DIRECTORY.] . ASHT.EAD. 2053 ASH is a village and parish, with two stations on the Farn­ wheat, barley and mangolds. The parish contains 12,434 bam anci Alton branch of the South Western railway, and acr~ (Ash and Normandy, 4,783; Frimley, 7,651); the two on the Readin~;, and Reigate branch of the rateable value of Ash and Normandy is £7,145; the popula· South Eastern railway, 8 miles west from Guildford, 3! tion in 1871 was-Ash, 1,269; Normandy, 347; Frimley north-east from Farnham, 2~ from , 36 from Lon­ 3,212. Part of this parish is in Wyke ecclesiastical parish. don, at the north-western end of the county, near Hants, N ORMA~DY is a hamlet and tithing of Ash, 2 miles east_ in the Western division of the county, first division of Pariah Clerk, George Manfield. W okin!{ hundred, Farnham union and county court district, Assistant Overseer, John Stedman, jun. rural deanery of Guildford, archdeaconr.v of Surrey and diocese of Winchester. The church of St. Peter consists of a PosT 0FFICE.-Samuel Colyer, receiver. Letters arrive chancel, nave,and south aisle : at the west end is a lal1Ce tower, from Farnborough at 7.20 & 12.45 a.m.; dispatched at ~ontaining 5 bells, and surmounted by a spire together 12.4.5 & 6.10 p.m. Normandy letters received through lOO feet in height. The register dates from tbe year liiSO. Guildford. The neare'3tmoneyorder office Is at Tongham. The living is a rectory, yearly value .£417, with residence, Sundays, arrive 7.20; dispatched at 10.45 a.m. The in the gift of Winchester College, and held by the Rev. telegraph office is at Ash station. Gilbert Wall Heathcote, B.c.L. of New College, Oxford, Assessor of Queen's Taxes, John Stedman, jun who is non-resident. There is a Baptist chapel in the vale. ScHooi,s :- The charities are £25 yearly for bread. The Basingstoke National, John Phillips, master; Miss Clara Phillips, Canal is I mile distant. To the north are large commons mistress , and downs; to the south the chalk range. Henley Park, National, Ash common, Miss 1\Iary Ann Ride, mistress now occupied by Charles Douglas Burnett, esq. is in this RAILWAY STATIONS:- parish. The manor of Ash belonged to the Abbey of Ash, George Hou£{hton, station master Chertsey, and came into the hands of Henry VIII. when he South Eastern North Camp, Henry Evernden Pete, took their estates in exchange, it was granted to the college station master of St. Mary at Winchester, to which it now belongs. The Ash Green, 'Vm.Gibbon~,statn. master soil is in some parts sandy, covered with heath, in others South Western North Camp ~ Ash V ale, Charles clay, and very fertile; subsoil clay. The chief crops are Hatcher, station master Banks Lient.-Col. William, Ash nle Bateman William,farmer&hopgrower, Michill Thomas, laundry, Ash common Briton Mrs. Manor farm Moth Eliza (Mrs.), dress mak~r Burnett Charles Douglas, Henley park ButlerGeo. Cricketers' A rms,Shawflds N ash J ames, farmer, Lynchford Cope James, Ash vale Chilton John, Chester Arms Parrott WilJiam, la!ldowner & farmer, Hammersley Col. Fredk. The Grange Colliss David & Son, farmers,N ormandy Normandy Hanley William, Ash vale Colyer John, market gardener Pearcy Andrew, bricklayer, Ash vale Hurne Mrs. Normandy Colyer Samuel, grocer, & po,t office Pennington Edward, Bricklayers' M11ssey Frederick Henry, Ash vale Deedman Wm. shopkeeper, Normandy Arms, & carpenter Moss Rev. George LBaptist], Ash vale Dennis Thos. nurse•·yman, Normandy Peters Amos, Standard of Paine William Dentou Thomas, Ash Vale hotel, Ash Pulling Jas. Admiral N apier, Ash vale Sermon James, Ash vale vale Rattray William Oliver, nurseryman & ~lodden Rev. Thoma~ Herry, M.A. Dicks Thos. farmer, Lower Ash lodge florist, Ash vale l curate], Rectorv Dolley John, beer retailer Reading William, Dover Arms Souter Thomas, Ash va1e Durbridge James, shopkeeper Scovell & Child, grocers, Ash vale Stanton James Eaggleton Charles, .Duke of Cam- Stedman Arthur,hlacksmith,N ormandy Wi!son .J ames, Fairvie'v bridge, Ash vale Strange James, Old Ford inn, North Wilson Richard, Ash vale Ewins Mary (Miss), shopkeeper Camp station COMMERCIAL. Fladgate George, farmer, Henley Park Stuart Henry, farmer, Pratt's farm