AND EVE: CHURCH League for Service (Do you have a personal Quartet and the New Music Elected to serve with her were The five were welcomed by Msgr, Mrs. Donald Kelleher, arrange- lam 28 years old and have will hoi* iti Christmas party ii question or problem? Send it String Quartet, Mr. Soyer, at cel-Mrs. Henry S. Germond, 3d, first Emmett Monahan, spiritual di- ments. to Adam or Eve Lowell or been going with a man in his the Poet's Inn; Freneau, on Dec. list, made his debut as soloist vice president; Mrs. William rector the court. Mrs. V. G. Reyn- State Democratic Chairman both, as you prefer. Vor a forties for about three years. He 28. Following-dinner in the inn, with the Philadelphia Orchestra Howard, recording secretary; olds of Colts Neck, district di Thorns Lord, State Commlttee- personal, unpublshed reply, en- says he loves me and wants to under Eugene Onnandy and has members-will' exchange giits In Mrs. E. Howard Merry, corre- uty, presided. womaa Mrs. Katharine E. White, close a stamped, self-addressed marry me. But when we go out since been heard many times in the home of Mrs. Oharles Miller, sponding secretary, and Mrs. Wil- Atlantic -St., • The ceremony was followed by and State Gommltteeman Paul J. envelope. Mail to ADAM & on weekends for a few drinks we Slew York. urn to get in a fight most of liam S. Hoon, treasurer. All terms a reception in the cafeteria. Mrs. Kternan are expected to head me EVE, c/o this newspaper.) The program for the evening Mrs. Cornelius Ackerson ,wa the time. As a rule he comes of office are for three years. Edwin Green was in charge of list of special guests. Mr. and •vill include "Trio in B Flat Ma- named,,chairman of the flower back the next day and >ays he's Mrs. Frank Duane, executive refreshments. -, Mrs,. Earl- Moody and Mr. and DEAR ADAH AND EVE., lor, Opus 97," the "Archduke" committee at a recent. meeting sorry, but sometimes he waits director, presented her annual re- The court's Christinas' party Mrs. Vincent J. Jennings form I am a 16-year-oW girl teen- Trio by Beethoven; Brahm's In her bor/je on Elizabeth St. tiro or three days. Do you think port. She said that in the preced- will take place Thursday follow- the reception committee for the ager and I naye a problem, i Trio No. 1. in B Major, Opus MM. )phn H. Sharp* will have ball which begins at 8 p.m. I should marry him, or will he ing 10 months, 202 clinic sessions charge $ file etjUtffi. ing a business meeting. Mrs have been going with a boy for I," and an original work "Dirge Paul Hemschoot is chairman. almost a year apd he still has notbe like that always? were held at clinic stations in and Variations" by the young Asbury Park, Freewood Acres, I * "r, ~ .'.,• • . kissed me. What! can I do to Someone Who Cares composer David Amram. This Highlands, Manalapan, Mana- ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY of EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN hurry things up? • Dear Someone: His habit pat- piece had its successful world Local Women squan, Mlddletown, Neptune, New St. Leo the Great Catholic Church of All Saints Episcopal Churdi ••• Impatient terns are not apt to change aft- premier last month in Philadel- Cheryl WahnrHgnt Shrewsbury, Tenneot and Union Lincroft, held Christmas festivi sponsored a .roast beef dinnei Attend Institute Dear Impatient: Invite him er marriage unless you have a phia. ties last week In Our Lady of last night in the church. VEi'r over during the Christmas holi- strong and beneficial Influence Beach. She said 1,603 patients Tickets for the concert series Fatima Hall. Mrs. Joseph Mas- Mrs. Harry R. Sorenson. Mrs. NEWARK - Planned for Its days and STAND under the on him, or unless he seeks pro- were cared for, 503 of whom were terjon, Mrs. James Stamas and volunteers, the New Jersey Re- mistletoe. If he. still holds fessional help. are still available. There is a re-new. Kenneth Meinert and Mrs. Eu- duced rate for students. Mrs. Jer- Mrs. Edward Zimmerman, ,wen gional National Council of Jewish back, catch HIM under the Adam and Eve gene Rabourdin were chairmen. Junior Play ry Dressner, 35 Fairway Ave., In charge of decorations and re- Womeii, representing 9,000 mem- mistletoe! LANDLORD PLEASED Assisting were Mrs. Thomas B. West Long Branch, treasurer for freshments. Christmas (elections ber* In this state, held a training Adam and Eve Ahem, Mrs. Caryle C. Fields, RED BANK - The junior class DEAR ADAM AND EVE: the society, is in charge of reser- MIAMI (AP)-During the slow were sung by the St. Leo choi Mrs. George H. Westoff, Mrs. institute on public relations last of Red Bank H^gh School wil, You had a letter from a girl fall tourist season, a' row of week here In the YM-YWHA. vations. In advance of the per- and gifts of toys and clothing Thomas Cooper, Mrs. Earl D present the Broadway comedy, whose boy friend called her fatformance, tickets may also be apartment buildings all displayed were collected for children in St.Vesty, Miss Mildred De Vesty, Mrs. Robert Multer, Colts "You Can't Take It With You," To Marry all the time but whose measure- the woeful signs "Vacancy." Michael Children's Home, Hope- Mrs. E. Howard Merry, Mrs. Neck; Mrs. Edwin Robins and tonight and tomorrow in the au ments were given as 35-24-37. I One building, however, was an Mrs. Henry' Berman, Little Sil- well. "•••;•.• •••• Jame« Richardson, Mrs. Robert ditorium of the River Street would very much like to take this Attend* Meetings exception. A cottage Christmas party will Nicholas, Miss Doretta Vlering, ver; Mrs. Richard Steiner, Rum School. In Finderne little woman away from her Proudly displayed was the sign, son, Mrs. Bertram Feinswog, New NEW YORK — Mrs. V. E. Dis- be gfve«"Dec. 14 for'patients in Miss Mlnada Vlering, Mrs. Wil- Curtain time is 8 p.m. both SOMERVILLE'- Miss Barbara troubles. I am five feet eleven, Happily Filled." Shrewsbury, all of the Greater wnsiere, Wl Lak Ave., Fair Marlboro State Hospital.' Mrs. liam N. Ashbey, Mrs. Charles V. evenings. Ann Cornine, daughter of Mr. and weigh 170 pounds, am of Dutch e R«d Bank Section ol the Nation- Haven, N. J., technical consult- Lawrence Murphy is in charge. Mitchell. Mrs. William Eitnei In the cast are Hank Bern- Mrs. Woodrow Cornine of this descent and will be wearing a al Council of Jewish Women, ant and instructor in the field rrs NOT TOO Orders for cookies will be, tab stein, Carol Eckstein, Larry Han- jlace, will become the bride of black suit, red tie and will be at and, Mrs. .William Melhado. were among the representatives of electroencephslography, at- er. by society-members following sen, William Truswell, Frank Mouo Sidney Van Scholck, son the drug store here at Sth & LATE FOR attending. tended the annual meeting of the Rosenfeld, Raymond Brager, of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Van Market at 6 p.m. sharp (maga- all muses Sunday. ' CUBS TO MEET Eastern Association of Electtoen- Mrs. Richard Steiner, Rumson, :tieryl Wainwright, Jacqueline Schoick, 45 White Rd, Shrews- zine stand) to take her out to LnTLE SILVER - Cob Pack cephalographers yesterday and of the Greater Red Bank Section, McCroskey, Joan Berger, Rich- bury, Saturday at 2 p.m. in King- dinner this coming Friday. m/STMAS COMPLETE IS will hoW its monthly pack Wednesday here in the Lenta Hill directed a public relations work- ard Long, Paul Roman, Tom dom Hall In Finderne. meeting in the Markham Place Replacement tospltal. shop. J School tonight «t 8 o'clock. Be- Watson and Arthur Becker, Raymond Bosworth, presiding Dear Replacement: Well, she She also attended the American cause of the growth of tiie pack, The council maintains more Others are Oliver Marcelli, minister of the Red Bank Con- will be wearing a red dress PORTRAITS Epilepsy Society meeting yester- the monthly meeting place has than 1.000 community service Marilyn Flood, Richard Nevius, gregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and white blouse, but as usual CAU. TODAY DOUfiLASElECTWCCO. day in the Waldorf-Astoria. She FOB ANOINTMENT been moved from St. John's Epis- projects for all ages, races and Ernestine Martin and Ed Valant 'ill officiate. she'll be with her steady hoy sawr ntonr-smir is an active member of both or- copal Church to the local school. creeds. "The sections conduct pro- Pat Longcoy will be at the piano Miss Cornine attended Somer- friend - aU 35-24-37 inches of SH 7-0270 tfK Tt M grams of jpubllc affairs study and during intermissions. ville High School. Mr. Vanher. Sorry. tanlatfons, and also is a mem- social' action and give overseas Mrs. Theodora Brown of theSchoick is a graduate of Red Adam and Eve *r of the American Society of Page Studio service to Israel and Jewish com- English department is director, Bank High School and is em- E- E. G. Technicians. S5 Monmouth SLjRedBank munities abroad. assisted by Arthur Becker. ployed with All-State Construction DEAR ADAM AND EVE: Company of North Plainfield. Aft- I'm 16 and I like a boy who is The BEST THINGS in LIFE er marriage they plan to con- 18. The bad thing about it is that A SPOTLIGHT ON NEW IDEAS tinue their work as Bible educa- he thinks ot me as a little sister. ' are worth borrowing fpi!, Carol Service Sunday tors. The way he put this across is that A bar* room can A Challenge To Man and Woman he took me out a few times and bacold and imper- then one night when he kissed m jonal. Furniture Who Navar Thought of Borrowing In Tower Hill Church Holiday Bazar me goodnight he whispered in and draperi«> hav* 1 OCEAN GROVE — A Christ- my ear that I was his little sis- RED BANK — The Red Bank The program will close with a a way of taking Htroit simpl* arithmetic of hew you'can Presbyterian'Church atop Tower mas Bazar was held recently ter and that he didn't want me to recessional hymn, benediction our tha chill. PORROW BCONOMICAUY, TO BIIY^NOWI Hill win" bribe setting for th* CbW*» Service feamrirfg 200 voices Sun. Plans for the event were com- him, but I don't. They tell me can show you how kww UtUUk ywr M** j .IMIIPOHWIH...POHT Wilfr.Wilfr . day at 4:30 p.m; •'-"• " pleted at a recent board meet- to male* your BAZAR TOMORROW that since this happened I haven't Iwtr* wkt T*« atW frw w...««w-*IOO-t*W.-.»t» ing conducted by Mrs. Louis Bar- been myself, and that my whole rooms vvarm and b«n . Wni y f «y ff ** k l ttf •*** The ensemble, under the direc- '' pnmpMf. I* tU$ w*f ywr wM §*01*» vliauof tt toih tion of Mr, and Mrs. William HAZLET — A Christinas Bazar bour. Mrs. Eric Arpert read a personality is ruined. I still like personal. fcttyht —* 1— ban «• CM* y«« l«U...Wfy, rtty OH: Wood, willUnclude the Crusadei will be held in the Cove Road Christmas story and led a pray- him, though, and the whole thing No charge for is making me pretty miserable. IF, FOR EXAMPLE, YOU BORROWt Boys', Girls' and Westminst. School tomorrow. r. Dr. Albert Layton gave a talk estimates, a preparing for Christmas. Little Sister $100 and Imp It 3 M*S ... you rseay on*... W Fellow ship.choirs. course. Ttie fund-raising affair is spon- There were 77 members pres- $$20 0 «ndIMPP KlUontt...yo yu pn«pn<«•>•.•«»*> • Rev. Charles S. Webster, min What should I do? ent, including 27 from the home. «J30 anata tan It!! month.. th*$312. you repay on* $3129 ister; Rev. James L. Ewalt, as sored by the Parent-Teacher Or- Dear Little Sister: Why hate lh.*tnm:iHXKk>mtmU$XOuiHt from Orpheus", Martha Wood- Mrs. Lloyd Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Donald E. Lawes. Mr. and Mrs. ward; anthem, "I Wonder As William O'Leary, Mr. and Mrs. ftedda. Mrs. Robert Ashworth Jacob Lefferts, Mr. and Mrs. Wander", Andrea Hofer, Cathj Robert Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. THERE ARE? Henry D. Mercer, Mr! and Mn. was welcomed'as a new mem-Charles Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Urion and choir; "The Drummei Samuel Metzgar, 3d, Mr. and ber. Edwin Stewart, Jr., Miss Jean- Boy", Westminster. Fellowshi] Mrs. Harry Newberger, Mr. and Choir; anthem, "Hasten Swift Members wrapped packages nette Wirth, Mr. and Mrs. Rich Mrs. Allison Stern, Mr. and Mrs. ly, Hasten Softly" and "Chris for their Christmas family in co-ard Wackenfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Switz, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. New BILL MIDD1IT6WN OFTICt • *» MIWAV M las Song" by the combines operation with the "Adopt a Fam- George Vogt. Tatum, Mrs. Geraldlne Thomp- . . . and Hwy all look to btauriful wfcm IMW .. .. DUllA *i>*'U«tWBtfclHn choirs. >••.-... ily" program of the Matawan son, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Public Health Center. The ball is scheduled to begin but to keep rhtm looking ot frtdi and btouHful en at 9 p.m. in Rumson Country White, Mrs. Stanton Whitney and During the social hour, grab Mrs. George A. Williamson, I Hit day they wtrt purchased callt for proftttloml bag gifts were distributed and Club. Theme of the decorations FOR THAT refreshments served by Mrswil. l be snowflakes. Ben Ludlow rug cleaning ttrvlct. Fenton Scholi, Mrs. George and his orchestra will play for Different kinds of nigi havt to bo cleaned by a "CHAMPAGNE TASTE"— Smith, Mrs. Henry Traphagen, dancing. Mrs. William Weintraub and Mrs. Patrons Include Dr. and Mrs. different process . . . Thurman Nealls, Jr. Frank Altschul, Rep. James C. Fomous-Mokf CHINA ft GLASS At Lton's taeh rag It carefully Impacted by o. fac- AT SAVINGS up to 50%! tory trained txptit btforo thty aro thoroughly When you want to spend low and buy cltantd by our ntw "Jet Cltanlng Proctn." Havt high, try Toms River's unique "Pot- BEGINNING your rugt and carpett looking at ntw at tht day tery Barn." Here are famous-make china ajid glass .irregulars at tremen-, MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 you purekattd thtm. . dously reduced prices) Fine ware, both' WE WILL BE IRS domestic, ftnd imported, casual oven- to-table; .ware, dinlng,?room and patio FREE CALL and DELIVERY items, gjfts and'useful decorative.,ac-. • Ntw Custom Modi cessories for the home. Open Until 9 p.m. • Rt-Upfcobttry Fine glassware in the following styles: FOR YOUR • Droptrta • Champagne SHOPPING CONVENIENCE • Cocktail • SHpetvan • Goblets •ach • Brandy Snifters 29 Christmas gifts - Wrappings - Decorations FersonalUed Service Original Table and Mantle Arrangements Open Weekdays and Saturdays 10 am. to & pjn. and , Custom Workmanship Fridays until 9 pM. • Sundays 11 a.m. to S p.m. Is Our Tradtmark SINCE Ml our plant Garden. Stat* Parkway, The Candle Light PIMM SH 7-0612 , In your homi or In •ad «n Rt. 37 to first traffic 307 Hwy. 31, MIMttown For Gift* piot Art Different DRY CLIANIN* LAUNDRY torn r(«Jit and 2M .yards 812 MAIM ST., TOMS RIVER, N. X CM-, Chestnut 8U and Hwy. fj to Potttry Barn. . T>0 Kit • Fair H»n, N.J. 1 Dlanwnd M23S "fit • /-i */. ' . ' •pp. JulU's Farm Market 64-76 White St., Red Bank SH 7-2800 T 12-Friday, December 7, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER Schedule of Religious Services

ST. CLEMENTS BAPTIST ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL PRESBYTERIAN ST. JAMES CATHOLIC SALVATION ARMY METHODIST ", PRESBYTERIAN Episcopal, Belford Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank Shrewsbury Morning services will be con- On the second Sunday in Ad- Rev. Stanley E. Mugridge, pas- There will be a celebration ol In observance of Universal Bi- The second Sunday of Advent Bible Sunday -will be observed Holy Communion will be ad- ducted at 9:30 and 11 o'clock Sun- vent, the service of matins will tor, will preach at the 11 a.m. the Holy Eucharist Sunday at ble Sunday, Rev. Dr. Charles S, will be celebrated this Sunday, Sunday. Sunday school will meet ministered Sunday at 8:30 a.m. day. Rev. Harold A. Scott, acting be read at 7:40 a.m. by the vi- service Sunday. Stanley Scheer, a.m. Sung Eucharist and sermoi Webster will preach at 9:15 and with Masses at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, at 9:45 a.m. Brigadier and Mrs. At the 9.30 and 11 a.m. services. pastor, will deliver a sermon en- car, Rev. Ralph Edwards. organist, will play and will ac- will be at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Earl 11 a.m. Sunday on the theme, and 11 in the church and at 9, John Fahey will conduct the 11 Rev. W. Gordon Lowden will 1 Mtled "The Art of Standing Up." At 8 a.m. there will be a cele- company the chancel and concord B. Scott will be the celebrant "Why Do We Believe in the B 10 and II o'clock in the auditor a.m. service. The Junior Soldiers preach on "Ltfe Without* and preacher at both services We?" Rev. James L. Ewalt, as urn. A Sung Mass will be of- meeting for youngsters, age 6 to Crutches:" ",aviour of the Heathen, Come" bration of the Holy Eucharist choirs. Mrs. Donald Shaner is di- with a sermon. Acolytes will be rector! Ushers will be Paul The Episcopal Church Women will sociate minister, will assist al fered in the church at noon. The 12? will be at 11 am. The young Altar flowers are being pre- will be played by Marian Tatem, the early service and Rev. Dr. organist and choir director. At Lester August and Richard Me- Graves, John Pace, Richard and have an in-gathering of theii men's choir will chant the people's service, featuring the seated by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sargent Bush, minister of visita- junior members of the Jack Web- the 9:30 service, the Choristers ginley. Thomas Stryktr, and John Cline. United Thank Offering and com liturgical texts of the Mass. I. Morison in memory of their The greeting committee will be mane corporateiy at the 9:30 serv tion, at the latter service. The sacrament of baptism wi ster family of Jersey City, will fathers. The flowers are also the will sing "People Look East," and At 9:30 a.m., there will be the be at 6:15 p.m, with Miss Jeannle at the later service, senior choir sung Eucharist and a sermon. Francis Swartz and Vernon Loud, ice. Mrs. Helen Clay is WUTO Ushers will be Gordon Forsyth, be administered Sunday after- gift of Miss Lucy Woglom In re- chairman, and Mrs. Marshall Jr., Howell George, Jr., Charles noon at 1:30. At least two days Fahey in charge. The Jack Web- membrance of her brother, Frank will render the offertory an- Acolytes will be Robert Krueger, assisted by two, deaconesses. sters, a family o-f musicians, will Ernest Schaeffer and Richard Chuhch school* will meet at 9:45 Jones is president of the Episco C. Maute, Albert W. Metzger and previous, arrangements musi be P. Woglom. them, "How Lovely Are the Mes- conduct the evening service at sengers;" the junior choir will Smithson. During this service a.m. preceded by the prayer cir- pal Church Women. Robert F. Worden, The welcom made with one of the priests of Greeters at the church doors 7:30. sing "A Christmas Lullaby," Van- children between three and five cle in the Clayton Room at 9:30. The senior group of the Youn ing committee will be Frank D. the parish by the parents of the will be Mrs. James G. Bennett, Shaw and Robert W. Teegarden leta Canonico will sing a solo en- years old will meet In the un- The Jr. Hi and Sr. Hi BYF will People's Fellowship will have a candidates for baptism. The Women's Home League will Mrs. Chester Apy, Sr., Mrs. Rob- titled "Prepare Thyself, Zion,1' dercroft, with Mrs. Edward Grob meet at 6 p.m. The Sunday eve- ice skating party in Asbury Par! At the 11 o'clock service, the Daily Mass is offered at 6:25, meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. ert Sadler and Mrs. Henry J- and Mrs. Tatem will conclude for a period of instruction. ning praise service will follow. Sunday evening. ushers will be S. 0. Wiltshire, 7 and 8 o'clock. The League of Mercy visitation Palmer. with "Fugue." Church school will meet Imme- Christmas carols will be sung. The Episcopal Church Womei Fred E. Engle, Thomas S. Field, The novena devotion in honoi to nursing homes and hospitals The Intermediate Youth Fellow- diately after the 9:30 Eucharist. Mrs. Howard Peters will be solo- will-meet in the church Tuesda Jr. and Robert L. Yeager. of Mary's Miraculous Medal am will be Wednesday. The women ship program Sunday at 7 p.m. Ushers at the 9:30 service will Charles L. Weigle and Rudolph will meet at the. citadel at 1:30 The sanctuary lamp candle this ist. at 8 p.m. Gifts will be collected the service of Benediction of th will be "Christmas, 1982," led by Include: Alfred C. Clark, Kenneth for presentation to the Carvei P. Wolfahrt vill comprise the p.m. Midweek prayer service will Karen Kirkland. K. Stevenson, Thomas B. Elder- week is given in memory of San- All church boards will meet Blesses Sacrament will be hell Nursing Home at Christmas. welcoming committee. be at 7:30 p.m. The Methodist Youth Fellow- shaw, John C. Rodenburg and dra Marion Boyce by Mrs. Anna In the annex on Monday at 7:30 Monday at 8 p.m. A 9:15 and 11 a.m., Church There will be no youth day ship meets Sunday at 5:45 p.m. Sylvester Neville. Serving at the Boyce. p.m Eucharist will be celebratec The sacrament of penance will school will be held simultaneous activities on Thursday. later service will be Winthrop This week the service of matins Following the weekly midweek Wednesday at 7 a.m. be administered Saturday from for a Council meeting In the con- wilh the service with classes foi Macomber, Richard C. Devine, will take place at 8:45 a.m. and service on Wednesday, a special The Sunday school PTA wi 4 to 6 and from 7:30 to 9 p.m. ference room, followed by a pro- nursery through eighth grade. FIRST UNITARIAN Forrest W. Gray, William J. Mac- the Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m., business meeting '••ill be held. meet in the home of the superin Confessions are also heard aftei gram at 7 o'clock on "Christmas At 10:30 a.m. a coffee how OF MONMOUTH COUNTY Nutt and John P. Steel. every day, Monday through,Sat- Circle one will have a covered tendent, Harold Tate, Fair Ha the Monday evening services anc In Foreign Lands." The program will be held in the kitchen foi Red Bank Junior-High Fellowship will urday. dish luncheon Thursday at 11 ven, Thursday at 8 p.m. daily during the 8 o'clock Mass, is in charge of the witness com- church school teachers. At 12:1! Sunday service will be held in meet Sunday at 6 p.m. in the a.m. in the home of the leader, The Junior Fellowship will meei The adult instruction course foi mittee and will meet in room 112. Saturday the sacrament of pen- p.m. a coffee hour will be helc the YMCA at 10i39 s.m. The church house under the leader- Mrs. Fred Warwick, 119 Crest- Saturday at 6 p.m. Catholics and non-Catholics con- The Geneva-Wesley Fellowship ance will be administered from for single young adults in tilt guest speaker will be Rev. Jack ship of George GS Grim, Jr. Sen- view Dr., Middletown Township. There will be a celebration o tinues on Monday night at 8.30 will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. 11 a.m. until noon. youth parlor. Kent, associate director, Middle ior-Westminster Fellowship will Circle two (Mrs. Etha Strong, the Eucharist at 7 and 8 a.m. on in Red Bank Catholic High The new adult couples' study Sunday at 7 p.m., Hie Junior Atlantic States Council, Unitarian- meet at 6:30 in the Church house. leader) will have a Christmas Patronal Day, Dec. 21. Evensong At 4:30 p.m., the traditions! School's hall on Broad St. This group will meet tomorrow at 8 Young Churchmen and the Young Universalist Association. luncheon at noon. At 7:30 p.m. will be at 7:30 p.m., followed by Christmas carol candlelight serv Monday's topic will be "The p.m., in the library. The folk The executive board of the People's Fellowship will hold there will be a combined meeting a program of entertainment ice will be held with a 200-rake Sources of Revelation: Scripturt Church school for young chil- dancing group for adults will Women's Association will meet meetings. of the circles and Women's Fel- refreshments. Mrs. Milton Simms choir comprised of the Crusader, and Tradition." Rev. William C, dren and teenagers will be from meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the lounge. Monday at 7:30 p.m., the con- lowship. Mrs. Thomas Wilson is is chairman. boys', girls' and Westminister Anderson will be this week's lec- 10:30 a.m. until noon. Following youth room. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- The Mission Beiies will meet firmation class will meet for the in charge of the program, "A Fellowship choirs participatin turer. The talks are open to the adult service, a coffe and fellow- ert Boykin are the leaders. Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the last time. The same evening it Star in the East." Love gift boxes CHURCH OF CHIRST under the direction of Mr. am public. ship hour will be held. Nursery The Church school nursery will church house. 8 o'clock the "Men of St. Clem- will be opened. Circle three will Red Bank Mrs. William C. Wood. The Parish High School of Re- service is. provided for both meet Monday and. Wednesday The Women's Association ent's" will hold their monthly be hostess. The Red Bank and Eatontowi Sunday at 6.30 p.m., the yout ligion for public school students church and fellowship periods. from 9:15-11:30 a.m. The com- Christmas party will be held meeting. Churches of Christ sponsor a 1! seminar classes for high schoo will be conducted in the parisl At 8:30 p.m., Rev. Harold R mission on membership and Thursday, at 8 p.m. in the church Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Sunday, Dec. 16, at 7:30 p.m minute program over WHTG ra students will meet. At 6 p.m. room on Thursday evening at Dean will conclude his series of evangelism will meet Monday at lounge. The program will con- Right Rev. Alfred L. Banyard, the Sr. Hi BYF will present a snack supper will be held for a lectures on the history and con- sist of a talk, accompanied by bishop of New Jersey, will ad- play, "Christmas in Coventry." dio at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday o'clock. The Grammar School 8 p.m. Sunday morning Bible classes a 7-12th graders who participated Confraternity of Christian Doc- tent of The Bible, his subject to The interdenominational pray- slides, given by the Senior West- minister the sacrament of con- Wednesday. Dec. 19, at 7:30 in the Christmas carol candle be: "The Preaching of Paul and minster Fellowship group, cover- firmation. A reception for the p.m., the Sunday School Christ- Red Bank are at 10 a.m. an trine for public grammar school er and study group will meet regular worship is at 11 a.m. an light service and those who at- children will be taught on Satur- the Emergence of Christianity." Tuesday at 10 a.m. Circles A ing their trip to Mexico last sum- bishop and the newly confirmed mas program will feature a play, tended the service. At 8 p.m mer. Mrs. Marian Tatem, music will follow the service. "Why the Chimes Rang," fol- 6:30 p.m. "Christ and Christians' day at 9:30 a.m. in St. James and E of the Woman's Society will be the morning sermon topic, the nominating committee foi Grammar School. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE will have a luncheon meeting at director, will play the piano for Thursday at U a.m., St. Clem- lowed by workshop activities for new church officers will meet i Red Bank the singing of Christmas Carols. trees will be decorated and re- and "Angels" in the evening. 12:30 p.m. in room 112. ent's Guild will meet for the an- Charles Craun will direct con the minister's study. At 8:30 p.m TRINITY EPISCOPAL "God the Only Cause and Cre- The Wesleyan Service Guild Rev. Mr. Scott will conduct the nual luncheon at a restaurant. freshments served. the Geneva-Wesley Fellowshli installation of new officers for gregational singing for all serv Matawan ator" will be the subject of the will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m., The combined choirs will pre- will meet in the Red Bank Metti 1963. ices next week. Robert Mintoi Schedule of services for Sun lesson-sermon Sunday. in Roger Squire Memorial Chap- FAITH REFORMED sent a Christmas program on odist Church. and Kenneth Noland will lea day: 7:45 a.m., matins and Holj Scriptural readings will Include el. Following the devotional pro- Junior Fellowship will sponsor Hazlet Sunday, Dec. 23, at 7 p.m. Carol- these verses from Romans: "O Ing will follow. Christmas eve prayers and read Scripture at thi Today at 2 p.m., Dr. Webstei Communion; 9:30 a.m., famil; gram, the group will adjourn to a Christmas party and dance in The Brotherhood will meet to- Sunday morning service, Miki will address the Belmar Worn Eucharist and church school; the depth of the riches both of room 112 where "Holiday At- the church house next Saturday, night at 8 o'clock. service will be Monday, Dec. 1 the wisdom and knowledge of Muccino and George Sherman a an's Club. At 8 p.m. a "Poinset- a.m., morning prayer and ser- mosphere" will be presented by Dec. 15, from 7:30 to II p.m. Sunday will be Universal Bible at 7 p.m. j God! How unsearchable are his the evening service. Roy Osborn tia Prom" will be held for 7t mon. the Jersey Central Power and Sundav. Sunday school will meet and 8th graders in Westminste: judgments, and his ways past ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC will preside over the Communion Holy Communion will be cele- Light Co. Hostesses will be Bar- REFORMED at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Services will Hall. finding outl , For of him, and Red Bank services, assisted by Glynn Cope, abrated Tuesday at 8 a.m bara Weldon, Doris Smith, Edna ' Colts Neck be at 9:30 and II a.m. Rev. Theo- Jerry Pickering and Roger Kon Monday at 9:30 a.m., the pray Wednesday at 10 a.m. and Frida; through him, and to him, are all Lang, Eleanor McLaughlin and Rev. Samuel La Penta will dore C. Mutter, pastor, will Masses ar« celebrated Sunday whom be glory for drup. er therapy group will meet ti at 6:30 a.m. things: to Gladys Brower. preach on "Special Difficulties in at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 o'clock. preach at 11 a.m. on the subject, The midweek service is at 7:3 the church parlor. At 1:30 p.m. There will be a joint meetin ever." The Bible study group of the "The Servant Speaks." Mrs. Lee the Bible." The sacrament of bap- Confessions are heard Saturdays This correlative citation will be p.m. Thursdays. It is now devoted the workshop for circle leader; of the Junior Young Churchmei married couples' class will meet Tuomenoksa, soprano will sing tism will be administered at 9:30. from 4:30 to 6 p.m., and front among those read from "Science to singing, prayers and Bible of the Women's Association wil! of this church with the Junioi Wednesday at 8 p.m., in room "I Wonder As I Wander." Pilgrim Youth Fellowship will 7:30 to 9 p.m. and Health with Key to the Scrip- classes. meet in the Combs-DeVoe Me Young Churchmen of St. Mary' 211. The commission on steward- Sunday school Is at 9:45. meet Sunday at 6:30 p.m., and Baptims are at 12:30 p.m. tures" by Mary Baker Eddy (p. morial Room. At 8 p.m. th Episcopal Church, Keyport, in St, ship and finance also will meet The Board of Christian educa- Sundays. 275): "All substance, intelligence, Sunday afternoon is the day for HOLY TRINITY EV. LUTHERAN board of trustees will meet in Mary's Church Sunday at 7 p.m. at 8 p.m. the every-member visitation, and tion will meet in the church the Combs-DeVoe Memorial wisdom, being immortality, The Miraculous Medal Novena Red Bank Alcoholics Anonymous will meet Circles B, C and E will have visitation team will call on church Wednesday at 8 p.m. Room. At 8 p.m. there will be cause, and effect belong to God. Is held Mondays at 7:30 p.m. and Confirmation classes will meet Tuesday at 9 p.m. Christmas party Thursday at members from 2 to 6 p.m. a special meeting of the session These are His attributes, the the Perpetual Novena to St An- at 8:45 and 10 a.m. tomorrow The annual meeting of the Al 10 a.m., In room 112. The Method- The Communicants' Class will ST. GEORGE'S BY THE RIVER in the chapel to receive new eternal manifestations of the infi- thony is held Tuesday at 7:30. Services will be at 9:20 am - Guild will be held Wednesda; st Men will observe Ladies' EPISCOPAL members. A social hour in the nite divine Principle, Love." meet on Saturday morning at 9 11 a.m. Sunday, Universal Bib] at R p.m. their dinner meeting Rumson church parlor will follow. Night at o'clock in the church. EMBURY METHODIST Sunday. The sermon topic wil MONMOUTH REFORM Thursday at 7 p.m. In Fellow- The Consistory will meet in the There will be a celebratipn of < Little Silver be "Relevance to the Word." The Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., the dr- BAPTIST TEMPLE ship Hall. church Monday at 8 p.m. Holy Communion Sunday at 8 "First They Gave Themselves" children's choir will sing it the cle devotional leaders of thi New Monmouth Shrewsbury Ministers and families of the Sunday, Dec. 16, at 8 p.m., the a.m. in the chantry. Family serv- will be the sermon topic of Rev. 11 a.m. service. Sunday school Women's Association will • mee: Church Bible school meets Sun Rabbi Richard F. Steinbrink New Brunswick District will have senior choir will present the can- ice and address by the rector, Ralph L. Barrett, pastor, at the will meet at 9:20 a.m. in the church parlor under thi day at 9:30 a.m. Rev. William E, will officiate at Sabbath eve serv- a dinner meeting Friday at 5:30 tata, "Bethlehem." by Maunder. Rev. Canon George A. Robert- 11 a.m. service Sunday. Mrs. The Christmas program of Es leadership of Mr. Ewalt. The Bisgrove will preach at the 10:4 ices tonight at 8:30, Sabbath eve p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The Mrs. Charles Clowes will direct shaw, will be at 9:30 a.m. Morn- Thomas Koenig will be at the ther Circle will be held in th adult Bibte class taught by Dr. a.m. service on "Rejoice Ever- candles will be kindled by Mrs. chancel choir will sing Christmas the choir and Miss Betty Ellis will ing prayer and sermon bv the console. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph church parlors Wednesday at Bush will meet in the church more." Ushers will be James Wil- Morton Koplik. The pulpit flow- carols after the dinner. be organist. rector will be at 11 a.m. Choral Juliano will give the altar flowers 12:30 p.m. parlor at 8 p.m. li, Albert Griggs, Thomas Rob- ers will be arranged by Mr. and The Ministry of Music and Fine evensong will be rendered by; the men's and boys' choir at 4 p.m. In memory of their daughter, Su- The church council will meel Wednesday at 9:30 a.m., the erts and Sterling Rauscher. At Mrs. Morton Koplik in memory Arts will present two traditional CALVARY BAPTIST san Jill. Karl Jocobi will be the the 7:45 p.m. service the pastor in the parish house Thursday al Sara Circle (Mrs. William of Mrs. Koplik's sisters, Ruth and candlelight carol services Sun- Oceanport Robert D. McKee will play a head usher. Other ushers will be will preach on "So Run That Ye 8 p.m. Florence-Mrs. Hector Evans) ol Stella Shapiro. Mrs. Richard F. day, Dec. 1$, at 4:30 and 7 p.m., "The Secret of Success" will be recital on the Mary Owen Borden Terry Taebel and Oliver John- May Attain." The young peopl the Woman's Association will Steinbrink has also donated to the with five choirs participating. the sermon topic of Rev. Paul memorial carillon at 10:30 a.m. gon. William Henderson, presi will have charge of the music. NEW APOSTOLIC meet in the home of Mrs. Har- flower fund in observance of fam- The sacrament of baptism for Smith at the 11 a.m. service Sun- dent of the Senior Youth Fellow- ris Hopkins, 140 Hartshorn Rd., Red Bank There will be Oie joint Christ- ily birthdays during December. children and infants will be ad- day. Following the serving of Navesink ship will read a statement by Locust. At 10 a.m. the praye Sunday school will meet at 8:45 mas party of the M.E.S. Guili Rabbi Steinbrink will preach a ministered Sunday, Dec. 16, at Communion new members will be METHODIST Albert P. Shirkey, "The Meaning and study group will me,eet in and the Amico Bible class Tues- a.m. Rev. Walter Young of the sermon' entitled, "The Adequacy the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services. received into the church. Rev. Richard I. Hoye will bring of Christmas." Workers for the the chapel. At 8 p.m. the praye day at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Fair Lawn congregation will con- of Judaism—Need Jews become Parents are asked to inform the Sunday school meets at 9:45 the message at the 9:30 a.m. Sun- every-member visitation will be therapyegroup will meet in thi Hall. It will be a covered dish duct the 10 a,ra. service. Unitarians and members of Ethi- office of their intention to have a.m. day worship service. Sunday commissioned. church parlor. At 8 p.m. the supper followed by a Christma Midweek service Wednesday a cal Culture?" Aaron Hoffman children baptized, and to meet school, with classes for all ages, hristian education personnel re- program. The social committee Youth groups for grades four Sunday school will meet at 8 p.m. will be conducted by the will assist at the Torah reading. with the minister Friday night through high school meet at 6:30 meets at 10:45 a.m. A nurscty 9:30 a.m. rector, Rev. Werner A. Schneider cruitment committee will meet. of the two groups are in chargi The house arrangements chair- li provided at the morning wor- of arrangements. preceding at 8 o'clock. p.m. Workers in the erery-member Dr. Webster will be the gues man for this evening will be Al- Reception of members is sched- The evening service is at 7:30. ship service. Midweek service of prayer is visitation program will meet with ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC preacher at the Monmouth Re bert Goldstein. uled for Sunday, Dec. 23, at 9:30 There will be a special choir Chester W. Hendrlcks, Jr., is the chairman, Lewis Lowry, in at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Keansburg form Temple, Shrewsbury, Fri An oneg shabbat will follow and 11 a.m. Those planning to rehearsal on Wednesday at 8 p.m. organist. The Senior Choir re- the church hall Sunday at 2 p.m. Thursday, the Sky Pilots meet Sunday Masses willrrbe at 7 day, Dec. 14, at 8:30 p.m. services and the hostesses wHI be join the church will meet with for preparation of the Christmas hearses Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. The Senior High Youth Fellow- at 7 p.m., and the young people 8, 9, 10, II and noon. Mrs. Evan Herbert, Mrs. Frank the minister Sunday evening Dec. cantata. The Pastor's Choir rehearses ship will meet in the church at KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN at 7:30. Dally Masses will be celebrated imith, Mrs. Maurice Cohen and 16, at 8:30 immediately following Prayer meeting is on Thursday Sundays at 6 p.m. 5:30 p.m. to travel to Calvary Middletawn Friday, the Bykota will meel at 7 and 8 a.m. except on firs Mrs. Theodore West. the candlelight carol service. at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Bi- Presbyterian Church, Florham Fridays when hours will be at Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m after school. Sunday, Religious school class- ble Study course at 8 p.m. Park, for a special music pro- 6:30 and 8 a.m. >unday services are at 8:15 and es will begin at 11:15 a.m. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL The winter festival, an all- gram. On Holy Days, Masses will be 10.45 a.m. Rev. C. Roger Bur BAPTIST Monday, the Sisterhood will be Morganville church social, will begin tomor- The official board, will meet offered at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 kins, pastor. , Leonardo 1 host to the Sisterhoods of Con- Highlands row at 6 p.m. with a covered dish the pastor's home Monday at 8:15 a.m. and at 7.30 p.m. No chil Sunday at 3 p.m., the United Church school will meet at 9:45 gregation Bnai Israel and Con- METHODIST supper. p.m. dren are permitted at evening Lutheran Woman of the church a.m. Sunday. At the 11" a.m. gregation Beth Sholom at I p.m. Sunday worship service fs at 9 owcan Rev. Barrett will read the Mass. will have their silver tea. Mrs service, Rev. William Carr will in the social hall. Rabbi Stein- H a.m. Sunday school meets at 10 ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL Christmas story from the Gospel Confessions will be heard Sat- William E. Cox will be the guest preach on the topic, "The Ever- irlnk will speak on the subject, Holy Communion will be cele- Little Silver of Luke at the community tree urdays, first Thursdays, and on speaker and there will be a hymn lasting Word," and dedication of "Is Our Jewish Community Myo- brated Sunday at 8 a.m. On the Second Sunday in Ad- lighting ceremony at- Prospsct the eves of Holy Days, from sing. Sunday at 7 p.m., Rev. Mr. tithes and pledges will be held I overcome jlc?" , There will be a family service vent services will be as follows. Ave. and Church St. Wednesday 3:30 to 5 p.m. and from 7:30 to Burkins will meet with those who At the 7:30 p.m. service, the ser- Hebrew classes will begin Mon- each Sunday at 10 a.m. Children 8 a.m.. Holy Communion; 8:45, at 7 p.m. Evening prayers will 8:30 p.m. are uniting Sunday with King of mon topic will be "Naboth's Vine lav at 4:15 p.m. will come to this service with Sunday school for grades 6 - 9; be offered by Rev. A. A. Atten Baptisms will be administered Kings. yard." The Temple Board Trustees will parents and leave for their Sun 9:30, children's church for the false borough of St. John's Episcopal every Sunday at 1 p.m. Arrange- The weekday Church schoo Senior Baptist Youth Fellow- meet Thursday 4 8:30 p.m. day school classes after the pre-primary department in the Church. ments should be made a week will meet Tuesday at 4:45 p.m ship will meet Sunday at 6:30 Creed. At the family service Holy old parish house and for grades The Junior High Youth Fellow- in advance of the baptism. The church council will meet p.m. The monthly hymn sing will CENTRAL BAPTIST Communion will be celebrated on 1 - 3 In the new parish house. ship will have a gym swimming Rev. Edward A. Corrigan i Tuesday at 8 p.m. The workers' be at 9 p.m. in the church. Atlantic Highlands appetites? first and third Sundays, and the The rector, Rev. Dr. A. Allen party tomorrow in the Asbury pastor and Rev. Stanley J. conference will meet Thursday Baptist Youth Fellowship The Morning Worship Hours is second, fourth and fifth Sundays. Attenborough, will conduct the Park YMCA. Bob Cristadoro, Levandoski and Rev. Frederick at 8 p.m. Kings Kouples will mee groups will go roller skating Mon- it 11 a.m. with a message by family service of morning pray> President, will be in charge. Re- A. Valentino are assistants. Friday at 8:15, and will receive There will be a celebrated on day at 7 p.m. !he Rev. Mr. Kraft and selections er and preach the sermon In the freshments will be served in the broken toys which they will fix Grace Hatch Circle will meet v the Senior Choir. Holy Communion Wednesday at THE TRUTH church hall afterward. for needy children. 7 a,m. Holy day services will be church at 9:30. At 11 o'clock the LUTHER MEMORIAL in the home of Miss Inez Leon Pilgrims, Pioneers, Ambassa- service will also be morning Plans are being completed for New Shrewsbury ard Tuesday at 8 p.m. officiate at Morning Prayer on IN THIS ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL lors and Baptist Youth Fellow- prayer and sermon. the Christmas musicale Sunday vicar, Rev. Donald MacLeod, will Universal Bible Sunday will bi Navesink Midweek prayer and Bible ship Groups will meet at 6:30 CREATBOOK afternoon, Dec. 16, at 3:30. Mrs. announced. The finance committee will observed at the 10:45 a.m. service Services for the second Sundaj study will be Wednesday at p.m. followed by the 7:30 p.m. Thomas Koening will be at the meet in the parish house Wednes- Sunday. The topic of the sermon in Advent will be: 8:30 a.m. Evening Worship Hour. "The FRIENDS MEETING CAN RELEASE YOU ! console and will direct the choirs. day at 8:15 p.m. by the Rev. Daniel D. Reinhelme Holy"Communion; 9:30 a.m., fam- Praise Him" Band will play. Shrewsbury Miss Vivian Florian, concert pi BIBLE BAPTIST is "We Have Hope." ily service with Holy Communion, The Ladies' Aid Society will The Religious < Society of - You can be freed from any anist, will offer several selections. Hazlet The Walther League will meel Church school, nursery through hold a Christmas party Thursday Friends, (Quakers,) meets every false appetite if you will turn Mrs. Philip Thomas, chairman o: Rev. Russell E. Ebersole, Jr. St. George's by the River at 7 p.m. in the home of Mis sixth grade; 11 a.m., morning it 12:30 p.m.. and the Begin- Flrstday, (Sunday,) at 11 a.m. with a receptive, unpreju- the local church activities com will preach at the 11 a.m. service Arlene Herman. At 7:30, the cot- prayer and sermon by the rec- iers' Class will gather at 3 p.m. Flrstday school for religious ed- Waterman Ave. Rumson | diced thought to tlie truth mittee of the Woman's Society of tage meeting Bible class will on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Eber- tor their practice tor. Rev, Harry R. Sorensen. sole are missionaries with the As- and annual ucation of children meets at 10:30 contained in this great book, Christian Service, will be In meet in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Christmas pary. a.m" All are welcome. oharge of refreshments for the John McLcaren. The young people's confirma sociation ol Baptists for World The Reverend Canon Science and Health with Key tion class meets in the parish Evnagellsm; and are home on fellowship hour following the pro- Monday at 8 p.m. the voters George A. Robcrtshaw to the Scriptures by Mary house Saturdays at 1 p.m. The furlough with their children from gram. will hold a special meeting to dis- Baker Eddy. acolytes' training class meets in their field of service in the Phil- THE RED BANK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rector cuss and adopt the 1963 budget. church at 11 a.m. ippines. They are living current- Harding Road Atop Towar Hill WESTMINSTER 8:00 A. M.—Holy Communion j Wednesday, the congregation ly In Bloomfleld. Vou may read or borrow PRESBYTERIAN will Rather in the Tlnton Fall EMMANUEL~BAPTIST 9:30 A. M.—Morning Service Science and Health free of Middletown School at 7:45 p.m. for an Bible School meets at 9:45 a.m REV. CHARLES S. WEBSTER, D; D., Minister Atlantic Highlands Rev. : Mr. Ebersole will speak and Address' dwrge at any Christian Sci- The sacrament of Holy Com- Advent service. The pastor. Rev. Howard M, REV. JAMES L. EWALT, Associate Minister Church School munion will be observed Sunday about his work In the Philippines. ence Reading Room. The Ervln, will preach at the 11 a.m REV. SARGENT BUSH, D. D., Minister of Visitation 11:00 A. M.-Morning Service | at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. New mem- CHRIST EPISCOPAL Evening service will be at " book can be purchased in red, service Sunday. Special speaker o'clock. CHARLES E. AUTENRIETH, M. C. E., and Sermon bers will be received. The topic Middletown at the evening service at 7:30 will jrcen, or blue binding at $S Bible study and prayer hour on of Rev. Harlan C. Durfee's ser- Sunday there will be a celebra- be Rev. Edward L. Frederick Minister of Christian Education 4:00 P. M.-Choral Evensong I «nd will be »cnt postpaid on Wednesday Is at 8 p.m. mon will be "Worship on the tion of Holy Communion at 8 a.m general director of Internationa WILLIAM C. WOOD, M. A., Minister of Music Men's and Boys' Choir receipt of check or monty Wrong Mountain," a message at The family service will begin at Missions, who has Just returned PRESBYTERiAN Carillon Recital 10:30 A.M. order. tempting to illustrate right and 9:30 a.m., followed by classes for rom a tour of various fields of Eatontown SUNDAY, DEC. 9—9:15 and II A.'M. wrong pathways Christians often church school pupils and a dis- he mission. Morning service will be at 11 Sunday Afternoons take In order to worship God. Sermon by Dr. Webster: cussion group for the adults. The Sunday school is at 9:45 a.m. I'clock Sunday. Rev. Robert W. Church school will meet at 9:15 During Advent rector will officiate at morning tonight wilfbe the Night of Pray- Reed will give the sermon. "Why Do W. B.li.vain th. Bible?" Christian Science «.m. and Junior High nnd Senior December 9 prayer at lla .m. and will preach. er, beginning at 10 p.m. ' High United Presbyterian Youth The United Presbyterian Youlh Choral Evensong Monday evening at 8 there will The Royal Ambassadors will ******************** BEADING groups will meet at 7 p.m. will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. The December 16 Do a vestry meeting in Leeds meet in the church Tuesday at Junior United Presbyterian Youth 4:30 P. M.—Traditional Christmas Carol Candlelight Service | Advent Procession with Carols ROOM The afternoon circle of tlie Hull. 10 a.m. Their meeting will be [roup will hold the second Ad- Crusader, Boys', Girls' and Westminster Fellow* December 23 Bf. U[f. Ptt, Of. Women's Association will meet Thursday morning at 10 there 'ollowed by a kitchpn nhower, and /enl swvlca »t 8 p.m. Their pro- ship Choirj-200 vqice»-p«rtlclpating. Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the home will be a celebration of Hnly covered-dish luncheon. gram will Include the history of Festival of Nine Lessons of Mrs. Martha Heinslm, 33 Blue Communion with prayers for the Midweek prayer service Is on some of the favorite caroli In 209 BROAD ST. Jay Ct., Middletown. Tht public 11 cordially invited Ick. Wednesday at 8 p.m. song and story. you are invited Also Friday Eve. 7:30-9:30 Mon. thru Sat. 12-4:30 . I PRESBYTERIAN TRINITY EPISCOPAL RED BANK REGISTER Friday, December 7, 1962-13 Rumson Red Bank Religious News On the second Sunday in Ad- The Holy Eacharist will be «ie- Bridge Column is a iaeafcer of the GrinnelJ ym-b* ma. #4. * IM. *u*l*y. Holy Dimond {layers, a*d i» «*aat«ry **A I* and *uro» #*»!»• \ttifcert r the Wast InCarnwid conduct services Sunday at 11: Us series el ssmoBfron "A Visi- tor, Rev: Canon Charles H. Best, to Keep the opponents ers. He is a U» gr«0 Sunday. Sunday school will meet Sunday school entertainment to Frank Levy will recite the candle li PrUcUla Drive, HAMMOND ORGAN lincrort, if. I., at »:30 a.ra. be held Sunday, Dec. 23. Messing. The floral arrangemen Admlnletratrli STUDIO OF ASBVRY PARK Weekly prayer service is held Edward Farry.-Jr. Ziq., Card party on Wednesday from for the pulpit will be donated by 21 Weet Front St., Cottanaa Aw. and Mala St Wednesday at S p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Frank Levy in memory of Keyport. N. J., Attorney. OSM paii/ tu t FJU. The third quarterly conferencfi Services of the Soldiers of her mother. An oneg shabbot wil Nor. 1«. 23, 56. Dec 7 127.60 ••Infer tu SJt l".M. will be held Friday, Dec. 14, t*Christ Youth Fellowship Sunday follow the service. •T.O.B, factory «ne% BKra at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath morning services are NOTICE Or BETTTXMENr at 9:15 for the junior congrega- or ACCOUNT ESTATE OP NELL UUTOAN BAK- EPISCOPAL CHURCH tion. Senior services will begin ER, DECEASED Notice Is hereby given Out ma *e- OF THE HOLY COMMUNION at 10 o'clock. Cantor Scharff counta of the aabaerlber, Zxeeuirlx ot Fair Haven will chant the service. A kiddush the estate of aald Deceased will be sudtled and etated by the Surrocata Holy Communion will be cele- will follow the service., of the Grant? of Honmoath and re- ported for ntllemcnt i to The Von- brated at 8 o'clock and at the Rabbi Rosenthal will deliver mouth Conntr Court, Probate Division, 9;30 family service Sunday. This die sermonette on the CBS TVon Friday, the Eleventh day of Jan- uary A. D., 1963, at 9:30 o'clock a.m., Sunday being Bible Sunday, program, "Give us This Day" atat the County Court Boiue, Monument discerning when you read there will be a.display of Bi- and Court Streets. Freehold, New Jer- 7:20 a.m. and at the close of sey, at which time Application will be HUFFMAN JJ BOYLE bles in different tongues at the the television day. made for the allowance of Commit slons and Counsel feet. The New York Times coffee hour. The 11 o'clock serv- Sunday morning services will Dated November 23rd, A.D. 1062. ice wjU be morning prayer, lit- be at 9:15, followed by a class MIGNON LANQAN SAVNDERS, FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM S Cuater Street*. any and sermon. hi Jewish law. Farmlnedale, N. J. Executrix. The parish council'will meet Sunday eveing. the Men's Club Louli E. Malnardf, Esq., Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontotmr-Uberty 2-1010 Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Counaellor at Law, will hold the first program in its 23 Hamilton Street, ia the parish bouse. cultural series at 8.30. The guest Pataraon, (1), N. J. speaker will be Rabbi Israel Nov. 30. Dec. T, It 21 S27.M Dresner of Springfield, N. J., who MOUCE NOTICE IB HEREBY' OIVEN that was a freedom rider In Albany, the following ordinance waa Introduced Ga. He will discuss, "Judaism and paued first retdlDC at the meet- ing of the Mayor and < Council, No- and the Freedom Movement In Tember IS, 1962, ana was laid over for MEN'S a aecond and final paftags at a meet- America." ing of the Mayor and Council of ths The Hebrew High School class lorough of LHUe silver to be held Vonday evening. December 17th, 1MB, meets on Monday at 4:50 with at, the Borough Hill at 1:00 p.m. at OUTERWEAR Eli Orgel. The Bnai Israel Tween- which time a public hearing wilt be held upon tbe lame and all persons ers will meet Monday at 7 p.m.will be given an opportunity to be heard. Th pre-USY group will meet FRED L. AYERS, COATS Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. post bar Borough clerk. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING mitzvah classes will meet Thurs- THE COST Of THB ACOtWBrnON day afternoon at 3:45 and 4:50. Of RIOHT-OF-WAY ALONO PROS- PECT AVENUE AT AND HEAR ITS Thursday evening, the adult INTERSECTION WITH RUHSON ROAD FOR THE WIDENING OF class will meet at 7:45, with Mr. PROSPECT AVENUE IN ORDER TO SALE INSTALL TRAPPIO UHOMJ OUT Orgel and at 8:45 with Rabbi OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Rosenthal, who -will lecture on FUND. "The Peaks of Jewish Rational- BE IT ORDAINED, by lie Mayor and Councl of the Borough of Little ism." Daily evening services are Sliver In ths County of MounouUi: SECTION 1. Thai there Is Hereby 19.99 at 7:30. jpproprlsted from the Capital Improve- ment Fund of the Borough of Little Silver a sum not to exceed tt.0M.QO formerly MU» to 31.50 BAPTIST In order to finance the purch&ae of right-of-way from eight property owners , Middletown on Prospect Avenue at and near Ita Rev. John E. Bates will preach Intersection with Rumson Road lor the v purpose of widening said Proipect Ave. Gnat savings on a on the topic, The Advent of nue In order to Install a traffic sig- Jesus" at the 10:50 Sunday Morn- nal at ths Intersection of Rumeoa, Road and Prospect Avenue, said cost'to In- grand group of Ing service. Mrs. George Hart- clude i engineering and legal faes In mann, organist, will direct the eotmecUon with said purchase. SECTION % Thtf ordnance shall • styles in lengths senior choir. Soloist will be Mrs.take effeot Immediately upon Its pas- Erwing Kenrer. , sage, publication ud approval accord- ng to UwV ;' favored for warmlh Robert Deaney and Thomas Jeo. T »12.« Van Scholck will serve as ushers. :' And versatility. Mrs. Theodore Hynson and Miss Sample The Times tomorrow morning. See for yourself why Mary Border will serve on the so many distinguished, discriminating peopie demand The Times Current colon. Wool greeting committee. Flowers wiH be placed by Mr. at their doorstep each day. blends, synthetics, and Mrs. William Jakes. Church school will meet at 9:30 You'll discover a clear, sparkling style of writing that gives you )nany tip-pile lined. a.m. Rehearsals will be held for a 360" view of the news. On every subject, you'll enjoy the Christmas pageant which will the quote-worthy reporting of one of the wdrld's great news staffs. Men's shop. be given Sunday, Dec. 23. Mrs, Earl Kunes was received On every page, you'll find colorful, perceptive writing that will Sorry, no mail or into the fellowship of the church add flavor to your conversation, multiply your admirers. Sunday by the pastor and the phone orders. Board of Deacons. Starting tomorrow, take The New York Times. It's a most discerning The pastor's study course will meet on Thursday, Dec. 13, at way to put yourself 6n the Insight track. Phone SHadySlde 7-4292 8 pm. In the study. . - to arrange for home delivery. ' The Christinas parly will be held Friday,- Dec. 21, at 8,45 p.m.. In Fellowship Hall. Today's most interesting people read Members of the Junior choir George C. Koeppel FRANKLIN w4H go oaroHng Friday, Dec. 21, i ' (fc SON I under the leadership of Mrs. Er- MOMMOUTH SHOmNO CINiW, lorontowa • Opt* M. md Sot. 'HI 9s3B wing Kehrer, fao—l j THE DIEW YORK TIMES EXCITING 4-DAY SALE On The

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SECTION TWO FRIDAY, DECEMBER t 1962 JcJKERiCQfBV New Jersey A Penetrating Analysis: 21 Years By The Associated Prefi By JAMES MARLOW chasms between rich and poor there witt Be neW Associated Prea New* Analyst around the world, intolerance, dreamed of now. NEWARK — John M. Fasoll ha* been left with a permanent WASHINGTON - What's, even new nationalisms. There are signs hi "Wetter* Eu- of .Bound Brook was elected stiff neck. At Che time, of the changed since Pearl Harbor, 21 The old:: colonial powers, rope, the product, of need, that president of the New Jersey Tax accident he was a gtteat attend- years ago today, the length of stretched on the rack of poverty, nations .may .be .beginning >to payers Association ye*terd(ky. He ing a picnic sponsored by the time In which a human being Is had to disgorge their possessions' work together in order to live wu elected by the association's Banker* National life Co. of supposed to come to maturity? In Asia and Africa. And now a little longer. But rth)s il>sti)l Board of Directors meeting at Montdalr. ' In those Jl years nun has hadhundred* of millions of people only in its formative slag?-.. die Robert Treat Hotel. Fasoli, tame moments ot isolated splen have freedom, the first U. S. The examples come b> mind Senate Youth, program. Among easily enough: ' the names. announced yester- War in Korea, China,. India, day were Cathy Palencaar of Bell Workers Aid Santa Viet Nam, Laos, North Africa, Appearance Treaten, who, attends VlOa the Bntish-French-Israell inva- VlitorU Aea'demy, aid Daniel HOLWKEL — Employees Of miniature circus built by John Public Health Association, West ion of Egypt, the assassinations "WEST LONG BRANCH — A BN6S AltMY CAREER —Chief Warrant Of««i?HowUd' Sbellhorn of SergeanUvMe, who Bell Laboratories Research Mackay, chief draftsman at the Side Community Center, Fam- in Algeria, revolutions in Asia petition signed by 34' residents attends Huaterdon Central HJgh Center here have ; donated 260 engineering information' center ily and Children's service, and Latin America, the slaughter F. Patchett, right, 31 DeNormandy Ave., Fair Hav«,n, urgiogiome action be taken by School, m Flemlngton. The dolls and other toys to 15 at the labs here. Freehold Nursing Service, and In the Congo, Moslem-Hindu receives the Certificate of Achievement upOrvhis ratir*-. the New Jersey Central Power student* from, aB the, state* county charities for. distribu- the Public Health Nursing As- bloodbaths, the American-Rus- ft Light Company to improve the The toys and dolls will be ment from Brig. Gen. John C. Monahan, commandirfg and th« DWrlct of Columbia tion to needy children. sociation of Rumson, Sea sian missile crisis In Cuba. appearance of it* plant: on Won- given to the following • chari- will tome here — Jan. It to Bright and Fair Haven. 1b us; involved in the dail general, U. S. Army Signal Center and School, Fort'Mem- mouth Rd. was read to Borough The donation of the Christmas ties. Feb. 2 - for a week of observ- Mrs. Edwin Watkinson was doings, this may have seeme' mouth. Patehett was commended for his xarvio>during . Council last night - ing government operations. toy? for . needy children has Monmouth County Organiza- chairman of the. toy and doll I like a time of motion the last four years while assigned to-the SignaliCantir The residents' contend (fiat the They will spend a day In the b«e? a custom for many; year* tion for Social Service, Collier committee. She was assisted at other Bell Laboratories la- But historians, looking back plant' his decreased the proper- efftcesroftbelif senators, at- School, New Jersey State Hos- by Mrs.; Alien S. COnkilin, Mr*. and School. Ha entered tha Army HjSaptembar, cjliUes. 500 years from now, may con ty value of the neighborhood. tend Senate searioin* and com- pistal, United Cerebral Palsy, Richard Carrasco, Mrs. Van clude the only real change i -A typical reaction was that of mittee beartap, a«d meet wHh Employees of the center.here: i Tiiberculfttfl .Preyentorium for : Greene, John Petrtcca, How- man's dealing?with man was John Williams, 15 Bell Dr., one government official*, recently attended a "Toylown Children, Long Branch Public' ard L. Mueller, Mrs Mary his dwedvery of how better t Of the ilgners of the petition. Carnival" at which all the Health' Nursing Association, Masson, Miss Catherine Fin- make war worse. "Tftey have ruined the land dolls and toys were on dis- Inc., Atlantic Highlands Public nerty, Mis* Julie Brocklebank Hughes Appeal World. War II produced rocket! tqapt of the area; by park' GLENROCK—Thewjtersupply play. Also on display wi Health • Association, Matawan and Mis* Elaine Ptcherer, and atomic bombs AH man hai Ins large trucks and utility poles was » to do- tften wys learn how to ai men trees and grass formerly ,._ aScuastte, soapy w~,.-| , . xt' «fs£d. Particularly bothewtte tach the bombs to the rockets taste for two boura yesterday. f(l I TY| TQ Kg He learned easily and made all Rejected Again aft the large lights which.,burn t g g , But no^iu &fedsito' consumers' - ***"• *v *?V- Second Memt^er Hitsprevious wars look oM-fasMoned alIlI nightih , andd thh e continuei d noisi e and humane. ATLANTIC CITY more the- number of na- Hughes said' Sandman .called the light add cut off the view, spokesman said tfiiii u»*s_»-fed second member in good standing forthcoming Monmouth Regional reassemble and pass, stronger ing of the film, "The Peace tions with the bomb, the less theproposals ''hasty, Iegislaton:" and perhaps plant trees to shut an' overdose of cqrrQsion , con- of. the New Shrewsbury Tax- High School referendum. 1 traffic legislation before tfie holi- everybody * life-expectancy —It eOt the commercial aspect'Ibat trol chemical into a system sup- Corpsy* Thursday,!Pec, 13, in payers Association has joined Don E. Schondel, 54 River- day season sets. in. "I won't force the Senate didn't deter him. a moment. back," the governor said, "bqt tys grown up In the past few plying water to some 500 home*. the R«' Bank High School caf- Harry E. Westlake, Jr., in op- dale Ave. told The Register fast : Hughes was notified of Sand- the tragedies that, will occur .on months." ' •••->: eteria, v - • night that he completely agreed He went on making bigger man's rejection while touring the our highways will have to b* on Mayor 'Fred W." Schantz said NEWARK —-M*gn. Jehn Following the Showing, Doug- with Mr. Westlake's stand -as bombs as if hypnotized by fright into thinking that if he frightened Federal Aviation Agency's Re- the conscience o( Sen. (Sand- that! council and the utility com- J. Dougherty $ni Joseph A. las Keliey, community relations reported in Wednesday's Register. Delay Verdict himsetf enough he'd become too search and Development Center man." , ; .-•• pany could possibly agree on CosteUo wUJ. be consecrated director for the Peace Corp*, "I was shocked indeed when frightened to use what frightened near here yesterday. some solution when the petition as auxiliary bishop* of the will speak. I read the association stand on Hughes was Informed minutes him. The governor had sent- a tele- is received by the company. Archdiocese of Newark at a The special program is open to In Traffic the matter," Mr. Schondel said. earlier of a statement by Said- To future generations, If there joint ceremony Jan. U fa the public. . The Taxpayers' Association gram tojthe Senate's leaders ask- man supporting a Republican for are any, this may look like sim- Sacred Heart Cathedral, tt was "This public meeting is' part came out,. in a statement to -the ing them.to hold a session Mon- appointment to the Delaware Riv- Death Cases ple jungle witchcraft, especially announced .yesterday. of a Red Bank Jaycee program press and later in a flyer dis- er and bay authority. ' • Elect Marass since man is now so deep in hit to serve community and coun- trlbuted throughout the borough, * Sandman' wants, .Lelan'd Stan- MIDDLETOWN — Acting Mag- own atomic trance he has been try by assisting the recruiting h strong opposition to passage ford, Cape May, Cpunty Civil T)e- ELIZABETH — Two pairs of istrate Irving B. Zdchner unable to come out of it. Tax Plan Fire Gjief and overseas work of the Corps," served decision yesterday of a referendum Dec. 11, author- fense director,! as the county'* dark glatse*, a 32-caliber re- izing a $1,790,000 bond; issue to But to mankind today it all representative on the authority. volver, $2^869 In loose bills, and Larry White,. president of the charges of causing death by 'Jaycee*'here; said. auto lodged against drivers of a finance an addition to Monmouth seems so- normal and practical Set Forth Already angry,', because.'the yague descriptions of a geuway he is pouring into bombs tie In Rumson "Besides sponsoring this meet truck and car which collided on Regional High School. Senate had rejected his nomina- car--these are the clues with hopes he .never • use* vast- re- AtXAOTTC- CtlY. (AP) *-; The RUMSON - Robert Marass of ing, chapter members are work- Rt. 35 Nov. 21. tion of Demoqfat: Carlton- Mason which police, hope to track down Called Improper* sources and • treasure which, New Jersey State 'Grange urged jug with Peace Corps volunteers A passenger in the car, George Mr. Westlake later made 1 to the post, Hughes shot back" at employed for ihe good of man , yesterday; that actual 'farm land, : MI a number of projects provid- the majority leader, "as long as tempt to rob a bank. One of the K. Amodio, 16, " of Main St., public a strong statement calling kind, could: make "life better and be. assessed for tax purposes, ac- Company were named borough ng heh>^here\. needed." I ' aqf; governor, I'm going to trio apparently was shot In ihe Keansburg, died of injuries 're* the association's action "an im- richer. cording to its' ability to produce chief and assistant chief for 1963 . Peace Corps staff members ceived in the accident. proper action . . .and a .mis- make the appointments." stomach and area physicians and Historians may decide World crops. v-...... in Fire Department balloting last emphasize that'there are over- Driver of the car was Stephen statement of fact." Both house* of the Legislature hospitals were alerted in case War II didn't change things : A resolution adopted by some dght and Wednesday. seas opportunities for volunteers Peterson, 17, of 20 Clarence Ave., Last night Mr. Schondel said adjourned Monday to Jan.: 8, the man should seek treatment basically but only rearranged 200 delegates at the 90th annual .' Mr. Marass, this year's assist- in dozens of skill categories, and Elberon. Edward Shewmake, 34, he felt the matter should have 1963, but Hughes said the As- The attempted robbery occurred them in a way just as,grisly. convention . of the Grange also ant chief, will replace Chief- Al- that all,U .S. citizens, IS years of 54 Johnson Ave., Newark, was come to a vote of the member- sembly'*' Democratic leaders Wednesday at the Bayway By eliminating nazlsm-fascism asked an end to the practice of fred West Jan. 1. of age or older are eligible. A operator of the truck. Both ship before their statement on had agreed to meet earlier to Branph of the National State as a third and ambitious"world valuing farm land along im- The Rumson company, which Elizabeth. Two gunmen college education is not required. drivers are under J3.50O bail the matter. act on the bills. Bank of Farmers, construction, workers, force, it quickened the inevita- proved highways at a higher val- held elections' hut night, re- •ntered the bank- and one went pending'a decision on the "The function of the Taxpayers' mechanics,' coaches and others ble confrontation between the ue than other land. Purpose of Measures elected Frank Hiltbrunner, presi- from teller to teller collecting charges.' Association, as.I understand it, with practical skills are especial- western and Communist concept The resolution on farm land Hughes sent telegrams to Sand- dent; Lynn Farnham, vice presi- $52,000 In a satchel. Their plans The car was hit by the truck is to provide valid information ly needed. There are also op- of life and progress. assessments was one of several man, Senate President Frank S. dent; James Wagner, secretary, went. awry, however, because as it was making a left turn off not to take stands saying that portunities In countries through- Intensified Problem adopted by the 15.000-member Farley, R-Atlantic, and Senate and William Smith, treasurer. Robert Dischler, 24, of Hillside the highway at Oak HiH Rd. Po- such an important step as this out Asia, Africa and Latin Amer- v The war didn't lessen this organization concerning taxes. Minority Leader Joseph W.'Cdw- ; Oceanic volunteers, who voted had Just deposited $1,600 in re- lice said the oar was traveling is right or wrong," Mr. Schondel ica for teachers, nurses and problem. It intensified it. For One resolution asked that pay- gill, D-Camden, asking that the Wednesday night, selected Ar- north while the truck was going maintained. ceipts from his service station doctors, engineers, social workers communism, which was limited ment by the state for parks and Senate return. '• . •; thur Pauels., president; Edward Dischler wasn't about to let the south. and many others. "Many.people here have not to Russia and felt held within recreation land in lieu of taxes Hughes had just completed a Sherman, vice president; Frank ; thugs take his money. He Two Leonardo residents drew lived in an area where there have its borders, expanded jubilantly be at least 25 per cent of the news conference here when - he Baigent, secretary; Mlllard wrested the gun from the man Volunteers serve for two years, fines on • disorderly conduct been double sessions for any after the war In .Europe arid current tax rate of the munici- was informed by his office in Aumack, treasurer; Hyatt Gun- collecting the money and :«hot including an. intial ..period of charge* stemming froni a neigh- length of time," he continued. Asia. J '•.'. pality where the property Is lo- Trenton that Sandman had?said njngham, assistant secretary; him; apparently In the stomach. about four months' training. • All borhood dispute' of Nov. 8. "I have," he.said... "Ani.-for As part of the rearrangements cated William Murphy, captain; -Ken-The man fell, dropping the mon their expenses are paid, and a that reason I do not wish to Arthur Wekner; 52 Washington of World War II, old enemies Another, looking toward. the The safety measures would re- neth Maran, first lieutenant, and ey. The second bandit started termination allowance of $75 a see them over an extended period Avei, received a $25 fine which became new allies, old allies be- adoption of a broad based tax, quire suspected drunien drivers William Walker, second lleuten- shooting but Dischler returned month is paid when they leave here, as a ^result of a defeat of was' suspended. came new enemies. asked mat a fixed percentage of to take chemical breath tests and ant. the tire and the robber fled. the Corpi. ' :' .. Thomas Greed, 45 Washington the referendum." The deep roots of ancient such a tax be returned to the would permit license .suspensions Ave., was fined $35 and his wife; Cite* Experience agonies remain as fresh as ever. municipality of its origin for use for near-drunk drivers Jwhojeaii- Mrs. CWre Greed, (50. "Wheri I lived in Messina, Racial and religious hate, na- there to reduce or hold down lot be penalized under present - Police said charges were filed N. Y., they found it necessary tional cupidities, enormous property taxes. aw. ; .' ' • •': : V--..' after the trio became involved there to go. on double session in a fight on the street near the for four straight years. The net Welmer home. result was among other thing .Patrick MAson, Asbuty Park an increase of about 56 per ceit attorney,'represented Mr. Weim- of juvenile crime in the 14 to er, while Patrick J. McGann, 17 age group. This was attnb Llncroft represented the Greeds. uted by local authorities direct Donald Sefdk, 45 Garnsey PI., ly to the double seisioqi." Belford, was fined $50 for taking "I do not wish fo see a situi a hubcap oft a car parked at tlon of that kind repeated here the Harmony Bowl parking lot Mr.. Schondel said. Nov. 22. Detective Sgt, Robert Letts made the arrest. , Elsie's Sub Shop For tasty Submarine Sand wlche*. Open Sundays 3 to B Weekdays 10 to 8; 39. Phone Seek Pay Hikes order* made ready. SH 1-9857. 74 " NEW BRUNSWICK (AP)-th« Monmouth St. (Next to Bilow's). N. J. State Pollcet'Fraternal As- —Adv. soclmion is seeking a $1,500 an- nual across-the-board pay raise. . 1N2 CadUlac Coupe The base pay of troopers now Maize with matching interior. Is $4,309 a year with a maxi- Full power, Only 7000 miles. mum of $5,589. RUSSELL Oldsmoblle • Cadillac The association merged re- Co. SHl-ojlO, A«H for Mr. Wal- cently with the State Police Be- ters.—Adv. ',•,.•.•'•'•••>• •;•'• nevolent Association; ' , Custom Table Pad* Last' week to order for Christ- H1W (AOLK —Thr*«.Boy>eoMti of fftfOB J^;f"^dlefown, rat«iv»d th* 'Eagle Notice mas deliver. Call 741-2646, Shop SooUt award* la(t night ef>W*m6n)*i held'.at'the'Mfddletown Fir* Houi», Rt. 3(6. THe Borough' of Fair Haven At Home Service. Sherman's], 20 will conduct tests of the Fire Broad St., Red Bank.—Adv. The sebuti ara, from l«ft tft. tight, Jouph DsiPter.rs, Jamen Addonizio and Nkholas Alarm System on Saturday, De- CAPITAL CHRISTMAS MESSAGI - Th, Whit* House tak*i on * DePierro raealvlng th». coh,<|ratu|«tlpni of Thomas B. Mor|*y, "Chief-Grey Fox" of cember I, 1962, between the The Rumion Hotel app**rah,c» photographed through th* arched entrance to th» annual tours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Ocfanpert. Looking on at'rfgtit,'lijC^lp :Qttri\g*r, a. leriior scout and first Eagle Parties, dinners, meetings, re- PageaTit of P«aeo being built on the Ellipi*, « park south of th* Roy W. Nelaoh, Clerk ceptions and catering. Call 842- -Scout of the troop. -i —Adv, 2000. John WlUon, owner.-Adv. Th* Z*ro Mlleiton* li in th* low«r center. (AP lrS_Frirl»y, December 7, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER Make Music to Pay Tuition RED BANK-Rofeert Fazzone, School, Dec. 27, and at the Mom-in her son', pteyioa In • dance Rosenthal •on of Mr. and Mr*. Albert Faz- mouth Boat Club Dance Dec. 28,band, ---i'---:-?••.-•• . zone of 40 Spring St., who plays among other attain. •The other three are nice boys the piano and accordion in ttie Robert's mother. MM. Albert and good studenU," she •aid," On TV Four Coins, the quartette which Fazone, says she does not wor-and I am glad for Bob to be is currently supplying music for ry about the late hours Involved with them.'* • • many local dinners and dances, Tomorrow Is thereby carrying on a family NEW YORK — Rabbi Gilbert tradition. v-V '-'Mi ..-^r S. Rosenthal of Congregation Bnai His father, a trumpet player, TV Key Previews Israel in Rumson, N. J., will ap- has been' a musician for 3D years Today's top television shows u in which they live. The tet and pear on the television program, and is well known locally. Robert, now 15 yean old, and a previewed and selected by TVthe plot ire believable, and the "Givs Us This Day." The pro- sophomore at Red Bank - High Key's staff of experts who at supporting cast including Sheree gram will be seen tomorrow at School, is the junior member of tend rehearsals, watch screen- North manage to account them- 7:20 a.m. and at the close of the trie band. Ings, and analyze scripts In Newselves well/ 9 p.m. NBC, day on CBS, Channel 2. Thomas Ierubtoo, 17, son of York and Hollywood. Mr. and Mrs. Jo«eph Ierupino of RAWHIDE. "Incident of the GUNSMOKE. A solid western Rabbi Rosenthal's sermonette Sir Haven, is the leader of theQuerencias." That excellent char- entry. Marshal Dillon is after a will be seen on tape and is en- group and plays the saxophone. acter actor, Edward Andres, sel- mean old killer again, but he has titled. "Can We Really Love our Peter Genovese, too of Mr. anddom turns up In a western but hesome help tonight. It seems the Neighbor?" Mra. Harry Genovese of Little stars in this one and conies killer's nephew may Just double- The program is sponsored by Silver, plays the drums. Bom through again. As a friend of boss cross his kin and our Marshal is the New York Board of Rabbis these young men are juniors at Gil Favor and a troublemaker, counting on his defection. Den- of which Rabbi Rosenthal is a Christian Brothers Academy, rancher Andrews means to make ver Pyle and Ken Curtis play member of the executive com- Uncroft. a fresh start, but he's an oddthe leads and have a Held day. mittee. Stanley Johnson, 18, son of duck and the drovers don't cotton with their parts. 10 p.m. CBS. Mr. and Mrs. Olivet- Johnson, to him. 7:30 p.m. CBS. Little Silver, plays the guitar. He SING ALONG WITH MITCH. It adds up! More and more FOUR COINS MAKE MUSIC —The quartet above, all students, are left to right, Robert Fasone, Stanley John- Is a freshman at Rutgers. SUNDAY people use The Register ads each There'* a lot of moody sentiment CAMERA THREE. American issue because results come fast- son, Peter Genovese and Thomas lerubino. These young men, In addition to their studies at Red Bank High School, The group began to play to- In Mitch's songs tonight, plus a gether last summer, and since violinist Joyce Fllssler, who won er.—Advertisement. Christian Brothers Academy, and Rutgers University, earn money for collage by playing for dances and other few traditional hymns. The for-the 1958 International Tchailcow- have bad considerable success. mer are represented by "Yearn affairs.. , , Their earnings are earmarked sky Competition in Moscow, it, ing," "Old Oaken Bucket," "Two the program's special guest this for college. Sleepy People," etc., and the Channel* _WNBC-TV Channel 7 .WABC-TV During Christmas, week, they morning, playing a sonata by ICE SKATING hymns are "The Eyes of God,"Jean Marie Leclair, Tcnaikow- Channel! _WNEW-TV Channel 11 — -WPEMV wiH be heard at the Homecom- "Abide With Me," and "A Mighty ing Dance of Red Bank High sky's Serenade MelancoUque, and SATURDAY FRIDAY TV Channel! _.wTB3>TV Channel I ___ _WOR-TV Fortress." (Color) 8:30 p.m. NBCthe Third Unaccompanied Sonata I'M DICKENS... HE'S FEN-by the contemporary composer, 10 to 12 FRIDAY AFTERNOON 9—Science Quest and Conquest 6:45 5—Yancy Derringer 12:00 4-News STER. "The Joke." Best in weeks Eugene Ysaye. 11 a.m. CBS. II—Divorce Court—Drama 11—Mr. Adams and Eve Science Award from this sason's outstanding 2 to 4:30 2—Love of Life 2:10 7—Focus On The News 13-World At Ten 4—First Impression 10: JO comedy series, Harry needs a ADLAI STEVENSON RE- 8:30 to 11:00 3—Science Corner 7:00 Joke for a speech he's supposed 7-Ernie Ford-Variety 2:25 2—News 2—Eyewitness At Regional To PORTS. Ambassador Stevenson 9—Science Fiction Theater 4—Whiplash—Adventure 5—Mr. Lucky—Adventure to make on receiving a safety will address himself to the much- SUNDAY 7—News award. When he finaly find* one, 11—Merry Mailman 2:50 5—Assignment: Underwater 7—Tnird Man—My»tery discussed magazine article which 13—Russian For Beginners 7-i-Hennesey—Comedy 11—Allie Sherman—Sports Jean Harrison there's a definite split over the made him a center of contro- 2 to 4:30 2-rHouse Party merits of the gag. It's an ab- 12:25 9—Merrytoon Circus 13—Images RUMSON — Dr. John F. Kin- versy over the past few days. 7—Seven Keys ney, Jr., superintendent of the soullely wild outing, but the most 8:30 to 11:00 2—News 9—Movie—Musical 11-News 11:00 Joining him are his scheduled 13—Russian For Beginners 2—News Rumson-Fair Haven Regional beautiful scene takes place at guests, Sen. Gordon Allott (Rep. 12:3t 13-Tri-State Focus High School, has announced thatHarry's house when he tells his 2—Search for Tomorrow 7:10 4—News ' of Cob.) and Sen. Albert Gore 2:50 2 Weather 5-News Jean Harrison, daughter of Mr.wife the joke.' The surrounding (Dem. of Tenn.), both member! 4—Truth or Consequences IS-Music Interlude and Mrs. James E. Harrison, 8 nonsense, particularly the open, CASINO 5—Cartoons 11—Local News 7-News of the V£. delegation to the 2:53 7:15 11—Steve Allen—Variety Evergreen Dr,, is the 1963 win-tag about a safety award, is alsoU.N.. who will also discuss the 7—Father Knows Best ner of the Bausch and Lomb Hon- ICE PALACE 9—Memory Lane 4-Newi 2—News 13—Reflections very funny. 9 p.m. ABC. nature of their work in the dele- orary Science Award, given an- gation. 2.30 p.m. ABC. II—Rocky and his Friends 5-News 7:25 11:10 1 JACK PAAR SHOW. Paar Boardwalk Asbury Park 3:00 11-Weather t—Weather nually to the school ! top science spends a good deal of the time 13—Parents And Dr. Spock student. 12:4S 2—Millionaire—Drama. 7:30 4-Weather talking to Judy Garland and Jit 4—Loretta Young—Drama 5—Movie—Drama The Bausch and Lomb Award tening to her tales about those THE WIZARD OF OZ." Each 2—Guiding Light 2-Rawhide—Western Christmas season, CBS repeats 11—Merry Mailman—Children 5—Doorway to Destiny 4—International Showtime 7-Local News —a bronze medal—is presented old days at Metro.. Judy also 7—Queen for a Day at graduation in more than 8,000 this 1939 MGM film wl* little 12:55 5—Roaring 20's—Drama 11: IS sings "Little Drops of Rain" andJudy Garland, Frank Morgan, 4-News 11—How to Marry a Millionaire 7—Gallant Men—Drama 2—Movie—Spy Drama schools. Since its introduction in 'Paris Is a Lonely Town"; Rob- more than 30 per cent of the Ray Bolger, Bert Lafir, Jack 1:00 3:30 9—Movie—Biography 4-Tonight ert Goulet solos to "You Stepped Haley, midgets, flying monkeys, COME 2-To Tell The Truth 11—Jeff's Collie—Drama 7—Movie—Drama winners have been encouraged by Out of a Dream" and "Another and 2—Burns and Allen—Comedy 13—Compleat Gardener the award to follow scientific and the famous yellow brick 4—Leave It To The Girls 4—Young Dr. Malone—Serial 9-Playback Time, Another Place"; and theroad, and gives the new genera- 5—Mr. District Attorney 7:45 11:20 careers. two of them duet to "Mewsette." ENJOY! 5—Cartoons winners of the Honorary Science tion a special treat. Dick Van 7—Answering Service 7-Who Do You Trust? 13—UN Review—News Analysis 9-Movie (Color) 10 p.m. NBC. Dyke and his children play hosts Our New II—Laurel-Hardy and Chuck 8:M Award are eligible to compete H—People Are.Funny for science scholarships, spon- EYEWITNESS. "The President u they did last year, and Van COCKTAIL LOUNGE 13—Fun At One 3:55 11—Invisible Man—Drama 11-News Visits SAC." Timely and topical Dyke has drawn some sketches 13—Festival Of The Arts 12:50 sored by Bausch and Lomb, Inc., . . . Featuring a piano 1:25 2-News at the University of Rochester. as usual, tonight's report covers of the Frank Baum characters quartet every Friday 11—Mr. Peabody 8:30 5-News the President's morning visit to which accompany the title cred- 5—News 2—Route 66—Adventure Three or more scholarships are and Saturday ... the 1:30 4:01 provided annually. The stipends the control headquarters of the its, 8 p.m. CBS. smart, new 2—Secret Storm—Serial 4-Sing Along With Mitch 2—Movie—Musical Strategic Air Command at Offut 2—As The World Turns 5—Texan—Western 4-News are based on need and have a 5—Movie—Drama 4—Make Room For Daddy total combined value of $21,600. Air Force Base in Omaha today," 5—Deputy Dawg—Cartoons 7—Flintstones—Cartoon, 5-Movie—Dram« and his tour this afternoon of the ED SULLIVAN. Top spots are 7—December Bride—Comedy ;i—Frontier Circus—Western 7—Movie—Western Miss Harrison who ranks Nth Anthony Newley, general facto- RIVERSIDE 9—Star and Story—Drama 7—American Bandstand Atomic Energy Commission's lab- 9—Treasure 9:00 . l:K in her class of 165 seniors, is aoratory at Los AJamso. 10:30 p.m.tum of "Stop the World, I Want COCKTAIL 11—Best of Groucho—Quiz 5—Bronco—Western 4—Headline—Drama member of the National Honor to Get Off," and his songs; 1^-Time Now For Music II—Bozo The Clown CBS. 13—Children Growing 7—Dickens . .. Fenster l:2t Society and the Tower Players, Peggy Lee's medley and solo, LOUNGE 1:50 9:20 9-Playback and is on the staff of the school TONIGHT. Johnny Carson's and Jose Greco's dances. Joey 21 East 13—Higher Horizons 4:25 guests are Clyde Beatty, Trwin 11—Koko The Clown 13—Personal Report 1:35 paper, Rumsonian. .. . Fonnan and Alan Gale do their Front St. ,1:55. Corey,' Phyllis McGwire and thestandup routines, and novelty 4:30 ; 1:30 . 4—13th Hour-Drama Little Sister. (Color) 11:15 p.m. Red Bank 4—News 2—Fair Exchange—Comedy • 2:« acts like a pickpocket artist and 2:00 2-Edge Of Night-Serial NBC. 4—Here's Hollywood 4-Don't Call Me Charlie 4*-Sermonette—Religion a record mimic round out the 2—Password MOVIE TIMETABLE SATURDAY hour. S p.m. CBS. 5-Felix And The Wizard 7—77 Sunset Strip 2:1* /• '-'".RED BANK . . 4—Merv Griffin—Variety 9—Movie—Comedy 7—Evening Prayer JACKIE 6I£AS0N SHOW: 7—Day in Court—Drama . _ 7—Discovery '62—Children CARLTON- American Scene Magazine. Fans 9-Chubby Jackson 11-Victory at Sea 2.M Wlial Ever Happened to Baby, Jane G.E. TRUE. "UXB." English 13—Computer 2—News 2:00; 7:10; «:«. get tneir weekly look at Frank 11—Dick Tracy—Cartoons SAT.—Kiddle Show: Cartooni, abort Fontaine in the "Joe the Barten- actors and a good production. 13—American Economy 10:00 2.35 A Special Kiddle Feature: The Bash- 9.30 p.m. CBS. 4-Jack Paar 2-Give Us This Day -Religion ful Elephant 2:00: What Ever Hap- der" skit; see a wallpaper FRIDAY • SATURDAY - SUNDAY 4:55 pened to B»by Jane 4:50: 7;30; 10:00. blackout that makes the sequence 4-News ' BUN.—What Ever Happened to Baby Jane 2:00: 4:20: •.'90: 9:20.: tonight; find Jackie wallowing in DINAH SHORE. Frank Sinatra 7—American Newsstand EATONTOWN slapstick in a supermarket stint; DRIVE-IN— sings a medley with Dinah, does 5:00 and hear Henny Youngman de- two solos, and eases into a solo THE SAXONS 2—Love That Bob—Comedy PRI. & SAT.—Boyi' Night Out 7:00; TV Highlights liver his old mother-in-law rou- Lollta B:15; Walk on the Wild Side of Dinah's. Gospel Pearls, with 4—Movie—Drama 12:04. tine. 7:30 p.m. CBS. . with By CYNTHIA LOWRY sode of ABC's "The Untoucha- SUN.—Requiem for a Heavyweight Bessie Griffin, do numbers like 7—1 Married Joan—Comedy 6:06; 9:05; Airborne 7:50. "Deep River" tod "When the 9—Movie—Drama AP Television-Radio Writer bles" called "The Floyd Gibbons LONG BRANCH "JACKIE the BOMBSHELL" Story." There is also a Jack Ben- THE DEFENDERS. 'The Saints Come Marching In"; and 11—Cartoon Zoo NEW YORK (AP)-While the BARONET- Savage Infant." Sympathetic Gerry Mulligan's Jazz Quartet the twisting sensation—from 9 P. M. 13—Once Upon A Day—Children ny half hour in which the wives Chapmmn Report 3.13: 1:13; Beit Of commercials are busily decking of Milton Berle, Kirk Douglas, Enemlea 1:30; 7:00: 10:50. treatment of an intense Puerto with saxophonist Ben Webster, 5:25 SAT.—Kiddle Show: Fort Venjence, Rican Juvenile delinquent is the halls and hanging the mistle- Groucho Marx and Phil Silvers 3 Stooge Comedy ft Cartooaa 2:00; change the pace. (Color) 10 II—Rocky And His Friends Chapman Report 6:15; 10:29; Beat of heightened by the stark perform- p.m. NBC. POLKA DOT LOUNGE toe, the television programs that make TV appearances. Enemlea 4:20; 8:39. 5:30 BUN.—Requiem for a Heavyweight ance of John Costoponlos in Hie 17 3rd Avc, Long Branch Reservations 222-9695 2—Movie—Adventure surround them during the next Perry Como's guest on Wednes- 3:30; «:40: 9:45: Zotz 2:15; 5:10; 8:15.lead, and Juano Hernandez' por- day (9-10) on NBC is Ernest Borg Coming! December 17! 5—Sandy's Hour—Children seven days offer varied fare of ASBURY PARK trayal of a cynical but enlight- 7—Highway Patrol—Police special, if not particularly holiday nine. MAYFAIR- ened editor of a Puerto Rican Two For The Seesaw !:4S: 7:13: 9:40. ATLANTIC TED MEYN II—Popeye—Cartoons time, interest. On Thursday night, Peter Falk SAT. * SUN.-rTvo For tie geeiaw newspaper. Although Lawrence! FRIDAY EVENING 2:25; S:oo; 7:30;. 1:55. Preston's involvement as the' 'ONE MAN WONDER TRIO" and Dina Merrill star in CBS 6:00 An exception is CBS' annual "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour,' North of Red boy's temporary guardian is hard Tenlte 74:41 Sat M*40 4—News and Weather holiday re-run of the 1939 movi (10-11). At the same time actress Bank to believe, and his appeal to the "MARCO POLO" 7-News classic, "The Wizard of Oz" ones Shelly Winters and Joan Hack' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS fudge's past delinquency a re- ALL YOU CAN EAT Sunday (8-8 p.m., EST). Adults ATLANTIC- Plus Secoad Hit ~~*~ 11—Three Stooges ett are in ABC's "Premier The- Marco Polo 7:00; 10:30: Convlcti peat from an earlier episode, this 13-Whafs New-Children may want to take a look at Penn- atre" drama. And there's Mickey Four 1:40. Is a thoughtful play on a minor- "CONVICTS 4" SAT.-Mareo Polo 2:00: 7:00; 10:30: $ 6:15 sylvania's governor-elect, William Rooney and Myoshi Umeki guest- Convict* Four 3:40; t:40. ity problem and definitely worth Monday - Tuesday at 7 -» 7-Weather W. Scranton, on NBC's "Meet the starring on NBC's "Andy Wil- BVK.—Plfeon That Took Rome 1:00; your while. 8:30 p.m. CBS. Sun. at 2 • 4:45 - 7 - MS Press" during part of the timi 4:45; 7:00; t:O9. 1.50 6:20 liams Show." HAZLET Monday - Tuesday at 7 • 7 7—Sports (6-6:30). CHARLTON HESTON A Different Special Each Day—Catering for Parties LOEWS DRIVE-IN- SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE EISA MARTINELU 6:25 On Sunday evening, there's an- Cirtoon 7:00; It'i Only Money 1:07; MOVIES. "No Down Payment." 1O.-U; T.mmr T:30: The Head 8:00. STARTS WEDNESDAY 5—Mickey Mouse Club Aptitude Tests about a number of couples whose FRANK SINATRA 7-News On Tuesday night, Dick Powell KEANSBURG problems are multiplied by the RARITAN TOWNSHIP,, — CASINO- "Manchurian Candidate" 9—Zoorama—San Diego and Robert Webber appear in a What Ever Happened to Baby Jane ising development atmosphere 11—Robin Hood—Adventure stimulating courtroom drama, Eighth grade students here re- SAT. * BUN.—KMdie Show: War of cently completed a battery of the Worlda; 3 Stooge Comedy; What 13—Profile: New Jersey "The Court Martial of Captain Cver Happened to Baby Jane. 6:40 Wycliff" on NBC from 9:30-10:30. aptitude tests in preparation for PERTH AMBOY 4—Weather At the same time there is an epi their seUction of a high school AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- program. The tests were admin- FW. & SAT.—Cartoon Carnival 7:00; istered by the eighth grade ' Convict! Four 7:11; In Only Money I MATINEE 2 P.M. *k' HOW Urn THURS. • 9:33; I Bombed Pearl Harbor 11:07. teachers under the direction of BUN.—Kartoon Karnlnl 1:15; The EVE74I William P. MoDermott, high Head 9:33: 9:57; Horror Hotel S:38. school guidance director. MAJEST1C- Perlod Of Adjuitment 2:30; 4:08; WHflT EVEB THE 9:49: Murder She Raid 4:30: 1:10. The battery included the dif- SAT.—KfddK Show: La,: Rhlao tat: ferential aptitude tests and the Period ot Adjuatment «:0o; |:45; Murder She Raid 4:30: S:10. CONTINUOUS HRPPLTO rmun Nelson silent reading test. SUN,—Period of Adjuatment J:M; SAT. * SUN. MONDAY, DEC. 31, 1962 FOOD The results of the tests will be 1:03; 9:15; Murder She' Bald 4:30; BflBYJANE?" made available to students and EDISON 9:30 P.M. to Closing MENLO PARK CINEMA- Buffet • Noisemakers their parents during the individ- Perlod of Adjustment 2:00: 4:09; ual high school programming »:55; »M; 9:63. KIDDIE SHOW SAT. 1 l»M. IS BAT.—Period of Adjuatment 3:00: Enfertainmenf sessions, which will be scheduled 4:09; S:U; «:15; 10133. BUN.—Period of Adjuttment 1:00: Dancing after Jan. 7. 4:05; S.-55: J:09; BS5. Now ftiru Sat. Reservations Only — $7.00 WOODBRIDGE CHILDREN JUST DRIVE-IN- • 3 llC HITS * FRI. * SAT.—Cartoon! 7:00; KID [ALWAYS FREE! aauhad «:oo; ir A IIU timn 9:35; Blephanl Walk 11-.30. FREE! 1. KIM NOVAK ; In Person BUN.—« A Man Antweft CM; 1:50; Jack Kid OaJihad »:0S. i "IOYS MITE OUT" j GREAT MONTCLAIR 2. JANE FONDA ' ,' ROSEMARY LANE CMIRIDGE- Famous TV, Broadway and night club singer, Sullivan's South Sea> Adventure 1:30. . "Waft O« Wild SloV direct from Nevada. BAT.—floutli Se>< Adventure 1:06; J. "LOUTA" Serving From 6 P. M.—Except Mondays sUN.-BouUi leu Adventur. J:IO; -THE CHAPMAN KFORT" , & HKST Of ENEMIES": 2 BANDS THE AL KENNY ««IM«!>IMl PfMllt Appiarlnl Mlfaly MUctaua.Sklrler HacLalte hi Continuous Dancing "2 FOR THE SEESAW" Erv Bradley Dane* Orch. Dancing every Saturday night RUMSON HOTEL ftl. & So*. Nltw , accommodations for Jemhm "•OCCACCIO 70" 10 WATERMAN AVENUE, RUMSON Luncheon - DbuMf Weddings. Parties the OAKS PHONE 842-2000 STARTS THUIS., OBC. 20th Annlvenaritt "THt LONW5TDAV McGUIRES GROVE. Hwy. 35, Mlddletown PRIVATE ROOM Your Host—JOHN WILSON SH 7-2253 Gibson 9-9000 Ml Friday, December 7 J~*e*l McCoy* EED SANK fc SATURDAY TV Mi 4B 7-Lawreoee Welk-Musie SUliDAYTy SATURDAY MORNING 7-fLone Ranger »-Opelt-End 7—Morning Prayer—JUfigJon SUNMirMMMNG fUNDAy AFTERNOON •-Movie-Opera U-Thls Is The life 7:* , . ' ' •• ••'' )—Have Goo, win Travel 11—ThrUler—Drama Previews •»»•»' • S-Columbia Lectures 4-Sennonette—Relirion fcN 7:H 9-PIsyback um I-Csll To Prayer-Religkifl 2-New«makers—leterview 7—Early Bird Cartoons By STEVEN H, SCHEUER 4—Youth Forums 2-G. E. True-Jack Webb 4-4*>derii Firmer - 1:* • 2-Guaaaoke—Western 7:41 S:M Question — My mother has . i 7:IS 4-National Education 7~Boxinf 4-Sermonette-ReIigloo 7—C»rtootts—Children ifcN 2—Captain Kangaroo raved about Paul Muni for yean J-Previews 5-Movie—Comedy S—Top Star Bowling 7:41 9-Movie—Mystery 2—Candid Camera 5—Sandy Becker—Children and I was so happy to see him Bl» ' 4—Dinah Shore 7—Tommy Seven—Cartoons ; 7:M 7—Movie .."•-.- 11-Movie ^Previews 9-Movie lliM at long last on "Saints and Sin- 4—Modern Farmer 2—Washington Report 7—Voice Of Firestone 8: JO ' J-Give Vi Bis Day-Religion ners." He was magnificent la this 11—One Step Beyond—Drama 7:» 11—Jalopy Races 2-News 5-Christopher Program 4—Science Age—Education 7—Little Rascals—Cartooni good story, Wasn't tb» girl who 2-Newi Js» 4<-Newi 7-Christopher Pnjgnua 7—Barney Bear-Cartoons lfcM 8: SO played his grandchild the same 9—News and Weather 7:M 4—Movie—Drama I—Movie : •> 7:» •"• '••• 1:M 2-What's My Line actress who used to appear on 2—SunriM Semester 11-Global Zobei 7-News 2-Glve Us Ttls Day-ReUgioc 7-Howard K. Smith 8:55 "Bachelor Father"? - M. F. %-Eye Oa New York 7:M J—Weekend—Jerry Lester »-N*ws and Weather 11—San Francisco Beat •—Almanac Newsreel MO P« tenon, H. J. 4-Let's Talk Business 1J—Dateline: New Jersey 11: It •'• '•' -. .•.••»(».•••; '.; 7—Morning Prayer—Religion *-Movie-Westera 10:» 11—Pioneers-Drama 2—Weather 2-News - , M» Question — What a comedown 7-Youth Wants To Know •-Playback »:00 ; li» 4-We»ther Z-Have You Read ... for such brilliant talent. I'm re- 9-Christopher Program U-Pioneers-Drama 11:09 2-Life Of Riley-Comedy 4—Crusader Rabbit—Cartoons 4-News Letter . . . 11:1$ ferring to the recent rslsh-mash ; ' : 'I:M "• • .- ' 2-News 4-Trouble With Father 5—Movie—Comedy J—Movie—Comedy which brought Paul Muni out of 7—Funny Manns 7-Cartooni-Children 3-AU Join Hands-ChJidren 2—Movie—Adventure 4-News 7—Movie—Drama 4-Movle—Mystery retirement. "Saints and Sinners" 9—Jack La Lanne 8:W 7—Movie—Drama 4-Eteraal Light 5-Public Oflice 11-2J Men is not a very good series but thej 111—Comedy Party—Cartoons 2—Shape-Up—Exercise -- » : U:.M 7—Cartoons—Children 7—Meet The Professor 7-News 1:41 reached • new low with the Muni lji—Profile: New Jersey • 5—Cartoons—Children 11—Passing Parade •-Oral Roberts-Religion 11-Baseball-Puerto Rico 9-Movie—Drama 4-On Skis segment. Why do actors like Mu- »;« S.-U Il-Insight-Religion 1:25 I:B ni, who have given truly mag- 1:» 11—North American Neighbors •—Playback 11—Modern Farm Almanac 11:11 5-News 8-PIayback ' nificent performances in the past, 9-Playbadt S:H 11—Charlie' Farrell—Comedy •-Weather t:M 4:N take such awful parts?~Mrs. L. ftM 2:W >-Newi and Weather UttS 11:15 2—Our Miss Brooks—Comedy 2—College Scoreboard H., CoMwater, Miss, 2—Around The Corner 4—Community Checkers J >—Movie—Drama 4—Dr. Joyce Brothers 4-Sports Cavalcade &-Llght Tlme-ReUglon 7-Dlrections '6J-Religion 2—Movie—Drama 9—Almanac Newsreel 1J:M Answer — I'm inclined to agree 4—Desilu Playhouse 5—Topper—Comedy 7—Wide World Of Sports »-Adventurous Minion 9—Movie—Drama t:M 5-Movie with the second letter above. Mu 7—Movie—Drama 7—Gale Storm—Comedy 8-Movie 11—Evangel Hour—Religion 2:» 2-Captain Kangaroo 1:M nl'a great acting talent, ai evi- 11:M •—Movie—Musical U-Victory At Sea *«. • 4-Direct Line ' 4-Ahdy'i Game-Children 4-Movie—Western , denced by many of his old mov- 5—Movie—Drama 13—Parlons Francais I 4:19 4-Library Lions-Education 7—Adlai Stevenson 3—Just For Fun 7—Movie—Drsma ies currently seen on TV. war- 11-Your Right To Say It 1:45 Z-CoUege Kickoff 5—WomJerama—Cirtooni ft-Misehlef Maker 1:M ranted something much better 11—Great Religious Leaders 13—Understanding Science 4tM. ' *•• 12:00 11—Christopher Program •—Almanac Newsreel than the silly soap opera present- t:M 0:55 2- 5—Wonderama 11—Big Picture—Army 1:H ed on "Saints and Sinners." Nor- . 2—Movie 4-News till J—Horse Race 9-TVV Gosperml Time-Music 12: IS •-News and Weather een Corcoran, of the sow defunct u—tet's Haw Fun-Children 4-OpenMind 10:00 7—Davey and Goliath- U-Jeffs Collie-Drama 4-Movie U-Uvtog Word-Religion '^Bachelor Father," played Mu S^dovie-Western 2—Calendar—Reasoner ' ••/•.•• .•• 9:N '....:"••:• 12: M 2-Movie ni'i granddaughter. 7—Issues and Answers 4—Say When ' 1:1* 4-NFL HlghUghts • • 4—Bible Story Game 9—Playback 2:tt 11—Encounter—Religion 5—Movie—Drama 4-Ruff And Reddy-Cartoons S-FelbcAodtHe Wizard i fcM ' 12:15 4—Sermonette I:W 7—Susie—Comedy. 7-Q. T. Hush-Cartpona 7—Wide World Of Sport*: Question - Isn't Audrey Tot' 2—Way To Go-Religion 9—Almanac News Reel •-Movie—Drama S:M 7—America Wants To Know 1-Operation, Alphabet :i—Ramar of the Jungle • ' 2-News ter, who plays Alice on "Out4-Let's Talk About God 12:40 11—Movie—Comedy Man Hlggins," the same actress 7-Q. T. Hush-Cartoons 11-Celebiity Golf •—News and Weather 18:05 itiM •.' KM S:H .3—Adventures in Merchandising *-Cive Vt This Day who played "Meet Millie" oa TV »-Air Force Story 1:00 2—Alvin—Cartoon 4-Captain Gallant same years ago? Please tell me 9-PUyback 11—Tombstone Territory . 1:45 7—Movie—Drama 10:25 4-Snari Lewii-ChJMren what else ihe hu done.-Mrs. G. 4:N 1:05 4-News 7—Cartoom-Children . - l:« 4—Jewish Fourth R—Religion W. T., Douglas, Ga. 4—Dialogue—Interview 2—Movie—Drama 13—Places In The News ' Ifctt , J-Playback II:* Aid Squad Answer - Miss Totter started 7—Pro Football 2:00 lfcM 2-Mighty Mouse SATURDAY EVENING 2-Lamp Unto My Feet out In radio year* ago. It was on 9—Movie—W«r Drama 4—Sermonette—Religion 2-1 Love Lucy—Comedy 4—Kfaj Leonardo—Cartoon* , m : •• 4-Protestant Heritage radio that she played the title roti U—Laurel-Hardy And Chuck 4—Play Your Hunch 7-Mttte Rascals 4-News. Elects Kamm 7—Funny Manns 2:20 in "Meet Millie." When the snow 4:M 2-News 7-GirlTalk. H-Cartoon Express-Children {-Sandy's Hour-Childrea ' LONG BRANCH - R. Barrj 9—Freedom In A Threatened. was done on TV. Elena Ver- 4-TWs Is NBC News 2:21 11—Movie—Mystery f— ll'.m 9-Merrytoon Circus Kamm was elected president ol Society dugo took the part. Audrey has 4:4S 2-Give Us This Day ; f-Rin Ttn Tin—Adventure 1—Broken Arrow—Western the Long Branch Fint Aid Squad IfcM also appeared in; many films, 2—WCBS-TV Views The Press MONDAY MORNING 1J—Parlons Francais I •-Fury—Adventure ', . . 0:11 "•/• at a recent meeting of the or- 2-Look Up And Live ganization. He succeeds Frank most of which can now be seen 5:M 5:U UJM 7-Make A Face-Children 4^-Recital Hall on TV. Among them are "The 4-AgTiculture U.S.A. Steve Mana. 2—Amateur Hour 2—Previews 2—McCoys—Comedy : ..' •-Cooking 0:M Set-Up" (probably her best role), 7—Focus—Documentary 4-Update 5:50 4-Price Is Right The squad re-elected A. X "Alias Nick Beal," "High Wall," 9-Mahalla Jackson 7-TelepoU S—Riyerboat—Adventure 2-Give Us This. Day—Religion 7-Jane Wyman 1—Roy Rogers-Western Anastasia, vice president; Har- •Lady In The Lake," and "Blue 8—Championship Bowling U:N 11—Jungle Boy—Adventure 5:55 9—Johnny Andrews: - 4-Maglc Midway-Children ry ' Slosberg, secretary; Josept Veil." Although "Higgins" is her 2—Camera Three 1—Supercar—Children 2—News 1J—Science Corner S—Cartoon Theater G. Shields, treasurer; John F. first regular role in a series, she 4—Searchlight Ceremony. 5:M 7:00 4—Sermonette—Religion 11:20 7—Top Cat-Cartoon Kiely, Jr., financial secretary; has appeared on many of the7-Falth For Today-Religion 2-GE College Bowl 4-Local News 1:00 W-Tell Me a Story SATURDAY AFTERNOON and Michael Nastaio and Frank leading TV shows including "Al- •-Legacy Of Light 4—Bullwlnkle—Cartoons 5—Jungle Jim—Adventure 11:25 Julian, executive board mem- fred Hitchcock Presents," "Mav- 11—Supennafl—Adventure 2-College Of The Air 7—Beany and Cecil U:M J-News bers. Paul F. White was elected erick," and "Cheyenne: ^J:» 4—Continental Classroom i-SkJ King—Adventure !1-Supennan—Adventure 2—American Musical Theater U:tt trustee. 9-Playback l:» 4-Make Room For Daddy 7:11 4-A Moment With ... 2—Sunrise Semester 2—Pete and Gladys—Comedy 5—Just For Fun • 4-Weather. . The new office* will be in' 7—This Is The Answer SUNDAY EVENING Question —When was the mov< 4—Continental Classroom 4—Concentration 7—Bugs Bunny—Cartoons 7:11 stalled at the Jan. 7 meeting, •-Point Of View-Discussion 1:10 ! "Elmer the Great," with Joe 7:00 5—Romper Room—Children •-Movie, ' 4—Financial News when the aidmen also will honoi 2-Movie E. Brown, made? A few days aft- 2—News i 7—Yours For A Song U-Roeky And Hii Friends - ' 7:20 Melvin Kaplan, whose term ex- 4—Meet The Press—Interviews 11:40 Uttt pires Jan. 1. er seeing this-I saw "Cowboy 4-Today Quarterback" with Marie Wilson New 5—Movie—Drama 7:21 13-Adventures in Merchandising (-Learn To Draw 7:W New line officers of the squad »-Maverick-Western 11:50 2-Jackie Gleam • • • ' and Bert Wheeler. Both' movies S-Call To Prayer-Religion are Thomas Van Note, captain; |11—Brave Stallion—Adventure 11—Merry Mailman , 4—Sam Benedict—Drama had the same plot except mat 7:21 2—Reading Room Anthony JLaugeUi, first lieuten- Shrewsbury •:W S-Bat Mastenon—Western Brown was a baseball star and •-Exploring-Children ant; councilman. Julius E. To- 4—McKeever—Comedy 7-Roy and Dale-Variety Wheeler was a football hero. I'm Last week. Mr. and Mrs (-Texas Rangers-Adventure main), second lieutenant; and •-Fiesta In Puerto Rico wondering how many years apart Charles E. Zebe, PbiladelphiajH-Everglades—Adventure 7—AUakazam-CblMren Kenneth Yale, Jr., sergeant 11—Touchdown 11—Wyatt Earp-Western these movfes were made. II visited their son and his family, km In a letter to the City Council couldn't have been too many Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Zebe, 7—All-Pro Scoreboard Lavender the organization went on record 2-News 5-Bourbon Street Beat years.—Mrs. E. K., Jacksonville,43 Lennox Dr., to celebrate, birth- 7:H opposing a move by Oceanic fire- J-College Kickoff • t-Woaders Of The World Fla. days of two of their grandchi 4—Ensign OToole—Comedy men to activate a rescue and sal dren, Eric, 5, and Donaa Zebe, 7—Father Knows Best 8—Movie-Mystery il—Ice Hockey Answer — 'Elmer" came first; TERRACE ROOM 7-My Friend FUeka . fttt vage corps here. The squad said 11. 9-Hy Gardner—Interviews the move would harm the effi- ft was made in 1933 from a story 11-News 11-Contlnental Miniatures 2-Defenders OF THE ciency of the lire department and by Ring Lardner and George M. l:M 4-Joey Bishop-Comedy Cohan. "Cowboy" was released it Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connelly 7:M conflict with the city's two first 2-Pro Football 7-Mr. SDlth-Comedy 1939. Both films were made by 85 Reeds Rd., gave a cocktail 4-Walt Disney's World aid squads. 4-Mr. Wizard-Science 8-Movie-Draroa Warner Bros. Once a studio owns party Sunday afternoon. Guests 7-Jetsons—Cartoon The squad accepted a recom- a story it has the right to make Indnded Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilt, 11—Best Of Groucho—Quiz MAGNOLIA INN mendation to purchase a rescue aa many variations on it as iiCranford; Mr. and Mrs. Herman S:M MCvdfttf TMtftie) 0T rnBWfOB wagon at an estimated cost of wishes. In most cases, we wonde, ReinhoM, Holmdel; Mr. and Mrs. 2-Ed Sullivan-Variety featuring $7,800. Mr. Kiely was chairman why they bother. Joseph VaUIencourt, Old Bridge 5-RCMP-Adventure Tht CANADIAN PLAYERS in Repertory of * the committee which inves- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keilman 7-*Iovie-Melodrama tigated the purchase. (For an answer to your ques- Metuchen; Mr. and Mrs. Janes 9—Ladies Of The Press HEY JACKSON QUARTET MOB., Dec 17, 1:30 Wed., Dec If. 1:30 Amended by-laws prepared by iori about any TV program or Lowe, Iincroft; Mr'.' and Mrs. 11—Great Teachers Shaw's Satire oa Shakespeare's Christinas a committee headed by Mrictor. , write to Steven H. Scbeuer, Francis Streich, Shrewsbury; TV Key Maittng, c/o The Regis- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Segl, River 8: JO Comedy Kamm will come up for final 4-Car 54-Comedy action at the January meeting. ter.) Plaza; Mr. and Mrs. James Back- ARMS AND TWELFTH hind, Colts Neck; Mr. and Mrs. 5—Opinion in the Capital Dining and Dancing pixj Norris Woodruff, Fair, Haven; 9-Meet The Author THE MAN NIGHT Set Babysitting At Confab Mr, and Mrs. James McMillan, I—People Are Funny Inquire About Special Matinees and Family Discounts Middietown; Mr. and Mrs. Har- Nightly Except Mondays '"i-^ Course Finale ry Eagan and Mr. and Mrs. Da-: McCarter Theatre • WA 1-S7H • Box Of, Princetra Join Old Guard; B« Sure to Make Reservations RED BANK — The final meet- On Student U- Ing of a babysitting course spon- Mrs. Hugh Prentice, Haxlet, and Yule.Party Set For Our New Year's Eve Party sored by the parka and recrea- Mr. and MM. Robert Warren, tion department wilt be held Council Work New Shrewsbury. RED BANK - Joseph Ward NO COVER Monday, 7 -8 pjn. in Red Bank RUMSON — Six students from of this place, Walter Bernett of High School. the Rurason-Fair Haven'Region- Little Silver, and Grant Sherwood NO MINIMUM Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baldrldge, and Joseph Anoda of Keansburg Students in the borough will al High School, accompanied by 241 Rtveredge Rd., were guests hear Deputy Police Chief Leroy have joined the Old Guard, here. heir adviser, participated in the H honor at a dinner given Satur- fabulous Mcknight talk on personal and day night by Mr. and Mrs. Vin- The organization will hold a home safety while babysitting. 37th annual conference of thecent D. Roache, Jr., 253 River- Christinas party Thursday, Dec. RT. 79 MATAWAN we're as happy Ralph S. Cryder, director of rew Jersey Association of High edge Rd. Other guests included 20, at die Crystal Brook Ion, Ea- the parks and recreation depart- School Councils recently at Rut- rir, and Mrs. Harold Sherman tontown. The Guardians and the minds. CABIN Old Guard Glee Club under the ment, win award certificates and ;ers University. and Mr. and Mrs. William Me- DIRECTIONS: Identification cards to partici- y, New Shrewsbury, and Mr.direction of William Smith will pants. Mr. Cryder pointed out James Greene, president of the and Mrs. John Russell, Bberon. furnish the entertainment. miles. Or, Rt. J5 north to legiohal student council, served Keyport, left at Six Corners. _ that his department will in no Film showings for this month s chairman of a problem clinic my serve as a babysitting; include "Safari," Dec. 13. and which considered the question: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rasmus- "agency" and that the course sen, 17 Reeds Rd., and Mr. and "Wings to Tahiti," Dec. 27. The ow can student councils initiate he* been given to inform par- Mrs. Walter Govinsky, Samara M meets at the YMCA here and carry out a foreign student ents and students and provide )r., Shrewsbury, spent the week- each Thursday at 10 a.m. ixchange program? One of the more capable sitters in the Bor- end in Bucks County, Pa., and Ifnic's two speakers was Floyd ough. ttended the Army-Navy game in >eNicola, faculty adviser to the thft Philadelphia. egional Student Council and a Cobblestones WINS COLLEGE AWARD .ember of the Rumson-Fair Hi- PROVIDENCE, R. I.-Robert Route 35, Mlddlerowii 7414344 Amerlcan Field Service A birthday party ms given < Lee Diaz, son of Sgt. and Mrs. (Just North of Red Bank) ommittee. Monday for six-year-old Rees | A. F. Diai of 38 Hillside St. Doughty, son of Mr. and Mrs. River Plaza, has been named the Other Regional students attend- John Doughty, 32 Thayer Dr. At- winner of the first Caesar Mlsch ig the day-long meeting, which tending were Carol and Debra 1 BANQUETS prize in German, the committee eluded speeches and discussion Wilson. Betsy Pursell, Kenneth roups for students and advisjg—,,,, Try em today on prizes and premiums at Brown KaM-Winter, all of I University, here; announced. rs on problems related to h!gh|N(w j FOR EVERY ihool student government, sitn^ lds A graduate of Middietown g, Bur Jeter and Mitchell Mok>ney,| OCCASION Township High School, Diaz is a avlo Sa Carvalho, Regional's Fair Haven, xctiange student from Brazil; Luncheon - Dinner-Cocktails member of the freshmin class at Brown. renda Berg, recording secre- HAMBURGERS ry of the Regional student It adds up! More and more juncil; Kitty Owen, correspond- secretary, Peggy Wilson, Appearing Nightly Wednesday through Sunday people use The Register sds each ophomore treasurer, and John PAUL ALLADIN at the organ .. issue because results come fast-] delmann, student council rep- I er.—Advertisement. esentatlve.