Barh·am 'Ym. chemical manure manu- farm, Normandy Tupper John, Swan fucturer, licensed horse slaughterer & Fountain George, baker & grocer Waters Edmund, Anchor, Normandy .steam bone mills; crushed bones, Hewett Charles Burt, farmer Waters Henry, baker lJone meal & dust, superphospbates, Hill William, Bridge House Waters Robert, beer retailer dissolved bones, blood manures, Hobson William, baker, Ash common Windibank John, butcher, Ash vale g-reaves, nitrate of soda & kainite, Jones William, beer retailer, Lynchford W oodman Thomas, shoe maker chemical guanoes & feeding meals. Langley f::lamuel, coal merchant Woodman Waiter, King's Head, & .Established 18u0. County bridge; Lickfold Charles, blacksmith builder depots, at 'fongbam, South 'Vestern, Manfield Daniel, coal dealer W oollard John, shopkpr. & beer retailer & Ash, South Eastern Marshall George, Greyhound W orsley John, farmer

ASHTEAD is a parish, village, and station on the Rankin Calvert Adamson, M.A. of Queen's College, Oxford. l.eatherhead and Epsom railway, in the Western division of Here are almshouses for eight poor widows, with an endow· the county, Epsom union and county court district, hundred ment of .£48 fer annum, originally founded in 1736 by of Copthorne, archdeaconry of Surrey, rural deanery of appointment o the Right Hon. Lady Diana Fieldi11g, since Leatherhead and diocese of Winchester, a mile and a half enlarged and rebuilt. There is also David White's charity north-east from Leatherhead, 2 miles south-west from for education, .£25 I Os.; Mrs. Sarab Bond's charity for the Epsom and 18 miles from London, on the road from Epsom poor, .£17 7s. 6d.; and Mr. H. J. Smith's charity for the to Leatherhead. Tbe church of St. Giles is ancient, and poor, .£27 10s., and two or three small charities. Iiere is stands in Ashtead Park: it has a square embattled tower, Ashted Park, of 200 acres, finely timbered; the mansion is which was restored in 1873, when a peal of 8 new bells was unoccupied. The soil is marl; subsoil, flint and chalk. The udded: it has a chancel, nave, with a beautiful reredos and chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. To the north is a transept on the north side, a good organ, and a cedar roof, large district of common and fore3t. The area is 2,035 acres; panelled and richly carved; alsoafineancientstained (east) rateable value, £5,445; and the population in 1871 was 906. window, brought from a convent in Flanders: there are Parish Clerk, George Page. some rich marble tablets belonging to the Howard family : a stained window was erected, under direction of the late PosT 0FFICE.-Thomas Skilton, receiver. Letters arrive Hon. Mrs. Howard, by Charles Parisl1, esq., subject," The fro.m Epsom, 7.30 & 11 a.m.; dispatched, 9 a.m. 2.45 &: Transfiguration," to the memory of the Rev. William Legge, 7 p.m. The nearest money order offices are at Leather- who died in 1873, after being rector of the parish during l1ead & Epsom forty-two years. The register dates from the year 166U, INSURANCE AGENT.-Royal Exchange, W. King but is much mutilated. The living is a rectory, yearly tithe Parish School (endowed), J ames Ewisgton, master; 1Irs. commutation .£558, with residence, in the gift of the trustees Agnes Penny, mistress; Miss Wheeler, assistant mistress of the late General Bagot, and held by the Rev. William Railway Station, T. Sims, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ~enshire 1\Irs. Ashtead house Peake Frederick, Parson's mead Adams Edward, Ashtead lodge Fry-, Priory cottage Scudemore Rev. Edward 'Eoke, B.A Adamson Rev. William Rankin Calvert, Gleig Col. Alexander Cameron Taylor Rev. Barrington, M• .&..[cnratej M.A. Vicarage Halford Charles, The Laurels Whiting Clifton, The Grange Alderson William Lloyd, Northlands Harper Edward WilliaiWJ Frederick, Upland honse :Berry Thomas, The Limes Harris Llewelyn, Leatherbead road COMMERCIAL. Chester Mrs. Howard house Hooper SamuelSheppard, Hillfield ho AgmeJohn,farmer, NewPurchasefann Chitty James King :Mrs. Lower Ashtead Felton Eliza(Mrs.), baker, The common Cuthuert Mrs. Ash lead cottage . Marsh Thomas Charles, Forest lodge Hampton Frederick, beer retailer