Yes — try 'em today at McDonald's. Find out just "where shall we go?" FABULOUS YVONNE how good a Hamburger can be when made with I entertains yea Will captivaf* care and prepared to your taste. McDonald's Ham- How man/ times have you heard this when. as you dint! you as sh« burgers are made of 100% pure beef — never fro- . «• group gets together?, We'd like to .offer did "Paris" zen meat—but top quality beef ground fresh daily. They're served hot off the grill on toasted buns — a simple solution. Come to fhe Lineroft Inn. YVONNE lit , . and'her FOR the way you like 'cm best. Plenty of parking ... no < Here you can enjoy the finest of foods and Charcoal Grill tipping ..;, instant service ... and the tastiest food liquors in a comfortable, relaxing Colpnlal ORCHESTRA LUiGI'S itt lomt at prices that please! atmosphere* W« know once you've been J UUM M AmnloM M«»lo Wa'hav* beffltlea for small IHurryl Hurryl Hurryl 8«*»r S»»ei»i her*, ypu'fl return again. , , .' tram • tet p.m. and lanw aroupi. Bultets tr look tor thm goldtn arch** MaktYeur $2.75 complete dtnatr* »t very rei- Christmas Party 1 OriUnattU sonable prices. Call for In- iu>d NnrYear * • formation. ReservaUons Now I Anurlcu LINCROFTINN SH 1-9220 McDonald's 90 Nuwntm Spihvji Rd. : NIWMAN SPRINSS ROAD HIGHWAY 35 (Just North of Five Corners) MIDDLETOWN RHAPSODY IN BLUE Red Ink IM l-975i» Ij»lde«a»AvO»««iB»d Wee* 18—Friday, Deotmber 7, #62 BED BANK REGISTER N. S. RJiinog GIANTS'"STRONG" BOY - ByAlonMov* Grid Officials Assodfahdn Pop Warner 11 Honored Honors Retiring Members Baer, Keyport athletic director, FAIR HAVEN — Members of NORTH BRUNSWICK-Intro- posted by Brick Township. • . duction of life and honorary Thomas L. Phipp», Red Bank, and Coaches Jerome Zampello the New Shrewsbury Rhinos Pop and Jay Demarest; William P. Warner football team were feted members and recognition of chairman of the,Trenton District, "Chiel" BeatiVj athletic director at a dinner Sunday in Willow- schools with undefeated records Welcomed the largest attendance of Long Branch, and A. V; Army brook 1nn. and conference championships of the association at this annual highlighted the New Jersey Foot- banquet. Ippolito, Green Wave football HY CUNNINGHAM Cyrus Benson, football coach ball Officials (Trenton District) coach; and John H. Schellenger, at Monmouth Regional High Guests included James G. Association's annual dinner last Manasquan high athletic director. NEW YORK — MANY, MANY TIMES WE School, was guest speaker. Spe- Growney, executive secretary- night here at Greeribrier restau- Also Barry Rizzo, athletic dl- : cial awards were presented by treasurer of the New Jersey HEARD that the National Football Foundation and Hal rant, State Interscholastic Athletic As- rector Matawan Regional, and William Jacko, past president o coaches George Deitz, Bruce of Fame dinner is the most impressive of all dinners. the Rhinos. Albert F. Clems, an official sociation; Frank J. Pingitore, MacCutcheon; Arnold T. Truex, Tuesday night we found this to be true in many, many who has 35 years experience with president of NJSIAA, who also Special awards were presented performed the duties of toast- athletic director, Middletown ways. We had the pleasure of attending with a few to 12 boys who will advance to the whistle in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and Michael take, master. John L. Kelly, Jr., Lin- Township, and Phil Braun, foot- members of the Monmouth-Ocean County Chapter, high school freshman football croft, district secretary, who ball coach; Mr. Pingitore, Red. next year. Included are Ronald another veteran with long serv- headed by its president, Frederic E. Giersch, Jr. ice, received life membership recognized undefeated and con- Bank High athletic director; Rob- Horton, Jeffrey FitzGerald, John ference winning1 schools. ert Feeney, athletic directo.r, Gordon, Walter Jackson, Peter ;ifis. John R. Dougherty and Al Jerry Maltoy, coordinator of Shore Regional, West Long This is a night where some 1,500 attending Roache, Donald Radcliff, Richard Neushafer participated in the Youth Activities, city of Hoboken, Branch; Donald M. Czok, Rari- , Ruoff, David Weeks, Ronald presentations. mix in with presidents and chairmen of boards of coach of baseball at St. Peter's tan Township athletic director; West,*Albert Credle, Jim and Schools honored for great sea- college, and former official, wai Edgar B. Blake, headmaster,' huge companies to presidents of small ones.. The Moss Dudley. ions included Bordentown Mill' guest speaker. Rumson Country Day School and ary Institute coached by Albert big ones start with Roger M. Blough, U.S. Steel Trophies were presented to the Coaches Dave Warner and Pete \, Verdei. The Bordentown school Representatives of local schools "peewees" who were undefeated Rowett. chairman of the board, to smaller company presi- iad racked up 33 straight vie* attending included H. Stanley this past season. Receiving tro- ories in the past few seasons. dent Clinton E. Frank, Inc. And there is a name phies were Greg Arnold, Burton well remembered on the gridiron when Frank and Bradley, Martin Cain, Robin Lawrenceville School, coached Connelly, Benjamin Daniels, Da- by J. J' Reydell; Pennington. Yale are mentioned together. vid Darlington, John FJanigan, coached by Harold Poore; Hack- John Gaddis, Elliot Harris, ittstown, coached by C. A. Mor- There were presidents of universities, college Charles Herbert, Randy Jackson, rison, Jr., were also mentioned coaches, professional football coaches, admirals, gen- Keith Johnson. as the top winners in the stale Two Shore Conference schools Also, Paul Knauff, Robert te erals, etc. General of the Army Douglas MacArthur mentioned for winning champion- Suer, Douglas Nichols, Davii was on hand and drew as much attention as the Hall ships were Brick Township, Class Pratt, Frank Porter, John Rich- winner, and Central Regional, of Famers. Dr. Mason W. Gross, president of Rutgers ardson, William Slater, Jerorrn B Division victor. Red Bank High Stevens, Charles Taylor, Ronali University, presided. Another New Jersey resident, in School in playing a 6-6 deadlock Tempko, Richard Torre, John fact, Monmouth County, on the dais was Alexander :ontest with Brick, brought to a Walker, Gerald Wallis, Richan :bse a long line of victories "Wojie" Wojciechowicz, former great center of Ford Weeks, Lemuel Williams and Mi ham, and later with the and Philadel chael Wilson. NBA Defense Impresses phia Eagles. At this affair "Wojie" could have won Coaches and managers wer< NYU toses another award for Indian wrestling. He did win one presented plaques. These went to Ray Radcliff, varsity coach; W.J, match. Jackson, assistant varsity coach; Standout Rookie Players Top Scorer Highlight of the evening was the presentation L. L. Stevens, head "peewee" NEW YORK (AP) What's the a lack of aggressiveness on my coach; J. J. Mottine, manager; NEW YORK (AP) - Hal Hairs most impressive thing about the part. But with a little experience ton. New York University's lead- ALL OF GIANT STATURE NOW — Caught at tht recent of the Foundation's Gold Medal to Associate Jus- I. H. Breslow, equipment and National Basketball League brand it should come to me. Once trainer; C. P. Herbert and Frank ing basketball scorer and re- ol play, to a couple of rookie get the hang of this game I think National Football League draft meeting in Chicago «re tice Byron R. "Whizzer" White. This was foot- Porter, field representatives, and bounder, was ruled ineligible college All-America stars? I can do O.K." ball paying its highest tribute to an authentic foot- Dr. Richard Hamilton, team phy yesterday as a result of failing these head coaches and. Jim Lee HoWell, center, director sician. The answer might startle those Chappeli said, "It's, kind o! a mid-term examination. of personnel or the New York Gianfi, all four of-fhei* ball great who advanced to high distinction in fans who think of the NBA only tough breaking in on a new team Hairston, 6-foot-7 from Winston- men were assistant* with the Gianii. Left to right, «re public life. Members of the varsity whi e a pot-shooting rat race. It was the same in college where Salera, N. C, Was the fourth NYU will return netf year includ It's defense. I had to learn to play with new player ruled out because of poor Allie Sherman, now head coach of the 6iantt;, Tom This medal is really a cherished award. Justice Paul Breslow, Arthur Collis, Jo- "They say they don't play de- fellows. grades this semester. Earlier, Landry, head coach of Dalles; Harlantl Sv«r«, ntw head White followed previous winners — three Presidents seph Conlon, Richard Cureton, fense in this league," said Len "I don't have my confideno Tom Boose, Clem Gailiard and Jim Mottine, Michael Pribish, Chappeli, Wake Forest ace now Don Blaha were lost. coach of the Los Angelei Rams, anoV Vincent Lombard!, yet, ana my leg injury slowed mi 1 : — Eisenhower, Hoover and Kennedy, and General of George Smith, Randall Viesei with the Syracuse Nationals up. But once. I begin to feel like Hairston scored 460 points as a head coach, of the Green Bey Packers. '". ' / •' ; the Army Douglas MacArthur. Following those fa- and Harry Westlaie. "But the great defensive play is I'm part of the team, I'll get sophomore last season, and Is the mous people in public life is an honor alone, medal or Frank Porter was master o the main difference between the going." team's best man under the colleges and the pros. no medal. ceremonies. boards.-NYU had a 20-5 record Officers for the past year wen "You no sooner get by one big last season and finished third in In an interesting quote from the program, and Frank Connelly, president; Vin- guy than there's another one in PBA, Elks the NCAA regional playoffs. RENT A CAR or cent D. Roache, jr., vice presi- your way. They switch off real NYU opens its basketball sea- made by Justice White, it stated — "Football is a dent; Joseph Beclitle, secretary, good, help each other out on de- ion against Georgetown tonight game and a very exciting and enjoyable one. But and N. B. Daniels, treasurer. fense." To Honor i Madison Square Garden. TRUCK from HERTZ The same sentiments came GAMES WANTED for the player it is experience, too — experience from Chet Walker, Bradley All- UDF-IVE. C- Gridders KEANSBURG — The Keans- with his own character and personality, experi- America and a Syracuse team- Buffalo Signs mate. RED BANK - Red Bank and burg Recreation (16 years and FR 5-1515, CA 2-3299, SH 1-2121 ence with other people and of theirs with him and Red Bank Catholic High School up) basketball team is seeking "The men in the league are so gridders will receive their annual games both home and away: In- experience which repeatedly exposes him to de- No. 1 Pick, much larger and so much more "treat" from the local Patrol- formation for scheduling can be active than the ones you play in mands for exceptional performance within the es- men's Benevolent Association an obtained by contacting Manager college. It's a lot rougher under Elks Lodge when the two organi Tom Grennan. N the boards, and harder to get tablished rules of the game. Few have, suffered rations honor the teams at a din- NEW YORK (AP)—The Pu/fato your shot off." from it. Many have gained Immeasurably." Bills of the ner in the Elks Club Tuesday League signed Dave Behrman Syracuse landed two of the four at 7 p.m. Justice White was one of the great gridiron per AlkAmericas who joined the Michigan State center, yesterday. Councilman John Warren," Jr:, league. Of the others, Jerry Lu- formers back in 1937. He was All-America halfback He was their top draft choice and Red Bank police committee chair- GIVE cas of Ohio State is sitting out also the No. 1 pick of the Chicago man, also is a guest at the affair, at Colorado who could do everything including book the season. Terry Dischenger of Bears of the National Footbal along with officials from th Purdue and Bill McGill of Utah work (he won a Rhodes scholarship.) '... • League. Elks. are with the Chicago Zephyrs. The Bears said they were It was also a night for age and youth. There Dischenger, playing only on week- Heading the committee from "sorry to lose him." sds, has a 25.5 a game scoring the PBA are Franklin White ah* were 12 Hall of Famers inducted, and then there Behrman was the second No. 1 average. McGill is starting to Ray Sergeant. The Elks are rep- NFL pick to be grabbed ofl by the were eight scholarship awards made to the 1962 after a slow start. resented by Eddie Hanlon and grldders. The modern group was headed by Terry newer rival AFL. But an NFL Pat Vaccarelli," members of the TIRES Syracuse coach Alex Hannum Wayne Baker, quarterback of Oregon State Uni- spokesman said here that the youth committee. league isn't worried yet. said his two All-Americas are This is one dinner the gridden versity, who this year also won the Helsman "We've also signed two of our working their way onto the team, enjoy, and that's not mentioninf Trophy. He studies mechanical engineering and first round choices," the spokes- although they haven't set the the food angle alone. Member: THIS CHRISTMAS NBA on fire. has maintained a high B plus average every year. man said. "It's too early to fore- of the PBA and Elks do the serv cast a trend." "Walker has been going a little ing, It is one time the cops ar Here'* a practical gift that meant wfefy We think these awards are one that high school Earlier the Dallas Texans had better than Chappeli," Hannum being chased to the kitchen, anc for MM whole family. Choose from qual- signed , Michigan State athletes should have the opportunity of watching said. "Len was hurt right after not chasing pranksters. ity brands, either regular or snow treads. on TV. It could be a tremendous incentive to open tackle, who was the top draft the season started and it's taken Coaches and school officials al chpice of the Philadelphia Eagles. him a long time to get going so will attend. Check these-reasonable low prices. books more often. "Both and Detroit again." have signed their No. 1 choices," Walker, 6-6,. has an 11-point a Timothy C. Callard, guard at Princeton University, the NFL spokesman said. "The game average. Chappeli, 6S, has HEADQUARTERS FOR was tabbed as one of the finest guards Princeton ever Colts signed and the 6.5 Lions signed , the \ Business Gifts had. He has been an outstanding lineman on three "I'm shooting fairly well," two Ohio State tackles. fine Tiger teams. . Callard also excels at lacrosse, a Walker said. "But I'm not re- FREE GIFT WRAPPING "And the Dallas Cowboys bounding like I should. I think it's sport in which he is an AU-American defenseman. signed Sonny Gibbs of TCU, one Tires Mounted at Your Convenience of the top backs in the country. A. II. i-MAN CI.ASS1(; Scholar-athlete winners represent each of the H.> was a future pick." A. H. B. C. vmmi ru. eight districts in college football, as defined by George Halas, owner-coach of Tea'i Bar & arm .311 H Petragll&'i Ooll Bttt« 30606 100% DuPont the National Collegiate Athletic Association. They the , said in Chica- Sorby & Hodion 304 38 go he was sorry to lose Behrman. Wtfilandi Recreation 303 33 ^hrl»ty'B Confectionery ^ ... 298 35 COOPER NYLON were chosen after nominations from the National "He is a very definite pro pros- Parlcmen, Plumbing 28» 13 pect. All we can do is wish him Monmouth Lumber ...-. „ . 287 09 Football Foundation's awards committees in each Insulation. Biding Corp. . 282 40 well." of these districts were reviewed by a national %"'" ~ Art LaR"'"1 1B9' "' Behrman from Birmingham, %os 200 club — Bill BendlcK 220, Jim SNO-TRAC TIRES awards committee and then approved by the Mich, is 6-foot-5 and 254 pounds McKay 213, Harry Dwltht 204. Ralph C. Wilson, owner of the Foundation's executive committee. I10MIUEI. WOMEN'S LEAGUE Bills, signed him personally. W L 747-9217 ] You Can't Beat Quality and Price Qualifications for the award include outstanding "It was plain he was interested LaZare'a ehoei 28 lo Holmdel Liquor store !3 13 football ability and performance, outstanding academic in a no-cut contract, but with all BOII'H Music Studio 22',S 13<4 [WINE BARREL] 670x15 Tube Type. Black ... 13 75 application and achievement and outstanding campus our veterans It was difficult to Potter'i Garden Cenler 10(4 19M [4 Monmoufh St., Red Bank see how we could have made tha Cerllone'B Ore«nhou«el 18 20 leadership and example. Hazlet Druga , .. ... lfl 2n at the Bus Stop concession," Halas said. Benson'* Furniture 12 24 Behrman reportedly disclosed Harry's Llquon 12 24 Justice White put in a plug for touch football on the Michigan State campus 670x15 Tubeless, Black . . . . | X75 when he stated, "The game of touch football was that Buffalo offered more money popularized by a family in Massachusetts." He than the Bears, "and there were other things, too, that weren't In BLUE WATER MARINE drew laughter at a reference to President Ken- the contract." 750x14 Tubeless, Black .. . • 1A75 nedy's many touch football games in which he and The AFL held ils player draft members of the family participate. He continued, last Saturday and the NFL picked on Monday. Most top players host to the "The rules of the game are vague. In fact, this were picked by teams in both 1800x14 Tubeless, Black .. . *|Q75 little group has the right to change the rules in leagues, and are free to go with the midst of a game." the highest bidder. "I don't think the extra two quality lines 75 Touch football came about after Mr. White traced days make much difference," the 750x14 Tubeless, White . . . . |Q the history of football. And it was the right time for NFL spokesman said. "Conceiv- • Pearson Fiberglass Cruisers ably we could sign all our 10 re- the switch to touch football because his talk was get- maining first round choices. We ting on the boring side. He livened it up once he expect to do real well." • Zobel Sea Skiffs 800x14 Tubeless, White . . . * >|7S picked up laughter from the audience regarding the K is generally conceded in pro football circles that the Los An- • American Finn Outboard Hulls Kennedy sport. Reles Rams of the NFL have rfi« SIMILAR SAVINGS IN OTHER SIZES INCLUDING COMPACTS Chester J. La Roache, president of the Foun- inside track on OreRon State's • Sea Bird V-23 Outdrives All Price* Piui Federal Exciie Tax.' No Exchange Neceitary.. dation, mentioned that college football was again , the Heisman Trophy winner as the nation's outstand- • Home Lite Outboards USE on the upswing. "Nine colleges who discontinued • Bear Wheel Alignment e Barrett Brake Service I ing plaver. WE football are playing again. In some colleges, play- The AFL didn't bother to pick • Nautical Gift Selections • Delco Automotive Service I ers arc paying for their own uniforms in order to Baker until the 12th draft round, GIVE apparently because it did not play. Football is part of American heritage," he want to waste a choice on n play- SEE THE NEW 28' PEARSON WAID! staled. er committed elsewhere. FRANK PORTER'S AVAILABLE FOR stomps. Among local residents attending were Howard SETS TRACK MARK Leon, David W. Russell, Harold Mullins, John J. Ryan, SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - DEMONSTRATION RIDES NOWI Senator Richard R. Stout, John Teeter, Vic ShahAen, Jamaican Georgo Kerr set a state RED BANK TIRE CO. record of 48.8 seconds for the 440 Amory L. Haskell, Sr., and Sonny Werblin. No doubt | Cibln 91 Monmouth St. Red Bank . St. Hwy. Rt. 36 Belford I an i-NM —, orr.N DAILY M Striped Bass Derby was a 24-pounder. Edith M. Dressier, RL J, UaJ, East h Aye..!** , December 7, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER Garret* tad Flortoct Voof>, WBam J. HatrWaa,, KD fa*f, U*t,MM tofMBO, Mid- - , • .. to — mm*» to J2C1M; building, tag, $f,83t to $5,«W. toV..atttM Marlboro $18,(40. Burnett and Pauline Boyce, land, tod, IIMt to KM William and Ursula Carroll, Rt.», laad. $»,400 to $3.4«, build- Margaret J. HawkinsHa, , uup . land, $»*» to mm. Stacy P.CapavnvConow«d., (Continued from Page. 1) I Willow Land Rd., bunding, $20, ing, $28,150 to $22,910. land, 1X470 t o $l,»70,land$l»70ld . $2$2,212 0 PrtiDiif— iPorytoji liM Estate of George Hayes, R Jereey Central Power tod Light d $1«,W tp.tn^O; bd' Mark and Mary Bealin, RD 1, 360 to $18,320. to $1,710, land, $800 to $400. Your*... This loots fik«an - g 520, land, $71,360 to $81,260, build- Co.. Rt 79, bttlldini, (1.730 toj$14,150 tp;$U,«0*$12(00. Morganville, building $9,470 to John and Edaa Williams, William J. Hawkins, «D 1 nothing. ' • ' ' • land• ,1 Ing, $20,090 to $16,370. other good day to wto/friends Mabel Preston, Rt 79, Harold V. D. Cooovw, Conover $5,790. 79, land, $6,290 to $5,350, buili land, $440 to $120, land, $4,460 to and Influence people through to $38,840. ing, $14,480 to $12,820. Frank Boyce, RD 1, building, $2430. Rd.. land, $38,400 to $34,170; land, Henry and Anna' Mitteistedt, $48,243 to $32,330. your wit, charm and penoaaUty. Mabel Preston, RL 79, land,! RD 1, land. $3,350 to $2,050. Blanche and Michael Frank and Esther Sdndtz, Jtt. $37,980 to $29,630, building. $tf.- $27,900 waam. Lloyd Rd, land, $2,500 to $2,300, Boleslof Zienewici, Rt. Be prepared to shoulder rwpon- Joseph Darocl, Texas Rd. 79, land, $(70 to $400. 180 to $22,810; laad, $1,140 to $3,- HaroM V. D. Conover, Conover building, $18,980 to $15,180. building, $10,170 to $6,780. libilhies. GooHuck lies ahead, land, $3,170 to $1,700. Ernest and Myrtle Zienewicz, Frances Polichak, Tennent 270. . Rd., land, $27^40 to $»J30. Andrew and Ann Milligan so dart become discounted be- Edelweiss Farms,, Inc., Wy. Elmer and Ethel Schhicfiting, Rt 79, land, $4,860 to $3,920, Rd., land, $2,340 to $2,140, build- Michael Friel, RD 1, land, $3,' Edelweiss Farms,, Inc., Wy. Rt. 79, land,, $2,960 to $2,520, Texas Rd., land, $6,020 to $3, building, $16,050 to $14,200. ing. $1030 to $8,750. cause event* move slower than nant Rd., land, $$4MJ% to $42,590; 910, building, $10,440 to $8,9^ 160 to $2,340. $2»»S$2»,»S0 b m,mmm Sta- building, $19,070 to $17,390. Boleslor Zienewicz, Rt. Rudolph and Jannlgje Kluls, you would like. Your social life Albert and Kate Jackson, Ry Maurice and Marlon Gruber, Anthony Mlkal, White Rose land, $3,410 to $1,530. Ryan Rd., building, $13,700 to brins>yon happiactt tonisht land; $2M28 to $20,370; 'an Rd, land, $21,050 to $18,490, Pleasant Valley Rd., land. $33,800 Rd., land, $21,010 to $12,610, Ellen, Michael and; James $13,000. H370 to.HOO. building. $34,010 to $21,510. building, $31,510 to $26,440. Crine, RD 1, land, $51,150 JosepB and FnaCts GTOMO, Frank and Esther Schultz, Rt. . . . We've read (and to warn ', Cornelia A. Hawkins, RD 1, Christina D. Thomson, Schoc $35,400, land, $65,660 to $52,900. Pitt... On December 9,1869, 79, land, $5,860 to $4,570; build about aspiring actresses John and Jane Barbagelata, East Francis Ave., bdMlnr $17,. land, $(,150 to $4,700, building, Road East. land. $13,000 to $11 Charlotte L. Mackenzie, Schoc' the Noble Order of the Knights log, $14,710 to $13,230. roses for publicity pur- Lloyd and Nolan Rds., had, $17,-500 to $15,800. $8,600 to $2,6110. 350, building, $19,050 to $17,231 St., land, $4,300 to $3,840, bulti of Labor-wu founded in Phila- poses; but some day we may be 510 to $15,130. Solomon Bnat) Rt 71, buildloi? Fred Von Rodedt, Rt. 79, build- Roy -and Dorothea Cross, R ing, $7,260 to $4,930. Frank and Regina Dugan, Rt 79, land, $2,500 to $2,000, build delphia. It wu the first organi- doing the sane thing (eating the Charles M. Anderson, land, $», lag. $25,980 to $11,160, land, $5.- 79, land, $4,470 to $4,170, buili Thomas Walsh. Rt. 9. land. centerpiece!). It seems that nee uso to mm ing, $14,380 to $11,330. Ing, $8,890 to $8,040. 2(0 to (16,840. 910 to $3,910. land, (5,910 to $19,500 to $18,570, building. $25, zation of workrofnen to admit hips contein nearly twice the Frank J, and Evelyn Becker, $3,810. Walter J. Soltysik, Silvers Rd., Frank Dugan, Buckley Rd » Arlene and John Benko, Rt. 79, 420 to.$17,920, land, $11,540 othen than craft workmen. vitamin-mineral content of or- building, (19,060 to $16,500. Rt 79, building, $18,620 to $10,600. Joseph D. and Ruth Alt, Teii- land, (5,460 to $4,460. land, $3,320 to $1,000. $14,250, building, $8,620 to $3,811 anges. Charles wikoff, Jr.. RD 1, land, P. O. Van Mater, Joctd* nent Rd., land, $4,080 to (2,-| Samuel and Gertrude Neii William F. Deoling, Ryan Rd., Ernest Slater, 228 Texas Rd. $4,180 to $3,130; land, (19,230 to Farms, RL 79, Uod, $2N,64O to 720, building, $18,440 to $11,690, linger, land, $15,350 to $7,030. (26,520 to $25,520, building. $27, land, $3,100 to $2,350, building, $9,580; land, $11,870 to $12,4*3. $186,010, Ardell and Ida Lowing, RD 1, Bailey Hawken, Wickatunk' 000 to $26,000. $17,300 to $13,800. The Day Under Your Sign. Suburban Land Co., Tennent| Citrate* E. Hauser.RD 1, land, land, $44,460 to $38,240. Gordon's Corner Rd., land, $12, John Marz, Jr., Ridge Rd. Joseph and Mary Bresney, Rt ARIES Chm Mtrck lit* Anil If) UIRA <*•>•. IM.Ori. 2J) Rd., land, $25,200 to 116,790. $5,270 toi$4^7». •:.-••;• Edward Askew Sr., Rt. 79, 950 to $11,310, building, $14,200 land, $80,850 to $55,600. 79, land, $7,440 to $5,040, build Don't bt fculful. An arista! &• my Mik« IIM mot M Uto«M««rtnU la re- Herman A. Beck, Rt. 9, land, Joseph and Grace Guth, H«r. building, $42,040 to (24,650. :o (10,210. Marion Man, Wickatunk, land, impnu u Important jman nnnM/. •nnm Wtw your Smby tat. Ing, $8,900 to $8,130. $3,800 to $3,000; building, $10,650 bor Rd., land, $C,0M to $4480; Betty Rae Borden, Main St., Aristo and Matilde Scrobogm $78,750 to $52,240. John Scherer, RD 1, Morgan, TAURUS I April 10 •• Miy 10) SCORPIO (O.KU».Ntv. II) Fricnttlr trad' MifUts mttrtelatat «r Alitmtk mv upwtt tn tauw, it It to $11,049. ' building, $11,210 to 17,670. land, $900 to $630, land, $1,870 Rt. 520, land, $70,110 to $54.08(1 Morris Schechter, Tennent Rd ville, land, $51,390 to $45,030, aUin. m friuSiTi** Ut nfciift. John and Mary Carroll, Laurel to $1,730, building, $13,150 to Arthur Phelan, Tennent Rd. Harold C. Quactonbush, suuion building, $30,640 to $19,550. $67,830 to $39,830. GEMINI (M«ym»Jm» JO SASITTAIIIUS (N.».M t.D«.ll) La., building, $16,280 to $13,149. Rd., hud, $2,(00 to. $1,500; build- $11,950. land, (2,250 to $1,650, buildln; > d $3600 am bud Edna M. Netter, Dutch Lam Louis GUJS and Nathan Pear] Don't Ml araoHl km. Cil mt mi to- A nhlin n»r (in tiad/ •dTks.,I>K t Daniel and Margaret Bertram, ing. (5370 to $4,330. Mildred Finlayson, Gordon's (9,180 to $6,740. i jourrtf witk lunar £t friend.. ronnt It (na MU n«.WI» ill)- Rd., land, $10,770 to $8,580, buili man, RD 1, land, $100,000 to $66, RD 1, land, $9,400 to $4,700; build- J. H. Becker, Inc., Rt TO, land, Corner Rd., land, $18,400 to Joseph A. Bauer, Bauers La CANCER [J«». « U Jdr 11) CAPMCOIN (D*c 2! •• Jtn. 20) Ing, $11,050 to $9,500, land, $2, 780. ing, $33,550 to $22,360. $2,800 to (2,000; land, $77,180 to $16,260; land, $6,750 to $5,060; land, $4,800 to $4,300, building, Anld weld rlribr. Sim dor of w Uml Stfvtar aiiikt •cdritiei vffl 050 to $900. Daniel P. Brewer, Rt. 79, build tiiltln m eu't iffori pron mn tin vcitiaf tlin DMII. Martha Blohm, RD 1, building, $69,280; building, $188,1« to land. $48,650 to $31,720; land, 19,210 to $17,410. John Nanowich, Buckley Rd., ing, $23,590 to $18,200, land, $10, UOfJg|y»t«A»f.;i> AQUARIUS fJ.n.11 ». F.b. m $15,470 to $11,390. $25,540 to $19,150; Robertsville Janney D. Ely, Herbert Ave $102,930; land, $1,600 to $130. land, $7,970 to $6,570, building, 270 to $6,920. It'i btitar to nfiM a« iariutlai ntker TkU (• no «m lo nld jour kadpt, » John and Evelyn Syby, Rt 79, Rd., land, $8,040 to $7,540; Gor- land, $2,690 to $2,240, building, tim to.Kctpt it ml wt «ijw jrountU. Kcfatty farmniniiitH l Wto Ada McCue, Main St., land, $7,- $11,020 to $9,310. Charles W. Jamison, Union Hil building. $11,570 to $18,590. don's Corner Rd., land, $34,440'»7.290 to $6,690. VIR60 f AS). 111» S.»t. H) PISCK IF.B. M »• M«rjli 10) 640 to $3,270. Michael and Paula McGrath, Rd., land, $15,860 to $13,930, Don'r outlet cxeCHtn dtnuad* w «th«/4 Gottlieb and Mary Prrydogda, Lester M. Heulitt Hudson and or ult tkis to Ao matt m Vnddn'L land. $20,610 to $13,890, building, $15,200 to 112,690. RD 1. land. $4,290 to 13.990; build- Orchard SIM., land, $7J» to $5.- Andrew and Mary Farre! Dora D. Sweeney, Woolleytowi ing, $13440 to $10,870. 360; building, $14,010 to $0240; Buckley Rd., land, $7,060 to $5, Rd.,' land, $19,840 to $16,840, Frederick and Philomena Nad- High St, land, $4,2*0 to $3,(40. 790, building, $8,170 to $6,130. building, $90,840 to $75,240, Tex- deo, RD I, building, $17,410 to Rd., land, $5,160 to $3,060; build- H. O. and M. E. SJpstrom, John and Virginia Tergls, Gor- Anthony and Minnie Nuniiat as Rd, land, $10,340 to $7,940, 1*10,100. to < ier Rt. 79, building, $16,510 to $13, ing, $15,830 to $U,U0. Union H1U Rd., building, $18,210 Julian W. Roseberry, Beacon] Nellie and Walter Nlnnec, build- '*, 2*! 1ta_?i' 200. Hill Rd., land, $4,440 to $3,475, George Franklin, Buckley Rd., to $14,300. Ingg , $22,98$22980 toto $18&>~Z • ««?•"»•' «* Edward and Le Verne Gasklni building, $9,470 to $4,130. land, $5,170 to $4,7J0; building, Philip Stafflinger, RL 79, land. Edward B. Walling. Tennent $18,470 to $15,570. Rt. 79. land, $3,520 to (2,500 Sadie Magee, Rt. 520. land, $9,150 to $7,490; building, $13,600 Rd., building, $13,060 to $9.(20; William and Catherine Snape, THE BURLEY BELT building, $26,230 to $15,800. $57,600 to $49,560, building, $28, to $11,550; land, $34,440 to $28,400. Rt. 520, land $1,960 to $980. Gordon's Corner Rd., land, $20,-1 Kabhryn and George Van 160 to $20,340, personal, $1,600 irt and Jane Wendel, School Boleslaw and Susan Srymanski, LEXINGTON. Ky. (AP) - The Give giftj for fun on snow and !ee> Brunt, Lot 12, Block 74, lam" 000 to $17,300; building, $18,690 Crtne Rd., land, (21,200 to $20,' burley tobacco Mies belt if list- to $500, land, $34,440 to $26,940. West, building, $21,280 to or for just gadding about the winter $16,770 to $12,080. to $15,200; personal, $800 to $100. 700. ed w an eight-tUU arcs, bat on- Clara Grove, Old Tennent Rd. 114,450. scene. Coma in and see our selec- Harry and Marie Holmes, Easi and, $4,150 to $2,650, building, George E. and Edna Eastoo, Raymond J. Swanlck, Marlboro ly 11 of the (1 sales centers are School Rd., building, $12,060 ' $2,250 to $1,500. Rt. 520, land, $5,940 to $3,580. Genevieve NlcoUsi, RD 1, land, Rd., building. $17,580 to (8.270. located outside Kentucky and tion of quality tki togs. $11,600. Grace M. Hilton, Woolleytownj George T. Saathoff, RD 1, land, $16,270 to $14,660, buldllng, $21,- Irving and Martha Perry, East Tennessee: Virginia and North 450 to 129,450. NYLON PARKAS Joseph and Virginia Brodnick, Rd., building, $9,740 to $5,660, $27,440 to $22,«20. Francis Aw., buJldlnj, $17^80 to Carolina have mree tack, Indi- Union Hill Rd., land, $5,210 ' land, $8,830 to $5,740. Bernard Hatpin, Orchard William and Alice Stolz, School $l«0O. . :..:,, aaa hai two. -and W«t Virginia, from $4,410, building, $19,840 to $14, Willett E. Morey, Tennent Rd. Plcwy., buUding, $13,900 to $10,000, Road East, land, $2,370 to $870. Joseph and Frances GroseoJOblo and Mlseourl, one wen. Lightweight, lined or unlined and quilted 880. land, $10,800 to $8,600, building, Mary E. Sjostrora, Rt 9, land, Alice Stolz, School Road East, Max and Rose Laub, Main St., $10,300 to $7,350. $4,750 to $4,060. • land, $2,000 to $1,000; land, $1, STRETCH SKI PANTS 4Q.98 building, $31,090 to $23,820. David Werbler. Rt. 79, build- Melville and Antoinette Stokes, 180 to $530. ; Kenneth, Grace, Olen and El Water repellent fabrics. 17 ing, $32,150 to $23,500. Rt. 520, land, $7,370 to $6,030; Chtrles and Mariann CHRISTMAS HOURS sie Huebsch, Rt 79, land, $16, ALPACA FUR MITTENS (J.fg Sea Skiffs, Inc., land, $51,700 building, $40,960 to $30,700. Vanderberg Rd., land, $5,310 150 to $13,250, building, $30,660 by Pinata-Party. Leather palmed to $44,140, building, $306,540 to William J. Hawkins, RD 1, land, $4J10; building, %YIM to $14,- UNTIL DECEMBER 22 ,9" to $27,010. $8,180 to $5,100; land, $18,950 to $203,800. 180; persona], $10400 to $1,000. Robert J. Berran, Jr., Lot 41 Lysbeth Geran, Texas Rd,, $14,210; land, $7,950 to $4,720; Other' Gift Ideas Block 22, land, $2,390 to (1,240, land, $2,080 to $1,560. land, $7,090 to $5,820; building, Clarence and Lotta Burke, RD 1, Cardigans, Wool Socks, Skirts, land, $2,260 to $1,050, land, $1 Ida May Cashill, Amboy Rd., $4,170 to $2,540; Yand/ $18,830 tojl«nd. »l.M0 tp $1,620; building. Sweaters, Rainwear, Pocketbooks. BEU FINANCE COMPANY '00 to $1,270. land, $6,740 to $5,570.' 118,060. '$21J00 to $200; land, $3,690 to lg. CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED Margurlte Palmer, Tenneni Frank Eckel, RD Morganville, Margaret J. Hawkins, RD 1. 240; building, $2^60 iacreued to Open Daily 9-6 Friday 9- 8 USE OUR LAYAWAY Rd., land, $5,240 to $4,250. laad, $8,590 to $8,070, building, $8,290 to $6,090; land, (19,U0|(13,840. James J. Pellett Co., Ratlroai $33,120 to $28,110. William and Ruth Barker, Con-j Ave., land. $7,900 to $6,300, build- Joseph Miele, Rt. 79, building, J. Lester Heyer, Rt. 79, build- over Rd., tend, $7,100. to $1370; *CLOTtf/Tttt ing, $34,760 to $18,890. 15,710 to $6,310. ing, $20,360 to $16,700. SHREWSBURY SHOPS James J. and Mary Pellett Edoma Ranson, Beacon Hill Victor and Helen Alt, Lloyd BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY, N.J. |Hudson St., land, $4,420 to $3, Rd., land, $4,540 to $2,880. Rd., land, $3,180 to $2,840. 880, building, $11,960 to $10,430 Open Evenings Starting Monday, Dec. IOth. Louis Robbins, Amboy Rd., Margaret. J. Hawkins, RD 1, Marguerite H. Palmer, Ten- building, $19,690 to $12,490. land, $5,280 to $4,710; land, $17,900 tent Rd., land, $9,350 to (8,110, Mary Campell, Tennent Rd., 1 $13,920. Krystoft and Dunn, Lot land, $17,260 to $2,970. William J. Hawkins, RD 1, land, [Block 56, land, $820 to $610, land Preston, Rt. 79, land, 110.220 to $6,940. $8,560 to $2,650, land, JW.^Iiji^Vir to $20,946, building, $14. 3. H. Becker. Inc.. Old Ten- REEDS CHRISTMAS SALE (6,320. 840 to $13,040, building, $21,000 lent Rd., land, $1,0*0 to $530.' Frederick Bayer, Sr., Union to $15,750. JohnB. Becker. Jr.i land, $*,- Hill Rd., land, $2,240 to $1,740. Ciro Lanzaro, Tennent Rd., 540 to $840.. '•"•• GREATEST VALUES EVER! Frederick N. Bayer, Jr., Un and, $28,920 to $26,080, building, Clarence E, Haiiser, Rt 79, on Hill Rd., building, $1,760 tc 159,450 to $57,420. land, $4,310 to $2,900. 1290. Robert La Mura, Brown Rd., Clarence E. Hauler, Rt, 79, Edward N. Wallace, Rt. 79, building, $24,090 to $18,000. land. $440 to $290. •*»« wilding, $23,200 to $20,810. Edoma Ranson, Beacon Hill Grace M. Hilton, Wooleytown Nicholas and Dora SankoR, Rd., land, $13,200 to $8,920, build-j Rd., land, $1,510 to $1,130; land, building, $24,410 to $16,520. ing, $18,690 to $5,640. 1.350 to $750; land. $1,100 to $600; Anna and Robert L. Humes, John Cashill, Amboy Rd., land, land, (1,500 to $1,000. *t 79, building, $9,350 to $5,500 $6,200 to $4,550, building, (9,140 Dora D. Sweeney, Wooleytown John Masello, Woolleytowi > $8,550- Rd., land, $1,730 to $930; Texas Id., building, $24,040 to $18,020. Millard Lamberson, East Fran. Rd., land, $1,180 to $880; Wooley- is St., building, $24,830 to (18,- town Rd., land, $1,950 to $1,250; On-the-Go 800. Texas. Rd., $1,260 to $950. Convent of Good Shepherd, Sadie Magee, Rt. 520, land, Wickatunk, land, $135,050 to (4,710 to $1,250. Printed Pattern 87.330. William and Alice Stolz, School Lysbeth Geran, Texas Rd., load East, land, $2,570 to $2,300; 'Buy The Easy Reeds Way" land. $5,200 to $3,500; land, $5,. building, $10,000 to $2,300. NO MONEY DOWN • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 00 to $3,320; land, $2,230 to Bertha Stolz, School Road East, I'A\ ;.S LITTLE AS SI 00 WEEKLY or S4 00 MONTHLY 11,110; land, $5,400 to $4,500; building, ,.$5,410 to $4,510. 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE building, $78,570 to $58,570. . Michael and Imelta Cottura, FlfST PAYMENT STARTS JANUARY 1963 Harry Chine and Florence Lloyd Rd., land, $5,400 to $J,300; iprague. Buck* La., land, $12,000 wilding, $12,090 to $10,880. o $8,000. George and Beetle Wendel, George Saathoff. Topenemus Boundary and Vanderberg Rds.. d., land, $52,800 to $35,770; nd, $31,040 to $25,780; building, ullding, $38,050 to $25,920. $(1,900 to $52,040. Lonas M. and Catherine P. Hin- Bruno Bilenki, School St., land, in, Wickatunk, building, $16,330, $23,330 to $21,200; building, $3,430 o $14,700. > ) $2,050. James and Audrey Slattery, Rt. Charles and Anita Stephen, And, The Christmas Clitb To Join Is 9, building, $14,530 to $13,180 femi.1 "A r i. .jDiOn HiI! Rd-' l80d- *3'H0 to sophleand John Rodney, Lloyd $3,370; building, $23,520 to $19,420 THE LARGEST NOELUNISONCO. ... First Merchants National's

AUTHORIZED! Carrier DEALER In rfio nuh end •xeitwntnt of CLASSES TO FIT ANY BUDGET NO BNTBANCE FEE this Holiday Sooson, put thU on Dapwa Too WHUJr NO MONEY DOWN Weathermaker to Monmouth County **Mln Hio top of your lilt... OPEN $3.50 wkly or $10 monthly * .SO $ 25.00 f 25.25 Since 1946 1.00 ' 10.00 50.50 2.00 100.00 101.00 YOUR CHRISTMAS CLUB for 1.00 150.00, 151.SO 17-JEWEL WE RECOMMEND 5.00 250.00 252.50 '63 NOW!... at Hi* bank wtW 10.00 100.00 505.00 BULOVA ao.oo 1000.00 1010.00 $1,349,712.50 wa» diitributad In WATCHES WALTON HUMIDIFIERS Inlerett Paid on 1962... th« lorgtst amount In Your Complied Clubs LOOK GREAT all day in Amtrica's most trfficitnt Choice '24.75 Ightly bloused casual with yoke thoarta. Dainty Lady's Dress md neckline news. Ideal tor the, Watch. Man's Water usy, new year ahead in wool, humldifltr for Individual and Shock Resistant. inen, rayon. Unbreakable Printed Pattern 9137: MUsea' Mainspring. Ires 10, 12, 14, 18, It. Sin 16 rooms, homes, induitry, quires 2% yards 54-inch fabric. No money down, $1 Thirty-five cents In coins lor this weekly or $4 monthly jattern — add 10 cents for each laboratory and commerce. next year. •attorn for first-class mail. Send Marian Martin, Red Bank iglster, Pattern Dept., 233 West Call Vt for Information 8th St., New York 11, N. Y. REEDS JEWELERS rlnt plainly name, address with me, size and style number. 4Q Birch Avenue Little Silver 60 BROAD ST. 717 Cookman Ave. FIRST TIME EVERI Glamor- OFFICES: ASBURY PARK • RED BANK • MANASQUAN • NO. ASBURY movie star's wardrobe plus RED BANK Asbury Park excitindtl g styletl s to sew In SH 1-3454 PARK • FAIR HAVEN • HOLMDEL • BRIELLE Pattern IVERY NIGHT TIL CHRISTMAS ^^0!.^^™^ M«mk«r fdml JUMTD* Mpttm/rtdmtl'l SIM-'&QHR. By SAWDEXS end OVERGAKD, STEVE ROfBt By SAVNDERS








THE RYAnS By CAL ALLEY THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY, r HOWAREVDU IN BBO A PCW CHICi«N_-BBOrH,-; MV SCHOOL BOOKS DAYS. ANYMORE. KED BAKK REGISTER wn um FOUND nmxmmat urn? AHD **• jew oirtoft 22—Friday, December 7, 1962van — frana tootle, buck; [male, 1ML CADXLULC url bio.. twa««t name "Chert." Reward. Cell mod. Black wttk matcblm idlo, teaUr, F BH T533» M&US, i?8i jrfclt* Interior, roll power 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS oondHlonmr- RIMMU 01* nMi» FOUND — Boat. November 10 la Nan- Ulae Co. SH 1-OtlO. A*A»k fotorr Jlr.-W«ltM sink River. Call between « ud » p.m. AUTOMOTIVE 1ST METROFOUTAK CO LOST AND FOUND SH Mm. < U»» VOLVO - Two-door uAka. On • Bitallent zoniVMta. AUTOS AND ntUCKS owner, tour ipeed truamiMUev.irMM COUNTRY Minna wrtxum FOUND — Cro«-bf«fd beagle In vl-LOST — Passbook No. R169O4. Finder ill»5 Red Bank Auto Import*. AH 1 WAGON - rwr NWlppad. 2a out- please return to Monmouth County PLYMOUTH CONVBRTIBUC - •twdlnc oondttlon. Power equipment) SW OHIVROtJIT — SlMjrtanjar cloHy ol Holmdtl. Call srter 5:30 p.m. Beatolftillr kept, ana-owner car, toUF n»# Uree. Radio, heater,, backup Ufnta, eak *1W. rirm. CO 2S1-I742. National Bank, Red Bunk. I equipped plm poweir wtedowe. 873-0406 opr atauwi ««•«, »U«Jt fhllt, . AUTOS AND TRUCKS Jghinr nt. SH MOO liter 3 p.m. PONTIAC CONVEBTIBUSi - Oni luiaa Bret, fontla*. r~ 1MT FORD - Sedan. IS». Raliu he>Ur. EjLcrincv muitiielL Call itl car, cream color. Cal) CA I

AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS r AUTOS AND TRUCKS Broa PonUac IUd Bank. 08JVQ4H8 o>^r4 _(«(j iinrvw • BH 1-5U0 ise« PONTIAC ~- f autboei iSaHtol SEE THEM NOW ltn CADILLAC — Sedan deVIUe. Black Pull pow.tr am. .Rama Broi NO. with black -am white interior, fall Pontlao, Keil Banfc.»H HHO. mUee. Call »»• — power. 18.000 mllel. RUflaILL Old»- mobile-Cadillac Co, 8H 1-OS10. Art (or -FORD.CpUNTRV ggillR. *rj Mr. Witter* real dream car. »•---.—-—^—™ OK ... .t.erlw. 1C00O mmea. W»o. SB MOM e^adlllac Co. SK Z-QP*^ Jum.Mot iTalten. > -i • '•' • j 'lit: I'M GOING two Ma WiilD — ««or Boo Rama Broa. Pontiac, Mj Banli coupe, Call alter .5 p.m USED CARS SH HIM. , ' CO *« W0 CHKVROIXT — Belair, four-door &v8rsj H 1-SU0. •edan. ilz. radio and nailer, auto- UK FORD RANCH WAQON'— BUf* mofclte-Cadlllac Co. matic, tower. K-X H.3W. 7M-4M4. vd trmnimliBlon. Readr <° •»• <"' TO HAVE A at Oil BH T-308T. SUrt . CORVAIWaJtere. R - TWO-ooor coupe. Rl 1982 FALCON nation wagon, automat- So, heater, white wall Urea. Clrd * J1B50. • 1M2 CACIIXAC — Sedan deVIlle. Qol wltli matohlnr Interior. Fully pow< Cnevrolel Co., Red Bank. BH 1-3131 m CHRT8IXR -Power Trenery Chevrolet BH 1-MM Mulpped lncfiidlrti air condltlonln md brake«, food ruanlnf 1957 DOIXJE — Two-dcor wMon, | (tusaiSLL OUimobUa-CadUlac Co. 8 •tandanl, alilR won to ttl 160. 147-0471. SALES and SERVICE . R Broi. Fontlae. Red Hank' 1-OMO. A»k tor Mr. Walttrt. ISM alter S M» VOIJtSWAOBN-OcmranibM. one 787-0007 ' mi emiVRouJT — T«KMI«>I. U« CHlirreoLET WCKUP - «• bod: nroer, yeUow. Radio. Malar. B1JJ. MERRY list PLYMOUTH — Four-door ndas. minor body work. Itx «>£n?« «** led Bank Auto Imjwrti. • SB 1-MM. eicellent conilltliin. WJ05- Call SH i Good runnlnc condition, Kood -UreK' u 1«. tWS' Rutai Broi. Fontlae R* 6r 8H 1-3401. ,00! PLYMOUTH — Four-door ledaji. 12 Church St. Keansburg «U0. Call after 3 p.m. 08 1-2996. Bank BH 1-8180. "rt.S condlUo?, heatar. tjifo. Oojd Aulomatic power brakn, M3M. Rj inow tlree and (»od front tlrej. CM. AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS Broe. Fontlae, Bed Bant. BH HIMC OLDSMOBIUB - »» CHRISTMAS Call after* I JUST BOUGHT AN AUSTIN - A-40 Btallon rCK-t/P SH Id CADILLAC — FlMtwood, BUM*. AUTOS AND TRUCKS ilr conditioned. Can be Has at HI " 4way. Loot Branch. OK (More Cltfilfied Ad* DOUBLE On Utt Next Put) CHECKED Aims AND nucsr USED GAR 4 Set Twin-Boro R«mW»r'» USED CARS ROM CIRCLE CHEVROLET '61 Rambler, Classic Low Mileage —:—tm •61 Corvalr, Wagon $1495 BIG SAVINGS '60 Buick, 2-dr. H.T. ™^$1695 AMAZING '59 Chev., Conv. u-___$1295 •59 Buick. • NOW GOING ON! Electra, Conv. J$W25 HAVF BEEN SAFETY '57 Chev., 4-dr., B.A. _ S7S5


Two-door coups. Radio and heaf- Two-door coupe. Radio and heat- '62 VOLKSWAGEN, Sunroof, black .11850 •60 AUSTIN-HEALEY BUtCKB •61 VOLKSWAGEN Kombi $1450 Sprite Roadster ..$1095 to 4-dr. Hardtop «r, whitewaN tirei. Standard H 4-dr. Hardtop er, whirewall first. '61 VOLKSWAGEN Pickup Truck ....$1395 '60 HILLMAN HUSKY Sta. Wagon, transmission. '61 AUSTIN-HEALEY Sprite, one heater, WW, red $ 850 ^ff.t«ood . owner, good condition ....$1195 O Sedan De VtUe '60 HILLMAN Convertible, black (t Sedan '60 AUSTIN-HEALEY, i-seater and red. Low mileage, new tires $1030 •2 Coupe Deluxe Rdstr., WR, wire wheels $1895 61 Fleetwood '5? VOLKSWAGEN, Sunroof J .$1195 41 Coupe •61 AUSTIN-HEALEY Deluxe Road- 60 sedan D. Villa 1961 N.S.U. Prinz 1957 CHEVROLET ster, wire wheels, white and black •59 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan, Red .$1175 CO Convertible 89 Sedan This it an exceptionally nice car. Two-door station wagon. Radio leather, radio and heater ', $2095 '59 HILLMAN Minx 4-dr. Sedan, M Fleetwood •61 CORVAIR Model 700 Sedan. 2-dr., radio and whitewalls $795 ot Sedan Don't mils this one. Very low and heater, six cylinder standard U Sedan - radio- _ ...$1450 •58 JAGUAR MARK VIII +dr. CKRYSLEItB mijeage. transmission. '61 HILLMAN 4-dr. Sedan, radio and sedan, auto., red/black $1795 59 4-dr. Hardtop. heater, auto .'.;. $1195 '58 MERCURY 2-dr. Sedan $ 295 ST Mr. Hardtop '61 MORRIS MINOR 2-dr. Sedan, low '57 TR-3 Roadster, British racer, e mileage -...... $ 859 CHRISTMAS green, new tires 1985 » Coorertlble '61 RENAULT Caravelle Coupe, •5S OLDSMOBILE 4-dr. Sedan .-. $ 450 t» Kfi. Ranch white and black. Radio and heat- •58 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Conv., » BtlncUbla er, whitewalls $1295 red, auto., R&H, Power •_$ 895 [MPIRIA2/t7 sontnaaiptoa SPECIALS... CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. •60 VOLKSWAGEN, Sunroof, radio '56 FORD 2-dr. HT Sedan, Blue $ 295 UEROURT and heater, blue ...41295 •55 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, radio, M Hardtop Sedan '60 HILLMAN Sedan, jreen, like like new _., $ 395 0LD8MOBHXS «t B8» Hardtop Coupe RAMBLER SELECT 325 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK new; 18,000 miles .'. $ 8S5 '54 FORD Convertible, red $ 250 62 98 Hardtop Sedan 62 88 Hardtop Sedan ' (2 88 Hardtop Coupe USED CARS! 61 BM Hardtop Sedan OPEN EVES. SH 1-3130 SO W Hardtop Sedan 60 M Sedan to WjaJjW lifcW a^W <0 M ConvwUile S9 » Hardtop sedan '61 RAMBLER W M Hardtop Coupe 44t. Sextan CONTINENTAL CARS INC. 55 S88 Hardtop Icdeii Custom, auto., RltH, PS 97 M ConrertloK Coups ONLY QUALITY IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES OPEL 60 Station Wagon PONTIAC, «1, BonnevUlt Ooov. IMCA. M, 4-dr. Sedan •61 RAMBLER NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD RED BANK T-SIBD.'M, Hardtop 2-dr., auto., R&H, 1 owner Cadlllao —'', QMmubll* SH 7-45O0 OPEN EVES. Broadwar at tt& Atenut $1395 HOW 'BOUT A Long Branch '60 DODGE FIAT — FIAT — FIAT.— FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT 4-dr., auto., R&H, PS, PB, one owner, like new '63 OLDSMOBR.E $1450 '60 RAMBLER CHRISTMAS BONUS SPECIAL 9-pass. Wagon, RtH FOR $1495 '60 RAMBLER I 00 4-dr. Sedan, Heater GALLONS OF GAS with purchase of any $1295 new car ,

HURRY, THIS OFFER IS LIMITED!!! '60 METRO. Mr. HT, R&H $850 •60 RAMBLER Station wagon, auto., R&H $1575 '59 METRO. Convertible $575 •59 RAMBLER : Wagon, auto., R&H Full Power 1 YOU COULDN'T ASK FOR A NICER GIFT FOR THE ENTIRE $1295 FAMILY . . . AND YOU COULDN'T ASK FOR A BETTER •58 RAMBLER - 4-dr. Station Wagon, PRICE THAN THE ONE YOU'LL GET AT RUSSELL . . . automatic, R&H IMPROVED 600 D SEDAN, mot) famous of all THE SHORE'S LARGEST OLDS-CADILLAC DEALER! $995 the Fiati. \6at>\ family car. Unexcelled in op- '58 CHEVROLET erating economy. Utmost convenience.' Lowest ORDER NOW FOR Mr., 1 owner, clean possible price. ' $795 CHRISTMAS DELIVERY '58 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Sedan, R&H OR SELECT FROM OUR STOCK ON HANDI CHECK THE $675 CHRISTMAS • 36 MONTHS TO PAY -AN OLDS TO FIT EVERY NEED- "56 FORD SPECIALS $ • UP TO 45 M.P.G. $ 2-dr. Sedan NINETY; EIGHTS • SUPER 88'S • DYNAMIC 88'S on our selection of i R&H, good condition • CRUISES OVER 60 M.P.H. STARFIRES • F-85'S • JETFIRES VALUE-RATED $395 198 36.97 4-dr. wagon USED CARS SEDANS. - HARDTOPS - CONVERTIBLES - WAGONS DOWN Auto., RR&HS , PS in today's Classified! PER MONTH '57 DODGE 4-dr., R&H, HT$795 always Automatic, PS have $375 at least TWIN-BORO RUSSELL LEVINE-WEBB '57 MERCURY one MOTOR CORPORATION RAMBLER (FORMERLY BUFFIA MOTOR COMPANYI OLDSMOBILE.CADILLAC CO. 131' Newman Springi Rd. HWY. 35 LI 2.1020 EATONTOWN , RED BANK 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK FIAT "LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE FIAT" OPEN EVES. SH 1-0910 OPEN 'TIL 9 P. M. FIAT — FIAT — FIAT -> FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT -. FIAT ~ FIAT — FIAT — FIAT — FIAT FIAT SH 7-0040 ; T wrm WMW AMD MXX89OKBU HEUP WAWTJED-reMAIJE HKUP WAWttZMWe - reaaie . . tO t». SrsuuM #«• TELEPHONE SALES nM.tlrtkia ftctmanm. Mldat JKP. SH SH M« Part-time or MB-tlma. Ambttko aM - you * Me stun mt mm vox AKE OM1 PATHECT* - On IMS We have t permanent opeolaf I.. . pleaaant vok« are *nr requirements. MUM^MO monttalr. OUl a««r « ,££ tHIP-KMHORT RAPIOB — ChrlM- talea 'depanmrut lor an eiperiesced ^LWMjm _ Ltavlng state. mai eHclato. new and naei. 30 to a •elllDg experience sot necessary, we town. OS 1-JM4. watt modeu. UM MARINO, Marine trplet who can aleo do flllnf and act train you. For Interview pboiie: Jjwrs. at rellel operator on ewitehboard, Pre SH 14)10, eiunsln 31- Iveolijs 0»l- UN DOBOB — Royal four-door, radio, Baillo. Atlantic Highland*. 5»UXnt. (erred ijt bracket M-«. oood pi MEN ONLY! schedule and liberal company benenti 1047. . SITUATIONS WANTED, Female 40-bour week. Phone KO 1-1880 lo: IUSINESS WOTICI5 appointment. If the "Little Woman" U a I way i complaining — — IMA. Four door"'sedan, HELP WANTED-MALE CHILD CARE — Bed Bank. Sew Shrewsbury area. Call TOM'S FORD INC. TRENCH DlOOmo - Leienli. Dim COMMUNICATION 1U-74M Hare's a way you can keep her happy and scarcely WB PAT CASH FOR DUD CAM twndiee, aprlnkler ejetemi. Hour or 1M1 !*IJ — Print. Very low mllssge. contract. CA 3-3M8, or CA t-3004. / PRODUCTS CO. IBM TAB OPERATOR IUCUABU) WOMAN — Wlsbes part- «0 Main St. LO frlMO kunu time housework and laundry. Available dent tfi. pocket bookl Circle Chevrolet Co., Jte4 Bank, SHI- (HO yds. from MaUwsn RE station) Marlboro. K. I. Day abirt.' Two to three rears ex< F^tBPLACJI gCREENB repaired 1and perlence dealrable. Apply la person I Paoamber 3, nttntuu. Mt 7-4ME. made to order. Bright Acre «H 7J — WON ULU ITsmj-run or par to 11 ».m. and ! u I p.m. Monday, HOUMWORKEtt-Avillable dars from UH VOUCSWAOBM - Two-door, 21000 Bright Blurt. BH 7-2223. •line. Several terrltoHea opca roi Wednesday, Friday. mUM, mtlo, heater, whluwiUi, excel- AUTO PARTS-REPAOtS women (ntenated In naflnt a icwd PERSONNEL DEPARTBJCNT • a.ra. to 2 p.in. References. Have - fUY HER lent conation. SMS. LI uuP CHARLES BOWER - Maun Con- Ready income, tfxpertanc* unoece>- transportation. Call M1-43K. tractor, No too too amall. «H 1-tm or •ary 8H t-4343 or writer lire. Haraa. Lily-Tulip Cup Corp. RXUABUB WOKAH — Wlsses house- Three Rooms of New, Lovely Furniture 1M2 CADILLAC — Stdan. White with 1M7 CORVETTE ij BH 1-0172. rat Oulotta, P. O. Box MfTftad Baiilc. work on Friday's. Has transportation. blue interior... Fully power equipped. CALL OENERAL CueANINO—Cetlare, yard RL S3 Holmdel, N, I. HJ » «ay. *H (or buy her juit one or two roonu) ""•'.S.'K; PHS"^ OHemobife-Cadil. »H HIM and aUlu. Aim otner detnlng done. AMUTAJIT TO COMTROLLEK Reatonable. TtT-MM. tiperltncet in all account/of pi, COMPANION and lujht t»usekeejiln« rtc Co. BK i-mtTSk wt Mr. waiters. ceduraa. Mint type. Abllltr to train an TOUNO KAN - 2O-3f for general book- lor elderly senon. Kiowledte of nurs- 1M4 CHEVROLET — Bel Air ' itatin MOBILE HOMES OABDRJ 8TATI PAINTBRB-Experl- work with penonnel. Career tnfndi keeping position wiut insurance flrr ing. PR i&O. . ' . ' - for only enced, leeured. Avenge Rancb-Cape peraon OR)7> profit aharl&r plan, fi In Red Bank. Typing helpful. Forwar Cod 1180 plui paint. Average room 130 details and aalary desired to "Air., MOBILE ROUES day week. Send reeume aad salary Box Sll, Red Bank. 81TOATIONS WANTED. Malt mssr&te&r*IMS VOUCSWAOEH SEDAN — Perfect Died • 10% down plue pilnt. SH 1-2WS anytime. "Peraonnel", Box 171, Red Bank. eondtlon, low mileage, now. cm «H New • 7-rear ftaanclng DRAFTING UNLIMITED -You oame EXPERIENCED ESTIVATOH — For 7*4881 attar 8 p.m. It, we'll draw It. Architectural, me- REGISTERED NURBB — Nlgnt ablfl WOH SCHOOL BOt - BallaWe. az- $396 ROBBINSVILLB 11 p.m. • T a.m. Apply In writing heavy ^construction work; part or full- 19M FORD — Cleui, (our door, light chanical, electrical, geographical, civil time. Remi-retlred engineer.win t» con- blue, standard transmission, radio, heat- TRAILER SALES, INC. draniDf. R. areenmao, CO i)U7. 'A.B.," Box 511, Red Bank. eldered. Salary open, state axe am er. SttS. 642-0T0B. Route 1» Robblmvilu, JJ. J experience. Write "B.D.," Box oil, R< • Nine-piece Lovely Sectional Group TREE SERVICE — Cut and can tree NURSES AIDE — Day •hilt. Apply I Bank. CUSTODIAN—•tperleaeed, rafeiences, ltto COBVAIK — Four-door ssdu,' JU 7-1320 aervlc*. Renovalt, Cabling, reeding penon at MOUNT PLEASANT HANOI wants bulldlna; to care (or on contract, and CATlty work. Pruning. Fireplace NUR8IN0 HOME, 3S Freneau Av«. write "A.O." Bar Bl, Bed Bant. automatic, radio and beater. Poone wood, cord or half cord, delivered. Hatawan. KITCHEN HELPER — Three days • Five>piect> Dinette Call CA 2-ootl, week 11 a. m. to S p.m. Apply In person U9T DOME — VI Conoit tour-door •OATS ft ACCESSORIES DENTAL ASSISTANT — Reception)!!, between 10 and J. RtVKRCREIT DOHEHICO PRIUERANO — Carpen- (or Keyporl office. Write "B.S.," Box NURSING HOME, Chapln Ave., Red HNANCIAL Mdtn, automatic, radio, better, power ter,- contractor. All Made o( carpentar Bank. r > • • ete«rlng. One owner. BH 1-ixi MARINE DnURAMCB - lee UMS work. alttrlllMii, BH 1«D. til, Red Bank. MORTGAGES A Reconditioned Refrigerator M8» FORD OALAXIE _ Excellent con- INTERIOR PAINTER — Any type In- MSUABLE WOMEN lor general clea FURNITURE SALESMAN dltlon, full power, clean. Will help wlfn «SSU terior painting, by contract. Free ~~ Ing. One day week, own trantporutlo Bimelni. BH 7'WJ. Front St., Call after I p.m. 7874127. Bank. IH Umatea Fred Wlcki, M4-85SI. ^ large local afore haa aa openln MONEY a nd 1M1 CADILLAC COUPE — White with W . "SI" BROADWATER. TO h.p. Mer- FREE EBTIUATES-Houeei, addition!, for an experienced rarntlure salesman. black Interior. Fully power equipped. cury, alectrle, built-in unit, all canvas, alterations. (Inlahed baeementi, mason For Fridays, references, own trans- Bxcellent commission arrangement ConioUdate Debti RUSSELL OldsmoMle . Cadillac Co. 1tire extinguisher and enrae. PR work. 1. V1. Flacentlno, BH 1-7W7, portation. MJ-.13W. high volume, five figures a prove Pay Only $4 Weekly SH 1-O610. Ask for Vr. Walters. possibility. Send details of backgroun Low PaymeoU tBk 1ALKWIRL — Bewlng teacner, tali to "A.P.." Box 611, Red Bank. MM CHEVROLET — Six -cylinder BAR0AIN — Any mat ran wane to experience not neceuary, but m CALL SH 1-4700 wagon. Automatic, J1150 Rasua Broi. own. Lew bank rales, Flnaaolni ar- EMPLOYMENT nave a food knowledge o( lewlm REAL, ESTATE SALESMAN — Experi- Pontiaft Rad Bank. BH 1-tlSoT raniementi completed t» one eu at and like to meet people. Five day ence not necessary'. Apply In person. First and Second MORTGAGES FIELD FURNITURE 1W2 CADILLAC CONVBATIBLB — All ear or our ctaSt. TBM UOtntwta HELP WANTED-FEMALE week and all company beneflta. Sal- OLAZEBHOOK AOXKCx. Avenue of COUNTY NATIONAL BANK SH I- ary plus commission. Apply Sini to homeownen who need money black with white InUrlor, sll powered, RECEPTIONIST — SECRETARY - lewlnc Center, tl Broad St., Red Ban] Two Rivers, Rumton. M2-1100. Ml E.FRONTS* - KPTPORT, N. J. top condition . 11,000 mUM.J4.300u . Caii • nous rMntovauilNT* 842-2269, * In person COMB'S ANIMAL HOS- FEUMJ: TELLER — FUJI or par MEN wlli eiperlmce In connructlo IACRIFICE — W Barnagat Bay Cat- , Hwy. 35, ind Shrewsbury AVe. time, builneas or caahler experience of tnstrumenu and electro mechanical • DMT CONIO/JIUTIOW CO 4-3020 1M3 PONT1AC — Mechueallr good. boat, centerboard. Cabin aleepa two, Shrewsbury. desirable but not required. Will trsjn devlcea. Apply In person KUBCTRI five food lire*, new baiury. - TH0 IXPISXINOZD WAITRWUES qualified person. Send resume stating UlPUura LAB, 201 River at., Red BARONET REALTY. CO 4-2010 Ava, NIIht worlt iurunl'e Diner. RtTiTand •alary legulrementa to "A.V,", Box BOKIOWNSM ntip Money? Open Thun. arid Frl. Evening*—Other Days Until * HI. Red Bank. Tour credit ts taod. First ayd second AUTOS AND TRUCKS moit|i|tl. IB )-UM w iO l-MM. AUTOS AND TRUCKS HOUSEKEEPER — KUSt live In foi PXHALK — Clerical position open rDTTORIAL. AKMtrJiNT FREE STORAGE • FREE DELIVERY I month. Immediate position. Call SH 7 accounting department. Borne buslnesi Recent Journalism major; long-estab- I 14J0. • • machine experience required. Sent lished merchandising trade magazine; MCTCHANDISI resume and salary requirements mall rerame. Pest Kxehange A Com- AUTOS AND TRUCKS B.F.", Boi 511, Red Bank. mlssary, 43 West Front, St.. Red Bank. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE CHAMBER J1AID-WAITREB8. prh _ FILL YOUR borne. Experienced, references; othel RSVXRE — a u. M. Unit Camera HAMMOND MEN WANTED and equlptnant. complete. Xxeallttt belp. Call SH 1-50M. oondiuon Beat ofler. Call ttt-UM be- PAINT DISCOUNTS tween. 5 aaa • p.m- ORGAN STUDIO herwln A William*. DuFMt, KeaitMw, SEOIUBTARjr — EXDCUTIV* HOVBE OUR FXRH needs 12 dean cut men, or AtBvm PAMC uok ar Dunn. Save «n palau noirat Authorized KEEPER, private home. Call 19-38, to work lor recently opened le* WOO CBIUmiAB TRIES «1 BACH — SH 1-B0M Cbarlle'a farm alarket. oorner «urn- (HID ORGANS CHRISTMAS tory branch. »» to atart. Cell OS 1. JR-J0 Tone Cabinet mil Ave and Rt. M. Belford. 8 Broad at SH 1-7S0O Sad Bank SERVICE AND PARTS SECRETARY - Experienced In acnool 1370 between U a.m.-l p.m. or &S p.m. lammond XxtrvVolca Or(an . work. Call CO 4-MOO for personal In- only. ALL BBAUTT IBRVICE lo per eant terview. . Vnrtltaer Spinet Organ TOTS. CONSTRUCTION TItUCKS. Ilka otl at IBIB HAIRDREESEM, W Mon- Coon Spinet Orran , saw, half price. Call IB T-SNt alter FOR CLERK-TTPIST — Large electnmli mouth 8L. 8H 7-UU. Late rrtdar. irainbacli Orano Piano • M 301 »:S0 p.m. STOCKING firm. tAree halt daya a week. Resumi WANTZD — alanater for large sport- Wlisner arand Piano «. ,, • ,. 43 to P.O. Box P51 Red Bank. 'og goods firm, write stating quail- Itory * Clark Piano w/orajno No. OB HANOI, 17", tu. [cations "B.a.," Box 511, Red Bank. ALUMINUM STEPUDDERS IAUt« AND ilRWCB Call Renault - Peugeot PART TIME COOK — To prepare and DRIVER for school bm. fSI.W per PrUOBI REDUCED RJCNTAL AND UaTRUCTIOK CA M1»T aerve meals, nve day week Including •reek. After ( p.m. 4 tt.-W.M. 5 K.-7.M. « ft—H.K WITH AN weekends. After 4. EH T-S958. Open Dallj T1U » — Batuiday TUi »* BTUDBNT DESK — Never uMd, wal- 13 2-2-351: 3 KLARIN'S COOKJCAN AV«. AND HAIM ft. nut. Kin, slogle psdeatiu. center NCR OPERATOR — Billing procedun LIFE INSURANCE CARVER - With and thre* eld* drawers, grained pluUe Sayreville Motors tccotou receivable, typing. MS p M Moomouth It. BH 7-3BM Bad Bank PR (-taw lep. »M. SH 1-J157. after a ' week. ACE BHPLOTIOCHT AOEHC Equitable Ufe Aasuranca Bociety. sal- 12 Broad St.. Red Bank. SH 7-MM. ary to MOO plus comnUssIm for two - iU up, rats O» up, ehilre. TRAIN TABLI BIT LIONEL TRAJNJ — 037 gang* sMata Rt. 9, Sayreville years while training, for qualfled man machines typwrites manual Ilie «'it>, U0.M. Sea It on dlspla. F^nMdM au aceessoriw. Call OS 1- WAITRESSES — Experienced. Tral wtween «• 3(Ma. Call SI£ T-MM (not Just • board but an entire table). service for country club's new dining appointment Order now »H 14900, KM Bank Lum- Authorized Dealers for , room and cocktail lounge. Top wigea BASS FIDDLE — Call after CLEAN UP HAN WANTED — 7 to 8. ir. I Wall Bt. Ret Bank. 5:30 p.m. A-l paid. Call M. Stetobacti, arf 2H131. Call ' a.m. to 5 p.m. TYrswRlTBRS, AUWKO machines. BOY'S BICYLI M", Uurrar. Prac- SH 7-19M All mates new or used. Ouaruteed. tically new, |W. Call jtr-rns Plymouth - Valiant LADY ~ Uaeful, educated, drive. Low as ps, Barpicos. 101 Vonwutb SS1.2J71 *refer plsnlat. but not essential. SI Hnt to matter, SB f-Ws* BRING YOUR ROLLERS tor two adults. moUuf-daufhter. HELP WANIED-Msle * Female EXECUTIVE AND SICBrTAIUAi, tO" UVIria ROOU BET — Sofa and chair, NEW WINDOW gBADCB • Renault • Peugeot ovely home (lake-oceu). brown nylon, BJO. For farther tafor- Put on while you wall. Any else tip itnt duties, some personal care. metal daik IDbM Wooden dtikt lo urgast picture (radon, **•• run- USED CAR Permanent home, medium aalary. 4 to JllT 8H 1-3314. matlon call Sunday. SH 1-tWS. less eyelet, free crochet shade tail. See shows, opera, concerts, trips, r established Realtors need man SPINET PIANO — And household I Cuitom made shades, scallop aad etc. or woman Interested In selling resi- CHRISTMAS TREES nMblnf*. Call fringe, lay type. Prompt delivery. Free PA 1-0600 1A Sunset Ave., Asbury Park. dential Real Estate for our new branch Wholesale measuring service. Convenient terms. PR 444M office. Full time basis, experience pre- 100,000 sheared Scotch Pines. 10.OM From Your ferred but not essential. We will help bllea or Red Pine Boughs. 10.000 ALTENBUR6 PIANO HOUSE PROWN'S AUTOS AND TRUCKS secure your license it necesssry. Must be 21 or over, active Interested people single tied Balsam trees. M0 St. I Broad St. Bad Balk SH MHO only. George Ave.. Railway. FU 1-4223. Rent A Piano $12 per Month DIMETTB BET blonde WOOQ. w«od TWO-PIECE MODERN sectional sots, SraJn. formlcft top. Excellent coodfUon. FORD-MERCURY Dial. 741 -7200 ISO: red plastic lounie chair, Rt; A89S PHILIP 3. BOWERS * CO. nosale end table. HO; glrPe coat with Oookmu Ava. * ilain St., Aatary A. POOL TABLE— Regulation sue with leggings, aize . ANTIQUE hljh chairs, t»; desk, 17; Victorian swivel arm chair 18.90, ma- Numerous ears. Bcenerjr tablas. Best neat»r power tteerlnf. and elrnt cyln nlfht tables, H; rockers, 13, etc. 117 itfer. SH T-04M. d tJOO de liogany1 corner cabinet f6s, large coal slain St., Fort llontnouth. ^ heater 13>, braas eagles, pressed glass DODGE, DODGE TRUCKS ENCYCLOPEDIA FRITANNICA — U In colors, etc., etc. RUSCIL'S 25 B. SHOP BY PHONE Front 81. Mama with year books, 1MS49, ma- Free tulck daily d«!lv«ry In Red Buk hosany bookcase. Eteellent condition. LAWSON SOFA W — Nine-piece wal- aiaa. OuUylng diitricu Wadntidan Compact Dodge Dart Dealer »2S0. OS 1-1333. nut dining room set VW, three-piece and Saturdays. XXaeount p r i A • a. ICE SKATES .— Reasonable. Hen's bedroom suite fitio, (Ive-plece kltchin PRO1VW8, 33 Broad (t, SIf 2-7*00. site > and 12; boy's slae 10li: wom- •at, formica top, 119.50. Two-piece an's size 8. SH 7-Hdl after t p.m. Uvlnc room suite t», occasional chair 8IMMONB HIDE-ABED — With sllp- tl9.M, elgnc solid ntihofasy Sheraton oovers, 130. Call RACING BICYCLE — Adults Bchwlnn chaira Ilw), Sheraton buffet WS, Shera- SH 7.S10S ; "Continental," 10-speed, like new, coat ton table SO, etc RUSCIL'S V> E BICTCLIB — Qlrl's IS"; bora 14". FRANK VAN SYCKLE, Inc. '62 CHEVY 1120, accept (70. 291-1145 after 4 p.m. Front SI good eondtion, reasonsbie. CAll SH 7- all day Saturday, Sunday. WB BUS AMD ssu. anyuung S344. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT—FREE SNOW TIRES Over SO Years Selling Automobile! FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE WBBCOR — Pour-speed record changer everything. Olve me nlabest pnoea. NEW BUILT-IN - Dishwasher, two. Uode! TO404Z-1, equipped for'manaural Call Wliuam Uff Furniture, Inc., Bwy. air conditioners. Call after 8:10. T47- 14? W. Front St. Red Bank SH 1-1296 or stereo. Excellent condition. Reason- M, Uldrtlstown. SB 142U Open en- 5131. able. OS 1-197L nlnta till 9 p.m. OU.Y — Fnih cut. cultivated. TWO PAIRS — Cuitom raids drapes, FIRST PAYMENT JANUARY 22 Packed In polyethelene bags from our almost new. will tit almost any slza 1,000 tree orchard. Also fresh ever- WALLPAPER SALE pleura window, O5 a pair. OS MOSL greens In 39 1b. bales. Wholesals. re- The popular Rosa and Lutaor brants BABOAIN — Quaint early American all. Btrnadotte Farm, Tlnton Fills. Pisces. Many odd etiarrs. dreaieil. two NEW CAR BULLETIN.... U 24317. 50% Off Retail Prices large couches. CA 3-T254. '56 PLYMOUTH 4D. Wag., clean 395. METAL DOLL CRIB — Large ills Ralular il.O to 13» per alntle roll, MINK STOLE — *U0. "O" gauge L1O- with drop skies, 11. Full alia mgh- now 700 to nM per sU|le roll. We ntl trains, large or entail transformer, V FORD Fairi. 40., FOM, P.St. 550. EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE EXCITINGLY ehalr, tubular cbrorne aim red, 18. custom mil paint to match your pa- engines, cars, accessories. Bumper pool Boys ice slain sixes 5 and «. tl table,' slate can be-coin operated. New '59 OPEL Wag., economical G.M. built 650. NEW AND DIFFERENT FAMILY SPORTS CAR. per pair, all good condllon. SH 1-OT2S. large super skates. Two rifrtgaraton, *"" KLARIN'S on* older, other top (reessr. cablneta '57 FORD Conv.rt., FOM, P.St., one owner 6»5. AUTOS AND TRUCKS 3S Uonmouth Bt. BH 7-3t3l Red Bank ror cellar "or garage, work bench, BLEACHED MAHOGANY — Bedroom clothes, junior sue S or 10. Qlrls sue '57 FORD 9 Sfa. Wag.. FOM, P.St. 695. aulte. Double bed. nltiit tables, dresser, 1214 Other furniture, etc. 143-om chest, spring, mattress. Oood condition. "57 FORD C'try Squire. FOM. P.St. 795. CHRISTMAS HJ-1M2. AWNINGS '58 FORD F«irl. "500" Hd. Tp.. FOM, P.Jt. 895. 1963 VOLVO ATTENTION OARDBNERB — Bmall ALUMINUM OR FIBERGLASS auantlty of rotted hone manure. Phone Door hoods, patios, etc. Protection "59 FORD Cuitom "300" 20., FOM 950. COMES EARLY OS 1-0443 evenings. afalast sun, rain, sleet, snow. Free Order Now ... The Perfect Gift for All LATEST — UM3 set of Chlldcraft. estimates. Call today. No obligations. Ideal Christmas sift. Call "89 FORD 6-Cyl. Fairl. 4D., Fomatic 995. • to SH 7-I1M , PROWN'S ' . '60 COMET 2D. Sedan, R&H 1095. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TRADE-IN VALUES... Kroll Motors 32 Broad St SH 1-TKPO Red Blnk Customers SAVE YOUfVENERGY HAN'S CLOTHINO — Botany eull sin '59 FORD Galaxie Fordor 1150. ALL COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ... (l, FlDrsbtlro sboes, sUa 10WD. Several Our sift to you Is the loweit You'll Need It altcks, site X, IIIMtllansous Items. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . . . price possible on every used Toy and gift buying is easy at 841-1224. '60 FALCON. Deluxe Fordor, Fomafic 1150. car on our lot. Come In and FROWN'S, Carefully selected, low priced, sensible merchandise, easy to SHOWCASES US each, TV tuba taster, '59 MERCURY Hardtop, MOM, P.St. 1195. eelsct. Just park In Boro parking apace Keystone s m.m. movie projector and In back of itore. You will see gifts, camera, boy's 90" Schwlnn btcyole, '61 FORD FI00 >/> Ton Pick-up 1150. 90 HP ENGINE • EASY TO HANDLE deoorat.ons, toyi, houseware gifts at Ilka new; auto body tools with metal FOR FAST CREDIT boi, platform scale tor wet wash, etc., low prices. It'a easy to snop at to (0 pounds, 4' small refrigerator. '60 FORD Galaxie Fordor, FOM, P.St. 1395. The Volvo HI Is incomparable in Ita class. It ts economical and eair H7-44N. to drive but at the same time has a high degree of comfort with plenty APPROVAL CALL PROWN'S '61 FALCON Deluxe 4D, F'omafic 1395. of roam. Its road holding qualities and strength are of the hlgheit Open every night until t FUR STOLE — Marmot, new, nice order and Us durability and reliability put It In a class of Ita own. CA 2-3600 31 BroadBt. Red Bank . SH 1-7S00 Christmas present. Reasonable. Call "59 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4D Hd. Tp., P.St. 1395. The unusually high second-hand value on many- markets Is the btu HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - Two- 7S7-1S31 or W-14M. noislble prool of the consistent me by Volvo of first-class material only piece sectional twin carriage. Reason — Boy'a M" Huffy, like '60 MERCURY Comm. 9P Sit. Wag., MOM, PS M95 and the great care devoted to manufacture. 59 Mercury ,1195 61 Chevrolet $1995 able. 27 Ron St., Llncio't. new, used only six months, cost |4O. "61 FALCON Deluxe 4D Sta. Wag., FOM 1595. l-dr. hillp., w, RAH, auto., PS. BICYCLE — Tricycle, toy tractor, old nil sell for |2I. Also sit-in pedal Just a Partial Listing of Foreign and Domestic conv., red, RAH, std. china closets, chairs, tables, old Pic- fire truck to. SH 1-im. '61 COMET S22 Sport 2D, MOM, Air Cond. 1695. 55 Chevrolet ( 495 60 Falcon _..$1350 ture frames, kerosene lamps, sawing USED CARS 6-cyl., Bel Air 2-dr. «dn. l-dr. sta. wtl.. whits, RAH machine, etc. LI 2-3103 before I ).*. EXOTIC WOODS '61 FORD Galaxie 4D Hd. Tp., FOM, P.St. 1750. Krn-wht. RAH, overdrive TWO COMPLETE SETS custom kitchen 59 Chevrolet $1295 cablneit. never used. Must sacrifice, 9«v* you «en Red Bank iAimbtVi 61 Renault $1295 wag., ,yel-frn, RAH. auto, P.s. vanities, odds 'n ends. SH 1-1144 aftsr «. lull view ril»p!t\ri of «iotio pre-dnlihtd '62 FALCON Futura Sport 2D, Fomatic 1795. IMPORTS Cavale sedan, red, RAH I'18' plywoodtT W* Htv« the lu|«il 58 Ford .....$ 795 BAUD ~- December only, 110 off on ihowtnc of pra-finUMdi plrwoodi In '61 FORD Convertible, FOM, P.St. 1750. 1961 PEUGEOT Sed., RAH, one owner 1 $1325 59 Ford $1395 4-dr. Ranch wsgon, blue, RAH. any Spencer outfit. SK 1-3508. Agency full view on the J*r«y flhort.' Let 1961 RENAULT DAUPHINE, fully equipped. 1 owner $ 950 Conv., black, RAH, auto., Pa auto., P.S. for Spencer, Bplrella, Lafaclle, Bar- t§ ihow you how Inixpentlvely you •60 MERCURY 9P. Col. Pk. Sta. Wag., MOM, 1795. cley, Charts, Smart Form. Bin trim form your favorite room 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Conv., red. one owner, loaded ....$1695 61 Falcon $1495 62 Falcon $1650 Into a thing of biauty. In birch, wal- '61 MERCURY MonK 2D Hd. Tp., Air Cond. 1850. 1959 VOLVO 2-dr. sedan, one owner, 4-speed trans $1095 I-dr. i sedan,, while, RA-H 3-dr. tdn., whltl, RAH nut, tup* 10, cnetry, pecan, oak or FREE INSTALLATION uit come tn and browi. among a '59 LINCOLN Prem. 4D. Hd. Tp., Air Cond. 1895. 1960 TRIUMPH TR-3, red, equipped - $1350 59 Ford $1495 57 Rambler $ 795 sundred fine woodi, Muonlt* Royal 1959 TRIUMPH TR-3, white, wire wheels, OD $1295 conv., white, RAH, auto. PR. wagon, blk-wht, RAH, auto. 7o4t and Bruoe pre-flnlihed floors al- 58 Ford $ 8&5 ia armdtipl&T* Whr teleot from fmtU '61 MERCURY Comm. 9P. Sta. Wag., MOM 1950. 1959 MGA. red, wire wheels, equipped $1195 62 Ford $2595 0-paiE. Country Bfldan wood twatolw wb.n you cui lodk at 185S VOLKSWAGEN Conv.. RiH. one owner $1195 Galaxie conv., Factory Car, gm-wht, RAH, auto. 6 for $77 our full ticaUs dlipliyi. •ptc.allata tn '60 THUNDERBIRD, Full Power 2150. black, KAH, auto., p.s. Triple track, fully weathtr itrlppvri, rail p*nt>ling and wood noori»|i. 61 Triumph $ 995 [enuint Aiooa Kiumlnum, EZ (lit. C*n '6,1 MERCURY Colony Park, MOM. P.St. 2195. DOMESTIC 55 Cadillac $ 695 o» cli&nid trom inildt, T«rmi. RED BANK LUMBER oonv. coups, white,' RAH, Pwr. •60 LINCOLN Premier* 4D. Hd. Tp., Air Cond. 2495. 1959 RAMBLER Amer., 2-dr., 6-cyl., stick shift, R&H $ 795 61 Ford $1B95 PROWN'S Wall St. BH t-KOO 1959 STUDEBAKER Lark Wagon, 6-cyl.. R&H $1095 60 Chevrolet ...'. $1495 9-ptii. Country Sedan, blue, >J Broad SI. SB 1-7M0 RM Bank 1OYAL STANDARD TYPEWRITER — '62 THUNDERBIRD, Very Nice 3395. One owner. 4dr. w.l., white, RAH, PS. RAH, Auto., P.S. CHRI»TMAB CARDS from 'erfect condition. P5. Call JBl-HBl alter 3fio. unusual glfta for discriminating 30 p.m. '61 CONTINENTAL Sedan, Beautiful 1956 FORD 2-dr. Wagon, auto., PS $350 60 Ford $1395 60 Ford $1395 >ttV«M. COPPER KETTLE ANTIQUES, 1955 OLDS 4-dr. Sedan. PS, PB, Auto., RSH $ 295 Oalaxle 2Hr. »iln., blue, RAH, Oaltxle. V-» Town Viet., yel,, 3M MMmouth Rd,, Oakburst. Open URLS — Ingllih bicycle. SJxceUnt auto. RAH, auto. tondltton. Call after 4 p.m. •62 CONTINENTAL S.dan, Air Cond. evenings. 3*1-0(40 62 Ford $1895 59 Chevrolet $1295 OA8 RANOE — 30". Eteellent, ISO. TV. ANDREA — 16", working. Needs PLYMOUTH 2-dr. 1 owner, new tires $95 Fsicon 4-dr. sun., wiilie, 11*11 Klniswood 4-dr. wagon, gray, M" Range HO. t> Oolf Balls 17, Dial Icture tube, HO. Two whltewalli, UOa auto. RAH, auto. 3H-OW2. I. 11 each. After a. SH 1-U78. 60 Ford $1195 60 Ford $1595 SUPPORTED VINYL LIONEL TRAINS — O saun, two Naugahrla and Boltanei. snilnes, eight can, five swnchea, two Falcon I fir. sfln., black, RAH V4 conv., bin , RAH, auto. P.S. Foamart Hwr. J» Balontown LI 2-M7t. ranatormera and table with wtrng aad 59 Lincoln $1895 53 Ford $ 295 DLkCTRtO STOVE — Oood oondlllon. peratlng acceworlei, Mtt H3-3SH1. RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS 4 itr. bdtp.. blue, RAH Power U-ton panel, red, RAH 21" single "oven, 130. Cill ANIUATED SANTA OLAUS — US OS 1-3316 slse. Nylon beard, red velvet ault. HO TRAINS and Aurora HO, scale, Stands V high. Previously us*d on ear . AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR model motoring set, Completa with ei- window. Carroll's, 11 Broad St, had KROLL Iru, like new. Reasonable, all 7-J1M, Bank. ENGLISH Renault • Volvo • Paugaot • Triumph FUR COAT — Bin U-14, H lenstb, AND HAOB STERUMO ROaAMBsP sheared raccoon (tike biaver), Eicel- Choice of ityias. Call after «. SH 1-6000 AGENCIES SH 7-4545 119 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK 671 Broadway, Long Branch lent. Bargain. Bf( IM3S. SH 1-M41 / SACRIFICE — t h.n, OE motor, planer, Shore's Fastest Growing Ford Dealer saw table, bandslw and shapw, 1300. (Mora CluilDcd A* IJbrt EVES. 'TIL 9 SH lrS8«6 •• Inipaot US First Ave,, Atlanllo High- Since-VW+ '- MONMOUTH A MAPLE, RED BANK landf. Bowtsll, M1-310O. Oo Tba Nat 24-Fruky, December 7, l%2¥rUUy, XUam&m 7, 1562—25 BOUSE* FOR SALE HOUSE* FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR APARTMENTS APARTMENTS WILLIAM H. HINTELMANN (FIRM) Realtors of Rum son Since 170$ J. LESTER RIGBY ASSOCIATES, INC. RED BANK MANOR 23 RIDGE ROAD , RLTMSON REALTORS S42-O60O 504 Shrewsbury Avenue New Shrewsbury, N. J. HAS ADDED (BECAUSE OF DEMAND) YOUR FAMILY could live a new life in this luxurious Rumson 741-7741 riverfront home. Imagine having your own dock and a sandy NEW FOUR AND FIVE-ROOM beach for the kids. Imagine being able to enjoy a full seven If you are looking for THE BEST value, we make Z$S ESraS SfeCSendosed porch, two bed- months a year in and on the water. The house is ideal for a 1 APARTMENTS these recommendations to you. Each of the fol- rooms baferAent. Expansion possibilities for wo more room, and large family, too. There's a view from the liying room, den and bath. Beautifully maintained. Asking $15,400. Same superior management . . . quiet street from the family room. There's a dining room, too, and two fire- lowing homes bears the "Blue Label" tag of the places. Upstairs there are five bedrooms. The cellar is warm in finest estate section. and dry. Lots of shop space in the garage and gear storage right Red Bank Multiple,Listing Service, of which we , cheerfu' ****-** UNITS START AT $140 PER MONTH - the dock. Asking $60,000. are members. • FULL DINING ROOMS $2,000 CASH — That's the down payment needed to take over the 5 Custom built ranch — Three bedrooms, the master bedroom is 18* two-car garage. Prestige address. Easy commuting. mortgage on this neat four-bedroom, two-bath home near Red new • AIR-CONDITIONING 17 with a tastefully tiled bath and dressing room adjacent, beauti- Usting at $33,000. Bank. In addition, you'll need $350 for closing costs and that's 1 ful fireplace in 21x15 living room, full dining room, 23x14 covered • I2 REFRIGERATORS all. If your mover can act that fast, you can be in front of the FV^N'T WP'An FIIRXHFR porch, full dry basement with 'gameroom and workshop, two-car fireplace here before Christmas. Monthly payment $124; price if you want a house instead'of a'home! This four-bedroom, Ihree- • KITCHEN EXHAUST FANS garage, concrete driveway. $24,900. ' bath Split level has a realistic design incorporating Bpaciousness, • INDIVIDUAL THERMOSTATS Oak Hllli Ranch just reduced — Three large bedrooms, one mahog- comfort and efficiency/Entertaining will be a Joy . . .TWOfanrf y • STORAGE ROOMS WILLIAM H. HINTELMANN (FIRM) any paneled. Living room, fireplace, formal dining room, two-car rooms; one for the young, the other for the young-at-heart. Tnit garage, full cellar. Abundant tall trees. $24,500. • OCEAN NEARBY Member Multiple listing:Service • must be what you wantl You've read to the end! *38,5OO. MIDDLETOWN OFFICE OFFERING: • RIVER NEARBY Charming Split Level —Four bedrooms, tiled bath and powder room, living room, 18x10 dining room, 17x10 kitchen and breakfast STOP SHOPPING-BUY THIS FOR CHRISTMAS. Sparkling three- • SHOPPING NEARBY APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT room, 20x15 playroom, sliding glass door, laundry, attached ga- bedroom ranch on % acre lot, 1V4 baths In settled neighborhood. 8 • MODEL OPEN 7 DAYS MAN—Room, board part board, Red rage, basement. Sacrifice at less than cost. $22,990. NEW Bank, Long Branch or . Asbury, Park.' Excellent commuting via Rout 35 and Parkway. Owners 4%% WESTWOOD GARDENS Full details. 'A.A.' Box 511, Red Bsnk Spacious three-bedroom Colonial — Located on wooded dead-end mortgage can be assumed for only $2,600. Very low payments per MANOR EAST NEW MONMOUTH —FAIR VIEW — street—a running brook thrown in. Living room has extraordinar- montii. Near Bell Labs and Lily-Tulip Company-FHA and VA Bath & Westwood Aves. MIDDLETOWN area Retired couple DIAL Long Branch wants small house unfurnished, fair ily lovely vista, full dining room, paneled den, full basement, at- Financing can be arranged. Asking $19,500. INE AND TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX steed M. Call OS 1-2022. tached garage—room for another bedroom and bath. Many extras TRADE YOUR HOUSE FOR ONE OF THESE LOVELY HOMES 741-7200 or 741-1900 part merits, all utilities except elec- WE HAVE an overflow of bona fide —big and handsome—and only $34,500. DIRXCnONS; Broad &.. Red Bank, turn east at Monmouth County Bank. tricity. *!20. CA 2-2305. prnpTmct- 'ookinr fop two to (our bed- WaJlaca St to McLaren St.. tight on WlUlim St. to model apartment. rooms. Call us for fast action to have your hDmo rented. THE BERG AGEN- Four-bedroom Cape Cod. Every inch of this home has been put to WALKER & WALKER COMMERCIAL RENTALS CY. Rt. 35. Middletown. 03 1-1000. practical use. Living room, dining room, kitchen, large game room FOR SALE APARTMENTS in basement with outside entrance. Extras' fnclude screens, storm REALTORS LODGE ROOM for rent. Center of town. Could b* used also for office FURNISHED ROOMS sash, Venetian blinds, second stove and washer. $15,900. Ml Broad Street Shrewsbury. N. J. BIG HI FI TV DISCOUNTS ipace. Approximately 2.400 iq. ft. Write PAY AFTER CHIUSTMAS GARDEN APARTMENTS 'LODGE- Box 611, Red Bank. FURN18HED ROOM — Private home, SHadyside 1-5212 NO MONEY DOWN convenient location on bus line. Picas Exceptional values, according to expert MLS appraisals. High trade-In. Budget terms. Recondi- ONE AND TW0-8EDR00M8. Situated TWO-ROOM OFFICE — First floor, ant surroundings. SH 1-0087. 1,000 feet south of Lily-Tulip Co., Middletown tioned TV'a W9 up. D the best Red Bank residential front on Maple Ave., Red Bank. For ires, 1140 per raontb and u». further Information call SH 1-7335. • ONE OR TWO teachers, 1V4 roomi, MEMBERS OF THE RED BANK MULTIPLE LISTING 671-331 I "Rainbow" TV & Hardware kitchen privileges. After 4:30 or all day (across Acme loti Broad Reel Bank Dial 741 -7200 STORE FOR RENT — OO Whlta BL. weekend*. SH 1-8104. SERVICE Multiple Listings and Trade-Im PHILIP J. BOWERS 4 CO. Red Bank. Cal PLEASANT nO0M — Business woman PIANOS — Save 1200 or more off llsl SH Real Estate Since 1891 kitchen privileges. Walking distance to price, brand new 88-note console pi- town. BH 1-B275. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND MAP anoa. 10-yea.r guarantee. Come flee, WALTER 8. OVBRTON OFFICES FOR RENT — Center of •ave. Rent, option to buy, Tenler'i town. Hett furnished. Call FURNISHED ROOM — $12 weekly. HOUSES FOR HOUSES FOR SALE 24-HOUR SERVICE Music Store, 306 Main St., Lakewood. Atfllleta SH 7-1100 Call after 9:30. 60 White St. Red Bank 747-2871 Opposite Municipal Pitklne Lot B,000 SO- FT. FACTORY BPACE for ROOM — Private entrance, refrJffcra MERCHANDISE WANTED rent. Red Bank. Call tor, bath, shower. Meals If desired REDDEN AGENCY HALL BROS. SH 7-1100 Have Christmas with us, like home. WANTED TW0-R0OM lumlshed apartment, all 787-6660. REALTORS BOWTELL USJSU ORIENTAL RUQS utilities. BUSINESS BUILDING FOR LEASE- Realtors — Insurors CHINESE AND PERSIAN SH 7-38(2 Offlce 12x24, work shop 24x18. Located RED BANK — Large room for busi- FRIEDMAN GALLERIES Oceanport and Sllverslde Aves., Little Real Estate Silver. J150 monthly. W. S. Walnwrlght, ness people, near trains, buses, ample RED BANK — Five-room homeMEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING PR (-3143 Eveninga. CA2-7482, THREE ROOMS — Furnished, private; park] iic- Call SH 1-1856. entrance. Couple only. SH 7-4674. with basement and garage. Quiet 291-2100 LEONARDO PIANOS WANTED—HIGHEST PRICES SH 1-8372 NICELY furnished room, kitchen privi- 813 River Rd. Fair Haven STATE HIGHWAY 38 PAID. CALL H. TBNZER, 306 MAIN leges, near transportaton, shoppini location within walking distance ST LAKEWOOU. I'O 3-2190. LONG BRANCH — Furnlaheo. apart- HOUSES FOR RENT Red Banh. SH 7-OO4S after 6. 30 YEARS IN THE BAYSHORE ments. Four rooms and bath. Heat of stores and shopping. Good for SHadyside 1-7686 OLD house shutters, pjctule frames and water supplied. CA 0-1533. ROOM —• In private home, one block retired couple or small family. shaving mugs, Iron banks, etc. Write HIGHLANDS—Six rooms, unfurnished, from center of town, for responsible INVESTMENT: Middletown - Hard to get threofagjUy, fully Wllkens, 117 Main St. Port Monmouth. EATONTOWN — Three rooms, fullygas heat,' no utilities. |90 a month,businessman. $10 weekly with maid $14,900. ABSENTEE OWNER-Must sell furnished, all utilities Included. Fine Call 872-1B11. service. Cal! SH 1-4543. Gracious brick and frame home rented. Gross $2,200. Low taxes, comer. Ten- HOTOT1LLER OR USED ORAVELY neighborhood, private entrance. Just WHY PAY RENT? Let you; ants pay heat. Rents can be increased 50%. tractor, call ™ J^f- three blocks from center of town. RUMSON — Unfurnished bungalow with ATTRACTIVE - Single, double rooms. on large, shaded plot adjoining 60- Adults. Lease. LI 2-2220. living room, kitchen", bedroom and. bath, Kitchen privileges. Hot and cold run- tenants pay off the mortgage. acre wooded park. Flagstone Walking to bus and new shopping center. Taxes OLD ELECTRIC TRA1N8 — Lionel. hot water oil heat. 175 monthly. Adult ning water. Free TV. Hudson House. Attractive two-famiJy home in (300. Price $15,500. Assume present mortgage. THREE ROOM APARTMENT, un- couplr only. JOHN L MINUQH, Real- 131 Hudson Ave.. SH 1-8862. center hall. Large family room Ives, American Flyer, made prior to furnished. First floor. $80, yearly lease. Red Bank. Very conveniently lo- with sliding doors to rear ter- 1940. Phone 8H MS99 alter 5. Adults, no pets. Call PR 5-3324. tors. 842-3509. PRIVATE BATH — PRIVATE EN. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Remodeled Colonial, five ^ooms, new TRANCE. Large closets. Quiet. Busi- cated. Five room apartment on race. Paneled den with book- EASY MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS — THREE ROOMS — Completely fur- VIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - first floor. Four room apartment heat, kitchen, bath, beautiful for the price. Small Old books wanted pre 1900. State his- ness gentleman preferred. 842-1934. cases. Formal dining room. 1962 nished. Utilities included. Inquire 140 (Turnlitied and unluraisbed^ Iraroed on second floor. Five garages on lot, therefore low taxes. Old quiet neighborhood. tories, biographies, etc. and old maga- Shrewsbury Avet, Red Bank. tte occupancy Samuel Telche/ Agency FURNISHED ROOM newly decorated, eat-in kitchen with dishwasher. Jlnes. BH 7-2648. Oceanpon Ave., Oceanport Call or dial private entrance and sitting room. property. Asking $22,000. $13,000. At your terms. THREE ROOM — Newly decorated un> Three double bedrooms, 2'/i tiled ANTIQUES - FalnUnli, N. J.AUas'. l,i 2-3500 or 1,1 2-3501, Kitchen privileges. Inquire at 43 Peter's furnished second floor. 185, heat and Place, Red Bank. ; baths. Basement gameroom with Estate! purchased and appraised. 8H gas Included. Ideal for working couple. HOLIDAY SPECIAL — .Hang Sundays by Appointment 7-20O3. Tbe Hudson Shop Inc. 011 MANY FURNISHED and unfurnished SINGLE ROOMS — Clean and com- SH 1-5780. rentals ID all sizes and prices, fi.it their stockings on the fireplace in bar. Attached garage. Convenien broad St.. Shrewsbury Wiltshire Agency Realtors, 148? jcean fortable. Reasonable rates. Gentlemen ATTRACTIVELY — Decorated and fur. preferred. 92 Wallace St. 3H 1-5392. this spacious ranch home. Large to public and parochial schools OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, china, nlshed, one and two-room efficiency Ave.. Sea Bright, N. J. 842-0004. Open An exceptional offering for the Elassware, art objects and blic-a-brac, apartments. SH 1*8394. after 5 p.m. seven days. living room, full dining room, five Immediate cash for anything and every- growing family. Asking $26,500. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE thing. Ruscll'i, 25 Eaat Front St., BEAUTIFUL — Five-room studio apart 19& to *U$ Per Montb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE bedrooms, large eat-in kitchen, SH 1-1693. ment on estate, Sycamore Ave., THE BERQ AOUNCY attractive paneled den. Two Shrewsbury. BH M229 or SH 1-1575. Mtddleiown HOUSES FOR SALE A NEW LISTING - Established EQUIPMENT — Saddles, blankets and oa MWO baths (with a third roughed in) area. Roomy Colonial offering STANLEY K. DOWNS essentials for saddle horses. Call aft- EFFICIENCIES — Rooms, low weekly two-car garage. Nearly an acre er 4 p.m. 8H 7-9581. winter rates. Riverside Motel, Bridge EATONTOWN — Three-bedroom ranch, prestige location and low mainte- full basement, breezeway, attachnl ga- This won't last at $27,900. REALTOR SILVER HOT WATER KETTLE — ForAve.: Rte. 35. Red, Bank. SH 1-8784. REAL ESTATE nance. Center hall plan. Large THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED — >.jrage. In quiet, residential area. Yearly making tea with heating Hand. Call lease. $135 a month. SWEENE t MOVE RIGHT IN — Owner has living room with fireplace, dining 8H 14391. mile north of Red Bank. Recently re- AGENCY, P.O, Bldg., Sea Bright. 842- ASSOCIATES l "Homes of Charm and Value" decorated. Call 811 1-8331, 5:30 - 9. aken possession of new ,home room, eat-in kitchen, 2 A tiled 1492. baths, three double bedrooms A HOME FOR EVERY BUDGET SHadyside 1-1017 LONQ BRANCH — One three-room FOUR BEDROOMS, two baths, garage, REALTORS and wants offers. Immaculate MACHINERY FOR SALE apartment left In new Jane Court. full basement, two-car garage basement, excellent residential, im- eve roon colonial in excellent Member Multiple Listing Service Bath and Third Ave. Two air condi- mediate occupancy. 8H 1-6182. 127 Oakland St. Red Bank ? J); ; screened porch, hot water heat EMERGENCY GENERATORS — Alltioners, and * all utilities Included in location. Large living room with Sycamore Ave. Shrewsbury •lzes. Reliable, Electric Motor, Pater well shrubbed yard. Two minutes aon , N. J. ARmory 4-7780. •en!. Phone PR 4-5685. UNFURNISHED — Immediate occupan- SHadyside 7-3445 fireplace, full dining room, mod- cy. Four-room home, two bedrooms, to everything. Asking $32,500. From 112,000 to po.ooo WATERFRONT — Four rooms unliir- tile bath, full storage attic, basement, GI and FHA Mortgages ern kitchen, three bedrooms, 2V2 SHadyside 1-1017 niatied, large enclosed porch, yearly [125 month, year's leasp. ELWOOD A. baths, enclosed porch, two-car PETS AND LIVESTOCK rental. 1 Jackson St., Highlands. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 555 Seven Day Service LARGE FAMILY — Low budget? garage, patio. On nicely land- CHARMING DUTCH COLONIAL RED BANK'S BEST Prospect Ave.. Little Sliver. SH 1-45UO. Here is an ideal Cape Codder for TWO FEMALE — ft, hound doga, Unusual five-room deluxe garden apart A real bargain, Cape Cod, eight scaped plot. Good schools. Ask- — Decorated to perfection. Log rcaily by Clirlsimai, phont after &-.30 UNFURNISHED — Immediate occupan- a growing family. Four bed- ment. Modern kitchen, two bedrooms. ilx-room home In Shrewsbury. years old excellent condition, ing $29,900. IN burning fireplace in the 17'x23' p.m. 8H 7.1869. Large rooms and closetn. Quiet, fine rooms, one bath plus space for Three bedrooms, Hi batlia. den, full four bedrooms. Assume GI mort- living room, dining room 14'xI2', KEQISTEREn MINIATURE POODLES atmosphere. basement. $140 a month, year1 second bath. Paneled kitchen, full Ulddlelown reason-ble, Excellent reputation. Coil MADISON GARDENS gage $95 monthly. FHA apprais- Member of Red Bank Multiple tunroom. Three double bed ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, cellar with game room and utility after o p.m. CA 9-1720. 132 South St. SH 1-7633 Realtor, 555 Proapect Ave., Little Sfl al. Listing Service Red Buk rooms, hobby shop basement. An •er. SH 3-4500. room. Convenient to schools and WIRE HAIRED DACHSHUNDS — AKC FURNISHED — Three rooms, bath SaJe Price $12,750. individual home in choice loca- registered, permanent thotn, horns Private entrance, utilities. Call at 160 stores. In excellent neighborhood. rair IKvea Bridge Ave. after 4 p.m. fHREE-BEDROOM — Brick waterfront tion. Only 122,500. Call now! raised. 787-1919. house, Oceanport. J125 a month, SH 1- 741-9100 Low taxes. Exceptional buy a FIVE.ROOMS — Heat and water sup- RED BANK — Two blocks from ndmson • IRISH SETTER PUPPIES, AKC re* !233. $15,900. Will go fast. COUNTRY SETTING - Weal lor iatered. Champion blood lines. Ready plied. 5115 a month. Call SH 7-4066 be- Broad Ct. Dutch Colonial, three Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. wo en 8 and 5. SEA BRIGHT — Five rooms, just Uttli Silver commuter. Over '/j acre land- tor Ctirlalmaa. CA 2-3283. decorated. JlOO per month. Call SH 1-bedrooms, V/2 baths, sunporch, Corner Bergen PI. 8TUf> SERVICE — Proved double MODERN THREE ROOMS — And1144 after 6. fireplace, formal dining room, RARELY can we offer a four- scaped lawn. Seven-room ranch bath, overlooking river. Ideal for two. Red Bank registered, Palomino quarter borsa stal- HOUSE — Five rooms, two bathB on large lot. Owner's sacrifice. bedroom, two-bath home in Rum- home. Three double bedrooms, lion. Call OS MiM5. One block Red Bank station. 842-9838 after 6 for appointment. private estate. $18,500. son at this price. All schoo two baths, 28' living room, fami- GERMAN SHEPHERDS — Healthy, SH 7-1247 areas. Space for two more bed- SPACIOUS TWO-BEDROOM GARDEN The fltleimta In Applebrook Agency ly TV room 16'x21\ full dry base- happy, puppies. Show potentials. Line LITTLE SILVER — Residential. Sevpn VETS NO $ DOWN rooms. Sun room, porch. Living bred for temperament and elegance, APARTMENT — Available immediately rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Three RED BANK — Double house, six bav« It (or you ment, two-car garage. Many ex- wormed and inoculated. Seven weeks. and January 1. Call SH 1-9115. bedrooma. two baths. Near school. $150. rooms each side, corner lot, new Non-Vet $300 Down room with fireplace. Full base- tras. Early possession.' A real S150. Tru-d-Lew Shepherds. GI fl-7648. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Unfurnished SH 1-3389. two-car garage. One side vacant. Olde Shrewsbury home in excel ment, attached garage. Moderate bargain! Asking $22,000. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY — Fe-cozy three rooms, flrat floor, all utili- ties. One or two person. J85. 291-2925. CLIFFWOOD BEACH — Five room Move right in. lent condition. Two bedrooms, taxes. Not an old white elephant male, AKC registered, 3>i months old, house, heat and hot water not supplied. basement, oil-fired heat. Move black und tan. HO 2-8771* except Bat. STUDIO — Unfurnished. Brotfkdale Call CO 4-036S nfter 5 p.m. Asking $13,780. Asking $27,500. Call for early in STANLEY K. DOWNS right in. Owner leaving furnish- spection. OUTSTANDING German Shppherd -pup- Farm, Llncroft. Large spacious com- RANCH HOME — Good neighborhood. APPLEBROOK AGENCY, py, trained sable female. Male Kitten bination living room with fireplace, Living room, fireplace, dining room, RED BANK — Double house, in- ings. Very low maintenance. needs good home. Will board small separate kitchen and bath. Heat and two bedrooms and den or third bed- INC. SHadytids 1-1017 pets. VANESSA. OS 1-2671). electricity supplied. *100. Call Mrs. side in good shape, outside needs^enceFencedd yard. Approximately $75 O'Brien, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday. room. $165, SCHANCK AGENCY, Real- per month pays all for qualified MO Hwy. 33 , Mlddlttowi 81 L VER POODLES — AKC, small tor. 8 Linden PL 811 7-0307. work. Six rooms and bath each. $90 MONTHLY SH 7-1423 between 12 and 3 p.m. each buyer. Don't delay. $10,900. OS 1-230O miniatures. Twelve week*, wormed and day. 'References required. FURNISHED — Two-bedroom house for Ride by and check, 33-35 Wall St. Pass cvcryllilns on this custom ranch Inoculated. Reasonable. OS 1-2283. VETS NO $ DOWN house wllh large eat-In kitchen, living LEONARDO—January 1. two rooms, rent or sale. Shrewsbury, close to every- to see the best buy in town. Th* Agency with many exclusive BERG AUSTRALIAN TERRIER PUPPIES — thing. By appointment only. Call LI 2- Asking $11,800. room two big bedrooms, tull basement. Utungj. . bath, unfurnished, business or retired 0708. Vets no down. Non-veU »M0 down, 'Blx months old. Champion stock. AKC couple. 291-1544 after 2 p.m. River Oaks Section full price only 112,400. Realtor registered, completely Inoculated. Ex- SIX-ROOM HOUSE with bath. F cellent children's pets. SH M4M. NAVESINK—Near Atlantic Highlands, Three-bedroom, ranch home. Liv- thres rooms unfurnlahM, heat, retrlgei nlshed or untarnished, 1B< Riverside NO DOWN PAYMENT BIRD DOG PUPS — Registered Eng- Ave.. Red Bark. SH 1-56B5. THE BROOK AGENCY ing room, dining room, kitchen, TREES - PRIVACY ator, adults. $85. 291-2943. to lish pointers, top field blood. CA 9- THREE-BEDROOM HOME with study. REAL ESTATE full dry basement. Tip-top condi- Everything you want li In ihl» three- 3599. FURNISHED — Two anil three-room 2V, baths, good neighborhood. SH 1- tion. Quiet, dead-end street, bedroom colonial stylo home. Bif 3% DOWN apartments. all utilities, private Bank Building Atlantic Highlands living room, dining room, basement CHIHUAHUA PUPS — And grownups, bath. 16 Myrtle Ave., Long Brai 1432. ideal for children. Walk to AKC, excellent for Christmas presents. 231-1717 and two-car garage. Veu no down. Are you a member of the "In" (roun— FIVE-ROOM DUPLEX The appraised price J« $11,500, thi Insane group Uial keeps pavinj Reasonable. Stud service. SH 7-2603FURNISHE. D APARTMENT — Living CALL schools and buses. Two-car ga- room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. All utili- MIDDLETOWN rage. Oil-fired heat. FHA terms rent ? Well, get out of that group ind COLLIE PUPS*— AKC registered, will ties. |90 monthly. Adults. SH 1-1404 787-3966 LINCROFT — Three-bedroom Into this handsome young rancher: be sx weeks old Christmas Eve. Para- HOLMI>EL - 10-room hmmp, two TREMENDOUS BUY FOR QUAL- also available. Asking $15,500. $15,600 split. 12x16 den, 2% baths, large three master bedrooms, sumptuoua liv- de r bloodline, sable and white. CO 4-ATlXNfic~"inGLANDS — ~4~'4 Rooms acren, near Bell LaK Oil. steam heat. IFIED PERSON — Very small the lull price on this very bU ing room, dining area, large kitchen 7025. unfurnished, fine section. 6 Third Ave. lot, convenient to school and and apaclouj bain. Carport, attic, full God condition. J200 a month or sale. down payment. FHA approved. ranch home. Three large bedrooms KITTEN — Adorable eight neekl old 281-9237. 842-2256. McGOWAN living room, dining room, finished rec shopping. Asking $24,100. basement and utlllly room. Modern dLENUBRIZINO EQUIPMENT - Foi New four bedroom ranch, living -eallon room. Excellent landscaping range. Venetian blinds and aluminum cadco kitten, liouiehroken. to a g IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — Three •torm windows and doors. Immediate home. free. SH 7-0682. rent or sale; free delivery Bouth Jar- bedroom split level In nice neighbor- room, dining room, science kitch- plus ajKhor lence. Vets no down RUMSON — TTiree-bedroom Co- lev SURGICAL SH 7-261*. 1; AGENCY Only S500 down for non-vels. poisesslon at closing. YORKSHIRE TERRIER PUPPIES hood. 1 - baths, J150 per month. Call THOMPSON & BARTKLL. SH 7-3600. en, utility room, attached garage. lonial, new kitchen and bath, $14,900 Full Price Four months, house and leash trained. THREE OR FOUR — Room lurnlsh«d RED BANK SH 7-3000 After 6 p.m. only. OS 1-1662. apartment. Utilities. 97 Wallace St Lovely grounds, 100x200. Owner All payments and prices subject walking distance to school and Red Bank. RENT with option to buy. Throe-bed- COLD WEATHER 19 HERE — Sweat- room rnnch. half acre, dead end moving. Reduced to $16,500. to VA/FHA approval. town. Reduced (o $12,500. ers and blankets for that pet doc ofRED FANK —Three rooms unfurnished. street, wall-to-wall carpeting, electric 24-Hour Service THE BERG AGENCY yours. KEYPORT PET SUPPLIES, Ground floor, near railroad station appliances. New Shrewsbury. Price ATLANTIS HIGHLANDS-Three Jlte. 35 CMTfwood. LO B-5569. Adults only. All utilities. $93. SH \S24.HM. Rent $225. Write B.B.. Rax BH. BARONET REALTY WEART-NEMETH Monmouth County Office 2373. Red Bank. bedrooms, living room, dining GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS —Cham- room, kitchen, front and back "Personalized Service" pion stock, not registered. See any THIIEE ROOMB — Furnlahed, living ONE HALF OF THJPL.EX with IIPJII LITTLE GILVE!! ASSOCIATES AGENCY 9 2 4 K room; bedroom, kitchen, bath. I2i> Wll-Included. Rental $125 a month. SHORE- porches, hot water oil heat, base- OSborne 1-1000 *' 1^ II!! !! Ave., Port Monmouth. 787-1489. WAY REALTY CO.. Hwy. M, Holmdel A DISTINCTIVE ' Broker , REALTOR TEAM~OF~PONIES — Silver Dapples (off Union Ave.1 CO 4-7010. ment. Completely fenced yard, WATERFKONT COMMUNITY Route #35 Middletown, N. J. born twins, five-year olds, stiver FURNISHED — Two room*, first floor, 70x117. Pear and apple trees. 102 WEST FRONT ST. mounted harness. CO 4-2005. one or two adults, all utilities. 2 WairEONMtllO - 3". room", fumlahn Hwy. '35, Hazlei Daily 9-9 Saturday-Sunday 10-7 St.. Red Rnrtk. SH 7-0268. Immediate occupancy. $M >non!1i)> Wonderful area for children. SHadyside 1-224) THREE ROOM EFFICIENCY APART WnST KEANSBUIIO Tlirr'p n Owner transferred. GI approved. CO 4-2010 and bath, Immediate occupancy. $75 RIVERS EDGE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MENT All Utilities. Ofl Mnln St. $12,500 asking price. 24-HOUR SERVICE KeanBburjt. jCallJUJMW1- THE Cl'RTlN AGENCY, INC. AT LITTLE SILVER, N. J. LITTLE SILVER RANCH — Minus NEVER LIVED IN APARTMENTS 6« Thompson Ave. Leonard' [ember Red Bank Area THUEE ROOM lurntshprt apart num. J3MJ8WI acre plot. Near school. . Living room Centrally located. Inquire st 122 Han" lalu'd Custom Homes 11x21, fireplace, dining room, den, Hvr Multiple Listing Service Brick front, three-bedroom, 114 baths, UNFURNISHED THREE RO0MS-HI11 Inc Road, after 4 p.m. FURNISHED DWELLING -- Three lie CHRISTMAS SPECIALS from $24,090 bedrooms, two baths. $27,900. apllt level. Game room, utility room, tide location In Atlantic Highlands. All rooms. Nreplace. (lining room, hoi w Two-bedroom bungalow on 50x100 COLTS NECK — Charming rour-bed- built-in one-car garage. Nice corner utilities. $82. FURNISHED bacheloi NEW MODERN -- Four-room apart- ter oil. no pels, lease. SI IS nicrnt WATERKRONT RIGHTS NEW SHREWSBURY RANCH — Living lot, St. llary'a parish. 1144 covers ail apartment. J7.V 2BM454. rnent. Call DENNIS K. BYRNE, » W. River R(l shaded lot. No down GI, $300 n 14x20, dining room, modern room, 10-year house with large colonial • FEKE DOCKAGE FACULTIES fireplace, tun dining room, paneled TWO ROOMS - Becnnri floor, furnlshe< CO 4-PMT Rumson. 8(2-1150. down FHA. Full price $8,500. kltchct>, 12x17 same room, (our bed- den. two-car garage, l»;-acre partially or un/urnlsher], Bed-lfvlng room and OCEAN GROVE -- Near gate, fur SMXu7SlNGALdw • ONE HALF ACHE ESTATES rooms, 1 Vi baths. $20,750 approved wooded lot In choice residential area kilchen. Business woman or couple nlnlied or unfu minim), three rooms, cater! on Newman Springs Rrl., NevThree-bedroom ranch on secluded • EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR mortgajje. Price J21.9O0. J26.S0O. 811 7-4053. bath. 137 Main Avt. PR 5-47R0. Shrewsbury. Call BH 1-3028. 3/i acre. Two fireplaces. Full COMMUTERS NAVESINK ASSOCIATES. basement. Full dining room. $16,- C0LT3 NECK — Two-bedroom older DIRECTIONS. Hwy. 35 loutli to 8: Schanck Agency home. Spacious kitchen, large living REALTORS 000. more Ave., left on Sycamore to Brand, room, new heating plant modern Ave.; rlglit on Branch (Little Bilvei REALTOR JI.H Slatifiiu lo BHversltJe Ave.; leH8 Linden 1*1. Red Bi plumbing. One-acre tree-shaded lot. 934 Hwy. 35 Middletown on Sllversldo to models. Wonderful location.- (15,000. SHOREWAY 8H 7-0307 OS 1-0600 Member Multiple Listing CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY REALTY INC. Another "REGAI.-BHILT" Community George V. Illmensee Member Multiple Listing. NEW CENTER HALL COLONIAL A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! Hwy, 35 Holmdel RANCH — 192 lllgliwoud Rd., Oak Real Estate — Mortgages COLTS NECK — Unusual, custom-built. hurst. Bulit on a ftcautttully woudetl (Off Union Ave.) CO 4-7010 LINCKOKT — Attractive corner lot. Rt- M Colts Neck Early American with charm ing char- lit. Lovely nreu. Recently p» Intnl. lot, gau hot air heat, three bedrooms HOpklns 23172 acter In every corner; over acre of Ail acluiolB mill cliurclicB. Owner's sale. tile iJHth, full cellar, priced lor ttia towering oaks, beeches, dogwoods- largo TriumforrH. 510,600. 811 1-3371. sale $15,500. For Information call Oli toycr, large living room with liealned Adding Machines — Typewriters Cesspool Cleaning Painting and Decorating RUMtiON WATERFHONT — Modern ;i-'J(.67. Open all day Saturday NEWLY DECORATED THREE-BED cellng and fireplace; paneled chalr-raJI rancli wILlt lar&t.- screened porch o Suiitliiy. ______IIOOM RANCH -- Pallo, finished rec- l »DD1NO MAC'lTlSES — TypewrTi'eTi HEI>T1C TANKS, dry «elli •ervle.crt. TOM al.ATiy - Piuntmc unit ffecor- iHK water. 'J'hn-o iitnivuoins. tiflH OAK III LI. Unmi'illule [ma seas I on, ruatiou room, onL-ln liltulien. MIIHI set dinning room; delightful kitchen•. 1 .i Six room cnloniti^ ranch, l\-t imthB, batha; three beautllul spacious bed- •old. rented, reiKilreri. Rerplro's 101 Loerhliiff Held ndded. Hnckhoo work. atlriR. General Contracting, fully in- celling* thronghmil. i'rlvnto dock, three ticdrooinn, Hijreencd i>on*h, recrea- MIDULKTOWN — Split level liomea. to appreciate. Immediate occupancy. rooms; plaster wnlla; basement; garage Monmouth St.. Red Hank. BH 7-048S. C. H. Wilson. Ell 1-1846. aurcil. Twenty yeiira experience Free flucrtl Hi $2i,C»0. ROLATON WATtiR- tion rOdin with bar. Ilflccascd patio, Blx rooms and reuieution ruom, ga- l'UA nppralsed 110,300. Asking 118,600. and loolihed; nulel neighborhood: 135.. estimates. BH 1-911)1 ntter 6 p.m. IUJHV, Reullor, 1(1 W. Front St., lied e, 1% baths. Near schools and nhop' OS 1-1237. Hank. 811 7-35M). two car enrage, ileslrnltlo corner i>ri)|i- Dime, center. Mortgage* arranged, tin i- 0(111. I1AHOLD L1N1JEMANN, BroKei, Antiques Wanted Fuel Oil — Heating I'AINTlNn AND I'APKIt HANfliNC— rty, \ iicre. Financing u.rrange/1 ~ ' RANCH— Three bedrooms, 4<^% inort- 118 Highway 35, (Van Winkle. Marlns For a good clenn Jon, reasonable. > wnr r_ o S_l - mz. 1275 or BH 7-B3H. ' Bldg.). Eatontown. LI 2-1101 FUEL OTL A inoA^iNa^ciifi™BirT LlSiUiOFT -••- Bpllt \evei. JKnur bed- KHgc. $117 monthly p«y« all. Nice loca- Olrl Dolls, guns, Jewelry, cut gl Cnll HII 7-3101. Ivl /.Inner. tion, 55 minutes. New York, oa MZ51 IW10. Oil Delivery, Inc.. Service 4 mi, two Imtha, with recreation room, HHRKWHBUIlY - Knur bedroom split 57,500 furniture. Civil Wnr hooka. Appraliala cfir gnnigi', KllA appraised lit ! KABT KEANSUIJRO — Attractive Ijun- PORTAUPKCK - Brick and fr«m. Halm. :i Herbert IU.. Kei, Bank. rnncli, '2 7 tiiithH, jiaiielcd (uinlly nxim, ranch. Water view. Excellent location. made. Oilman HI! 7-1141 Piano—Organ Tuning S'il.lKKf. Asking f 19,300. Owner milo. KnU.w oil heat, five roonm, two porclicn, LITTLE SILVER— Four bedrooms two ill '1-4211. ilirgp—111.1' 747-&5<2' Cnll OH 1-2705 between T anil B p.m.tmths, attached «arag«, near school, Center hall, spacious Iving room, fire- Home Improvements PIANOS—ORGANS Iras, shopping.. 123,000. SII 7-2462. place, dining room, carpeting, kitchen Appliance Repairs Tuned — Repaired — llegiilnleil tikvENjiooiu HOTJSBT -~- sis Pwoio LINCRQFT - Four-year old rancli on A Joy to work In. Don. Three bedrooms, WORKING MAN'S contractor—Alter" LINCHOFr-MIDIH-ETOWN ARKA Rfiymnml HoHwtirth SII I-7WV3 Avp, Iln/.let. Flrilelieii collar. Furnish- it ere womlcd property tx>in\t)rtl l>yThis neaL compact ranch with Imse UNOJtOJ'T — floven acr>B, /our bod-two bathB, u basement, hot water heat. APPLIANCE P.EPAlIt anil Insinua- atlonn aiMultnm. pnlnllriK. masonry, •a i n.i. Three bed rooms. 1 !>, bi\tli Patio attached Rarogo. «21,ooo. LAW- anil nil tlios* llttli lobs. Evenings LO ncut [)ffem comfort, close school and rooms, family room, modern kitchen, tion. Itenldcntliil nml commercial wlr Plumbing and Heating condition. Garage. Open for Inspection Full itiiacnicTil, attndied Kftragc. Col chopping facilities phut prlvtlu living dining nrrfi, spacious living room. Ex- RENCE J. BClClLLINa, Itealtor 19 Inj. Allen Eleclrlc, fill 7-M12. 0-ITM. 10 u,m. to 10 p.in. enlrnt tn parochial, {iiiblle ichool iiccom modal Ions for In-lnwi If dcnlretl. cellent farming 811 1-2611. Bprlng Street. Red Bank. SII 7-4121. KKKCl A N'H M.IHKl. Cull owner HII 7-aWi3. beilroums, Individual kitchens, 24 Hour fltTvlre. All heating units UIMTN; CT i m7cK~FRoNT~~ ~ru rVo ItEB HANK - Eight rooms, oil hot Auctioneer -nsurancc cany upkeep nml reul fcoimmy for TORT MONMOUTU — Two-bedroom •civfeeil. Rll 7-IO27L_SI( 1.787.1. rooms, Ajiplelmiuli rnncli. Hciiutirul NEW CUSTOM HU1LT COLONIAL and your*. Aektnn |22,JiW). k, ,n,"lve-rooln home, Citll water heat. All Improvements. Annly at AiiiLlTY~r"91siiviCE~~rjei)e'r«lllMmy acre, must HCII. 1'rlccd Hl'IA'V — Diu.iali-blend brick front, DHK HNYOKR A (-O-, fUnllorfl, Five Cor- 787-1807 128 ShrewBl.iiry Avenue. ' B. G. COATK — Ah rsnfntllii~Anctl(ili when you Insure your HOME. AUTO, Rooting, siding and Insulation ui'corrltnKly, O. OH 1-2I13II, pmn-lrd di'ii, built In HI-FI nyntein, linn . Mlihllrtnwn. OH l-iU'M Appraisal Hrrvlre "anywliere." 258 other lines of Iniurnnce UirmifOi U VlflH 1*LAS!A Knur hfilrnotVis' iiolRtibuilioml. Munt bi> iron to he tip- FA III HAVEN - 10H Ridge Rd. Four- T1IREE-I1EDHOOM 11ANCH—Hj, baths, Nnrttootl Ave.. Deal. Fl>un» KEIIoKg AliMHTIIONO AflKNCY. nil lilM»l. J; H| rMtie.l iircclulrd. $:tS,K<)«. Cnll Mm, Hurley, bedropm Colonls.1. two baths, terraoe, 24x21 paneled recreation room, full ecpamtc illnlng room. 14 x 1'.i K'une- KB I-IIK or UK 1002ft. ENNIB-VOUEL. N I1BAUT1KUL KUJBIION, >• acre 13 down In 'IUIUI- idaciLju'd nt ».)!» Vim Court, two lied fireplace, large lot beautifully land- hanemenl, modern kitchen, dlahwasher Painting (»)• AilfiJn J,)M/)>i,i.vi>r ?!l|.l);jl):\ ieii ttijyt?r«. |15.f'(W. jy./t. HNYDKH A Iti'iiltorn, scaped. Call owner, 842-1001. and wall-oven. 11x23 covered patio, side- 'inn, tlln hath, attarhril ynrnge, Cupo walks, «ewer» storms ami screeds-. Auto and Truck Rental nsrOlnfC » lo., Itcitltcirii. Ktvo Cornera, Middle* ItPJI) HANK • Tlirc«bp(ln.i»m hmnp. I, J12.D00, J1.0W) CUBII. Onl, owner, VAII, HOMED-Twobedronm co-opera- I'AINTINO st Its finest. ~IiitVrlnr ami Insulation. Installed mid Ruomnteecl own. OH 1-2SS10, l tlvo apartmQiit for sale, oil heat. LI 2- Walking distance to schools and city exterior. Residential unit commeir HI. for HI years, PR fi-070r>- "Jill OfW). crlliir, Rnrngr, acrornn iiml Btnnn buses. OI assumption available, 107 A'vlfPiTf'rirVnevTi-nTor Iriick.Tow lowest rales. W. Evans. HII 1-8517. iniri-KTOWN - New eiiHtuin • UM\ 11 DrilniitiiiiKI)ri lll l l f AveCl ,f HII I 1-4K5.t:15 •JM1. per month. CO 4-0341. rates. Maple Ave., Ited Hank. SII 7- '•L -'l l "" LM _ L UJ' - ''AIR HAVHN — Thr*a bfldroom bun- Tel. Answering Service -lcvel, living num., Hopamtn dlnliif; MTTUC BII.VEK — Ranch on one fi,l/lfl I'Jt «-5:'l*. Jifllly 7 n ni.—JO ji.m. Painting and Decorating i mi in. k Helm 11, 111 rct> Ix-dronnm, \'j' IAZLKT ~ 4 Vulley VI, JCOflO down, fjaipmeilr' iilod ^"Ehorliooll!*'Near half acre. Living room, fireplace, lull noATMAN'H IIHBAM mtln, rriicnlloii nicim, nnoi-ar Riinige. fHUH titnnili vaya nil ut< 4"t per con* ^hooi, bill, I^i* faxm. fMMKJUMTK riming roam, three or tour bedrooms', Deep waterfront. Lot JODxJDO. Two-car LKT DH HE ynur secretary. No riei-il nmrlgnite, no clnnlng fcen, Building Contractor Td7 to tnlsi calls 2< hour answering Dr-lmll nnr. SI7.H0U Call bulLlcr. 1,1 I'OEIBKFISION. Prlnclplftl only. HII 1-6372 pnnrlnd recreation room, screened garage. Boat house. A good home. Liv- pnperlluneer, '!& yefirs experience. 13 ervlre. HII 1-470O. lrunni 5|illt, altnched Kiinifjc, dcml- HIIMHON -•- This old grey mure ain't lurch, play yard. One block from ing room, dining room, kitchen, el.cTrlo. Cllapln Ave. fill 1-170B after 8 p.m. l Mrcci. Npncloun vli w. HO.ROd. CO 4-whut nhr in fid in be, but thorn'• jilnru •chmil 811 !•»««; range, two bedrooms, bath. Hot w«ter MIIMWIt - New huinci. luum mi- IIAIlMINU IIKVUN-HOOM l'.riKllxh '2 oil hdjal, full cellar. Large expansion dlll'inii, hssemenl and attic rooma T. J^ HILL -• PuTnTer. (\jntrafto7 Vacuum Cleaner Repair I'ui]or mi quiet tree-lined itrrel unil of !lfp lir Iho old gut yet. T)irre-b«d UIXXI DOWN TO AlSTufYBBiwiov? Tr 1 llrulj rpfi.ffliAiJ/'iJ I'lut. I-'Uf j)Jui:t> UVIJIK nmni, lomn, twostdiy homo cm pxcellent lot S™2iu> ,!V ""i • ". All this for kltrlieni, suragf, repairs snllt lovrl lodny. Olanl sfie llvliu Hwy. 3S, Kalontown. 1,1 21183, Short; > Etal«s HervlCe Supplies Mil liroiKliiNl rilt'K. den. tllifc I>HI- nil Itiipruvi Mir-nta. BH 1-N:,.II. I nit liecd.! i>lpnly nt IIOIIIR ovrr, A nom wllli wall-to-wnll carnntlnR. full Multiple Listing dervlce. A. J~ l(.'ONK"'~~Cer«murtll.~ro,r IV III. H. JI1NK11 - I'alnthK anil i|-c »08 Proapect Ave.. I.ltil« Bllver, Vor tln, full itHHoinntl, over- chnllrngn tn the hniidyinun; the rflInlli- f room, lirlRht sunny-f kitchen, trannr (-2«31. Oa The Next, Page) I FO*, HEW HOUSES BOUSES FOR SALE mix HOUSES FOX SfdJB, HOUSES FOR SALE .maa* JOSEPH G. McCUE, REALTOR RUSSELL 1A BORyf at^lTORS THE DOWSTRA AGENCY 30*tt*£ ROAD, N. J. lee w 30*tt*£ ROAD fc 600 RIVER I*!). \ J^R HAVEN, N.'J REALTORS Oalae * EeWt I " 842,0444 T. SAWYEK, SHadytFds 7-4532 ' Kueuant to Die order of •DWARD '• THERE is NO SUBSTITUTE JOR OVER ItaBbtr ot Red Baric Area Maltipie listing C. »RO1O«, gurrogat. ol t»e Oeessry M-mW MuHlpl. Lilting Ssrviet IT YEARS EXPERIENCE fHONE FOR BROCHURE application ol lbs « Young Sawyer, Soli RIVER BIGHTS — lively modern ranch home. Moit desirable II Eut /root Street Red Bank, K 3.estate Of the snill vtiuwae >. Wl> residential area. Large living room, fireplace, full dining room, SH 1-8700 eeceated. notwe b nereer ejven te the creditor! ol said deoeaseiT to pre- three fine bedrooms, V/i tiled baths. large paneled den. Full estate of the said ., —. utiful v ew off hills. ITjree to five SHOW YOU SOMETHING IK A REALLY FINE HOUSE, $21,000 sent to the said Sole Executrix their dsceaaed, notice fa hereby gte»n I ^ ^t J ? Wddletown hills. ITjree to five basement with finished ceiling and floor. Hot water heat. At- elalms under oath within six months creditors ol said deceased to praeut dr, two baths and lavatory. Center hallll. Jiving room, dln- Of course we can. Practically new ranch on an acre of ground. tached garage. Urge wooded plot. Asking $29,500. Irom this date. to the said Sols Executrix their dnigaa Foyery, , living room, fifireplaceep, , dining room, most momoderd n kitchen. Dated: December Mi, IMS undsr oath within six month* Iron tble aMuredly'&e'itl Ba'ementl tw(Kar 8« s ik HELEN TOUNO BAWTiai CONTEMPORARY RANCH - RUMSON - All brick, four-bed- Den. threhree bedromsbedrooms,, ttwwo bamsam, ,wall-to-wal ltl carpetingcapg, blacktop TS Sllverton Avenue, "* CAROUNB W. HALLI1UT drdrivewayi . NNici e llawn *a4*ttmibs4ttb . OOwne r hha * tto move. Little Sliver, S. J. Dated: November 1th, vm 1 M kUMS0N L0WTAXE S room house on 214 acres, partially finiihed rccmtjoo room with Daniel I. Wetgand, Is.). a Mam street, flT,^,0LD !? - fireplace, bedroom, bath on lower level. Main leveMias two fu|l WHEN NEXT SUMMER COMES 77 Broad Street, Beltord, N. J. ;, HOUSE - Here is one which has been baths. Kitchen has double oven, dishwasher, Red Bank, N. J. noli Executrix N w modem waU oven You will be py in this outstanding, bullt-to-order Rumson Attornsr you- utt dem waU oven WteWtek"k . »ew w''fi»8i . Attorn Messrs. Parsons, canxona, ael bb th neneww Large Uving room with fireplace. There are many Tha colonial ~ maintained by fusty owner. Your boat can Dee. 7, 14'£, • $28.71 Blair * Warren y,y, * ' combination aluminum storm annd U Wallace Street. Livi gg rr mm bi 01 windows and house is completely alr-ccndirJooed. Asking ifffitt. be moored just seconds away from the house and the view over Livi "^ bbedrooms and Red Bank. New Jersey, SI?„.SLi i 11 ^°^° -- '""^ n" "- tw* bedr the water it 4eUgatful Center hall, Uving room with fireplace, MOMalOimi COUNTY Attorneys den (or third bedroom)roo) . YYes, all this and only $12,5002 . NEWLYWEDS OR RETIRED COUPLE - Lovely bungalow with SMUWOATE'g COU«T paneled den and paneled kitchen, dishwasher, range, refrigerator. KeUeei te Crailtere te Preseal HOT. II. Jl X. Dec. 1 tM.ll living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath. Also Four bedrooms, iV, baths. One and one-half acres. Close to all Claims Agataat Esleie YET FIVE MINUTES a screened porch. Excellent neighborhood, lovely grounds. Ga- schools, ocean, river and bus. Now offered at $47,500. ESTATE OF OUBTAVE T. I1O'» rage and full basement., Asking }13,9O0. BROD, DBCEASED. •"•• Wl Four bedrooms. Pursuant to the order of EDWARD HONUODTH coimrr W&F* • W rooms. THREE FIREPLACES AND A QUAKER MAID KITCHEN a BROEQE, Surrogate ol the County basement, attached two-car garage. Relocated owner say. tell RUMSON EXECUTIVE TRANSFER — January occupancy of Little Silver colonial that haa been taken ear* of Ilk* a (ue lady. et Momwth, thla day Bade, w the HnstBOOATE'S COVKT two-year-old split level with "House Beautiful" decor. Four bed- anttcaUen of the undersigned. AOoe Hettcf to fieljlsrs I* Fraeat below evaluation—sooooo $45,000. No corners cut here to save money. IFtoest of bard wood floors, Egenbrod Bartels (formerSr AnoeO. ,' CMsee Agataat latatt ,,' rooms, maid's room, three and one-half baths, large den with plaster wails, large rooms. Through ball with fireplace, IW Sigenbrod), Sole Xxecutrfx of the ee- fireplace and slate floor, cherry wood custom kitchen with din- tals of the said Oustave T. •liesi swiwn or toEum* uocwxms. ™ SK,VER -- SJX-YEAR-OLD RANCH - ACCESS TO room with fireplace, doing room *9i fireplace, dea, kJtcbea brad, dseeased, notice la hereby given RIVER! Three bedrooms, bath. living room Of), dining area, ette, landscape architect is proud of this showplace. Asking price to the creditors ot said deeeauwd la to mo order ol EDWAJU) C. is $89,500. a real honey. Three large bedrooms, two medium tb&. three •resent to the aalft lole Xxecatrlx asmcaie ol tbe Ootutty ol Wtchen enclosed breezeway and attached garag* '"Handy tostS baths, basement. Nice otot but it does not require a gardener. their dalms under oath wlthla att , am sur made, OB the ap- tion and shopping. Excellent opportunity at $19,000. Try to build anything like It tor f&JM. moults from this 4ale. •llestKa af tbt smlenlgaed, Kobsrt M. EIGHT-BEDROOM REMODELED HOME - Center hall living Dated: November ISth. ISO Turkanbx, AdsoJiilatrator with WU An- FAIR HAVEN - CUTE LITTLE COTTAGE END OF LANE - room with fireplace oak wainscoted dining room, ultra-modern AUCE EIOENBROD BARTEUS nexed at the estate ol Ike aald Helen kitchen with huge dining area plus utility room and VA baths. P. O. Bex SSx I. MockaJtu, deeoaaod, sMIea. I* here- EXTRA LOT BONUS! Assured privacy. 1% stories. Center hall, HOUSES Ft» MLB BOUSES W» 8AIE Henlo Park. N, 1., by given to the oredltora ot kaM de- living room (bay window), den, kitchen and dinette, two bedrooms' Unbelievably priced at $31,000 with taxes of $468 In Atlantic High- Sole Executrix oaied to present I* Ike saM Adminis- ltart famUv or (or lands. Stuart A. Young, Jr., In. trator with mil Annexed OMIT claims »!?' S?U° * retirement. Plot 100x100. 144 Breed Itreet, under oath wlthla atx snoatha from Asking $18,500. • • Miwark t, V. J., thla date. • © 1,1 L, RAY VAN HORN . Attorney Dated: November 1Mb, 1MB. Nov. a M, Dec T. 14 S3S.N ROBERT M. TTOkAUDi , ^PSxIiW?TOWNSHIP - ONE OP FEW REMAINING OLD ALLAIRE - FARROW AGENCY Realtors 1*0 Old Dyxe Boad. COLONIAL FARM HOUSES on an elevated shaded plot of about SHORT ON BEDROOMS? Trumbull, Connecticut Over A Quarter Century es) '!• CreeWen ee rnseail one acre. Consists of living room, dining, room, den kitchen, Monmouth County's Oldest Real Estate Firm Ton won't bo here I Tills attractive Administrator with WO} ajwexad Hessrs. Toner, crawley, paneled game room and bath. Second floor: Four bedrooms and River Plata Cape Cod boasts five Member Multiple Listing SVTATB O^W^SJ 199 Broad Street, Red Bank-SH 1-3450 bednwma , New Ar and second belli roughed In. Full esque bone country. Lovely* co- ot Uonmonm. tkla day n*4a, on lbs AUoraeyAUo s MEMBER RED BANK AREA MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE easement. FHA. gas nest Combina- application ot On undersigned. The Dee. T, 11. M, S30.M OWNER TRANSFERRED - MUST MOVE VERY SOON-Lovely tion aluminum screens and .storm sash. lonial. Spacious rooms. Oil heat. Monmouth County Rational Banlr, Ked seven-year-old three-bedroom ranch with bath and lavatory, fire- reneed back yard lor imsll-lry. ifHA Basement. Two-car garage, Bank, Sole Eiecttor «f the estate o the said W. TUsuoa McDowell, de- place In living room, screened porch, garage. Assume an approx- 10% down arranged. Apartment possibilities. Askint TAX SAIM ROTiOBt ceased, notice Is becebr given to the OF BEAL ESTATE HT Ml imate mortgage ot $17,000 with interesHt only A%%. Asking $19,500 ASKING $15,500 $35,000. Taxes only $450. creditors of sail deceased to present WM. S. GARRISON AGENCY to the said Sole Executor their claims or swugDBi. FOB -BUT OWNER IN A HURRY. Drop in and talk to us about it. under oatb wttkto six norths from FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS, RIVER VIEW ACRE - Estate this dateat nx or: nuoa REALTORS this date. Public Nottse U bereel llveei that RED BANK INVESTMENT —House near stores divided into two PROUD'OF THEIR HOMES area, Brick and frame ranchei Dated: November lSti the undenHgned, the OaDiatw ol Tax- small apartments, equipped with ranges and refrigerators. Taxes over 100' long I Nine rooms THE HOnlO COUNTT es ol the Townihlp of HeratleV County Make living In this lop Mlddletown VA tiled baths. Four bedrooms. Ot Monraouth, New Jereeyv win sell at Maude P. Sparkei, Residential Safes Mgr. only $337 per year. Price $16,000, We have the key. neighborhood, walking distance si public auction In O» fswibsJe Ue- schools and shopping, a real Joy. Two fireplacesp . Dea, Hobby norial Han. CrawHrd-a «*css(HSventt SH 1-0804 - 22 E. FRONT ST.. RED BANK Don't wait to see thla fine ranch; liv- T Trans- Road, Roundel. N. I. es.tto,ISth jsy HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE ing room wim fireplace, dining area, room. Two-car garage. Red ot DeoaaoMr ua at lS Eit tbe lof- lovely kitchen, three bedrooms, IV! ferred owner asking $31,960. Bole j*mr lowlng daeerlbed lands: • ' MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 3 baths, utility and iauadrv. — .in.« (Worth $40,000.) Burton T. L.r •all lands will be seel tt> ltajie the MIDDLETOWN — Two oustand- porch, large attached gu ~ Plaster K UechanK Street, amouot of Municipal Hex* ebanealils WHY WATT TILL AFTER CHRISTMAS ? CHRISTMAS walls. Forced hot water Rid Bank, Mew Jei agaust the same of the (rat day of ing values. Both in cnoke ALMOST NEW FOUR-BED- July, MO, exclusive hawonr. ot the Buy thU three-bedroom colonial and make it the happiest Christmas SPECIALS ' aeighboriiood. ROOM RANCH-Half acre. Fine HOT. «. X,'&K.7, It lien lor the year ISA asi oasaaued In every. Beautiful pine paneled den, formal;living room with fire- tn.is the allowing list, lo(etber with ktterest buys sfy-rooin, two-bath area. Good school.. Recreation en said amount froam Oat ttnt day of place, caster half, dining room, compact kitchen, separate break- If jrou hurry m cu be la UUs wim fireplace, full baset room. Screened porcB. Two July im, to u» date et ththee H», ind fast area, IJJ baths. Excellent conditjoa./Asking $26,901. ranch home by CbritUnaa. Xet-ln kitchen. Ml dining room, ewnlorub water beat and a one-car garage. baths- Two-car garagegg . Base- XflTATB VONDKR costs ot salesale. Thee enbaorlba nbaolbrr wiwinn ssele l ilvinf room, U>TM bit bedrooms, b HOMES ... Tfd o MUHLUHLU L In feee too the person wbwboo bibidds the ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING Veu no money down. Non-vets f $25,90* buys seven-room, two*ath ment. Transferred owner asks NoticNti e la berasr that the I amount dued, , subjecsubje tt toto isHmlloisHHlm l n at dvreUlflx wilh fireplace, den, one- HAVE FIGURES TOO! C3.500. ' oounts oc the the lowest rate ooll rntsrntsisistisist. bibitt In In a convenient location, good schools, beautiful house, only three """Si •lecutora ot ease exceedindi g ((«« ) peper rmilnsa jajarr an- car Canute, on large attractive the mate lied will be years old. Three bedrooms-, two stunning tile baths, center hall ONLY |J\«00 AT FIRESIDE auditeditd and Surrogate of num. Tbe. payment torto tb «a.| ablaballl (From every Angle... 8M River Rd. Fair Haven be made before the living room with fireplace, dining room, both with beautiful wall-to- lot. Taxes under $M for each the County and reported ot the o can •lUetll let BaoU know in tlmi this is Great I) SHadyside 74100 for atUltmaat te _ __janouth Coun- wall carpet. Modem kitchen, convenient den,* laundry. Realistical- Sr you lo movi e lota tali awbedroon house. Truly flue value, that will DM also of thla spacious IBIII It home lo___r Chrlltmaa, Featnrei be snapped up quickly by discern- .front to back) will ejnclently accom- ty Court, Probate WTlstoe, on Friday, ly priced at $25,000. : family Hied kitchen, full dlnlni rooi ing buyers. modus -a family ot all. Eadi ol the •padow living room, tiled bath, wal row kadrooms will take twin bwli County Court NEW HOUSE 98% COMPLETE loc dlaUuico to schoola and ahoppln, Tbe UTlnc room 1* very larae wltl Ha maun down veu. $360 do^n no PREFER A SPLIT? Come see nTf"*i*~r dlnlif room lust off an ul-WB«T aVONO BRANCH court streets; rreeheu, Hew Jersey, Can be bought with no down payment by, • qualified buyer. Very at which time Application will be HM this one. Spotless three bed- tra-modern, apadona aHeben. Thli lor ths aiiowum of ' " at (S)f*r entum per aawmsi a»d the well located. Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen property has In addition a One friendly A QUAINT Bnatstaaiiry shall haharre tbt oaaTremoaaaTremee. "'ONLY $10,990 AT FTRESIDE rooms, room for a fourth. ' Large Counsel teea, ' with eating space, tile bath, family room, gas fired heat. Nice recreation room, utility room and two AND CHAR1UNQ COMMUNITY Pated Novosabar Kb. A. D. llee ton tighttight s aa th aamkaasrsk . Too Ms for your cairlitmaa atocklc living room and .dining room. mil balfti. Naturally a xaraie wltti tot. $15,500, We will help finance. neatly landscaped enclosed rear JlAny A. VOMMfr--™ but perfect (or your family. Immaci Recreation room whlcn opens 15 Second Street, "••"*- late Uuce-bedroom borne, tarce livin yard la Included, Too, too many ex SILVERBROOK Rumsoav *. t. —- aale shall bo made and eon- room, full dlniDS room, modern kJtcti onto a patio enclosed by an arbor ras, including aramlaum doors, wln- ducted In accordance Witt An provi- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE •n. b»U>. lull Eaiemenl. Mo rnone; of roses. l'A bathi. Modem jffiE and screens and wall-to-wall' car PARK sion ol tbe s atute of ofeTUSTs/Hew down vela, 1400 down aon-veta. j. This Is a new listing anc ONLY 112,400 AT FIRESIDE kitchen includes a dishwasher. lOTl Take notice of these figures AT WtST LONG BRANCH Laundry and garage. Many ex flg,MO FHA montage available b «r mgnleratl chuges on RUMSON — Older two-story co- RUMSON — Very attractive 100- y qualified buyer. Inaoknis and sradous custom homei andI nronilng ta: the ta Vot A nul holiday wrap tbU iptrkJli New Tork Olty~l), «. T. lonial in good neighborhood need- year-old frame colonial. Three tras. $19,300. FULL PRICE $20,500 Four and nve bedrooms. Colonial an Executors. by the creation and enforcement of ing tome renovation. Living bedrooms, country kitchen, two lour- split level up and spliu Iran ... lra« tbereon (Chapter I of TlUe M ol it to your family (or Chrliinuu. Brifl Uessrs. fjchenck, Smith A King. the Revised atatsUs)," tad acts sup- room, dining room, kitchen, three baths, two powder rooms, hot airlunny kltcbco, full dining room; gU.i LAWLEY AGENCY MATTHEW J. GILL Counsellors at Law, plemenunr tbereto and amendatory bedrooms, bath; pipeless oU heat. ai Uriaf room, full b&Mmeot wt $20,990 10 Washington atreet, thereol , • acres. $37,000. eA r*cre*tlon room, 1^ tll< "The Broker Who Knows lliddletown' Morrlitown, N. j. REALTORS Nov. IS. 23. M. Dee. T SS4.04 At any Brno before fee aale the un- Garage. Saleable extra lot worth Ri — Interesting frame Ho money down veu. HI Another Communlt; dersigned win receive payment ol the at least $4,000. Full price $13,- Cape Cod. Three bedrooms, two «•«• 100 Hwy. 35 Red Bank Hwy. 35 MJddletown amount duo on any property with in- 000, ONLY $14,600 AT FIRESIDE DIRECTION*: Hwy. » to Wall terest and cost up to the tine ot pay- baths, fieldstone fireplace, full SH 1-6262 (Off Xatontown Circle) continue ment * basement, hot water oil, attached Have Mute, deliver your presents OS 1-3200 Wall ML to fairway Are., turn left on The lands so subject to sale de- RED BANK — Spacious River N $27250 this ileilxjbtlul custom ranch. JUa Vmlrway Ava. Co models. scribed In accordance with tbe tax eat-In lutohen. full dining room, coi Multiple Listing Service ME INFORMATION CALL, ESTATE OF LUIOI RAM PINO DE- duplicate Including the name ol the Rd. home on oorner plot near RUMSON ate Reoon- iortable living noat, full oaaemeat wj -t_^~ Wl 1-130O CEASED (INSOLVENT EaTATll , owner ae shown on ths last tax dupll- town. Excellent professional lo- ditioned two-story frame dwell- Ilnuhed uunlly FOOT bi| be< Notice Is hereby given that the i cats, and the aggregate ot taxes and OLDER COLONIAL IN GOOD counts ot the subscriber, Executrix other municipal charges which were a cation. Living room, re P ing, three bedrooms, hot water roomi, attacbed garase. No down veu. ••QO down noo-TCU. CONDITION — Spacious living the estate ot said Deceased will Hen thereon on the flrst day ot July hall, dining room, den. *rB baseboard gas, attached garage. audlttd and staled by tha ajurroga! 1WJ, exclusive, however, of the Hen ONLY $15,900 AT FIRESIDE RUMSON room, dining room, den, attrac- of Us Countr ol Uonmouth and for taxes for the jasr OH. are as pantry, laundry, kitchen, $23,900. Cam Cod 6 roorni $12,300 LOTS AND ACREAGE ported lor setuemer " ~ " screened porch, five bedrooms, (All down payments arc iubj« Ranch T roonu dty, the Fourteenth _ _ _.TsMH ugi 2% baths; hot water oil heat, 3% three bedrooms, modern bath, en- CHOICE SELECTION ot nAWB DMCrUPTlON AJIOCNT two-car garage. Many extras. DENNIS K. BYRNE closed porch, convenient location. auia wooded plots, oak, ... Iliiabeth Flebelkorq, Palmer LITTLE SILVER dogwood, some with vltw and crook, the Coumy 'court ouse," Mooan Are. A Kiddie Rd. 1.0! acres $29,900. FIRESIDE . REALTORS Ranch 7 rooms tarn $17,900 utners bign and rolling, deed resui Court * impta. Bit M, lot JJ | J7iM REALTOR - INSUROR Colonial ( roomi H3.5O0 Uon to protect purchaserchar., WHinO an at which time Application will be made itiddletown Cons. Main K-T^i Ranch T room* -Boimwood,' Atlanta xowolup, for the allowance ot Comaalsslona and SM.m IMMACULATE MOTHER AND J*J K. atnrker, Bealtor, Uolmja w aero * imou. m*. II. LM li »i.7« JOHN L MINUGH 8 West River Rd. Rumson DAUGHTER HOME - Spacious r I. Ma-tut, OS 1-2531 SHREWSBURY and Discharge of' Executrix acres 4s Impts. Blk. lj, Lot s lOOHO Colonial 7 rooms *27,0W four-bedroom ranch, three years RUUSON — Landscaped bulldlnf viol Dated November Sfh, A. D. 19(2. Barry Seaman. Middle Rd. a. 75 REALTORS - INSURORS Phone 842-1150 Hwy. 35 At Laurel Av«. Holit VINCENZA BJUfPINO, acres Blk M. Lot — sa a*. Colonial < 0 roomi old with complete separate apart- 100x135. Convenient location near bui 21 DeTorsst Avenue, Arthur Bchnabls, Holmdel Rd. Cape Cod 7 rooms *2s!soo ment on ground level, three full ina school. All utilities Including seivei Member of Red Bask MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING ivallahle. (7,000. JOHN L, UINUO1 Red B.nk, N. J, M acres * impts. Blk. 18 EXCELLENT VALUE baths, two-car attached garage. Kxecutrlx. Lot 40 •••... ti.14 Multiple Listing Service MIDDLETOWN AGENCY, Realtors. 35 Rumson Kd. Messrs. Arnons * Zaier. 8. I. Corp., Harmoiir pufc 1 Toil modern three-bedroom borne Prestige Jocttion. $4,500. Rumson. Flione 842-32OO, RED BANK — Top residen ial, lolow lax Vk bathi and two-car garage, pl Spilt Level 7 rooms 117,000 Counsellor! at Law, lot ft impt*. M SM.H3 by cus Ranch 8 rooma 117,000 2IS Broad Street, 8.^ I Corp., Humoor Park I 3$ Rumson Rd. Phone 84KJO0 area. Built 10 jean ago custom recreation room, li now priced und< WATERFRONT LOT - Reasonable, home builder for on ut, Many ex origlnat cost. Keduced to {22.700. An; Split Level 7 rooma $22,900 lanloloklng. South. 94' road front, M' R»d Bank. N. J. JM.03 trai. UvUvlnj room Kim fireplace, fformal oo« can ataume the exutinj AV A. FRED MAFFEO 'aterfront. All utuitles and ocean uath- Nov. 1«. M. 30, Dec. T MOM LITTLE SILVER — Gleaming whin dinindii g roomm. lexlg eleeUte kitchenkitchen, i ot *16,O00 and move right Dial 741-7200 Ing, Cash or terms, 10 per cent down, •lucco Cape Cod In Su ares. Living threU e eitrl a llarge bedrooms, two flfulll * LUtJ« Silver lo&uion, REALTOR t balance ten years. TW 2-2147. room with fireplace, dining room, four, tiled balha, mahogany pawled gams CROWELL AGENCY, Realtorf PH1UP 1. BOWXRS * CO. AN ORDOTsUTCE TO AMEND AND bedroomi and bath, full eelltr, attached room, two screened porches, two-car U B, gtont at. BH l-VUO Ked Bai 737 BROAD ST., SHREWSBURY COLTS NECK — Building lot UUU* Real Iitatt Since ISM AN rlUKCBl garage. Below replacement coat at garage, largo landscaped M. Maximum SHadyside 14333 fronting on County Koad, In choic 118,11/). ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG value hi A-l eondtlon, SXMM. Rf"* 1CODKKN THKKK-BEDKOOM RANC1 WALTER 8. OVIRTON residential area, high and dry. Terrill ra"fTn, aH85r^ OoH-ctoTof Itew AOENCY, Realtor, SU Prospect Ave., TON WATIRBURY. Realtor, IS —Located on quiet itreet, near acnool Ainilau 'alue at H.&00. OEOROE V. ILLUEN- TTTUC AS "THE LAND SUB-DIV] Nov. Mb DM, t II, n Little Silver. 8H 1-iHS, Red San*. SH 7-3SOO. PU* ami auopptng. laving room, lire 60 Wnlte 8L B*d Bank MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING IEE, Real Estate. Rt. X, Colla Neck. SION ORDINANCE OP TH» TOWN- place, dining room, efficient kltchet 1U 2-3171. i SHIP OP ATLANTIC" ADOPTED dellgatiul large screened porca, Opsoilte Municipal Parklu Lot mrnoa HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE basement wltn recreation room, APRIL »», ISM AND THE AMEND- CORNER LOT — Approximately 65x125 AN OfUHrUHCa EtTABUaBIKO A l&cbed garage, excellent nelsboornooc In fair Haven. Cleared, ready t BE IT ORDAINED by the Tnwnabn BOARD Or HBAUTH W COLTS Aking *U,U00. ROL3TON VVA7EI1 buUdlng. H.8CO firm.' SH 1-5451- "OUR 44th YEAR" aUBV. Realtor, 16 W. Front St., R FAIR HAVEN — Three-bedroom Colo- EDNA M. NETTER Committee ol Colts N.tk TowSEpTK RCCE TOWIOHIP COUN- Bank.' BH 7-3500. nial, living room with Orepleee, healed the Couity of Monmouth. that u» porch, corner lot. Convenient to school dlnanee known by II. short forte as TT or MONMOUTH. A BUWCIPAL ucuooso taut, mgrtrm BROKBH REAL ESTATE WANTED •The Una fhib-Mvlalon Ordinance ol OORPtWjTjTBI OP THB RATB Or WATERFRONT — New bulkhead, di and shopping. Asking I1J.B00. Call own. the Township ot Atlantic" adopted Apr! RAY STILLMAN water channel. Bpacloua entrance toyei er. 7174991. HOLMDCL-COUI! Nl S*. IKK and the amendments and BB IT OSDADtED BT TUB Town- Uving room, fireplace, dining room, T WANTED — Older home la Red Bank. REALTOR MIDDLETOWN. FIVE MINUTES TO llARIAnU>--fiUUBHOLD AIUDAft At least three bedrooms. Write "AJ~ suppliments thereto, be and the ship oeeamnteo of Oetu Keek Town- room .family kitchen, powder room, RED BANK — Sturdy, Tudor ranch. ISO Hi. IU> I, Martton la bsnaby amended and sui ship in the County of Moananth, a four jbedroomi, two bfiXh*. Third floo Box 511, Red Bank. as follows: 'pel eerporatoa ot DM State ot thxet bedroomi, bath. Plot 58x100x400 Living room Uiat'a different, fireplace, r.a. Box m. ftoebold RUMSON WATERFRONT - A rare buy sine* dining room, convealeaca kitchen. Ihtti LIST YOUR HOME with a Section one. Article vm. Vrsey u loUows: waterfront locations In Rumson are rarely offered. I'ranaferred owner aaklag 127,600 want! bedrooou. buemeAt nexeatfoa room, I HO %UD . lub-Sectlon (Fl Is hereby amended •BOnoif 1. That then shaH he ea- often. LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING the Red Bank Ares. Multiple u bUaHed m and for Colts Neck Town- Buikheaded I'/, acres on Navesink in the very itEALTOH. 16 Bprmg 81., Red Ban) bar. Secluded yard with fruit and shade Bsrrlce. He will circulate a photograph upnjemented to read as follows: v trees, barbecue. River rictus. Two-car CHRISTMAS SHOPPING and complete description or your home Of) Subdvlslons that ad jam or IB- p a local Board ol Health, pursuant heart of Rumson. Three-story house, excellent BH 7-4121. heated carat*. 120,500. LAWRENCE J. elude existing streets that de not con-to aa act entitled "An act to establish to 37 member offices, offei you kM sa tbJe atate boards ot health and a condition. First floor has living room and den, SCHILLING. Realtor. IS Sorini street. Then buy the gift that Is sure to qualified opinion as to fair market form to widths as shown oo tbe mas- HAZLET — Seven room ranch, threi Red Bank. BH 7-1111. KXMBIlk MUL- pleass all the family. Three-bedroom value; hold an open bouse lor sales- ter plan or official map or the street bureaus of vital statistics and defining both with fireplaces, dining room, bath and front oedroomi, IVt baths, tele nee kli TIPLE LISTING. Solonlal with two-car garage on .tree men to Inspect the property; and give width requirements ol this ordinance Cbeir respective rights and duties," ap- room which has been made into office. Second en with dishwasher, atr conditioned rec lined street In Fair Haven. Reduced your home preferred advertising. There shall dedicate additional width aloni « March SV 1187 and the tup- natkn room, AVi per eent aasumptloi RUMSON — Colonial or live wooded to 114,000. The price Is negotiable. Is no extra cost Involved. Evsry mem- slther one or both itdss ol said rau HeneKU thereto. and third floors have five bedrooms, bath., Full, UaJbt*. CO 4-2613. acrea. Situated on one ot the rare high CROWKLL AGENCY. Realtors ber Is a Realtor. You can put your f the subdivision la along one aid BECTION 3. Be It ordained, that the dry basement with powder room and partially elevations In Rumson. north tid» or II I. Front BL BH 1-40M Red Bank confidence In a Realtor. Consult page on y Board of Health of Colts Neck Town- DEAL — Z*ay life for buiy wife. Cheei L .L «"• ship anal! be established according fo finished recreation room. Beautifully landscaped Rldee Rd. amons the many lovely 183 ot the Y«llow Pages la your tele- width shall be dedicated or an ful; convenient, compact five-bedroon eiutea. Natural wsodland setum en- MIDDLETOWN — New six-room house. phone directory. -nent provided for road purposes. Ths Iho provisions of R. 8. M:3-J, Chap- grounds with two-car detached garage, dock, boat home. Excellent condition. Asking 127, hances this four-bedroom, two-bath acrflce. must aell. Many extraa, Call ixlstlng street or road shall be Isster > Article 1 Subdivision B u amend- house and tool shed. Riparian rights: Widow will- Call (or appointment. home. Reduced to barsaln level for H 7-J4M. YOUK HOME WANTED - Why list proved including eicavatlon, grading, I by U Ira, chap. 34>, page 1113, ENN1S-VOQEL REALTORS quick sale. THE OLAZEBROOK AGEN- with us? We advertise extensively In gravel base andsurfacing fa aeoaij ntlon 1. ing to sacrifice for $60,000. 2»3 Norwood Ave. Deal KE 1-123^ CY. Realtor. Avenue of Two Riven, IATONTOW.-J — Serall roora ranch, the newspapers, radio and publish a ance with the road Improvement stand SECTION 3. That the members of ;venln«s-Webb Bturckea PR 6-4032. lumion. 812-1700. Member Multiple1 patio, large garag*. H4,(09. 11 Kramer catalog for home aeeksrs. We are mem- ards of this ordnance and the curb tbe said Board of Health of Colts Neck Complete listings ot Lining. Kit,, U 2-3288. bers of the TWR, a national real estate •hall be set to conrorm with the stand- Township shall be composed of not EXCEPTIONAL BUY-A roomy ranch referral service. We are "Home Trad- ards established In the master ~ m than S nor more than 7 mem- businesses, farms, homes and estates er on acre plot 28' living room, iep HOUSES FOR SALE era" • two offices, 11 full time sales for the existing street or road. lera. to be selected and appointed-by aratt dining room, large recreatlor HOUSES FOR SALE peo.piep . Call WALKER A WALKEK. Section Two, Article VIII, Section J. the aald Mayor and Townshp Com- throughout Monmouth County room, four bedrooms, two bathi,. fui: Rea<orsl . Members Red Bank Area Sub-Beetlon IR) Is hereby amende( mittee at their next regular meeting basement, two-car oversized garage. 4^ CUTE AND COZY Multiple Ustlng Service, Shrewsbury. and supplemented to read as follows: after this ordinance shall go Into ef- per cent mortgage can be asiumed. An SH 1-521] and Middletown. OS 1-2121, tH) The minimum requirement for fect. MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING only $20,900. ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG the gravel surface course of any stree SECTION f Thst the members of AQKNCY, Realtor, S36 Prospect Ave., Living room with fireplace. Paneled dining room, modern LlttlB Silver. BH 1-4500. SELUNO — CONfUUDT shall he sol! aggregate, Type I, CUai said Board of Health shall be nomi- kitchen. Three bedrooms. Enclosed porch. Oil hot water No tie tips, courteous service, expert- B, conforming to the requirement! nated by the said Mayor and connrmed Shrewsbury Hwy. 35 SH 1-8600 enced and competent tales staff. Have speclfed In Division 8, Section S, o by the vote of the Township Commit- HOUSES FOR SALE heat. Close to beach and transportation. Low, low taxes. ollents anxious to buy properly priced Die current .V. 1. stale Highway De- tee, and in making said nomination! Asking $14,500. homes In Red Bank, Rumson, Shrews- partment Standard Specifications for the said Mayor shall designate one oury, Little Silver and surrounding :oad and Bridge Construction, and member who shall holdt his or her of.- areas. shall contain not less than 8% clay by "ce lor one yesr Irom date of his or ADAMS AOENCY elutrlstion, and shall bs not less than er appointment, one member who i Howard Ave., New Shrewsbury Inches In depth after ultimata com- liall hold his or her office for two Lctlon. After the grsvel surfsce course yeara and one member who shall hold SH 1-SOSt SH 1-J482 ia been thoroughly compacted and its or her office for three years, and 34-HOUR BKRVICE ihaped and blsded so that It contDrms members who aball hold thair of- OFEN SEVEN DAYS the required grade and flces for four years from the date of I WANTED r- Two, three and tour-bed- on, a 2" thick mixed-m-placa MUml- their appointment, and thereafter at 1^ room homes, price 913,000 to $35,000. nous surface treatment shall be con-iba expiration or aald respective terms. I We have serious buyers waiting. EL- structed thereon in accordance wltk tbs said tapointtMota thai! be made by PREFERRED Realtor and Insurer II WOOD A. ARMSTRONG) AOENCY, N. I, State Hlshway Department mand- tbe said Mayor and Township Com- Isutor. 5SS Prospect Ave., Llltle BU- ril Specifications and auppimasiUry mittee la the same manner lor the *t. BH 1-4600 Ipecl'lcatlons for bituminous nad mix of »ur years, Movtded that In 1480 Ocean Av». 842-0004 So Bright tabulation and bituminous outface ofl . _ si vacancy shalll occur In said FOUR-BEDROOM HOME — Good con- •numinous rosixm ua appoint th» n«c-- State Hwy. 15. Holmd.l pacMon. The plant mix bltunlaoai con nry tinti ud •fflcen of laid Board, counts of the BUbscnoers, ffxeeutora of crete shall conform to tha N, 1, Stats Call 787.5500 UM estate of said Dtceaaed will be 4>ittibUaTitnfirulei for their own fovern- audited and stated by the Surrogate llghway DepC standard »s«ineatloni fu«nt IM paaa onHnsncti and matt* Of the Cosnty ot Monmouth and re-for noad and Bridglie ConstructionCon* , lMl, nlM and retulttlonn in regard to tha BELFORD — Campbell's Junction area. ported for settlement to The Mon- lotion Vt, (Pg.187-183). bl- pabiWi hatllh In -aid townhp aa dl* This is only one of the many extra services you receive at NO mouth County Court, Probate Dirlslon, umlnous concrete wearing onrfaeo li rtntftti bT )iw, EXTRA COST when you deal with an MIS Realtor. List ypur Three-bedroom Cape Cod, living room, din- on Thursday, the Twentieth day of De- -. hevoimi n grade ECTION 7, Tnlf ordlnanct ahtll tit : ing room, kitchen and full, basement. cember A. n, 1M1 at »:30 o'clock more, a W broken atone force and effect from and aftor tti property todsyl You'll ba glad you didl ' a.ni,, at the County Court House, Mon- course, 6' In Ihlcknass. ehall iinate, t« cord Ing and publication la House recently painted outside and Inside. ument and Court Streets, Freehold, of the gravsi aur lua form or IMW. Only {400 dawn. $95 per month bays all. New Jersey, at which time Application face course herelnanove speelrfed Tfor PUBLIC NOTICE •rill be made lor the allowance * a width of 6 lest adjacent to the curb The foreiolnv ordinance wii Intro- Call now. This won't last I Bill price commlsilons and Counsel fees. n each side ef the street. luced and paaaed on flrat reading at 112,400. Dated November Mth, AD. leg}. This Ordinance shall take effect when rekrular meetlm ol the Townpnfp ROBERT II. MULLANEY, assed and published ArRnnllng to Committee of Colti Neck Townihlp c-o Menh and MoLennan, PUBLIC NOTICE 10I1I Thtirailay. November 29, IWti. BELFORD—A gleaming clean young three-bedroom ranch, TO Pine Btreet, The toreoxlnr ordinance wns Intro* Id ordinance will be further conilder- large living room, modern kitchen, laundry room and tile New York City. X. Y. luced and paRsed first reading at a ed for final paMate and adoption by tha Township Committee of Colta Neck , RED BANK AREA bath, attached garage. On very well landscaped lot, 65x100. ALFRED a BLOOUINQDALE, eetlns; of Ine Township Committee ot 131 Ueltirn, Drive, llolmliy llllli. ills Neck Township htld on Novam rawnahln at (he Townihlp Hall nt Cnita Walking distance to transportation, shopping and school!. Los Angeles, (24). California. aer 29, 1M3 and will come up forfeck, Nrw Jersey, In aatd . tcntnihlp Desirable neighborhood. This is your opportunity at only LYMAN O. BLO0M1NODALB, final consideration and passsgs at i . 11:00 P.M. V.a.T. on ths 37th ot BBB Park Avenue, -egulsr meeting ot ssld governing boa] December, 1003 at auch time or at $650 down. $120 per month. Price $15,000. M«w York Clly, N. Y. o be held December 27, 1M1 it 1 F.M any time or plaea to which auch meet- UBOIIOB N. OOWKM, Q.B.T. el the Township Halt, Com Ing mar t>e adjourned. All perton. In- I UnrHan Road, leek Townihlp at which time and ereited will be gtven an opportunity MIDDLETOWN-Seven and one-half room split, three bed- Scarsdslt, N. Y. nlaco all persons dsslrlng to be heard i be heard conoernlni aald ordlnanot. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE rooms, 1% baths, recreation room, utility room, living room, Executors. herton will be given full opportunity, By order of the Townahlp OommUtM. U«»r. Wllanti, Qoldman, Dated: Peeemb«r V. 1M9 Dated: lHoefnbtr T, 1W dining room, kitchen, full basement, attached garage. Large Iplll.r * BIIU, I JOSEPH U UOItEAU, f}., 1 lot.1 $100 down. $139 per1 month includes tans and insur- Counsellor, at Law. Uavor. TO Madison Avsnus, HAFtnr dBtNa. HARRT "REAOPRS Ali ' ance. Now $17,200, reduced from $17,500. Perth Amboy, N, J, Clerk, To1 I Nor. li, a. go, btc. i •3I.H COMPANY AHUIT MM IIS 1AM

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forized-Plus" labalad to assure- lasting fit. Chow*.,now , . . forivtry man

•n your liit.


Fenway Club Chue: Soft point collar, convertible cuffs. 5.00 Sanforized, wash •n wear. New Sussex B. D: Dart: Non-wilt collar, . __ Decton Tabber Sesp: , , TMe: Non-wUt icoll r, Soft, short-point, button- regular length points; 4.3U tt% Dacron* poWe^er, A rt- short-point spread down Oxford cloth button cufh. ' 35% cotton.- EnglliK cut O.95 collar. Wash'/ war:. 5.00 cotton with convertible 5.00 collar, snap closure, , cuffs. convertible cuffi. .

Boys Want Gifts with Grown-up Fashion Dash*••Like the Handsome Ones Shown Here

little boys* 2-pc. slack sets

"Winter-warm! Unusually hand- some! Cotton shirts have long sleeves, come in a variety of smart combinations. Sturdy cotton slacks are lined with cotton flannel, have elasticized Ban-Lon knit Every boy loves af back. Olive, taupe, blue. Sizes with his initial or name! 3 to 7. Children's Shop. sport shirts for toys At nv extra cost, you may have these nandiomegiffi The moit carefree shirts in the world . . . 100% in black leather monogramrrted with eithir hir first 6.00 t nylon knits. Wa»h and dry in a wink, need no iron- name or an initiall . • ing. Smartly styled. Solid colors. Red, white, Leather wallets;'inner zipper. black, blue, beige. Sixes 8 to 20. Leather belts; smart buckles „.'.. 2.00

Short Sleeves 3,93 Long Sl.eves Shoe shine kits, Good grooming kits ... ^ 50

Boys' lined :rry little boys' leather gloves sweater jackets Boys' smart-looking dreis gloves in supple capeskin, Wrap him in •• rob* of colorful Gift sweater with the warmly lined' with fur. comfort. . (our soft cotton ter- fashionable look of a ry, classicly styled In red or suede jacket! Brass but- 3.98 blue. Sixej1 fl to 20. tons, V-neck, 2 bjg pock- ets. Heek cotton suede 1 ! 8.98 front, knit back and Other gift' gloves In Or- sleeves. Red, olive, blue, Ion* acrylic stretch, Deer- Other winter robes In cotton brown. Sixes 3 to 7. ChH- skin and fle"ece-lined Pig- flannel, cJrduroy or Mertex dren's Shop. ••* from 1.68 terry ; 4.00 from|S.98 to 8.98

STEINBACH'S BOY? SHOP and CHILDREN'S SHOP Second Floor and Atbuty Park ,' t VlSit Santa! W»'*;J?«r«•«•# Jay between I0J30.I2 A.M., 1-5 P.M., 7-1 P.M. Delivery! Youi' holiday purchases da- th, lterf# liver^d right to your deorl